The Carbon Advocate. An Independent Family Newipepex Pabllshed every SATURDAY, fn Lahlghlon, Carbon Co., Pa., by IIAICUV V. ITfOIlTlIlSIIalU Omca DAB-WAY, a abort dlstauc sbors the Lchtah Valtoy IU It, Depot. Terms: $1.00 perAiMi in A?ancB svtnx oracrurrioM or tiAi ami yscT J" oTd IPrintinff at vuin LOW V BlOCS - Advertising Rates. iff 1 aim t to be distiue.tly understood 'at n aivtrlltemonts wilt bo inserted la I jo col mn of Tiu Carbon Adviioatk that hi y b rocelvod from unknown parties or ta mi unless accompanied by the nAsrt. The following amour osi.y tormst nSK SQUARE (10 MUSS), One year, each Insertion 18 els. Six months, each Insertion U cts. Three months, each Insertion 20 cts. Loss than three months, first Insertion el t ouch subsequent Insertion 2i cts. Local notices 1(1 cents lr line. II. V. MoHTitliKit,jr., Tubllshcr. H. V. Mortitimrr, Jun'r, Publisher. INDEPENDENT Live and Let Live." 1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. VOL. XII., No 47. LEIIIGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1884. If not paid in advance, .$1.25 fatwtt V Attorneys & Counsellors. rr m. hapsiie.., A.TTUKNRV AND COO.NSEIXOII AT LAW, Baio 8tsiT,l.imontO!e,PA. 4..U.I.I...J itul.etlnn Ae.nev Will HOT. nd Je.l K.tate fonveianclns: aeatly done Col . setlons cromptlv Made, "etriincr '"'' 01 lientsa specialty. .May be cuneultea in riun.o idUelnjn. NCV.ZZ rji A. SN YIH5U, ATTOIINEY AT LAW. Orrirc Corner of Hank Street & llnnkway 2nd bullllna: -tbiivo lue Carbon Advooato 1'ltlillliK ilicc. May 19, 1883-ine-J LKII1UIITON. Physicians and Dentists. D" W. W. I.EHEU PHYSIISIA ANH ST'HOF.ON. II A NIC STHEET.LEIIlOHTOtf. OFFICE lloursnt Pnriyvlllo FruuiSa. in. to Vim, dally. May be consulted In the English or Oertnan Languaise. May -y a. iii:uiiAMi:.t, si ., 'IIVMCIAN AND SUHGKON Bporlm ettrntlon paid to Chronic Diseases. Office ; South Kant curncr Iron and Cn.l sts., I.e lUhtop.Ps. 1 Aprl 3. IK75. N. It. UMILlt, M. I). V. S ICxnmlitllifC Surgeon, rnAOTICINO PJIV8IIIIAN and SU KQUoN, Onrict: BantStlcot. Hedku'si OLOCtc, LrhiKh. ' ton, l'n. UiXj bo consulted tn tlio Oerm n I.nngnaee. Nov. 30. REMOVED. W fl M Soinlp PhvtiioiQii ?. Snvrrp-1 it, u. lit, uutyiuj liijuiviuii u uiufeuuiij Has Itemovcd bis OfTlcc nnd llesldcneo from Seennrl St.loSIHITll Strrei.ln thebulMlnir formerly occupied by A. J Ooi.i.i'nmaveii, where be will be pleased to see bis blends and natron. S3-OFFICE If I'lts; from 0 to 0 o'clock P. M. March 31, 18S3 W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., iw'.if5r 'til ViftVUfiW OFFICE! Opposite the "iiroadwny House," Mauch Chunk, Pa. Patterns hive thi benefit of ttie Inteet lm. nrovoments In me appliances and the west metho I" of ir-airaent In all , ANKSTIlEl'l ' adnilnlHerril II de-Ire.'.. If uoifl'de, persons residing outside cf Mauch Chunk stwuld in ike. oiigne"tiienis by mail. 1.8 1 c 1ARBON HOUSE, w. uvunuviiusii, prtniMtiETOit, Hank Sr., Liiiiohton, I'a. The lltinos liouari -.iTers llrst-classncenm. mulatl.iiu to the Trave ln- publl,. Hoarding by tko Uiy or 'Veek on Ueaaoii.ihlo Teiius. llaolce Ulsr, Wines and Liquors alwayon band. Ho I Sheds and ritablea. wlih a Iter tiro Haulers, .utaihe I. April lt)-yl. IIOI I.I.. MHnray between Miuch Chunk & Lehighton LEOI'OM) MEYER, PnoruiKTOB, Paekerton, Pcnn'a TWt wMl known hotel Is ndinlraldTrcfitled, and b is tlie biistaeconinodatiois tor urrmnn tnt and transient boarders. Kieollont table and tbe rery beat liquors. Also ttnest ibles attacued. ricpt. 16-yl. Mauch Chunk House, Siiiuehanna Street, Maueb Uhuak. Penua., T. F FCIIU, I'roprh'lor. TThsn' rliltlni at the Cnnnty Seat this Hotel will fnund tn hettm-class In every ro. ect. I es. l.biuo'S, I uiirr Iteer. t'lgHrs nd other Kelresh nentsxf uresl quilltv at tko liar. I'erina rery moderato. Putn uaxti solicited. Mjp'.T-MSSS Beer Saloon and Rrstatiraut 1113 Viae St., Philadelphia. Dennis Gilbert, Proprietor. The Par Is funrlshed with cliolco HIram Fresk Lax-r, and uthor r trcsbineuts. Per euns Irom ibo l.eblah Valley visHIiik Pblla dcltihla aro resiieciluily Invited to elio o a call. llENNIS U.I.HtliT. Marsb a, l-S-tf. Livery & Sale Stables It STIllCIfl r.L,lLlll011TON, Pa FAST TROTi'ING HOUSEd, HLEUANT GAHUIAOES, at aomtToly LOW nil PUIOES than any other Livery ill the Uojntr, Lance ami hindo;no Cantases for Fanerst irp.l.aaad WeiidUllt DAVID UllUKItT Nir, , 1ST! a 11 UI)I5NMU.SH B'.aeetliilly annouie s tn the pnMto that he as ..p.ned NK.V 1,1 V Kit V .srtlll.K In a ,nn etlon with his hotel, and is prepared to tarnish Teams for FaM, WsMisot Bislies Trips a shsrtest Bailee and most llbeialt e nns. All rHers I'll a' tlie'tU'li m Ito.iso" will receive preopt attentl m Stabio on North S rect, aeutai o,el, I.ehlKltion. anii.l PATFKT. ANnrnsuN . smith1 Selle ltr ol U. S. nod For. etttn Patents Vo. 700Sev ! rttreet. ror. II. i.iiii. i s. Patent office T.hlnicon 1) rorrraponifeneesnileiied. No eairr for advlee. No fee rhnrtred un less Tateat Is utloe.. Iteloreuees, l.ewls Julinni. V. l'n. Hankers, ant Poatmn.ter. Waslilnstea, I), i;, I'ampuiets or nuiruc- lit)l fr mayll 81. ir-Si II I, I N '' I N IHt r. T V KY. lashbinable fli.-Xa Hour and Siiiik Ma Ken. Hank St., I.ehuhton At work warranted. LAND lllaimsa specially, a nd u'AIl It IS. A II I V I tl V A t. ' ililMEiTKA" ''K'l riFICAT. ES and all Win ta .-f I, AMI KI'UIPT leoivht Ails. Id, l.iro Stork, nnd lllahrst Prloes will. Ho you v-in in ell or buy? II so. " in . A THirjlAti, Attorney at, Wasblagton, 1). U. an. I tfe. Sen I o. rorlMislaa. and rn I Pi "'' free, a e 'Stly leu'.nf goods M wlilDh Mr 11 lieln viol til mora rerney If!" aay than nylblnic els In ibis w rid, A'. of e) her ev, su ee from first bonr TM" broad way tn fortune opeas b. lere tb' wnikers. absoluK ly sure At once HiK T Wi JrtInli M. Jy 1 OgliP . J. w. Thomas' Drug Store g & rH 1 01 k 1 o i-CJ 2 KTi lb 2 Sf 3 t-j c CD tr" k? & 2 3 W w i "p i. p o r hj B 2 g " CD 2 w CD g. o s q 5 O Catar r M ELY'S Cream Balm Causes no I'nln. (I i ves ifolioTat oiico I'lioro ugh 9lirriPhr.i.i Of Tr o n I in out trill cure. Not :i, Id or ntifl'. A)ily nto noslrlN. MAY-FEVER OlrHI a lrl,.I 63 cent at Ilrui'Klsl. 8 ertrs by mall relf. teretl. ciul for circular. Saoij la by mall 10 cents. FL.YUHOTIIEUS. Iliuiralsts. (Jitcko, N. Y. dec.1t2-yl '"pifOilIAS KIMIURHR, X CONVEYANUEH, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The following Companies are Represented! LtStlA.N Jf MUl'UAI. FiniS. RnADINO JIUrUAL riltE. WYOMING Finn. rOTTSVILLE FIRK, I.inllQh rittX.andthe TRAVELERS AUIUULNT INb'UIt ANDE Also rnnilvunH and Mutual llor.e Tblet etro ireand Inuruui e Ci miianr. Marco 1871 1110S. ICEMEItCn. fi nT Tl for the wo klnir class. Send li cts ItIIIiII ,llr lx'S'aue. and wn will mall you UUJJUree aroal, valuable bos of amplu iconus Dial viii put (ou In the wayormaklntr tioire money In a few tiajs Iihii vonevtr tbouitht pisiblr nt any business. Capltiil no required. We will start you. You can work all the time or In S.ate lltne onlv. Tbo work Is unlvi rsallv ndameil to l otb s zes younir and old You can raMI earn from &0 cents to 3 to ever)' cventnir That all who w.intwurk may test the buiiinrss. we make this unparalleled offer: toallwlioare not eii satisneii will send l to i ay lor Hie troubl l wriilnxua Full I articular?. ,11. meilons, etc.. s nt free Fortunes will ho made by those who ttlv lielr whole tline to work, ilrrat ruecess absnlulrly rure. Ilon't o.isy. vian now. Address stij-son i t'o Partland, Maine. declt-ly' Dr. C.T.Horn, Central Drug Store, Opposite the " Oarbon House," Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., Keeps a full supply of Pure Drugs & Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Stationery & C hoicp Cigars. Chnlra Wines and Liquors for Medicinal piir-mses. Prescriptions very carefully com pouuiled, day or uight. ALSO Just received, an Immense stock ol Newest and most Popular Designs In Wall Papers AND Borders, which he Is otTerlnir at Pi lees fully as low as the same qualities and Patterns can be not In the Ultlcs. If jou ure about redecorating your hotr.e, call and see styles and learn the prices before purchasing elsewhere. Iteit-ember, I HE CENTRAL liltUU Store, Feb V. yl w U n. It. T. lltlRN. AflBUTS I wanted far the Lives of all lb , PrrHdents of the V. 8. The uuuil ill inrircst. hundsumest. Iiest b. ever sold for less than twice our brlee The fan in selllnK took in America Immense pri'ltlftn agents. All Intelligent people want it. Any one can become a siiccesstui agent. lermslree. Ualleit lluuK Co., Porllan Maine, decli-yl a week nt home, ts 01 outfit free. Pay absolutely euro. Mo risk, aidtal nol trquireii. iteailer. If vnu wal tiusinesa at which persons of either sex, old r,ounir. oinmake great imvallllia lima they work, with almoluie certainly, wtlte for particulars to II, Hallutt (t Co., I'urtlai.d, Malua. deelbyl (JSuliscribe Tor the AD VOCATE, only $1 per year. II Oiiroa Cniisli,Co1'1, IIoarnfM, Croup. Atlhma, Ui-yUtliitlB, Iiwl'iuA Cuiicli. luilplent Cuiuun.t- IlTimni in ftdtftncr.l ftnffii of Hon. Iho Ccm.Ino fr. will' CoHoft Stirvp U roM only In irif iwrnitT, ond Ix-nr our rt'ptftctTtl 1inlnrk to witi A Jlttll'Mllfntl t in irctf,tllrd-f-tf.'n rdnon-yi'W. nvi Hie ifrnp-slmlJofclRiTxturciof Juhn M Unit D J. V.MryiT tt 0..Solo I'rt'p . liaiiiniore. un, u. u. a. now l,nnttps Pliica Tho rrrnt Tobnrro Au' Udolcl-l' to H$, Hold by uA Urucjti. DRIFTING! . dt minus bcciiana.v riab. My soul to day Is far nwny, Sailing t no Vesuvian Cay: My winged boot, A bin! atl.iat, Swims round tbo purple peaks remote: Round purple peaks Us i i 1 -t. and seeks Blue inlets and their crystal creeks. Wherohlgh rocks throw, Tli'nugli deeps below, A duplicated gulden gluw. Far, vague, and dim Tbe mountains swim; While on Vesuvius' misty brim, With outstretched hands, Tlio gray smoke stands O'erlookitig tho vulcanic lauds. Hero Ischia smiles O'er liquid miles; And yonder, bluest of the isles, Calm Capri waits, Her sapphire gntes Beguiling to Iter bright estates. I heed not, If My rippling sklfT Float swilt or slow from cliff to cliff; With dreamlul eyes Mv spirit lies Under tlio walls ol Paradise. Under the walls Where swells and falls Tho Bay's deep oreatt at intervals At peace I lie, Blown nolily by, cloud iipin this liquid sky. Tbe day, so mild. Is Hi uven's own child, With Earth unit Ocean reconciled; The airs I feel Around me steal re murmuring to tbo murmuring keel. Over the rail My baud I trail Within the shadow of tbo (all, A Joy intense, The cooling sonso Glides down my drowsy Indolence. a o Her children hid Tbe dill's amid, Aro gamboling uitli the gamboling kid; Or roWn tlio walls, Willi lipsy culls, Laugh on llie rocks like waterfalls. The fHier'a child, Willi tresses wild, Unto the t?n tb, bright mod beguiled, With glowing tips Pings us eh, skips, Or gazes at tlio lar oil rlilpi. You deep bark goes Wln lu traffic blows. From lands of etui to lands of suows; This happier one, Its course is run From lands id snow to lands of sun. 0 happy ship, Tn lieu and dip, With I lie blue ami ctvstal at your lip! 0 happy crew, Mv heart with you Sails, ami sails, and sings anew Ko more, no more The worldly slioro Upbraids inn with its loud tiproarl Willi dreamlul eyes My spirit lies Under the walls nf Paradise! Wauteil at tie MMl I wiih in n lmrry to reach Imran, N wonder, fur It nns tbo xildest iiighl I bnrl t'TiT known in all my Hie, and lie country ovr which I took tuy way bad a. country rnnda in general. C in- aequ-iilly, I was wnlkino nt a threat rate. iihtha collar of my rongh coat over my rnra, ntul n comforter tied ovtr my soft hat and tinder my chlu, to keep it u nntl protect my enra, when snddenly n man atnn.l full in my path aud caught me by the urtu. Il'illn!'' said he, "i'nn're jnat In tlmj ynn nro wanted at tho cross-road t niglil!' The vtilca waa that of a rnfflin. I ftneied myself nttack-d by n high wayniati. I atooil quite still, anil strove to ahow him by my minners that I waa able to protect myself. "What the Hence am I wanted at the cross-roads foi?" raid I. "Unless choose it will be a very bard matter to i;et me there," Hut iiiktrnil of prodncli'g a pistol and demanding my money or my life, tbe man answered iu an altered tone: "lieu pardon; 1 made a mistake. thought it was my brother aud 1 wanted to frighten lum. Bail night, tit?" Very," arid. I, "You don't know tbe time, sir?' be uaVed. It wan 7 when I left Ibe train at L , 1 said. ..Tlmnk ye, sir," said tbe man, "Good nighl." "Uord night," taid I. If bia object bad been rob. bery, probably bo bad decided from my rough appearance tb&t I was too poor man to be worth tbo trouble. But afttr nil, I thought, probably be spoke tbo I truth. A mau may have snch n volco without beluga highwayman, no doubt. So 1 uent homeward and soon found my self under shelter nnd partaking of a warm and savory supper. My mother wan there and my brother Lien. Ben wm a gnat strapping fellow who could lien nny olber boy of his age for miles uronud if it came to wrestling or boxlug, and ns good-humored n boy as ever lived; a boy always to mother au 1 me, though be bud exercised bit right to vote already iu one presidential election. When supper was over, and we bad chatted fur mi hour, we went up stairs together. We shared one room together. The moment B.-u's head touched tho pil. low LeulKiiya went to hleep. That night Ifullowid hit tx-imple. Bat I did not leep long without n dream a dream iu which I lilt n rough grip on my arm, and was roused by a cry in my ears. Wake up! You are wanted at the emus ronda." It as so real, so palpable, that when became broad awake I actually be lieved that someone was in the room; the mau who had intended robbery or violetce. But wbeu I bad arisen nnd lit my lump the room was empty, except myself and Ben, who 1) minting on bis pillow. I went to the dooi; it was locked. I unit tntbo wiudow; the rush ot r.tin ug.iiuat tbe panes was k.11 1 beard. I tvi-u went across the passage to my mother's room. She was uwaku. There bad been no uuuiual suuud, she was sure. Only n dream born of my meeting the strange man in the road, I felt, bad awakened me. I went to bed and fol' sleep again. Again I was avakenod by tbo same words this time shrieked in my ear by on unearthly voice: Wake it 1 1 wake up! You aro wanted at the cross-roads.'' I was on my feet ouce more.and cAngbt Ben's band as he cuine over toward my bed. What alls you?'' bo cried. Nothing," said I. "Did you bear a VlllClt Yours," said Ben; -'your yelling woke me up; you fairly lrigliteued me.' Ben," said I, "wait till I light a lamp. I beard another voice. There must be some oue in the bouse or outside." Siiltigaiu lit the lamp, but w.e searched in vain. 'Nightmare," said Ben, when I told him my t-tnry. Ben," said I, "what is thereat tbe crn.K-rouobf A house." s.tld Ben. He had lived In tbe neighborhood a long while, aud I not hu g. Ooo little house, besido two oak trers and a fence. Au old in mi lives there a r.eli uinn, aud a bit of n inier, they say, His grand-dutighter keeps bouse for htm."' "Hen, that fellow may have meant barm to them,, I may be wanted at the enws roads." Biother," said Ben, "go to sleep, Y u bail n nightmare;" unci Ben plunged in bmeath tbe blankets and was snoring again, I hIko, in ten minutes, slept as sound, ly (is before, but tbe nwakeuiuy, very souu came again. I opened my eyes In see a girl stand ing at tbe font of my bed. A girl in while robes, with golden hair all about her sljiuil lers, who wrung her bands aud cried: 'Oh, wake up! you are wanted nt tbe cross roads." This time I started nut of bed, bathed iu h cold perpiration, I Iremblod like a leaf. I had no doubt that I had received Kiitiiruattirnl warning. Ben!" I cried; -Ben. for tbe third lime I have been told that I wanted ut the the ct os. roads, and I am going," And I began to dress as speedily e possible listening tbe while to tbe storm raging wild.r and wilder than nt any other peri d siuce ils cninuienctmeut, Ben remonstrated with uie in viln. At last he nlsu began to huddle on bis clothes. ' If vnu have gone mad I must go with you and take care of you,' he said. "But fancy nnother man going ont in n storm like this to the cross-roads be- ne n nightmare- caused him tn do so, nd what would yon think of him?'' I said iintliii'g. All I could have aus wered would have been: I am compelled tn go; I mna'. go. I I ne not refuse, whatever luay be thought .f roe." In ten minntes we were silashifg through the mud and ruin along Ibe road. It was perfectly dark. Now and then a bl-ziitg red star iu Ibe dis'nnce told us that n limp was beaming tbrongh the rain iu some cottage wiudow, but otherwise we would not have been con scions of our proximity tn any habitation whatever At last. Hearing tho spot where the road from 8 crnsse tbe road lo P we were indeed in as t-oll lary a place ns can be Imagined. The hniisn, which abu'led on tb? very angle of the roads, called in familiar purlauce the cross-roads, was the only one for some distance in either direction and certaiuly on such a night we were not likely to meet nny travelers. All was quiet as tbe grave. We stood finite still. In n moment Ben broke out in one of his wildest laughs. Well," he said, "how now? Will yon go home now and have another night mare?" But hardly bad the words escaped bis Hps a shriek broke on tbe air, and a wprain'sj voice, plilnly conilug from tb iuterlnr of tbe cottage, cried: "Help! belpl help!" "Ben," said I, "we are wanted at tbe cross-roads;" and then, nuderstanding each other, without more words we road our way to n wiudow through which light sho-je. A niiixtii! curtain drape tbe panes, but through it we taw an aw ful sight. Ao old man lay ca Ui flJor, tad orei him bent a r ifJSan, clutching his throat aud holding a pistol to bis car, while another mau grasped tbe shrieking girl by thearm n girl iu floating night-dress with such long golden hair as belonged to the girl of my vision. Not a moment was to be wasted, Ben flung his weight against the slender lattlae aud crnshed it in, and wo bad grappled tbe rufJlins before they knew whence the attack came or how many foes were upon tbem. I do not Intend to describe tbe stmg. gle; Indeed, I could not if I would. But we were strong men, and Inspired by tho cries of the helpless old man and tbe terrified girl, we soon had one of the villaius bound and the other lying pros trate on the fljor. Then Ben started for assistauco, nnd before morning botb wero in j ill. Ben admitted, ns we shook each other by the hand, that "we were wanted at the cross roads." The old man was not n miser, but he ,bad snved some Jew thousand dollars for bis old fiRe, and, living more plainly than he need have done, bad given rise to tbe rumor, and so brought the burg lars to the cross-roads iu the hope of booty. The girl, a beautiful girl of 17, was bis grauddaugbter.nud as no story is accept able to the lady readers without a flavor of romance, will tell tbem she became in after years not my wife but the wife of my darling brother Ben. THE LOST ARMY CHEST. It nil began with a visit to au nucli- u- room iu which was being sold itio uncalled-for packages of tbe Adams Ex press compauy. I watched the sale for some moments without thinking ot buy ing anything, when an old military-looking. trunk was put tip. Somebody bid $1, and just as it was about to be sold I offered SO cents more. It was promptly knocked dowu to me, aud thnt evening I got my treasure home. It was in the winter of 1802. My purchase did not seem n bour.nzi; there was a lot of soiled clothing, collars chiefly, and socks, and at the bottom of the trunk n little tiu box, locked, which I bad to break opru. There was a lot of letters in it, written chiefly in n female hand, aud addressed to "Dear Harry" nnd "Dear Sweetheart." This I looked through carefully and saw that tho story was tbe old oue. "Harry" was a soldier iu the confederato army The letters were dated in 'CI and 'C2.aun Celi.i loved him aud was doing her wo rn inly best to hearten nud strengthen him to Jo a nnn't part aud come horn? her a hero. Tbe romance ceased with a letter iunuotber hand, lelliug how Cell a taken the jellow fever nud died. Then was some other letters, but those were tlna ouly ones of nnv iulore-it. At the bott im of tbe case was u little mem ornuduui-book with these entries: Greenbacks Ool I Silver S02 000 4,500 750 Total SG7.250 Jacki.'N Mm.. May 10. 1803 V 0 Tilly tbe nlioye to be a true aud com plete inventory nf contents of tnoue) chest captured by us Iroru Gen, Mc Phtrsou's command on May 1. Alv Holton V, T. Graves. llllMtY AllMsTEAD Jac d SnuLTz. On the next page was the lolloniug memornudiim: Money chest captured near IlatAin- on'steriy on Big Black river.and buried ly us at a point two uilh-s due north west ol Perry's, nt foot ol live onk tree. uetity paces south of Amram a stable. n llig Black. Tneu cuuid another enlrv: B lten nud Slilnlz killed at Champion Hill's fight, May 1G. Aud auother: Gravis died In hnsnltal at Vick.bnrc. Jnue.21, leaving roe sole owner buried hest. Am b.i Iv wounded iu leg; doc tor says must amputate, and tin cblorn. form in Vickibnrg; fetl wl.l probably die, nnd don't care However make this last will nud testament. Leave burled treasure lo man finding, condition be hunts grave nf Celta MAnderson.cntbolic oeimt. ry. New Orleans, nnd erects there- ou siiltiibla monument, Willi name and epitaph "Btult by Ibe hands of her dead lov r " No trouble lo find cb- st if mem- irandura above consulted If curae dy log man has weight here or hereafter leave it tipou him who falls to obs-rve my wish llEsnv AnMTEiD. Vickshnrg, June 20. 1803. Now this, you must admit, was a ro mancH tn find buried Iu an old trnnk. I'he ouly clew I could get to the owuer of Ibe mink was that bis Initials were S. B II , und the peculiarly rusted stale of tbe tin case made me half hope Hint it had rever I eeti opened since the day Ibe dead bands closed it. The matter did not strike me as anything more than n rntnnt.0-) for tbe time being. I felt sure that no one would enrry around nn old case of that kind without knowing ils value. And for more than a year I never thought for n moment of ciamlrjg into the matter, It happened, though last Mardi Oras, thnt I was down in New Otleaiis.aud out of curiosity I went out to tbe catholic cemetery aud naked the sextou to show me the crave of Miss Ctlls Mnnderson. I remembered about the date of her death; It was August, 18G2. He pulled over tbe dusty old re cords of mortality nnd at last found tbe name we bought. Her grave who single unmarked mound, uncared for, lonely, and desolate. Evidently, if tbe trensnre had beeu touud a dead man's curse was wailing upon tbe finder. I coulu not imagine that any man could be base enough to rob love entombed, and the absence of that monument persuaded me that this money still lay in its biding place ou Big Black. I at ouce made up my mind to make tbe search, t.nd tbe next day 1 took lounge to Grand Gull, tbe nearest polut on the Mississippi to the Big Black. We got to tbe ferry at nigbtlall nud secured accommodations at a house dear by. The next morning I took the role of a land-hunter aud in quire i for Amraai'a place. Tbe good old lady, inj hostess, threw np htr binds and. asked Bis veer) I bad cm beard that gone since before the war The last log of their bouse wan burned when Orant went through. You'll find tbe old stone chimney a-stnudlug about two miles up the road." "North bank, or south?' "South. I'll send n boy with yon." Never mind; I'll walk up," And I did. Nut to detain you too long, I soon located the Amram place by the great staring chimney, nnd tbe hollow where the stable stood I also fixed. There was no live oak or any tree in sight but a rottiug stump, which I took to be tbe spot indicated. I bad forgotten to bring a spade, and a seaich finally developed au old rusty bayonet sticking iu a log on the river bank. With this I dug at the stump long and painfully, fiually uncovering the corner of n chest. Iu auother half bonr I bad tbe box out aud open, and there tbe money was before It was too bulky a load to carry, but I made shift to get most of the gold und greenbacks to tbe bouse, that night, hav ing first put what I could not carry into another cache. Ou tbe third day I was ready to go on with my treasure trove, and, having liberally paid my hostess nud the darkey, I took the boat for New Orleans, richer by nearly $70,000 than wbeu I lauded a couple of days be fore. Iu my stateroom I bad time to examine my find. The paper money was all In an excellent state of preserva tion, nothing more than a Utile mildew being preceptible. Thero was $02,000, the great nixjorily being in $10 bill,tbe rest iu $100 And small bills nud fraction al cum uoy, Tbe gold, of which there was $J,000 instead ol $1,500, was iu $20 pieces. There was a card iu the shape of a voucher for $1,000 of tbe gold, slat ing that it had been taken for present uecoseltiea by tbe four captors. My first step on reaching New Orleans was to order tbe monument which my dead benefactor had ordered, nnd Celin Man derson's grave will no longer be neglect ed. I said nothing about my treasure trove to anybody at first, because I was afraid the government would dUcover it, but I am advised by my lawyers that under the circumstances, recovery is impossible. I found out also that this veiy money was tho cause of n court martini iu which one of McPherson's of ficers was vindicated, although severely criticised. It seems that tbo four con federates discovered that tbe paymas ter's escort was a small one, nnd that they ambushed the party half n mile abova tbe ferry, killed three men and drove off the other ten in n most gallant manner. Certainly they won tbe money fairly, and ceriainly I havo inherited it fairly. SHE K0DE THE FIO. Boston Globe: "Ma," said Simantba, Deacon Bodkiu's daughter, "pa says you cau tell twice as good a story hs his was about climhiug the paiuted post. He says you rode a pig once." "Now, Uczekiih," said Mrs. Bodkin, "you ought to be ashamed." "I was kinder 'shamed," said the deacon, "when I see you on tbe pig. n-holdiu' onto bis'liill, nn' be a-iqueal-iug." "Oh. ma," said the clil. "now you must tell us." "I won't do it," said Mrs. Bodkin. "Wall, I will then," said tho deacon. "You see, gals, wo was ou our weddin tower, 11 was wiuter, an" woweut down to Jacksonville. Fla. Oue day your ma weut lo walk aloue. She said she was going to get some orauges, or sometbiu', She was a-golo' through tbe street, an' in ttirulu' n corner she came face to face with ooo er them big, lank, raw-boued bogs, what j nut wild in tbem regious.snd pick up a living on ground nuts and sich things. "Your ma, she stopped stock slill an' then dodged to go by the pig. Jest then the pig dodged too, an' she didn't get by. Tuen she dodged tbo other way nu' the pig he dodged the other way, too;au' so they kept n-dodgin' back and forwards, she nu' tbe pig. "Btmehy tbe pig be got tired of that kiud of works, and be made a bolt for a middle course, nn' that course happened to he atweeu your ma's feet. She fell n-course, an' she fell right face dowu on the pig's back. 'I dun't know which was tbe eenrdest your ma or the pig. All sbo could do was to hold onto the pig's tall an' holler, an' all the pig could tin was t) run tin squeal. I waa nut a-lookln' for your ma nn' I see her a-comiu' ou tbe pig's back, She didn't stop for no ceremouy but went right by. The pig run clear through the cily an' took to tbe woods, au'your ma rolled off wbeu she got tired, an' struck on tbe grass, an' wasn't butt a bit." now sweet yen most have looked. ma," said Martha, But "ma" bad fled. A big, aggressive Silence entered a lie publican editor's sanctum. ' Cau I get work here?" Yes, sir. Yauk off yonrcoat, and get right down to business." "What department shall I tnke?'' "Devote your entiretime to tbe Mulli- gau letters until innuer orders. uui- cago News, Subscribe for and read tbe Advocate it contalus nil tbe latest local uows up to tbe lime of goiug to press. Of l.CGl pictures exbibiled In tbe Royal Academy this year, 203 bave been sold at prloes ranging from a guinea to 1,000. Tbe Paris Soir in criticising tbe English preparations for tbe Soudan ex pedillon, is most amned of all by tbe officers each taking a tnb to wash in, A Biooklvn brewer makes a "tern peraoce" which is "nnintoxiodtlng, but caunot be distinguished frcin ordinary lager in color, taste, body, bead, or smell. It is largely sold in towns where no licensed art granted by Eiclao Com' mlfsloutw- A New Departure. One good result of the hard times a few years sgo, was the bringing. luto life an ar ticle in proprietary medicine, which gave to every purchaser a full crjutyalent for his money. The rule of this class of medicines Is from 10 to 25 doses for $1, the best only readied 40. Messrs. Hood & Co., took a new departure aud In the article now so well and favorably known as Hood's Ssrsa psrilla, they give the unprecedented quant ity or 100 doses for it. These facts com mend this reined y to the consideration of the sick, also the well, for they are liable lo get sick. Tbe proudest moments of a moth er's life is just after she has trimmed the hair of ber young hopeful, usiug tbe edge of a bowl to gilidd tbn shears even ly nround bis intellectual forehead. ' Tis then sbo gnz?s on hini with tho fondest maternal hopes nud sees the future Con gressman standing out in bold relief. Shlloh's Vltaliser is what vou nsed for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, aud all symptoms of Dvsnepsia, Price It) and 75 cenls perholtlo. Sold by W. F. Bierv VYciss;rl, Dr. C. T. Horn Lehtghton. -Croup.Wbooninr' Coueh and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shlloh's Cure. Sold by W. F. Biery Welssport, Dr. C. T. Horu Lehighton. That hacking Couah can he so aulcklv cured bv Shlloh's Curo. We guarantee it. Sold bs W. F. Biery Weissporl, Dr. C. T. uorn i.euignion. Will vnu suffer with Dvsnensla and Liver Complaint? Shlloh's Vitalizer is guarantee I lo cure you. Sold by W. F. tilery eissport, Dr. U. T. Horn Lehighton. Sleepless nnzlits.made miserable bv that terrible cough Shilob's Cure Is the remedy nir you. tsoiii by w. t , Diery Weissporl, Dr. 0. T. Horn Lehighton. Catarrh Cured.hesllh and sweet breath secured, by Shiluti'e Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by W. F Biery Weisspm Dr.C.T. Horn Lehigh ton. For lame bock, side or chest, use Shlloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by W. F. Biery Weissporl, Dr. C. T. iiuru ueuignion. Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Curs Is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Con sumption. Sold bv W. F. Biery Wensport, Dr. C. T. Horn Lehighton. There isu't a lighthouse on the coast that weighs less tbau n ton. The most basbfnl girl we ever beard of was tbe young lady who blushed when sbo was nsked if she had been courting sleep. Drunksnnesi, or the Liquor Habit, can be cured by administering Dr. Haines' Oolden Specific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or lea ithout the knowledge of the person taking. it, effecting a speedy and permanent euro, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands ol drunkards have been made lemperata men who havo taken tue Oolilen Specific In their coiree without their knowledge, and to-day ueueve uiey quil itrinkingoi their own Iree win. iso harmtul cllecta result Iroin ts adinlniitratlon. Cures guaranteed. Circulars aud testimonials sent free. Address, OoLnitN Srr.cmc Co., 185 iUce St., Cincinnati, O. Everything will turu wnen trod upon even tbe treadle. It turns tbe grind stone. Chicken fanciers of n speculative turn shocld direct Ibeir attcutiou to tbe rearing of a breed of heus able to lay wagers. A lawyer's Opinion of Interest to AH. J. A. Tawney, esq , a leading attorney of Winona,, Minn., writes: "Alter using it for more than three years, I take great pleasure instating that I regard Dr. King's New Discoyery lor Consumption, as tbo best remedy in the world for coughs and colds. It has never failed to curo Ilia most severe colds I have ever had, and invar! ably relieves the pain in the chest." Trial bottles of this cure for all throat and lung diseases may bo bad free at T. D. 1 nomas' drug store. Largo size, $1.00, Tbe paucaku is like tbe orb ot day, because it rises in tbe yeast aud sets in tbe vest. The modern golden rule is L't your due unto others as much as others' due unto yon. KVEltY Promise backod by a guaran tee. Acker's Dysfiepsia Tablets will give immediate relief. Price 25 & 50 cts. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and Will Biery, Weissporl. Early to bed and early to rise will all be in vain if you don't advertiso iu tha Cahdom Advocate, published at Le bigbtou. Almost all people are generons to a fault, if tbe fault happens to be tbeir own. Tbe min that never smiled did not take bis blue ribbon in vain. AN OLD NUIISE BAYS: Acker's Eng llsli ltemedv is bkt for roughs, croups, iliibtteris,or bronchitis. Kohl by Dr. (J. T. Horn, Lehighton, W F Biery, Weisspo'rt. The other night we dropped into th) theatre, and when at tbe end of tbe act ibe curtain dripped and the boys dropped out to tike a drop, we knew why it was called n drop curtaiu. A matter of fact man was told by this doctor to put a check on bis stomaob If he wished to live long nnd be happy. Ha went immediately to bis tailor, who filled tbe prescription by miking a plaid vest for bim. A peculiar virtue In Ayer's Satssparllla is thai while it cleanses and purges tbo blood from all corruptions and impurities. and thereby roils out diseaso, it builds up and iuvlgnratei tbe wbola system aud makes one young. Wiyes should always sit up for tbelr husbands, Instead of getting tbeir ser vants to do so. It m'ikes two hours dif ference in tbejr arrival. It lakes oue pig to make a bam, bow bow many bogs will lake le make a hammer? Ex. Ouly oue pig ot iron. Soon tbe averagi woman will let ber husband's stockings go without darning, neglects to sew up tbe rent iu bis coat, and goes and joint tho sawlug circle to make clothes lor tbe heathens. Such sacrifice will be husbanded as a treas ure abor4, Mother," said a little squire-bnilt urchin about five years old. "Why don't the teaoher rotke mi monitor ami' dk? I can lick very boy iu my da ii bur one Tampson siys yia may talk of Your witer core,iyoar movement cur'u, ' . , -v ... , but tb.ra is wUoing like tha ulntocie, after ail nheumatlsm.Nctiralgla.Sclatlca, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Bora Throat, Swelling. Siprulna, llrateeSt llarnm frcttbK l m.1 Ullea, 1.1D All (11 Hill UUDILT l'AI.S ASD ICUO. ftrid by Druial.u bikI Peelera eTtrTvasm. Fitly Cents a tmtil.. nireqtfoai In II Lan.uAtM. TIIK CIIAIU.Ka A. VOOF.I.KIt CO. .UK SCO) a.iua.n, aii,cs.l. For Something Yery Nice la tha Way ot Ladies', Gent's and Children'! BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS ao to Peter Heim, opposite the Publlo Square, DANK Street, Leblgjiton, where you will And a Large and Fashionable Stock to select from otLonsit Cash Prices. Also, Ladles' and dent's Boots and Shoes Me to Order on short notice. Best Material and Work, mnnthlp guaranteed. Prloes are fully a Low as elsewhere. Your patronage Is ver cordially Inrltcd. May 19-ml CAflN Health andjlappiness. DO AS OTHERS QTQOTAF HAVE DONE. Are your Kidneys disordered? 'Kidney Wort bruug-lit tue rroiu my gram, em II were, after 1 had been given up br 13 Iwst doctor, ta Detroit." U. IT. Daveraui, llechiulo, Ionia, Ulna. Are your nerves weak? 'Ilfdaey Wuit cured ino from nervous eanee. 0.. arter I wii. not expected to live."- Mrs. II. U. D. o.oodwln,d. CAruttua Monitor Cleveland, O. Have you Bnght's Disease0 "Kidney wott cured mo when my water was Just u iuiua Mm tuui nao uinna. Fiank WborMbodx.Uass. Sufferin&fromDiabetos? "Kldnoy-Wort Ijtue moat succeacrul rcuiedT I have tror used. Circa Almost Immeiltato rxilof." Dr. riilUlpU, Sullou, lKnkton, YL Have you Liver Complaint? "Kldncy-vvort cured mo cf. chroido lvur PUeaaos attor 1 brayed ta die." . Henry TVoxd, lato Cel. t)th Stat. Guard, N. T. 13 your Back larao and aching? "Klilney.Wort.ll bottle) cured n.o vhcn 1 vaasa Umo 1 had to loll out cf ld." C'21. Talhua0, Ulliranliee, Wis. Havo you Kidney Disoaso? liJ.ncy-Vr ort mado no eouii I Intlver and kidneys alter years rf unsuccessful Ooctorlnff. lte worta tl0abox."-iJa.-a'l Uodjoa, vrmuuutin, Vest Are you Constipated? "Ktdncy-Tort causes easy evacuations andeusea mo alter 13 years i') ct olher meUIelnea." li.lson KuU-cuild, ti. Attaaa, Vt, Havo vou Malaria? Kidney-Wort has dono bettor t.ian any other remouj 1 havo ever used In ny rrcellee." Ui . I, iv. vfcuk., ovum inn, , k Aro you Bilious P "Kldney-TVort hae donom. luoro pood than any other remedy I havo ever t&krn." Mrs. J. T. Uolloway, n!c Flat, Oregon. Are you tormented 'with Piles? 'Kidney-Wort permanent t-j eurct mo f f tliKdUuy piles. Dr. w. C. Kline rocoineiemU d It ro inc." Ova. U. lloret, Cashier M. luul, Hjcr.lown, Ta. Are you Rheumatism racked? "Kidnej-tVort cured me, after i waa riven up to die by luiyslciajie and I bid e utf, red thirl j year. Ubrldee Malcolm, Afcst Bath, llalas. Ladies, nro you suffering? "Itidnev.Wort eurrd me of liceuUar IrvuUefl Ot several years atandls?. Many friends use and praise IW HI. U.MUUVimU,UIW.WVIIE ' . If you would Banish Diseasa i ana gain iieaitu, xaice Yhb Blood cleanser. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rov. Z. I. IVIlds, tvcll-ltnown dry missionary In New York, nnd brother or tho luto eminent Judgo YVIIds, of tha Massachusetts Supremo Court, writes as follows i ' 78 K. SIM 5., -Vrie Vol. May 10, 1MJ. Messrs, .1. V. Avcit i Co., Gentlemen i List winter I was troubled witli a most uncomfortable Itching humor affecting mora esieclally my limbs, which Itchod so Intolerably at night, ami burned so Intense ly, that 1 could scarcely bear nny clothing over them. 1 was also a sufferer from a i severe catarrh and catarrhal cough; ray appetlto waa poor, nnd my system a good deal run down. Knowing the value ot Avnu'a S.uisArAniu.A, by observation ot many other cases, and from isirsonal use In former years. 1 began taking It for the abovo-ii.imcd disorders. My appotlle lin proved almost from the tlr.t dose. After a short time the fever and Itching were allayed, nnd all signs of Irritation of the skin dlsappsared. My catarrh and cough were also curod by the aamo means, and my general health greatly improved, until It Is now excellent. 1 feel a hundred per cent stronger, and I nttrlbute these results to the uao of tho SAUSAI-AniLLA, which I recommend with all coutldcnoa ns lb best blood medicine ever devised. I took It In small doses throe tltno. a day, and unci, In all, leu than two bottles. I plate theso facts at your service, hoping their f ublloatlon may do good. Voars respectfully, Z. P. Wilds." The above Instance Is but one of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of Avnu's Sadsa fAtllLLA to the cure of all diseases Arising from Impure or Impoverished blood, nud a weakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparil la cleanses, enriches, and strengthens tbe blood, itlmulates the action of the stomach and bowels, nnd thereby enables tho sjitcm to resist and overcemo tbe attacks of all &ru lotu Dhctuti, Eruption! of Hie SUM, .Vactt narlsm, Catarrh, Otntral DtlUU'j, and all Usorders resulting from )oor or corrupted blood and a low state ot the sStes. VnEFARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass, Sold by all Druggists; price $1, six bottle for S3. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. BCac mrgUIIVO lYICfJICinO ! wreCoMtfraulon.j I ail Illlloas Disorders. u, Mt wltaule. 1