IS'cw Advertisements. . II tl , . Deats & Co., -HEALEHS IN- Watches., 4. Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, rOST OFFICE BUILDINO, Weissporfc, Peima- Repairing ef all klndi promptly attended to at VEKY Ittasonable Charges. If you need anything; in our lino, f?ive us a call before go ing elsewhere. Our Prices arc as low as the lowest, and all Goods are warranted to be as represented. feb2-y For Bargains in Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Carpets, Silverware, Queensware, Groceries, &c, ao to E. H. Snyder's Bank St., Lchighton. May 10, 1881-yl At Private Sale. The undersigned offer at Prlrnto Sale tlie following rersonai rropeny, vu: e Extra Koad stock Jlllcli Uows. 1 Slilernty Hull. 1 Two-horse Wagon. 1 Sled, t ilulllrnlor. 1 Set liouhln Heavy Harness. MNK LIVE DECK. Lot of Ducks. To be Sold Cheap. For terms and further particulars apply at tno i imce or Juliet S. LEVTZ. Matter Mechanic L. V. It It. (Jo. Mar 10-w. Packtrlon. Pa. REMOVED. G. M. SeiplD, Physician & Snreeon, Has Itcmovcd his Oinco and ltesldcnco from Second St. to SOUTH street. In the null,! Inst formerly occuntvd bv .V J iiulmcnmaver. where he will hn pleased to soe tils friends and patrons. ay OTFIUK linlllts: from 6 to 9 o'clock P. M. March 31, 1SS3 I ALBSMBN Wanted! To canvass for the salo of drapes, Jtoses and other Nurtory Stock. Steady employment guaranteed, Sal aiiv am Kxpknsks Paid! Apply at once, Uiiabk Hiiinilmis, Itocherlcr, N. Y. f liefer tu this naner 1 April 12 2m Will the coming man RtiKuYc 7" wu ret. tied by Frof. Flak lu liis charming iiuu phlet neesrB. moreover, that tho rfttlou&I my to uu tobacoa is tb rough tho ripe. All iree that only the beet tobacco uliould bo need. "Which la tho beet 7 That to which Nature lua contributed tho moet ex quisite flavors. IJlack well's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco fills the bill completely. Nearly two-thirds of all tho tobacco Krown on tbo Golden Tobacco belt of North Caro lina goea Into tho manufactory of lilack well, at Durham. They buy tho iiclt of the enure portion. Ileuca lUactwell'a Bull Durham Buiotinff Tobacco la tho beat of that tobacco. Don't bo deocHcd when you buy. Tho Durham Hull trade mark Is en everyfreuulno rackcKe. sT DlactwftU'a Genuine Bull Durham lathe choice of all Juifreo( Smokluar Tobacco, Try Pino Remedies. KURAKOFFWattri all FnlmQiiicTronules FortHe Care ol CnnsumMion. Astlima. Ilrm orrhOKo, l!lihtlicrla, Urou, Whoupln t)tnh,l 'neaminl.i,l!ntarrti,loiiKh8.(-uldt uure xnroac anu uu uroncinai i rouuies. It It a wonderful Drenarntlon of Pine ani 1 Inner, uud la witrkniir n radical rrrolutlfln the Ireattneitt and i-ure of all causes of the above Uearea. Khuakokp ulvcs nstaiu rellafwlMoal ;. and with fulthlutiifo will ffooLaraul l nn iierlect ure. It absolutely doe not contain either opiate, narcotic or any Inlurlou drutr. and la nri'itPLV vkikt- l iticiAtUTit)N. A trialwIII cnnvlnco X'tlof III merit, iryou whumi nlwavalccl are of the lafotv of your children durlmr In lament weather and at all Mhiq. keep a bou lie In your tnedmlue ch?at. Sund lor cimph let to tl A. MiW IS & K.ti Sole lroprieto. ajs unanoi aireei, new iiavenui PlKK IllTTRItt. IINK Kl DNET AND TjlVEtl PlLLa, 1'IM PLABTKB4 ADllNK IULU. bold iy Druuulet jauiz-miDr I Ileal OourhbT run. Ta,tteaeood. I UaelDtime. Hold by drogtata. STOCK MARKETS. Reported un to 12o'clHk, by P. Haven Townsend.Dankers.No. 3li S Third Street Philadelphia, btncua bought and sol either lor cash or on martin. riitaJtlp-M, May Hlh, 188J. bid asked 11 SS's, Ext 1 011 J U ft Currency 6'a - 1.1.1 U841, new Hi; HI USl'l 122 122 Pennsylvania R It 5UJ 58 Philadelphia k Reading It R I0( lf.j Lehigh Vallev 11 11 OS C81 Lehigh Coal A- Navigation Co.-... 40 47 Unitnl N J R It !i Canal Co .182 1U3 Northern Central R R On 59 CO Hest .nville r-. R R C 12 14 Hull'. N Y. P iila R R Co S t New Jertev Central 73 73 Norll em I'aciric Cum 20 20 a ii Vntd 44 44 North Ponnsvlvanla It R 6 67 rhlladslphia'A Eri. R It 12 14 BJyer, IfradM) 90 S3 in I "Original Cheap Cash Store." Remarkable Bargains IN Fashionable Sour Dress Ms ! Only aolual iluht can convey ren an ap proximate lucn OI iiibku wuuucrmi uucnugs. Lot No. 1 Japanese Silks, half stlk end nail uamers nair at 21 cents. Jicni Tama 60 oents. Lot No. 2 White and Dlaek Oheok Saltings, at lis cents. Ileal va ue it cents. Lot No. S Plaid Ottoman suitings, atS7J4 rents. Heat value AS cents. Lot No. 4 Isphan llheffk Sllkl, at SJ cents. jieal value o cents. We have the Largest Stook of Dress Goods in this section. J. T. NUSBAUM, Opp. Publlo Square, Bank Street. Lehigh, on, Pa. Juno V, 1E83-Iy. SATURDAY. MAY 17, I88i. SPECIAL NOTICE. Persons making payments to llils office by money orders or postal notes will please make them payable at tho Wkissport Tost Omen, as the Lo hlghton office is rot a money order oITica Our Neighborhood in Brief. Our young fiiend Wm. N. Ilann, of Weatherly, was in town on Friday, and dropped in to see us. jSKJ-TIio Manhallen fivo cent clear at the Newi Di-poi, (lives universal sutlslactbn, The Lehigh Valley Coal Company is repotted to have purchased 4u,000 acies of bituminous coal land in thoSuuw Shoe region . &a.Go to the News Depot fur Spear head tubaccu, fend get a Urm or piuuo lor a premium. The Coyernor Friday npjrointed E A. Lewis, of Pike county, as CvmmiEsiotier ol IViinsylvaiiia to attend the New Orleans (JnUou Exposition, iu place ol James Lung, resigncu. XKS-A new lot ol CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELUY just received at S. IIAU.V .MA a fcturu, lieliiglitou. 1'a. Sweeny !c Son, shipping merchants, of this place, ship 1,500 to 2,000 dozen cgg9 to the coal regions every week. Saullnlled gold plate Laco Pins, war ranted lo keep their color, only 18 cents, at DOCK'S Jewelry Store, upiaMila J. V. Huuileti bush's, Lehightou. Col. Nicholas Fux,agcd ccrenty-cight ycars,one of tho oldest citizens ol I'ottsville, died Friday afternoon. He was an o dicer intheeitrly militia of the Stulo and wi.B Chief llurgess ol I'oltsvilie lor many yean. 'iTi-'rlm latest styles aud the best tutte in irimmiug, done, at mo lowest cubit prices, ul the millinery store of Alveuia Uruver, Bjnk Btreet, Lehighlon. Tlie Society of tho Ninth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry will hold its fifteenth annual reunion at Dunraunon June 10 tu Juno 14, inclusive. The veleruns will go regularly iuto camp. A bueluess intetiug will oj held June VI. As will seen by tdye rtlsemont in au othor column, Mr. John L. Leutz, ol Pack toJ, oilers at piivato salo nine live deer. jjJH- WANTED, IMMEDIATELY Hands on l'aiita and Vet, at CiaUbS k ltru., The Tailors, Dank street, Lelngbtuu. Apply at IOC i. The annual parade of the fire depart' ment ul AlleDtowu will coiue oil' on Whit Monday, Juno 2nd. yj-Chilitrena hata from 25 cents up LiHiiies wieutug craiio uunueis or veiie hould not tall lotett my elecautassurliiienl oi crapes, Alvenia Oraver, Lehiglitou. PatseiiRer trayel ou the Lehigh Valley Railroad is increasing rapidly. TheJieuy rams, particularly through oues, is amii.e evuietictj mut me vailey u a popular add well uiauaged road. .Siff-Alter all tbo others have failed to make your watch keep time, kivo me a trial. If I lull it will not com you any thing. Yuma, ic, I). S DOCK. Dryland is tho name of u newslallin on the Lehigh uud Sutquehauua ltuilroed, elweeo Freemaiibburg and Hope. It I nolle a village, aud coutalus Shinier louudry ami machine biiops. Siii-You can gelo Single Buggy Harness, In part nickle, at leu dollars aud lull uickle at twelve lolurs,got up in good etyle. at .11. t lory a Harness snop, neUinrl, m. The P. A R. shops at Ashley have been put on short time. The employees have u en divided into threo sums and one shilt Is laid oil every week. Sulf you wanta mrojimootli.easv shave your hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz Uoederer's Saloon, under the Exchanee Ho tel. lie will fix you right, and don't you urget it. Tuesday a hoisting carriagn in Hie Nottingham Mine at Plymouth loll back twenty feet. Ukiii it was a loaded car of coal and Joseph Knight, a driver boss. The laller was thrown to tbo bottom of the slialt and killed. JMt-Dunni: the lesson for mnsnuitos and lher etlnrioir insects, and of luiioned I'lants, if your skin it Impure, a hue will swell and fester unless you apply Paptllnn Skin Cure. A Jingle application will nen trallze the poisuu, Ou sale at Thomas' drug eeiaoiiriiiiieut. Henry Keller, aged 1 7 years, was In stantly killed at North Ashland Colliery Toeslav. He was caintht between u train ol loaded mine cars no. I the gangway tlm uers. .Choice Clover Seed lor sale at J. L. UnbelV 8.00 per bushel. Attron. imers tell us in their own slm pie, intrlllgble way, that the gradua lengthening of the days is due to tho "oh liqnlty of the ecliptic to tho terrestrial hori z u " This ought Ui set at rest the foolish idea that tho days are loueer btcue the sun rises earlier and sets la'er. Aud iust nero we may remark lin t our tHuinlar liv ery man. David Euheri, is furnshiDv liaud eomo "rigs" at his usual low prices, nul withstanding the lengthening of the tiny a, What Yiu. 8rop Mr CncniiiNn A NioiitY Guarantee Acker's English Itemed) will, Priiv 10c, 50e. Jt $1. Sold by Dr. (5. i uoru, Leuigmou, .v t. A. lioru, Wt-Ia Kir i. The Injunction procured by (he Wind Gap and Delaware, and Lulngh and Lacka wanna Railroads, to restrain the IUugnr and Portland from crosslug their track near Pen Argyl, was dissolved Monday At the hearing aud argument on the injuuo linn, it was found that the Ilangor and Portland had no intention of crossing tin plaintill'a tracks, but lo ruu iu close prox imity to tbrm. rj.FOR SALE Four Building L"l located on tha old "Centennial Hotel property, on 2nd street, this borough, are oiieren lor sale, on retsunaliia terms. Apply to L. F. Kleppinger, corner of Iron and juo streets, lor a. ruculara. At Penn Haven Junction Mondi about 3:20 p. in., a Valley coal train cro.s Ing up north of thn Central, N. J., run ml the tide of another coal train of the L, R. R. Co., causing the wreck of fifteen cart. precipitating nine cart ol th. train lut.. thoi taenia n Kiver The engineer, II. hn, of th. train which was wricked, nw the dinger aucau anu jumped wnu uio Bremen. No one vat injured. iK-Tapillon Blood Cor contains no mineral of any kind, Ii restores the bUwd to a healthy coodition, regulates excavMj and protects disease. Bold at Thuuiat,' For-lhe week ending on the 10th Inst,, The trout fishing season losls until tin tliere were 000,000 tons of coal trans-' 30th of June. Tbo fish must be caught porta,! over tho Lehigh Valley railroad, j ou'y wllh "onk making a total to dale ol 2,202,103 tons, a -Allentown l twenty-nine hotels, for decrease of 341,1)85 tons as compared with 1 ly-lhreo rcslauranls ami nine wholesale same lime laet yesr. liquor dealers, making n total ofelghly-oiio OlllV S10.00 CaPll . m j ,1 jut for an ull-wool Suit at H. H. Peters', Post-oflicc building, Lehighton. A Ilia! Every subscriber lo Hit Cardox AnyoOATi who Immediately pays up arrearages aud one year in advance will receive free for one year Health and Jfome, a large 8 page, 40 column monthly !aer, devoted to homo matters. Step up. Alt tbe slate quarries In the Lehigh region ore being worked on lull time. --The wife of Loviue Rnchel has eloped from Allan township, Lehigh county, with her cousin, leaving behiud several chil dren. &Q.Mrs. Kate Nothstetn announces to her numerous Irlends in Mahoning Valley, that she has just returned from New York with a new ond fashionable stock of Milllu cry Goods, Trimmings, Notions, Ac. Cull and see. All at lowest cash prices. Dennis Kcllor has been found gull1)' of murder iu the second degree at Wilkesburrn and sentenced to Iwelvo years iu th. Peni tentiary. James Barsch, aged 12 years, had his arm blown olf and fare badly burned at Gcrmnntown, Schuylkill county, Saturday by the explosion of n mluiug cartridge. GtgjfH. II. Peters, at the Post-office building, Lchigh ton, will make you an all wool suit lor only $10 cash, if you order now. Our young and popular friend Sam" R'sebery, formerly ol town now of the U. S. Hotel, Slatlngton, spent several hours iu town on Monday vailing on old Irlends. R B. Widdoss, who has been employed y Roberts, lbs barbjr, at Weatherly, for the pjst six months. Intends lo open a hair utling aud shaving establishment next l"or lo A. K. Miller's liquor store, ou Ilauk street, this borough. JOt'H your breath is offensive, rour nostrils letid ami filled' with putrid m uter, uil you ore rapidly becoming rinsumpl.iyo, line Papillnn Catarrh dues you will he pm i (led aud permanently cured. Thomas, the popular druggist, sells it. Thomas Carroll, an employe of Con tractor Donahue st the Rockpoit luunel ol he Lehigh Valley Railroad, while at work Thursday ol last week had his kneo hurt, nil was sent lo bt. Luke a llospitnl. ?O.E. F. Luckenbach. 01 Ilrnadwav. .Miiuch Lhiink, hue enlarged his store, put u a new (kvhih, una now has on exhibl ion over 1000 styles of fine paper bantlings, leonrutioni", Ire'zes and holders, locclher with an elegant liuo ol dado shade.', witli latest attachments and Irimmincs. Books. stationery ond laney goods In great vuriety nn at lowest prices. A Hungarian employed at the Lehigh Valley car shops at Weatherly met with a serious accident at that place Friday night While on his way home ha walked over the latform at the station, stumbled over a plank and loll nil m the railroad truck, striking a mil and riming hli nose oil' n lear as if it had been cut oil with a knile Saturday morning ho was sent to St. Luke'a llntpilal. Our esteemed young friend. Prof. II. A Keiser, of Mahoning Valley, was in town .Monday, and made us a very pleasaut call Tamoqua has been made nn indepcDd chonl dltrict. lpNow is the time, and CLAUSS & P R O., tlie ilace, if you want a nice fit ting all-wool suit of clothes, made to order for only $10.00. The schools of Shenandoah havo been closed lor th.- remaludcr uf the term on uc couut ol emall-pox. Monday morning at 7 o'clock tho mem hers of the Lutheran congregation held woiship in Iheirold church edifice at Selins crove, preparatory lo its being tni down. The church was creeled in 1S03 ami wa he first house of worxhin in that place. A new church is to be elected on the old site HlI-'iiedmim .t Lanteriun? oro the largest cutel-y inaiuil'jclurers in the United Stales, and their gnoda ur gunrauleed to ho Url class iu every respect and equal to any in the market. About 30 dillerent stylesofthcir po.ket knives aud razors may be eeen at the News Depnl. They weio boiiBht at a bantam and Hre beini' relailed at about ordiuary wholesale priees. -Joshua Simmers and his wife wen lodged in the prison at Poltsv. lie, Monday, chrg-d willi being occessoriea Leloro th lact to the murder of John Garrogh in a lisrepolahle honso at Mahanov Plane Mtumers is the proprietor ot tho den. This maKes live persnus now in prison implu-at .d in the deatli o Garroirh. Other arrests it is said, will follow. i-fi-Papillon Cough Cure cured an In- ant only a lew weens old. of whoonhnr cough utter a consultation of phvsiciniis roiioiinced it beyond recovery. Itsinis the whoop and allows the lire.. In to return. for salo at i nomas' drug store. Tbo conductors ond brakemen of the Lehigh Valley railroad have donned their while caps. They civa tho wearer a sum meruit apaara ce. ift-I have Just returned from thn citv with an Immense stock of SUMMEft sni.liS OK HATS. BONNETS, CHILD HEN'S AND BABY'S CAPS, Ac, which i oner at mo lowest cash nnce. Call and becuuvinred that I sell CHEAPER than any other. ALVENIA GRAVER, Bank ircci, ueuigiiio i, ra. Lehigh Valley passenger trains now stop (or meals at Glen Summit tLlinn in stead ol at While Haven at heretolorc. It is lep'-rtrd that two of tbe stacks ol the Allentown Iron Company will bo le linrd at once ami put in blast, and when he iron trade improves two new stacks of large capacity and most inuderu construc tions will be built. Mining iqierations h.vo been resumed in mini of the ore mines throughout Lehigh county, and the wogrt paid fur a full dav V labor oflwelva hours Is seventy-five cents prnay. 111 ihio the wages roll (nun fl 75 jier day to sixty rents inside of a )ear, ami nice Iheu have gradually cone un loslxlv iwo, sixty seven, tevenly, and seventy-five rents tho highest point reached in nine years. (ggfTho rush still continues at Clauss & Bno., for tliose liaiulsoniely-made, all-w o ol suits at $10.00. Call early ii you wish to take advantage of this remarkably low price tor a suit made to order. Mrt. Johauna Arndt, of Bethlehem brought lull sgtlstt tho Bethlehem Iron Company ler damages sustained by the lost of her husband, who was tull'ocated in one of lbs (lues at th. Iron works two yra't ago. Th. workmen forgot about Arndt being iu th. Hue ami neglroled givlug him Bid i n i.nign Lixinty uuurl last mum- day, gib int.,wdre.l a nan wlU A wreek an Friday afternoon last on lb. Lehigh Valley railroad, a stwrtdis tauee abov. Whll. Havao, 11 freight cart wero badly tinasbtd. Th. wrek wtt ' caused by a whel breaking under a ear In muviuz freight train, nusitig tha ears I lo crutn irm . irsln standi at upon lb. 1-llr,g Tha cmteoU of it) brok.n ran onsxtad ..f bay, sum, 11 air, cU., sad w.r. wi.uiy wllml along It raai sad in tha wrek. -iiavsiayer tt r.t was Mcipl for .xt ll.r tours. Noon. ..lbJu7ad. , . , -Tbs rolling mills at Cia.siua and Fullerton sr. new runumg on full time. "c"1"" Mt where liquor It sold Mr. Darld Williams it establishing ao entire nair slate mantle factory ot his quar ry at wamutport. The Lehigh Coal and Navigation com-1 piny last week bad recorded In the Ke-! corder'a offico in Allentown a mortgage given to the Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company of Philadelphia, lor $16,000,000 the same to secure raid corpo ration for loans made to tho company to tbo amouul stated. A note amounting to $41,800, which it is claimed is a forgery, hat been entered against tho estate of the late Stephen Kilt ler, dee'd., ol Stroudsburg. Tha regular trips over the 8wllchbncl railroad, between Mauch Chunk and Sum mit Hill, will be res ii mod fur Hie Summer fason on Monday next. Rumor says thtt work will commence next week on the L. V. machine shops, to lie erected at Hie upper end of this borough. Tho first ot the round homes Isubout ready tu be occupied by tha Iron hnises. Tho "ted flag" (lying at the lower end nflho Advocatk building is not a sign of the existence of small pox, but an an nouncement that Caleb Wurman Is selling oil' an assurtmrul ol baukrupt goods at very low ptirct. -Extensive preparations are being made at Glen Onoko, to accommodate the many excursion parties that will visit the Glen during the coming season. Tho clerks employed In tho L. V. R R. nilice, at Mauch Chunk, hay. received a raise in wages, which causes much rejoicing among them. Decoration Day May 30, and as yet we hear of no movement lor us obscrvanco In this borough. Who speaks up? Decoration Day. We have been requested lo state that the following merchants will close their places of business ou May 30, Decoration Dayi J. T. Nushaum, W. II. Slrauts, Win Kemerer, .1. L Cube, R. Feiutrrniacher, Clauis & Ilro. E H. Snyder, The post offico will only be open from 7 to 8:15 a. in., from 10:30 a. in., to 12:30 p. m., and from 4:30 In ft p. I". Lltt of Letter! Remaining uncalled for In the Tost Of See at this place, May 111, 1884 1 Brown, George II., Hill, William, Koous, Ed. Klaire, Lewis, Monday , John, Harry, Malhew, Manlz, Nathun. mown, William, Biker, John J., riipcn. Lllza Mist Clark, J. (I.. Drelir, David, Fleming, R , Friizinger, Motes. Maiden wall, August Mover, Aaron Mrs., Sullivan, M M., Weaver, W. D., Gitniaii, Jamb, Green, Sallio L, Miss Persons calling for any of the above let ters will pleaso tay "advertised." 11.11. Pzixos, T.M ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Am you illsiurhed ut nlchtand broken of your rest by a sick child tunering and crv iug wiiii pain oi ruiiing uenrf 11 so, send it niii-e nud net a Mile nf Mas. Wixaiir' Soothing Sytiur Fori Ciuldhkw Tkmiii.o. Its ulue i im-alenable. It will relievo thn pmr little ciillerrr Immediately. Depend ipon It, nud hers, tliere Is no mistake almui t. Il enrol dysentery and diarrhoea, remi- later the stomich mid bowels, riirca wind olir, boftrns thn coins, red ores li,llmmu turn and gives tone and rncrcv to I lie whole system. .Mas. Wixst.ow'8 SooTiitxa Sriioi' Foil Cint.nrsic.N Tketiiino is pleasant to Hie tiste, nmt is the prc-orinlion of one of the uuest ami iwsi lemale nurses anil phvsi mi 111 the United States. and lafnrtalrliv oll druggists throughout the world. Prii- a cents a bottle. 20-lv. Texas Jack Arrested. A man Known us Texas Jack anil who resides ahoyo the upper foundry, wai rested Monday on a wiirrautcharging him wun stealing tho harneas which Her. Mr uunce missed some lime ago. Ho was tax- en beforu 'Squiro Boyle, given a hearing, and iu default of bail was committed t-i the only jail. He taid ho did not steal th Inirnesi but the eyidenc pointed Hie other way. The lioriiesa was found In the posses sion nf Seiharh, the Chestnut Hill milkman. wno lesiuieii that ha bought it and a robe In, in the accused forlhe sum nl five doll Thuroha wai identified as that belonging to Mr. Ycager, lh liveryman, which was umen irom li is premises tha saun- night on which the harneas was stolen. Tho wlfoi of lexas Jack accompanied him nnd tho cm -table til the office of tha Josllrn of the leace, also to tho jail, the scene of th-ir parting, it is said, was a very uUectluc uu uazenc. Acquitted of Murder. On tho lethof list March Thomas 0 Neil, a young man, wos hunting in the mounlalns, near Minersyille, Schuylkill ciuuty, when a party of young boys com Ing from church met him and began lo joko with O'Neil, and finally threw up their hats ns a target for him to shoot at Hi fired several times, but failed to hit a hat. One of the boys then offered himself ai a target. O'Neil quickly turned around and said: "I'll shoot you." He had scarce. ly said tho words before tha gun Was dis charged. The full load struck Thomas Mc A nanny in the faco, killing him tiistuutly O'Neill was tried Monday. After Ilia cvi deuco of the boys had all been beard the District Attorney said he could not press for a conviction. Judge Green then ordered the jury to render a verdict of not guilty which was done. Tho Coal Trado. Monday's Philadelphia Prat: It is Im possible lo find any improvement in th coal tr.da despite the week's suspension Of course there has beeu some reduction In the amount at shipping iioints, that at Port Richmond being now about 125,000 Ions, but concessioiit from the circular price are freely mode, and if one is not too partirula they can get substantial reductions. Broken and egg is very abundant and bard to move. There is little doing ou the lin aud in the city, and the Western trad, has beeu slow to start up, though a good chore of orders Is looked lor Irom Chicago and Milwaukee as soon as there is a more octiy. eastward movement nf grain. Tho Eastern trade is somewhat demoralised by the cut ting of prices by local dealers, but there i not a large stoca on hand there. Freights are not abuudact. Tho Now Carriage Building. During the past week Trexler k Kriedler the popular carriage and wagon builders, of tbit borough, moved Into their snlendl. new building at the upper end of Bank street. This building was erected by con tractor Motser, and is uinty leetdeep.thirly feet front and twenty feet in height, it con taint In all eight large rooms. The black smith shop ind tb. room wherein the heavy repairing Is dons Is on the ground floor, tbe. rooms or. supplied with oil modern conveniences. On th. first floor is s email room In which light woik, Ac, Is done,ond connected with this Is th.lar. narrroom In which, st lent, twenty to thirty car rlsget tnd wtgent csn be stored) on the seeund floor they bsve tb. paint, ysrnish fu '"i. lies, rooms, ss th. '"" " , . i ; " I "J"!'?1 "' manufactories In tb. I-tngh Valley. Messrs. Trexter A Klied- , mtit j,M, lb, reputation th.y hire I sequirej as psputirrarrisg. rutntifsctursri. A Bridegroom Fatally Shot. ueorge Binitu lives about half a mils EistoJStilrway, n little homlel on tho Erie Railroad in Pike County, Pa., and nine milts West of Pott Jervlt. About two months ago his wile died. A month after words ho went tu New York City, ond ot Cattle Oarden secured tbe services of a Ger man girl named AnnleSchmidt foro house keeper. Boarding with him at the lime of her arrival wet a young man named Frank Heitz, a bright, octlve fellow about 25 yeaia fago. Heitz fell in lov. with th. homekoeper. Sho reciprocated hlt'eflecllon, and showed such a derided preference for his company that Smith, wh) wot also inlalualed with her, became intensely jeslous, and the result Was that Hellzobtained a new boarding-house. Last Wednesday a week Heitz nd Miss Schmidt weut to Hoboken and were married. They returned lo Stairway n Saturday, and Mrs. lleilz returned to Smith's house until she and her husband could arrange lo keep house. Monday eyentng they storied out to find a house. About 10 o'clock Heitz took his wife back to Smith's to spend the night. He left her at the gate and started up the track to his oardlng-house at Stalrwty. When olout half way he was shot. As he (ell be heard some ono say "lookiout," and he Jumped up on J started on a run towards Stairway Another shut came whistling by bis cars. When within twenty five feel of a house he fell exhausted. The Inmates heard his cries and took htm In. Tho wounds are two in number, and wer evidently caused by two bullets Irum a gun. Heitz wiil die. Smith was nl otico accused, as ho had been heard to make threats ogulnst Ilcitz, but ho denies tho crime. Ho was teen at the place the shooting was done only a lew mlnulea before. Welssport Budget- Deats k Co , tho popular jewelers, oro doing a good business. -A new porch and pavement is being laid in front of the Wcifsunrt House. This Is a move in tho right direction, and others in Hie vicinity should follow suit. -The fence uround nur public square is in a very poor condition, in sonic, places being completely torn down Our borough counri! should look after the matter. -Our young ond enterpiislng fiiend Joe Fenner, has given out a contract for the erection of a double Iraine dwelling house, opposite E. A. Horn's drug store, ou While street. Soruo of our young men, nlongwlth members ol thn old bund, have met and organized a ucw band They are getting alone very nicely, and in a short time new Vcissiort people may exct to bo treated to grand serenades. By the time Hie politi cal campaign upent its battery, they will be in No. 1 order. -The following letters remain unrolled for in tho Post Office: John Shonk, Henry A. Bears, Pelcr Belli, Phaon Bcnyholl', Lewis Fisher, Chad. Fenstermacher, Mrs. Matilda Dumber, Mrs. Francis Green, Mrs. Lizzie II il I cr, Mrs. Dilliah Ifeaney. Jos. Hunsicker. W. II. Knrciit, P. M. Bin Fish Stories from Little Pike- Tho largest trout caught in Piko counly for ten years was raptured In tho Little Duthkill Creek on Saturday by Thud. Mer cer ol Bradford county. It was caught with nn angle worm, below the tower Bushkill Falls, and weighed four and a quarter lbs. T(ie biggest Pike county treut on record caiizht previous to Hits one weighed lour and a half pounds. It was caught ut the mouth of tho Sawklll Creek olso with an angleworm. E. Pinchot caught alhne pour.der at the mouth of Tom's Cieck. Ed Whitfield, ol New York, killed a three tKHind trout in tbo Cnnashaugh Creek. The biggest trout eyer taken In the Dela ware Valley weighed six p-mnds. It came out of tho Beaverklll, ond was for years iu Ilarniim sold museum, and was burued up when the building was consumed. Charlra 1 enuo llnlliiiau caught an eir-Iit pound trout In Whit. Like. Sullivan. coun ty, N. Y .years ago, and six imunders were common in Pleasant Lake, near Monlicello I nrty years ago trout that wricked three pounds were Irequently killed in all Hie I'lke county ponds, and a five pound trout was nolo rarity, Tho stock inu- of them with pickerel destroyed the trout, and there are none tell In any ot the ponds now cx cept iu Little Walker pond. Th. "Prairie Parmer" Booming;. The Old Friends of The iVoi'n'e Farmer, and many farmers all over Hie West, and East, too, will be glad to learn of the good foitune that has rnine lo this time-honored Journal, which for nearly half a century (43 years) has been doing gonl tcrvico to and for lb. agricultural interests ol our country. Tho numlterof May 3d nnnnunre. that, henceforth, The 1'rai'ie JKrmer will bo under the Editorial Lirerlinn and Ilusl ness Management of Mr. ORANGE JUIH) who, nfler more than a quarter century ol service ul the head ol the Am-rlcan Acri culturisl, has left his former field to other nanus, aud removed lo near Cnicago, t tbnusand mile" nearer to hundreds of thou sands ot his older enterprising readers who nuvo preceedeil lim to the tv-sl. llie number belore us elves evidence uf tl: vigor ond experience be brings lo his new Held ol work. All who want specimens o tbo papers as it is. and Is to he. and t enjoy Its odvauloges, ran have Tlie 2'rairie farmer, weemy, irom Moy 1st, upto 1H3J, by sending a Ungle dollar to Prairie Farm er Publishing Company ISO Monroe St Chicago, III. Poc!:orton Specials. Tha Prqleitaut Episcopal pe-plo ol this town contemplate in th. future to have services, every, Sunday afternoon at 3 P. M., In Grammar School Room. They also expect to organ Iza another Sunday School Milton llonli, of this place, was struck by enginelM (If. S. Goodwln),aiid thrown about 30 ft oyer tracks iu the upper end ol tlie yard landing with his hip on the edge ol a sleeper. He was picked up and rou veyed lume.being himself not able to walk but now we are glad to rop-irt that be is able to walk again by means of a cano Mr. Harleman, who went lo Clica last woek fur medical treatment, is reported to bo getting better and hopes soon tu be per fectly restored to health again. His many friends throughout the county willuudoubt edly be pleased to besr this. Tho two now passenger trains lately put on the Valley Rosd both ttop at this place, thus giving us additional facilities for trsvel. Tho Valley Co. is a lively and progressive organization. On Friday evening, at tbe M. E. par sonage, by the Rcv.Mr. Powell, Mr.Gcorge Harleman was united In marriage to Miss Ida Jolllisill of Ilrlek Row. Me I'mnnnnl Eyentt and KaloZimmermsn acted astbelr aiieuuauis. serenading is In order now. Ali-iii. Under roof The t wo-double houses of Daniel Olewine, on Academy Hill, lion. W.M. Pjipsher has sold his un divided one-half of the bouso and lot, op posite tbe AnvncATK, office, to Johu Acker. iionsiuerauon i'JUO. A horse belonging lo John Laury, tbe Welssport baler, while hitched to a post on .t-cet, Mauch Chunk, last Baturdiy, became frightened st something and thrw himself on tbe post, the point of which entered his heart. 11 horis died shortly afterwaids. T VOICE OF TIIE3 PEOPLE. A Word nl to tho Condition of our " her cughrarcri, Eoir-a Carbon Advocate. Now ia tha time for our Supervisors ti "renovoli" and "demoralize" our streets ond roads igotn, to draft till tho boys, old men, old crttoiait hnrsot and dilapidated wagom into mice to shovel up tho foul dirt from guttc.s ond ditches Into the middle of tho street, to dry out and impregnate the atmosphere uflh a death and disease distributing effluvia and miasma when wet, and when thoroughly dried and pulverized into dust, we aro do llghfiilly regaled by Inhaling and swal lowing nnd giilping'down our throats and windpipes, this essence nf filth sud slush. No wonder our mucous membranes rebel, that our lungs are not corrupted, ond our blood poisoned "Wonders wilt never ceases," and here in Lchighton it is truly a wonder of wonders that we oro not afflicted with small pox, cholera and leprosy. It is true that the ague and malaria has afflicted us for tbe last 4 or 5 years. tho genuine shaking Jersey lightning aqcr in bio, ex tending to the top of tho Mnhonint; moun tain, born and bred and hatched out In the strcvts and alleys and gutters of our beauti ful borough. This has not been to bofcrc, and should not bo so now, whoso fault Is it? A borough of eight or nine physicians ond among them some euro alls, wllh other men of knowledge nnd wisdom, certainly some one lliera should bo with wit enough lo suggest a remedy or plan or raise a voice ou the subject of some sanitary measure. At our lust election a "big luss" wos mode be cause some of the Lehigh Valley railroad boys took so prominent a pirt. It would perhaps have been better if a 1 title of the Rtilroad methols were infused iuto our street and road jabs, as read bcion'i Last year tho people of Lower Morion township, Montgomery county, elected as road suiicryUor Hon. A. J. Cussott, Vico rresidenl of tho Pennsylvania lUilroud Company, whose Summer residence is In Its bolder It was done partly us a joke, as supervisor was considered ubout the least i-isaibio account, ami some oi ins neiguuors thought it a playlul way to givo Cassdt on ollice. To tho surprise c:f all ho "lookout his papers" und presented himself lor the tain, men ueguu eucii ti tearing down unu liguing up as thai old country district never lielore. wiluesisd. Tux collections were rigidly enforced. and those who were in tho habit ul working nut their tax louud that l hey hud u biisineia man to deul with. He exacted lull work, permitted no slouching uudeverv man who came to "work" had to put in ten solid hours ul a dollar a uav. Ho found himself without mcn,ns larniFre preferred to pny tax rather than to be worked" that way. With this money in hand ho contracted at lower rates, nnd at this lime of the year, tha township mails loon like they never dm beloro. Supervisor Cissutt made It hot for them, and showed what could bo douo in a yeur with real eu liirprise, grit and determination. Ho pill Pennsylvania ltuilrnnd melnods Into tin- job, and astonished those who had been sleeping over tho idea that shoveling the iltrt Into the middle oi the mice u ycur wus all that could be douo. A SiTFLr.cit. Quoryl According to the published report of tho transactions of the "Town Council" in tho CAnn x Aovocate of last week, we notlco that they wero under the impression that the Methodist Episcopal church had made application for license to hold a Gift and Prize Festiyal. It wo know ourselvc. aright, we did not even entertain the Idea nf going into thut kind of lottery business, much less muke application lor license therefor. There ccitu nl)' must ho an error some where. A Methodist. Tax Levy and Collectors. The Commissioners haye levlod a county tax for the present year of three mills, cud the following collectors bavo thus far becu appointed 1 Mah whig Charles Bittler Parrvville Hiirrisou Wenlz L. Tiiwatr.cnsing Nicholas Crill Mauch Lntiul; twp Daniel iieuneuy Liiislord 3. F. Peeler Ijiiusautio L A. Devoo Packer D. I). Gerhart Iiehlgh George Carroll E, Mauch Chunk Win. Merriclc MA UIU ED. FEVSTERM AHII EU SMITH. On the 17lh of April, bythe Iiey. Abraham Bai tholomew, Nelson P. F.nstermachcr mid Miss Alice. Smith both ol East l'inn. WKAVnU-ItAlHJIIMAN. On the lib ike Fame, Jacob (I. weaver, ol East llruosnlck, Schuylkill county, and Miss Surah J. llitbcriiian, 01' East Penn OEKJf.It-LU I'Z On the 10th Inst, by the s.inie, (teonro Uultrcr. nnd all barah J. I.utr, both of West Penn, Schujlkill coun ty. Pa. XANIIER FRANTS!. On tho 11th Inst., by tho same, (,'. K. Xtindcr, of Mahoning, an I Mc Alice I-mini. 01 i.ast l-cnn. LOI'll-STOUDT Onthelllh Inst, bythe same, naniel i.ocu ami .Mi; r iannaaiouui, uotnoi west I'enn. ciiuiikiii couuiy. im i:i. MtlSRKI.MAN.-On tho Ind dor of Anrll In Mnhoiiliiir, Charles Muriclman, nged 62 years, iu uiontns nun uays. IlALI.lUT.-tlu I ho Hlh day of Arrll. to East I'enn, Uurlha May,douihtrr ol howls aim iici.rieiia naiiiei, ngeu a years, month aud '-M da s. WKHll. On tho nth day of April, In East renn, tlltaoolli. wnioer ot 1'eier cur, aged 73 yens and 10 days, STIIUICKit.-On the IS1I1 day of April, lu Mahonlug, Francis, husband or Louisa Mocker, aged VI years, V months and 7 days, SOHUM AOHEIt.-On the Illt.lny of April, in Lclilglitun, 1.1 ary l.llcn, who or uwen Meliuinuchor, aged 21 years, 0 months and 19 uays. Un the 2tst dav of Anrll. In Weatherly. Sainael Kdwnrd. ton uf U Hsan Kn-llz and honlila Kochor, aged IS years, 0 mouths anu ia uays. FIIIISSINIIKII. On lho:7ihdayof April, in East Penn. lnh Aluaiula. ntfttnff.arl Friizinger, aged Kjeare, lOuonlhs and 0 aa)s. MlhhER.-On IhoMtti day of Anrll. at Sum mil rlill, Ellt4.wileorSflloinoii.tllller.uged tl e.trs, u luonius anu 7 nays. THIVlk On the 3th Ins'., In Tamaqu.i, Maria Anna, wife of Jonas Tilnc, aged il years, a meatus aim -u uays. HOOD'S iIarsaparilla Is designed ta meet tho wants of a largo por tion of our people-v. ho aro cither too poor to cmploy.t,or ato too far removed to easily call one, and a still larger class who aro not elc'.c enough to require, medical mhlce, and yet aro out of t oris and need a mcdlclno to build them up, give lhc:n nn ap. petite, pnrlfylhclr Mood, nnd oil up tlio ma chinery of their bodies so It will do Its duty willingly. No other nrllrlo takes hold of tho system una lilts exactly tno spot iiko MOOD'S SARSAPARILLA It works like maele. reaching every rart ot tho human body through the blood, clvlnfj to all renewed llfo and energy. My friend, you need not take our word. Ask your ncliilibor, who lias lust taken ono liotHc. Ho will Icll you Uiat ' It's the belt dollar I ctcr Invested." I.WAVokTn. IT.. Teh. 13, 18T3. MESSltM'. I. lloon A Co.i Dear Hrs Although gTcatly prejudiced ngalmt .patent medicines lu general, I was Induced. .from Iho excellent leinuts I heard of jour H-irsnparllla. to try n bottle, last December, for dynpcpsla nud general prostration, and I h.ivo received very irratliylnir uauiutront its use. I nm now using tho second boiile, nnd consider It n very valiuble iriiietly lor lndJgtttluu and Its afteudaut lioubtes. Yours truly. p.r. niuucniLV (rirm of Carter fc Churchill.) Cr A ccntlcman who fininetl has been suBorlns from wUfo tho XitiUUyRnd Langtpr If) PnllnfJc. toys: "Hood's EAr.s.trAittLi.v Is putting ! new llfo right Into me. I liavo gained ten pound since I becan 10 tato it." itaitajtcu IwuUitUua. IJood's SAtvurABi vu. Is sM by all drng gists, rrlec i per bottle; slxforts. 1'rc porixl by C, J, HOOD tt (XL, Lowell, U&n. gesBaaoaaoo3B8 TtlE nAlUriOAD ERA " repi"jc(3rKitff k 0d leiX-i to Ataphj tt one nf tM grtalt t a&Wtve'Hcnti ol'tt century." '-John Wanamaker, PMtnJe pWa. "recvmirienj (as unltrtikinj." John Hall, D.D. Our Standard Library bsoks for 13 cants ami 33 cent) are cbaut tbo size of this eutlre advertisement. Tlio typo in nearly all tlio books aro Small Pica.'tlio sizo used in tliis scn tonce. Each book ia printed on fine laid paper, and Is bound In a dnr it lo, candsorao paper coyar, with tUa nauio juUtoJ sn tliu back cod nidi. 15 CENT QOOKG: Highways of I.I I oral tiro, llr Freest!. American Humeri. fa, JJy IIawcir. Altitun, and Utury of a Kitpc i fltioiM Jin ii, ltj tbe treat Russian uorells'. Ten- oEKirrr. Clinrlotto Ilron'o, By L. 0. HorioWAt. rinlmnlion, B7 Julian IIawthoiish. Tho abovo aro unim of our 10 cent Looks. 25 CENT BOOKS: Willi the Poets, By Canoh l-'Aasin. I.tro of Crmnwt-H, Uy PAxroN Hood. Elsaaya of Gleorr Xllol ( 'oiupletel. Tho FleivtAbookof trayel), UyO'DosoVAM llowtuatn l'uzsiei (nove'l. By UAosxit- to if, author uf Helen's Dab:- a. Xuoabovaaro auiuo of our 30 ont books. Send far Descriptive Circular.. diesiorze Arcs ztsnaQ. A hew uooic. H7 JOAQUIN JIILLCR. Band 53 cents t -r this boik as a sampls of theso cboip books by tjo ablest of American and European writers. Spurgoon'a Iiifo Work. Tho Troaoury of David. To ba comploted in potcu vols , six now ready. Trice, rer vol.. $2.0). John "II -ill savs: " lroc ina'ructlon Upur- gaon s worx 13 wunout an equal." ISCOUMT TO OUIIF3S. for thirty flws aficr tbi3 advertiwmint appetri wo wilt allow 'M per cent, discount o a $1:0.00 worth cf our boolta t J 02a address, tbo mousy to accoiupa&y the order. SATI:FACTIOi C.UARAr4TEED I If tho hooka do not rjlvo satlfactlon thty may b returned two daya alter roccipt i.ud tho luonc; refunded, tho purchaser to pay tha rotura freight, jtny cf ts aiov! liat.'j s:r.(, j QtlpaiJ, ox r.ctlpt epriet. Cim'ari frt: ' FUNIC & WAQNALLS, Publishers, 10 and 12 Dey St., New Yok. 1 ZQ- Canrnosore WaRtcil for JSiiljicrlptlou Uuoht. "Stj t CS" Men. lull paiua- iu lhich utl ne. ttlu udvurtUomeill. Mahoulnff Equllij. Formers nre ill out through p'onlin corn for this seaso 1. On Tuesday nieht we. havo been visit ed by n hhower of tho "Carbon dew." And as a result, tbo "Carbon breeze" was ficno m tho following day. Mr. C. II. Seidle ianow busily engaged In excavating for h now Iiou'c. -Mr. Thou. Beltz is very ill and lies been that for a number ol days. Every thing has tts prey. So have tbo gems. A certain parly who had been away lo havo tl.clr ijeni3 taken complain thut they nre loo dear: un I have coma ton cou- clipiion that they will plant pome hi the pniiito pitches to Keep tho bugs nwoy and at tho .ami- time raise their mvn gems. If. II. Keiser w uw.iv s mc friends Iu Lehigh county. Mr. nnd Mrs. W.G. rrevman.of Mnuch Chunk, were visiting relatives und friends here. David Ballietnml his "lean vriirehum" were ulsitlng Irieuds at New Tripoli, Le hi;h county. Dash. Leal Notices. To Whom It lYIay Conc-rn.f All norsons aro hereby (orhld harborlmr or trustlmrinv wife. MA II Y ltKIIIHII. nfur this date sho harlnir left my bd nnd loud without cnui'o or provocation, 1 will piy no debts contracted by her. jcniisa. 1.1..11 if nf, Mahoning twp , Uarbun Co , Pa, Moy 14, 18S4-W3 To Whom It May Concern. Notice Is hereby clven. that I have siren myron UIlAlil.ES Wllltril, his rrcodoin, and will tint be lesponslhle for unydchts con traded by him alter his itn'c. 1LL.1N it) v 1 11, V.'alcksvillc, Pa. Franklin twn., May 15, 18St nS Auditor's Notice. In the Orphans' Court of Carbon County. EstatoofjAConPAUST, Dcccosed. Tho undersluned Auditor, appointed bythe Onrt. April SO, A. I). 1861, lo piss upon tha exceptions and make dltrii.uthn of the I und s In Ihn hands ot Henry Mnilor, Executor of tho IXate of Jiicob Pubst. ileccnicd. l.tto of Audenrled, Hanks Township, t'arhon Coun tv. Ph., will hold n mceilnu for the purpose or Ida appointment on WEDNESDAY. I ho FOUR I'll HAY I IK .MINE. A. 1). mi, at MM II o'clock A. M.. nlttieOlP.ce of Krey man & ICrlfer. Attorneys nt Law, llroadway, Mauch Chunk. Pa., when and where nil parties Interehtcd will he required to make their claims or bo debarred tiom coining In uponsnld lond. H. li. (.111.11 M, Mayo lS8t-4 Auditor. Estato Notice. Estate, of l-'nANCin Stock en. lato of Mahon. Ing Twp, ttnrbou Uo Pa,, Dcc'd. Letters Testamentary upon Iho nhove Hs late hnvlnirboin granted tolhounderslgneo, nil persons Imlcbtod to said llst.-ito aro re quested to make liumedhuo payment, nnd those havlngctulmsto precent tbesamo with out delay, to i.ohia .sTocicnn. Loldghton P. O.. Carbon Comity, Pa , Or, her Attorney, 11. It. SlKWHIt. Dsn;., Mauch Chum;, Pa. May 10, 188l-n0 Auditor'n Notice. nTATH ofnnoilflK rtEIOHAHD, Do ceafed. On tho Vlstdayof April ISM. the undersigned nits nppolnte.1 by the Orphans' llourl of tJartion County, as Audi tor, to make distribution ot tho foods nr lil unco in tho hands of I.ydla ltelchurd, nd mlnlstratrlx ol tho estate of Oeorite lirlch nrd. license I, lalo or Hast Penn township, raid county, nnd make report tu next term, will mom all parties Interfiled fur the pur- Iioso ot lis nppnlntmcnt on MONDAY Iho .0th DAY ot MAY. IS8l,nt ONKO'CI.OUK P. M., at his office In the boroiuh or ( hunk, ou llroadway si reel, when ami where all peiron Interested aro required t- bo present nnd present their claims or bo de barred from cumins In for usUuro In said fund or balance, I'HAS. ODIN STIIOII. Andltor. Mauch Chunk, 1'a, April i.', Itsi. nl. Subpoena in Divoroo. A. Nora Henjamln, by her next Irlcnd, li. II. llyliigton. In tho Court nft;ommon PlensofOurbon cnUntv y Alias Sjubpoena. No. 3, ManlyA HenJamlnJ lony ivriii, is i, nni No. 6, April Term, USI. To MANLY A. 11I:N.TAM1N, The aoovt-nantd ItetiicndenU You nre hereby notified to bo and appear nt the Court of Common Pica, to be holden at Mauch Chunk. In mid fur tlio County or Carbon. Maio ol Pennsylvania, on iho 2nd Monday ol June, A. 1). 1881, ut Two o'clock In tho Attornooii, to nnswvr sail complaint, per.onal service upnu yoa having lalk-d ou account of your absence. O. W. LDNTZ, Sheriff. April 30, 1831-wl. WM. DUFFY & SON, of East Mauch Chunlc, are pirpared to do all kinds of Plastering & Oruainental Woii, atshoitest nolloe. Orders by mail will re Niva prompt attention. Terms moderate or good work. seulltf WILL BUY 0M2 ALL RIGHT tfir.rc4,bTlAVA: IIAV CtTTIUE. TrVti!fc U Stcl. at ott ttrtri untrtci tu lever thr tlttH I . .11 ' C t,il SJM lUktUITfWsl. t i - 1 ii. th f lu. U ttsVti'McJ rv tht i 'a ml, n i)e suit Kb lirlj I ' kl lrfo 1 fa f I if. A'cv in saU U.I .VLVTAUli AU.O1UUC0, &ntfI4 1 1 i HJC A, 314 Volusaes for 533.75. In ono quarto vol., cloth. liuoliworlt: nomploto. 11.) MatMnl'7;.-! fcss ".(8) (2.) Onrlyle'rf T ttn . id i3,l Cliari oworth's Xiife of ncw lanrt Uil . (t thnrics Kuujiey's Town Oeoios;.. () I'homaa tiurjhes' Alfred tbo r at (' Di.raeh'av Riamittos rf Authcrsj. (7) Hutilu'alithiCf if Un llntl. (il.) D. juos-th- ne- O nttons. (2 volumes.) 5) hu E.n o -ro. dis ng: on a orlto d "MrxP-ru l'litutcia. (10.) buip rorMaiou- AUroltuV i hoo jliu. (U.) huuo. Klncbley's i pro Jt., (12) Tuntiyrou'sluyi of tho Jilns. (13. x,n. -'a Jo noi Ato. In all, It voli'.mei, bound In ono lire. qaft of 0i0 pjges. belnn oqulvalentto 080ordnry psaes. 1'UIUDI. - . nii.erH. Hoyt-VarcTcyclopodln of Quotations. 20,000 Quotations, Proas and Po.tryJ 50,000 of Concordance. Tho only Cyclopedia of Quotations in tho English Iinnsuago, IV. 1. Ilvrnlili "By long ouds In. bait book of quotations in exlstenco." Wvmtell l'hllllp.t "Caro talus to tha scholar." Oliver Wendell Holineat "It 11m near ray open dictionaries. It Is a massive aud leamtns' voluuie." lio.lou " IndlspeniaU s Wnrresler or Webster. It is tha only ttanjardbook or quotations." London Knti.ruay ltuvlam"A tborouublr good ploco of work.' U S. Soiiutof Kilmundi 1 "It la tha but work of tho kind with which I am acquUnttd." i'i-SpoaUor Itnnilitlli "I cossliltr It th. beat book of quotations I have seen." l'.jyatoro, over t-OOpagcs. 1-rlca, elotk, tig akses, CG.OO. A XewWorkiii Uiost Importan.e. SchafTf-Horzog Encyoopedla of Roligioua KnowlocJgo. By Philip SchaiT, D.D., LL..O., Assisted by 438 if tho Ablest Koho.ars In thn Wi r.d. Complete In 3 enperroyalbvovols.. double eeluma. "aritan Ulx, a.T.U , TrlDltyihurch, . Y.J "unsurpafsed by anything imtllsned." H.S.Htorre, O.D.i 'Aw- rkofiuimsnssvtlus." Ilniry Want lloncno t "inviluab: for scopo of aubjects, for rlcbneas rf knowledge, sad for general rcllnbilUy ofJiidKrucnt." Iti.hop 81m p.0111 It la avcryTalnthl. work. i-rcry subject tuat relates to rcllRlou, tiiaology, thO'Ib:c,l3 troste-1 in thli wor by a recenlted acbolar. It lo a corapleto llbriry on thes j subjects, brought (lov.-u to lust. No otkercTclopadla'caa lake It 1 1 lsce." Trice, per act, cloth, ?'3 00; shsep, ;S.t0. ii night's History of England. This groit work, cloth, for tl.TJ until rcntly sola lor fii.W. Complete, vritb ajll&dtsjs, ia tno Ito vols. .Vnuh I'orter, Prco. of Yale College, says! 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Found! td rntlda medic! irtocip1es Crolnc la fator b1 rcpU Uon. btrMtapplkftlUnMtb MtorsllwKM iakt lit cancU of Cfiacn. rina laaoi tea wuboui tfUj, ThoBthmifokt (lUOslsji utm tikiBuaut s" lira rvra factored TM mtmninr lwwtjt u RV TRIAL lift wttkfc fc Mva PACKACH. wutotl am Klfu ahsflD 1 fta Mid gklmfl RFND A0DHESS trroftb rplU. tURRIS REMEDY CO., M'f g CheciUtti 0:;: tMotmi'S Trutuut. 1 2 uonths,$5 i 3 voxna il HEALTH Ymimt ML E, C. HK"r3 sMiltTK AMI IlltllX TlliVATXilT. viMraiiutt.. trli rf.ii-llt -n LI tuf 0u, . ui Nuifrti !, tl()A Url S.ttaiui nst'sUlw rati) I J I tin 'ir ftn .11 fl rr tnl-a. Wkl'llhisMi. Ur' Ul Do firm .iB.b. 'Inlns f th Biala rsmutWut l tu.sibMr an4 Uwllac lomlsvr , ir tt4 dratbi Pr matin Uld r( lUtrviiivaaR, lsyo of f -tttr o altber aot. IniIttiarr lmM anj r'ltfiiiiat rrh tHia, ti hf 6nr-li' tl B l(li trata I'-at'Ua oriivrMo1ti r"1- KfflitMixrori faint ona ivoKUi'i tratm nt tf I or tlx Utu fur PA, it nt br taall p; Va GUARANTEE C1X DOXC3 T" r ' r r . V.' t't t . It orcr rotT t bf ua for atS an nnifanl'-d atlh fa, a aRH lUa pttrrhaar aut MltBt KiMi auts- I r'un I 'a manf If lis t(lEtat 4Ma n t arT rt rt.rv nuaralr. a ul outr by MBS HI ii IV. 1DHA4IX. a34Uir4fctit.t, I'a-laTU, fa. IT... r'ayratd rranaUla ItitMnl I'artHrrs . lnTfl!1ltlr nirva Ueadsr bt, I oaatlpalla, 1'arlAra it Mm HUrl sjh whr u(tti rrrlt t of ti mtt. t'nanaMa4 ut UsiUiau. riQIJPR A M EMDF LfiflN. 323 Pnco Street. PhUodelpaia, Pp Closiug Out Sale! NO HUMBUG I lYo will close oar buslntss st r.ehlahton ei KATUItHAY. MAY lfth, aad will sail our entire sack uf Dry Goods, Carpets, ClothiDg, 4 Hats. Caps, &c, at a OIIKAT SAOKIVICKI Now Is yor lire. If you want llnraalin Wa tiav. Mark, nl Howiiall ihe Ouoils In oar Slot, u, rurh !. 1-laurel Hint we aie sure that lou will buy wswilier you need lhoioulsvr nul. I all rl lo avoid ihe iub. as we oil! PUSL TH'tMLY CLOSE S A'l U K DAY. MAY II, JOSEPH JONAS, Obekt's Buidixg. Bank Street Lchighton. , Usxl C Fabrnsj-y 1C,1IU l n