t.ElllOHTON. I'a.i EATUllDAY, MAY 17, 18S4. Eutorcd at tho LcliiRliton post-office as Socoud Class Mull Mutter. THE SLATE MADE UF. All of lb lrlrltrts to tilt) tteptlbllcid National Oonreutlon which asaeuible-i lit Chicago, bu June 3nl, Lnve been elected aud n pretty accurate estimate of tbo ro unit of tbs contest may how be inn-ie. Taklug Ibe States In their order, say tho Chicago. KEW4, Al.ibann Is certainly solid for I'reslelent Artbur, lib the eict-pllon, perbapx, of LsnU E. I'amons, Jr., who is oonnteel for Dlxlno because lie voted (or tbe Mmne ntateiiau tu I860. While there U souio (lifftrciico of judgment In tbe Arkansas cMegntion, they may be retted upon to Tole ns n unit for Aitlmr. (3 illforciii is counted for Blaine, nltbougb tbe luilivtilnnl preferences of tbe dele gates are not consulted In tbit nutting; nt Id ist two of them are for Arthur ns n first clioioe, und vigorous lu their de nunciation of Wnlue. Tbe Colorado delfgation is for Illiilne first, Lofian (If tbiTe in n clmnce for blui) second nnd certain of tbd delegates would not heri Uti to vote for Artbur if tbe opportunity wers presented to do it honorably. The Coanectlcnt delegates ato pledge.1 to Om. Hanley, but will go in it body to Artbur if tbetr twelve votes will secure liiru tbe uomluntlon, Tbe Delaware men, with one exception, are for Blat'.e because of diQlcnlty oyer n Uniteil Btalts judgeship, iu which tbe president did not please tbeui, Florida nud Georgia may be counted ns solid lor the present administration, a number of tbe delegates beiug fedrrul i.flleo holders and tbe threatened contest in Georgia liaving fallen tbrootb. Tlilrtviijtht oi (be Illinois dt It-Rales are crmileil lor Logan, and when bisopportimliy l end ed, will ede pretty evenly betucen Ar tbur mil ISl.iinu. Indiana is ns badly mixed as in 1880, nud no one ,';ui till with certuluty much nbout it. Iowa is claimed ns solid lor Iilaiue, but as tbtre ft re no iustructionsa tuiuibrr of tbe dele' gates will exercise there individual pre ferences. Kuuis, which was solid for Blaine through seven ballots iu 1870, is tiow divided. Kentucky, tiotwitlndaiid ing tbe claims of tbe Blame lucn, will probably vote -olldly for Arthur on tbe first ballot, whilo Louisiana is certain to do so. Maine is of course unbroken f r lier favorite sou, who also getsn bubtan- tlal majority Iroui Maryliud. A large majority of tbe Massachusetts dtlegntts nre credited to Edmunds, but it Is mi open secret that tbey are ra.idy to go to Arthur In a loty when tbetr votu will nid him. Tho same is truu of the lid muads dilegatis In Vermont, and many in tbe other stales. Some of Ibo Ken York K.luiuuds uiou cannot tie so count' ed upon. T'o ot tbe MUsis-ippi 1'clr. Kales are cr.dite I tu Blaine, idtbougb il is by no means certain that tiny will Tote for biui. A leudiug politician of Nohr.uka telt graphs tLi.t tbtru ate really nbout tun ltlaiue men inlbe delegation from that btate, but tint bo will lnve four voles on tho first ballot. Sotitl Carolina, Teiiuenstr, and Virginia will Vol solidly for Arthur. Texas is divid ed so tbat Blaine is credited wilb n ma jorliy, although it is t'ctibtlul if he CO itii get ii were tbe ballot to be taken to-lay. To the territories Iilaiue takes Arizinn, Dakota, nnd Washington, while Arthur gets Wy ming nud UuU. A n result of very careful irquiry, tbe following bns been jirep ired, nud is be. lieved to be ns near cornet ns is possible nt this tl te. It gives Artbur 372 with out counting tbe Edmunds and llanh-y Totm, fiotu which be will be enabled to draw enough wlieu needed to nominate him. The number of delegates is 820; necessary to n choice, -til: III E a At bania Arkansas tlalllo-nla Cot-rado IVmirctk-ut lit lawnro Xlort-'u lonrnii Illln.iis Indiana Iowa Kim K-mucky It utanit......M Maine JlarylHii'l 4,IasAvlmtelts Mfehfiran , Ilanepota MIJ utl.. Nueraka ,,,, Nevaita New llainiiililro.... New Jerey Nw York North Carolina Ohio. Oreim Pentii lv title JthiHlo ltlntiil. Kuu Ii l arollna '1 ui.iietict) Trjni Vei itouit Vlrnlnln Vlrijl la Wl(cnnln .Arizona I'altota HlJIilol ol fiiluiiittlii atlilrtKion WyoiulDir uuti Totall i ... i 15 ...I 8 ... v... . i::: 13'... 131 I 5 .. 14 'nj'o 20 0 4 IS H 11 4 8 ..I" i 373 to ja 18,51,1. A WALL STREET PANIC. There wire eight faiiurts in New York 0 ty nud one iu Urooklyu Wednesday. Ot iese three nre of importance the re in el. der nre not liki ly to rffectothfr pa tifs. Tno one that will attract the niott attention is tbnt of lbs Metropolitan Hank, It bus been cousldi red a Kudmg flimucial instilntion, nnd its snipensiou. holding, ns it wns snpf oseil, n suriilu of iu lions of dol'itrn, will cuist. general Burptise. The names i f tbe bsnks and firms wbicb have closed nre ns lolloF; Metropolitan Bank, ol New York.Brnadwnv ml Pine 8treetj iiirjihif, $4,1)00,000) ilep-uiti, $8,000,000 l.,an, $111,(100,000, Atlantic Slate Eank, of Brooklyn, a tinull &nern. II telt & Fonte, bankers and hrokrrs. J jseph C. Willionii i Co , brokeruge Hrni,of Sli llrwil Siieei, DJouell.I.swton i Slmpton.tjnklns home, 102 D rot it way, O. M, C-crt A Co , broker0 firm. Ne'xm, ItoliiKOn .t Co., hrokcrace firm. ttl,-likl, Hiirnhsin t Co , brokerage firm. CiCj It rtjiidall, britkeregtt firm. Tbat there is no danger of n pstile t rci gbotit tbe country is iadicaud lyy i Is n bes from sll tbe leadlug uitlea S ' i n baVe theie bern any enum fjieut in.d l.one tteeots Iruuiiueot. beeretary I'-lter otm to tbe ituu K lib an crdr to redeem bonds before maturity, nnd the Government evinces n j willingness to iitd tbe business interests, j Wall btreeit, of conrne, bns experienced j thi most apprehension. Wednesday's tcenss of excitement cloely resembled fiose ot Dlack Friday, but the belief js generally considered will grounded that they will not bo repented, A special -despatch from New York nt 2 o'clock Thursday mnrniug nuuouucts that tbe Metropolitan Nalionnl Btuk will rebtimo payment in the morning, tbe Clenrlog.tiouse Committee, acquiescing. The llcroniEn, a journal devoted to Ibo interests of settlers on the puhliu lands, goes for the land-grabbers out West lu tbe following strain, which, in view of Ibo magnitude of Ibo evils of wblcli it complains, ought to be repro duced: ''When tho constituted authori ties of n Government of Ully-fiva mil lions of people openly confers tbetr In ability to restrain a gang of squatters nnd cow-boys from lenclug In tbe pnblio lauds, what wonder is it that J2 igtand and other nations abroad nre encouraged to send tbetr ndventurers here to cccupy whole counties of our elomala nt will? And what could be moro absurd than the nltjmpt to get these land thieves dis possessed by n bill in (quit? Is this tbe remedy invoked by n j rlvato person when bis lands nre trespassed upon with out color of right? nud would it bs tbe remedy tbnt private Individual would naturally Bttl; Against tbe depredations of n burglar or sneak thiel? Aud why it tbe position of tbe Government in Mich cases different from tbat of the citizen? But to add to Ibo many humiliations that Ibo Government suffers from thtse depredators, wo bava official information tbat the mails lire obstructed nnd tbe cirri. rs compelled to go many utiles out ol their way becausu thtse thieves will uot permit them to cross the lauds bel.iuging to the public! Is it possible tbat u nation whose obligations to the selthrhuve taken tho form of solemn Cougr ssiouitl uiacluieut.its powerless to keep its public lauds Iroui tailing into tue ban is of a u orgauiZ:d gang of weal thy (poiliattirs whose hired miuiunsstand iu armed deli nice of the law? ' The denth ol Jiulab V. ll.'rj.imln on Thursday, of last week, ended it very ro mautiu uud checkered career. Mr. Iteu jimin eviis of Jewish descent, wns born lu the island of St. Croix iu Isll, nud nt an early uge btcauioa resident of New Orlenus. He was educated at Yale, und ufter n brilliant career nt the Louisiana Bir was elected to tbe United Stutth Senate in 18S2. On the secession of Louisiana Iroui Ibe Union be became n member o tho Confederate Government, being successively Attoriiey-Geuer.il, Seer, titry ot War aud Secretary of Slate. lie was populaily known us "the brains of tho Confederacy," nud was uudotibt cdly tbe ablest inuu iu Mr. Davis" Cabi net. Ou tbe coll ipse of the Confederate Gove runieut in 1803 be made bis wny to Key West, anil escaped iu nu open boat to Nassau. Gain;; to Euglaud hu was speedily nduiitled to Ibo bar, nud iu ten j ears bail become oue of tbe most prom inent lawyers iu that country. At hi; retirement, littlo more than a year ng", on account of organic disease of the heart, his practice was estimated to be woit'i 3100,000 a year. He was n ma u of brilliant abilities, but not of high moral character. In the General Conference of the M, E. Ounreb on Tuesday mottling of last week, iu thllidelphw, tho treasurer o! the Episcopal luud reported the receipts iu tho last four years S227.0G1.83 und expenses S221.fiC0 02 Ti.o ngent of the Jl, Ij. Book Concern reported great 11 minci.it prosperity, Tho total assets nre SI.773 800 11. Tbe sale of books m 1880 was$SC7,(iC7; in 1851, S352.710; iu 1832 $831,078; r ml in 18S3, $303,123, a total of SJ3 o31 005. The report ol the board ofeduoition gives the total value of the educitioual buildings nud grounds be longing to tbe cbuicb at $7 581,C10,wiili an endowment of S7.03l.17G, In these fiero were 1.305 teachers aud 28.001 smeieuls. Daring the past year 422 students were aided to tbe extent of $33 312. A vrtDTiciivu tariff is liken leech; it ba n sucker nt both cuds of it. With one eud it sucks up the substance of the people for the benefit of the Treastirj; who mo oiueril depletes productive iu uuslriia iu older to sustain unproduct ive indutrie.s. The money that goes in to the baud of tbe Government is derived through n legitlt. ale exeicise of the tax nig powtr; but Ibo money that is taken Iroui eiua proi ucer to give to another is ii legalized robbery. -Philadelphia His CollO. Wnr.uixoiiEN- should not allow them- s.-lves to bj iguoraut of the fact that the uiaiiii 'ncttiiliig iitti rents which have the highest t.trifl'-l.iw .io.tclioii uro thote that lo-dnyuru lu the most prostrate on- elltiou. ami connected with which wace reductions have been the greatest; autl whou (hey lortify themselves into this iludtistaiiiliiig, which all ripe judgment cauuot fall to do, they ought not to fir get Its impression FROM WASHINGTON Uejular to tbe Cai-.bon Advocate. YiIOIoI D. O.. Miy 15. '8J. H IT OlFEAT. By a vote ot 1E3 to 153 the Morrison Tariff bill was killed iu Ibe House. Every vote in tbe Ilotiso was nccauuted for Mtv- those of three members, uud they could not lime chauued tbe result. The million to Mrike out the enacting clause was madd by a Democrat Mr. Converse, of Ohio mid without tbe aid ol Democratic votos it could not have been onirled. Eoily-oue Democrats vot ed wi b the Hrpublicsus, uud tbi- was tbe strength of Mr. Haudalls lollowlug. Threo ltepnblic.ius who voted with Mor rison wrra Messrs. Wakefield, Nelson aud Strait, all ol Miunesota, In rcelawlug the course of events wbicb so culminated, it is not ellfiicnlt to determine where tbe blsmelios or. who lunt bear Ibe const r v noes of this set. Not in twenty-five je.ua bed tba Dtluo crats gained control of the II ug niider oindttiout nny more favorabli to thtir cutiuuing in power- Tuny hd U.eu lif etl into a majority by th scftuduls and eorriipll in of their It puhlieau op. pjiieutb; ILey wrut with urruits of luipcitaot legislation wbicb tbe recent Congresses bad passed over iu tbetr greedy seeking of plunder; they bad nbuudaut opportunity to prove tbclr fit. nesi nutl capacity by ninnfully cutler taking io perform what bud beeu neg lected to tho manifest injury of the pto pie. They buve missel! tbe opportunity. From tho begluutng tbey haVo beeu di vided iu Bentlmeul, nud nltbough Ibis dlylslou was very unequal in point of numbers, n small faction bas succeeded la blocking what by far the larger por tion of tbe party considered themselves pledged to perform. Almost from tbo first tbe cotittst bas beeu botweeu Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Morrlsou ou tbe one baud nnd Mr. Ilandall ou tbe other, nnd Mr. Ilandall bas beeu acting iu tbo iu terosts of tbe republicans, nud counting upon their support. This duel has been fought over tbe Tariff bill, and Mr. Iliudall, after Buffering defeat moro than once, wins. Io is n victor? Tbe Democrats iu tbe Ilonse appear disposed to forget tbeir past differences and aro going to wotk at the uufiulsbed business of tbo sessiou. There is n gen eral disposition iu favor of an neljouru mcut. a sew c:Kcrrii t or civil service ee- ruiiM. First Assistant Postmaster-General Ilatton is still absent from bis post iu Washington. It has boeu many weeks since bo wns last soeu bero. He left on n tour of duly, nud bus since beeu frc qucnlly beard of at State and other Con ventions of bis parly iu tbe West. It should not be too hastily inferred, bow ever, tbat Mr. llulton Isengaged In what is uot deservl g of praise. lie Is simply enforcing tbe civil ser vice rules ns bo understands them, aud as Ibey have been cxpouuded by Mr. Evton, tbo august bead of tbe Civil Ser vice Cointuisiiou. That official holds that tiuder the law officials may act ns Jelegites lu Couveuliou, Ilatton, reas oning therefrom, holds that what a man may do be should do, nnd that what be cauuot do himself bo should assist others to da. Iu this way ha works it out tbnt it is uot only tbe right, but tbe duly, of otUcials to eugago in the delegate busi ness, aud to this eud lor nearly six weeks be bas been ou a tour of duty. His return is not expected iu a consider able time. He may tako Chicago iu bis homeward way early iu Juno. That Mr. Eaton lias so nblo nu assis tant ns Ilatton in enforcing the civil ser vice rules, all reformers have reasou tu rejoice. A number of Government of ficials uro similarly employed. Some of them, availing themselves of Patriarch Eaton's license, have got themselves eltclod delegates to Chicago. Iu this llattou failed, tbo Republicans of Iowa not having woikod themselves up to tbe mora ndvanced ideas of reform iu tbe civil strvico of wbicb bo and Eaton are tbo apostles. DESIrCIUTIC CANDIDATES. There is begluning to be tome more talk about the Democratic situation. Mr. Stetliug Morton, a member of tbe National Committee nnd a probable dele j(ato to tbo Chicago Couventiou from Nebraska, who is now in Washington, In a general convertalion to-elay upon tho snbjectof Democratic possibilities was asked : "Who dojon think will bo tbe nom i'-iee of tho Democratic Convention ut Chicane,?" 'Deyard, Poudletou, McDonald Morrison." "That is a wide shot. What are yonr reasons for such selections?'' 'Bayard is a fuinu of high cbaraoter, witn a clcau record. He will not gel down iu the gutter to work the boys Peudlotou is certain to be couslder.d becauso bo was defeated by Republican methods workiug in barmouy with the, Protection Democrats of Ohio. Pendle ton's defeat on account of bis favoring oivil scrvico reform wns n blow to tbe Democrats in tbo minority States from which it will bo bard to recover. Mc Donald is n sound man upnu all ceo nomto questions, nnd Morrison at least Ins the courage of bis convictions. Perhaps some other man tbu tbeso may be selected, some men who is the very Incarnation of tbo idea of tariff reduc turn." 'What will he the insne this year?'' "the only jssno npou which the Dcmocri-ts can win is a square declira liou agalu.st tbe protective system. The tight in tbe Honso will come up at Chi cago nud the revenne reformers will be stronger there than if tbe bill bad passed the House " "As a Democrat, which one of tbe loading It-puhlicuu candidates would you prefer to see nominated?'' ' Blaine; because I think he best rep resents tbe methods and morals of the U -publican parly. However, Win. Put IC Hogg as uu untried candidate should not be overlooked, and Doray lor bis sorvicsiu 1880 ought to receive some notice. IIENDECKEn RECALLED. As pithily intimated some time ngn. Heron V.m E seudecker, tbe G-rman Minister bis been recalled by bis Gov- erumeiit. It isoivn out that ha U !,. ply to be ttiiusferred to another field, but tbe couutry understands that this is simply another pieco of tbo tyrannous iiisolenco or Bismarck. The course ol UirouVon Eiseudecker in tho Lasker matter was uot pleasing to Bieranrok, though tbe ceutlemau bore himself with diguily nnd courtesy throughout. As a I matter of fact he was eulirrly too genteel and considerate for tbe bogglsbucss ol the lerrngluona Chancellor, beuca the rtcall. THE HE ORLEANS EXPOIITIOSJ. The llouso lias psssed tbe bill npnro- priatiu $1,000,000 for the celebratlou ol tbe Wwrld'a Industrial and Cotton Cen teuuial Exposition nt New Oileatis, with nu ameudmeut providing that the sum impropriated shall only be paid on tbe Treasurer of the United Stales beiug miti.iltfd tbat $500 000 has been conirib. nted by the World's Iudustrlal aud Cot tou Exposition. Tl TUB VETERANS OP THE MEXICAN WAR. Too House Bill granting peuslous to tbe soldiers of the Mexican war wss re period to tbe Senate from tbe Pensions Committee with an nraeudment provld-' lug that "no sncb officer, enlisted mu or widow shall bo entitled to tbe bene fits of this net uulesa dependent iu w hula or in part npou hit or her own lab r or ruUUdco from other for sup- i ieri TBE BILL TiR GEN GSlNt'ii SENCrtT Iu atktiig tbe Sitwte Omeuitteo to re port tpctdily upon bis bill to place Qn. Graut on tbe retired lint, of the army with pay nt the ralo of $10,000 a yenr, Setintor Edmunds said bo mndo tba re quest for reasons which ho prescmed overybody understood. Wb pesuirio this means that be wants tbo'Gorerument to piovlde lull pay for Geu. Grant ns soon ns possible, in con ceqncnco of the losses wbicb tbe General bns suffered by reasou of the failure of tbo firm of Grant A Ward, in wblch ho wns n pnrtuer. It wns proper nnd fitting recognition of bis great pnblio services ns n military commntider for tbo peoplo of this coun try to provide generously for ibo pecu niary welfare of Ulyssc3 3 Grant. We think tbey have done this. Is it not going too fur for tbe nation to help blm njw to make up bis losses as a Block brok- or in Wall sheet? He bas, or lately bad, nn ample for luuo. IfbechoCBes to Imperil it Inn notoriously liazirdons business n basl ness which occasionally enriches those who cngngo in it, but which for tbe most part does not ndd anything to the real wealth or well being of tbe worl 1 wby should the Treasury of tbe United States bo drawn upon to repair tbo dis astrous effects of bis unfortunate specu lations? Special t: tbo Carbon Advocate. Washington, May 10, 1881 A plan Is on foot to pnts a bill during the present session of Consress, directing the Secretary of the Interior to place upon tho pension rolls the names of all tho fiddlers nr sailors or matines who served two months or longer continuously In any Con federate prison, nrnylding they nre noev suffering from disability, cither general or specific. Besides beim; placed nn the pen slon rolls tliey ere also to receive two dol lara lor encn itay ol imprisonment, ns a gratuity. The list is further augmented by placing tip-in it the names of the evl.lowj of soldiers ami sailors evhn served two inoutbs iu prison nnd hnvo sioco dial. Tho Ihlnl ami last new class of pensions c.-)n.ift3 of all soldiers, sjllors or marines evho have served six months In any war in which tho United States haye been engaged and who are fount), upon examination nv a hoard of pension surgeons, to lie so disabled 3 to interfere with the performance of manual labor. It la further provided that all who have served in any war ami nave readied tne ago or sixty two years shall be placed on the roll, provided they are compelled to earn n living by manual labor. This bill has just been reported tavorably from tho House Cominillee on Pension, with every probability that it will pass. The bill for placing General Grant on the retired ll't, which Mr. Edmunds introduced iu the Senate on Wednesday, was aecoin panled with tbe request that tho Committee on Millitnry Affairs take action noon with the least jHifsihla delay, for reasons which the Sonutor suggested everybody would understand, relerring of course, to lha recent failure of the stockhrnking firm of Grant and Ward in New York, by which the General 13 said to have lost about $300, 000. But General Grunt's financial con tlitinn notwithstaudinrtkia failure, is by no means bad. He Is tho beneficiary of a munificent trust fund, the interest, on which at no moro than four per cent, would amount to i'J.OOO per annum a quiet sufficient sum to keep the evnlf nway from tho door and this Is secure from impairment, as it is ex ampt from nsslgnnient. As an illustrious soldier who served his country well, Gen. Graut deserves well of tho Government ami has certainly been treated with most distinguished considera tion ly the pontile. But neither the Gov eminent nor the counliy lias anything t do with his private affairs as the senior parineroin nroiicr 8 linn evincli nas corns to crief through bad mancgement. Tho talk now is that the House will probably adjourn on tho 23d or 30th of June. The appropriation bills are nearly all ready to bo reported to the House, ami with them out of the way It is thought that nothing can interfere with ad'ourument. Her Von Eisendeckor, tho German niin liter, has received a dispatch from tho homo government informing him of hit transfer to Baden, nnd tho appointment of Herr Von Alyensieben, at present minister at the Hajrue, to succeed him here. The date of the change was not given and Min ister Von Eisendesker will await further particulars by mail. As I wrole the prediction last weok that tho Kellogg trial would bu a farce, I write the fulfillment of the prediction now, only Io say that the farce ia a great deal broader oiiu than I bad any right to predict. That there whs a preconcerted arrangement to let Kellngg go scot free, is amply demon straled by the fact that Ker who drew the indictment purpoaclv left breaches in It large enough to drivo through a coach and four. With the dralls before him that hat) been paid to Kellogg for bis official In fluence, he chargrd in each ol the sovcral counts that Kellogg hail been paid anil hail received "lawlul money of tho United Suites." Of cnurre Ibe testimony did not bear out the allegation, nod of course nu acquittal followed. Having thus been thoroughly vindicated by lo.-hiiicalitles in the legil proceedings, a tlerply concerned public will be anxious to know tvhat sort of a vindication is awaiting Kellogg at tho hands of the Springer committee.. Rough on Rats" clears out rata, mice lie. 'Ibuigli on Corns." for corns, bunion. 15c. Thin people. "Wells' Health Ilenewer" ! tores health and ylor,cureadvspajisia, Ac, f I. "Rough on Toothache," instant relief. 13c Ladles who would retain freshness and viyaclty dou'l fail to try "Wells' Health ilenewer. Buchu-paibs," great kidney and urin ary cure. Flies, roaches, ants, bed bogs. rata. mice. cleared out by "Rough on Rais" 15c 'Rough ou Coiightj" troches, 15cj liquid SSe For children plow In development, niinv nnd delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer ' "Rough ou Dcalisl" Tooth Powder Try It lie Nervous weakness, dyspepsia, sexual de bility cured by "Wells' Health Renewer 44 Mother Swan's Worm Syrup, for fever- uli lie ji, worms, constipation; tastelen 25c Stinging, irritation, all kidney and urin ary complaints cured by ''Bachu paiba" $1 Night aweats, fever, chills, malaria, dvs. Ipsia, cured by "Wells' Health Renewer" Mv husband (writes n lady) Is three times the man since using ".Wells' Health Re newer." If you are failing, broken, worn nut and nervous, us "Wells Health Renewer" SI PrAeit.nM nTLI.InrtV nmt,llttt In 1 m . 'Itoi'Lii l&lha' ii a noieU l.i,,,,,. ii nut myelin is a quirk, immplela cure, lj. PATENTS. ANDKIIIIN & SMITH, Solicitor ol V. K. nn.l Kor eltii I'aluuta N'n. Too Kv. nlti Street, cor. Ii, opp, n s. Pa lent olflue, WailOou'oii D.I' l'urrciwn.kiiM,oilelie.t, Ku ehata fur ailvlre. No fe ebare. un less 1'alent Is alloweiL Heierenee. L.ewls Jolm.on U Co , Hankers, and Postma.ter, r. aiulUKlOD. II, v ttens fice. I'tiDj'Ulets of Instruc-' promptly attended to. No cbir-o made vn insyWI. Itti pattnt Is ctartet, Usui for circular. -PHESIDEHIIAI. FAVOBITES. Borne Interesting Facts Concerning tho Men who Stand Cloiott t) the Chief Exe cutive. Visitors who, from curiosity nr business, have called at the White House, must havo been impressed by the courteous yet systo miitio manner with which they were re ceived nnd escorted through the mansion. The gentlemen whose duty It la la receive ail persona coming to tbo White House sro Colonel E. S. Denmoro, Mr. John T. Kick ard and Mr. T. F. Pentlol, and they have occupied their present positions through the various administrations since and even during the war. Mr. Pendel was President Lincoln's boily-guardi saw him to his car nage the fatai nlclit on which bo visited Ford's thaeter, nud he now has In his s itession the blood-stained coat which Mr. Linaoln wore em that memorable occasion. There is not a public man in America to tlav who ttoea not know, anil who Is not known by, these gentlemen, ami Ilia re miniscences of public nnt social lilo which they can recount would fill n congressional volume. During tho wearv vet exciting years ol tne war; tnroiigii I lie moro peaceful limes oi unities niiminisiratinii; Willis Hayes held the reins of government, und when Garfield was shot, it was these men who stood iu the executive mansion, wel coming the advent nfrach now administra tion, bowing ot ils departure, nnd receiving both martyrs through its jtortals. During that long, hot and neyer to bo forgotten summer when President Garfield lav between "two worlds," the nation bt- canionwaronfihe deadly nialarial'iiiiluenca wnicn nung annul me w into House. Hut all through that period these three men never descried Iheirtiosts f.irn single dav. niuioiigii eocn one wus suilering intensely. in conversation with tno writer, (Jolouel Densmore said: "It ia impo-sible to describe the tortures I have undertone. To bo compelled in smile and treat the thousands ol visitors who como hero daily with courlcslv when one is in tho greatest agrny requires n tre mendous cllort. All that summer I had terrible headaches, heart-burn und a stilling sensation uiai sometimes look away mv breath. My appetite was uncertain ami I fell severe pains in the Finnll of my bjok. ( was under the doctor's caro with strict Instructions mt to go out ol the house but 1 remained on duly iieverlhele'P. You would be surprised to know the union lit of qiilinuei Iihik; on aoiita ttuys II wus us iiiiicii as sixteen grains." "Ami was Mr. Bickard badly off, too?" "I should think he was. Wliv, time and again we have picked him up and laid lilui on the mantel, here iu the vestibule,lio was eo necl up." "Yes," exclaimed Mr. Ilicknnl, "I was ao weiilt 1 could not rie alter lying iloivn without help, and could only walk will the aitl of two canes, nud then in a stooping ptsiiiou. uu, wo nave ueeu in a preliy uau condition hert, all of us." "And vet you lire all the embodiment of health," Paul the writer, as he limited at the three bright and vigorous men before him. "un, yes," sant JUr. iucuarri, "wo have not known what sickue-ss wua fur more than n year." "Have you some secret way of overcom ing malaria and lu attend tut horror.?" "I think we haye a most certain way,' replied vuonel uenmnre, "but II la no secret. You see, about two years Bgj my wife began to grow blind, and I was alarm ed at her condition. Shu finally became so she could not tell whether a person were white or black at a dlslauca ol ten tret. One of her lady tiiends advised her to trv certain treatment that had done wonders lor her, und to maku a long st ry short, she tun so ami waa completely cured. Una In tluced mc to try llie same means lor my own restoration and as soon as I found it wa3 lining me good I reroinmeuded it to my associate? nnd we have all been cured right here in tho stronghold of miliaria and kept in perfect health ever since by means oi Warner a tjnle Uure. reow 1 inn noli believer in medicines in general, but I d not liejilalo to say that I am satisfied I should liavo died of Briglil's diseaso of the uidoi'vs helnrelhis hud it not been for this wonderful remedy. Indeed, I used it as nouaeiiiiiii ineiiii-inn and clyo il to my children whenever they have any ailments." ."Yes," exclaimed Mr. l'eudel,"! use il in my family all the while nnd have louml it'tlio nniat elucient remedy ivo have ever employed. 1 know of very many public m t n u no are using il to day auu they all speiiu well ol it." "I weigh ICO pounds today" said Mr. Bickard, "and when my phvslciiius told me over a year ago I could uol hopo to re cover I weighed 122 pounds. Under such fiillin-uces you canuol wonder that I con aider this the best medicine before the American people." The above statements trom these gentlo men need no comments. Tuny aro yolun lary ami nulsisiken expressions from ourcas whirh aro lha blithest iu the land Wert there the slightest nueslion regarding their authenticity they wnuld not be made public, but us I hey luruish such valuable irulhi for ull who are aullering, we unhesi tatingly publish them lor the good of all. A Library Within Easy Reach. Funk A-Wagnalls, Kew York, are doing n great w-ork for the lovers ol standard bonks, Thev have published in a flncle volume, cloth, quarto size, nch evnrkaas Macaulay'a and Carlyle's E'sava, John Ruskin's "Ethics of the Dust," also his "Frondes Agretes," Charles KingMey'e "Hermits," I.umartino's "Life of Joan of Arc," Demosthenes' Orations (2 vols.,) insraeira "Ualamitios of Authors." nnd other works by masters in all 1-1, and this Important volume, cloth hound, they sell for only $.1 75. See lha large advertise. nienl of Una hotisn nn another page. Kit needs bo without hooka now. N. 1'. Sun; A telegram from Itblcn to fie New York Tiiidone nnuounces tbnt a subscription bas been started for tbe benefit of Gen. Grant, to bo known ns Grant's Fnud of Honor. Everyone in villugo Is expscted to subscribe n nnl'nr The expression, ' Grnut's Fund of Hon or, " is cnpable of nnother meaning. Iu this other fcuso. the people, will be better nble to judge bow lirgo Grant's fund rf honor is when tbey know to what extent be nuthoriz-d ibo line of bis nime in connection with Government contracts by the swindling firm of Grant & Ward of which bo wus himself tba mo3t con spicuous member. N i: W A II V K ItTISKM EM'S. Sijriif without Blossoms. Lata in Life to Look for Joy Yet Kevcr too Late to Mend. Readers of Hawthorne's "Ilonse of Seven (labels" will recall tho pathos with which poor Clifford Pyncheon, who hat been un justly Imprisoned since Ids curly manhood, sant alter bis release: "My lifo Is none, and where. Is my happlnets? Oh, ejvo ino my happiness." Hut that could be done only In p i rt, ns gleams o( warm sunshine occasion al i fall across tbe gloom of a New Iingland autumn day. In a Utter to Messrs. IIIscox & Co. Mr. L. H. Thus, of Pennington, N. J., says: 1 1 have suffereu untold misery from childhood from chroniodlsease of the bowels nnd iltarrcoM noeiiiiisiuled by urent pain. 1 sought relief ut lha hands ol pliya clans of every school nnd used overy patent and ilonitftlon inedy under the mo. 1 hare iu lastlound In I'AHKKI.'S TH.Ml' n com, .lete MieelUo, provenilro und cure. A a our Invnluaido luetliclne, which did for me tvlial nothing else could do. Is en tlllod to ibo otedlt of my aettlus back my happy days, I ctteerlully nud Kratclully lie knonledKU the fact." mt .s. n. eu, wuo nceus no inirotiue- tlo t lo the people of Jersey I'liy, adds: "Tho testimonial of Mr lltus Is Kcnulu-, nail vol untary only he does nut aUenualely i-oriray the sulforinic ho lias endured for many yenis. lie Is my brother-in-law. aud 1 know u.ucae wall, lie Is now perfectly freo Ir.ou his uld troublrs, ami enjoys health and life, ascrlb lOKltnll 10 I'AHKKIt'd TONltl," rntquM ileal as nninvigorant, stimulates an the orieans; cures ailments of lite llvr, kid neJ.,im,j 4n ,."ineoMlie blood. F. A. Lehman, Solteltor of American and Porelan 1'aieuls, WaiulHKlon. n. i). ah business cnnecied ulili Paieats, whoiher bolore lbs Patent Otflre or tho (Jounr. New Advertisements. . Ho Peters. THE TAILOR, Very Moderate Prices and Perfect Fits Is tho mo'to of this Estanlllunent. YOU are in vited lo Inspect goods. II. It. Pr.TERS, Tost (JtBco Bnildlnir, BANK Streo', April :s, ISSt. Lchlgl.ton, l'a. DANIEL WIEAND, CniTiagcs,Wagons,Sleiglis, &c COUTIKR or BASK AND IllOS STREETS, I.I'.niUHTON, I'KNNA., Particular attention given to REPAIRING In alt Its details, at the very Lowest Trices Patronnire respectfully solicited and per- foct satlsfictlon guaranteed. Jan. 19, 81-ly. UAN. WIEAND, Consumptives and Rheumatics DO YOU WANT RELIEF? If so, we call ollcnlion li VIXELAND, N C , which has just been established. It I located on tho Highest Known Polt In th celebrated Pino Region of the South, There is NO Malaria, no Fogs, nn Catiso fi Debility. MINERAL WATER OF RARE MEDICINAL PROPERTIES. RELIEF ASSURED TO uonSuiiMives. morales ana Broken Coistitiitioas. For the purpose of allowing peoplo to test tho Merits of erhat we Claim for this Cllm ate, ROUND TRIP TICKETS aro Issued ut very greatly REDUCED RATES from every part of the North by applying to the Com missioner of Immigration, Raleigh, N. C. As a further inducement the undersign etl, who has just completed a C0.MM0DI 0U3 BUILDING, will furnish to Invalids Board at Half Rates for tbe First Thirty Days. J. H. HAHDIN, Vineland, Moore Co., N. ol Brooklyn, N. Y. C, recently npr20 yl Si 2 fi'oS - itj u n v pis y I c 2 oi WANTEDS raetln. rellahls Men lo Sell cult Trees. Urn no Vlni-, iM. nr. KeLAav and l.r. rsx'iM oat I. Full Insirui-ilons ulvrn. n In. cxiairlenevit rd'ne-,n sum Uarntho builness. Address J y. LV.CT.AUU. BIlIOHTU.V, .N. Y., (ItnUo ejft ofKootiCiisr, N Y-) mart , 2 Wk 3- U o .j lP,Y JLA 2 l s o r-J 1 W 1 I A 7 O I A I eS' eS I 05 3 j I I J ft) w IIS x? v is 2 B i ife Ly h ell? i 1 5 l&SQBS'acm I sin 1 212 i Kaawi Spring & Summer Styles ! most JAishionablc Novelties in SriPNl and Summf,iv MILLINERY GOODS, Comprising a Larne Assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Plumes, Tips, Laces, &e., TeiRetber with n full lino of TRIMMING GOODS of (he most beautiful descrip tion to bo found anywhere, nnd as CHEAT in tbey can possibly be sold, Call anil Feo for yourselves, nnd be convinced that my gtoclt U as larne as tbe largest, equal to tbe best, nnd as cboap ns At nny other establishment lu this section, Mrs. E. FATH, Bank Street, Lohighton, April 10 m3 2nd door below tbe M. E. Church. Eeatiy for Spring Trade ! JcO., .".C. ncall ticfiiro Our Younr; l.ailtes nnd Gentlemen will find It lo their adrantaara lo y.Vi"?,"0' " ,,"!T wl" flnd ,h0 ,,KST SULLUT1.U BTI Town AT 1JO Oil Post Office Btiilc April t, 1353-ty Tifl aud Sliest Iron fare, House Fnrnisliius Goofls, k, k Is now offering extraordinary Bargains for Cash ! Ho Is tho only Agent Intoern for the sale of the Bessomer, Sunshine, Othello, New Champion and Apollo Ranges j Montour, Juighthouso, Excelsior Ponn, and Eclipse Cook Stoves; tho Prinoeton, Early Dawn, Belmont and Real Double Heaters, with a va- ricty of other Square and Round Heaters, All of which ho is now offering at tho Very Lowest Prices Also, nn hand errrv kind ol STOVE ORATE and FIRE JtlUOKS. Dealer In alt tho lest makes utV Vil I'S. Roofiing and Spouting, Prompt and Cheap. Store on SOUTH Street, a few doors above Bank Street. I'atronngo Inrltcd; satisfaction guaranteed. Juna SO, lltt-yl Ho! For New Goods! , M. SWIEII & SON Have received an enormous stock of f!IIOICE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Queensware, etc. Old Post-Offlce Building, Bank St. Lehighton. IMPORTANT REDUCTION IN THEPRICEOF d'OUOLEUJl JI1LX,Y.) 6ENDFOR TRIAS.nOXn CIRCULAR ft? EC 183S. Established MARVIN SAFES. 0- Marvln'o Is thennlvPafa "illi absolutely dry fillins. ' Marvin's is the only Bafa having lha "toniia ami uroovo" Improrement. Marvin ii lha only fiafo navins a coulintious iroJeclnir flanje on the hinge side of door. Marvin's is the only Bate in nhloli the door and frame nre inter-locked stall points. Marvin's is I tic onlv Safo iu which tbo door joints will noi and cannot open sod spread by tbe action of heat. ., , ,.t ., Marvin's is the only Safe theback of which cannot be removed with a common ecreir-drlver. Remember that no other make of Safe has oven the equivalent of Marvin's tongue and groove improvement, or tho "solid forged frame with sliding back-plate." Call and examine. Marvin Safe Co., 023 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Agent, ANDREW SHIYE, jSTear L. & S. Depot, Lehigk'ton, Pa. March S, im-mt Mrs. Fatii Hcspccti'ully nnnounccs to her Indy friends ttmfc 4slic 1ms just returned 11 TVT ir. -.1. luiii lu'w iont wiui a New nnd Splendid lino of the very Latest and Tho underslnned calls the attention of his many friends and patrnns to Ids Largs and rashlonable Stock of Spring; and Snmmer Gooffs; ConshHInr of BOOTS AND SHOES Oferery deserlptlon and stylo In the Market, Including a special lino of Lady's Fine Shoes Also, a fall lino or Umbrellas, Parasols, Hats, Caps, Ira him STUCK In BANK Street, LEHIGHTON James Walp, Successor to A. D. MOSSEIl, ; Manufaclurr of and Dealtr lo all kinds ef Stoves Ranges, Heaters, One Ounco bottles reduced Iron t S cts. to 1 0 Mats Two Ounco bottles reduced from 25 cti. lo 1 S cents FlveOunce bottles reducedlrsni SO ett. to 2S coats The nubile muat not accept any tot orlgtnal jokIs bottled by us, u tho loiltsllons an worthies. GhesebroughManufacturingGo.ewYorL - .r,4 KlUn n Dntinnt CHIP n It liGJti iitiai a i aiiciii ouja ui u "TIiAFutlllrilnniYtiased I ed rrom Ton la Annul linly tluit mhllm Ultra U tier aid Uielr work ur t yond my utmost expecUlfoiti, fori .?'"Jt3r' did lint ripeci iiiKt m uauit ui iuunis.w' nwwa- IJUIIATION could be completely (rot Wn under con !rol la tho exceedingly tiiort lima of IwqmoDthi 1 can mre ; on that no laUo mndtty will kp tarn friwndolnnUthtl cn In addtnjr to Lb taeoeM 17 Lie t vrlll surely crown o bencflclsJ remedy." Abort extract from let tee dtd W.Yi DvcOaVSl Tbe Paxtlllee era prepered sad told oaly by t!u HARRIS REMEDY CO. UPC CHEHIST9, 305K N. loth. 6t ST. LOUIS. MO. CtJ U5'1 tKltsut f tTQ ncstli $5, ttxil UiiiU ff 46 Years. 1884.