telw fete HVWtt1. I.lilllOllTON.PA.l SATURDAY, MAY 3, IE84. Our. nitniber of Coiifre8, Hon. Jolm 11. Storm, in Ma speech In lho IIouso of Hepmetilatives. on tlio 22nd lilt., in or position tn the Morrison tnr'ill'bill, nays very forcibly: If tlili bill sumild becomo (i law onr tariff system would become Entered at the Lchieliton post-office ns one of the most complicated Roeciniecs Second Class Mail Matter. or legislation wuioli ma ingenuny 01 man ever cuumved. Tako ono of too THOSE MULE. simplest Hems lor calculation miocieci iiy W. a Vltr, In llm Wlinlrm mii-piR-uon. mil mu proviuei Citizen, wtites ns follows touching tl.o lUB ursl I"acB ,or "u V" Keuu ru' treatment of tbo nrmv rrxU ns compared "motion 01 Pr(,n' "u"es- vo ,uen I . . n.11. ...1.. with the private soldier of tbo lata un pleasantness: Comrades, what flill wo say about an old wbite mnle that bas seen forty years of service? Bat wbat mule is thU? Is it fer to tbe present law and find It to be on plp;-1ron three-tenths cf 1 per cent, n pound, three-tenths of 1 ctnt In 2,210 pounds gives tbo duty of $0.72. Reduce this SO per cent , which is $1,341, and it tbe fcolllcoffer mule, or one of them? U'ves $5 370- Bat luls brlnR'' w ,,elow If ho was in the Confederate service, our tbo Rrila llne of 11,0 "Mori11 tn.riff' ' Government las no oats for him. Was W Per ton. bo wo mnst mrow he one of Gen. BtunsiiVs sii white tbe J0 C24 "cm n,ld "d"ce on,y .i.. n..t ,i it.. , ti, SO. 72. Hero It is made necessary to re Cnmberland Moantains, and that lived fer to three distinct acts to find a single thronghlho cold winter ofC3 ami 'CI 1uT n ft 8lraP' llcn1 . '"o feast without shoes, blankets or tents, and with but one oar of corn a day for sixty days? If this mule Is ono of them, let him have tbo oats by all means, Per haps ho is the mulo that woi.t through the siege of Knoxville on less than eight that revenue reform invites us to partake ol? All laws relating to our revenues ought to be as simple as it is possible for human skill and scienca to mnko them. As little as posslblo should be left, in their administration, for experts rations. If so. nasi nlonn tbo oats. Did "' revenue oincers to guess at, wuercuy lis carry heavy backloads of arnmuni- Importers are robbed nml tbe Treasury Hon in addition to his own bed and plundered. Departmental construction hoard? Then nsss the oats. Did he in many case bos defeated the intention carry a musket with frozen fingers till f Congress, nud has opened a wide door the skin camo off? Did ho belouc to our i "alius, litigation, ami eouiusion, Brigade, which had one lank steer for three days' beef rations, and not enough grease about tbe whole animal to grease The fifty-fonrth annual report of tl.e Insneetorn of thn Extern Penitentiary A good Biz-el army snoe: tbe urigaue mat ,, , , v,i,n r ,i,u wnr una io uormw an tun imcou-rimi wiiii p03 per80ns were conuue(l jn he instltu string tied aronud it, to grehso hundreds lion of whom onlv 15 were white fe. of throats so the beef would ml stick in ma,eg nm, 4 ue(;ro remRea. During 1883 its passago downward and choko n fellow lhero were tecf.iveil 402 wui0 mules. 12 to death? If so, pass tbe oats. Did be help draw the artillery np tbe steep hills and mountains, where the horses could not climb? Did he go for threo mouths without hearing from friends and homo, because communications had been cut off? Did he go six months at a time without pay, becauso the climate was white females, 09 negro males and 7 no- gro females. Four hundred and nine convicts were discharged during tbe year. $7,207.77 was paid for overwork, of which $3,103 41 was for the use of families and $2,012.30 was paid to con vlcls on dischaige. Of the prisoners ro- nmvixl ilnrinp thn voar HfH on first too warm for the paymasters? Bring out convIcIlon ftna 9. WMe oa seCoud, 82 had previously served in tbo Eastern the tiMs. But whero Is the proof that ho is en titled to be placed upon the retired lint? If he is entitled to oats from tbe Gov ernment crib, has his claim been proven np in the Tension OtHce? Did ho pro- Penitentiary, 33 in the House of Refugf 3 in the IIouso of Correction, 112 in the Comity Prison and 40 in other prisons Warden Cassiuy reported that good or der was maintained throughout the year, cure me iron-ooutui oatn oi nis umiiy PteMent Vanx, in bis report, argues in ptiysician mill uo was a neanuy muio favor of iuaivllJui,i trentment of each wnen ue entered tue service torty years uh ., rP2ftt(1 for tll0 character Bgor u not, urn be poctim the evidence nud aHleCedents of thi crimiual. This of two neighbor mutts that be uas frto . B .,..., llm, M. V,.BI .... iveo ofhttives, etc., when ho entered upon gteat ntteutiou to and penologists in all m lu..j pro- rts of the country will read with in cure the evidence of his crmmanding ofllcor tiiat lie never kicked over the, and of tbe Army Surgeon that he pranced up regularly to kick call and look his portion of quininu aim blue mabs? Was bin military record examined to find out it Miiutinno during his forty yours' service he was not treated for ring bono whleti existed prior to his eulUt- tirestlhe portion of the report devoted to this important question There are a goodly number of Irish dynamiters on the banks of tbe Seic just now. Some, who reside permanent ly in Paris, have made themselves more or lehs conspicuous at reunions of lite, liul the iimioritv shrink from publicity menu lias no passed radical survey iui ndopt various dispnises to baffld tl anil Ueeil IOUnQ UllUt Kir lllllUer ecr- Pn.,lUl-nnlina .T,,l,l, n'r,.rvr v.,.riilnr ICe? L,r ll, a Ti-Kli Tfonnhlin.m ltrnl linrlinod 11 ue nas corapliod with all the tech- ,:mcial oruau. tbo Iat,n PcorLE, bas re rules uul reil-tapa ot llin lVuMon Bju(.j jn p,,rjs over siuce his release from Office, and a special agent bas been sent I1tj80n jn 1870, except a abort stay h out toexamlnesome mm ho p.rcbancu made in Brussels, aud periodical visit gotwituin miirb of nis heels onco upon io has paid to Nice aud tnis country, a time, arm uoiuing ean oe lonuu against n has no connection, direct or imlireo film, ploee Inm on the pension, roll at with the dyunmiters, whom ho detest! two dollars n month, and then soften wltu aii tho strenoth of his satnruin bis decliulng years by setting the news paper hounds after him, and let them keep ringing in his eats such lovely names as "old fraud," Government pan- per," "pension awindler,""leaches upon lbs Treasury," "tbo victim of rascally claim agents." etc. But now if the Sec retary of War has ordered the oats for temperament. Although, beyoud a fe letters, ho does not take auy active part in politics, he has still full faith in the IVuianism of 'G3, Tna committee created for lha express purpose of providing tbe Forty-eighth Congress with a Biver and Harbor bill tnat mute lor life, without requiring i9 Bbout readv to renort. Tho size him to pass Ibrouub the Peusion Omee lho bill as it will reach the IIouso is sai ami inrniBU an tins testimony, tuen we t0 be $13 000.000. When the celebrated must come to the oouclnsion tbac tbe diseased, pain.racked veterans who fought for a few "oats," are not equal to this old white mule. and fatal measure of 1882 was reported from the Committee on Commerce it ap propriated n little more thau $17,000,000, As 'finally pasiad by the Senate an House over President Arthur's veto, appropriated almost exactly $19,000,000, River and Ilurbor bills grow as they o. I hirlppn mllMnn.1 1R n. vprv nrpllr ...., .1 n.A -n i f it i . 1 ' ' ' J .u.u...v ...u, iH. ,u beginning, when wo consider that tb E0UQH ON FREE MASONS, The Nkue Fbeie Pr.cE. of Vienna, n the 15tb ult., published the following vrar Interesting reading for Masons generally i "Free MsBonrr, wliich Is eyer assuming mnre terrible proportions, aims at the ruin ol the throne, thn altar, and of the public weliare 'itie mfuni employerl are the un ehristliDlzatlon of the Stale sml materialist sducation. Matt tli be guided, not bv failh, but by reason,- his duty to God anil the Influence of llm Church are scoffed at whhlhe Holy Ren is thaohjert ofmcessant iiscK. i n noirimnnv oi i. I'eier Is in corporated with the throne ot Savoy, anil war to the untie is waceil acnins1. (,'atho io ism. This corruptive current that traverses the world is eneotirnced by the press, the stage, and natural science, which captivates people leennRs ano seep yirtue m cnecic. bill of tuo years ago, has been nrovid for already this year by separate Ugisla lion. New York Sun: While others working like beavers and struggling Ilk acrobats to attain more or less promi ence in the Democratlo National Con. vehtion. Gen. Hancock keeps tbe even tenor of bis way, taking no pirt in nuy intrigues, asking nothing nf the peopl or the parly, but performing his who! duty with wisdom and diguily. A trib ute of hearty admiration is due to this Our Northwest Letter. Bpeolal to the Uariiox Advocatr. Minneapolis. April 21, 1834. Now la the very summer of the tlilo of tnmlgratlnn to the northwest and the dies recast for fortunes to be mode and tn bo broken. Tho Immleratlon lialns present n ery singular nppeornnco with their tops nvereu witn cnlciten eoopj, pig pens, oM country beds and household funlturo ol arlous descriptlonj. Then thero are the cars containing the emigrants' effects which re taken In transit at very low rates by the railroad companies in consideration f having their country populated and built up. By tho eclictno of shipping un- er what Is known as"einlgrant movables," many of the large farmers of Minnesota lid Dakota, find it cheaper to takeout a complete supply nf stock and household furniture ovcry Spring which they sell at ucllon In the Vail after harvest to tbo mall farmers in surrounding counties. Your correspondent hat recently been in a position to learn what a great advantage ver the small farmer, those who own from ono to flvn thousand acres can operate. Ity reason of his having to use a lot of ma- iluery lor winch bo generally pays cash, le can get quoted to him tho same prices a ealer will gel, wincn means a eivin: ol taut forty per cent on the cost of the ma- hineiy alone. As he ships in car load lots ,o gets the lowest rates Iroin the railroads, nd on these two items saves enough to lock and run a larui of ordinaiy size. When tho harvest comes, he either puts io wheat into his own elevator or makes his own terms with tho Elevator companies lor storage until he Is ready to sell. After this he goes to his homo in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts or wherever he may live, nd takes life easy until the next Sprinc. It is astonishing how many eastern men run the larga farms out here, and ns they spend very little money with us andean Horn to sen at lower ugurcs man our mall Urmcrs it is easy lo sco lhat their resence is anything but an advantage to tho country. Tho annual report of tho Secretary of State shows that the receipts of wheat st Minneapolis during tho year 1K82 were ,(1011,01)0, bushels nioro man the receipts t Chicjjo. This statement seems nlmost ncredible, but tbe fieures show it. The receipts at Chicago were 20,321,451 bushels, and at Minneapolis 22,275,000. This will givo somo idea ot what Minneapolis is ikeiv to become as a creat crain maiket, Tho business on 'Change is Increasing with wonderful rapidity. In another yea' It will be greater than mat ol the Milwaukee board of trade, anil crowding upon the icels ot Ucicago tn thre-5 years. It may interest fruit dealers (o know that experiments aro constantly being uiade to grow Irint In tlio .Northwest. Must ol these havo been very discouraging because of the extreme degrees of heat and cold. Most of tho standard varieties ot apples came originally from the mild climalo of Western luropp, anil were not adapted by nature lo enduro me ng'ir nl a northwestern winter. A prnlesornt horticulture has been exam ning the I ru its ol central i;u:sin. He outut lartie, hardy and productive npplo orchards at Kazan, 430 miles east nl Mos cow, and in latitude 560 north, nearly 700 miles larlher north than Minneapolis, where tho thermomeler often registers 53 degrees Mow zero. The trees, which hove n crowine lor Generations, are about nl teen leet high. Speaking nl an orchard, he said he had never seen so much fruit crown on thirty acres of land as ho saw tlare, arid he came to me conclusion mat the fruits of Kazen will live and bear in any part of Minnesota or Dakota, In an oilier part of the samo district he siw ap pie, pear plum and cherry trees, loaded with fruit. In summer the nir o! that country is as dry hs thtt of Iowa, and the winters colder than lu auy paitnl Minnc sola, lho city ul Saratov, in 51 degrees north lattitude, is literally surrounded with inimenfo orchaids Ono of 12,000 trees produced on an averago oyer five bushels per tree lho cherry trees in lhat district urool a dwarr species, planted close togHli. er, and grown like bushes. Nevertheless cherries arts shipped from there by lho car load to me markets at alnssnw and M, Petersburg. These trees produce pears a nd cherries in a climalo as sovcro as that o Quebec. The Bell of Estelllne, Dakota, advises lho "tenderfoot" to beware. This is th season of the year when the paper towns spring up, on papor.u! course. Beware ol them. They aro generally represented on the map as spreading over two or three counties, and as baying six or seven pro posed railroads running through thorn. In vest with caution. They have on the plu oi mo lown locations lor proposed schoi nouses, proposed churches, proposed capit buildings and proposed gold mines. Stea clear ol them. If you want to locate in town, select one that bas a local habitation us well as a name. John Chinaman bobs up serenely at all points in the Northwest, and every prairie town has litis indispensable adjunct lo the liundry world. As cleanliness is next to goodliness, John's work is not far removed in point o moral inlluenco from tho fields of the pnison albeit the Cliiiium.ii is called a "heathen." Smuegling of Celestials from British Columbia into Washington Territory is now a recular business, which the Custom IIouso officers are powerless to prevent. Canoes containing about five Coolies ore brought across Puget Sound, a distance of thirty-five miles to certain points, troin whence I hey soon get into the logging and mining district, and mixed v, ith those who have been hero several years it is difficult to distinguish them from tho old resideuls. It Is said there is a so ugpling company in this section which pays from filleen to twenly dollars a head lor every coolie pu5 safely on shore. alacrity. It was then that the stealing was stopped, but nobody supposes, alter the events that have since transpired, that there was ever any serious intention on lho part of the authorities to punish the tbieves. While I sm not banking much upon the faithfulness or Int'grlty of public nHlcials in general In the matter of fencing In and trespnssiug upon Hie public lands, I think that thn recent editorial upon that suhjict In tho New York ZYmes, so far as It reflects upon lho Secretary of the Interior, does that gentleman a gross injustice. For yeais the!a Mviattera upon t no public domain l ave defied the Government, which, under a practical obsolete law, they knew to le powerless to molest them. Mr. Teller! however, more than a year ago, called tbe Department of Justice to account for its egiect in cniorcing suen law as would oe vailalde tn an Individual whoso property might be trespassed upon In llkn manner, but lhat department hod Its bands so full n making locllilles lor the star route mievis to slip through its fingers, that it bad no time tn attend to these biir land pirates. The fact nf this business Is that no amount f effort to restrain tho foncinj in of the public domain will avail so long as Sena tors, Representatives and men in and out r high public station, who nave got pieniy f mouev, ore Interested In occupvlne these millions of acres for their own pur poses. A good, healthy Congressional en- ctincnl lhat would mean somellilng, and a Depa rl incut ol Justice that would also mean something in its attempts lo enforce such a aw, are the only things liiiely tnsaiisiy the public sentiment that is now demanding lhat these fenced-in land j shall he thrown pen to the actual settler. The people are determined to see whether the present Cot - gress will have backbone enough lurespend to their demand. The citizens of'Wasliinclon huve lone enjoyed the credit of being a public spirited community, and they are so long as Con. gress fonts the bills for every last enterprise that is undertaken here, it, however, tec penplo want something that Congress has no right to provide, such as a skating rink, or an armory, or a baso ball park, they get p a gran-bag lair or something ul lhat sort, and by hook or crook they have man- ged to eel nil oi these mines. To lime will shortly be added an open house which s to be buill bv a nulilarv company, but neteraword has been mentioned about the establishment of a public library ,or any other public enterprise that would conduce In the mental improyetnentof its more than zuu.nuo population. And you may salely predict that if this great city, the capital nf tins great country, this boasted Imitation ol raris, ever doc get a library it will be when Congrors furnishes It. A CARD. To the Bchool Directors of Carbon County! Gf.sti.kmsn, At the earnest solicitation of mv friends, I hereby offer myself as a can didate for the office of County Superinten dent of Carbon Count. If elected I pledgo myself to perform tho duties of the ofllco to the best of my ability. Yours very truly, T. A. SNYDER, Principal of the Lelilehlun, Schools. Lehlgbton, Anril 15, 1884. A Valuable History. A number of Histories of England have been publishc I, and doubtless, the best, all n -alt considered, is tho ono written by Charles Knight. Noah Torter, Pres., of Yale College, who certainly is a competent mice, says: "Knicht's is the best history Enrtland for the eeneral reader." Tho Lor.' don Standard savs: "This work is the verv best History of England we possess." It is a matter for cnnsratulatton that this great work which, unlil lately sold for 525, can now bo had, cloth bound, for $3.73. See the large advertisement of Funk ,fc Wag nails, tiie New York publishers, on anoth er page. Thcso books ara yaluable and cheap. Aro Yon Going to Europe! Until further notice wo will cell tickets by tho Allen Line of Royal Mall Steam ships, from .Quebe", Por Hand or Baltimore lo Liverpool, Quoenstown, Glasgow, Lon donderrv or flelfast for l 7.00; to London, Bristol and Ca difffor ?19,anrt lo Ivorway, Sweden and Denmark (excepting Stock holm for S21.00. for sleeraeo passaee, Cabin pavago rates as low as by other lines, apply at the Camion AnvocATK olllce, A CARD. To tho School Directors of Carbon Connty: Owing to the fact lhat Prof. P. M. Bal Hot. our present efficient County Superin tendent, has found it necessary to withdraw his name as n candidate. I submit my name as a candidate for said office, In the consideration of the School Directors of Car bon County. Most rejpeclfiilly, J. T. WniTit, Principal of Mauch Chunk Schools. April 2t)-w2. New Advertisements. JEL H. Peters, THE TAILOR, At the saw mill of the Tobyhonno and L'high Lumber Compsny, near WhUe Hayon, Wednesday morning, David Iloin, an employee, was working at a largo i Tnlvlngsaw when he slipped nnd falling ag dnst the saw was literally cut to pieces. ins arms and lees wero scattered in every direction. The public schools in this borough will close next Monday, after a terra of eight onths. f JJ. o a b .2 v Tm 'cj ft TJ o rt Jr i '& aH A n w O e-l 12. J! A 8 I & S o iB a i g STOCK MARKETS. Reported up to 12 o'clock, by Do Haven ,t Townsend.Bankers.No. 3HS Third Street, rhiladeiplna. Stocks bought aud sold cither lor cash or on margin. Philadelphia, April 30, 1RS4 bid asked II Bit's, Ext 10U - O 3 Currency 6's 133 - U S 41, now 113J U3S U S 4 123 - Pennsylvania R R 591 508 Philidclphia & Reading R R 21J 21 j benign Valley 11 It fid L'liigh Coal .V Navigation Co 4I5 47 United N J R R ,t Canal Co 193 PJ4 Nnr'hern Central R R Co 601 (II Hcst'invllle Tass. R R Co UJ 15 Buff. N. Y. .t Phila. R R Co (U nl vw Jersey Central 82 82J Northern Pacific Com 211 2U " " Pref.l 471 47t North l'ennsvlvania H It 07 f,8 Philadelphia k Erie R R 18 19 Sliver. (Trades) 90 113 Vice is Increaslnej marriage has become eminent and patriotio public servant, merely civil contract, and education Is . . ,. i , , , , confined U scientific instruction. Thesup- NVe congratulate him on his absence remucy of the people and Stale atheism aro ,rom the crowd ot toilsome and nuxious openly proclaimed, the way being thus aspirants, lu war no American has ave.L nir inose ran eai logicians wno c aim . ,. , , he partition of propcrtv and social eonolL Ka,ue1 n raore Rolil1 or mor 1""DR l1'a tyj so tbae eighteen centimes after Christ tinctioo thau Geu. Hancock; in peace he the christian- world has sunk Ion lower will over occupy a place of high honor Church and Slate' Is nionstrousT Life, even 111 'tionate appreciation ol hi, rstates, proceeds from God a one God is leiiow cmzous, 111 primmer or the sovereh-ntv which they wield, and they are hut His servants. Tf.HM lltM lliAi.rv (lint a iAtt.Mn ill.n.nt. with ice-obedience which they owe to their 'M'Pwriiuce. lu time for tbo use of the sovereignty is fla and criminal. What intelligent Atuericm ciliztn during the Till DermiM-in tne world II lho ear nl uod .Teat nnlllicl . i il,l,r ft I A much needed nork has ju.l made its. and oWdience- are done away with? Tl answer it easily supplied by Socialism and u.iumumsm, Tlix Free Masons II ill princes irf-csuse they require them to tri umph over the Church. Their present fluttrrer would, however, bec-mio their mnet biltue enemlea If they attempted to heck them May they opn their eyes in time. The Free Maftons dui the people and exeile them uga nit Church and Stole The Church defend the throne awl teaches tbe duty of obedience." KaflKb, m h jonrnallbt.rodea bicycle from Detroit, Mich , to Slnutou, Vt., n distance of 1,422 miles, at an aver.tge rate of forty-two miles a day. On one dy he made over 100 miles. Oue hun dred miles In twelve hours bas been done freqnently. One huudred and twenty miles in ten boors' riding time has been often done. A ride of 236 miles without a dutmnnnt was done in England, and M04 miles in six days, riding eighteen hones h day. W. P. Sutton rode 2C0 miles over English roads iuaide of tueu-ty-fonr hours. An English trloycllst'a record of road riding for the year 1SS3 amounted to C.053 miles. In six years and a half the number of wheelmeis in the United States has Increased from three to 90,000. Tbe beat bicycling record for mile from a flying start is 8312 8. entitled The Utc oBAruicAi. Annual la's4. and its contents cumpriae ITU kttchei of eminent persons, nf whom Amerlciu fetatesmeu are tho majority each title illustrated by n recent and un lueniio portrait, lu addition are por traits and sketches of tbe leading men aud women engaged in every itepartnnnt of pnblio life, in this nud other conntries, Published at one dollar, the work nudir review is remarkably cheap as well as very convenient, tutertaiugand valuable. New York. L Klopscb & Co., 02 White Street Monc thau 100 tons of human hair are annually bought nud sold. Four ounces ts an average clipping from a bnman head; so that 100 tons represent tbe product of from 800.000 to 1,000.000 bends. In Enropo the bends of female criminals aro thorn, and they supply n large market, but the greater part is bought by traveling pedJIers. Between tbe ages of 15 and 40, a woman can grow about seven crops of hair. Our young friend G. B. Koslenbader, the popular photogrspher of Reading, was in town on Wednesday and d.-opfed In to see us. lie reports ''bit" good. ,n a it it i i.i). MERTZ KEMMERER. On the 2oth ult.. in Allentown. bv Rev. J. C. Bliem Amandns Mertz, of Bethlehem, and Miss Laura Kemmerer, of Ashley, Luzern county l'a. NEW ADVEUTISEMKNTS Subpoena in Divorce. A. Nora Benjamin,") by her next Iriend, I 11 tlul..l,.n ' njiiihi-u, IntheCnurt nfiTommon Pier)? oTOarbon county Alias auDpoena, no, 3, .Tun'y Term, 184, nml No. 6, AprllTerm.USi, FROM WASHINGTON Regular to the Cardon Advocate. Wasiiinoton, D. O., April 28. '84. A second edition of the judicial force in- acted last year resulting in the acquittal of the star route thieves, will be presented tn an admiring public this week in the trial of William Pitt Kellogg for receiving mon ey lu his capacity of United Slates Senator I rum Louisiana. Ifit were not so deucedly expensive, it would be amusing to see how the Attorney General has gone to work to collect bis evidence in this case, which as in an suen cases is principally drawn liom somo thievish accessory, whos credibility is as easily Impeached as his evidence can be purchased Willi promises of immunity. In tins case was Waleli who wroia to the President about "inirorionl" papeis In his P'laie.sinn that would convict Kellogg. Wulkh and his papers wero in thai Ble haven (Canada) where Government crim mala mostly do congrei-ale, and thilherlhe President dispatched Mr. Brewster Camer. on, ami one of lis $11111 per day attorneys, Mr. Krr, to receive Ihe important papers. Upon Itieir arrival at Montreal and con f rring with Mr. Walsh, the la ler uddei ly dircovered that Ihe papers were not so important in working a conviction us he thuusht they rulgbt be, and so, under a suggestion ol'addillonal immunity, he has concluded to come on in person and give bis testimony, which In the light of tnat given in the alar route cases where it was nicked tn flindersand scattered lo the winds, Is not likely to add heavily lo Ihe Govern ineiii's chances lor convicting anybody. In this couuectlon it may not be loop porlune lo say tlist the Attorney Gencrul may haye in view the Jnssibilitv that a simple trial of Kelloeg, (hough itVcsult in acquittal, may deter othtr Senators and other Members of Congress from acceptine mouey in an official capacity, but lho In numerable trials und lho manv Congres sional investlgillnns that we havo had, should hove convinced Mr. Ilreter of Ida fallacy. To show bow credulous a being the Attorney General Is only necessary to call attention lo bis official teller nl h.ioI. cgy fornctcouvictingthe star route thieves, in which bn solemnly declares ho saved lo me country lho two millions or dollars an nually that the thieves would have contin ued to steal had ho not brought them lo trial! Now everybody knows that before air. itarneni uecame rresnlent, anil there fore before Mr. Brewster was ever thought of lu connection with tbe Attorney f;.r eralshlp, the star route thieves fell out among themselves and gaye each other vs. ManlyA llcnjamlnj To MANLY A. IILNJAMIN1, 77l above named Respondent t ou are hereby notlned to be and appear at i lie uoiiri oi uonimon i-icas, io ne noidcn at Mauch Chunk. In and fer tho County ot Carbon. Mate of Pennsylvania, on the 2nd Monday of .Tune, A. 1). 1884, at Two o'clock in tne Aiiernoon. to answer said comniaint. personal service upon you having tailed on uccuum oi your ausence. U. W. LENTZ, Sheriff. April 30, 1881-wl. Closing Out Sale NO HUMBUG ! Wo will clo5o onr business nt LelilRhton on aYL u it ii a. i iuai mn, ana nm sen ou enure .hock oi Xhy Goods, Carpets, Clothings Hats, Caps, &c., ai a iiarial IsAwKIf IClj I Mow Is vnu lime, If you want Ilariialns. We have Mark ed I'uiTiialt thaUoodaln our Store to such Low l-lgures that we are sure that you will buy nheiher you need thelioods ur not. (lall eariv io avoiu ine rush, as we will l'U31 llYHUX Ul.Ubt, SAI U11DA.Y, MAY IT, JOSEPH JONAS, Obekt's Buidino, Bank Street Lchighton V!t will also offer the balance of our stoek On the Evenings of Saturday May 3rd, and on .Friday ant Satarday, May 9th and 10th February IMSSI-lw TAlsTl PATENTS. E. M. MARBLE. Upwards or three years Assistant Attorney ileneral of tho United States for the Interior Department. Practices to lore th (lencral Land olllce and tho Interior Department In land and ruining cases Obtains patents Tor inventions In this and forelxn countries. -.ruriy iur anu one-nan years uoramiiinn- iVITINO! Very Moderate Prices and Perfect Fits Is tl o motto or this Eitabllhment. YOU are in vltcd to Inspect goods. II. II. PETEIJS, Tost Office Uuildlng, BANK Street, April 28, 1884. Ijehlghton, l'a. Consumptives and Rheumatics BO YOU WANT RELIEF? If so, we call attention to VlNEkAIID, N C, which has just been established. It is located on tho Highest Known Foist in the celebrate! Pino Region of the South, There is NO Malaria, no Fogs, no Causo for Debility. MINERAL WATEIt OF rtAItE MEDICINAL rrtOPEIlTIES. RELIEF ASSURED TO For the purpose of allowing people to test the Merits of what we Claim for this Clim ate, HOUND Tltir TICKETS aro issuod at very greatly REDUCED ItATES from every part of the North by applying to the Com missioner of Immigration, Italeigh, N. C. As a further inducement the undersign ed, who has just completed a COMMODI OUS BUILDING, will (urnish to Invalids Board at Half Rates for the First Thirty Days. J. H. HARDIN, Yineland, Moore Co., N. C, recently ol Brooklyn, N. Y. apr20 yl 3"i ijlj ..- sSoo. n -n. rx s i223 WANTED VS ' 1 Shrubs, Ilo away to the authorities with .u.i.t7 ' Z-0'S?"-. "m" l" iIulldlnK( ereetle, reliable Men to Sell rult Trees. Urapo Vines, loses, tie. salauy ana l.x- anwiifa null. Fall Instructions alven. so In- exnerteneeil raencsn soon learntlie barlnea. Address J K. I.KI'I.A1IE, UKIOIITON. N, Y., (t mllo cast of Kochtsier, N Y.J uiaim -vr LTT 1 1i k i - n cj a s miuruoL vuruiiuv. TnrlTinntnnTi'fB 111 UUG1D UiCai lUUUtClllDUU IU Mrs-Fath home seekeks Tlespectiully nnnoiinccs o her lady friends that he has uist returned Vom New York with a New and Splendid line of the Ycrv Latest and i i i'-' " most iHisluonable Novelties in Spring and Summer MILLINERY GOODS, Comprising a Large Assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Pinnies, Tips, Laces, &c., Together with n full lino of TrtlXIMINO GOODS of tho most beautiful descrip tion to bo found anywhere, and as CHEAP as they can possibly be sold, Call aud sea for yniuselves, nml be convinced that my stock is as large as tho largest, equal to the best, and as cheap as at nny other establishment in this section. zZ r"" ' MINERS, MANUFACTURERS, CAPITALISTS and FARMERS. April 19-m3 Mrs. E. FATH, Bank Streot, Lehighton, 2nd door below tho II. E. Church. Price, Fifteen Cents a Box. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills are the IIKST EVMIt jMADB for (Josttveno-s, Indigestion, Iteadnche. Ono jrood iloso or three or lour Utnory's Little Uathartle Pills, lolloweil hy one pill every nlisht for a week or two makes the human machinery run as regular ns chick Worki thov Purlly Hie Dlooil and put new life In a broken down body. Purely Vegetable, Harmless, I'lcnsant, In lalllblo. tho younirest child may tako them. Sold by all Druuirlsts and ittedlcino Dealers at FIFTKEN HUNTS A mix or by mail? STANDARD CUKE CO.. Propriotorsi 107 Pearl St, IJ. Y. llMonv's I.iTTt.B t.'ATitAnTio are raoro than Is claimed : thoy prove -UQpy.Q LITTLn ver iobu ncre. oriuivice mo money asked.. CATHARTICS PILLS IV. V. II. Uoiiun, Harmony llrove. Da. Ewouy's I.ittlk Uatiiak. - l,nm T,u "r" l"u "M i'uiuini i 1111 .no uuuiniiH-s ai, llisnor, ill UTS MAY APPLE. Klvor. N O. My ii(cd mother used ono box with wonilerlul results. -t. . .. ... i.ocustflrove, Ohio. 1 recommend them. John Colliks, M I) Texas. Th y aro excellent. H. Hknsow, Jackson, Miss. They aro unexcelled. Mrs Kr.iz- BETU KiiYSEn, Mot eriy. Mo. Jan. 2o-)leow. Eealy mi Bp ling Trade ! Tho undcrslnncd calls the attention of his many friends and patrons to his Largo and fashionable Stock of Spring; ana Sinner Goods, Consisting of AND SHOES orevcry description and Style In lho Market, Including a special line of Lady's Fine Shoes Also, a fall line or Umbrellas, Parasols, Hats, Caps, &e.. &c. Our Youns Lames and Oentlomcn will llnd It to their tn irlro him acall bofore i.un haslnir elsewhere, as they will find tho Iin.-T SELEOTKD STOCK In TownAi' iiunuM riuuto. M Post Office lildii, BA11K Street, LEHIGHTON April i, 1SS3-1.V James Walp? Successor to A. 1). MOSSEIt, Manufacturer of and Doaler In all kinds of Stoves Ranges, Heaters, Tin autl Sliest Iron Ware, House tailing Goods, k, k Is now offering extraordinary Bargains for Cash ! lie Is tho only Agent tntown for tho salo of the Bessemer, Sunshine, Othello, New Champion and Apollo Ranges ; Montour, iigntnouso, juxoeisior remi, aim Eclipse Cook Stoves; tho Prinooton, Early Dawn, Bolmont and Real Double Heaters, with a va riety of other Square and Round Heaters, All of which ho is now offering at tho Very Lowest Prices Also, on linnd every kind ot STOVE OH ATE and FIRE HR1UKS. Dealer In all the nest makes oil UM Is Roofiing and Spouting, Prompt and Cheap. Store on 8 OUT II Street, a few doors above Bank Street, rjtronaBO Invited; satisfaction Ruarantccd. Juno 80, H8i.yl " A ..nulnlli.,.r ,n.rl,l, M.t.iiMi. CTlllt.LH AMD FEVr.ll. IM fcHOBxa iSXa75 tkrmittknt Puvkr. Iln.iofs Kkvbu and kindred dlaes "tTTTT "" iii'si; V."'.'? "".'.A i., M-jASES llian raiumci or uuimne, wiinuui any ui mc m""" 11 iiiKrti CUES rrrxni . i- m . i.iii laimi n iriiilia I rf32a nrn,m oru., tn Mnhirl.i thov will exuel Hie poison ami pro. -JBuCJ ' J. .t .o.imnL- i-r.,i,B,i t.vtim ipndlfiir chomlgtB anil .....iiema f helnic lho licit. UlioPcst nnd I'leunnnteit liemeily lt L. nw.1. Thevounirest ciillil can tako them. Bold by Drugnliti nml ni mi ci no ueaiiT. nr ity mnu. ' miMi -nu'fWPV LMVRfU 'TS A !Ti tf.. hw'iim v Mv wiin nml nnflolf havo used vonr j it i r tviw: i ttunn i 'it it it Sfr3sU 7d& iiatonorurlliertroul.lonlth MAi.itias nng as the nils are SI'lMlfttm- ahout-lUnnv J. Hhiikmabbr. I' M.. Tullytunn. l'a- I to n. k PSMElHiS3M3 lho I'llls aeeordlnx to illrccllons and thoy proved tn be Just what 'SSaK "is noe.led.-HEv; K. J. Oochrak, l'ostor M. K. Jlmrch. bt. Ffc?SwTevriMBHE! .. I". ..: .!.. i . .,.n ,.i,.:,.,i, nuorv' standard ,.,o Dili. ltnveirleil them oiLa ureal many cases aiauienm r.vnr. hnvB nrove.l sueeesslul In every Instance They work like a nn nhili no,l l-Vvpr nnd nil Malarial dlse.ises. M. J. Okruax, M II.. Hallas, Teja. 1 use jour "'"'y r.W?" ill!., '. icitiiTt1???? l ileo w in irouu rem iB.-ijtiimnfin vi Jims liuTo l u iuuiI your I'llls TT Jtalnrla for Ihe nasi four jears with ceuer sans. .c""nThau' on? Ml eVre.?.?." for same .Hsease-KiiKn. S. Hah k. alst. .T.tsey City. M j vuurl)hlll Tills havi cured many very stubborn caios. ItEV. M. fc. iai, Uaio- .ir'i,ldlis lulo ll enl Inmy practlcer-Otatl. HrCKtn. M. II.. Austin, Texas. I nil the n In'ToTiiraeilci Tirt Silly -J J. Mel.KvonK. W. I).. Doublln, Texas. -Your r'lls ire aood I use them li stfy ".V?tl. Ir. M. T. D-i. Sunflower I.andlne, Miss. STANDARD OURE CO.. Proprietors, I6S4 ly Ii l'CAiiiv aiitr.t.1, hmh. Arc Northern men wanted, and are they treated kindly by native North Carolininnt We answer the question em phatically YES 1 To back us up we refer to the following Northern men who have set tled among us: Rev. S. Mat toon, Charlotte, N. C, form erly of New York; Jno. Woodhouse, Concord, N. C, formerly of Morris Co., N. J.; A. iJngen, INcwton, N. C, formerly of Fredrick, Md.; F A. Vollmcr, Durham, N. C, formerly of Williamsport, Pa., and the hundreds of others that have settled in the State. When writing for information. please enclose stamp for re turn postage. THE CLIMATE of North Carolina surpasses that of any tk. er Stato In the Union, being tsmptrtd on on side by the Alantle ocean and on the ether by the hluh peaks oflho Appalachian Moun tains. Tho average fall of snow for the en tire winter Is six Inches, The avernge nura ber of lOKgy days are two (2). No part of lho State Is subject to destructive gales. Mean annual temperature for the Stat t, Sura mer75, Winter 15, ralnf.lll 45 Inches. While tho cold of the winter li not severe, the tern pceaturo of Is not so trying or excessive as farther North. While there ar hundreds of sunstiokes in New York Stat every snmmcr,tho dlseaso Is almost unknown In N. O, Dnrlng a late winter of unusual severity, the thermometer several times dropped to 30 denrees, and even to 40 dexrets bolow tero In Iowa, Michigan anil New York, hero 10 denrees abovo tero was reached but once, and then only for ono slngrli night, TIMBER. At loast thirty thousand square miles of our t rrltory Is stilt covered with timber, consisting; In part of yellow and white pine, severat varieties of oak, hickory, Walnut, chestnut, poplar, cypress. Juniper, maple Idaek ash, elm, mulberry, dogwood, per slramon. holly, locust, wild cherry, red cedar, mountain mahogany, curly maple and poplar. MINERALS I are lound In great variety and ab'undsnss overalsrgo part of the State. Amongr tho more useful and Important are marl, Iron, coal, peat, limestone, gold, copper, silver, lead, llne, mica, tin (very recent discovery), graphlto, corundum, tnaganese, kaolin, fire clay, whltestono, grindstone and mlllston In great variety ol building and, precious stones, Including diamond. WATER POWER of the State aggregate mors than three mil lion horse power, TIIE SOIL AND CROPS. The great variety of tolls together with the climatic conditions gives rise to the great variety of natural products and Urge yields, and lays the foundation for an la-' mense range of agricultural products, Cotton, grain, tobaeeo und rice aro the leading staple crops. Tho Ohlm so tea plant nourishes througn- I out the Eastern half of the State. hemp and Jute grow to pertectlon, nd could bo made a pa Ing crop. Silk. Tho products of this Industry In Iour Stato are equal la qualllty to the French and Italian silk. Irish and sweet potatoes are paying crops. YsAETAnLzs. No where In America can tho trucking business be carried on to mors profit than. In tho eastern counties: or North Carolina. Maukets. The distance tat New York ffom the eastern and northern parts ol our State Is no larther than from tbe western part ol N, Y. Stato to New York. I'rlco of land varies with the distance from market and fertility,. Tho price of I average quality ll from three to ten dollars per acre. IMMIGRATION. Many immigrants have come into the State during the past year clnelly from the Northern and New England States. Wc have special rates with transportion com panies from Boston, New York and Baltimore lor very cheap rates of passage and freight. lor special inform ation, call on local agents through the Northern and New England States, or ad dress Jan. CO, Ho! For Hew Goods! . M. SWEENY & SON Have received an enormous stock of OIIOICE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Queensware, etc. Old Post-Office Building, Bank St, Lehighton. Rsad What a Patient says of it: BEKD TRIAL BOX FOR rrTTi tA f0. - ur uiui r va?rs7 TlieratitlciIpnrciased from Yon In Aornit rote to mo wuftt coucluelvftly tliut "while tuera 1$ am iiieir worn lar ue 4 XSUa koX? CIRCULAR 6ntFREB ml In IIia &hnrt lima of two montbS I can asturo vou that no false modesty will keep mo frnm dolnit all that 1 can III adding to tbe sncceu wlith will surely crowu so beneficial a remedy." Abovo extract f rota a lat Uc, v Hoc a, vsa Tbo rutllles aro prepared aadsoldonlybytbe. HARRIS REMEDY CO. UF'C CHEMISTS. 3oeai. st. Cm Knil'i tttsK( J3, n:itlj 3, Urn wOii ? JNO. T. PATRICK, Manager Stale Miration Bnrean, EALEIGH, N. C. February JMSM-Jl l , THE Carbon Advocate IS TIIE BEST MEDIUM FOR. Local Advertising" IS OARBOS COTJKTT, Job Printing of every description,