The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 15, 1884, Image 1

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Advertising Rates.
. AY drain) t toibe distinctly understood
' Ibat -ftO hdTortlsetaents will be Inserted In
, 'rtb'colu'mn.of Tflfc Oarbon Adtooxt tliot
'jlJiiy.VKreccivedfrdfrt unUnwn parties or
v Sniil juntos Wonipaniel "try the "SB-
"th follow rag 4ro flu f no.Y terms :
On? J inwrllon.-.., ...., 10 fcts.
at MMiiWdtrh ineATlion N..u CIS.
Hi V.-MOiariltMBU, Pubilslior.
Ajktoi'iiys 'CduriseltoVs,
meorner of H Sfrbtt-tJapkwp
r i, lsss-mu'J LKiiiauiur.
n i Bt mil . Lima HT0N , T .
' sUltl&Ulr Conveyancing neatly done Cc
Physicians imd Dentists.
vnAiit.ttfiT htf A T . ltdl.LKNM A Y1K.
where be, fill bo plenum! lo toe tils Irleud
a MiMM ia-'orFlUE IlllXiKS: from
6't6'9'O0l0Ck!P.'IM.- -March 31, 16S3jj
Q'HO'O uiuvfc t t --. -fjg
Mir ba go
'physician and SUnOKON &
8p.cllatii'ntVm pnld t Ciyonle Diseases.
'otaM:JSoutli'1Ski foinlrironlnif 2ncptt.. Le
Mfblen.Fa. ' April 3, 1675.
, ij : 1 -
V. 8. KxnTntnXu'B'Jui'ttion','';
PBAOTtCINa"rSvttfuiAN atti B U ttdCoN.
Dmiobj, HanlijStrooU lliuiau'b IH.OCK, ,Lp!iib1i-
May bo consulted in tho Herman ur I2ni;ltsh
j f '.4'IKUIIt!0.
i nniei UppJtlto D.urllng'1 Dr.uif itnro,
bjiNK;St., I.ehlKluon.'t'.. 1 iitn-l'-l y'
Brs. BarraMlislaiiii),
Have determined to remain iu LEHIGH
TON all Vmt:r, and willicontiuhe' to
pay special attention to J 1 " " "
Cukonic Ai-pctibjcs t
t rjjiiOri AND
; Y ;Sun"piqL DigiijAsia.
Offlee Honrs from 9 a. m. too r. h.
.i i ' . '
Bank Street,- Lehighton, Pa.
Oe(ober,H,183-tf r- - i
W; A. OortrightD.S.,
Patterns have jthe Jienqfit of,tna latest lm
nroveipeqls In iuticliftnl'.al apldlailevs and
the Ist"m9tli'il or triMtineiu In all rurKlcal
aases. ANJKSTUUTIi) ndmlnlstein If
"it eslrcil." ' If -posatiilff pg rsqns rt(diiiB-.uliiiil
of Miaou Uhunk, should make eusuireinents
lijmill. 118 vl
- jwt A Rb'6 M Hb'us'E,: v "
. JV, A'UpKffimSIl', PUpl'IllETOH,
i IIahkSt., Lkiiioiitox, Px.
' The Uaxbox Hoouk oilers flrnl.clainnccnm-
modatlnas to tho Trai ellrnr pulilln. Ilonrdlui;
br tao.Hir..or. vveck.on Jteasonablo Terms.
llholco Ulnars, Wines and Liquors always on
' band,' Uond Sheds aud Sinliles.'wlih ntten-
tlT HjHltri. altielie.l. April 10-yl,
P.vcki:rton iioTEr..
Ullway between Mauch Chunk & I.olil(hlon
LEOPOLD JtEYUIt, Pnonumon,
This vrell Vnown hotel Is ndinlrahlv refitted.
stndfi is Jh bcstai'cumiftotfatliins lur permnn'
em anu'irunsinnwrtnaors. I Kxeenent lames
and JhoTjrciXsWuJ ItaQurAAlso Itna htalilei
HtucheJ. Sept. 18-yl. "
Mauch Chunk House.
'Ts?sii6iaTnna StrcoOMancirCJaunk", I'ciina.,
When visiting nt the County Sent tills
Hotel will fount! to be ttrt-chus Iu every res
nect. Wines, JJqiiorf. Jigcr Uecr. Clirur
ino nnr. leriiiB very moaoruip.
e,n, ism
Livery & Sale Stables
IS ANIC ST U ISE1', IjKA 1 1 0 1 1 T ) . , P n
. .utlier Iu very in tliQiJoaiity,
?-U? W.; It ATOEfK BUS Lt
Kespeetlully annnune.s lo the puhllo that ho
has ontited K NEW LIVLItY ST A 111. I: in
eonnectlon with his hutcl, and is prepared to 1
furnish Teams for
$ nbruli-c(lMn5o'i)?'Biisiiicss Trips-,
on shortest notice and most llbernlitrms. All
' orders left at tlie'-OathMi Jlnu" will receive
yroiapt attention, Stabla oji North S-reet,
Aox( the, bote), L(lihUn. 1jiiK-i1
I TJT)T'71? Bsnit a,(0r tair, and r"
A'rrl H.-lvlree. atsullwof Roods
-.2iHUAJ'-whl4iirl-iitl,iyoii ti inMB
Ofort.VtneNn rfff. alwiliitriP n.3. KArowe
ttt4JrtMttu(rV'Uui Austs,u.i . ij
V.G.ESiile, Physician SSia1
H. V. M&iiTiiiMBR, Proprietor
VOL. XII,, No 17.
Hailroad Guide.
'Awangtmeat'cf Passenger Trains.
0UT0IU1K Kith, 1883.
Trams leavo Allcntown as follows :
- (Via l'KRKIOMBS llAlLnOAU.)
, Forl'iriliilcluhla at S.i, e.fO, 11.40 a. m
anJ S.lji. in, J.
I'or I'ldl.tilelphlaat 3.C0 p.m.
(VIS Uast Penh IlnAKCir.)
I'or lies jtTiRian'il ltarrl9burB, 0.00, 8.40 a.
to.. ia.lV'4Sf itnif 0.0 1. m.
I'ot l.iinciisUranJ Columbia, 8.C0, 5.10 a,
to., and 4 30 p, la.
i'6r.HaJrrlsbur(, and vmy'point, V.CS p. ra,
Trains for Allcntown leave as follows :
i fVla Pkiikiomen KaiIuoad.)
rf T.. tM.ltft'.fn mil. 7 in n. m. unit 1.00.
f !ir. 1 al nil A. lft II. Hi.
41,1 rsuivuAya;
X.cavo Philadelphia. 8.0) a.m., 4.!M p.m.
(Via Kast Pkkn. Do'ancu.)
""X.onTr Dpallns, 7.30, 10.15 a. in., 2.00, 3.M,
and (1.1 V. n. ,
land 4.VU i.,
jw I.cavo Lancaster, t7.S0 n.-m., ,1.0J and 13.40
p. ra.
J.CUVO UOlUlilMlH, l.uU U. Ul , BUU
p. in,
f r'roin KlnR Street Depot.
,,Lcavo Itcodlnir, J.31a. in.
li.cavo MiirilsunrK, o.-u a. m.
I'ralns via "i'orklomcn ltallroait" marked
thus 11 run lo nitil Irom Denot. Ninth nnil
linen BlrroU, l'lilladelplila, other trains to
unit from Jlruail street Depot.
Thn 5io anil 6.45 a. m. trains from Allen.
tnwii. unit tho 1 33 and ft.15 ii. in. train from
' P.hlladelptila, via 1'erklomen liallrnad, have
'through curs lo and hum Philadelphia.
J. 12. WOOTTI2N,
(5cncral JMauaircr.
Uen'l Pnss'r !t Ticket Agent
May i!7th, lbt3.
TO AND i'ltOJl
1 .
Prpnald P.ns.ienirers Trom England. Ireland.
and Scutlaml. cm embark at either I.ler
pnul, (Jlargon, tluccnslovrn, Londonderry ur
Ualwoy. ,
Drafts on England, Ireland, and Scotland.
11. V7 jIUltTlil:Ul!iU, Agt.
OAnnoii Adtjoate Office,
BANK STE'REX, Lehigriton, Pa.,
MlLLBRS'and Dcolei-a In
AinCllldiof GRAIN IIOUOHT mill SOLD n
Wcwonld, also, irsprctlnllr Inform' ourclti
7.1'in that wonio now fully prcpnrwl to MJP
PLY thenl With
Prom any IIu desired nt VEU
Central Carriage Works.
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa.,
Aro prepared to r.Ianuf.ieture
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring "Wagon, &c,
Jf every description. In the most substantia
manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices
Hcjialiiiiff rromntlr Attended to.
April 55, lSSSyl Proprietors.
NEW STOKE, nearly orposlto the NEW
' " H
Bank St., Lehighton, Pa.
Every thins of tho very best qnalltr and at
lowest prices. oct, .'.Ri6.
No Patent Wo Pay.
obtained for Inventors In tho United States
Ounnda and Europe, at reduced rates. With
our principal oinco located In Washington,
directly opposite tho United States Patent
Office, no are able to attend to all patent
business with Krrottr- promptness and tle
spttch and at le.s cost than other patent at.
toroejs who are at a distance from Wash
luiciun, and who have, thereloro, to employ
' aaicl,il attorneys." We make preliminary
examinations aud lurnlsh ui'lnlons as to m.
tentabllliy, tree of ehurKe. uud all who aro
Inlercsteii in new inventions and patents are
Invited to rend for a copy ol our "lluldo for
obtaining Patents," which Is sent Ireo to
any address, and contains complete Instruo-
nuns no io ouiain patents ani omer valua
Itlo matter. '-Vo lOlur to the Orrmnn.Aniir.
loin National (lank Wnehlnston, 1. U.i tho
Horal Swedish. Nurwevtan and Danish Leim
tlun,at Washlngtoo i lion, Jos, I'usey, lute
Chiel .lustlee U. S. llourl of Ulalins; to the
Oinetals or the U. S Patent Office, and to
' Senator aud Members or Uonirress from
A(t.t;o.s: LOUIS I1AOOEK fc UO., So'
lienors uf Patents and Attorneys at Law,Ls
Ur Jit UalMlUi U'AjatMJT).-, D. U,
( -Tnornas1- Drug-Storp.y
; . - ":p..
t" CJ 11
'5' l; td ' 7
if rt ci
Causes no
am orDread.
Gives Relief at
Once. Not all
quia or suuff.
treatment! will
Prlco IC cenls. hy mail or nt ilruiclslj.
ELY llllUTUl'.lfS, DrnuijlFts,
dec-'i2-yl Owcgo, N. Y.
The following Coaipsnles ire Itupteseoted:
t,El!. )N MUTUAL PI11E.
HE A 1)1 NO MUTUAL nitE,
porrsviLLn pip.i;,
Lniiiou rmn, and tho TitAV.
Also l'cnnijlvanli and .Mutual ilorio Tlilcl
cteclivoand Inmrunic Crmiiauv.
5iarcn:3,isrJ Tltoa. KEMEREtt.
ft ftf TI for the wo.-klnic class. Send lOcts.
t 1 1 1 1 1 Tor posiaKo, and no will mall you
UUIJ1Ji ('f,aroyal) valuable box of sample
eoo Is that will put you In tho nayof mnklnit
moro money in a lew dajs tlinn jou cvtr
thouuht possible at niiy business, Cnpitnl
not rcnulrcil. Wo will start you. You can
work nil tho time or In spnro tltno unlv. The
work Is universally adapted to both i'Xtt
young and old. 'ou cuu enrilv earn Iroin 50
cenle to 5.CQ evory tvenlnn. That nil nlm
wantwnrk mny test tho buslniss, we make
this uninrallclcd offer s to nil who are not
well satlslied we will send i lo i ay li.r tho
trouble ol writing us Pull jiartlculars, ill.
rcctlons, etc., smt frco. Fortunes will be
undo by those who ulvo tlielr whole tlmo to
work, llrcatsuccess absolutclyrurc. Don't
delay, start now. Addicss Stii ft Co ,
l'artlaml, .Maine. decls-ly
Dr. C. T. Horn,
Central Drug Store,
Opposite tho "Oarbon Mouse,"
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.,
Reeps a full supply of
Pure Drugs & Medicines,
Fancy and Toilet Articles,
Stationery & Choice Cigars.
Choice Wines and Liquors for Medicinal
purposes, riesrrlptlone very carefully com
pounded, day or niglit.
ALSO, Just received, an Immense (lock of
Newest and most Popular Decline la
Wall Papers
whleh he Is otferlngat Prices fully at low ar
tho tamo lualltlc and Patterns can be got
In the Cities. It you are about redecorating
your liirco, call and seetyies and learn the
prices beforo purchasing elsewhere.
Itenembor, THE CENTRAL DHUU Store,
Pcb.S..yl Jin. (I. T, HORN,
Late Commlsslooer or Patents.
Obtains Patents tor Intentions In this and
foreign countries, will also attend to Pat.
eiu cases before the United Statoi Courts
OFFICE, LeDroll llulldlng, Washington,
D. O. rel'J.iuScor
i : 1 r.
'anted fur the Lives of all the
'residents nt the U, S. The
largest, handsomest, best Uik
ever sold for less than twlto our pri Tho
lastesl selling bek In Amerlea. Immenso
rirotlts to ageots. All Intelligent iiesplo want
t. Any one can become a successful agent.
Terms free. IUlixit Look Co , Portland,
Maine. deoli-rl
w l as & s
IU r 3. P
-ii 1
p 'J CD
p a ti:
. M 1 CD
r, f gp s
nr.' fl I.
t usrtB-",
a .vJinmi'
i rlit.u 1
'a 1
Willmm Heurv Ilunt,,Americaii MiuislertD llnssia, nnO ot-Seerdnry 3fthu
wboldltd nt iJt. reHnsbtirc WetlLi-bdny. Feb. 27tU, was born ul Clmrlndtni,
S. O.. 1821. the Yoanmst of five tons of
rS'lnte LeRislature.
Mr. ltnut was nroiiBat up in new unenns, to which oity uia utlier remnveil on
account of the Calhoun, nullification excitement, but attended (.cliool nt New II iv
eu, Oouu., uud ntte;rda entered Yale 0llege. lie studied law with nil tldcr
brotber, aud wiib kdtnltted to the bar iu 1811 iu New Orleans nt the ego of twenty,
lie boon took a high mult iw A profound uud oloiiuuul lawjer, nnd was for u time u
urofeesor iu n New Orleans Law School. Whm the vnr cuuic ou bo reluaed to join
iu the sm'tsiou mnvuutut, nud u n consihteut Union uinii, When Aiituinil
Fnrriigut entered New Orlcnus, J mlf-o Huut invitpd tbo ctHcera of the navy to his
bouse. He nssisttd iu tbo reconstruction of tbeStiite, uud was elected Attorney
General ou (be l'iickaul ticket iu 18TC. Iu 1878 he wak nppoiuled n Judge of the
United Stales'Court of ClaimR. Fresideut Garlield tool; biui into bis Cabinet as a
representative of the South, nnd when l'residtut Arthur succeeded to the executive
oilice be appointed him Mluisttr to Russia.
Iu Ibis capacity Mr. Huut perfoiincd nn mlinirnlile service- to bis country in
looking niter the rurvivols of the Jekmette Hipedilion, nud nsslstiiiR Ihem iu
mailing their way Iroui n rtuiote coruer of the ltussian Krnpire lo St. 1'etcri-bnrR,
nud thence to their homes. Tbrough U tlioits the cod olUctB or the Rtissiiiti
Roverumeut wcro secured in liriURltiR the leiiinins of J)e Lour and those who per
ished with him Irom tbo Western Const of Siberia to tbo Itubhiai capital,
Judge limit was four times innrrud. His llrst wife wnsadauRhter of Commodore
IlldRley, His Keodild wile was n ilauuhter-in law orthe late llisboo Hopkius 3
Couuicticut. In bis petFonnl cbaractt riellca Mr. Hunt was one of the uiont win
uiuR ol men. HaudFome, leurutil nud tlrtpieut, te pojseksed nil tba graces of a
fluished Reutleman. He leaves n widow, oue daughter aud four sons.
The tollowitiR was received byPresideut Arthur the day after Mr Hunt's death.
To the Russian MlNi-Tcn, Wamnotox: The Emperor liihtruols you to express
to the President nnd to the Government of Ihe United Statin the hiuccro regret
wbiob Mr. Hum's death His Majesty,
Ihniciiu iieidlondd that the Govm Hunt and llussian Srcietynre much effect
ed bv his loss. Ginui. Itussian Minister of ForeiRti Atlairs.
lly oriier of Secretary Chandler the Navy Department will be dapoj iu mourniug
for thirty days.
Cojiyrlghtcd by C. II. Milter. 1881, and print
in the Cahuox Ahvocati: by nr
raufe'einent with the Author.
A Story of the J2:tr ly Days of Jlorinonism.
Author of "Songs of the Sierras," "The
Danltes," " Memorle and Itlinc," etc.
CH.U't'lilt I.
'Dan shall judge his people us one of the
tribes of Ibhiel.
'Dan f 1 1 u 1 1 ho a serpent bv tho way, an
adder in the path, Hint hileth tho hnrte
heels. So that his rider shall ull backward."
-Ui.x. 4V : Ifi, 17
Planted down In iho heart of tb) con
linent, and "by thowny," "Iu the path."
of the weary pllRri'uis jouruejlug to the
remote West, you ci.u well see bow the
Mornou'elders put their fingers ou this
text, aud tu)d heir iguoraut fullowiiiR
that they wcro the cboseu people re.
ferred to here: that they were tho chil
dren of D.tu; that they hbould judge the
peop)o who caruo that way; that they
the Mormons, oh tho children of Dan,
Were "tho serpent by the way," "au ad
dsr in tbo path."
In the large reading of tbo text, and a
liberal view and look of it all, it BCeuis
nlausihlo almost, eveu to us, How cer
tain then did it seem to these iguoraut
and merciless followem oflbo dread or
der of the Dauitcs, established thtrc
"by the way," "iu tho path," that they
were as they sat iu the heart of Ihe
desert, to be the "jullgta" of those who
passed by I
- Back of this niblo test lay much bit
terness, iuduced by n sad history, much
sufferlug aud persecutiou. The Mur-
'nions firmly believed that the order of
the Dauitcs was nectary, not ouly for
Ihe purposa of "judging" the earth, but
for tbeic own pieservatiou.
More than thirty years bro I first en
countered these teople. My father and
his little Sunday train that is, n train
that wouU not travel on Sunday iu
crOssiug the plalus, btc.iuso of religious
scruples pitched teuton the bunks ol
tho Missouri at Council Illtilfs, right Iu
their trails. We saw there thousands of
caves, little mud huts, hovels, all sorts
of miserable little habitations, where the
whole mass of Mormons hadwinttreda
few seasons before, in their txodus from
the Uuittd States to what was then sup
posed to bo Mexico. When our tram
crossed the Missouri aud pushed west to
Irv to reach tbo Pacific, wo still wcro iu
their trails, lollouiug the murks their
great moving camvau made as it drew ils
mottled length like a shining tjeVpcut
across the great deserts to Salt L ike.
I was but a small lad at that time, not
big enough to bear arms, or indeed to
understand much of unjthiug. Hut
this much I understood, aud understood!
so well that it became a part of my life:
that wn were iu peril. It was not Iu
dians we feartd. My lather was a
Quaker, tud he feared no mau.whom he
could look lu the face. Hal he did fear
the Danitts, whom no man might see
till they did their bloody work. I
Not that ho or hU bad ever had any
part or hand in their persecution; but
this terror of tbtm vs in the air, it was
over all things. We knew that our road
lay through or by Salt Like. There
wns'no escaping that We must follow
ou iu their track till we came iu our
journey to where Dau, who judged his
people, lay like a "serpent by thelway,"
"an adder iu the path."
I forgot to mention that my father
had done a little something lu his ijui.l
Quaker like way to help, or try to btlp.a
haautilul young woman who had come
in great distress to our camp rue' eve
ning, while tented in the old Mormon
winter quarters on Ihe bauks of the
Missouri. l)ut surely he had no cause
to ftur evil for good.
The facts were simplv these. This
beautllul, blaok-eyad little lady was oue
of th. ten thousand cuilgrauU starling
Live and Let Live."
PA., SATURDAY, MAUCH 15, 1884.
Henry Hunt.
na iuflueutiul lawyer and member uf the
out in a long weary liuo toward the re
motest West, She was with her peoplo
her parents, brothers nnd sister.', and
Rome other relatives, if I remember cor
rectly. This young lidy, aRirlofeigb.
teen, gifted, gracelul, good to her par
ents, lull ol ofTection, was sUfforlnc
from an uncontrollable fear of tho Mor
mons. Her people, sho told my father
in terrified whispers, were from the same
settlement the Mormons originally start
ed from, nud she knew that her people
would be "judged by tho Dauites when
they came to Salt Lake, ou their journey
to California.
It subsequently appeared, however,
that ste had uot told qnite.all the truth.
There really had been serious trouble
between her father and the Mormons
nearly a year before. And this was the
nature of it. The Mormoni bad grown
up in tho settlement whe're the girl's
people lived, nud were nil mixed up
among the neighbors. It was not easy
to pay who was a JIvrmou and who was
uot. Converts were new and numero is
A man might be a "Gentile" to-day aud
ii Mormon to morrow.
Ono of tho busy w'omeu -one of the
meddlesome and miscbievrns kind found
iu all camps who knew this poor girl's
history better perhips than she suspect
ed, told the secret uf her niurriago to oue
of the new Mormon elders. It was a
forbidden marrlngo too a marriage on
discovery of which her father bad be
o iruii very furious, aud loud with thrents
to nil Mormons. It was true, this busy
and meddlesome woman said, as she
gadded about, as such busy women will
when idle iu camp, that tho Mormon
elder to whom she was "sealed'' had
n iver quite got possession of her; thai
t er father even did uot know his daugh
ter's pretended husband, bad ucver seen
him in fact. Hut fur all .that, the girl
had been married or "sealed" lo a Mor
mou elder; aud trouble was going to
come of it. That was why her father
was taking her out of tbo cmnlrv aud
away to California, hissed this garrulou
aud meddlesome wouiau; that was why
sho looked do sad and seemed so fright
ened nil tbo time, continued the ad.
ding aud garrulous womnu, inysteri
Now oil in the world that my father
did on Inuring the story of this beauti
fill aud terrified girl, was to go to her
people, who were camped close by our
teut, aud advise, even protest, that they
should take some other roato to tbo re
mote West than this oue that lay by
Salt Like. Solely this was uot much.
Yec it was enough to put our little Sun
day tralu in perpetual terror of "judg-mi-nt"
from the Danilcs as we pushed on
across the pldns. We did not seo this
Miss Line, tho Mormon elder's "wife,"
again for months Her lather either did
not seo fit to be advised, or, which is
more likely, found it impossible then to
turn aside and seek another route, and
so cio?d the Mirsouri, ns if it were n
aort of Itublcon, and pushed on ahead.
As he had hcrsfs aud we ouly oxen, nnd
then, ton, as he travelled on Snndays,his
party had uoou left our little Sunday
traiu a long way behind.
'And obi what a motley mass of weary
peoplo weot stretching away, helpless,
dazed, dying, across the bauds toward
the setting sunt Thero were some men
with but n single horse to carry their
food aud blaukets. Some men were on
foot and alouo. There was a mau aud
bis wife with a single ox between tbo
shafts of a cirt Mauy men bad little
baud-oarU which they pushed or drav
along, sail nud sllcut, as some oue of
their number fell dead by the way.
Some men had wheelbarrows. Every
day we pas.ed dtud cattle, deserted
wiigous, carriages, by the roadside,
Bvry night by seme little stream wo
camped amid new. made graves.
Hut there was oue conveyance, and
one traveler, toe, in all this mass of
moving, struggling, dyikg humanity,
(hat .was Indescribable. This vehicle
wus not a carriage, not n band -cart, not
a barrow. It, was a long, narrow, thiu,
black coffin set on two wheels and push
ed always by a tall, gaunt and silent
giant. Aud if there was anything more
terrible to us children than the mention
of Danitts, it was the sight of Hint coffin
ou wheels, and the great bony face aud
hollow eyes of the man who, silent nnd
sullen, pushed it uloug. lly and by.
uud by what means or gradual steps I
kuow not, wo began to associate him
with that dreaded order. Mnybo it was
because tba Muruioug had mudo their
great journey by the adroit use of bar
rows 6f all kludsi umybe it was because
be stern aud severe silence,
as we thought a Danlte should look.that
wo camo to suspect him to be u Dauite,
1 do not kuow now. I ouly know that,
as that loug, slim, black coffin crawled
along the Uwuy sand in Ihe sun,or crept
stealthily along iu our (rack ns tho moon
rose, that great, gaunt, hollow.ejod, nud
silent giant pushing, plodding uu altir.
it, was the most weird, ghostly, nud fas
cinating sight that ever frcsa youig
Ono night it was noticed that this
great, gauut, leauinft creaturo could
hardly reaoh camp, He wus seen to
push his barrow with effort to the bank
of the stream a quarter of a uiilu nwny
from us, ns was his custom, theu lo
staud a stick under an end of it. Then
be rolled his heavy bag of books nud
provisions out of his singular bed, nnd
with great effort got in nud lay dowu,
He wus evidently very ill, nud my father
took me by tho hand and went to see
him at ouce, As we camo lip he reaobed
out his Rreat bony baud, and lis it fell
Into father's two bauds, he said, "I
made my burrow-bod llko a cofltu, sir,
becausebecause I have had u grievous
disappointment, nud fear it may be that
uayo done wrong iu my day, Tho
monks of Home sleep in their oofilns for
penanoe, sir. I alii tloiug penance.
And theu, jou see, it keeps idlers nwnv,
aud gives me time to think and to read
books. Hooks are bread bread for
body aud soul, sir. Sit down, and when
I have a litllo strength I will read you
from tho holy book of Mormon, sir,"
Usk ackkii's Exui.isu ItEsisay for Con-
sumption. Sold br Dr. 0. T. Horn.Le-
lifghtnii, and E. A. Horn, Wclsspnrt.
Hobokeu nas an elecllio girl. She
shocks everjboily.
Sjl.-m-ido men are not "born to
command," heaause they are not made
to order.
A duel is tho quickest kind of nu en
counter, because it only taken two se
"When dors a man resemble a seam.
stress?'1 "When hi htms nud huws anil and tears."
Aluiee tells a reporter that she wears
out $3C'J worth of stockings every year.
Hat us stockings comprise about her en
tire wardrobe, the figures are not so ap
palling. Old Mrs. Pinapbor hones that no
more lives will be sacrificed iu Ihe hunt
for the north pole until same persons go
out there and ascertaiu whether such a
pole exists.
Lawyers and doctors' blunders havo
been the causa nl more than ono man's
choking lo death. Some erson havo been
known to choke from cuughing. Those iu
stances are few ifjsdwiu'e Pine Tar Syrup
is used. Per bottle, 25 rents and $1. I'or
sale at Thomas' drug store.
"Money does everything for a man,"
Slid au old geutletnati, pompously,
"les, renlled the other oue, "but nion
ey wou't do as much for a mau as some
men will do for money,"
A timid jouug mau has married ti
lady whose weight verges closely ou to
two hundred pounds. "My dear," he
says to her, "shall I help you over Ihe
fence?" "No," sas she to him, "help
the f.nce,"
A family drama entitled "Abraham"
would take well. Must everyone would
like to see eld man Abraham huggit g
his comely servant Hugur in the Mtcheu
while the old woman would be out mar
Jlrs. 1'iatt has written n poem to
show that the only happy woman is n
dead uoniun. We dau't kuow about
that. We never saw a dead woman who
appeared to be so tickled us a woman
with s now bonnet.
Subscribe for aud read Iho Advocate
it con lams all the latest locul uows up to
the time of going to press.
Peck's Dad Bay says he can sletp Willi
his feet hanging out of the window the
col. left of winter nights, if he ran only be
furnisliai with a good supply of Jadivin's
Pine Tor Syrup. Verily, (t Is a halm lor
the alllicted. Prieo, 25o. soil I ier bottle,
i'or sale at Thomas' dru store.
Henry VIII. was Ihe first and last
King ol England who was styled "Dread
A worthy old lady offers tho follow.
ing advice to girls: "Whenever a fellow
pops the question, dou't blash and stare
at your loit. Just throw your uiuis
arouud his neck, look him full in the
face aud commence talkiug about tie
Tho new mother was bitterly lament
ing that her first-born was cross-eyed,
aud Ihe father, after looking at the babe
a second, said encouragingly: "Never
ruiud, Martha, If he's cross-eyed he'll
never boa rassher. There's some conso
latiou (u that.''
In playiug a game of seveu-up with
a young lady from St. Paul, n wicked
Illsmareker told her that every time shf
held Ihe jack of Irumps it was u sure situ
that her lover was thinking of her. Then
bo watched her lace at tuch deal, and
every time she bln.bed aud looked pleas
ed, led out nnd can ht ber jack.
"What s the difference between nn
orange and a cabbage?" I don't know,"
pleasantly answered the man. "You
dgu'tl" ejiwlated the propouuder of the
inquiry. "You would be a devil of a
man to'send after oranges,".
T ' f'T ' 1 y
Year iE Paid iff Adtfriuce.
not p:ud, in advance,
Tor the Cure of Conphs, Colds,
Hoarcncs, j;ronuutis, Lroup,
A'thma. Whooiiinr? Cni"li. Inci-i
. 1 ij e I
pient Conuirnption. for thej
relief of consumptive pe.-?or.s in:
ulvanccd stages ol the lirca'C.
Sold by all Druggists. IMco 25 c.
WJitM '.s."l.l.l"s v.-"ssLiT,'Ur ..mi i.i'p
fcmio H nets on tho UVU:, IJOWIILS ana
KinXlU'f at tbo saiiid tlmp,
Kef auso it elcanaes tho tryalea of tho poison
oua liumoni that rtevelopo in Kidney aud Uri
nary Diseases, JJillausncas, Jaundice, CouoUpa
tlon. Piles, o In llnittmMhvn, Ncuralffla, rfcr
VQUS Elwrders anrt all Fftnalo Complalato,
tsrsouppiiooir of rws,
tv will ouuely ctnta
J3y caualng riUH3 ACTIOrT of aU tho organs
ond funcUcris, thereby
ycetorlng the normal power ta throw off diseuao.
of th wor-t firms of thes tfrrtblo cTlcatM
havo bcoa qulcuiy relieved, ad in a uUort Unx j
riticr, f 1, MQViti a:t u:tv, r.of.i) jiv biuxmsts.
Dry call bo cent by
TTEIiS.ItlCirAItDSOIf U Cj BurUnjrton.Vt.
0 fcen4 na fj Ut.vy Altujuv f- r
Local Advertising
Job. Piinting
of every description.
Rev. ather Wilds'
Tho Kcv. Z. 1. IVUils, iTcll-l;iioirn t-lty
nlbsloiiary In 'ev Yorlt, nnd brnllicr
of tho late eminent
nt .luilr-oWIM .r th I
nc .juiii,o n iia, or llio j
uj.rcuiu Coiul, irrltca 1
JIiissacliusclt.1 ii
11s folloive t
"78 r. SM .11., A'cir rZ', Mty 10, IP:.
Jlrssm. .1. c. A vi:n & Co.. (ieutlenicu :
laist winter 1 wai troubled Willi a most
uncomfortable Itching humor affecting
more eieclally my limbs, which Itclicil 60
Intolerably at night, nml burned eo Intense
ly, that I could ecarcely bear any clothing
over them. 1 was also n tuffeier from a
sjvero oafirrli iin.l uitorrlial eoeglit luv
appetite w.n iwor, unit my system n good
ileal run down, luxinlni; tliu vuluo of
AVKtt'H SAiHAl'ittiLi.A, by objervntii n of
many other cases, aiul from (.creoita! uo
lu former jar, 1 Ihht'ui taking It for tho
aboro-n uiiwt illtorilcrs. My aiiiietlto Im
proved almost fiom tho llrst dose. .Vfttr
a short tlmo llio fever nml Itelilui; were
allayed, ami all a!ii of Irritation of the
s'tln disappi-ired. Jly .il:irrh nud couh
wore alst, cured by tho g.-imu means, nud
my general health greallr Iihihmio.1, until
It Is now excellent. 1 feci a hundred per
cent stronger, an I I nttnbuto these results
to tho mo of tlio SAUSAlMniLi..e, which
1 rconnimoul Willi nil coiilldeuco na llio
best blowl mM.cJno over devUod. 1 tool;
It In small doa-s three tunes a day. Mid
i'ed, lu nil, les., than tuo bottles. I hieo
these facts nt your trvioe, hoping tiiuir
publication may do Road.
Yours respietfully, ;:. 1". WiUW."
Tho abovo iustnuco Is but ono of the mauy
ronstnutly coming to our notice, whleh prove
the perfect adaptability of Arcu'a KAUfA
t'Anil.I.A to tbo cure of all disciaos nrUlnc
from Impiiro or luipoicrUhed blood, ami a
weakened vitality.
Ayer's SaFsaparilia
:leanscs, eniiehos, and blroiigthens the Mood,
stimulates tho action of the etomnoh and
bowels, and thereby cuablos tho system to
resist and overcome tho attacks of all &-roit-Ioiii
Diseases, ErvptlMt n the Nkla, Mcu
mallsm. Catarrh, Ganrat DMIiti, and ull
disorders resulting from ioor or corrupted
blood and a low stato of tho system.
rntrAnrn nr
Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggt.ts; rrlco $i, eU bottles
for ?5.
Best Purgativo
all lllltous iJIsoidcre.
Sold ovtryirhcic. Alwuya reliable,.
en. ig3i8Ll
fi week nt hune. i.0i outfit tsttt,
absaluuly urr. Mo rule.
iiAL rati u irMi iikiiaM iKvain iraiti
ymig, can wake Wat iv Will Uw
OitfrvBTtc, vrim abwlilt oUmry, write fr
rut euUrs U U. UAkUVCX.& UoOrUaud,
The Carboa Advocate
An flnlehtndcnt Family 5cwspit i
Published, evory bATUHDAY,. in.
LphifchtoJi, Cnrbo.n. Co.Pev, by
"ItiHiiV V, sionxaji.'yKii.
intica-UA iVAV, t short SiTslaucj sbiAs
' the Lehigh Vallyy It. rf. treffcu
Terns rSl.oo pCTilmio, Mvb&gi
cvsr.t nxecTJi'itoN of rtiAub twicer
at vmi i.o w rr.tcLs
A4 tli? proprietor of these medicines I coi
sc lcntlou-jy otter tlicm to the public Sis aiC
rcltablo mil certain remedies fortlio Cure
of Consumption, nnd with equal confidence
jtinlmijclaivpia) for those mot bid condition of ttm
1mV, wLlc'.i, If i trlort .aro n;t to tnutnaU In fat&l
U1 ours Consumption.
Jda not that tM (ilaoMa can b ourwj ftrr th
lutT3 ara CcstroyoJ, ur no modi "i :o can c recto now onei ,
liv-tliiirJatstttriat tha first tttVycd tt Co!UTimTUour
cuiM-Wc, OTrn when tba lans iJ xirt illy itftcajcU.
Wic.i t no laiij 1 onml t em clmcst vciJsin ct LnAttnc a
Cir, If Ihp tat tent will take proper c(ird tt hlitiselX &s4
1. 11 jw my dJioctl ns.
It 1 1 1 y ba ru.:.vil, "How la lt Uirt you can know go much
fclruutthh (113 io, anl prctcnJ to (.tiro it, when so many
(vlrcaici i lij-D.t Ivin, wbo t-j,'-- a s.udyoUfor
yxar3, iT.'itciunco It Incurable !"
h. que t'.on U a fair one, end shell to fairly atuBWf rclt
I (1j Rtis ilolm to 1.HUW inoro ttaa vihc physicians about
tlioe.iuf, naturo an M-trr; of Con urn pt Ion, (np
jk)ho Umt my riowu on thco polata roul4 l toUnd to
dSroa v 1th thaw cf m-M cdi'cetd and lutclli(rcnt paytt
Vtcni. V.'or.ltotilJoftrw'thatwhlloth.'jtnfit ratiMlatbb
tura -In other words, whiioli ljiiot possible to y tchii
Coimm,)tion oclocts this cr th:.( ;k rwon as a Tlc( !m ytt
thopwIw-ifftjcAHfioaaro 1
1 .t, ItAciitanc Consumption Ij hcmlifcary in a won
Oorjl tiojreo, Onfpantt try oftej entails lt upon tha
ofXprin,iu;JIto;t rf Kt more ficiuontly, to that wholo
f.millloit aro often swept r.way. (iui hand tho prcdlsposl
.leu Cows (heir children.
2 1, Colt, Hy this uo do not mn thoeo changes ot
weather wl-L'U oCtcn produ?') lnflanuratloni but lonar
cortlnued tuU ttcaJy cold, so that a condition ot debility
I I protlscod. Indodl whatever tondi (a produco lonp
contlnuod debility wtll,lu panjn ixntonp, cmorata VmX
tr.onarjr Consunipl!o:i, Troinlnent anion thi-so lnfluencoa lnvtjlclontclUt.llvlnff In an imwholeDmo air.scd-.
cnlary hab'ts, prlcf, anslrty, disappointment, whether ot
iUo r.ITt.ctIom or li buslnrrw, and all other depressing
ctacUonii (hi a'juso of ineirury. and tho Influtnco of
wcalici-lnj Clwoccri. 1 also ftreo with tho bctt doctors
as to tho rimmer In which tho ltmja become r.ffeeted,
Tiiljionary Comuaiptlon la alsa oallod, ru&ereuroas (Jon
rjinptlon, ty which wo nircn n dlaoaso of Iho lungs
caused by tubercles, AtuVrcloliftsmall.i'oundUhbod
which U deposited In thocubstnnoo of tho lungs by tho
Mood. ThU U tho licsrinnlaff and first act of tho disease
Many of theao aro of tan deposit rd at onco. Each one un
dergoea sttvcral chancci, A'tcr pi-oducjns Jnf.ammatjpn
of tho parts of lbs June nrxt ta It, It ends In ulceration,
openaapesjaso Into tho bronchial tubes, aud passes out
nt tho mouth by eplttln;, Tho ploco whero thetubctcl
crew and ripened noi? becomes a cavity, and wherd there
pro a great rruny tubercles, cf courno they mako p creat
many cf thcJoIIttlQcaTltlo, vhlchcrodually unitoan4
Icavo croat holes In tho 1 Jnfrs, Vnlcso a ttop can bo put
to (Ms proccat, jt u-H r ouiinlll the cubstanco p th
lunrjj Is consumed and death cncuis,
Of courso I ajreo wlih tho faculty upon tho symptoms
and court ot tho disco- j the sh srt, dry, liacLlnET coygh,
bo Eli jht nt flrBt, hut pradually Increasing, then shorfncM
pf breath, a qulekcnlns pulso, then fcroilsh sensation?,
fluKbJi3 of tho checks and heat & tho palms ot tho hands
n:d stleo of tho f cctj tho slight but uroi, tnc cmaejatjon,
.-lth fatbU nppotliJ, lunsrrhajcs, Incrcajdnjj coughs,
disturbed deep, fucrcdtonjo, then losaof pplte,
expectoration of Eoftcncd ubcrcjo la tbechapopf small
lnrai of ycllowlth, cheery, crcurdy matter, hectlofcrcr,
btllmt cyo, chills, nl;ht tv. oats, tharp palm In tho lides,
fncrcOaln emaciation and dcbty, disordered stomach
end bjcbf diarrhea, nausea, swollen extremities, bol.
of chcclu, sunken eyes, weakness bo great thatcxpec
t?ratlo:i Jjlmposclbloj then death, brlnchifj yrclocnio
relief from tho tortures ot this horrid monrtcr,
llovr, as I haro Bald, J mainly ar-reo with tho moulcal
faculty on thcao points. Cut v.hcn vocomQtothofrcafr
i.tei'f of tho disease I tUffcr fromittrtally, Thodottois
bsllfvo rulmouary Consumption rmwot bo cured. Thcro
f oro they do not try to do anything moro than to 9 mo ith
tho jutl:ntfii path lo thocraTp, and seem quite reek
less of tho incdizlncs they pive, ro that the patlont U hcpl
ea.rforteble and easy, crcn If his life U shortened. As soon
aa tubercles bee'ln to appear Jn the lcnxa of a patient, tl
laacommonpractlco with niany Jendlnff physlcjaiui to
be-indoalnffwilhw'ilslcy in nerea,-iniX quantities, Ufttl
thornTopescf esrfl zlvodraTi-drlnlUnjarof-ddedtotha
raTocos cf the discaso an J I haro yet to hear of a -sl
caso of Conrmn; tlon which as cwmf by rtlmulants. I
ai.jy t''eMi.nnorC'dLiTcrQ;i Wanyphyslcla end
their patients a wnyfivra homo vn dlt,ttnt voyce" t
Minnesota or llorida anytUn:; oranyn hero so that t hy
maydleca-y. J'arthey donotpntendto carf.andthey
liarpnorrnit-diei whl h irlll do so. rTowIwy not only
that dbeasesof thol jn.s cat be cured, but that r.y mcdl
clues do cure them. Theproq te, thctbythtfrilei thou
tand cf Consult tve hme Veen and err novo Mnp cured
Lj them.
Tho v.ho'o sc.cnea of nedldneh based on experiments,.
Wo cannot by any process of reasoning decide that any
P'ul medlcioq will help or cure any paiticulw
Ai9CMft Umf was It found that Quinine will euro ChlUa
aniI i'CTrl Vhy, by trylnff one thInffftcraiotlir4
until experience demonstrated that H was aepeclSofor
that discos?. la Ju't that way tho fcnowledffe was gamed
cf my remedies, which o iJciost n specific la disema
cf tho(ingi
rulmonatTOjnsumpUon U hereditary Inrayfather"
family. la father, mother, brothers and sisters died of
It, and be had reached almost tho lat stages of tho
disenst when ba vol providentially led to experiment
with tho articles which aro Incorporated In thc:omodl
clues, lie waicurod by thpnl.and Hired, a etron, healthy
man, for over forty years after his recoTcry. What cured
him has cured thousands of others all over the country.
These results, aro not aocUvuUJ. There Is to such
thin? as accident la nature.
riatcvcrr,iixj tepie cavec, the orial.i of Tuliaonary
Consumption Is In tho blood. Whenever, from any of
the predlspcslnarcaueciwht.ii I hire juit nowiurnUcnrd,
t'lolloodb.'coinecdepxncrateditbeftlrat') isake tuber
rulouiderttdtslnthorulfetancocf thoUoa. Ttlsniu t
Imstrped.or death will lurcly follow. It vW not be
enough to cct rid of the tabtrclcs already deposited, and
heal up tho fibres cl ready made, Vut aoincthlns must be
done tictop further de;Kh!k Vfttt thall that bol The
rcclirfaculty sayuotlilnjraa he doie, f say purf-y,
enrich, and tono up thu lWt,uat 11 lt bsccnics ro healthy
r.inoljnip:rtoiualcetc'jcrL!oR, Con this bo.donot Vea
Jf-jx-t r.f thoeas'ef and mcstnaJural way in the world.
Ti'ioa uia wb shows to the expeiicnccdere, bytnany
lufalKMcs tnf,thatConumptlonlias.etln, IlolsfceUhj
Anirl.bou appetite. Kow,rcewt IhtrM tafioi
J'tnt, Iyrcpote to dentist fiU stoauicti and botcel cf
Ii tf-"oJ, 9Uty,ctoyo!j waiter. ThUIrhaU fio wliU
ny Jlaadra-e nils, vhl h ara tho bet cathsrUe pills In
thovarU. Thcycoiitilnnorolomel vr other mlntrabi
orlyiecctahlo matter. Thty ciaet-ciothestcnxehocd
bjwebj ect'y but thoroughly, and do not wcattn or
pripe. They act like marie rnthr Tver, rcuilaaltout of
Its dull, torpid BUto,a id promoting a full, freeftuot
healthy bfle, without whlsli th iccanlwnoiH'rftxt aigt
t tlon. Koithatthortonuehai4UweUarcclCAnsrdanit
I ready what next I Crtnfs on (ippet te, ThUltfobyL-y
I SoaYToodTocli, TheelToctof thlamcdlelncIswonderfnU
Unlike a temporary ctiaiulont, whleh by reaetloa let I ha
onrins nfTtotl elnlc loaer than U-forp, thl i.ot crly
tones up tho stomach, but keep lt toned up Tho natural
crarlajj frfood returns la all Us font, so that ha-o
now a stomach hungry for food, aud adlgcfctlre apparatus
ready to tsako away vita It. What nextf Any cr.oam
iaa.-wcrthai quai'lon. Vvt into ttat hungry ttomach an
abu utaiit awplittf nutriUo ufootltole converted lyUi
$tra94 tUalstry cf dletto.i Ma H. A ivd blood. Th'.S
wU) simulate tho heart l&U rtrcnfcr action, and tt 1U
pump a fuller current out lurouff'i the arv.rka j hcol'ny
blod wUl take the pUoe of the thin, Uue, flattened fluid
In the Telia, ani soon a circulation wUl bj taUldiahad
which will fljw through thaluiismlUouttnoUnirany
unhealthy depotlts, s:venth and C hh win Here a: o, and
tho bid symptoms ttsadlly dltalnl:a. At the eaiaotlme
uso my iuhnonle byrupf fi U tno b(.t ezpoctorant
known. It Ucuds with tho foot!, andthr u,h the Uocd
Koej dlroe Jy to the loners, attacks andlooscnsup the yd
low, fuul etclt left there by the ripened tubercles, and
I slrenffthens and stimulates the bronchial tubes and eoas
lujrsof ihcalr-passaeesunUlthey ct strong cnoucbto
lift It out and cxpelltbyexptvtoraUon. TUeutholunM
I i,et orcr their aoreuoas and haro a close to rwt and
' Do you see that ! hare not only ihown that my medicine
doactually cui-ocaaiuKpilunby e (pertinent, but it also
KCJUpUluthattoey. or eojuthinc UL them, would,
S rum the nature of tho case, do ao.
For a full doacrlptlcn cf conjumptlen in an its rtrioua
form, and also lUvor Coiaplaint and Pyspi-ptta, tbote
I trreat forerunners of Consumption, ae my btcV on
I "Consumption and ItaCure," TriisbookaUjMntA-itLe
history cf hundrwia of cae that have been curod la ell
I porta of the couit.-y, I6iltfreo,pot-pff4ld,toallapiu
cauU Addrus, Pit. sj. it- bCUrJi' I bOX,
dr. sckenck's medicines t
mandrake: pills,
fe pulmonic svnup
Art sold by all PniiBU.aad f croct.wus for their us
re (irtaud oa the apfvw ai t wy uWitoa,
LOOK rrhUKTTfyou d
sire nnytliiiig in tho line of job
work from u visiting nnd to a
pester L'ltU at thn Ai.voCATU
face, Baukway, J.elnyhton.