New Advertisements. Deats & Co., lioyojust opened an Immense, nuoilmcntof Ladies' ana Gents Gold Wateta, Silver ant Nickel Mete, Clocks, Silverware, Jewelry, Rings, Spectacles, Eye-Glasses, &c-, &c, which they are offering at the very low est cash prices. Call early for first choice and Best Bargains. REPAIRING- of nil kinds promptly attended to at low charges and all work warranted. P. O. BUILDING, Weissport, Penna. Railroad Guide. !iia & KB. Arrangement of Passenger Twins. NOVEMHKH lath. I8SI. Trains leavo Allcntown as follows: tVIa PEHKIOMEN ItAlLUOAD.) Tor Philadelphia at "-MS, C.50, 11 10 a. m., and 3.10 p. tn. SUNDAYS. Tor Philadelphia at 5.O0 a. m.and 3.50 p.m. (VU East Penh Hrancii.) for Iteadlnir and Harrlsbursr, 6.15. MO a. ta 12.15, 4.3", and 9.05 p. m. For I.nncnstorond Columbia, 6.45, 8.40 a. in., and 430 p. in. SUNDAYS. For Iliirrlshnrtc, nnd waypotntr, 0.C5 p. m. For 1'lilladcIpUla 7 :!& n. in. Trains for Allentown leavo as follows : (Vl l'KRKIOMEH IlAIUlOAD.) Leave Plillad'a, 4.3(1, 7.40 a. in. and 1.40, 1.35, 130, an J 5.15 p. m. SUNDAYS. Iicavs Pldladol).lda. 8.00 a.m., 3 30, 4.M p. El. (Via East Pen. Hrancii.) Leave Reading, 7.15, 10 15 a. m., 2.00, 3.50, nru e.i& p m. Leave llnrrlsliurc, 6 05, 7.55, 0.50 . m, 1.45 and 4. mi p. in. Leave Lancaster, 77.30 a. in., 12.5) and (3.10 p.m. Leave Columbia, T.30 a. m , 12.40 and 3.40 p. ni. tr"rom Kin Street Depot. SUNDAYS. Leave Iteadlnir, 0 01 a. ra. Leavo Harrl-diuru, 7.00 p. m. Trains via "Perklomen lUllroan" marked thus () run to and Irom Depot, Ninth and Orem streots, Philadelphia, other trains to and from Uroad street Depot. The 1 45 and 8.30 a. m. trains from Allen, tows, and t ho "135 and 5.15 p.m. train Irom Philadelphia, via Perklowen Itallroail, have through cam to and fiom Philadelphia. J, I'.. WOOTTEK, Clcncral Manager. IS. O. HANrOOK, Uon'l Pnss'r U Ticket Agent May 27th, 1S83 rS'BKlSbP.S JSVti H iY?Y Pilo rmoliimr Is the real lest of a tobacco. It Is tho rejral wuy of sniokinF. You get more directly ct tho llavor and frapnmce. You take tho nuolto cooler, ami the tonic cleanlier and tnicr. rijxi tmioklug is emoliDB reduced to n. fiuo art The more tho question of adulterated tobacco forces Itself on tho attention of Fmolicra, Uiu moro desirable it becomes to know precisely whi't you ura rinoWus'. Iu HlackwcU'tt Hull Durham Smoking To bacco you havoapuarantcc, i i ajways, met u isisaturo'a A I own unadulterated product. JJf& I It fni'rancc, flavor, and rived from tho coil :lnl cir. Try it, and you will bo a isfitd. Nemo pcuuino v-itu. out tradc-u:art cf the Bull All euccostiful Fibhcrmcn and Snorts. men emoke UlackwcU'a Hull Durham Suioklns Tobacco, and they enjoy It. am. An Independent Newspaper of Dem ocratic Principles, but not Controlled by any Set of Politicians or Manipulators; Devoted to Collecting and Publishing all tho News of the Day in the most Inter esting Shape and with the greatest pos sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impar tiality ; and to the Promotion of Demo cratic Ideas and Policy in the affairs of Government, Society and Industry. TtfllM, by .Vail, roifjxifrf; DAILY, per Year DAILY, per Month SUNDAY, per Year DAILY and SUNDAY per Year . WEEKLY, per Year $6 00 50 1 00 7 00 1 00 Aaarrss. TUB SVX, line York City. COI.I.EUi;. NliWAItK. M'.UMiniSKY Occupies three nuurtlnm. Lirseit nl Itrst. More tlllon. for criKliiates than all other school' com ilnej. Uf. Ncliolnrship. tto. Write for circulars. COLEMAN, PALMB & tPrprletor. dec. SO-ly. DIVORCES Aiisoi.uTF. nivon. rtucllDK throurhnut Hie United State and Cantda for detcrti'tn, nnn.rur.jH)rt, luieinper- iii, rM.lly, InconipatlDllily, etc. Advice Ir... Htate your eale ami a,l,frij ATT 1INKY WAltD, World Jlulldlnfr, 1267 Vrvradray, New York. July 1'i-lF m COLEMAN "Original Cheap Cash Storo." A HAPPY NEW YEAR! All thoso who Intend giving Now Yonr Trescnts should not fnll to Inspect our large Assortment of goods suitable for Holiday (lifts. NolwIthslaiidlnR tho largo holiday busi ness which wo did before Christmas, we still liavo a largo variety of goods to select from, ni wo always keep (the year round) largo stocks of Jewelry, Silverware, Leather Hoods, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery. Notions, Pitney Shoes nnd Slippers. Storo open till TEN O'CLOCK WEDNES DAY EVENING. J. T. NUSBAUM, Opp. Pabllo Square, JJauk Street, Lehigh ton, Pa. Juno 7, lSSt-ly. SATURDAY. DECKMDUn 27, 1881, SPECIAL NOTICE. Persons making payments to this office by money orders or postal notes wilt pleaso make them payable at tho Wkibsi-ort Post Offick, as tho Le highton office is not n money order oflico Our Neighborhood In Brief. "LUtlo drops of lager, Lillle sips of gin, Make the" red proboscis And coiisutno Lbe tin.M Last Sunday was tho shortest day In tho year. Tho he? faclory project in Wllkcsbarre has been abandoned. There nrj thirly-teycn prisoners in tho Luzerne county jail T he juveniles enjoyed Iho firstekato of tbo season on last Saturday. A new daily paper will shortly make its appearance at Shenandoah. merry sleieh bells wero ringing Monday for the first time this season. Cassler's link, at Weatherly, is said to be tho finest tn Iho coal region. Tho lotol out pulol coal (his year will be about 1,300,000 tons less than lust. For lack of orders the TVrndtilo Cur Works suspended CO workmen lad week. Look at your direction tali on this pa per. It chows bow much you owe, The iron oro mines at St. Mary's, Chester nunty, hnvo resumed operations. ,0 For rough of childhood oroldoce, Judwln's Tnr Sirup is lbe lest. For ml out Thomas' drug store, Sjvoral Lchtghtnolans attended the opening of Cssler's rink, at Weatherly, un Tuesday night. 'the Pjrrish Cal Co., commenced work at their rew breaker at Plymouth a few days ago. SSjTIIave vnu seen those clrganth trnnmnl Huts ami Bonnets, If not, cull al AI enla Orttver s P.oy. Wtbslcr Woodbury, of Massa- chusells, lias acoe to I the mil of the Pres byt?rlai oorgrcgatiou nt Miitich Chunk Anthony Carlane, a miner, onip'oycd in the Sugar Notch shaft, wus insl intlv killed by n fall ol lop coal last Saturday. ssfir-A rough or cold that cm not I cured bv Jadwin's Tar Syrup is unknown. luirsalo uy J. l I nomas. Will Shlngler severely cut hfs left font while chopping woj.l on Saturday after noon last. John C. Dannehower, nn ex Dmo eralin member of the legislature Irotn Mnnl guniery county, died on last Saturday. jES-A new lot ol CLOCKS, WATOHF.S and JEWl'.LItY just leceived ut S. 1IAGA- ai AiN o blore, Lcliighton. l'a Our Kipular Iriend Al K. L"uckcl, o; Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, is spending the holidays at homo, Our very popular friend It. L. Colburn is spemling a week's vacation at homo ivilli his parents in Stewartstown, this State ,MJ-Go In lh New Y.irk Milllncrv Store oi .Mveuia (.raver, u.inu street, Lolnght, lor Jims iiml iijunuts. Fifty girls employed in Allen's kindl ing W"od iiianufactory at Williamsport struck on last .Monday on account of a de crease iu wagas. David Kysus, a freight conductor on the L. V. 11. II, was fatally bejten in a siloon al Wilkesbarre, at ou early hour on Sunday morning last. Thero are now at toe Driflon Ilnspilal three miners who ha t their les amputated from tho tirect of injuries received iu the mines. jSs)It costs a'mut $5 for a tmrriago and only $2 lor a rtlvorse. If you take Jad win's Tnr Svrup'it will mat you 25 (elite For salo at Thomas' ilrug store. On December the 30th n pigeon sliool inj match will lako plaeo at Whito Haven, between Hohcrl Wallace and un unknown, for $100 a side. As tho wulking Is bad, people who pro poso visiting the New Orleans Exposition aroadii'ed to purchasa return tickets be fore starting. It is now that the, business man begins to practice writing 1ES5 in place of 1831 hoping tn become proficient enough to guard against prolainty after the first of January. a?f-Grand lush great reduction in Fall and Winter Iliitsaud Bonnets, nt Alveuia Graver's Millinery sture, Bank 6treet Lo highton. General Emile Floury, a distinguished French officer, is dead. But David Ebbett still lives.aud is funnelling our people with handsome teumr, from his livery on North street, at low rales. In Bethlehem tho pestiferous tramp Is lidged over night and in the morning put at work for several hours breaking stones or shoveling snow. Good, our oorough authorities should make them do the tame, 3!t is pure it is pleasant, It is ellVc tuul, relieving (ho patient almost install laiienu&iy Jmiwin'a Tar Syrup. 24 rents and $1 a botllo. For salu at Thomas' drug bioro. Tho annual election lor seven directors of the Fiist National Bank, of this borough, will take place on Tuesday, January 13lh, 1885, between one and three o'clock in tho afternoon. "A horse I A horsot My Kingdom for a horse I" Right Kichord, but then he must be well or he is ol no account. Day's Horso and Cattle Towder will put him In condition, l'rica 25 cent, per package of one pound, full weight. tU-The Last Law Tassci! was Law's agent, who is passing through tho Stato in troduced Law's Celebrated Bluing, used for bluing, bleaching and coloring, and makes good ink. Fur eale at C. T. Horn's and at the Novelty Store, Baukwav. Many ol the pavements aloug Bsnk street oro in a terrible condition. TLe proper authorities should see lo this es pecially those along the borough property, Tho Etala Legislature will couveno at llarrisburg on January Glh. Joel Klutz, an old and respected cillten of Weissport, died on Monday morning. A boy aged abeut fifteen years livlnc at Maueb Chun1, and employed da the Tackerlon machine shop, wi esycrely cruibtd by tbe machinery lot Mondsy. TIIK IKPtCUHIOl'S itniTni. Coldly blows tho wind of winter. Darkening clouds betoken snow, Pay the printer, pay the printer Fay the little bill you owo. For be feels Iho weather cooler, "As he goes lo press" his claim ; Pay him now, or you may never Head his palo-face sheet again. Tav tho printer, pay tho printer; Tis on honest, faithful debt For we'll put It In italics) JTc isjiceJitiQ it, you let I -Clara Lnulso Kellogg is to rccolyo $12,. 000 for singing twenty nights In Tarls $600 n night. No wonder alio is In lovo with Dr. Bull's Cough Svrup, tho great remedy for coughs and eolds, for what would she do without It, if she should be attacked suddenly by hoarseness. -Tho new Ministers' Meirinnnl church ol St. John's, ot Tamaqua, will be dedicated on Sunday, January 25th. 3ulf you wnntn nlce.smooth.casv shave your hair cut or ehatnpooing,go to Franz tlocdcrcr's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho tel. Ho will fix you right, nnd don't you forget it. -Silver oro has been discovered on the tho farm owned by John lInrter,of Luzcrno Borough, Luzerne county. Edgar Itboads, formerly Lehigh Val ley agent nt Mnhanoy City, was arrested n New York City, last week, for forging checks on the Mabauoy City National Bank. SSuMllton Flory.of Eist nouncs to the public ol this vicinity that he has on hand n lot of Light Harness, Col lars, Horse lllankcls, Lap ftobei, Lined Ilobes, Whips, Bells, Ac, suitable lor tho winter trade. All of which ho Is offering st very low prices. Tho man who prays for work nnd then ells down to wait for tho Lord to bring it to blm,isapt to get lelt. But the man who prays for it, anil then gets up nnd goes out to help Iho Lord answer his prayer, will generally get there. ift-Try all of tlio quack nostrums and nllol Iho old women recipes, and then if you want to bo cured of your coughs, colds nod rroup. you may do so by using Jod win's Tar Syiup. 25 (ts and $1 per bottle. Sold ut Thomas' drug store. Our young Iriend, Thomas Reeso of Weatherly, and Miss Lizzie Srlirimshaw, of Beaver Meadow, wcro united in marriage at Srranlon, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Reese have the best wishes of u large circle of friends for their prosperity in the future. Clauss (CBro,, The Tail ors, still have a lew of those justly celebrated 10 suitings on hand ror tho week ending on Dec. 13, 1881, there wus 150,GJ3 Inns of coal shipped oyer the Lehigh Valley Railroad, mnkin tidal of :'Jf,923 tms tn data nnd showing in increase of 40,842 as compared with some time last ear. W Only $10,00 cash for an all-wool Suit at H. II Peters', Post-office building, l.ehighton. It is reported thatnn agent of tho au. tboiilies of Lebanon county, r.i.,"is in tbo vicinity of the Welsh Mountains provided with authority to offer commutation of senlenro to Abo Buzzard, the oullnw, II ho will surrender himself to tho county nil tliorities." Tlio agent has not yet sue cecded in seeing "Abe." SB-If you wish a handsomn book, fancy box stationery or Xniiis and New Year Cards, or nnylhing in tho way of Holiday Goods, for young or old rich or poor, call on E F. Luckciibnch, fil Brondwoy.Mnuch Chunk. His stuck is unsurpassed. Send lor rata logue. Edward King, son of John King, of Easton, aged 15, died .Monday from the clfects of a pistol shot received Sunday night. Ho wus playing with a revolver when it was discharged, tho bullet lodging in the brain. Tiio polico say thero are scores of bays under twenty-ono in that town who habitually carry revolvers Girls to whom nature has denied the witching dimple may comfort themselves Unit these 'nay now bo mado whenever and wherever desirid. Tlio spot is simplv smeared with colorless glue mil Iho flesh pressed in with tho point of a pencil. Tho stiffened indention will retain Us shape un til fracltired by too sudden a emilo or unti tho face is washed. II. Teteis, at th Post-office building, Lehigh' ton, will make vou an all wool suit lor only $10 cash, it you order now. Pennsylvania lias just added another to her already long and valuable list of pro ducts. A bed of rock salt, 62 feet thick hai been discovered at a depth of 1,000 feet in Erie county, and of remarkable purlly Willi tho vast deposits nfroal, iron and oil to which we musl now odd salt, she. Is by fir tho richest of all the States In her un dergmuud wraith. We are sorry tn stale that our esteemed friend, Mr. Lewis Weiss, of town, mei with a severe fall on Tueslay afternoon. lie was taking u bucketful ol coal Into the store lo replenish the fire, when ho slipped nnd fell on his left side, striking upon a storo box, and received severe injury. lie was fin mediately altendod by Dr. Derhamer, and remove I lo hie homo en Northampton S.iect. Clauss & Bro The Tail ors, are making up elegant suitings, in the very latest styles and best workmanship, for $1(5, sold last year for $24. Call and see them. Two brothers named "Hawley have struck a four fool vein of anthracite coal In formation,' which is known as Ilia faulty measures, in Fairniount lownshlp, Luzerne dully, far beyond whut has lierrtnloie been known as tho end of the carboniferous formation. Geologists liaro insisted that the Mammoth or Buck Mountain seam is the bottom onnofthe anthracilo formation in tho Wyoming Volley. While E. T. Sheerer, hlj wife and twelve year-old daughter were returning irom ctnonanuoati 10 meir home near Catawiesa Friday morning, nfler visiting friends at tho former place, their horses rau nway on tho Ringtown Mountain. The occupants of tho carriaga were thrown over a steep and rocky embankment, fulally Injuring Mr. Bhaefer nnd his wife. The little girl escaped with slight injuries. KFrank Leibcnguth. on Bank street, has just received a car load of New York State Apples of tho finest winch ho is selling prices. Call early if you wish to secure first choice. 4w. - -A If amp entered Lewis Fenstermachcr' store, on Lehigh street, Tueslay aftcruoou and tried to make way with a fino ebawl, I clcpedia of exploration, discovery- and ad lilt was caught in the act. Later on the ' ntnro in. all parts of lbe world, and as same fellow was i-lslng a was Irtned up by roliseman nulaanra and Drumbore, A Merky CnniSTMAS to all our readers. Thursday being Christmas day, we is sue tho Advocate two days in advance in order to give our employees an opportun ity to enjoy the day. Ad vertisers and correspondents will please send in their fa vors next week not later than Wednesday forenoon. Miss Mlnulo Peters, daughter of Post muster Peters, of town, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lilies Groo, al Nov York City. Scranlon will occupy Its now post oflico on Saturday. Tho Stato expended during the past year $1,P2,S76 874 for printing, binding, paper slock and materials. An execution has been Issued by Jas. II. Reed, trustee, against F. B. La u elilin, owner of the Rtowartslon furnace, for $00, 000 in accordance with a judgment con fessed last Saturday. Thomas Sylvanus, of Iudlano, claims to be the only Chinaman in this country who served In the army, draws a pension, and votes. lie enlisted in the 81st Regi ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, from Philadelphia. -Odd Fellows' Hall, corner of Main and Scranton street, Sorautou.wos dtstroyed by fire Tuesday morning. The first lloor Wus occupied by Williams Brothers, confection ers, who loso $3,000, covered by Insurance, and 8. M. Reese, hardware, whose loss Is $7,000; insured for $5,500. Tho Amoican Review occupied the second floor. Their loss is total, about $1,000. Tho third floor was used as n public hall. Tho build- ng wan owned by Menrs Brothers. Their less is $13,000; insurance, $10,000. Around Pleasant Corner. Mrs. Kate Nolhslein and her son were visiting friends in Lehigh county last Sun lay. Mr. D. Nolhslein nnd his family were in Lehigh county last week. Mr. C. E. Itedirig, of this place, was out hunting one day las', week and caught a rabbit, and, it is is said, that ho one quart of lard from him. Wo think it must hovo been a mighty big one, tor 1 have caught some to, and did not get moro thou one and one-half ounces of fat from one, Wo ought to stop working aud go hunting rabbits. Mr. Wilson Donor was to Maud Chunk last week. Mr. D M. Mosser was Iho guest of Mr. Wm. Sendel last weak. Joskpii. Squibs. I-rank South nnd wife, of this place wero visiting mends in Blemlersvillo on Monday. We wish one ond all n Honpy New lear. Miss Jeanctln Miller woa visiting rela lives and friends at Sleinlersyillo during tho week. Hiram Miller is kept busy building a now addition to his residence which will improve it considerably. Jucob lustier and sister spent last Sun day with friends at Mauch Chunk. Charles Lohien, of Manch Chunk passed through the Valley on last Monday and called un Amandus Kistler. C. E. Arnrr, tbo teacher of the Lower Mohonlnlug rchool, hud a very fiue Bleigli ride on lost Mounay evening, D-iau. Lower Towamenslng, , A quiltiug party came off nt the Teal dence of Benjnmin Bloseone diy last week tho lady folks of tho vicinity deliahlcd thcinselaes in a social chat. -George Ramaly is engaged on Smith's saw mill. One Ihing needful A new school house nt Firo Line. Children ore com plaining of tho cold experienced during school hours; Iho directors should remedy this. Sylvester Snyder, of Franklin lowr snlp,' visited tho Firo Line school recently. Stephen Lenlz lost a valuable cow ly death last Sunday n week ago. Quito u number of people atteuded ll.o ox roast last week al Millport. Levi Harlenian.proprictor of Bowman's Hotel raised a new sign in front of his ho tel last-Tuesday a week ago. In the oven ing n social hop was tho cutertaininent. A shooting match took place last Sat unlay at Fro I Wlsler's for turkeys, there was a rafilo In the ovenlng. Who were tho lucky ones we are unablo to say. Cox. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for In the Packorton Post.Offlce, Deo. Mod, 18'4t llofliuan, ft. L., Hupp, Robert Kemerer, Nathan R.ilclill', D II., Kuiiklc, Jacob Seebarger, Kuspcr LaRnse, Thomas Serfass, John Oiewmo, Wm. (2) Woodruir. L. D., ltehng. Jonas Wilt in, Sam'l. Persons cnlllnjr, for any of the above letters will please say '.advertised," A. .McIUKmr,, asi't P. M. Ftts Hero Too I The Cre.lrd Buttt, (Col.) Gaictte touches up delinquents thttsly : "Parlies Indebted to us for subscriptions lo tho Gazette are re quested tn pay Up ut once. It costs money to run a piper, henceforth glory and I will payyou-when I-gct money don't go, Long ugo wo cut offall dead heads, now we in tend to tackle the dead-beats and proioto to black-list every man to whom we haye sent bills without receiving any response If you don't want tho paper pay un and we will discontinue sending it. This es tablishment is not run on n glory basis. This fits our rase exactly, uod we trust that thotb who owe for the Apvocatk will tuko the hint. A School Soya's Traslc Death Considerable excitement was manifested in Nnnticoke Monday morning over tlia droth of James Shea, aged seven years. It is alleged that Miss Brader, a teacher in one of tbe pnblic schools there, while in passion recently, threw the child down stairs, mulcting such Injuries as lo cause his death. This is denied br tbe teach and her friends, who claim that the child fell accidentally The Coroner will make a thorough examination, Miss Brader is now seriously ill, the result of tho shock sustained by the unexpected death of tbe scholar. THE WORLD'S WONDERS. As seen by tbe Great Tropical and Polar Explorers," la the title of a new and yalu able boox Just published by tbe Historical Publishing Co. Its object is to "place within the reach of all, in one elegant,fine ly illustrated volume, all the achievements, discoveries, travels, and adventures of the phenomena and curiosities." publishers olaiiu that It is a complete encv- such it must possess very great Interest for all classes f readers. Bee advertisement elsewhere, Quality, t hingioojthe earth; ol strange countries and al-Very 10W anii reptiles, and the world's ertat natural . I rn.-M. oi nf-nmei ni riirinii. an mi i. iiir.f. It possesses u'luillnual interest In an oinclal history or I "Talks' explain the Cow's w ,i S. i 7 ,,l,,uu.,D;"re'i0',n"! 'Milk." and the wavs nf slandard merit end ereat Interest. The I ,r' Coryell discrlbes"A Llvin Walking Four Squares With His Throat Cut. Eugcno Dnnnmoto, an Italian, living at Sleurmcrvlllc, Luzerno county, comrf.ilted suicide on Sunday night. Ha returned to his boarding house cast down In spirits early In tho evening. Taking a large butcher knlle from n drawer ho drew it across his throat, Inflicting n terrible gash. Then ho rushed .out ol the house and run down tlio road toward Wyoming. When about two squares away from his houss ho took a razor from his pocket severed an artery In his right arm. A party of friends started out in search of lilm with miners' lamps and trailed his blood for about four squares, when tbey found his prostrate form. Killed in n Mine. A falnl occldeut occurred In the Rarnum shaft, near Pittston, Monday. A number of men wcro employed In making repairs and improving the ventilation. Consider able gas had accumulated over Sunday and the mine appeared to be more gassy then ever before; A nakad light came In con tact with tho gas and an explosion followed. Patrick Eagon was Instantly killed and Andrew McMillan and Jefferson Yandlo were injured, Tho former was blown against the chamber wall and serlou'ly hurt Internally, while tho latter was partially covered up by tho masonry of the wall Iba t was blown down bv tho concussion, but tnirneulously escaped serlotu injury. He drew himself out from under the (alien stone, leaving his bonis sticking in the debris. Lagan was quite ac old man and loaves several children to mourn their loss, his wile having died some years ago. An 805,000 Judgment. In Court of Common Pleas No. 4, Phlla delphia, Saturday, Judge Thavcr entered judgment for $81)5,000 In favor of tho Dan ville, Huslelon nnd Wllkosbarre Railroad Company against Simon P. Kose. The litigatiou iu this suit has been pending for years, each party claiming that tho other owed about $500,000. Tho dispulo arose nut of Colonel Kaso's management of tho finances of the road, and was finally re fcrred to George Junkin, as master, who reported in favor of the company and de ciilcil that the Colonel owed about $800,000. Judge Thayer dismissed the excoptiens to this report, remarking that ''nllhough Iho papers in this case are exceedingly vol uminqus, the printed documents alone cov ering more than 1500 pages. It is neither complicated In its nature nor obscuro in its facts. The question for adjudicatiou con corn the measure of responsibility which is lo be applied. to an cfliccr of on incorpor aled company who assumed the control of its affairs and the management of iti prop crty. After a long, laborious and careful investigation of tho caso we nre unable to see that tho master has committed any error in tho finding ot the facts or tho up plication ol the rules ol law rinsing upon them, nnd a minute examination of the ac count between the company and Iho de. fetidant by the master has failed to con. vince us that ho has done any injustice to Iho latter. Under these circumstances it is unnecessary for us lo multiply wnidt, logo again over the ground which Iho master bus so carefully trodden, or to heap up ar gumcnts nnd authorities lo sustain the conclusions which he has reached, and which he malnlains with so much ability and learning." Nature's Monument. Let me toll you how to build a menu mcnlof nature. Tress the earth into a soli tquaro. This forms the fnunJatlon stone upon which th" whole structure is to rest Hollow out the upper surface of this block Into this hullow let tho calm Pacific, tbo boisterous Atlantic, the Arctic and tlio Ant. arctic, all riyers, gulfs, lakes aud all sea: flow unil let God hold this square cup in his hand. 1, Mineral Kingdom. Cut down earth's timber. Place pnsUall around Iho edge of this cup j twino ivy around 11 posts. Let the wuler-crcss slip its life into this great basin; let evergreen fsstoouin beoutify this citadel of nature. Tie th Ihwers and (lower buds Into circular bo quels, and with them button tho ends ol i festooning together. Saw logs into p'nnks run heavy beams across from north t south nnd from east to west. Put th p'anks on this frame work supported by earth's massive timber. 2, Vegetable King dom. Then looking at all the fishes that leap ond frolic in Iho watery basin below Lead upon this platfor.n ono animil after another until you can fay behold the (3) Auimal Kingdom, Build n second plat lorm over the first, and having placed ma upon it, high nbove rocks and earth, abov plant and (lower, aboyo fish and bird, nbove beast ond nniuiul, above tho monkey the orang-outang, abovo all above every. thing, say unto lilm : Thou art a world on a world. Thou art the laid cl nature, th crown of creation, the image of God, the beautiful cap stone of '.ho Monument of Nature. 4, Msu Kingdom. Maccii Chunk December 22, 1884. The American Agriculturist for Jan. 1885 Briqut, BkIsk and Bkacticui, is th American Agnculluriit for January. Th Forty fourth volume opens with mora tho tbo usual fullness and freshness, and is in diratiye of renewed vigor in this long es tablisbcd authority on all nutters psrtain Ing to Iho farm, garden, and household Upwards of a hundrei fins engravings b several noted aitisls, as Cary, Bennett, Fol aotn and Giles adorn tho pijes and explai the carefully prepared articles upon a wid raiigaof importnntsubjects. Joseph Harris "Walks and Talks" Irom tho West -Col Weld is "Among the Farmers" D Thurbcr.A. S. Fuller.Dr. Halsted.Dr. Slad and u ecore of oilier well known writers a represented by their best efforts. "One of Now York's Breathing riaees," Is a charm ing iptc'men of engraving, and illustrates line of the minor parks "Remodeling Barn," "Plan for a Convenient Kitben "Exterior nnd Interior of a Western Cattle Ranch," a "Cheap Poultry House," and "Good Smoke House," sire tbe usual num ber and variety of farm buildings Im provement In a Well Curb, Mouse Traps Garden Fences, A Harness Holdcri Blop Trap, elc., aro among tbo useful farm appll ances Illustrated descriptions of "Showy l'igeons,-"!5uetlaud Follies," 'Silver-Gray Uoubits,', etc., are of general inlercst The Household Department, shows how make a "icrap-Bassetj" a "Foot Warmer a "Tea pot Oosey," a "Remodeled Looking Glass," a "Clock Panel," a "Ristio Screen) has hints on Cooking Apples, and nth useful and timely matters The Boys and Olrls hare a touching story, "Old Red Spl fire," beautifully illustrated. The Doctor loot in tbe Water Beellos g Boat," elc. riica, $1.50 per year; single copy J cts Address Publishers of the Am. Aariculluritt, Til Brolway.N.wVork. The Am. Aqri cu.'u' and CiaBon Auvooati toMiher en. war fa, on!, 10 fc ' W en, yur lor only jj.ig. wwfmjms.'a.l.jy a Aw ii'jmju.lj.usqlJW Mr. Cowon Not Sistuibed. A Philadelphia despatch of tho 22nd Inst, says. Wharton Barker is Iho leading spirit among those of the Philadelphia and Reading general ranrtgnge bondholders who havo started a movement In Philadelphia 1th tho professed purpose of foreclosure proceedings. The movement noes not arm Iho Reading stockholders. As n. latter of fact, tlif general mortgage bond. holders have been much better taken care f under the present than under the form er receivership, During tho first receiver shin tbo Interest was always In default from three to tlx months. Since the pre.'oii ecelvers Wore appointed the eiupona on the general mortgage bonds havo been promptly provided for. So far as tho sink ing fund is concerned, the s.iuio slato of Hairs exists that has existed for many years. Although tho men engaged in tho pres- nt movement announco that they will aye nothing to do with Iho plan ol reorgnl- zallon troposed by Mr. Gowen, that gentle man does not appear to be much disturbed. He does not apprehend any real danger ol foreclosure, nnd ho does not believe thai ny very great number of men having any peculnary interest in tho Reading Railroad wish to sco that great property sacrificed, with rights and franchises that could never ba renewed. Moreover, tho properly Is In tlio hands of Iho United States, and no hostile proceedings can be taken without the consent of the Court, wbilo the Court will undoubtedly respect tho rights of nil the parties. IU action in the past 13 suffici ent assurance that it will not allow the property to bo needlessly sacrificed, but will so manage it as to protect tbo rlgihts nnd interests of oil. This disposition ou tbo part of tbe Court has been sbowu In the matter ol tho suit brouzht lo compel the sale at ruinously low prices of tho collaterals deposited to socuro the adjustment scrip. Wheiuer lorcclosuro proceedings are taken or not, it is quite suro that the men engaged In tho present proceedings will make an effort to hovoMr. Joseph Wharton appointed receiver nf thc Reading Company in iilaco of Edwin M. Lewis, deceased. Mr. Wharton's appointment will bo asked as tho representative of tho interests of the morlgogo bondhtldcrs. Mr. Gowen and his friends believe that the company is in a belter condition now than it has been for noycral years, and that the coming year will ho a yery prosperous one for tho com pany, A leading stockholder nnd bond holder said on Saturday that, Willi periodi cal stoppages done away with, Iho company would during the coming year earn all its fixed charges and something oyer for the stockholders. Tho Philadelphia Wookly-Press Excels in alt tho elements oi n first-class general and family weekly newspaper. It is especially adapted to tho wauls of all who desire a concise nud comprehensive presentation of tho news of tlio day with nlercsling and instructiye reading for the homo ond fireside. Its agricultural and louschold departments aro among Iho best anywhere printed, and good stories.graphfc correspondence und choico miscellany coin- plelea Daper wlilch-is unsurpassed, il lustrated spcc'.al articles on live topics will be a prominent leatura of the coming year. Obituary. James Boyle, who hod resided In Ilonoy Brook during tho past tweuty two years, died at that place Monday morning, after an illness lasting several months. Mr. Boyle was well and lavorably known on the South Side, haying worked in Iho mines at Jeanesville thirty years ago, from which placo bo removed to Honey Brook. H was aged about seventy two years and was a highly respected citizen. Mrs. Mary Connor died Monday mom ing at Liurytown She lived in Jeanes ville lor upwards of twenty-fiyo years, whence she removed to Lauryton. Sho was tho mother of Mrs. Maria McLaughlin and John Connor, of libarvalo. Hazleton JVat'n5iCBir. A remedy that can destroy tho germs of scrofula, and when once settled has the pow- cr to root It out, must lo appreciated by thoso ntfllctcd. Tlio rcmaikable etnes of young children and tho moro wondei f ul cures ot thoso of middle age and lato in lire, as it. lustratod by our printed testimonials, provo Hood's SAr-sAr-ntiLiA to be n reliable icm cdy, containing remedial agents which do poilth clycuro scrofula and eradicate It from tho blood. WarvoTn. n.. Jan. SI. 1873. Messrs. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.! Gentlemen For ten yens previous to tho cany pare oi m.r i uau uccn a constant sui fercrliomsciofulousulccis or sores, which h-ifl nimllvt-nrtnepil mo tn nhctoless ccndl- tlon, ns described in my letter to you In Sep tember of that year. Tlio continued excel- jen& ncaiiii v. men cnauics juu in i-i-i-ii ituusu ler my aged father nnd to enjoy life, keeps allvemy lntenso pciaonal Interest m Iloou'a KinaAi.imr.r.Annrl I ennnot rofiatn fiom ex pressing my cratittide for tho permanent rnvn tM wonderful mcdicllio effected in rav caso nearly two years ago, vhllo living In Lowell, wlicn ait my pnysicians nave ine up as being In nn Incurablo condition. Ono thing before 1 close. I havo lccoimncnded yourSarsaparllla to hundreds, and I think moro than a thousand cases, and my f altli In Its Invincibility In curing sciofuln, has be como absolute by the wonderful cures It has rffe-pfprt nsldn from lnv own. I trust VOU will not bo slow In making tho mciltsol Hood's Sahs.uU1ii.i.a known everywhere, for It Is a duty you owo to mankind. Utn best wishes 1 remain very truly yours, SARAH C. WH1TTIER. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Is a sltllfully-rreparcd compound, concert tratcd extract, ly a proccts jKadtartu-eur oini, of tho best remedies of tlio vegctawa liingdomknowntoincdlcal science as altera tives, blood-purifiers, diuretics, nnd tonics, Sold by all druggists, rrlec fl.erslx for S. C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. TTtr A TCTT'TlTi'1 "rrca entatlveof W XXVi X J-ii-f KOHiit nddruss to travel A rp "TvTr"TT! throusth uamon cunn- U.LO.EltT Wlt,h ViLBADiB w-ontcs ron bpkciai, i.lajsld or MEir axd muchamics who unuerstanu ana need them, i;lrlni; their orders at sight; profits liberal, easy and quick; ran rtltr te Kentlemen clearing $25 to (60 a week who ar pleased with the work; only 410 capital i nulraJ: write for particulars If you moan i-jirl. nets; trlre aiie, trade or previous employ- ineui Hnu reicrcncc i Aiiuor, rainier K (Jo , VanJerbllt Ave., New Voik,. I P. BOYER, Parryrille, Carbon Co., Pn. Reiptctfully announces that he wilt have constantly on hand a large drove cf etielea BREEDS OF SIIOATS, which he will dispose of at Very LOWEST MARKET PltlUEM. Me Invites an Inipeo- tlon of his stock before you purehaio else I """' ALSO' i 1 prepared lealter sud attend to disrates Pflfs ,1.11 Uins. T. P. BOVEH. e; ll i!(' 33100 3P333a atOlTTft MAD33 A.T aH3T,T.X2STGh OBLE DEEDS, or tub QR-gJlf Of many ao,ei and nations. Portrayed by 100 Great Writers. .. ifVim Introduction by AV." Jltrhtrt tY. Morris, D. D. Just Issued. AXI A tnagnifctnt JMiday Book. IIIUIiKS and 1'iIUTUUIlAI'll ALHUJIS in crest variety oi sivies. lisneciallv ndatitcd for Hcdidav sales. Remarkably low prices. Liberal Discounts. Extra Terms. Address, II. h. WAlinUN & CO., 1117 Chestnut St., Plilladclpliln. POP HAM'S '10 ASTHMA SPECIFIC FOR THE CURE OF ASTHMA.UJ15SJ r.jlablWicil 18GD. Trial PaokoRo Free. T. IVnhnm On . Pronrletnrfl. IMillJoluhlA. tlon If j'tui havo OIIDcuU bro.ithlntc fmm A si lima, liny tVver, or Olirnnlc Hr-jnchltll. Jl U a ploav.nit InhiillnK remodr Kolnx ut onoe loth? ROtit uf thcilUvaist removing th mnctif i.r plilcm. rcl.ixlntf tho tlluneei ot tho dies', rmnotlvitt cxp9ctorttloti nnU giving ImtneUlrU Hni pusiiive ieuei m every caso, ruiuiun jrgo uuxct nun um ey 4-, u jLttotnn Bring in yonr Job Work. New Advertisements. JOSEPH SAVITZ, . Bool: and; Shoe Maker, Opposlto OLAUSS & IIRO'3, Bank Stroot, Lchighton. Repairing neatly done at low prices. Patronago solicited. Oct. S3, tuS. uSl sheets ot good note paper and S3 envelopes for 10 conta ot tho Novelty Storo rjext door to Iho Advocjtb Office. T. J. BltBTNEY, Reeneetfully announces to tho merchants of LehlKhion and others that he ll prepared to do all kluds of Hauling of Freight, Express Matter and Baggage at very reasonable prices. By prompt nt tcntion to nil orders ho hopes to merit a share ol public patronage, ltcsldence, comer of Plus and Iron Street, I.elilgtiton, I'.v Orders lor hauling loft at (). M. isweeny it Ron's Storo will reculre prompt attention. Oct. 12, ISSt-Sm. mnt V nrinnlitp Ultanlf Iu naa fiTlCOrinf. f itrr-oi-l , j (niant Inn a ft 11(1 1 ever piiljliflheij. Kvery number illustrated with Bplennkl rnjrravirTjra. This publication, fumibhei a moat valuable encyclopedia of information which no person ehiald ht without. Tho popularity of Iho Scicsnrio Amfwcan is finch that its cir culation nrnf!v ruin la that, of nil ftiTifr rtnnffrn nf IU clflpa corabinfd. l'rico, fr3.20ayenr. lliscount i. Vis1' t3nil bT ft" newsdealers, uuria a uu., i-umisiicrs, no. est JJroaaway, K. x. ATENTS. M?onhad5htrtaJ- WMil'uBsl'smrJTHsMjsHl nrnrlicn liaforft teven veora' pracitco btjforo I ihi TVit-pnt Oflico. and havo nrennrcd liiorolhan One Hundred Thpuij ' nnd applioationa for patents in tno United atatss nnd foreien countries, fiavnats. Trade-Marks, Copjrichts, Ecurins to invsntora thir ricnts n tho United Gtfttei, Canada, England, Irance, Germany and other foreign countries, pre pared at filiort notice and on reasonable term?, rnrnrmntmn nit to obtainin natenta cneer- thtoush Munn & Co. urfl noticed in tho Bcientifio wel u ndcrat oo'd Vy all persona who wish to dl&poso of their t'atsnt". j i '.7- iTTrJ A Pi iKircwc-iN, 231 L'roadv.ay, Herf Yort. DAN2E3L Cavriagcs,Wan;onB,Slciglis, &c co r.n en or 1SAXK AXU IRON STREETS, LEHIUUTON, Pihka,, Particular attention glvon to EEPAIRIITCt In all Its details, at the very Lowest Prices. Patronaso respectfully solicited and per feet satisfaction Kuaranteed. - Jan. If. 8 ly. DAN. WlEArfH, For Bargains in. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Carpets, Silverware, Queensware, Grocoriec, 40., QO T6 E. H. Snyder's Bank St , LebJshton. May 10, ISM- 1 1 motntl5for LIVE CANVAS SERS. Orandest Combination Offers ever made Wo main It I That model Family paper Tiic HearteiiB Farm aui Watu n. Is the Cleanest, Handsomest, Turest Month. !y In Ami-rlcn. Ably covers the Important tuljeets pf llomcstlo and Economy, AKrlculture. Live Stock. Eduratlon. Cur rent Events, Hygiene, &e Largest and ablest slnlt of editors and contributors. For Scents to nay actual return no .lest slnil oreuitors ami conirinuiors. For 8 cents to pay actual return postnuo send samnle and full nartleularr, show. wo send sample and full particulars, show, inir vnu li.w to make a fortune bv renresent. ok you hsw to make a fortune by represent. Ing our Interests In connection with tho linner and Its preinlnins, those marvelous little volumes, '111E POOKET MANUAL. 'IQDinB Within," Nos. 1, 'J, 3 and 4, and the great book or tho century, tbo American Home anil Farm Cyclopedia, Thopaekaeo mailed and attention Riven evuryappllcant who answers this ndvertlso Went, costs usllc , so we askyou to Klve us your name, adilrecs, aae, kuslness exwrlence If any. and name relerence. If you aro al. reaity settled In buslniss send us the names uf two or mote koo.1 iitEenls, and In return we will tend you the paper:! month'. Wrltant once. W. 11 THOMPSON ft. t!0.. Publish, era. 40 Aveh Street, Philadelphia, Pa, Oei.-r,tl TRACH'S academy And Commercial School. A Hoarding and Pay School for Younir Men and l.aille. l'reares for oollejre. for teaching, ami lor business. A full corns f iperl .need teachers. I'harjrei Iteuonalde. ltiferences : Faculty of l alayette flolleee; Uuktnosii nlen ul Latino, Pa . and oihcr .u irons. Full H.isl.m ns Jnp; 8th Stu. lent, may eutur any time. Sod for cala. ituirun tu It 14 TKHt'H- Pro. Eatloii, Pa. Fltise meatlca this paptr. j ! GFFiGESs Also magniheent FAJllliX AGENTS WAXTLl). h IK3TA'TLY RELISTED. Tin not fall to Irv thU snlendldlr1cr ervB-Ufs and Vigor This cut abon tUu Howard Electric AND Magnetic HbifSit aa applied overVhu Kid no and Nervj-vltol centers. Trie- rnly e j'llarjcu n;i,o I....'. Tits cverj pan -f tho iMXtT. Slid tVi only one newled to roMTIVElY IVI-I Kidney IUcii-o It lieu UllltlMi,, l y p a p k I x , the worst cuee or Seminal Woulc ni'i, Kxliuui tloil, liuiiutrti c)', nnd all 1I -eale and Wen ti ncAMOf Iho Urli.'S Genital Orui.i , OF THE Patented Feb. S5, 1879. VOCNU JIIIN, from cany Indtjcrctlot', i cS nerve force and fall to attain strength. MIDDLE-AGED MEN often lack Igor, ettribU Ing it to tho progress of years. The MOTHER, WirE nnd MAID, aufferinitf nmi Fcmalo Weaknvea, Ncrvoua Debility and Un.-r id... mcnts, will find it the only cure. To one nnd all wo e ay that tho Shield glees n nut-, ural aid In a natural nav WITHOUT DKVUmKCi TUB STOMACH. Wnrrnntcrt Ono Vunr, mill, liio.cnt nppllmico nindc. Illustrated ramphlet. THREE TYPES OF MKN, alto Pamphlet for Ladlrx only, sent orr receipt tf Co, scaled; unsealed, FREE. American Galvanic Co., 1103 Chestnut Sin Plitlru The Winter Resort, XMkWM SODiHERHEEJ In MOOIIK COUNTY. NTttOAROLIf A. (Not New Jjrsoj). Is on the most elevated point of tho Tons leaf. j Plnoppctlon In tho South. Frea from trjr malarial influence. Tho atiroiosphtie la, highly charted with ozono from the almmt, boundless plies. Smd for work oa "The Pines," written by a physician who has made tho lung disease a 11 to study. It gives a ( history of this section, SeuVhenFlperandi many hints which will be of Interest la : Rheumatics nnd Consumptives.. V Hill. send a few thousand copies free oj cost t, ! thoso applying durtug the next few mpath Wodosire lo enrrtspond with phjrWaRs,a4 will make It to their Interest to, write to, us. consuHPnyfi-a aud rheumatics: WH? SUFFER ? When yon can find relief and pleasure by spsndlnga month crtno aa, tbt summit or tho celebrated long, loaf pine region. the South. Very low rates of board will bo charged by tho hotel and boarding houses during tk. wlnteroflWI, and tho State Iuimlxretlon Department has arranged) that persons on their fl,rt visit cau secure round-trip, Ukti, from Boston, Now York anft llaltlmnia at; very low rates, Addresa, OEO. U. PATTERSON, Itestdent Ma, hgerw Manly P..O., Monro Oo.NtO Stato of North Carolina,; AailIOUl.TUBAI. DEPARTMENT. Kalviou, N. C.. Jane 29th, ISM. To tho People oCtti Korttera, Xow Ens; land and No th Western States: It Is wills, deep rcsrot wo leara of the heavy loss ye sustained ly the frosts nnd lee Weriiniaur, Thursday aadTrlday nlphts, May JWh.SSth and SOtb. As usual our State, NoitTir Cakouna, EscArcs. Oar tobaeeo plants a re unhurt and grawfng ateely. tlrnln anititra, crops ara'varv fine, NodaiuaKO whiitever done to mostdelloatt vevctanies ani iriius. Wo are very dr sirens of having- tha aia.x mousiinug oi ucresoi unnceupieu una .iia with and cultlrateJ l.y Northern larners.and wo can ofli-r ou a eltuiata exemvt Irani lat and early tnt. North Carolina I,' wlihlo nftetn boars rMo nf New York. The vast resources or IU Stato will U exhibited In this city at tha (liaml State Exposition Oetobai UttoSSjth. 84. It Is inv duty and pleasure lo tarn'sh Infer nation to percons seeking boons la tbeStata Very Ecspectfully, Jno. T. Patrick, Slate Agofey JmmlsirUln. WJL M VfZ WANT 1000 more BOOK AOEHTS for tho grandest and fastest stiller took ever yubllsbed, OUR FAMOUS WOMEN. This Is an entirely new and original worlt lust published, and Is th. joint produ.itq. of 20 or our grratest ltrlnic authors. Ineludlnv Elisabeth Stuart Phelrx. Jtoso Terry V,1,, Harriet Prescott Spoflord, Marlon Harl.nn. Mary A. Llvtrmore, Hnrrlet lieseher Klow, EoulsaOhandler Mnulton, Mary IHemuri, I.uey tearoom, nd It othscwoll known .a, thors. ThesBTWiXTT dlsitngnlsbeU wrltr here Rlvo forth, urst ttuio, theenmnlet. his tory of the Lives and Heeds of H) f.iu-o. American women, most of whom ar. now U log. whose lives have never heror. been wrl ten. and Ibey tell how they havu woo their wav from ohscurlty lo lame and adorr, Thrllllriir Iniercat, Ttomaiitlo- mrjt Spifv lluinnr and Tender Path6s. thliyraa.t hn- is without a peer. T4 CArltfion Adwlt snys i This splendid book certainly Is on. nf ill. very nest acu vnvivtt .uigrii'iinn-rnn wo have eter seen." It Is splendidly illus trated with full paa. cnicravlnic henee, mauv superb iortraits from special phutu. (trapbs. AGENTS WANTED ! AOENTSI This strand hook l now nt. reilliiK all others 10 to 1 Ministers, KrW-rt, (lfltlcs. etn, unauallnedlyenilors. it and w n 11 Godspeed. k have many; ladjrvacn s who hive sold ovsriro InJfylr reijeei v louo'hlir. W. want a few tcftoq .kfnis men ana woim-n in inis viomitr al w We I.Itiu J erinl ond Jmy ffClyht- Now It Hie Htm- Iu make in.m y ra.Oae er, lrt. iiiilnir special Terms, l-xt aalt s- saut fre. Oorretpobdeneetnvued Ad4rv4 A n WOUTHIVOTliV ott nsi lin ylarif ird ' 'wc 6 TO If it cJlI-JLalUj iti Prlk VI