The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 25, 1884, Image 4

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    Mortll CarolinA, FARMERS' COLUMN.
Tenant Farmers
ttrmr Tim TTTftTT nrnamfi i lLJL2KZ?412.M.l,str
Will MI nitrll IIMITO !
Why bo Subject to
Which Kill Your Young
Plants anl Injure Your Crops.
Read the Terms to Tenant Formers
Given by North Carolina Land
Tho Immigration liurcau of Nortli Cnro.
Inn havo In chargo somo Iranroved farms for
rent to Northern tenant farmers on tho fol-
owing eondlttons, wlileli nro tho usual terms
of rent charged In this State:
Tho land owner furnishes land, houses and
pays nil tuxes and expenses of Improving
iiousci, slahles and buildings. Tho tenant
(armor furnishes horses, tools and labor, nnJ
rceolrcs TWO THlltlfS OF OIIOI'S. Tho
tenant firmer Is allowed frco of rent garden
and regetable patches. Ho Is also allowed
to ralso stock, hogs nnd chickens nud receive
nil proceeds lrom the sale of them,
and, Ton&ouo, odain and anASs
FA II MS. Tho iand.owncr furnishes land,
houses nnd pays nil taxes and expenses of
Improvlrg houses, stables nnd buildings.
Tho tenant farmer furnishes horses, tools
nnd labor, rccclTlnr. Threc-lourths of tho to
basco and Two-thirds ortho grain crops. Tho
tonnnt farmer Is allowed frco of rent as In tho
nboro mcntlonedjarra No. 1. .
FARMS. Tho land-owner furnishes land,
houses, feed for horses, tools, repnlrlnn and
Kecplni; In order of tools nnd pays nil taxes
Tho tenant farmer furnishes nil tho manual
labor; receiving One-hair or all crops raised.
Tho tonant farmer receives frco of rent as In
tho first mentioned farm No, 1.
FARMS. Rented cxuo'ly on same terms
ns thonbovo Tobacco, Grain and Grass Farm
No 3s or If tenant farmer furnishes horses
nnd tools, ho recclvesTwo-thlrdsoftho grain
anil Three-fourths of tho cotton.
Advantages of Locating in
Nortii Carolina.
OUMATK.-Wlillo tho cold- Is not so sc.
Tore, tho temperature or mid-summer Is not
cxccsslvo or trying ns farther North. Our
seasons aro longer, and thcrcforo our crops
aro not killed by lato or early frosts.
Till! SOU, Is ofn variety or compositions
clayey, irravelly llmo stone, slate, sandy
loam, etc. This great variety of soils and tho
mildness nnd advantages of cllmato wlllnc
count for tho variety ofnroducls.
SOCIETY. No section In tho Union has
bettor executed laws. Thobles'lncsornollt
leal, civil and religious liDcrty aro nowhere
luoro fully protected than In N. U.
IN ;OF.NERAIi.Thoi great fertility of
our lands, tho mildness of our climate, free
from tho scorching and withering heatoftho
South and tho exlrcmo cold nnd frcenos of
tho North to show that Norlh Carolina Is
surely tho most favored agricultural section
In America. Naturo has not only given us
tho ndrantages of producing, but It has pro.
Tided us with water-power to work up what
tho soil produces for us.
I solicit correspondence from tenant firm.
rs In tho Northern ami New England States
I will furnish persons low rato round-trip
transportlon from lloston, Now York or llaf
tluioro to North Carolina, so as to glvo them
an opportunity of seeing the farms that aro
offered for rent.
All farms advertised by us for rent haro
dwelling-houses and out-bulldtngs on them.
Hclng a regular employe of tho Agricul
tural Department orNnrlh Carolina, 1 mako
no ehargo for Information given or services
rcndercdpeisons seeking h' mes In I ho State.
Iwlllbo pleased to furnish descriptive lists
of lands ollercd for salo In North Carolina to
all persons who will wrlto mo.
Slate IfflEiiiralion Agent,
February 18, ISSt-sI
Local Advertising
Job Printing
of every d'ffrl len,
Orchard Grass.
Oonecrnlng this grass, so much Inquired
about, tho Kcw ISnqland Farmer siytf
"Orchard grass will grow nnywhero that
timothy or clover will grow. It will hold
in longer llioti llinolhy, but will rarely
produce n siliglo rutting iqusl to timothy
when tho latter Is gtyen n favorable oppor
tunity. Orchard grass Inclines to grow in
lull;, a clngto plant sometimes covering
over n largo space, hut it never fprcads,likc
Juno grass or littoqunclc grass, by under
ground stems, drosses Dial grow in, lurfls,
so far ns wo hayo observed, nro Irequcnlly
IrGcient in stem growth, but excel in tho
production of leaves below or around
tho stems. Tho chief vnluo of orchard
grass, Inking the season through, is ill It
under growth of leaves, and thoso who look
for. tho crop in its stems and heads aro often
disappointed. A farmer who aims to obtain
his hay crop at a single culling, lind better
not fcow orchard grass except in pasture
land. Nor is this gros? suited to tho do
mauds of Ihoso win grow hoy for thocily
market. For such, the oU-standaid vari
eties.tiinotliy and red tnp.nrelo ho preferred
Orchard grass should only bo grown In
mowing fields by Ihoso who would llko lo
cut two or threo crops per year on tho samo
grouud. Nor should Its culluro oyer bo
attempted by Ihoso who can not bo ready
to begin haying whenever their grass is
ready to cut. Orchard grass, liko Juno
grass, red clover, and a few other varieties
is full three weeks earlier In ripening than
red lop nud timothy, nnd unless hnrvestod
at tho time it is at its best, soon becomes
hard nnd Innulritious liko any other over
npo grass or straw. Orchard grass has no
other demerit. It Is a little lender tho
first year, if sown yory lato iu autumn
Now to get its full valuo wo must observo
it3 habits nnd conform to its peculiarities,
Red clover is ono of our most valuable
forago plants, but If wo wcro to attempt to
make it lako tho placo of timothy pnd
should givo it precisely Iho same treatment,
wo would surely bo disappointod.
"Orchard grass is nJaptod to grow in
shady flelds,and in orchards or forest groves
it may occupy comparatively dry land, but
lor open culluro it will pay better on land
so moist that continuous growth may le
maintained from April to November.
tho latitude of Central New England, the
first crop will bo roady lo cut ns otrly ns tl o
middlo of Juno every year, iu early seasons
by IholirtU to tho tenth, and when tho
blossoms begin lo fall it, must bo rut with
out delay. The second cmnth will start
rapidly, and will bo entirely of leaves.
which will lengthen at Iho rato of an inch
per day for n month or more, when tho
crop should bo cut. A third crop will have
to be cut or pastured laler In Iho fall, ns
Ibcro will bo too much to leavo on the
ground over winter. Orchard grass will
bear top dressing any lime directly after
removing a crop, and will fMy well for tho
cost on any moist land. It should not,
however, be sown on land that is loo wet.
or which is likely to be overflowed or cover
cd by ico in winter.
ino wiro-WormorKcablnrotatoes.
It is a pity that the namo of Iho wire
worm is not confined to Iho Julus, sinro it
is made up, so to speak, of hard rings nnd
is really n worm: while-tho true wire-worm
is not a wlrO'Wonn nil. Now tho nuestion
is, do Ihrso wire-worms (Julus) cause scab
in potatoes. Wo hayo all along said that
they do; but Prof. Cook says, no; scab is
caused by a fungus. Wo aro of those who
tolicve that fungi do not oauso anything
whatever; but that various diseases and
weakness aro attacked by various funiri or
bacteria. To return tho scab in potatoes,
however, a writer in tho Now York Tribune
soys: "I liavo been Investing this scab for
years, aud tho cdit-.r of tho Jtural ..Yew
iorker, who has also eiven much stndv
and observation 'to tho same thing has
found reason to believe that scab is really
caused by tho wire, worm, Julus. I havo
found it abundant in potato fields which
hayo becu manured by cow manure, nud
mo poiaiocs wcro serious v In lured hr II
Clean potatoes put in flower-pots with
cican sou and sonio of thoso wiro-wnrmi
havo been eaten into aud scabbed over in
three weeks. Prof. Cook will find no fungus
111 tnese scabs. I hayo made scores nf ov
omlnatlons with tho microscopo and never
iuuuu uny iracesi fungus, nud Dr. Hex
nmcr.a most trustworthy authority, l.oi
told mo tnat ho lias ftlled to find any
lungus in the scabs. I am aura Ilia trnnblf
is duo 10 this wire-worm; but tho clater
laryre I do not bellcyo Is to bo blamed for
it, as i liavo found them verv rnrolv in nil-
land where Julus is abundant, probtbly
u " a nuiry farm ond the rov
manure encourages it. It is not surprisini
that wiro-wornn (tho trJt wire-worm
should bo Touud iu ono locality and not ii
another near it. From their rharnctor nn,
habits the do no travel, or If they do must
go very slowly, while (he clater beetles can
fly nnd soon spread extensively. I have
them numerously in ono nnrtnfmv ..!.,
and in n field where cow manure has been
used year oiler year, and ulss in tho cow
yard, but nowhere else." All wo have li
say is, that there may bo other causes o
scab in potatoes. Rut wo repeat for the
louiu time, mat iiio wire-worm (Julus,
myriapou, not on elater) is tho causa
scab In potatoes nt the Rural Grounds.
Jtural yew l'orlcr.
-Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Kan., writes:
I never hesitato to recommend your
J.leclno lliltors to my customers, they givo
entire satisf.cllaq. nud nro rapid sellers."
Lleclne Hitlers aro thopusost and best
IlltMlIMllrt tnntvn on. I ..III .
Kidney nud Llyer complaints. Purify tho
,1,'guiiuD iuo uoweis. .No family
can nilunl lo bo without the n. They will
sava hm,i!rf,i nt ,l,.tu i . ...
V w..aia ju UUVWrfi Ullli
V ,.,e,r' 601,1 01 m'y CCIl3 a bottle by
T. D. Thomas'. '
A Tcsas Apology.
"It was amicably arrani-Bd." nll,i u,.
Texas gentlcmau to the Coroner. "I called
him a liar, and ho demanded on opology
with a ais.ihooler."
"And did you mako one?" nsVed lb.
'I did, sir."
"Was It aoceptcd?"
"Yw, sir."
"How was it then that you shot hlmT"
"I had to do so to mako him nmW.t,..,.!
my apology."
Mr. Est ward Wendol, Fetterman, West
Vs., HtlfWl Urriblv wit!, .i..' j
dealers fallal in glvIoB relief, lie was
wiail by St. Jaeuba Oil Urn n.ri-L
V ' ,l0 wsulJ ecDj 0 hundred
A Radical Curo
JC"Tcsted for over 5
yoara by uso la thou-
oands of casoa.
r, inA Dumcronsr oN
corn fjiseaw uaiEini
kllirtil tibTil"imi. rrftul
frora j-onriiful InllMr
tlonn, to fro inrlulucnpiv
an A orcr fcrtvl n work. It
titt trmyHN-ttavrhlltl inch
ffncmloa lurk In four iri
ten. A roll Ulnj Impossl
on irrttnttov elilmi n
ethr romtMlei for tfctto
troubioi, uet our itm cirod
Hr anl trial inrAngo nl
rrQ Itnporitot faiti tfia
tailng treatment cHrirbcre.
Tk a r-oieds that hi enn 1
tctfute ttb tttcntloa to basi
tow nr ckiq f Kin or Ioood
rrnleaoa. FounJtd on eel
rntino nifrtlci fttnclpkl
Growl nr la farof ami repvtv
tier-, Direct apfillfAtioii n tha
actttty dltcdwi n.nkeilta ip
f Iflo Inner ncs hit without
k f.riar. Thn fikft
T7 ionn left tlPDi tit tb liumnn orftnn
Iv Ci ft Mlmttlo? elemcoti of
n iiwHujy Dlm which hara ttn
PACKAGE S B. IidW"tl Riven acV.
(MWPjOhcf rtal an! tHuM
HARRI3 REMEDY 00MUTff Chemlitt,
SOfl,1 Kortu lutu ht.t iiu LoniR, jtio.
Ov,t WoNTira Treatwwt, $3 1 2 mocthi$3 1 0 woiin:8, 7,
d Daw-HUl
Paynes' Aflioaalic Eugmes
R'opffer nn C tolO H. r. Automatic, Spcrk-Arrcftt.
trip, MimntM roitnblo KnpIiio with Mill, 10 ft.
mrrl.if;t ii2 ft. trark nnd vnya, S filmultnncoua
lever pot honiVblnclcff, 2 . Inch ntlinr, 3 ch.inpca
feed i rawj.r conlroli fo. d-livrr ntnl tiratl-blocks
frnm ono lioHltlnn
feed-belts, cant.liookH, sMiffc,
GO fncli aolM
saw, CO ft. 8-tiirli i lily lieltlnir,
tiff titencr, cf o. fits complete for
operation, OUnn on raia.
Klnocm akfil.i, K'Olesa. J :nelno
WlllimniBIllMrtlll'in iur.iiw inn
to cljlit fret Ions nml keep up
srnilln. rriiii lor cniiunpno
Mamifactnrcru nil BtUeB Auto.
in nt In ICtiirlnrnfronifJInftOOlI. I1
Khaltinir. milleya.aiiit bamreri.
Ulinlru, f. V.) uoxiW7.
AN DUE W SHIVE, Bank Street,
Lchlghlon and vicinity,
- ... B1A1M
D it. r. r. n;ii'8 si.nxE. am iiuhs trvathlnt.
runrmitce t rrtncfir llit iln Pitxlucrta OiniviilnloiKi.Ftts.
Nnrrnui Nnr1(l, IIeil-Hif tlerrnna rrot'tt(Mi riuo'd
ny in mm cr aiffitm. or lonacco, wnKcrulneix, JlfHtil Da
nrrMtnti.8(1(nlnc of tha Drain rrnUHna Id limrtnirv anrl
Md!nK tnmUcry, lfcay anil daatlit rrmtiiro Old Ate,
Uarrrmiepi, Im of pjer In clttior aax. riToluntary Jjntna
ana ptmtrnirriiai canvca or OTer-aserM-n or Ilia iraitit
elf atiuv a orovf r-lntlulceitre. Earli I nx mnttlna on montli'a
tifatmciit CI a lnx, or a)z bam tor JS.mjnt bymaUpt
T(ifMMrri. With aach ordap irl. ly vn tor ats
iiOTei,'iiien wmi r-, w win in pnrcnr onr
wrtltm i-utiaiitca to ratmi.I tlia nionav If tliatftatmetitiloea
tftelT'Tt a fitra. ni.arAnU'fa liatiad only
KISNrlt A Jli:M)H,OX, 35 Ktrv fitnrt, Pl1Par1eIr'l.rft.
Tlie rololiratd vefratabta liloixl I'urlHrr. It lmme!hf1r
eniM Ilfadnrtia, CcRillrtntlon, rnrlfUalha Kkln, llalloil
anywhara upon recol) t of 23 fanla. UnaarpaMuil for
jt 320 Raoo-stroat, Philadelphia, Pq.
ftANITAIlUMi Tllveralda, Cft!. Tho dr7 cllmato enrea,
nos8 xnroQttX.uncs.iuniaea, oup,, rouio, cosi,ires.
'GUIDE. 200 pg8.
llhintrntnrl .
All thtt ttaodoobtfnl curious or thouchtf ul want to
kniw. Cloth nnd cllt binding Cd cts. naner 25c. Mnr.
5riai:o Gnldo.lltpI5c,ceQt Foiled, money or'
PiTrnniinoM. pa,
lh 1st, NerTOusibllltr.IrapcJfmomai
linn rrnte dcp Lil 1st. Ni
3 to nirrlnco, Oon'uliniion nod Pnmphlot free,
Dr.LaBarse, Vk No
flI'fTERrf)R TO -VJ
In discnrci oft hi IIlootiTIm ACdllonf. Xrrvona ixhli.if.
lrapotpncy, Orprnolo Vipalorm, Conorrbtpa BpLHIIft anJ
KfrtcrUI Affartlont. Srfcutiflc trratmcnli late and auro
rcmcfllt'8. iKrarmltlfi Treated. Call or write for Jut of
QUCHnr.f to lie ni crrd ny inouc ilctlrlitK treatment by mail.
f rf roni noire ring rroni licptnra thooia send thrlr addresV
Vlftnd lura nonctlilo to their BrlTantace. It l not a truss.,
Atfirraa Hi-, r. I.alUltOE, Trta't and rhjulrltn la (1tar?
trutrul Mad, t.tnnt, latlteta,020 Loenit ut., St. I.ftuKMa.
EucccsaortoUr. JJutti'Wociuarj, LstatlULed SO lean.
A netnrn to with TtM
CTS. Silver, ft you'll rr-t
r.rmnrt.aCOlDEH OOX
."t nnnnM i ti.B.c will
thlrii t'lmi In Ai.inrwA. AlMiiIntnCerLiiltitv. Hflhcr
rn-tvtouse. A certain euro. Notcxprnslvc. Throe
monilis' treatment In on paclcagp. Good for Cold
in meat can, licaa.ifiio, uizz.meas, Jiny i-ever, iC
Flllv cents. 11 v nil Unnnristn. or liv mull.
li T. UAZELTiNl:, Warren, Pa
JtfA?JTFn I l'cre't!o. ivliublomeii mMt 'Iih'k,
tiUMlai. h'ult inatruttiUH rtfcjt tnemeritureil mm
AddrcEE. U CLARE St HEfiRICK, Urfjhtan, N. Y.
tr.vv '-LSti sy rx-vwuiNa this map that the
Wmmmm 1
Ey tin eeritr;) poflllcn of If, line, connect, the
X-aot and Iho Weit by tho .hortcit route, and eu
rle pM.ct.ECi.. without cli.uco or oar., between
I hicaito anj Kan.a. City. Council Ulutt.'. Leaven,
worth, Atcbl.on, Mtnncapoli. and Bt. Wul It
conrot. In Union Depot, with all tho priuclpal
nfc.1 r?.a """e'n ", Atfantio nnd tho PacFllo
Ocean.. It. equipment I. unrivaled ad niaaultl.
iK'.i.JS1,1.''?, e?.p0'(1 orM" OomfortablJ.nd
-,.uiL,uJ.,?y H"""?' ,Mtiifloent Ilorton He
S,l1'T.c,r"ulii3an'a Prottleat ralace
l-i lh. World. Three Train, between Ulucaco end
SLJollJ ii ver olpl. Two Train, belwjeSi Chi.
ces and Mlnnoopoluand Bt. Vaul.vla tho l'auiou,
l,S?rr,nlTc Line. via Bcneca and Kanka. "weh'ly.lMen opened between nichmond.
5t ?.ri"-wpo rt No wa. Chatt.nooca. Atlanta. Au
cu.ta. Nashville, LouUvtlle, LeilnKton.Clnomuatl.
i Sfi'JSW.1' ?ai, freif . urt Oiaani. Mlnneap.
c".'iil5J bt 1la!'1 "ni1 tntermodlute polita.
Train, r0Ug 1'a",wllor Travel on J'a.l Eipres,
tSfiss&'slssssrA T'cltct 0ffic",!i
UaBBOj checked throueh ond rate, of fare al.
fa.!. l0WM ool'or. that on.r 1m, edvan.
Mi "Ah'lei ln,onai"1o0.ect the Slap, and Fold-
" great rocu island route,
At your nearest Tleltot Omeo, or addrea,
iu nii iuo oniy ofi
to tell the only nrnciAL nionittrnics o?
- ..UlllflUUUU
Jir ox-uorcrnor Donliolmer, ot N. Mem.
Wr pl U. H, Control,, nnd W, U, lleniel.
Olmlrraan Dem. stafo Uom, or l'a.. Intimate
friend, of 13. & II. It Is tho moit ni aul"
Interellni;nnil lllclilr iLLCBTnATcn, licnco
l?i5"'",.B. n"?sn' AKnti are ooikixo
10NK. t lia, tlneuTKEL POttTllAITB, 8KLIB
mrwrjoj my ubt. Iletrare ofunrell
nl)le.o.itliiiennjr bseki. Write to Hdpoaud
linos., va Ohertnat St, I'litlatlelpItU,
Aro gencralljr Induced
by Intllgcatlon, roul
Stomnch, C'oitlvcncss,
Deficient Clrcnlntton,
or eomo Dernnremcnt
or tho I.lvcr nntl l)lCc,tlvo System.
Sufferers will ilmt relief ly tho uso ot
Ayer's Pills
to stlmulato tho etomach nnd produco a regu
lar dally movement of tlio uowcle. lly tlielr
nclloit on tlicso organs, Avcn's Tills divert
tlio blood from tlio brain, nnd rcllovo nnd
enro nil forms of Congestive nnd Nervous
Ilendnclio, Dillons Hcminclic, nnd Sick
Ilrnilncltot nnd by keeping tlio bowels free,
nud preserving tlio system in n licnltltfnl
condition, they Insuro Immunity from future
attacks. Try
Ayer's Pills.
ritErARED ny
Sold by all Druggists.
H. H. Peters
A Ufa of mcro-moncy getting l always
a failure, because you will never gctns
much as yu want. The poorest people In
this country are tho millionaires, and tho
next totliem are lliose who have $506,000.
Ilntv docs I'nt proposo lo get over
ilngls-blcssednoss? Wliy( ho proposes lo
Ilrldgo-lt, of course.
Somethlnefor all tho Preachers.
Bov. II. II. l'atrall, D, P., editor of Iho
Iowa Methodist, says editorially in tho No
vember (1883) number ol his paper; "Wo
have tested tho merits of Ely's Cream
Balm, and bcllcvo that by a thorough
course of treatment It will cure almost
every rato ol catarrh. Ministers, as a class,
are n filleted with head ond throat troubles,
and catarrh seems mora prevalent than
ever. Wo cannot recommend Kly's Cream
Balm too highly." Not a liquid nor a
snuff. Applied to nostrils with tho finger.
Do not loso couragd by considering
your own Imperfections, but instantly Bot
about remedying them.
Fond wife "How elrango I Every
tlmo Teter comes homo from his lodge lie
comes to bed. with his hat on. Hut I sup
pose It Is some mora of thoso Masonic doings."
l iff t
p4 pf g
it i
u - y cd
rt l f T &
0 ' A l .
I I , p
01 I I I
1 -
2 1 a
tfj I
Very Moderate Prices and rcrfect Fits Is tho
motto of this Jlstanllshincnt. YOU aro In
vltcd to Inspect goods.
Tost Offlco Iiulldlng, BANK Stroe ,
April 2, 1884. IiClilBhton, I'a,
Cootl Vny far A cent.. BIOO to RSOO iw
- - - ..... ... . . j .
HISlflllHIllKl II (!. 1 1 ttnltliw.i,ll..,v..r.i
ti iuc iu rf. v. ,ici;iirii3- tu., I'ntladelpnia, 1'a.
A Bible Commentary
llltthly endorsed by representative men o'
nit ciiureiies l.owcsi prii-rti pook nubllslicu,
AddressNAMUS & WIIITLOOK, Hillsdale.
No Patent No Pay.
obtained for Inventors In the United States
Oanada and Europe, at reduced rates. With
our principal olrico located In Wnshlnirton
dlroctly opposlto tho United States Patent
Office, wo aro nblo to nttonil to all patent
nusincss Willi greater promptness nnd de
spntcli and at lets cost than other patent at
torneys who aro at a distance from wa.h.
Intrton, and who have, therefore, to employ
" asfiiclnto attorneys." We make prollmlrmry
examinations and lurnlsh opinion, ns to pa
tentability, tree of charge, unit all who aro
interested in new Inventions and patents are
Invited to send fur a copy ol our "(lulde for
obtaining Patent,," which Is sent free to
mi) u'Kui-Ba, uihi cuiHuinB compieto mstruc
ttons how to obtain patents and othor vnlua
Wo matter. Wo refer to tho (,
lean National Hank Washington, I). O. : tho
lloynl Swedish. Norwealan and Danlah Lera
tluns, nt Washington : Hon. Jos. Uasey, late
Uhlcl Justice U. S. Court of Olnlms: to the
OIBcials of tho U. S3. Patent Offlve, and to
senator, anu members or Uengrcss from
every muio.
Address: I.OTJIS HAOOEIt fc CO., So
ncnor." oi i menu anu Attorneys at I.aiT,L,o
Bank St., Lohighton, Pa.,
Are prepared to Manufacture
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring Wagon, &c,
or every description. In tho most substantial
manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices
nepali-Iiis Promptly AUcniled to.
April 2d, 1S82 yl Proprietors.
Wall l?apirts3
Borders & Decorations,
Eoois, Stationery, Fancy Goofls.
Window Shades & Fixtures,
Latest Styles, made and pat up, if desired.
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Puttv,
Brushes & general Painters'
No. 61 Broadway, Manch Cliniii, Fa.,
Jjciow tue iiroadway llonso.
Aro you disturbed at nlghtanJ broben of
your rest by n sick child suffering ond cry
ing with pain of cutting leelhT If so, send
at onco nnd get a bottle of Mrs. Wixst.ow's
Bootmno Svnur for CniLDnr.x Tr.KTiiisa.
Its value is Incnlcuable. It will relieve tho
poor little sufferer immediately. Depend
upon it, mothers, (here Is no mistake about
it. It cures dysentery nnd diarrhoea, regu
lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind
colic, softens tho gums, reduces inflamma
tion nnd gives tone nnd energy lo tho whole
system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothiso Svnur
for Cini.Dnr.v Tkktiuno Is pleasant lo (lie
taste, ntid is tho prescription of one of the
oldest nnd best female nurses anil nhvsl
cinns in the United States, and is for pale by
all druggists throughout the world. Trice
25 cents a bottle, 20-ly
Happiness doles on her work, nnd Is
prodigal to her favorilo. As ono drop of
water hath no attraction for another, so do
felicities ruu ito felicities.
Bncklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best soivo in tho world for cuts.
Hiruiscs, sores, ulcers, salt rhuem.fevcr sores,
teuer, cnapped hands, chilblands, corns,
and all skin eruptions, and positively cures
pues, or no pny required, it is guaranteed
to give pericci satisfaction, or money ro
funded. Trice 25 cents per box.
For sale by T. D. Thomas.
Ho that sympathizes in nil tho hap
pinesses of others enjoys Iho safest lioppi
ness; and ho that Is warned by tho folly of
others has attained the soundest wisdom
I.ot3 of Foople
get bilious, have heavy headaches, mouth
foul, yellow oyes, Ac, all tho direct -result
ot impure blood which can be thoroushly
cleansed, renewed nnd enriched with Kid
ney-Wort. It acts al the same time on the
kidneys, liver and bowels and has more
real virtue in a package than can bo found
In any other remedy for tho eamo class ol
A Taris musical paper tells the story
of tho misfortunes of an English opera
company in India, where, by reason ollack
of support, the prima donna became a bar
maid and the tenor hired himself out to
drive cows.
ARE YOU Miserable through Indigestion
Sour Stomnch, or Constipation? Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets wo guarantee will relieve
Vu. Bold uv Dr 0 T Horu, Eehightou,aud
W F Biey, Wcissport.
"Yes," said a henpecked husband
"there truly Is no placo liko homo nnd
that's why I keep away from it so much."
. My daughter was troubled wiih Heorl
Tlf.Aa.A a 9r.. clvn nn l,y nbvsicians.
Uiad sinking spells, conslant pain, great
swelling over her heart extending to left
arm, and severe' spells of neuralgia extend
ing over entire body, dectors could not help
her. Dr. Graves' Heart Regulator cured
her within thrco months. Jas. Tilton.Con
cerd, N. H. $1 jr bottle at druggists.
The fond father ofn pretty daughter
has found that it Is easier to miss a train
than to train a miss.
ach is out of order: neglected, that menns
chronlo dyspepsia. You should take Acker's
Djf pepsin Tablets and ovoid this terrible
diseaie. Sold by C. T. Horn, Lehlghlou
and W F Bie'ry, Wcissport.
Is it right for a man whoso father was
hung for horse stealing to boast of his ele
vated family.
Eyery farmer should at least havo one
coanty paper, and that papci should ho the
AnvucATR, which contains ail the latest lo
cal news. Only $1.00 a year.
The hoy fovcr sufferer is a devout in
dividual, because he is continually on. his
What Will Stop Mv Couamxo At
Kioiitt Guarantee Acker s English Remedy
Will. I'nce IOC. 50C. A St So 111 hv Dr. C
T. Horn, Lebighton, & W F Iiicry, Weiss
A green backer-tho fellow who lets
on tho wrong horse.
Tho only bar that tramps aro unfamilar
with is the crowbar.
ELECTRICITY. Of all tlio known
Electro-Galvanic Appliances at the present
day It Is now conceded by the Medical Fra
tcrnity and Electricians generally, that the
American Galvanic Co'a Howard BmitLns
ore the best, possessing intrinsic Electrical
merits, as ono shield or appliance can be
fitted to any part of the body, which Is not
true of any other. See advertisement in
another column of this paper. Electric Ga-
Rest satisfied with doing well, and
leave others to talk of you as tbey please.
A man with a cold In his head is Itke
a waterfall he is catarrhed-racked.
we cuararuce every box of Acuer s Dyspep
sia Tablets. Trico 25c. and SOc. Sold by
Dr. Horn. Lohlehton. and W F Lierv:
1 1 . -'
ii ciscjiori.
Some people console themselves from
the fact that the next world will be Kick
hell plated.
"100 doses one dollar" Is true only of
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it Is an unanswer
able argument as to strength and economy.
Open rebukes are for magistrates and
courts of justice. Trivato rebukes are for
friends, where all the witnesses of the of
fender's blushes aro blind, deaf and dumb.
An elastic. step, buoyant spirits, and clear
complexion, are among the many desirable
results of pure blood. The possessor of
healthy blood has his faculties at command
and enjoys a clear and quick preemption,
which is impossible when the blood Is
heavy and sluggish with Impuri'lics. Ayer's
Sarsaparilla Is tho best blood purifier and known.
Getting married Is a good deal liko a
game of wblst It depends altogether what
on what kind of a hand you hold.
jSKeep,in Fashion. Tho Diamond
Dyes always do more than they claim to do.
Color over that old dress. It will look like
new. They are warranted. lOo at drug
gists. Wells, Richardson li Co.,Burlington,
The most afflicted part of the house is
the window. It is always full of panes.
nd who has not seen more than one win
dow blind.
It frequently happens that an oil well
Is a "holey well."
. Business is still booming at lie STAR.
Our many customers will kindly accept our thanks for the liberal manner in which they
have patronized us. To ihoso who do not patronize its yet. but have such an obj'cclin view,
we, here, publicly proclaim that they will be treated lair nnd honorably, that wc will not
overcharge them in a single item, but on the contrary, will offer them decided bargains in.
many things without employing the so-called Leader System, where a certain line of goods
o,-n cnld nf nr liplmv r.nst and double uvinns nhnvrrprl nn nrlinr. TO at.t. wo wnnlrl nnw
( V L V UUltt V J u.B w.isww A M V II W V41U U I
that wo arc holding our trade with our' customers and arc constantly addinfr new ones, but
still we have room for moro and cordially invite you to try us.
Have decided bargains in Home-made Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth, &c
"We lead the county in Sugar.
Our Stock and Prices of COFFEES are unrivalled.
No trouble to show goods.
Very respectfully,
Hi. & SBejmt, IBsnBsk
n otto
At Lowest Rates.
J5- JiCi
of every description, in the Best Style at rery LOW
-WA-Si-iiisraToisr, 33. o.
Sworn SMtlou List 70,000. IM ty . E HALE, I. B.
o '
This is a large eight page, forty column, monthly
paper, and is "devoted to everything pertaining to
Health and Home, Marriage, Social Science, Domestic
Medicine, Science, Literature, Art, Economy, Cookery,
Hints on Health, Dietetics, and every realm of Modern
Science and tends to improve health, prevent disease,
purify morals, and make home happy.
Subscription Price, 50 Cents Per Year.
Health and Home,
washington, d.
Mare received tlncir stock of
Aro now prepared to furnish their customers and the people with the Newest and most
Fashionable makes of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Oassimeres and Suitings,
which they will make up in the Latest Styles and most Durable Manner at unusually Low
Prices. With a Jorcc ot experienced workmen and a tremendous stock to select lrom, wo
are prepared to offer inducement unexcelled by anyother
We cordially invite YOU to call and inspect our Goods and learn Prices belore making
your purchases elsewhere. In all cases wc guarantee Best IKorkmanslnp, Uest Material,
the Lowest Prices and Perfect Fits." Respectfully,
'March 22, 183 l-flj
Clauss & Brch, The Tailors,