mtrmyxBfKmtn aai.i i iiiii.l-WaWsajSJ The Carbon Advocate. An Independent Fnmllv ITewowpe Publlahrd every SATURDAY, U Lehighton, Carbon Co., Pa., by riAHKT V. HORTIII'lIEll. tinxj-HAVrtVAT. a ahott distance abc,vt U.0 rebirth Valley It. R, Depot, Tens: $1.00 peinnm in Advance crnwr pqBcimt;u- cu? tun asb ntwr Job Printine VJ311T T OW PftTfUTS "Advertising Rates. We" itulrn I to In dlstllir.llv understood iht no advertisements will bo Inserted In i. I .. r n. ....... lhvnn,.f Biy bo received from unknown parties or rmi tiniest accompanied by the nun. The following are our okly termti (INS HqVARK (10 LINKS), Ono year, each Insertion lOcta. Sin months, each Insertion 1 J eta. Throe montb, each Insertion - 20 cU. LeH than three months, first Insertion jl each subsequent Insertion 2S eta. Lecal notice 10 cents lr line. II. V. Mnatmu ta, jr., Publisher. H. V. MonyrniMEit, Jun'r, Publisher. INDEPENDENT-1 Live and Let Live."1 $1.00 ft Yeai if Paid iu Advance. VOL. XII., No 43. LEHIGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, PA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1884. If not paid in advance, $1.25. at V.G11T low jpaicna nil .. " " i Attorneys & Counsellors. -7" M. HArSKF.ll, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW, DASH 8ttiT,LinmiTO.rA. fl..u.t.t..nJ nnll.rtlon Air.nev Wlllltuviad' I rtf tl Katate flonveyanrintr .iratly done Col- I ,tlns trooetly ma. snmng r,ini.. ' r Uata p.tialty. Mayb.eoiiaulled In rnalUb 0riaa. rj-i a. snyiikh, ATTORNEY AT LA7. Owes Corner of flunk Street h Uankway lad bull lln above the Carbon Advooate Printing I ifflee. May It, 1833-uiO LKIIIQUTON. Physicians find Dentists. J) It. W. W. llEBEtt FHYttlUIA AnUbUliutun, BANK STREET. LUHirjllTON. OFFICE Hours at Partyvlllo From sa. in., to Vi m, dally. Afay be consulted In tha Kngllsh or flerman Language. May 17. 'U. TV7" A. DEUIIAMEK, M !., ' PIIV8ICI AN AND SCItOKON Sp.rl.i.ltrntlon paid to Chronic Diseases. Odeai tSouIsi t:t cutnirlronanJ CnJ t.. I.o llirlitno.Pi. Aprl 3. 1878. jsr. IS. itl.KEK, 41. 1). V. a Kxnmlnlng sturc;r.on, psaoticiho physician andsuitanoN. Osrict; uaukstieot. Itiusa'a utocK, LchigU Sou. Pa. Ma, be ooneuiicd In ttioOm n Language. ynv. so. REMOVED. W. G. M. Seiple, Pliyslciaii & SnrgeGii, Has Itemovid hi. timer ami nrsldcnce from Sat-ond M.t -SOUTH Slice , In the tiull-llnir foriai-rly nccuplnl bv A. I Iioi.i.kmiaykr, where be will he pleased to see his Irli'inls and natrons. O-Urt'IUE till1-! from 8 to 9 o'clock P. M. March SI, 1883 .TO. A.Cortrighfc, D.D.S., i,v.utaiir -rri? OFFICE: Opnsiii-the"iri ad way House," Mauoh Chunk, Pa. Patlenta hvo th benefit of tlie 1 itest Im. revmaent In ine bunlMl appliances nnl tha east lanth'i 1 iirir-.itment In nil surirlciil . AVSTUm-!'' administered II dnslra-l If pos-l-di-, persons residing outside ef Uaueh OuuuU .kould engHB'inenis kymatl. IJ Vl c CARBON HOUSE, J J. W. EMlDEVnUSH, PROPRIETOR, Him: St., kmuoitTO, Pa. The Oaibos HousH'ilfrrs nrst-clan accom aedatlnui to Hib Triivn Imr public. HimrdlnK by the Hat or tVeolc on Reaamiuhle Terms. Dkalca Clar. Wlaes and Liquors alwuy on kaa4. Uod Sho'ls and Stables, ulili altoc tlr Haitian, attachaJ. April to-yl, pVCKEUTtiS IHMU.. Uldway between Maack Chunk & Lclilicliton LEOPOf.l) MEYER, PROrnuTOB, Paekerton. Penn'a. Tkis writ Known liolrl Is ndmlra'dr refitted, aaa his th bestaiacimnodAtlni.s lor urinnii. aat and traniinat Unorders. H icellcnt la)ie aa4 lha Tiry bet liqu.iri. Aluo Itnustuhlcs attas.ied. Sept. 10-yl. Mau:h Chunk House, aait.aihanna Street, Mauch (Jliunk. Peuna., ,,'V. V EKIlit, i iiiHflt'Kir. TThn Tliltlna; at lha I'ountjr Seat this Hatel will fcaud In he HrH-cliiss In rery re eet. I es. I.lqums. I iiaer llrer. ritirs and ether Itelrrrli nenis nf pureti niulity at Ika llar. .renin Tory moderate. P.itn nn;e (elicited. Supl. , U3 Beer Saloon ant Man 1113 Viae St., Philadelphia. Dennis Gilbert, Proprietor. The Par Is funrlshed with cholco Cl(tar. Tfk'r, and other rrfreshments. Pit lrra ih l,ehla:h Valley Tlslilnic I'lilU daluhla are resucetlully Invited In rivo n.a a all. IlasjlB CLLBUnr. larah 7'. 1 S tl. Livery 6b Sale Stables SANK aTUKK r.L.13llIOIlTON, Pa FA.ST TROTi'IKO IIORSEd, .".'.BLEU ANT OAUUIAGES, a eitiTSly LOWER PRICES than anr elliee Lirery in the Coantr. LeroanK handsome Carrlaces for Faoera nriimiil Weuatnte. DAVID UDBRItT Vsi. 33. IS7I J, W. UAUDENUUSH 'tMotIoltjr annnnno tho nubllo that ho fail HD-ner1r NEW I.I V Kit V sr uiLK In ftantUn with hit hutel, autl ti itrtpureU to Faaerals WeMuis or Bisiuess Trips a tkerlest aotleeand meat llberalterms. All rders left at the "Ci'b m llnuae" will receive rapt atteatiun. Htauie en North S'rect Beat iae aoiai, aniKnitm. auAvi nimpvm andkhsun smi rATKNT SelleltnrotU. s. and IO.IUIM, tK Patents No. 700 SMITH id r or. lOOSer, eelk sltraat. nr. ), np. II P. Patent, lTaahlnrton D.I', (lorreapnndeneeanllclied. Koekariafor adrlre. N" fee charited an. It, a rat"nl is aucweii. iieierenrcs, i.ewi Jnknioafe i'o. Hankers, and Poaiina.tar, Waahlnalea, D. U. Pami hleta f Inatrue tlonifrea aiayll 81. STnTlNI'li.V llllt.rvtiV.lasli,mabl 1r,13 iionTan.i mhiii .nAitaa, jiank at skUktnn Al' wnrk warranted I A M r faimsa ipeelatir. and VAIt LrV 1 V,iMETKAI I'KltrlPKlAT. E.aii all kin's. f I, A Nil SCRIPT luvhl an I a Id, f, ir siui-k, and lllvhoat Prim's till.' t" r'" "' ,0" or uvt If Si. wrlteVA. A TIUIMAS, Atto-nr at Law, Waahlavtnn, D.O. an.n-tfe. I TtTITrTI Hend en. fnrpnalaur. and re D rniiH,;tira;nvls B. I IlKIU. Hhlch wll help you t" more mosey r)ht away Mian anythlna; else In I his writ. All. or el her -ei, ,u vnl frnm firit hovy. The bread way to fortune open be. fere the vnrkrrs. sure. 4441, 1m fc Co., Pcithni, Me, ly pMa1saiiastfsjw,i i' i ' 1 I'l ' 'i h h 1. eta -usrv a Thomas' Drug Store. is. -5 a Sabers rag o b 8 W g. & rO o ? S M 3 0 O CD Catarrh ZGl larrh hnvlntrpe ciillnrn rapiomn. It Is nncmlptt hy n inilinneil con illtlon f the tin. fnir rn- mtirnno nf tin n filrlls tcur luctf, ant tlirnftt - II o o t Ir s: the Iuiiks. An nrrll llio dlpclinrur Is it c a m pit n ll with & felUDlUl tuiriilnit i ii n f r. Ion. There ore ncvore cpaittnc of n o e r-ltivr. fr que nt Attacks of Mlmllnir head. Hay-feve che, n wotcrv nnI Inflaineil MiHo oi Hie eyes, Elv'a Crnm Rftlm Is a remcilr fonnrled on & correct (UntrnojU nf tills illfrnsc and chii bo deienIcil upon AO rente itt druuliis, Pc. ti mull. S-mnle hnttle I r idhiI lOcts. Elv llrtnfl.. itrngKlitt. Owcico. W. V, T 570MAS KR.11KR1:R, CONVEiANUER, AND OKNERAL INSURANCE AGENT The .'dlowlna Companies are Li IS It AN )N MD rUAL FIDB. RBADINO MUTUAL FIRIT, WYUUINO I-'IRE. POTTSV1I.I.C FIRIt, LI3IIIOI1 I'l RK. and the TRAVELERS ACOIULNT INt? UilANOE Also Pennvilranh and .Mutual IIo.'u Thin1 eteo lreand Insurant et'empanr. MnrcalJ.ltTI TUOS. KUMERER. GOLD!! for thewo-klng elaas. Send loots rnr pnsiaue. and we will mall you free, ar'iyal. raluatite box nfsamnli Hoods that will put ynu In the wiyofniHliliii; mure money In a few iiaya ilmn yeuev.r Ihouulit I'ovalhle t nny liuslnirs. 'Cnplnil nu' required. Wo will sinrl ynu. You enn nurR nu inn lime or in si..ire nine only. 1 lin wurk Is nnlri'rsnllv nilamed to I nib a ir.. younit and nld You enn ea,llv eurn from 60 eenls to e.5 to every i-venlnir Thai all wlm wiitwnrk may leei the liualniss w make Ihl. unpHralleled nffer : tnallwhnarn tint wen sutisfit'ii we will rend tl to i nv ,.r the ip'Uhl el wrlilnjus Full articular. .11 reeilnnf. etc.. s nt free Fortune will be made by those wlm tlvo 'heir whole lime to work. ilrrntaueCLBS iibanlutelvture. Don't delay, stan now. Address STihenn M'o , tMrtianu, Maine. dccU-ly Dr. C. T. Horn, Central Drug Store, Opposite the " Carbon House," Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., Keeps a full supply of Pure Drugs & Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Stationery & Choice Cigars. Chnl Wines and Liquors for Medicinal pnrws I'lerrriptlnnt very carefully com jmuuded, day or night. Af.RO. Just received, an Immense stock of Newest and most Popular Designs In Wall Papers AND Borders, which he Is offering at Prices fully as low as the same qualities and Patterns ean begot In the Cities. If you are about rsdecoratlng yoar home, call and seo styles and learn the prices before purchasing; elsewhere, lleiaember, THE CENTRAL, DRUO Store, Feb.S..yl Dn. tl. T, 11UKN. AGENTS g wanted for tho I.lvea of all the rrtmenis ni mo u. a. Tbe irsi-st. hiindsoinri t. heat bunk ever sold for less I ban twlee nur price Tbe (attest eelllhar Unk In America Imiinnae tiri'tlt t'lntcei'ts. All lnlelllanti'e" le want It. Any one ran become a anceeaalul aint Terms free. Hallkit Dock Co., IVrlUnd, Maine. drels-yl a week at home. 5 01 outfit free. Pay at'fiiluit'ly i-ur. o riak. I acltal not reuulred. Itentli'r. it vnn runt nuaineaa at wuicn pers'ins or either sex, uld eryuunir. can make (treat pay all the time they work, with atmoluie ceriainiy, wilte fir I'ariicular. to 11, Uallktt h Uu., I'nrtlai.d, Maine. deals yl JgiinSubscribe br tho Ad vocate, only $1 per year. List of Premiums to bo awarded at the Tenth Annual Fair of the Carbon County Industrial Society, to le held on their Grounds In the BornUh of Lehighton, Carbon county. Pa.,nn Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Ocli.ber 7, 8,9. and 10, 18811 Class 1 Horses. Ilcavy Draught, Blooded. Deal tilllon between 4 and 12 years... 6 00 Second best 3 00 Third best 1 U Rest hurso brtween 4 and 12 t cars 4 00 Second best 3 00 Third best 1 09 Best maro between 4 and 12 years 4 00 Second beat 2 00 Third best 110 licit horao rolt between 2 and 4 years. . S 00 .second best 2 00 Third bi st 1 09 Heat mare colt between 2and 4 years.. 3 00 Second best 2 00 Third best 1 00 Rest colt undor 2 years 2 00 Second lust 1 00 Heat brood mare with colt under six monthsat her feet 4 00 Second best 2 01 Real pair mules under VI years 4 01 Soooud best 2 00 Class '2 Speed. WEDNESDAY, OCTOIIER 8th. Open to all horses In the coun'y, owned three months prior to the day oftrlal.and that have never gone lor money other than county promlums. Rest trotilnv horse .r.....t 25 01 Second bet X.:... 15 00 Third best 6 00 Tho ahnvo Trnttlni; Match la to take place at TWO o'clock P. M. Provided, hnwevir, tbat four horses must bo entered, and not less than three to ,tnrt. Heats, two rounds, best three In five to harness. Entrnneo foe, ten per cent of whole amount id premium offer et. All horses lor this class must bo entered before 10 o'clock A. M October 8th, and en trance lee paid 10 the S' cretary. Opt to all colts la ihe county, not over fnur yars nld, and owned three months prior to the day of trial, ami that have never gone for money other than county pnmlums : - Rest trtttln; colt S 10 On Second beat 6 00 1 hlrd best 2 00 To lako placo at S:i0 o'eloek P. M. Pro. vldcd, however, thatfourcolts be entered and not less thnn three to start. Hents, two rounds, best three In five, to linnets. En. trnneo fee tw .dollars. Entries chse Wed ncsday. October Eth, at Ion o'clock A. M. and fee paid. litOYOLE RACK. Open to all In tho county: First premium 420 01 Second premium 10 00 Third premium 6 00 To toko plooo at 3 o'clock P. M. Provided, however, that four must enter, and not les than three to sinrt, and make two rnnnds each time, best two In throo. Entiles cloro Wednesday, October 8th. at 3 o'clock P.M., and entrance fco which Is ten pur cent, ol purse, paid to tho Secretary. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCT Sth Open to all horses In Carbon and adjoining oiunties. with us better record than 2;JS. Flr't premium (50 00 Sen mil premium.. 25 00 Third premium ,u CM Hores entered In this claaa einnot contest for othor pn inluins. encept In raco open to all. All entries for this trot must chwe Thursday, OctohrrOlh. at ten o'clock A. M.. ant tht emranres paid to the Secretary. Heats, two rounds, best three In five to har ness. Horses entered tn this number need not ap pear In arncral t'avalcade, but must bn on the hmr Orounda by Ihursday mornlin: at In o'clock, and be reported to the Secretary. Entrance fee 10 percent.oftbo whole amount of premium offered, and not less thanihree horses to start, and not less than four to enter. niOYOT.i: RACE-Ooen tn all. To take laee at 3 o'clock P. M lo's than six to s art. and that no eniranco fee Is required, for a medal of not less value than $Jo 00. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 10th. Open to all Horses. Rest trotting h'irio 100 00 Sicondbest 50 00 Third best 20 00 Fourhoros must be enterrd. Entrance fee 10 per cent, ofpurte, not leas than thtco to start. Persons neslrlnR to contest lor this premium will enter their names with the Secretary on er befure October il'th. at nr betnro ten o' clock a. m.. and pay him the entrance lei. Heals, two rounds, best three In tiro, to har ness. A horse to not an award for the first prem ium must trot two r unds In S::S; fir second premium, 2:C0; lor third premium, 2 40. Horses entered In till- class cannot contest for other premiums, ai.d need not appear tn general O.ivalcido. Hut must be on tho Fair (Irounds by Friday morning at ten o clock, and bo reported to the Secretary. FOOT RACE Open to all In the oonnty. First premium t sj oo Second prtrnlum 15 00 Third premium 6 0 To take place at 3 o'cloik p. in. provldoil, however, that fuur must enter and not lets than three to start, and make one round. Entries close Friday at 1 o'clock a. m. En trance fee 10 per cent of putse and paid to the Secretary at that time 4j-A Committee of Arrangements will be appointed to superintend all matters pertain ink' to the race course, settle all disagree. menls and difficulties, and enforoe tlrao of speed and entries, whose decisions will be final, CLASS 3 Horned Cattle. Class 1 Blooded StocI:. Rest Aldemey cow t 5 00 Second belt... Z 00 5 00 3(0 Rest Alderney bull Second best Best liuihatn cow Second bel Rest Durham bull Second best 4 00 J 0J 4 00 2 00 Suitable awards lor other breeds. Class 3 Mixed Breeds. R'tt bull, II tee yean and upwards,,,,!; 8 00 Be 'end brst 8 09 U st bull, I to 3 years.... 8 00 H cond best , 2 00 I Rest bull between S and 12 months 3 0 Seeond best , 1 00 Best cow, jears uud upwatds too Second best 2 (0 I Best heller, 1 to 2 Ttatt 1 00 Second, belt .. -.. I C Best heifer between 8 and 12 months. , 2 o Second test 1 00 CLASS 4 Steers tfi Oxen. Dest corn fed steer weighing 2,000 lbs., and over t M Rest pair working oxen S 00 Second best 1 CO Rest pair steers, corn feed 4 00 Second best dip and 1 00 Rest sIdkIc steer under 5 yrs. corn Ted. '2 (O Second best 1 oo Best pair steers, stall fed 2 00 CLASS 5 Swine. Best boar 13 00. Rest sow S 00. Heat 8 plica between 2 and l! months .... 2 00 Best display of fat hogs 9 00 CLASS 6 Sheep. Best sheep t 3 no Second best 1 00 CLASS 7 Grain, Seed and Flour. Rest bushel white wheat rTff , Rest bushel -ed wheat, nut mentioned, Host bushel California wheat Rest buabel Mellterranlan wheat Heat bushel rye , Rest bubel Hint corn Best bushel yellow aore corn , Heat bushel uats Rest peck clover seed Rest peck timothy seed Rest peck orchard grass seed Rest barrel while wheat fluur , Hon barrel rrd whent flour Rest hundred pounds rye flour , 11 'St hundred pounds buckwheat moil. Rest hundred imunds corn meal Second host of each of tho above $ 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 01 1 (0 1 00 1 00 , 1 10 , 1 00 i 1 00 , 1 '0 2 IX) 1 04 1 00 1 00 1 00 (0 CLASS 8- -Farming Imple ments. Reft fonr horse team full site $4 0) R-st lour mule team 4 09 Beat two horso plow 1 00 Best cultivator 1 OO Best harrow 1 oo Rest roller 10 Rett grain drill 1 00 Best mowing and reaping marhlno.... 6 00 Dost corn slioller (horse power) 1 0' Best threshing machine 6 00 Best sweep horse power I 50 Best endless chain horse ower 2 00 Rest,larm wauon for two horses 1 69 Rest h rao rake 1 oo Best eorn shelter (hum! power) 1 09 Best hay and straw cutter 1 00 6) 1 TO 60 dip dip. dip. Rest hall dmrn rakes. 11 si farm Inn mill , llift grain rradlo , B;st hay fork Best manure fork Rest corn huaker CLASS 9 Manufactured Articles. Best two horse carriage a t 00 Second heat 2 00 Rest one horse carriage 4 ic Secoud brst 2 00 Rest set double carriage harness 3 00 Second beat 1 00 Rest single carrlagu harness 2 00 Scnond best 1 00 llsat ills, day of boots and shoes 2 00 Seeond beat 1 00 Rest dlplay of cabinet ware six or more articles a 00 Second best ! 00 Rest display of stores not less than.. 8 CO Best display or finished leather 1 00 Beit display of chairs 3(0 Brst dlsplnv of cedarwnro 100 Rest display of Iron castings 1 ro Brstdlplny"f roller Iron 100 Rest display of tio1s 00 Rrstdlspliyofllnware 100 Rest rhnrn 60 llrst washing machine 1 (0 Heat display of manitfieiured tobaceo. 1(0 Best display ol c indies 2 00 Rest display ol hats nnd caps 3 00 Rest (list lay or clothing 8 09 ll' lt plice ra,, 1 0 Heat piece ol cuslnet 100 Rest plree ofllnsejr 10 Rest piece nf Ingrain carpet 10 Rest rae carpet 1 00 Best lot of woollen sti'CklniM 60 Rest lot of mittens and gloves 60 CLASS' 10 Vegetables. Rest lushel Mercer potatoes blue-eyed potatoes " " Haliruv potatoes In any other variety , " " encot potatoct 11 turnip. " " rulabauat " " sugar beets " half bushel field beans " peck bunch beans " " p.ilo beans ' " lima beam " " tomatoes u " onloni " " red bectt " " parsnips ' ' carrott Cabbage, not lets than six heads.,.., Oyster plants, not less th in six S'luasiior, not loss than six Watermelons, not less than six Canteloupes, not lest than tlx Putni kins, not less than six Celery, not lets t'tan 12 stalks Cucumbers, not less than 25 Beet display of vegetables Seeond best ol any of the above . 1 00 .. 1 09 . 1 00 . 1 00 ,. 1 00 . 1 00 .. 1 0J .. 1 00 . 1 0) .. 1 0) .. 1 00 . 1 00 ,. 1 Ol . 1 00 .. 1 09 . 1 00 .. 1 00 . 1 00 . 1 09 . 1 CO . 1 00 . 1 10 . I GO .. 1 00 ,. 1 00 1. 2 0J . 5) CLASS 1 1 Poultry. Best pair gray dotklng $ 1 00 Seeond best 60 Best ja r while dorklnus 100 Seeond best 60 Best pair black Spanish 110 Second best 69 B, it pair white polanda 1 09 Second best 60 Best pair black polands 1 to Seoond best 50 Best pair golden polands 1 (0 Second beet to Best pair silver polands loo Seoond best..., 00 Beit pair red gome,, 100 Second belt 60 Best pair gray game 1 00 Second brst , 50 Best pair pile game , 1 00 Second best , 60 Best pair leghorn 1 no Second best.,, 64 Beit pair Afrloan ba lams 1 00 Second best 69 Rest pair gold laced bantams 110 Seeond best 10 Rest pair silver laced baatime 1 00 Saennd brst 60 Bolt pair cochins , , 1 03 S.-oond beat , 60 Hitl pair Brahmaa (light) J 00 Second best 60 Den pair Hrchiuas 1 0j becon I brst 10 Beat pair Hamburg.... 109 Seeond beat... to Bert pair hvudani ?M i ' ' oeeond best to Best pair Krerecmari..., ,. 100 Second best (0 Best pair la Heche 1 to. Second belt to Rest pair aultini 1 00 Second best.,.. , M Best pair bronie turkeys 1 0 Second best , , fto Belt pair white turkey I co Sicond best il Beat pair wild turkey! 1 00 Second best to Best palrcommon turkeys 1 Q0 Sojond belt M Best pair tnnaeory ducks , 1 00 Second bait..v t) Best pair Aylesbury ducks 1 Oi Second belt , w Best pair Kouen ducks 1 00 Seoond best , M .Vest pair Uayuaa ducks 1 09 Second best CO Best pair Bremen geese 1 00 Seoond heat to Beat pair brown China itecse 100 Second best 50 Rest pair white China geese 1 09 Second best (9 Beit pair ATrlonn geese 1 00 Second best to Rest pair Tolouse geese 1 00 Second brst iu Rist pair wild gecso 100 ' Second belt 69 Rest pair guinea fwls 1 CO Second best , CO Res I pair pea fowls 1 oo Second best to Best and greatest variety of pigeons. . . 1 00 Second beat to Rest polr common rabbits 1 , Second brst (0 Rest lop-cared or Madagascar rahblli. 1 09 Seoond best to Rest lot ol rowli of one kind, not less than eight In number 2 00 Rest display of poultry, not Ins than twenty fowls 1 03 CLASS 12 Dairy & Honey Best butter, not less than 6 pounds.. ..t 1 SO eeend best, not los than 6 pounds.... 69 Best Dutch cheese, not loss than 5 lbs. 1 09 I Rest specimen honey, not Iras linn 0 lb 1 10 Best applrbutur.not less than 1 gallon 1 00 The method of making buttrand cheese to be staled In writing by each competitor. CLASS 13 Fruit. Best half bushel applet t 1 09 and moat numerous variety 2 00 Rest S erlmen of peart not leta than 6 100 and most nnineroua vatle.y 2 00 Best speclmon peaches, not leaa than 6 1 00 Utsl dlsplayof plums, 100 Rest peek or quinces 109 Best display of Isnballa arrapes 1 09 Best display of (Jatawbo, grapes 1 CO Rest deploy of other varieties 1 09 Rest display of fruit 1 00 Second best of oack of tho above 60 CLASS 14 Home Manufac tures and Home Department. Beit woollen yarns. 60 knit stockings to knit gloves or mittens to cotton quilt 1 CO chambray 1 00 6 pounds or hetchelcd flax 1 09 f. pounds of wool 1 10 Second hot of each ef above AO Best loaf of wklto kread 69 pound cake 60 sponge rako 50 fruitcake to plain cake 10 preserves to pickles 69 hams cured by exhibitor 1 (0 dried beef cured by exhibitor 69 specimen dried fruit, any k nd 69 Largest iilsplay, not less than 8 1 00 Best specimen preserved fruit any kind 69 Best specimen fruit, jellles.any klud... 60 ' Second beat 26 Lirgnat display fruit jillles, not less than six 1 00 Best boltlo home mado wine, any kind. 60 r'ccond I est 25 Rest half gallon apple vinegar 5: Second best 25 Iltit half gallon sugar-cane molasses. ,. 1 M Second best 60 Second best of each of above artlolct... 28 CLASS 15 Ladies Work and Flowers. Rest display of e mbraldery t 2 ro display or other needlework 2 00 worsted work 2 CO crochet work 2 01 display of bead wnrk I m dlrplay of knl'ted work 1 09 millinery work 8 00 Second best of eack of Ihe above 5C Hestdlsplay natural fhiwers and plants 3 09 Best dealgnofcut flowers 3 on 69 1 PO 1 00 I 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 bouquet collection of loses In pots collection ol I ahllas In pots., eol'ectlou of China Asters.... Verbenas Heliotropes display of artificial flowers... dl'tdav of wax flowers 1 09 Liberal nremiuma will be awarded for other articles of mtrlt by the Uomuilttee of ladles on (his class. CLASS 16 Miscellaneous Articles. Best display or oil paintings 1 00 " " ttatuary 1 00 " drawing 1 09 " " dagnerotTpet 1 00 " " ambrotypot 1 00 " pianoforte t CO "display other musical Instrument!.. 8 00 CLASS 17 Non-Enumerated Articles. The Committee on this class will use their own Judgment In awarding such premiums at they think suitable CL4SS18 PlowingMatcit. Best plowman I 3 00 Second best 100 Best plowboy under seventeen S 1 0 Second best 1 60 The trial to take place at 9 o'clock a, m.,on any day the committee of arraogements may fix upon. Each plowman to do bis own work without a driver, CLASS 19 Ores & Metals, Best dliplay and quality of Iron oro....$ 3 '0 Rest display and quality lino ore I 00 Rrst display and quality slate,,dlp and 1 00 Best display and quality Hmeslone 1 00 Best display and quality fire and porce lain clay 1 0d Rest dlplay and quality pig Iron 1 00 Best, Isplay and greatest collodion of all Ihe minerals found In Caibon ennnty 6 CO All Ihe articles In the above list to be Ibe product of Carbon count). The collection will be the property ol the 8-Klaty. Order of Exhibition. 1. All article! nf competition mutt be on the ground and entored on October 7, be fore C p. tn., at which time tbo Secretary ll ordered to close the bookt and reaelvo noth ing more for competition, and at 2 o'clock p. m., on Wednesday, tbe Committee Trill enter upon the duttei of awardins prem iums. 2. On Tuotday, October T, at, lha gates ul the Fair Grouudt will be open for admittance, and will be opened at the same hour on each nf the dart of exhibition. 3. At P.-30 o'ctook a. m., on Wednesday, tbo Sth of October, the horses of alt ctastei, and the mules contendlnefor premlunia.witl be brought upon the trial course for Indica tion and judged according to the arrange ments of the Committee. 4. The riowing Match Is tn lake place at 9 o'clock a. tn., n n the day the Committee uf Arrangements may fix. f . Tho address will bo delivered nn Thuri day allrrnnnn, al 2 o'clock, All business mint bo suspended during the time the ad dress is being delivered. 0. The report of the Awarding Committee will be publicly read nn Friday at 12 in. 7. The puldicsale will commence ou Fri day afternoon nt 1 o'clock. 8. reruns exhibiting articles which they desire tu liaye sold will bo furnished on en tering, with a card announcing llio fact that It is for sale. Printed catalogues will be die Ir iliii led on the day ol the sale, contain ing the name and number of the articles; but co articles manufactured out ef tho county, that may came in competition with our own mechanics, will be told under this arrangement. 9. The Awarding Committees are to con flno (heir awards in all cases tn persons re siding within tha counties of Carbon, Lo high, Northampton, Monroe, Schuylkill and Luzerne; and iu the case of live stock. shall award tin premiums In any such Ex hibitor, unless he shall have owned and kept the animal al loast three months previ ous to tho trial; nor to any professional sportman or racer Cltis 2 excepted. The diil'erent amounts will be apportioned on Wednesday, 10. The Cnmmltlee on Horses and Mules and PI u it ing, will attend at tbe time speci fied. A cavalcade will be held at 9 o'clock, a. tn., nn each day of the Exhibition, when all horses and mules mint be on tha course which areeiilrred for exhibition. The Sec retary will furnish the Chairman of Ilia Committee with a memorandum of articles coming within ils respective class, together with Ihe names uf the members uf tho Com mittee. Regulations. 1. All members of (he Society esn enter articles lor Exhibition, and receive tickets ol admission for themselves and their ctiil dren under 21 years of age, frco of charge. 2. All persons not members nf the Society r. lining tn enter animals nr articles for ex hibition will be charged one dollar, and will be then furnished with a ticket, which will admit him nr her during tho continu ance of tho exhibition. 3. All article! on exhibition mult remain on the ground until 4 o'clock on Friday af ternoon, and on all occasions will be return el to the exhibitor unless otherwise or dered. 4. The regulations must be strictly nd hercd to, otherwise tho Society will not be rcapnnib1e fur the omission nfany ef the animals or articles un the liat. i. Nn animals nr articles entered for ex hibition can be taken away before the close of the Fair, excrpt by permission nf the Kx cutiye Committee, nnd no premiums will be paid to the animals er articles removed in violation nf this rulo, fi. Animals and articles entered for ex hlbition will have rarda attached, with the number at entered at the Secretary's oilier, anil exhibitors should, in alt cases obtain their cards previous to placing tbelr stock or articles nn the Fair Grounds. 7. All persons who intend tn exhibit horses, cattle, twine ur sheep, or who in tend to oiler slock fur sale, should notify llio Secretary, Elwin Bauer, of such Inteu Hon on nr before the 7th nf October, and leave with him a full description of such slock, in order that proper arrangements can ba made for their accommodation. 8. C'AUTION'.-AII articles exhibited, whether eatable or nol.must be rcipeolrd as private property, and any person delected purloining or injuring them, will be dealt with according tu law, 9. All article! nlfrrsd for competition inu.t bo owned by the Competitor at least thirty daja before Ihe Fair, and that ell fruit, vegetables and flowers must bathe growth nf the Competitor!. 10. Any article which recelyet a diitiuct premium, cannot compete in general d'l play, nor shall any one article receive two premiums. 11. For all ttock exhibited, bay,eats,eorn and water will be supplied on tha grounds without charge. Every article or animal upon the grounds shall, during the Fair, be underthe controlof the Society; and whilst every possible precaution will be taken for Ibe sale keeping of the same, the Society will in nn case be respnnelble for any loss or da mag- that may occur 12. NOTICE. All jioney awarded at premiums shall revert to the Society tiniest called for within elxly dayi. Premiums will be paid in the a fir moon en tbe last day of the the office nn the grounds. ' JSO-Exhlbltort wishing any of their an. mals or articles eold at public ta1e,nll please bring them forward at the time of tale. Instructions to Committees. 1. The Committee on Agricultural Pro ducts willgive a preference to such varieties as are adapted to Ihe interest of the farmer, regard being had to the yield and market value thereof, 2. The Cnmmltlee nn Agricultural Im plements are Intliucied to keep tn view tbe usefulness of tbe implements to Ibe farmer rather than the workmanship thereof. 3. The Committee nn the various kinds nt, mules, cattle, sheep and swineare requested 10 be pellicular in ascertaining the blixat nf the dilferent animals. 4. The Tarinuj C-.mmiiteet will be rare. Iu) nut to award two premiums on the same article. I. If they award a distinct premium on any article, they will not toko the same ar ticle In comideration In a general display. 6. If they find articles descrying prom Im for whiah none 11 oflerod, they wilt re port It. T. The General Commit leei on Premium! will award such premium! as they may think proper en artiolet of merit tbat have not been provided for la tho general sched ule. 8 The General Committee Is requested to be carelnl to notice all articles exhibited, whether entitled to premiums or not. 9. The Chairmen of llm General Commit tee Is instructed to make their report to tho Secretary as toon at poislute. In order that the full report may be publicly read. 10. The General Committee to award premiums and diplomas for non enumerat ed articles, are requested to mark with an X, such articles as it has examined, ti that tho same thing may not paiticlpato tnoro tbsn onco. Ta.A general Invllallon It htroby ex tended tu the farmers and mechanics of Car bon and surrounding counties,lo attend this Exhibition, and bring with them such ar ticles ot their own growth and manufacture as will Interest tho public and Illustrate tl e improvements that are going on in these branches of American industry. Tbe prlies above mentioned aro opn for the competi tion of all who choose to attend under the regulations of the Society. The design ol tho Association it to stimulate all those who are connected with It to the attainment of the highest degree of excellence that can be reached. It Is very desirable, therefore, that the productions of these two great classes of society, should bo brought together so that by comparison, the relative merits of the various improvements that hayo been mado may be ascertained. Under the arrangement pf tho present year all articles placed within Ihe inclusuro for exhibition (except when they interfere with Ihe mechanical production of Carbon county) will be sold at public sole, without charge, If the owners desire il, thus reliev ing Exhibitors from tbo labor of removing their property, and enable others to supply themselves with tho choi.'est speciment of agricultural and mechanical productioos, This we think a moat important fosture ol our Exhibition. We invito, therefore, all, both at home and abroad, to attend and participate oithcr as exhibitors nr spectators, leeling that none will be disappointed. The officert and members nf ihe various sgric 1 llural societies in Pennsylvania and elsewhere are especi ally and cordially inyited to attend. ELWEN BAUEIt, Sec'y. TITOS. KOONS, Pres't. ENFORCING THE RULE. F.U wng n freab arrival, eavs the Now York Sun, anl bad obtained a Mluation In n hotel a n Bort of mnn-of-nll-work. "Now. Put," pntil tho landlord, yon aeo tbnt sIrii 'gentleman must uso tho Hpitloons. If you. notice nny of the guests violating that rule I waut you to report tbo uiattcr to mo." ' Ol wnll. sor." Pat kept n aliorp eyei out, nnd nftcr watching n penllem.-in for half an bonr he went to Mm and said: ' D'to moind tbo sign fornlnst tbe wall, 801?" "Yes." "Pby don't yon obinrvo It, thin?" 'I tun not spitting on the carpet," aald tbe pcnlli-mmi, ralbrr astonished, "Oi knaw yeruot, an' yer not nsln' the gpettnue nnytber. Spet, ye tliafe. or Oi'll report yes Srnnkonnosi, or the Liquor Habit, can be curedby administering Sr. Ilalnot' Oolden Spociflc. It can ba given In a nip of coffee or tea without lha knowledge nf the person taking It. cflVclIng a evedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alohollo wreck. Thousands of drunkards hoye brn m ule temperate men who have taken the Golden Spcciflo In their coffee witlinnt llielr knowledge, and to day hntintta l,b,Mll tr,nlrl,i.(tr,li.!p.tran fraa will. No harmful elleata leault I nun its aiiminiitraiinn. oures guaranteed, circulars and testimonials sent free Address, (ioi.nK.s-Sraciria Co., 188 R.ce St., Cincinnati, O WHY THE MAN COMPLAINED. Nnw York Shir; "Look here. Tobbs,'' sild tbo grocery man, as tbo fornur filled his pookcts with freab raisins, "o.iu't ynu corns into this grccery with out lugging off my stnek in iiiMuliments, nr shall I give you n mortgagb on the es tablishment?" Tobbs was more surprised than affront ed. Looking nt tbogrocery man iquare- ly, be eaid, with dignity: "You do not giro me credit, sir. for having bought groceries of you for tbo lust six mouths." "That's just what grinds me. If I bad not given yon credit for it I wouldn't kiok." Subscribe lur uud rend ibe Advocate it contains all tbe latest local news up to tbe time nf going to press. ACKER'S ny.irtrsu Tablv.ts Nxvr.a Fail. Sold by Dr CTUurn,Lehigbton,and W Riery, Weissjwrl. His cold. "How's your cold?" the asked. "I don't know," be whispered, "I am not on speaking terms with it." LADIES SHOULD REMEMDER,a beau tltul complexion results Iron, using Acker's Blood Elixer. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehigh ton, end W Iliery, Weisiport. A druggist wbo baa opened a new storo in Oibkcab, advertises -'Aruio-, stloYiug.pUfter, spliutt, bandages and other base bait goods," Extract from a letter from Augelia: "Dear Henry, you ask if I return yonr luve. "Ye.., Henry, I bare no use tor it, and returu it with many thanks." - Mr. Moody thinks Ue thall never leave Amerloa again. Jane Grey Swissbelm siid befoie sbeditd' "Ob, bnt ft is good to bate lived and suffered and worked, to know that nothing can go roD(Uji(sMBt only wo are right." aHSEeO Dr. OraveV Ilaart Iteeulstor eurre all firms ef hcait disease', uervoutnois aud alrepleeinete. An authority on bees soys that Hie nge at wblob n bee gathers liar first boc- y Is sixteen da) a. "Swttt nixlceu," a it were. mimm nn FOR jSLSIT- Oi) TIE a Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbsgo, Backache, Headache, Toolhacht, Born Thfuat, Swelling, ftpmta. BralicA, )litm eciiM.. rmt Hill's. ASD AIL OTIini JtOtllLY TALIS All) Aran. S.U t7 Prncel.M ,n 1 nmlrrt .rrrr.htra. I'tftr Cejll a l-t'l. I)iril!ami la II LaB.tuirrt, Till! ciiaiii.i: A. voar.i.Kit co. Dn-mi.A. twillilicai nalllam, SUL, C S. A. For Something Very Nice In tho Way et Laditi', Oent'j and Children's BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS ao to Peter Heim, oppodte the Pabllo Square, BANK Street, i.enigiitnn, where you will find a Large and fashionable stock to select from at Lowell Cash Prices. Also, Ladles' and Gent's Boots anil Sta Male to Orto on thort notleo. Beit Material nnd Work, mnnihlp guaranteed, I'rlcci aro rally a Low at elsewhere. Your patronage It vtr cordially Inrlted. HaylO-m p . , r; n , SE&sfffH- i'ni.S!? i r K M n nfKSS; lis a .,-1 nam P. rlf rf IT 3 P 1 mmmm nag For Bargains in Dry GS-oods, in a Goods, Notions, Carpets, Silverware, Quoensware, Groceries, Its., OO TO E. H. Snyder's Bank St , Lehighton, May 10, 5t- DOES WONDERFUL CURES OF KIDNEY QISEASE3 AND Ci LIVER COMPLAINTS, o Became It acta ou the I.IVDIt, BOWELS an4 KIDSErS at tho tame time. Because It cleanses tho eyateel ef Ciapetaon. oua Uumora tliat tlovclopo la Kidney aud Vrl. nary Diseases, UUieuaness, Jaundice, Constipa tion, Plica, or In llaeumatiam, Neuralgia, Her. TOua Disorders aud all Feraalo Complal&ta. yysouu nioov or iws. XT WILL HUH ELY CUBD CONSTIPATION, PILES, and RHEUMATISM. Sy ceasing AGTTOir cf all too ergana and functlosa, tiiereby CLEANSING tho BLOOD restoring tho norsul power to throw oH rilswiw). THOUSANDS OF CASES . of tho worst formi of thew ttrribla disc havo booa QiUolily removed, and la a tiioxt tdm PERFECTLY CURED, nucc, u uquiD on di:t, sold iit D&rcciSTS. Dry can bo cent by mail. WELL3, KiCilAilDaON U Co., Uurllnctoa, Vt. 3 beuisl iUmp tit biwy Almuuu fr JOSEPH SAVITZ, Boot and Shoe Maker, Opposite OLAUSS U IJRO'S, Bonk Street, Lehighton. Repairing neatly done at loTf prices. Patronage solicited. July 53, ui 5. A Bible Commentary. Hlnhly endorsed by representative rarn of all churches Lowest priced book published. AddiessNAMES A. WH1TL0OK, Hillsdale, Mich, aja-AOENTSWANTUO !. jyj nEIIattlAN & CO., BANK STKKET. Lehighton, Pa., MILLim and Dealera la AIIKiodtot GRAIN BOUGHT ana SOLD nEUULAIt MATtKET BATZB. We weald, also, lespectlnllr Inform enetti sens that we are now fully rroiarsa to BCP PLY tiiem Willi IBesit &f Coal From any li:o desired at VEB iaOwnsT I'niccs. X. HEILMAN Si OO. Jalnf. 5n HI lilMI ft 1 !h83 ti i I V I NsItX I EjTI 63