LBiiTaiiroN.rA.- SAf-UHPAY. JANUAUV 31, 13S5. Entered nt Iho Loliigliton post-oll'tco as Second Class Muil Matter. Calitchsu's firt attempts nt ralidii produolng were made about iiluotceu roars nRO, The following year about 2.500 boxes were madti. Ten years ago the crop ninonnlt d to rbont 40,000 boxes while tills yew U Ij eatlraited at 200,000 boxes. The London fccno says: f-Vhlle onr navy is reported to be cono to tbo dogs, nnd the national Industries nr6 supposed to bo folloniur the navy. It must fill tvrrv well conditioned Htitnn's lieurt with delimit and pride to learn from tbo papers llint the repairing and reClting of tbo rojal yacht nre just complete. The 1,111 is only ?u 000 Merliug." CacncniLL'K Medical Uii:ectoct puis lbs number of drctors in Great llritain nt the end of 18S1 at 21.391. ns ngainst 10,017 in 1862. In London the increase lir.n been 12 per cent., ro that the me tropolis now has a doctor to every 8S0 Inhabitants. Rut England turns out vetv many more doctors than It retains. Iu 1SS2 over 1.E00 registered practition ers resided atroad, and in 1831 they numbered over 1 ,000, an Increase of 20J percent,, in two years. Altogether there nre now over 23 000 doctors holding Rritish certificates. Science destroys some of the mot oborished popular delusions. Catgut is derived from steep; German silver was not Invented In Germany, and it con tains no silver; Cleopatra's needle was not erected by her, nor In her honor; Pompcj's pillar had no historical oon ntetion with that personage; sealing wax does not contain a particle of wax; the tnboros9 is not arose, but a pnlyanlh: the strawberry Is not a berry; Turkish bjlhs did not originate iu Turkoy, nnd nre not Intbs nt all; whalebone is not a bane, and contains not auy of its prop-o.-liiJ. T,-,wiw u il.nrnr.chlv aoired over the dv..amita outr.ices of last Saturday, Thiomilil estimates made by the Gov- 1 ernmoit Inspectors place tbo amount of the u-ciinlarv i1awaee vrroneht bv the cxobsioni iu W.s'minster Hall, tbo Home of Commons and the Tower at am 0 M. Westminster Hall and the Tower are closed to every ono except governmiut officials engaged in inspect ing the struoturcs aud are surrounded with sentinels and extra policemen. All tho royal apartments at Windsor Custle have beeu ordered closed to all visitors. This step has been taken by her Majesty in consequence of tho extraordinary pre cautionary measures generally advised by tho Ministry. The Qieen has con. duoted herself so stoically throughout ell previous dynamito pauics that her present action attracts much attention. All tho 'publio buildings nro guarded. Many persons carrying parcels on the strtets during tho past few days have been stopped by the police and the par cels examined before thoy were permitted to pass on. Special detectives havebeeu dotailed to scrutinize nil travelers nrrlv ing in England or departing therefrom bv tho Dover-Calais route. A number of arrests of suspected persons bavo taken plaje. rind others oro under snrvllllauco by tho police authorities. Will dyna mito win Ireland freedom? Wo think hot. Ittlber it will tend to bind still more firmly what they term "tho galling chains of Eugliih tyranny." THE TRADE DOLLAR BILL . Philadelphia Timcj: The bill for the retlremsut nnd recoiunge of the trade dollars, as fiually reported to theSenato, would bo better if it confined itself to tho oue subject. It pvovides iu sub stanoe that all unmutilated I rail a dol lars shall be received by the Treasury in exchange for nn equal number of stan dard silver dollars, nud that the trade dollais so received hVi.ill be regarded as ko much bullion nnd shall be recoined into btauiurd dollar., being counted as ix part of the bullion irqnired to be cur- chased aud coined under the act of 1878. Tins Is entirely sound, sensible nnd plain and ought to be enacted without ueiaj. After this the bill then takes up the subject of silver colunge generally and authorizes the l'resldent to renew ne- ROtlations with tho States of the Lilln Union and other foreign powers for the re-establishment of a double standard. In case these negotiations fail and of their success mero is not tuo mibuusi prouaui my-ui a .up cuiui.ii.wrj- coin- aha nT oilviir ilnHm-u la lr Iia etiLMiiiiriaii after Aucust 1. 18S0. There is no objection to an interna tional conferonco on the subject of silver coinage, and it is not probable that tlon, why make the suspension of Iho silver eoinaRO contingent upon I he ro suit of a year nnd a half diplomacy? The eolnage of the silver dollars ought to be stopped nt onca. If wo can get the rest of tho world to ngrce to n common ttnndard thero will be time enough to resume. There is no eUnaer of the stook of silver dollars run- ulnji short meantime, but thero Is very crave dancer of the stock of cold run- uing short and leaving us alone with the silver standard, in which no ciyilized sn'lou will join ns. OUR HAHRISBURG LETTER. Bpeclal to tho Caebos Advocate. IliKBisEur.a, Pa., Jan. "7, '85, The priuolpal events slcco my Ust let ' Wr, have been tbe election of United Btales Senator, appointing of the com mittees nnd reading of a flood of bills. The election of Cameron passed off very quietly nud as little as posalblo has been b'aid nbout It by the politicians. There is n reason for it. Roth Houses adjourn ed as soou as tbe result was announced The appointing of the commille.s which has occupied the entire time o Speawer Graham aud I'resiuen; iUYiin.siuca meir " election were annouueed on Thursday, every one seems to be salisflnd "lth their President Cleveland will take n. vantage ,lidju,lwhal uiey 0URht to do-they ee of tho loose phraseology of this act to , , , . ' . " , ,,. commit the country to any foolish policy. 'leJ for S(uator 01 Neff ork one of ll,e Rat oramliiK the propriety of this seo- foremost men in all this land, Wm. M. rejpeetiye yUcn. The tnnouncement of tbe committees rinoed the dam, nnd permitted tbe ambitious law makers to ..flood the House with bills of all kluds. legil, medioal and spiritual. Chief nmoug the liquor billa is ono which tviujs to dtstroy the l:qur trade by Its- selling tut cu8tiii)i,niur uy llml cblldrtu in tie public schools shall be tnitght Ml about tbelr bodies will) n fpcclnl lefet eaco to lueiffect upon them by nlcoliullo stimulants. lJrooki, of Gernuntowr, rcfld another, ditec'lnj? County Courts to tlx lionise fees nt from SjOO to S1C0O each Lory of Indiana, wants tlienatnca or nil who up ply for license nod Iboso who sign their petitions, published. Mr. Suodfirasa, of Allegheny, read a bill waking it n misdemeanor to kold.'OgAgr, In or have at auy boxing or sparing match with or without gloves. Evens, of Northampton, wauls all rovomiev. from liquors tuiued into tbt County Treasur ies. Mr. liowry proposes that tto mem bership of tbo House be limited to one hundred. Evens of Northampton , would authorize mortgages upon lumber, iron and coal oil, iu bulk and upon iron tanks, tank cars, mined oro, canal boats end looting slate. It has already been decided that tlio Republican polioy toward apportionment will be to pats the bill by which tbey stood dining the long extra session. In view of the increased Republican majori ty the billi seem generous, nt least tbo leaders think so, and therefore they will ask no more than is claimed in them. Tbo ol'J nppottioumeut bills were read by Mr. Colborn, they give the Republi cans eighteen congressional dintncls and the Democrats ton, and niako thirty-two Republican senaloral districts and eigh teen Democratic. The appropriations nre numerous, and rango from JGOG,000, the largest, which is for Soldiers Orphans' sobosls, to $2, GOO, the smallest amount, which is to be for the Philadelphia society for alleviat ing the miseries of pubho prisoners. One hundred thousand to procure a sight for tbo National Guard encampment. The bill to appropriate $10,000 to tbo New Orleans Exposition has passed the Senate without a disputing vote; It will pass the House without n doubt Major Lewis, of Pike county, is now claiming the pluro that R. H. Thomas Is Qlllng. He says after Mr. Long declined his name was substituted and he will in sist on having his name substituted for that of Thomas when the bill is passed. Speaker Graham received a telegram to night from New Orleans urging him to send money for the Pennsylvania oxblb- its are in n very bad condition. It is re- potlea mat tue uovernor m veio m bill but that will not interfere with its iiunl passage. Mr. Humes, cf Crawford, wauls to take from the Stale all the revo- nue (over $500,000) derived Irom taverns, liquor retail and eating houses license and turn It ovr to the 6cbool boards of tho couuties In which the taxes are col lected. Tho idea is that this would Its Ren local taxation levied directly for the schools and relieve the State Treasury ol what Senator Humes claims is a yearly- surplus of 81,000,000. It is suggested that tho result would bo to aid the schools iu largo cities while in some country districts they would receive little or no alci whatever. Or to put it differ- ently, education would be encouraged in proportion to the drunkenness of the local population. Tticso bills, with one hundred and fifty others, were nil re ferred to their respectivo committees and will be heard fnm again if favorably re ported, if not they will bo dead, in the committee room is the place to strength en or kill a bill, Ssveral other imp:riant meetings have been held hero during the past week. Tho State Agricultural Society met, elected ofllccrs, appointed committees, nU(j discussed many iuportant rjoes- tlons pertalulug to farming nud gardeu- The Democratic State Committee held n meeting at which they re-elected W. U. Hensel es their Chairman. They transacted sonio other business, had n little fight, named the day for their State Convention aud then adjourned. lly far tho most interesting of all tbe meetings wero those held by the Evangc list Moody iu tbe large skating rink Nothing ever occurred in this city aud probably will not soon occur again. Hundreds have professed Christ aud still tbo good work is going on. It docs not effect tbe legislature however, unless wo might attribute to this c.iuso the fact that they cannot get down to their work. Tbey havo dono nothiug so far this week. MlIl'S M Y0ll LfittuT' i Special to the Cihnos Advocate : Is is a perilous thin; to be a great man not only in New York, hut in any part of the United Eletes. A week ago while tie senatorial fight was pending, most of the papers In Ilia ciiy were bowline. "Why lon't vou select a man of character, a man of calional reputation, a man of brains, Ac. ,..,,..,. disgraceful .Mr,- would he I a ty." Are we still worshipping Ilia Uolden Calf? Well the representatives of the people did juei what they were asked to do they Uvarts. Now behold the result; no sooner is it known that Mr, Eyorts is selected for this high honor, than the verr papers that wero foremost in advocating his electioDj turn right about lace Mid set up a cry, "Disgrace ol the public service, triumph of monopoly. Win. M. Everts, the foe of the poor man, the friend of bloated corpora tioni;" and a uotorious paper repreients hint assurrouuded by all the most ollensivo monopolists of tbe city. lam not ot all suipriecd that General Cass said, "He ncr er knew how great a scoundrel he was, till he ran for the l'lctijency." It is not at all surprising that the public seryice is fre qucutly abandoned to Thugs au4 thieves, who have no character to lose, and that It Is difficult to Cod a self respecting gentle' man willing to tun the muck ofourun clean political arena. Just three weeks ago, from out of nearly lourleen hundred thousand people, Itollin M. Squire was selected as Commissioner ol Public Works. The fight had been a pro traded one many millions were at stako, The office disburses onuusllr about five millions ol dollars of the city's funds, on la addition to this is the construction of ih a n u lft of ,he Ultons gift of the Etate municipal or general goyernment giv greaier promise of plunder. This bonanza has beeu successfully worked for years by the pouderous Hubert O. Thompson, and he has waxed fat thereon, the waist ban of his panls measuring 81); butcnvlnu eyes were cast on this geulleiiisn's rich placer, and there were hosts x( Gideoniti who weie anxious to enter the Promised Land, Tbi fight wsi tbo most protracted and bitter that we hare had for many years, and It resulted In the overthrow of Tammany. Rollin M. fcqiiiro was selected as tho only men who could give satisfaction to all rarlles. Everybody bad triumphed. Tammany had succeeded. The County I)mocracy was vindicated, and Irving Hill knew that It was not left out In the odd. Satisfaction was general everywhere, for all agreed that wo had an honest man. Now comes a revelation from San Francis co which makes us wish that a millstone had been tied about our necks, and that we bad been drowned In the sea before we se lected our present commissioner. If one half of what is said of him is true, wt will pray fur the return ol the old Tweed gang. Wo are in holies, however, that tbe Is not half so black as he Is painted, aod that at the close of the preieut Commis sioner's term of office, the City Uall,Central Park, Droadway, the Battery, and the Big Bridge will still be left as testimonials of his official integrity. Owney Geohegan has crossed tbt sty.x and the Grand Army of Roughs and Plug ugtiesisono stout soldier less. It la diffi cult for an outsider to imagine a ruffian in a large city with a well organised police living outside the pale of the law. Yet this did Owney Geohegan for years, and in the Old Houso at Home on the Bowery, he bid defiance to tho authorities. To seo the Old House at Homo In all Its glory you had to visit it about midnight then -the piece was full ol ruffians and thieves who felt quite seciiro from the Intrusion of the police. A men who had not served it term or two in States Prison was regarded as of no account, and there wero plenty in the crowd wbo were nblo to boast of having passed half their lives behind stonewalls. Kesnectable burglars, liko Jim Irving, Por ter and' Dan Lynch', never dropped Into Owney 'i; ii was sacred to the ruffians who knock unsuspecting traveler oyer the head with a sandbag, -or perpetrate a masked robbery at midnight. Brutes who pound each other into a mummy for twenty fivo dollars and a champion's belt, found here congenial friends and backers; and yet a strange figuro was he who sometimes stood behind the bar, ana cf whom the whole of that desperate crowd stood indresd. He dealt out the deadly poison at his own bar, but he never drank himself; the place- was dense with smoke, but no tobacco coned the lips of Owney Geohegan. He was not a man of many words-and was seldom seen to smile be had to friends or confi dents, nor did he seem to care for any. Al ways neatly dressed, if you met him on tbe Bowery, you might havo imsgined him some respectable merchant or bank clerk. It was an understood thing with all thieves at Owney's that they wero not to exercise their jiecullar talents inside the limits of his bailiwick; and it was his constant boast that a man's watch or purse was more se cure in the Old House at Homo than it would be in a bank or church, Owney was a politician and a power in his ward, so that the police, whom he fed handsomely for their silence, were not inclined to make a complaint. Savage assaults were of night ly occurence, and many men were killed there; iut Owner still held the fort against all comers. At laetalter years ol successful ruffianism Owney fell into tbe clutches of the law, and being convicted was sent to Ulackwcll's Island, Tbe sentence broke bis heart, and l.e never was the same man after. TJisouee et in and the gladiator wLo could have whipped bis weight iu wild cats, becamo a wretched driveller rolled about by a black boy in a chair; the muscles that were onco like ironbecame soft and flab by as a child's; his mind broko, and so with no living soul to mourn him, with no hope hero or hereafter, the ruffian died. We aye another sample brick, Billy McGlory, I am In hopes beforo long to write his obituary- The sensation of the week in fashionable rcles has been tbe arrival of Lord bar movie. All New York is in a flutter, I meao that portion of it who only live by tho light of a reflected nobility. What n thing it is to be a loidl If it were not for title there is not a second class grocer or rygoods clerk who would notice him. Es scnlially a snob.of snobs, be seems io yatun himself for himself; and to look down on the plebian world as though it wes a diffi cult thing for him to live in it. Miss For tescue is to be congratulated in getting fifty thousand dollars in exchange for his Lord- hip; for he is about the dearest fifty thou rind dollars worth lobe found In Her Majisty's dominions. Wo haye seen Gar maylo, and now for Foitescue sho will be worth guidon ducats to him who brings her here. From a financial standiioint I ould sooner have one Furloecue than a been Garmoyles, and from the very hand inn endorsement which liir Lordship has given the lady there is no good reason wbv she should not he a social ts well as an rlistic success. The enterprise and genius oflhe New York reporter and bis thorough reliability were admirably illustrated Ust week by one of the minor city journals. On Mon ay night the slu;gcr Sullivan met the slugger Ryn, and eleven thousand dollars hard cash was the finsucial result. It was not much of a mill, and it is with grief that I state neither got his ne ck broke; no, not even a black eye or a battered nose, hut they got away with the money all tbe same; two days after, the enterprising re potter got up an account ol a private meet when they came together to divide the funds "Ryan rushed at Sullivan and hit him on the nose. Sulliyan countered on Ryan they clinched and wrestled all round tbe room, smashing the furniture and completely wrecking the place. Paddy Eechan and a number of friends rushed in and parted them after a desperate struggle, when eaeh, badly used up, was carried to bis hotel. That is not bad for a circum stantial account, but the fact is that Mr Ryan and Mr. Sullivan never saw each other that day they did not meet to diyidt the funds; it was done by personal friends, and the report of tbe battle is a literary monument the check and invention of the enterprising New York reporter. The polar wave struck us heavy this week, and tbe thermometer was like bus! ness almost at sero. Yours truly, BROADBRIM. FROM WASHINGTON 3rell to the Uauboh Aptooatc Washington, Jan, 24, 1855, President Arthur will leave bis list re ception, which will be to the publio, as late In Febrnary as possiblo so it will be somewhat In tbe character of an official leave-taking. There Is no little form and ceremony nbout tbe manner tbe invita tloDsare extended for these Presidential reooptious. The President first of all Invites the ladles of the Cabinet to assist him In receiving, nud then tbe Secretary of State presents the compliments of tbe President to the Diplomatic Corps and begs tbelr presence. Cards sre tent to members of both Houses of Congress aud the Secretaries of War and Navy request tbo attendance of offloers under each de partment by rt simple announcement In tbe newspapers. Bat the few who havo tbe most complimentary iuvltattons are tbo women who write for newspapers hero nnd who naturally think It a Held day when thero is n reoeptlon nt the White House, It is stated here, upon tbe highest authority, that tho conferences which have occurred up to tbts time between Mr. Cleveland nnd prominent Senators nnd othorj, have in tho main been direct ed to questions of pnDlls policy, and with tbe object of giving htm that In sight iuto the details of national ntlaira which be could best obtain from those who had figured long and well In all snoh matters, and further that no place In his Cabinet has yet beeu promised the state ment of bis principles and Intentions made In bis late Civil Service letter to Goorgo William Curtis was known by him to be in full accord with the views of the most prominent Democratic slates men with whom he has consulted nnd he hsu good reason to believe that In the declarations thero sot forth be will bo sustained by poweiful Democratlo In fluence In the Senate. Somebody has said that Senator Bayard feels that Senator J?eudleton is so well fitted to carry the. portfolio Secretary of Sla'to that bo is willing to do what bo can to. have matters that way. A good many more think tbe same thing, as the Pendleton family is- the ideal one for such a position; They have wealth, & decided social. position, and the manners of Senator Pendleton are exactly those of Secretary Prellngbuyben dignified, polished and suave, but capablo of un bending with lightning dexterity when tbey want to do so, The question was asked lately of one who has close personal relations with President Arthur, why Mrs. Bayard and her dausbter never ap peared in the list of ladies invited to as sist at receptions at tbe White House, whilo Mrs. Pendleton was rarely If ever niiosiug from such ceremonious gather ings. The answer was that tbey wero invited just at tbe families of other Democratlo Senators, and that tho Presi dent ucyer made distinctions In making up theso lists, so far ns politics went, but that tbe Bayard's never accepted. Tho season is n week or two shorter this year than last, and tho time for do ing all this visiting is naturally shortened also. As an Incentive to ladies of ordin ary standing, it might be observed that tbe daughters of the Secretaries of State are assiduous in not neglecting ns'nglo name on a list unmbering hundreds, and nre busy every afternoon, no matter whether it be wet or dry. in fulfilling this obligation of courtesy as well as etiquette. Tbo first ceremonious calls of tho season over, everybody is presum ably supposed to- know everybody else, and society runs smoother. Mrs. Blaine, by the way, is one of tbe many notable ladies who have called every afternoon since coming here. She has made it n custom for several yorrs to remain nt home afternoons after four o'olock to see her friends instead of keeping to a cer tain day, as it naturally restricts tho uumber of ber callers to older friends. Washington is considerably crestfallen over tbo fact that she has neither room for the strangers wbo are to corns here to take iu tbe Monument dedication and the Inauguration, nor balls for the accommo dation of tho people who desire to bear the oration on tbe first occasion', or to trip tbo light fantastic toe on tbe second Tbe new Pension ball will furnish many n first class case of pneumonia unless the weather should provo remarkably mild, as It will be next to impossible to beat u huge brick building while it is io a half finished state. I see. by the way, that the new Presldeut is getting bis baud, or rather his foot, in bv attending a series of ball performances at BofTilo, though it is said that Grover can't dance for peanuts. In fact, Mr. Arthur and Mr. Van Bnreu have been the only Presidents wbo possessed the faculty of going through the mazes of an ordinary quadrillo. Grant took' lessons in danc ing at the White House, but for all that he never could dance. An astute newspaper correspondent here mculions tbe nama of Ctpt. John Ericson for Mr. Cleveland's Secretary of tbe Navy. This looks like putting young blood into the now administration, in deed Captain Ericsou is now eighty.oue years old, but nevertheless probably ns vigorous as many a Cabinet officer of modern days. I have always thought somehow that this country baa never np pieoiated tbo great service that Captain Ericson has performed for us, nor have we shown ourselves gratefnl to blm for tbe personal sacrifice be made for us in building nnd fitting ont that gallant lit tle cheese-box that revolutionized tbe world's ideas of maritime warfare, when she knocked out the bugs "Merrlmao'' in nbout tbe first round. Had tbe peo ple bad tbe opportunity on that March morning In 18G2 they w-onld have show ered such honors upon, Ericson as no mortal had ever reoeived, for ho bad demonstrated the fact that we were In vlucible agaiust any foe upon tbe water with tbe Mouitur, and tbe army at ibe West bad shown Itself abundantly able to take care of itself on land. Captain Ericson has been at work in all these years, since the war closed, in perfecting other maritime engines of destruction the last of which is tbe "Destroyer' from which five bundroi pounds of dy uamtte in one mass can be thrown under water with tho most accurate aim, nod with perfect safety to the vessel from which it ts uuried. f or coast aeience it is as perfect a means as human ingenni ty can devise, ana wouia ne irresisuui agaiust tbe attacks of tbe combined navies of .Europe, inere is no numbug about this, aud because there is not it is not a( all likely that Congress will look tbe scheme to aid capt. uricson in build ing his vessels, wltn any sort of com placency. Washington, Jan. 26. A fire was dis covered among a store of books and re cords snder tbe iron door of tbe House of Representatives about 11 oclock this morning. Tbe firemen cut away a little of tbe woodwork, and soon ban a of water playing ou tbe fire, which was nut out tit n few miuutcs. ii was con fined to a space less than twenty feet square Tha damage was trilling. The tire is supposed to have beeu started b: electricity, as a number of tbe wires pass tbe point where tho fire began When the House bad assembled II Slockslaeer of IudUna offered a resolu. lion, which was adopted, directing tbe Committee ou l'ublio imlldiogs to iu quire into the origlu of tbe fire and ro port what measures are necessary to give S"'cr security against Arc, New Orleans Letter. Fnou otrs Snout. CokRasrnausiiT. New OnLKAits, Jan. 17, 1885. The different States exhibits are all loodted together under one roof, which covers sixteen acres, hud while each Slate has ber separate exhibit the varied production ludieenous to the United States combined, forcibly Impresses one with tbe unlimited resources of our fair laud. Yirgluis, the mother of Btales, has for commissioner, Hon. Vf. W. Finney. Tbe old State Is up to the average in display, and with even a few of tbo s'aples common to ber soil gives evi dence that sbo improves by ago. Her two principle productions aro peanuts aud yellow leaf tobacco, Tbe peanut bad its birth In this Slate and altucht he eutlre crop is grown on her const. Itkh inoud tbo capital, Danville and Lynch burg, the rival tobacco cities, send many creditable specimens. Montana is yet a territory with hopes of early admission to Statehood. Co Harris is the commissioner, and he brings a splendid display of ber natural productions. Although Montana Is cot ed for growing cattle nud sbeep, ber priocipal Interests aro mining, nnd tbe display of ores is superb and nttracts universal attention. The arranging of these exhibits" was done by John Nye,, nn old pioneer of tbo mining country, who knows rock where beseesor handles it. Some ornaments of Indian origin attracts much attention. Ia this display there are some fine texidermy speolmens shown. South Carolina, with A. P. Buttler as commissioner, bas gotten up its exhibits in good shape. The guano manufactory of Wilcox, Gibbs & Co., whs show n pyramid some twenty feet from tbe bare conbtructod oi phosphate rock, Is an ei trrprise that has done much to enrich Charleston. Tho ngrionltural produc tions and fruits displayed, beeps tbo lit- e Carolina to the front in this line. Though it does cot claim to be an ex tensive manufacturing State, it bas some very creditable displays of bo:ue produc tions. In cotton It produces n fine staple notably tbe Sea Island, which always commands a good price. Specimens are on exhibition. Many of the relics of the Greely relief party have been placed on exhibition in tbo States department. Dummies are dressed up iu tho clothing woru Vy tbe men, and the old tent they used is erect ed, while tbe entire campiug outfit ts on yiew. Tho small boats from tho Thetis and Bear, which first reached tho Greely Bufferer havo been placed vith these much-viewed curiosities. It is hard to realize In n land where snow Is unknown what suffering nnd dcth tho Greely Re lief exhibit represents. On Sundays tbe Exposition Is largely 'tended, the entrance fee being then re duced to 25 cents. Ou n fine day tbcie are liabln to be filly thonsand present. There is everything to C03 as on any weekday, except the working of tho ma chinery, which is always shut down on Saturday night till Monday morning. Tbo Commissioners and members of tha press aro unanimous in urging their respective legislatures to make extra op propriations to carry out the successful exhibit of each State nnd Territory. Tbe necessity for money Is evident to keep tbe exhibit np to Us present standing as many articles are perishable, consequent ly tho pride one bas in bis State or Tcrri tory should encourage each and all to ed yocate tbe contribution. Wbeu you take into consideration the fact that the different buildings cover 02 acres, or ono third moro than the Cen tonnial and that the Park in which they are located aud which is cow enclosed composes about S00 acres. You can see bow hard it is to extimato tbo daily at tendance, nnd tbo management refuse to rnako public tbe daily receipts, for what reason your correspondent is unable to state. At firtt it was feared that tbe means of transportation between tbe grounds nnd Canal street, theceutre of tho clty.would not be adequate to accommodate the public, but so far no inconvenience bas beeu experienced. By certain lines you can go the whole distance for one fare 5 cents while by other lines It costs two fares or you enn by a round trip ticket over tbe different "Rapid Transit'' lines on tbe river for IS cents, and extra hosts and cars will be added as tbe travel d- mands. A Lady's Perfect Companion. Piixi.cis Cmi.Dr.UTU, a new book by Dr. John II. Dye, one of New York's most skillful physicians, shows that pain is not necessary in Childbirth, hut results from causes easily understood and overcome It clearly proves that any woman may bo como u mother without suffering any pain whatever. H also tells now to overcome and prevent morning eicsness, swelled limbs, aud all other evils attend! ng prec nancy. It is reliable and nielily endorsed bv physicians every iruere asawne a true private companion. Cut this out; it will save you great pain, aud possibly your lire Send two cent stamp for descriptive circu lars, testimonials and confidential letter sent in sealed envelope. Addreis Faikx Thomas & Co., Publishers. Baltimore, Md PATENTS GRANTED. List of Patents cranled to cititens of Pa, for the week ending,- Tuesday, Jan. 27, 1685, compiled from the Offlcial Records o oflhe United States Patent Office, expressly for the Casbok Advocate by Bmrnv TJaisiicAas. Patent Attorney, Solicitor an Exnert. No. 637 F Street. N W.. Washinc ton. of whom cepies, aud information may be had: Jeseph Bsrbiere, LansJale, vehicle whee', Mildred Wakey, Aliegnany, lector. Wm. Brown. Duncsnni n. sash-fastener. Wm. Butcher, York, revolving flower stand. B. Buti and O. J. rleuger, AlIenlowD maklnr mouldings of tmper. Peter B. Cassidy, Pittsburg, mail bag catcher, Wm Dunbir. Larrabee. edeer. Jas E Kmerion, Beaver Falls, saw-tooth, J C Everett. Williamsnort. and R Hard! Roboken.N. J., machine for bundlini klndllnz wood. F I. Fischer, Pittsburg, adjustable holder for pencils and pens. Thos J Foster, Skeaandoah,sq,uib, match and Inuch paper safety-box. Wm HGantner, I'illsburgh, liquid meas ure. D Lalnond, Allegheny, hot-blast store J Lirdenthal. Pittsburgh, arch bridge It M McKlnuey, Elisabeth, automatic air-brake. M A Sheldon. Correy. corn-planter. John N Short, Johnstown, luacnino for slitting mem. J S Shrawden, Upper Dublin, fire ex tinguisher. 1) F 6nvder. Middlebure. ironln: table. Win Williams, Huntington, bast-ball or cricket indicator Geo B Witt, Bradford, railroad feint. F Wtsuty, Ridgway.tea or coffee-pot NKT ADVEHHSKMK.NTS. Executors' Notice. Estate ofHKNKY AltNEtt. late of Ma honing Tp..Oi.bon Uounty. l'a., deeesiod. Lclitii testamentary upon tho above :. slate have lieon arranted to the undersigned, all persons Indented to said estate ae re quested to make payment, and tholo navlnic claims er demands to present the same with, out delay to A MM ON AliNEIt, Executor. Jan. 31, usseiv KSTATJC Of ELIZABETH LEKTZ DECEASED Orphans' Court Sale ! Pursuant to nn order oflhn Orphans' Court ofUnrbon county. Pa., valuabltssreal estate will bo sold at public sale, on the premises, In the borouiili of litbtuMon, la eatd county on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 1885, the following dsserthed Keal Estate, late of iiiaueui i.cnu, aeceasod, to wu t All tbat cortaln lot or piece ol ground, situate In the Ilorough of L-vlilgliton, and count aforesaid, numbered In the plan or plot of said borough No. 212 nnd bounded and described ns lollnws: Un tbe South by lot No. 515, on tho West by iciiiuu a.rcei, on ino nortu ur jut no. 'm onu on i no j.ast nv a runno aiiev. navinir a front or width on I.chlnh Street or 69 feet and continuing of tbat width, holween parallel lines, In lonnlli or depth 185 feet and mno incncs io uucrry A.ioy. . no improve ments thereon consist or n TV()-STI)IIY Fit AMR I) VVKLLINU HOUSE 18 X 21 feot. and Kl I'OiIEN nllached It x 24 reel. Also, anotber Fit AMI-: I) wi;i,I,iN( HOUSE 11X x 17K rcct. UN E STA Ill.i; It x lCU.and other necessary out buildings. Also, u Good hlluo ivatu inn me nremisei. Sale In Mmmonna nt TWO C.MT.Onlv V. JH. Uond lions will be made known at time or Sato by uiiAiiiir-s Liiin AZ, Administrator. Jan. 31. siinusDiie '0 ouij 'jEoiasoy S88I 0W llaSilifS dM?3 ."3 SH.SaS Hi 'Htm 5iaaSi.a JiS3l SHORTHANDVM! Ltngle's Compedlutn. tt. Lcss.ns by lunil. SS. Unirle'd t:ollpfira or Short- hand. 1431 rhcilnut St., I'hlUdjlp la. Pa. J. 31. LlNeJIiG. n2lm DANIEL WIEAND, Carnagcs,"SVagoiiR,Slciglis, &c COKKSB or BASK AKD IKON STREETS, LEHlUIITON, riKXA., l'artlsalar attention clven to HEP AIRING In all Its details, at tha very I.oweit Trlsts. Fatrensaa respeotrally solicited and per fet sitls'sellon guarantied. jaa. iv, ss iy. iiajv. niiAau, Executor's Notice. All persons harlne claims asralnst the r.ilale of Tliomai Soil. Deo'd.. of Franklin Toxnshlp, Carbon county, l'a , will present them atonct and all persons Indebted to said estaU will nlsase setlla tbe same at once will, mi unoersianeo. A. w. sul.1, i-xeeuter. Franklin Township, Carbon County, P Dividend Notice. At a Tlairular Msetlnir or Iha Directors et tha First National Hank or I.elilarhton, Fa., a Semi Annual Dividend ol THREE per cent oa the Capital Stoek was declared, payable n ana titer January mm, msa. Jan. 19, IS. THE Carbon Advocate IS TUB BEST MEDIUM FOR Local Advertising IN OARBOK COUNTY. TiVh Pvinfino1 J J KJ S JLJLXJLUA.JLJ fever; description, ii tyyT;L,'Jsi',uv.a ssaaTur H59B S3H I R. PENN SMITH & CO,- Aro prepared to sell to Dealers, Lime Burners and Coruuw cr, at their BREAKER ut LEIIIGMTON, Va. , At lEaucln OtaBiik jPriceg, Delivered into wagons at the following rates, 2240 lbs. to the ton : Lehigh Egg, " Stove, -" Chestnut No. 1 " Chestnut No. 2, ' Buckwheat, " Culm, - TERMS July II, lltl-lr Fall and Wiater Trade ! fce., tie. Onr Taunt; Ladles and Uentlemen will find It ts thetr advantage to clvt'hln call before purehaslne elsewhere, as they will find the JIEST SELECTED STOCK la 'wn AT BOTTOM FItlOES. Oli Fost Oite WM, Xprl 4, lSIMy Ho! For New Goods! 0. M. SWEENY & SON t Have received an enormous comprising Groceries, Queensware, e,tc Old Post-Office Building, Bank St. Lehightop. bd - CTQ o 1 -i O o ft POPHAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC PJ SoJ pal 0 s! Lis BQ9 n9 S9s 313 Sim H rrT tup flTTn'R OF ASTHMA. Established 18C9. Trial rekaEe Free. T. l-onham k Oo. rroprl.ters. Philadelphia. p'e.Vli?,"1.1? ., "V'.i...1!.! .v. .b..i i Tan thk Sri-ismD Nitw Book THE WORLD'S WONDERS AS BKKK BT TDM OSSAT Tropics! ani Polar Explorer-, Agents Wanted includino ibb omcm bistort or ini uri Gbiily Expedition ik suncn Cr TBE HOBTH POLE. Alt the achievements, discoveries, travels, and adventures or the great explorers, with descriptions orwonderful countries, customs and habits or strange and curious people, animals, birds and reptiles; tbe Wonders and ureal National Uurlsotles or tho Tropi cal and i'olar Worlds; a record ortnarvelous things on the earth, a full hlitorj or all the World's greatest wonders and famous ex plorations, In ens splendid, low priced, pro luialr Illustrated volumo. Embracing In the tropics all the travels and dlssovtrles or me lie and U rant Sir Samuel Ilakcrand wife, Livingstone, Stanley, I)u Cklllu. Wal lace. Long, Squl.r, and numerous other.; In the Artie regions, franklin. Kane, Hares, Hall, Scuwatka, IleLoaic, Qreelv and many mheis: forming a complete encyclopedia or Exploration, lllseoverr and Adrcnluia In all liartsorthe Worl, with artillery of sav K races, strange bents, birds aud reptiles, and great National Wonders. A book ot in estlinablevalne and rapid selling qualities. Nearly 800 quarto ple., over too splendid Illustrations, low price, ul.elll all other books. A rents wanted on Salary or Com. rnlsilsn. write for J'letorlal circular and extra terms. Address, JtlSTOnitlAIiPUUMSjllNO CO. l.'C N. Tib El., rttlladslfhls, Pa, Vttr fw COAiIi $3.15 3.00 2.80 1.65 1.05 50 CASH. The underslentd talis the atttailea of his many frl.nds and patrons ts his Large and Fashionable Sleek et Fall M Winter Goofls, Consisting of BOOTS AND SHOES Of every description and StjU In the Market, inoludlag a spttlal Has of Lady's Fine Shoes Also, a rail Hal of Umbrellas, Parasols, Hats, Caps, BAM SW, LEHIGHTOH stock of OHO ICE GOODS, T mm I tea e. 5 c i i 4 awzr JLSIHKi. IKSTAIt 1LX tti,Wi.Y.u. - ! not rail to try this l"lf. rW romotlnr txnsctoratloa and irlvlnr Imeatdlala CiipPILLS all sizes. Cheap. DROP IN" AT THE Carbon Advocate OFFICE FOR Cheap Printing ! 1 I rf fffldt euSafellBlilsSiS?