LEUlailTON.PAJ SATUMiAY. APlUIi't, 1E8I. Entered at tlio Lohigliton post-office u Second Class Mail Matter. If you will ny up jour subscription to the Adtccate now, and oue year lu ctraiioF, we Wilt presout'jon with the Urge 8 page monthly family paper HsULTn and IIcmb, one yenr free aa n premium. This offer U open to nil new ftffil old'ffuBacrlbers pairldg-pronirjtlj in 'liTance. TnEjehtMatetnent shows the decrease kf lie pdlillo rlehtdnrlni; the mouth of MaiqIi to be $14,231,321: ilecrease since nueSO, l89j, $31,823,393; cash iu the Treasury, $102,875,211; gold certificates outstanding, .I101,23G,400; silver certiB cites outstanding, $110,103, 101; certifi stes of deposit outstanding, 315,470,000; refunding certlficntts outstanding, J305,' 00; legil tenders outstanding, S31G, 681,010; fmcllni.nl currency, $0,081,315 Enoland laying pnllid our nose nud afTed nor ears In the O'Donuell busi ness, Chili was tniboldeued to do the uma tiling hen wo prottstid sgalnst the unwarranted Imprisonment of half a dozen American citizens in that Ood forsaken count ij. lloth ofthesoRrcxs insults we pocltcttd.as n matter of courn and so hem eomt a Turkey, n nation fo poor that It picks its living I rem tie a lit barrels of n seuiUuivilizklitu that Utm aud dle from opium eating, and aUps onr face wlili the Mime comnlaceu y that has characterized the iuipndeut ftssanlts of the others. TLe cause of tl Aumisa uisgiunwtinem ousts irom u protest agaiunt the exactions of the Sub lime I'orte in Uvying an vxerbltaut duly npou our petroleum in face of the treaty upon that suhjtot, if we were bufo that our navy would not goto the bottom be fore it could reach the Orient, and if we oould be guaranteed that It would not be blown out of the water should it git there by the two war-ships that Turkey purchased of us years ago. it would not bo a bad Idea for the American Govern ment to resent this last insult, and show to the other nations abroad that it will aot allow a, sick man to knock a chip from Its shoulder, whatever It may take from muscular chaps like Jobuuy Hull. Sjbutob John Suekman, of Ohio, v,ho Is much more of a candidate for the Chicago nomination than is his brother Ttcnmnp, ix of the opinion tbat Ohio will be carried for the Republicans' this fall as easy as rolliug off a log, if only the right man be pot forward. Wliat mental reservation or secret evasion poF&cssed Mr. Sherman In making this conditional ' predlctlou can best be coujectured b the logie of events tbat accompanied Mr. Sherman's candidacy four yours ago. He said then aa ho says now, that "an enthusiastic and united party was ot more oonstn,uenco and more to be de sired than the working out of any man's ambition, be be ever so popular or were be decked with the gaib of unquestioned availability." The slyness with which Mr. Sherman has always manipulated machine politics, is manifesting itself now when be says that, "believing that the convention when It meets should be free, uninstructed, and iu shape to do the very best thing for the wlnlo parly, 2 have counseled my friends to that end. and I do not find that condition of things to justify my being a candidate that I found four years ago." Putting this and that together, then, we are to assume that Mr. Sheruiau's candidacy can be relied upon in an emergency, which emergency he and his friends fondly hope may overtake the Chicago convention before anybody else rakes the pooh A iabos audience asuembled at the Crystal Palace at Sydenham n, few days ago to bear Mr. Oaear Wilde's Ircture on bis impressions of America. Mr. 'Wilde (who has d (scat ded knee breeches and reassumed the prosnio troui.ers)said tbat the Americans are the noisiest people in the world, whose nation il occupation is catohing trains. Feuuhjlraui. with its rooky gorges aud woodland scenery, re minded Mm of Switzerland; the prairie Of a piece of biowu blotting paper. Everything Is twice ns large as it should be; everywhere is twice as far as it should be. He visited L-Milnlle. the chief cbareoteristioof whose Inhabitant is the constant use of the revolver. He lec tured to them npou 'B-inveiiuto Cellini. bis Itlfe aud Works." and was reproved by bis bearers for not having bronchi that artist with him. The explanation tbat be bad been dead for soma little Unie. elicited the inquiry, "Who shot Mm?" Autoug the more el Inly lubabi tantaof the South he found u nirUncholy tendency to dite every event of Iropor tattoo by the late wur. "How btuutlful the moon Is to-uighl!" he once remarked X a gentleman ho was standing ueit to bin). Yes,' was the reply, "but you should bare seen It before the war." So tofiulteslm:il did he find the knowledge and appreciation of art west of lb. lloeky Mountains, that an ait patron- one who in bis day had been a miner actually seed the railroad company for damages because the plaster cast of Venus of illlo, which he bad imported from laria, bad been delivered minus lb arms! And, what was more eurprls leg still, be gained his ease' and the damages. Dear Oscar, do visit Lead vllle once more. The bovs, no doubt. would lovs to interview too! Our Northwest Letter. facial ttsUj.uon Adtocats. MutHXAPom, March 29, 1881. The tide- ol luvnlgrallon lo the North West hss eoiunwoeed In Hoar cd the waves are Urge. The trains on Ilia roads, pierc ing this country are badei down with freight, Tbs emigrant trsius still afford wide lelds far the study efbuuan nature', In no other place of so small a soinpui ca ns find so many classes and conditions of socisty. Thebioken down English genii insn.tbs Italisn uoblenisu, in dlieuise.au lbs Sussisn lefugee are all liimbled togeth r with their respective families lu the cars, There ara dallrale looking young girls bd babies, sod wlsvnrd hardened looking old bags. In on sest thera will be a Dutch man smoking bis old ptjie which he values as dsarly as the woman the baby she holds In the sst behind him. The air ladeu , with tobacco smoke snd the fumes of.man uowasbasl bodies is anything but whole soma or plessant, but Is all delightful, they ...... ..,.., ,tu.,ui, inrjr 7lwipars4wlblbtiUrg.nuUf,sen the ocean steamers. Here la material for Iclssrelss a Democrat. diaina comedies anil tlnge'lie. I ss At a meeting ol Hie Manitoba MfO mocu I'hian may mate kni.wn to ine norm Hi ine AisiM-iailnn st Miles City, Mutilans, a few I proper lime tbat he Is a good Democrat. It la a sinre, petition was prepareii tu belts uiriner sam mat tins talk may oe inn sent to Secretary Teller statins; that the nut to liillueuoethe sclion ol the It-jiubl can tuhsirtence furnished the Cheyenne luriiani Convention, IfltiLnuld ignore him then has been l.arelv suluoient to keen them 1 from starving end if the Ooverninenl makes I no further piovition for Ihem, they navel one or two alternatives left them to renew their depredations on the slock men or to starye. Whito the Indians cannot be blamed for stealing ss a last resort to keep themselves from starvation, the stock men on Die other hand, cannot he expected to submit to lh destruction of their property Runout an enori iu protect li, ana uibi eeri ius trouble will ensue Is only naturally to he exneiled. We therefore respectfully but earnestly ask you to give the matter the at- lentlon lis InliHirlance deserves and, to see If some iiennanent provision cannot ben. mads lor these in-opte, which will save them l'ie Irum starvation mill at the same lime rro-' tcrt the sttck interests of this secllgaot the Ua ""Tli'xcllementovcr the Ord'Alan. mines in Idsho crows more Intense as the warm weather aimroaclies and tho dancer of freeslug to death is lessened. Thousands ol men aretlocKingio iiicse mines irom Montana, Oregon and frum more remote I nlares. From disinterested sources your correspondent learns tual most ol in re- potts that h.ye gone out regarding these mines have been greatly cxaggeratid. There are rich places, but not eiiougli for one fit tleth of I tie men who will and luye flocked there. Most of th plaeers discovered so n low ground and when the snow ,ces toB.,eltthcs will be flno.le.1. tar are I miiinncea Provisions are scrce and as n result very high. Board is Hierday, and the only are the taliain anil boarding house keeiiers. The rrszt over these mines is such thai larmers are leaving their farms to join in the piimuU of sudden riches. Some good however wilt result from this rush, lir the opening up of a line country. O.iMnfrnlil luto Washington Tr. aud Oregon fow tiav elers will want to leturu 'ihere is m doubt a benulllul country lor the artist and a proiluittve ntm for tho fanner. Tlie rouutry around Tuget Sound is not sur passed for sublimity and variety of scenery This Sound or oeean lake as it has been aptly termed, covers all urea ss large as Zthode Island and Deluware and is naviga bla iu almost every pari for the largest liipti. forests oi spruces, Ciuars, pines and mlocua strctcii away irom Its snores to stantsnow clad mountain ranges. Eich one of its countless bays forii a panorama t beautiful as was ever put upon canvas urlng iiio ury mnntiis u is a pieasiui place lo visit, but woe to the unlucky one ity is bound up there during lhe rainy I ason. Alter he gets used to it ho won't mind it, but the getting lamiliar with the without destroying their chaucts of re elcc weather is slow work. lion in their districts. Willi the view of helping this country the Northern Pacific hus reduced its another "happy Ihoughfin tho State de through freight Irafllo as far as Walla Wal partuieiit. Ills retention at Berlin would la, W. ly., Irom the rast, and tins also made a cut lo fayor the California, and the Portland, Oregon shippers It will not be so very long now before then) will be so inucu competition in mis transcontinental tra Hie that it will not cost a small lorluue to make ilia California trip from lhe Atlantic seab.iard, and toiiribts by taking a steamer l Liuualn lor Uulutli, llicnce by rail to ortlaml, Uregon, and Ihen ilown the ra citin coast per steamer to San Fraunscn.will iiloy a trip lull ol health promotives, changes and valuable information. borne lime elnce the interior Department issued authority lor the Inoians on lhe Ited L.ike and White Earth reservations to I cut down dead uud burned limber and sell I it at publia sale for their benefit. It has receuily leaked that certain lumberman In connection witli the Indians havo bcn I working n ecliema which III a lew yumi ould havo depopulated our forests In this gion and greatly enriched the leliemers Their plan was to scorch the tree?, end kill them In some way, and alier culling them own acivertiso lor bids lor purchasing the fallen limber. Of course those in the ring were able to bid high knowing the limner was not materially injured, and their bids were accordingly accepted. The Iocs ad vertised to be sold last month aggregated .uuu.uuu leet. becreturv Teller's attention as been called to this little plan to delraud ud the game is up, for a little while any ay. 1'iosr.KK. hHllM WASH WHinN I IIWITI lYnvJIllMV I J 1 1 Regular to tbo Caehon Advocate. Washington, D. 0 April 2, '84. Tho Itrn linn.., f p,,,,.... ni . i InffMrl... I. i i i . "i uo ri""l"m- lion, ine bill as passed by the Ifouse is now before the Senate Committee on A; propriations, snd it hss been decided to re port it so amended as lo engraft upon it tho bill for new cruisera that recently passed the Senate, A disagreement upon this fea lure fstakcu for granted. Tho Nsvsl Ap- r ropriution bill as amended by the Senate will also ho without any legislation affect ing the personnel of the service. It will probably be reported to tho Senate next Mouuav. tub nivEn and ninBon bill, The outline of the River anil Harbor An propriation bill baa st last been completed, anil aggregates in tho neighborhood ol $11,. nOO.Olin.to bedivlded among the Mississippi, wt . i ri : j . .. . .. ' iuissttun niiu vniu rivers, anil ni IIIO Allall- ic, l'uctnc and Oull harbors. It is expect I that Die bill will be reported annul he 20th of April, up p. which tlino addit ions, modifications or changes may be matie. THE riESULTS CF THE CAVCC3 The Democratic caucus ou the Morrison lariilbiil was more in lhe nature ot a con lerence, as the determination or the majori lly was wisely not made binding inxm all present. It had the good result of at jeail allowing what strength could be collected under the bill as retried. That Mr. Kali dan was an:e lo command fillv seven votes out of a total of olio hundreiland cighly-oue is ery aignincaill, lecauee Jllr. llandall will also bo supjairled hy a majority of the urpuoiiraiir, aiuoog wnom ue proerly be longs ou this tariff lasuo. But this alrenuth was shown before Mr. Morrison or Mr. Carlisle had matie any concessions, so that t. i . ' It cannot be taken as conclusive. rUOBAM.S UEPBAL ei-TUE WUhlEY AKD ToEACOITAX. .i..,i ii... .... .,. .: ?.. look of. twenty the million dollar.. veVr h.wv.i m m. tur .UV U. Alltl-l. IKK.... this Is a f,r greater reduction of UmWaZ p.oportioii titan was effected on .11 lb, sr iir schedules. "amn.iar ,ihm ii.tuua .ler.ve.. iron, lobaoco, and ranruEU cosxEnom uill be umi. It is now about an even cbai.ee that still tAnOENl TnASSLATTV. Sargent has been transferre.1 tn m T.i ersburg for telling the truth snd shaming ...V uci,. ..K. MOBBHON SAYS Bt Is A OASD1DATE, Mr. Mormon of lha Ways and Means Committee no longer acts shy about the Presidency, He says openly aud above uoaiu tout oe im a candidate. DOWN AMOXO TUE DEAD BILW, v.o ui . .i. extend ine bonded iKirlod of ""'".''..r1. enacting clause and ll.us I It OEN. rnEBMAN A DU CrtlT? Soma cdthe Iriendi of Gen. W. T. Sher man say thai lie is a Democrat and when he hss tslked about relusiug a Presidential iinpifnation be has tnesut a Republican nomination. The shoruieniiMr.f (;., -i while here in coinmaud of the army, has i ueo si iree .lu liijs oummeuls uiioo He- publicso tfijcisli that be bs often teeu It Issoniethlngtokrowth.Uhe hill will a. ,u , ".""'"S- lUe'e w" ""delay, in all Ilkelil.oodU deb.led " U Tsubjec iVl h ? iV Vf "" "'a V to amendment. It is hardly probable tha ' "T.il ...77 the Randall wing will kill the bill before ,! . ,c 1 V, " ,h8 ,,,"1,JI"8 fr""' wllI''h any debate may be had u k t. y, Tl Bern,r "'-"" t twenty yefy privileges inay result in defeating The Hm- ?nc '" l " "y objects of the ineaiuro . .. In " nplisli L,' iMln,t W,l""n lratnt several iiig something wl.lo', wa , Z, Trs inter "",'r,Ur,r' for 1 18 ex.lUu of whose tamed by Us supimrlerrjind sian.li..;.?.... ""grr m"b hl'"tr . The au- . ..... ' . I . lirn, the enure police force, nower ess to w, ,,,. a,,,, luv4.1V. 1L I,(i...H lk I further concessions must bo made in order jo secure the passage of hill iu the House As ,o.m as It was Then will mine a Seuste iu which lb. lie'. .,.."."? 1 imblleaas have . ...alorllv. ..l 'u,. k "'0 " u" w.a uuisiui the tsnl has a ready been fully discussed T .""'K' 1 T. " msue to wlih niesgro result. ref. ? .dfinalir2 "I1 The mob haltered a ho . Republican President who ns. ahtiwn ! ,i l?rK,eoouE1' u admit a man in the out- .re'.encoo i iind bJ sdytoTt .,g U I farilf .1 lht0Sfh ?,h,oh,.th,V reior... and t.tltr reforn " U " I dlVi Th 'mof "e'll, ftS ""i"1"'; conundrum as to what chances Mr. Morri h.. mob cslling "Olve us Brrnerf give ul sou has, ...y way. Bu . afl"r ill l ,,. ! , ,n 1 ?" l,'rouS'1 IhlHgiikeeptheiu f,nUti"!'ny """""" ?nl l pie, discuss it an.l m wlucal. I he voter's on i " tl ' mUK1i" ta. B" '." "'"t" sounded and I lai ssU)l I II UL 111 aY1LllrA it ue.isiT.I I... It is not regsrdei wholly Impossible here that Oen. Slier- hewlll be a cauUidale tioiore lue ueuiocratio Convention. the cniKtsK badt IN TAsntoH. Going to see Hie Chinese baby at tho Chinese Legation Is a fashionable ammo men I aiming society ladlr-3 here. The old Minister, Is very proud of his oirprjng, and. rolls his byes 'delightedly' when told tbo baby "istbe perlcct Imago of Its fattier." special 15 'CO UAnllOW ADVOCATE. . iooi aiarou soo. Although the whisky ring have long i.t.i f ...i, r.i. -i i,ni i ..i.n,i , , . , , , bonded period for whisky, they were struck dumb with aurpriso .on discovering , ay bow weak they really were when lh!eeU "?; L' out by a two tnirus voie. ine oni louuy which lor two Congresses hss been pressing this tuessure is 'utterly discomfited, ss the lesson administered by the House points out the absolute falsity ol any further ef fort. The marvel is how even so many as , , , ,llenlbcrt of lhe ,rouse rouM have f , . , beeiilnducea to vote for setting siich a vlcl- ous precedent as would have been involved in the passage of the bill. The voto was, A n Yeas 180, nays 8J. The absence of section- alism in the vote Is seen when sn exsmin- 0t0n of how the latter is distributed by Pennsylvania, 10 to 2; Kansas, 7 to 0; Missouri, 8. to 4; Illinois,!) tot); Maryland, 1 to I; California, 1 to 5; Georgia, 1) to 1) Texas, A to 2; Arkansas. 4 to l,snJ Minns sola. 5 to 0, The Waterloo defeat of I ho bill wns freoly diirussl lat night, and the general verdict was that the voto was the result ol impular clamor. 1 fie mends ol the bill wele naturally chagrined, but not by any means wilnoul liope ol some action by Congress, giving even partial relief. itn possible signiiicuncii was atluched by even the opponents ol the Morrison bill to the vote UHin tins one though a rumor to the oiled that it had decreaeed the Tariff bill's chances did obtain currency parly in the etuniug. TheMorrison bill is expected t ) be called up early next week, "and," lo quote a pronounced revenue rcfoimer, "a bill will surely nass. ' 'lhe men in iippos ition lo It In tlio caucus have quite general ly admitted that I Hoy will yole lor it in the House lo the extent that they ran do so Mr. Sdrgent'atransfer to St. Petersburg is mi doubt bo disagreeable both to him and to the Uerman government, as personified iu Bismarck. Yet we could not recall him without putllcg the country in a false posi- iinn. uis transier, ami iu dlplomntio elt qtlette, his promotion, solves the problem tnlisfactonly to all concerned. It is hinted with wliatdegree of authority is uot slalcd, that the mission at Berlin will now be al lowed to remain vacant. How true this repirt may be, will better apiear as timo passes by. The President is not baaty in making appointments, and will not hurry hlinse.lt, probably, lu this instance. No doubt to leave the German mission vacant would show our displeasure In a dlimified way npd make Bi&liiarck feel bad, hut possibly American interests can be as well advanced in Germany by havinc our o uu try represented Ihere by a tiaineil aud pop- ular minister. The Democratic caucus is the one topic of conversation among ptliticians. The re suit of the meeting Is generally taken as a compromise in the interest of harmony. lly u vole 1 1 two to one the Morrison bi was eudorsed, but there was coupled with it an umendment abolishing the tobacco taxes aud cutting down the tax ou fruit, brandy to n nominal rate. Hence, under nils arrangement, the internal revenue ays I c tn is lo bear its share in the reduction of taxes as well as tho tariff, u claim strenu ously pressed by those who wish tho i nporl duties maintained at protection ralet. The vote lor the biiriu caucus was not so see llonnl aa mlfhL I.iiva lipAn &ttt.ii.i.1. lints 8i,lM,fouml.8U'1'or, fr"'n,al' f'e couulry, and several state delegations were divided. Virginia, uliio. Missouri and Louisiana had strong men voting nu either side. Illinois was solid for reform, and so wss the) west in ceceral till the Pacific slope was reachod when tae California del isiinun wua itiuoo ieau btruogiy towarus iho lUn.la de.i The Cincinnati Riot. OD LAW AND TERRIBLE SCENES ( BLOODSHED IK THE tTREETJ. On Monday. March 21th. one. of tho.n judicial farces which have of lale years to Irequently dlsgracetl the criminal juris prudence ol the countrv, ended iu the court room al Cincinnati, O. The man on trial was William Berner, who, by his own coufession, participated with a negro named ooo j-auner in murdering and rbb ntr iiiiam it. aim in uis own stab e. lust be lore Christmas, mid then to hauling his body nut and dumping it into Mill Creek. ine case was taken lu band by well-known ami cruiiy criminal lawyers, who got Ber ner m recoui uis cnniession, and all the legal clap-trap by which corrnnt criminal lawyers Iree the cuiltv was nsnl.utwl th jury brought in a verdict of "Not cuiltv of murder in me nrst degree, but guilty of ,unlui.l,l., Tl.u ,.u..t... t . hissed and hooted as they ran away Irom the court room to escapo the furv of the populace. This wss the first step in the Iragedv. A publio meeting was called bv soma ni mo iyrcii!i cuizeus in protest against Ine rernici. ii mei last r rniay nlgltl and 10, uuu peop'e einleavoied to cam accesa lo Music Hull, loosed roiies, svuiUdical of uTiicn jaw. nuug irom loo en lerv. The crowd ssw these, and they were "like red rags Lelnre the eyes of a maddened bull. . " s . 1 Rul J4"' """" , ,i i " J "'"' -r".". ,l"'uui:" I buihlinir. A demon vinrit h.l lu.a,, .rM. g thiough the ouim ng. a nemori spirit had been a f. - ,,f !nd..,n.n??l,",,e c".u1,1 To tuejall, u the jail," were lhe cries which o,pe win. ine maddened multitude, nud "e" V" Bening bayonet. .t - . . . ... .. .. - were inside the fail. The solid doo'rs bad ? 7.1 i"i '"'"I "7 '"V" "R """i V f""1 ?'' ," ? ,fim "n'1 R'a"e'"J hullels (,ad sl.gh ly njund some f the great crowd. Lite had, however, not vel been last. Soon there was a movement lu fira Ihejail and then the militiamen pulled the .I-....,. r t.n: 1 learned at the ail that me not alarm was preiwratlons were msda to calmly that it meant death lo door, lhe crowd wavered a moment and uesiiaied, men the colored leader gal the word to swine lha idanlr. II- I.. staolly obeyed, aud tbe gale trembled with IU, UWK, The mob flew; through tbe corridors in searcn oi uerner, but soon found he wsi gone, lie had been Previously removed in exiciet on oran outbreak. n.c.r . I, cell ot tho murderer named Johnson lb wb sloi.ned and l,e.. ... b.H.r .l7. h d.air. but before this could U, .HWied I,- lln.l r ... . . . . " ' - trances. In ibo ineaullme 8ltrilf Haw kiiis sent lor tbe inilillA to report to hint al Ihejail. Only about lorty men were nn duty.sud these went tt. lhe jell, passing through Ibo Court House snd all under ground tuunsl. As the soldiers advanced iuu. Ihyjail through the tuunsl, wlth-guns iui.ie.i,uiiicer vvneeggera hrewup his rmi.i.,1 hr,i.l. Pr?5.T.ri.-., u . arms aud shouted: iorGodtdoa,t shoot) you'll kill your friends." Without heel lug me warning lhe onnmsml to fire was given, and a volley went milling through the tunnel, Officer Nunnfe.il pierced 'by halls. Von Seggern was shot in the sidefof the hesd, and eereral of the inllltis were shot by their own guns. This was the JQrst blood shed, Tho volley had the effect ofclesrtne the jail, but lor two hours thereafter elforts were ma ue on the outside to destroy the building, A barrel of coal oi! was poured down inld the lower part of Ihejail and set in fire, hut the officers' within 'managed to extinguish the flames. The keeir's office furnished some wood, snd that, was also fired; but, as tiejail is mainly "of stoue and Imn.lhls elfoft Vias. futile. Then the crowj threw stones and-fircd pistols promiscuously at lha sriuilows and the'iMllilia filed Irom the windows at the crowd. Bhrrilf Hawkins tried lo control the firing by orderlug thst not more then one man should firo at a time, and then only lo frighten not to kill but the men "ere uncontrollable and fired at the cHwtl, doing deadly work. Ljter the crtlwd broke I tit j the Veterans' Armoiy and IClttredge'a guu store, and procured arms. By the time this wss done, however, the crowd had so thinned out thst no furlber'serlous attempt was made tn gut the jail. ' Al one o'clock Saturday the mass of humanity In front ol Ihejail amounted fo nearly 3D OOi) persons. Meanwhile, efforts were made to strengthen the jaij, The force of militia was recruited, and put In advantageous positions and the streets in tho neighborhood of the jail birr.icedet! In every direction. As night drew .on the indications became ominous. The mob spirit grew hy degrees, and posters resding as lollows were circulated! "Public safety demands Immediate so tionl Oiganlzein every wsrdl Ileal sores hy pulilyiiig the bodyl Serve notices to the criminals, criminal lawyers, gamblers and prostitutes to leave Hamilton County within three davs, ami remain away for ever or aullVr the penally. So long as lhe present clique ol criminal lawyers that in fest the city are permitted to remain and corrupt juries, outrage justice aud shield criminals, just thst long will our citisens he murdered, our property destroyed and protection by the law he denied. Make one clean sweep while we are st it. A vigi lunce committee of 300 in esch ward, com posed of the best citizens, can, hy earnest work.cleanaa the moral atmosphere in three days. Organise at once, and serve notice tn all disreputable characters in the ward lo leave, and never return. The renulation of the c.itv demands a change or wicked ness will reign supreme. Al 10 o clock the mob forced Its war up lo lhe court house and set lire to lusri reas rer's office and the Court House, and they were reduced to ruins. The militia charged themob,and their fire was terribly destruct ive. Captain Desmond, ol the First Regl ment, was shot ami killed. The rioters would not allow the firemen to respond lo the alarm, and it was not until nearly day break that they were permitted to play on the ruins. The firing on both sides wss very heavy until long after midnight. The rifles of the militia played droadlul havou with rinlers who approached the barricade. Gun stores were rifled by tho angry mob ami an at tempt was made to fire Powell's store. A man tn a patrol wagon was shot and killed, reopto were shot down within 6everal quart's ol lhe jail. 1 lie I nilrlt. llegimenl, summoned from Dayton.relused to march lo the jail. The mob secured lluee cannon al Music Hall and awaited the omingof the regiment, which was expected to march Irom the depot. A squad of tiolice captur e.l the cannon. Towards daylight the nn b gradually uiinned out, to prepare lor a renewal or hostilities when night should again eome. The Mayor Issued a proclamation Sundav morning calling nu the mob lo disperse. I'lana lor the protection of life and properly ure maturing. The Mayor also issued a :all lo the citizens lorn meeting at IhnUily Building ill the evening, which was largely attended, and the elforls of lhe Mavor aud the militia to prescrvo order were heartily approved. Deep feeling against the militia was mauilesled all the tune. Every now and then slones were thrown st them whenever opiiortunitY offered. This became so an noying that, so lar as practicable, the police were placed next lo me people, lipilnets were shout-d anil threats wero not wanting, whether in earnest or lor the purpose til terrifying the bos in blue could not be told. Wait till tn-iilgliir "Wait till we gel good and diunk and we'll hniit vou'blu- oated men Irom behind vour barrirrf." were among tbe cries About eight o clock the regiment from Columbus guarding the Court street approach was fired Into by one oi ine i.iou iron, un alley between .Main and Walnut on Court street. The troops answered the challenge hy a few shots winch wero lollowed by a volley and sev era! shots Irom the Galling gun stationed there, lhe number or the injured caunol b) ascertained. The firing continued in all directions. 1.20 A.M. The crowds hare nearly al1 left the streets and gone home. The police) relieved by the military, are out ou the! beats. All pillagers have been driven tt their homes. Citizens feel cheerful and confident. The most profound quiet pre vans every wnere. ii looks as u ine wno thing was over. 2 A. M. lhe srrest of participants in the inoli is going nu by the wholesale, and the end is ai hand. The list of killed Is put at 41. while mare man izu are Known to have been woumltd. a number of them so seriously that they win prooaoiy nie. Alter being aenlenred uerner was taken to Columbus by two deputy Sheriffs and lodgetl in jail, altera yery exciting journey. At several places along the Hue excited mobs boarded the trains supposed In be con veying the murderer. At Lnveland Berne in escaping from the mob got away from the officers, wandered around the country. and finally took resnuo In a freight car on a siding, where tlio deputies again captured nun. uy several clever ruses lie was una! ly taken to Cdumbus and locked In his cell in the Slsie eliitentlary. Cincinnati. March 31. At nine a. in, all was quiet and it is believed sll Irmibl is over. One-half of the militia nr. duly al me l al l nave been relieved, and the bam cades around Ihejail are to be removed lo uay, aiosi ot mo bring last night wa merely a blind to clear the streets and though a few ople were hurt no one was allien. At mldilav there Is no annearance of relaxation of the preparations for defense, Barricades of barrels and every sort of ma lenal still remain scrss .11 avenues, of approach tn the cnnnlv bii Id nes. and hi hind them t-tand the military will, guns, ineir liven baynneis everywhere glistening, ine ponce have been sent away to thei regular tiosts and are obtaining some rest inougii ine general reeling Is that Ihere win be on lurlher outbreak. There .a n lacking of men who predict otherwise Dillip Itader, of East Mauch Chunk: M. J. Lawler, of Netquehonlng, and P. J, Cunningham, of Beaver Meadow, are anxl nus for the Democratic nomination for Counly Commissioners. New Advertisements. Sprine WM Blossoms. Late In Life to Look for Joy Yet Never too Late to Mend. Headers of Hawthorne's "House of Seven Oablts"wlll recall the pathos with whleb poor Clifford Pyncheos, who had been un justly Imprisoned since his early manhood said after his release: "My lire Is gone, and where Is my napplnenT Obi give m. ay happiness." Bat that could be doue only In part, as gleams of warm sunshine occasion ally fall acrsss the gloom of a Hew England autumn day. In a letter to Messrs. Hlseox Jt Co., Mr. I II. Tttns, of r'ennlngioa, N. J., says: "I have suffered untold misery frara childhood from chrcnlo disease of the bowels and disrrnosa, accompanied ny reat pain. 1 souant rail ait the hands olnhvslelans ufeverv acli.iolan, used every patont and domesile remedy nnde in. sun. x nave ai lasi lounu in 1'A.CKfc.ii'f TONlUa coiuiilete SKCltle. preventive am cure. As your InealtmUe .uedlelns, which dl I for roe what noihimr elsa could Jo. la en. titled to lite credit ol cur irettlnu- back in happy ilajf, I cheerltill aud gratefully uo- at.uiT.euKV tuo lac Mr. , . S. Wells, who needs ni Introdnn lion to lhe tiaoola or Jeriav 111. ajIi.m ..-ri,. testimonial ufMr. Titus Is aenulo. and vol, notary, only he does nut atlriruaiely portrae the sufferlru tie has endured lor many years. Il.l. ,l,H..,.a...l(M 1 ,, .... .... well, llels nowperleetly free Irom bis old mt vim vav v, sum HI"J isvsti it 4tIH4 II Ida. HstCsTlU- lag It all to A UK Elt'S TUMU." Unequalled as an lnrl;orant; stimulates alt iaeurs;ansoares-iimenisorine n.ys, aud alldlscsisiof thy blooa, ieuritauioarcs-aiiuientsui'tue Ilvsr, KI4- CURED Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciallca, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, 8re Thrnnt, Swelling. Stppiii llrutsta. a an all otiiir iiodilt taiss asd iciits. Sold br Dwcrtiu and Dtlr kTerrkher. Flft CaU a bntlls. nireotloaila II l.tnrnii. THE CIIABtW A. VODELBK CO. tn m A. iwiuta a w . tUIUxan, X C. S. A. Annnal Statement Boroili of LeWplOD, Penn'a. WILLIAM MILLER, Treasurer, In Ac- count with the Jlorough of Lehlghton, Pa., from May 4th, till, to March Sith, USl: I)K. To balance on hand May 4th, 1S3I...S 4111 24 - aroouni receiver, irom .1. w. Klelntop, collector, on duplicate of 1883 alts S3 " amount reoelred from II. Sheerer. irrilil nn P.thlln Sntlnrn IS tn amount r,c-irei irom un. liar. rol, supervisor of .Mahoning town ship 0 18 Mnio to on. Oy Orders Paid for Work on Highways. .T. II. Frlltlngor 1 1,0 It. Onchran 4 13 I Monts a-i Tt M. Faint 1; O'l win. miner, taoor tor rnn 43 to P. Lelbennutli 4 13 Jnn. Acker 7 87 0 61 3 86 3 85 IS 10 in K. Fen-terraacber... rhas. I'aierson Kdi llunsleker I). . Wund Wm. Warner 7.. II. Tinir 1 10 I Olausa 11 00 E. Newharrt D lb win. II. liachinnn 1 so tlliabetli i.loter 8 C7 I). W.Newhard SS CS N. Ilonts 1 (0 A. W. Horn 16 78 w. Wert a 1 a K. Koous,, ,..,,,, 112- U. W. (.clinch 1 (-0 II. Spoonbeluier 1 60 1). Krock 4 40 L. S. Mr.ttisberrv... 3 IS U. W. Uellinao 1 S8 wuson lluuti 8 U Maml. i: ry 3 '2b Unas. Nuihsteln 3 40 Ed Uhl , 1 03 idwls Klinu-er.... 33 70 3 CO 4 M) 10 1 10 L. Fensiermaoher, (Jlias. Xander .-urs. u. xander.. elur Helm K. Urumboro 3 00 Mury Dreher V 1) II SO I). 11. I.ouu- 10 40 F.tllauss 18 73 A. 1. tllaus i e .Incur, lleuerllnir u al. S'A..t 7 70 Owen Klots 11 4J D. Wert II. Munts 15 S5 12 10 A 4Jb 1 in ti lb CO Satnl. Seller... I.. J Hell K. weaver. M. cichwerer.. wm. Thomas.. (ieorKO Hex i till Jus. Nolhrleln, sr 4 40 cutis. Mcnmaie 1 12 Uhas. Trainer , 14 40 17 W .las. llollenbacn Win. Horn .los. Zahn 4 4 iS K tlouhnin, mason work 4 12 E. Drelbclbles a is los. Gilbert.. 2 42 4 06 2 25 2 2 2 75 00 1 5 2 41 Lewis Wulclc Jno. Acker ,los. Z-.lin Ohas. Froeltch Win. Noll Ketneree., it. .spoi.nhelinur... O JCioti e jo '1 -lb :has. Trainer.. D- Kbbert 33 SO I. owls Heed 1 in Win. ICoch 3 12 Sahoc Ii l ea M P.IUSt 1 10 K. Urumboro l iu Wm. Miller, .883 34 12 i;. Nowhard. Stieet commissioner... 102 00 H. NowUarU, streot comutlisloner... lo 88 ST49 tl INTEREST PAID. E A. Dower t 2S 00 1L A. Honor IU 4 II. Montz 20S 00 ii. Hellert do uu r.llrlnkuian i t0 O. Selfert Zt 00 BONDS 1'AID. E. A. Bower (00 00 Uhas. Selfert .... 1200 00 300 00 D. Monti, part payment.. I31S0 71 MlSt'ELLANLOUS, M. Van I.iew. sudltlnir acconnts ltS2 4 0D Harry V. Morthlraor, printing annual statement w II. w. Mens, nan smne lor crossing., u so Kre.l. I.o.ieltel. three feet of uruundon llanknav 10 00 C!hi I'.itterson. watchlnir small-pox eases 37 CO D. Kostenbader, waicmng small pox cases 2S "0 f Kioii. watchlnir small uox cases... IS 2S Wm Sillier, watciimg em.. u pox cases -a uo Dr. Selple, services lu stuall-pox cares 6 00 w. IT. ftuoslter. nrof servloes 10 Alirll 1883 as 00 w m. Kniuher. secv. SAlarv. April 18.3 45 00 (I. v. Miser, froth., renenlnir W. U. I reilrlcl luugmeni i A. W. Horn, police. 1883 b SO J. It. noble, lutuber. ttoi 13 SO Wis. .Miller, salary Areas., issj uu Wm Miller. Trcas.. St.,to Tax on AT.2M. oa 9 no John lUnker, blacksmith work.., 2 41 331 0) ,. 81 le Balsnoe LIABILITIES. Bonded Indebtedness F. Ilrlnkmao SIS50 00 1). Monti 4US 00 37(0 00 ASSETS. rash In Treasury...... .. n io A-. remtnei anu j. itsa. denbush, on note for bal. anco of duplicate el 1873 by .l. n. IV ebb. Uolleclur... 110 23 $20131 T.lkrlll!l In eTeeslof Assets. Mar. 23ln,18SI IM3 (1 T.lal.iliila In cigmi of asjata. May 4'.h, 1883 7220 C3 Decrease ,., $11 n We, the undersigned duly elceted Auditors of the DoroughorLeblgkton, decertify tha' the forgoloic accounts are correct to tho best of our knowledge and belief. W I'.LONil, ) M. Il.TItEXLER, , H.J. DRKTNEV, S' Leblghton, March 25tb, 1331, Auditors. J. W. KIEINT0P, Collector, ta Account with the Borough efLehlghton, Fenn., for duplicate year, ending, 1883: , DR. To amount of duplicate, 1883,. (3925 (3 ol aaaitioas ......... cs s? -A3714 41 CK. By exoneration I 43 to ' eomitilssion Ie3 Ji'-I amuuntpald Wm.Mllltr.Uorouiin 'Treasurer 3109 3 " errors lu duplicate 11 W uuscaled lands , 11 V4 " balance due borough 2V3 73 3714 U We, lb. undersigned dulyeleeted Auditors OI mi llorouju ol A,eniKiuon, no eeriity t furaa Dinar aee-iunls an.t:ilnd J. W. Klleniou' balance due on dupllcato of 1183, S'-i 73, nj Uilef. wnici. is oorreet to me esi oi pur snuwieug M.O. TREXLER, ) II. J. UltETNUY.f Auditors. April stb, wl BAKGAINS BARGAINS ! Embrace this opportunity at once, as wo positively close iu a short time. The Stock comprises Dry Goods. Clothing, Carpets, Sec, Which wilt he Sold at Bankrupt Prices ! The Stock consists of about (8,000 worth of Ooods, whloh must be sold In a FEW DAYS, no matter what price It brings. Call early to secure Bargains at your own Price, be cause the sale Wilt .POSITIVELY OLOSrJ SHORTLY. JOSEPH JONAS, Obert's Buiding, Bank Street Lehighton. i February lC,18Sl-4w Fall and Winter Stock ! fco., 8to. Our Younp; Ladles and tlentlemen will dnd It to their advantage to (rive him acall bofore purchasing elsewhere, as tbcv will And tho BEST SELECTED STOCK in Town AT BOTTOM PRICES. Olii Post Office Eiiilng, April 4,1883-ly JLook to Yiai" Tin ana Sheet Iron fare, House FnrnisMi Goods, k, k Is now offering extraordinary Bargains for Cash ! He Is the only Agent Intown for tho sale or the Bessemer, Sunshine, Othello, New Champion and Apollo Ranges ; Montour, Lighthouse, Exoelsior Penn, and Eclipse Cook Stoves; the Princeton, Early Dawn, Belmont and Real Double Heaters, with a va riety of other Square and Round Heaters, All of which ho is now offering at tho Very Lowest prices Also, on hand every kind ol STOVE ORATE and FIRE DIUOKS. Dealer tn all the test makes of l'UMPS. Roofiing and Spouting, Prompt and Cheap. Store on SOUTH Street, a few doors above Bank Street. Fatronage Invited; satisfaction guaranteed. June t, H'i-yl ttiTWVi.'.ii M AnR S ?ZrT t, i lTh W. W 11. Ooiilb, Harmony drove, Oa. EuonVs I.ittl Uathab. OATHARTIO PIU-8 TI ' ... ,hB m0, , r,011Uar of all the Cathartics -W sr. llimor. Mill's ' - - mm IBM inBUfl,! I I .f.r r?.p.v p V t" River, N. O.--My aired mother used one box with wonderlu results. K D.wt.ai. ..ocustOrove, Ohio, 1 recommend them. Jonw UotLiris. M D.. Tesas. -Thev are excellent. It. IlKMSOir, Jackson, illis.- auith KivaxB, ioieriy, oio. Ho! For New Goods! CJ. M. SWEMT & SON Have, received an enormous stock of CHOICE GOODS, comprising l&RlisS AMI llKY CcOOHS, Groceries, Queensware, etc. Old Post-Office Building, Bank St. Lehighton. BEND FOR TRIAL BOX OIROULAR Aw 1 j4& NEW ADVEKTISEMKNTS. Crescent Plug Tnn FinasT and Swarraar Cnawinn Ta BAOon on the market. Matie expressly to suit the taste or the Pennsylvania Uhewers, Ask your dealer for It. a trial will show you It Is the Tobacon you want. Manu factured by U. A. JAUKSON fc CO., uarSO-wt PttTXitanuiio, va. Carriages, Wagons aiiulMacliiEory Rnn without Kroase or oil. No occasion to take off the cnrrlaire wheels Circulars sent free. Address OHAPIIITE LUBRIUATINQ UO., Jersey City, N. J. A FORTUNE lTOTTLE RAISIN&. THE NEW MEXHIO ANDCOLORA1IU BRANCH AND OATTLBOO., oontrolllnr over onk milliohacrvs ot the finest irras Ins; lands In New Mexico and Colorado, Is dealrlous of ohtalnlns: tbe co-operation or In. vestors to Increase their herd lo 12,000 head or graded cattle, having: on hand Already 2,000 head. Yearly Increase over 40 percent. Annual cosh dividends of 10 per cent, and up wards Irom surplus sales, and the herd con. stantly Increasing. A safe and prontsble In vestment. Send for lull particulars to E. D. UaRNES, seo-y. Mill's Building, IS Wall St.. New York. '3 Serfs; V IiB ?latPt?s:2 5 s f rs tfj -Mir AAWTPH "eriretic, reliable Men to Sell VVillUIjiJ Fruit Trees. Qrapo Vines, ' ' Shrubs, Roses, io. Salaby and Ex. pbh'xs paid. Kull instructions ulren, so In- experienced men can soon learn tho business. Address J F. LKOLARE. DRIOHTUN. N. Y., (1 mllo east of Roohestor, N. Y.) mar2 Tho undersigned calls the attention of his many friends and patrons to his Large and Fashionable Stock of Fall ana Winter Mi, Consisting of BOOTS AND SHOES Or every description and Style In the Market, Including a special tine or Lady's Fine Shoes Also, a fall line of Umbrellas,. . Rubbers, Hats, Caps, BAM Street, LEHIGHTON ' let Eests I James Walp, Successor to A, D. MOSSrit, ; Manufacturer ef and Dealer In all kinds of Stoves Ranges, Heaters, 25 SE 11 w ,s 111 g I S3 I c Price, Fifteen Cents a Box. 's Little Cathartic Pills are tho r.ie ilnstlvene'a. Inriiirestlon. Headache, une irood dose r three or rour Emory's Little Uathartle Pills, followed l.y one pill every nlaht for a week or Iwo makes the human machinery run as rrgulnr as cl ick work; thev Purlly the lllootl an-l put new life In a broken down body. Purely Vegetable, Harmless, Pleasant, In. fallible, the younvest ehlhl may take them. Sold by all DruaKlsts and Medicine Dealers at FIFTEEN DENTS A MIX, or by mall. STANDARD CURE CO., Proprietors, 197 Pearl St, H. T. Esinnv'e Littlis (JATIIAnno are more than Is claimed I they prove . . i . mil , l lUn.iittul.a lha monav a V ii UICU UCir. UI '"I'" -J . lie sVUCJ Hl UUIit.l3lirtl. "SI" awava tr Jan. JG-yleow. Read What a Patient says of it "Therut.llIpnrchM! ffom Yoa la Avrvtt rirof e lo Ga luust cuuclotUvftlr Umt "while Uiera U Ifo Uiero U liope.11 lliejr did Uielr work rr b yond uir uUnosl ipecUtlont, for lrrtjun)y aid I) U It ATI ON could b9 compUtelr frottcn under con trol la lha eiceedlnrlj iliortllwooftwamonUu j Cu Miuro tuu visas, uu iis iniriici,r win mwt frnm aalnr sMMntuun iu auaiiisT vo Uj ncceu vslilcU wlUsurcly crowo so beacHclal a remedy AbmextraoShossaUlvsecUted-Tr.Va VtK,Vei TUe Pastilles are prepared and Bold oatr by this HARRIS REMEDY CO. HFfJ CHEUISTff. 306KN.IOth.6L 8T. LOUIS, MO. Cm Ustt'i uutant P, w bcmu is, u?s &estu I To Farmers ! laving bought out tho stock, good-will, &c, of A. J. Lriz endekgek, I hereby announce that I am prepared to supply FARMERS, MANUFAC TURERS and others with a complete line of SUCH AS - Plows, Harrows, Mowers, ReaDers Binders, Horse-Powers, Threshers, Separators, &c llso. Agent forv Marvin's Sn,ffir, y B. y. Payno & Son's com- plcte line of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw-Mills, &c.,- . Buffalo Scale CO. and other makes of Scales, Spinner's gTTater-Proof Shoer Dressing, Hool Ointment, vacuum UU for Harness,'1'-" &c. Hare also a spccj&ityirf Plow Shares of which I intend to keep a full assortment to fit all Plows, and of furnishing Repairs .to all kinds of Machinery. Will procure any kind of Machine in the market. A 4'i. A cordial invitation extended to all to call and examine Goods, whether wanting -to purchase or not. 02s?"Circulars furniehedin application. ,;-, i have jetained viur, ;AU J. - " Litzendehger .in ray employ,, who will, be liannv toTattend to the wants of customers. Respectfully, '' w AndV Shiye, DEPOT FOR AGRICULTURAL Implement, SEILER'S BUILDING, mar8-2m Lehigh ton,Po.