The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 03, 1884, Image 3

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    Few Advertisements.
Djsats & Co.,
Spectacles anil Eye Glasses,
Weissport, Penna-
erMI Vlhdl prowptly attended to lit VERY
It.iionablo Charge!.
If you need nnytliing in ouv
lino, ive us a cull before go
ing elsewhere. Our Prices
arc us low as the lowest, and
all Goods are warranted to be
us represented. fcb2-y
Free Lecture,
On Hie Question of Ilia Ago,
of Louisville, Ky.,
In tiro PreUy letian Church, Lehighton, cn
Weflnesflay, May 7th. 1884
At 7:30 o'clock I. M.
llv. Howard Henderson, his formcrpistor
taysoriilmt "He Is llio prince of t lie
form, ami has been a Christian run I pliilun
antbrupist from his boyhood. He 14 terribly
In earnest In his work or reform, yot his hu.
tnor shakes nil tho cobwebs Iromtho hcari."
(le- rue W. Haln, Esq.. has been lecturing
Inl'nnadn recently, auil his lectures have
awakened srreat Interest wherever ho hus
epoken. Tlio Hrantford Duffy Ktjioittion
Bays r Iiltt Tfelt to this cltt .
Wlckllfle. Hail was crowded from plat,
from to tne donts liiettvenlntr Every avail,
uble fco about the hulhllnir, cten In the
irallary ami the remllnir, ri'Oin, occupied,
nnd hundreds It'll tho hull fur want nfstnnd
lnic room. It was truly n tiiaanltlccnt nuili.
tnce, leprcscntlnic thu wealth ami Inielll.
srence ot ltranttord. It was evident Irotn the
very beginning that the audience nnd the
oramr wero well matched a mainilUco t
audience nnd ii iirau uraior. Hu po-sissis
n raro combination of powers. Hols logical
liuaKlnntive. nnd unctlonat; and when he
has constructed his iirxuinent his Itiiualna
tl. n plays Uion It llkellsshtnlnu; "pen n storm
cloud, and con pieielv enpiun e Ins hearers
by his suhllii e distills or oratory, We have
never heard anything more htautilul nml
midline than weru somenl his descriptive
sentences. When he turned his nririiinenia,
thus Illumined hy the power ol his vivid lm.
agination, umn the auiilrnce with 11 pathetic
tenderness which Is Irreslstlldo, they under
stood somelhlnx of the power of human elo
quence '
"Qn. W. Ilaln, of Kentucky, lias norual
on the platlortn of our tlmo as an advocate
or the cause uf temperance. Ho is the most
charming speaker I have ever known. Jlls
atyle Is Indescribable, He is simide and tin
affected. Ho does not act ns IIiookIi he
thought himself anything remarkable, ami
he dees not. He Is thoroughly xood, and Hint
Isono Kreatcause of his power. Ills heart
Is In the work and all who listen In htmrrf
that a srood man Is plendlnK with them. Ho
Is divinely called to tho K'ent nnd urand
work In which he Is so incessantly engaged
and God henuis the woik.
I). U Hascock,
l'hlUdelphlt, April 2nd, lSst.
Auditor's Notice.
ceased. On the Zlst day of April 1884. the
nnnersignea was nppoinico ny ine urpnans
Court or Carbon 1,'ouniy. ns Audi
tor. to make distribution ol the funds orlat
nnee In the hands of Eydla Kelcluird, ad
ministratrix ol the estate of Ucurue lielch-
ara. iieceaseii, iale ol r.ast renn lownstiip.
said county, nnd nuke report to next term,
will meet nil iiarttcs Intereitcd for the pur
pose of his uppolntmcnt on MllNHAY tho
10th HAY ol MAY. I88,at ON V. O'l'LtJt IK
V. M at his omre In the linrinuli of Mauch
Chunk. on liromlway street, when and wheie
.all petsons Interested are required to he
E resent and prcsettt their claims or be tie
erred from coming In fur u share In said
rand or balance.
Mauch Chunk, i'a., April 2.!, 1884. W4.
fi ALESMEN Wanted!
To canrnM
for tho fale of (.rimr.
Ho sen ana
other Nuriety Stock.
Steady emtiloyinent (cnnranleeil. Sal
once, Cu ask Iliummis. ItochefUT,
i. , iitcior io mis p.iperi
April 12 am
When rou como to tUluk of 1L It 1m not
Odd that literary people prefer a pipe to a
rltrar. It Is handier to smoke whin they
are wrltitif? oud eer bo much cleaner.
And l heo. it pives tnem the truo esbcnce
and flavor of the tobacco.
The moct fastidious muoIvCTB amcmtT all
nation and all claea of mm Afrrra that
UM lobacco frrown on the Golden Tolwioco
DeU of North Carolina is the mot-t J die
tous and renned In tho world. Lighter
than Tur Uh, more fraftrant than II a ana,
freer fcoxa nitrates ami ntootiao than any
other. U iw )it what the- connoltsMir
praisea aid tha haMtnal uiokcrdeniantK
Tlie very cnolwwt tobacco prow.
on tins neit boiuriit by JJiicK
weUV Durham Tobacco Cx. and
appears In their cHehrated Hull
Durham fiinokln Tobacco. It Is
known the world oer.
"he tannine, with Bull
trade mark, then you Mill
ta sun Of havinff abso-
jUKiy pure V)U&coo,
Try Pino Remedies.
liiiRAoPFTlieSalTatoriii ai:
X FDlmsnicTnmWes
For the Curt of Consumption, Asthma, Hem
orrhage. Diphtheria, Crouji, Whooping
ueuKiiirneuiouiii,v.uiarro, tioogns.l ;olus,
Sore Throat and all llronchlal Troubles.
It It a wun.lcrlul preparation of l'rno ml
llonev. and Is worktoa a ratllcal revoluiton
the treatment a,odcureof all causes ot the
fDura riseases. i;unK"rr itives instant
relief toff Aouf all, and with falihlul use will
elfaat a rauM ami nerlecl ouie. 11 absulutelv
tfoet not CQntaitt either opiate, narcutlo or
any Injurious drtiv, and It a ruitKLr vmirr.
nLa nim-MHTIoN. A THUL wII convince
ynof lis merits. Uiou would alicaMiecl
tare of the safety of your children durinie Ut
dement waatberand at all limes, keep a bat-
,u yuur in--(iinina cnesi. nenti lor moipn.
let to (J A. I.KWIS &,().. t-olo I'runrletois,
f)S tlhapel Street, New lUrcu.Ot,
fmn HtTTias, Pi Kinvcv ma I.ivih
Pills, I'ixs Ptitraaa annl'iNa lUry.
(Sold iy lrug(lsli Jsnr.'-mfUr
"Original Cheap Cash Storo."
lly the prices glvtn below of ready-made
Shirts, lanndrlcd and unlaundrled, ono can
realise the fact that Shirts are cheaper
ready-mndo than tho material can be bought
and the Kirmonts made for at home, to ray
nothing ol the perfection and cut, shape and
fl t, and the beauty of workmanship l
First grnde A, White Shirts, unlaundrled,
06 cents, sold elsewhere at 1.2S. First urado
A, Whlto Shifts, laundtlcd, tl.10, sold olse.
where at 1 s,
Second grade It, Whlto Shirts, unlaundrled,
(3 cents, sold elsewhere at 85 cents.
A largcstock of I'ercalo Shirts with Col
lars and Cuffs.
Public. Square, Dank Street. r.chl;li
i, Junos, 1883-ly.
SPECIAL NOTICE. Persons making
payments to llila ofllco by money orilcra or
postal notes will please make thcin payable
at tho WxtsspnttT Post Office, as the Le
ltigliton nlllco Is mot n money order office
Our Noiehborhood in Brief.
John J Oallachcr, of Beaver Meadow,
was in town on last Saturday.
Tho Lehigh mountain, in the vicinity
of Mountainvillc, was on fire Monday
It is rumarcrl that the No. 8 furnace of
tho Thiiinas Iron Co., at Look Hidjjo, is to
be restarted shortly.
;J50"AI1 kinds of stationery, nt lower
prices thnn auy other placo In town, at Hie
news depot,
A company of piano manufacturers
proposes to lorato nt Wilkcsbarre, if given
propr crtenurngnient.
It was sixty-live years on Thursday,
of last week, that the H 'St lodge of Odd Fel
lows was orgnnir-ed in America.
Tlie Copliiy Iron Works have been Idle
since last December, but rumor lias it that
the- will soon resume work.
,lMJ-Anow tntnl CLOCKS. VATCIir.S
and JEWELRY just iceeiVeit at 8. 1IA0A
MAN'S Store, Lchi;htot!. Pa.
John C. Kirk, esq , of Philadelphia,
spent days in this place during the
fore part of the week.
3. C. Morris, erq., pf Kokitmn, Ol.,
with his wife, has been visitine nt Mr.
Fred Leuckel's during the paid week.
Our young and enterprising friend Mr.
Frank Schoch, of Dinville. snnt sevetal
days in town with Iriemleriuring the week.
O.Pianns. J50 rath, and $IS mnnlhlv!
Orgam, $20 rash, and Si tnonthlyi Sewing
Maeliioes, b5 cnh. anil f.1 inotithlv. at J.
F. H ilbncli's. Everv article guaranteed.
Heniy Marshntnii, n miner, in the
emplov of CoXe Bros. 3c Co , at Drillon, wa'i
iii'tntitly killed Friday afternoon by a full
I slate.
fiSt-The latest stvlea and tbe best tate
in triiiiiiiluir, done, nt tho lowest cash
prices, nl tho millinery storo of Alvcniti
Graver, Il.ilik slletl, Lliighton.
A miner named Klwnrd Ilnbinson,
chot and killed himself at Wilkegbarre
on lat Satuniay becausn of his poor health
ana inaimitv to support Itis rntnily.
Ilnnds on Pun Is anil Vetls, nt Clatiss .t
Urn., Tile Tailors, Hank street, Lehlghlon,
Apply Ht once.
The Lehigh and Schuylkill cnsl ex-
changes hayo made no changes in prices
for May, except advancing pea coal ten
cents per ton.
arffCliildrens bats from 25 cents tin.
Ladies wishing crnoo bonnets or veils
should not lull in tea my elegant asortmenl
crapes, Alvenia Urater, Lehighlun.
An official of the Heading Company
says that the company will not pari witii
ny of its New Jersev Central stock, and is
lully able to protect lis holdings.
SG-You can getn Single Buggy Harness,
in part nickle, at ten dollars ami lull nickle
at twelve dollars, got up In good ftvle, ut
M. r lory's iiarncss Mioi, Weis?im, I'a.
Mustering Officer Harry T. Sleller, of
the Snnsnl Veterans, Heading, mustered
Camp No. 51 nt MjiicIi Chunk Friday eye
uiug, with Gl charier members.
SSI-U. 8. Mai! writinK packets, not".
letter, business and legal c.ip, finest thing
mt. Ton cover a h otter. 10 ots. each
at J F. ilalliHcb's.
Tho puddle mill of tho Bithleliem
Iron Co., was shut down on last Saturday,
and now No. fi lurnaco is blown out lor
necessary repairs.
ACKEB'8 BLOOD ELIXEB guaranteed)
will rnrc nil kinds ol blood itnisonin?. in
htnlal or contrarlal. Sold hv Dr. Horn.
."htghliiii, nnd EA Horn, Weissport.
The School tlonrd of Eiston has tl
ci.led to erect a $20,000 building for school
purposes, ns the priMi-nt rtrtictnre is inade
quale to accommodate Iho pupils.
-Q.ruiiillon Blood Cnro is a snecifln for
nil difcasca of the Uioorl, liver, bowels and
kidneys ubso.ulely vegetable and contain
liif only a sinnll ncrceulage ul spirit. Sold
by T. D. Thomas.
The Lackawanna Cotirty Commis
sioners have conlriicied for a clock to be
placed in the tower of the new Court House
at Scranton
JSU-t'OME BACK That wheelbarrow
liorrowed Irooi James W nip's Stove store
about one inoiiili agi, is reqtiestetl to come
back at once, us he needs its tervice.
For the week ending on the 2(lth lilt ,
Ihero were 1D0.0S2 tons of coal trans
ported over the Lehigh Valley railroad,
making n total to date ol 2.(105,-1 12 tons, a
lecreane oi tons as compared with
same time lu et year.
iJClioirc Clover Seed,
lor sale at ,T. L. Gabel'e
$8.00 per bushel.
A II tbe new applications for llcens at
the recent term ol court were re I o fed
Among thnn Clias. Weistik.rt,
iasper Aimter aim Atiaui It ise, ol
S-frUnlycrselle Ruli Pomade isa Ger
man metal polish that heals everything for
putting on a givi-l polish quick and without
loin ., nu.nv greute. iu cents a box at J.
1- llsllnchs.
Tn School Director! of the teyeral
borouKhs, townships and districts will meet
at Mauch Chunk, nn Tuesday next, for the
purpose in riming a uountv Huperinten
dtut of rnblic Schooli in this county.
An Euston boy consented Hie other dty
to personate John Diliman and tome of hit
companion! hung him up bv the neck
He was almott dead when cut down by i
pasting lady.
ARE YOU Miserable through Indigestion
hour biomacn, or Constipation! Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets we guarantee will relieve
you. Sold by Dr C T Horn, Lehighloniud
Ihe musical entertainment given In
hclinoi Hall on last Friday night, for the
benefit of the M. E. church, was well at
tended by iwople It.ou in aud orouud thu
Edward Nicholas, of Wlna Gap.Norlh
f' 7, zc;:: r "
.,.UnHii .. iniaiii uiuos.
oi iitckettttown, Js. J.t lor 118,000. They
Intend oiiening a tlute quairy.
.jfjtf-l'apillion Skin Cure it n snecifie lor
all ikm diteasrs Ball Rhaum, Krysiieli,
Rtth, Inflammation, Intect Biles itching,
Ulcert, Cuts, Wounds, Burnt or 8c'tldt. and
II Scrofula Eruption!, Sold by T. P.
At'Clauss was boms for a few days
during the week,
Whit Monday lhl year falls upon
June 2nd,
Lieutenant Jeff. V. Mosser.U. S.Navy,
recently mnred his family from Slatlnglon
to Washington, D, 0.
In some section fewer potatoes will lie
fit an ted this apring than last year, and
srmera will just be as likely to miss It.
.lEir After all Iho others have failed to
mako your atrh keep time, give me n
trial. If I Tall It will not cost you any
thing. Yours, A-c., p. S BOCK.
Iter. Jas I. Campbell, of the Princeton
Theological Seminary, at Princeton, N J.,
has accepted a rail to tbe Slatinglon Pres
byterian church.
'SS-lf you iranm nlcc,smooth,easy shave
your hair cut or shampooing, go to Fran
Roedcrcr's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho
tel. He will fix you right, and doa'tyou
orget it,
Tlie Lehigh Valley Railroad has 741
miles of track, owns 350 locomotives, 85
passenger cars, and 35,750 other Kinds of
cars, and last year rarrled river 2,000,000
passengers. Its gross earnings wera $12,
The Rlttersvllle Driving Park has been
leased by Messrs. John Rehtlg, ol Calasatl
qua, and William Hughes, of Ilazletnn, lor
the present season, They intend t put the
grounds in good order, ami to arrange for
numerous raccstlurlng tho summerand tall.
TX-We lake pleasure In informing the
public of hc merits of Papiltnn Cutarrh
Cure, It will euro chronic catarrh, cold in
the head, rose did, and for hay fever no
remedy is a: effective. It has cured hun
dreds of cases. Sold by T. D. Thomas.
Wm. Maxwell, of Laury's Station, who
was an badly burned about the legs one
night last February while slttiog close to a
stove in his office, died at St. Luke's Hos
pital, on Thnsday ol Inst week from tho of
lects nt his injuries
8ome miners entered an old mino n'e
the Lackawanna Iron nnd Coal Company
widen was closed twetity-fivo years ago, to
extinguish a fire and found it in compara
tively good order. Tho mino may bo re
opened. A Bin Titisol Every subscriber to the
Cabbox AuyocATR who immediately pays
up orrearages and one year in advance will
receive free for one year Health and tome,
a large S pago, 40 column monthly p.iper,
devoted to home matters. Step up.
Rev. James A. Little and family have
moved itito the commodious parsonage,
crofted for them and adjoining tho Hoken
tlatnpia Pre-,hy tcrian church. This new
p.irsonage is tunned by Hie pastor "Sunny
side Munje,",titnt is one of tlie most beauti
ful resiliences in Lehigh county,
0or Only $10,00 cah
for un all-wool Suit at IT. II.
Peters, Post-office buildin
It is a remarkable Tact, that, however
well young Imlirs may be versed in gram
mar, very Tew are enabled to decline mat
rimony. And especially Is Ibis tlie ene
when Ihey know the carriages are In be
litruished from the popular livery of David
Ebbert.on Norlh street. Terms low,
ffrvl'apillon Cough Corn docs not enn
lain tiny drugs or chenilc!e. it is purely
Vegetable. It cures Whooping Cough,
Bronchial Couch, or tickling in the, throat,
anil Winter coigli ro prevalent in older
people. Sold by T. D. Thomas.
Nearly four acres of tho surface nbovt
Iho workings ol Hmldock A Steel's Black
Diamond Colliery, at Lucerne botnugh, has
settled several feet in consequence of tlie
crushing of the pillars In the mine. It is
feared that much damage will result to Iho
Ogril. IT. Peters, at the
Post-office building, Lehigh
ton, will make you an all
wool suit lor only $10 cash,
if you order now.
On Monday afternnnn last Hon Judge
Prober, at Mauch Chunk, sentenced Mrs.
Eliiabelh Reese, who hail been convicted of
voluntary manslaughter, in killing the
Voting man Eli, at Yorktown, to pay a fine
of $23, the costs of prosecution nnd" to un
dergo n n Imprisonment or thirty days In
the county jail.
Vil-E. F. Lnckenbach, (II Broadway,
Minii'h Chunk, has enlarged his store, put
in a new skvliuht, and now has on exhibi
lion over 1000 styles of fine paper hanuiic-i,
depurations, lre'ts and borders, tocolhier
with an olegsnt lino or dado shades, with
latest iiltHchinents and trimmings. Books,
stationery and luncy goods in great variety
and at iovrest prices.
Mr. Win. Kuder, of Laurv's Station
has bad tho misfortune to lose Ills eyesight.
He lost sight In ono eye several years ago
through nn attack ol typhoid lever. Some
nine weens ago the other eye was attacked
with erysipelas, and since" then lie has
been deprived of the sense of tight. Mr.
Kuder was in several Philadelphia hospitals
but his case was pronnuueed boneless.
?TNow is the time, and
CLAUrfS & U fl,0.. the
place, if you want n nice fit
ting all-wool suit of clothes,
made to order lor onk 10.00.
The large taw mill of Wolvcrton A
Tinsman, nt Wilkesbnrre, wns wholly des
Iroyad by fire Friday. Tlie loss is over
$40,0110, Insurance $15.0011. It is the in
t-nlioti of I lie proprietors to rebuild im
mediately, as they have n large slm k ol
log mi hand They expect to have a new
null ready for operation In about two
months Tlie cipjcity ..f the burned mill
was Irotn 8(1.001) u HO.OOII feel per day.
S-a-Itolled enhl plate L-tce Pins, nir
ranted to keep their color, onlv 18c, nts, at
HOOK'S Jewelry Store, opposite J W.
R.iuuenbtieii't, Lehlghlon.
Benjamin Lewis, of Frenchtown, em
ployed as hilclicr at No. 4 slo-io at Atlden
ried, met with a serious accident on last
Saturday. While at work Anthnnv Bovle.
le wis' helper, taw slack roio living wiiich
indtiiited that a car was running lo the
bottom on the Irarlc. 11 .vie warned L'Wis,
but not soon enough lo avoid the living
props whieh was displaced lv Ih- runaway
ear. Lewis' injuries nro considered iTinui,
ITlie rush still continues
at 1-i.AUSS & lino., for those
handsomcly-mado, all-w o ol
suits at b 10.00. Call early
il you wish to take advantage
of this remarkably low price
for a suit made to order.
Frederick Wagner, of Wilkebarre,mel
with a tuinlul accident Saturday mornimt,
which may result fatally. He went into
an outhouse and slruck a match to light his
pipe, when a terrific explosion ofcas took
phire, demolishing the bouse, blowing bun
several leet from Iho timt and burnlm; bit
body in a frightful manner. Tha cause of
the explosion was a crack in the earth
leading down to gas deposits in tlie mine
'551-Tbe following well known rollrrad
men Ihi-uglmut tint Valley und cilm-nsof
inisiown are using the celebrated en
Kailroad Watch, told by E II. lloul t T. I.
Mumlord, Manager and Lessee of the
Switchback Railroad, Detective Charles
comers, of the L V R H., Detective Harry
LVeU'oM, ot C It It.. Jacob IVert. James
T..U..F n l.nnk...... LM.....I II..... I.....
miiuuctor oi uu It, Wat liaiiiiigr, Moeet
w1" "".. y.A c..rlri,hl(
r.eatt. l.
Culver. John McGlnlev. Geo.
iiener, unaries Brinietwi, I reila rick riliill
inger and John Miller. This it only a few
of the hundreds that bay bought theto
watches. H;o new standard Utilroad Watch
at H II. Uohl'f, Maucu Chunk, it It the
oesi in tne world. 2w
'Squire J. F. Werner, of Lanilord, wat
in town cm WedotsJay.
A postal received from Key. J. II.
Itartman, late pastor of the RoTormcd
church ol town. Informs tu that lie it com
fortably tetlled in hit new bomej that he
commenced his Itbort In hla new charge
last Sabbath) that he met wllb ft very fine
people who manifest an Interest In him
and hit family, and that he feels grcstly
enouraged In his labors. He, with his
fanillv,scnd kind regards to all their old
friend's in Lehlghlon,
Dr. Derhamer list put up a new frame
dwelling liouso, next to his residence on
Iron street, during the patt two weeks.
The perton who sent an advertisement
to this office purporting to come from 0.
M. Muidoe, attorney, will oblige by calling
at t his office. Corrections are needed lelore
it con be published.
Sweeny A Son shipped five car lotdt of
potatoes to the coal regions this week.
Our young friend, Paul Wagner, of
Plymouth Meeting, Montgomery county, it
in town, visiting his many friends.
psJJ-I have Just returned from tho city
with an linmcne stock of SUMMER
I offer at the lowest cash price. Cill and
bo convinced Hint, I sell CHEAPER than
any other. ALVENIA ORAVEK, Bank
street, Lehightou, Pa.
Misses Sallio Raudcnbush and Lou
Zehncr, of town, were in Allentown Thurs
day to ace Foropaugh's show.
A Vivr Loatgb. Valley Branch.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company
has decided to build r bran-.h from Flem
Ingtnn Junction, nn its Eastnn nnd Ambny
division, to Flemtngton, N. J., nnd conned
with tho Pennsylvania branch from L-iin-bertviile,
N. J. Tho line will open n new
and short lino from the Delaware Valley
above and below Ljinbcrtvltie In New
York city lor botii passenger and freight
traffic. The contract hns been awarded and
work will begin lorthwith.
Final Examinations in Oar Uleh Schools.
The final examination of tho senior
classes in tho Audeuried and Tresckow
schools took place last week. The class
consisted of four pupils, all of whom passed
successfully. The commencement wus held
hist Friday evening.
The final examination of the senior class
ofWeollierly High School will take place
to-day (Saturday), The class consists ol 8
Tlie examination of the senior classes of
lli Leliighton and Eist Mauch Chunk
High Schools will In held later.
Litigation ovor a Failure
Meyer Soudiieim, tho clothier at Unite-
(on who failed and was soon after nne.ted
at tlie instance of Else A Co. , Phi lade Id Ilia,
for fraudulently transferring $10,000 worth
of goods to relatives, has had several hear
ings before Judge ltiro.til W'ilkcsbirro, who
closi'd the cise on Monday of last week. In
the . .pinion filed since Sondheim has been
adiudged guilty of Iraud ami diiecte.1 to he
cmtmittcd to prison. His council filed a
bond under the insolvent law, asking that
the defendant he discharged, as he oilers to
surrender all the property ho owned tor the
benefit ol his creditors. The Court ordered
that there should he another hearing on
May 21 lo uei-erluiii if he isentitiod to be
Conductor! and Sagsaza Master! Dis
charged An Kjtton despatch to the Philadelphia
iVwi, dated 2Uth ult , raysi Pursuant lo
the praclieo cvublished hy the Philadelphia
and Rending when it obtained con
trol of tho Norlh Pennsylvania and the
Boind Brook Road m.itiy t-oiidoctora and
bagipiqe. nnutern on the Lehigh nu-1 Sus
quehanna and New Jersey Central Road"
have been diechiircil, mid their places
tilled by promotions or by men long in the
Reading's employ. Many ot the ohle
conductors liavu been discharged without
warning or staled reasons. To djy liitv
section henda on the New Jersey lie rural
Division were told their services were no
longer required. An order was also recetv
ed by all employees tutting here.ifler
no smoking should be allowed during the
working hours. ,
Ono More Kits, sweet Pet.
A citissn of n neighboring hamlet In
Kidder went to tho cars in Wlilto Haven
one day this week to see his favorito daugh
ter olF. Securing her a seat, ho passed out
of the cars and went round to the. window
to sty a parting word, ns is Irequently done
on such occ-isions. Wliile lie was pa-ing
out the daughter left the reat lo speak to h
friend and at the pnine timo a prim old
maid from Witkes Barru look llic and
moved up to the window. Unawares of
tlie important ehangn inside, our Kidder
township friend hastily put Ills face up lo
the window uud hurriedly exclaimed.
"One more kiss, sweet," III another In
stant the point of a blue cotton umbrella
caught his seductive lip, followed by the
passionate injunction, 'dcat, .yott cray
lieadod wreteid" and he f catted. lI'Ai'fe
Vtucn Jtmrnal,
Commencement Exercises.
There Is class ol mx to gradttnta III the
course of study cdoptcl by tlie high schools
of the county, consisting ol IS dilrerrnt
branches. Il will tie the find class that has
graduated, in our tairnugli, an 1 much credit
is due to our efficient principal in accotn
pliidiing this result so soon alter its iidop
lion by our rjcnooi uoard. luo coiiiiiieiico
ment will be held in the School Hall, op
Thtmdav, May 22ud, nnd we have un
doubt It will bo an Interesting affair nod
our people will undoubtedly have cause to
leel promt ol itie result, uur principal. 1.
A. Suvder. is ti candidate for ihe itosniMii
oi C'Ointy Superintendent, uu.4 should lie
b the choice oi liireet'.rs next luedav, nd
of winch there appears lo be no doiihi, ami
pioves himrell ft competent in that tmsiiiu
at lie lias .lone as principal of our oii'oi,
and wn llrnilv believe that be will, the di
rectors will liavo much ciu.e to congratu
late themselves in liieir cuoice ol a Supcrtn
lenib-ni to sociv.'d his popular and ellk-ieiil
predecessor, Prol. T M. Balliel.
Weatherly Chill!.
Ai Ihe lejutar meeting of Phoenix Lodcc,
No 740. I. O. id U. T. on hil Monday eye.
nini:. the hdlowina olliivrs were eke'ed:
W 0 T-WN Ileum W VT-II W Fry..
llllgj W Sec Dell M JI olitil W T 8-c -Lewie
Corani W Treas -I M Hanni W M
-Win Wallaeeul W C Hnlda A Miller.
W I O -Jennie Huuii; W Sen -James
Wetrl) W N Hann wns then elected Itei
rrtentaiive to Grand Lode, to meet in
Juno at Munch Chunk.
II S. Riuker has ncecpted a clerkship
in W. w. lllnkslre a store vacated by the
resik-nalion ol J. F. Kressley. Mr. K. h"S
b-uii employed by Mr. B for 14 v-art. He
intends devoting his lime lo the lumber
l isineis.
Edw.rd Iiong, who hsd oneofhlseyei
injured while at work last week, it about
Geo, II and L. C, the blcycilitts, are
in the height of their glory with suib
Saintial Kreitter, who wns Im'antly
killed here last week, was buried 111 Weil
l'etiu on Monday
Base ball is now the rage among the
uop uoyt. JIobtii
Mr- Robinson' i Stock Speculations.
A verdict in lavor id the. delendtnl wat
returned Friday in the United Slates Cir
cuii Court, Philadelphia, In the tuit of
Jonathan A. White, of New York, agalntt
the ad iiiuistiator of Alexander Robinton
deceased, of Mauch Chunk. The action
was brought on a mortgage for $25,000,
given by Itebiuaon on pro)Kirty in Mauch
Chunk, Uohiusoii speculated In sba-Ks
through a New York brokerage firm iu
which white, ills said, wat it client part
ner. Alter hit cash margin was all gone
ha cave the mort.aiiA in nuettton for cer
lain railroad bonds, which were handed by
While uver lo the broker to be used at
margin. Sliorilv -Itrrwardi Robinson died
The suit was couldled on the ground that
at the mortgage had been given as part of
a ttoek gambling transaction recovery
could mold not bo had Il wat denied hat
the transaction wat smelly a tlia-k deal
The Court ruled that the q uettlon wat one
for Ihe jury. Tbe verdicllor lh delleudant
wat returned alter a lew minutes' dellbera
How an Old Veteran Escaped Annihilation
ana idvoa to Impart a Warntns to others.
(National Tribune o HWiInofon.)
A pleasing occurrence which has just
coma to our notice In connection with the
New York State meeting of the Grand
Army of the Republic is so unusual In
many respect! that we venture to repro
duce It for the benctlt of our readers:
Captain Alfred Renaom, ol Now York,
While Pacini! the Inhhv of the nrmnrv. h...
, - J ra
violis lo one of tho meetings, luddenly
tioppea anit scanned the race of n gentle
man who was In earnest conversation Willi
one of the Grand Army officers. It teemed
to him that ho had teen that face before
partially obscured by tho smoke of battle,
and yet this bright and pleasant cnunlen
ance could not be the same pale, and death
llko vlsago, which be bo dimly remembered
But the recollection, like Banquo't ghost,
would not "down" nt command and haunt
edhlm the entire nay. On theday following
he again saw Ihe same countenance,
ond ventured to speak to its owner. Tlie
instant tho two veterans heard each others
Voiees. that tiitMiit thav ......... ..1. ...I i
called each other by name. Their faces
an.i lormi nau changed, but their voices
wcro tho same. Tho man whom Captain
Rensom bad recogniied was Mr. W. K.
Sage.nfSi. John, Mleh.,n veteran of tho
2.1d N.Y. Light Artillery nnd both mem
bers of Ilitrnside't famous expedition to
North Carolina. A'ter the first greeting!
were over Captain Rensom said t
"It hardly seems iwssible, Sage, to tee
you in this condition, for I thought you
must have been dead long ogo."
"Yes, 1 do not doubt it, for Iflnninot
mistaken, when we last met I wos occupy
lug a couch in Iho hospital, a yiclim of
Yellow Jack" in Its worst form."
"I remember. Tlie war seems to have
coined more misery since its close than
when It was in prngtess," replied the Cap
tain. "I meet old comrade? Irequetitly who
uro suiTcrlng terribly, not so milch from old
wounds as Irom the malarial poisons which
ruined their constitutions."
"I think so myseir. When tho war
closed I returned home and at times I would
leel well, but every few weeks that con
rounded 'all gone' Iceling Would Come upon
me aealll. Mv iii.rv,iia ,v,i.m U.I.I..I. ......
. n ' . "J....,, 11 III, I, g
shattered in Hie service, failed me entirely
"" i .on-in me worai posjiuie cases
of norvous dyspepsia. Most til tho lime I
hint no atoM-tiii. limn r .......1.1 i.
' IS'"" - iil.Utll Ul
come ravenously hungry, but the minute I
.a, unnii in rro i loouicii looii. My skin
wan dry and purohed, my flesh dry and
flabby. I could hold nothing on mv
mnnijch for days at a lime, and what little
I did eat failed to usl nilale, I was easily
latlguedi my mind was depressed! I una
cross and irritable nnd uianv a meht mt-
heurt would pain me sol could not sleep,
and when I tlid I had horrid dreams and
Irightlul nightmares. Of course, these
tilings came on one by one, eacli worse than
the other, Mv breolh was foul, my tongue
was coated, my leeth decayed. I had ter
rific headoc lics which would leave my ner
vous system completely i-hattered. In fact
my existence, since tin- wht lias been a liv
tiigde.ilh, l.-om which I hayeolten proved
lor release."
"C luldn't the old surgeon do you any
good "
"I wrote him and he treated me, but like
every oilier doctor, hilled. They 5a,
my nerve was gone and without that to
build upon I could not get well. When I
wos at my worst, piles of the severest na
turo came upon me. Then my liver gave
out and without tho itso ol cathartic) I
could not move my bimels nl all. My
blool got -like a of fire und seemed
literally lo burn me alivn."
"Well you might better have died in
battle, quick and wilhiiul ceremony."
"How many limes I have wished I had
died the day wociptured NeWberne."
"And yet you uro now the picture ol
"And llic picture il tnken from life. 1
am in perlecl condition. My nerve lono it
restored) my stomach reinvlgoratedj mv
llesh is hard and healthy) in fact I haye
new blood, no energy and it new leasa of
life woolly as a result of using Warner's
rippcvinoe. This remarkable preparation
winch I consider the finest tonic mid stom
ach restorer in tho world lus overcune all
the evil infllli.or.-f. nriiinlni-1.1 nil Iho
ol the army, all traces of dyspepsia, nil
mal-asjimtlation of food, aml'itidced made
a new man of me."
Tlie Captain remained silent for a while
evidently miming oyer his recollections ol
tl. un. ... .
me m.isi, uuu no again raised ins ucait
he said :
"It would bo a irodsend If nil llio vMr
ana who hayo silllered so intensely nnd
also a'l others in Ihe land who nro endur
ing so much misery could know of vour cx-
...... ....... U.. I . I ......a.... .
..rn, r, o.ik-, nun me way uy wnicu you
mi.n uv-uil lU9l.ori.ll,
And that it why tho nboye conversation
T- E. L. S. B. Anniversary.
On last Seturdav evening the membera of
tno Lutheran congregation celebrated thilr
tentli anniversary. At about halfpast seven
o'clock the room was completely lacked
and a litllo to lor tha exercises opened by
the members or the infant school, whu up time were in Ihe basement of Ihe
building, singing n hymn entitled "May
we come in," which was responded to by u
a chorus entitled "Ome in," on the tinging
of Ihe chorus Ihe I i It la ones came marching
iu, and on up the aisle. Rny Kuder then
spoko Ur a lew minutes regarding Ihe cele
bration of annivoreortos, and gsve a short
sketch ol their probable origin. Then cime
a recitation "What the sparrows chirp" by
three boys and three girls, which was fol
Lined by a hymn in winch the wholo
eeliool happily joined, tbit was followed by
a series ol oyniiit and recitations hv the
scholars if Ihe iilfuiit school, o recitation
in German was well tpoken bv tvera
little girls, this was fo!.iWi-d hy a sketch f
Hie progress of the school by tlie Supt. W.
t uoug. ". nieeiihi; was called on Hun
lay, April 1 Hi ii . 1874. in the Reformed
Sunday school room, and tlie queidion die
cussed, out tho Hireling adjourned without
coming to a delinilo conolildlon, but with
the understanding to hold another meeting
on the billowing Sunday, April "flth, 1874.
nio iciiooi waaorgaiiir.e.,oii,..ia elected and
a -ouimnteo iipnitnteil lodraw upeoittilu
lion and by I un," The aehool an t con
gregation It in a prosperous condition
may be feeti by their handsome edifice on
tho corner of Iron and Norlhiiu p on
Streets. Thil was followed bv anoinei
hymn, after which c.imo a very entertain
ing nt well as instructive Acrostic on h
Bible, by the Pastor and scholars. Anotliir
by mil followed, and then came a very in
lereriuu a 'Id res by the pastor, llev. Ku b",
more mush', llieu came Ihe L.r.l's pruy.r,
ooxoi.igv, anil lleneilii'lioil, alter wlilcn nil
wended Iheir way honieward much
"lib lite exercises, and thanking Uud I' r
the uoble progress of Ihe school.
Important Deciiion Road TaxeJ
The Sunreine Court of Pennsylvania h is
randcre I several decision! ol gen ral inter
est in ihe matter of mud tax. Tlin right ol
farmers In work out Iheir road tax has been
generally conceded, but the tiiwrviiort in
a few townships of an Interior county tn
titled lliat the lax must be paid in money.
t""."" raincii i'i inn tuiocilie court,
and by (hat tribunal decided in favor of the
taxpuyers, it distinctly and finally affirm
inn their right In work nut their tax. The
taxpayers at the same lime carried a caie
to the tribunal to test the right of collector,
to a commission on taxes worked out on
roads, and the court decided that all such
claims fur tucli commission should be re
je.-ted by treasurers, the working out of
a tax imposing nn labor upin ihe collector
or treasurer, bul on Ibe supervisor, who it
pain ior ins cervices.
An Attempt to Wreck a Train.
An attempt was made Wednesday ever
ing to wreck a lussenger train on tho Lack
awanna and Siuqnehaons Division of the
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Thres
railroad tills were placel on the track a
abort dlstanra below the Allentown ttation,
and, at the train came around tho curve,
the pilot ttrock the obstruction. Two of
the sills were thrown to one tide, and the
third wat wedged between the truck end
pilot. The train was stopped as toon as
posslbl. The cars were filled with riaften-g-rt,
and ll wus pure luck thai the train
wit not thrown In the cslisl. whieh runt a
few feet Norlh nl the track. The locomotive
wm but slightly damaged.
Mr KoiTori: I see It announced In your
last Isttw that Geo. W. Balo, of Louisville,
Kentucky, will lecture In Lehlghlon on
May Tib. I was iurnriicd lo notice that
the lecture was mr.!. Since tha lecturer It
comparatively unknown here, It miy be
proper loslnto that he Ii regarded at one of
tne finest lecturer! In tho country. He is
engaged to deliver bo evening lecture be
fore the Stale Teachers Association ot IVrn
sylvonia, next July, nt Meadville, Pa
Last full he lectured In a " star " course at
West Chester, alone with John B. Ornish
and Ol. Sanford, and hit Iccluro was the
most popular nf tho course.
Whilst I have never had the pleasure nf
hearing him speak myself, I have heard
him so highly commended by prominent
educators that I feel confident thnt his leo
ture will be ft rich treat to Lehlizblonians.
Free lectures are so rarely worth hearing
inni mere is h Jul prejudice ngalusl tnem
among rullivated people. Co'. Hain't Ice
ture wjll bo n marked exception, and this
must servo ns a sufficient opology lor the
appearance of this note,
Tnos. M, Bai.likt.
Lehlgbton, April 30, 18S4.
Packerton Opoelals.
The oil houso lafely burned down Is
rapidly being replaced by n new in mme
complete and better adapted for tho pur
pose than the old one. 'Ihe outsido of the
building is made of corrugated iron, so as
10 bo fire-proof from the outside, nnd the
011 is to be ttored In a large Iron tank in the
lower end of Ihe building, in place of
wooden barrels as heretofore.
Ono of tbe new round-hntiscl Is fasl
reaching completion and will be ready for
oecupmoy before yery long. It contains
twenty nine stalls and is supplied will all
modern Improvements which science lint
devised Tor that kind of building! Tlie
iron horses of the Lehigh Valley Company,
Which nro to he placed in it may well lee)
proud of their new home. During the
coming summer and full the company pro
pose tn erect a machine shop at the same
place lor repairing their locomotlye". The
new engines will be built at Delano, Weath
erly and Hailcton.
Next week Ihero will ba n tolal sus
pension in the mining and shipping ofan
thracite coal and our vards will assume an
air nf quietness something very ituusual.
Mr. L. S. Miller who now has a gen
eral store on the hill, at Dolonsbttrg, con
templates in the near f.ituro lo move it in
In the building lately occupied by Samuel
Williams. 'Al.i'ltA.
Mahoning; Itomi.
Farmers are now planting corn in this
section. This will lead tbe crow to ling
ins old song:
A itre ns I am born,
There's a larmor planting corn."
Misses Savannah Siller nnd Hannah
Balliet were toSlullngtou during the weilr.
Til. M. Billiet, wlio is now teaching at
tho Normal School, at Kulztown, spent
Saturday ami Sunday with his parents.
Miss Mvra Goo I, one of tho lady
teachers of Lahighton schools, wus visiting
friends here.
Tho command was given by Mr- H. A.
K. last Saturday evening after the literary.
The Words were! "Baskets to the left!"
Miss Amanda saidi "I was left altogether "
The "Budget," a paper in our Literary
Society, is becoming famous through its new
rciorler. Il is a "Good" one. Tho Literary
Society was very well atlended on lasi
Saturday evening. We nro only tno glad
In see Ihe success of tho Society, Very
much interest wus taken in tlie, ili-cussioti
ol the Question. This coming Silttrday it
will be very interesting. The question for
discussion is: "Compulsory Elucatlou.'
The ilebatoranrn on the affirmative, H. A.
Keiser nnd O. P Freymani Negttive, A. .1.
Ilalliett and D. W. Siller. The remaininr
of Iho program consists of Essays end reci
tations aud select reading, etc. Dash
Tho Switchback Leaso.
Tho suit of T, L. A H.J, Mum ford againtt
tho Philadelphia and Rending Ruiirrnd
Company, to compel them to contlnuo their
lease of tho famous Mauch Chunk Switch
back, has just ended favorably for the
Mumfords. Speaking of Iho renewal id
tills lease, a Port Jervis despatch of la-t
Monday says, tho Messrs. Mum ford
were formerly Erin Hunroad employees.
Several years ago Ihey leased tho twin h
back, nnd the road, which bolero their
management, had been a very unprofitable
investment, was made to piv. Last vrar
liieir rent was 1,000 and they cleared
$7,500 apiece. When the Philadelphia ond
Reading Cprnpany purchased the properti
they aouitht to ignore tho Mtimford lease
and leased It lo tlie Weiherts nl an in
creased rental. The Mumlord brothers then
sue i tho company to compel tnem to con
lintie the lease. The company interposed
no do'Viiisennn tho Court granted an In
junction preventing them Irom leasing It to
any one else.
Terrible Work of a Crazol Mother.
On last Sttur lay morning Mrs, Amelia
Darnel, tlie wife of Divid Barnet residing
at Phillipsburg, N. J., locked the doors ol
tha house, threw her ton Willie, nged two
years and six months, on Iho bed aud cut
his throat with a razir. Sho thon seized
tier five month old child and served It Iu
the same way. She then gave an alarm
and, ua tho neighbors rushed in, drew tlie
razor across her own lliroat and threw her
s ll on Ihn bed beside her cluhiteu. Wil
lie, the elder boy, died in ten minutes. The
younger child and the mother are both
uiorlaliy wounded. Mrs. Barnet acted n
suc'i a violent manner that six mm
were required to hold her. Tho Barnei
uniily moved to Pliillipiburg Irom Pitts
ourg, several mouths ago, buttinco then he
his been unable to obtain employment.
Tho Month of May.
There aro birds In all the branches,
Thcro are blossoms everywhere,
Thero Is Krass by all the wajtides,
And Iho wind Is toll and lair.
Why are skies more blue and bright
In the sunshine every day.
As tho runny moments pass T
Why this Is May.
Out un the hillside, where tho violets
grow kueo deep, you would think llieie was
neyer a fairer, luvlier month than May. and
every ono of its thirty-one days grows
brighter and sweeter until they finally lore
ihemsalvct iu June.
May hat always been a gay, festive a
son. The Japanese Mill bavo their react of
Klags during lit llrsl week, and the Ro
mans held llio whole tnoulli as rtcrcd lo
A-d n, though from Ihe ninth to Ihe Uur
leetitll Hie sad feeitvul ol the dead wascelu
orated, and from thai Hie Roma ut who
were very superstitious-derived the Idea
hat u 1 1 marriages t-unlrac'.ed in May would
result fdluliv.
During the first few days of May wss
e l b-nted iho Ifstmit of Flors, Queen or
I- o vers, wuen Hie whole world went a
.nav iu iu the fl.'Wrr-grown woods, and
crowned their queen and dancedubout their
.May Hiiet until fir into night. Then tbe
I r lids would light great bonfires on tbe
till ops aud the May parties would eome
h mo merrily in iheir ruddy lialil, hideu d
wi ii Ihe tweet tioilt of May, anil May-ay
would end In music, 1'raetir.g aud dancing
Eieryone went a inaytng in those duyt
an I there is u story told of how King He my
VII nt England went a loaying with hit
Queen, Catharine, aud mauy lords and
indies rode with theui.
U wat a gay lime, May day, and il e
whole world looked to lovely In its ireib,
lie robe 1 1 green, with llowru bloomiug
everywhere and the air to full of tneel
toiinds a ud odors, lliat rieiijile t.dorned Ihe
houbet ml gules will) guthindt of flowers
ami the chuiches were all bung with green
l.Uili4uud Ibe altars Were lu blos
som'. Fiom this festival nf Flora II derived the
modern ounom of celebration May day, f. r
iu the rural dislric s id Europe, even yet
May purllet g i out on Ihe lii.t of May and
crown their queen. These May partial arc
confined mostly to they. mug lolkt, however,
who-ietotu Ihe day lo pleasure we enjoy tt
a picnic.
Hero In Ibe Unlled States, when Mar-
day it brtithl and wurm, the school rJiildfftl
get up May parlies, and enjoy lliein im
mensely, thnujh the rtgular May-day cut
tarns aic uukuuwu to tutm.
That Tired! Feeling
Wl- .v- ., . .........
When tho Tceathcr rrewn wffrmcr. Hint
citxtmo tired fccllns, tvar.t ot r.ppctltc,
dullaess, lancoor, tmd lassitude, edict
tlrcoat tho entlro linxm family, nnd tcrof
Ula and other diseases caused. Iry humors,
manifest thctselvc3 with many. It is Ira
possiblo to throw oil this debility unit expel
humors from iho blood Without tho aid of. n
rollab!e medlelno llko ITood's Sarsapsrllla.
" I could not deep, and would tot up In
tho morning with hardly llfo enough to got
out cf bed. I led no nppctllo, nnd my
laco would break out with pimples. I bought
a bottle of Hord's Sarsannrlll.i. nnd soon
began to sleep, soundly j could cet up with
out mar, urcti languid feeling, nnd my
appclllo Improved." II. A. SA.NTortD, Kent, O
" I had been much troubled by general
debility. Last tprlng nood's fiarsaparllla
proved Just the thing needed. I derived an
Imn-.cusj amount of benefit. I never felt
hotter." II. 1 Millet, Boston, Mass.
B-3oodr3 Sarsapartlla
Sold by all druggists. $1 j six for B. Made
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IOO Doso3 Ono Dollar
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mx, author of Jloleu'a BaMts.
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PROF. ijtjp
tkjr, tad ante rou ot
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killful f hjtlclftM. ntuU
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ni OTerertU work. P
not vprlfc "
rauiulra lark is Tout ITU
ten. Ao14 keltf itapttMl
frctctlwtii Ulatj il
c tier itnftlUi fbr tkt
trouble, net etir (re ctrcaf
laT ul trl4l tkU
kra lnportul,taieM brbf
InklaK ircat'nt-Bl Hbr4.
Tfc rrpasMlj that kti circt
ttomul. to3 aoet hot in
Ui tM ilB fttl oikUati M bad
ttnw cr cku pJ r laooo
Tftitcnot. cl
tnUBi Ttvdtcl tfjMtp
tirowtfif la fair una ttrflleV
lloo. Dirtt rpllrU W li
catf dttetu makiffU ape.
rlfi 1b9osim Ml sMikovl
JSTTestd fororerO
. DWlU J Of COU03.
- - jTi tuur. l at nnoru rono
"T"l rss S U ODtf ItlhlfSMWIIV
ft TillALP S lift .htcii kc
PACtCAQS F ! X -u4 Wk.
, ,, . f-areT?Vth r'tw UlWtl
CEN0 ADDRESS nfef wertu r.putj.
REMEOY CO.tMTff Chemhtu
COOVi 'oth 10th Et. GU JxuIa, ?liv
0& t!3KTHS Tf.EATUCHT, (3 1 2 UCNTKS,i5 J 8 0trt, tt
srurnt(l(wrtBafrUal 'U D ihuhi tnrHi,lrlt1
Nrv.mi hurliU, Ii(adeh, NtttTAt. pllt(. ttmtt4
lr tl n of alroltol cr toeeo, Watktfs,, IrfciUal Da
prriirn, Sn'Uiiuf cl lh ilrila rmiw(f l tntuitr a4
(disc towixrr. dty ft4 6itt( rima(siia Old Ar.
lUnenncaa, Lo ol I' mtr la tUlr Involati i y ItM
and fwnit rrha cud bf r-trilfi rf IU brat
ttll bum r owtsr-iBflaitiintj. toi cmiuliia on maaUi'ff
Irtatmrnt B 1 a U. er alx bm 1j $lt ky tnatl
I pU du t wrtlft of jn lea .
i'Tvrnraaavra. WiiS fl Hr reld ky m
tost, Mompiitd with v will aBr tk-a parrtiavaor nr
writ WM -arnt In ralnnJ tba mby If lt liMtnavt doa
i arTffi a eurt nutranteaalaauad oaly ky
ifcrnna a ucsdiios, iiBwatnvt. rkf.rr-kr, tt
Ttia rl4l.rl4 viitttWi ItltMd l'nHar H ImiVttaUlaJy
enraa lUadacka, rMtlatla, IhirtlaatU tki MU4
tmwUri hfoa rTallof ti rant turfa4 (wr
3io Rgoe 8troal Phllndelphla. nj.j