Advertising Rates. Wo desire t to be distinctly understood thai no advertisements will be Inserted in Ine columns of Tne Oarboh Advocate that msy be rewired from unknown parties or Arms unless aceompaulod ty the CAsn. Tht following aro our oxly terms t nxsi sqtrAna (10 links), One year, each insertion 10 cts. Blx months, each Insertion i 15 cU. Throe months, each insertion 20 cts. Loss than three months, first Insertion $1 each subsequent insertion 25 cts. Local notice 10 conts rer lino. 11. V. MORTIIIMER, Publisher. Attorneys & Counsellors. rj A. .SNYDER, ATTORNEYJAT LAW. Orxica-Comer of Bank Street Bankway, 3ad bull.lfiT? kbtra the Carbon Advocate Printing Offlte. May 1, 1883-m6 LEII1OHT0N. M. RAFSItKHi ATWltNEY AND COUNSELtOR AT LAW, DAIf R &TSECT, LintS BTONfTA. B,l.Ktat.i.n(l Collection Attencv Will Ruvsnd ill IWal Katate. Oonvayaoclna' orally done f'nl- 1 ellona eroirptly mnda. Stilling estates oi us f Hots i apselalty. May be coutulled In Knlltb a dutrman. jicv.iia Physicians and Dentists. II. VT. XT. MEBEtt rilYSIOIA AND SURGEON, BANK STBEET.LEUIOUTON. OFFICE Hours at Purryvtllo From Ha. in., ' io iz m, aauy. Hay be consulted In the English or German Lanjuaxe. May 17. 'M. A. UEUIIAMUIt, M I)., PHYSICIAN AND 8CHGK0N Special attention paid to Chronic Diseases. Oface: South Hast corner Iron and 2nd at... I.e. kit-Men, Pa. April 3, 187ft. 1ST. B UKltEK, M. u. U. 8. Kxnmlnliig Surseon, FRAUTICIXO rllYSIUIAN nmisuuonoN, Osriem iiinkBtreet, lunaa's ulock, LoaiRh. ten, I'n. 11 ay hs consulted in the German Language. Nov. 50. D U. C. W. ISO WKIt, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. May he coniultid In the Herman or English laarcuutre. (Irwin '.pposlte Durllng's Drue store, aJAMCSt., Lohlghton. Ia. Jan. ll-yl W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., OFFICE : Opjmsilelhe "broadway House," Mauoh Chunk, Pa. rattan! hare the benefit of tlio latest lm proroinants In mo-hinhal appliances ami the beat mntho l of treatment In all surirlcul eases. ArLKSTIlBTNl administered If dlre!. If iM.a.l'.lc, persons residing outsule of Alaueh Uliunk. should m.ike engaiti'iiients by mall. 1 1 8 V 1 QARBON HOUSE, J. XT. RAUDENI1USH, PROPRIETOR, II AMU St., LaittailTOX, Pa. The riAXoii Housk ntrcrs flrst-claisnccnro-modatlnns t the Traveling public. Hoarding by the Hay or Week oil Reasonable Term, lluslea Olicara, Wines and Liquors aliTityon band. Uod Sheds and Stables, with attco tlr Hostlers, attached. Aiirll to-yl, p.VCKEKTOS HOTUli. Midway between Nauch Chunk & LehIs;uton LEOPOLD MEYER, raorntisTOB, Packerton, Penn'a. This well known hotel Is admirably rcAttcd, anil h is the bestaecominodatlous tor tierinnn. ent and transient hoarders. Excellent iablo and the very beat liquors. Also line (Utiles attaetied. Sept. le-yl. Mauch Chunk House, Suiqnehanna Street, Mauoh Uliunk. Pcnna., T. B FEIIIt, I'roprlotor. Whea vlsltlne at the Connty Seat this Hotel will lound to he Hrst-class In every res. pect. Wines. Liquors, l.nt-cr Itcer. Ulnars and other Itefreshnicnls of purest quality at the Kar. Tonus very moderate, Putronniro sullslted. Sept. ia. 1883 Beer Saloon and Restaurant, 1143 Vino St., rUladelpMa. Dennis Gilbert, Proprietor. The Par Is mnrlshcd with choice Clears, Freah Lairr, anil other refreshments. Per sons Iriim ilio Lehlieh Valley vlrlllnir Phlla deluhla are rcspecllully Invited to Klvo a call. IIu.nnib Uiliikiit. March 20, lMt-tf. Livery & Sale Stables I3AH1C 8TllEIiT.L.KUIOIITON, Pa FAST TROT TING IIORSE3, ELEOAXT OAUUIAGES, And postUvely I.OWClt rnici:s than any etker Livery in the Comity. Larxeand hamtaomo Carilaeea tor Funeral raraoaesanA Wedainis. DAVID UOBUUT N.V.J2. 1 871. J. W. RAUDENBUSH Kespeetlully'annnnne's in the public that he has opened a NEW MVEUY STAIILK In ennn'etlon with his hotel, and Is prepared to famish Teams for Fanerals Wefli or Business Trips on shortest notice and moat tlberaherms. All orders left at the "U.irln House" will receive prompt attention, stable on North Street, next the hotel, Lohlghton. an2S-vl LAUDS AND PATENTS. E. M. MARBLE, Upwards of three years Aslslant Attorney Oenerat of the Unllnl Slates for I ho Interior Department. Prnciicea bclore the (leneral LanU nmce and the Interior Department In land and lulnlnir raies Olitalns pa ents for Inventions In this and foreign countries, INrarly ihr and one-half vi'ars Oomtnlalinv erol Patents tJtUce, Le Droit Uuildinir, AVashliiKton, D. U. WM. DUFFY & SON, of East Mauch Chunk, are prepared to do all kinds of Plastering; & Ornamental Wori, at shorttit jiotlce. Orders by mall will re celve prompt attention. Terms moderate er 3 od work, stDlitf L II. V. Morthimer, Proprietor. VOL. XII., No 2G. Railroad Guide. Arrangsmsnt efPassongor Trains. OCTOBER 2Jth, JB8J. Trains lcavo Allentown as follows : (Via Perkiouev It ailiioad.) For Philadelphia at (.to, O.CO, 11.40 a. m., and 3.10 p. in. SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at "S.OO a. m.and S.20p.m. (Via Eabt Pen IlRANon.) For Reading and Ilarrltburir, COO, 8.40 a. m.. 12.16, 4.3", anil 0.05 p. m. Fnr Lnnoiater and Columbia, 0.C0, 8.40 a, m., and 4 30 p. ui. SUNDAY'S. For llnrrlsburir, and wnypolnts, 0.06 p. m. Trains for Allentown leave as follows : (Via 1'uiikiomi:n Railhoad.) Lcavo Phllad'a, 4 31, 7.40 a. in. and 1.00, "1.3S, M30, anu 6.15 p. in. SUNDAYS. Leave Phlladclplila, 8.0) a.m., (Via East Pkk. Uiianch.) Leave Rending, 7.S0, 10.15 a. m., 2.00, 3.50, and n.15 p m. Leave HarrlsburfcT, 62', 7.50, 0.60 a. in., 1.45 and 4.ii p.. m. Leave Lancaster, f7.30 a. m., l.ou and 3.40 p.m. Leave Columbia, 7.30 a. m , 1.10 and 3.4o p. in. f r rom Klnjr Street Depot. SUNDAYS. Leave Rcaillnir, 7.3' a. m. Leave llarrisbur. 6.20 a. m. Trains via "Perklomen Itallroart" marked thus () tun to and I rom Depot. Mnlli and Ureen streets, Phlladelpliln, other truins to and from Broail street Depot The 5 no and 0.45 a. in. trains from Allen, town, end tho 1 35 and M6 p.m. trnln Irom Philadelphia, via Pcrklou en Rallrnail, have through cars to and Irom Phlltiiielphla. J. E. WOOTTEN, lleneral Manager. C. Q. HANrOOK, llcn'l Paas'r U. Ticket Agent Mav 27th, lbS3. E. F. LUCK EN BACH, DRALER IN Wall !BsapeFS5 Borders & Decorations, Eools, Stationer?, Fancy M. Window Shades & Fixtures, Latest Styles, tnado and pnt up, If desired. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway, Hancli M, Fa, Jltilnw the Broadway Honsa. jyj" U EI LSI AN Si CO., BANK STREET. LohifflitOR, Pa., iltLLEIts and Dealers tn Taim AllKtDdlof GRAIN CODGHTaBd SOLD a TtEOULAIt MARKET RATES. We would, also, lcspecttiallrlnlorm ourclti rina I list wnnio uowlally prepared to BUI' PLY them with rromrnyllln destrcaatVEU LOWEST r KICKS. il. HEILMAN & OO. Jul) si Central Carriage Works. Bank St., Lchigliton, Ta.s Are prepared to Manufacture Carnages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, of every description, In the most substantia manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices Itcpnlrlng Promptly Attended to. TUEXLER & KREIDLER, April 25, 18S3yl Proprietors. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEEXSWARE, &c. At CMS. B. RHAOD'S, A&'T, NEW STOKE, nearly opposite the NEW ROUND HOUSE, Bank St., Lehighlon, Pa. Everything of the very best quality and at lowest prices. ot,27.m. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the United States Canada and Europe, at reduced rates, with our principal office located In Washington, directly upposltn the United State Patent Oltlcc, we are able to attend to all patent busiuess with irreatcr prmnplne.s ami ilr. 8iatch and at lets cost than other piitentat. lorneys who are at a distance Irom Wash InKton, and who hare, therefore, tn employ " associate attorneys." We make preliminary examinations and lurnllli opinions as to i a. tentabllliy, Ireo of charge, iiml all who are Interested in new Inventions and patrms are Invited to send for a copy ol nur "llulde fur obtalnlnK Patents," vh.-h Is sent fr.o 0 any a ldrcss, and contains connlete Insiruc tlonsliow to obtain patents nnd other valua Lie matter. Wo refer to tho Oerinan-Ainer. lean National Hank Washington, I). tJ.t the Royal Swedish. Norwegian and DanlahLeun tlnns. at Washington t Hon. .Ins. t'aaey, lalo Ohlel Justice U. S. Court ol Ulalmi; to (he Officials or the U. S Patent I) Sice, and to Senators nnd Members of Congress from every Stale. Addresst I.OT'IS RAOOER A CO., Ro lleltors of Patents and Attorneys st Lew.Lf Droit Uultdlnz WASuitiorrtr, D. V, Thomas' Drug Store. 3- l-tl CD CP? tn O i o y 3 bd o a. CHEAMBALM GausGsuo Fam. Gives Relief at Once. Tlioro' treatment will ! Cure. Not a liqil oniMlF. MAY-EE VER Applied with fiDjter. (live it a Tr;ai . GOeenls at Dri.KKlns. cu cents by mail rcKimcred. Send lor tMrctilnr. ELY IJHOTIIKKS, Dnmiflsts, dee-22-yl Owcko, N. Y. X' CONVEYANURH, AND SKNERAL III8UHAKCE AGENT The following Companlea are Represented: LnitAN )n mutual rini;. ItBAIlINO MUTUAL Tllin, WYOMING PinE, TOTTSVILLE FIRE, Li:iliaii riltE, and the TRAVELERS ACOIDLNT INSURANCE Also I'onnrrlvanl'i and Mutatl Ilo,'io Thlct eteellvoand Inurame Cointianr. March 23. 1873 Tiioa. Ki:MEitr.u. GOLDS for thn wo'klntr clap?. S crT KcIk ar postajre, mm kh win man you ?r,iirtynli valunblo box of famnltt tcooile that will put . vnu In tlio wnyorinnklntf inoro tnont-y In a few iiayt ilmn yn t-vir 1 houutit pBlblp nt nny hiislnepp, Cni'ttnl not rrqiilretl. Wo will etnrt ymi. Yim enn work tut tho time or In fmto time only. The work U unlvcrpiilly ntlaplcil )o Loth p set1 jounn nnd old. You run i-nMIy oiirn Ircin SO cents 10 ijiVCO every tvenlnir Thnt nil uhn wxntwtirk mnv test the huclnetp. w inakis thin unnrallcleil olU-r : tonllwlionro not well Mtlfflni we will nend 1 to t ny lur tho tnuhlf et wrhlntrUH Full inrtlrularr, M. rrailnnr. etc., p nt fren Vorlunen will ho luftilo by those who itlVtf their whole time to worlc. ilreatfiiccees iilipolutelyi-ure. Iton't delay, SlArt now, AilUrt-83 Stpon c Co , l'ariland. Malno decl6-ly Dr. C. T. Horn, Central Drug Store, Opposite the " Oarbon House," Bank Street, Lchighton, Pa,, Keeps a full supply of Pure Drugs & Medicines, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Stationery & Choice Cigars. Choice Wines and Liquors for fedlcinal purnsrs. Prescriptions very carefully com jwuuded, day or uight. ALSO, jnst received, an Immenso stock of Newest and most Popalar Designs In Wall Pape rs -AND- Borders, which he Is offering at Prlees fully as low as the same qualities and Patterns can be got In the Cities. If you are about redecorating your home, call and see styles and learn the prices before purchasing elsewhere. ReiLerober, HIE UENTRAL DRUG Store, Feb. 2.-yl Dh. (. T, IIUIIN I fl PTiTrnO wanted for the Live, nr nil the AlTPiN Nl'r-H.ienis ol the V. S 'the AiU JJll iu arKfst, liandsuinrst, best b,.k ever sold for less iliaii tnh'u nur price The lasicst selling bnk InAinerlra Iiniii, nae prutltslnngeiits. All Inlelllumt t'enple want it. Anyonerun become a succerslul agint 'terms true, IIalluit IIuok t o., Purtland, Maine. deel5-yl Mis and Mill Sites in ibe Northwest for ram: ry OILLSOH, BENJAMIJI & CO., Eeal Estate and Loan Agents, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Money 1wnrd, I Infiirmti"n as tn Farms for Sale, Gov't Jc RR. Lands Business Ohn,-. I Cheerfully furnlshej Uarcta I, tMKortf. M " tn i 1 ftJ . C3 11 of kJ & M 8 & g O vs tft kT S w - , . X Lz c 1 tfCfo 3 H 3. tzi o fcsP IS 1 s i I a O J? pj RAYFEVER I1TDEPE1TDE1TT " LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1881. John J. Knox, Ex-Comptroller of the Treasury. Ml. John J. Knox, of New York, fnrsevonteeti years Cnmnlrnllernf tlioTp-v of tlia United Slutt-8, Iiom after nu hoiiorert ntiil atiecesslul career In tlie public service, reslgueil IiIh pesitinu to etinago In privnlu litilnesi. I view of Mr. Knox'n ion nun coiiatncuima puuiio service likeuess of tho geutlemau who has so JRlem. Coniiilrnller K-iox was nppniuleil Deputy Oouiijlrollpr October 10. 18G7, nml Cnmiitrtiller on April 12. 1B72, anil tliiia hat hnil a coiitltinnim K,.rvlB ,,t ir..,,ino,. yenis lu tho olllco. I'revionx tu his nppoliitineiit as Deputy Cointdrriller ho had nhnrgo ol the Mint anil Coiiiniii correspondence, run! mhb sent hv S-erelixrv McCnllncli to Sin Friiuclsco in 1800 to exniiiiio the hranoli Mint In thit cilv. Jlia reuort was pulilishe.l with n coiiipliinentary uotico hy Hecretnrv McCnllncli' in tho llnnucii repurt of that year. April 25. 1870. he oomoleted a rriVitfifin nf tlia aTl.if nnd Coiniifje laws nf the Uuiled Slates, which waa iMtismittKl tn CoiiHreBS with au elnhorate repnit. Upon his recoiiirmndatinn tho oniniiRO of tho silver dollar was (liacnnliutieil.iintl sulifequently the bill whlob ho proposed wns p.ised by Concress with n few nineiidiiiitiN, and is now known no the. Cuinspo net nf 1873." The Cniiiptrnlli-r subsequently yMted New Orle itis nml dlscnvered In the office of tho Asllatil Trtnsnrer tho largest defalcation cvt-r known In the bii.tmv i f the ijnviriiuieiit. The lailuro of the First National Hnk nf Nhw n,luno f,;n..,i nnd Mr. Knox rnuiint-d lor siime weeks no wb reiiipi)iuieit uonitnrniier wiinmii ins kiiowIpiIkh preinus to the expiration I" liii tlrsl ti-rui. and ciinflrnieil by the Senate without rr.iBr,.P,. i,. ...... nu II wns nt'ititi appointed to n Ihirii term on April 12. 1882. Gaiifiixd's nnd cipuoe. It is well knowo to Senator Hhrmin and other Sena tors that the Coiim roll'-r wni the first choice of Hih 1,ih Pru.i,iu,,i n.i,i i Secretary of the Trctsnry. nnd this fact , ii nuunu lieuiti'iiiiui, iii niniai inn j. reiueni sain tnut tio was only prevented from curryliiB out his purpose liv nnlitlcal comnllpntl linQ Wlllnl, l,riavipur.l grew tip ill tilling olher plice in his Cabinet. Air. luiox lias accepted I lie presidency of the National Rank nf tho Rennb'p which owns, j dnlly with the First Nttional Hank nf New York, the Unilen' Bank Biilhlliig " on (he corner ol W.til stteet mid Ilrondwnv. TiUnn.,1,1 i,.uit tntinn. onaluully orfauizsd iu 1850, ntid of $600 000. MY MOTHER-IN-IAW. I married. one evenlmr lo autumn, A rosy cheeked, rollicking girlj Ht eyes were as bright as midsummer, Her teeth were like pebbles of pearl. Tho presents were early presented, As hulidaoiiie ns ever I saw, Rut donors quite frequenlly whlrpcrcdi "Beware ol your mother iu law." I rented a one story cottage, Just out of the noise of the (own, And happy as orioles maled, We settled cOntenlrdly down. Aod sunif hnw it presently happened That bundles and daiutiis I saw Puss into the diuir of our kitchen, Sweet gifts from my mother ill-law. Sometimes when my labor was heavy, And wages exceedingly low, I sank on my pillow discouraged, D.-wniliug my trials ami woe. But trouble was suddenly lilted. And Icy ill humor would thaw, When round rolling dollars would jingle From tl.e hand of my mother-ill law. But nnco on a cold winter morning, When snow mantled volley slid hill, The wile I had cherished so fondly Lay silent and speechless utid still, Ami I with two wco littlechildrtn Was Iclt in the world all alone, To long for a smile that had vanished, Tu weep for a face that had gone, I thought of the soriows about mo, I thought of the varied past. And wondered what hand in the future Would fondle my darlings at l:i t And lo, like an angel from Heaven, Through torrentauif tear drops I saw, A form hendingdown to my babies, Tho form ol mv mother-In. law. A WIFEKHAM. A pint upon the rod lips of Gerald Slucliir'a young wile uuruistakublv a. pout lor, though n wife of almost tan years, her fund, ludtllgent huibaud had for the .' time said bay to an openly ox pressed wish. The fancy bull of the season, n grand and fashionable iis-emblige, was to Ink, ptico during his nbseuce, and he hud uid that he should preler If she would not attend. She wan only CO. Let this much b- sitid in txtc Dilation of the two great tmrs that rose to the browu eyes uud slowly trickled down the pretty face, splashing onto the dainty itioruiug dries which, cliuging to the d.dnly foitu, re vealed so perfectly Us graceful outlines. Certiiinlv Ninbe Lad no reasoD to feel ashnuied of this one of hit children. But Gerald Sinclair had ouly Hoofed ami kii-sed nway the gllsteulug drops tu a half hurried manner, perhnnj to hide his awakening rtruorse. "NrVer mind, little wlfej I'll make It np to yon auotht-r time." Then he wns gone; but she 6at still, tnroiug uud returning her ueddiug rtug, with eyt-s bent upon it. It was nciitinns riog--it bolid baud, set with five large diamouds. It had been her charm, ber talisman, not to be taken from her finger uulll soul and body had parted; bnt I his morning it bad lost its charm. If it failed to scatter the clouds, it failed to bring back the sunshine. Even when the hour came round fur Gerald's home-coming ho missed his usual warm welcome) but he thought I hat he might trust his wile's hinrt, mid siid nothing Tun bext day he started on his j luruey. Y .u're nut going, my dear?' ex claimed Mrs. Martiu, bursting iu upon tar friend ou ilia uioruii-g of the ball. And why not?'' "Giruld ia ay." replied Mrs. Sin clair. with soma little nhow of wilily dignity, as though the fact wereiu ll-ilt sufficient explanation, ; "And why need that make any differ ence?" pursued Mrs. Mnrlin, a bewitch ing Utile widow anme years her friend's seuior. "I will share my tscort with yoti Couu lkltuul." Live ana Let Live." we iiresonl our reader with nu txct-lleut long tuesided over our national haultlnu in that citv iicllnj; hi Acjialntit TreHsitter! was coitiinniiicnted by tho IV'8ideiit to a has a capital of SI, 500.000 and a surplus Sophie Sinclair looked np n mined. She knew that the man mentioned had bnt lately gained entree into sociMjvind knew alio that her husband disliked nnd distrusted him. Once or twice she had rren hisye fixed admiringly ipon hersilf, nnd had Romenhiit ns the bird miuht feel be-net-th tho basilisk glare of the serpent. "Well, why don't yon answer?'' con tinued Mrs. Martin. "Will you go?" "No, no," she replied, trying to speak with firm decision. "Besides. I do not think lhat Gerald admires the count." "Prejudice, my dear, nil preindirc The count is ouo ol the most charmii g nml ngrtenble men I know. Indeed, 1 think I should be canonized for my wil Ungues to share his intentions, especial ly ns I have heard hltn say all manner of pretty things about yon." "Nnnseose, Ellen," retorted Mrs. Sinclair. But she felt the ground slipping be- neatu her reel ns she spoke. "1 will go," she said nt last, after con. tinned urging, and looking at the pic ...... ..11 uir in nu ns nrigiitest lights, "on one condition, and that is no one is to know me not tven the count. Say that von have persuaded a friend to accompany you, who wishes to remain unknown. I will come to ynnr house, wh re ho will find me, nud thus gaiu no clew-." So it wns decided; but. in spile of her exquisite costume of a fairy as she con- ceiiled it uud hersrlf beneath n large ilomitio, as the chick of her tunnlel chimed 10 it seemed to S iphle that every stroke said: ' Sts sta 1" She was almost tempted to obey it. but she hud promised Elleujnud, aft.r nil, she had heard lhat it was Well fur young wives to ussert themselves. The ball was at ils height as the clook ring out the hour of midnight, but fur the first lime iu her lire light nnd gsyety wero distasteful. A huudred times'sho wished herself at home. "I will tell Gerald. I have already been punished," she whispered to her self, us she stood fur a moment alono in ii quiet corner. "Yon Ionic mora like a nnn than n fairy rather like one wlm had forsworn the vuuities of the world than n siren to tempi mm to their destruction,"' said h voice close to her, "Ihoticb to the lattir I know uo one more fitted." "Sill" she exclaimed, indignantly, re she spoke, the count stand lug at her elbow. "Ahl jovt thought I did not know you, I should penetrate any disguise jtu wore. lUuidtR yon have forgotten to ie move a badge of recognition." She followed with he'r eyes his down ward glance, and saw that It rested ou her hand, nngluved, ns In better accord with the exigencies of her costume. Iuvoliititurily she drew it away, with the Hug which had betrayed her. Denial whs listless. "Since jou know me, then," she said, "we will not further play a part. To the others we are masks; to ourselves we are ourselves." "Ah , madame," be whispered, "let us rather say to the world we are onr. selves, to each other we are a mask. Can men, think you, look coldly ou such beauty as yon possess? Can" Indignant aud alarmed she checked his further speech by startiug forward to escape him. Ills timid clneed on bet's t a in u vise. She wrenched it Irom him, sprang amoug n crowd of maskers, aud so niadii hir way to Ibe door. 'Cilia cirriaga lor me." she directed. Tru roiuuten later she was within h,r owu home. IL-r first impulso was to tesr i IT the hated c nllluie which had canoed her such trnublr ; her next tu throw herself on thebrdnud sub nut rxcitiiuviit nud cnutritlou The morn ing situ, streaming iuto ber rouiu, awoke her. With it shudder she reroemhere.l the events of the pa.t night. She looked ciown i tier uuuo. lue uau.l winch Ua.l vv5u ivimica vj ouuiuei m ioucu as 51.00 If Iliongb in some way she expected to fiud the contamination branded on ils soft white surface. It was all nnmarrtd, but She looked again, she rubbed ber eyes and Ionkid, the color meauwhile fluttering out of her clucks, and ber pale Hps quivering, as If her heart seemed to stand still In n sudden ngouy of fear, for from the third finger was uilssin,! tho tulistnnulc ring. When and whero had she lost II? and how could she find tho courage to con fess nil to Gerald? She r:se and dressed, revolving this problem in lur mind. At any hour lur husband might re turn. For the first time she dreaded to meet him dreaded to look iuto his kind ly, handsome cyts and read there all his iucredolons reproach, mingled, perhaps, with scorn aud anger. The day worn ou. Ilcr friend, Mrs. Martin, ran iu to scold her for her de sertion; but her pale face and trembling tones aiada good her plea of sudden ill ness. At nightfall Gernld nnived. She threw herself into his arms in a burst ol nervous weeping; but when ho wonder ingly neked its cause, her courage failed her. Why was it she never imagined that he might look stern until to-da? A week passed, when one evening, sit ting in the twilight, n step sounded close beside. She looktd up to dlscotcr the count. "Pardon!" ho began, in answer to Ler indignant, questioning look, "Vli must ymt be so cruel? May I n it now see you?" Sir, I command you to leave me. I am now under tho protection of my own roof." lie was ub in t to .tuswer when a Intel key was heard inserted in tho outside door. In an instant he had sprung into some place of concealment, but the fact thai he was near lent lo the young wjfu u sudden courage born of the moment's ilesperutiou. Her husband, entering, Hpprouched her, but she motioned him luck. Gerald," she said, "I have a bitter confession to make. It is fitting you should hear it now." Ho listened, with arms folded acroiR his breast, while sho told him nil tho story of that fated l ight. Aud is this all?" he questioned bit terly, when she paused. No, not all," she continned, raising her voice. "My coufisstou has nuother witness, who has forctd his hated prts- ence again upou me, ilio ujuui Lti zoul is hi re again, Gerald." As she spoko she drew aside the cur tain, but the form she expected lo dis ci ise was gone, the open window attest ing to its flight. Silently the husband drew a paper from his pocket and showed her a para graph olUring n reward for the arrest ot a thief nud swindler kuowu as the Count Bclzonl. "My darling." be said, "my little wire has learned n lesson she will ntver for get. I have known this stoiy all tl.e time, but have waited until you came to tell it to me. I returned tho night of the ball to take you with lno, when I found ymi had gone. Imngiuo what I suflered nnd my added siiUVring when, nrrlving nt tho sceue t f et jnj meut, where I had followed you, I uVcovtred who was your companion. I htood near and heard the words he addressed to you heard with Joyful heart your nnswir; siw yon wrench your bauds Irom his hold, and nl-io saw what yon did nut, the sparkle of the riug he drew from your tinger. Poor little girl! I watched jou hastcu through tho crowd, and knew that you had already met your bitterert punishment. It has been through my efforts that tho count has been tract rl nud exposed. Only this morning I re ceived our run: from the niutt with whom lie had pledged it as security Ouce more I place it ou your finger. Hut remember, dulling, it is only the outward charm. A wile's true is her husband's honor.'' FRUITS OF ADVERTISING. A prominent business firm, which has growti rich by liberally patronizing the printer, writes the following on at! vertling: "We have for many jears studied tho art of advertising, nud still in remains ft marvel to dh thai there is nit rt hundred linns more of it. We never et knew n man lo advertise hi wares liberally nnd steadily that it did not imy. Yet ihtro ore tbotiiomds of manufacturers, and tens of thousands of men, having articles which they declare O'luht to be 'in every household iu the oonntry,' who advertise m gingerly nt d closely ns though they had lit heart no faith iu it at nil How can theyexpttt to get their goods anywhere unless some knowledge of the article first gets into the family cewspapei? If we waited till people learned from their ueighbors we might wait for years before the most wnuderful and useful invention became known.' Among those who labor for future happiness he is greatest who lives well iu his owu household. The liberal man who cats aud be stows is belter thau the pious mini who fals mid hoards. Tu-y who remember the btnefi s be stoaed by pureii.s uro too grulelul to rdiuembrr their luults, Nature tumlo us Jat, that wo might share our goods wjilt each uthii, nud a tpply each ntlnr's wants. There ia uothiug that goads a spirit, ed womsu tu inaduiss, as the realization that any man controls her husband. The uinu who enslaves himself lo bia money is proclaimed iu our Very language to be a miser, or a miserable mau. Discretion Is more nrcesstry to wo men thau eltquencv, because they have trouLte l0 ,.,sak ,uU thau to .)cak little. ft Yenr if Paid in Advance. not paid in advance, $1.2f A BOO BEINGS ABOUT A 'v7BDIKQ. "Dj Iuiho boats rtlwnjs remain at one place with (Loir occupituls?" inquired n Cincinnati np( tier of a captain, upon seeing at a river bank a hnmber or liv ing boats. "By uo means," replied the vetiran; "these boats are ndaptcd to various uses. There is a kind culled the 'pirate,' which Is floated down tho liver by its occupants, who are usually ills houcst aud desperate. Again, there is the coaster tradiug boat, in which a mau nnd his family make tbtlr licuis, and trade with Iho people who live alorg the bunks of tho river. Ouce upon n time one of these coasters, which started from a small town In Indiana, was lying ucnr VickobKrg. It occupnuls were the own er, his very hsndome,.rosy-laccd daugh ter, and n largo black Nswfotiudlaud dog. The cjptuiti of tho steamboat that made regular trips from Vickshurg up one of tho tributaries of the Southern Mississippi had frequently noticed the dog suunlng himself ou the forward end of the coaster, and toolt sllch a fancy to the nnlnial lhat ho one day inn Lis boat in closo enough lo tho shore tn nslt the father what he would lake Tor Ibe dug, wheretipou the daughter tuddeiily up peared upou the scene, nud called out. defiantly. 'If jou take that dog juu will have to take mo tool' This was the be ginning of au acquaintance that ripened into Irieudshlp, nnd then n sentimeiil more tinder, and resulted in tho younp lady becoming the wife of ouo or the most prosperous nud respected stesm-bo.itm'-u In the southern waters, who also became possessed of the dog.' MEETING UNDER DIFFICULTIES. "Acti iu olteu liiiet tinder yeiy pt miliar eiicumstauces, and this meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic ri minds me of ouo," leruurked Deputy City Control It r Rush to it reporter. "It's n dull day lor ilems. Peter, so Uro a may with jour lubrication!'' "Oh, no! This isn't one of that kind. This is a f tct, aud I've got the paptn lo rove ill" "Nevermind the documentary prooll Il'it'uftgood story, I'll lakojonr wold lor it without nfildiitilH, so gtwibouU" "I nm not going to mention nny names " No importance. Browu nnd Jones will do' 'Nor where or when the battle took place " "Immaterial. Was anybody hurt?" "But it was n hot oue, and when the two armies got iuto close quarters two actors who had olteu played tiigithei met face to face; one with n Union the other witbn Sectishr. sword iu Inn el. Yoa kuow what tt brutdsuortl comlttt is?" "Yes. Two misses to one hit.' "Not so bad as that. It's like clock work. Any one who ever Hut uenr the stage at u -French Spy performance bus heard the Spy nnd Mohammed countii g iu ft whisper, 'One. two, three, one, two, three, oue, two, three, (u pause); now fours! oue, two, thrte. four, (another pause); now sixesl one. two, thrte, loKr, tlvo. six, and keep it up!" " "Just as these two neturs cro-sd swords they rtctiguized each other, ntid oue ol thoui, who was n quick-wilted fellow, out, 'Sixes, cuHtl'iindal it they went with all thtir might, light iu plain sight of both armies." "Which got the best of il?" "Iljth. Bitb ol them wero hoforah'y mentioned in the dispatches fur briVrri upou the field, uud both were promoted." A Great Horseman- Mr. J. If. Cddsiiiiili, owner of the Wa. nut Grove slock farm, N, Y snvs nf 1 lie wniiderlill rnrnllve qiinlllics ,.f Si. Oil. that linvine long u,ed it f.,r rheiin a lisni and on his lireeilinis farm nilnienl. of Imrsea nnd cattle, ha clienrfully awrda tin's great pniii euro his iH-eferenrv. s the nest ever uteil, in an exs;rieiico of twenty , t.19. Snhcribe for nnd read tho Advocatf It contains nil the latest lnctil news 11(1 to tue lime t f going to press. Subscrlbo for the Advocate, only one itoiiar n year. Acker's Celebrated English Renirily for Coughs. Colds, and Cinsiiinpllnn. Ri'il for iib on a cunrnntee by Dr Horn, Lehlglitou, nuil L A Horn, Weissport. That which causes us lo think Is dear to ns, as everything which gives an even imperceptible impulse to our faeul- tli s Is agreeable. llie Chinese regard Has a happy omen ii tue my blossoms ou their New Yoar's day. Ctmrr. Wnonrtxo Cot-ott, ami even Asthma immcdiafry relieved by Acker's Engli.h Remedy. Sold under guarnnlee by Dr. Ilnrn, Lehialitiiii, and E. A Horr, Weissport. A Worcester fiddler named Rledl took his old instrument lobe repiilrtd wucu tue repairer lotluil It to bo ill Amatis nf 1070, wotlh $5,000. In Madagascar, ou tho deulh of tho late Queen, the people were forbidden for two months to wear hats, oarry um brellas or plait the hair, to say nothing of an Interdict on building and weaving. The ruleof three For tbo third per son lo clear out. The played-out tenor gets-notbirc but dead O fruit. A (lartlins fact. Heart Blseaae fa nnlr Interior 111 Mality In niisiiiiiiitiun. ilo mil siilli-r Irmii it but ii"- Dr Uraiv.' Ilrart Ih-tltiliitiir. It lias cured tlmuaauds, why lint yoiiT SI at driil.ts. Wucu two tnuiig ladles kiss each other tLey fulfill the go,.tir Irinnelion. Tiey are lining tiulu eacr other wnt t ley would that meu should do uulo J them. I -A busy domrstlo sceue Girl in (I e parlor pulling dotvii uaj.els, mother in the kitchen pllltiug ilnll peschesand the little boy lu the pantry pulling doau jim. A little girl who was wn'chlng a tia. loou uacFiisioii suddrnlv exiUluiedi Mamma. I shoiililu't think God would like to have that mau go np to heaven Alive." The Carbon Advocato An Indepandent Femllv tfawioaper Published every fcATtRDAY', h Lchighton, Carbon Co.jPa., by If Alt II Y V. niOltXlIIHIRIt. pmrjt-ll AIRWAY, a aboit dUtaiioe aoor the LthlnU Valltty R. R, Depot. Tens: $1.00 pfirAwium in Adrance nvrnr BcsvOTnox-oi cuts and rmr J ob Printing AT VERY LOW PttlOKS iS.".-"!lJ.'.'J;L MM THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. IUHivm M1 earn miEUMATifijr, Nouralala, Oclillcs, Lumbsge, J5ACICACIIE, nimicrB, raniim JOF.E THROAT, Qi-issv.atru.usas, rjPBAIKS, tenet:, Cats, tnUses, rrtOETOiTES, ECnN-M.GCAXPI, And all otti.r WJH at It is aa! .uu. nm cats i urax St.l!r .11 tlnistt.l. aai Dealer, biraiiou. la 11 Ttc Ckir'ci A.Yacci!: Cs, (tMnmi iA.VMlrraOfc) ClUawrt, tit, C.S.A. EiiuuiHa!uuui:ali4jJiuy i iniHMliitaaiitfia,ii,ii.iiuiite't! j ji fii JF1R1IX il 1 fit.-. 'Ulllilllla.illJllilUmfl i;iiai!i,raiIiT!ll,'Mj is. eu!ll For Something Very Nice in the Way of Ladles', Gent's and Children's BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, ao to Peter Heim, opposlto tho Public Pqnarc, BANK Street, I.ehlhtnn. whero you will And a Larue and Pashlonablo stock to relcct'from at Lowest Cnth Prices. Also, Ladles' and Oenl's Boots and Sto lade to Order on short notice. Rest Material and Work manhlp iriurintcod. Prices ore rully a Law ns elsewhere. Your patronage le ler cordially Invited. May 10-uiO BMW IMilf! fill .mi 1 It "1 , U run 13 Mmmmsm THE SORE FOR CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COiVJPLASNTS, COPJSTIPATIOIM, PILES, AND BLOOD DISEASES. PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. "Eiaacy-Wort is tho ir.ost oacceaefal remedy X ever used," Sr. r. c. i-'i0.ou, Houston, Vu "njdney-XVort la always reliable" LT. H. lr. Claric, 03. Hero. Vt. "ICldney-'Wort him cured my v) Ifo after two yean cuiTerij." Sr. O. I'. Cummcrlla, Sun 111H, (2a. Ill THOUoAtlDS OF CACE3 Itbaa cured whero all elso had failed. Ttis rnUd, but cedent, CUltTAIN I.V ITU AOTIO.V, but bamlcss In all cases. t7It elcan.ea tho Uloodond E?trcr.nthcns ced Rive. N'cw Lira tl ell do important crana cf tits body, auo natural actlsa of t-o ICldneys Is restored. Tho Ll7rr la clsinaod oreJldlaen?s, and tho Bowels tnsro Creely aad licaltlirully. I-i thla way tho v.'orst diseases aro eradicated from tlio system. g TZIZZ, C1.00 ttira C3 D3T, EC13 CT B2C0OSTS. D-ycaabosjatbya-.l. WELLS, KICIIAr.DSO.-IiCO.narllnirtonVt. SKIN CURE, CATARRH CURE, COUGH CURE, BLOOD CURE. FOR 8ALC BY TROS. D. THOMAS. le Complete Bore Eosptatu ! MANUFAOTPRED II Y THE Allentown Manniastnrinj Co., one of the Best Fertilizers for all Idnds of FARM Crops and GARDEN Vegetables. FOR SALE DUR1NU THE SEASON By M. HEILMAN, LEHIJHTON, Pa; April It-mi week nt home. gSOIon'Pt free. Pay li.nlutelr suie. An r alt. anii.i not truilireil. Itrnilrr If von unit. I'U.lne.a at wnlslt i i ra ma nt elt er sex. old riuiiK, oin iiniko lima lln-y w.irs, nlili uli.iilu.e reriuiuty, Willi, f r iKirtirular. to II. IIallltt k Co., rnrjai.d, tiuo, usoioyi" SftJI.l.Vni.V Rltr.rr;Y,la.hl,mM Ui'lH IIiiot ami Is' ii ok .IIakuii, Hank Si., f.eliliehton Ad work warrauuil. I ANflffiV Claiinaa sprelAltv. an' WAR ' ' ' " llll.MKslKAII I I!,, if 1.1, V-r ' ' rt 1,1)1 I I . i 1. RS anil all Mints ui lan i. .si ntn i i. i.. and sdd. IurKUXiO'k I hiulnai Pilri, pahl. Ilnjnu wain lu .oil or l u, t II . wrlto In A. A TIUIMAH, Atto rn st Law Washlnyt II. IJ. (an. 4-trc. A UDT7L1 l'n'' '' '"rpo'iE. en'l re. A rllilPi lllj u,x el ffik a 1 IlltllJ, ,Ph w i.p , t mor iniinHir rlirhi aay iban aiiyililnK ', I ti n world II. ol l.hrr aes, su o. r-i Irom nr.. hour. The li oad load to Inrtiitie uiwo. be. toraiheworkets, absolutely sard At One -address Tausj&Oo, Astjttsta, ils. i, '