The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 16, 1884, Image 4

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    - A lii'iitlpiimn who lind been struck by.
ft v. xi lioauiyWas dcterifilncu1 (d
..llf.Vir.t"lhlflnktluii,"atii llJlhe rod that
mule him."
Hard to Bellavo.
II Is Imril li helieve Hint n man wna
cureil of a kidney disease uller Ills body wna
iVilen up as big as n bsrirl ami bo boil
becu, fiiveuup h Incitrabla and lay iit
ilcoih a iM'jt . . Yetmeli 11 euro wsanrcoW.
plistieil bv .Kidgry Wort (n Ine person of
M. M. Di vofaus, of limni Mirli., wlin says:
" A Iter lluitrun of llio bvil ilurlnrs ,n l5e
IrmV hml given inn up, I ivas cured. by Kid
iipy-tyort, I wnut eycry ouo tu know
wlmL a boan It if. .' f
. , , 1
A-lilUotlx year old orphan
lug naked lo rinmo (he leading fosllvitl fn
llio rlmrcli, replied, The strawberry'lcs
llvirj" .A Great Amentia Chorus. 1
Snorin(f,nufH4iip; and couglilng I TJils
la Mm mutla nil o'ver llio land jtltt ifow..
Amltll bs until Juua I'o gotYurh a't
hwIiiI cold In- my bead." Ciiro It with ''
-Lly'a Cream Balm or it may end In the
inuglicst-forniorCntarrh. Maybeyou have
o arrli now. Nollilng Is more nauseous
a (Ulreallfiil. -Tlilf remedy tnastnrs it as
no other ever did, N t a sniirtiorn I quid.
Ami is I by- llio fncer to tbo nostrils,
l'leusunt, cjrlcln. raolail
Cupid Is tbd greatest sluy-bcllo of the
Tli e girls at Vassar aro so thin Una
year Hint the name Is about lo bo changed
to Vossarlean.
Tbo disfiguring eruptions on tho tbo lace,
bud ken t-ye, tho pallid omplexlon, indicate
Hint there Is something wrong going on
within. Expel tho linking foo to health.
Ayer's Sarsapsrilla was daviicd for that
purpose; and docs It.
A boarding house keeper in Quebec,
Canada, Is charged with Jiaviug poisoned
ono of her boarders for tho purpose of ob
taining tils money.
Iredell County, N. C Tho cx-Sherifi",
Mr. VT. F. Wntaon, saysi "Brown's Iron
llltters liar improved my digestion and
general health."
When Clara was asked what slio would
do it o nice young man would ask her hand
in marriage, rbo naively replied, "I don't
think I'd no."
igaQuantlty and Quality. In tho Dia
mond Dyrs more coloring is given than In
any known dyer, and they give luster and
ninro brilliant cjilors. 10c. at all druggists.
Wells, Richardson .fe Co., Burlington, Vt.
Sampla.Caid, 32 colore, and book of direc
tions for -2c ttamp.
A Bost'.nian has just been arretted for
marrying n dozsn wives. Ho made n vory
creditable attempt to become tho "hub" of
the universe.
-rA.genermis season an open winter, j
Doing a good turnthe pancake baker.
How to catch n husband Grab him by
tho lali1. I
Aro you disturbed at night and broken of
your rest tiy a sick child sullerlng and cry
hit with, pah of putting tectli 7 If so, send
nfdncoatld get ri boltlo of Mas. Wimlow's
Soornt.vo Btrui' ynn Cmt.unitH TmtTntNO.
It value Is Inca Iculabla. It will relievo the
coor little juHercrs immediately. Depend
upon it, mother!, there is no mistake about
If. It wires dysentery and diorrhoea.regu.
laics the stomach and brtwols, cures wind
cnllcsifleus I ha guins.reduccs inflammation
'and gives tone onJ energy, to thawhole sys
tem. Mas. WijtsLiiw'a Soothixo Sraur
rbn Cmt.nttKx Tmctiiiko is pleasant to tho
taste, and is tho pnseription of one of the
oldest and best femalo physicians and
nurses in tho United States and is for salo
by all druggists throughout the world.
Price 25 cents a bottle.
Just tho thing lobraco a fallow up a
patrol suspenders.
Trifles make perfection, but perfection
itself It no trifle.
Opsnltg the Fountains.
In numberless bulbs beneath the skin is
secreted tho substance which gives tho hair
its texture, color and gloss. When this se
cretion stop; the hair begins at once to be
como dry, lustrclcsi, brittle and gray. Is
that tho condition of your hair? If so, ap
ply Parker's Hair Balsam atonco. It will
restoro the color, gloss and llfo by renewing
the action of nature. Tho Bdlsam is not an
nil, not a dye, but an elegant toilet article,
highly appreciated because of its cleaulines'.
vn f. : k
Ail1,lH.i ..llnnAtt lira naK.
tho onlyjsalarviti-ict3 lor llio icHcf of
nrchlonta timl p".ln. It io r. modlclno
nlnira itrico oiul jiraiso Oio beet or Its
u ind 1'or ever foira of external pain
wr rj 14 IT
llmUas Wnlracnt la wlt'.iont an equal.
11 lieuclrnlca Hcsli nml litucclo to
tUo vefa' ljurio mnlibiff tho contlnu
nnoo ot pain nml Jnllriininnlion Jmpos
elblo. I3'loci3iipon Ilmrmn l'lenh r.'ul
tlioDrutaCrratlo:! equally vronilor-
b? Mnlmont is needed bv camoliodv In
jvciy House, i.vcry uay urines nows or
mo RKo;iy iia an mTiiti kcoiu or uarn
subdued, of rheumatic mnrlyru lc
etorcn, or c. rnlimulo liorso ol ox
lavci by tio Hoalliis power or Uua
which kpcfdlly cures eucli cilmcnt3 of
tho HUiJAN ns,
Itlioumn tlsin, r;-.vclihlf;o. fit I IT Hi
JUI6, lUJlirVVlfU iiLlLEClCE. 111118
gMniiii uensce,, 'iiiii, jsriifRoa cimi
PJfttilK, Rtliairs-5, X.p.menefa, OIil
&oio mimics, cakMl isreust. nutl
inilcciT every l'orni cs cxicruul int
ense, it licali ivltliont scorn,
for tho llKorn Ctxatioh it cures
tinralno. Ntvinnv. s't.irr rn1nf.
WjE'ounasi-, Unr:icss tJoi-t d, iroof WIs-P-jjmaea,
IToat Itot, Ocrevworiii. ficnl),
3 Hollo tr llnr:i, l-jcr:i(clii , v'l'.'il
MKitlli, Spn'viii, TJniisli, UliiRhcns,
OOltt Hnr.s, Z'oll UvU, Film upon
jiito L.iir.u nntl every uiiur niuiicii
yio tvix:oii ijio ocrupania or mo
Uj Jlnljlo unit Klocii Varil urn Itatilc.
M Thn ?It Imii nltialnlif r.lnlmrnt
ij always curca and uuvor ilisapiiolataj
I'i ifl (.1 li blK2J ki Vl
H WHT?. "fif. AIT OTJ. RTIAR-n.
m mm
tlniiir.t por.'ica ot i Uue, ccnnccta tho
i at ti.a t .e vci, by Ui nhirh ut routo.aud oat
jib o.t.r,i,.ni,wHU'fVHtli.' .to ot'i,'Ar, bctwft.u
kir .fcjfcm' Kbu. ii;iti',t..)uul-i Blutfd, Leavco
w oi l ii, Atckiaou, Miuni apo'm ud bt, l'iul. It
n.j Jo Uwoo Dc,'H tho princilifti
Imea vt void t-atwu tho Alia, tu- onrt tho Tacu'c
Orc-iij. I-.a cimpn tut ij v, nwvd uud mucuiii-
tllccp nt? Cum, uiia in ii Ltun n: Uinicc Cara
Ii) tb v id. i i.i . y Vr.tmi coivcca Ciucitfio nad
ill in jr Jfct. s. To Tiuuj bttwctu Clii
bS', tiad Jaiunoapoiuandtit rAul,vi tUo famoui
pr h int . m b en opoacil b- iweoa Jttmliiuond
X. I i . W IV J PIimM -.i.n,.n. Aslt.n .
ft i.wh ,4. ciuivvrit'c, i-eanuf.stu.l'iuciuaati
u' tytte, finl 0.uut , Miuacap-
1 P.
Six m
i ri Uj i iiintit.
f u . ; :0.t.,,,is?i,,a'
. . if ilU .1 ilirbunU nil MM of Mrs kl
r a . uj ;aw i,'-ui-jtuoja luat oCjv less adviu-
,1' o ui!jdU(mruUoa,OTtt)w Usfjuid PeW-
j .i r i- .i-aM nkat OISm, w JdrtrMi
l( R 1 A3LB, C. 8f. d-HN,
One of llio subliinest things In tho world
Is plain truths.
Tho readiest and curost way to get rid
of censure is to correct ourselves.
I was weary of lifp,and longed for my death,
lor nil tnrougn luo years i u ueen
And thought overy night that I'd loose my
For I was coughing myself lo my coffin.
I had given up hope, aye, almost my life,
When n friend atlvised mo to "sllr up '
And told mo a secret by which I wascurcd,
Bv taklnir .Jadwin'a Tar Byrup.
Thomas, on Bank street, sells it.
If a man is wiso ho would not be oth
Nothing is so credulous as vanity, or
so Ignorant of what becomes itself.
KVEKY Promlso backed by n guaran
tee. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will givo
immediate relief. Price 25 .t 50 els. Sold
by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and E. A. Horn,
We ought not to judge of man's msrils
by their qualifications, but by tho use they
mako of them.
Any man may do a casual act of good
nature, but a continuation of them shows it
is part of their temperament.
As an article for the toilet, Ayer's Hair
Vigor stands unrivalled. It cleanses the
scalp and preserves it from scurf and dan
druff, cures itching and humors, restores
faded or gray hair lo Its original dark color,
and promotes lis growth.
It is one of the inconsistencies of life
that wo throw boquels at tho soprano and
boot-jacks at the loin cat.
Every man's work, pursued steadily,
tends lo become an end in itself, and so
bridges over tho loyelcss chasms of his life.
-KLKCTIIICITY. 01 all tho known
Electro -Galvanic Appliances at the present
day it is now conceded by the Medical Fra
ternity and Electricians generally, that the
American Ualvanlc Co a jiowaru SniEi.ns
are the best, possessing intrinsic Electrical
merits, as ono shield or appliance can be
fitted to any part of the body, which Is not
true of any other. Bee, advertisement in
another column of this paper. Elcctne Ga
Modern Invention has produced a me
chanical doll that can cry liko a baby.
llul It can tsmllo and crow and kick up a
pair nt piuk heels and say pa, and there's
where tho truly baby has tbe advantage
of it.
"I was most dead with heart difiir-itlly,
can now do a good days work, and sinpere
ly recommend Dr. Graves' IIert Regulator
ns tho remedy. Geo. Glndding,IIarlsgrove,
u. $1. per tomo ai your druggists.
One of those things llial are last paBt
ing out Is why churches and liquor saloons
aro tbe only establishments which can In
dulgs in tbo luxury of stained glass.
Keyrcr, W. Va. Dr. W. D. Ewin, says:
".Many esteem iirown s iron uiticrs as an
excellent tonic."
The singer who understands tbe man
agementof his breath is considered a great
artist. It ought lo bo the same way with a
"I havo no faith In patent medicines" is
the common expression of some incredulous
people, who havo beon "taken in" by the
voluminous references ol some nostrom.
But it don't stand the test. For Jadwin's
Pine Tar Hyrup we only ask a trial. Go to
Thomas' lor it.
There cannot live n mora unhappy
creature than an ill-natured old-man, who
is neither capable of receiving pleasures, nor
tcniiblo of doing them to others.
EBUPTION8, E0Itr.S. rimnlis. Rheu
mutism aro but indicators of impure blood
Acker's Blood Elixcr is the remedy. Sold
by I)r Horn, Lehightor., and E A Horn
A man may forget home, kindred
friends and almost everything else, but he
neyer forgets the first time ho went to a
barber shop to bo shaved.
"I havo used KnaK0Fr for consump
Hon with tbo most wonderful success. 1
cheerfully recommend it In all." J. D.
Martin, Notary Public, Now York.
Young men of strong constitutions
should not forget that Goliath died from the
effrcts of a sling.
Eycry fanner should at least havo one
coanty paper, and that paper should bo the
Advucatr, which contains all the latest lo
cal news. Only $1.00 a year.
A man living near Benton, Texas, has
oyer ICO nephews and nieces.
Salt, sulphur, soda and potassium, equal
quantities, will euro the worst forms of
Diphtheria when taken in conjunction with
Jartwin a fine Tar Byrup. Tnos Thomas,
the popular drnggist, cells It.
That "tired, sinking feeling" which
medical men speak of is usually experienced
by people who fall overboard from a boat
and can't swim.
Physicians recommend porous plasters In
pases of back ache, lame aide, Etff muscles
rheumatism and all local pains. Hoi
Plasters aro tbe best made, combining Freih
Hops with.Gmns. Keady to use, pleasan
and powerful in action. 25 ds. at any drug
Affectation Is .certain deformity; by
forming themselves on lantastie models tli
young begin with being ridbntlous, and of
ten end in using vicious.
Au enricher of tbs blood and purifier o
ine system, cures lassiiuue ana lack
energy; such is Brown's Iron Bitters.
A Maciachusetts paper says that
Texas citizens wear their hats over tl.ei
ears. How do you suppoco they'd look li
mey wore tueni under llieireartT
Your health depends upon the purity of
jour uioou. se-ipie who realize mis Are
laking Hood's Sariaparilla with the best ro
Great minds, like Heaven, are pleased
in doing good, though tbe ungrateful sub
ji-nsoi tueir lavors are barren In. return.
Trevent serious sickness by takiuz occa
slonally ono of Emory's Little Cathartlo
Pills, n wonderful appellzor, an abiolulo
preventative su.l cure of Biliousness, ideas
ant to take, sugar coated. Aik your drug
gist lorioem ana lane no otuer. 10 cents.
Affected simplicity Is refined inioslurs,
It Is the bridegroom who must ring
tho mirrlage belli.
a Hit s
ron Tim
Positive Curs
Anlnfitllblo remedy foH
all diseases of tho fiklrJ
and Blood, eucu as
rimnln AS lllotclli'K.
and lstho-bpst Itemed)
. -II .m. i
Dim ills and Woak
nosscs. It has cured
aiscatts'er tha rtrorl
onu lililneya when all
ntlirr ramcdlos hnviJ
TAO not let your Druggist pcrsuada'yon' to U.M
I something ciso,uutu no Mas not got It, nmB
will not send for It.wrlto to us and wo will send)
It to you by exprcsu, rrcpald, on rqcclpt price,
Ono tothreobol tics otrtlionmatloBrrunwlll
oionr mo avstcm oi imo. nnu euro anr roso ot in
moxnmaiory or acuio iiiicumaiism, t.r nouroigia
....Thrco to flvo bottles will euro Erysipelas Is
.its wont lurm.
.Fonrto six iMitllcsoro warranted to cure
corrupt una running liiccrs.
Ponr to plx holtlcs aro worrantod to ourc
btny coso or ta:i ltncuni.
Flvo to clnht bottles will euro tho worsi
Koaso ot ccroiuia.
Tmmtwo in four monlli um of rtlicumntlc-
ymi will euro any c.-iso of Clirouio ltbonmatlsra
)l twenty years fciuuaing.
If you havo been a sufferer for years, end hart
iiscd alt tho remedies you could hear of, with n
Livall, do not bo discouraged, for r.hcumotlt
Jyinp will euro you.
I'rlcc, C1.00 per liottle) O bottlps for SC. 00,
Ecad for our paraphlct of Testimonials, otc,
RHEUMATIC BYRUP CO., nochester, N. Y.
Ono of ThoscrMIstakcs (t) 'Which aro More
Frequent than Profitable.
"Why, my child, this Is not HKNHQN'S
father to hla little daughter.aftcr examining;
a package sho had Just brought him from tho
druir store.
"Isn't It, papat I'm sorry, butjl asked the
man for Btnson's 1 Know 1 did, and ho took
the' tw6nty.'n've cents you gaVc"mo la-pay for
It with,'" .'cxelillmoib, tho child, porltlreiy,
"ilajbs tho drug nian iukiIo a'mUtake,'
''I'll go 'round myself andsea.'i was tho
tentleman's comment, as ho donned his coat
and hat. , '
"Why dtah't Vou send mo Benson's plaster1,
Instead of this cheap and tfasli thing?""
1 1" Why,-1, I, thought that nouldfsutt you
Just as noil and -" i
"You thouuhtl you thon'ghtr "What bosl
ncss (jaityou foth)nkt 1 dsn'rpay you- ifor
thlnl?liiir."but fur tilling my6rdor,V" saldlio
Indignant tcaller, contemptuously, 'the'rty
taKo tho thing back and give lne;my money,.
iti get wnat I want elseirliero," '
Nerve-Life and Vigor
This cut shows tho
Howard Electric
Magnetic Shield
ns applied over tho If. Id
lie j s and Ncrvo-vltnl
centers. Tno only p-
pllanco mado that
fits every part ol
the body, and the
only ono needed to
Kidney Diftpaso
U yspopmla.
tho worst cases oi
Seminal Wcnlc
iic6, Mxliuua
tlon, Inipotcii
cy, and all Ills
cnseH and Weak
iicanof theUrlno
Genital Ors&UB.
Patented Feb. 55, 1870.
YOUNO MEN. from cnrlv Indiscretion, lack
norve forco and fall to attain strength.
MIDDLE-AGED MEN of ten lack vlcor. nttrlbnt-
ing It to tho progress of years.
The MOTHER. WIFE and MAID, suffcrlne-from
Femalo Weakness, Nervous Debility and other all-
moiiiE, win uiiu it tuo only core.
To one and nil wo sav that tho Shield elves a nat
ural old In n natural way
Warranted Ono Vcar. mid. tlie beat
appllanco mnite.
Illustrated Paninhlct. THREE TYPES OF MEN.
also P.-imnhlct for Ladles onlv. sent on receipt of
uc, scaica; uiiscaicat,i-iijLi.
American Galvanic Co.
OETiTSSlCOi -"' Madison ?.t., Chicago,
WIT! !L'tO1103 Cltcstliut St., I'llila.
nmn mum mum
e"V7e are determined to
pnnh our clicuiHtton np
Urbojoni) nnjlhlnctTcr
before Vnowii Intlie newt'pcr
bujlneci-wltlithHioblcct hi view
l&3'fe'Pti't rr 2.a Cento clU
una in uiu wbii ununii unit
pi'palur Poopffi'B FIrenlde
.Innrnnl t1 Maiu Vnrli-
bcRittlliilly lllmi rated, ih1 tKe ttiuat huerfulup, reutliilo
ihiiimt jiiuriini id tno noriu now in 1IO nmn V Oil r.
On Trtel for.Thlrtoon Wooks ml i atiauTui
win ruoi iivcl
a- x
yon your cltolrnof armlrof bcRtiiiruinnr Dropk or E1cct
llntUH" in Ad a if Hi ut wonderful hiu! rhnrnutitr new rfint
rUl AMYLOID ll.tiiTcrBood tw to sJhjb. Addren
Poopli's riresldo Journcl New York
Clhlcol.i inc-trvoiic
iurtlioCuroof ,
1 1
ir. Al. tleeerolo Oato rr I)nrton,'wlio mikes a ups
ty of rpllepsy, lim vHhn-it i'oil6 treated tit
.re cases than nyanc-riiin-jpnrHciii.i
tslBinlylioeiiiwtrtnUlilnsi we iitnu henrd ot 'caaos or
t-r CO Tean' tamlln-; tm. piifiil.y curetl by Jiira. II
niiVislicd ft wort on this dlwjafi. which ba wnili
i n,lr.-iebotilof bl wonrtorfulcuro free tr any rif
! -h may ftciil their ci press end V. O. AdUrot V e
ir. All. UIftOLU, ho 89 Jonn St., Jlew Tk.
ST! wo V
t: .5 a
a rf-g a
fcE-o el M
nrpaijlNTON nUET.VKY.fnslilonohlo
CS3 Hoot and Siiok JIakkr, Dank St.,
Lehlghton. All work warranted.
of East Mauch Chunk,
are prepared to do all kinds of
Plastering & Ornamental Wort
at shortest notice. Orders hy mnil will ro
ceivo prompt attention. Terms moderate
for good work. acpistf
Aro generally Induced
by Indigestion, Foul
Stomnch, Costlvcncss,
Deficient Circulation,
or somo Derangement
of tho Liver and Dlgcstlio System.
Sufferers Mill Und relief by the use of
Ayer's Pills
to sttmulato tho stomach and produce a regu
lar dally movement of tho bowels. My'tbclr
action on theso organs, Aran's Tills divert
tho blood from tho brain, nnd relievo and
euro all forms of Congestive nnd Nervous
Headache, llllloua Headache, and Sick
llcadacho ; nnd by keeping the bowels free,
and preserving tho system In a healthful
condition, they lnsuro immunity from future
attacks. Try
ritEi-AitED ny
Dr. J.C.Ayorc Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
Carriages,"Vagons,Sleighs, &c
I'arttcular attontlon given to
In all Its details, at the very Lowest Prices.
1'atrnnngu respccllully rollcitcd nnd per
fect 8jtlf ictlon Kuaraulced.
Jan. i, si-iy. iiajn. inisAnu,
Ladies' Private Companion,
A Common Sense Medical Instructor for Ladies Only !
Containing full Information In refcrenco to nil questhna rotating to WnuAKIioon, the bet
ter to enaldo llio sex to fulllll their duties niiil tu enjoy themselves In tliolr various reunions
as Maidkv, Wivks nnd Motiiukb. It is, as a popular wor k, commending Itself tu t tie ureal
heart of Womanhood ; written In plain, concitc and detlcate language, cnty of understanding
and above nil other reeominemlntions. It Is thoroughly reliable and right to the point.
11 Is a work which tills a place occupied by no oilier book, and Is a complctu library In It.
self. No lady, however sensitive, will ever regrot Its perusal. It gl?cs Inlorinatlon which
will make Hie uioro pleasant, give a higher sesi to Its enjoyment, make thoso by whom homo
aro prlxed, prlso anil enoy liiein still innrei wiiilo U will certainly rellovo many li-kromo
burdens now borno by those to whom lire has proved almost. If not qulto, n failure. It gives
the cause, the symptoms and treatment with prescriptions tor every dleeaso peculiar to tho
sphere for which ti Is desluiicd. To thoso who have unintentionally, hy Ignorance, or by a
reckless disregard of thedlvlno laws of health in i Jo themselves wretched In Ufa by sick
ness resultlnir, Irom any of tho various forms or weaknesses, which follow In the train of
womanhood, we can unhesitatingly and must conrkiciuly recommend this book nsone which
will give you the advice which your necessities require In order to restoro you to health and
happiness. The nasted form, the ,iale, wan cheek, the listless, sunken eves the slow, drag
ging step, tho "tired nature" Is too olten seen In our homes. The nuthors ut this work sin
cerely believe that alt theso features may he changed, the form airalu rounded and plump,
tbe cheeks to bloom wlth roses of health, tho eye to sparkle with life and vivacity, llio light
quick step regained, and the enervated nature restored, by a pimple, home treatment and
prescriptions ns laid down In this work, and In this belief, and witti an earnest drslroto
benefit Hie sutferlng, ami reiew health and happiness to the ollllcted.and to furnish such
Information to thoso nowlu h)allli,as will enablo them to retain It and avoid those difficul
ties, this book has been prepared, livery Invalid should obtain a copy and tiikattiikm
bklveb. and no lady In liciilin can afford to be without It and thus remain In Unornnce of
Its I'tcuLlAU, knikutainimi and isvBTnccTiVK teaulilnxs. It Is recommended hy many
eminent lady physicians ns a SAFE UUUlLl I Oil TUB HEX It is handsomely bound
and illustrated. Sent pott-paid to LADlts onlv, upon receipt of 11.00. Address the
jin. 2C. 188-l.mC
No. 32, 33 ami 33 0uornBlock,
A never fallinir remedy fur JIalaoia, Chills and Keveii, Ik
tkiimittknt I'evkii,'8 t'EVEll and kindred diseases
I'nmtLV VmnfTinLK. ahsolulclv certain lnthfiIrremen!Ali!rili.
XVil nni1 acl more promptly ia curing an lorms oi lUAi.AifiA ui
US II AS IIS than Calomolor Quinine, without any of the Injurious
'4-.eonseiiucnces which follow their use. If taken occasionally by nvi.n,..) to Alnl.lrln will .,..! (l.s iu.iti.ii nn.l
JS"iri.. ,l..m l.nm nll.-V t.'n.ln....l I..II.. I.n.lln,. .,,
'.h1 jt;slclani as belnK the llest, Ohespest and i'leasantest Itemcdy
known. The joungrst child can take them. Sold by Druggists
V AA.Tj W ii AT TI1M PKflPf K tt . v Mv nil. nml tn vanlf Imva tilAil rnn,
satlslaellon. Wennllcl-
i longns the rills are
all) town, l'. I took
nrored to be lust what
1 was needed. Hey. F. J. Cociiiian, I'astor M. E. Church. St.
(Irorges, Del. I am well pleased with "Emory's Standard
Care i'llls." Havo tried them on a great manjrcasraofdltrerrnt
fevers, have proved suocessfu! In every Instano They work like
! a charm on Chilis and Kever and all Malarial diseases M, J,
J Uehmam, M. II.. Dallas, Tecaa. 1 use your remedy In roypiae-
s.i ii. ...,i .. ..,.ru k n tji...H.i.t
- "- Of , h Ii mJ) , H.-P IIIIII KWU IC.U'll. llUHiniE t , . I B .U. .... I III.LCIU,
.nil.. i nnve nanuieu cur i'llls lur niaiaria ior tho nast lour years wnu nettor sans
faction than any other remedy for same disease Fiikd. S. lUsr, lirugirlst. Jersey City,
N. J, Your Chill Pills havo cured many very stubborn cases. itET. M. K. Vial, Cale
donia, Miss. I use I hem In my practice. U no. (1. IlcCKun. M. I)., Ausllo, Texas. I
use them in tnv practice etrectutlly. J. J. MeLuxoee. M. 1).. Doublln. Texas. Your
pills are good, I use them In my practice Dr. M. T. Diraif. Sun&ower Landing, Miss.
STANDARD CURE CO., Proprietors,
Jan.,mt-ly ' 107 PEAl!LSTrtECT,NE'YOItK.
Mlilfc',Y5iSi''sTAiinAnn0imie iill" wltli great
f(59l' I '"'jA I'"10 110 'urincr trouno wlin malaria as
teaiWl t lKrtY about.liAnuy J. Siiokmaker, P. M., T
rt; W-liiVvlf&.'i-.- the I'llls according to dlrcellons and lliev
Soloctlns Fowls Eggs'.andfor Markot.
In raising fowls for market, liberal feod
Ing is'tlio first requisite, and confinement
cWso Injury, jirovfded the yards , and
quarters' ore. kept clean., The earlier tbo
chicks como In, tho Tilghcr are the prices
obtnlne'r), thoso. weighing between ono and
two. pounds belng'tliB more s.ilabla nt firs,
but-later'In'thi'ioSlion'lho ' weights should
he In the' neighborhood of twofiounds, and
larger still as llio season further' advances.
As high ns elghty'cenls per pound Is some
times obtained for prlmo early spring broil
ers, aud from forty to fifty cents Is not an
unusuaVp'Ico for thorn when brought lo
inarltel early, oven' when not of tha best
quality. Tho 4 best breeds for producing
anarkcl chicks are the riymouth Hocks,
Wyacdoltes, and Langshans. Tho last
named possess tho quality of fineness of
grain In tho flesh but have dark' legs. This
fault is Lowevcr compensated for by quick
ness of growth, and the pullelts that ,niay
ho kept over for laying have been known to
begin nearly ns soon as the Leghorns, which
Is a-very desirable characlcristc In a largo
breed, lor the Langshans aro nearly as larce
as tho Brnhmas. Tho Wyandottcs are ve'rv
plump and compact in body, and the chicks
hnvo a rouod,ottracllvo appearance. Wbero
tho cocks bio changed overy year, and It Is
desired to combino egg production, welgl.l,
and quick growth, a good beginuing may
bo mado by using Cochin or Brahma hens
with a riyinoulh Hock cock, followed tho
next season with a cock of tho Houdan
breed. Tho third year a Loogshan may bo
suusuiuicd, and llien n Wyandotte. En
tirely nety blood from different breeds will
thus bo intrbduced annually, Invigorating
tha iluck and Improving it In all respects,
but only pure-bred males should ho used.
A dash of Brahma blood, now nnd then,
keeps up the si2e, but too frequent uso of
Brahma cocks conduces to leggincss of the
growing chicks, though lh6 adults may be
compact. Tho crossing with a Plymouth
Itock cock eyery alternate season would Lot
do harm j for heavy weight of chicks small
er breeds should bo avoided, as Ihey trans
mit their qualities to their offspring very
strongly Thoso who breed chicks for mar
ket would do well to mako use only of the
special breeds for tbe purpose, as very often
tho profit expected may depend entrrely
upon such judicious management of the
flock. First select woll.and then feod well.
Am Agriculinrhl. '
Proparo for Early Vegetables.
Plants sufficient for tho family garden can
ba easily raised, usually of better quality
than in a hot-bed ns generally managed,
and they will Interest theyoung people who
always like to see things grow. Boxes for
the purpose aro madoofhalf-iuch stuff well
noilel tngcthe'. Their length should bo
suited to the width of the window, a fool
wi le, and the depth of three or four inches,
in mo lorn houses window sills aro rarely
wine enougu lo hold such a box, nnd it is
well to suspend it by means of a wire at
each ond. Driye in a screw near the upper
edgi of tho end of tho hox.and near tho sido
farthest from tho window, and a corresnnnd
Ing screw In the window casing. A pieco of
copper wiro twisted around tho screw in the
bor, aud its ether end mado fast to that in
the c.islng.will hold the box securely. Those
who regularly uso such boxes, provido II e
soil for them (lie autumn before Tho lack
of such provisions need not deter any from
trying to raise plants in tills manner. Earth
from the woods is a most excellent material
ior lining ine unxes. This collects in tho
holloiv places, nnd can usually he gathered
in a mild time, even in winter. If woods
earth is not to ba had, lako advantage of a
thaw, and scraping up somo gordcu soil
place It in a heap in the cellar until it is diy
enough to use. If atall hcayy, it may bo
made porous by adding sand, or, what is
better, fine moss. Procute some sphagnum
or peal-moss, such as nurserymen use fur
packlng.dry it thiiroughly,nnd rub it though
a courto wlro sieve. One part of this fit
sifted moss to f.'ur or fiyo of soil, makes an
excellent material for seed boxes, as it will
not become pocked by tho needed waterings.
As a rule, the sctds should bo sown in ihcm
about six weeks betoro the plants can be
safiily set out in tho open ground. When
tho seedlings ore largo ennugli to handle,
usually when they havo mado two rough
leaves thoso after tho seed leaves they
will need transplanting into another box ol
similar soli, setting them an inch apart
each way. Plants in the boxes must have
water ns they need it, and on warm days
they may ba set outside in a sunny'shellcr-
cd place, bringing them in beloro tho air
become chill. The vegetables usually
started In window boxes ore early cabbages,
cauliflowers, leltuce.and fomaloet; lb April,
egg-plants and peppers may be thus eoivu
Am, Aqriculturisl.
Tasteful House-Furnishing. , -Harmony
of color is of the first impnr
tanco in furnishing. Nut that walls, car
pels, curtains, chairs, etc., should bo of the
same color,' that would make a room cold
and uninviting. There should be two or
threa colors In a room, but these slmuld
harmonlxe. If one is conscious that otie
has no eye for color, she should consult
some one of known taste before purchasing
articles which, although by themselyes
might bo desirable, would perhaps if placed
with others spoil tbe effect of the whole,
and bo a disappointment to bo endured for
years. A carpel for instance should not be
purchased without considering what tbe
color of the paint is; and so of the sofa and
chairs, if they are upholstered. A carpet is
like the background of a picture, it brings
Into effect tho whole. Styles "for' carpels
have entirely changed within a few years.
Patterns of huga bouquets ofTmposslble
flowers used to be seen almost eyery where;
now a yery small, set figure, so small as to
look almost like a plain color at n little
distance, is in much better taste. This may
be enlivened by a border cf bright colors.
Tbe lovely pearl and gray grounds, with
viues or tracery of a darker shsde, and
bright borders of Persian patterns, aro yery
desirable,and look well with almost every
thing. The fashion of staining floors black
walnut color for a yard or more around the
walls, and having a square of bordered car
pet in the centre, is gaining ground, and
much liked for the pretty stylo and con yen
leoceof taking it up for cleaning. It is alio
economical. There are now plain, ingialu
carpeting, in solid colors, called "filling,"
which are used around these center rugs,
insteadof staining tbo floor. We haye sern
pirlors carpeted with dark, turquoise blue
filling, with Persian rugs oyer them, not in
any set or regular order. The effect was
yery good, Etbxl Sross; lo Am. Agrieul-
furfjf. ' 1
' iss isBisismjssssjssisss i assail mi illiisisaisjitiwiiwssissssisissiiamss
t. A A A. '
BUsincsqis still booming nt theSTAIL .
(7(i' mdiuj alstWibrs will kindly'acccpt piir tliaiik's lor the liberal mtinrioilfri VirfiifcliJicy
have patronize"!.!,. ' . To. ilosc wfadanptpit(ronizp, ns yet. but have s)ic( an object in viowr
ve,- hero, publicly proclaim UiatJtliby'YjU '.bcltrcfitei lair, and honorably, that. we will not
overcharge thcih. in a singld item, bu.t-.on,jhc ppntrary, will. 01' t!jii'lbH(rchbarsains in
manyHhings without employing, the so-called Lbader System, where a certain line of goods
.arc, sold at or below cost and -double-prices clmrged -on- others., TQ , ai.l ye would say
that, wo ai-CA holding' our trade, with our customers and arc con'staritly addiiiif new oncS, but
sun wt; iiuvu xuuiu iui inuvu tinu buiuitui invite yun to try us.
. t u 1 lt
Have decided bargainsjnHome-mada'.Ca
, "Wg lead tlie county in Sugar. -
Our Stock and Prices of COFFEES ane WfivklleU0-
No trouble to show goods.
, Very respectfully,
' 1 , if tl'U
At ylAuTJ sttUii -a.
, i . 'It not ': I
:i . - i: 'I' -i'l;
.! -I ,
(n1 ii rw.v rsifra
This is a largo eight page, forty column, maiitltly
paper, and is devoted to every tiling pertaining to Health.
and Home, Marriage, Social Science, Domestie-jHedicuntv j
Science, Literature, Art, Economy, Cookery,! lints on
Health, Dietetics, and every realm ol' MtidevnScieilye?.
that tends to improve health, prevent disease, purify
morals, and make home happy.
Address :
Health nxxtl Homo,'1 Hlll viT
I'ort Chester, NTO)?
i '' ntn f. I
i. i t!t tu J
. -.! 1
. i r t, f
't -itt,i . I
111 ,r f . J
AVc desire to say to our friends and the public in general, that
we have on hand the Largest and most
Complete Stock of Goods
Tailoring EsiablisImionT
in this section of the County, comprising
Cloths. Cassiineres,
Plain and Fancy Suitings,
Vhlch wo will put up for you in our ususl
Thereby giving you, us no ulrntys, do
Best Fitting, Best Trlmmefl and Best Male
We liaro nliojast recelve'lfrom the Slunufacturcrs a L.irgs
Stoclt ol Newest Styles of Ladles, Ocnts and (Jblldren's
'V X- v
lBf9 Shoes and H-saateF
42-entsJFiB'nish ing 4nm!$ "c?
All of whtch wo arc now offering a
UP" Unprecedently Low Prices ! J3j
Very Itcspcctmlly,
March Bank, St., Leliig'liton, Pa.
"We Know what we are Saying.?. ,!:
When we state that wg arc Selling Goods as Cheap as the Cheapest, and, therefore,
invite special attention to the following articles suitable lor Holiday Presents A
Handinms Fringe Xmas anil New Year Cards, Albums, Toilette Ssts, Ladles' Hand Sstchels and Purses, Ulsrar Oases, Ladles' Work
Doles Fine lUIr llrushes, Ulotlies Ilrulhts, A Tarlety of Parlor tlames. Dissected Mali or ths United Stales, (a specialty for childrea
studying (leouraphy, to learn the boundaries of the country nltheaso and pleasure), Chlldrcns' A 11 "Toy Hooks, Fatejt Pkpeterles,
Chlldrens' Schoul liags, Inkstands, ie., Ue. . tf -.1 J
A fine assortment of Lamp and Lamp Fixtures, varying in price from $1.25 to $10.00,
together with a largo varictv of Fancy and Useful Articles suitable for liOLIDAY anc'
AYc have also, always on hand a full assortment of
Pure Drug's, Patent Medicines, Wall Paper ancIBjQj'Ur
ers, Stationery, School Supplies, &c, &c, all olWiUQli
n t . i t 'L i .r i. m j
Win De soj.u at. une very iuvt;aL uusii jjriue.
Call and see goods and learn prices before maliing purchases clsewlji
yj-jg rrcscripiions very curuiuuy juiiiuuuuuu, un ui uiyut. i uuuniiyu..
E. A. HORN, Weissporta.
V a. . . . 1