INortH CarolinA Tenant Farmers WHY PAY HIGH RENTS Why bo Subject to Late and Eaklt Fnostsl Which Kill Your Young Plants auQ. Injure Your Crops. Road Uio Tcnns to Tcuant Farmers Given bjr Xortk Cnrolliia Land Owners. Th Immigration Bureau of North Caro Ina bare In chargs some IniprOToJ farms for tint to Nortliorn tenant fanners on tho fol. onlnit conditions, which aro the usual terms of rsntchirgcd In this State: 1st, aitAIN AND GRASS FARM. The land owner furnishes land, houses and pays alt taxes and expenses of Improving homes, stables and buildings. Tho tenant farmer furnishes horses, tools and labor, and MCoItcs TWO-THIRDS OF OUOPS. Tho tenant firmer Is allowed free of rent garden and vegetable patches, llo Is also allowed to raise stock, hogs and chickens and recclro all proceeds Iroin the sale of them. Snd, TOI1AUUO, OIIAIN AND QUASS KAItMS. Tho land-owner furntilios land, houses nnd pays all taxes and expenses of Improving houses, stables and buildings. Tho tenant farmer furnishes horses, tools and labor, recolrlix Thrce-lourtl.s of tho to bacco andTwo-thlrdaoftho gralncrops. Tho tenant farmer Is allowed free of ront as In the abore mentioned farm No. 1. Srd, TOBACCO, OUAIN AND OIIASS FAKJIS. Tho land-owner furnishes land, houses, feed for horses, tools, repalrln; and xeeplnz In order of tools and pars all taxes. Tho tenant farmer furnishes all tho manual labor; receiving One-half or all crops raised. The tenant farmer receives freo of rent as In first mentioned farm No. 1. ttb, COTTON, OIIAIN AND TOBAC CO FAKMS. flented exac'tj on same terms as the.nbovo Tobacco, drain and Gross Farm No. 3; or If tenant farmer furnishes horses and tools, ho receives Two thlnls of tho grain and Three-fourths of the cotton. Advantages of Locating in North Cakomna. CLIMATE. 'While the cold Is not so se vere, the temperature of mid. summer Is not excessive or trying as farther North. Our seasons are longer, and thereforo our crops aro not killed by lato or early frosts, TUB SOU, Is ofa variety of compositions clayey gr&vcllr limestone, slate, sandy loam, ete 1 hi grcatvarlcty ofsollsand the mildness and advantages of climate nlllnc count for tho variety ofproducts. SOCIETY. No section In the Union has better executed laws. Tho blessings of pollt. leal, civil and religions liberty aro no where more fully protected than In N, O. IN '.O EN EU A I.. Tho great fertility of our lands, tho mildness of our climate, Iree from the scorching and withering hent of the South and the extreme cold and freezes ol the North go to show that North Carolina Is surely the most favored agricultural section In America. Nnturo has not only given us Iho advantages ofpioduclng, but it has pro. Idcd us with water-power tiwurk up what the soil produces for us. I solicit correspondence from tenant farm ers In the Northern and New F.nglnnd States I will furnish persons low rato round-trip transporllon from Boston, New York or Hai ti in o ro to NorOi I'arollua, so as to glvo them n of seeing tho (arms that aro e (Tared for tint. All Tamil advertised by us Tor rent hare dwelling-houses and out-bulldlngs on them, thine a regular emplnyo oT tho Agrlcul tnral Department of North Carolina, I make ao charge for Information given or services rendered pet soos seeking h-incs In the State, I wlllbo pleased to furnish dcserlptlvo lists f lands ottered for salo In North Carolina to all persons who trill nrlto mo. JNO. T. PATRICK, Stale Immigration Agent, HALEIGII, N. C. February II, ItlMl TlrTE Carbon Advocate 13 THE BEST MEDIUM FOB Local Advertising IM OARBON COUNTY. Job Printing f every desctllon. MISCELLANEOUS. Tho baibor imii'h rapecl will win Wlmtif his speech is niviiit; Who, when ho slsrls to shove n chin, Won't i Dili ivhilo ho It shaving. There aro people mean riinnh In Hint (I'c rest which Jar Uuultl wauls la the rest cf tho railroads. Thought Is the properly of him win cau cntoitaln It, ami of him who can luli riualvly place It, I bfivo been ilcs f In on ear ten years, ami pailially ileal In tho other fur Inn months! haye been trolled by cat specially dor-tors nii'l received no benefit. Having used Ely's Crrnin Il.ilm lo'r about a month I llml invsell grenlly improved and can hear well and consider It n most valuable romiily. t bal nla tiiifnl ratarrh, with dropping of mucous into my throdt anil nain over my eyes, which troubles also bnvo disappeared. I), IS. Yates, upper Lisle, Broome co., 2f. Y, Tho gaugo which we apply to things is the measure of our own minds. The prcseut hnuso Is divllcd into two parties- the Left and the Got Left. Question lor tho expiring natlouol bank : Rhall we put up or shut up. Captain Mitchell, of tho bark Anloloo Sain, New York nnd Havana trade, came home in May, entirely belpleta with rheu matism. Ho went to I he mountain; but receiving n- benefit, at his wife's request began taking Ilood'a SarsaparilU. Ho im mediately began to improve, in two months his rheumatism was all gone, and he sailed in command of his vessel a well man. Hood's Sateaparilla will holp you. Sold by all druggists. He Is tbo richest man who knows how to uso tbo keys which Lift) puts into his unds. All I haye seen teaches me to trust e Creator for all I havo not seen. incrson. No snilerer Irom any icrofulous disease, ho will fairly try Aycr's Snrsaparilla.need espalr of a cure. It will purge tho Mood all impurities, thereby destroying the germs from which scrofula Is developed, 1 will infuso new life and vigor through- out the whole physical organization. A man can buy a wilo in Japan for $( sli, while Ini cream cos's flit eeu cents a dish iiOAmcrtca. Wo remain young to leng as we can loam, can adopt habits, nnd can bear con tradiction. -It is a well knowu fact. In the amond Dyes more coloring is giyen than any known dyes, ami they givo faster nd moro brilliant odi'rs. lOo ntdrinreisls, hey Bre a emit success. Wells. Uicuard son fc Co., Burlington, Vt. Notniugis easier than faultfinding. No talent, no self denial, no brains, no aracter is required to set up in thegruinb ng business. Steamers in New York harbor have boen requested to whistle three times when pari ng tho eito cl tbo Barllioldt statute. The courage of tho people must be kept up "notion on cocrms." Ask lor "Uouirh on Couiehs." for colds, soro throat, hoarseness. Troches, 15o. uqniu, uc, "itnuoii cm RATS'" Clears out rats, imee. roichcs, nles, ants, nl-bUK, skunks, chip munks, gophers, lie" ruggtsts. nKART PAINS. Palpitation, dropsical swellings, dirtiness. Liigi-Hiion, iieauacne, sioepiosgness curcu "Well's Health newer.'" 'norou on coitus." Ask for Wells' "Iloutrh tin rjorni." 15c. Quick, complete euro. Hard or salt aorns. warts, bunions. -uuuuii on tain rounusEP FI.ASTKIt. i v,iw,tiLini,, i iig iivsk lUf backache, twins In chest or side, rheuma tism, neuralgia, TUtjr rKiirta. "Wells' Health liencwer" restores health and vl-'or, cures dyspepsia, headache, Ncr vousness, debility. 1 1.00. Wiiooi'iNO courm. and the many throat nfl'eotlons of children liruinimy, picusiinuy unil ullieiv rciicvcil nj Troches, 15c. llalsam, iie. MOTimns, If you are falllnir, broken, worn out and crvoui. uso Wells' Health Itenewer." 11.00. Druggists. pnt:siRvi-:n. If you are loslnic jour grip on life try Wells' Health ltentwcr." (iocs dliect to eaK spots. "1I0UO1I ON TOOTH A OH K. f Instant relief for neuralgia, tonthaeho. incciirjio. jim ior -jtougn on lootnaciio. H nnd US cents. rnKTTV wombs. I.adlCS who woulil retain fn-shnFM ftnil vl. vaclty. don't fall to try 'Well's Health Ilo- ewur. CATAltnilAT. TIinilAT AFFECTIONS. iiacaiiig, irritating couiiUs, colds, sore inroni, curcu ny "uimgii on Uouuhs." troches, 15o. Liquid, iit. "noun n on iTcn," I'OUuh Oil itch" cures humors, prnn. lions, ring-worm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted THE nnpK Itir THE Klnnv Children, slow In (ioveloinnent, puny. seawny, and delicate, uso "Wells' Health HBucner." Wl DH AWARE hreO Or fOlir llOUrS CVCrV nltrht cmiuMnrr (let Immeilluto reller and sound rest ly usln Wells' "Hough on Coughs," Troches, ,w vcu.l. AJUIBKUJ, AO CUIUS, "ROUGH ON PAIN" roRollfiKn ptartrit Slretmlhcnloir. lmtlrnvcd. Ihn liar f.,r uaL-uuiiv, pain in cues or stue, riieumattsm, ucuiui(ta. -Bayard Taylor called tnowflakcs the "wild white bees of winter." When thev iwarm it is stinging cold. What Wet more, conspicuous in mod em history than the cieation of the true gentleman the union ot chivalry and loyalty. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken ol your rest by a lick child suffering and cry lug with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mus. Wixslow' SooTfltNO Svnup for Ciulorkn Tubhiino. Its yalue is Incalcuable. It will relieve th poor Utile sufferer immediately. Depend upon ft, mothers, there is no mistake about tt. it cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu latra the stom.ich and bowels, cures win. colic, softens tho cums. reduces It.flfimmA lion ami gives tone and energy to the whole system, aiits. yvinslow'h Sootiiiso Syrc fun Cnii.ipr.iN Tsetiuso is pleasant to Hi taste, and is the prescription of one of tl, oldeit and best femalo nurses and nhvul ciaos in the Unlled States, and Is for tale by hi, uiuKgitu lurouguoui me world, rnc JO centra bottle, 2S-ly American vounz ladles who have hen abroad, assert that it Ii awful bard to find an honest count. Selfishness In any form Is death. To llvo beyond self Is tbo true life, the true !m mortality of tbo Individual. Da Not bs Discouraged eyen If you have tried many remedies your kidney disease or liver eomnh without luccess it is no reason why ihould think your disorder Incurable. Tho most intraoliblo oisea rcadllv v!ll in ti vittues of Kidney-Wort. It is a purely vngeiauKi rompounn WIHcn acts on kiduey, liver and bowels at tho lame ti he 1119. ana mus cleanses the whole system, 1 wait, but get a packago to-day and yourself. Don't cure A Dakota editor writes: "Owing lo the fact that the editor was out Inthocouu. try threihln?, the Iisus is published on day late." The editor doei not specify whom he was threshing, but undoubtedly it wis mi delinquent subscribers. And now cornej winter mowi an ilcighrides, and pretty girls, abd frown kisses, aud two bauds In ouo end of the muff, and Sunday Kbool oysters stews, and piurcueri aud loll of nice tbingi. PTUK (3 UK AT IiU)OI) 1'UKU'IER t OF T1IK MOULD. CntnrrlihulKrCraneoproTalentltut trul tlis bans vt tho Ainorican raco. Sj mritiT nrPDtrAtlnns ro In tlio market thit i not r tire, that ai4fr(( AS'rirc.ftnil NEVER' FAILING Kill beircIromM by fell. IW:!sl.i:it'.S t'rilnrrh Urmrrty untl Hlnoti I'm llllcrhii Nr.YKlt fnllnl InarlDcU crtK9 ubertt directions aro fHoreil, It tlriltos nt thn not of the tllwafte, amt (liiiiinttes tlm poison from tho Hoxl, Iti eaccp-shnf! boon wonderful and enlei lmir.pno. All that ia Hiked for it la a trial TbemoHt obbtlnita and lon.ftftndinfl; cases jWd londilr f t hin t-pmprir. 1 prrftcttuhnrmltH rricoSl nlHMtl, S bottlni tor 15. Upon receipt of It K.m'l K. Kellor A On. llnrrixliDnr. l'l., tit bnttWj will bo eaut by ex prca, pifpii I. 7'aKt tin other, for it 13 tho only preparation that reiclintht tent of ihi intent ctttt Cnrrs. Send ono) concf rTttni Cauw.Natnm Hymftoms and Cu ro (irt-'iKrirrli It contains tcvtlnnnlalsfif nuthntio nnd Rpnnlnocaros, ltitalnothnllrnt lllnod I'll rlllrrin tho renkct, For unlit hv ItritccHlH frpitirnlly. AVholosalo by Buri. 3Ft Kelleh A II-iirlBbiir:?. l'n t altoljr JonNTON, Holi. way v uo., una tiwiTU, ivuxe & i;o rnuaa'a. nor. fl. lS3M?-n r. ogressive Farmers, yon cannot afford to do wltkouf the, Ni;w-onici;n for istsi itjs tho National standuril of Rural .fouinallsm. Tho editors aro farmers. They own 350 acres of experiment grounds, which are con. due cd In tho Interests of subscribers. Tbo bsst writers In tho world 500 original Illus trations yearlr. Its freo scod distributions are north to subscribers many tiroes the cost of subscriptions. It costs moro to publish than any of its class, becauso It Is original tnroushout. It Is altogether unequalled In the originality and enterprise with which It Is conducted. It contains 11 pages (lno pa per. Liberal lnJuccments and good pay to to thoso who sccuro clubs for It. llellablo agents wanted everywhere. Over 42,850 In presents ollcrcd to subscribers. Our prem ium list ullers liberal remuncrutlon for ser vices. Sample copies freo. I'oslers and premium lists mailed toall applicants. Ad dress tho IiUIJAT. NEW YOKKEII, at I'arls How, Now York. Ileo. , 18M "Why. Not Rcml for froe specimen copies of the It pit at, Nnw-YouKsns the great National Weokly lor American Homes nnd I'armst Tho best writers In tho world. Over COO Contributors 500 Illustrations annunlly 580 acres ofesc. pcrlment grounds. It Is conducted by prac tical farmers. Its freo seed distributions are world renewncd. Simplo copies, sent froe, will explain all. It has tho lawst circula tion among tho best people. Original from beginning to end. Original, sparkling, trustworthy, pure, alive, enterprising. It of fers ovor $2,00 worth of presents to sub scriber for tho largest clubs. Actlvo agents wanted everywhere. Agents outfit sent froo. i"Addrrs ho ItutiAL New YonKBn, 31 I'ark How. N. Y. deo0.18S4. So say the best farmers, stockmen, garden crs, and fruit grewsrs, of Au orloa of the the great National Weekly, the ItomLNnw Yonictiit. The best writers In tho world. Original throughout. Over five hundred II luitratlons from nature cvory year. Fine paper lb pages ask thoso who know. Specimens gladly sent without chargo. t2,t00 worlliol'prcscnts offorcd to subscribers for tho largest clubs. Oouductcd by pracll. cal farmers. Its freo seed distributions are Invaluable, Over CO) ''ontrlbutjrJ. Posters and agent's outfits on application. Send for them. rtursALNsw Yorkbii, 31 I'ark How, Now York. deed. 113. THE TOLEDO BLADE. NASBY'S PAPER. CIRCULATION 191,000. Tiie largest circilatinn ofany Weekly Newspaper in tho United Stales." Tlio Largest Papor published in the Unite 1 Slates at Ono Dollar per year The Hi-st Paper and tho Cheapest Paper. The Ouly Paper publishing the Nasby Letti-rs. Tho lllad alono, SI. 00 per year; with Waterbury Watch, $3 30j with Steel En gravini; of Pilgrims' Progress (a $10 cucrav lt.c),$2.00. Speeial terms to club raisers mado known on application. Any week'n isiuo of the Iilndo niiioiunees our bargiins in cheap books, pictures, cle. Wo want ctctybotly to send postal card to us for n specimen ooy. It will tfll its ownslory. A column ad vertisement woul I not oirord room to des cribe its variuus dnpartments anil our nn nouucenients lor the omiiing year. Write for u specimen, aud nUo send the addresses of all your friends. THE BLADE, TOLEDO, O. A PURELY NATIONAL PAPER. Cironlatitin m everv SlatR THIS PAPER IX CLUll WITH ODBT'8 LADY'S BOOK will be sent for one year to anyaddress for 'J..'.0 which should be sent to tho publisher oftheOAnnoN Advocate. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK Is the nldcs' rawlly magazine In America, and Is conceded hy tho press and public to be tho leading Cushion .M.iga7.lne,uspccla!ly so, as Its circulation probably covers tho largest arei ofnny American publication, Its patrons being found In every ci lllzetl country under the sun. USi will mark tho Ufty fifth year of this Magatlue, and It Is propised that It shall not oulyaxceed In oxcellcnco In ovcry department anything In Its previous history, but surpass in att ucllvcness, ijuallty and quantity any other tn.mnzlne nubllshcd lor t no (imi prico. The Magazine, ilurlug UsJ, will contain: 1000 pines ofrcndlng.conslstlngnfSlorles, Novels, ItomanC' s Sketches, Poetry, History, lllographlcs, by the best magizine writers, also. Art nnd Current f'oie, Dialogues, Lessons on Dressmnklng and Uooklng. 200.1'ractlcil Itccipcs; besides description! of fashions, llomestle and forlegn. ISO pages lllustrailtig l'ashloiis In colors, and black and white. SO panes Illustrating Fancy-Work la colon and idnekand while. 24 pages of Select Music. 18 lleautirul lingravlngs, 12 Illustrations or Architectural Designs: betldei Illustrations of Household Interiors and tltorles Kach subscriber will bo allowed to make a selection each month of a "Full Slzo Cut Paper Pattern" of any design Illustrated In tho Magazine without extra cost; these pat terns aro worth more than tho price of tbo Magazine. Wo will also piescnt to every . .. " . . '.v r-iisruTiiig (tor iramuu i of t'erault's celebrated plctuio "Sli't'rUntf Love,' sine. prepared expressly lor this Maga AsOooet's I.AtlY'S Hook ha faithfully pbserrtd its promises with tho publlo lor til. ty.four yiars. there need bo no doubt about the above oircr being fullllled to the letter. Subscription prleo JJOO a year. Bauiplo copies, IS cents. Address, 1 UOUKY'S LADY'S HOOK, I'. O. Lock Uox II If, , . PlIILADltlrniA, Pa. Nov. 8 1 Paynes' Automatic Engines & Saw-LUIL ovn LCAPCR. v"o offer an C tolO II 1. Autoinattc,PrnikArrnti mp, iuouDicu roiiuuio i r, sun, ia tu earrfagc, B2 ft. trucU cr.a 2 simultaucoui arrr Mt he ad-blot b, 2Vl.x!i ftilrt 3 changes IV-vdi hdvryer couroU So i I vt and licul Ulockn saw, ii. B-uH-n 4 rjy i.inr, fot il-b; It 3. ciuit-luK-kii. im Mirv. tlfilitcticr, etc. It Iff complt-tu for ojicratli-n, 51100 on mi a. Ku. phi' nit fekiiu, f lPOlcM. lCnBlua llnill...ibVtrUlltllt'U IWU t.t i it lit K.r Unix Ana KtMMi u;i LIO HW i'AYNK f OSS, pvf' f t n i i f '1 t U Auto. ANDREW SIJIVK. nank rftrcit, Lebigbton anl yicioity. A HOME DEUG&IST t ui TESTIFIES. roulitrltr at homo U not Always tho bcs. imt of hitTit, but xra point promlly to tho fact that no otber medloltie bu won for Itself ftuch unlTcrsal npitrouauon in its otn city. ate, aud country, and among all people, as i Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tho following letter mown ilassachusetts I ntcrcst tu ovary suilcre Tho following letter from ono of our best. known Massachusetts Druggists should bo of Interest tu ovary suifereri RHEUMATISM. " Eight years ago I li.iil nil nttitulc nt lthrittiintlani.soso- t ero that I coutil not movo irom uio ucu, or nisH. without helo. 1 trlod several remc- itits without much If any relief, until 1 took AVEit'a H.uisAI'.UUM.A, by tbo uso of two Kittles or wiucu 1 was completely curd. Irvo sold l.-irL'o Quantities of your S.UHA- r A, ami it still retain: lis wonderful popularity. Tlio many notable cures It haa cltectcd In this vicinity eonvlneo nie that it Is thn best blood mcdlciuo ever ottered to tho public. K. V. llAitnta." ittvor St., uucKianu, itioss., .uuy ,o, ioo. SALT RHEUM. OroonoK, overseer In tho Lowell - -- - .... vitifai. i niiuviwii. was for over twenty years before his removal to Lowell niUleted with Suit Ilheum In Its worst form. Its ulcerations actually covered more than half the surface of his body and limbs. Ho was entirely cured by Avon's 8anaAPAnii.t.A. Soo ccrtltlcato lu Ayer's Allnanao for ISM. riiEfAncD or Dr. J. C.Aycr&Oo., Lowell, Mass. Sold by nil Druggists; 71, six bottles for 55. H. H. Peters, THE TAILOR, Very Moderate Prices and Perfect Fit! Ii the motto of this Ustanliihmeut. YOU are In Iteit to Inspest goods. II. II. PETEUS, Post ORlco Building, HANK Strea , April 29, 1851. Lehlghlon, Pa. 2ool Par for AironU. Sinn in 300 ir t ttluiiiiutl llrcllio Slaltlmol lliess urlb ,Vrltu to J. C -llctui'ilj .V Co., riiiU'Jtliiulu, IV No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Invontors In the United States Oanad.iand Kurope, nt reduced rates. Wit). ur principal office located In Washington. Ireetly opposite Iho United States Patent Office, we aro able to attend to all patent business with greater promptners and de patch and nt less cost than other patent at torncys who aro at a distance from Wash Inifton, and who havo, thereforo, to cmplni associate attornejs." We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to ra tcntiibtllty, freo orchard, ami nil who an interested in new Inventions and patents an Invited to send for a copy ol our "tluldn r,n obtaining Pjtcnts," which ts lent free U nuy iiuureB.i, nnu contains complete Instruc Hons how to obtain patents and other valua bio matter. Wo roler to the Ocrmnn.Am.. lean National Hank Washington. I). U.: the nujni oncmni, iidihckiaii umi unman I. pirn Hons, at Washington ; Hon. Jos. t'ascy, lati Unlet Justice U. S. Court of Claims; to the OIHelals or tho U. fci. Patent O.Tl.e, nnd Ii Senators and Members of Congress Iron. efery muie. Address: LOUIS DAnocn Ll i-.n lleltors of Patents and Attorneys at Lan,Lc Central Carriage Works Bank St., Lchigliton, Pa. Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c., 1 if every description, tn the most substantia t manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices Ilqinlrins Promptly Attended to TitEXIVEH 1c KKEIDLKR, April M, 1S32 yl ' Proprietor!. E. F, LUCKENBACH, DRALEIt IN Wall Papers, Borders & Perforations, Books, Stationery, Fancy Gooib Window Shades & Fixtures. Latest Styles, made and put op, If desired, Paints, Oil, Varnish, Puttv Brushes & general Painters' bupplies. No. Gl Broadway, Hanch Chunk. Pa, Below tho Broadway House, WM. DUPPY & SON. of East Mauch Chunk, are prepared to do all klndiof Plastering & Ornamental Tort, i 11 iioricbL 11 ci Lire, iirurri 11 v man win rttm I ceive prompt atlentleu. T'ermi moderate 1 or good work. ttclMf o 0 Wm g P4 eif g tJ S rt S T o rt - I r B 3 L G I I I f P in I pj s 1 ft SFITIK8S! KARMERS' COLUMN. How to Keep Brcodlnp; Marcs. Brood mares are among Iho most profit alio annuals owned hy the farmer, if lliey are goo 1 ones, and bred to Rood lmrscs, otherwise they should not ho liept at all. Whllo ndinllting that there am circum stances under which It may he profitable to keep a poor horeej it certainly- never pays to raise one. A brood maro should he used regularly anil hlndly nntit near tho time of her foal i 11 pr, and generally hoth the and her foal will In the heller for It. She ihould, however, tf so used, be well fod,ind not hayo loo much corn for eemo time boforo foaling, two months If possible. Sho should ho loose at night, and if not used, in the daytimo also. Mares in tlio later stages of pregnancy aro very liable to be taken with violent pains, and If loose they will generally get relief by rolling, etc. I have known sotno cases where loss of the colt, aud death of marc, resulted from her struggles when tied in a stall. Shortly after tho birth of tho colt, alio may ho worked, but not to excers, nnd she should not bo too much blamed if sho objects to working at tills time, for mnny very good tempered marcs object strongly to leaving their young, especially for tho first few times. When the roll is from four ond a half to six months old, it may bo weaned. Tho mare should be carefully attended to, until her milk dries up, at this llmo she will be weak, and should he well fed and kindly treated. Stock urcrdkh in lni. lcricufurijf. Plan tho lawn Improvements. Those who expect to occupy a now ploea next spring, or propose to romodel and mprovelhc home grDunds,will find winter lighly lavorablo for tho most Important part of tho work. Wo do not say that winter is the most favorable for grading and shapini: tho surface of tho ground, for making durable road beds and opening walksowing of lawns, and the construction of beds and borders. Tliero is woikthatpre ccdes these, and mora Important than cither. Tho determining of whero roads and walks aro to bo. the decision whether tills part shall bo graded, or left with its present undulating surface. Tho most Im purtaut part of tbo work of tho laying .out ofa new place, or tho improvement of an old one, is not that dono hy the laborers, but the brain. work which directs the mechanical operations. If a landscape gardener is employed, he is paid not for doing tbo work, but for showing what is tu be done. In building a houso, tho work ol tho architect is of more consequence, and is paid much better than that of Iho median- ci who carry cus tho design. Dr. Tuna- dek in Am. A'z'.cultttriit. A Startling Discovery, Mr. Wm. Johnson, ol Huron, Dak , writes that his wife hail been troubled wilh octtto Bronchitis for many years, and that all remedies tried gave no permanent relief. until bo procure 1 a bottle of Dr. King'r Sew Dlicovery for Consumption, Coughs. . lid, which had a maguMI etieri, iin.l ro.'uce.l u tormnticnt cure. It is c'uran- ecd to rum all Diseases of Throut, Lut!E,nr Urnnchlsl Tubes. Trial Il.ittles Fren nt T. D. Thomas' druf store. Large sii-fl 00. A Quardian Crop. A fortunate charucterislij of tho cloyer plant is, its ronlinunus growth tliroutjhout the whole leason. It is n well established fact, that the exceedingly valuable and solublo compounds of nitrogen are most abundantly formed iu tho soil during the hot months of midsummer nnd early titunin. At this lime the cereal crops aie harvested, with tlio exception of ccrn. If the field is bare, tliero is no doubt that nucli fertility is lost whenever a rain comes tn wash tho soil of Its richness. On the Iher hand, clover flourishes nt Ibis season, 1 ml guards the soil against loss. A large part of the fertility is stured up in the leaves mil stems, and goes into tho bay-barn, but in cquil portion lias remained in ami on tho soil as roots and stubble, and will b.'coino plant food for ths noxt croti hrougli tho slow processci of decoy In itlier words, the clover plant has transform ed a large quantity of fertility from a very soluble coudition, into a stable slate readily held by the leachy soil. The compounds of nitrogen, potash, and phosphoric acid, that haye been removed in the hay, should find their way back to the soil in the barn yard manure. The continued experi ment at Kclln lulled, to which farmers cannot bo too frequently referred, show that & o'ovor crop requires threo limes as much nitrogen for its growth, as docs a crop of wheat. In the face oftltis,the same experiments also teach that clover is especially beneficial ns n crop to immedi ately precede one of wheat In explanation of this apparent contradiction, we need tu remember that cloyer not only husbands the fertility of the soil, but gets it into 0 placo and condition to specially favor the growth of the wheat plant. The field grains have only a lew weeks to perfect their growth, and no time to seek after food not close at hand. They do not have the advantage of growing in the midsummer and early autumn, when, through coll fermcntutlon, the earth lias its largest ready supply of plant food. We lee good reasons for a firm adherenco to Ilia old belief, that clover seed ii tho belt manure that caq bo applied to a leose soil. Let ui grow more clover. Kvenifit Is not four leaved, it will bring "good luck." Da. n. D. IUlstid in .-Im. Company Shops. Mr. M. M. S'lttlfuer, Postmaster tnd Justice of tho Peace, Company Shops, Alimance Co., N. C., writes bo has used St. Jacobs Oil for rheumatism, cuts, swelled ankles and knees, pains in the back and aore-throat. One or two applications in each case bai always cured, and ba believes the Great German Itemedy is the best in tho world. ''As long as I can get it," bo adds, "I never intend ia be without it." The average period of gestation In a ewe does not vary much from one hundred and fifty-two days. Put it down as a rule, that manure ly ing in the yardi a year will In one way or another deteriorate one-fourth Iu value. Reduce the fencing! one and one third billioni of dollars ia the eslimato of the cost of farm fences In tbii country. It is not known tint necter in flowen ubieryes any other use than that of allur ing Insects to aid the fertilization of the llowers. A gardener recommends sowing onion seed 1 in the fill. Over the bids placn tome mulch for protection. Early onions j W u lhu, ecu""' I Adverlite in lha Adtooitb. llSlfii As fine nnd as cheap Comforts and Bed Covers as you like As fine and as cheap Bed Blankets as can ho got anywhere. As fine and as cheap Horse Blankets as can be got anywhere. As full aud as cheap a line of Hosiery as you will find in town. As fancy and as good a line of Hosiery as you will find in town. -As fancy and as cheap Velvets as are sold anywhere. The completes!; line of Quccnswarc in town, fancy or common.. The newest line of Shoes in town, Children's, Misses', Wowmen's and Men's. The newest line of Rubber Goods in town, Children's, Misses', Women's and Men's. Fancy, Common, Cheap, Novel and Elegant, cither one, if you please, in Notions and everything in the line. Then lastly e will mention Groceries and let you know we hare the stock and at the rig'ht price. Very respectfully, nn At of every description, in the "Best Style at very LOW PRICES FOR CASH ! "HEARTS A IB MOM." W-A.SHlIrQTOISr, D. c. Sworn Siferi List 10,000. Edited ly . H. HALE, E D. o This is a large eic;ht page, forty column, monthly paper, and is levoted to everything pertaining- to Health and Home, Marriage, Social Science, Domestic Medicine, Science, Literature, Art, Economy, Cookery, Hints on Health, Dietetics, and every realm of Modern Science and tends to improve health, prevent disease, purify morals, and make home happy. Subscription Price, 50 Cents Per Year. ' Address '-"'i" 13 0 I Are now prepared to furnish their customers nntl the people with the Newest and most Fashionable makes of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Cassimeres and Suitings, which they wijl make up in the Latest Styles and most Durable Manner at unusually Low Prices. With a Jorcc ot experienced workmen and a tremendous stock to select from, we are prepared to offer inducement unexcelled by any other ESTABLISHMENT in the COUNTY. We cordially invite YOU to call and inspect our Goods and learn Prices before making your purchases elsewhere. In all cases we guarantee Best IForkmanship, Uest Material, the Lowest Prices and Perfect Fits." Respectfully, Clauss & Bro., The Tailors, M.Bh BANK STRET LEHIGHT0N, PA m 1 Lowest Rates. Health and Home, WASHINGTON, D. C Warn Have received tlaeSr stock of OVERCOATINGS and SUITINGS, 09 lacliigrliion MI.