The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 29, 1884, Image 3

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    to &JC,
i'i I i BEAtEKS IN-;
Spectacles and Eye Glasses,
post ornoE building,
SVeisspprfc, Peiina-
of nil kinds promptly attendod to at VEKY
llitsonable Charges.
If you need nny thing in our
lino, give us a call before go
ing clscwhorcv Our Prices
are as low as the lowest, and
all Goods are warranted to be
as represented. ,feb2-y
1 h .
Valuable Real Estate.
WlUtosoldby Tlrtuo of n'wrlftif Fieri
Facial, Issued out ol tlie Court of Uommnn
Pleat, ami to mo dlrectrd, tho lollowlns:
valuable Heal Estate, on the promises In tun
borough of .Weissport, on
MONDAY, MARCH 31st, 1884,
at One'o'eloclt P. M,
Tho undivided one-half Interest In the rol.
lowlnu described piece or parcel OIX.ANU,
situate In the borounh of Weissport. i:nrlm
county, Mate of feunsylvenla, bounded anil
described as.folloirs: Oontalnlim In mint on
While street leiTeet, and extending In depth
at rlirht ansiles or that width by parallel
lines 1S5 feet to Canal street; bounded nu the
southnelt by White street, on the North
west by Hrldge street, on tho Northeast by
Canal street, and on tho r-outli.east by the
nih nr nr lnt numher three, the i aino be-
ins; lots marked on the general plan or plot of
the trorougn ot weisspurt, nuiuucia ,
tart or No. threa.
The Impruvomenta thereon consist or a
Wilo feet! with a one story kitchen, lx:n
feet; also a one-story friimc building, 15x15
.-at. ilm M frftlnn hl. 111 ItiCt.
Soiled and taken Into execution as the
property of Cornelius Snyder.and to he .old by
11 OUAS. W. 'lkNTZ, .Sheriff.
Sheriffs Oftlce, Maticb Cuunic, l'a.,
Ms.rctv.Ulh, 1831 1
IHtaport Select School,
Will nn MIIN1IAY. Arltll. 28th. l6l
and continue T.n consecutive weeks In the
l'OHT, C.irbon County, I'enna. -
O I1J El IT. The aim of the School Is to dvo
Teachers an opportunity or reviewing the
Common Hrancues, and lo afford thainoro
Advanced pupllsrrtho public schools In the
niMolninguletrlcts the f..ctllllos ol continuing
t bHir .m.ii. IIpkIMaj the ci inninn branches.
I. ATI N , A Mt K II l A . IEt I SI KTK V , N AT.
UKAt. VlllMJiOl'lIY. ltuTANY. ETC,
villi be taught. In connection with the above
t(er Kill be. Primary Department for the
Mneat ol younger pupus.
" Batea of Tuition."
For Totehert. per Term 47 fO
tor Smaller I'uplls. from 3 Oil to S3 00
l'uptu in Primary School ft 00
I'er.tertn, according to grade. 1'or further
lnlormatloa address,
r Weissport. Carbou county, rcniia,
March 22, l Sl-21
To Fishermen!
Notice Is hereby'tlven. That all persons
are forMd trespassing on tfie lands ol the un-derslaned'or-
the purpose of r'lSHIN'.l In
WILD CltEi:K-. between Mlnehan'a Mill
and Eovatt'a Mill, alter this datr;"bm1crpen-
..tyinuji wM. LEA.&awSi
Towameai(n:r March J-', 1884 3w.
Tb beat evidence In tha world of the
purity and excellence of JU&ckwell Dull
Durham Smoking Tobacco is found In the
fact that the fame pf this tobacco Increases
from year to yer. Thia Could not bo the
case ii uwere merely " gotten up to sell,"
or had, any dubious or dangerous. Inirre.
in It. Junonff millions of timers of
aH-natlopitlltlM, surely tome onovwouM
find-out if it were Itnpio-e, injurious or
unpfcUUble." For 18 years this, tobacco has
been acknowledged to be-ths in tU
vorld, and. every year tha Cull Durham
brand grows more popular, the demand for
u wider, ana ttnoters
snore enthnslastlcoer Its I
dOlclOus natural flavor. I
Ask tout dealer for 1L I
Oct the renuino tr3jx
marx 01 uio uuu.
Try Pino Remedies.
1iiraftiirr.EriTThfiSPlVfltnPill AlU
fVWnniwrrL -i O "
orrhage. Jlph(heKl,J Jrnqr VJieopJruj
SgtTJirualndall llroaaiilal-Truuklet..
It Is a wonderlul preparation of Pine and
lloner. and Is working a. KUlloal revblntlon
the traatmeut and ure ofvnll Taases of the,
abov diseases. 'KuKAKOKrvH'ts IntVini ,
XCll.l JUlf, niiu vriiu IUU1IUI U.O Will
elfeci a raold an.l"perfcct xure. It absolutely
does not contain either opiate, narcotic" or
any Injurious droit, and U a ruRKLc vnokT.
,OL rKXPARATlUH. A.T11I AL Will convince
yj-t of Ha merits, lfjou would alwava.feel
are or the safely or your children during In
clement weather ant at all times, keep; a 00 1.
tie In your medialna oiieat, snd for paraph
let to (J A. LEWIS 4. l0.. Solo I'roprletors,
SWS Chapel Street, ew Haven, Ot.
Iiiik Dittkiu. Pin KlDEv akd Liven
Pills, Ju;pLAaTaa Aiv'Dl'isa OAix.r
Soldby DruifuUls. Jan)2-uitnr
-f,,, ... . ... .,,
.AlX R . J - -
a j .
III LtlC.fftjF
o .-.S53
Dectoiber l.wW
wm I aicumi natural flavor. I Sm I
17 1 Ask your dealer for. It Viv I
pl I Get tbe trenulno tndcyl ttfl
JV I mark of tho Bull. I ' Hk
There la no miarhlef done where Hw'
I " Blackwell'a Cull Durhuu HUN
, flmoklri; Tobacco la used. Dp.
m ' Urf -a - - O
BflrftSiT S a -alS
"Original Cheap Cash Store, '
New Goods !
New Goods I
Perfect Weave !
Perfect Weave !
Best Dye !
Best Dye !
Ranging in Price from 37
Cents to 98 Cents per yard.
Opn. 1'abHc Square, Bank Street. Lehigh.
ton, l'a. June , 1883.1?.
SATURDAY, MAUC1I 29, 1881.
8rECIAIj NOTICE. Persons maklnR
paymcnla to Hits nfllce by money onlere or
postal notes wilt pleaso mnlto them payable
at Ihe WmssroBT Post Okfior, as Iha Le
hlghlon office is not n money orJer offico
Our Neighborhood in Brief.
Monroe county is to havo a new court
house to cost $11,000.
&B-C11KSOKKT Tobacco advertisement In
anolher.coUiinn. ,
Trout fishing will commence on the'lst
ol April.
TI10 wa.ter lias been let into tho .canal,
and in n lew days bouts will be running.
TU mineia.ln the Wilkesbarre region
aro complaining terribly of tho small waea
tliov are earning during the restriction in
--Now they speak of Crude relroletfrn as
a remedy for consumption; belter not try it.
but take Dr. Bull'a Cough Syrup the etani
dard Cough Remedy of our age.' It Is ngreo
able to th la.'te, never lulls to cure, and
costs only 25 cents a bottle.
A rule is soon to goi In force on the
East Penn. railroad compelling every cm-
Iiloyce of tho company to pay bis debts or
le discharged from service.
jE-tpFor Books, Periodical, Papers and
Stationery, call on J. F. llalbucli, llank
street, (his borough.
Jacob Latibert, Charles 11. Smith and
Michael Ebcuhoch, saloon keepers, in Eat-
ton, have been arrested, at tho Instance of
tho Law anil Order bociely, lor keeping
open on Sunday.
J3f- new lot ol CLOCICS, WATCHES
and JEWELRY just received at S. 1IAGA
MAN'S Store, Lehighton. Pa.
Tom O'Neill, of Pottsville, who blew
A. MrAnncy'a head off with a gun which
he thought was at half cock and would not
go off, was reinaudetl Monday, in default
of $suu bail.
warranted fast colors, at $9 per suit, at Jus.
T , rtl ., . n..l I I! r
uiiuas , uutna uui ni 1113.
The Stale Grand Lodge of Red Men
will meet on the 0th, ?lh and Sth, ol May
in Ilazle Hall. Great Sachem TI103. A.
McDonnell and Great Chief of Record
Cbas. C. Couley. will be present.
,550-Fnr Pianos or Organs, co to J. F.
Ilalbacb, Bank elreet. All the m' r-
abla makes, at the yery lowest prices.
Use aokkr's Enumsii REUunv for' Cdn
sumptip,v.Std by Dr. C. T. IIorn.Lo
higbton, and E. A. Horn, Weiesport.
.The wfo pt nev. T, M GrifHtli, hirm
erly pastor ol the Mauch Chunk M. ).
church, died at"Tamania, on Sunday alter
nu n. Inlermrnt at Mount Muriau come
tery, Philadelphia.
Ba-If you want a Sewine Machine, rail
on J. F. Ilalb.tcli, Bink street, he can furn
ish you with it 1. nvcr than any one else.
A blast at the Saucon Iron Company
quarry at IIellertown,Nurthmplnn count
S iturday, threw a slooe the size of a. mart's
ucbii a .uii ter 111 a 111 uu 11 1111 aiutja a nnree.
ffiJust opened, six' nieces of BODY
nitUSSEL CARPET at 5 cents per yaid,
wortn ji.iu.ut .jua. juas ,0Uerl a build,
Tho store of John Fryman at Chop
man's Station, was entered by thieves on
Friday night and robbed of dry goods to
me value qi two uunurea aoiiars.
j3SChoiec Clover Seed,
lor snlo at J. L. GabcU?.
8.00 per bushel.,
Nicholas Ramaley, aged 70 years,'died
at llile Bear, (Bloomingdalc), near Sum
nlit Hill, on Tuesday morniiiK. Inlermenl
at Ihe Brick Church, Li2zurd Creek. Valley
SSt. You can pet a Single Buggy Hornets.
in pnrt nickle, alien dollars and lull nlckle
at twelve dollurs, got up in good style, at
M. I' lory's Harness Shop, Weurt, P11
Willie, lulant son ol Mrs. Lucy Laub
of tills borough, died on Tuesday morning
last, after about one week's illnfss. aeed
little over, eight mouths, of membranous
Sfcjulf Von wanta nlcemonth.easy shave
vour hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz
Roederer'a Saloon, tinder the Exchange Ho
tel, Ho will 'fix you right, and Uon'tyou
forget it.
1 A' wonderful discovery has recently
boon msde by the application of GiurniTi:
as a lubricant. It is likely, lo eiiKm-de nil
and greasnaud become as valuable to the
nation as any o( the modern discoveries.
HUNDREDS Write, they owe their lifo
and presenygpojl healtlrto Acker's- English
RemMy fur OonFiiinption, Coughs Colds,
lid. Sold by O. T. Uoru, Lehightop, and
E. A. Horn, Weisslort.
Jamea McFadden,. charged with hav
ing caused the death of James Cirney, at
Ashland, by etrikinc him nu the head with
a inalletrwas discharged Holiday on $3500
- Apullet owned by P. Ij, Weitman,
IVring on Pin'e street, this borough, laid an
egH one 4ay last week measuring 5J I 7J
hihes'. -Flif a1 puller tils Is dofng well.and
If she improves-.. ith age there ia no telling
what the size of her egg may be.
Mr. A. J. Hanilton,,Buper;nVeidentof
tba Lehigh Valley, Ceiriepl Wofk, at Bieg
frled'a Bridge, has resigned, and accepted a
position In Providence, R, 1.
It is now In order for' the township '
auditors to publish their annual reports.
The penalty for neglecting tbe publication
ollliete annual reports la very severe on tho
auditors.. The taxpayer! of various town
ships insist that their suditors attend to the
publication ol their reports so that a cen.r-
a knowlrd0 of tho crindition nfthe fln-
ances of the, towuslilp may prevail.
-On Thbrsdsy ovealDg uf last week, the
engine of an up going coal train on the L.
Ic 0. railroad ran over a .misplaced switch
at Walautport, and getting oir the track
some fifteen empty coal cars were wrecked.
The engine was but sliblly ! damaged.
Both trarka Wero blocked, ami travel was
delayed fully thrro hours. The trow rjflhe
3i;luo escaped Injury byjuwplngoir;
Sieve Senglr, while fo.$irg Wednej.
day night, with seyeral other inert, was
thrown against a windsw sash, severely
Cutting hjs brad.
Henry Miller, of this
employnat Packe,lnn
borough, and an
6bnps, had Ills
...,. caugM between the bumper, of u
freight car Thursday, ol last week, and so
severely malbed as to iiecMilsto the am-
punt, on i. three fingers, which wasdoue
succculuily by Dr Se.plc,
!)slrf-tuen uh ttock .-altera ail bay
Day's Horio and Cattle Powder. Pot -dis
temper, Mdctiound, Iota of appetite, and
general debility It Is without a Veer In Ihe
market. Price twenty fiyfl cents per pack
age of one pound, full weight.
Jobu V. Stout was Friday elected sup.
crintredcut of the eastern dlyialon of the
Pennsylvania Telephone Company. Tho.
territory embraces Easlon, Bethlehem, Al
lentown, Slatlngton and Mauch' Chunk,
and Hackettttown, N. J.
f&tS Only $10,00 cash
for an all-wool Suit at II. H.
Peters', Post-office building,
For the week ending on tbe 22nd Inst.,
thero were 27,703 Ions of coal trans.
ported over tbo Lehigh Valley railroad,
makinea total to dale ot 1.489.235 tona, a
decrease of 297,100 tons a compared with
same time last year.
n.For the best spectacles end eye
glasses in the county, go to E. II. llohl.
Mauch Chunk.
At Ilellertown, Saturday, the 3-year-
old son of Morris DIohl was attacked by a
bull and thrown high in the air. He had
one leg broken at Ihe hip and was Internal
ly injured. Ilia parents heard his cries,
and rescued him as tho bull was about to
again renew the attack.
fTH. II. Peters, at the
Post-office building, Leliigh
ton,, will make you an all-
wool suit' lor only $10 cash,
if you order now.
The barn of Midhaal J. Ranb, in Wil
liams township, Northampton i-nunty, was
burnrd Thursday night by nn incendiary
tiro. The live stock was got out, hut the
farm utensils, grain, hay and other contents
wore entirely tlctttirjed, Tho loss is about
$5,000: partly.tnsuieiU
Ala meeting of the Slate Exchange of
Lehigh and Northampton counties, held ot
Easlon Monday, J.Edgar Mitchell, of the
Empire Freight Line, was elected president,
vico James Ilets, deceased, No change
was made in the regular prices of elate.
Retiorts from all Quarters ehowed-that the
spring business hud actively begun and
that the demand was in excess of last-year.
ffifl-AIvenia Graver has lust returned
from the city with a large, line ot Spring
Millinery. Do not fail to call on her.
"t'..E. F." Xuckcnbacli, 01 Broadway,
Mauch Chunk, has enlarged his store, put
in a new skylight, and now lias on exhibi
tion over 1000 styles of fine paper hanaiics.
decorations, freizes and borders, together
with an elegant line of ilado shades, with
latest attachments und trimmings. Books,
stationery and lancy (roods iu greut variety
and at lowest prices.
&3?Now is the time, and
CLAUSS & 11 Ii O., the
place, if you want a nice fit
ting all-wool suit of clothes,
made to order for only $10.00.
The anthracite coal companies issued
their"spring trade circulars Thursday. The
prices are from 20 to 60 cents $ ton lower
than those of the winter schedule, and from
10 to 20 cents B ton below the hcures of a
year ago. It Is generally understood in the
trade that the reduction below last spring s
prices is made principally with the View nl
meeting the growing competition ot bit-
umious coal..
&IL-Just the thine, an rye-elees that will
fit any nose, sold at E. H. Hohl's, Mauch
The Pennsylvania and North Carolina
Gold Mining Company, composed entirely
ol Tamaqua men, which was organizid
several years ugo for the purposeof devel
oping an extensiye tract of land owned by,
Iho company near Charlotte, N. 0 has
beeu organized and it is the intention of Hie
cnini'Hiiv hi Kivr ineir Mnii (..urnuna pro
perty u new and thorouch trial, under ex.
perlt;nced mid' energetic management.
ggfThcrc is a perfect rush
at Clauss & Bno., for those
handsomely-made, all-w o ol
suits at $10.00, X'all early
if you wish to take advantage
of this' -remarkably low price
ior a sun maae lOiOracr.
The jury in the Greening murder trial,
at Milford, Tike county, after remaining
put all nighty brought in a verdict at 1 30
o'clock Sunday afternoon of murder in the
second degree. Greening sat unmoved
when the verdict was rendered. C. W. Bull
his counsel, move. I lira new trial,claiming
that the yerdict was'nntin accordance with
the evidence. Tho Verdict is ilisipprove i
in Ihe community, the general opiuinu be
iug thatiGreeali.g was guilty uf deliberate
mumer. ,
aj-Chlldren'a .School .and Sailor" Hots
for 30 apd 35 cents, at Alvenia - Graver's
.Millinery sipre. '
They were standing nt the, fronl .gate,
'Won't you come in-tlio parlor and -sit a
little wlille,George, dear?" "'.'N..nofcI.gHeos
not," replied George, hesitatingly, "I wish
you would," the glrl'weut pnj '"it'aawfully
lonesome. Mother hasgue out and father
is up stairs groaning with? rheumatism in
.the. egs." ''Both legs?" asked li e'nrge.
"Ys. both legs." "Then I'H'come iitn. little
wn'ilr." In order to harmonize this matter,
h agreed to lake ner out in nne-of David
Ebberl's popular rigs. Llyery on North
l&ruMust be seen to convinco you that
the ni'iy improved riust-proof bail-road
watch is the best in the world. Svjd at E
ii. noni f, ..unucn uiiunK.
Daniel lAtner, jr., died, at his home In
Welssport, on Tuesday night about (en ,u
clock, of tvnhoid lever, aeml about 35 vmrn.
Deceased leaves a wife and two chlldreu lii
mourn their loss.
f yn Monday rnnrnlng about one o'clock'
a-firo originated at thai hemp house of
Drifton No. 2 slope, near Hazlelnn. A
bucket brigade 6f a hundred men was or
ganized and saved the breaker, from da
strurlinn. But little damage was done
;MJ-Wanlcd, A young lady to learn the
miuiuery traue. I'Jease apply at this of
Supt. Balliet Ins recently been making
a visit lothe schools of some ot the Western
cities. He spent some time at the Cook
County Normal School, under' the princt
palshlpofCii). F. W PaikeTjThja school
la attracting wida atleirtio'n rin account of
tho excellent work, done In it, ,
Th charter of Enterprise Building and
Lo'anAssnciatlon was 'granted'by Ihe Gov
ernor on Monday last.
L,Farmer,- boforej going in . the field
this sprlngland In get a square meal on
limn' buy the "On Time Watch" sold at E.
II. Hnhl's, Mauch Chunk.
.Mr John Trevaskia,' Principal of tho
Beaver Meadow schools, is making prepir.
ations to hold an institute on April 4th and
5lh. He baa inyited the teachers of other
districts to bq present, and the. prospects
are ihu there will be a, large attendance,
-.Twentyione persons mostly adults
have rectotl.v' been reeaiyed into miniber-'
ship at the Presbyterian church of Fern
Dale (or Fullerton), by the pastor, Rev. J,
A. Little. These converts were brought in
during happy revival meetings this winter
t,Feu pla. (
-S3. To Rent. The undersigned wishes
bf ftnt his house tu a small family, and
board witlrthem. PHILIP MILLER.
.yiTVou can positively aavo money bv
buying a watch at tbe reduce,! pruvj.ilE.
II. llohl, Mauch Chunk, keeing is belierinn.
Our you friend Obe 8. Keiser, of the U.
S. Hotel, Slalington, will retire from the
business nn the 1st of April, and nn the 31st
."V. Xu.r.hlv' S.
! grand hop in the evening, lo wbloh he re
' peclfully liiviles all his friends. Mr. Keis.
' er wrll rasumo tho Inuur slure business in
BUl:u 'Ion,
Potlrbrton Items.
-Miss Anabel McDanlel Is now con
valescent. She was quite 111 for several
-Mr. John Bohn will remove to Jamas-
tnwniccupylng one of the new houscsbullt
oy Jerome iteigei.
It will be necessary lo nominate a very
slrong ticket this fait, and It Is none too
early to give the matter serious considera
-The Episcopalians will hold weekly
services iu this place immediately alter
Lent. They will occupy the school House,
every Sunday afternoon at 3.30 P. M.
-A new oil and wssto House Is being
bullion tho side of the one destroyed bv
Ore a short time ago.
Packerton did not elect a supervisor
this year Mahnhlng is ouo ahead. Who
Is to blame, query?
Rev. B. F. Powell has been returned to
Mr. Samuel Merit is able In be out
again; he has bad a very serious tluio with
an agravated carbuncle.
It Is not decided yet whether there will
be full time or nut during April.
-Mr. Thamaa Harlemsn. despatcher of
the L. V. R. R. at Ibis point, was takon
langerously ill on Sunday morning last,
with vertigo; he was recovering from a
severe attack of pleurisy. Dr. Reber was
summoned at once, as aiion as possiuie
Doctors Derhemer and German, of Lehigli-
ton, and Dr. Ktwir, of Mauch Chunk, were
summoned loa onsulta'.iou with Dr. Reber.
Under treatment there has been no occur
rence of the attacks, aud the patient is
rapidly Impovlng.
Tho Democrats In Congress may make
fools of themselves, and thus bring on de
feat. It would nut be iiasaing atrangn II
they did. However (tis well tu K' n little
slow In making this prediction, If experi
ence has anyting to do with the matter, the
parly will give the country such a ticket
and platform as will guarantee good giv
eminent, If such bo the case, defeat is not
-Miss Mary Lnmison, a maiden lady.
died at the residence nl her Nephew, Jamea
bone, i'ackorlon, nn Wednesday morning.
Sho has been an Invalid lor long tluio. The
Mineral will take place on Saturday, March
29, at Lehightou Cemetery. Anon
Miss Elizabeth C. Gould died at the home
of her brother, (J. J. Gould, on Monday,
March 21th, after a lingering illness. Sho
had been a sufferer for many yoara with
that dread disease, consumption, possessing
an Indomnitablo will she did not succumb
until the wearied budy was worn out. ller
life was one of usefulness, carinc for others.
No case of sutlering or want pusaed her no-
',ice; always ready and willing to attend al
the bedside ol thu aick, kind, gentle, and
solicitous, she was sought for and welcomed
iu the sick room. She will be misted by
many, yet nonowlll wish her back from
that rest which is her'a with Him she an
lovingly served. She was born at Mauch
Chunk, Nov. 1st, 1827, and was always a
devotid daughter. It was her privilege to
smooth thodying'pillow ol both her parents,
her mother died in 18G7i her lather in 1875.
She was an o.irnest christiau, identified
herself with tbe church many years ago,
was an active communicant of the Presby
terian church under the late Richard Web
Bter, she hail charge of the Infant Sunday
School under the Roy. Mr. Hudgo. In '09
the family removed from Mauch Chunk to
rackerlon. Upon the organization ol a
Presbyterian churchatLehighlou she joined
by certificate.
i lie luueral services were Held at tue
residence ol her brother, Rev. R. Webster.
of Wilkesbarre, officiating, assisted by tho
Hev. Marcus ioliiian, ol Mauch Chunk.
Uy her rcriuest no other services weie held:
her favorin hymns: "Asleep in JcsuS,"and
"Rock ol Ages," were sung. The interment
took piacu at the Mauch Chunk cemetery
Thursday afternoon. She leaves a brother,
(..J. Gould, and two rfsters, Rebcccu J.
Gould and Mra. George Ratclilfd tu ,'uuuru
Ihe los of a loving sister. o.
Packerton, March 27, 1831.
Shoots at a Woman and Kills a Man.
A young man named Eli, aged 19 years
tho son nl Butler Eli, a well known citizen
of Yorktown, near Ilazleton, was shot and
killed at that place Sunday by Mrs. Thom
as Rccs. Ill-feeling had existed between
Mrs. Recs and a neighbor named Mrs.
Simmons for some time, Mrs. Rces alleging
unit uirp. oiiiiiiiimib nan enuceii iiernua
baud and made him prove- unfaithful to
her. Sunday afternoon Mrs. Rees went to
Mrs. Simmons' house and bitterlv upbraid
ed her. A quarrel ensued when Mrs. Recs,
riven lo desicration by the taunts and
jeers of Mrs. Simmons, suddenly drew a
revolver, and, screaming out, "I II have
your life, you brazen devil," attempted to
shoot her. Eli, who happened to be in the
house at the time as a visitor, leaped for
ward to prevent the murder, but bis at
tempt to save Mrs. Simmons' life cost him
his own, for, the pistol going nirjustasho
dashed between the women, the bullet
atrucic him on the side of the head and he
lei I mortally wounded. The whole tnu
lation of the village waa soon crowding
around the home, and muttered threats
aiialnst the murderess were heard on all
sides. Eli was taken home, but died with
in an hour Mrs. Rees was arrested and
put under n strong Ritard, for fear an at
tempt would be made to Injure her. 8hi
was subsequently placed in the lockup, and
was removed to the county jail, at Mauch
Chunkin Tuesday. Tne Coroner summon
ed a jurv, viewed the body and a verdict In
accoruauce witn tne auuve tacts was ren
An Editor Assaulted.
A Mauch Chunk despatch of the 22nd
inst., gives the following particulars of a
"lectio difficulty" between the Chief of Po.
lice, of Mauch Chunk, and the editor of the
Timer. "Quite a sensation was created hore
late last evening by John Pointer, chief of
police, beating aud choking Zander Snyder,
r'liuirui iiiii!iiiv jimei. j a inter suppos
rd the editor uas responsible for a small
nam ol tun lines which appeared in thu
innrs, reflecting on his son, the Lehigh
Vullev Railroad policeman who last Sum
mer knocked the eye out nl a brakeman.
Mr. Snyiler in 2i years of age, of a good
family and highly respected. Last even
ing as he was at the postofflce a large
crowd present Painter rushed toward him
in great excitement, nulling oil' his coat.
hurling it in the d ior.jumped at his victim,
strucK mm in tne (ace and caught him by
tho throat and assaultet him with a heavv
club. Several bystanders interfered and
considerable excitement prevailed. This
morning I'alnler was arrested fur aggravat
assault and battery and bound over to ans
wer a criminal prosecution at April court."
"Too Much Fooling about it."
Sheriff Stocker visited John Dillman, the
murderer, in bis cell in the E.iston jail,
Saturday noon and told him he must pre
pare tor his death as the commission in
lunacy had decided him sane and respon.
nolo for his crime. Dillman seemed
to dislike the fact that he hod not beeu' in
formed earlier of tbe teiwrt of the com
mission and ssid, "There has been too
much fooling about it all." He also
mumbled something abnut'"Ought to have
been Jiunglungago." Dillman.lsnotdeeined
a aangerous man, or al all I null nod to self
destruction, hence nn close watch Is kept
over him.-, lie is confined in a double tell.
His spiritual adviser, who has not called nn
him olten of , late, will, renew his visitations
IliisVeek. The execution will bo on the
8tn of April.
A Close Call,
' One of tbe most wonderful escapes en
record took place on Ihe Imhlgh and Sus
quehanna Division of ihe JhiladIphia and
Heading Railroad, near Miners' Station,
Saturday morning, A coal engine was
hurrying north, and a truck with about a
dozen laborers was moving south, each try
ing to get out of the way ol tbe passenger
train which rrachea Wilkesbarro at 11.45,
and which was then almost dua at the
point named. On the rurve just above the
.latino the engine and the truck collided,
aud the latter was thrown from the track
and demolished in ou inrtaut. The Mir
fur the moment was filled with flying
navies, dinner palls and bits of the wreck.
Wonderful to relate, all the men escaped
with nothing worse than bruises. The en
giue waa not Injured and reached the
.witch iu tune to let the psttenger train
Impossible escape.
Atoolate Truth with Collateral Proof From
Whion There Can Be no Appeal.
Fortbepast three years we have bad 'a
standing offer of $5,000 for any statement
of cure published by us which was not, so
far as we know, tomtjftte We did this in
order that alt readers might know the abi
solute truth tf all our assertions and that
they wore baled iijwh' Iho value of our.
remedy aud not upon idle words. Below
we give a few extracls from recent letters,
which speak for themselves. We will only
add that we could furnish ORtAtmd'rai' thou
anrfmoreof a sishilar nature did occasion
require, but we believe the entire Ameri
can public Is now convinced of the positive
yalue of Warner's Safe Cure.
H. U. Warsir 3c Cu.
liocheUtr, N. Y.
"Warner's Safe Cure does all claimed for
it." Ma.
Fttuluma, Cat.
"I was cured of kldnev disease and bleed
ing piles by it bottles vf Warner's Safe
Cure." H. It. Howard.
Auburn, He.
"I wbs a physical wreck by kidney dls
order, but Warner's Safe Cure has complete
ly cured me." U.U. Ijanimu.
"I was a sight to behold from kidney
dropsy, but was restored to perfect health
by Warner s Sale Cure." James Allen.
a i-ojr, Jf. X,
"My physicians said I would never get
out of lied again. I took Warner's Safe
Cure and felt like another being."
JJcvcrly,J?.J. F. Cutlkp. Huicmss.
"I had 22 quarts of Water laken from me
caused by droixy. Ten bottles uf Warner's
bale cure entirely restored me,"
Manchester, N, II. " Gto. B. Pkaslkt.
"A neighbor of mine, W. A. Thompson,
has been raised from the dead by the use of
your ivarner a oaie cure "
John Iiortox, r. ai.
Summit City, Pa., Feb. 8th,
"Physicians said I could never be cured
of calculus and stranguary, but four bottles
or Warner a 6aro euro entirely removed my
complaint." T. O. Lewis.
San Francisco, Cat.
"I was wholly prostrated by a complica
tion of dibeasa and as a last resort purchas
ed Warner's Safe Cure. Every one of the
old troubles have disappeared and I am
very gratelul." W. E Beneiiict,
Albany, Jv. 1". Prci and Knickerbocker.
tiT . n i t . -..i.
i Buncreu lur uvvr ivvuuiy years wiiu a
lame back caused by kidney complaint, and
mv snino and hervous avslom were badlv
all'ected. When I had abandoned all hope
I began the use of Warner's Safe Cure, aud
bavo not felt Ed well and strong for
twenty years." J. J. WittouT.
ion au lac, (V it.
-ror two years,i auuerea intensely anu
h.T-A.!,1.. ,i .-t. a:...a i.i.i
neys and bladder, with nervous exhaustion
and entire prn.'tratioq. Doctors and Died f
ine .1 hi notulmrd me any relief, anil I was
,.lu:a.l in ... tr...,A..- 3..rAn..-n ...m-i. r
did In connection wilh tho Safe Pills , and
am mauiiiui tu stale 1 am entirely cured ol
tue urcauiui raaiauv." jurs, aiorukr,
448 South Tenth street.
Denver, Col, Feb. I9A
"I want to stale huw much my husband
has improved while taking Warner's Safe
Cure. All swelling has disappeared from
nis iinius; his water trouble-is much beller
and bis voice Is su improved that he
preaches every Sabbatb. We are yery
thankful. The people all around here are
taking the remedy, and some are getting
well by the use of a low bottles. Multitudes
mure must haye it."
Mrs. Riiv. F, A. Soui.i!.
Sing Sinq,N. I'.', Feb. 29ft.
"For arcore of yeara I suffered with what
tho doctors pronounced dilation aud valvu
lar disease of the heart, but now I am led
to belicye that the heart trouble was only
so?ondary uhd a symptom of other com
plaints. Frequently 1 was threatened with
death by aullocuion, my breath failing me
entirely. I became cold and numb, and
was as near death as any living perron ever
has been. This was tliroo years ago and 1
have ever since enjoyed complete health
wholly through the use of Warnai's Safe
Cure." A. Bildkrolok,
28 13th street.
Chicago, March lsf.
A Woman's Suicido.
Tho wife of Edward Allen, an engineer
at tiie Crane Iron Works, at Oitasauqiujias
for some time been sulferiDg wilh melan
cholia over financial losses. After return
ing from a shopping expedition to Allen
town, Thursday nl last week, she did not
go to her home, but jump-dlotu the canal,
from "Inch she was fished by several men
who worked near by. She was taken home
and her husband took her in cliafge, but
being overcome by sleep during tae night
he awoke at three o'clock to find hergune.
He had hidden the key, but she found it
and left the room souuietly that her bus
band was not awakened. Search was
made along the canal aud at daylight the
Imdy was found. The Aliens came Irom
England four years ago and were ol good
Weatherlr Chips.
Robert Moony, a braKoman on Ihe
local freight from this place, was hurt
Wednesday niorning,at Beaver Brook,whilc
In the act of making a coupling.
A team of horses belonging to Mr,
neinser, of Itockport, ran away here wed
nesday morning, causing considerable ex
cilementon 2nd street. Both horses and
wagon were badly used up.
The passenger engine G, B. .Linder
man, Nu. -117, appeared on the road last
Monday ready for aclion, Tbe Osceola, No.
420, a cib I enginp, is nearly finished, and
will'lie ready for'wnrk. " They are both
very fineengines, and M. M, Hufe'cker need
not be ashamed ot either. North.
Joaquin Miller,
a story Iroin whose pen we.arennw pqblish
leg, has lust written a new book which ii
creating a iiw sensation In many circles,
under thi title ol "Memorio ami Rime "
Mr. Miller regards this as tne best book he
his ever written. It is full of romantic
incidents of his eJrly froillier life, contain
ing many gepis of poetry for Mr. Miller
ranks among tho best of the world's uiets.
It la puuiishel by Funk Jc Wagnalls, New
York, at the low price of 25 cents In paper
binding, and $1 00 binding. See
their large advertisement on another page
John Geory, a boy employed as a slate
picker in the Hrllman breaker of the Heil
men Vein Coal Company at North Wilkes
barre, met with a frightful uVathon Monday
morning. He was -endeavoring to push
some lumfis of coal into the rolls and began
kicking them with bis font, when his leg
was taught by tbe swiftly revolving rolls,
and, In an instant, be was drawn in and
literally torn to pieces, portions of his flesh
and limbs being hurled around on all tides.
The machinery was stopped; the remains
gathered tip and removed to hit home.
John Rlnker Lad his band caught In a
pully hook and terribly. Jtscerated, on dty
last week. T. v '
Qn Dec 3rd, IE83, by Rev. J, E. Free
man, Jonat Ilartman and Miss Sarah J.
Slrohl.botb of Maria Furnace.
On Jan. 13th, 1884, by the same, Albert
Rlnker and Miaa Amelia Auge, formerly of
rurrytllle and later of Mahoning.
On Feb. 23rd, by Ihe tame, Frank Wrist
and Miss Mary Markley, both ol North
On the 8th Init.. bv Ihe mine. Wr.W r
Levari and Miss Alice Snyder, bolh of
r rminiui,
On the Ilth Inst., by the same, Abraham
Smith and Miss Emma Strohl, both of
Ou the 13th Inst., by the tame, Abraham
D, Smith and Miss Mary A. Button, butb of
Parryville, r
On March 19th, 1661, at the residence of
the bride's parents, Calatauoua. bv the Rev.
J. Iticharda puyle, of Wilmiuglon, Del , as
sisted by Rev. H. R, Yit, of Mauch Chunk.!
John Kline, Eq., id Bi'ulh Bethlehem,
formerly of Mauch Chunk, and Miss Lizzie
M ,v lungett daughter of Mr Henry Bouder,
of Catumuqua,
Annual Statement.
Miiiitou Poor District.
Peter Helm, Treasurer of the Leliighton
Poor Hoard In account with the Lchluhtcn
Poor District, Flora May 1st, US3 to.Msrcb
13, 1884!
To balance due as per last year's re
port ' i 139 07.
" utiKiuntuf duplicate for yours 'Hi
'83, less exonerations and coui
mission 5 per cent tiJO, 06,
John Bartholomew, boarding IN,
Plsher) . 110 00
J. Ilnrihulcmew sundries, N. Fisher, 1 00
F. Ludwlg, rent, I,. Summit
Anna Sowers, tending Mrs. Summit
live weeks
Drt. Bower and llltkamn medical ser
t 00
vices, I,. Summit 10 00
II. liecitendnrl, rent, I snydor,
II. Bockendnrf, coal and haullog pus
tutoen, milk, Ao
II. Ileckemlorf, salary for one year...
A. W. Horn, constable service and
tending lockup
Jeremiah Khoads, constable service
00 10
30 09
20 00
S3 05
Catharine Louchncr, boarding M,
Mulhearn, 2 months 10 00
Frank Shulu.boardlna- M. Mulhearn
2 months , 10 00
Mrs. Thus. Fath, hat, M. Mulhearn.. 1 00
II, llaltter, sundries, M. Mulncarn.. 3 39
EllaShultt. maklna- dress. M. Mul.
beam. 1 25
D. S. Hock, books, JiC. M Millhearn 6U
I'eter Helm, kccnlmr M. Mulhearn.
31 weeks at $1 25 per week 38 75
II. V. Morthlmer. urlntlnir statemont
1882 and 1883 14 25
.1. P. 8nilth..maklng duplicate 18-3.. 4 00,
Dr. W.U.iU Selble. mcd lo.U services
and medicine U 75
T)T. N. It. Ilabcr.raed ca.1 services and
medicine 17 15.
T. 1). 'I bomas medicine 45
Dr. J. T. Horn, tuedlcul services and
mo, Heine 8 01)
J. O. Rex, potatoes and wood 10 50
Kami, Seller, beer. , to 07
J. I.. Oiibel.eonl 23 80
W. Al, liapsher, professional services 10 til
O. II. Schlle. rent Feb. 1S81. O. Shoo-
maker.... 8 00
O. Sellort, boor. 5 58
It. A. Heltt, relleforders todato.,,.. 1 60
F. I.clbengiith, merchandise , v 00
Hclllnan Sc. Oo., ' SO :Vi
Sweeny St Son, " 0 80
Mrs. Del'schlrsky, sundries 2 11
K. Fensterinachcr, mcrohandlso 10 48
II. I'.bhort, merchandise 24 Hi
E. H, Snyder, merchan.llsu 11 73
J. T. Nusbaum, merchandise 3 83
Jos. Obert. merchandise 4 27
Clauss t Hro , merchandise..., 1 93
Wiu. Iweruerer. merchandise 0 71
O. It. Ithoads, agt., mcrohandlso 4 84
t). Trainer, merchandise 10 40
I'eter Helm, shoo mcndlnir. &.O.. lor
poor 43 76
Peter Helm, salary lor one year 60 0)
reter Helm, per ocntaire on paying
out as Treasurer 729 23 lit 2 per
cent 14 68
Auditors fees 8 00
I'eter Helm, taking Mot. Anthony to
Lehitrdi County Almshouse, assis
ted by A, W. llurn and 11. Uuck
endorf, Including railroad rare... 12 00
W, II. Strauss, merchandise. ., lis
Balance due district 79 31
SW 12
Wo, the underslgnod dulyelected Auditors
of the BoroiiKh or i.ehlghton, do cerllly that
the above accounts are eorroot to the best of
our kiiuivledge and boiler,
Vf. P. Lonri,
41. O. TllBXLER,
II. J. UtlKTNltV.
March 29, w3. Auditors.
Reooipta and Expenditures
Boroili of Weissprt, Fa..
For Year ending March, 1884
Cash In troasury and unool.
lcoted at last rep-rt, less
commission and exonera
tlnns , $214 74
Exonerations on duplloato lor
1881 21 00
Commission on duplloato for
1882 12 44
33 41 131 30
Amount of duplloato fur 1883 277 31
Solomon Ycakcl, services as chief of
ponce t:: 76
W. M. Rnpsher, attorney ree 1882.... 12 60
1 J Kistler, nudltlnir and work 8 5:
I. . Cochran, mason work 25 10
It V. Morthlmer, printing statement 14 0
Henry Mertz, stones 65 42 Kverett, room rent, light und
work 42 02
P. Wasum, work on street..... 12)
Samuel Welsh, work, fee 24 ID
D.inlcl Arncr, work on stroct lo oo
Charles Sehach, work on street 3 13
Wm. I'.ilstrrove, services 12 oi
Jos H. Seldel, work on street, &.O.... 7 30
F. Scrfass, lumber 12 30
tlcorgo Miller, lumber 1 10
Win, NeMey, work on strcol 4 75
Job. S Webb, work on street 4 60
H. K. Culton, hauling, Ao 46 62
II. Vogt, work , 2 69
Yeakel h Albright, hauling, etc .... 7 .6
II. Wright, work on street , 1 69
F. J. lvast. work on street 3 76
w. C. I'redlrlcl. work on stieet 2 50
A liable, work on street,. lu o
S337 1 3
Balance In treasury and uncollected,
less cowmlsslonand exonerations 121 68
$168 01
Bounty Statement for 1883.
Cash' In Treasury and uncol
lected as per last State
ment, less Commission
and Exoneration 1773 87
Exonerations on dupli
cate ror 1881 (21 00
Exoneration nn dupli
cate Tor 1882,..,... $10 00
Commission on dupli
cate lur 1862 $49 19
(89 19
$832 08
Am't of duplicate for 18S2....$lo00 80
rant to r uroisuacu, too uu
. $347 80
Balance In treasury and uncollected,
loss Commission and Exoneration. $1513 43
To balance due on Judgment
July 29th, ltS3 $3020 (9
We. the undersigned Auditors or tho Bor.
ough or Velsort, have examined the nbovo
accounts of J. U. Seldel, Seo'y , and Henry
lioyer, ireas, ana lounu tuem correct as
auuve siaicu.
ACSTIlt IlOTEn, ) A,,..,
Wm. K. UitED. Auditors.
March 10, l88l-8
Crescent Plug
Thh Fihest and Swiietibt OiiKivixrt To
bacco on the market, niaae expressly to
sun tne teste oi wis i ennsyivania wnewers
Ask your dealer ror It. A trial will thou
you It is tbe Tobacoo you want. Manu
factured by U. A. JACKSON k CU.,
mar29 w4 I'KTXRSDUno, V.
Carriages, Yagons and Machinery M
without grease or oil. No occ&flon to take
off the carrlaire wheels Ulreular Beut free.
CO , JettcyClty, W j.
IirtANCH AND CATTLE CO.. euntrolllns;
over on a million acres or tne nntsi graz,
Iniclnnds In New Mexico and Colorado, Is
ritslrlaus ofohlaloInK the cooperation of In.
vetturs to Inerease their herd lo 12,000 head
oi grant came; paring on riauu aireaoy
2,000 head. Yearly Increase oyer 40 per cent.
Annual cash dividends ol 10 per cent, and up.
wards Irom surplus tales, and tho herd coo.
stantlj Increailntr. A safe and proatableln
teitmcnt. Send lor lull particulars to
Mill's Building, Wall St.. New York.
WVit-ll 'rueiie. reliable MealoSell
..JUDU KiuIi Tieet. (Irapo Vlors,
cri'ilLe, Jioiee. AC r ILAKY anU I X
ru Bii ai' ru'i insirueuons uivi'i , a n io
experlneed merictn to ,n earn I ha bii-1 o
Add'ettJ K t,Ii I,ltt llUIilltruN N
Y., H uu.o can oflt urit-r, K V uia..9
32 -3 wfiM f
as v! fi. oiiik
GS rX e-aS sjaaaalcpojJ
VjS Rfi tami
HoocFs Sat
Cornblnc,In n proportion pocullit to itself,
the actlvo tnodlclnal properties ot tho best
blood-purifying and. strengthening remedies
of tho vegotable- kingdom. It will positively
euro whoa In tho power, ot mcdlcluo
Sprlns Debility, Hendjujlie, Dyspepsia, Ca
tarrh, Salt Ehcum, Scrofula, and all Diseases
caused ty n, low stato of too blood.
" I suffered three ycaf with blood poison.
I took Hood's Barsapatllla, and think I am
cured." Jtns. II. J. Davw, Brockport, N. Y.
"Hood's Sarsaparllla beats all olhcrs, and
la worth Its wolsht In cold." I. D.titRnro"
TOif, 130 Dank Slrcct, Now Yorlt City.
"I tried a dozen, articles to, elcanso my
blood, but never found anything tbn Old
me any good Hit I began using Hood's
Sarsaparllla." W. n. rtcn, Kocliester, N. Y.
"Jly wife- was troublcil with dlzzlnes9
and constipation, and her Mood, has been
In a bad order In fact she has been all
run down. Hood's Barsapatllla Is doing her
a wonderful amount ot good." P, SI, DALr
WIN', druggist, Manchester, Ohio.
Hood's SaisaparilSa
Sold by all druggists, tl i six tor $5. Mado
only by C. I. HOOD Is CO., Lowell, Mass,
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar.
Tour pr'jccttopHbli h pooil toki Atcf&j
Jobn Wanatnatetr. PA1 ule vf.fa
"IrKammen'i W unieHxkinsj," Joht Halt,
Our Stnndanl library books for 19 oonln
and 35 ociiti aro about tho size of this cqtiro
advcrtisomcnt, Tho tyoo iu
nearly nil tha books aro Small
Pica, tho sizo used in thia scn
tonco. Each book ia piiutod
on ftoo laid piper, ami U bound In a durablo.
haudsomo paper covor.wltU tUJ naa.opriulc4
on tUo back und eitle,
Illpliwitya of Literature, l!y rniOE.
Amcrtcnii Ilumorisia, By IUwf.ih.
illinnu,aud Utury nr i iuiei.flunns
Jiliin, Uy tho great Sussitn novelist Ton-
Cliarlotte Dront, By I,. O. Hoiaowat.
Alalmuisuit, By Julian Hawtiioukb.
The sboye aro tome of our IS cunt bouks,
WItH the loot, By Oanom FAnnAii.
I.Ife of Oromwrll, By 1'axtuk Hood.
Kasays ofGrorgn niiol (Oomiileta),
THo Msrv (s book of tmvcl). By O'Donovav
Dowibnm Fuzzltf (novol). By UAniu:n-
tok, author of Ilolen's Bublcs.
Tho abova aro Nome of our 23 o:nt boolii.
Send for Descriptive Circular,
Send 25 cents f r thli book aa n sumpb of
these cboap bo-okB by the ablest of American
and European writers.
Spurgoon's Lifo Work.
Tho Troasury of David.
To bo completed In raven vols , six now
ready, price, per vol., $2.0u.
John Hultsavs: " For lnt'ruotlon Hpur-
goon s worK is witnouc an cjuai."
ni3enilPJT TO r IIRCj For thlrtrd,iT After thin ndvertisemenfc cuneari wa trill
allow per cent, discount on $20.00 wortli cf our books tu ono address, tuo moucj' to uccoinpany
tba order.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ! V thobnokado not Klvonatisraotlnn they way ba
returned two days after receipt an3 tbo mouej refunded, tba purchaser to pay tha roturn freight.
Any of the abovs booU tznt. ros&aiJ, en ncctpt cf price, Circu'ars fre
FUNK & WAGNALL.S, Publishers, 10 and ia Dcy St., Ntw Yotk.
J3C3 Caiirasaors Wanted fur .Subsorlptlun Ilu lst
Beer Saloon Restaurant,
1143 Vine St., rhlladelphia.
Dennis Gilbert, Proprietor.
Tho !nr Is funrlsbed with choice Clears,
Fresh I.izr, nnd other rcfrosbmants. Ter
sons trom the I,elitith Valley rlslllnir Thlla
delphlu are respectfully invited to irlvo me a
call. 1)eis UitnuBx.
March 23, lfst-tf.
To Fishermen and Othtr3 !
All persons are hereby forbid trespasslnic
on the lands of the underslirneil. In Toira
menslnic Tonnsblp, Csibon county, l'a., lor
the purnoiie t,f FIshlnK on IMne Run (Jrcck
or hiintltii; on said lands. Persons to t res
passing alter this notico will bo dealt will)
accordlnir to law.
Amiuon Klott,
I Antnony May,
Harrison Smith.
Stephen Uhrlstman,
t;usper Noeb.
U'cniol Schluko.
joint ii.trinon,
Cornelius Wulck,
ltcuben llehrlir,
aiarjli '.ti, w3
Embrace this opportunity at
once, as wo positively
close in a short time.
The Stock comprises
Dry Goods
Carpets, &c.,
Which will be Sold at
Bankrupt Prices !
The Stock consls's of about 9,000 worth of
Goods, whlob must bs told In a FEW DAYS,
no matter what prloe It brings. (Jail early
to secure llargalns at your own Trlee, be.
cause the tale will PUSITIVtt.Y OI,US
Obert's Buiding,
Bank Street Lehighton.
February IMKl tw
Wall IPapers,
Borders & Decorations,
Boois, Stationery. Fancy Goofc. j
Window Shades & Fixtures,
latest Htjles, mado ant put up, If deilrtd,
Pnints, Oil, Varnish, Putty,
Brushes & f;pfrol Painters'
1. 61 BrcaiNr. Hancl Clinnl, Fa.,
Below the Broadway Houst
Is so Vastly tuporlor to any other sarsa
parllla or blotrt purifier, that ono lias well
saldi "Its licMUi-slvIng effects upon tho
blood and ontlrS Yiuman organlsrn, aro as
much mora poslUvo than Iho remedies or
a quattot of a century ago, as th,o steam
power of to-day Is In, ot tho slow
and laborious- drudgery ot years ago."
"TOillo Buffering from ft sovere. blllou
attack In March,. 16S3t a filend in feoria,
111., recommended Itooil's. IJarMpartlla. I
tried tho remedy, and was permanently
cured." J. A. SrtEr.uu), travelling agont tor
Devoo & Co., I'ullon Str;t,N. Y.
"I was for CV6 years a sufferer with,
bolls, nil run down, and, was at ono time)
obliged tit give tip work, pefore taking
allot two bottles ot Hood's Sarsapatula was.
entirely cured."- U. M. Lae, I'lttsburgh, Ta.
t'l was severely aflllclcd with scrolula,
anil tor o-ei; a year had two running sorcH
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All thnt th-itlouhtfnl curious nt? thoughtful want tj
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ltzter7t "ryMie Hmins, tonorrbs, FjehUHV And
SrrcurlAl iBrrUo. tSfientlflc trratmenti tilt and ui
rrmwlk't. DefonnltW Treated. Call or writ forlUt cf
Qucrtioni to be auiwercd bj thoao dealriug treatment by mat),
ifrrrviat aafferlnf from ttmptmr abaald aead their a4draa,
Vuiil leara MDietblnr lotk'-lj' adfiaUge. llUaatfttrmaar
JI44rwuinr. f. I., la B A HOB, rmS and rhraMaa la Charge
Caatral Htd. tlarf. latitat, ft 2 CI Lort tU Bt. LouU, Jt,
Succciaor to Dr. XluUa' DWwnaarj, auttlUJMtl SQ Yeara.
in Ulii'ii" "llll , utuvui riBtiti mii uvaisiwflfnfBS VUi(rt
crgutio vaaknCM and das
tay, end Kutncroui o
car direaiat, baO!ai
killfttl thjilUu, ruali
rroiu jotstbful lodlasra
tkai, too frta tclulieofln,
ml ortrbrala work Da
ot ttoiporlif whit IHCl)
eccailri lark taiourirs
teat. Arofd fcdBj 'lnspoM'l
on ty prrteatloua elalma o
o her rcnoJIea fbr theis
troutlei. Get ocr froo cirea
Ut aitl trial Bachaga aal
Ukrn import at fa?u tmtan
taking treatment eluwhora.
Take a rrtucdj ttat baa earo4
thoniaal. and doaa not !
UrturelUt attention M b4
A Ridicil Curs
ITiJ Tooted fcroverO
yoara ty uao la t3wu
ea&da of cases
Deaa or eaiia pal a or uooa
Ttnlence Keuoded a ad
fauna mMical
Growlnf la fetor aiwl r-paU
t!on. Direct afpUcatJoa M tl4
auatof dlaeaaa nakalu ipo-
rim iDQUf noa rut witaoua
ttlaj. TBarupiao
ttona of tha ooiuaa arxao-
llftl IM MklTtalL Tha
animating cleaeaU tt
llf vhten har been
waatad aro rifta back.
ITho patlo&k booa
liahttf fill (tUM
f nrcSfTB raptuj
8U0H Korth 10th St., Et, J.oalu, Bo,
Ou: Uovru's Tbutuut, (3 1 2 udnths, 3 wmx
HR. E. C WUrS kKRTX 1XD Hlllll THLlTHkltT. m.
iruraiitrlipsrtA(trUt'rU D tstatu OanTaUUa,KlU.
NwrvtoVt Kaaralrla Uaadaca, Kamtta Prkattaa miim(
1.7 t"a ua W alcobal rr VkfatnM, UaUI
ITtM'oo, Mousing ol tba Braia rtaaltta Is taaMHy and
idiar tostlMrr dteay u4 death ) rrtntar Old lie.
brTDPCMttjof fSirU at lb r mx, lavoito.ur Lmni
and Srvrnat-rrlxsa eauad by oaa-xa-tU f ba brala.
air ante or omMttdumura. f aeli avaeauina one miUf
trtm bi 1 a boi, or U tojiei tvt sli.atAttr maUprv
paia nn r- ralpt of prlea. ' r
Tienraarraa. WTi aartt anler rti4 Vp aa for aid
Imiim, aaeotnaal4 lilt i will aat Ua porefcaaar oar
writ ton teaiaklsja lo relua.l tl mosajr tf to Waatmaa dot
Ds I altct a care, fluaraaiaaa Uaaad only
LI 9 X III k NE5DKUUX, 31 Kara rtil, rhlTartalpWa, ra.
Jti- J -JL.' la. ' '
Tba ralabratod ( labia IUmm1 I'aHdvr. It lmm4!aaf y
rarra llaaiacha, lMitlpatla rj ria I ha Bkla. Uailad
anvwkara upon raet t of Ii eata. UniarTaaad (r
o.iiiiiflA. rtiflMrn A Mrunri rhm.
320 Rnoo Street. Phlladolphla, Pa
Dr. W.C. Detweiler,
1 10 Northampton St., Eiston, Va.,
Ilwpertrully Infurint the Cl lions uf Lehlvh,
ton alul tViis.purt tdat h will hn at tlia
I'ulilio Hnuai. ir I'ltttltAS M AN 'I 7. ri-'y
TWU V r I' K. tM-n'iiiilnar nn 4T1 IiIJAV.
MA It1 'It t'J ,-l Ii 5- t avu urtttrs art ttiu
i;j, n! II ',1 I, i. ali un
'I Oui-ri ! j I'diap ami Varrante t
Sai.l avi, i lujr , u.,"