The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 19, 1884, Image 4

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    NortH CaroliuA
Tenant Farmers
Late and Eaklt Frosts 1
"SVlribh Kill Your Young '
Plants pi Injure Your Crops.
Ilciiil tlio Terms" to Tenant Farmer?
Glrcu h North Carolina Land '
Th.o'immlgrall&n llureau of North Caro
lna hare lifTtlinrifO romo Improved farms for
tent to Northern tenant fanners ,nn tho (nl
oirlnfc comlllhr.s which lira tlio uiual terms
of rant churned In ttits Stole:
Tlio Unci owner furnllus laml, houses anil
par; nit tuxes nnil expenses or linproilnic
houses, slnblcs unjl buliillnjis. Tho tinnn:
farmer furnlfhcs horses, tools and Inhor, nnd
rccelWs TWO IHIIiDS OK UltOPS. The
tonan( fjrinor If allowed frco or rent garden
andjiaetablo patches. Ho Is also allowed
to ra lo st6ck, hogs nnd chickens and receive
all I'Vocccdn-lrum the sale of them,
FAItMS. The lond.owiicr furnishes land,
houses nnd pays all taxes nnd cxnonris" bl
Improving houses, stables nnd buildings.
Tho tenant farmer furnishes hoises, tools
and labor, receiving Thrcclourtlis of tho to.
baceoamlTwo-lhlrilsoftlio urnln crops. The
tenant farmer Is allowed frcoufrcnlas In the
ftbovo mentioned i-irtii No 1.
FARMS. Tho land-.wncr famishes land,
houses, feed fur horses, tools, rcpnlrlm and
Kccplnv In order oftools nnd pays all taxes.
Tho tenant f.itmcr furnishes all tho minunl
lahorj receiving One.half nrnll crops raised.
Tho tenant fanner receives frto of rent as In
tho first mentioned farm No. 1.
CO K All VS. Hcntcd exae'ly on raino terms
as tho obnvo Tobacco, drain and (Irnss Farm
No 3; or If tenant larmer furnishes hnrses
and tools, ho receives Two-thirds of tho grain
and Threc-fourllis of the cotton.
Advantages of Locating in
North Carolina.
CMMATE. While tho cold Is not so sc.
Tere, tho temperature of mid summer Is r.ot
excessive or trylnit us (arther North. Our
seasons nro longer, nnd tliereforo our crop?
aro not killed by lalo or early (rests.
THE SOIfj Is ofa variety or compositions
clayey, irravclli llmo stune, slate, rami)
loam, eta 'I his jjreat variety or soils and th'
mildness nnd ailvaiit.iKCii id cllmalo u lilac,
oount for tho uirlity id iirnduels.
SOCIETY, No sccllon In tho Union has
better executed laws. Thablesli.KirpnHt
lcal, civil and religious Hourly nro nowhere
moro fully prolectotl than in N. 11.
INjb.'lINKIlAl.. Tho (rrcat fertility or
ourlnnds, tho mildness or our climate, tree
from tho scorching! nnd withering heat or the
Southend t liu extreme cold ami ol
tho Norllmo to show Hint North Ouioliun h
surely the most fmorctl agricultural section
In Api rlea Naturo has i ol only Iven us
tho advantages ol pioluclnir, bin It has pro
Tided us with water-power tuTwork up what
tho soil produces fur us,
I solicit coirespundenco from tenant rtrm.
crs In the Northern and New Knuland Statrs
I will furnish persons low ralo rouod-tilp
transportlon friiu lloslon, Now Yoikur Hal
tlmoro to North t arullmi. so ns in g.vo ilieiu
an opi-orinnlty nf suelng tho larms that aio
offered Tor rent.
All rarms advertised by us for rent have
dwelling-houses nnd out-bulldlnus on Ihein.
llelnu. a regular employe of tho Agricul
tural Department of North Carolina, 1 make
no ctitiriro for Information Ktven or services
rondercd pets ns scektou;homcs In tho Mate.
I will be pleased to rurnhhdescrlptltclists
of lands ollcrcd (or sale In North Carolina to
all persons who will wilte me.
Stale Immigration Apt,
Tobruarr 10, ll$l-il
. Advocate
. . t - . 1
How Many Acres Support a. Cow.
In reply to tho query now lunch land Is
required lur the support id it coivT.llie Farm-
crs' Union says.1 "This question depend jur
nn answer so much on tho clrcumi lances nf
tlin toll as notto admit ol -n very ilrfinilo
answer Mr. Schnell, ol Lttllo Falls, N. Y ,
esllinnlo' the land In potturuge nnil
hay requisite for (ho support ol a row is
three acres; and (bis is the estimate of Mr.
Ctrnnj-ton fur modern good dairy farms lu
England. In Belgium 10 acresof land sup
purls two niws, one lietfjr, anil one yearling
ralf; but when the calves are sold off young,
and rows in full milk only are kept, the
prop'trtion is two rows to seven nnil tmo
half-teres. Oilman estimates three acres
of posturo as requisite for a cow in Berk
shire cuhly, Mass., whllo In some towns
two acres of pasturage are aullhiaiit. Mr.
TirTHiglnn,ln tlio rcporf nf tho Amorican
Djlryincn's Association, thinks that on an
vertigo lour aarcs are reqiirol par nmv for
slimmer ami whiter lici-it while the lalo
riitessor X. A. Wlllanl tl'uuglit Hint In
IIrkimer enmity, N. Y , mic unit nno half
or twti acres of pasture tcr row would
iswtr. and in sumo exceptional roses one
to. Dr. Ti lll, Pnsideiit nf Ihu Illinois
D iiryiiinii's Association, recently iirnrinetl
to writer that in Illintds liu considered
fr.mi two and one hall' to three acres about
what would bo required. The doctor is a
pnetli'iil furmer, and is owner id n very
lln dairy, but tl'IsftHlcineut seems a little
wild when wo refer It, tho lart tint Mr.
Lttrd. nn LI tin t'lttrymiiii. kfi ps 100 emm
Ml .'HID urref, hesldrs the hordes neci'Ssarv
for Ihe lurm until, wlnlo the Onltiiaii ilri a.,
near Klgiti, Imp Bl rows nnd the rcqiusite
tiiimliiT of ItniS'-s to do tho larm wnrk nn
2i)t) acres. They use ensilage largely in the
lace ol hay."
Axioms from Dairymen,
The niilluiii: qualities nl a dv depend
more upon of her riio'a mother than
upon thtist nf her own Inulher.
Onernw whiih will give 5,000 pound'
f milk in n season, will hrliig moro net
pro I than 3 cows producing only ,1,000
Good butter and cheese can not bo undo
from Iheinilk of cows which ore depiived
pure water.
A putrid rarrass polluting the nlr nf a
pasture will spdi not only tho milk nf toe
ws running there, but uls-i the euiir
ii'iiteiils nl I Tie wit int,i which tlio tainted
inila is pouted ut the Ittctnry.
The patron wlm will bring inipiirn ot
I iipeifi'i-t inllk tn the lartnrv, is like a pas
liner 'firing lodes In the Mill) wincll kcetts
ntm anil nil the others afloat. '
The one sure wav tu have good cows is to
raise Ihem nurselt.
The exclusive feeding nl rlover to cuWi
nes hnid cheese nnd nfr, butter.
Lopa.LvAdyertisi n g
J oh PrintiBa
pjRhting tho CaVjago Worm.
It ts m inly i j ute to ixji-i't h visit from
ihu t'Hl)brig) pests. Ijflle years tl.y liavi-
proven Muhly 'leslructive; so tmirli in
leei), iliat ninny Iiuvti iven up trying tti
nifsc tu in lavnrite yeiittobif. ExpiTimeiU
(ins provn, linwty(", thiil the gnnk'ner cm
f ii'fp9-ilully ropo with lli Is enemy, utiil l.
In ufi of Pimple ineHiir.. Ilit walcr, pv
etlinun, aii'l Ucro-one e niilsi im ro the
fiiifluft now ptinripilly r-(! Hnnifml il U
iitninitloit rptr. Uily ffiys miter hi
:tt) !icrfi, Kh , will kill nny viille
v r 'ii wiiMo it injnrv t liu ptmra. Wtii'n
tlijc imh lint lu tippli'), rriitlily, pyri'lirur
iiouiler in rulil w.iit-r will (nti iint'ph ili
ptiri.ji Twti liti nl rot grifnsut tin (Mm-
mixfil witli iwi of vtr i
ut I In pnippr propotitnii. I'nf W A.
II nrv,itf llio Wi!. Kxpfrim-iit Glaiton
r..f. A J., of M A CiIIp, n nl
n'lur limmint'tu expniioiilra urre i 3 Ii
t'i' llii'iicy ol'tliiH remeily. Tin writer ol
til i 4 piriifjruh hH3iilf"i liil it with imuk l
iTig lint h nnl lint pel HttiM.ifi nr
il fri'iii lfroeti rnttilMiiii, nur lia
with alum waier, hihI h hAl nl ittliet
nltHiifR reeitnuieii(Ii,i in tho papers.
'ratnc J-atvter
Mr I,VI II iill.. I.irvslsin. Ii.ilijnn tivi
'ie f uU'erpil from puns ami inllHiinnatioii,
'i-ciiliMiK Ifi-tn a Irfrtnri'tl elavicle.Hiitl after
trytiiR ariiitis nmc!ies, without relief, he
iridl St sJaiohs Oil nnd wns cured.
Wirc-fenco for Hoirs.
A wlro fence, with wires broken, or loose.
r slaelt, is the worst niiieam'ti on a farm
When thft gromul will prnilt. n heavy
furrow thrown froin each si 'tti against the
lenoe would he a great protection. Wo tiud
no trouble in iii'ikin n hv fence nf wire,
six wire, and put about a mil apirt
Ukc iiog wire itT (he lower HrnmU, nnd
put the lower wlro nuitc closu to the
i:r.niM'l, an.l llwi Br-uiinl (our in.'hei Hhovn
ihf firM. J Iim- are ('healer than Imnl.
and u oyer. way li-tter Jowa Homestead.
Cows. A utilities cow, says Profeaaor
Sheldon, is mi nnoiiuly when she has the
(.teiilty of maternity, nnd slw isun hIipu ni
tty In ilotncbtiration whennho only qives u
Kinall quantity of milk which is poor. Such
u cow is a Irnud and n lnimbufc', nnd the
iitrmer is teei.le wlio kreiii her Milk is
Urn rlteif end ami ami fa iMvy'd exisfi'nco.
mid beef ut the hot, we want d' a
w is that An will clve us n calf nnd COO
cullMiii of U'nhI iiiIIk in h yciir; oiinmencuii'
when el if! is lluee yar old himI C"im dm
till she is 8 or U.aud then a pod circus of
Uef l lur tlio UU'elier.
Brunlcsnnoss, or tho Liquor Habit, can bs
ucredby admintstoriuirDr. Haines'
Golden Specific.
It can b civn in it run of cnlTeo nr Irti
without the kuowledi:! nl the neriii takim
elltcitiii; n iireity and iierinanent cure.
whether the patient Is rt inoteratH drinker
t nn nlcoholid wreck. Thousands n(
Iruukards hive h-en imjiln IriiUTHln inoii
who hwvo liikeu the tjolden Sirt-cifii in their
cofJVe williout their kii' t.i HMv
iielievc Ihev quit drinkfuic nf their nwn free
will. Kn harmful el.VcU renult Innn its
udmiuiitralloii Cures ctmrinteoil. Circular
aud letin:oniats sent fren
Address 0'LiK Spkcific Co.,
1H5 Uiiv St., Cnjciiinuti( 0,
WniTKTTAsn. When nny contagious dls
fate Is actually present oniony the fowls,
and It bee nnes Decenary to thorouRhly
cleiiue nnd dUdnfect lh poultry liourf.
uiBiemi m mixing inn wnuewasn in the
usual wav.di'solvchairn imtind of cm
perns (sulphatu nf iron) in a riHul of
mu waur, ana use tDat to mix the wash
A Biillwl Curo
XXB"Toatcd forovorO
yoAra P7 uso la thou
otuula of caaos.
Z0nyQ horth lutli St., St. I.onn, no.
One llaMU'S TriatudiT, $3 1 2 month3,$9 i 3 iioktbj, $7,
PacriM' Antnmalin r.nrrinn! Caw-Mill.
trtnrorfl DtsiLtrt;
orgula cLkfk ul 6
bi r, fltuS namerovi ob
BOUR4 Altwis, trtiRInt
kkiliRU ilivtlciJ, rrmlf
from Toutbful Ipsihor.
Unas, Wi frco lortttlftDM,
lurk laTOttrtiB.
Aiotd twlni tmTWu4
e Ucr tMLOdtM fjf t)iw
tmobte. Ot-i cor tm clrru
lnr n4 trlfcl tiMktc ni
lcnrn Import nnt ftvu bfbro
Uklrtg trvstnit&t tlMWhne.
Take a rrtorij tlibt tM fttatM
tUomitnlt, idA do not ln
tcrft?ia with Bttcntln to bod
bos or cnt pain er town
trnlfttw. rtindA on k
tntinn nodical rrtnclptc.
(Jroirlfit; 1q firor an.1 ruputo
Una. MractajpllctUtfillolhs
ortef fHtua mtJccilu rpt
May. Tho catTtrnl fias
tlena cf Lbo tiumna c;n
lm aro reftorH. Tka
&alnuilac dementi of
Ufa whloti barf bwa
vtutctl erfl tlrtn taeV.
ohof rful and C&Lol
urccgm rapiujr
our LBAnnn.
Wo otTornn C tolO II, I. AutomatlcSpnrfc-ArTCBt-tnp,
Mounted Tortablo Eocluc, with Mill, 10 fU
carriage. 32 ft. traclt and ways, 2 ainiultanooua
lover fsct ioadblocit., nrbor, 3 chanp:ea
Iccdi sawyor controls foetl-levcr and honl. block
from pno position. COtncIi solid
aaw, OU II. ti-int u ft.oiy 0011111?,
loed'belts, cant-liouks. snirc,
tightener, etc. ltlff complcto for
operation, CU00 011 cars. Kn-
Kino on KUiUK, f mu jens. i'-ncino
wlin.iirii Rlabnltcinitlio naw two
to fljrlit tvvt long nnd keen uy
sloain. t?ettd for catalogue- 12.
'Mntinf.'irlnrf'ra nil Ktvh'H AlltO
ttr-T-iifrlnpH from 2 lo S00 II. F.
filiattinir, pnlleyB. nnd hnntcra.
ANDREW SlIlVIMlanU cUrert,
Ajjent for LhihUm an 1 vicinity,
tilt. U (. UK'S NKUTK AM) tilt A IN 1ltltAT2Jt:.Tr, A
viiHrHiitt-atfperlflctorll'nt iU D ti h?m OmfiiNlt na.Kltd,
Nkiv un NmialRlA, UeaiUctii', Ncnrma l'rtfUln mt-il
lijrlli u" or fttn.ix.t cr tottaecti, Miiki-fiiiiitn, Ht-Mrl Da
pr nn.Sn tenltij cf tho Brttn f-.iiVn In lui-antly an;!
iadtntt mmtaiT). rtr and daathj rrtatino HJ i,
UaimineHn, Irnt rf V er In either x, InTuliioiaiy li-rM
anil PiH-irint -rrhan rauicd by orpr-iitln (f tli ttate,
tir-alutn orivT-liii)u Jtnr. MHi UnxmniAlnioiia mnnUi'i
trfntmriit t3l a lx, oral buxea fi-r 0St ami by mall
(jallmir rcl)t )'tr4.
T- r t f.tirM', W 1 1 rt oritur rortT't hr ti alx
U'la. muni nl-il utth 02. wo v I.) tli rnrchi?r onr
rliifitri-anni-t m nn I t'f momy tr ttiotraaicnaut leea
H taT-rlHrnr- niiaranlfs-l-iiw-loiil.v 7
LI8Xf.ll L DlOhMAOt. 3J3Uir(tit.rMTnMn,ra.
p Tha rf'e'irat -A vfcrubla I'.loud I'urlflt-r.ttlni-nittnf6ly
1r iiitb iirr.uacnr, ianiiiaiio. i nrinraian Bin. uui I
nx'wlirra Uih.II r? I nt Ei tnnt. tTnaurtBf I f,r
320 Rpo etroot. PlillarJolprtlo, Po.
a-VlWI-M. TltTcroUo, dt. Tho dry cllraoto rcs
l'laar,'X:roattLiui9,f.'iUtJoaf iJ3 p , roatu, cost, lrco.
t-tj i r r. . Lint
t All that Thfidanbtftil cnrlonaor thoncriitful
Jha w, OlstacnirllttlndUatCiJ cts, paper 23c, Mnr
i rim uni jo, 1 1 1 p i w, wn& ronjea, money or tps,o.
Ira. mmim pw.ya.
i lUr.IsalJarea.
VwrtiuocESMin to
T. .) ..... Allhttll.,! .11. I j -v.Lr.
JmpfllcnfTs Ornnle lYcakaoaa, tioaorrh'na, fiyriLUHD a.mi
Iilrrfurlal jUTertloni. iSricntl-lc trpatmentt a aio and aim
remclfci. Dcformltlca Trpatctl, Call or write for Jut ot
dueMfciii to bo oniwercd Iy tho deairinc treatment by mail.
fTr:nm tnTertat From Tlnplnrft ahonltl wn.l lbIr adlrtL
iaad learn aomethtas to their adraatage. 1 1 1 not a trou.
Arri Or. C, I.. I-nHAIttlC. Trra't and Tliyalrlan la fharm
Ontral lied, tt airs'. Imtltnt, 020 Lornrt at., bi. I enli, M.
CucoetfortoDr. Batta' liicpcniajy , EitatlUhed CO lean.
flcoil I"ny for Airrnl. Sllltl In R200 ri'
mo. mailt. Htlllnr;oiii'SJriiii(l N'rti CSI.lcry.
ft'ninouiiiiil lpcl .lic Ilatllt aol IlictVoi lil
U rite lu J. C. JSvLui'il 4i Co.. l'uiUulpula, t'a,
D boon, tisw eilitlon. New InmUnas. Nsw tlljstr&tions
B frow n jw den en J. Suixmly i;ottsn up. bams low price.
AclapMj to all classes, .sella at aitflit. Aitenti doin bljj
work, Excellent Terms, The handsumeit proipctus
twer iisueil, Applv now.
BRADLfiV. Cakkbi sjn &; Co., M North 4li St. riiiUdel
phu. Vi, Ahtf other traiij new book ani UtUea.
Central Carriage Yvorks,
T t'i.x Homia' Makes. Tn clun liitrsi-s" manes nr tail from dirt end
ilutt. stirs the Srlnian Jn.l Brrnler, iut
a IttllA krroseiiDnii lliFin, nnil tht-n wash
llirm Willi turax watfr, which will prevent
me nair irom niiiiius nut.
Very Bemarkabla Recovery.
Mr. Cen. V. Willing, of MunchcsUr,
Mlrh., nriln: "My nif tins umii olnintt
hrlitlns fur fivo 1i!1m6 that tli.
rauM nnt turn over in Iml alnno. She utnl
two UmlMnf ElfflrlP Hitters, ami Is
much immivf., tha the is able now to tin
Her win wnrK "
BlM4rl Blltrrs will ,ln nil Ihit If dini
el for IIimh. Huiiilriflt nf tettlnxn'ols
nllnt thflr errat nirllv inwrr. Only
Hiy cen a imuie ai i lining s urug store!
EuUerlle fur tU Ciaaox Auvocnionly
f 1.00 a year,
Bank St., Lchigliton, Pa.,
Are prepared to Manufacture
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring "Wagon, &c.,
(if every description, In tlio melt substantia!
lnannur, and at Lowest Uaili Trices
Itciiatiing ri-omjitly Atlcndcd to
April ii, 1883 yl l'roprletors.
No Patr nt Wo Pay.
obtained for Inventors In the United States
Uautulaand Kurope, at reduced rates, with
our principal ofllco located In Washington,
directly nppositu the United States Tatvnt
(JRlcc, ire nre able to attond to nil patent
dullness with greatir iirninptnc.s and ile.
Btiteli and at lers cust than other patent at.
tor no s who aro ttt a dUiume Irotn ailt
luioii, ami wlm darn, ihcrrlorc, tn cinploy
'asnclitoaiturne)'S " We make preliminary
cxatnlnitliui and tunitrli uplnluns as to m.
teutuumty, tree oI'cIwuku. ami nil nliu nre
Interested in new Inventions and intents nre
Invited t semi fur a copy ol nur "Huldo for
obialnlnn Patents"," wlid h Is sent free to
any address, and contains conn lete Instruc
tions liow io obtain patents and other valua
ble mutter, '.Vo refer to the Uerinan-Ainer.
lean National Hank WupIiIleIum, J), o. ; the
lloyal SwedUh. .Norwegian and iMid.hLeiiA
Hons, nt Wanhlngton : lion. Jos. Casey, lata
Olilel Juitlce U. S. (lourt ol Ulalms; to the
Dlflelals or tho U, S l'atent Offlee, ond to
Senators nnd Members cf C.ngrcss. from
every State.
Addreril 1.0H13 nAOOER & OO., 80
lienors or Patents nnd Attorneys at
Droll UulldlnK WaniMinm. I). 1).
of East Mtmch Chunk,
are prepared to do all kinds of
Plasterii & Ornameiital Wori,
atshnrlfst nntlr. Orders by mall will re
ceive prompt attention. Terms mndrrale
or Rnnil work. setilStf
Job Printing neatly, cheaply
und promptly oxecuted
at this ofTice !
111 be paid for any (train
lun et.sam. sis. that t.n
ck'uu and bf asmiieb Grtiln or
nretlilinalliT uour l'ISI4nc
Sei'U fiHratraiiifI)arr
cror.wiitcn meuflirrtotbapi tt
lie .1 . lowp!e7 Schil for
irjiiir nun vjifm list
which ill b. nnlllrirr.
ftlttnrntowith TDf
you'll jr'i
- - - UJUUSl
B brintr rou In Murfk Maki 1 in One Mouth tlian nnr
tLUltitfclM in Ainvnoa. Ab8omtCertainiy, Kiihti
r hux. AocataLM, YoaBff,ir4Uroeumchbt.N.xo.k.
CTfi Bllrer.
by mall, 001
you'll jr'j
m Ml
The rnfrtt capttrntinir irxrratlte of early bord'Vsirei aver wth
ttn. A Ilortanrn tr Old Aernta and a'plendld lrtr for
Beginncri. Aifnt arc now stlllnff to to ij boka par day. Wa
wnnt an Apent in every town. SnJ far term and clrctilnra free.
Tho W. E. DIBBLE PUB CO., Clnolnnntl. O.
APHTQtlthp, w the Brrl, U.t. and rant
r"-i I Vf-ntaftlllncnrtlrUfivt. tiftrapHM rrnulrf it, r'
tilil far after laid. LHMUK Hinr lO SSI laaal BU B. Y
rjtrtonap. A certain cure. tTotoxprrnlve, Three
raoninV irratrrifnt In one pncltagp. Oo(mI tor (told
lu the llpnd, lleftdttcho, Dizztaesi, Ituy Fever, Ac.
Tifty ccnta.- liy Ml DrnRiTi,'f. or iff moll.
U T. IIAZEIUJO:, Warren.
! f
Vy tlia contrnl position of ita line, connect a the
jjasi una lae wesi vy inb auanrar, route, aaa Car
rie' paBBCUcn, without cuaugo of ear, between
CUlciiflo ana Kanaan City, Couuell Dlutla. Leavin
north, AtcUivon, LlinueapolU and Ht. I'ttul, It
ronncrjlii in ITnlnn ljsrmtn with nil th.- M-mnlnil
Imps ot roail betweou the AtUutle nnd tho Taciflo
Oooaaa. Its equipment la unrivaled ind uiacuin
r',ut, tslnrr composed of LI oat Com ortablj r.nd
3---tilul l)ay Coaohea, Maiminceut llorton Ke
e ..i' c Chair Caro, Pullman's Prettiest Palaec
Eiceptivj Cats, and tho Ueat Line of limine Cars
In thfl world. 1 hree TrHlns between Chicago and
Mis ioi t Itlvcr Points. Two Trains between Chi
co9 and lainneapolis and fcJt. Paul, via tLe I'amoue
A 2Tcw and Direoi Line, via Seneca and Kinka-
Norfolk, Nuwiart IIeiY3 Chattanoosa, Atlanta, Au-
SuBka, i ttiiivutu, sjuiiiaviiirj, uc.iUKioa,Vinoiauau,
udianapolia anc Lilsyetto, and Ounhi, Miuncjp
clia andtit. Paul and intermediitti tjointu.
AU Throush Paaaenjera Travd oa I'aat Express
Tiekcts for eale at all priuelpal Tieket Omceair
the United States nnd Canada.
xass&ko cuecttoa inrousn aua rates er rare ai
ways Q4 lowaa compotttori that ofTer lej advan
tages. For dct&tlod Information. erst ths Uaps and Pold
ers of the
At your nearest Ticket Omee, or address
17. R. CABLE, E. OT. J JHN,
J Vkl-rm. k Qea'l Wr'T, Oca l TkU Taia. Ajt,
E,erve-Liie and vige
This cut ehovrs tbs
Howard Electric
Magnetic Shield
ns acDllcd over tho Kid
lie o nnd Ncrvo-Tltal
centers. Tno op-
plinnco made that
fits every part of
the body, and the
only one needed to
It lio u mutism.
ti yoiicpsln.
tho worst cases ol
acmlnal M cnlc
nos, It.tliuua
lion, liiinoicn
cv. and all Ills
cascN and H'calc
ncofthc Urlno
(Scliltal llrfrmii..
H aiemcu i eo. j, lotlt.j
TOUNf MEN, from early Indiscretion, lack
nerve rorco anu ran to attain tircngut.
linD'uT:.AGCD JIEU often lack vleor, attribut
ing It to tho progress of J ears.
Tho JIOTIIEU, WIFE and MATD, snfferlngfrom
i.cmaie caKncts, nervous ucDiuiy anu omcr ail
ments, will find It the only cure.
To one and all we say that the Shield gives a nat
ural aid In n natural way
Wnrrnntcil Olio Year, aud tlio best
appuauco insuc.
Illustrated Pamnhlet. TIHtEE TYPES OP JIKN.
r-lso Pamphlet for Ladles only, scut on receipt of
be, Bcaicu, uuscajcu, rur.l
American Galvanic Co.
OFFICES: 1103 Clicstnut St., I'liIlaT
Governor Robinson) ol Mattaelinselts
denCdncrs "fashionable drinking," ami
hopes tn tee a time when It will bo abolished
at allsnelal entertainments!
Teledo, Ohio, Il discutsing plans tor
now parks.'
Itrontalna simctlilii' f r crrrTbodr. It na?es
InUirestund luBtruct uuni urd old. It in "alike
ervlcettblo t" llic li'r.or, llo tlercjman, tlio
L'twrer. the Luitor. the Matcin&n. tie siudrnt.
t!u Tula Ciuii, tlio Merchant, lljtt Mt-elianlc find to
tli Hchool Hoy vho lnni'a lo lay tlio f.nndation of
nn hoitctt cltarccter aud leeks lur model to jmltero
Within Hi in;cs may Lu found nearly
wlm Vava czerLliieil and oro .till cxerllnEr liotrnt
lull ti oces in vurl us dliecllon..
ilriiiiu pre-ein i tii-li' ly an Ainrr'rnn I lnii:cailoi-t,
tr'Vlnz principally nf EMIN' A VI I HI
tJANS. it containit llin liortralts umIUvih , ,r tl.c
iiimt 1'ItO.HIMiNT I.UlCUI-liAr-.S cftbe
Jtm iiasjcn rauilllnt lzo tlio rrnilrr avIIIi
tliu It'itturcN mill tlio llv. u t' irom
inoiit lrtviictl nnil Um-riiiv nctl
Ilulor-., Ulcniuer-i ol' (li S'nlilu
ct. rituCe-iiiPiif tViirrlurN,
lien tiorN, Coiicrremiii-ii
Ciuvi'i-uura, nilnlttcra,
llullroail lllnmiuti-v,
Arlorn, litlllor.,
Illtst't rliuiM,
I'llOtM, III) I'll till 0
Ails'iicutcn, Ac
Itatol'., Cu nl I ti u 1 is ,
Juduc.y Ililliiiitliriil.iN4
OrnlorH, Illhhop-a, mill otlirrs u
lu till tho vurlouK wiillm uf life,
Altnilllt, MofiOTJll.U, flvVAltl), .MOllltl'-ON,
LKH H'lKItMAN. Tll.lll N. II KNDltlCKS, UOl
Cafio lo-iaid rrolenaiit'. nhriticr EfLrnpilIsns,
Prv.hyietli s. 'iiii;rixatlijiiitUis, It.ptut. or
Mctbodl.t. will Und hihohi; tlo riumeiou, h.irsc-
many f-iniiliar f res tho oii(r of which hsve
cndiari'd tiii'inelvis to thou.auds of their follow
mcu. Tlio liitsofthe
thU mi i vi s.iiliy lptfie-m j; ln'mno ci n.liiiitti i n
coura;ini ni.U It xttuit vu rioiHiif, ind will (nn.
vlnce lliu ro-t'i, r ti ut unm-Mi lis, u noble nilskion
aud ttut sU j is ' it uMo to f u All it.
If you wnt.l 1 1'iroirercn.iialiili-dw llh the f see and
fen urea nr t'io in u aid xtinni-ii wlmt-e parni-. haTO
bseouj faui liar iivirlMly, yiluropy of TUB
Are rou (listiirheit nt nlclilan-l brntten of
your rest by a sick child stinVrlnR anil cry
in-; wiin pnin ni ruttini; irpiiu iisn, eenn
nt line nnd set a-tndtle iifMiisWlNjlu---)
SotlTIIlNO Svrup FOR CiiiI-urkn Tkktiiixo.
Its value . Inralcuable. It will relieve tbn
poor little suHi-rer Immediately. Depend
u'ioir it, ntnthers, there is nn mfslalte about
it; it cures tiyseutery ond iiiarritnea, rrgu
tales the stutiiseh ami binvrls, cures wind
rnlie, softens the cuins, reiluees inflninina
tioli and gives tnne and energy In the wlmia
syiiem. Mrs. Wissiiw'a'So'oTiilsri Strup
fiiR Uim.nRitx IKItTllIso Is the
taste. and is tlio tirascrintioti of one of the
oldest and b'st female nurses and nhy ei -nans
in the United States, nml is for rale by
nil uruEBists turougnoui the world, rrice
25 cents a buttle. 20-ly
The dyltiR wnrds of Jefferson were!
"I resign myscll tn God nnil my daughter
In my country." Ills granddaughter has
been refused a pension by Congress.
There aro 7,OuO,000 farmers In the
Uulted Stales,
Bncklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best sutys in the world fnrcttls,
bruises, suref, ulcers, salt rlmtii, fever sores.
ti-tler, chapped hands, rliillilnnds. corns,
and all skin eruptions, and pnsttively cure,
piles, or nn py required, it is guarHtileed
in srivo K-rlect siilistaetlnn, nr inuiiey re
funded Trice 25 cents per box.
Tor sale by T D. Thomas.
General Dmitli claims that tho Snlva
linn Army is tlio largest missionary force in
the world, and Is strongly intrenched in
eighteen countries.
A ritisen ol New Orleans is making a
fortune selling iced tea.
Hay Fever.
For twenty years I whs a sufferer from
Catarrh ol the I, end nnd Ihruat in a very
ngunivated fnrin, mid during the summer
months with Hay Fever. I pr.icurrd a
Untile nl July's (Jreain il.iliu, and nllrr a lew
ipplimtiiMis received decided benefit was
cured Ueloro thu. bottle wus used. IIuv
had no return nl tho ouiiplaiut. Cbarlott e
Mirker, Waverly, ft. Y.
Sent postpaid on receipt nt OMt DOtLAni '
4 li ct uir., j'uuitttieri, -.tji
... 03 7Uto Street, Ucvs-Xotk,.a
The Dank ol Digiaml spends $50,00(1
year in lunch for its clerks.
Tho largest 6cliool in the world is said
tti be the .Tews' tree schools, at Spilalfieli!,,
London. It lias a daily attendance of over
2,800 pupils.
Health is Wealth.
It is worth mure llinn rii-liej, for without
II riches caiiuut. be enjoyed, llow manv
penpls are without heultli who might le
il I n it by usltm Kidney Wort. It iicik
upon the liver, buwi-la and kidneys, clean,
iuiiaiiil siitiiiillln i Ihem In healthy no
lion. It cures nil disorders ol these honor
Innt nrnti., purifies the blood nnd prntnnler
the general health, tsuld by all tlrugisltts,
See utlv't.
London has n grcaler population than
the entire Dominion of Canada.
Tho debt of New York was reduced
during the past year $5.0(10,0(10.
ACKEU'3 Dvapitrau TAnt.KTS Nrver
Fail. Sold lav Ilr CT Horn, Lelilglitoh.Hiid
fi A Horn , Weittspiirt.
There nre thirty-nine circuses travel
ling thtnugh I he United States.
It estimated that the Pennsylvania
wheat crop of 1 S3! will reach 12,350,(IU0
Compare the dnse and quantity of Ilnnd'?
arsHpnriiin and.iou havt cunciiistvo prnot
or Its superior strength und chespneta
t ry H.
Tho shaft of Gn. Suiter's old tt i I at
C'llomo, Cal., where gold was firsl iltfiov
ered, in 1848, has been placed in a museum
in San Francisco.
O0iiininnd Dyes will coW anything
any itdor, and never fail The easiest mid
l'Ct way Pi economize. lOcatult drui;i;i-ts
Wells, iticlisrilsi. n & Co, Burlington. V ,
Sample card, 32 colors, aud bunk uf direc
tions fm 2 cent stamp.
The Unlled States Senate has vnled to
givo I t,e letter carriers a two week's vata
tlou annually.
A new species of tho army worm Ins
made lis appearance in Pennsylvania and
New Y'-rk.
fcVCflY Promise backed by n gunran
tee. Acker's Dyspepsiu Tablets wilt civ
immediate relief. Price 25 it 50 cts. Sold
by Dr. Horn, Lehightou, and E. A. Hum,
A Micignn justice is in trouble for hav
ng turned over to the complainant in nn
assault case the fine which was imposed on
tlio prisoner.
The annual convention oT Hie Ameri
can Bankers' Association will be held at
Saratoga, on August 1.1 and 1-1.
Don't let any one convince you that these
pains around ynur heart are not heart tli
sease, Ihev are,iio not delay but procure Dr.
Graves' Heart Regulator. 39 years have
proved its value.
The ruined cllir cily discovered last
summer in Arisann. which occupied the
sides nl a canyon, has been uamed Walnut
tll'ul complexion results iron. ii3ing AckerV
Blood Eliser. Sold br Dr. Horn, Lehigh
ton, and K A. Horn, Welssport.
Little boys in Mexico who obey their
teacher in schnul are nwared by being al
lowed to smoke while they study.
It takes 50,000 rose blossoms lo yield
an ounce ol atlar, and the genuine article
costs J 100 per ounce at the place of distilla
Every farmer should at least hare on,
county paper, and that papc sliitild he the
AnvnCATK, wh:.-li contains all the latest lo
cal news. Only $1.00 a year.
Recent returns show that the savings
banks of New Hampshire have $3,000,000
moro in deposits than they had one
year ago.
It Is said that among all the Mormon
divert at Salt Lake there Is not a single
French woman.
NO LONG Eft A OUES1ION of opinions
we einiraiitoc every box of Acker's Dyspep
sia Tablets. Prico 25c. and 50c. Sold by
Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and E. A. Horn.
Jules Verne Is off for a cruise In the
Mediterranean on biard his yacht, St.
Michasl, lo find material from which to
write a near story.
The universal verdict, "The Hop flatter
Is the best porous plaster ever made,' Only
25 cts.
In the Meiilla valley, In New Mexico
apple trees bear the secnnl year from the
seed, and grape, the third year,
$25 Is the penalty for every wild dui k
hot In New York State between May I
and December 1.
ELECTRICITY, 01 all Ihe known
Electro Galvanic Appliances at Ihe present
day It is now conceded bv the Medical Fra
ternity and Electricians generally, that Hit
American Galvanic Co's Howard Sultans
are the host, possessing Intrinsic- Electrical
merits, as one shield or appllanco can bv
fitted tn nny part of the body, which is not
true of nny other. See advertisement In
another column of this paper.- Electric Co-rf.
Fifteen Massachusetts girls aro about
to undertake to walk 300 miles in the Ad
irondack!. pink lilies of the- valley. a re .now grown
in G.rmaotowc, Penna., as freely as the
nbita cues-
BusinCSS is still booming 9. he STAR.
Our many customers will kindly accept our thnnks for" the liberal manner in winch they
"have patronized us. To (hose ivhodo not patronize ns yd. but have such an object in view,
we, here, publicly proclaim that thuy will be treated lair and honorably, that we will not
overcharge them in a single item, but on the contrary, will offer them decided bargains in
many tilings without employing the so-called Lf.adkr System, where a certain line of gooda
are sold at or below cost and double prices charged on others. TO all we would say
that wo arc holding our trade with our customers and are constantly adding new ones, but
still wc have room l'or moro and cordially invito you to try us.
Have decided bargains in Home-made Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth, &c
We lead the county in Sugar.
Our Stock and Prices of COFFEES are unrivalled.' .
No trouble to show goods.
Very respectfully,
The Clark's Cove Guano Company
Prico List -1884, per 2000 lbs., in Sacks 200 lbs. eaoh.
For Field Crops and General Application.
Bav State Fertilizer.
per ct
i... Ammonia. (MI3, 3 to 4
Ot-AnANTKEo 1 Avi,nft,e ,h, aplmrlo AclJ 10 to 13
Anai.818. J potiirh (K20) actual ! to 1
Retail I'rice In New lurk, 410 per ton.
Unicorn Am. Sup?r Phosphate.
. I Ammonia. (NltlU 11 to a
D 1 Available I'hnsphorlB Acid,.... aUio 10 perct
' I I'ulaMi. (Kill) iiotu-il SVito a perct
Itetall rrlec in new vorK, ts per ion.
King Phillip Alkaline Guano.
,, I Ammonia.. 'NHS.) H to 2
OtMItSNTKEn ) ATBltt,, fhoiipliorlO Acid OJto S
AHALai: )p, tasli.(KStl). actual 3 to 1
Itetall Prico In New York, $30 per ton
per ct
per ct
per ct
The Great Planet Formulas or CONCENTRATED MANURES,
combine In '2 Formulas the many neeess try articles In ut..
FORMUT. I Ammoiil t, (NII31 4 t I Jitrst
ii Avnltable I'lmspnnrle Aeid, T to 9 psr.t
xx' I Pettish, (KiO), actual J4 to 11 ysret
For Potatoes, 1 1 -i s, Tomatnrs, Peas, Corn, Melons, Uf am, As
paraxus, encumbers, Berries. Tints, Orchards, Grain,
tiUKur Cane, fee. Retail price In N. Y., US p.r t.i.
Oi'AnASTKUD Analtbis:
FORMULA ( Ammiml.i, (N 113) 1. 1 per ft
nil ' iviiiialilo I'liosphnrlo Acid 6tfer.t
,J- ( Pctaah. (K0), actual Ttetperet
For Tobacco, l-'ablmce, Unions, Cauliflowers, Turnips, tie.
Retail Price In New York, tls per t.n.
Wc have secured the Agency for the above Celebrated Phosphates, and will now take
orders, and in season will have a constant supply on bund. Call and examine samples or
write for circulars. IFc will accept agents, to whom we will assign districts, and arc pre
pared to make liberal arrangements witli them.
Agent for Carbon, Monroo. Schuylkill and Lehigh Counties, Pa.
OFFICE in MM Mil-Tie Airicnlii al Intent Eept, k .,. ,. ..
"Hi AIsTH A3JD HOfflEl
WA-Si-niN aTonsr, d. o.
Sworn Snlissriptio List 10,000. MM ly . E HALE, M. D.
This is a large eight page, forty column, monthly
paper, and is "devoted to everything pertaining' to
Health and Home, Marriage, Social Science, Domestic
Medicine, Science, Literature, Art, Economy, Cookery,
Hints on Health, Dietetics, and every realm of Modern
Science and tends to improve health, prevent disease,
purify morals, and make home happy.
Subscription Price, 50 Cents Per Year.
Health and Home,
Spring Styles for 1884 have Arrived !
J Joe
Are now prepared to furnish their customers and the people with the Newest and most
Fashionable makes of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Cassimeres and Suitings,
which they will make up in the Latest Styles and most Durable Manner at unusually Low
Prices. With a iorcc ol experienced workmen aud a tremendous stock to select from, vve
arc prepared to offer inducement unexcelled byany other
Wo cordially invito YOU to call and inspect our Goods and learn Prices before making
your purchases elsewhere. In all cases wo guarantee Best IPbrkmnnship, Best Material,
the Lowest Prices and Perfect Fits."' Ucspcctfully,
Clauss & Brd, The Tailors,
March 22, 1881-y