The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 16, 1884, Image 4

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    TfortH CaroliuA
Tenant Farmers
Why be Subject to
Late and Eahly FbostsI
Which Kill Your Young
Plaits ana Ipre Your Crops.
Bod the Terms to Tenant Formers
Given by North Carolina Lnml
0 liners.
The Immigration Duroau or North Caro
lna hare In chnrgo sorao lrnT0rid forms Tor
rant to Northern farmers on the Col
owIiik conditions, which nro the uaual terms
of rent charged In this State!
The lnml owner furnishes land, houses nml
paj-s all tuxes ami expenses of linrirovln
houses, stables end buildings. Tho tenant
farmer rurnlshes horses, tools and labor, and
roeeiros TWO THIRDS 01' OltOI'S. Tho
tenant firmer Is allotted freo of rent garden
and vegetable patches. Ho Is also allowed
to raise stock, hog. nud chickens nnd receive
alt proceeds Irom the salo of them.
FAItHIS. The lnnd-owner furnishes land
houses nnd pays all taxes nnd expenses of
Improving houses, stables and buildings
The tenant farmer furnishes horses, tools
and labor, receiving Three-luurths of the to-
baceo Bnd Two-thirds of tho nrnln crops. Tho
tenant farmer is allotted frccof rent as In tho
abovo mentlonedjlarui No 1.
1'ARJIS. Tho land-iiwncr furnishes land,
houses, feed for horses, tools, repairing nnd
Keeping in order oftools and pays nil taxes,
The tenant farmer furnishes nil tho inanun
labor: receiving One.half ofnll crops raised
Tho tenant farmer receives freo of rent as In
tho first mentioned farm No. 1.
00 r'AlUlS. Rented cxaoMy on same terms
ns tho above Tobacco, (Iroln and Orass Farm
No 3; or If tenant larinor furnishes horses
and tools, ho receives Two-thlnls of tho grain
and Three-fourths of tho cotton.
Advantages of Locating in
North Caiolina.
GMM ATE. While tho cold Is not so sc.
vcro, tho temperature of mid-summer is not
excessive or trying ns farther North. Our
seasons aro lonucr, nnd therefore our crops
are not killed hy late or early frosts.
TIIK SOIlilsnrn variety or compositions
clayey, urnvelt lime stone, state, sandy
loam, etc 1 his until variety nrsollsand tne
mildness nnd advantage of cliinatd' will ac
count for tho variety of products.
SOOIKTY. No section In tho Union has
bettor executed laws. The blcsflogs orpolll-
leal, civil nnd rollglous liberty nro no where
more fully protected than In N. O.
IN OKNERAf,. Tho groat fertility of
our lands, tho mildness of our climate, tree
from the scorching and nltherlmr h-ut or I he
South and the extreme cold and frceics of
the North uo to show that North Carolina Is
surely the most favored section
In Aimrlca. Nature has not only given us
the advantages of producing, but It has pro
vided us irlth waler-poner to work up what
tho soli produces for us.
I solicit correspondence from tenant firm
er! in the Northern and New England States.
I will rurnlsh persons low rate round-trip
trnnsportlon from Boston, Now York or Hal.
tlmoro to North Carolina, so ns to give them
an opportunity of steins tho (arms that arc
offered Torrent.
All farms advertised by us for rent ha.-e
dwelling-houses and out-bulldlngs on them.
lielng a regular employe of tho Agricul
tural Dopartinent of North Carolina, 1 make
no ehargo for Information given or services
rendered pets- ns seeklnghomcs In tho Slate.
I will bo pleased to furnish descriptive lists
of lands otlered for salo in North Carolina to
all persons who will ttrlto mo.
Stale IinmiErattoii Agent,
rebruarv Id, 1M-U
, Carbon
"nouRh on tlals" ileara out rats, mice Mr,
"Kniigli mi Corns," fir conn, bunion s lie.
Thin people "Wells' Hi-nllli llenewcr" io.
lores lioultli nudylgor, cures ilytx)isla,ic,
"Rouch on Toothache," Jnslant yolicf. ISo
I.sdles who would retain freshness and
vlynclty Jou't Tall to try "Wells' Health
"Cuchu.palbi," great kidney and urin
ary cure.
Files, roaches, nnls.lied lmg, rnls, mice,
cleared out by "Il'Htnh oh HjU" ISo
"Rough on Coughs)" troches, I5r; liquid 25o
For children slow In development, puny
nnd delicate, uso "Weill' Health Henetvvr"
"R.ugb on Dentist" Tooth Powder Try it
Nervous weakness, dyspepsia, sexual do
billty cured by "Wells' Health Hencwcr
Mother bwan'a Worm Syrup, for fever
ish ncss, worms, constipation; tasteless "So
Stinging, irritation, nil kidney nnd mili
ary complaints cured by "Durliu paiba" $1
Night sweats, fever, chills, malaria, dys
pepsla, cured by "Wells' Health llenotver"
My husband (writes n !ady) is three limes
the man since using "Wells' Health Ho
If yon nia falling, broken, worn out nnd
nervous, uso "Wells' Heulth Ileiiower" $1
Prevalence of kidney complaint in America
'Rucku-palba' is a quick, complete cure, $1
The idler's lazy pun : I would rath r
have one day of vacation lliuli a Ihousiud
yean of vocation.
Aro you disturbed nt night nud broken of
your rest by a sick child sunVring ami cry
lug with pain orviiltlnc; trelliY If so, send
nt onro nud get a bottle of Mm. Winsi.ow's
RooTlllSO SvilUf '0R ClIILIinEW
Its yalun it inralcuubte. It will relievo the
poor little sullercr Immediately, Depend
ujton it, mothers, there is no mistake nbout
it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu
lates the slomnch ond bowels, cures wind
colli', softens tho cums. reduces inflamma
tion nnd givc3 tnno nnd energy to the whole
system, jttns. winsi.ows t-ooTinxa tsynut'
foii Ciui.diikx Tsi'.Tiiisa is pleasant to the
taste, and is tho prescription of one of the
oldest nnd best female nurses nud pliyti
dims in the Unileil Stutes.ntnl is for salo by
nil drucglsts throughout tho World. Price
is ceuts u buttle, .o-ly.
A man says his wile is only half like n
telescope. He can draw her nut but he
cant .shut her up.
Enc'.ilcn's Arnica Ealro.
The lest salvo in tho world forcu's,
bruises, sores, ulcers, silt rhiiem, fever sores,
teller, chnpped hands, rhllblands, corns
nml nil skin eruptions, nnd Jvisilively cure'
piles, or no wy required, it is guaranteed
to civo perleet sah(uction, or money re
funded. Price 23 cents per box.
For sale by T. D Thomas.
A great financier Is a thief who sue
reeds. A thief is a great financier win
Eccchor'a Had lima.
For two mouths in the year Hoiry Waro
tlwhcr can't preach. I.i Au-iiit and Sep
te'nber he takes his vnealion unii cndur.t
the ousel of the I 'tv fever. A linn unh
Imj-Utrr Un't ercountahln lor his iu'tion
Ho Is lianlio witi s ulliug, surcziiig aid
oeaduli Every i er'e in his head thrill
w'tli ih.teess, and his head is u fouutnlu io
tear. He lives only to tly trom sen siilo to
moun'nin top lor n liel. 'This form nl ra
la ill (hay levo ) Ely's Criiiii Halm will
i'iiio. I'lacul in the nosirlis it penetrate)
it d soothes Ihe nU'ected furls ntonc, ro
.tores the Iinpiiiu-d senses ni.d cioale
lenliliy secretions You cannot run awa
mm liny lever, hut you or. drivo it fioiii
you by uing Ely's Cream Bilni.
It is hoped that something may bt
ouiid to make cholera lose its grip.
Hard to Believe.
It is hard to believe that a man wa
urednfa Knlmy disease ufler his body
"as swollen ns big us n barrel nnd he had
btcn given up ns incurable and Inv at
oeath's door Yet such a cure w.ts oecom-
plUhed by Kidney Wort in the person nl
-i. .ii jievrruiix oi lonia, ji it'll , who 6oye:
A tor thirteen of the hpt iloctiw In )
roll had givni mo tut. I was cured bv Kid.
ney-Wort. I wantevery one to kuuw what
a uooii u is.
Local Advertising
Job Printing
eX avery'deKilj-llcD,
Benedict Arnold's dcieinlanls era now
ninon the most highly esteemed nsidents
ol Leeds nnd Grenville, Canada.
-"1 DON'T FEEL WELL!" Tho stom
ach is nut ol order; neglected, ihut menu
clirouiu dysppsiu. You should take Aeker't
Dvspepsiu THhlelsutnl nvoid this lerrible
diseasn. Sold by 0 T. Horn, Lchightoi.
aud W F Uierv, WeissjKirt.
The prmlucti iii ot barbjd wire this
year will r.ach, it Is estimated, 150.0CO
Ladies should wear a Hop Vltuttr over
tho simill ol the back, ns it cures all pains
ond aches. 25 cts. at any drug store. All
ready to npply.
Most of tho "iindeliyernble'' letters
which reach Germany como from Iho
United States.
ARE YOU Mlscrabl through Indigestion,
Sour Stomach, or Constipation? Aikei's
Dyspepsia Tablets we guarantee will relieve
you. Sold by I)r C T Horn, Lchiahlon,and
tt r uiev, tveissport.
A Deuver doctor has tailed financially
and has thus ocquired the title of "Dr," nt
both ends of Lis name.
-Every farmer should at least hnva one
cojnty paper, nnd that .ipei should be the
Advocatk, contains ull the latest lo
cal news. Only $1.00 a year.
Montana cowboys recently hanged 13
horsa thieves.
Dy other's faults wlso nun correct
their own.
What Will Stop My fini -nntvn A
NioutV Guarantee Acker's English Remedy
will. Price I Or. 51).!. .t SI S.ild l.v tir if
T. Horu, Lchlshton, & W F Uiery, Wtiis-
Here is a matl.emetlcil doSnition lor
the averago fishcrnun: A rye-tangled try
ELECTRICITY. 01 all the known
Electro Galvanic Appliances at the present
lay it is now conceded by the Medical Fra
t rnityond Electricians generally, that the
American Galvanic Co'a HotVAnu Siiulds
aro the best, possessing intrinsic Electricul
merits, nsono shield or applianco can be
tilted to nny part of the body, which is not
true of any other. See advertisement in
another column of this paper.-Electric Ga
zelle. Time once passed never returns; the
moment which Is lost is lost forever.
EVERY Promise backed by n gttaran
tee. Acker's Dysjwpsla Tablets will give
Immediate relief. Price 25 i SO cts. Sold
by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and Will Biery,
Singing dolls, lik fashionable young
ladles must be pressed to nlng.
Marrying a homely girl is the hlghetl
form of charily.
"Wo knotr Dr. Graves's Heart Regulator
will rura heart disease. 30 years use and
many roni of prominence testilying it
prove. it. Reading JVcjj." $1 tier bottle
at druggists.
This Ull one of the political partln
will crow. The other will eat crow. It ia
safo lit tut no this.
.aB-Qiiiility and Quality. In the Dia
mond J)ye more coloring is given thaii in
any known dyes, and they give latter and
more brilliant colors, lucutull tlrngglstf.
Wells, Riohi.ri!ii A Co , Burlington, Vt.
Samiile cwird, 2 wdors, and .boon ol direc
tions fur 2 twill stamp.
A railroad in whieh the cars run astride
a silijle rail lias been so tuccewful in Afr.
ca that one like it li soon to bo built lu
France. - . -
rrguiio wcaknett abJ do
taj, to 4 ctiniemtii ot
Bt-urs ilf8M, biQlTi
Liiirai .h; t(.ic)t, wtuj
trpu you'i.ful iMtwrfts
Uc3 too free lailnlfPoo
ftmlcvcr bmloworlc Vt
hoi lenivulio irhtw vue)
. Avoid talaff lmii4rl
en bf rrewrtlwtt ciaiuw l
t her tiaiftllet for thru
troubltt, Oct car trtt clrco
l.r tint trinl fiukaci tul
Iwb itnjwriiint It bfr
tnUng tnatmeut ilimrhcrt.
TKa a rt.m-.itj tht bw enrrt
ttionftfii. ftu4 doct twt In
to lrt lilt Hfccnti-ra w bul
ncM t? tu fiita or Imjq
Tr.ltuuc en ul
tntitU raeJU-al fHrK-Sfilr).
Ore win f In f-trcr tud rrpnlsV
tlao DlrcclArrHtstluitoUii
lcurc.(si.o tiifthults tpo
f tb hnmao orpv
lam tra rwtoKl. 1U9
HtiluailntT cIcqcd'I tt
lift ttlvb biT bfca
Tho rli boewim
Armoffiil and rilu
SEHO ADDRESS ?iS'rtestii r.plti.
HARRIS REr!EDY CO.,MTe Chemlsl!,
COHM north 10th. tst., hi. i.ocis, no.
OltE MmW8 TREATUEJtl, $3 1 2 H0aTM,$5 ! 8 MONTHS, 7,
Potim1 Aiiiniiititio Pnirinn!! Baw-mu.
A BaSlcul C'aro
K5"Ieetod for over 0
yoara b nao la thou-
cnodfl of couco.
R'o offer an tolo It. r. Atitnmatlc.Spark.AiTcst.
In?, Mounted l'ortablo rnglsc, v. .tit Mill, 10 ft,
rarrlare, ft. tr.u'k r.tid wayB, 2 t iamltancoua
lever fet hmiMilot l;a, '.''idnch cibor, .1 ciungca
tccdi miwj'cr contt-oH foul.lever l.cnd-bloeka
liMii i no I'oauioii. ue ineti eoiiu
mw, to ft. 81m 'i 4-1 ly btllliir;,
f t-etl-tlt lta, cant linoka, uttllirr,
tijrhtt nor, etc. ltlf? coinflete for
operation, CUO'l on cuih. Ku
cino fi.i nkltln, t lOOleaa. Knrrino
wtlt lilll-ll elnbll jltitn the finw two
t ilpht feet Inns nnd keep mi
fitetun, r-elid for cntllloffito 12.
Jl W. I'AYKE ; StIKtf,
evy Mumifncturcra nil rttlen Auto.
f m.n I e 1 :nelnes from u t o boo i i. v.
'X Khatt.i!". niilleva, ntal hniierrn.
r.hulru, N. Y., Box 14S7.
ANDREW SHI VE. Bank ritrcet,
Agent for Lehighton oud vicinity,
DIU C r. MIM'8 AMiTlf AM IIUUN IUVAT-lfc:.T, a
ittitrntlptfflf!al'ir II ft ft V irttt ns Ciin!e!un.,Fllt,
NuiV.ui NluinIj;!-,, tit h-UcU, I, t-votm rntti(tlli-i riieni tt rr it I nrro, V.ik-ftin?. Jtfftl D
rr. ! nn.Sn tvnlRff of tin Er!n ru! -nx In liuantry aoi
ieitturinirsl-pr, Arej ad AtkiU j I'p mntuio OM ao,
Uirftiriea,iM of Tuner ti Bither n. Iiiruim.mi r Lnesei
fttij PitfiAtntTrliaa cniiifd by ovpriailln f tL brain,
ilf-lue ori'VtT-inlu fnr. Kuril box run titlnionu tnoiUi'i
irpatTiifiit i5 1 a i.x, or clx boxei fur 0. mat bj mail Lrt
pAtJ dii r. rolft ( r rlc,
T-rr nurrn'o W t'l rnrli orrlrr tiMr4 by 1:1 fnr ttx
I 17 61. uprt.iisj miln.l u Itti 65, v wl 1 ppn.t I he pireririrr our
ilit'it(Cittmit-iitiB irnl tittrtifnpj If tliationluemrtoM
n t ttt-rt n nirs (1 11m ntt-iM luticil only by
i.isru a iM)H,M)rf, a29i:.tcoEtrMt,riinn,isipM(ifr.
Th rflobmt.l tT-Ubln ttluad I'ur.ilrr. ft InimMIntcty
cm. Ilndiclsf, ('distention, furllpitbo bkla II tiL-ii
M' ujK.11 rTtitif S5 ffnti. Uniiri'ftM fvr
- jP-P-jNgPgQO P!1,.Cl..lJl!l!n' .Pan'i
SVIlTAIiyM. rarerBldo, Cal. Tho Cry cllmata c::rc3
It'oafXiiroat.LnWitulltica, tOp., routo, cost.lrco,
iAllthatthndoubtfnl curlauinr thoushtfLiI vrant to
Jin iw, Clottinn J t?iitl)ladla :Q cts pupor25c,Mor
rlaTaGuiclo.lU plK6ont finish, money or tns,b'
XhyrTvitcpecliiht.Nervou'i IJcbilltr.lraretllineiitr
ii'j i-inrrinK", "-n-uirnTion nnu j.nmnriii. iron.
In Uljoospf oith 1 DIoodTbfala aarl Bou.. .YtrVtiut iicllTlr
rrr.tJitrnfT. (trnnt't 17itrtnu f:ynk. n-.ttm. ."..
trrmlal AlTritloni. wlentlflc trratmcnti sate ami tor
rcmcilVfl. DcformlUcj Treated. Cn'l or rlto for list o
rucrtkns to be anawc red hj t hoie dcBiring treatment by uaU
Perom Mifrprlr.Br.-nti Huplnr ilienld acaa thrtr adflrriiA
EUd leara aomelblnic to their eilrantaje. II U not a trwul
hi Ji-cm fir, f. I.. f.aB IROE, rr't aoj rhyitlclin In Ctstt
Ifotntl & f urn. Intltatc(C'ia Loruit U U. Lti,3,l
Successor to Dr. BctU'Diu-duair. titiblUtcd 30 ttr
lomi I'ayrnr Atrrrttr. (oo lo ft'-JOO pci
nio.m:HlM4iilii(;uis!riitiilNfti BllMlory
fraiiioi.Hiiiul n:itiUiii:ivVoi itl
IVnic tu J. C. JicCarily ti Co.. I'tiilauvlputa, I'a.
n book, New edition. New bindinc.- New illuttratluiit
U fron new dc-iRin. Superbly gotten up. bunt low pnoe.
Adap'ttt to all classe. Sells at slt'tii, Apenti iuiijjr blc
wonc, Excellent! erms. The handsomest proipectu
er hiued. Apply now.
lK dlrv. Cakuc ISOH A Co., U North ith Bt. Phlladel-
pma, AiiO other tMl new but) Li ani Uiblcs.
Central Carriage Works
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa.,
Are urcparcd to Manufacture
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring "Wagon, &c,
Of every description, tn tho most eubslantlsl
manner, and at Lowest Cash Trices
Itcimhltiff Promptly Attended to.
April at, 183J yl l'roprlctors.
No Patent Wo Pay."
obtained for Inventors tn the United States
Canada nnd Uurope, at reduced rates. With
our principal offlco located In Washington,
directly oppoalu tho United States Patent
Olllcc, wo nro able tu attend to all pa e t
liuslness tth srcjler iiromittnoM and dc.
siatcti and at les cost than other patent nt.
torneys who are ut a distance Iroin Wash.
Injrtou, and who have, therelore, to ciuidov
"assucltto attorneys " We make prollinlnary
ejatnlniitluns and lurnlsli opinions as to na
tcnUbllliy, tree orclurKO, and all who are
Interested in new Inventions and ratcnts are
Invited to send lor a copy ol our "(litlde for
obtaining Patents," wlilch Is sent freo to
nny a ldress, nnd contains comi leto Instruc
tions lion to obtain patents and other valua
ble matter. Wo rolur to the Uerinnn-Atner.
lean National llanlt Washington, 1). (J. j tho
Itnyal Swedish. Norwegian and Danish Leira
Hons, nt Witihlnatoa i Hon. Jos. Oasoy, Into
tJhlel Jtistice U. S. Court ol Ulalms; to the
Dlllclals or the U. S Patent Oilleo, nml to
Senators and Members of Cnurcss Irom
every State.
Address: LOTUS UAUOKIl fc CO., So
lienors ol Patents and Attorneys nt Law,I.e.
IJroll Uulhlln Was.iqthn. J. I),
of East blanch Chunk,
are prepared lo do all kinds of
PlasteriDE & Ornamental Wort
at shortest notice. Or.lersby mall will re
celvo prompt atlcnttoD. Terms moderalo
or Bd work. seulStf
DROP Tt AT 'PifT.' 1
' . 1
Carbon Advocate
Cheap Printing ! (
I 't... i i lit t.irtMlJrif Min' MoinhtiiAii (iny
p tiitutT i o In A noil.. t, ADHiiliiteCcrtutDtr. Eith'tf
The rm raptlv it .n nnrratWa of erly V-crJcr llfn t ?er wrtt
ten. A Ilommza f"-r Ol l Al"iiu and iplcn.lld btarttr ft
D?ir1iieri. A iiHire nDWS' tolo 15! ooksper dnjr. W
viinc an Agent In every town Std fir terms in.l clrcubri fr,
Tho W. E. DIBDLg PUB CO., Clncl.mntl. O.
MUUH I O it tftnnri.rtlf1f. nut, nflrp1lnt rrqalrrd, roods
Vii tor after told. EH HUE 14'F'U CO., t81 Uail Bt., B. X
Ka5y(ote. A certain cure, Notcxprmlvp. ThrfO
montuv ireamicni in oup pncEngt?. uwmi lor ivia
in uio lima, liraaarnn, iJizinesi, Jiny rtver, as
I'ittv rniM.- Ilv nil ItmifL-lts. or liv mnti.
li T. UAZKLTINK, Warren, P
liy iho central poRition of its line, connects tho
Uast and tho VVeit by I lib shortest route, nnd car
rioj pssDcnfccrB, t It bout chnno of cam, between
CUlOAiro nnd Kan&r.9 City. Council Elutfo. Leaven
woitti, Atchison, llinnoapulU and Bt, raul. It
conrM.ots ia union uepoia wun en mo prtuclpa;
lines ot road benrcon tho Atlantic and tho Pacific
vcoauii. J.IB cqmpmcii is viirivaicil uia maRUlli
cent, being composed of Host Com'ortabio nnd
iiSTiunui uay (joacncB, juojninooni iiortoa 11c
clinlnfi Chair Cars, rullmau'a Ticttlcst Talac
Uleeplnt Card, end the Uest Iilno or Uinlns Car
in thi World. U'hrce Trrins between Chicago nn
Itssoun Kivcr I'otnts, Two Trains between Chi
oago and Zllnncapolls and 13 1. Taul, via tUo I'atnou
A How nnd Direct Lini.vii Seneca and KnnV
Keo.hns recently bfen opened between Hlchmon
Norfolk, Newport Hews Chattanooga, Atlanta, At
J ust a, Nashville. Tjouisville, IiCrjrKion.Clneinuri
ndlnnspolia mi a LAtayetto, nnd Omiha, Uinneau
cii9 nnd St. Paul nud points.
A11 Through Pauenjcro Travel ou ran L'xprst
Tjokotofor ealoat nil principal Ticket Offlooit
tho United Kt&tca and Can.ida. ,
Uajrsago checked through and rates of far) al
wayo as low as competitor that ofTer leas adviL
1'or detailed Information, eat the Haps acd Fold
oro of tho
At your nearest Tleket Orflos, or addrcjs
lkc l'iti. & Cea'l U'r'r, nen'l Tku & tut. Agt.
imtim and ver
This cnt shows the
Howard Electric
Magnetic Shield
ns oppllcdovcr the Kid
lie) and Ncrvo-vltul
centers. 'J'no only an.
l.llanco made thst
ate every part ol
the bodv. and the
ii only ono needed to
II llO UllllltlMll,
Is y B 1 O 1 H 1 tt
the worst cases ol
beiulnnl Wcnlc-
ticsa, i:.Iiiiiib
ttoll. Illtlioleil.
cy, and all Ilia-
cuhcsinna wcnic
iiesnof the Uiliio
UcnUal OrsuiiN.
Patented Tcb. S3, 1870.1
VOUNO HEN, from curly Indiscretion, hell
ccrvo forco nnd fall to attain strength.
MIDDLE-AGED Jir.N often lade t Igor, (ittrlbut
lnglt to tho progress of years.
Tho MOTHER, WIFE nnd MAID, snrTcrlngfrom
icmiuu tieaitncxg, nervous ucDiuty unu otner ell'
mcnts, will And It tho only cure.
To one nnd nil wo fay that the Shield gives a nat
Ural aid tn a natural nny
1 J r
V li Tl Efr tet
V.'anntilcd Ono Vcar, and tlio hebt
nlso rumphlet for Indies only, tent on receipt of
bu,Kt:aicUt uiiucaiCU, I'itljij,
American Galvanic Co.,
OFFICES 1103 Clicstnut St., riillaT
1884 lflWNUAL.1 "
It contains simethlii,? f r rvrryhndy. Its pases
Intcrotend 1. timet joun;; acd old. It is alike
H-jrWctublo in ihe Dic.or, tl.o CIcrKjir.nn, the
I.iwyir, tho Editor, iho Holinnsn, tie Mudcr.t,
t ie l'olitxliin. the Sleirliaiit. the Jli i hai Ic and to
tin Hchool Hoy nho lonvs to lay tho foundation of
ii lionet character and tcelts lor models to uuttern
Within Its pages may bo found nearly
who Vave exercised and oro still eicrtlug potent
lull irnccs In vari .us diiection..
While pre-einiiiciiily an American publication,
treiiliis principally of SJI1.I..N'J ABU It J
VANS, it contains Iho portrait! i tictllu. rf tU
most l'llOMINllNX J.l)ltOMSA.S odhe
Itn ia!;o r.imlllarlzo tlio render lvltli
tho Iculiiiei uml tlio liv. h nt prom
lucut Cri'.viicd nml tJmiinviicil
Itulcra, Members of tliu Cnblu.
ct, tiitcmcii, iirrliiia,
cjctttitoi-M, Con rri.i.111 ell,
C.ovcrnura, ItllnUtcrs.
Itutlrmul ltlii;rliiiti,
Aclers, liilltiirr,
Cllxt'i rinim,
I'tlCtN, IlllVlltOIH,
Ailvoiutoi, Irlsti Ac
Italura, Oarilliinla,
JiKlycn, IMiiliuittiropIctH,
Orator-, IIIkIkipk. nml oeiieri
In all tlio hu-Iuiih vll;a ut' lire,
Aitniuit, .Mcdonald, hwakii, JtoitiahON,
Git'io'tcia-id Protectants whether El i'rniiallans,
rrerbjleil.ijF, C'li'srtvatlniial'Hf, lljpiists or
Methodist', v. Ill f.nd aiuinit; the iiemeious eharsc
many NmUur f. cca tho ouncri of which hale
endeared ll.i uin i .es to thousands of their fellow
men. The liv.sutlio
this unirertsUr liileieftii s lolrnu con.tliuiu i n
coariiln and n.nuciig riadlnf, and will con
vliiee tho reud.r fit vi.mnn Iim a 110M0 inistlon
and th it rh j U wol a'ij to fu. till it.
Ifyoj woul I 1h rumearqi aimedulththefaetsud
fea'ttrt.or x o nun ami whose naoM-s have
beco-ae faui Uxe lo evvi v!hh1, git a copy of TUB
Bent postpaid on rrcclot of ONU DOLLAlt.
L. ICL,oi.S(!ll mi.. ihihiuv;
ia 02 AVhito Btrccf. New Voik. 1,
The Crop, in July.
From Hie July report of tlio Department
or Agriculture we mako a lew extracts:
The arei tn corn lias nnimren tlv Inereas
ol about Iwo 2 percent, ami its .aggregate
will approximate seventy million acres.
The increase from last year will bo nearly
a million of acres. It 1 HL.lrll.ntl In ilm
different sections, but not equally; In the
area west or Mississippi and north or Mis
sourl. tho extension baa been nrealo.!. I
o iuss settlement nnd cuttiyatton of new land!
ore more noticeable thero.
Tlio averoRe of condition Is 00, anil has
been exceeded but Iwiro In July In ten
years.ln 18TU and 1BS0. It was 00 In 1831,
85 In 18S2, ond 80 In 1883. The principal
Slates' averages are: New York, 00; Penn
sylvania. 03; Michigan, 00; Ohio, 03) Ken
tucky, CO: Tennessee, 05: Imliaun. 07i Ull
noise, 07, Iuwn, 102; Missouri, 98; Kansas,
01; Nelnan, 00. Tho prospect Is most
favorable In Iowa, which promises the best
yield slnco 1870, and the largest crop cyer
grown in the State.
Tlio condition offtirlnir wheal Is nil that
could bo desired, lueyery Important spring
wheat district it is fully up to the normal
'lanilsrd, nnd in Minnesota and Dakota is
credited with some excess of luxuriance in
The local drawbacks nrA few. Tn snnin
ofthe lowlauds of tho timber sections of
Minnesota tueie has been complaint o! injury
by wireworn.s. Inothcrplnces'blackheads'
a causing dumago.
This crnpisin very good condition ,nverac
l ig 03, which Is ono point less than In
July lust. Thero have been large croia of
uais, varying little in average rate of yield
tor four years. Tho cool, wet spring, un
favorable lo corn planting, nnd early gcr
initiation, suit tho oat crop. So large u
p irtlnn ol tho crop, however, is grown in
lie higher latitudes, that the averago con-
lillon is generally h,''gh. No failure" of
hocrop hasnccutred sinco 183J,and since
ihat date every crop has been a full om
Nrept that of 1870. Tho Slates reporting
not less than 100 nro New Hampshire,
Vermont, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota.
nwo, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Ar
tnnsas, Colorado, nnd California. The cool
and moist weather of early spring was very
lavorablo In the Southwest.
Tho excessive production and low price
r potatoes in 1883 has caused a reduction
in area in several of tho potato growlnc
distrlcts, making a reduction of about 3 per
cent, in area.
In the northern belt the several frosts ol
June did material damage. Drouth Is re-
The to(aln beetle commenced work early
this season, beginning tn New York ns s on
ns the spiouta were nbovo ground in rome
instances. Jn the Kaitcrn, Middle, and
So ilhem, as well ns Western Stales, lis
continued presence Is reported. A nporl
frin Dakota mentions on insect lillherto
unknown there, resembling n cricki Lwlilrh
devoirs potato vines and IVis green India
cri'iiiiintcly. A correspondent in Utah re
jwrts Injury from h potato worm.
rianling was continued late this season,
up ti the last of June.notonly in tho North,
li it in middle latitudes.
The crop is growing rapidly, and condl
lion is high, averaging as follows in the
Stat u of largo pioduction: Maine, 07; Ntw
Iliuipshire, 00; Vermont. 0.1; New York,
02; Pennsylvania, 02; Ohio, 9H; Michigan.
100; Indiana, 00; Illinois, 00; Iowa, 102;
.Missouri, 103; Kansas, 106; Nebraska, 101.
The following are the dates for holding
tho oiunty fairs in this State:
Adam-, Gettysburg, Sept. 22, 25.
Armstrong, barker's Landing, Sept. 30,
Oct. 2.
Beaver, Deayer, Sept. 23, 20.
Berks, Bending, Sept. 23,28.
Bradf ird, Tuwanda, Sept. 23, 20.
Burgeltstown Union, Sept 30, Oct. 2.
Butler, Butler, Sept. 10,18.
Canton Union, Canton, Sept. 24, 20.
Carbon, Lehighton, Oct. 7, 10.
Chester, West Chester, Sept. 25, 27.
Clarion, Clarion, Sept. 23, 20.
Columbio, Blooms'iure, Oct. 15, 18.
dnnoriuencsslng Valley, Harniony.Sept.
3, 12.
Crawford, Conneautvllle, Oct. 1,3.
Di-laware, Elwyn, Oct 0,11.
Doylestown, Doyleitown, Sept. 30, Oct. 3.
Kaston Farmers' and Mech Iustitule,
Sept, 23,20.
Erie, Krie, Sept 23,20,
French Creek Valley, Cochranlon, Sept.
urats Driving Tark, Grain, Sept. 23, 28.
Harford, Harford, Sept. 21, 25.
Indiana, Indiana, Sept. 30, Oct. 3.
Jefferson, Urookvlllo, Sept. 16, 19,
Keyttono nud Buckeye, Sharon, Sept. If,
Lackawanna, Scranton, Sept. 30 Oct. 3
Lancaster, Lancaster, Sept. 1, 0.
Lebanon ValhT,Lebanno,Sept. 30, Oct, 3.
Lehigh, Allenlown.Sept, 20, Oct. 3.
Luicrne, Wyomlnu, 7, 10.
Lycoming, Willlamsport, Oct. 2, -I.
Mercer, Stoneboro, Sept. 30, Oct. 2.
Mercer Central, Mercer, Sept. 10, 12.
Montour, Danville, Oct. 1,4.
Northampton. Nmareth, Oct, 7, 10.
Northampton (Farmers' Instituto), Hat-
ton, Sept. 23, 20.
fcorthumberland, Sunbury, Sept. I8,'20.
Northwestern, Corry, Sept. 30, Oct, 2.
Oxford, Oxford, Sept. 21, 28.
Toller, Cloudcrsport. Sept. 23, 25.
Bingtown, Bingtown, Sept. 18, 10.
Schuylkill, Orwlgtburg, Sept. 30. Oct. 3.
Sullivan, Furksville, Sept. 18, 18.
SusquehanDa, Montrose, Sept. 17, 19,
Tioga, Mansfield, Sept. 21, 28.
Tioga, Wcllsbore, Sept. 17, 20.
Troy, Troy, Sept. 18, 20.
Venange, Franklin, Sept. 9, 12.
Warren Union, Sugar Groye, Sept. 10, 18.
Wayne, Honredale, Sept. 24, 28.
Wellsbnro, Wellsboro, Sept. 17, 20.
Wyoming, Tunkhannock, Sept. 21, 25.
York, York, Oct. 7, U
Never Qlye Up.
If you ara sufJVring with low and depros
sed spirits, lots of appetileenerHi debility,
llforclernl Ulrxl, we. K mutiiiuunn, neait-
che. nr any d sea so of a bileous nature, by
all means procure a bolt I e of Electric Bit
ters. You will be surprised to see the
rapid, improvement that will follow; you
will be I ii i p! ml witli new life strength
ami activity will re'urnt pain and misery
will cease, and hencefvnh vou will rejoice
in tho praise or KUcirw Bitters. Sold it
liny cents a bottle, by Tv D. Thomas' Druggist.
Business is still booming at ho STAR.
Our )nuny customers will kindly accept our thanks for the liberal manner in which they
have patronized us. To those who do not patronize us yet. but have such an object in view,
wc, here, publicly proclaim that thoy will be treated fair and honorably, that we will not
overcharge them in a single item, but on the contrary, will offer them decided bai gains in
many things without employing the so-called Leader System, where a certain line of goodg
are sold at or below cost and double prices charged on others.. TO all we would say
that wo arc holding our trade with our customers and arc constantly adding new ones, but
still wc have room lor more and cordially invito you to try us.
Have decided bargains in Home-made Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth, &c
"We lead tlie county in Sugar.
Our Stock and Prices of COFFEES are unrivalled"
No trouble to show goods.
Very respectfully,
uj COL SufS
JL. ofe S. iBepot, JBmm1&
The Clark's Cove Guano Company
Prioo List 1884, per 2000 lbs., in Sacks 200 lbs. eaoh.
For Field Crops and General Application.
Bav State Fertilizer.
,. i Ammonia. (IT!
?.T.. Avallnlilo.l-h.
Z1S- lo:nshK'iUl
. I IVII. 1 1 tn A
(lAnASTer.O ) A.,iii,in'.i. soliorlo Acij "... 10 to 11
Analysis; ) p.,i, k'am actual i... 2 to 3
Iietull Price tu New lork, $10 per ton.
per ct
per ct
Unicorn Am. Super Phosphate,
,. ( Ammonia, (Nll.t.) VA to
EtD i Available I'hosphorlo Acid,.... tuto 1
I'utasli, (Kill), aciunl 2'4 to
analysis: ,.., i. (Kim.
Hetall I'rlco In New York, 425 per ton.
King Phillip Alkaline Guuno,
,, I Ammonia. ;NH3.) lV$to
OrjAnANTLKD J Avallnhlu Phiisptiorto Acltt,. ... 6Jto
Analysis: ptnsli, (U2t)), iictual 3 lo
Eotnll I'rlco In Now York, .30 per ton
per ct
per ct
per ct
per ct
per ct
por ct
Tho Clreat Planet Formulas of CONCENTRATED MANURES,
comblno In 2 Formulas the ir.anf necessary articles tn use.
Great Planet Brand. atil',V
FOKMUI. I Ammonh, (NII3) 4 to I
A " Available Hliosphorle Add, I to 9
I Potash, (K'.'O). actual, oj-f to 11
per tt
per tt
tor Potatoes, Hops, Tomatoes, Peas, Corn, Melons, Deans, As
puntKus, Uncnmbers, llerrles. Tines, Orchards, Grain,
tjjgur Cane, &e. Retail prlco In N. T., J43 per ton.
FOTiMULAC Ammnnio.(M13) 8 to Iperet
(!) Available PI. osplinria Achl AmOperst
( Potash. (KiO), actual TtoSptrtt
For Tobacco, Uablmao, Unions, UailiIloncrs, Turnips, (co.
Itctall Price In Men York. IS per ten.
AVc have secured the Agency lor the above Celebrated Phosphates, and will now take
orders, and in season will have a constant supply on hand. Call and examine samples or
write for circulars. llre will accept agents, to whom we will assign districts, nnd are pre
pared to mako liberal arrangements with them.
Agent for Carbon, Monroe, Schuylkill and Lehigh Counties, Pa.
OFFICE in Ssiler's Etiilig-Tlie Aaricnltnral Implement Depot, k March 8, 18Si-mG
Sworn Sntaiiitioii
List WOO. Edited ly . H. HALE, I D.
This is a large eig'lit page, forty column, monthly
paper, and is cleyoted to everything pertainiDg to
Health and Home, Marriage, Social Science, Domestic
Medicine, Science, Literature, Art, Economy, Cookery,
Hints on Health, Dietetics, and every realm of Modern
Science and tends to improve health, prevent disease,
purify morals, and make home happy.
Subscription Price, 50 Cents Per Year.
' Address
Health xnt Home,
Spring Styles for 1884 have Arrived !
o e J
1 I
Are now nrenarcd to furnish their customers and the people with the Newest and most
Fashionable makes of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Oassimeres and Suitings,
which they will make up in the Latest Styles and most Durable Manner at unusually Low
Prices. With a lorce ot experienced workmen and a tremendous stock to select from, o
are pi epared to offer inducement unexcelled byany other
Wo cordiallv invito YOU to call and inspect our Goods and learn Prices before makins
your purchases elsewhere. In all cases we guarantee Best irorkmanship, Best Material, r
the Lowest Prices and " Perfect Fits." Respectfully,
Clauss & Bro? The Tailors