New Advertisements. BATS & Co., -DEALERS 111- Watches, t i' Clocks, Jewelry, k Silverware, Spectacles aid Eye Glasses, fost office buildino, "Weisspor fc, Pemia- RCptriHg rail kinds promptly attended to at VEIiY Seasonable Charges. ., If you need anything in our line, cive us a call before go ing , elsewhere. Our Prices are as low as the lowest, ana all Goods are warranted to be as represented. feb2-y MaMiflS Poor District. Aeeounl or Hainan jiioasrr. uimnrui 1 "x " -"r""..i"r.;r.r.. 1 it. Penna., for the yearending March 14th, twt: OR. n aMAn n.M fur malatalnlntr natt- p:".r.....:...T. j amount paid for advertltlna; and ..Mininll - ................ B Tft amnant nald for relief orders 3 00 " amount paid postage stampa and ear fare " services, nine days service, one day, attending set ttemsnt " exonerations ' Mmmllilon on 1311.07 2 per cent I 10 IS (0 1 to 1 59 (MS 94 DR. hand from 1113 settle ment 133 w Township Dr. to Nathan Meissr.... I'M Aadlted aid approved this 1Mb. day March, A. U. list. J. 11. Aaaaa. Auditors. April I, ws AVfifi'lt I1A RRftrJj. Supervisor. In Ac. eoaat with Mahoning. Township, Packer- lon District, for the year udint March is, lilt: DR. n t To amocat cf tax duplicate (lilt CI CR. By services for hands, labor on road.t 13? 31 anaoaiainsA . tor mmoer aim nans uo - M anioont iald for teams, fcc, " amouot of note of township " amount paid U. llclnsmlth. super- vlior exonerations , amount tax refun'ad pereac'axe eolleelinx lax services ror sell, as supervisor .... ' amotavpaiu Audltoia III CO ion si II) XI lit SI 1 421 II 20 311 60 f O0 tlUi 81 HF.Tinr.N HKINSMITII. sunervlsor. In Ac XiUiL"'01 tu"" DR. To arnotsat of tax dopllcate... lit II To araouat.eash received from Uco, OarrulL supervisor 410 3S I lira 09 4JR. Br amount said for labor. Umber. tie., aa road , I III 01 " percentage lor collecting tax.... S3 la " exonerations 3 if " stTvlrMfbrMir 171 00 I1U3 J BalaaM daa Tt. Retnsmlth from town. eltlp to balance aoeounls t 7 Audited and approved this llth day of J. 11. AltNEtt. AMitors. April I at To Fishermen ! LNftt1ee1s hereby given. That all persons in rbrlftri traaiiflnu on the tanilfltot tha un. aleralaneil for ihe purpose of KlSlilNO in WILD CHEEK, between Mlnehart't Mill and Mvett'a Mill, alter (.his date, under pen- aitj eiuieiaw. 1 WM. LEA fc. SONS. Tewuaeastag, March XI, lut 3w. Tall Um chflarea to cut out and save the comle eUhouetW ptctnrea aa they apjear from Issue to Iluy WI3 be plaaaed with tlla collecUos. Thla ipaoej la' owned by IlZlAOXWSIiIi'a TiTTT.T., 'i;r:! - . Of Bourse v mean the fsmooa anhnal appearlsg sns tba label of everr genuine pacxaaeof Black. walTa Bon Durham Bmokhja Tobaooo. Every 4Ualrkapa this, the aa BmoUng Tobacco made; Xosm geoulse wtthout tradaurk of the Bull. Try Pino Remedies KURAKOFFG Salrator in aU PnlmfininTrnnMot! 1 uiuiuuiu iiuuuitu Tor the Cera el Consumption. Asthma. Hem errhago. Diphtheria, Union, Whooping r Uough,Ppea,monla,t)atarrh. Uonghs.Culils, obii iunMiuuaii uiviivui.1 ruuvics. at m wunu.ii.1 irl,arvi"n i-i rino ana irnxxr n.i unrLri, . r..u.i r..,i,i,inn the treatment , and euro of all eause of the aKmwa l-.m.A ITn. . '..1... ..ta... rallefstUleai all. and with falthrul use will afreet a rani-l and perfect eura. It absolutely does not eootaln either oplaie, narcotla 4blb i ttaraa ATI usi. A Tai al will convince .Ir TV.".''1 'i afire Of the safetvef vour ehlldrandurlnir in, lament weather and at all times, keep a bot tle la your medwilne ehest. Band ror pAmiib. 1st to U A. LEW IS A IA).. Bole I'roprlatoi. 04 Ohapel Street, New Haven, Ol. rial DiTTBaa. Piaa Kioaiv ad I.tvxa liLia, Pma PLAaraaa Annffma Halh. Eold qy UraggUti JsnU-mltu "Original Cheap Cash Store" WE HAVE Tttturned frnm Ptfit.ADtL.rniA, and Naw Yoae with the leanest Llni of DRY GOODS of every descriptions Iff tquat hai nevtr teen tea In thli notion, and moh LOW PRICES were never before known by the buying com munity, lteraember, thoie iloodi lure been bought from the Manufacturers and will be eold tilt E A PKH then th. iimt class of aoodt can be bongbtelaewbere. Therefore 70a ihnuld call early end ecure tome of the GREAT BARGAINS Thli season. There ll no Dry (loots E- labUthutnt In tbla tectlon that oan compete Wlltt ui In Prloo, Quality and Stylo Thli Is not laying more than we can iuU tantlaie. Respectfully. J. T. NUSBAUM, Opr. Publlo Square, Bank Street, Lehigh- on, A a, June v, iBaj-jy, SATURDAY. APnit 8, 1884. SPECIAL NOTICE. Peron making payment! tu Ihlt ofllce by money order! or postal notes will plette make them payable at the WatsaroRT Post Orricc, .as I ho he highton office is ot a money order office Our Neighborhood in Brief, Ascension day falls on the 22od ol May. The nail mill at Danville have begun operations agatu You can lawfully eaten trout now that It, If you can. The carpenters era rushing the new buildings in town this week fiCrictsr Tobacco advertisement in an - uner column. The Lehigh Valley railroad will run extra etcurtion trains to Glen Oaoko all Bummer. X-WFor Books. Periodical, Papers arid Stationery, call on J. F. Halbach, Dank street, this borough., The Grst. boat of the season passed up the rami on Tuesday of last wcok. It be longed to reemaiisburg. aaSr-A new lot ol CLOCKS. WATCHES n.t JEWELUl just received at S. 11AUA- maw -a store, ieu anion. r. K. 1C. Bernd, of Lehigh county, and bis wife, were on a visit tu friends in town Sat urday last. W-Tha best BLUE FLANNEL SUITS, warranted fast colors, at $U ner suit, at Jos. Jonas , uuerl uuildlng There arc about $1,000,000 on deposit In the various Batiks in the LeliliiU Valley, subject to check, aaerFor Pianos or Organs, go to J. F. able makes, at the yery lowest prices. The Democratic Slate Convention will assemble in the Opera IIuuse,at Ailentown on Wedursduy next. JfSulf you want a Sewicc Machine, rail on J. r. Halbach, liank street, he can lurn lih you with it lower than any oue .else. Lee W. Wills was after the trout on Tuesday, and raptured a lot of beauties, av eraglug about 10 inches in length "Just opened, six pieces of BODY BUUSSIiLCAItPET at 85 cents per yar.l worth $1.40, at JOS. JONAS'.Obert'a build ing. Joseph. 8. Webb, late of the "Wcisspott House," has bought out tbo saloon of A. K Milter, in town. and will take possession on nexi aionuay. AN OLD NURSE SAYS : Acker's Ene llsh iKiutJr Is BK-T for 'roughs, croons. iliphlteria,nrbrnurhilis. Sold by l)r. C. T. tlorn, L.ehighton, K.-A.IIoru, Weiuport, The othcials of the Lehigh and Valley Railroad Company report that Ihe freight and passenger business of (bat road waa never belter. jjGChoicc Clover Seed lor sale at J. L. GabelV $8.00 per bushel. Our young Iriend Mr. John C. Kirk an enterprising young gentleman of Plula lelnhia, snent last Sundav in town with irieuus. &ti.Vou can geta Single Bugifj Harness in part nickle, at ten dollars and lull nick I at twelve dollars, cot un In cood stv e. N. t lory s Harness tibop, WeissKrt, l'n. -The Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern Uailroad Company has declared its usual quarterly dividend of 2 "B cent, pay able April 21. Nt3i-If you wnnta nleemoothiasv shave rour hair cut or shampooing, go to Krnnz Rowlerer's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho- forret it. A special commillee appointed by the Democratic parly in Lehigh county has unanimously agreed to report in favor of the Crawlertl county system. A severe storm of hail and rain, ac- compauied by heavy thunder and lightning passed over this section during the early hours of Wednesday morning. Croit, Coi'Oii, and even Asthma immediately relieved by Acker's English Remedy. Sold under cuarantee by Dr. Horn, Lehighlon, aud E. A llurn At Easlon, on Tuesday next, April Rth . John Dillman will pay the penalty witli bta Hie, fr the murder of his "iff, over near necmown, on tue zvin 01 uarcn, ol last year. Mrs. Bridget Fagan, wife of John Fagau, section foreman for the Lebigh Val ley railroad company, died on Saturday morning, at the reideuco o(. her .husband, at opmy.' t , --ohn O'Brien, familiarly known as "Gen. Jack O'Brien, the War Horse' riled lop miner' consumption, at his home in Tamaqua, on Fndav night of last week. 1 ine labortug men have lost In his demise a true mend, lie was buried on Tuesday. Alderman M. J. CorbeU, of the Twelfth ward, Ecranton, waa arrested Saturday on I a complaint of A. B. 6tevens, the Republic l ean eaudidate for Mayor, who charted Cor ueu wun naviug compelled a mail named Lewis Shafer to east an illegal vote.- Cor nell was llflil in $i00 ball. Anna Kennedy, aged vlryars, of Coo sbnbocken.dicd on Thursday from hydro- phobia. The dog: bite causing the same was mulcted snrne 'lima ago. The first tnaufestationsoltbe; disease. were ujon the uay inas sue aieu.wneu be was thrown into a spasm at lb sight of a dog The ministers of Mahanoy City met In convention Friday night and after a long discussion visited all the book stores In town, purchased all the d.lme novels and Jesse James literature In the nlace and da etruyed it, hoping to improve the morals ol tue youth, ihe booksellers receiyed a uew siocx on c-uiuruay. A Bio Tamol Every subscriber to Ihe Csbbox Adtooitb who Immediately pay up arrearages and one year In advance will I t r r - . ... rrceiv Iree for one Vear Hialth anil llamr a large 8 page.dO cxlumn monthly paper, I , ... I. ..... - I , ' (-. ' ' , ,,H . , I T" citizen of l-at Mauch Chunk orThave held a preliminary meeting, the oh J' f which was to disrus the advisability of organising in thai Dlsee-a law and or.1-. society. The thaine wa esueilly debated upon and it was dorided - that such ail as tociatlon should b established. An organ laion meeting will be.ralled in a short lime." It is complained Jhat intoxicaul i wi vu uuuuey iu suat piaci 1SW Wanted. A vouns- ladv to learn the millinery trade. PJetso apply at thli of fice. Three hundred and fifty Hungarian emigrant! arrived at Wilkesbarr Friday morning over the Lehigh Valley Railroad from New York. The great majority of them at once left for Nanticnke, where they expect In secure employment In and about Ihe mines. The arrival of such a large number,esprcially at thli season of theyear when the mines are idle three dayt in the week, creates much talk among the Idle miners and laborers. reS5 Only $10,00 cash for an ull-wool Suit at H. II. Peters', Post-office building, Lehighton. For the week ending on the 29th till., there were 103,231 tons of coal trans ported over the Lehigh Valley railroad, making a total to data nl 1.592,400 tons, a decrease of 358,182 tons ai compared with aame lime last year. LOST On Sunday Inst, a lady's gold watch, between Dr. N. B. Reber'a and M. Hagnmona store. The finder will be handsomely rewarded on leaving the same at Dr. ti. 11. iteberi. A bill in equity was filed In Common Pleat Court No. 2, Philadelphia, Friday, by Theodore L. and Henry J. Mumford againstthe Philadelphia and Reading Rail- road (Jomnanv J lie comnla nants. on March 1. 1880. leased the Summit Hill or Switchback Railroad frnm the New Jersey Centtal fur lour years, with the privilege nf ex lend lug the lease live years more. The New Jersey Uentral has been leased by the Philadelphia and Reading The latter, it is averred, has relused to renew the lease. The complainants ask that the lease lie declared valid and that lht defendants be rrsl rained irom making a lease to any etber parnes. A tramp printer, aged 48 years, while walking mi Ihe Lehigh Valley track near Glen Onoko, was struck by passenger train, No. 3, Monday afternoon, which arrives here at noon, and fustantly killed The brdy was removed to Maurh Chunk and an inquest held on t lie b-xiv. Deceased had stopped at Mnueii Chunk and was on his wav to Wcatherlv. The iurv rendered a yennci acmming 10 the above lacts. rgf There is a perfect rush at Ui.auss & Bito., for those handsomely-mnde, all-w o ol suits at $10.00. Call early it you wish to take advantage of this remarkably low price lor a suit made to order, -Children's School and Sailor Hals for 30 and 35 cents, at Alvenia Graver' Millinery store, Andrew Hennessy,agd nbnut 60 years, a resident of Ailentown, was killed on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad at Cula Monday morning. With several other he was loading furnace slag on cars and during the high wind took rjfuge ba hind a train. Suddenly a shilling engine backed up and moved the cars, throwing me men on tue track. Thev all escaped except Hennessy, who was run oyer and so badly Injured that he died in ten minutes. He leaves a widow aud ouo child tu desti tute citcumstances, The Republicans of Ailentown, at the primary election held on Friday evening, derlared in favor of James G. Blaine for President, and Robert Lincoln for vice Prxsident. In the county cmvention on Saturday. Samuel Thomas. Esq .waselrrt- eil lo represent the Lehigh portion of the 10th Congressional district in the Repilbli rau National Convention. He is a strong uiaiue una Lincoln m Why don't our borough council and the school board publish the proceedings ol their meetings ill Ihe AuvonAis? If the Secretaries will furnish the mnv we will be pleased to publish said pinreediiigs for the benefit ofour readers. Im it, genllemen. Qpgril. H. Peters, at the Post-onicc building, Lehigh, ton, will make you an all wool suit ior only $10 cash, n you order now. .jyr-Alvenla Graver has lust relumed from the oily with a 'large line of Spring aiiiiinery. jjo not tail to call on hr, E. R. Siewcrs, Esq'., and Uon.Micheal Cabsidy were in town Thursday, 2nd called to see us. -While a number ,of workmen In the employ of the Moms Ridge Coal Company were draining an airway at Ihe Morris Ridge colliery, near Centralis, oil Monday they struck a large rprinc of Ireeh water, and its (low was so steady and strung that ii a snori nine mo mine was inunduled Ihe pu'iips were uuible to keep it out am ine colliery suspended Tuesday. Notwithstanding Ihe recent dullness in Ihe iron trade a good many workmen are finding employment. The Valley Rolling Mill al bliaron began njraUns teu days an" ncr a auriiriiviiiii 01 several mnllLhu ine i ousiown iron uompanya works are nvreasiiii: (u activity: lurnares will blow n at Ailentown ami' West Conshohncker, The Reading Hardware Company has com menren operations, and various additions o t'eniisyiyaiiiH mills are projected in two r mree localities, ien iiereenl. reduct on u wages nave oeen announced VQ.E. F. Lurkenbarh. 01 Broadwav 1, I. ... I. ,. . , 't a . .unueu iiiiuiK, naa enlarged his store, pu in a new skylight, and now has on exlnbl lion over 1000 styles of fine paper hanghes Irroralions, Ireizes nil borders, locclher with an elegant line of ilaijo shades, with latest Httitrlimenta and'trlinmings. Bonks. statiniierv and laucy goods in great variety aud at lowest prices. tNow is tlie time, and UlaAUHS &. I) II O., th place, if you want a nice fit ting all-wool suit of clothes, made to order for only $10.00 The rumor in reference to ihe lor ma tinn of a new union in Ihe anthracite coal field ire without 'foundation. Western delegates havo been thnugh the eastern region urging organization. Therepresen tatiye mineral there are iu accord with i movement of that kind, bul past experience aniline inertness ol me great mass ol in tinners are bom against any effort of th mini, especially now, wuen lull lime likely to be allowed for a few months. B. It. Culton. nf Weissnort. will leave ior ueneva, a. I., next week, lor the pu pose of procuring a lsrge sl-vk of first rlai Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Vines which he will have on hand, and for sal at low prices, ou-or about Ihe 20th of April, a lew goon canvassing agents wanted, f or lurther-particularr apply at hi residence on itvinir sirceif welssport, 1'a. April 4rl881-4w ' Governor Paltison, In a letter received Thursday afternoon of last week' informed the counsel for the murderer Dillman that he declines to interfere with the carrying out ol the sentence of death and cannot gran t'lbeir request lor aslsy of proceedings. i ne execution will lake place In the Jail, at Easion, on April 8. The gallows is ready to be put up and eyervlbing is prepared, even to the clothe the condemned man will wer. On account of the non-appearance of R. IC. Fox, the referee, the race between Hurst and Whetley, announced to lake place at the Driving Prk, in this pi a re, on Friday, did not come off. About tally per sons, were ip town to wilnr the conlest.but bad lo return home much disappointed. The race, between FroJ Rjdgert. ol Philadelphia, and Harry Can ada, took place at Ecbn Park. Philadelphia, nn .uuiiuajr aucriiiMin, anil waa wou uy Rodgers, who beat Whetlev three yards. A large number ol sporting men werepirsent, aud the bets ran mostly iu favor of the winner. - On Monday, while attempting to un hook the chain Irom a car. on Ihe landlne of No.' 8 "slope, Honey Brook, John Davit, son of David S. Dayls, bad one ol his arms oroktn and came mar losing his life Hon. John B. Storm will please accept our tbanki for lavori received. Yes. you may oome again next Sun day evening; but" and the liesilited. What Ii it, darllngT Have I. given you paint" ha asked, ai she still remained ileal, "iou dldn i mean v, i in sure, ill. ri, "hut nail tlina nlaaaa bring one of David Ebbert'a easy-going ferriages, Livery on North street, aud terms moder-1 A romtietillva examination of caodl ales for appointment as cadet to the Mill tary Academy at West Point Will U held at the American Hotel. Mauch Chunk, on Thursdsy the Orel day of May, 1881, at 10 'olocka. m. All candidates for the vacant cadelshlp In this Congressional District are I required to appear before the examining i committee and submit loan exsminatlnn. For Information as to ago, mental aud phy sical qualifications, Ac, address Dr. R Leonard,of Maurh Chunk, Prof. R F. Hof ford, of Lehighton. or the Secretary of war. Jamei Haggerty, 12 years of age, the son of a resident of Hyde Park, accompani es UT HTOIRI WTI Ol Ull VV1U Ke, ntUl J . I into the woods near hit father', home. nn Rnntlav. til tie bed inmn lierrles from a I . .. . ..l poisonous snruu and ale inem; in u lew i minutes he waa seized with convulsions, I bich ended in death. Proved Fall. The report concerning Miss Kate J. Am er and Mr. F. D. Kllngeman, of Mahoning, proved lo le entirely false. Tbo two who reported the lie, and who wish to be called ladles, wanted to gel nut by laying it was a misunderstanding; but after wit nesses we.'c brought lo prove that they had told it, they gracefully admitted it. Their own brother advised those busy bodies lo ship their lying, as this bad taught them a good lesson. A number of witnesses were present at 'Squire Mutseliuan' to prove Ibal the above is correct. Avoir. March 27, 1881. List ofLettori Remaining uncalled for in the Post Of fice alibis placo, April 3, 1 881 : Brownmiller, Mrs. J. Miller. R.E. Bender, Mrs. Mary, O'Urian.Mrs. B, Peter, Mary, Peter, Yurista, Cochran, Manuel, Soli, Miss Elica Schmidt, Mrs Leo, Smith, Joshua, Wehr, Wilson P, Cunfirt, Stephen, Culton, Mrs Mary, R-x, S M, OilniHin, Jacob, Handwork, Ellas, ones, William, Moycr, B F, Miller, Miss L, Weidner, Jelfcrson, Muffly, John F, Stabler & A.rnti. Persons calling for any of the aboye let ters will please say "advertised." ii. ir. pktxei, p.m. Mahonms Sqnibi. -O.K. Musselmsn left on Monday for ..... o- John Deln, who for the past four yesrs occupied the hotel stand at Centre Square, sold his horses, aud fsrmilic implements at public sale on fridoy, .in un. lie win move tu -Norm Venn. si-hUVIKlll county, on April 4tb, where he will occupy a noiei stand. F. D. Kllngeman will leave for Youngstown, Ohio, next week. He Intends lo visit Iriends thero and at points further west.andw ll remain thero tiermauently f the locality suits him. Our public schools closed last week. mere win some talk ol atarilug a uanx. What has become ol the matter. Who Wrote That We have lonir walled lor a book that would simlila us itrnira lo nut our fineer ou the quotaliiin we wish or trace home mv niiMintinn to its author. The work we "have been waitiuir has appeared ill the Iloyt Ward t.'yclopeilia ol ljuolalioiis, Willi Hi 50,000 line of Concunlance. This is the only Cyclopedia of Quotation e"er pub- lished. We aijree witli the Modon J'ot when it say that Ibis work is as "Indis iH-usable as Worcester or Wabster. It is the illy standard hool ol nnolallona," end w.lhthe New York (rafts', winch l'rO nounces It "By long caldS Iho best book of quoUtions in existeuce." Do not lail to eee the large adverilsemeui ol 1-uiik X Wug nails, on another luge. Their books are excellent and theirprices maryel ior cheap nee. Offon a Jaunt W. M. Rapsher, Esq., accompanied by nis puysician, ur. uernard i-isaamp, ine auccesslul practitioner from Leipsic, Ger- manv. started on Mondav last on a lour alonu the Atlantio niasl for the benefit uf Mr. Rapsher' health. The Dr. iiilorms us that the complaint is Ihe old story of the excessive use nf morphia and Hy. Chloral, wii rn pr.Kiuce.1 a temporary na iuo nation of the mind. Dr. cerlaiulv had Kieat aucvua in rea.o.iuK mr. w.p.iier ' ........... ..u.w.,,. .-r-' he now feels sounder and stronger lhan be has for a long time, lie exiiects to return in time lo attend Courton April Wlh. His many friends wish him a plriuuiul trip and sale ruturn. Heroic Act of a Conductor, As eugine 874 was coming from Preston colliery In Ihe Mahanoy regiou, with a hiaded train, a littla child two veara nld was discovered lying In Ihe centre of the track with it head on the rail. The child teemed In be asleep. The engineer en leavorrd to slop the train, but as be was ruining down a sleep grade, to stop was out of the question. C-ioductor Joe. Powers taking it: me tiiuaiirn ai a glance, sprang out oi ine rau and ran down me bxards in ttie cow calcher, where he braced hiinaelf, i nd as the engine and Irani thundi red own in near wnere ine cniid was, he made a gallant leap and succeeded in scooping up the little pne, j-ist as the dw catcher ktriifb th arm twlitnh lisal.l I a.lill.l In tsfety. Su.-hanct..rheroisin.i.cerla,nlv " "v -....... esvaui U"'I IH deserving of mure than a mere passtug no nce. licuainq Jime-i. Fatally Burned. ' Mamie, a four year and two months old grand-daughter if Mr. T. D. Clauta, ol this borough, on Monday morning last, about 10 o'clock, wis so badly burued that she died at 12:15 o'clock the nine day. Just how the clotblug of the child took lira I not known; she bad not yt come down stairs, when terrible screams were heard, and Webster Clauss Immediately ran to the child room where he found ber enveloped in llaines, be extinguiahed Ihe fire, and lift ed the little one un to the bed, tbe skin ad hering lo his arms as he laid her dawn She was in her night dress, aod it is sup rjoied that aha had 0ot nut nf Im-H and fiti.t. in. ,ui.i,.. i... I ii.i.ii 1 1,.-. i ... set her cluthes on fire. She was a very in- lereiting liltle thing, loved by all whom she approached. She wa buried on Wed- nesday afternoon. Oh, sad the thought, our Mamie's dead, in silence, reus ner peaceiui need; tier soul, renewed will, early grace, In heaven baa Bought a resting place. Oh, sad our hearta to'dsy. When we see thy mjrtal clay; Nil more thy pleasant faoe wo'llseo, ho win ever tuink ol luee. Lower Towamenslng Items Jacob Wagner is a student of tale grspby, at the L. V. R. R. station at Parry vine, wnn itenry cnyuer. John Serftaa, of Lehigh Can. moved secretly away, lie occupied tna nouse ol ., .. . .. -. Mrs. Ainns Aleer. and le i n s rent unna d. I Mr. Edwin Li.-hteawalUr is down with malarial fever. He la nulla ill. Henry Sherer lost a valuabl pig list we,k. John Btmhl, collector of school taxes, passed through here collecting tax lo pay' O" lh I'h 'Uy of March. In Bowmtni the leachtri, as their term of tchool has ex'- V' ,nrT' ,iu,b"",1 ol v181? Ptl,r' plred; some of Ihe teacher have not drawn any salary yei, II insisti that all should pay up at ouce, Charles Stroup wai nne day last week, surprised uy mi Iriends celebrating ins birthday be received over $7 in cash and other gifts. Ila was verv unfortunate last vear, while hunting, in thuoiiog offone or murefingei from each band, be it there- fore poor and needy. The Mormon itnry printed In the An- tooavx. and continued for three weeka nasi. is read wuh tagamets. Coy, The Following BtatiminU are PabUslied for tin BineJt of the Pnblie-Seal and Ateaect- "I conaldsr that I owe mv llf. In Wim.r-i Sife Cure." F. B. Ribbolhi. Jtrity dtp, If JT, 203 Jewell Ave. fVIhave used eight bottles of Warner'a Safe Cure, and honestly believe it saved toy Hf'-" A. F.CABttaLi, EdlWr Ofonon. Curlytt, Pa., Feb. 2nd. "I wai Riven up br my physlclani to vie with dropsy, but Warner'a Safe Cure res IT":-, " ibuabtot, "Three bottle of Warner' 8afe Cure "lred me nl severe burning pain In the kid v"ijiiiy a nigni. Zocfi, Cat. J. M. Muhdsu.i, "Five bottles of Warner'a Safe Cure cured I me of a very severe case of kidney com plaint." F. B. Siuplr, jJtnvcr, w. uierk American House. "Warner's Safe Cure saved inv wlla'a mo wuen toe beat doctors and mineral ... , . ,, . anrintra of tha ronnlrv AtA he mn trnnA jnrufcJ. Cbnn. ' J. H. Urmint,nir. HIL.J. , . . . ... a uauao eniargrmenioi me neari,wuirn was pronounced Incurable, aud I was often thought to be dying, but Warner' Safe Cure and Bale I'llll restored me to health." AJAfATITTX WALLINUS-OBD. -Eo-tf Roehuttr, If. U. "Owing tn the high temperature of the room in which I worked I cod Uncled a ter r,u,10 TOI?"'"Mro.luceiii serious kidney di order. Warner's Safe Cure restored me to health." Jauu Dacca. Enter, if. It. "Warner'a Safe Cure ha saved mv bov's life. Doctor pronounced hi the worst case 0f Brigbt'a Disease they ever saw.' E. 11. nnrr. EdllorMarounin County Enaulret. "I wa treated bv Doctor Acnew and iveusier, or new Xork, who pronounced me aiuicted Willi Alright s disease. 1 was bloated excredingly.but Warner's Safe Cure, i veniy ueuove, saved my life." UIU. U. DTEVIXt, irnulh Xorualk, Cbnn, I had kidnev dirorders. (ndleesllon. rneumatism and lumbago for tbrre years. I grew worse aud felt as though a hundred pound welght.wai dragging down tuv liver arid Kidneys.,, Warner Bale Uure haslully restored mo." u. li. lite isnyti.i.ic3, Albany, 2f.Y. C40 Broadway, "Previous lo' a year ago I was severely I efilided with, kidney difficulty. My back ached, my urine waa "sudsy," and I was in I u bad way. I had tried various remedies, but only with leinirary relief, until I began the use nf Warner'a Safe Cure, three t'S or which, with the Safe nils tfftc Cleveland. O. Cirilain i,f I'.iliea. "For vears I have l,ad excruciating nains in the small of my hack and waa not able to ralie irom bed or be In a silling posture me doctors c anned that I was lUllerlnir from spinal disease, and I never exacted to leave mv bed again. Though having no hope of recovery, Warner' Safe Cure was recommended to mo, which I commenced "king, and eight bottles baye made a per- nianeui euro." was. urnsT-aim No. 28 thirteenth street. CAicojro, Feb. 26th. "About two years ago I resorted to the use of Warner's 8afe Cure, taking in all thirty two hollies tor kidney and umary affections, and it ha proved a complete success, and radically cured the tttin in my back. A lady. of this couulv. a coufimed invalid lor three years nasi, wiln whet the doctors here said was internal cancer, be- youd all skill and hour, in the doctors' opin ion, uas ueen raised aimosi irom ine uruu hy the use of nine bottles of this excellent mrdicne. J. II. Hudson Attoona, Pa., Feb. 21th Weatherly Chips. Dooovon's OrlzinsI Tenncsseeani will five one of their ainoin? encrta hero. In M,,r-. 0,u.r. ir.ll. .... H,. llih In.t TI.I. ,;,, A i,; ...! tor. ,! r.v. troupe was here several years ago and gave enure suu&iacuuu. Nun and Faust. On last Saturday evening Mr. Harry Nuss and Miss Nora raust. both nl tins Placo. were bound to- gellier by the holy bonds of matrimony at ine nonie r.i me nride's parents, tiev. tu T. Schwartz was the oflirialing clergyman nielr many Iriends wish them a happy union. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Belsford, ol Mauch Chunk.wrre the guesUnfthe Chees '"n imny during the lore pari ol me Mr. George Leulz an old resident of this pUc0 has quit work in Ihe foundry, where wo, el,oyej ,i,t,nl rbreuiac. George expects lo leave lor Northern Ah Dama in Ihe near future. Ma v success be awaiting lilm The foot race that look place here last Saturday created considerable excitement. The parties engaged in running were Julius btigiuman and will Iveider, jr. Tlicy ran from the depot at till nlace. to Ilazle Creek Bridge and return, a distance of a little over three mile. Eugleman won the rare by thirty yards. He'rovereJ. Ihe ground in 22 minutes and thir'.v seconds. Uousidering l0B I""' "e7 "P "' gd lime, Monday evening an exciting 100 yard foot race took nlare between twnolourb.w boy Robert Hullord and Harvey Graver, Aa It waa called a draw no money changed nanus. A new passenger train has been put on the road between this place and Attdenrled inua lar ll has only made one trip a day going upon No. 18 and returning on No, An Ontrrga. Friday morning last a paasonger train on I ' ll.. T. f. fl Tll I J I I. r,"'"a'0 ". "uo ..ere a. eigni u- clock, had on board several Hungarian fam ilies, consisting of men, women and child ren.who were on llielr way In the coal tv gionsand had fustcnine from CastloGarden New York, so it la said. When the lower stalion was reached, the conductor forsom cause or the other put them off tbe train, vvnne iney were al the depot ll was noticed that several ol the rhildren were ill. Bur pets Storm was notified about tha matter! who went to see what was wrong. Th Burcees discoyrd at once what was the ma ter and immediately sent for Dr W 1 Ilamrrsly. When tbo doctor danced at hi patient he saw that Ihey were afflicted wilb small pox. The burgess in hi usual prompt manner, had them lent to the Le. high County Almshouse for treatment. The whole business was done in about an hour. Mr Storm deserves great commendation lor HI prompt action in thi case, and are aure that our citizens will stand bv him ,n wh,t !" n" dnne notwithstanding the murmuring whieh hat been dime about tbe lew dollars rnstCatasanqua Itecord, HAKUIKI). On the 7th dty of Mtreh, by Rer. A usnnoiomew. jenerton weidner and Mis Ida Precilla Kaiser, both of Lehighlon, Pa, On the 13th day of March, bv the same I nomas r. eneinamer, and Ml Barat Amanda Miller, both of West Pennchuyl am couniy, On Ihe 22nd dar of March, bv the aame, J.ime Franklin Atbnar. and Mils Emms Jane Shasfsr, both of Mahoning, Carbon couniy. On the 17tb ull.. by Rev. J. II. Gehmldl 1?faaatl na4 llfu.1 k I. . I fft V1l. ' Preel.nd, Alfre-1 Notbateln lo Mlu Ella . . r.oi Kmh r o. . n... I "v'i DIED. I On the ITIh day of March, near Jackson iJ1'' IMI county, There., widow of I Michael Shuck. Aged 59 year, I months and 11 day. ' " rm" "'" auu -i oaya. To Fishermen and Others All persons are hereby forbid trespassing on Ihe lards or tbe undersigned. In Towa menslng Township, Uaibon county. Pa... ror the puriioee of Fishing on Pine Run Oreelt or hunting ou ah JJ 0f Dtf.0Vw' A.n.oon Kiot.. ' said lanas. persons so tree. notice will be dealt with Anthony May. Harrison Smith. J" Iff "S?", w t.M'.1,J'uf.;.,ek. Sienben Ohrlaiman. tiarab ii, wj I uaaper necp. WeuielSchUike, The editor of tha Summit Hill and Lsnslord Record, Mr. J. W. Mlloy,ws In town Monday, and inadaui a pleasant call. Mr. M, Intend to pros his claim for the nomination for the State Legislature before the Democratic Convention. pplicantsjbr License Lilt of Annlloants for Tavern. Restaurant and Liquor store Llaentcs at the April term ofOoun, llli: TAVERNS), Lafayetta Lents, Mauch Chunk, James S Welbert. Mauch Uhunk. John Behlar, Mauoh Uhunk borough. James MoElroy, 2nd Ward, Mauch Uhunk, uso r. iiunrtingor, iri warn, ol onani, Paul Sehwelhlnt, lit Ward, Mauch Obunk. Michael O'Dminell, 1st Ward, M Uhunk. Frank Uatsldy, 1st Ward. Mauch Uhunk. Samnel K. llehler, Mauoh Uhunk boro. lanlel Uherdron, Maucb UbunK noro. Frederick atahl.Snd Ward. Mauch Uhunk. Win. Hehrlnir. 2nd Ward. Mauch Uhunk. Hugh Dixon, 1st Ward, " " .Tac.ib W. Haudsnbush, Lehighlon, Daniel Kresge, iranklln township. Edward Haber, Franklin township. Levi Uarleraan. Lower Towatnenslnr. RnlHirt A. Henry, Lower Towainensing. Lewis Utirlitinan, Lower Towauenslng, 11. U. Klolz. Lanaford boro. Ueerge Evans, Laiuford boro. uuas. iioxmeyer, weninariy. llasper Metier, Weatherly. John Hlnea, Wealhcrly. Henry II. Evcrll, Wetisport. Henry Uhrlitman, Welispnrt. Simon Amlesner. Summit Hill. Paul Danner, South Kidder. Joseph Saddler, Packer township. renroxo ueorge. ,aat renn towusuip. Jesse Iluison. Ueaver Meadow. Maurice Stack, Hanks township. N. II Vanborn, Banks lownship. lleniamin Uiley. Nesiiuehnnlna-, M O twp. Paul Eauert, Mud Run, Kidder township. Leamler Weiss. Towainensing township. Morltz Stehle, r'.net Mauoh Uhunk. Plus Schweibentz, East Manch Uhunk. I). J Ularser, East Mauch Uhunk, Daniel McOeady, East Mouoh Chunk. Sirohen Penstermacher. Mahoning two. james sweeny, ruaucn ouunK.iwp,,iumiBis Allll uisi. RESTAURANTS, John II. Kromer, Franklin tonniblp, James Welsh. Linsford. r.. K. Shoemaker. Lanstord. Patrick Elliott. Lansford. licorice II. llolvey, Lanslonl, Ann Manells, Lansford. Jntncs Modluty, Lanslord. r-atricK uampnen. i.ansioro. John W. Lewis, Summit Hill, M J twp win. i nompson, vn-i wara, oinuoa ununs. Michael McOeady, 1st Ward, ' i.eopom jteiss, John It. f Wevssar. " Dan. McOeadv.nlnuchOhunk tp. (Ooalport.) Klward Oalla jhcr. ' " twp Ann Owona. " " twp (lornellus Helly. " " twp luicnaei uais. r.isi iiiaucn ununa. John Hagenbuch, East Mauch Uhunk. Uhas. Harslns " " " Then. Uerster " " " Adam llnc, Weatherly. Charles II. MaoDanlel, Welssport. Jnmes Uannon, LehUh township. r ellx Mouorry, Ncsquehonlng, M O twp. Jueuh A. Meers. Lower Towamenslng. Lewis .T. Uhrlstman. Lower Towamenslng. Ellen Potter, Lausanne township. LlClUOIt STORES. K. Miller. Lehighton. Henry Schaffer, Weatherly, Hugh Molirlde, Levlson. lianki township. air-, lticii. irougueriv. x-evieon. uaiiKs iwn, Patrick MoPlitlllos. Nesauehonlnir. M O twu jonn cweeney, nuininu itui. neai iuenriue,uniernine, nanus iwp. Mlohael Mattln. 1st Ward. Mauoh Chunk. Owen Uallagher, East Mauch Uhunk. Jauics Mulhearn. Lansford. OEO. W. ESSE It, Olerk. March 29, 1IS4-W3. Annual Statement; OF THE LeWeMoa Poor District. Peter Helm, Treasurer of tho Lehighlon Poor Hoard in account with the Lehlahton Poor District, Fioui Way 1st, Wi to March li. leas ; DR. To balance duo as ner last year's re- )Niri a laa vi ' uinountui duplicate ror yen rs 'x '83. less exonerations and com mission 5 per cuut 690 06 fS 12 CR. John Hartholomow. boarding IN. i- isnerj s- iiu w J. Itariliolcinow sundries. N. Fisher. '2 V0 Y. Ludwlg, rent. L. Summit 30 t0 I 00 10 00 Anna bowers, lending iuis. euinnni five weeks L)rs. Iloner and Elekampmedical ser vices, I,. Summit H. Heckendorf, rent, P. Snyder, ll. Ueckendorf,coal and hauling po tatoes, milk, Ac H. Jteckendorf, salary for one year... eo to 30 09 '-5 00 S3 85 A. w. Horn, constable service and tending lockuu Jeremiah Rhoads, constable service IM. Anthony 50 10 00 Uatharlnt, I.oucfiner. boardlnK M. Juullieirn, t months Frank Slmitt, boarding M. Mulhearn a utoniii Mrs. Thna. Fatb, hat. M. Mulhearn.. II. llaltxer. sundries. M. Mulnearn.. 10 00 1 00 3 38 1 25 EllaShultz. making dress, M. Mul nearn I). S. Hock, books, Ac. M Mulhearn.. Peter Helm, keeping M. Mulhearn, 31 weeks at ai 25 per weok H. V. Morlhlmer. urlntlnir statement 50 38 75 IMS and 1813 III! P. Smith, making duplicate ICS.. 4 to Dr. W. O.M. Selple, medleal service and inedlelne Dr. N. n. Keber.medlcal services and medicine T. V. 'I homes medicine Dr. U. T. Horn, medlcul services and medicine J. O. Rex. potatoes and wood. V75 17 15 45 S 00 10 50 Rami, Seller, beef...... J. It Oahel. con! W. M. Hapsner, professional services 10 07 23 80 19 UI u. it. aeiote, rent r eD. issi, u. sues. maker (). Seller!, beef 00 6 59 it, A. Mens, rellel orders to dale 1 bo V 90 30 Sil B 90 V. Lelbonuulh, merohandlso llellinan A 3o.. ' Sweeny A Son, " xurs. ueiscmraay, aunortes 2 It 10 48 u. renstermaciier, meronanaiso II. Kbhsrt. merchandise K. It Snyder, mcrehan llso .1. T. Nutbaum. merchandlio 24 V5 11 73 3 15 4 27 1 93 Jos. Uliert merchandise i:laur A Hro, merehan-llse win. newerer, inerctiandiso I). II. Ktioads. airt,. merchanduie 0 71 4 84 10 40 U. Trainer, merchandise Peler Helm, shoe mending, &.O., lor poor Peter Helm, s.ilarv for one vear 48 50 0J Poter Helm, per centaga on paying uui aa treasurer eiv - u. par cent 14 61 I 00 Auditors fees Peter Helm, taking Mos. Anthony to A-eiuxn iwumv Aimsnoure, assis ted by A. W. Horn and II. Hock, endorf. fncludlnur railroad fare... 12 00 W. 11. Slrauss, merchandise jjaiancodua district 79 81 A429 12 We.the underlined dolvaleeted Auditors of the Borough ot i.ehlghtun,do certiry that the above accounts are eorroct to the bust of our anuwieugo and poller. W. P. I.O!n, M. I, TltEXLBB, H. J, UBXTilEY. March 13, wj. Auditor. E. F. LUCKENBACII, DRAX.ER IN Wall lapers3 Borders & Decorations, Boots, Stationery, Fancy (Ms Window Shades & Fixtures Latest Styles, made and pat np, If desired Paints, Oil,' Varnish, Putty Brushes & general Painters supplies. Ho. 61 Broaflway, Mancli CM, Pa Jtelow tbe Broadway House, 11 Art at I ; if a I I "4 ezLj s. ' i i- Si a December l.wM Soriin When tho weather grotfi vrarmcx, that extreme tired fooling, want of appetite, dullnoss, languor, cud lassitude, Edict almost tho entire human family, and scrof ula nnd olhor dlseuoi caused by humors, manliest themselves vlth many. It Is lm posslhlo to throw on this doblllty and expel humors from tho blood without the aid of a tollable mcdiclno lllto Hood's Sarsaparllla. " I could not sleep, and would get up La the morning with hardly lUo enough to get out cf bed. I had no appetite, and my laco would, break out with pimples. I bought HoocFs Dottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla, and soon began to ilsep soundly ; could get up with out that tired and languid feeling, and my appetlto Improved." R. A, SAKrono, Kent, 0- "I had been much troubled by general debility. Last spring Hood's Sarsaparllla proved just tho thing noeded. I derived an lmmenio amount ot benefit. I novcr felt better," H. F, Millet, Boston, Mass, Hood's Sarsaparllla Bold by all druggists. $1 j six tot S5. Made only by C. I. HOOD St CO., Lowell, Moss, IOO Doses Ono Dollar THE RAILROAD ERA IN LITK It-iVX" UXi IU, Fbiie wleet la nvblt h Mod toots eSeantu fi one of the grtatt taceve ntnts ofttit century." John TPanamafcer, Vh'lule phia. "1 recommend Vie ualertikinj." John UaU, D.D. Our Standard Library boos a for 15 cents and 33 cents are about tboalze of thla entire advertisement. Tho tyoo in nearly all tbo books aro Small Pica, tho sizo used iu this sen tence. ISaoh book is printed on fine laid paper, and Is bound in adnrtMe, handsomo rjaDercover.wlththj xiaoienrLititJ on tho back and side. 15 CENT BOOKS: IllRhwiiys of l.ltorature, Hy PniDE. American Ilumorlats, By Hawxis. JUumu, and iliitry nfis Supurfiunu iiiuii, aij ma groat uuasitu soveus: xim axxiErr. Charlotte) Uron'e. TJv v. C. Uoltviwat. DlBlmaiaon, By Jouah Uawjuobux. Too above are some of our 15 can t books. 25 CENT BOOKS: Wiln the Poets, By Oahon Fabbati, Lire ox Cromw.ll. Dr 1'ATroM Ifnnn. BuaysofGeorgK Kllot ( lomplotel. Tha rderv (a book of travel), By O'Dohovax Dowaham Iuxz (novel). By liAunxa. xi.n, auuiur 01 Aieaen a Aiaiiiea. ThA abova are aoiuo of our 25 o-nt books. Send for Descriptive Circular. memorie and axaxc A NEW BOOK. BY JO.WJOIN UILLEa. Band 35 cents f ir this boik as a samDls of theao cbeaa books bv the ablest uf American and European writers. Spurgoon's Lifo "Work. Tho Treasury of David. To bo comnlated In seven vols . tlx now ready. Price, per vol., $2.00. John Hall says: " For lnstrnotlos Opsr- gson a worx la wunoui au equal, DISCOUNT TO OItins.For allow uo per cent, discount ou t JO.oo worth of flATISCACTIOM nUaPiUTEED returned tiro days alter receipt and tbo money Jay of the oJovi 6ocj tent, joifpoid, on receipt cf price. Circuartfre . FUNK & WAONALLS, Publishers, lo and is Dey St., Niv Yens. B3- Canvasiorj "Wanted for Mubscrlptlon IJo.iUs. 53 Meuilon papur in which Receipts and Expenditures or the of t, Pa.. For Year ending March, 1881 RECEIPTS. Cash In treasury and uncol lected hi iasi rep Tt, less commission and exonera tions 1211 II Exonerations on duplioate lor 18St 31 00 Commission on duplicate fur 1094 12 tt t U 41 1D1 30 317 31 Amount of duplicate for 18S3 . 139 CI EXPENShS. Solomon Veakel, services aa chief of Solice I. Hnpaiier, attorney Tee 158J.... I J. Klstler. iiudltlnit and work V 71 13 60 8 Si V (0 14 01 14 ii 43 03 I 21 24 19 1.1 00 3 13 13 01 7 30 11 30 1 10 4 73 4 SO 4 i 2 60 T.l 1 60 3 76 1 nO II 01 I., roclintn. mason work II V. .Mnrililiner, prlnllng statement Henry lueriz, atoics H. H. Kverett, room rent, light and work P. Wasum. work on street Samuel Welsh, work, ac lanlel Arner. work on street Uharles Sebach, work in street.. win. raiiigrove, services .Ins 11. Seldel. work on street. Sc.... F. Serlass. lumber (leorge Aliller. lumber Win, Nesley, work un strtet .los. S Welib, work on street ii. rv. uunon, nauitng, &e II. Voirt. work Yeakel a Albrlnht, hauling, eto if. wrini, wora on aireei...... F. J. Kast, work on street w. u, Fre-llrlcl, work on stieet A Uablo, work on itreot 1337 1 3 Balance In treasury and uncollected, less commission anu exonerations 1-1 bs )! 01 Bounty Statement fbr 1883. ItEOEirTS. Cash In Treaiury and uncol- lecita at per iaii ataie ment, tt Uummlaslon ami lixoneration 1T7S 87 Exonerninnt nn dupll cate for USI Zl 00 exoneration on dupll eate fur IS 31 419 00 Coininlftlon on dupU caio ior w. ftv jw Mfl 19 AmHordonlleattt forms.. ..llflQO u Paid to k DreiiUch 160 00 $817 80 Balance In treainr and uncollected, icsa ufyoomiisioa udu x.ioneraitoa, n INUKBTEDNESS. To balance due on Judgment juiaain, k&j ,,, oo oa We.the nnderitirnetl Audlters nf tha nor cutch of Wtlrj(ort. hare eiatnineU tbe abqTo aocooDtsof J. U. Seldel, tSeo' , and Htnvy oojer, trsAt nu iobou ibbis eorroct aa aboTKitaied, ArsTiw Botes, I AMlifft March 29, Uli-wS Beer Saloon aai Restanraat, 1H3 Vine Si, rhlladolphla. Dennis Gilbert, Proprietor. Th Par It funrlthed with choice Cigars, Fresh I-azrr, and other refreshments. Per sons from the Letilirh Valley vlslllnu; Phila delphia are resueetfully Invited to nlvo me a call. llaMHia Uilbeut- March , lttl-tf. WTcTDetweiler, DENTIST, 440 Nortliampton 8t,, Easton, Pa., lteipectfolly Inform! Hie eltltens of Lehiah. ton and VeliSKrt that ha will he at Ibe I'liblle House or 'l llU.MAS MANTE every TWO Wr;KKS,ben:nolnionSATUltl)AV, MA RUll Eiud. Pl'aie leave orders at the Uaehanae Hotel. leoliltihton. All Operations Uhean aud Warranted Satisractury. mar..J-ui4 eoiciiie At no other season Is tho system so sus ceptible to the beneficial cfiecls of a rtv. Hallo tonls end liivlgorant, Tho Impure) stato ot tho tlood, tho deranged digestion, and tho weak condition ot tbo body, caused by Its long battlo with tho cold, wintry blasts, all call for tbo reviving, regulating and restoring influences so happily and. effectively combined In Hood's Sarsaparllla. "Hood's Sarsaparllla did mo a (,-roat deal of good. I had no particular disease, but was tlrod out from overwork, and tt toned, mo up." MJts. Q. C Dlmiioks, Colioes, if. T. Sarsaoarilla " For soven yoara, spring and fall, I boo! torofulous sores coma out ou my legs, and for two years was not froo from them at all. I sullorcd very much. Last May I began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, bnd Leforo I had taken two bottles, tho sores healed and tho humor left me." C, A. AitNoLD, Arnold, Mo, "Thero Is no blood purlor equal to Hood's Sarsaparllla." E. S. Puxu-a, Ruchoslcr, N. V. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. Cl six for (5. Mido only by C L HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass, IOO Posos Ono Dollar 14 Volumes foi $3.75, In ono quarto vol., cUotu. Eactiworlc rtomploto. (1.) MaoaulayV K6sit.(8) (3.) Carlyle'a Bnys. 10) 3.) Cbaritaworth'i. Xnfo of liuw land Hill. chanea IviLc-ioy'a Town OooIok-. (S) A'homoa Hiif-lits' Alfred tho Or aj. (3 ) iiitraeli'oi aiauiitli'8 (f utncra. (7) UtiaallVhEthtcsnfih" Dust, (it.) Demos. th-nca'O.aticna. (3 volurata.) CJ) l u Kin'a J"roi UiBAg-" siea or Kb dm. a ml' Modern "faintra. (10.) .Kiup roi Maiuu Auroilu.' i houghta. (11.) i llanos KinBlty'a tiennlta. (13.) Toimjtion'aluyl of thuiiuas, (13..1,.. tn in.ini-'a Jrun or iro. volumes, bound iu one largo quarto of C70 piges. being equivalent to 'jvbO ordnary pacM. l-itioii, j, fiu.?d? ' Hoyt-VVard C:;ciopod!a of Quotai-icno. 20,000 Quotatijns, t'rube and Poetryj Uin-s of Cotiqordance. Tho only Oyolopodla of Quotatloaa la tao JJngiigU Ijiaguago. N . flHirtldi "Bylom; ouda too best book of quotation In existence." Woudell Phillip, i 'iHaro taIuo to tb scholar." Oliver Wendell flnlineai "It lietnearray open dictionaries. It la a !4jj(vo Did teouilag volume." lloaton Po.ft "IndlBpenraMt Worccsteror Webster, It Is tho only stanaardbook of quotations." lioiitliia. Si, l-.'nny nov iuwi"A thoroughly good pleco of work." V. e). Senator i "It is the bet work of tho kind Trlth whlcU I am acquainted." Kx-Snoalior llanilulli "I consider It the boat book of quotations I havo eecn." gltoyal "vo, over MMpago. i nco, eloth, J5; sheep, A New Worlx ol Uioat Ilnporiunor. 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U HEALTH IS WEALTH i dh. xl r. uiLira nitric in uunv tubitih-t rn4riirlr4-ibclrll.liU b tiiurva 0viilV'.rtu. Karv- u Nwrl, HfJrha.( U.-ri.t lit'i.v-a ctit! by t! iu of ftirauol fr iai-c4i, WkVafuliitMti, MUI P'tiilDf of tb Drtta rrut-- tm luMkiif t.d niiug lo nUsTi , ? ftftd dMtb rr-ilnit iH4 Aw; lunrnuui, l.nanf rTla IUr lit, Mt.iliii.U' y Lm 4 lkaitntrrxift cutd bf ovrari.ft .f ibu Ual. Mlf-otaVM or i'fillu tir. Korlt Ui ruHiatBa ono HMtaU'a lrlmrht 9 1 or lis Ulu tf ti, Al bj boll deu V2 CUARANTG3 Gilt QOXE3 Trro . vr t i rik or-wr ioolr . Vr w foa $t La'XM. SH, kMlfd VI I ll $1 W 1 I ftrtwi lb fMtrchal; bc tlllt KOO'OMIaNt It UN I llid DlfttA)' l tLa)UttuUUOUliJiKe II- I tlT-ft CMff nttattlHiWB'ataa.t(Utli bjf US Jill Ii UKXUrLMlX, lit It I Cl. rhPtKSI.. fx. TV rlinl -J HfteMa.tfM HiaetMl l'a.rArS K tvttmtxttsiUlv tw HrodMho, iM!)ilK rvrtfleo lb al MlU-t 'br rvlrlt t& rli 0aiu-ria-d wt uuio.a CIS UEU ft MEHDCtGON, 32Q Reoi Btreet, Philadelphia. Pa r1tclfvle.