NvW C3S!Mvn teas New" Advertisements, DfeATS & Co., -dhalees In Watchqs Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles and Eje Glasses, tost officii BtilLDiNd, Weissporfc, Peima- Repairing tir alt klhdt pfornbtiy altchded to at VERY iteatottibhi ctiarfcco. If you need anything In our line trive Us a cull before go ing elsewhere, Our Prices are as lov its the lowest, Mid till Goods arc warranted to be hs represented. feb2-y Raili-oad Guide. PMlatelpMa kpkL B. B. Artangeffierit of fatsebgcl? Traits. MAY 18S4. Trains leave AllohtOwn as follows! (Yll l'EttKIOMKK RAILROAD.) For Philadelphia at 4.tS, .t, 11.10 a, m and .10 p. m, SUNDAYS. For Phllauelphlaat 5.o0a. m.and 0.2o p.m (Via East PeSiK RttAMcir.) for Rc-adma; and ltarHsbUrt;, 6.DD, 8.40 a. ta.. I2.lt, 4.9A and 0.05 p. m. Fer Imncaster and Columbia, O.CO, 8,40 a, m., nau 1 3ii p. in, SUNDAYS. For ItnrrlcbUrg, and waypolnts, 7.89 ft, tn tt.l5 p. rd For Philadelphia t35 a. m. Trains Tor Allontown leave as follow : Via PfcnKioslsfe lUitnoAb.) Leave Phllad'a, 4 S 7.40 a. m and 1.09, "Las, 4 30, ana e.is p. m. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 8.30 a.m., BED, .20 p. m. (Via Bast FxnN. DRAiion,) IieaVe Heading, titto, 10.18 a. m.( 8.00. 3.60, fcml it.t& tn. Leave llarrlsbUrg, 1 1 f .50, 5.60 a. m., 1.45 and 4.IR) p. m. Leave Lancaster, tf.00 a. m., 1.00 and (3.40 p.nt. Leave Columbia, t.SO a. a , 1,10 and 3.40 p. tn. frTom King Street Depot. SUNDAYS. Leave lteadlnir, o.oia. m., (5.00 p. tn. LeaVe llnrrlNburir. 7.00 p. in.. 4 01 p. ra. LeaVe Milladelphla 6 80 a. m , 3.C0 p. in. Trains via "Perklomen Ilallrotttl' marked thus fl run to and Irom Dehot. IStlith and Ofeeli streets) Philadelphia, uther trains to anl Irom moan sired Depot The 5li0 nntl 0.45 a. ttl. trains from Allen. town, and the 1 35 and ft.15 p.m. train from Philadelphia, via Perklomen Railroad, have through cars tu and from rhllaiiclphla. J. E. WOOTTEN, Oeneral Manager. O.o. lUWrook, (len'l Pnss'r fc Ticket Agent May tilth. 11.63. REMOVED. W. a. M. Ssiple, Physiciau & Snrgeon, lias Removed his Office nnd Residence from Beoond St, tn SOUTH Street, In the bull.lltiir. farmerly occupied by A.J I ioli.knm A vKIt, Where he 1111 be plonked to Sue bis friends end patNns. tl-omol! lltitlKSi from 0 to 0 o'clock P. M. March 31, 1(83. GIVEN A1 To the SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco. iThe genuine has picture of BULL, on every package. For particulars see our next announcement. CUIE1 WHERE ALL ttSt FAILS. TteslCoogliByfup. TaMeaaixKt. it. e01a07aruRRi.ua, STOCK MAItlCETS. Rennrted un In 12 o'clock, by Da Haven A- Tiiwnsend.Bankers.Ko.JA 8 Third Street, rhiUdelphta, Stm-its bought and sold either lor rash or on margin. ThiladclpMa, June 16th, 1SS1. bid asked nss'i.Ext iooj iooj II S Currency 6's - H 127 U84I, new 1111 111 118 4's..... 1208 1201 Pennsylvania R R fiSJ rhiladelhla & Reading R It..-.. 11) Lehigh Vallev R R Ci Lehigh Coal i Navigation Co 40 Bull. N. Y. X Phlla. II R Co,.,,.. 4) New Jersey Central 35 J Northern Pacific Coin.. vj lrefd 45J Oregon Transcontinental,., 10 Union Parifie 381 Western Union (ill West Shore lata., 361 Louisyilla i Nashville 28 Bilver, (Trades) , 88 S3) Ml C5 41 41 55) 20 431 II 38) 01 S8J 281 92 State Teachers' Association. The thirtieth annual meeting of the Penn sylvaoia State Teachers' Association will be held at Meadville, Ibis State, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, July 8th, 9th and 10th. Many pmmineut educators and lecturers nl the State will be present and a unususlly interesting and instructive pro gramma has been arranged. Several en jnyabla excursions by rallrncd and water hava also been arranged for. The Lehigh Valley Railroad will grant special rates to all who go front here. It promises to be the molt successful meeting of the associa tion that has yet been held. m CASH ItH tttltl WHERE ttl ElSt f AILS, f-71 leslCoogliByfup. Tasteao, PJ1 "Original Ohoap Cash Store.1 Immense Collection OF Wash Fabrics! WE have, this 'tensob. the most extensive assortment of Wash Fabrics that tro have evor had, and tlio PR10E3 are LOWER than any previous year. The followlnir will stive yoU soma Idea of What this U It CAT 3TO0K consists ofl Prints, Cambrics, I'anoALes, Ouamdrat UlKOMAMS. JASOr UtrCUMAHI"! I'LAlH ANDSTRiritDSKKnSUCKliria.I.lMKNS, TKHISOtlOllUESK Ul.OHI.l'lQUfcfl, NAisanoKt, MAitaeUKa, WlllTK L A W Si Swiss) MULLS, AND WlllTM (jAMuntcs I J. T, NU8BAUM, Oppi Publlo Square, Dank Street, Lehigh. n. Pa. Juno T, lBMly. SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1831. SPECIAL NOTICE. Persons making payments lo this office by money orders or postal notes will Jilcaso make them payable at the Wwssport Post OrrlCK, as the Le highton office is rot a money order offico Our Neighborhood in Brief, hABV's btRtnDAY. MonilnV' balm is (air cf (aco( Tuesday's lllilrn is lull nt Rrnro J Wcdnef.Iuy'f bairlt is a child of woof Thursday's baltn has far in gn Friday's bairn is loving nnd uiving ! SnturtlHv'a bairn works hard for n llvinpj But the bairn that is bum on the Sabbath day, Is lively and bohillo nmt wise and gay. SfCall ntllio Nnvelty Blnre. next door to the AnvooATK otllro, for bargains I -Our Sunday schools are beginning to Gil up in anticipation of coining picnics. ffi3Tho MiniN0ltin fivo cent clear at the Mews Drpnpivra Universal satisfaction. Sm-Qo to the Newa Dennt fur Sncnr b'ad Uibttccoj and get a form or piouo lor a premium. Quito a number of slrongers tvere In town on Sunday taking m the cblorcd camp meting. aa"-A yaricly of books, very cheap, at the Novelty Store, next dour to the Advo cate office, --Quito a number or dwellings In town are being beautifled by receiving a new coalol paint. FQWhiit wa hear saM That E. It. Until, of Mauch Chunk, has an elegant stock nl gold Waichrs. Gil fro them. -Mrs. Iilnry A. Rudolph, of Centre Val ley, Schuylkill county, was In town Mon day, visiting Irlenils. sheds ol good nnle liapcr and 23 envrlnpca lor 10 cents at the Novelty Store, next door to tho advocatk Ulllce Our genial friend A. A. Ornyor, of Mountain Topj gave us a pleasant Call on Tuesday. JSEO-A new tnl nl Cl.OCltS, WATOltfiS unil JUWEIjIIY just received at S. 1IAUA MAK'S Store, Lehighton. Pa. Ourvoung friend Will IT. Ifann.one Of Weatherly's most popular young men, was in town fur a fetv holits on Friday and tlroppctl in to seo us. EirCliildrcn's hats from 25 cents up. I.ndlea wishing rrnpe bonnets or veils should not fail loEer Iny elrgatitiissnttnifut ol crapes, Aivcnut timer Xjfiiighton Only two more weeks until the glorious fourth, and the ayernge small boy's head h filleil with bright pictures nl epongacake, lemonade, tire crackers and picnics. An immense success Tho railroad watches soM by II. II. ltnlil, nl M o nil Chunk. All rl.o llaVo thum would huve no other. The funeral of Miss Jtary 12. Icuckel look place on Monday afternoon and was one oftho largest ever witnessed In Iiehlgh ton, Tho II mil tributes were beautiful. AN OLD NUnSE8AY8: Acker's Sng Itsh Hemedv Is nK.T for cnuchsi croons illplilkerin.or btoocliitis. !3old by Dr. 0. T.' Horn, Lehighton, Ii A. Horn, Weissport, Joseph Dymond, aged 28, a fal-mer Hying near Wilkcsbarre, killed himself las Sunday because tho girl hs loved would not marry hiln, ;Mr-Wo are glad to note that Mr. IIoliU of Mauch Chunk Is doing a largo business in wiilcues. Ho has a grt-at deinand lor tho Improved American Watches. Some of the unpaid employes of Iho Heading Ilallrnad, al Ashley, propose If not pud by In day (rriday), to matte applica tl on lor admission to thu poor house. Iir-Afler all tho others havo failed lo ake your watch keen time, give me n f al. If I f.tll it will not cost you any lung. Yours, Ac, 1). S BOCK. Our young friend Fred. Leurkel, Jr., ol Knknmo, Col., who was called home he death of n beloved sister, will remain in tuwn for a few weeks. ;3LT"Panillon BInnd Cure Contains ho mineral nl anvkind.it restores tho blooi o a lieallhy erudition, regulating exresies, nil prevents disease lliouias- drug store. To-day (Saturday), June 2lsl, Is I lie ongest day of the year 15 hours and four minutes, On this day the summer eolstico coiimenrcs, and lasts HI days, tyTh lalest styles and the best Inst trimming, done, at the lowest rati prices, nl llm millinery rtoro of Alvenia O raver. Rank street, Lehighton. --The Summit House, ut Glen Summit, the hiithe.t N,int on Iho route of the Lehigl Valley Railroad, was opened oh Mum! number of prominent railroad official were present. lieu. Ilollrrt cnld plale Laco Pins, War ranlid In keep their color, only IS cents. a UUUll'8 Jewelry store, opposite J w Raunrhbtish'e, Lvhlghtorv, After July 1st, 1881, the Directors of the First National Bank, ol this borough will meet every Wednesday at 10 o'clock a. m., instead of in the allernoon as here ofore, aulf you Wanta nlee,smnoth,eA8y sliate vour holr cut or shampooing.go to 1-ran Iloederer's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho tel. He will fix you right, and don't you lorgel It, One coal train fat) into the side of an other on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Rail road on Thursday night ol last week, at Lebtgb Gap, as the latter Was leaving the siding. An enema and ten cars were tmathed. tea. FOR BALE Four Building Lot located on the old "Centennial Hotel property, on 2nd (Irret, this borough, a offered lur sale, on reasonable terms. Apply to L. F. Kleppinger, corner of Iron and Sua streets, lor jurueuisrs, A branch of the Miners' Amalgamate! Association Is being organised at Lansfurd George Harris, president ol the association, is making a tour of the anthracite coal re gion for the purpose ol uniting the mine with thnte of the bitumiuous region -BruptlIon Cough Cure cured an I fant only a few weeks old of whoopli cough after a consultation of physicia pronounced it beyond recovery. It stops tho whoop and allows the breath to return bold at 1 nomas urug store. A two year-old child of William Ma dara, of Upper Mauelt Chunk, died last Monday morning. Death is supo3ed to have resulted (ruin laurel flowers, which the child had gathered' in the woods on dsy previous, A trawling band enlivened our town Tuesday afternoon and efoulnf;. Tho average small boy Is btppy" con. asqutnt upon the rumor that a "real show'' Trill pitch Iti lent here In tbs near future. VjuDorlng tho saisnn for mosquitoes and other stinging Insects, and of poisoned plants. If your skin is Impure, a bite will swell and lester unless you apply Faplllotj Skin Cure. A ticgle application will neu tralite tile fralson. At Thomas' drugstore. Tho treatber duflng the week lias been extremely warm, the thermometer ranging from 85" lo Vl in the Ahsdc, A Bio Tnisol livery subscriber to the Carbom Advocatx who Immediately pays bp arrearages and one year In advance will receive free for r,he year Itcedth and Ihmt a large 5 page, 10 column monthly paper' devoted tn home matters. Step up. For the week ending on the 14th Ihst., there Wero 185,011) tons of coal trans ported oVtr the Lehigh Valley railroad making a total lo date ol 2,880,857 tons, a tlecreasn of 302,818 tons as compared With same (line last year. jsarlf your breath la offensive, your nostrils felid with putrid matter, and you nro rapidly becoming consumptive, use Panlllon Catarrh Cure) yotl will bo purilled and permanently cured. Sold at T.homaa' drug store, Bank street, Letnshloh. Mr. Oeorgo Mlneliarl, of Towamenslng twp.,wosln town Tuesday, and Inlortncd Us that the frost Sunday morning last dc strnyed two acres ofK)!dtocs which he had plaDled bcltvecti the Pino Run nnd Wild Creek. 3ir Only 10,00 cash for an ullwool Suit at II. II. Peters', Post-office building, Lehighton. While Workmen wero engaged In dig glngnt the opening of a cement quarry, nt Egypt, Lehigh county, they dug up a skele Inn in a stale of almost complete preserve lion. Only n few of the smaller bones were decomposed, whtlo Iho skull, trunk nnd limbs are in good condition. g'fNow is the time, and CLAUSS & BE, O., tho ilaco, if you want a nice fit ting all-wool suit of clothes, made to order for only $10.00, Some one dales, "Why is dudo like match?" The answer might be, "because ey are only worth two cents a huudred but dudes ate hardly worth that much. atirh Chunk Daily Timet, The editor ol e Times spcaus advisedly on Ihe above oi nt. DSPS' II. fetors, at the ost-office building Lehidi- ton, Avill make you an all- wool suit lor only 10 cash, f you order now. Mother Hcbcrllng celebrated her "3lti rtbdiy the other day, she had her heart hecred Willi a present of un easy rocking Chair abd in tho eyenlng a surprise ylsi from her children and their Wives and usbands. In reference t? her easy chair e says sho is how better off than belter people, hnvlng on easy chair for every rbom O-ti. P. LucKenbach, fll Broadway Mauch Chunk, has enlarged his store1, put n a new skylight, u ml now lias on cxliibl urn over 1000 styles of hue paper hangi'ics eetihitlona, freizes find borders, together Mill an elegant line of dado shades, will ulesl attachments and Iriinlhltigs. Books. stationery and luncy goods in great Variety ntl nl lotrest prices. On Monday Mrs. John Gessncr met tin ntimely death at her residenco in Cuta; inrjUa, Tlio family had moved into the how building but tt few days previous, and appears that Mrs. Gessner was hot fairly nrqiiainted Willi Iho different apartments. She fell duwn a flight of stairs and sus talned serious injuries, which culminated ti death live hours afterwards. .ftiW hnVn lust returned frntli Ihn ntl V itll no Immense clock ol SUMMER .TVLEd OK HATS. BOXN1JTS. CHILD REN'S AND BABY'S CAPS.ic, which oiler nt tho lowest cash piieef, CI1 and be convinced that I sell CHEAPER than ny other. ALVENIA GRAVER, Bank street, Jjoliigulon, l'a. The actual cost of mtlkihg a ton ron In t lie Lehigh Valley is estimated by Mr. McCfenlli, chemist of the Geologica urycy of Pennsylvania, at f 20 38, item zed as billows. Oro i9 Si; ceal, $3 30 iinestone, seventy seven ccntsj labor, $2.33. ncideiituls and repairs, (2 (11. gTheruslnstill continues at Ci.auss & lino., for tliosc landsotnely-made, all-w o o suits at SI 0.00. Call early ii you wish to take advantage of this remarkably low price lor a suit made to order. My son, whisper it not to the marines, but bear It In mind yourself, that a man never g!s half seas over unles. ho sails with tho crcW. What crewt Cork's crew, my son, cork's crew. Bottle that up in Jour ecrp heaps it may work in handy come day. At the same tlmo continue tn bear in mind that you ran hire teams at the iopuler livery ol David Ebbert, on North street, very cheap. SQ.I'rledmann Sc Lanterliing are: Ihe largest culcl-v mauufarturers in Ihe Unite.! Stale, ami their goods are guaranteed to e llrsl class in every respect and rqnul to any ill llm market. Abotll 30 dillerent styles of their pn.'kel knives nnd rainm may b even at tho News Depot. They w,e bought at a bargain mid are belli c retailed t about ordinary wholesale priees. Mnlthew lingers, aeeVi 24 yfcifs and Mary McLogue, ,,! la years, both inmate' of the Lackawanna county jail and serving short terms, became smlllcn with each other, A few daye ago Rogers was )ia charged from jail, nnd Ihe Jailer granted Mary leave of absence under a guard long enough lo be married. After this was ac complished she was returned lo her cell lo serve out bet term, which will be of abort duration, Son, Take thy best girl lo art les creum parlor and treat her. Thou Jnust remember that the climate is warm, and that thy girl Is also the same. Yes, my son, When thou takes! a walk in the com finny of thy beloyed, during these sultry evenings, mrgei not tint ice cream is a great cooler, and will surely cool her. When Ihou art about It, get tho best, and thou art probably uware that Ihe best cream is kept by Lew. IsWehr, JfauU at. We hata received from Prof, T. it, Dallies, Isle Supl, of Schools, his auuusl re port for the ttyoar, which we will pub lish In next week's Advocate. The Trvf. writes us that be will attend tho Stale. Teachers' Association, at Meadville, pa., on July B, 0 and 10, from there be intends to gn to Msdifon, Wis , to aller.d Ihe National Educational Convention, after wh(ch b expects to visit his numerous friends In this the county He Is much pleased with bis Dew 1 ?sitloa 3en. Wm. McCandless, distinguished as a Toluuteor soldier of the late rebellion and A lawyer, died In Philadelphia, en Tuesday. Saw You can get a Blngto Buggy ITarnees, In part nlckle, at ten dollars and lull nlcklo at twelvo dollars, got up In good eiyle, al M. Flory'a Harness Shop, weiuport, t'u. Justice Bradley and Judge Butler, sit ting In the U. S. Circuit Court, Pbiladel. J1I1I5, on Tuesday, granted leave to- the Philadelphia A Reading Railroad ncelvera to borrow J3,TCO,000 to pay accrued Inter est, and for wagea and supplies now due. StrNothliig known like It before. The great demand for ImproTeu American Watches Is surprising. These watches cn not be made last enough to supply the de mand and what is more surprising is the reduced prices they are selling lor) so cays . II. Ilobl, of .Maucu (;iiunk. Paymaster Hess, of the Ifew Jersey Central Railroad, Wednenlay mornln'g.aml began paying tho employes on the Lelllgh and Susquehanna Division their wages for April, Alter all tho payments had been msito be proceeded up to dreen nidge. An nfilcial ol tho road said last eyening that after Mr. Hess returns from the npper end of tho roed bo will begin paying tlio em plojcs on the Jersey Central, from. Jersey Cily to PhllllpsbUrg, their wages for May, and then pay the Lehigh and Susquobauna men for tho same month. Mnlthew Siinpsnlij senior Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States, died at his house, 1331 Arch street, Philadelphia, nt twenty minutes to nine o' clock Wednesday morning. Ho Dssscd away Unconscious, not haying spoken since Sunday morning. Somellmca during the last d3s lie WustlinUghl to show some sign if recognition, but whether he actually knew or not that ho was boing railed lo his account could not bo determined. His wife, his Bon and nil his daughters, except nnej Wero at his betlsiilo when be tiled, The cause ol rlealh Was exhaustion, Hue lo to oyerwork and his great age, 74 years.. SPECIAL NOTICE, There bcintr several hundfed dollars standing on my books fur subscription to II1B VrtUlJUJ ilUVUUAlJ-;, UUVCriJMU UllU loo won;, i resiiecuuiiv reoticst moso in' ilobtcd to mnko imniediuto settlemcnt- by postal note or money order payable tit tho Wcissport post office, or by dl'afl or check. Tliosc lttiVltk; claims agltinst us will pfdscnt tllem for1 settlementi Very respectfully, II. V. MORTltlMElt, Sit. Teacher's Examinations. Teacher's exaiuiuatious wilt be held as follows : Summit Itll', Monday Juno 23. Jeansville, Wednesday June 25. Lansford, Friday June 27. Wcatherly, Monday Juno 30, Mauch Chunk, July 3. Examinations will begin at 0 n. hi Teachers must bo examined in tho districts In which they Intend to leach. Exceptions will belnade only for satisfactory reasons. T. A. Sntokr, Co. dipt; of Schools, A Cof Killed with a Baso Bulb While Joseph Coyle, aged thirteen, and a number nf companions wero on their way to school Thursday afternoon 12th Inst., they stopped at an bpen lot in the Sixth Ward, AllenlnWni to play ball. A boy named Roxbcrry, in answer to Coyle's re quest that ho knock him a fly, hit tho ball and Coyle, who was Hghly feet distanro '.Med tD catch it. It passed through his hands nnd struck him in the pit of the stomach. For n few minutes Coyle olagjer ed about in a lloUbled-up position) lell oyer on his face and died in a few momenta. The Coroner's Jury exonerated Roxbcrry, A t first Coyle's companions thought he was merely eha mining, but when no fell over and died they were overcome with horror, A lctv Way of Woolntr. Simon Smith, a resident bf Mahanoy Plane.was committed tn prison at Pullsville Friday for safo keeping. He lell iii love with Eva Holtham and his suit prospered for nwhile. Then Eva s allcctions grew cold. Smith revived to hard the Idol ol his affection or do something desperate. Arming himself Friday morning with a pistol, a kiiile, and rope ho went to tho residence of the young lady. He fastened one end df the rofie arouhd his fleck and the other end tn a hat peg, then holding the pistol to his head Willi one hand nnd the knifo to his throat with the other, he de mantled lo khmv ifeho rclused to Wed him The words were hardly Uttered whcii brother of the lady's npilenred nnd seized Smitlli ilisbrmetl him abd took him belore a Justice, whence ho was Committed to prison under u struilii gunrd. Ho Says he only wanted to frighten Eva into giving her consent tu merry li i tit ami meant no Harm. Altonlnt td Wreck a H. J. Central Train. A dastardly uttempt was made to wreck a p.ieertger train nn the New Jersey Con tral railroad, oh Wednesday night of last week, near Blonihsbiirg, One end of a largo sleeper Was wedged under OUo tail and tho other end Jilaced oh the lop ell the opposite end of Ihe e.lriie Irack, find braced by large stones tn prevent It from tlinyln when struck. A tanner happened In c'nlne that way, ami removed the obstruction few minutes before a (tassehgef train for New York came along at the rale of forty miles alt hour. Had tho train struck Iho lecper It Would have been ditched, and uiHtlv lives lost. The farmer retKirled Ihe on-iirrence tn tlio operator at the Blooms mir I'epit.nnil an niueuil ol llm rompiny was notified. A few weeks rlgii a similar attCmit was libido nn tho L S. tiivlsinn, llenr AHenlnwit. Pity Ihe scoundrels eun not be caught and uuimartly dealt with. Killed on the Rail. One of tho moil melancholy nCrideHts we hate been called on In record, occurred at Ihe Village Of WalnUlport, near Slalingtoii, Wrdnesday afternoon at 3. It! p. iri. Mrs. Anna 8tem, a venerable lady In hef JOih year', the mother of Jlr. George It. Stem, nf Steinldn, and Mrs. Sarah Itrrons, of Wal- nutporl, met nn almost Instantaneous death on the Lehigh Valley track at the hour named. It appears Ibat Mrs. Stem had been Visiting her friend Mrs. Knuns, and the two ladies were un their way tn the Lehigh and Susquehanna defM, whence Mrs. Stem was about In take the train to Bethlehem, On crossing Ihe dnwn track Mrs. Stem fell, and Mrs. Konns going im mediately to her assistance and trying tn c-oss the track, a west bound coal train, No. 00, on the Jjedtgn and susqueiianua road, struck them both simultaneously , Mis. Konns died a few minutes nller tile sad aei-lttent. but Mrs. Stem survived for almost an hour, when death put an end to bersuneriDg.i.riiK. Bycicle Excursion. On last Saturday eyenlng our town was enlivened by some fifteen byciealitts arriving in this borough from Allontown, Bethlehem, Weatherly and Weissporl. They rode upend down our streets in splen' did style, and oppotltoth' Exchange Hotel they performed some exceedingly daring and difficult feals upon tho"hufty critter." They all took rooms at the Exchange and as ear V as five o'clock Sunday morning started f ,r Tamaqtia, and arrived there at about Half past eight, after taking break fast and dinner there tliey surtwl bark by way nf Summit Hill, Mining on down through Maunh Chunk and the tnw path tn WeiMpnrt and urriye.1 at the Lrlilgh Val ley depot just in tuno to make Ihe 4:07 train going South. On Monday morning our young friend George Hnn,nf Weattf erlyt perfor ned tome difficult as well at daring feats ou the bycicle in front of ?ur sttb!ibrnul. Obituary, Miaa&fAnr E. Lscchcl died at Lehigh ton, Pa., June etb, lew. She was tho daugh. tcr of Frederick end Lueetta Leuokol. Tier father Is an old and honored member of tho Evangelical church, to which her me,ther at totolouged until her decsaseln the forepart ef last March. Tlicf ohIM of chrlsllsn pari ents the watrarly taught the way of right' eousness, tbd while young In years sho gave her heart to do J, nnd United with the M. . church of the above named place, Mlsi Lonckclrrasof a quiet temperament and a sweet and loving disposition, Sho made no loud profession bsfors the church, Jet all who know her felt Ibat In her heart dwelt the spirit of Christ. Almost two years before her death sho became the teacher of the Infant Class. In this new field of labor the performed her d alios faithfully and won and held until the day of her death the lore and esteem of tbo e committed tobcrcaro. Some two Weeks before the was taken 111 with typhoid-malaria. At the taw the end approaching (he taldl "1 am not afraid to die ; I am (coin homo to Jesus:" and passed tneoily away to hor reward In heaven . Tho funeral took place June loth, 1884 Prayer was offered at the residence, by the Rev. O. R. Cook; from where the funeral cor. tage repaired to the M. K. church. (Innofher favorite hymns, "O, how Ho loves," was snng by tho choir; Rev. S. S. Chubb, pastor of the Lvangcllcnl church, lead In n fervent prayer, and the hymn "Vital Spark of Hcsvcnly Flamo" was beautifully rendered. Rev, O W. North, pastor of tho Newtown M. E' church, was Introduced and preached an In teresting nnd appropriate sermon from tho Words, "Then (hall be brought to pass the saying that Is written, llenth Is swallow, d ud In victory," 1 Cor. 15: El; followed by Rev' Ohubb who dollvercd an address from 1, Thess. 4:24, -ror If wo bclloTo that Jesus died art! rose again, even them also which sleep In Jesus will Ood bring with lllm," The. floral offerings werCmany nnd beauti ful, among I lie ttl wo mention "Tho dates Ajar," "The Orown." nnd tbo "Broken Col. utnn," fof which tho family extend thclf hearty thanks to the friends. Wo wended our way slowly to the cemetery where was laid to rest tho body or Alary beside hor tnof cr, until the morning ol theresurrcc Hon when sho shall arlso and puton luitnor. tallty. O Ii, Cook, Pastor. Woatherlv Chips -On tho 17th Inst, the I, v, shops wero nil closed on account of the IC of P. excursion which went to Ulcn Onoko on that day. As far as wo know It was n sueccst. Tho Star Baso Ball Club, of this placo. playod n. picked club of Mauch Chunk, on the East MaUoh .Chunk ground, agauio oh ast Tuesday afternoon. 'Iho gaino resulted In tho scoro ofl". rounds for MnncliChunk nnd 12 for Weatherly. Misses Stabler and Hnldaman, olSum. mlt Hill, visited Phcenlx Lodge, No. 740 1, O. cf O. T , on Monday evening. Misses Nelllo nnd Jcnnlo Blaksleo re turned homo last Tuesday from llethletncn, whore they havo been attending school lor somo time. Mr. P. T. Ohocstrinn Is Conflnod to his bed with a severe attack of rheumatism. Mr Isaac Harleman was interred In the Union Cemetery on Monday last, Services Wero held at Iho home of his son, Samuel whero the old gontlehlnn has been making his home. He was 84 years old and an old resident of Weatherly. Ker. J. P. Moffat ouiclatedi Jtrs. Jits, Mlllilme, after a long and pain ful Illness, passed away about 5 o'clock last Friday afternoon. Tho deceased had scores bf warm iricnds In town, nnd her prcniaturo death leaves a deep wound In many an ach ing heart. Oho was a devout member of the Presbyterian church, and dted in the full bo. lief of it rich Inhcrltnhce In ltoavcn, and with tlio expectation of meeting loved ones gone. be Torn around the throne of hor croator. Tho funeral took place Ust Sunday at 2 p. m. and was very largely attended. Tho members of W.C., No. 170 P. U.S. of A., to which or. ganlzn Hon the husband of tlio deceased be longs, joined the lrler.de and relatives In pay log the hist tribute of respect to the deceus. ed. Services wero held In the Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. J. Moffat. Text 1 Citron. 23th Chap, and 15th verse. Nontn. Weissport Itemt. R. II. Schonen, who has bcCh a resl dent of this place for the last few rears, re moved to Bethlehem during tbo week. Mr. S, makes this move in order to facilitate his Work , namely, that nf Insurance agent. A. W. Marsh, who h as bejti stationed in Clinton county for the last three montbe, looking afler the lumbering interests ol Marsh k Kern, spout Sunday with his family. Win. M. Meredith, an estimable friend and honorable gentleman of Reading, was visiting friends here during tbo week Friend Will is always a wetdortie visitor. The other evening, while a friend was taking a walk along the canal, ho was al most frightened to death by a terrible crash At first he thought a cow might havo been so unfortunate as to fall over the dipping into the cabal, so he concluded ne would watt and see what tbe outcome would bo. Undid not haVe lo wait very long, for a fjw mlnutesJater he heard a fearful kicking' and splashing accompanied by the following exclamations and ejaculations: "My God help or I'll drown I" "For heaven's sake enve me I" etc. In order lo exteud a helj: Inp hand our friend ran to the spot as fast as be could and lot to his great astonish ment it was ntl r genial and obliging friend Ed., who had been nut on the mad between Whitehead's lock and tlio canal bridge practicing on a boy's old, worn. out bicycle which come fried,) lied laanel lilui so as to learn to ride thu bicycle and tho bldycl not him. El has concluded diet II Is lint very healthy exercne, and thinks ho rti give, it up as a bail job, lor he does not bo IIbvo lie will eyer beooinn nn expert in nil nig it along Iho canal. Our advice to Hd would be to go into comu cellar and prac lieej then If he. should Happen lo- fall ol! nnd tear Ills p.luts he Could gel them mendnl sooner than lined. Jiuwcver, In Is deter mined not In try it ngun, lor he is no lio; and Knows when lie has nut enough. N d.iubl as far at ha is courernod the blcvcl r fnrc.ilci and, we suppose, one could buy It verr cneap Tbe Fourth fll July is fast approachln and as yet we have heard of no arrange menls as lo Its proper celebration. Wl should Welssport nut hayo some lilting demonstration for (Ins ever rtcUrring legal and iiutnotic holiday? Why hot have a public meeting to lull commemorate the b'rlhof that second evangelism, The Declar ation of Independence. The boon of our rights, the glorification of our greatness. Have we not a Snyder, a Mooney, a Weiss and a Yeakel who could entbus and instruct tho pnpulaco in an adequate manner, by eloquence, Words of wisdom and the recap itulation or the past? Have we not a local Poetess Who could immortalise the lime and occasion In a Thymic Shakesperran man- All inese essentials welssport hae.and yet nobody to giye proper expression to the befitting occasion. By all meant let the local talent have a chance,sn that this boll day be not another humdrum. Daniel Hresge,of the Poho Toco Hotel, Informs ut that he has placed a few row boats on the mill pond abd dam attached to Raber's Mill, fur those who are desirous nf Ashing and rnwing. The place Is about two miles bark nf Weistport. The hotel is situated at tbe jucflion nl five roads, and is nn elrgtnt resort at all times for persons who desire rustio or sylvan Sports, and wish to have t place where they Can lay aside thei caret and responsibilities of busi ness and every day lull. The place it to situated at lo afford all tbe recreation asked and desired and "fiubhn Dn" will make thingt ple.ot and consenitt for all who vrlllgiyabimaeall. . JonctK. tnfayct16 Oolloac- Tfirs CoxHCSCEiiMt'Wzr.c at Lafayclla College) begins on Juno 22d, with the exer cises of Iho Mst anniversary oftho Rrajneid Missionary Society and s sermon by lbs Rev. W. Dayton noberlty of Pblledclbblt. Tbo 23rd Is Senior Class-Day, humorous and grave, wllh tnuttc by tho Ringgold Band of Reading. On Iho 2-llb nev. J. M. I udlow, D. D., of Brooklyn, delivers tho Orotlon before the Societies, followed by an Athletic contest and a reception tendered by the alumni to Rey. Dr J. II. Maron Knox, the President ele:t, whose Inaugura tion closes the dsy. The Senior Class numbers 39, of wbctn 20 are candidates for degrees tn the Engi neering and Scientific courses of study, and ,19 In the Classical courses: their graduation is on the 2t'.h,wltb an examination of can dldatcs for entrance on tho following day. A circular containing special railroad rales, msy b had by addressing the Collego Sec retary at Eatton. Coart Proceedings. Com. ts. Reuben Meckasj lornlcallon and bastardy. Johanna Anlmann, prosecutrix. Verdict, not guilty on account of want of urisdlcllon, but to to pay Iho cost of prose cution. Com. vs. Gilbert J.fletdtwo Indictments for larceny) prosccutorr, Rey M Bunce aud J II Yeagenfrum theformer he stole a set ofhar uess and from tho latter a Wolfo robe. Ver dict, guilty) sentence to pay n fine of $5, tho costs of prosecution nnd undergo an Im prisonment nf ono year and nine months n the Easlern Penitentiary. Com. vs, Miehaol Fashnr) assault and battery and attempt lo commit rape) prose cutrix, Mary Itorus. Both parties ore Hungarians residing nlLausford. Verdict, not guilty and county to pay tbo costs. Com. Vs. Charles Dawson and John Tj-iuiberly, robburvj prosecutor, Hugh Dlx- son. Continued to next term, Michael Boyle for the ollenro of assault and battery committed upotijtho person of Mary Brown', Was sentenced to pay a tine of ono dollar and Ibo costs of prosecution. For the oflcuco of malicious mlschlel, that of throwing stones though the window nl Mrs. Brown's residence ho was sentenced n pay n fine of twenty dollarsand tho costs if piosecution. For the offence ol larceny ho was sentenced to pay it tine oi live dollars, the costs of prosecution nnd In un- lergn un Imprisonment ill tuo Dtaie prison or tho term ol mree years. Onr New ItTahoninfr Letter. Tho potato bug has again made ml ap pearance lids year, and Is doing much dam. age to the potatoo vines. Mr. Thomas Musselraan was visiting friends in Lehigh county. Mr. Jacob Klstler, better known na "Con' table Jnltc," Is the owner of ft horse that has i record of trotting a mile In SiS3. This is another 'compliment" for Mahon.ng, -Mr. Jool Hachmon, who moved to III. nols lorly eight, years ago, Isnt present visit' Ing friends In tho Valley with ins wire. N. M. Balllet, a J unlor ot l rnnkiin and Marshall Collcuc, Lancaster, ts ependlnghls vacation at homth Mr. 11 S. ltorpct and family spent last SuUday In Macungio. Mr. J II. I.ongacro ana "irientt" wero Visiting at Stelnsvllte, t,elilgh county, over Sunday. Nathan Balllet and wife, ahd Harrison Mlllef and wire, hive baen visiting atLowlt. town, Schuylkill county. An animal belonging to the Edentate family was recently discovered here, by a genius of tho Centre Squaro Select School. This is, wo believe, tho only specimen nf this family that has yot been dltcuvcrcd In the United States; and is, thcrofuro, something extrnordluery. For furthor particulars wrllo to tho Historian of tho school, Now Mahoning. 11. A. Kolscrwns visiting friends at A!' lentonn during tho week. O.K. Musselrhan Is spending his vacn Hon at home. Ho Intends lo test hlsphislcal powers during hajlng and harvesting. Tho closing exercises or tne ucntro Square Select School was hold last Friday evening. Un account or the Inclemency or tho weather, tho boys had to ornto to a rath er sllui audience. Some oftho exercises wero real good, but somo very Insulting remarks which wcrii entirely out of plaoo, Woro made by some, agalnlt certain scholars who had boon exonted from taking part In tho exer cises. Hut these must ba overlooked. On the whole tho exercises wero fairly credit able. Tho fall term of the rchool Will com' mence on July I3th. Tho prospects lor a good number of scholars are very favorable. Hut no "Urst ushers" need apply. Mr. J, H. Kcrchncr will again bo tho teacher. For Assembly, t lici-cbv atlriouncc myself as a cntidi' elates for the nomination nnd election of :t Democratic ItcilttscntativtJ for tho next Legislature, Whether 'elected or tlcloat cel, I eliall cotitinuo to labor for tho com rilcte! overthrow Of all nionopolie-s and tho vnritms means nmt a;:viie:,e:a vme'ii aro continually employed tn oppress the poor, firmly believms that neither Na ture nor Ood over1 designed that the poor should be, ns thoy now are, virtually, tne slave.1 tif the Plutocracy better known as tho MONEY I'OWKK. Uooel wages for a fair elny'a work, to bo promptly (laid in cash, should bo tho law, sirtd no Com- ntint fetorcs. nor' any other iiiethoeis. should he allowed to exist, to over-reach the laborer, tmiiirlv bolievimr that these! fife, a- moiiL' other, really the great ahd vital things that aro of practical imneirtanco to tho rliasc3 of t lie pconlo, and that they must ho radically COrfeetoil, sooner or later, I nledffo myself, under all circum stance.'!, td ridvocata them with nn nrt- t-lcldlntr conviction, that it is for justjet?. right ahd tlio good of humanity. And 1 shall do it witli energy and force. YV; M. RAPS1IER. Lehighton, jitho 4, IBS J. Ni;W aim'lki isi:mi;Ms. THU PHOSTHATION Uhlcll follows Diphtheria, and tho persistency with which It clings to tho pallcnt, nro well Known to all who havo had any experience with this tcrribld disease. Tho following letter shows how tho re storing aud Invigorating properties of BE if ovcrcomo It, and rOOU S how by vlt.UU mmi Ing nnd enrich- .SrnarrnrtrInins tbo wood it "v "Y"" neutralizes and eradicates tbo poisoned matter Iiont It, bringing to tho convalescent tho color, Ufo and Igor of, robust iicaltu. . Lowell. Mass. Mrssns. C I. Iloon & Cp.i . Ueiitlcnien MyimiafiUlliatt the diphtheria last April. Tlin tllstM.se left her very weak, blood noor. with no appetite, and ihe could not seem to rally lioul Its cliccts. Hood's Haiiclai-auil-1a was recommended by a neighbor. Alter slid had been taking it a lew days w e noticed a cliango for the better she began to cat 1lli a icllsh. It seemed to. take out tho poison the disease had left In her blood, tlio chatigo bclug very noticeable In her face. Kim tnnlelttun months and f ullv I eetatned Iter llVUIUl, IllUHUUUii, Ubi.KUi. i.u recommend Hood's B-insA"AniLL wlina Great deal ot pleasure. 2surc. t ery iiuiy yuura, J, lii SMITH, . .., . iv iiuueruciu mrecu "That Extfemo Tired Feeling," 'The first botllo has done my daughter a fcrcat deal cj( good; her food eloes pot ells tress her now, nor docs alio suffer from a at txtrtms lirtd feellm whleli shu (ltd before taking Hoou'a SAns-ifAniLLA." Sold by all druggists. Price Cl a bottle ot tlx botttas for C3. ITcparcel by C. I. UOOD , " " "l"""'" 'fotjd'a i(fVrotffT, Only fj (Jmt bffllni m all 1 "S FRIDAY, JUNE WasMmra & Snmi Circus, Museum and Menagerie 4 WONDERFUL SHOWS I 4 Under Three Monster Tents I Tho most complete and best organized show on. the Continent A Few Features of WasIatoBirHa MBiBitiBHf:' GREAT SHOWS! A GRAND. MENAGERIE Which Is rcplclo with rare Living Curiosities. A ZOOLOGICAL WORLD IN CAPTIVITY. Merry Mirth 'Making Monkeys, Beautiful Tropical Birds' Tlio only BLACK ELEPHANT living. Ten times a greater curiosity than anv White Elephant. A Grand Free Walloon Ascension 1 Sovrrt- TflT3r"rT "TV!" A GJeTl'M WhoattcmDled the life or aal'eau, the a" eigU, OKJlAVi iXXxaJt, ,itsla B poesldent JntuCJ A. aarhold. "I am on my way to llelly and tho Baby," Three Great Clowns, American; Irish and German. Stfong Men and Strong Women, Male and Female Bare-back Hiding. Champion Bicycle Hiding. Brilliant Skatorial Triumphs ! Gladiatorial Contests, Athletic, Gymnastic and Acrobatic Exercises, Double Horizontal Bar and Tl'bnderful Feats in Mid-Air, Double Somersaults, Extraordinary Leaping over Elephants, and Educated Dumb Beasts of Manv Kinds. 2 FINE BANDS OF MUSIC ! 2 Three IIotu.1 of llBS'tt Mat ABiiMeHBBesit ! KF.MEllnr.n the GRAND STREET PARADE. TsPwo IBwiWBiaa Bices listily Doors open at 1 and 7 P. M. Performances one hour later. Admission, 50 Cents to all Advertised Shdws, Children, Financial Statement of Tiie Lclilito& School District, For Trcar Eualiig June 2, 1884, RP.OEll'TS. ll.iiancb on hand JUnol, 18S3 58 OH State Appropriation...... 857 EB t roni ljUlieuiurs oi l.iavb.,, v Loans. ! tier cent Bonds............... S00O 0J Rents, tie., Balance due Treasurer. oo 109 07 Total receipts .,,,. i..,t..sSM! 0 EXPENDITURES. 1 TcoChets1 salaries.. .,..,.... 1,880 00 Ilomls reuecmcu.,. t.uuuii Janlior . jnu ?s ' 13 00 . ."2 tU liO bl 4 83 ' 135 07 17 OS H 10 0 10 13 M 10 to It) os :i oo 48 45 10 0J 1 w. si. ltapsner, prot. service II. V. Morthlmer, printing.. ..,, Itepairs on uuiiuing... .. Minute Hook..,, ,.,, u M. Hellmnn i Co., coal..,. tj. T, llotn, llquiu stating.. 1. 1.... i. V. Rchwnrtt, nook case, chairs rep. .T. 1,. (label, mils... 11. H.SiiMler uids i.i. Thotnns Kemerer, tnsuranco U. u. Stroll, Susq'a. Ins. Co, Auuiung accounts i,..i Kzra Nowhard,col i .. 1 1 1 ..... . II. Il.SniUer, treasurer 1? 1- Itf.llor.l Bneretnrc 75 00 Interest on U'jndi..,..iii...i. 1,611 0J total eltpctidltdrcs.,,.,i,i,i...ti t,Si i') tn Ihe nhnvn Item of lutcfost 13 IllCllldetl ties to which was duo on Bonds prior to Juno 1B5U nnu remnineu unpniu. .u eiuistandinir Bonds June t, 18S4, SI0.Bi2.ce. Six thousand dollars cl which havo been changed from 5 per cent, to 4 per cent. Inter' ert. 11. F. 11'il'FOltD, Soo'y. J.eblgntcn, .tune tin, ISbl us. Treasurers' Statement OF TllK LeMstitofl Eoro. Scliool District, EnKHG JUK3 6, 1881, K. It. SNVIlr.l?, Treasurer! DR. To balance on hand Juno slh, 1683...$ 28 08 - rstnle Appropriation , c ' Tax DupllcAt". 1681 4,0S'J 10 ' Loans. , 0000 CO ' Other sources ,,, 8 00 (5,003 1. Oil. Ry Orders paid Teachers Salaries. T. A. Snyder t) MO 00 Aieuio it. iiauie MvrilOood , SOU 00 Sallle Hnflcid '-00 00 CoraiM.I, lthoads.., "40 ou AnnaSewcll s,i :ti llaltle Koons...., sto 00 $1,890 Ou Bonds ahd IhtCrcIt Paid. Datld Jlonts, Interest $ 150 CO Andrew Ornvor, Interest i'5 oo Andrew t'raveri Dona anu inierct.. pu-j , Thomas Kemerer, bond aid luicrcst, 1,010 6 Thomas Keiiiincr, Interest '0 ,0 li. A H.im-r, Interest 77 0 Mary .1. lilausa. Interest 50 10 llenois Shovelln, Interest to CO K. A. I Inner, Interest 77 10 .Inc. I'ctcrS 04 00 Thomas Munis. Interest SO 00 Chai. Mendtou..., 40 O J (l.,ih. Hurler ma w. Abr I .iitholoinew. interest mm Aaron lioupt, bond nnd Interest..... 105 00 atary JilOlu', uuiio ami inivrvsi. v,w it l'ntrick O'Kotinell, Interest.... 5 no .Mary (lllltsnle. Interest vo oo Jacob McUlii'y, Intense to 00 1 1 null Mcllrouty. Interest.. to no Jas McOlnty, Interest 100 oi .in. MeUlmy, bond and Interest.... 1010 Ul Patrick Aleeban, bonu itml intorcsi,. tn uu 1. J. Klitlordntercft..., 127 08 Win. Malhearu, Interest tiU) Adam hnjder, 4 years Interest W 00 K, II. hnyder, 1 rcusurer. note and discount paid In b.ink SS0 10 Jas, Metiiniy, balance un Interest paid by l(. y. Holford, per re. celpt, (orucr 110) a lo Af.OJS 60 By Orders paid Repairs, Ue. J. Walp, rojalrs on roof It beaten.. t U. T, Hum, liquid lailnic. ito . 11. Kostenbader. bUcK.boardt... P. Il irtholuinew, black boards E. ll,Smder.Treas..mds. lurnlilied by J. L. Uubel L. II. .Notlisteln, carpenterwork.... V. Schwartz, book-case.- V fcicliwartt, chair seats (Jhas. Sctitnalo. lor slato K. ll.tnjder, Treasurer. Auditors, inase.f and Interest St 50 1S0 03 Insurance, Thorns Kemerer, nucnt ) 9 00 . O. Stroll, aicent , 29 08 Thomas Kemerer, agent 7 to t) 43 48 Sundries Account. Lewis Walck, Janitor, ha t) 100 2 II. I . Holford, report book 4 83 II. V. Moelhlmer, 1C90 ciroulars VI 0 Wm, Kapshcr, prof, services to June ises.: 10 00 11. v. Morthlmer, advertising report issj 10 M i: Nev, hard, collecting taxes 218 45 M, Hetliuan ft Co., coal 235 07 . si. Snider, Treasurer's salary to Juneltll W 00 R. F llolturd, secretary's sitary to .ItoelMI 75(0 47 13 ...e,5U-.0 ... 8.MI It Cr. Ily Orders paid Dr, To Receipts (pane, 40.., Overpaid by E II. Snyder, Treat ....$1 6 07 We, the undersigned dulyeietied Auditors of llm Horuuub ul I.flilllbton, Pa., do ixrtity that we have rxanln.! Ike fisivuoini; ue counts a ad vouahers. nnd find ihein eurreet lotbe Uitoluar koloJao and bellaf. ft. V I.OXO. H. HRKl'NKY. Auditor!. M. U TllEXLEH ) tthlfbtcn, June 0, 1891. wi-Juntll. 105 21 M mmhw 27. im96 25 Cents. Aro you failing try Wcils1 ITcaltii K1b- KETTEn, n pure, ciean, wuojesome I or urainj wen cs. womacn, i arcr. Kiancjs, Dhllla. DEBILITY & VEAKHESS. Klco to tnko, truo mcnt,unequalcel tat Syvcata, nervous vVcaknesRa I Mnlarla, Leonncs, Susual Dccllno. $1.00 per hot., o for rs.00 nt DrugBlsta. I E. S. Wells), Jersey City, 17. J U.S. A. I BuchU'-Paiba Itcmnrltnlilo Cures of Catarrh of the Blander, Inflammation, Irritation of Kid ners nnd Kladdcr. Btono or Gravel Dis eases of. tho Prostata Uland, Dropsical c-woumtrs, remain iiseosca, lnconem- e encoof Urlnoinll Iliscusesof tho flcnlto-1 Urinary Organs Itl citbef Sex. For Un healthy or Unnatural DUcnariferl Use also "Chardn's Inieef Ion Fleur." each 1. 1 For SYl'IIIMS, i Ithcr contracted or I iiercmuiry ramr, nso ejuapin a ioust-iiu-tlonlllttcrByrnp, Sl.OOpcr hottlo, eid Clunln's Smbllitle PU13. 2.00: rtndCha- pin's Sypldlltid Enlve, Sl.00. 0 bottles I byntp. s ot IH1?, 1 Kalvn, uy impress on receipt oi cuiva', crne.iruzrr.Eta. . . il 8. Wf-Li.s. Jersey Cltv. N. J.. U. ft. A. Legal Notice, TO HETTY KlSTliEfl, of Hatt I'enn, Cnfhon county, fit., 6h easo ol divorce obtained by V, A. Ulstler; of Farm, dale. Ohio, In Court of Outnmon l'leas ot New oik, on April 10, 1884 O. M. MUHUOOi Attorney, June II, 1884-wS 'autioato Farmers i; Tellers ForSafety In proenrlnrr Voai HAiti'iioSr iioitfen haV FORKS. errronlylhasohav- nir enereon an inuirins oiour ritAnu maiik. aud thereby tutu itttiin.iiticne leva. t:ntabuuonivlnirrell,i bio Information farn Isbcil Iree hy MI'(!S nod I'min.. A. J. N ELLIS tUl.MPANY, Pllllbnv, Pet. Also, Mt'ift Ncllls' Mounted nnd Floallmr Harrows, Aut'l Steels, O'in't'l FenclmcJIoid Utadcis, ieo. Juno 14 4w BLAINE Aitents wanted for as thentle edition Tit hit llle. Published at Au- L-usta, his horde I.arKest, handsomest chemist, Lest. Jy tho renowned historian nnd blou-rnpher- Col. c'onwell, whose life of llarflebl, published by us. outsold tha twenty others by 0,003. tlutsells every book ever publish d In this world; many nfrents are selling ftfly dally. AireniS Are making for. tunes. All new heKlnners sttecos-lull grand chance for them. 43.tO mnde by a lady n.ent iho first day. Terivt most llbeiaf. Particulars Iree, littler tend 15 cents b r postage, ete., ou free outfit, now ready. In cluding largo prospcctut book, nnd save vaU uable lime. Al.t.KN tt CO., Jauc It 2m AUgusta, Maine. DANIEL WIEANDV Carriages.Wapjohs.SieighSj &ti c-OBNrh or. BANK AM) IltOS SfUEETS, LEIliullTON, PariWA., Particular attention given to REPAIRING In all Its details, at the very Lowest Prlcel. ratronaat, retpeetfulty solicited and pot. feet satis f.etlou cuaratrteed. Jan.19.641y. DAN. WIEAKD, tflCC a wk at home. 5.01 out tit free. a' nh absuUiely ture. No risk. I ai tu! Vuu nt require.!. Reader, If you Irani bulla at wbieb inrsons of either ttt, old ryuunu. ean make ureal pay all ths tlmo' they wuile, wllh absolute certainly, mile i t rartteulart to H. Halistt kOo PtftUia, Milne. ifcAyll ' 17 65 i'l 50 M jJ U i oo ysiw c a (a