Advertising Rates, Wo desire t to be distinctly undertloo The Carbon Aclvocan An Independent Kamilv Ncwsi,er Fub)ishi every . ATURDAY, tu Lchighton, Carbon Co., Pa., by HAititY v. inoit'rinjsru. omiH-IiA.'fK.WAV. a short dlstoure ht I lie. Lehigh Valley It. II. Depot. Terms: $1,00 iierAnnnm in Advance rviMir DKerrurtloS or tLMn as.d rastr fTob J? rin. tine: AT VKHT LOW PRICKS rut iiift aWeTlisirionUi Will be inserted lu the columns ot Tim Oahbor AbVoOATE Hint May1 bo received from unknown parties or terms unless nooonipanieu uy tne tusn Tho following ae our only terms! j.NK SOUAnjc (ill) LIKES), Ono year, f-dr-li JhScryonr 10 lets, Six month, oscli Insertion .Sclsi. Three Mireo MOblliseach insertion .1 20 cte, LT.Vt" jroHTHnrKR, Jun'r, Publisher. ttf T, fr INDEPENDENT Live and Let Live." Sl'.OO a Yenv if Pnid hrAdviuice. Less than tlirco months, first Insertion il 1 each subsequent Insertion 25 tts. Locifdi6tiocs 1 a . fonts rcr line. VO'L. 3tIL, No 52. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATUJRDAiT, NOVEMBER 15, '1881.' If not paid in advance, 1.25 11. V. .MoKTiilMnn.jr., riiDiisncr, Attorneys it Counsellors. Ty- m. itAi'snri:, A,T f'OltNHY AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW V r . l.AflK 9TB SET 1 I.EillUUTU, Hi , ind 'Bell ltml Kstste. Oohveyiinc'ini; aestly J011 Co' telions promraiv msoe. neiiun jimmi,. i w .dints a epi-elslty. May be consulted In Kn,dl, dOrmn. Nov, 22. TJ A. iSNYDEIt, ATTOKNLY AT LAW. Orricc-eorncrof Hank Street & HnnUway 2nd building ubovo tlio Oarbon Advocate PrlntiriKumeo. May 10, 1833-U16 LHlliaHTON, Physicians and Dentists. t TS". w. iinnu PHYSIOIA ANIJ 8UKOE0N. HANK STKELT, LUHHIHTON. OFF10E Hours at Parryvlllo From a.m., to 12 111, dally. ilay'btj consultodln tho English or Gorman LnnsuaKO. May 17, 'Hi. A. DEUHAMim, 31 r l P ... PHYSICIAN AND SUKUKUN 8pecll ntcntlori paid to Chronic Plsens,,. Office: Soulh Uatt corner Iron and ana sts.fLe blghton,.- Aprils, 1875. jyj- u. 'ni;m:it, n. u. V. S. Kxrtmlnlnit Surpcnn. rnAOTICI.MO I'll VblOIAN nnd SU I'.OIJON, Otricsr UaukSticct. imnEtt'f, ilLOCK. Loniali ton, Tn, 1 , , , liny bd consulted in thoacrnvm LniiRunKe. JJnv. 3(. REMOVED. W. G, M. Seiple, lysiciau I Simccii, slas Removed lilsOIIlco nml ltesldcnee from Bcoond fit. b SOUTH Slreor.ln tho bulldlnif forinorly occupied by A. J., where ho will bo pleated to.sco his Irlcnds and natrons, air ui tiui iimutr,; iroiu 0 to 9 o'clock P. M. Mnrcb 31.1SS3. W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., OrriOE : Opposite the "iirnadway House," Mauch Chunk, Pa. Patleets h ivo the benefit of tlio latest Im prorements In mipllancea and the keit noth'i.l' nrtreatmcnt In nil suri; ases. ANuHSTIIUTIU ndnilnlstcrid II aejlrert. If posilble, porsons rcshllnR ontslile or Maiah Ukuulc, f lioul.l m.iko cngucinents ky Mall. tVS vl c ARSON HOUSE, J. W., PnOI'RIETIJIt, Hank .St., LiHiiicihton, 1'a. The OA.tnoN Hons is oilers first-class necom modatlnns tu ll.o Traro'.lnir public, lionr.llnv by the Kay or Wcok-n Hcason.iblo Tonus. Uaolee Olu;.ir, Wlnua and l.lnuors nlwn.von bane1. iloil .She. Is nud Stalilos. with nlten tlve llostlors, attache 1. April 10-yl, -pACKKUTON IIOir.1.. ilHway between M iuch OliunU & I.ehlzhton LEOPOLD MEYE1!, l'norntKTon, I'aekerlon, l'enn'a. This well ltnnwn hotel Is admirably refitted, and h is tho best acciitnuiudat Ions lor iH-rmnn-entand transient Kxeollont iaWe and tho very best liquors. Also tlno stables attached. SeytlO-yl Mauch Chunk House, Semuelianna Stroct, Mauch Chunk, l'cnuj., T. T. FEIIIE, I'roprlclor. When vlsltlnir nt tho County Sent this Kttol wilt found to ho llrst-class in wary re-i-jiect. Wlr.ts, litquorf, I.ncr Iiccr. t MijurR auti thor Kefrcplimt-nts of purest quality ut tk Uar. Teriua Tory uioderiita, r,itrinai;c Kilted. Ser. 'Zl, 186:t Boer Saloon and Restaurant, 1143 Vine St., Philadelphia. Dennis Gilbert, Proprietor. The far Is funrlshcd with chnlco Ola-ars, Fresh Laer, and other rerresliiuonls. Per sees Irem tho Lehlxh Valley vIsltliiK l'lilla rfelpkla are respcctlully Invited to nlvo 1110 a all. IlliNNlB Uiliikiit. U arid I, l'Jt-tf. Livery & Sale Stables UANIt STIlIClCT.LlSllKillTON, ln FAST TROTTING HOUSES, ELEUA.MT CAimiAQES, nd osltiTelr LOWIIII Pllicns than any otber Livory lu tbo Co anty. Larste and handsoino Carriages for Funeral pariesss Wedalnss. 11AVI 1) UllllKltT Iter. M. 1S7J. MM ItAUDENBUSH Jteiaectfnlly annonnees In tbo public that ho kal eaenedn NEW LIVEliY STA1ILE lu e.aae.tloa with his hotel, and Is prepared to faralsk Trans for Fmerals WedAlnss or Bnsiuess Trips 01 shertrit notice and most llbcralterms. All oreers left at tho "Oarbon House" will receive Br.aiet atteatlon. Stable on North Street. aeit tke kotel, Lehlihton, lau'.-i-yl PATENT AUiJJlUi egn Patents No. 700 Scv. eatk Street, enr, O, opp. IJ s. Patent odleo, Washlncton, V. (). Correspondence solicited. No ekarge for advice. No feo charited un. less Patent Is allowed, lteferenrcs. Lewis Jekaioafc Oa., llanliers, an. J'ostmniter, WasklaiteD, 11. U. Pauiphlets of Instruo Hops free. mayll 81. rv-OLlN TON imErNKY.Iashlonablo i13 Hoot and Siiok Makkk, Hank St.. ; .ebuhton. All work warranted. .ml fllnima A i.itolal.v n . . . iiiwiiiiAii 'i,it i (f lu ii'r, HS and all kinds of L AM) SCItll'T bouulit aqd slid. Llre Stool;, and Hlxbe'st Prloes pld. Do you want lo sell or buy? If so. write to A, A. THOMAS. Attorney nt Law W.ahlnvtnn Tl II ' . - ' .... " . ... inn. i-ii o A PRIZE Hetvt do, (urpaftai:, mdi ro . - whivii w.u uiMi you in more inum'T , T f "iinif uo in iuii orM. t',nf either ei( iuroeo-t from flnt liBttr Th broatt way to fortuna opasi l foro I ha worker, ahiolutely fura. At onao pdilrei'. Tunc Otft. PorlUnJ, fo. if mm. j. w. Thomas'4Drufj Store. Q 5? tH3s Catarrh ISLY'8 Cream Balm 0 a u s c h no SM5lianlcllrr.t on. s ico T h o r o it g !i Tr oat in cut nlHc re. Nut tSS!Wa J'I,1!'i,, '"' !fl&JP Minir. Apply lltn ttnsf i-ila. HAY-lfEWERuiiintri.if f.0 cent at DruirKlsl'. 01 cents by mail reels. lered. Send lor eireubir, Sau.plo by m.ill 10 CCIltS, FLY lllill I'll HI!, llr.iKlrtF. decl!2-yl J- CONVEVANflKi:. AND GENERAL INSURANCE AOENT The followlua Compinleaaro Uoptesanled; UEllA )N MUTUAL I'lISD. IllCADIU MUTUAL 1'inE. WY051INO rir.E. rorrsviLLE nun, LIHUClli Pffin. Riidtho TRAVELERS AUOIDLNT INh'UJt ANllP. Also renni.ilr.inH and .Muluil llo.-o -liilet elec'lvecnd HiMiraiuo Coiupauy. Maicilll.lSTJ T110S. KKM Lit lilt. HflT T ror IhoworUlnir class. Send mill lf"r 10-"ko, amine will mall uuuur, royal, valunhlo boxuf sn 10 cts II you mi mitt.. KOOds that will lint 0U In tho wnvnrmnl.1,,,. more money In a row days ilnin you over tboiiKlit possible nt any business. Capital not required. Wo will slart ynu. You can work all tbo tlmoor In si.aro time unit-. 'I In, work Is universally niliiitf.i tn iti, . yuunit nnd old. You enii ensllv earn In.m M cenls every urenlnir. That all lu want work may lest the business, we mnko this unparalloled oirer ! tuall wlionro not well satisfied we will send il tn pay lor the trouble ol wrlllnaua Full particulars', ill. recllons, etc., suit frco Fortunes will bo made by those who ulvo ihelr wholo lime to nrrnt success iiosoiuteiysurc. lion't deloy. Start now. Address Sti.n son u Co . 1 artland, jVIalno. doels-ly Dr. C. T. Horn, Central Drug Store, Opposite, tho " Oarbon Houso," Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., Keeps a full supply or Pure Drugs & Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Stationery & Choice Cigars. Choloo Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes. Prescriptions very carefully com. pouuded, day or night. ALSO, Just received, an Immense sfock il Newest and most Populur Dcsjgns In Wall Papers' AND Borders, which he Is offering at Pi Ices lully a, low as tho same qualities and Patterns can begot in the Okies, ir you are about re.lecoratlnn your home, call and see styles and learn tho prices beToro purchaslnic elsewbero. Remember, 1 HE OENTKAL DKUU Store, eUB.l Dit.O. T. HORN, A P PIOTO w.nn,.e.'1 rrii''' IA"' orTlIlho Aullil 1 ''residents or the U. S. The uuirniu largest, handsomest, best book ever sold for lets than twice onr price. The fastest eelllmt book In America. Immense prctttstonKenls. Alllnlcllluriittoplo want It. Any one can bccoinoa successful agent. Terms free. IIallltt Hook Co., Portland, Maine. decl9-yl fhpp a week nt home, $5.c) outfit free. Pay JSrmabjolulely kure. No risk. Capital yU"not rc.ulrl. Render, If you want business at which persons or either s, old eryounjc, can make itreat pay all the time they work, with absolulo certainty, write for particulars to IL k Co., Portland, jUIuo. decl&.yl Subscribe for the Ad vocate, only $1 per year. tl ' XKSTt v( 2i2!li,,'3 I Too'Ltintffcercrflnilacurkata M?JM?iiS3telSj I -TTfSS ctlbisri'ira to wliU-h llorbt-'is Cat- 6 ---r--j gWtKrh, tie. Bhrop and llopi nro ut- sfRWWryTHw l yW ., Jn-'t. fQClinirO contnlni S iVH?&3r5f. I fir ju S?,,no poumt full vcip-tit, JH-oF fKtSvfTi i ',rlB' IttsnrvcrEoMinliitlk.p. p. R 'W'iTie grnuinp tirs otir to(rIK 1 ru 'j"jjsjWTe 0 u!' J. ;e r if Cb., nolo lTop'n, Siiltl- P i&& Umoho Lnnar'n Cubrh. I'lcarrjles. fiir Ca- EWmSI Varrli 1-iTlco 10 Cts. Sold by all ltt-ugEMs. j A TI1IY SHOE. Tlio fnuml him by tho roadside, dead, A rugged tramp, unknown) His faeo upturned In inuto despair, His helpless armsout-lhrown. The lark above hi in sang his song Of greeting to ll.o clay, Tho bneze blow fresh nnd swccl.nnd stirred His hair in wanton play. They found no clew to hon.o cr name, Hut tied with ribbon bluo They found a package, and it held A baby's tiny shoe. Half worn nnd old, a button off, It seemed a sacred thing; Willi reverence, tl.ey wrapped il close, And lied the faded string. And laid it on the peaceful breast That kept the secret well; Aud God will know and understand The story It will tell Of happy limes nnd peaceful homo Thai dead tramp Eotnetimo knew, Whoso only relic Iclt him was That tiny baby's shoe. A Noble Heart. I bad done wroup; about ono thing Neither of tLeold folks knew that I woro Evau Locke's ring in my bosom, or that we bad taken n vow to cnqlj otber beside tbo buwtbolu that grew in tbo chnrcb I.tue. .1 never meant to deceive, but granny was old aud alitlle bard, aud that love of mine was Mich n sweet secret. All this lime Ev.ui Locke and I Unit bcti. na loud ns ever of each other, and ho enmo as olteu as before to talk with grandpa in the vinter nights; nnd htill evtry litllo while our young landlord, Scjuno Turner, would stop in nnd sit in his l.izy wny watching mo leujt or spin. I could not help Lis comii g nor help rering blm wlmu ho Clime, IV. id I did not deserve that Evan should bo angry with me; but he was, and we lad some hard woriK Well, Lrnn was wroth with rue nnd I with Mm- not heart.deen, though, I thought and I did not see him lor more thou n week. Hut one night grandfather came home from n lonely ride, and shutting the door slood between grandma and me, looKing nt me, nnd so lory strangely that o both btcaaio frightened. At length be spoke: ' Squire Turner ntlted mo for this lass of ours to-night. Of all tbo women in the world there in but one he loves as lie should bis wife, nud that woman is our Agatha," Then qrnndp.i talked to me. Ho told ma bow poor they bad grown and how kind tho njniro wny, nnd I had but to marry him to rualto my grandparents Irio from debt nnd poverty their lives thioiigb. If I refused nnd vexed tbo quire, heaven culv knew what might happen. Ahiitwai bard to bear bitter bard; but now there uns no help for it. I tool; the ring Horn my bosom nud Inid it on my palm nnd told him it was Evan L-eke's, and tint I had plighted my troth to bnu. Aud oraudma called mo n deceitful wtncli, nud grandfather looked, ns though his heart would break. Ono day grandpa said to me: '-It seem that roar sweetheart is not overfond of you. or over-noxious to see you." "Why not?" said I. "Where has ho beeu this month back?" "Husv, doubtless." "Perhaps you know nil nbont it," said grandmi. "Yon are going along with him, maybe.' "When?" mid I. Sho went to the kitchen door nnd beckoned in a woman who sat there Djme Coombs who bad just come over tfitli some eggs. "I heard you rightly." she said. "Yon told tne Even Locke nnd bis mother were making'reody for n voyage." "They're going to Canada. Jly son, a carpenter aud n good one, though I say it ruado the doctor a box for his things. Tho old lady drwidsrtlio 'now country, but sho goca for tho doctor's sake,' There's money to bo made there, they say. That's what takes them." "dive me whom you will, then, since my own lovo does not want me," So days rolled by nnd I was close on my marriage cvo, nnd granny nnd Doro. thy Plume wcro busy with my wedding robes, I wished it was my abroad they were working at instead. And onr night the pain in my heart grew too great, nnd I went nut among the purple heather on the moor, and there knet down uuder the stare nnd prayed .to be taken from this world "For how can I live without Evan?" I said. I spoke tbo words aloud, and then started up in affright, for there, nt my jside, was a little elfish figure, nnd I heard n cry that nt first I sonroly thought earthly. Yet it was but Scotch Jeume, who had followed me? MWI.v .In ,, -oil l,. , , , " ' "ua ,u, I n she. said. "You sent blm frae ye 1 fjr the sako o' tho youug bqnlro.'' "What do you menu?" tnld I. "I'll speak, giu I Iom) my place," said Jennie, "I rodo with tho mistress to young Dr. Locke's placo past the moor, and thero sbo 'lighted nnd gnvo him n ring, which turned blm tbo tint of death; and said he, "Thcre'ij uae n drop o true Maid iu n weman, gin she is false,' end bo tinned to tho wall and covered bis eyen, nnd your grnuny rodo home. There, 'lis nil I ken." Aud then I fell down at her feet like a stone. I knew nctbiug for nn hour or ruore. but then, when I was better aud they left mo with Jennie, I budo her fetch my hood nnd cloafs and her own and como with me, nnd away I wei.t across tho moor iu the starlight towhofdi tho hall wiudows were ablaze with llRUt' nnd nskoi lbs housekeeper to let tue sec the squire. bhe stared nt mo for my boldness no wonder but called him. So in a mo ment he stood before mo iu evening drew, with his cheeks Hushed and his ejes bright, and led mo iuton little room nnd senlcd me. "Agatha ,my lovo.I hope uo mischanco brings you here?" ho ' lint I stopped him, I went back lo the first and told him nil. "And though I would never see Evan Locko ngatn," said I, "still I cau never bo auothcr man's Irtio love, for I am his nutil I die." Then, as I looked, all tbo rich color faded out of tho sqntie'd face, and I saw tho bight tq seldom ceo more (bun once iu a lifetime a strong mau iu tears. Aud theu, kind and gentle ns though I had hot grieved him, bo gavo me his arm and kiw mo across tho moor, and at tho goto paused and whispered: "lio nt rest, Agatl-n; tbo Canadian ship Goldeu George has not sailed yet." Kb! lint ho Aits lit to be a king tho grandest, kindest, test of living men, who rode awny villi the break of the monow, nnd fouud Evan Locke just rotdy to set foot upon tho Golden George, and told blm a lulu that made his heart light nnd sent him back to me. Heaven bless bini! And who was it that sent grandfather the deed of gift that made the cottage his own, nud spoke a kind word to the gentry for young Dr. Lock'o that helped him into practice? Still no ono but Squire Turner, whom wo taught our children to pruy for every night. A'S A large gray chateau, partly in ruins. over w hobe broken walls d irk-grieu ivy lnvluuly clung. Iu ono of these rooms', ljiugetinn undent couch, drawn cloeo to tho cpen window, wits an old while ha.rcil lady, ulalo leaning caressingly ogiiiut her wcro two jouug children. It was tho limo of war nud tumult, when the Prussians wire uiakHg France a scene of death and woe. A sound ol hurrying foolstcps coming up the uucirpeted stairs roused their nl ready ni.kcned feais, and tho door opeutd to admit their only maid. "Tho soldiers they nro hearing hen! Tf you wish to save rnueter and those poor children Iheie is no time to lose." "Yon ltniw where my sou is hidden; go nud bring him her, Alter a few minutes Itaoul do Slontfort entered. "Jly son,"' Mine, do JInnlfort said Irrmiilnuhly, "yon must leave hero ns soon ns pos-sible. I am too old and in fnm, the children too young to bring their auger upon our heads." llelnctnntly, yet impressed by Ids mother's words, the young man left tbo room, but soon returned lo bid adieu to his loved family. After ttndirly embracing brr, lUonl kissed tbo children passionately nnd quitted tho room. For soino lime they sat in breathless hilencc. Presently the sound ot heavy tramp ling of men nud horses broko the still ness, and they saw, with great alarm, a band of dusty, fierco-looking soldiers en tering tbo grounds, "They nro here. Now for nil our courage," tbo eld lady murmured, sbuii. dering. "I have thought of something which will perhaps aid us. Yen know bow to speak, if only a few words, lu the old fashioned broken dialect of our country; well, if these men should ques tinu me, I shall answer in.n tonguo which will he perfectly unintelligible to them; you must do the sauie. "Yos.BMnnie.I remember n few words; 1 cau repeat them nlwnjs. So will Lise.'' Mine, do Slontfort lay back quietly on her couch as tho door opened to admit their enemies. The Kader cmuo forward and asked with some respect- "Where is your son, llionl de Mont, fort?-' Mine, do Montfort gazed at him quiet ly, no sign of fear iu her clear eyes. "Oh. Thou who art iu heaven, help the innocent!" Tho mim stared; ho could not uuder staud tbo straugo tongue in which bhe buoke. Hepeating tho question several times, ho received only tho samo answer, until at last, enraged, ho dragged terrified Jeau to him. "You at least mast know how to speak. Tell me at once, which way has your fnther gone?'' Jau repeated distinctly tho same words bis grandmother had blddeu him, uor would either he or Liae, though threatened with glittering sabcra, give any other response. "It's no use. I suppose they cannot really understaud, aud it is impossible for mo to make out a word of their gib berisbl" tho oaptaiu exclaimed at length tired of his questioning. War is finished now; Jean and Lise are getting old; but neither will forgot the . ........ U ue" uravo u.uince 01 lue enemy, tboy were able tu save their loved father from, perhaps, death, I THE MODEM RUTH. Dr. Alexander Androver threw himself iulo the big leather-covered chair before his oflico fire with a weary sigh, Ho was a flno-lookine mau of SO; not handsoino, but noble nud ruauly-lookiiig oue lo bo trusted forever, with his broad, white brow nnd grave, clear, oiny ryes. Ills lips, too, under tho fnlt brown beard were as flno ns woman's; without licking in strength nnd firmness. Dr. Audrover's was one of those grand, l.ludly natures which seem mule for lenders aud comforters.' But lata had Htely frowned upon him. Tho hank In which tho gt eater part of bis snug llttlo fortune fras deposited had failed, and directly upon this came tbo news that some mining stock iu which he hid iu vested was worthless, or nearly to. Thi doctor did not fear poverty himself his practice brought blm n comforlable in come, for the rich npprecinted blm ns well as tho poor but milts nlvay In n distnnt city thero was a lovely girl whom he had hoped to call his wifo by Christ mas lime. A girl who, though not wealthy herself, had beeu extravagantly educated by her nncle, iu whote luxuri ous home sho lived. Ho bad never ques tioned If sho knew anything nbout work the idea in connection with Slaud Ev erlelh was absurtl. Ha must givo her up; thero was no doubt iu his mind about that. He could not ask her to share tho fate of it poor physician who depended upon his fees for a living. So Dr. Androver had written her n bravo farewell letter just a mouth beforo tho tlmeset for their wedding, informing her of his altered fortunes, nnd lelcaslng her, Irom her engagement to blm, nnd Lo had received uo nuswer, although it was now Christmas week. Ho experienced a crncl senso ol desolation. Jlautl had not loved him, after r 11. The office fire smoldered to ashos, aud till he sut there, still and sad, until from sheer exhaustion he fell into an nncnsy slumber. About midnight bo awoke, alternately burning nud sbiyeriug while a dull pain throbbed in his tem plet; and when Lis landlady came in the morning to call him sho found bins nn- able to nso from his pillow, feverish aud half deliricus. Maud had returned tho engagement rlug.' Dr. Audioyer received the pack age in silence, and Mrs. Derby looked at him with a crestfallen expressiou. "I thought you would bo pleased, doc tor. I've come to kuow Miss Everleth's handwritings you see, and I supposed she bad sent you a Christmas present, Tho package came two das ago when you wero delirious, and I signed tbo reg istry card nnd made bold to send the lady a telegram, notifying her of your illness. I received n ti Ingram in return stntiug that Miss Everleih would start at once lo como to you. Showill probably be hero to-day." "To-daj!" Dr. Audrover listened to kind Mrs. Deiby iu bowildennt. What did it nil mean? Christmas morning camo bright nud frost j a day after SI. Nicholas's own heart and tbo dsclor, a trifla betler, al though woik aud languid, npoued his eyes lo olosu them again immediately with a little pang. 'Uns was lo have been his wedding day. Tho landlady, who had been liko n molhcr to bim, camo in presently with a very smiling expression upon her broad face. Many of his gralefnl patients had re membered lura with some little Christ mas token, and Mrs. Derby bad placed tbftu upon tho slaud nt bis bedside, but now the held iu her bauds a small pack- ago addresi-ed to him in a familiar lady's baud and registered iu a dlstaut city With trembling fingers he tore off the wrapper of the tiny package, and opened a jewelers case. Thero upon its bed of purplo lay a wide, gold finger ring, ex traordinarily wide, tbo inside of which was completely covered with fine letter ing. Aud Dr. Androver read there the graud old scriptural words which bad arisen in tho 'heart of the girl, who thus proved herself worthy of blm, when his letters had como lober after many weary diys of delaj ; Eutrent me not to letve tbeo. or return from following niter tLee; lor whither thou goest I will go, and where thou lodget I will lodge; thy people sbuii be my peoplo, aud thy God my God; where thou diest I will die, nnd there will I be buried; tho Lord to do so to me and moro ulo if aught but doalli part me nud thee. It was neatly noon when Mand herself came. Sho bad removed her wraps iu Mrs. Derby's room, nud after a light tap on tho sick man's door sho entered. Alsxauder Androver had thonubt her lovely lu her exquisite party nud carriage nnd home toilets; but ueyer bad bhe seemed so sweet and gracious nnd wo manly t.a now, when in her plain gray traveling costume, her lovely fnco a 11. tie, pale with wanness and cxollemeut, her mouth tremulous, nnd her dark eyes glowing with solemn light, bho glided iu her swift, noiseless way acrosi the room to his side. "My d-irliiig! My own sweet, true hearted darliugl" cried the doctor.clasp. iug both his arms about her aud drawing her fco down to his own. Aud presently, after the first greeting was over, Maud exclaimedi "Your letter was delayed in aonia wny. I did not get it until a week ago. You remember the great pieoa of gold yon sent me from California two years ago? Well, wheu I got your letter I took that gold to a jeweler und bad it made into a riug. Aud then after I received Mrs, Derby's telegram I made undo promise to briug me lo yuu at ouce. I would havo come alone if he had cot come with me, horrible and unconventional as my fashionable friends would hayo called! me. W by, Alexander, what a silly but terfly you mnbt have thought met Do .. you tuinn 1 would caro for riches with-1 out you? And do you think I am good for nothing but to dance tie germau aud play tbo piano? I unsure ou, sir," aud hero she doubled one snmll. uhlln Imm1 t t ..! ' ! , j " " l" " "r" " V"J UOSP.'.lhU liaml wlilnli vm, n,l,t , .......i. weal: nnd sselcs oan mako most dclici ons brendaud pies aud cakes oan even mako beds and sweep nud waU dishes, Aunt Allco never neglected tbo most iui portanl part of my education, and I am euro I shall mnke a most excellent wife for a poor man that is, Alexander," nnd here she flushed up gloriously, "if you will havo tnc ' Dr. Audrover smothered tbo last word against bis shoulder, and. as soon as sho could free herself from his nucereuioni ous embraces she began ahow to coax and whecdlo him luto somo uor plan of her own, to which boat first objected, bu finally yielded. Tho result was that n 5 o'clock that nltetnoon Maud Everleih was made Dr, Aloxaudtr Audrover's wifo, nud nt once asserted her authority by takiug upou herself tho duties of n nurse. Of course under such treatment ho re covered rapidly, aud every elny grew to appreciato moro and more tho loyally and worth of tho sweet little woman who had not failed him iu his dark hour. A HIDE WITH A 1IAHIAC. Gr.tco Allison wan seated In her cozy little boudoir, plunged Iu a dreamy revicne. Howard Sinclair! Yes; 1 lova him truly and devotedly. Leounrd Tubaro sjys that Howard cares only fur my money. Hut, pshaw ! what a goose 1 am! As 11 Howard nould be bo mercenary.'' So saying, Grace roso and leit the room to dress for her ride with Mr. Tu- bare." Gay and smiling, Graco stepped into the carriage, and they wero soondasbiuft along tbo smooth road, drawn by the proud.stepping bays. Ou their way they passed Howard Sinclair, whose honest face clouded over with pain and anger as he beheld the Italian's evil faeo bending over Grace with a look ot con scious triumph. Grace suddenly perceived that Tnbare was driving toward nu unfrequented part of tbo woods, nnd.seiziDg tho reius, hhe cried. Mr. Tnbare, what does this mean? Wbtro are you taking me? This Is not the road to the nark! Turn back, sir, I com maud you!" A wild, mocking langli was bis only answer, ami obeying the yoico of their master tho beautilul bays sprang forward with lightning, speed. Turning to tha terrified girl, who eat speechless by his side. .Leonard, hissed through bis clenched teeth: Ah, bal I hnye yon now, my birdie! Knowebt thou, I am Ferdinand, king of Spain, nnd thou shall bo my Isabella! Hero is our palnco' My queen alight,'' and as Giacie, utterly incapablo of ac tion, moved not, the unduiau seiz3d her and boro her quickly into the old.desert ed house, which bad' long homo the name of tbo Haunted Grauere," nnd, touching n spring In the well, disclosed to viow a narrow nperlure, leading to a llight of bleep blone steps. Quickly descending them, ho nt last reached n cell, iu which ho placed th unoouscious girl nnd left, nftcr having, wnu njbaiie cuuning, removed overy arlielo with which she lnlgtit defend her sels. When Graco recovered from tho deer swoon into whlcb she had fallen, nt first sho could not remoaiber wbero she was. but, ns a rtalizition of berterriblo situa tiou Hashed over her, she laised her band s iu mnto despair nud Bank iu apathy upou the cold stone lloor. The grating of the key iu tbo rnsty lock aroused her, and springing to her feet, Cir.ico confronted Tubare with calm, fixed gaze, which caused him to quiver and writhe as if under the lullu- cuce of boms superior power. For an Instant they stood thus, theu, suddeulv recovering himself, Tubare darted for ward nnd cried: "Fair Isabella! Hal my wlfel my own forever! ' "Never!" shrieked Grace. "Howard Sinclair! Howard! help! help! belli!" As her agonized cry rang tbrouch the vaulted chamber nnd out into tbo corri dor beyond, a scuffling sound, nsof men uurryiug aown mo tlone steps, was heard, and n yoico cried: "Courage, Grace! succor Isat band!" Y itb u yell of defiance, as of a wild beast brought to bay, Tnbare rushed npou Grace, 11 SpanUb dagger gleaming iu his uplifted hand, Oao instant be pained, and then Howard Sinclair sprang into the cell iu time to catch tho faiutlpg Grace, while the officers suoceedod, after a desperafe-struggle, in securing the rnauiac. tor week1 nnd months Grrce's life hung by a thread; but when once more the light of reason returned to tho sweet blue eyes Grace Allison's beautiful gold en hair, was as while as snow, Howard Sinclair petitioned an early day for their marriage, nnd one sunny morning iu Juno beheld Grace Sinclair start on her bridal tour. Leonard Tubaro soon n'tcr died in stoug couvulsions, and thus freed Grace from the terrible feeling of insecurity which had clung to her while Tubare was alive. A LUCKY HEIR. Lawyer "So jour father Is dead?" "Yes." "You seem, to take it rather cheerily." "Yen; he lalt considerable properly," "Aud do you think on that account ho should not be mourned?" "Oh, yes. bu should bo moarned.but I am not the one to do it." "Then who on earth is? You are his ,U.JVU..,I. -nl.. fll.ll.l M "Oh. you lawyers will bays lo do the mourning this time Yon sJ hi t leave a will," -Slilhil,1, Visiter is whet you need for Constipation. I,i.M ,,r Ai,,,iiio hi..;,,,... nnd nil jviiintoii,. r l)i...i,.; i,, m' I nnd ?.'. cenls per M.lo. fcfd 'by W. K. Uierv W-! , r.' V "vwixni, ur. u. r. nurn ijeliicliloo - Craun.Wlnntiln Cnnnh n,l iw,,i.;.i. imnifiiiuipiv re nn bv KM o . i'. Sold by V, V. lliery Weiispurt. Dr. I'. T Jorn jjeiiiguiun That bucking Ooiiali ran bo so nuieklv ioir..l .v fit, , l I,. .... t ,r 1 1 I tv gllflraiUPfl II V, V ',' J '"" "'port, ir. U, Horn Lelilghtoii. . iv.ii ...... . ... ,.ui i mi tuner wiih jjjepciisia nn. inyer e-ompiainiY Sliiluli's Vitalize Eiiaranieod lo cure yon. s dd bv W. I Biery Viewport, Dr. C. T. Hoin Lohichlon Sleepless nlglils.mailo nrseroblehy Unit tcrrlhlo cough Billion's Curo is tlio romodv Catarrh OureJ.henllh nnd sweet breath rt-i-ureii, uy onnoirsuntarrli Remedy. IVlee ay rents, isasm Injector free Sold by W . ..ciaajiuii, ur. Ki. i. uom Jielllgll ton. 01 i , mo u,'i 51,10 or ehest, me oiiimii mrnus Piaster. Price 25 cenls, uv iv . i . uieiy Weissport, Ur. C T iiuru JAMiigiitnn. Slltloil's Coil?h nnd nonintnttlt,,, P... run us na a guarantee. It euros Con sumption Sold by W. llicrv Weusnort 11. ' T II T-,f.. v. a. iiuru jjcillglliou. What a talc Is told iu tbo few words of a recent obituary notice, which an nounced to the world that "tho deceased had accumulated a little money nnd ten children. -A bantering acquainttneo of tho oth er sex remarked to a woman: ''I never heard ot seveu devils being cast out of a mm, AO, was tho reply; "they've got them yet. Drnnkanuecs, or tho Liqnor Habit, can hn onroa 07 aaministorinK Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can (10 given in a cup of collco or it without the knowledge: of tho person takln it, cfi'ecilns a speedy and permanent euro. wnellier llie patient 13 a moderate drinkc or en nicoiiolic wreck. Thousands of Irunknnls hayo been niado lemnerato men who hove laken tho Golden Specific in tlie.!r coffee without their knowlwl ,,0. n ml believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful cllecta icsnlt Irom Us miniiiiutraiioii, cures guaranteed. Circulais and testimonials sent free. Address, GoMinx SiT.cinc Co., 185 iUce St., Cincinnati, 0 "Mamma, is papa a bull or a bent? ' He's a f- 01), dear, Willie, dou't ask so mtny questions. Go. nud rido your veioctpailo." "Well, I just wanted to kuow whether Twas a cub or n calf. cause " -Janitor to his wife: "Btid-'ot. mj darlin', did Mister Livyslrans till yodo put tho pail ou the g.ts'f" Bridget: "No, rat; imt Lo was allher sayiu' that tbo gas was laklng, sbure, and so I hung the pall on tho pipe.'' A Great Discovery. Mr. Wm. Thomas, of Newtou. la., says: "My wifo lias been seriously nll'eeled willi cough for fho years, and this spring more severely thou ever before. She bad used many remedies without reliel, and being uried to try Dr. Kins'. Now Discovery, did so, witn most gratifying results. Tlio first bottle relioyed her very much, nnd the second bottle hus absolutely cured her. She lias not had so rood health for lliirly years." Trial bottles Frco atThairiaj'Drug Store. Largo sizd $1.00. A minister's son onco said lo his father: "Pa, St. Paul was a Yankee.'' "How so, my sot?" "Why, iu Itomaus. eighth chapter, nnd eighteenth verne, he says: 'For I reckon,' nud nono biUYau- kees ever reckon." It is said that uo WillUmsburgh youug girl fully appreciates a kiss until sho gets a mouthful of monslacbo in her teeth. Iu such cases tho joung ladynny imagine sho is eating sweet corn on tho half shell nnd swallowed soino of tbo silk. Cat a nan Without assumiug to write out a thesis of this universal ailuieut, Ijcts warraut our saying that it seems to us thero never was a season when il was so prevalent as at tho present. The nbovo is prelliniuery to tho follow. Ing, yiz: Tbat.Messrs. Hood A Co., of Lo well, believe Hint tlio best way to to get perinsnent relief, is through the blood. .1 constitutional disease requires a constitu lional remedy. Hood's Sarsansrilla is n blood purifier and constilutlanal medicine that can bo relied upon, an J has rurcd numerous cases of catarrh in its various forms. Wo think this claim a rcosonablo one and gladly givo it room in 1 columns. -The following extiacrdiuary adver tisement appears in a German new spa. per: "Wanteil, bv a lady of quality, for adequate remuneration, a few well be haved and respectfully dressed children to amuse a cat In delicate health two or three hours n day," If people trouble with colds, would lake Ayer's Cherry Pectoral hefom r.nir, church or places of eulertainincnt, they fort of both s.-eakers and hearer.. Pni.i,. speakers and singers find that tlio Perioral nvuurnuiiv increases the iiower aud ilexl. hllily if tho voice. me girl Willi toft gray eyes nnd rirt- pang- orown nair, who walked all oyer your poor fluttering heart at the charity ball, has jiibt finished a crazy quilt con. tainiDg 1,001 pieces of uecktits aud bat inmgs, put together with ai.SOOstllches. And her poor old father fastens on his suspenders with a loug nail, a piece of twine, a sharp Bllok aud one regularly ordained button. 100 Doses One Dollar" is trim nnlv nf Hood's Sar.anarilla. and it is an miAtiivi-r. able argument as to strength aud economy. "My pa's poorly, nnd ma's none away till he'd better, uhe has." said oue Utile Hoboken girl to auother tho other day. "WbalVi your ma gona away foi?" asked the other dimiuutivo gossip. "Do cause tho doctor nald pa had to be nuiel. and pa said he thought be couldn't be quiet with ma about the house, no ma had to go," Heart diMnsv hs brouaht manr to an untlmsly grave. The hurt is as liable as ny other orgun, jf you ,, 1 even in th sligli..t form use Hr lirjves' liertHegulat,r. l per bulUc, VM Btt&aVStuEflE I FOR PAIN. CURES Rhcumalism.Neuralgia.Sciatlca, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache. Eoro Tliroot, NTTtdllns. fcpr-plin, Urut.i-., IttiMi HeuM )'rt llUvfl, axn ill OTiir.n i:omi.v russ au iruis. 3jU bj Dmgst-u mil Deibra errrrwh.r. FWr Call . tx.ttl.. titration In II Laiikuiik... Tin: fiiAKi.i:. a. Tixini.uu ro. (iMMcioil, YOU:UUbCO) Il4ltlu.ur, aicL, C.B.1. For Something Very Nlcu in tho Way of Ladles', Gent's and Children's BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS 0-0 TO Peter Heiui, opposite tho Public Squaro,- HAfUC Strcot, Liehlirhton, whero you will find ft-Large and fashionable Stock to soleot from at Lowest Cash Prices. Also, Ladles' and Ucnl's Coots an! Shoes Made to Onto on sho notloo. llest Material nnd Work manshlp guaranteed. Prlcos nro fully u Low ns elsewhere Your patronage Is vcr cordially Invited. y io.m8 THE SURE FOR CURE 5C!DNY DISEASES, LJVER COMPLAINTS, COWSTOPATSOMj PILES, Aria BLOOD DISEASES. PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. El'lcey-WorC Is tlio kiobI HueeoaKflil remedv I overused." Er. T. 0. Eallou, llonkton, Vt. "Kldney-WorS Is always rollablo." Br. It. IL Clark, Bo. nero, Vt. "Eldcey-Wort has cured my w Ifo after two veara cuCeriEC." Dr. C. IJ. Snmmerlla, Sun Hill, da. i:j thousands op cascs it has cured -where rJlelaoliad foiled. Itl.mtld. butcXolent. CLItTAIN IU ITS AOTIOX, bu uji-ovua 111 u.i cascn. C s7Ut elennrei the llloaa and Strengthens urA rives New Lire to all tho important orcar.0 of tha Lody. Uto natural action of tho Kidneys b rsstorea. Tho lavcr U olcuiaed or alldisoasei and tli9 Cowcls movo froolv aud healthful!. In UiJa way tho worst dlssaccs exo cradlcatoa ivqux esc tystcm. a racz, ci.oo tiirm ca cny, bold nr dbcocists. cia bo irat ty ra.-.fl. WLLLS, KICIIAniJSa.V JiCO.IIurllnirton Vt. For Bargains in Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Carpets, Silverware, Queenswaro, Groceries, is., 00 TO E. II. Snyder's Bank St , Lehighton. Hay 10, 1631. Cherry Pectoral. No other complaints nre so Insidious In thcif attack as Ihnso nircctiug the throat and lungsi none so trilled with by tho majority of suit r era. Tho ordinary csiigh or cold, rnu (wimps from a "trilling or unconscious -, (Kisure, Is often hut tho beginning of u faial lkne. Avnn's Ciimtuv Peciouai. 1, s well proten Its eillcaoy In a forty jears' rlglit with throat and lung dleoascs, aud should Le taken in all cases without delay. A Terrible Conch Cured. "In li."I took a severe oold, which nHrctrd my lunge. 1 had n tcrrlblo cough.nud paiseil uljlit niter ulfht without sleep. The ilortors aaemo up, 1 tried AYmt's Cunitnv P11. ioiiai., uhich relieved my lungs, linlnci-il sleept and nlfordeit nm tho rest neeessHry for the recovery of my stieiitb, )ty tho eoiitlnued use of the X'reionai, 11 i.tiini nent euro was lfeut4l 1 am now (,.' years old, halo nud hc.iity,and am baliehcd Our cin:i;ia PcdoiiAi. tnveil me. llullACK KAinilllOTIIElt." Itocklnghani, yt., duly 13, m:. Croup, A aiotlier's Trlliulr. ." Whilu lu tho country lost winter my llttlo boy.thteo yemrs old, was taken tllwilh croup; It seemed as If ho would die from strangu lation. Ono of tho family suggested the uo jf Avmi's CuniiKY 1'r.CTninL. a hcttlr f which was nlwaya kopt In the house. TI 1 wan ineii 111 small nni ircquciu uoscs, ni 11 to our delight In lew Ihnu half an hour Ibi litllo patient w'sstWathlngeasllv. Tlio do, tor said that II101 llusniir Pectokal h.,,1 savwl my darling' life. Can you wonder at oureratltiideV Sincerely rours, , , .li:. 1.J1MA Or.oycv. IM West ISellijSt., New Vork, .May J6, pfj, "I hava lised" AlMt'n ClILltnv Pr.tTriiiAr, In lay family for several enr, and do not hesltuto to pioiinuncQ It the most eltectual remedy for coughs nnd colds we have ever tried. A. .1. riUKE." I jko Crystal, alliiu., JlsrcU 13, lk,.'. " 1 suffered forelaht.reetiB from llrnnrlilli.. and after trying many icuiedks with no ,n-. cm, I was cured by the wt of An n'a (111 u- DyUalla, Sllss., April , IKK. "I cannot mt rnoueb in uralie of Avin'a f-iiKuuv PisciuiiAi...lifdMtii.g as I do that but for iu use I should long slneo havo ill, J iiotti lung irounitM P. lliuonoK." Palesthie, '1'cjos, A 11) a, bei. No ese of sn affwUou of the throat 111 luugs exiu whlcli cannot be greatly reUered uy me tue or Aven's Cheurv Peitouai.. anJ it will atmtfi nm -when the dtsense ,j not already heyotid tke ewitrul of medKiu.. I HEI AUXI) uy Dr.J.C.Ay8r&Co.,Lowoll,Mas8. Bull 1'. ,il Vsi, u,