Kcv 'Advertisements. Dea-ts & Co., '-llfcAtEIlfl IN- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles ani Eye Glasses, POST omuK nUILDINCJ, Weisspor fc, Penna- Repairing rU hinds promjitly attchdcd to lit VKY Itusonablo Charges. li' you nood anything in our lino, give us n call before go ing elsewhere. Our Prices nre as low as tlic lowest, and nil Goods are warranted to be us represented. fcb2-y Free Lecture, On the Question of llie Age, By .COL. mm W. BAIN, of Louisville, Ky.) THE rniNCE OF THE PLATFOUM," In lhn Presbyterian Church, Lelilghton, on WednesQay, May 7tli, 1884, At 7t30 o'clock P. M. MtlsiGliythe LEHIGHTON ORCHESTRA TK3TIMONIAL3. ttev. ltowatd ittehdenffiTi, his forrncrytastnr, eaysoTlilm; "He is the lirlnco of the .lat torm.anit has twen a Christian ami plilhm nnttiroirstfrom Ills bnyl-.oo.l. He Is terribly In earnest In his work or reform, yet hIJ Inor snakes all the cobwebs from tho heart." Oo- rue W. Ilaln, Esq.. lias been Icctnrlnrf tn Canada recently, am! bis lectures have awakened treat Interest wherever be tins viKtken. llie Hrantfiinl Datli Lxpttilltn eays grins nsti to tins cuji "Wrckllrle Hall was crowded from pint from in tnodoors hist tVenlmr Every avnll utile riiuco about tho btiltillnjr. even In the feallery ana Ilia renillng room, w.is occupied nnd hundreds lea the hall for want ofstaml I n ic room. It was truly a mnunltlccnt audi ence, leiirrecnltnir. Inn Wealth and lntelll. Ireiiceol llrantionl. tt was evident from the Very bctrlniiinia: Ibat the audience ami Iho tirainr were well nialcttcil a niuKtiltlco.it audience and a gran oraior. He possesses H raroeomblnstlon of powers. 11c Is lofticil IiuaKlnative, ami un-silonall anil when lie Ims conitrueteil his argument Imauliia tli n nliisunonlt like llxlitnlnir upon u storm cloud, and con nliitelv ciiptur.s h.s hearers by his sulillii e illubls or oratory, we have never heard nnyibin more bautliul and eubtlmB than were some ol bis descriptive eentences. When lie turned his arguments, thus itiumtnnd h.v the nowcr ot his vivid ltn liKlnailot), uiKin the audience Willi a pathetic tenderness wnicu is irresisuuiu, nicy iinocr flood something ot the power or human clu "Uenco " 'Him. W. naln, of Kentucky, ha nocrtual cm the platlorm of our time as anadtouate vif the cause of temperance. Ho Islbomost charmlni! sneaker I have ever known. Ills itvle Is Indescribable, He Is simple and un Directed. Ilu docs not net as though ho thought himself anything remarkable, ami he does not. lie Is thoroughly irood, and that Is one ureat cause of his power. Ills heart is In the work and all who listen to Mmetl tnaiaicood man lepieauinK nun iiicm, lie Is divinely called to the K'eal onil grand Work In which he Is so Incessantly encaged bnd Jod houojs the work. I). C, 11a.bc.oci;, I'hlladelphU, April 2nd, lSb. Auditor's Notice. ESTATE of OEOMir. HElCHAlttJ, l)c. ceased. On the 21st day of April 1831. the undersigned was appointed by the (JuUrt of Common PleasofUarbon iloUntv. ns Audi tor, to make distribution or the funds or lnl nnce In the hands of I.ydla llelchnrd, ad mlnlstratrlX ol the estate of George Kclch nrd, deceased, lute of Knst I'enn township, raid county, and make report to next term, will meet all parties Inlcreitcd for the pur- 1 lose of his appointment on MONDAY tho 8th HAY ol St AY, lB8t,atONKtr!l.uUK 1. M nt his omee In the borough of IMnUch Chunk, on Uromlway street, wlienand whcie All peisons Interested are required to bo present and present their claims or bene barred Irom coming In for a share In said fund or balance. t'HAS. OrtlN STHOII. Andltor. Nauch Chunk, l'a, April 22, lull. v,i. ALESMEN Wanted! ToeanvftF8 for tlie fnle of (Ira nop. lloiei nnd otlicr Nurfcrv Stock, Stondy emiilovment KUttrantceil. Sal a n v and KxrKNBi-ft Paid I Apply at once, Chabk lluoTHKiia, Hochestcr, N. Y. ritefer lutlili natter J rii wnoUnjfU tho real teat of a tobacco. It la the TvgiX way rf fmotlnff. You pet tuoro tllrcctlr at tho fla or oud f raffrancc. You tato the wnolic cooler, and tho toulc cleaulier and pafer. Pito emokl&ff la nioUujf reduced to a fluo art. llto mora tho question of adulterated tobacco force ltlf on the attention of cmokcrt, tho moro deelrablo It bcconiCH to know I'recinely nvhat yon arc emoUup. In BlackwcU'a Dull Durham Kmokln Tt bacco you have a Kuarantco, I oiwajB, inai u 13 nature's K own unadulterated rroduct nliMfl- fraia'anre flavor, sud yv unsurpaatQitqualLty(arodc. flVl-U irVDl IUO BDil BIKl Dir. Try it, and you wflt 1 UtJ. None prnuino w Ub. out trade-mark of tho Bull. Try Pino Komcdion. IrtiPAiroirFTlieSalTatorinai: IV PnlmsnteTronWes For the Curl or Consumption. Asthma. Hem orrhage, IHpbtherla, Oruu, Whooping MuCii,rneumoniii.i!aiarrii.i;HiKUs.i:o!us, ore i nroat ami uu iironcniai i rouoics. it I. a wonderful preparation of I'ine anil Honey, and Is working a radical revolution IH All aucoosaful ruhennen and Bporta men cmtike Black ell'a Bull Durham jH HmoLinj- Tobacco, and they enjoy It. above Clseases. Kurakopi aiies instant I been purchaseil by John Brown, uf Euslon, rillifwilAouf ail, and with fulthlut use will , for $:5,l)l)0. Mr, Brown now owns the en elfsol a rauld and perloet 'ure. It absolutely , tlre qiurry. doss not contain either opiate, narcotlo or V , . . any Injurious drug, and la a i-phklt vuikt. &Uiiiyersell Kulz I'omsde is a Cer 4.UI.K t-llKf AiitTlnN. A TRIAL will coiiTluce man metal llili that brats everything for y--i or Its merits. If jou would alwavs K-et iUnig on a goo.1 ihiIisIi quirk and without :r.?n.1tlV.: hr. 10 "-- Hi In your mnlielne chest. Send lor painph. 1st to tJ A. I.KWIS 61 ML.Sole I'ruprletuts, The Wes'.ern Nail Association has en- jros ( lhapel Street, New Haven, Ot. , , ,, ,, , i,w. tiiTTr.. p,., K-,n.r ,n t ins npllou nfth Western Iron Asm. P.VmlpU imndln a unilorm reduction Bold m Druggists IsnlS-mtot of 10 percent alter June I. "Original Cheap Oafih Store." Gent's Neckwear. The character of a man Is often Illustrated and dcllnod br Ids neck tie. In scurf or cravat may be seen the variations of Ills Woods and tenses; Indeed, the neckwear of a gentlemen's dress affords about Iho only op. portuntty of displaying his peculiar taste In colors. All tlio tiovcllles In Tics, Scarfs unit Oravntsaro shown now, and new goods will be added to tlio assortment ns soon as they Appear, The llarfleur, Jaltna and Galatea Scarfs are very fashtonablo and handsome. All our neckwear Is manufactured expressly for our trade! and no select our own silks of which they aro mads. This arrangement enables us to show many styles not to bo seen elsewhere, J. T. NUSBAUM, Opp. Public Square, Dank Street, Lehigh, on, Pa, June o, less-ly. SATUKDAY. APRIL 211, 1884. SPECIAL NOTICE. Persons making payments lo tills office by money orders or postal notes will please make tliem payable at the WmssroRT Post Omei, as tlio Lo blglilon office is not n money order office Our Neighborhood in Brief. dcakcts it as nix. There's trouble In the circus, The menagerie's In a row, The camel's got his back up. Sad is the sacred cow. The elephant's in mourning, Worn Isllio monkey's phii, For tha fuel is very certain Thafpeonule lias rla." The country maid is weeping, The cilv belle In pain, The lit llo lads anil lassies, Sigh nut their hearts In vein, Neither the Inrifl' question, Nor yet the Mnrmon biz, Cih obviate tho statement That "peanuts has rlz." Crowded Our streets Saturday r.lglit. There areiO ciruuecs on the road this Spring. Slalinglon lias borough debt ot $4, 707.33'. XUuCrsscknt Toiiacoo advertisement in an'ilher column. Putatoes sell at 25 els. per bushel on our streets. A Board of Trade lias been incorporated at Wllkesbarro. Butler slls at 24 Bnd Stf els. per pound in and around this vicinity. Tlio weather during the past week has been disagreeably cold. Mr. Devlin, Supt., nf the now breaker, has moved his family- lo lown. Eggs are sold by hucksters, nn our streets, at Irom 10 to 18 cents per dozen. Cutinierleil silver dollars of a V-ry rlc ccptiyo kind are said to be in rirculation. Miss Laura Fcnslcriuscher, nf Allen town, Is tlio guest nf Mrs. J. S. I.clilz, on Northampton street. .SrAll kinds of stationery, at lower prices thnii any other place in "town, at the news dciot. The annual pirado ol the Bethlehem fire dpHirtmenl lakes place on Saturday, May 2 llh. Pocono township, Monrno county, was visited by a 14 inch snow storm lost Satur day. Whew I jBWTIm best BLU13 FIjAN.VKL SUITS, warranted fast colors, at $0 per suit, at Jos. Jonas', Obert's Building. A number of co.il oars Were wrecked on the L. V. railrnul, near Catas.iuqua, Wed nesday, by a collision. Sen the handsome spicy announcement nf It, II. Peters, the lallof in another col umn nT In-day 'a Advootk. ;isfl-A new lot ol CLOCKS, WATCHHS and J i:VKI.HY just received at S. II AG A MAN'S Store, Lehightoti, Pu. The Luzerne. Pmhibilionists held i County oonentlnn in Wilkesbnrro Tuesday ami I'Uia iuii ticKri in nomination Our young and popular IMend T. Web. Clauss spent several ilavs ill towns down the road un business, during the week Charles Seiferl bus greillv improved the appearant'ts nf his grounds, on South etrcci, by the erection ol a neat lence. U-Pianos. $50 cash, and J15 mnnthlvt Organs, cash , and inonlhly; Sewiiig oiariiines, o canii, and J inonthly, at J K. Ilulbocn's. Every article cuara'uteed. A. G. llrodhead and fjtnily last Week moved from Mauch Chunk to Kleminglon, Now Jersey, where they will reside lu the luturu. -John Goldbuch, an employee In Obcrt'e Pork Parking establishment, in this bur nugh, had Ins arm severely cut on last Monday afternoon. SR-Tlin latest styles and Ihe best tnste in trimming, done, at the lowest cash prices, ut Iho millinery store of Alvenia Giaver, Bank street, Lehtghton. The s irvlo-, with a tang nf men, has been engaged during tho week fixing up our streets, which work was very badly ueeiieu. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY II. nds on Pan Is and Veil, at Chiuss .V Bro., The Tailors, Bank street. Lehmliluo. Apply at once. The Sheriff of Northampton county hns seized eight cars and n locomoiive belonging to the Pennsylvaui.i, BUliugton uud New Enifland Itaiiruad Compjny. ,tOChildrens hats frnm 25 rents nn. Ladies wishing crane bonnets nr veils should not fail lose my elegant iis.rtment of crapes, Alvenia Grmcr, Lehighlon. --Trexler .t Kricdler'a now carriage works is rapidly being pushed Inward com pletion, an I will be ready lor occupancy in about two Wv-cks. tr.Tust opened, six pieces of DODY BltUSSKL CAUPET t Hi rents per yard, worth $1.41), ut .103. JONAS'.Oben'a build ing. John Ileacock, n brnkennn, aged .".0 years, of Catawitsa, was killed Saturday ,by being crushed between the roof of the P. k U. Hi-iNit and a Ireightcar. SYou con get n Single Buggy Harness, in part nickle, at len dollars and lull nickle at twelve dollars, got up in good style, at at. t'lory s Harness Bliop, Weis.nt, 1'a. To morrow (Saturday) night the tenth anniversary of the Lutheran Sun-Jay school will be. celebrated; extensive preparations nave neen lusiie in make the aUalr a suc cess. All are invites. XSfV. S. Mai! writing packets, now. letter, business and legal can, finest thing out. joii cover is a niotter. 1U cts. cacu at J t . Jlalbacli'a. f a iijueeu year nm son oi uonn flczer, nf this borough, had his loot badly mssbed by fc coal train nn the L. V, Itli., un Tues day, nrivssltatiug amputation near the aukle joint. J3GChoice Clover Seed, ior sale at J, L. Gabcl'. 8.00 per bushel. The one-lourlh interest of C. C. CVe fair in the new Bangor slale quarry' lias Mr. Henry D. Ilsger, of Greenwich tsp , Berks county, is the owner of Ger msn Testament printed 32V years ago. His great-granrlfstber brought It oyer from Germany. Edwaril Hodinn, it decorative pslnler( commltled suicide at Boston on Friday, by tlrnw nlng, because he was unable to Mm work, lid leaves a wife and flvo children lu Brooklyn, N. V. tn.lt you VfuntH, nlce,?mooth,casy shave your hair cut or shampooing, go to Frani lioodcrer's Saloon, tinder the Exchange Ho tel. Ho will fix you right; and don'tyou forget It. Three, collieries near Mabanoy City which are Just being completed by Lents. Lilly .V Co. will employ 1000 men and boys. r. early luo tenement nouses will tie uuui near Ibe collieries. A Bio Tjiino! Every subscriber to tin CAttnox AoyoOATB who Immediately pays up arrearages and one year In advance wilt receive free for one year Health and Jlomt, a large 8 pace, 40 column monthly paper, devoted to home matters. Step up. f" Hugh Sherliten was Injured in Net elope at Jeanesvillo nn Friday nllcrnoon. Irom a fall ofco.il which struck him on tho hrad also broke his shoulder bone. Mr. Sheridan will be laid up for several weeks. There was no coat shipped oyer the Lehigh Valley railroad during tlio Week ending nn the I Dili Inst. There Is a do crease in the coal tnnnnge nvor the mad up lo thai date of 391,087 tons as compared Willi same lime last year. jggr Only $10,00 cash for an sdl-wool Suit at IT. II. Peters', Post-office buildin 4o Lchiuhton. The Keystone elate normal school has more scholars this term than ever before. It lias boarding facilities for about 400 students. Thrso nre nil taken up, nnd many students board in nrivntn families. Iu all thero are over 600 students. - Ground hns been staked nil In the Uni versity Park, South Bethlehem, whereon Is to bo erected the Sarah Packer memorial chapel. The chnpel. it is well known, will be built in honor of the memory of the wife nf Judge Asa Packer, the launder ol Ilia UniVetitV. flSfH. H". Peters, at tho Post-office building, Lehigh ton, will make you nn all wool suit lor only $10 cash, if you order now. Fanny Davenport has Contracted In appear h! the Chestnut street Opera lions", Philadelphia, next season: but our popular liveryman David Ehbert, will remain at his old stand nn B.ink street, for the pur pose nf supplying the people with cheap and handsome tenlr.s. Key. Dr. Porier has tendered Ills resig nation nf the Third Slreet Deformed Church, E.iston, to take effect the first uf August, lie ha been in chsrgn for seven years and resigns because nf il health. He is ulsn prolessor of botany and zoology in Lafayette college. gSgTThe rush still continues tit Ui.auss & Bito., for those handsomely-made, nll-w o ol suits at SI 0.00. Call early il you wish to take advantage of this remarkably low price for a suit made to order. B. K. Cultnn, of Welssport, will leave for Geneva, N. Y., next week, for the pur pop of procuring a IsrgC slock nf first class Fruit and Ornamental Trees nnd Vines, wliirh he will huvu on hand, and fir sale r.t low prices, on or about I lie SOth ot April A few g'inil canvassing agents wanted. For lurther particulars apply at his rosidcucti on White street, Weisspotl, Pa, April .1, I8d4-4w Two accidents, one very tcrlnus, the other fatal, occurred on last Saturday night on the Lehigh Valley tracks. OsearSmith, a brakeman, was run nver at (llendnn ami lost liis right leg, tt is thought ha will re cover. Frank rVhug, of Clnin Dm, win truck by a freight engine about mtdlilght, had both legs crushed onri died soon niter. gSgfNow is the time, and CLAUSS & 1JIIO., the place, if you want a nice fit ting all-wool suit of clothes, made to order for only $10.00, The liquor sellers of Dmgnrand Pen Argyl grew very angry lifeline the put lisherol a local paper accepted nnd printed for the temperance people on advertisement containing the names of persuhs who eigned license petitions and threatened tti boycott his paper in retaliation, But the temper ance folks, who are in the mujority, took n frm stand and threat-ned to retaliate iu kind upon the liquor mn,nud the buyout ting match is now declared olf in couec qoenccs, Our young townsman, Jas. P. Smith, we understand will be n candidate at the Democratic convention fir Iho position nf Register and Jtecnrder. Mr. 3., wos a can didate three years agn, and was within n a lew votes ol obtaining the nomination at that time exhibiting remnrliah.e etrrngth ior his llrstappeuraiii-e before a nominating convention, lie Is a young man of most estimable rhnmcter, and by education is well lit! ml to fill the position of liegister nnd Itecordcr of the county nf Carbon. VQ-E. F. Lurkenbachj CI Broadway, Mauch Chunk, has enlarged his store, put in a new skylight, and now has on exlnbl lion over 1000 styles of fine paper hanitlics. decorations, Ire'ses and borders, locether Willi an elegsnt line nf dado shades, with latest attachments and trimmings. Bonks, staiioiierr and tancy goods in great variety and nt lowest prices. The Lehigh Presbytery met at Bethle hem, on I be J Tt li inst, and continued in session all day. Iter-F. V.King iv.ia ap pointed to the church a'. While Haven and Key. J. F. Campbell lo the one at Slating- ton. John II. Knlb was licensed lo preach. after which he preached Ins trial sermon, 1 he overturn from the urneral Assembly nn the reviseii book of discipline was ans wered in the negotivo. Ihe next session will be held iu Tainiin.ua on the third Tues day in June. Lute Sundsy afternoon Glover'a Hill, a suburb nf Shenandoah, was the scene nf a lively fight between about ona hundred Hiingirians and about the same number nf Ame-icans. A bitter feeling has existed for some time against the foreigners, und,as is customary on Sundays, a number of Hun garian! went out on the hill to practice shooting. This the Americans determined to stop, and while endeavoring to do so h freo fight took place. Stones were freely used, several pvrxms on both sides being injured uy liying missiles. A number ol shots were exchanged, but uo one was hit. ' A young man named Samuel Drucken miller, of Weatherly, was instantly killed at that place on Wednesday morning. II was employed in the loundry, and, in at tempting to board a car to ride to his work, caugni ins mot in a switch ami was thrown under tho wheels. The top nf his head was cut olf, and death was almost instant. William Harris, an Englishman, aged 45, was struck by a train Wednesday on Ihe Bangor and Portland Hailroad, near Alston, ami lalally Injured, lit wis hard of hearing. Mr-Henry La'.ohfori's Lecture! We understand thai Mr. II. Latch for J will deliver a lecture In the Presbyterian church, Slalinglon, this (Friday) evening at 7.30 o'clock. Subject; English Slates men from Magna Chart to the Present Time. The subject is an Interesting one, and one upon which Mr. L, is thoroughly conversant, and will no doubt be enjeyed by bis bearers, Admiasiou free. A OAIVD. To tha School Directori of Carbon Cottntv! Or.Ti,itmi, At the earnest solicitation of mv friends, I hereby nlfer myself as n can didate for the office of County Bupariuten dent nf Carlmn County. If elected I pledge myself In iierform tho duties of the uflico to the best of usability. Yours very truly, T. A. SNYDER, Principal of the Lelilghton, Schools. Lehighton, April 15, 1881. A CARD. To tho School Director! of Carbon Conntytl Owing to the fact that Prof. T. M. Bli nd, our present elhcicnl uoumy buperln tendent, has found 11 necessary to withdraw his name as n candidate 1 submit my name as a candidate for said olfiee, In the consideration of the School Directors of Car bon County. Most rejpeclfully. J.T. Wiiitii, Principal of Mauch Chunk Schools. April 2U-w2. Over tho Walls, On last Saturday between 12 nnd 1 o'- lock a loud crash was hoard) Investiga tion Into tho matter showed tis that the building used by Charles Yenser, for a Washing machine factory ,situsted in Iherear nf liis resilience on Bank street, had, nn ac count nf the large stono wall giving way, been precipitated Into the swamp below. The building was completely demolished and the contents of the shop scattered lo every direction. Of the ten or a dnten machines in the btilliling theie vrcroonly two broken, Mr. Yenser'. lots is estimated nt about 1-230. For tho Benefit of the M-E. Church' The original New Orleans University Troupe of Minstrels are announced logive one of their incomparable concerts in the School Hall, this borough, this (Friday) evening, for the benefit ol the M. V. church. This company has received Ihe highest commendation of press and people wherev cr tiny have given performances, and w would advise our readers not to miss this opportunity of hearing them. Ill addition to enjoying a ricli musical treat, they will have the satisfaction of contributing tn a good causr, Itemember, THIS (Friday) EVENING. Admission, 35 rente; children, 25 cenlSi reserved si-als (to bo bad at Thomas' Drug Store) 5(1 cents. Big Creek Item:- Farmers aro about through with sow ing nuts. Charles Meinhnrt tins sold nffhisppr eonel properly, and moved to Bloomlield, N. J. We all wish Mini good luck. Wm. Buyer has a fiue black mare ond colt for sale. Silt's church was dedicated on last Sabbath, after a thorough repair. Mirs Emma J. Arner,nf Bowmansvllle, was oh a visit to her parents a feAv days ago. Come again, Boatmen haya the privilege of enjoy ing occasional Vacations. You can't whiten your fences with Water oulyl Charles Leis is working nn the Cen tral railroad, and L. Buyer is employed by C. Kern, of Millport. JfUTloa. A Narrow Escape. One day Inst week W. C. Weiss, of East Welssport, made a very narrow escupe with his life. IIo was driving in his buggy down the canal two path, and when at the weigh lock, liis horse became frightened and dashed down the the two-nath at a terrible rale, when Hearing the hick at Weissmtt the road was hi ickaded by four mules, ulid Mr. Weiss seeing that ho could not pass without n serious accident dropped one side of '.he reins, and putting liis lull strength unon the oilier drew horse and btlirgy Into the canal) niter which he disentangled him sell from the wrappings and Jumped from the buggy into the WHler and swam ashore) tlio horse swam down to Ilia feeder where ho whs got ashore. Mr. Weiss then entered the water again lo recover cushions and other arllcloi which had flouted from the buggy. It was certainly a very narrow es capo, nlld only for Mr. W'e presence of mind must hayo resulted disastrously. List of letter! llemnining uncalled lor in tlio Welssport post oflice, April 23, 1881 1 Joseph Hunsicker, Mrs. Itunsinger, Tho. Hunsicker, James Keller, Matlldu M. Weisa, William Mlllieim, Reuben Arner, John.on A Co., Dirltn ICttuklo, Haniy Roth, Mrs. Maria Mover, Emanuel Burger. Chas. Cliristnuin, Alfred I'lickingcr, II. It. Ooldcnberg. Persons calling for any of the above let ters will please say "advertised." Wm. Ksfciit, P. M. Letters remaining Uncalled for In tho Packerton post office, on Ihe I9tl inst.l Benninger, Wm, Lspp, John Liroao, Octavo, 2 McGlnlev, M. Miller, Henry SwarlS, Henry 13. Troultnan, George Deroge, Thomas Erllmati! Alfred Fltckiiiger, Georee Goincry, Willi, nn Gesell, Albrechl Henry, Alfred iieigier, 11. J. Persons calling for above letters, will soy Advertised." L. MoDasik!,, P. M. Diabolical Outrage- On Saturday alternnnn a Week Mrs. Jos. Lloyd, a most estimable young married woman resident at Slatedale, was allocked by on unknown villain and ass3iilled ond ravished. Sbc had been to a store at Frank lin, and It Was while sho Was walking along a linely pln:e that the scoundrel, n fellow ol burly built, and carrying n heavy btiok, pounced upon her, threw her dnwii ami perpctratni his hellish crime, fills resisted with all tlio strength she possessed, but In tain the scoundrel repeatedly limk ing thre.its Hint If she msde an outcry he would club the life nut nf her. After I lie brute had accomplished his purpose he ran nray,iiud his mor victim proceeded to the nearest House atul there made known what had hapieued to her Tho whole neigh borhood wus soon aroused aud search made, but the guilty scoundrel could nn be found. Suspicion rests heavily on a certain person who was In Ulntedale the day before the assault. Ho represented that he hailed Irom Philadelphia, and that his nnmn was Goodly. But It has since developed that his representations Wero filso. Certain persons In Slatedale knew him. and told him Ins real name, and that lie belonged to Milport, nbovo the Lehmh Unit. Dele-live Smith is on his Irack. He Is u large mus cular matifbhnd In one eye, and wears a brownish suit, mid a black slouch bat. Allenluwn Democrat. Departure of Frof. Balllet. The Hazlcton J'.'om Speaker pars Its respects to Prof. Balliet thuslyi Professor Thomas M. Balliel, who has during the past three years served assuperlntcndantnf the schools of Carbon county, has declined a re elrrtinn, haying accepted a iwsilion as teacher In the Cook eounty (Illinois) Nor mal ccnooi. not only uurbon county but many teachers throughout the State will regret to part with so able an educator. Being a man of great prudenro, patience, tact and ability, and one whose prrsenco and different presentations ot eduralional subjects alway excited enthusiasm among teachers and all others interested In educa tion, be has attained a foremost position among the educational lights of our Stale. His modest aud gentlemanly eouduct and words, kindly ndyice ond encouragement have ennearrd him to the teachers under Ins charge) and he leaves our State amidst the grratest of tegels and the rarnrst hopes of l continuation of the dasrrvrd success which has heretofore been accorded him The Cook County Normal School is one of Ihe fii'esl institutions for Ilia prepsration of teaebert in the United Slates. Its prin cipul is Col. Francis W, Parker, with a faculty of Iwrntv-six teachers, of which number Mr. Ballirl is lu be one. Very much is being immiplislied towards the I dtancement of the educational (ansa at this erhwd and Irom six In seven hundred teachers ar eonslautly In attendance. Be ye also ready to hesr the great leetuie by Geo. W. Bain, Esq , Ihe great Kentucky temperance Irrlurer, in the Pres byterian church, nn May 7, at 730 o'clock. See announcement in lo day's Advocate. bbituary. Jonathan ICresstey, an old ond very highly rcsperted resident of Mahoning Valley, died nt his homo on Wednesday morning. Deceased was born In Heidel berg township, Lehigh county, this Btato 171)0) come to this conntv 30 years ago, and has continuously resided in Mahoning during that time. He leaves a wile, aged 83 years -who has for some lima been In poor health and four chll.lren-2 daugh ters and 2 sons Daniel aud J.F., the latter resiuem el vreatnrriy, Frauds Blocker died at his home In 'Itahonlug Valley on Friday ovenlng,tho 18th inst., aged about C3 Tears, of dropsy. Deceased came to this county lo or about 1840 from Stnckertown, Lehigh county ,and enmo years afierward was elected Sheriff of this county. Until a few years aeo ho was a resident of this borough, when he pur- cnaseu tne lintel stand, at l'lejjml Roruer, in Mahoning township, where he resided up to within a lew weeks nf his death, when l.o had moved on to a farm recently pnrchassd by him. Deceased leaves a wile end six children five sons and one daugh terto mourn tho loss of a kind and afTec ilonoto husband and father. The fuuernl look place on Tuesday nflcrnoon at the La l.lghtnn c'inelery, ond was very largely at tended by relatives and friends, the pall bearers being Messrs. M. 0. Trexler, J. W. Raudeiibushf S.im'l Graver, Wallace Selple, Lol. llehrig and Godfrey Peter, Samuel Cherington Williams died at Packerton, of niplexy, on Thursday nf last week. Ho wos born In noarin3 Creek Vsl ley, Cjlumbia county, in the yeor 1821. He moved to Mauch Chunk when thirteen years tild and resided In that neighborhood abiut fifty years, lie was a machinist by (rule, and worked years ago at the old Upper Foundry, then owned by Lippinrnlt fc Miner. In his early days ho worked for the old Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com pany and was one of three men who was on the safely car when it made its first trip down Mt. Pisgah Plane. He was a devout christain, r kind lather, a member nf the Method istchurch, and was highly respected by all who knew him. For the last fourteen Years ho was employed by the Liihigh Val ley lluilrnnd Company at Packerton. The deceased was for a number of vears n mem ber or the I. O. O. F., orMaueli Chunk. He leaves n wlfu and four children. The funeral look place from lhn residence uf B. F. Williams, Mauch Chunk, mi lastSumUv at two o'clock, nnd was largely attended by relatives and Iriends of the l.imily. Calm on the lmsom ot thy God, Dear Father, t est then now, Evdi wliilu wuli tn tuy lootsteps trod Ills seal v;ii on thy brow, Dust tn Its narrow liouo beneath, Soul lo tts pi, tec on high; They ih.it have seen thv look In death, No moro may fear lo iltc. Lotto arc the pnths and sad the bowers Whence thy mock smile If gone; But, oh, a brighter house Hum ours, lu heaven, la now thine own, A. Down tho Valley. Wo clip the lo'lowlng Hems from the Allenluwn )j(y Crilict A now post ollico has been established at Zieglersvllle Sialion, on Ihe I'erklomen railroad, under the mime nf Dtdphia, with Daniel Sleller as postmaster. This will be a gt'rnt nccommonalioti to tho residents of the neighborhood. Detectlyo Burkliard, of the P. & R. Road, arrested Joseph Snyder on tho East Penu Riilraod Tuesday atternouii, lor illegal car riding. He Was taken before Alderman Kleckuer, who committed him to the care uf Warden Jucoby for twenty days. Edward Martin, an employe nf lrnss matruV Kleutiter, Allcntown, the lurniture manufaclurcrs.iccidentally cut three fingers oil' Ins left hatiil by the slipping of a chisel The fingers were yerylieorly severed. Dr. Conet. Martin dressed the injured members. Mr. Martin boards at tho G-riiiunia Hotel on South Seventh street, and was injured about the head by tho lulling wall at the late luriilturo factory fire. Tho work of excavating the ground for basement ot tho large new hardware store at Lumbernud Hamilton sts., Allenlown,to ne erected by F. Hersh A 8ons, hardware dealers, is rapidly being pushed forward. Tuesday nlternoou the men at work dug in under part of tho embankment, with a purpose of wedging a great deal of tho ground loose. Shortly alter six o'clock the embankment containing several tons ut ground, caved iu, spreading itself over a groat deal uf space, Tuesday afternoon an unknown Inon was killed lu too Lehigh Valley yanl ut Bethle hem, lie nan stolen a ride in a box car and when tho train was shifted into the yard, he got out of the rur and walked across the tracks, and Was struck by n flat car which was being shifted at the lime and instantly killed A lew cigsr stumps aud a Reading paper "ere the only things found lu Ins po.-kels. Coroner Martin was notified nnd held an inquest on the remains last evening. The body wili ua taken to the pior house lor burial Wedncsduy. Several young urchins had a set-to In Lumbe street, Alle ituwn, Tuesday olter noon about five o'clock. A number of boys nan ueeu playing tinsc nan and the catcher ol one ol tho nines received n slinging blow on the nose Irom u foul tip made olf a wonderful curved ball, pitched by a ynuug aspirant to athletic lame. The catcher got angry, blamed the pitcher for the injury, which naturally was resented and the two started a bare knuckle encounter. It is not known how many rounds wore foughl, but when one of tho young chap's mother canto upon the sccue, the up and down motion of the right hand wus easily per ceptible. Tho Coal Trade. The managers of the anthracite coal Com panies mado on Thursday of last week a new egrcement relative lo production. They decide II First, that during the bal ance nf the year 1834 Iho production ol an thracite coal should be restricted lo the de mand for consumption! second, that Iho amount uf the restriction should be fixed from lime to lime by Iho majority In inter est os determined by the lonnag' third, that the ri-siriclion shall be accomplished by a suspension nf mining, first, for on eh tiro week, and then during Ihe last three days ol Hie week, alternately! and fourth, Ihe Pennsylvania Railroad Compiny shall share its proportion of Ihe restriction in such manner as it may elect. Under this agreement it ws decided tn suspend mm log during Iho Week May 5 tn Ihe lOih , in clusive, and on May 22, 23, and 24 it is understood that the plan for accomplishing Ihe curtailment was a compromise measure between lhn Ijackuwauna unit the Pennsyl vania Coal Company, one being in favor ul slopping work at the mines an entire week, and the oilier three days u week. The Pennsylvania Railroad appears us a parly lolhe'coal agreement lor Ihe (irt tune. Undr Ihe clause providing that Ihe major uy in interest, as indicated by lonnage,sball determine the extent of Ihe restriction, II, o Lackawanna and Ihe Heading acting in, unison ran outvote nil tne outer companies. There wns no mining during last week, but beginning last Monday the miners will work full lilr.e tn and including May 3, A Few Sunday Whys. Why is is that good church psnple find it so easy to givo from three to five Lours to an entertainment or social gathering for liielr personal gratification, and are in such a hurry when asked lo most tlio vestry or or committees, occasionally, tn transsct im- riani business Tor the Lord 7 Why dees ten dollars seem so large when asked for church purposes and so small when it Is to bo expended un erscual in diligence? Why is time enecaroe when church bells coll In wnrshlp, but so plenty wheh Ibe world calls tn pleasure? Why ore Sundays and other church dsys roi.ier, anu uouer.atm wttter than ony other dars Why do people who seldom nr never ro. rpoud tn eiecial calls for mooev find most lault because the calls are made 7 Why Is Sundsy sickness the sickest sick nrss? Why are excuses that will keep people from church not thought sufficient lor " grela" when social requisitions are made I Why is unt lha salvation ol Ihe soul made the first consideration at all limes? Even while dresses are made of two kinds nf material, nne plain, Ihe other em broidered, broche, da tied, sprigged, barred, or striped. WWS ijiih i' a n . iijamiunuwH jjjaaw ATHAOIO KVEHT. A father's Despair and 6clf-lnfllcte4 Death. Ilu Son's Final Keicudr Too Lato td Save Ilia Parent. The graphic occurrence that Is described below is one nf the most remarkable epi sodes In tho domestic, history of America. It is absolute truth which can readily he verified. The Inhabitihls of Iho pleasant town uf Cortland, N, Y., were shocked one morning by Ihe announcement that Mr. Clinton Rlndge, one of their most prominent cltt sens, had committed suicide. The, news spread tapidly end ornused the entire neigh borhood where Mr. Rimlge was so well and favorably known. At first it rremed lin possible that any one so quiet and domestic could dn rash a deed, and tlio Inquiry was beard un every side es to the cause. The facts as developed on Investigation proved to be ns follows! Mr. Ttlndge was domestic In tils tastes and took tho greatest enjoyment In the society of his chlldien nnd pride, in their development. And Indeed he had good reason tn be proud lor they gave promise of long lives of success nml usefulness. But nn evil day came. His youngest son, Wil Ham, began tosliow elgnsnf an early deciy. He lelt unusually tired each iIm ,aml would sometimes sleep the entire, altornonn it permitted In do so His head pained him, not (cutely, but with a dull, heavy leellng. There was n sinking sensation at tin pit uf his stomach. He lost' all relish for food and much of his Interest for things nboul him. He tried monfully to nyceome llieso feelings, but they seemed stronger than his will, lie begau to lose llesh rapidly. The lather became nlormed nml consulted physicians us to Iho cause nf his son's ill ness, but they were unable tn explain. Finally severe sores broke nutnn his arms and he was taken to BulTalo where n pain fill operation was performed resulting in the bus of much blood but affording little relief. The young man returned homo and a council nf physicians waa called. After an exhaustive examination they declare there was no hope of final recovery and that ho must die within a very few days. To describe the agony which this announce ment caused the lather Would be impossible. Hts mind failed to grasp its lull meaning at first) then finally seemed to comprehend It, but the load wus too great. In un agony of frenzy he Fcized a knife and tnnk his own lile, prclcrrlng death rather than to survive his idoliaid son. At that tlmo William Rimlge wns loo weak to know what was transpiring. II is face had turned black, his breath censed entirely at times, aud his friends waited for his death believing that the fiend Brighl's disease of the kidneys, from which hu wns suirering, could lint be removed. In this supremo moment Wil liam's sister camo forward and declared she would make a final attempt to save her brother. The doctors Interposed, assuring her it wno useless nnd that sho would only hasten the end by the moans she proposed tn employ. But sho was firm, and putting all baca, appronclie 1 hir brother's side aud ndinlnistered a remedy which she fortun ately had on hand. Within nn hour he seemed more easy, and before the day was nver he showed signs of decided improve rueiit. These favorable signs continued, und to day William B Rimlge is well, hav ing been virtually raised Irom the dead throiwh the marvelous pnvor of Warner's S.1I0 Cure, as can be readily verified by any citizon of Cortland. Any one who reflects upon the tacts above decribed must have a feeling of sad uess. Tho father, dead by ills own hand, supposing his son's recovery t' bo impossi ble; tlip son restored to heiillli tn mourn the loss of Ins lather and the agonised relatives with a memory nf sadness lo forever darken their lives. Had Clinton llindge known tint, his son could recover he would to day be alive ami happy, but the facts which turned his brain and caused him to commit suicide were such as auy one would accept us true. , However sad this cae may be, Hie truth remains that thousands nl people are at his moment in as great actual peril as William Rimlge and in as great danger nf causing misery il not dentil to their friends Liver and kidney diseases are become the most common and most damxernusot onynr all modern complaints. They are tho most deceptive in their beginnings nnd horrible in their final stages. They are far more deceptive than Consumption, and can rarely be delected even by skillful physi cians unlets n microscopic analysis be re sorted to, and few doctors understand how lo do tins. Their sllghlest approach, nr possibility of approach should strike terror lo the one who is threatened us well ns to all Ins or her friend), These discuses have no distinct symptoms, biitcoma in the form nf lassitude, loss of appetite, aching muscles and j'diits, dull headaches, pains in the back, stomach and chest, sour stomach, recurring signs of cold, irregular pulsations of the heart, and frequent dizziucss. If neglected, these symptoms aio" certain to run intochronickidney nnd liver or Ilright'r disease, from whlcU there Is sure to be a great amount uf agony and only nno means nf escape, which is by the use of Warner's Sale Cure. The importance nf taking this great ri'ineuy upon luosligiilcsmppearanci. hi any nf the above symptoms cannot be Ion strongly Impressed upon tho minds ol all readers whiiilesiro to escipa death and pnlu li nd prelonjj life with all ils pleasures and blessings, NewMahontug Items. The Lord Supper wns celebrated in Iho Evangelical church last Saturday everting. llev. C. S. Hainan, the presiding elder, delivered au ubie discourse. It wns pretty cold during the firs' par nf the week, so that our farmers could not plant polntoes as they intended. We hope the wcalher will soon be pleassnti Jake says wo will liuvo nico weather during May, and he Is gool authority, having written an Almanac, Mr. F. D. Klingeman, who left for Ohio n lew weeks ago, is pleasantly situated at Cornersbiirj;, in Hint State. IIo is work ing on h farm, and Writes that he likes the nl.ice well. His innnv friends Witt no doubt bo glad In hear this. llev. A. B.irtholmew' will preach in Ft. John's Church tn morrow (Sunday) after noon at 2 o'clock. All are invited. Who will bo Ihe next County Superln tendent? is askod. Tills is an important oflice nnd wc hope the best man will be elected. -F.X ShefirrStorker died on Friday of Inst week and was buried at Lehlghlon on Tuesday. On Tuesday Jonathan Kreslev aged nbnut 85 years, died. He was nne nf tho oldest citizens of this place Death has visited Us quite frequently or lata. Within Ihe past two wceas Mr. Charles Mustelnian and Mrs. Wehr nnd the two above named died. One by nne they ford Ihe mystical river nnd Mn the crc.il maltnlv. The re mains nf Mr Kre'slv will be Interred at St. John's church tln (Satu day) morning. A very successful meeting nf the Centre Square Literary Sneiety waa held Friday. Tne question to he discussed this (Saturday) evenlnc is i Resolved "That Grant wos a betler General than Lee." The debitors nn the affirmative are, D. it. Sillier and Eugene. Nothsloln; nn the negative, J. II. Longacre and Dayid Balllet. The rest of the programme consuls cf declamations, essivs, Ac. The paper will be read by the editor. All are inyiteu, uxsu. "Voluntary ManilauRhter." CTbe trial of Mrs. Elisibeth Keeso for th murder ol wiuism t. i.ti, at lornto vn, this county, on March 23d last, wsa iof,un at Mauch Chunk on Thursday, nf lo.t week. The case was siven to the jury r.t 4:30 on Saturday afternoon, and between 12 and t 'clock Sandav morning Ihe defendant was found guilty of "voluntary manslaughter." Court was opened immediately after Hits Jury hnd ngreed.the, verdict received, slid Mrs. Iteese remr.nded for sentence. The murder was th& result nf gossip anittng the people at Yorklown that Mrs, Reese'i hus band and the wife d William II. Simmons Vfero"inlnnile," On March 23 M". ltee armed herself wllh a revolver, found her- sell at the residence of Simmons, and after a warnf words, drew Die weapon end fired at Mrs. Simmons wllh the intention of end Ing her life. Tha lull missed Mrs Sim mons ind ttriiclt Kll, killing him almost Instantly. Alter tlio shooting Ihe murder. essadiuHlM that the shot Ell, and that "be was au impudent fellow." The testimony at the (rial wis nf a sentatumaleliaiscter concerning Reese and Mrs. Simmons. El C IJ When the tveathcr grows vtuimcr, Uiat cxlrcmo tired feeling, want of appetite, dullness, languor, end lassitude, tdUct utmost tho entire lititnon fafnlty, nnd rcrof tila, nnd other diseases caused by humors, manifest themselves with many. It Is Impossible- td throw oft this debility nnd expel humors from tho blood vrlthont tho aid ot a rorlablo medicine llko Hood's Sarsaparllla. "I could not tlecp, nnd would get up In tho morning v.Ith hardly llfo enough to get out cf tied. I had no nppctttc, nnd my faco would break out with pimples. I bought a bottlo bf Hood's Sarsaparllla, nnd soon began to sl.'ep souudly ) could get up with out that tired nnd languid feeling, and my appetlto Improved." It. A. SAMonn, Kent,0 ,"I had been lnuch troubled by general doblllty. Last aprlng Hood's Sarsaparllla proved Just the thing needed. I derived an lmmcnsj amount of benefit. I never felt hotter." II. 1. Mn.LET, Boston, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparifia Sold by all druggists. St ! six fee $3. Made only by C. 1. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar THE RAILROAD ERA M Yffitrpr'jccttopublthffoodtofiJcsso ctaply it onto the great, t achieve nenti qftU century." -John Wanamaktr, PLtie p'lia, " Ireconmcni the untcrtting."Jakn Halt, DM. Our Standard library boots for 15 cents bnd 25 ccnt-i nru about the sizo of thin ouHro advertisement. Tho typo in nearly all the boolcs aro Small Pica, tho size U30il in this son tonco. Each book is printed on floo laid paper, and U bound in a dur.i lo, haodiomo paper coTcr,witU luu uaiucpriutod on tho back aud side. 10 CENT BOOKS: ntRliAvnyg of Literature, ll7l'HTDn. American IIiiiuiii-I.in, liy Havch. .Ilumii, and usury or a Hupcrlliiotia Jin ii. liy tho crcat Itusslsu novel la 1 Tun- Cluirlotto Uremic, By L. c. Holmwat. flulinaison, Uy Julian Hawtuouke. Tho &UOVO aro tome, of our 3 3 ecu t boka. 25 CSWT BOOKS: Wltn tho I'ootB, Dy ChttoNrAniun. I.lfo or Cronm edl, Dyi'itxn.l hood. ISsiaya of (ieortt- Klloi ( !vnileto. 'I'lio Blei v ( 1 book of travel). By U'Dohovax llowahrim Pitxz n (novol), 13 llaonza- Tor, author of licleuV Ilablee. The abovw aro NOiiinof our2i cnlboolis. Bend for Descriptive Circular. EIEltlOItlE AKO XXKZZHZ. A NEW DOOK. V JOAQUIN MILLER. Bond 25 cents t r this bo ill at a simpb of th"o choin books by 1 10 abUst of American and European writers. Spurgooa's Lifo Work. Tho Troaoui-y of David. To bo complo'ed In reven vols , six now ready. I'rice. per vol., f 2.00. John Il-tltsavs: " Tor ins'rneiioa flpur- gson s worg is wiiaout au equal, nlrnr.,,i-4i - n . ilrtli . - 4 1. 1 allow 'u per cent, discount oa t-u.OO worth cf our books to ono address, tho money to accouipauy tho order. .... , SATISFACTION ClUARAMTEEDl If thebooksdonotKlvooitla-aMUmtheyiaaybi returned two days alter receipt and tho rnoncj refunded, tlio purchase? to pay tho return freight. Any nf ths u'jovi looks unt, ; esfxlfd, on rcceuit price. Cirnt'art Srt', FUNIC & WAGNALLS, Publishers, 10 and 12 Dcy St., New Yoik. Jr Cniivaiiors Wanted 1'or Hutiacrlptlou Uoilti. -d r Itlen toll pui-r in wlilcli ; ml be luo iutvtrtlacinii3. TX3. . MA It III III). linOICKNDORF-IlEDI.INK.-Attl.ercsl. denco of tho groom's puients by llev. .1. II. I Ul dor, A, I". lleckcndorf and Miss Kllen E. Iledllno, both nf tc1iigbtou. Ill I.I). tVtliLtAStS. Som'l C. William?, ot rnctt ortoo, born August 31, 1S21, died Ap'll 17, 1SSI, aged 02 years, T months and 17 duys. Carlo on Advocate IS THE BEST MEDIUM FOR Local Advertising IH OARBOS COUNTY. Job Printins; Of every description. BARGAINS BARG-AINS ! Embrace this opportunity at once, as wc positively close in. a short time. The Stock comprises Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, &c.j Which will bb Sold et Bankrupt Prices ! The Stock Consists' df about f 6,100 worth of (lootls, which must be sold In a 1'P.IV DAYS, no matter what l'rlco It brings. Call early to secure Ilargalns at your own Trice, be radio the sale will I'USITIVKI.1: CLOSE SUOftTfjY. JOSEPH JONAS l3ank Strcot lioliighton, rcbraarr lMSi 4v Mil'JMyjHIIJU At tto other season Is th. system no ui coptlblo to thn PclicBcial c licet s of a re llr.blo tcnlo and Intlgoiant. The Impure stato Of tbo blood, the deranged digestion, and tho weak condition ot tho body, cansed by Its long hattlo with tho cold, wintry blasts, nil call fur tho reviving, teguutflng aud restoring Influences so happily and effectively combined In Hood's HarsaparlUa. "Hood's Sarsaparllla did nte a great deal of good. I had no particular illscwe-, tort was tired out from overwork, and It tenei mo up," Mfts. O. E. Himjio.nj, Culvoes, H. Yv iarsapariBIa " For seven years, spring tnd fait, I haoi scrofulous sbrcs come, but uu my legs) and for two years was not tteo from them at all. I suffered very much, Last May 1 began taking Hood's ii.trsaparllla, and before I had. taken two bottles, tho sores healed and the, humor left mc,' O. A, Aluiot,tV Arnold, Me "Thero Is no blood purifier e'qual to Hood's Sarsaparllla," E. S. Phelps, RoeliestTrsft.Y. Hood's Sarsaparllla Sold by all drugirMs. ft six for is. M.tdo only by C. I. HOOD 6 CO., haiW, Mass. IOO Dosds Ono Dollar ccc-ascx-xjeaf' 14 volumes xov In ono quarto voli,ttloth. Eaoh work comploto. (1.) Maeaulny's Easiyei (B) (2.) barlyleh Essays. (O) S.) Charuswcrth X,ifo of ltowi land illli. t.i CltarlPfc KluSsloy'a Town Qeolog . () J.'hrvmoa Jivtghck' Alfred tha Or -at. (3 llinraeH's C alainities of Authors. (7) Kiisnln'.i JJUncs'ifth.' Dtiati IS.) Ddmos (henea U.nttonsi (a volumes.) iv ) Jimkin'a jiro des A k strn or Ho il'iwa in "Modern Painters." (10.) Kmp rorMaitruTAtlrellua' 'i bonchts. (U.) Imije Klngaley'a i-'lifmlts. (12.) 'i'etitijson'slciyi of tha ninao. (13, La. xnar.ln-' Joffiio. ato. In all, It yolncic" bound IHmialargd mlsrirj 6f C10 pjue. being equivalenttod'Oor'uiaryr'iiiali X'ltlCM, j. - HlLVa Hoyt-Ward Cyclopbdla of Quotations. 2o,ooo Quotations, Prose and Poetryj 53,000 ln s of Concordance, Tho only Cyo opodla of Quotations in tlio .English Laii5uago. IN Y. Ilomlili i'ylong Oxidt tuo best book of quotations in exist" nco." Xv'uiuleU 1'hltllti, 1 "lUri taluo to tbi scholar." xilvor Wcsiilcll llnlmcst "It iiei near my open dictionaries. It is a massive and teeming volume." Ilti'soti Post! "Indlapem-ablfloa WotC,este or . Wobstt r. It 1.1 Die only a tan jardbook of tpiotAtlotn." j.omlou Mi. t ' rit ny Hot lewr'A thoroughly good ploce of vrorlf .'' I , ijenutor KdmntuU 1 "It la thai beat work of tho hind with which 1 ant acquainted" s-v-SpoitUor Itanilu.ll 1 "I consider It the bsst boolr. of quotations 1 havo aoen." Itiyal 8ro, oyer WWpngci. Price, cloth, $S; aheep A VoU'Wni'lliil tjianf. VlnVifirSnMVk Sohaft-Hcrzog Encyclopedia of Roiigious Knowledge. 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