aggg l.KlllailTON. I'A.i EATVIttUY, JUJCP.7, 1881.... Eatorod at (bo LchlgUton poit-officc 03 Gcooiid Class Mull Matter. VALEDICTORY. Aflcr having been in tlio Lanicpa for a period of nearly hulfa century ns printer unit publisher, and thirteen years in bus!- na-u In LcUigliton. vro find oursclf com pitied, oa account of fulling health, to submit totho advice of our physician and sovcr our connection with tho Carbon AdV0Cte, in order to scctiro eonio suit' able, occupation that will bo raoro con- u aclvo to our health. In retiring from the publication of tho Advocate wo re turn onr Biuccro thanks to the citizens of Lchlghton and the surrounding portion of Curbon county for the liberal manner i.Xwhich they have supported us during tho pnstycars of our sojourn among them. Tho Advocate to-day, in popularity, stands second to none in the county, mid, as in tho past, so in the future under its new management, it will continuo to be the 1-ArEU rem the people, and merit tlio patronage heretofore given. In tak ing leave of our patrons, we bespeak for our successor, llAUBV V. Mohthimek, Jn., tho confidenco and support of the public, believing that he will fully main tiin tho standard of excellence of tho Advocate, and by polite attention to (lie w.ints of his friends and gentlemanly de portment win many new friends to his support. Very truly your.', II. V. MojmnsiEB, Sit. In assuming tho publication of the Caheos Advocate, wc would simply state that wo shall endeavor to keep its columns- pure and chaste in sentiment and expression; local affairs will claim our especial attention; calumny and vin dictive personalities will always bo ex eluded from our columns, and our aim will be to make it a paper for the whole TEOPLE. Our Job Printing Department is furn ished with a neat and fashionable assoit mcnt of material, to,which will bo added new novelties in type as they appear. Trusting to merit a continuanco of the hitherto liberal patronage bestowed upon the establishment, wo assume our duties. All contracts mado by our predecessor will bo faithfully carried out. Very truly, II. V. Mortihuek, Jn. Tnn IiEV. Lisais LiurM.vx, pastor of the Pre&bjtennu church at Jamaica, L I., recently told his congregation that an "angtl trom heaven could uot con Tinea liim lbat U. S. Grant nud soat. were not rjimlly guilty with Ferdinand Ward." Alt. LauipinanKaid tLey should uot be called dofrtiilten, bnt.tbteves. Cbicaoo News: TLo meteorological Mr Vtnnor prtdicts cold weather lor the first week Id July, ami we ore inclined to believe that tbn prediction will prove true. Therefore Mr Morrison, Mr. Wat- tenon? nud Mr. Ilurd will do well to wear tbeir winter flannels when, they eome to Chicane The debt stntpnieut shows the decrease In the public deM dnnne the mouth of Way to he $1703 211. DccretFO since June 30, 1883, $01 82.1 711; c.iih in the Treasury, $389 3C8 637; pold i-eriiflontea enlstuuding, S93.812.2G0; silver ccrtill eatcsoa'atanditg, $117,300,091; certiti catea of deposit outstanding, Sll.O.'O.OOO: refunding- certificates, 5291.100; lexl tenders ontstHuding, S31G 631.01G: frne- tloaal currency (not including amount estimated as lost or destroyed), $0 081, 370; cash balance available, 5147,817,600 CososEs baa gone into the linalness ef erecting pnblic buildings at this ars ion by wholesale. So for no lens tliau 67 have been ordered, ranging iu price from 30.000 to $2,500,000, aud the eud Is not yet But there are some things abont this pnblio building business tbat ihonld be veutilatedr last week two bills were adopted in the Senate, thnt never ihonld have been. One is the giving of $250,000 for the new custom house at Portland, Oregon, a place of 30.000 in habitants, which already bas a building that cost the Government $2CO00O. The othe is the appropriation of $100,000 for a public? building atjgaratoga, little watering-place of 10,000 population, which has not half the need of a public ltuilding of this cost that It Las for nils, siouaries during the gambling seabon. Tame ia gleani of hope for those who wint to go to Europe without the ocean journey. It is proposed that a railroad shall fie constructed along the raelfio coast to the extremity of Alaska, where a ferriage wonld connect the tonr isl with" the Russian railway ayttem, whleh would be extended to the Siberian Ids of Bebring'a Strait, As the htralt is ooly fortj-flve miles wills between East Cape tad Cape Prince of Wales, thit distance tn a swift steamer wonld bo trifling even for the victims of seasick. nes. Parlor caw transferred to the steamers might practically give an over land route from New York to St. Peters burg witbont change. The way lri.fflc on this line njlgbt not at present be overpowering, and the Item cf snow ploughs and suow sheds wonld figure noticeably In tbs expenses. Still, the ichetae is perhaps as promising as that ef going to Europe by balloon. A inrrablo corresuonilent write iVnt. Pari to a London paper: "There is a widespread feeling of nneasluefs, in Paris especially, which nothing cm allay. Not that peoplo apprehend Im snediatt trouble, bnt they feel that though tbs republio is established it oflera no seenrity for the future. Con eqnently there ts a disinclination to embark upon new commeroial and In dustrial enterprise, aud tbe hoped for revival of bilious in the erring is still to eome. Corlon 1 cnongb, the stag, nation extends to matters artUtio and theatrical The latter phenomenon Is well worthy of notice, seeing lbat tu the most stormy days of the First Ilevolu. ttun the theatres displayed tbe grpatikl activity. Paris rarely deprives itself of the flotltloas drama, whatever nay be. tbe retl ones performed there. Hut though tbe ittuuien Is strained enouuh We tavrnot leaefied so acute' a 'lleWd. 4Sd mil than U little novelty." As tbe result of a logical ooirollnry.lhe fact Ii istabllsbeil tbi t the revenues of the Pot Office Department lucreisa its poxlnge is reduced, c cannot see why Congreiot ehoutd lieeltate about psssltig Mr. Il'ibinsnu's bill whloti provides for 11 htijll further reduction ofjiostngs on li-iter) tn one cent ror itxcli uair ounce. The SlatlotierV Hoard of Trade tit New Ycrk.-nnd otber commercial orgaulzt' tiotm In the country are petitioning for the measure, aud should It fail lu the present Congress1, as it doubtless will, there will be a good oliniice lor the toon nuilsts in the next Congress to perpetu ate lis record as being diBtlucilvely a pirly to which nloue lLo people need look for bentfits like these. Aud here Is oue thing Hint the attention (if postal aud pnlilioiil economist should be cal led In, ami that is tho fact that the Gov ernment is paying the price of a luuil-. stetuitr every year lo carry our nulls to Europe by n Mnyle Hut! And tbe Gov ernment contracts with half a dozen of the foreign liu. Wtiat sort of eonu oniy is It tn do Ibis thing subsidizing English, Freuob, German aud Scandi navian visjii?, with 11 whole fleet cf equally serviceable vessels for thin pur pose, rotliug at our mvy y irds aud be lougiug to our own G vernu eut? Iiond" was greatly excited last Fri- diiy night by twoexph sinus of dyimuilte. supposed to 1 e the work rf Irishmen, One was in a Pall Mall club-bouse, and did Utile dnmsge beyond badly shatter lug the kitchen and iijnrliig n few serv ants, none of them fatuity. Tbe nil er wns in the deloclive office in Scotland Yard, hero also there wiisnn has of life but 11 considerable (Uiunge to tho build ing. The bolduess of the hcnudrels wbn wi re guilty of this atrocious act hH fniily taken Iba bmtth nw.iy from Ij in- dnnirs It Irisbmcn can do these thlner, literally under the noses of the police. life and property are not Mife an where n the i lly. It does not appear asel whether ibe explosions ore intended In oaine loss ol life, or wtr conlrived 11s 11 means of mtiiuidatlon. If the latter wa ttle obj -ct, they are. lifly to r,il of Ibeii effect. Eugllshnien ura startled liy the occurrence, es i quite natural, but tbe are not iu the le,,st trigblened. Theii feeling is rather nun of deep indigna tion that any men cau attempt to fnrlhel apolitical agitation by such means as these. PicicitEsQUE illustrat ed history 1 1 the nation's capital cits', is an elegant and euteitalning work. The American citizen prides himself on his kuoledgoof Lis country end of the workings of its Government. Of tbe capital and its capitolium he h is glenoed information mors or less from the press, but until now no work worthy the name give a full and accnraio hietory of what IntenstH the nation ns uo other put ol its territory can. It is lint drv detail. although no important details are omit ted. but a clear, interesting statement ot facts. No subject iutersts so raanv people, and hence Piclnreqna Washlm. ton must be received generally through nut the country, and gladly, ns it fiirn. ishes what lias been lacking. Author, arti-ta, aud the priutera have successtul ly cooperated in making a valiubl. work. Published by ,1. A. & It. A.HciO, Providence, It. I. Sold only by subscrip tion. Tnc lite flurry in Wall street and tbe coustquent financial disturbance in busi uesi circles, while, it bas not amounted to a "panio" like that of 1857 or 1873. tins tested the solvency of many rotten institutions and found thtm wanting. Piruips the worst case of mistuannat- ment jet dis closed is that of the Penn Hank, nt Pilt.bnrgh. This bauk was deliberately robbed by its officers, aud their method was simplicity itself. Thev opeued fictitious accounts with well known persons like Mr. V. n. Vuuder lu It, and with firms that had no local habitation 01 name. These fictitious ac oounts were then drawn against, the funds used in specnUtlon, and lost or hidden away where they cauuot now be found. For two years the bank bas bf en insolvent, bnt owing to this in-jeni ons Bjtitem of book-keeping the accounts appeared to be all right. No wonder that a geueral prosscution of the officers is talked about. Aicdbcw Jacksojj, iu his farewell ad ilrei-s to the American people, said: "Itely upon It. the dfsign to collect au extravagant-revenue aud to bnrden yon with taxes beyond the economical wauts of the Government is not yet abandoned. The various intensts which bare com bined together to impose a tariff and to produce an ovcrfliwlug treasury are too strong, end l-nve too much, at stake to surrcuder tho coutest. Tbe corporations and wealthy individuals who are engag ed in large maufaclnring establishments desire n high tariff to iucreaso tbeir gaius. D.-signlng politicians will snp port it to conciliate tbdr favor and ta obtain tho means of profuso expenditure for tbe pr.rpoie of purchasing influence iu othtr quarters.' These words were spoken forty.four years ago.aud they are as true to-day ns then. FROM WASHINGTON Uegular to the Carbon Advocate. AVAsniKoioM, D. 0., June 4, '81. The city is almost deserted by poll- tlciana. Senators and Cougrtssruen, who are iu Chicago. There is therefore ycry little to write abont. BBEWBirR Ta MT.rsarB. Attorney-General Prewster has writ tea to Mr, Bpringer, Chairman of the Committee on Expenditures la the De partment of Justice, relative to tbe changing from the fee to the salary sys tem iu oompensating United States court ottlolals. Mr, Ilruwster siya he has con sidered the subject if) (very aspect, and luejrsiiu 01 tue lU-jiueration aud rtlltc- lion is that tbe change is imperative. Ho further sajs: "A strong argument lu favor of a change in tbe law is that tbe most faithful and conscientious officers, attorneys aud Marshals desire It, while auy clangs is opposed by persons who are wrongfully utlrg the process of tbe eaurt at tbe eipersa of the citizen aud the Government, harrassiog tbe one aud plundering tbe other. Experience has shown that few persons are able to resist the temptations to Increase their fees, though tbry diflVr in tbe'r methods." la reference td the pajinent of special ooun- 11, bo points out the adrlublllty of leavine the compensation to the diacrc tiyn of the Atiorney.Unieril. ' TUE rlKANCIAL eITUATI"tf. Tbo Comptroller ut tbe Cuireucy.npin being asked what bo thought of tie present financial situation, said be be lieved that it was Improving. The Guiks in ffevrT'ork aud 'Bthtrmbiiey centres lias lust a large part of their counlry.drponitn. but be-tbrmght-thnt as boou as confidence, should be restored money would fliw again into Its Usual elmiiutls as it did alter- the panio of 1B73. Some of tlio best and most conserva tive people in New York," be continued, "think that gnat pr gress ha, been mule, and lbat tbruiigh the summer moiny will bo dull and rates low. From all that cau bu Itarned from the bauk examiners who are watching the situation, the country banks seemed to be in good condition." Upon being asked what legislation, If any, would probably restore coi fi leuce Mr. Cannon stid: "I thiuk the McPber sou bill id tho simplest uud most avail, able of tlm measures that are in oouditiou tor Immediate action. It' it should be come a law it would increase the clreu litlou of the country by more than !0.. 000 000 and would contribute greatly to tho restoration of coiifi touoe. There are now lyiig iu the vaults of Iho Comp. Iroller'a office bills, all ready fur is-ue lo batika to replace wore mid mutilated currency. These units could be made immediately available, il tlio McPhtrsoli bill should become 11 liw, aud every 11 a tional hank iu the country would lecciv, citculatiou iqiial in nniunut to teu per cent, ot it bonds now on deposit. This currency, under the provisions of the McPbersim bill, would be soul to ever city, town aud village iu Ihe country where there is a national banir, and thus not only lucre tse Uiv nggregatb clrcllla. tiou hut everywhere restore, confidence. Tuis would not beau infliliou measure, ueoause the calling of thrto p.r ceul. bonds and const qiieut retirement ol circulation would, to n certain txteut. ollset tho increase. "Unless tbe McPheron bill, or some other measure glvii.g relief In our bunks, is passed by Congres and the Me- Puerann bill stems to bo tho only one that is likely to be readied there will be n contraction of tho currency duriug the summer aud early fall, mid it is possible that more lltiaucial trouble may occur when it becomes utcissary to move tbe crops." NOTE?. Mr. W. H. Vudei,UIt bas Iransferred to W. K. Yauderbilt uuolher lot ol Uuit. o.l States buud.-vuiioiiiiting iu the aggre gate, to uboul 52,000.000. J he beu.itu bas agreed to the confer- atica report nu Ihe Agricultural Appro prlatlou bill aud passed tho Dlslrlut ol Columbia Bill. The Home j tint r, solu- ttou appropriating SIOO.DOU tor the reliei ui ma ujuisiam u,ml sullerera was am.-udod bo as to uppr ipriate tbo uoex-p.-uded balance of the Oaio fljod luud, auiouutiug to ubout S10.000. ihe Committ-.B ot Oommtrce of tho IIuuso reported unanimously iu f'uvor of the bill uiithoiiziug tbe coustrucliou ot bridges from Slati-u Island acrusH Stateu Ilaud SjuiiiI to New Jersey at Eliz ibetl uuu i eriu Aiiiuoy. i ue 1,111 lias uow been approvud by ibe Commerce Com mittees ol tbe Scuate aud tbe House aud its passage is expected. The House has completed tho contid- eratiou nt the Legislatie, Execullye aud Judicul Appropiiatioii bill, but final action was postponed. Au amendmeut was adopted providing that lrom and Kfler June 30 there shall bo no more thru 13 iuterual reveuue collection districts It further authorize the President to consolidate and reorganize tbe customs collection districts on or befor October 1, so that tbe same shall uot exceed G7 in number. llessis. Hitt, Clements and Belmout. of tbs House- Committee on Foreign Affairs, have ngeed to report to tho full oommitteo a measure authorizing the President to open negotiations with the Oovernment of Great Britain for a re. uewal of the Cauadian reciprocity treaty. Special ts tbe Cannon Advocate. WAsniNOToN, My 30. 18St. Washington back-jards are gay villi dandelions and peach blossoms. The sky is as sunny and nearly an warm as at Vulerns. Tbe bees are humming in the multitudluous city parks as they hum around the gardens of a county town. The afternoons nro bright with the glit ter of wheels, carrying noiselessly over the asphalt pavements aud through tbe mellow air well-dressed men and women in straw. tinted gloves and flower-gar-nished hats on all aorlH of pleasure von tures. Glimpses of tbe Potomac or of the wooi'ed hills behind tbe city caught by tbe pedcslrain on the shaded avenues gives no suggestion that nVlure of society is in need of politics aud Presidential campaigns ns enabling acts to allow it to move ou. But appearance is Illusion. Remain a day and look around. Go to the Capitol, iuto tbe Departments, oral ulght iuto tbe hotels, and the illusion Is gone. Tbe gay foliage does uot amount to a fig-leaf to cover tbo nukedueas of a personal Presidential canvass to most intricate and certain elements, the most exciting that has had its centre here dur iug the past twenty yens. I mean to eiy that the larger and objective Issues of American politics in recentyears have gradually softened, the personal elements have apprrently stepped into the present row ror 1'iesidential nrmication in full force, giving it a piquant interest un. kuown to recent similar contests, aud that this iuterest, rccoguized over th whole country, is no where un intense as in this city of politics. There are some almost exquisite elements nt play In this personal canvass; the game is considered to be worth tbe candle, and even the stranger within tbe gates is permitted to give his mind to no other occupation than that of guessing at tbe dally Washington conundrum; "Who is th man'' Whip) the members of the Kentucky delegation in the Ilonse were play fully in tercbanglng compliments yesterday ou tbe alleged prevalence of "moonsblueis" in their respective districts, the offu-ers of tbe law were locating tbe whereabouls of these outlaws in all seriousness; aud one desperate baud, at least was discov ered in Phil Thompsons district, as a sheriff and his posse. In attempting to make-an errcat of liloit distillers in Jsturre connty, weru fired on, and lie Ihtriff killed, The developments allowing Ool, J. O. P. U'UhHlde, disbursing nffioer ol the Post OlUoe department, to be n -lela'tilter tn tbe Government, lias caused npio, ronud shook lu this oominuuily in wliou be hat been held iu such high regard) .'hSLigh lu thjso days ojprnu.iblng repp-v tallous people nro prepired tn bear of downfalls lu nlmost any quarter. Col. Unrnslde sofms lo l.avu eomo to grUf In the Usual way from tbe stook specula tions. It Is a rather curious fact Hat two of the pre'dedPKsnra of Uurfistdo as disbursing rflictr of tho Post Office do. partment-Oluistead and Macartney were defaulters. This belug Drcnratlon Day. whloh is a legal holiday, all the Departments are closed, aud all tbo "world nud his wife" have gone to Arlington to decorate the giaves of tho dead soldiers. As I write this, I bear tbe thumb r of the guus. aunoMucing that the dmnratiou of tin graves ts over, and the spe-cbis are un der way. The day bas been (xeeptiou ally coul for this tluio or tbe year. The council of regrets of Mount Wr niu, nt their session vs'erday, decided to accept a proposal made by Mr. Em mirf, of lliltlmore to make necessary repairs tit ihu tomb of Washington. Thev decided also to macademize with gravel the road leading lrom tbe wburl to the nniM-Iou. It was also determined tn devote bereu'ttr Ibe urable laud be longing to the Mt. Vernon is'ate to pislnrage for Ayrshire catll-. Among the visitors at tbe mansion yesterday w..n Mr. W. W. Corcoran. Mrs. fiukeus. of S. O, bas directed tbe renovation of the old family dluing room, nnd tho stucco ceiling mid inaul.l piece have been re stored to tbeir original creamy white ness. In tbo Marylaud room, on the second U inr, the ceiling is being renew ed. The cn'iucil will reniulu in session until Monday. PICKINO fiLATE AT A 81 A WEEK. Tho Awful Slaughter of Childhood that is Going on at the Coal Mines- "There are many melanrholy features conneeld with Ilia Ufa of u coal miner," said Morgan Jours, formerly a mine bo.-s in Ihe Schuylkill coal region, but now a resident of New York city, lo a Sun ru porter, "but the, nn at painlul Is the em ploy ment of b s In and alamt collerles. A colliery boy is never a child. Ha has l.o ganies. He seldom speaks. He knows nullum; nl Ilia world beyond the line ot bleak hills that environ lite grimy lia-dlity where be begins to earn his living alnmst as soon as ha is Urge cuougli to he put into trousers. "1 hsye in my mind now grolliery when for years I was ons of the tlelvers. it is one ol Ihe oldest and one of richest mines lu the region. 1 pssred up niid dowu its shaft every day when it was not idle Mr more than twenty five years. I have hel-d lo carry from its depths tha mangled Ixsly of many a pour fellow workman, crushed bcneHth sointi, or mutilated by fire damp explosions. 1 have witnessed the agony of wives uud mothers mid sisters, as victim after vietiin to tbn perils that con stantly threaten Iho miner has been raited from the deadly depths, ami my heart Ins ached lor them iu their gri-f. Tho poig nancy ol that feelmi; time never railed to temper, but the 6teclacle of n score or mnri oi boys BE-d before their time, bent and stunted, and worn, working their liver a'.vsy in the black, dusty breaker, swellei In:; Hiid Mii;w.ilil,c in thn suiniiier and chilled to tha bone in the w, titer, was some thing that brought erpoiual heartache. The colliery I reler to is only the counter part of hundreds uf others. Its buildings are cm a high spur of the nine Mountains, and are visible for miles. Tlio entrance t the mines is at the top of the hill, which is covered with the accumulated foal dust ol years, clouds of which are constantly risiua from the whirliiig,iharp-toothed machinery wiihiu, snd pouring from tbo open doors and windows. Tha interior is dark and gloomy, with coal begrimed men moving silently about, appearing and disappeariu. in the dust, coming from invisible comers and suddenly swallowed up in linpenetra ble depths. "In one room in one of theeo colliery buildings a mom not more than fifteen feet square I have seen forte boys at work pickim; slate from the coal that pastes swiltlydowniherliutesln an endless stream They are sealed on rough hemlock boards stretched across the room iu rows. The windows aro always open in winter and summer, in order that tbn dust may escapa, lu winter tbe wind whistles through the apartment and the snow beats In st the windows aud doors. Fiom 7 o'clock in tile morning until darkness comp-ls work to cease those boys sit on their benches, will. hack bent almost double over the running coal, separating the slste from it. To do this requires great dexterity and skill with the bauds aud a quick eye. The slata pick ers range from 7 to IS years ef age. At 15 orlG they are old enough to enter the mines, and to irsch that stage in their currer is their only ambition. If any visi lor to the colliery will take tbo trouble to entsr the miners' graveyard uear by he will not need to be lold how many of theie boys never reach tho goal of their ambition. The tombstones in the graveyard are mini emus, but a great mj inly beur the names of boys under tbe g of 15 slate pickers, who have succumbed to the overstrain nl their toil toil that bad made them old, lerreplt.and infirm before they bad reach ed the freshness of yuu'.h. The wages paid lo these bovs sre from $1 tn il 50 a week, if they have the luck to be stradily tinployid. Some ol them, in many initsnres,llve long dittaures from the dllierles where they are employed .frequent ly as far as five or six miles. In such In stances they aro carried to work in the morning snd home again iu tbe evening iu tbe roa I cars of tho colliery or company For this service thev are charged sometimes as much as ten rents a trip, tbe money oeing uenucien iroui ineir wages, it Is no uncommon thing furthe boys to find, alter reaching tbe colliery, that tho works will be lite for sume reasou. In such caws they get nn pay, and I have known it to bappeu that at the end of the month it would re quire not only all ol a boy's wages to psy lor his tranporlallnn, but that h woulj still be in debt to his employer. While I was in the coal regions I endeavored to awaken an Interest among the miners on the sub ject of this smployitig .boys at culllsrles, lib the idea of making a change in the system, but nine out often had lo run the ! . ,. W...., ... , W (.,,,,(,(, U, the life of a sists picker lather than lose tbe pittance each would routribute to tbe family Income, I got up a petitiuu among people at large asking Ihe enacting of a law prohibiting tin employment of boys under IS at any colliery, and compelling miners to send their children to sebnol until they la tbo rutin tlmt tbe fty jsrdi of tbs coal regions sre rapidly filling with boys whose furroutidlns mlglit be nmde null Ihst tfiey would grow up In be us,-fnl m tu bers ot "their riiiiimiiiiilies, snd parent, employers', society, and legislators luuk Idly on st Hit slaughter." i?otmoAXBWiB3r Dfnnlj Gallagher, of LnniforJ, Is s rsn- .11, Into for tho Democratic. n..liitnlTof fof Coinitv. Coniiiiiuiouer. Dennis has been a resident ol Latlfonl for upwftrd ol 39 years, and for 34 years has consistently voted D-niiH-rstic. We have heard nmnng Republicans tho nsnmof Thos.S. Decs, of low n, very later ably tnenliuued fur Ihe ufiice ot Couuly Coiiiiiilsdoner. Bainuel Itickert, of Summit Hill,, will be a candidate lor the Democratic nomlii.tior, for County Treasurer, and will undoubtedly be the suc-essful aspirant. Ho is a goud, squsrr, honest man. James P. Binilh, of this bomugh, wilt Is a candidate for the Democratic uoiiiiiiatfoo or Henisler and Uet-order, and Ihero is no -doubt but thai ha will no unaiii us y nominated fr the isition, Jimmy is au honest, industrious Joung working Deiim rrl, and richly merits litis uckuuwledae luent at Ihe hands ol bis party. For the Legislature candidates are yery numerous, among them we, may mention John Cm l J, of lieliijli (Jap Dr. P. 11. Keiser, ill Mahoning; John J Usllugher, if Heaver Meadowi Juiites fiwteliy, nl Sum mit Hill; James Malloy, of the Suloli It Hill Recant; Patrick Lawlor, id Banks, and o.hers whese. iiaun-s w-h do not now reual REPUBLICAN NATIOHAL CONVENTION The Itupublicaii National Convention nii'l Tuesday lu Chicago, and was calltd to order by Senator Sablu, Chairman ol tbs Natiooal committee. Mr. Sablu pro poiud Powell Clayton, of Arknusas, lot l'diuporary cbairm.iu II C. leule, id Massachusetts, proposal! John K Lynch, of Mississippi, tu-dead, ud the liuuilli a'luu was seuonde 1 by Silas Duicht r, ol N iw York. Alter dlscnssiou tho roll "as called and Lynch was elected tton por.iry chairman, be leceiviug 431 vntis lo 337 for CI i) ton. On motion ol Mr. OU ton the vote was nude unanimous and Mr. Lfuuh was escorted to thecbuii II a made a speech ill ackuowlndgetna t of tbe honor, which was greeted win I'requeut applause. The Committer wtrt),tben auuuuuced, and seveial reso Unions were iff red aud referreil to lb, Uouitultteu on ltesolulibns, alter wbicl the Convention adjourned uutil 11 o' clock Wednesday muruiug. Wednesday tUere wna a comparativ calm in Chicago. The Convruliou m ut 11 o'clock, and dptuosed ot somi routine business. A resolution pledging undelegates to support tbe nominee n. tbs Convention, whoever ho migtii b w is offered by Mr. Hawkins of Tvnnes see. It was identical with one fferei in the last convention by Roscne Cook ling when be was s.-ekiug by every sbilt.t do'ice to earn the retainer he bad re otived from the Imperialists. Thodtl gites Wtd.iesdiy promptly resented i introduction, and its author withdrew ii The Committee on Perm incut Organ zitiou reported tba name, of John II Iltuitcrsou as C.iairm in, and, tho repor ueiug agreed to, he entered on his dutte, as presiding offi.'er, aud Ihe Conveptioi shortly afterward ndj mrued until th oveiiin, wheu It was hoped that tb report ol tha tbe Committee ou Credeu tials would I'o reidy. O.i re-a-sjnil luiu at 7 o'clock it la true 1 thit tbo com luittoe bad uot found it practicable n ex ledient to complete its work, mid in ndjouruinsnt was had nulil Thursday muruiug. STOCK 1IAIIKETS. Itenorled up to lUo'clis-k, l,y Do Haven T'lwnseud.Baiikers.Nii. 3B8 Tiiird Street, Phil idelphta. Stoeas bought uud sol either for cash or nn msrein. ThilaMph:a, June 4lh, 18R4. bid akri II S3's, Ext 1011) lUOJ U Currency 6'a 127 U 3 i, new Illj US-t's I2IIJ Pennsylvania K It 55) Philadelphia .V Heading It It 11 Lehigh Valley R K 08 Lehigh Coal & Navigation Ci 42 UiiHedNJ U H i-Canal Co I'JI) Northern Central It 11 Co 511 Hestonville Pas. It It Co 12 Bull'. N. Y. & Phila. It II Co 51 NW Jersey Ceutrat 5(1 Northern Pacific Com 21 , ,!' " Prefd 4IIJ North Pennsylvania II II 61 Philadelphia & Erie It K 12 Silver, (Trades) M ii'ii; 55 II nu 4.1 mi 67 14 6 51 2U 111 lii 14 V KKW AUVEHTISEMKNTS. SHERIFF'S SALE Of YalnaHe REAL ESTATE Hr virtue of a writ of Ltviri Facial. Issued ont of the Court of Common Pleas ut Carbon county, l'a and to inedlrecie,!, there will ba exporcil lu puldla rate, at l ho Court iieu.-c, in tnu uorougn or .Maucn chunk, un MONDAY. JUNE 0th, lb'81. at 1 o'clock p. in., the followlnn deecrlbed property, iu wn i All that certain MF.PSUAO fl. TCN'E, Mb NT. KAltM and TIIAO'f OK 1..AN1I, situ tie in t.cncr itiwmnciisinir, townsuip I'nrMin county, nmt State of Pennsylvania bouu'le-l and described as follows: lleuliininu at a white oak ny laud lata ut John lli-er. r-oitneiani orirrcos nn.i a quarter, West slxiv-flve nerehes lo a stone: tnenro hr ol John DelturSonih luurieen ilcKreesund a quarter, I ast two hundreil and ihree perches lo u none: uieure i-r lano oi amuel flreen. srrelti urlh elahty-sls anl Ihiee-lourth perches, hast four erehc nnd seven-tenths loasloue:one and one.ourlh desrees rsst iweiliv narcues loasionei inetiou sarenir- six degrees. Last iwemy n ne an I elahi. ttnlhs peichrs lu a stone; Nonh leienly.iwo Uearees, Kast twenty three and nlne-'enihs percnes 10 a sione;nuuin tweniy.nieiiegrees Kastelevm n-.reties to a stonti outh eiuht degrees and a quarter, Kal twelve nerehes an-i three tenuis to a slune; SSomh three- fourth uearo' I, t-ast luriy-slv perchrs to n stout-, by Ian I ol ixnlel Zerlais North elaliiy.six ami a quarter deirrees, tiin llilrlr oue perches lu a stone) North three and luree-iourin ticKrees, tt esi eigniy perenes lu ft sionei theneo by land ol Anain Mehrkani North iwnttrirrees. Wtst flfiv-ssven nerehes anil two lenihs to a corner ot land now oc eupted by John Klo'ti North nre ttearerr, Wtsione hundred andnve perehestoasinne. thence by laud lato of J tin AtUi-linsli HiiUih eluhty.lour aud one-hallileKrees. West three nerehes to a stone; North tweul) and one-fuurth ttejrrees, West sixty rive patches to a sione; South ela-hiy-uno an l ono I urlb deurees, Wtst sluy-ttte perches to a slune; Nouth eliihty-one anil threc.fuurlh tiearees. West nlnet).ene perches lu a stone: thence North eleven an-t oue-fuurth degrees. Kast tallr imrrltes to lite nlsee 01 beuliilili u. eon. talnlmclIN BltUNIiKUli AKHSt Vt-NTV TltHhK AU11HS AND yOttTi" TWO fKKCIltS, more or less. The unpruveiuents thereon eonitst or a 2i Stoky Frame House, x:j fiet.and FRAME nAR.V.UxlO f-et. Hrliett and taken Into execution as tho Property of A- K'0" aud tasvl Klon, CHAM. w. I.ENTZ. Hherirf. Onaio h. Loose PIITs., Attorneys. Sheriff's liulce. Msuch Ohunk, Pa., 1 Wsy iiuJ, lSI-i a week at home. $1 01 entrlt free. Pay ahsolniely ssie. Jvo risk, caidtal not reauired. ttesder. If ran want buslgess at whlsb persons ef rltiierscx, old r young, can make great pay an me time WaJae, mitI" New Advertisements. Spring without Blossoms. late in ldfo to Look for Jov-Yst Never tea Late to Mend. -Readers of Hawiliorns's Houie of Seven Uabelt" will recall the pathos with which poor Clifford t'rnclieon, who hail been un Jesilrlmprtfinrtlelnee his -early manhood, iniil alior Ids r lease! 'My Ills Is aono, and where Is my happiness, ll'i, ulto wo inT tiapplners." lint that cuntd be dons only ta pirt, as gleams of warm sunshlno oeesslor at y fall across the nloom ol a New England autumn day. - - . la a letter to Mersrs. Ittreox k Co. Mr. t It. Titus, of Pennington, N. J says: ' 1 have tufTiireil untold misery from clillilh'-o l lrom clirimto'ilsensa of the bowels nnd dtarrooji. ac-oiiipanleil ny areat pun. 1 souirlit rtlief ' " 1 10 i",n"' r.,,n'"l?.v"y "" used ereiy nati nt and ilomei I lo n inedy under tht fun; lhateat Isstfbundln I'AUKHi.-H TiiNU a com tele snrcltle. nrevemlre an. I euro. As nnr Invalnahle me.tirlne, which nut iter me wnai i otiiunc else cnuiii iio, is en lllle-l to His cieoit or my xetilns back my uniijr oh 3 s, i cuerriuii nui Kraieiuiiy no knosileiUe the fact," Air. X. H. Wells, svho needs no Intrndnc tliiilntlin iM.i.Lnrr.ii.i I'lir. ,!.! .. I'I.m I test uiunlal or.Wr Hun Is uenuln . ami vol unlnry unly he itoes not aaiijuately inriray the FulnsrlnK he has en-lnred lortnar.y yea s. lie Is Inv brnther-ln-law. an-t 1 knots n uca-u well, lie Is now p. rnelly (no rnou Ids old 'roubles, and enoys health an I life, ascrlb' Inirltsll lo I'AHKKKM HI.MM." Itni quailed as nn InvlKarnni.silinulatesnll Ihe uranns: cures ailments of Ihu ItVtr, kid. noys, and all diseases of Iho blood. Km O - - 31 a K -"1 S a.- j; ""tiS'J (9t3 ris-r. -S- sifli.- H. Ho Peters. THE TAILOR, Very Moderate Prises and Perfoct Tils Is tho mo to of this Kstanll-kmcnt. YOU arc In vlted to Inspett goods.- H. II. I'ETEHS, Tost Offlco Uuildlnx, .VX Street, April il, 1114. IMfhton. I'. Consumptives and Rheumatics DO YOU WANT RELIEF? If so, we call attention to VIXELAXD, K 0., which has just been established. It is located on the Highest Kuown Fuit iu Ihe celebrated Pino Region of the South, There is NO Malaria, nn Fops, nn Causn for n-l.iliiv. MI5EIUL- WATEIl OF r.ARK MEDICIXAL rR0rEHTIE3. RELIEF ASSURED TO Brota Constitutions. For the purpose of allowing people to test the Merits of what we Olalm for this Cllm ate, ROUND Til IP TICKETS ar Issued st very greatly REDUCED RATES from every pari of the .urth by applying to Ibr Cum iniisiuner uf Immigration, Raleigh, N. C. As a further indusement the undersign ed, who has just completed a COMMODI OUS BUILDING, will luruish to Invalids Board at Half Rat 03 for the First Thirty Days. J. H. HARDIN, Vlnelsnd, Moore Co., N. C, recently of Brooklyn, N. Y. apr2S yl PATENTS. & ANDERSON It SSI1T1I. Solicitor of U. .s. and For elu-n Patents No. Too Her. entb Street, cor. Ii, cpp. II N. Patent orilee, w afhinaiun. li. ii. iiorrespon,eneesollelie,l. No for sdvlee. It" fee charKe-t nn less Patent Is allowed. Itelerenees, I.wls Jnhntun & I'o. Hankers, ami Pimmaiter, Washlnaion, D. C. Pamphlets uf Insiruc Hons fret. inarll tt. wm. duppy &. son, of East lauch Chunk, are prepared In do all kinds of Plastering & Ornaineutal Woit, St shortest noliee. Orders by mail will re civ prompt aitentloD, Terms moderate or giwal work, solJlf Job Printing neatly, cheaply and promptly, (ixecutecl at this office I t$n vJVj eg& jj l- LsU r 4eH taa 'vV t WJ Wk Pi f f S- u S o I a A j a- a I A ' ! ill I p O I I Pi Spring & Summor Styles ! ili!..ji&tl most ruiiliionahle Novelties in Sritixo and Summeii MILLINERY GOODS Comprising a Ltrge Assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Feathers, Mowers, Pinnies, Tips, Laces, &c., Together with a full Una of TmXIMINa GOODS of the mrst beanll'ul deerip tiou to be found anywhere, and as OIIUAl' as they cau possibly be sold, (Ml anil see for yourselves, and be convinced that my stuck is as large as the larcest. eaual to the best, aud as oheup us at any oilier establishment in this section. Mrs. E. FATH, Bank Street, Lohighton, April 10 m3 auJ door b.low the il. E. Church. Ready foi? &e 3lc. rail hoforo Our Ynunr Ladles nnd Gentlemen will find It In Ihrlr advantsra tK-iw. i, oirumr' " ,taT wl" flnd ,he J'EST SrS sYock , Town AT 110 53? 01(1 .Post Oflice Biildta, April 4. ISsT-tr Xook to UTobb Ha anl Sheet Iron Ware, House Farnlshlnic Goofls, to, to. Is now offering extraordinary Bargains lor Caali ! Ho Is tho only Agent In town lor tho sale or the Bessemer, Sunshine, Othello, New Champion and Apollo Ranges ; Montour, i.ighthbuso, Excelsior Penn, and Eclipse Cook Stoves; the Princeton, Early Dawn, Belmont and Real Double Heaters, with a va riety of other Square and Round Heaters, All of which ho is now offering at tho Very Lowest Pricei Alsn.nn hind evrrv kind of STOTE ORATE aad FIRE HRIOKS. Dealer la all lh best makes ui PUJIPi, Roofiing and Spouting, Prompt and Cheap. Store on SOUTH Street, a few doors above Bnnli Street. P.itronsyo Inrltcd; sa'tsfaetlon gaaranteed. June 30, lllt-jl O! a Ilnvc received an enormous stock of OIIOICE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Queensware, etc. Old Post-Office Building, Bank St, Lehighton. IMPORTANT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF U'UTUOIXUU JULY,) TRIAL COX tM.-j ana . .jt v r rs" ...i-CVaV OIRCULAR 6, n t FREE 1838. Established MARVIN SAFES. O ' Marvin's Is the only Pfa nilh absolutely dry filling. Marvin's is the only Paf harlni; the "tmmua ami grnov" ImproTement. Marrln is Hie only hufo havinc a rontlnuous iirideclinR flangaon Ihe hlngs sldsof door, Marvin's is Ilia only Safe In wlilcli the dimr ami frama are Inter locked at all points. Marvin's Is the only Safe in nlilcli ibe door Joints mil not and cannot open and spread by til action of heat. ...... Marvin's Is tbo only Ears liiebacaroi wnicn cannot ua removed with a common screw-driver. Remember that no other make of Safe has oven the cquirnlent f Marvin's tongue and groove frame with sliding back-plate. Call and examine. Marvin Sofo Co., 623 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Agent, ANDREW SHIVE, Near L. & S. Depot, Lehighton, Pa. MaTckMSU-m Mrs. Eath Tccsctpiully nnnouncc to her lady friends that he has just vetuvned from New York with a New nnd Splendid lino of the vcrv Latest and Spring Trade ! The un tersh-ncd colls the attention or his many friends and patrons tu hll Lsrueand iashlonsble Stock ef Was anfl SoimiierGoo Conslsilnc of BOOTS AND SHOES Or every description and style th. Market, Including a special Una or Lady's Fine Shoes Also, a rail line or Umbrellas, Parasols, ats, Caps, 5ft i BAM Street, LEHIGHTON 'Mi ttk James Walp, SurceMiir lo A. D. IdOSSKK, Mnnufaetnrcr ef and Dealer la all kinds of Stoves w ' .. Ranges, Heaters, For Hew Goods! SWEENY & SON One Ounce dottles reduced from t S eti. ta 1 0 etntf Two Ounco bottles reduced from 25 cts. to 1 S cent. FiveOunee bottles reducedfrom 60 cts. to 25 cents The public mast not scrept sny bat erlrlnal good bottled by us, ss the Imil&Uous sre worthless. Ghcs8broughManufaclurlngCo.,HewYort Head What a Patient says of it: "Thol rosmies I pnrciiasea rrnm yon n i ma must cuuluslvnlr tbnt 'rbll ro Is liope." Tbeir did tlietrwoi r utmost CTpectatlons, for I eerti fa August He there Is prove to 11 ira tliern Is liona.1 Thev did their work far ba vond mr utmost CTpectatfons, for I eert&lnlr did nit eineet that a bablt or FOUIITEN rEAIiS' DURATION coulil bo comptelolrfcttmnnder con trol In Iho exceedingly short time of two roontba 1 can assure ;nu thst no fslst mndestr will keep ma from doInell! th&t 1 can In ftlillntf A tha anceesa whlib will surely crown su buusllclal a remedy. " AboTonlruct from ulterdttd W.Va Dm.SS.18E1 Tbs raitillasars prepared and sold ccJy by thn HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF'Q CHEMIST?, T S08N.I0th.SU ST. LOUIS. MO. C: Ksa b il"t , tvd uatu ts, Uiti aatti ff j 46 Tears. 1884. improvement, or the "solid forged