jrMrssa The Carbon Advocate. An Independent Famllr Sowroepar rubllshod every fcATfJRDAY, in liehlghton, Carbon Co.,Ta by iiAituv v. nioiixmitiEn. (imre-HASRWAY, a shott rjistauce spoys tha tehlph Valley II. R. Depot. Terms: $1.00 perJViinMi in Aflyance EVEIIT DIBCnirTIOX Or rtAI.N ASiD TXSQt Jol JPrintins AT VKRy LOW V KICKS II. V. Moutmmeb, Jun'r, Publisher. INDEPENDENT Live and Let Live." SI. 00 a Year if Pnid in Advance VOL. XII., No 8. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PAM SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1884. If not paid in advance, $1.25. 0 Advertising Rates. We dealra t to be distinctly understood thai no advertisements will bs Ihsertod in t b eolumhs of Tub OiitooN AbVoOATK that mjy be received from unknown parties or rras unless accompanied by the msH, The following are our only tef msi ON It SQUARK (10 USES), One year, each insertion 10 cts. Biz months, each Insertion 15 cts. Throe months, each Insertion 20 cts. Lots than threomonths.firstllMcrtion $1 1 each subsequent insertion 55 cts. Local notices 10 cents wr lino. 11. V. MoKtiuaitS.Jr., Publisher. Attorneys & Counsellors. m. iuisheii, Al'TOIINBV AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Din s SraiiLmtanTOtf.ri. Rilastat..odColUctlon Acencv Wllinu.rn4 l t lUal Kstate. Convejni-".r. .irstlr "lone CI l.etlntiS nrooiptlj msdn. Settling Kslst.s or p f dints a spsclalty. May b consulted In nllih suttlirmsn. Hev.zs. rp A. SSYDEIt, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. Omen-Comer of Bank Strctt fc llanhway 3nd building abore the Carbon Advocate minting omce. May 1, 1883-lnB'l LKlllQUTOff. Physicians and Dentists. T-).l. T. W. ItEMiU PHVSIOIA AND SUnOEON, BANK STREET, LEIIIOUTON. U FF1UE Hours at Parry villa From Sa. in., to l'itn, dally. Way be consulted In the English or Herman Language. Way IT. '84. TTT A. DEIUIAHEK, Jl 1)., ' PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEON Special .ttentlon paid to Chronic Diseases. Offle.i Sooth Kateornerlronand2m t.,Le aUhUn.Pa. Aprl' 8. 1876. a. in.iiiiit, M. i). rj, 8 CiKmliililR Burgeon, PRAUTtClNQ PJIYSICIAN and SO HOEON. Oxrtcs; Hank street, Itsnert's uloOk, Lrluah- ,0JVayBe consnilcd In tho Ocrm m Language. Nov. 30. REMOVED. G. M. Seiple, Piiystciaii & Snree:iis lias Removed bis Oltleo and Hcsldcnco from Beoond Sl.ln SUUTll Street. In the bulMlnir formerly occupied liy A. J iou.KNMAVKn, where he will he pleased to see his friends and patrons. AO-OFFICE in 'HUM from 6 to 9 o'clock P. M. March 81, 1BS3 W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., OFFICE : Oppislle tho "nrnndwoy House," Mauoh Chunk, Pa. , Patients havo the benefit of tho latest lm. Provements In ino-hanlial appliances and he best methnls nn rent mem In all surgical eases. ANjKSTUETIn administered. If desired. If posi.lc, persons residing outside or Maueh Uhuuk, should m.ike engagements by mall. lis vl CARBON r OUSE, 3. W. HAUDENIIUSH, I'llOPniETOII, Hank St., Lkuiouton, Pa. The CJasdon HousBoirers first-class accom modations to tho Traveling public, Hoarding by the tlay or tvo.k on Reasonable Terms. Uholco Cigars, Wines and Liquors alway-on band. (Joed Sheds aud Stables, with alton llro Hostlers, attaeheJ. April 10-yl, "p.VCKEBTON HOTKli. llllway between Mauch Chunk & Lehighton LEOPOLD MEYER, PnormnTon, Packerton, Pcnn'a. This well known hotel Is admlrablvrcfltted, and h is the bestni'Cominodailnns Inr nertnan cntand transient boarders, Fxcellont table and the Yory bust liquors, Also line rt.ihles attached. Sept. 10-yl. Mauch Chunk House, Susquehanna Struct, Mauch Chunk, Penna., T. F FKIIlt, Proprlelor. When visiting at the County Scat this Hotel will round to be nret-clars In every res pect. U li.es. Liquors, Layer llcer. Clicurs and other Refreshments of purest quality at the liar. Terms very modernto. l'ntrnnaitc solicited. aepl. VI, 188a Beer SsOoon and Restanraut, J113 Vine St., Philadelphia. Dennis Gilbert, Proprietor. The Par Is furnished with choice Cigars, Fresh Lngr, and other refreshments. Per sons irom the Lehigh Valley visiting Phila delphia are respectfully Invited to glvo me a call. Db.ims UlLnEitT. Murch , l3i-tf. Livery & Sale Stables UANIC STIIKHT.LKIIIOIITON, Pa FAST TROTTING IIOBSE8, ELEUAT OAUUIAGES, nd po-StlTSly I.OWtH PUHJF.S than any other Livery in the Coauty. Larxeand haudsomo U'anlascs for Funeral yarsoiet and Weddluss. DAVID KUIir.UT Kev. tl. 1171. J. W. ItAUDENBUSH Meipeetliilly annunnees to the nubile that he kas .ineneda Nl'.U' 1,1 V Kit Y MTAlll.K In oanretlon with his hotel, and Is prepared to inrnisn teams lor Fasierals Weiiiap or Business Trips n thortrit not lea and rofint llbernlcermi. All rdcri Ian at tho "Oarb-m lloute" will receive prompt attention. Stable on Norih Street next m uoioi, Liuitnion, jair-yi PATENT. ANDEKSON it SMITH1 Bollcltnr of U. s. and For- elKn ratents No. TOOSev. enth Street, enr. , opp. II 8. Patent office, Waihlnmon, ll.ll. Correspondence solicited, No eharira for advice. N" feo ctaamed un less Patent Is allowed. Ileferenees, Lewis jnhn onh. Co, Hankers, and Postmarter. w asnintcion, u. u. i-ampuieis oi insiruo llont rree maylT It. rV-SCI.itTrilN Illlr-rNtSY. fashionable IU-13 Hoot and siloa ittAKKit, Hank Kl, laehlKhton All worn warrantee. M r rilatmsa specially, anl H'AU I a IM i I RAV IS. A II I) I T I ) N A lni ' l-'llOMESTEAlt tlKH riKHUT. P.S1 and all klmlsitf LAND Stilt 1PT botiuhl AO Is ild. Lirne Stock, and HUlimt Prices paid, Un you wni iu pcii ur uuy i ji en, writ to A. A. THOMAS, Attorney at Law. wasninicton, u. u. jn.i-iii 1 TinTrJlil Sen'' So- Jorslii. and re A rn An. eelvefreo. aenstlvlnii'.nfKOodi A A AllUJJ, which w help you to moro money rlKhl away than auylhlnif else In this wnrld. All, or el'lier ei,iu.To. Irotn drat hour. The bren way to fortune opens br. fero the workers, absolutely sure. Atonee .ddrtsf, TRPc Ik vo., I'ortuud, iit, ; J R. PENN SMITH & CO., Are prepared to sell to Dealers, Lime "Burners and Consum ers, at their BREAKER at LEHIGHTON, Pa., tlHl&H 60M At IfsQBaela OUaUBik lDilces9 Delivered into wagons at the following rates, 2240 lbs. to the ton : Lehigh Egg, btove, a u i. K Chestnut No. 1, Chestnut No. 2, Buckwheat, Culm, TER July 1, l!8:i-ly S Beady for Spring Trade l &e., &c. flur Young Ladles and Gentlemen call before pun lutslnic elsewhere, as they will Town AT UUITUM HltlCES. Olfl Post Aprl 4, 1893-1 y Office BnildiUE, BAM Street, LEHIGHTON THE STOVE MAN, Will remove to his new Premises opposite Clauss & Bro's, on BANK STREET, ABOUT AUGUST 1st. In the meantime you can buy STOVES at the Old Stand at a discount of 10 per cent for cash. For Hew Goods ! SWESIY & SON 0. Have received an enormous stock of CHOICE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Queensware, etc. Old Post-Office Building, Bank St. Lehighton. ,o IGsW TredaMsrlt 3 V 1 ,v 'Vrt.R fiWV8 cisculai? Lrj ArvNv- (tent FREE 1838. Established MARVIN -i Marvin's Is the only Bafa wllh absolutely dry filling. Marvin's is the only Safe having the "tongue and groove" Improvement. Marvin's Is the only Safe liavinc a continuous pnjerting flange nn the hinge slda nf door. Marvin's is tho only 8a fe in which the door and frame are Inter-locked at all points. Msrvtn'a Is tho only Safe in which '.be door tha action of heat. Maryiu's is the only Safe tbeback of which Remember that no other mahe of Safe has oven the equivalent of Marvin's tongue and groove improvement, or the "solid forged mime with sliding back-plate. Call and examine. Marvin Safe Co., 623 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Agent, ANDREW SHIYE, Near L. & S. Depot, Leliiglitoii, Pa. March a, UK-mi $3.15 3.15 3.00 1.75 1.05 50 CASH. The undersigned calls tho attention of his many friends and patrons to his Large and Fashionable Stock of Sprins and Summer Goods, Consisting or AND SHOES Orcvcry description and Stylo In the Market, Including ft special lino of Lady's Fine Shoes Alio, a fell line or Umbrellas, Parasols, Hats, Caps, will find It to their advantage to ulvc him And tho IILST SELECThD STOCK In iS8L Rsatl What a Patient says of it: "TheraatUlciIptirrliMed from yon In A a mist prove to ma must vuucluclrrlv tbut wiill8 there is liro uiere is iiono." Titer um meir wont ir dc yond ray utmot cxpectutlom.for I certainly dlil not expect that liabltuf FOUKTEEN VCAlIS DUItATlON could be comnlctelvcctU'ii under con trol In the rxocedlntrtjr fhorttlmooftwomonUii 1 can aasuro you that no (alio modest? will keep mo from dolnirnll thutl can In addlnp to tho sncceaa which will surely crown u beneficial a romcdjr" A bo TO fxtractfroni o letter doted W.Yo Dea.Z9,USX The rattlllei tn pre pa rod and sold onlj by tbts HARRIS REMEDY OO. HF'C CHEMISTS. 308KN.I0th.6L ST. LOUIS, MO. oa5 KKU 3 "'aaiat w. ta ecus 53, tuel azzai 7 40 Years. 1884. SAFES. joints will not and cannot open and spread by cannot be removed wllh a common screw-driver. Thomas' Drug Store. B1 a. H W rj, t )J H s: gsgj B sib grl & sM' CD w 8- CO g g TO g z w 2. o 0 CD Hay Fever Is a tyre of ca tarrh liaviniriie- OTiM RAWS i " ' "'.' fy MflaCU3reiu .jltion or the Un n"'" iMim nn inuamcu con vS-X'etH Hrnn'"'-r""''""rano oi niiPfc- iwrt.':.u,. . r '.vmnjaK "naa in i nostrils, tear HAYFEVERJy dud!, nnd throat II o c t tnt? the Itinp. An nrrld mucu; Is secreted tlt discharge (s a c o o m pa nled r 1 tli a painful hnrnlnu aunt n. Mun, There arc cevore tpantiin of I MAV"t!"T41!?? 'l'H'nt attacks of . li tillncllnic ti e a il. n n e e zinir ir nche. a water v nnd Inflntncd Hate ol theeves, Ely's Crfim Balm U ft remrdy fo muled on a correct dlnirnopfs nf this dUeavoand can bo iicnendod upon TO cents at ilruim lets. fOo, bv mall. Stimnlo bottle l y mail locts. Uly IJkoh., iiruKlsts, Uwego. IN. Y. dec-'-yl 'TUfOBIAS ItliilHHt 8:n, -L CON VErANCJER. AND QKNERAL INSURANCE AGENT The following Companies are llepreiented: t-BBAh n mb rUAL rinis. HKAD1NQ XIUTUAL FIRB, WYOMING. FiniS. rOTTSVILIC FIItE, r.cniaii rrnK.sudtiie TIIAVEI.KRS AOOIDLNT INSUKANOE Aisn rcnnsj'lvnnli nucl .Mutual Horse TIilo' elccllvo and In-uranie Coroiiany. Uarcn55.ts;i Titos. KF.MKnnu. SOLUS for tho Worklnir class. Senil ldcts ror postage, anil we will mall you free, a royal, valuable box offanmly goods that will put you in tho way ofmnklnir more money In a few days than yoii'eVer thought possible nt any business. Capital not. required. Wo will start ynu. You can work all the time or In si.are time onlv. The work Is universally adapted to Loth sixes J'oung ami old. You can easily earn Irom 50 cents 10 5.co every evening. Tnat all wlio wantwurk may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer; to all who are not wen satisneii we will send l to i ay ror tho trouhle ot wrltlnxua Full particulars, ill rectlons, etc., snt free. Fortunes will bo made by those who ulre their whole time to work, (treat success absolutetysure. Don't ueiay. iiannow. Address 3T11.S0N t Co., i-ariianu, iMaine, ucclti.ly Dr. C. T. Horn, rr I r C4- LClllldl LM UJ OIUI C, Opposlto the " Oarbon House," Bank Street, Lohlghton, Pa., Pure Drugs & Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles. Stationery & Choice Cigars. Choice Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes i-resrripiions very carelully com pouuueu, uay or night. ALSO. Just received, an Immcnso stock ol Newest and most Popular Designs In Wall Papers AND Borders, which ho is offering at Prices fully at low as the same qualities and Patterns can baitol In the Cities. If you are about redecorating your hot&o, call and see styles and learn tho prices before purchasing elsewhere. Kenember, UIK OENTKAL, UltUO Store, ten. un. (J. T. 1IOHN AGENTS: wanted for the Lives of all the i-rriiuents or tne u. o. The lnrxest. handsomest, best bonk ever told for less than twice our urlee. The fastest selling uook in America, immense ;rentstiageiiis. ah imeinin-nt people want Terms free. Hallett IIouk Co, 1'nrtland, i. Anyone ran oecome a puccessiui atfenl Maine. declyl Mills M Mill Sites in Ibe Nothwest FOIt SALE BV QILLS01I, BZWAilW & CO,, Real Estate aul Loan Apts, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Money Loaned, Inform. lion as to Farms lor Bale, Business Chsnces. March I, IlU-csrtf. Gov't ARK. Lands Cbterfully furnished "I MEAN TO WAIT FOE JftaK.1 X LESSON rox LOVERS. Oweet Kale at Wyndliam's Dairy, nml Juck ofOMham Mill O, tons Ihey woo'd nnd fonj theyrooM,a faithful Jack and JIM But times wero bar) for lass and lad, and sadly both confessed 'Ttvas not tho tiling to buy the ring before they'd lined tho nest. "Courage, laill" saia Katie. "Yes vre'll liavs to vrait) But though, my dear, It's twenty year, I'll lake no other mate." Bui England wanted Jacky, for war was In tho air, And arms more grim were pressed on him than Katie's bonny pair. So all through Spain, In rough campaign, he chivied bold Mossoo And fired his gun and made him run like fun at Waterloo. Wtisn the lads came round her, Katlo bade them pack; There's girl's enough lor you to Woo "I mean to wait for Jack." Tho gray in Katie's ringlets were mingling with tho brown, When bumnu-tbuinn, an eacer stump come pegging through tho town. "It's mc,you see,corae back," says ho, "ex cept a leg orso; And safe and sound here's twenty pound) so lot tho parson know." Jingle, jangle, jlnglel set the bells n chime, And health and bliss to love like this that bravely bides its time. BERTHS AND RODOLPHS. Oue evening the young musician, Ro- dolpbe Arnhrim, nnd Berthe, the pret tiest of the girls of Mnyeucc, found themselves alone together. llodolphe nnd Bertho were engaged, nnd yet they were going to be stpuruted tLo uextduy. llodolphe was to depart for a distant drovince. Bt-rthe,"said Rodolphe, "let us play o ice Bg.iiu together the air you like to much. When we are srpiirnted ut the close of the day, tho hour ol crave thoughts, we will play our parts, und that will bring us nearer to each other." They were faithful to their proiuis. . Eirery evening, at ttio hour wheu they hud Btoii each oilier for the lust time, Berthe seated herself at her b.irp, llo dolphe took his flute, und they pUycd their parts. One eveuing Berthe wns with hir father beneath the nrbor of their Hill girderi. It wns the hour sacred to souv- e lira; Berthe wns playing her fuvonte lr upon tho barn, but suddenly sh -,nnn,i n. All was sllenc; even the wind had ceased to ngilnte the foilage, Berthe re commenced the nlr nnd again she heard Rodolphe's flute nccouipanyiug her. It was Rodolphe who had returned, Two years afterward Rodolphe and Berthe nossetsed n churmlnu littl d uiRhter, the cherihed frnlU of a union that Derthe's father bad blessed before drawing bis final breath. Then Ibe ititant died, nnd R?rlho ex pired of grief n few months afterward. When she felt her end approaching she said to Rodolphe; "In vain have I sought lo prolong try existence by my prayers; I must rejoin our child; I must abnudon you nnd wait for you in a better life. If the dead have power to reappear upon the earth you will see me again; my shade- will wander about yon; for my beawn Is the place where my Rodolphe Is. When Ihe day shall arrlvo in which wo cm be reunited I will cotuo to seek Vol!, and our two souls, melted together, Bhall rise on high, uo more to descend tipcn earth where they will not have n sinclo lie Every ysnr, on my birthday, happy or unhappy, beloved or ab.indoued, sad or gay, at the hour of sunset, play Ihe si that has so long charmed for as the grief of absence. Then she kissed him and died. llodolphe lost his mind. They made him travel for some time. On his return bis head was more calm, but a sober mslaneholy look possession of mm and 'Ud not not quit him. Ho shut himself up iu um uouxr, wouia uoi receive any OLe lhe wollM .... ,M VH .,,., , , .. ... K nu5wl'e. He left Bertbe's chamber Ins it iiau ueen at tue moment oi utr deatb, the bed still unmade, the harp iu a ZnhM ,, h. , on bU be3t uarme'"R- tbne han not "wig uuuc, AiDuiicii hid ouiiiuuer wuu flowers, and wbeu evening came be shut bitrihelf up there aud played upon the flute the air they had so olteu played to gether. The next day they fonnd him stretched out stilT pn the fluor. When he recover ed consciousness be had again lost hts miud; it was once more necessary for him to travel. At the expiration of n yar he relumed to bis house; his bruin appeared to be re-established, only he was sad and silent. Again Bertbe's birthday arrived; he filled the chamber with fresh flowers,aud toward evening he shut himself tip. dressed as on his wedding day; then he played upon bis flute still the same air. The follouing diy they again found him extended on the floor. Now this Is what had happened to him: Oa the first anniversary, as seon as he had begun to play, the strings of tl e harp bad vibrated and of themselves had accompanied the flute. When be had paused the sounds of the hup bud paused also. On the second anniversary, thinking he had been the victim of an illusion, be recotu nenced aud Ibe barp playtd its ptrt. He placed his band upen the strings aud bis bands felt the last vibra tlou of those strings. On b,-.th occasions he bad fallen, strleken with terror, and bad passed the night in a deep swoon. Hat be at last became habituated to this violsnt emo- Hon, and found u It only n sort of poig nant ple.isu.ro. All his evening and tho grenter por tion of Ills ulgbls were passed thus. His cheeks fjfew hollow; his eyes nlone Recmtd living In tho depths of their or bits nnd shone wllli rt supernatural bril liancy, lie no longer bad more lifo than sufficed to feel and Buffer. A Irleud becatne nlaruied nnd sought to discover what Itodolpho did iu that chamber. It was the third anniversary of Berthe's death. Itodolpho again filled the cham ber with flowers; he h'imself was furn ished with n bouquet. Ho had strewn the bed of the dead woman with roses picked to pieces. Then, at sunsot, he took his seat and played Bertbe's air. The friend had concealed himself be hind n curtain! he trembled on hearing tho sounds of the burp ininglothemselvia with those of the flute, llodolphe sank upon his kuecs aud prayed. Then the harp played on nlone; tho friend siw the strings vibrate, though no band touched them. It played n cehstinl tuelody that no one had ever beard before, and that no one will ever hear again. Then it resumed Bertbe's air. When it was finished all the strings of the harp suddenly broke and llo dolphe fell to the floor. The hidden spectator remained for some timo us motionless as his friend; then, when he went to raiso him, Ki- djlphe was dead. Miss Martingale's Picture. Though Miss Martingale's worldly goods are no small total, ns you mi.ht guess from ber cnmtnrtablo little sitting room, there is nothing nmoof; tbem nil that she would not willingly loso-iu preference lo the insignificant looking piece of cardboard lyin on her table be fore her a rusty old photograph of a ouco young aud manly original. Mi-s Martingale was ouo of tho most respectable aud demure middle-aged spinsters that ever wore black silk. Why shei.hould be porius over a young mau'H lace nnd gazing into a young man's eyes with nn expression as sentimental nnd love-lorn, ns if she. ridiculous old maid, were a schoohgir! of 17, and Ibis the photograph ofagallaut of 20, her first lover, is u question only to be answend by one very intimately acquainted with her. But, niter all. who knows what sxd tale may not be attached to Mine M-irtingale's keepsake? Perhaps it is the one remaining relio of some departed brother, or perhaps of ouo nenrer nnd dearer still, who looked upon Miss Mar Unguis' neatly braided hair before truces of silver wero discemable iu it possibly kissed tbo pleasant feattiresyeare ago be. tore lime had imprinted tender sorrow Hues upon them. Index are they still ton fond, colt heart; for, ns Miis Mar tingale folds up her keepsako in an el most endless succession of yellow euvel opes, and her eyes oh one with the ad dress iu a masculine baud, "Mis M. Martingale, euro of Mrs. Dormer, Hat field House seminary, Wudsworlb, warm veil suddenly obscures ber Hue of visiou. nnd a lejtr aud a sigh fall to. gethcr. "What a silly creature I nm, to be sure!'' MNs Martiugale EoliloquizeB, as the steps to her desk to lock up Ihe photograph packet iu the most secluded drawer. "It is ridiculous aud wrong iu me to indulge these vain regrets and fancies. Why cannot I bury them, n: n sensible woman ought to bury them? I am not a girl. I nm not even a young woman now. Ought I not once for all to put these bygones Irom me, and never again revive hopes that can never be re. alized? But I can't! And yet," she con tinued, "it Is Tery louely living bere.all these years, with not a soul to love ex cept other people's children, instead of beiug so happy, as it might have been if Oh, botherl How I'm getting senti meutnl again in spite of myself. Posi tively cryiug as if that's any good! To Miss Martingale's surprise she dis covers on ber return to the room that the girl bus for tome unaccountable rea. son left it iu darkness.savo for the lamp light, albeit she had remained behind ostensibly for that purpose. Why.dear me, Kate, arn'tyou there? Misi Martingale exclaims, as she gropes for tbo bell. "The girl hasu'teveu clostd the shutters!" Perhaps it is as well the shutters aro open, Icr tue lamplignt, sinning lull across the table so ns to obscure every thing else in deeper shade, throws a ghuhily sheeu upon tho white euvelope of a letter l)iug there, addressed, surtly enough to the mistress of the house, her self. "What? The handwriting the origin al's bandwrlllug? Now, surely, surely, this cannot be!" Miss Martingala is half-way into a swoou from flight. "From him? No, of course not. How ridiculous!'' Nevertheless, her breath comes in quick, short gasps as she rereads tbo euperscriptiou. When she summons up courage to open the missive, aud, by straining her eyes at the wiudow, sue. ceeds iu deciubering the oonteuts, you may, figuratively speaking, knock down Miss Martiugale by tbe simple operation of blowing at ber. Ml Dead. Mauy: I am afraid that long ere this yuii litvo given up warning your tnoughts upou eo wurlule&s uu object a. I am. Yet, remembering the all cllou e once Had tor each otner, I am tempt ed, evua alter this louu sileuoa bow painlul to both of us lo hope you have uol quite lorgotten me. My two list letters to you uiuet have niiM'urrird, Inr they were never auswrrvd, Aftsr I had waited long I heard you were married, nud, iu dtspatr nt what I thought your cruelty and laitblessneuis, I bated ever to retnru borne, unly recently I discover ed t is mistake aud learned how patleuV ly through all these years you have, as I still nope, onerisoen my nuwuriov niem. cry. Dear Mary, is it too late? Gut. "From Quyl Oh, thank btnvetil" Quito orcrcomo by tho good news, Aliea Martingale no sooner receives it than bIio displays signs of foregoing in oue moment nil that happiness which she has waiter) till old-umldhood to ob tain. ' She falls breathlessly into the arm-chair nndcr the window in n whirl of mixed emotions, which, finding it im- potaible to choke her, at length vent themselves in n duet of laughter and tears. One hasty Btcp, a joyful shriek, n sim ultaneous exclamation of "Oh, Onjl" aud "Maryl" and then tho most delici ous little fainting sceno, in which, to the horror of the mahogany witness, that re markable phenomenon of years ago is audaciously repeated by the original himself, Prevention is better tbau cure. Oue actor dees not make a play. When the cut's away the mice will pl.ty. Belter a living dog than a dead lion. A band of boy brigands, who had vowed to exterminate tho dude, wat re cently discovered in New York. Each boy is supposed to have been armed with a fenther with which they intended to brain Ibe dudes. "The enterprising firm of Hood .t Co., aro doing a rushing business in Hood's Sar saparllla and Hood's Tooth Towder, both well known and appreciated by thousands who bavo tested their efficacy. Tho Sar- eaparilla has elected wonderlul cures, not only in this city, but in various pans ol t,ew fcngianil, where its merits aro known. Ed. Lowell Daily Citizen. As tbe twig is bent the troe's in- ollned. Oxen till tbe field (.cd rntB eat the corn. -Out of the wolf's lair into tho tiger's month. The sttl 'enl who upon bis examina tion was asked the question, "What is medicine!" aud replied: "To kill persons without fear of polico interference," was awarded a diploma aud marked Al on the class roll. A Rtartline Discovery- Mr. Win. Johnson, of Huron, Dak., writes that his wife had been tro'ibled with acute bronchitis lor nianv years, and that all remedies tried cava no permanent rebel lliilil lie procured a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs und colds, whidi bail a inngiftil ellcct, anil produced a nertnaiifnt euro. It is cunran teed to euro all diseases of throat, lungs and bronchial tubes. Trial bottle free at Thomas' drug store. Large size $1 000. Girls wo love for what they are; young men for what they promise to br, Tramps and millionaires aro having tbe city for tbe summer. Euglaud has many strong men who fiud it impossible, at times, to raise a pound. A Srn Francisco showman is ndrev vertis!ng n troupe of educated flies. If ho will setid one on hero to teach others how to walk around tho edge of n milk pitcher without falling in, be will gain everlasting fame- Drunkenness, cr tho Liquor Habit, can he ncredby administering Dr. Haines' Ooldon Specific. It can bo given in a cup of colleo or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it, effecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a mnderato drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who havo tuketi the Golden Specific in their cnll'ec without their knowledge, and to day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. Nu harmful ellects result Irom its aduiiniilrallon. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and testimonials sent free. Address, Giii.okm Srscirio Co., 185 lUce St., Cincinnati, O. "I make n shift lo get along," re marked the widow detionicntly, "but it's sew bard," People learn wisdom by experience. A man never wakes up the second baby to see it laugh. HUNDREDS Write they owe their life and present good health lo Acker's English Ileinedy for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Ac buhl by u. i. uorn, ieniguion, anu W F Diery, Weissport. A Stock Yard girl who H anxious to get rid of her lover has promised to many him when Blnine is elected. The Whitehall Times annouuecs it as a startling fact that mauy a yonng woman has had n narrow escape from tbe string of a bad beau. No disease ran show such quick results as heart uiseaeejuo not tieiay, ur. uraves' Ifesrt ltegulutor is specific. $1 per bottle al ilruggute. An exobange tbiuks that a plank in favor of quart berry boxes that wi 1 bold two pints each would catch the housekeepers vote. Those persons wbo get up early to catch tho worm need not hustle them selves. They cau citch tbe vortu mi) time at tbe fruit stands in Ibe market. ACKKR'S BLOOD F.LIXER guaranteed, will cure all kinds of blood poisoning, fit- heritcd or contracted. RnM by Dr. Horn, Lobighlou, and W Biery, Weissport. "See here,'' he said to his clerk, "I don't miud letting yon off a day now nnd then to attend your grandfather's fnutr- al, bnt I thluk yon onght to have tie courtesy to send a few of the fish around to ray bouse." We read In an exchange of a yourg lidv having been made crazy by a sud den kiss. This should teach young ladies to bs constantly expecting some. thing of that kind and to be prepared for it beu it comes. Caocr. Wiloopina Cofdn, and even Asthma immediately reli-ved by Acker's English Remedy. Sold utider guarantee bv Dr. Horn, Leblghlon, and W F Biery, Weissport. A malicious boy created a panio in A Motitreul hotel one day last week by thrusting bis bead into tbe dining-room aud calling out: "Here comes an officer from New York with a warrant." It was several hours before some of tbe most nervous guests could be persuaded to eonie out of the wood and return to their meal. Advertise In tbe Advocate. IWrniubwiiiuiauiiHTiuwiiiii' Vt Jljiipi!iniiii!iiiiiiii?j!ii I i!ljlllb.3iinilltljj THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Relieve! nnd turci ttllEUJLVTISST, Nouralula, Sclatles, Lumbsgo, BACKACHE, ; SOPE THROAT, qtnxsr, swHLLisaa, SPItAIXS, Soroncn, Cats, Iraisn, FROSTBITES, ttTJRNS, SCALDS, AoA til other 1411 acUS .ail p.lai. nm mis i somt Boiab .11 Dragiht. tot pkn-.. DlraUooJ la 11 iabgu.lcft 7.3 Ckuloi A.?oc!:r fa. (StMMtMi, 1. A. V-tcWt A ft.) B.IUa.n, 34, C.S.A. For Something Very Nice In tho Way of Ladies', Oent's nnd Children's BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, OO TO Peter Heira, opposite tho Public Square, DANK Street, Lchlghtnn, where you will find a T.arge and Fashionable stock to select from at Lowest (Jar-h i'rlccs. Also, Ladles' and Oent's Boots aBi Sloes Me to Order on short notice. Best Material and Work, mnnshlp guaranteed. Prices are fully a Low as elsewhere. Your patronage Is ver cordially lnrlted. May lo-ais. fan. nL.n.rKr.lr-GPi. f p i A S a S " " " tf mm bCjI- 5"8 3 PMIiWa DOES WONDERFUL CURRS OP KIDNEY DISEASES (j AND CJ ' LIVER COMPLAINTS, Ilecauso It acts on tho I.IVIMt, VOWELS and KIIIXKVS at the same time. Ilecaoso it cleanses the system of the potion, oils humor, that dovelopo in Kidney aud Uri nary Disease., HUlousne... Jaundice, Conitlp. tion, Fllcj, or in RAOumatlsm, Neuralgia, If sr. vou. Disorders and all 1'omale Complaints. ysrsouv rr.ooF of ims. IT WTXXi BUBELT CUBS CONSTIPATION, PILES. end RHEUMATISM, By causing ITtTTFI ACTION tt all the crgana end function., thereby CLEANSING tho BLOOD restoring the normal power ta throw off disease. THOUSANDS OF 0A3ES of tho worst Torms of these terrible disease bara beeu quickly rcUeved, oad in a abort timo PERFECTLY CURED. r-uiCE, i. Liqvin on our, sold nr dscgcists. Dry can bo .ont by mail. WE1LB, EIClIAIlDSOir & Co., JJurimcton.VC 3 Bond .tAtrp for Dlftry Alaifttiu fur 1881. For Bargains In Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Carpets, Silverware, Queensware, Groceries, AC, OO TO E. H. Snyder's Bank St., Lehighton, May 10, 1BS4- SKIN CURE. CATARRH CURE, COUGH CURE, BLOOD CURE. FOR SALE BY TIIOS. D. THOMAS. TT k TATTit Agents wanted for su iJL A. liS Jiithantlo editions or hli JL'-""L, llle. Published at Au. nulla, his home. Largest, haod.omut, cheapest, best, lly the renowned historian and lilnKrnplier. Ool. Conwell, whose Ufa of Oartteld, puhllfbed Ly us, outsold Ihe tncuty others liy eo,(Hio, Outsells every book ever I'Ubll.hnl In this worl.lt many annus aia sellliiK fifty daily. Agents are making for. iiiuv. niiii.n ucKninrr. surces tuit grana chance fur Ibtin. 141.60 made by a Isaj a.em the firs i day. 'lerns most libeisl. reticulars lire, lletter send Si cents f r poitaire, eto., en free outfit, now ready, li. cludlnx large prospectus bonk, snd s iv. vsl. usble lime. ALLKN & I'D, JutiOliam Augusta, Maine. a week at home. $5.01 outfit free, ray ahtolutely sure. No risk, t'apltal not reoulred. Reader. If von basinets at which persons of either sex. old erjoung, ean mils great pay alt the tlroi they work, with absolute certainty, writs fur partlaulaii to II. HALtiTT k Co., Fortlar.4, Ialns, dsell'yi ILrft: BMP ! "B S I I iff n n. . X I I, IJ.U p o O II f I II T 3.6 il mi I f Fi mm i i