The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 26, 1884, Image 4

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    NortH CarolinA
Tenant Farmers
"Why bo Subject to
Late and Eault Frosts 1
"Which Kill Your Young
Plants anl Injure Your Crops.
Boafl tlio Terms lo Tcnnnt Farmers
GItch by North Carolina Land
The Immlgrstlon llnronu of North Cro.
In hare Id charge somo Improved farms for
Tont to Northern tcnnnt fanners on the fol
erring conditions, which aro tho usual tcrmi
of rent charged In this State:
Tlio land owner furnishes land, houses nnd
pars all taxes and expenses of Improving
Iiourcs, stables nnd buildings. The tenant
farmer furnishes horses, tools anil labor,' nnd
receives TWO THIIIDS OF OltOl'S. The
tenant farmer Is allowed free of rent garden
Rnd vegetable patches, llo Is also alloired
to ralso stock, hogs anil chickens and rccolro
11 proceeds troin the sale of them.
KAKMS. The land-owner furnishes land,
houses nnd payt all taxes nnd expenses of
Improving houses, stables and buildings.
The tenant farmer furnishes horses, tools
nnd labor, recolrlnx Threc-lourths of the to.
fcacco and Two-thirds of the grnln crops. The
tenant farmer Is allowed freoof rent as In tlio
above mentioned farm No 1.
FARMS. Tlio land-owner furnishes land,
houses, feed for horses, tools, rcpalrlns nnd
xceplng In order of tools and pays all taxes.
The tcnnnt farmer furnishes all the manual
labor; receiving One-hair of nil crops raised.
Tlio tenant farmer receives frco of rent as In
tho first mentioned farm No. 1.
CO FARMS. Renlod exao'ly on samoterms
ns the above Tobacco, Grain and Grass Farm
No. 3; or If tenant farmer furnishes horses
and tools, he receives Two-thirds of tho grain
and Three-fourths of tho cotton.
Advantages op Locating in
North Carolina.
CLIMATE. While tho cold Is not rose
verc, tho temperature of mid. summer Is not
excesslvo or trying as farther Norlh. Our
seasons nro longer, and therefore our crops
are not killed by lato or early frosts.
THE SOU. Is of a variety of compositions
clayey, gravelly lime stono, slate, sandy
loam, etc. Tlusgrcatvarletyofsollsand the
mildness nnd advantages of climate will ac
count for tho variety of products.
SOCIETY. No section In the Union hns
better executed laws. The blessings ofpollt.
leal, civil and religious liberty nro no where
more fully protected than In N. O.
IN GKNURAI.. Tho great fertility of
our lands, the mildness of our climate, Iree
from the scorching and withering heat of tho
Koulh and the cxtrcmo cold and freezes of
the North go to show that North Carolina Is
surely the most favored agricultural section
In Amerlea. Nature lias not only given us
the advantages of producing, but it has pro
Tided us with water-power towork up what
tho soil produces for us.
I solicit correspondence from tenant firm
an In the Northern and New England States.
I will furnish persons low rato round-trip
transportlon from lloston, New York or Hal
tlmoro to North (.'nrollua, so as to give them
an opportunity of seeing the larins that arc
offered for rent.
All farms advertised by us for rent, havo
dwelling-houses and out-bulldlags on (hem.
Jlelng a regular employe of the Agricul
tural Department or North Carolina, 1 make
no charge fur Information given or services
rendered persons seeking homes In the Slate.
I will bo pleased to furnish descrlptlro lists
f lands ollered for sale In North Carolina to
all persons who will write me.
Siale Iiniaigratioii Apt,
TebrnarT le, lMl-yl
Hay rover.
For twenty rears 1 was n sufferer from
Catarrh o( the head and throat in a very
aggravalcd form, anil during the summer
months with Hay Fover. I procured a
l.-iti.. .-r . T1..I... --.I .. rA...
...... I ...... I l.-. ...('., .....
cured beforo tho bottle was used. Horn
nan no return ni ino ivimpiaini. unaruite
Parker, Waverly, N. Y.
Although chickens aro born in Hie
shell they never becomo good oarsmen.
Tho dearest girl on . earth is the one
that cats tins most ii'o cream.
Local Advertising
n n ti n o'
V V If -i. -J--L-S. SJJLO-JLj
f Yery description.
"Rough on Rili" clears out rals, mice
"Rough on Corns." fur corns, Imnlon.t 15c.
Thin people. "Wells' tjenllh Rencwer" re
tores health sodyIgor,curtsdv(p8ria,ic,
$1. -
"Rough on Tiwthaohe,''Jnstant relief. 15
Indies who 'would retain freshness nnd
vivacity .luu't fall to try ;WoI' Hoallti
"Biichu-paibV' great kldnoy and urin
ary cure.
Flies, roaches, ants, lied bugs, rals, mice,
cleureil out by "Rough on Rats" 15a
"Rough on Conghsj" Iroclin, 15c; liquid 2Je
For children slow In development, puny
and delicate, list) "Wells' Health Rcucwcr"
"R-mgh on. Dentist" Tooth Tuwder Try it
Nervous weakness, ilvsnepsla, sexual tla
bllity cured by "Wells' Health lloncwer
Mother Swan's Worm Syrup, for fever'
ishnrss, wnrms, constiptliont tasteless 25a
Stlaglng.-irrilstinn, nil kidney and utln.
ary complaints cured ty "uucnu-paioa ' i
Night sweats, fever, chills, malaria, rlya
pepsia, cured by "Weils' Health Renewer'
My liusband (writes a lady) Is three limes
tho man since using "Wells Jleallu llo
If you aro failing, broken, worn out and
nervous, use "Wells' Health Ileuower ' 1
rrevalenceof kidney complalntln America;
'Jiucltu palua Is a quick, complete cure. if.
A boarding Iiousb mistress, tike the rest
of us, has her weak and her strong points,
the weak point being her tea and her strong
point tho butter.
Aro you disturbed at night and broken of
your rest by a sick child sullerlng and cry
ing with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send
at once and Ret a bottle of Mm. WiN3t.'iw's
Sootrixo Srnur fob CiiiLnRBt Trktiiinci.
Its value is incalcuable. It-will relieve tho
poor little sufferer immediately. Depend
upon it, mothers, there isnn mistake about
it. 11 cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu
lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind
colic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
Hon and givc3 tone any cnevg) tu tho whole
system, airs. Wixstow's boonilxo syrup
run linuHiEN 'lKRTinxo is plensanl to the
taste, and is the prescrintion of one of tlio
oldest and best female nurses and physi
cians in (lie United States, ntul is for sale by
all ilruirgleta throughout tho world. Trice
25 ceuts a bottle, XG-iy
"When sorrow tins left its traces," what
lias become of tho rest of the harness.
Enckleu's Arnica Salve.
The best salye In the world for outs,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, ciiilblands, corns,
and alt skin eruptions, and positively cure
piles, or no wy required. Ills guaranteeu
to givn perfect satisfaction, or money re
funded. I'rice 25 cents per box.
t or solo by 1 I). Thomas.
Tellers of exaggerated stories aro known
in business circles as yarn merchants.
Solid Comfort.
Every one likes to take solid comfort and
it may be enjoyed by every ono who keeps
Kidney-Wnrt in tho house nnd takes a tew
doses at the first symptoms nl nn uttatk id
malaria, rheumatism, biliousness, jaundice
or any ali'ectiim of tho liver, kidneys or
bowels, it is a purely vegetablo compound
ot roots, leaves and berries know to have
special yaiuo in Kinney irouoies: AUiieit
to thoso aro remedies acting directly on the
iiyeriinu uowcis. it removes the cjiiso ol
diseise uud iortifies the svstcin apainstnow
a Hacks.
The bicycle rider is said lo be lllio a
South American Slate, becauss he is always
on tho brink of a revolution.
Dr. Graves' Heart Regulator cures a 1
forms nt Heart Disease, neivousness uud
Offering candy lo an elephant is like
offering marriage to an old maid. Sho may
turn up her nose, but she accepts it all the
550Prelly as a picture. Twenty-four
beautiful colors of the Diamond Dyes, fur
silk, wool, cotton, Ac, 10c each. A child
can use it with perfect success. Get at once
fiom your druggists. Wells, Richardson &
Co., Burlington, Vt.
Now is the time of the year when the
nowly-lleged graduate hesitates between
becoming an editor right oil" or going as a
waiter in a summer hotel.
will euro all kinds of blood poisoning, til-
licrited or contracted. Bold bv Dr. Horn,
Lebighton, nnd W Biery, Weissport.
A Virginia girl married a tramp who
turned out lo bo a duke. We've no pily for
her. She should have known what he was
before sho married him.
-Eyery farmer should at least have one
county paper, and that pupei should be the
AnvuCATK, wh!:h contains all the latest lo
cal news. Only .$1.00 a year.
Candlo is from a Greek word meaning
to shine.
Envy's memory is nothing but n row
of hooks to bang up grudges on.
-A Thorough Courso of Acker's Blood
Elixir will remove all taint from the
blond. It cures Scrofula, Ulcers, Boils and
rimples Sold by C. T. Horn, Lehlghlou,
and W Biery, Woisspjrt.
-The demand for napkin-rings made of
wood grown at Walter Scott's honie.Abbote
ford, is proving a great drain on the forests
of Maine.
ELECTRICITY. Ot ail ihe known
Electro-Galvanic Appliances at the present
lay it is now conceded bv the Medical Fra
ternity and Electricians generally, that the
American Galvanic Co's Howard Smm.ns
ate Ihe best, possessing intrinsic Electrical
merits, as one Bliield or appliance can be
fitted to any part of the body, which is not
true of any other. Bee advertisement in
another column of Ibis paper. Electric Gazette.
Can a sorrel team be let down as a
pair red drawers.
Great wonders ran bo accomplished
by resolute perseverence and patient toil.
Unit ackir's Enuusii Rkukdy for Con
sumption, Sold by Dr. C. T. Horn, Lo.
highton, and W Bieiy, Weissport.
It may 6eem singulsr, but it Is never
theless lrue,tliat a woman can stand square
ly tn 1'enr.sylvanla and yet be In New
That weak back or pain In Ibe side or
hips you will find immediately relieved
when a Jfcjt riculer Is op licit. It strength
ens the muscles, giving the ability to do
hard work without suffering. Take none
but this; 'tis sv re.
We neyer deceive for a good purpose.
Knavery adds malice to falsehood.
Same of the most brilliant charges tn
lime of war are made by the sutlers.
GUARANTEED to cure a onld or cough
caer s reicoraimi j-.ngusu Kerned r. Sold
by Dr 0 T Horn, Lehigbton.una W." Biery,
We need more Insane aiylumni In this
country, exclaims a pbilanthopUt, who has
evidently been crowded out in some mys
lericus' mi nncr.
A Uaiisal Cura
RXTTostod for over 0
y-oara i7 us a tn thou-
feauda of cocoa.
c7, And DamcTMU oik
ncura tsUiini
f kUlfbt Jihyeiclim, rcttut
from jtuiMut todlKm
Uoni, too rrc ladaIero
end over htala wort, Vt
not tanrfwiio vhiia ocb
cacniiesi iori in tout if
tm. Mol-X bclaf ImpOH-t
cn bj fTT(tttloof elkiuu !
etrtfr rcwUt fir ltief
tronHw. Gel tmr frt elrcw
Iar ul trial jaekoco tnl
iBtQ Important fula tWi4
Uklnj trrat'nent Msowlitre
lukAiirrtivdj thUhucntri
t'lfttjtunl, aui ton bot lo
trrfcra vita ttr ntlon U Uxl
tieai or can rftl f
rrnlcneo. ronndti oi tcl
cnUdo medlcel principle.
Growing lu larw an 4 trpula
Uoo. Ulrt application to Ui4
aca4efdlra Biaktalu apo
ring uuitfnrto 1911 wiuiooi
telAj Tha patnral fiao
tlona ( f tht human otKflf
I'm ar tottoroi. Hit
fiilmivilna; elcmcnU of
)ir -xUich hr$ bocn
vutel am riven tacit,
Tb patient fceewnai
a&ecrfal and alu
norm iutn su, bt. i.onn, no.
One ttoimrs Trutmut, $3 1 2 M3hth3,$3 i 3 woim. C7.
PaynGS1 Antoiatic Eogincs Sau-
o ntTiT nn C tf10 II, P. AtitomfltlcEpjirk-ArrMt-iri.T,
Mounted TorinMo Kolnr, tilth Mill, 10 ft.
r.irrlapp, ft. trrirk cntl waj-B, S flnuiltnoooua
Jcvcr M.t hcft(M)lorl;, S.Inch nibor, 3 changes
tcodt ftawycr coniroli focil-luvcr ami
jnuuniti' puniiiini. (iu titcii tumu
raw, CO ll. 8-lmh 4 vly lirltlnKt
fo'tl.!pItfi, cant-IioKj, dfp,
llhtenf r, etc. JUff tomplcto for
pperniiun, um'u vu raw. r.n
vino nn Nkhlit. PinnipAn. linclnrt
will Immflnljntiom Hiomw I wo
to iiiit ifir. lonff mm kccp up
strain. Knidfor rntal'-c'io 12.
n. V. TAYKE & HON8,
Wnuufnctiircri all tvJf Auto.
Biiiiltlai-Mmllcvfl, nnd lmnjroift.
ANDREW SinVE.Bjnktitrcet,
Agent fur Ijohlgliton and vicinity,
nn. n. r. wEtrn kfiwk ai mun, a
rtirtrntlFprll1oforlhPt-tU.D itint-M OniruJnl-iii, Fit.
Nar hi NtrurftlcU. Ileadtflir, Ncrvntta rrtatlfn ruiofi
t-r 11m nan rfalcniiol rr tn'rcf, WaWfnIiieaa. HvtA il Da'tnliis f tti Erilla rnulHru In 1nantiy aud
leaJinv tninlii'-r)'. and datli ritniittjio Old Aa,
Uftirtnnei, Jxaa of p.iwer In either aei, Involuntaijr IOtaoi
ai'l rt".miiittr1ivii rallied tr o?tr-xai tUn f tlio bralc,
aUtloflVlintulTel8. Farti toxrnn(i.lnPOne nianth'i
trentm-iit Ol a 1ni, or clxboxca tut QS. iiv&t Ij 13 all pre
paid uii nretj't nf prlc.
Tfifitflfiifwo, Vt ft rsirli rr'lr iscflrnt f a for tlx
lrfxes,rrmt nlfi w If J 83, wi wli ar mt I lift ptirrhFor our
wrlllnrt xnnrjiHlvo In refutxl Vt motif r If tl Irealnieiil dvea
li t f ITtI a rttrf , (1 iiArantif latitl tmlj-1 j
KISSHt ft NKMfON, 339 li.r fcttYrl. rMlaftclpMa.ra.
S Tlia rarttil taroubta Mooit I'liriflcr. It IrWiPr'lttetr f
antntivrs onon rlrt ft S rnfa. Unurnaatd fori
?NITRIJM, TUTOrsldo, Cat. Tho dr7 cltmato enrps.
Io3e, Tliroafi,Lanc5, lull Idea, 03p,( routo, cost, frco.
VI l n n m &oizz?h
1 'All that tbCiioiibtfal carious or ttougtitful wunt to
tnaw, OlotbnrnlrlltbiQdlniW cts, papor 25c, Mori?
! rlntro Outdo, It 1 pl.w.sentf otlml,
m. WHIHIEH pWhY'pa.
Sib Rrontspedtllct, KervcusIVbtUtr.Impedliaenta'
, to MnrrlnrT,Oorj'Ultfvtlonnodlnmpltlrt frco. ,
ybauccznnB. to
IrepolciiPr, (r;aat iTealm, Gonorrnaa, ISjohtlllB ci.d
Htrrnrlaf ACrrtlon. firientlfic trpatmenti aoTe and aure
rcmoillpi. Di'formitlpf Trcatrd. Call or write for list ot
Qucatfcint to be anawercij by tlioae deairiiis treatment by mall.
rflYrvina aolTtrltitT from Rnptnr ahoald aasd tbflr adtlreia.Y
f4and learn aonrtbtaa; to their adrantage. Itlsaolatnia.
Aiirtn fir. ft I.. I.atUItQE, Ptm'I and rbjalrlaa la rtuirce
(rnlral Srd. h fibre. latitat, 20 Lorart at St. Looli, EI.
6ucosaor to Dr. Butte DiPiwiuary, Katatllsbed 20 Ycara.
CSooit Iay for Akpi.Ih. ftlOO lo S200 iter
tiio.niiuliaolllitir eMii lJiniMl.Mt IlUtorr.
f aiiiouniiiiil IfciaU llnttlcMo! llteU'urlcl
WrUe lo J. C JlvCuiMlr V Co., l'juladclpula, l'a.
U book. New edition. Ne Wndincs. New illuuratloiu
a from new ilniem, Superlily gotten up. Same low price.
Adip'itl to all ela, heLU at nht. Agents floinjr bis
wont. LxCELLHNT TERMS. The handsomest proipcctus
eer iistied. Apply now,
URAULtiY, GAKHETSON Sc Co., North 4h St. rhlladcl
phia. l'a. AUo other grand new books and ZJibles.
Central Carriage Works.
Hanlc St., Lohlgliton, Pa.,
Aro proparcd to Manufacture
Carriages, Euggies, Sleighs,
Spring Wagon, &c,
Of every description, In tlio most substantial
manner, and at I.owcit Cash 1'rlcos
ncimirliiff Fromptly Attcuacd to
April 23, 1583 yl Proprietors.
No Patent No PayT
obtained for Inventors In tho United States
Caumlannd Kurope, at reJueed rates, with
our principal ollloo located In Washington,
directly opposlt. tho United States Patent
Ollico, wo aro ablo to attend to all patent
business with greater iiromptnens and de
spatch and at less cost than other patent nt.
torueys who aro nt a dlstnnco from Wash
Inirton, and who havu, therefore, to employ
assoeliite attorneys." Wo niako preliminary
examinations and furnish opinions as to pa
tentability. Tree or charge, and all who aro
Interested In new Inventions nnd patents nro
Invited to send for a copy ol our "(lulde for
obtaining Patents," which Is sent frco to
any address, nnd contains complvto Instruc
tions how to obtain patents and other valua
ble matter. Wo reler to the German-American
National Hank Washington, 11. (J.; the
Jloyal Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Lcgn
tlons.nt Washington! Hon, Jos. liasey, late
(Ihlel Justice U, S. Court or Ulalms; to the
Ottleials or the U. S Patent Olflce, and lo
Senators and Alcmbors of C.ngress Iroai
every State,
Address: LOUIS llAOOKK h CO., So
llcltors or Patents and Attorneys at Law, I.e.
Droll Building Wabsisotds. I). I).
of East Mauch Chunk,
ore prepared lo ilo all kinds of
Plastering & Ornamental Work,
at shortest notice. Orders by mall will re
ceive prompt attention. Terms moderate
or good work, eeulotf
i . . . i
Urbon Advocate
Cheap Printing !
rr f
m n
netnrn to nn with JtH
nungoir) in ftiooric aiwuiuvo IOihiiij-. iJiawi
Hx. HooayiULU. ounff,U3UrtnvlcJabt..N.Ioit.
pnsrir agents
The mrvrt captlatinr nafratWaf of eiMy Imrdtr lift tvtr wrlti
ieo. iioniiiisn i or vm Acnn nnd picmiia pi after (Of
1 tinners. Attcnn are now Mlling to to 15 books per day. Wa
want an A rent In e?rr town. S"J r termi and circular! fre.
Tho W. E. DIRE1LE PUU CO., ClnoMnntl. O.
AnPPjTO,ln(r"xi w atn thi nw, l..L n4rkt
.MllUtI I UnrlHHa;aM1fUflnt.t.AMplU1rqMlrs1,tM4a
fkld for aXlor aold. ZBl'ins IIAIITU 10, 181 Uaai 8l.,l. T
11 pisua itthntur tyn uiahhm
Tsyiouw. A certain euro. Not expensive. Thre
months trwitment In one pacUrgre. Oood ror Cold
lu the Head, Jlradncho, Dizslness, liny l'over, Ac.
1'llly cenis. Uy all Driicrrln, or hy mall.
li T. UAZS.IIINU, Warren.
tnr will st t ev txAMimna this map that ths
17 thr central ponltlou of Its line, connects tho
Uast aud tho West try the shortest route, and car-
riam pBBBcuKrrs, Tviijiout camigo 01 oars, DC (TV en
Cblcaso nnd Kanias City, Council Ulufla, Leaven
woith, Atentaon. Minneapolis and Bt. 1'auI. It
conrcotp In Union Depots with all tho prmclpal
lines of road between tfco Atlantlo nnd the tocifio
Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and magnifi
cent, being composrd of Most Comfortable) nnd
Ueautiful l?ay Couch en, Uasnlflcent llorton Ilo
elinlnp Chair Cars, Pullman's Pre tt teat Pal act
nice pin ft Cars, and tho Heat Lino of Diulna Care
In tho World. Three Trains between Chicago nnd
MicHoun Itlvcr rolnts. Two Trains between Chi
Q3HQ and Minneapolis and Bt, Paul, via the Famoui
, A New and Direct Ltne.vla Eeneeaand Ktnka
Koo, hns recently bsen opened between Itlclimonr
Nortolic, Newport News Cluttanoosa, Atlanta, Au
fusta, Nash villa, Louisville, Leincion.Cineirnat
ndlanapolls and Lafayette, and Om ill a, Minneap
olis and St. Paul and in term cell -no points.
All Through Passengers Travel oa l'ast ExprCB
Trains. Tickets for sale at all principal Tioket Ofaees Iv
tho United States and Canada.
Bajeaeo checked through and rates cf fare i1
ways as low as compotltors that oer less cdvan
tars s.
i'or detallod Information, est the Maps and Fold
era of the
At your neareet Ticket Offle or address
r. r. cable:, e. sr. John.
o YIw Prea. & Oeal V'r'r. Oea'l TJtU & Pan. AfiU
Herra-UfB ai Vigor
t centers.
IE nw TMS5
This cut shows the
Howard Electric
Magnetic Shield
lis applied over tho Kid-
iiojManu ncrvo-viias
9. 'ino or-ty np
Blanco msdo that
its every nart of
the body, nd the
a w ri only one needed to
I JTV t CI wiiinmT rite
It lieu mutism.
a ' y H v o i' t is
a tho worst esses of
H Seminal Weak
H 11C53, ISxImuB
u tlon, Jninolcn-
cy4 anil nil mills
the Urlno
Genital Oririma.
rotentod Tcb. S5, 187!). r,
YOUNO MEN, from early Indiscretion, tacit
Ticrrc forco and fall to attain strength.
MIDDLE-AGED MEN often laclcvljor, attrlbnt
lns It to tho progress of years.
Tho MOTHER, WIPE and MAID, snfferlngfrora
Female Weakness, Nervous Debility and other ail
ments, will find It the only cure.
To ono and nil we sny that the Shield gives a nat
ural aid In n nnlnrnl way
IVai-iT.ntcd Ono Vcar, uud tlio best
npplluiice made.
Illostratcd ramphlet.TnREE TYPES OF MEN.
Clio Pamphlet for Ladles only, scut on receipt of
Cc, sealed; unsealed, I'HEE.
American GalvanSc Co.,
OFFICES! 1103 CIicBtnut St., I'hllar
1884 jAWNUALI l884'
It contains something for everybody Its psces
tnlcreitand Instruct joung nr.d old. It I. alike
serviceable tn tho Uocior, tl.o Clergyman, the
I.iwicr, the Editor, the btatesman, tl.e Mtitient,
the Politician, tho Merchant, tho Mtrhanlc. and to
thj School Hoy who longs tn lay Hi. foundation of
an lionet character ucd iceUs lor model, to pattern
Within Its pages may bo found nearly
who Vavo cxerclned and aro still exerting potent
Influences In varlius directions.
Whllo prc-einlnently nn Amerlrnn publication,
treating principally of EHIIM'.rrf'J- III
(JANS, it contains ihn portraits undlhis (if th
moit 1'ltOMINHN'l' JXKiil'UAn'S of the
tin linden rntulllni lzo tlio render irllli
the ft'ntni'CM niul tlio llvi m til' jirom
incut t'rtvncd nnd sjnri'ou ncd
ICulorn, Itleiubcrs of the S'nblii
ctn, ritntefinen, VnrrlorM,
fioittttorf, Conirrei.aiiieii
Ciorernum, IHlul.ters.
Xtullroad ITIniriinteH,
At-ttirM, l!lttor,
lllsto i-lnii,,
. lli!loftilicrM,
Poem, In vrutiirn,
Aili'ocnteM, Irleli As
tfatirn, it rd I n it I k ,
-Tiuicii, IWillnii Hi milium,
Oraloi'H, niMlii,)N. mill Ktlivr.f
III nil tho varluim Avalttt. ut life,
AltrilUIt, JlloUONAM), IHVAltl), MOItltlMIN,
CUtho'lcsand Protectants, whet her Episcopalians,
Prc.hyterlaus, C ingrcgatlnnilltts, Jlnptlsts or
Methodists, v 111 Ci d amongttn numerous rhsrac-
many famihnr fnrea tlio ounurn of which have
cndearwl Uirm' fives to tbouiaiids cf tbeir fellow
men. TUo HviBuftlie.
tb,U unntrmlly Intcremt'c icUin.u conUiuie tn
coaraglog nnl tnviiHUito rtodlDjr, f.nd 111 eon
Yince the ruuUr ti'fil uomii) lia a coblo inlailon
ftuU that aba t vt-tll allo tu fulUU it.
Ifymnvo'il 1 Iktoipo acrinalnifd with Ibe faces and
feature of the nun and wmieit nboia uamca ba?
bocoaitt fam liar 10 v,t) udt get a copj of TUB
Seat postpaid on n-rclpt of ON 11 DOLLAU,
I.. Itl.OI-.'U'lI A; CO., rubliiherl, i
.,. 03 Win Ctrcet, New York. J
The Family Cow In Midsummer.
On farms where llio dairy Is on Impof
lant part of tho husbandry, provisions is
made hy sowing soiling crops, to supple
ment the uimlulshcd pasturage In mtdsum
mcr. Thoso who keep only the "Isinlly
cow," or at most, two or three cows, find
the flow of milt to decrease, and often
without any green crop provided for keep
ing it up. Tlio territory of thoso who keep
but a tingle cow is' often restricted to a
small pasture and a vegetable garden. The
garden should bo made to supplement the
pasture, and this may bo done to some ex
tont by securing for the cow much from the
garden that generally goes lo wast. Eyery
one who has a garden tries lo liavo an
ebundoncc of green peas. After the vines
have yielded tbolr last profitable picking,
Instead of allowing lliem to remain upon
tho ground until that Is wanted for another
crop, feed the vines lo tho cow while they
aro still green and succulent. So with sweot
corn. When the last car is plucked from a
stalk or hill, do not wait till the whole
patch or row can bo cleared, but pull up
Ihe stalks that havo been deprived of ears,
a few nt a time, and feed them whilo in
their best condition. Tho outer leaves of
early cabbages, and the leaves of boets, car
rots nnd turnips, carefully saved, will make
nn important item In tho sui-culcnt food for
the cow. If there is a spaco in the garden
from which au early crop has been reinnv.
ed, and It is not needed for a lale garden
crop, it should bo growing eomcthlug for
tho cow. Swcetcorn may bo sown thickly
In rows, for "fodder corn," and afford wel
come feed. It is well to have an abundance
of cabbage plants of a largo late variety,
and set them out wherever there is room,
and far beyond tho needs of the family.
An occasional cabbage next winter will bo
a treat to the cow. Experiments made a
dozen years ago with some twenty varieties
of the Southern Cow Tea showed, inciden
tally, that even at the North, If they did
not ripen their seeds, they would give an
enormous weight or herbage upon a small
area. This pea is highly valued for animals
t the South, both fresh as liny, and seem,
to oe worth trying in Northern localities as
a soiling plant. Where there is room, or
eyen a few square yards, it may bo well In
sow either Hungarian grass, or one of the
plants called Millet, lor lalo summer feed
lor tho cow. If Ihe soil is rich an abundant
crop may bo cut. Besides summer feed in
the garden, if thero is room there or else
where, It is well to think of Jerusalem
Artichokes as n winter tnut. It is late now
lor a large crop, but with the lops, which
are highly relished, the tubers, being crisp,
succulent and highly nutritious, will b
most arreptablo as an addition lo dry fod
der. When one onco lalrly undertakes lo
produce (he greatest possible amount of cow
Inod from n small area of land, he will be
surprised nl tho results which he obtains,
especially those seen in the milk pail. Am.
A. B. Lawrence, pastor Second Tres
n church, Winston, North Carolina,
bethinks It his duty to state, Ilia'
sulTereil several years with inllam
rhe'imatism, and having tried i.
1 other remedies, he whs induced t
Jsrobs Oil tho marvelous pain-curt.
after continued use, cured bitn eu
vain ul
try St.
A Grand Harvest
Wheat harvest is in progress all oyer the
Southern half of Kansas. It is generally
predicted that the average yield per acre
will be 20 bu. or more. At this rate the
grand Intal lor the Slate will lie at lens'
40,000,000 bu. The Kansas Farmer, be
coming enthused oyer the outlook, Indulge!
in tho following bewildering array ol
arithmetical calculations:
Let us see about the movement of so large
a cron. 400 bushels is a largo load fur one
freight car. At that rate it would require
103,000 cars to haul nur wheat crop. Allow
ing 20 cars lo the train, wo should have
5,009 trains, aud giving to each train one
half miloon the truck ,llie procession would
be 2,600 miles long. Tutting the cars
together in solid train, and move them by
an overshot water wheel driven by Niagara,
we would havo (30 feet space to the car)
SG8 miles of solid (rain, or nearly half wny
from Topeka lo New York City,
Furly million bushels of wheatat 75 cents
per bushel would amount to $.10,000,000.
That, at $25,000 per mile would build 1,
200 miles of railroad; at $25 per acre, il
would pay fur 12,000 cno hundred-acre
farms. It would be equal to 30 apiece for
1,000,000 persons a little less than the
population of Kansas. It would pjy for 10
school houses at $l,000ap!ecc, 1 court house
at $10,000, 5 churches at $2,000 each, and
20 bridges at $500 opieco in eyery one ol
the 81 organized counties of the State, and
thero would be monoy enough left to buy
for each of the 200,000 families ill the State,
one sewing machine at $25, one Jersey cow
at $50,and one parlor$G0. iYaiWe
Thousands Say So.
Sir. T. W. Atkins, GIrard, Kan., wrlle-;
"I never hesitate tn recommend y..ur
Electrlo Bitters tn my customers, they give
entire eatisiact'nn and are rapid sellers."
Electric Hitlers are the purest and best
medicine known and will inxilively curi'
Kidney and Liver complaints. Furify ihe
blood aud regulate Ihe bowels. ro fumlly
can aflord to be without them. They will
save hundreds nf dollars in doctor's bills
every vear. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
i. u. Tuomsa.
SyMiicR Csrk or Bulbs. G. E. II. Ri:h
mond, Ind. After hyacinths and tulips
have done bb omlng and the tops die ofX,lhe
bulbs should be dug up, thoroughly dried
and put away in a dry place until autumn.
A paper bag hung out of the reach of rats
and mice is a receptsele fcr them. When
crocuses this is not necessary, but they should
bo lilted and re-set in autumn every second
or third year. Unlike other liliaceous
plants, the crocus lorras its new bulb eyery
spring dirrctly above the old one. This
brings It about nn inch nearer the surface
each year. Lilies should not be disturbed
except lo divide litem when the clumps
become to large, when it is belter to disturb
as little at possible tho bulbs which remain.
JVairfe Farmer.
Ileum Bi.uni. On Ihe purity and vltsU
ltr ol the blood depend the vigor and health
of the whole system. Disease of various
kinds is nflen only the sijn that nature Is
Irvine to remove the disturbing cause. A
remedy that giyrs Ufa and vigor lo the
blood, eradicates scrofula an 1 other impuri
ties from it,aa Hood's Ssrtaparilla undoubt
edly does, must be the means of preventing
many diseases that would occur without Its
use. Bold by dealers.
Advertise in the Advocate.
Business is still booming nt ho STAR.
Our many customers will kindly accept our thanks for the liberal manner in which they
have patronized us. To those who do not patronize us yet. but have such an object in view,
we, here, publicly proclaim that they will be treated lair nnd honorably, that we will not
overcharge them in n single item, but on the contrary, will offer them decided bargains in
many tilings without employing the so-called Leadkk System, where a certain line of goods
are sold at or below cost and double prices charged on others. TO all wc would ay
that wo are holding our trade with our customers and arc constantly adding new onos, but
still we have room for moro and cordially invite you to try us.
Have decided bargains in Home-made Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth, &c
"We lead the county in Sugar.
Our Stock and Prices of COFFEES are unrivalled. w
No trouble to show goods.
Very respectfully,
The Clark's Gove Guano Company
Prioo List 1884, per 2000 lb3., in Sacks 200 lbs. eaoh.
For Field Crops and General Application.
Bay State Fertilizer.
l Ammonia. (N1I3.) S
a i iii. j
vsis: p.
a ....... r ivtI, n i
(iBAnAHTRnn ) Avollnhlo'lMii.siiiiorl'o AeH. 10 lo il
AhaI.ysis: ) pa,.i, ikmii aetual 2 to 3
ltetall Price In New orlt, HO per ton.
Unicorn Am. Super Phosphate.
mmonla, (Nil?.)...
per ct
per cl
Ammonia, (N1I3) t II ( ptrct
.vnnaoie riiuspnorio Ac:a, 7 to per s
otnsh, (KJO). actual VUXnll per si
wnllahlo 1'hospliorio Acid,.
otash. (K20). aeiunl
ltetall I'rlee In New York, 135 per ton,
v.i to
UuAuATlTEKD I AMllnlilo IMio.nhnrlo Acid..
Aw.tvaio. I : . ... . '
tnsh. tIJSOI. actual 3 lo
ltetall Price In Neir York, $30 por ton
The Great rianet Formula) or CONCENTRATED MANURES,
combine lu2 Formulas tho many necessitry articles In use.
Great Planet Brand.
For Potatoes, Hops, Tomatoes, Peas, Corn, Melons, Ileans, As
porn niu, encumber, llerrles, lncs, Orchards, Grain,
Uugnr Cane, fco. ltetall price In N. T., JtS por ten.
FORMULA ( Ammonia, (NH3) I t I per et
ul) n Available Phosphoric Acid, A to I per et
i. I ivtasti, (1C2G), actual 7 te psr et
For Tobacco, Cabbage, Onions, Cauliflowers, Turnips, sis.
ltetall Prlco In Nctv York. $15 per ten.
We have secured the Agency for the above Celebrated Phosphates, and will now take
orders, and in season will have a constant supply on hand. Call and examine samples or
write for circulars. IFc will accept agents, to whom wc will assign districts, and arc pre
pared to make liberal arrangements with them.
Agent for Carbon, Monroe, Schuylkill and Lehigh Counties, Pa.
OFFICE in Seller's EuiiaiuE Tlie AnjlGHltural Implement Depot, k March 8, lESl-mS
King Phillip Alkaline Guano.
per ct
per ct
per ct
per t
per ot
WA.sniiNrG!-To:isr, d. o.
Sworn Suliscriptlon List 70,000. EfliteO. iiy W. H. HALE, M. D.
This is a large eight page, forty column, monthly
paper, and is "devoted to everything pertaining1 to
Health and Home, Marriage, Social Science, Domestic
Medicine, Science, Literature, Art, Economy, Cookery,
Hints on Health, Dietetics, and every realm of Modern
Science and tends to improve health, prevent disease,
purify morals, and make home happy.
Subscription Price, 50 Cents Per Year.
Health and Home,
washington, d. c.
Spring Styles for 1884 have Arrived !
Ehiii ill lull
Are now prepared to furnish their customers and the people with the Newest and most
Fashionable makes of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Oassimeres and Suitings,
which they will make up in the Latest Styles and most Durable Manner at unusually Low
Prices. With a lorcc ot experienced workmen and a tremendous stock to select from, wo
are prepared to olFer inducement unexcelled byany other
We cordially invito YOU to call and inspect our Goods and learn Prices before making
your purchases elsewhere. In all cases' we guarantee Uest IForkinanship, Best Material,
the Lowest Prices and Perfect Fits." Hcspcctfully,
Clauss & Bro., The Tailors,