The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 14, 1884, Image 1

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    Advertising Rates.
The Carbon Advocate.
Art Independent Fatnllv TTeTrspaper
Published every BATtlRDAT, la
Lelilghton, Carbon Co., Pa., by
QmcB-nAS&WAY. a nhort dlslauca sOsrt
the Lehigh Valley It. n, Depov
Terms: $1.00 perAnnm in Atoce
Erzmr mrccrumox or rum in ntm
Job Printing
We desire t to Imj distinctly understood
that no advertisements wilt bo inserted In
too columns of Tin Ciun Adtocath that
frtsy be received from unknown parties or
nrmi umesa accompanied by ue oasn
The following are our only termit
ns souaRX (10 linisi.
One rear, each Insertion 10 eta.
n I .' 11. - I. 1 41
DI& lUVIUUOiCtHiU II1BVI ,,WM. .... ..-
Three months, each Insertion - 30 eta.
H. V. Mortiiimer, Jun'r, Publisher. INDEPElTDElj'T " LlVB ahfl Let Live." a Year if Paid in Advance.
VOL. XIL, No 30. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1884. If not paid in advance, $1.25.
Loss than three months, ttrst insertion
$1 1 eaeh subsequent Insertion 25 cU.
Local notice 10 cents rer lino.
H. V. MoaTHiixm.Jr., Publisher.
Attorneys & Counsellors.
attukneyjat law.
Of Fica-Crnar of Dank Strsst fc Bankwar,
lad building above the Carbon Advooale
Printing Offlee.
Way 1, lBSJ-mf tEIliallTOrT.-
m. u.vrsiiEit,
' Bans Stssit,Libiosto!(,Pi.
nl ..t.t enrf nnllaetlon Affene? Will nnjaod
all Real Kstate Conveyancing .iratlr done Col
1 atloni promptly inada. K Itllnp KMate of D-
f tenia 1 apadalty. Slay ba consulleu in r.niifn
a dUornan. Ncv.aZ,
Physicians and Dentists.
O FFUiE Hours at Pnrryvllle From a. in.,
to VI tn, dally.
Alar be consulted In the English or German
Language. May IT. '84.
m:uiiami:u, n v.,
ajpeelal attention paid to Chronic Diseases.
Olflee: South liast corner Iron and 2ni ts.,I.e
Bl(hten,Pa. Aprl' 3M875.
It. KKBEK, SI. I).
V. S Kxamlnlng Snrgeon,
rr.AGTtciso piiysioias and sotianoN.
Or.ncs; Hank Street, IIEBttt'b ULOCK, Lehixh
ton, ra.
May be eonsmted In the Ottm m Language
Not. JA
May be consulted In the Herman or English
nrinn 'i,palto Uurtlng's Drug store,
bAMCSt., Lnhlghton. Pa.
W. A. Cortright, D.D.S.,
OFFICE : Opposite the "Broadway House,"
Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Patients hare the benefit ofthe l itest Im.
provaments In ino.-hmtul nnidlances and
the U;it lueth'ilsorirmtracnt In all surgical
eases. ANjESTHUnn nilnilnlfteitil II
aalrei!. If poal',le, persons residing outside
of Alaueh Uhunlc should m ike eugnif'-menls
by mall. lV Yl
j. w. KAunEtfnusif, proprietor,
H ask St., t.smoitTox, Pa.
The na.isox Hotisit lfers flrst-class accom
modations to I ho Traveling public llordln
by tha lliy or Week on Iteasnnablo Terms.
iinoiee uncart, yihus aim ,.niuuie umij-m
band. iloj Sheds am!
siauies. wiiu aiten-
tire lUitUrs, iittaohe l.
Aurll to-yt,
jpCKEUTOS iion.ii.
Ill 1 way between Mauch Chunk & Lehighton
Packertoa, Penn'a.
This wf 11 known holel Is admirably refltled,
and h is the best accommodations lor uerman
ent and transient boarders. Excellent table
and the rei'y belt liquors. Also tine stables
attached. Sept. 10-yl.
Mauch Chunk House,
Susquehanna Street, Mauch Chunk. Penna,,
T. P. PBilK, I'roprlolor.
When visiting at the County Seat this
Hotel will found tn be llrst-class In erory rei
peot. Wines. Liquors, l.auer llcer. Ulnars
and other Refreshments nf purest quality at
the liar. Terms rery moderate. Patronage
lolielled. SepU2JJ18S2
Beer" Saloou aid Restaurant,
1143 Vine St., rhiUaelpMa.
Dennis Gilbert, Proprietor.
The Par Is funrlshed with choice Clears.
Freud Lag-r, and other rtfrcshinenti. 1'or
out iroin llio Lehigh Valley visiting Phila
delphia are respectlully Invltrd tn give me a
Sail. AittftittD uibODni
March 2, PSt-tf.
Livery & Sale Stables
UAMK8TaKKr.l,ltlllOHTl)M, Pa
nd voatUrely LOWER PRICES than any
ether Livery in the Coanly.
Large and handiome Carriages lor Panera
oirsoies and Weddlnis. DAVID EODKRT
Not. J2. tall
Kespeetlully anntmnes to the nubile that he
onnretion with his hotel, and Is prepared to
famuli Teams iur
Faisrals WeMiajs or Bnsiuess Trips
n shortest notice and most liberate erms. All
orders left at the "Oarb.m House" will rroelre
urenpt attention, stable on norm n'reei
next theiiotel, Lelilgliton. anzTi
r. A. Lehman. Solicitor of American
and Forewn Pients, Washlngten. I. tl. All
business connected with Patents, whether
betore Tne rateni uwee nr 1110 uouris,
promptly attended to. No charge made nn
less a p at tut Isccured. send for circular.
OMNTUK nnETVEY.Iashlonable
llii.iv anil NnnK ftl akkr. liana at.
L,ehlghton. All wora warrauieu.
I I Mf niaimsa sprelaliy. and WAK
It IM I I It AN I S. A II II 1 T 1 11 M A
lrl LllllME-iTKAII tlEliriFHJAT.
V3 and all kinds nf LAM) SCRIPT bought
and sdd. I.irge Sto-k, and Highest Prices
mid. I In yi'U want to sell or buy! Jt so,
Write to A. A THOMAS, Attorney ai,
Washington, II. u. )an.o-uo,
Send eo. fornostage. and re
ft rnl.H.
which w 11 heln rou to more
money right away than anything owe in inn
world. All. of either sex, lurcned from flril
hoar. -The broad read to fortune opens be
fore tn workers, absolutely sire. At onoe
address Tnr & Ce. Atsgusta,Me. ty I
Thomas' Drug Storo.
I MS i-d
O p S 3 H 3 CD
Pj Ci a u ra
ra m ti.
I? Ol B 1 & M
bsa 5 t-3 c CD m
kT M 8 CO W
W Be 0! p S
O f3i l ra ha
PC t Qj
s r p
E S y CD
CD O ra o
S ?Mp O
? pj
Cansesno Paiu.
Gives Relief at
Once. JW
ireatait will
pre. Hot a
Mm. Gi76 it a Trai..
(0 rents at Pri KKlsts. CO rents by mull
registered. Senil lor (Mrcutnr.
dec-M-yl Dnigo, N. Y.
The following Companies are Represented:
LU1I1 Oh FIltK. and the
Also Pennsvlranlt and Mutual Horse Thle1
etectireand In.urnuie Cninpanr.
ror thowo klnir claM. Send lOcts
for postaife, and wn will mail you
ri-t. a royal, valuable lioxnf pamplo
iroods that will put you in tha way of maklnt?
uiorb money in a ien tiny innn yu ever
thou ulit I'ttpslblr at nny litislnrrs. c'iHttl
nni rraulrcil. We will tart yu. You enn
work all tho time or In fpnre time only, Tha
wurkls unlvrrsully mlaptcd to I'Oth Ptet
you n ic anil old. You enn easily ram 1mm 60
cenla to $5. CO every crenlnic. That all who
wntwnrK iiiHTieBtine nu?incf?. wo maKo
this unparallofed ofTcr ; to all who are not
well Put If fled we will tend (1 to i ay tor the
riium el wrlilnirus Jr ul I particulars, ill
rectlnns, tc., p-nt Irc. Forlunca will bo
mart by those who uivo ibelr wliolo time to
work, tlreat fuccets ntisoluie lyfiirc. Don't
delay. Stan now. Address Summon & t'o ,
rartianu, Maine. uecia-iy-
Dr. C. T. Horn,
Central Drug Store,
Opposite tho " Carbon House,"
Bonk Street, Lehighton, Pa.,
Keeps a full supply of
Pure Drugs & Medicines,
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Stationery & Choice Cigars.
Choice Wines and Liquors for Medicinal
purmM-s. Prescriptions very carefully com
pounded, day or night.
ALSO, Just received, an Immense itoek ol
Newest and most Popular Designs In
Wall Papers
which he Is offering at Prices fully as low as
the same qualities and Patterns can begot
In the Cities. If you are about redecorating
your home, call and tee styles and learn the
prices beforo purcliailnic elsewhere.
Remember, Til E CENTRAL DltUU Store,
Peb.2.-yl DB.U.T. HORN.
wanted Tor the Lives of all the
Presidents er the U. S. The
Inruest. handsomrtt. best boolc
ever sold for lets than twice our price. The
fastest lelllnK book In America Immense
prchts tn aKcnts. All Intelligent people want
It. Any one can become a succecslul axent.
Terms free. IIallxtt Rous Co., Portland,
Jdalne. declo-yl
Mills an! Mill Mies m the LotiMt
Heal Estate ant Loan Apts,
Money Loaned, I Information as to
Tirms for Rate,
Gov't U nrt. Land)
Cheerfully furolebsd
Jt isiness Chano'S.
sr AMnua tvintwobtu fitok.
When tho day Is done and the shadows fall
Over the earth like a dusky pall,
Then from the mystic, the silent drep
Rises the beautiful Angel Sleep.
O'er field and forest he spreads his wings
Where the cricket chirps and the wood-bird
And the murmur of voices dies away,
Stilted by the Angel calm and gray.
Human passions that surge and swell
Are silenced soon 'nealb the mystic spell,
And tlrrd hearts that are used tn weep
Yield to the power of tho Angel Sleep.
Softly he broods till the morning gray,
Then as noiselessly glides away,
And the spell is lifted and hearts again
Take up their burden of care and pain.
Wo call him Deatlil 'Tis the Angel Sleep
That comes at last Irom the silent deep
And smooths lorever the brow of care,
And calms the fever of passion there.
So we sleep and rest, till, the morning gray
Breaks nnco more, of an endless day,
And into (lie mystic, the unknown deep
Flies forever Iho Angel Sleep.
'What la It, Smithern?" Bald Mrs. Bel
laira to her laity'a-ronid.
"Nothing, ta'va," she replied; only"
"Ouly wbul?"
'One white bair, m'm."
Mrs. Uellairs sat before ber toilet glass,
while her mold manipulated her jet
black tresses, Smttbers, in stopping
short In the operation, hnd insensibly
been betrayed into mukitig a slight ges
tura of surprise. The incident was seen
in th mirror by her mistress, and cari
osity prompted her to question ber maid
on the matter.
"Impossible!" said Mrs. Bellairs, in n
most incredulous tone.
"If you will per nit toe, m'm, I'll ra
move it."
Tho moid took the oflendiug silvery
thread between thumb and index-finger,
mid with a sharp jerk pulled it out.
Mrs. Iii-llairs gave n subdued shriek.
She took the bair from ber muid and
looked at it a moment iu mute contem
plution, ntid tbea said, nol without u
tremor in her voice:
"True, SiuitberB. You are right; it is
a white beir."
The morning for Mrs. UellairR bad be
gnu badly; how was the evening to enn?
In the upper ranks of socieiy we often
ace uonieu oil whom nge appears lo
niuko no impression. With freedom
from care nnd niuiety they p iss their
diiyn in enjoyment, and do not get old.
but rather ripen, like ehoice fruit, nith
out losing their fresltuehs nud beauty.
Mrs. Uelluirs was one of these n rich
widow on the right hide of 40 one ol
tiro lrnderN of society, nud popular alike
with men aud women That she bail
been a beauty would be an incorrect as.
sertiou. for ber attractions cannot bi
spoken of iu the past tense. Never bad
she more admirers tbau in the zetiitli ol
ber chnrms. and that she remained Mr,
Bellairs was due solely to ber own
Now (bat the qnestion of it was foreed
upon ber, sheptrceived that a slightly
growing tendency toward embonpoint
might ultimately spoil her figure, while
a careful consideration of her complex
ion revealed the uuplenBant fact that its
peach like frtsbuess bad sotuev, hat faded.
The proverbial skeleton, too, ws in her
cupboard, clothed iu flesh nud blossom
ing to womanhood, in tbe shape of a
lovely and charming daughter. Ethel
Bellairs was not ''out," ns Mrs. Bellairs
refused to abdicate in favor of her
The widow played with her breakfast,
glsnied at the Morning Post, nnd, toss.
int herself cn tbe sofa, took up a French
novel by Xuvier Dnplan, entitled "Moth,
er aud Daughter."
She read as follows, "lime. Dalbrnn
waj 40. Iu tbe springtime of life, ac-
cordiug to her own view; in the autnmn
of it, as seen by others. Still handsome
and a rich widow, she possesses every
thing to make life attractive. Sbo was
blessed with ouo daughter, 17 years of
age, who iuberited all her mothers grace
and beauty."
Mrs. Bellairs became deeply absorbed.
Skippiug a few pages, it continued:
"During their visit to Spa one young
man of noble appearance attracted Mmr.
Dilbiuu'a attention. At tbe gaming
tables he played recklessly, and v, on or
lost with the same enay composure. An
acquaintance made at the Bedonte ripen
ed into intimacy, and at balls, concerts,
and tbe Promonide de Sept-IIeureg the
Count do Gaston was tbe constant at
tendaut of Mme. Dalbrun aud her
The count, of course, was in love
with Mme. Dalbrun," said Mrs. Bellairs
prcnhttively, "so let us come to tbe In
evitable proposal," aud she turned over
three or four chapters.
"He loved her, Everything tended to
convluce her of this his attentions, tbe
frequency of bis vUlte, and tbe fact that
be had given up gambling at the tables
for ber sake. This thought plunged
Mme, Dalbrun in a moat delightful in.
toxicatton. In tbe blight picture of tbe
future, however, ta sketched by herself,
the disparity in their ages would persiat
in obtruding and gliding inopportunely
on it like a serpent among fl iwert.
Tbe count entered with a solemn and
subdued demeanor, whloh contrasted
somewhat with bis usual easy and famil
iar air. 'Need I explain, madame, the
object of this visit?' i-aid Count de Gas
ton. 'If tnyTsfbole conduct for tbe last
few weeks has not shown that lam in
love, my words yesterday must have
proved it,'
" 'Are yon cure, Monsieur le Cnmte,
that you really ate in lovt?' asked lime,
" 'At first 1 doubted it,' gravely an.
Ion Butler's Boom.
Ex-Governor B. F. Butler Is'inquestionubly receiving tbe benefit of n boom of
considerable preteusio-is. Ills loinlaation fur President by tbe Greenback Libor
Convention, whiub follows npou that tendered him by the Anti-Monnpol-
1st Convention Iu UUtctgo Is, tolsay tne least ol It, an actual nomination. To be
sure, it was uot unanimous, abut 100 delegitos in nn assembly of about 450 hav
ing refused to voto fir him unibr auy ciroamdnnoas whatever. Nevertheless, it
is n nomination, and a mau "u'jo goes int the field" (and we use the word here
in tbe sense iu which racing men employ it) with two nomination! to bis credit
nud three or four lnnro about to fall dus is uot to bo despised as n candidate. It
is very well understood that Butler proposes to be himself "tbe field" Tbe Be
punlican uomiuatiou being tbe duly one which he bas not reached outnfler. There
were murmurs nnd eyen bolts from the Anti-Monopoly Convention in Chicago,
and seme of tho ring-strmked md speckled rielegtles of tbe motley throng vowed
that tbe convention bad been corruptly "fixed" for Boiler. But tbe redoubtable
ex-Governoor of Massachusetts ountit to be
Gen. Ben Butler is one of tbe sqmrest
humbug. He is willing to be President,
htm. lie has opinions of bis ovu, and be
are popular and some are not; but this mike no difference to Butler. For instance,
he Is in fivor of n or ul'i ited lucom t ttx.
protection upon agricultural interests;
American manufactures.
wered De Gaston, 'fearing to confound
a passing inclination with an enduring
affection. All my doubts have vanished,
and tho lioppiutss of my life depends
upon n union of which you are the ar
bitress.' "How explicitly beBtntesItl' thought
Mme. Dalbrun, who did not perceive
that tbe tlooropeued and Millie. Dalbrun
bad entered tbe room.
" 'She whom I love, madame.' con
tinned De Gastou. 'is present. Behold
herl It is vonr daugbtei!'
"The declaration came like a tbuiider
bolt on her hopes. Mme. Dalbrun was
slunued; she turned ioycold; her eyelids
drooped, and ber pulse almost ceased to
beat. A lalnt-like languor seiZ:d ber
as the count and her daughter ran to ber
" -It Is coining,' said the mother.witb
marvelous 6elf-ontrol and utmost super
human effort. 'Ouly a passing nflVctirn
caused by tbe sudden thought of being
so toon separated from the object of my
deepest love.'
'Turning to De Gaston and her dangb
ter, Mme. Dalbrun saw that they under
stood each other, and as tbo count Im
reaaad n lfisa upuu bir 1'orcbeaO tbe
sound was the death-knell of her last
"Smitbers," said Mrs. Bellaiis, "lay
out Miss Ethel's bull dress. I shall take
her to-night to Lady Noitbcolt's."
The same evening Mrs, Bellairs np
peared iu a somewhat subdued robe, and
wm, as usual, the ceuter of an admiring
group ot men.
"May I have tbe pleasure, Mrs. Bel
lairs, of the next lacctra?" asked Sir
Beaumont Dauvers.
"Thanks, Sir Beaumont; I nni not
danciug to-night I laye found a sub
stitute uud claim exemption for tbe fu
ture. Let me introduce you to my
daughter. '
The sacrifice bad caused a pang.
Duty triumphed ovir beauty. The bud
diug rose blossomed, and Mrs. Bellairs
became a wall Hotter.
Alexander Pope sayt: "Beauty draws
us with a aiugle hair." The powers of a
bair are further exemplified by Smltber's
discovery, for beautilul Mrs. Bellairs
withdrew from tbe scenes of her former
triumphs through the influence of one
white hair.
Mother an' me an' faytber lived qnlet
aud happy like iu a little country place.
We had the farm to keep us, an' when
crops were good we bad everything we
wauted; but at last we notice when
faytber came home, his face was scarlet
aud bis eyes heavy. Mother began to
grow white aud anxious-like wbeu be
went to town with corn aud poultry, aud
sometimes went to meet him, and once
f.ijtber lay down iu the wagon while
mother drove the horses. Tbey were a
bit spirited, and yet I didn't know why
she looked so wistfully At biui. Little
by little tbe crops began to fail, some-
b w good luck didn't come, an' faytber's
work went for naught, an' mother's
clothes were gettiog shabby, but she
kept up the bravo, cneerful heart,
nud uever let on bat she was as
happy as in the old days. Faytber
wasn't tbe same to me; be was distant
like, and didn't care to bear me sing my
Forward, boyf, hurrah, we'll Jon tbe glori
ous fray.
We'll hoist our flsir and on to Tlotorr.
Tha light shall win the day,"
He ued to jolu iu the chorus with his
deep voioe, and such a happy time as we
did have but peared like them dtya was
past and the evil ones r drawiu' nigh.
One morning airly ma faytber went
with cabbage to sell to tbe market.
Mother bad au elegant dinner for bim,
but be wasn't home to eat It, an' an' snp-per-tlme
came, au' no faytber back. Tbe
cream-toast and frizzled dried beef an
briled chicken dried up on the apron of
the stove, an' 9 o'clock csme au' no algu
ye. At 12 u a weut down tbe road to
look for him, an' there, nnder Priuce's
feet, lay poor old faytber. Tbe patient
old horse seemed to know it was
hie dnty to care for him, an' Fido ait
there, too, watching oyer3nq. "Oh,
Frank! dear Frank P au mother 'burst
out again. Prinoe whinnied and Fido
barked joyfully to think we'd com for
poor taytuer.
uble to silence these and oth-r cavilers.
men in tbe world nnd the freest Irom
nnd ba says so to everybody who asks
avows them like a mau. Smie of them
and o; a tan II wuicu snail bestow special
aud he likewise wauts protection for
An' jnst then came along a neighbor
mau. "He isn t worth all this devotion.
said John Harden.
'Yon forget yon are speaking of my
husband," said mother.
Yes, madam, 1 did forget, but it
made me so mad to think Frank would
treat so good a wife this wt.y, au' to be a
ruuulu' after the cursed rum; it's a
My ryes were opened. I knew of girls
who had drunken fnytbers, but nevir
thought of mine bein' one. So now I
knew what faytber's sick Fpells were.
We pot bim borne, au' when he came to
he was sbumed and sorrowful for what
he'd done, but be went at it again. The
cords held him fust.
Sometimes tie was jolly and good, but
ofteui-r cross, and our comforts were not
so plentiful. Mi t'ler patched more nnd
more, nn' faytber worked less, an" well,
I can't say tbe rest.
One day the officers came after Bossy,
onr very best cow. "It's my very best
cow, an' my daughter's pet; I cau't spare
ber, gentlemen," said mother decidedly.
"Sorry to take ber, but yer man owes
B irnelt, aud he has levied on this ani
mal " With that abo turned while au'
weut into ibe house, an' never mentioned
to faytber tbe cow was gone: He tried
to quit tbeu, bat Barnett had an eye up
on our stock, an' be got it all, every one
of 'em. Poor faytber couldn't quit when
be was so tempted
Another winter came on, an' all our
apples went to Barnett, our cellar didn't
have much to eat iu it, and faytber wasn't
home much.
I didn't darest go to school. Tbe boj s
and girls luffed at my fady dresses nn'
called me Kutby 'case I cried so much
But I couldn't help it, as ofteu I'd find
faytber iu tbo fence-corner, drunk, bis
bat pulled down over his eyes, an' all
rags aud patches. I couldn't bear tbe
scholars to jeer bim, for I love me fay
tber if be did drink.
Night after night mother an' me went
to find him, au' sou ebow got him home.
Oue bitter night we were so uneasy like
W9 could not bleep, au' we buntod every
where, au' stayed out till after midnight,
out did not find him.
Mother was chilled through. She held
me close to her heart, an' she shivered
au' her head was hot, an' I beard ber
prayln' God to tako care of Frank.
In tbe morning mother was out of her
bead an' buruin' with fever, and at night
some men brought faytber bome, almost
dead from tbe cold. They worked with
him, an' kind nurses came and stayed at
our bouse.
Faytherand mother both came to their
senses before they died, an' it was a sor
rowful time then, but tbey loved each
other through it nil. "Oh, Mary, sez
be, "I've been tbo death of ye, but I did
love ye, even when a brute. It is to Iat6
for God to forgiye me, and you, too,
Mother was past speakio' much, but
oh. the love-lfght shone in ber eyes.
She was faithful to the lovo of her youth
to the very last.
They died only a day apart; mother
went first, and faytber never knew any
thing more after his talk.
Without pretending to give an editorial
opinion of a remedy ol which we know
personally, we desire to ask those of our
readers who are afflicted with scrofulous
r other diseases of the blood, to examine
and test the claims of Hood's Sarsaparilla.
It comes lo us with high individual en
dnrsements, is compounded by practical
druggists, and Is mails nf materials recog
nlied as valuable by all physicians.
"Do yon luaure persons engaged in
dangerous ocenpatiom?'' asked a man
with a sling over bis eye and who hob
bled into tbe offioa with a crutch,
"Certainly," replied tbe life Insurance
agent, "we Insure men who work in
dynamite factories and powder mills."
"Then I want my life insured for three
tbontaad dollars," aaid the man hobbling
to tbe desk,
"What Is your business?''
"I am tbe official umpire of a base
ball league."
"Cau't insure yon.''
"Why, I thought yon just said tbat
you "
"That's all right, bat w can't take
such ft heavy -risk as yours. We've got
to driw-.thtlict omewbr.
Those who loye cannot be parted
Though the sea may roll between,
And the mountain, stony-hearted,
Grim aud stern msy Intervene.
For where'er a flower Is blooming,
Or a song bird trills his lay,
There, a thousand forms assuming,
Love wilt surely find Us sway.
Faces in the flushing heaven,
Morning's gorgeous portraiture I
Faces in tbo skv at even,
Limned in tracery obscuro.
Happy dreams, with loving gestures,
Beckon through the balls of sleep,
Memories In snowy vestures
Watch and ward foreyer keep.
Love hnlh many a tender token
For the night nnd for the day,
Every barrier Is broken,
Naught can stop him on his way.
Philadelphia Call.
"1 tell yon frankly, L9is, that she is
very fascinating at times, though the
most brnrllesn, wicked flirt that I eyer
met. Witb tbo most faultlexs faco and
figure, tbe most brilliant talents, wealth
and position, Geraldine Churchill wins a
heart to crush it witb tbo most cutting
sarcasm and coldest cruelty. She pre
tends to look upon nil wooers as mer
cenary seekers niter the heiress, but this
isherexcuseforthe caue of ber heartloss
"Yon are harsh, L!zzie," Baid Dr.
Lewis llogau, smiling on bis little sister
"No, I am only true. Xou have never
seeu her, aud you have been nway so
long, I bave seen her so cold and cruel
that I wanted to warn you."
"Aud wo meet ber to-night?'
"Yes. She is seme relation of Mrs.
Lou'j, and is always at her parties. Now',
tell me all about your journej?"
Geraldine Churchill was standing un
der tbe blaze of a large chandelier when
Lewis llogau and his sister eutered Mrs.
Lee's parlors. Her flush of prnud beauty
and ber regal figure was carried witb
queenly grace. On tbo bands of jetty
bair that swept iu broad braids low ou
her neck sparkled diamond stats, and
Iho folds of black velvet fell round tbe
full figure in rich masses. In spite of
tbe warning Lewis could not repress a
a start of admiration.
Lewis found himself drawn into des
criptions of travel aud easy conversation
by tbat manner tbat bad tbe highest
charm, that of putting strangers perfect
ly at ease. He left ber at last, dazzled
nnd amazed, yet owning somewhat tbe
truth of Lizzie's assertions. There hed
beeu flisbes of wit that ent deep and ko u
into friend"' foibles. ptiDgeut sarcasm-'.
and sharp satrical phrases that told tco
clearly of the indifference for wotiLded
Many times in the coming season tbey
met, and Liwis threw caution and pru
dence to the winds, yet be kept bis love
Geraldine Chnrcbill suddenly vanish
ed. Mrs. Lee said she ha 1 gone into
the country to reside. Ljwis llngan
shut up his longing heart and turned
brave face to the world, lie was uo
puny, whining lover.
Far nway from the city, where she had
queened it so successfully for one short
winter. Geraldine Churchill lived iu n
small cottage home in a small village.
Witb the crimson gone from ber cheeks,
the light gone from ber eyes, iu n plain
dark dress, the late belle moved among
tbe poorest it her neighbors, bearing uo
trace of the belle, save In ber winning
smile and haughty tones. In tbe cot
tige, where the sick moaning sufferer
craved woman s care, ber band was ever
ready to minister, her voice to sooth
At first whispered, then iu tbe loud cry
of terror rose the sound of despair, an
infectious fever of the most trying de.
scriptiou was raging iu the little village.
Seeking it up and down, in the lowest
cottagi or tbo respectable farmhouse,
Geraldine Churchill nmsed, comforted
and tended tbe sufferers. Volunteer
doctors bad come from cities wltbiu
reach of the cry of woe. By one bed-
aide, where the pale flush of death bad
followed the fever-flush, Lewis Itogan
again met Geraldine Churchill. She
bad been watching many weary nights,
and as she raised ber weary bend from
beudlug over the corpse of ber patient
her eyes met Lewis Rogan's bent in ad
miring tenderness upon her. She was
tired, weak aud ill, aud with a cry upon
ber lips, Bhe stretched forth ber aram
nnd fell fainting at his feet. It was tbe
beginning of a ftver fastened upon a
frame exbausted by long nursing. Ly
ing helpless and unoonscious for days,
there were not wanting nurses for tbe
nnble woman who suffered for them.
Not a well band In tbe village but what
was stretched forth for ber; not an eye
in tho village bnt what shed tears for ber
danger. Formost of all stood Lewi
Rogatt Willing nurses aided bim, and
bis devotion was unwearied. Sick,
feeble and dependent, she was a thous
and fold more dear to bim than when
she swayed all hearts in ber regal beauty.
He won ber from death's crasp, pray ful
ly and skillfully, and meekly she owned
that she owed tbe boon ot ber life to bis
It was when tbe winter frosts bad
xwept away tbe fever that be told ber bis
love aud patience.
"You love me," she said tenderly.
"Listeu, while I tell yon my story. Five
years ago, here iu this little village, I
listened to such n tale.trom lips that had
long before charmed my heart away. I
was rich and courted then; bnt one
month later my father died, nnd I wis
left poor and nameless, proved an adopt
ed child and forgotten Iu Ibe will. Other
brim came to claim all. I .tartecl out in
tbe world to teach. He I told you of de
srtedroe, took all tbe wealth of toy tint
lovo and threw it aside to woo again n
richer maiden. Then I grew hardened!
I will not tell you what a desert place
life stemsW after I looked on tbo loveless,
lone path beforo me. For years I tolled
ou in my sohool, till last fall, when the
will of my adoptod lather was found aud
was again rlob. Witb a heart full of
bitterness I vowed my vegeanco upon all
men, nnd wrote to Mrs. Lee, my adopted
father's cousin, to ask an introduction to
socieiy. I knew my power nnd used it
ruthlessly. Let it pass. 1 soon found
tbat I was playing with edged tools, for
Lewis," and her vcice fell "I love you!
So I came bome to forget nnd try to
atouo for my folly by doiug some good
in my corner here."
"And I find you my love to offer n
life's service to mnko you forget tbe
patuful past, to find tbe warm, loving
heart under n crust of ice.''
"Rough on Bats" clears out rats, mice ISc.
"Rough on Corns," for corns, bunion. s lie.
Thin people. "Wells' Hcallli Renowcr" re
stores health and vigor, cures uvsnjnjia, ic.
Rough on Toothache," instant relief. ISc
Ladies who would retain freshness and
vlyacity Juu't fall to try "Wells' Health
"Bucliu-paiba," great kidney and urin
ary cure.
Files, roaches, ants, bed hues. rals. mice.
cleared out by "Rutigh on Itals" 15u
Rough on Coughs;" troches, lie; liquid 25c
For children slow In development, puny
nnd delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer"
Riush on Dentist" Tooth Towder Try it
Nervous weakness, dyspepsia, sexual de
bllity cured by "Wells' Health Renewer
Mother Swan's Worm Syrup, for fever-
ishness, worms, constipitiiin; tasteless 25c
Stiniiing, irritation, all kidney and urin
ary complaints cured by "Buchu-palba" $1
Night sweats. Over, chills, malaria, dys
pepsio, cured by "Wells' Health Renewer"
My husband (writes a ladv) Is three limes
the mini 6iuco using "Wells' Health Re
If you are failing, broken, worn nut and
nervous, use " Wells' Health Kenewer" Si
Prevalcnceof kidney complaint in America;
'Bucliu paiba' is a quick, completo cure, 1$.
Subscribe for aud read the Advocate
it contaius all tbe latest local news up to
tho time of going to press.
He would bo hard-hearted indeed
who would Ktclt-opoo Indian.
No man can obey two masters, but
lr q'leully be baB to obey his wire and
his mother-in-law.
"A Wife's Greatest Trial" is tho title
of a new book. We bave not read it.but
suspect tbat it is her husband.
will euro all kinds nf blond poisoning, in
heritcd or contracted, Rnl.l by Dr. Horn,
Lehighton, and E A Horn, Weifsport.
Wby are ladies' eyes like friends
separated by distant climee,? Because
tbey correspond but never meet.
Chinese barbers shave without lath
er. This reminds us that our old school
master used to lather without shaving.
A bachelor isn mau who has lo4
the rpportunlty of mnklug n woman
miserable," so says Lillie Devercaux
Dr. lirnyes' Heart Regulator cures all
forms of Heart disease, nervousness and
slee plessness.
He didu't want to call the other fel
low n hog. but he said that if he was
smoked nnd sliced np he would make
gojd ham sandwiches.
Haiidpaiuted bonnets with parasols
to nntcb wilt be niuoh worn at watering
place. Ilandpainted complexions will
be worn ns usual.
Why not take the subscription paper
for tbe Birtboldt statue np to Sing Slug?
There men there who would give a
good deal for liberty.
An English journal nays no poet has
yet worn the Barter. The Sweet Singer
of Michigan demolishes this assertion by
declaring that she wears two.
malitm ore but I ml in, tors of impure blond'
Acker's Blood Elixer is Ibe remedy. Sold
by Dr Horn, Lehighton, and E A Horn,
The first record of a ballot show Is
found in that part of the Bibln where
Moses is spoken of ns coming down from
Sinai and finding the men of Israel bow
ing before a calf.
She was young and bad a pretty face
and n Gainsborough hat, but when she
nsked if an nplary was not a place where
they kept monkeys tbe spell was broken
and tbo cbarm vanished.
When tbo musical critics of Cincin
nati are notwritiug, they are working In
the lard factories. That acoonuts for
tbe frequency nf the statement tbat "the
piece was well rendered." us found in
concert notion.
GUARANTEED to cure a cold or cough
Acker's celebrated English Remely. Sold
by Dr C T Horn, Lehighton, and E A Horn,
Mayoi Edion is the most conaoieuti-
ous mau we know of. Ha alms to be al
ways imparttal In his opinions, aud con
sequently he always stands while riding
in n horse car. People can t sit down he
says, without taking sides.
It has been stated, and some sports
meu will no doubt be sorry to bear it,
that a fishing-polo has been invented
tbat registers every fish oanght. This
will do away with all fish stories, inas
much ss tbe angler with a pole that
doesn't register will always be regarded
with suspicion.
Subscribe for tbe Advocatt, only
oue dollar a year.
A little girl bad been visiting tbe
"ragged school," and was sadly grieved
witb the rags and dirt of tbe poor chil
dren. At night, when sbe came to say
ber evening prayer, sne added to her
usual petition these words: "And bless
tbe poor ragged children; give them
kind fathers and mothers, and new
clothes, nnd give them all a bath."
The society of women is tbe element
of gmd manner'.
The followiug excuse was written lo
a Southbrtdge school teacher: "Tomle
atade horn' cuz be bad no olose and tbats
excui ennff god nose." Totnis was "ex-kured."
tUtltTM Ud CUT J
Sciatica, Lumbejo,
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qcixst, swiLLtxoe;
Sortncss, Cuts, Brains,
And all otter U4nr Mies
and llas,
nni enn 1 torn
Sela tij til DrattlMe sal
nc&leri. Dlruqiwu la U
His Ckules A.V: jtltr O.
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For Something Very Nice iu the Way f
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Boots ant Shoes Male to Order
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Low as elsewhere. Your patronage Is vcr
cordially Inrltcd. Maylo-me
i 3
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KIDXUYS at the same time.
Uocanso it cleansea tho srstttn of depoiaon.
oua nuaiora tliat dovolopo la Kidney and Uri
nary Siaeaaes, XtlUouaneas, Jaundice, Constipa
tion, Plica, or In Xtnetunatlam, Nauralela, ITei- '
voua Siaordera and all remale Complaint.
ts-soun moor or rws.
it wixx, strnTtT.y uuhzj
Sy causing TTLES2 ACTIOIT cf all tho organs
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rcatorlna; tho normal power to throw of rttsiwae.
of thft worst forms of these terrible disease
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nucr, at. i.iqvid nn nnr, sou dt dkuccuts.
Dry can be aoat by mau.
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For Bargains in
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Bank St., Lehighton.
May 10, 1M-
Tb Complete Bone PWpMe !
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one of the Best Fertilizers
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Crops and GARDEN
LEIinUTON, ri AprtU-l