The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 16, 1884, Image 3

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    FcW Advertisements. j "Original Cheap Cash Store."
Deats & Co.,
Spectacles and Eye Glasses,
Weisspor fc, Pemia-
or all Itlmli promptly attended to at VEKY
Btasonable Uharicei.
11 you need anything in our
line, give us a cull bclore. go
ing elsewhere. Our Prices
arc as low as the lowest, and
all Goods are warranted to be
as represented. feh2-y
Rare Bargains
IlaV-Wool Oloths, St Inches, In Navy,
Bronte, S il, Myrtle, and Oarnet at 25 ou.
Beat ralue S3 cents.
Half-Wool Ulnmlnated Suitings, 31 inches,
at 15 cents. Real value 23 cent.
Two-thlnls-Wool Arabian Suiting, Hloch.
es, at 31 cents. Ileal value 41 cents.
All Wool Illaek Cashmere, 37 Inehei, at
si cents. Ileal value 7i cents.
Opp. Publlo Square, Dank Street, Lehigh,
ton, Pa. June 0, 1881-ly.
to (Cmtou italic.
payments ! ihisufliee by money orders or
postal notes will please rtiuke tliein payable
t the WicisaroRT Post Okfick, as the Lo
hightuti office is mt a money order office
ESS" Special. Commencing to-duy
wo will bend our Collectors V. A .
Mnrlhlmer mid Geo. W. JUortlnmcr,
with bills to those who arc indebted to
us l'or Subscription, Advertising or Job
Work, residing in this vicinity, und trust
that they will meet witli a prompt res
ponse to their demands. To those re-X
siding at a distance we will mail bills, B
and expect immediate returiis..S53 S
npo tmoMoff li the real test of a tobacco.
It 1 tba regal way of -nioViiitf- You get
luoro directly tt tlio flavor and f ramnco.
You taktt tb emoko cooler and the tonic
cleanlier and safer. Xijio amokiuff Is
amoklnir reduced to a fine art
The more the question of adulterated
tobacco forces Itself on the attention of
smoker, tho mora deslrablo It becomes
to fcnow rreciaely what you are nmokiuff.
In BlackweU's Dull Durham 6 mot In p To
bacco you cave a guarantee,
i mwajp, mu it irwiamre a
L I own unadulterated product.
I Its fragrance, flavor, and
I unsurpaBeedqualUy.orcde.
nveu irom t,uu tun juiu air.
Try it and you trill bo ..
4fff None renuino with,
out trade-mark of the Bull.
Gm All sueceMful Fishermen and Sports,
men smoke Blackwell's Bull Durham
Smotlmc Tobacco, and they enjoy It
Try Pino Remedies.
" FnlmoiiicTMliles
l'or the CssreolOonsuraptlon. Asthma, Hem
orrhage. Islpts'lierl, I .'run p. W liii'inic
Soie Throat anil all llronchlal Troubles.
It Is a wonderful preparation ( Pin end
Honey, and Is working a radical revolution
tho treatment andcuroof all causesol' lha
above flsearcs. Ksjsiakos's' iilves .instant
relief Ifo all, and with fiilthlul uso will
effect a raul-l and perlecl eure. 11 absolutely
lues nut contain either opiate, narcotle or
any inturloua drug, and Is a miliar vmikt-Ans-st
riiErABATiiiN. A TUtALwIII rnmlnce
you or Its merits, If you would ala leel
sure of the safely os your children ilurlni In
clement weather aiat alall tlmes.keipa liot
tle In year medicine chef t. Horn! lor pa.nph
let to I) A. LEWIS & CO., Solo Proprietor,
iOt Chape! Street, New Haven, Ct.
Fills, I'ihk I'lastsus akuI'ivk H.i.m.
Sold hy Druggists. JanlS-niJur
Local Advertising
Send for Rates, which will be
found very moderate.
Job Printing
of every description.
Illustrated Sale Bills
At Lotv Prices
r i .
r.i r- it"!
55 aiisrl
Deoember l.wM
Our Neighborhood in Brief.
Mits Elln Cluus, nf town, was vlsiling
at CHtmnnqna dining the past week.
The Western Nail Association reduced
the cord rate for nails Wednesday from
$3 40 to $2 CO per kef.
The Thomas Iron Co., at Ilokenduuqun,
has blown in its fourth furnace, and the
II fill will soon be put in blast.
A man Is wiser for Ids learning, and
the sooner ho learns thut the only pror
wy t" cure n cough or cold, !s to use Ur.
null s Uougn syrup, me ueuer ne is on.
Uutnors aro current that a largo tiuin-
beroftiew il well iocs will be erected in
'.own during the coming reason.
Xfl'A new lot ol CLOCKS. WATCHES
and JEWEMtV just received at S. 1IAUA
MAN'S Store, Lehighlon, I'a.
Ceal lledmahr was fouiiil nn Monday
morning, at Clailer'a lime kiln, sulfbcatcd
lo death ly liiliuling sjiniiur.
Pay up ymir siib;criplion to tlio Anyo
catk, anil get Health ami limit one year us
a premium, a largo a page tnuiiuuy paier.
FOirandsntne parlor clocks at E. II.
Kohl's, Mauch Chiluk, A gHid assjrtmcut
ta selcvl trotii.
The rhiladclphia and Reading Com
p.iny has advoncetl its rcheilule prices for
stove huh cntsiiiui coal i3 cents p ion
Mr. Duan Neir, of Shilmgion, slate roof.
er, lait M'ur uted for rooflng purises 3 1st I
siuares of tlali in the tilling of contracts for
looting in various p.irisoi iu omio.
Acker's Celehiatnl Enul'sh Heine. lv for
Coughs, Colds nd'Coiuuiiiilimi. Sold lor
IH i ituaraiili'H by Ur Horn, Lehigbtou,
and E A Horn, VeiB?Hirt.
Tno 4th annual fair "f the Iiickawan
na A(iicultural Society will bo held at
Siruntoii m S'ptemlier 3011s, and October
l.l,2ud and 3id, IbSl.
Many of llm. great turn of tho world
have die 1 recently, but .1. W. Raudcnhuih
it still aliv ami happy lit tho ''Carbon
House." Call und n'o htm 1
'fluYiui can get n set of Single Licbt
0 inuv Harness lor Eleven Dollars, in part
iiukle, at M. Flory's HattiHSs tlioji, ueur
lecaiiMl b. iilue, Wei"rt, Pa.
The Democrats of Allentown haye
nominated Werner K. Ruhr, ol Iho Allen
nvvii Democrat, for Mayor and George N
K miner lor City Treasurer.
ACKER'S flLOOD Kl.lXEft gnariinlecd
ill euro all kinds ol blood ixMsoiitug, i;i
Arii'fro! or continctcd hold by Dr. limn,
Lehiglitoii, and h A Horn, Wi isf rt.
promptly printed nt this ifTicc, at l-iwet
ices for readv ensh. llring along your
rders, and get them filled whiloyou wait.
-We give it up. The Idea of starting u
A. R. Post in this borough. Those who
paid in lor thai purpose are rcq icateii to
II mi l eel llielr money bucx. llio thing
is a lizzie 1
Charlis Chsmberlain, a miner living
in Kintston, has had his wife arrested on
tho cl argc thut she alteinplcd lo kill him
by pif nkling f.Hxi ptepuicd lor li!sue with
una green.
asulf von wanin nice,sino,tli.cnsv sluue
vnur tiair cut ur shamiaHiing, go tu Franz
Iloeitirer s uloon, under tne c.xcliuuge Ho
tel. IIu will lix you right, und don't you
lorget it.
W. S. Drake, of Easlon, agent for the
Continental Lile Iiisurauco t: ,ol llarlfoid,
Conn., was in town during the wrek, look
In j alter llio interests ol tliu company, lie
ma lo u u very pleasant call.
!S3U-A Kami of 118 acres Willi a house
on it, uml sbout 8 acres cleared, for sale
cheap ur in exchange lor town proierl
Three miles from Munch Chunk. Address
W. M Itupsher, Lehighton, I'n
From five to ten gondola cars heayily
lnudeil with lone iwles passover tho Lehigh
I: Ufnuchanna Railrnail daily, bound for
the country along the line of tho Michigan
Itailroud, where they ure planted III hop
Means. Kalh X- Boris, and Kalb A-
Ilailscher, ininirg conlruclors on the flats
in Lower Macungie, ore paying 70 cents for
labor at the present tllne.una not 60 und 65.
as reNirt uas II.
LTi Rent, a house with 9 rooms, next
to Di. Reber's block on Rank Strret, this
lairougli. ror terms, apply In Lkwiu
Gbavi.r, or on the premises In Ai.ykma
UasTita. leb, 18-tf
Oliver 1. Dally lias been arrested in
Eastnn, charged with having embezzled
nver $400 collect en by him as scent for the
Jjoveiie Mauulaclurlng Company of I'lilli.-
ohn J. Kalrchrr, chief nf General
Custer's scouts during the war, when he
was known as "Jack Cade," died In l'olls
vine, on catunlay, ol cancer ol tlieslom
acn. Jie was lorty liro years ol age.
.Giiinioc more popularity every d
Ihe celebrated improved 1! A R N DKN
HAILUOAD WATCH, for sxle at E. H
Honrs, Maurii ununk. Over 1000 of them
used nn the renna, RR,
A young man of this section sent fifty
cents to a New York firm to Irsrn how to
keep from swearing, and received in reply
"Don't ojien your mouth, and hire vnur
trams at the popular livery of David Ebbert
on nortn street, tieliigiilou
Tho conlet for the I'onr Directorship
In Upjicr Carbon und Lower Luzrrno woxelli
verv nol: while Ihe pdilical null. Iron l.eie
alaiuls is tnoal reiiiurkahlv ivvd, if not inure
M hut then it may variu up beforo next
liiesiiay, von Know,
Charhs Ihlgh flap, has
for the past twenty yours laien eioplove.1 as
Iracawalker, hy lha Lehiuh Valley Rail
After all the arguments about cheap
ness and quality It appears thai Dr. RuM's
Cough Byrup Is lha best remedy fur the
cure of coiirIh ami colds ever nli'ered tn the
public. The price is only 25 cents a bottle
and every druggist In the land sells and
recommends It.
A vein of coal eight feet thick has been
truck at Middle Creek colliery. This will
inske the colliery, which has been com
parallvely worthless for some, time psst,nne
of the principal workings la the west end
of Schuylkill county.
r-ir. A. Belli, J, P. and Real Estate
Agent, has if vers I DWELLINGS and
LOTS, nicely situate In the lairougli of Le
hiuhton, which ha will sell on very reason
able terms. Apply snn, at his oflico at tho
upjier end of Bank street. Feb. 2 4w
A Bio Tdmol Every subscriber lo Ihe
Caron AoyoCATK who Immediately pays
up arrearages and one year In advance will
receive free fur ime year Iftnlth and Jlomt.
a large 8 page, 40 column monthly paper
devoted tn home matters. Step up.
jgjir Only $10,00 cash
for an all-wool Suit at II. H.
Peters', Post-office building,
Willie Peler Madden, Michael DonO'
yon and James Koyle were taking coal out
6t a mountain break near Cen'.rulia, Thurs-
lay of last week,n large bank of earth that
had undermined gave way, burying the
three men under it and Injuring theui seriously.
W. L. Beaver, nn old and respected
citizen of Tresukbw, died at the residence of
his son in Cutueauqua, on Wednesday nf
last week, of miners' asthma with which
he had been nfllicted fora number ofyeats.
Lieceaseil was byJ years ol age, una leaves a
wile, five suns and Iwn daticliters tu mourn
nn uluctiunate husband unit lather.
35HYini would bi surprised lo ree the
elegant display nf goods kept nn hand at
present at E. 11. llolil s, Mauch Chunk.
Mr. Jlulil lias a much hirgeruud handsomer
lock than he sver kept heretofore. We
loubl il you will ceo a better seiecti in any
where in the Stnlo. He is certainly the
Wanamuker in Carbon county, iu tbejew-
iry line.
The hunters of Pike county have filed
complaint iainst the managers ol Ihe
Blooming Grove Park Association for ol
lowing I heir dogs to chare deer outside of
the l'ark limits. 'Ill' re tlueatens to bo u
good deal ot trouble. The dogsare imported
animals and the hunters say they will kill
them if they come outside of Ihe Park preserves.
Electric light has been successfully In
troduced in Ilazlelnn, Many buine-s
houses are using it and sumo people are
thinking of lighting their dwellings with
it. Tin) company guarantees that the cosd
I the light will las but one cent and
quarter per hour for cnc.i ten candle burlier,
winch Is less than Hie price ol gas.
Thofo of our readers who may have an
idea nf changing their residence fur another
Slate, will do well to read the advertise
ment elsewhere headed "North Carolina
nlfers Exlraordinnry Inducements to those
Seeking Humes," end then communicate
with John T Patrick, E-q , manager Slate
immigration uureau, jiuleigh, n, u.
During Sunday night about four inches
of snow fell in this section, followed hy
warm rain Monday night, Tuesday and
Wednesday, pretty thoroughly cleaning oil'
that and ttie first snow rd December. The
water In Ihe Lehigh is well up, hut ti e
si renin being clear nl ice, there is but little
if any fear thut Iho valley will sutlVr from u
John W. Ncsslev, a carpenter .employed
Hi Buck Ridge Colliery, near ShamuMu,
saya that lur seven years he has puriais-ly
livid on biead and hot water at u enst of
torty cents a week. He is Ii5 years old,
nearly six del tail and weiuhs 175 pounds.
IIu is In good health, wurka hard and
svadily and claims Ihul he will live to be
13 uurs old.
-John Nlcliolson, bf Wclrarrt.'dled lt
week, tefy suddenly of typhoid ever,
leaving a wife and tno children in very
distressed circumstances both children be
Ing tery low with fever. Belsey Harp hat
been sollcit'lnf aid fur them, and up lo
yesterday (Thusday) had collected a total
of $12.20. The charitable will find this an
excellent npmrlunlty lo Indulge in a great
christian virtue "Ha that givelli tj tha
poor leudelh untu the Lord.
-The Philadelphia Record of Thursdsy
says: "Tna Pennsylvania iianrosu uoin
ny hts about consummated negotiations
with Ihe Leh ah Vullev Rs Iroad Company
for the lease ol the latter lino to the lormer.
These negotiations have been pending lor
nearly a year, but were not sooner complet
ed becauac) of the III health nl the late Pre
sident Packer and the luabillty tu reach
satisfactory terms."
-A patent spark arrester isbeing applied
to every locomotive of the Lehigh Jfc Bus
quebauna Railroad, iu the ahups at Ashley.
-The Fouith annual Grand Military aud
Civic Ball, of Ihe Slatiiigton Utiles, will
lake place ill their Armory ,ou rnuay even
ing, Feb 22,1. '
Bishop Thomas Bowman will preach
in the Evangelical church, nf this borough,
to'inonow (Sunday) evening, at TiOO u'
cluk. All are welcome.
Public Eaks toCcmo Off.
The following sales, advertised In (he
Aiivocitk, or for which bills have hen
printed at this office, will take place lis
follows !
March 1st. at 1 n. 111. An Improved farm
and tract nt w,Hdlaml,in i-ml 1'enu twp.,
property nf Gideon Peter, dee'd.
March (lib, at 12 m Houses, onwa, pigs.
buggies, aleiglis and a variety tanning
sloca, prowriy nf Gcu. Berger Sl Sou, ill
Mahoning township.
March 8, at 1 p. in. -Horse, cows, burning
stock and luruilure, property ol Aiiam
Begel, Franklin twp., about two miles
frum Weissport.
President Packer's Successor.
Tho Board of Directors of Ihe Lehigh
Valley Railro&d Cutnpony met Tuesilny in
Philadelphia, and adopted a minute in le-
gard In the death of President Packer, after
which Elisha P. Wilbur was elided presi
dent of tlie Company. The netv president
wos for many years a director of the com
pany. Ileisa trustee ot Ihe Asa Pucker
estate, and Ins election is construed as an
assurance that the Packer stock will be held
iu one block, according to the provisions (d
tho will, which will prevent its sale fur
many years.
Lehigh Osp Items.
All are pleased that the Ice Is all otT
the river without backing up the water
thus saving the people much work and ex.
'.' ' 1 .-' '
Mahonlntr Items. '
Complaint haying been prefc ed
against Ihe teacher of McDsulel school for
suspendlnK one of his pupils; u special
meeting of theboard was held on Tuesday
Mr. L. F, Kern Is busy selling sewing evening In examine into the mailer. Bi.l
machines and orgsnt; he hat sold qulle a wo are happy to say that it was found that
number of them this winter. Mr. Kern Is Ihe teacher was Justified In doing what he
a good organist, which helps Mm much In did. The persmi who made the comnlaint
selling them. hss bad something lo say againstthe teach
Col. John Craig's new blacksmith shop er every winter.
is qulle an Improvement to the Osp. Mr. Quite a number ofour young folks
Getc, the blacksmith, handles the hammer have been toTamaqtia to have their gems
well for a young beginner, slick to It Cell taken. But we don't think It nice of those
you will soon make a first cUss blacksmith, gentlaineu who went Isst week and left
Mr. Wash Snyder is nut for Assessor) 1 their girls pay for their gems. Undoubted-
no doubt he will be elected. Iv they thought It didn't matter as Ills
We are glad lossy that we haye good leap year.
Mr. Knebbtr moved to Laurytnwn last
week, where he haa purchased a farm.
-Our "baud," under the leadership of
Piuf. Samuel Snyder, turned out one even
ing last Week lo aertuade Mrs Mahloo
Nuthsteln, In honor of her birthday. The
inembera nf Ibe Laud looked bandsoine in
their new uniforms, and were curdially re
ceivrd by Mr. and Mrs. Nothsteiu.
How many valentines did you recelveJ
-Mr. Francis Slacker has sold his hotel
tu a Mr. Smith, of Weissport.
Cbas. II. FriU sold his farming Imple
ments at public sale last Saturday, lie
will work fur Mr. C. II. Scidle next summer.
Miss Emma !IolTmann went to Parry-
very good sellouts this winter. Miss Smith
and Miss Lenlt are both good teachers
they known Just how to conduct a school.
Mi's Mary Kelchner, who has been
much Indisposed for some time past is on a
lair way lo recovery.
A. W. Anthony, son of Mr. S. II. An
thnny, proprietor of Craig's Hotel, is still
confided tu tho house.
The entertainmeni'in the Lehigh .Gap
school house, the other evening, was well
attended. All in attendance tuok a hearty
good old laugh.
Dirn. Mr. George Souders died on
Saturday evening, February Vlh, 11-84, aged
21 years, 1 month and 14 days, of typhoid
feyer. Ho was iuved by all who knew him)
ho was a kind young man on accounHof I ville on Tuesday, where she has been en
Intense sull'eriug und unconsciousness, l o gaged as a domestic.
Icannspecial Icslimony, but he wasal A. J. Balllet and Miss E. Myra'Rebrtg
ways kind and tried to please all, und at were oul -letghiug with their schools ou
tended Sunday school and church, which Tuesday.
glyes ample assurance ol his final triiininh: A shooting match for two calves enme
ha was patient Iu iifllctlnn and resigned In " " Stephen I enstermscber's hotel last
the will of God. He has gone In live with oaturday. Some were not falitfied and
Christ. A father and mother, four brothers sa'd ""O' c"uld shoot better. Therefore,
and.lwo sisters ore left lo mourn their loss, thero will be another shouting-match lids
Funeral took ploco on Feb. 13lls. Rev. J. (Saturday) afternoon,
The Democrats
Will meet at the "Carbon House," this
(Saturday) evening, at 71.10 o'clock, and
place in nomination persons tu fill the fol
lowing offices:
1 Just'ce ilf the Peace.
1 Burgess.
2 Town Councilmen.
2 Sellout Directors.
1 Constable.
2 Overseers of Ihe Poor.
1 Assessor.
1 Judge of Elections.
2 IusH'ctors of Elections.
2 Auditors.
Tho election will be held on Tuesday
next, the lOlh inst.
E, Freeman officiating.
Scientific Prizes.
It is a gratifying fact thai more asttO'
notnlcal discoveries, and those of more im
portance, have been made by Americans
during the past few years, than by all nf
Ihe rest of the world combined. That this
has been due, largely, tn the impetus given
by competition ior the honors and prizes
awarded tu discoverers cannot be denied'
Mrs. Joseph Henry, who some time
ago left her husband, has returned. They
have adjusted their difficulties, and have
rented their farm to Hugh McCicati, in
lending to move tu Bethlehem in the
Paris Green in His Pie.
Wednesday morning Charles Chamber
lin, a miner employed in a colliery about
five miles from Wilkcsbarre, had his wile
.,.. ... u.a. ..... .meres, may ue con-. orrestel for ottemi.' tu Poison him. To
tinued and sustained, I. ifiVr the following the Ioc,i ,..:... Ile .aid thot. feeling
iBijrosiaM.-iwo nuuarort dollars ininerv in lha mine llm orevions forenoon.
.or racnanu every oiscovery Of a new ... to his d.nner nail for snmn lnnch
come maoo nuring me year, sui'jcci lo me Tiere
following conditions
1. It must be discovered in the United
States or Canada, either by Ihe naked eye
u. ,c,e,, .,.. ,uav uo uucpeuw.u. cru9, wbcb wa8 broken, had a stroncc an
i. iiie aiscoycrcr inusi leiegrnpn nn ,araoce. A closer examination convinced
mediately lo Dr. Lewis Swilt, Director of Mm ,lmttne p!a wa, .p-inMed win, paria
green. He ate none, but left the mine at
was a piece of pie among other
things. He took the pie up to cat it, but
noticed in the dim light which was reflect
ed from the lamp on his head that Ihe
the Warner Observatory. Rochester, K'
Y., giving the exact time nf discovery, Ihe
twitlnn and direction of motion, with silt'
Orient exactness, if faissible, to enable at
least one other observer to find it.
3. This intelligence must not be corn-
once, taking the pall and its contents b a
local physician, whnnho pronounced Iho
substance sprinkled under the crust nf Iho
pio to be Paris green. The miner went
around to three or four druggists and in
municated to any other puMy ur parlies, Llllr.,, ,f fiis w i To had bought anything nl
George Hals ead, nf Mattliy, ft small
village iiIhiuI six miles from Witko'harre,
visited his brother in-law, Willlatii Helper,
at Sturmerville, a few miles distant, to talk
over some husinefa matters, when an Hlter
ctiou ensued. Heler i-etzeii a shot gun
and lired nt llalstead, a iiortl'ht of the
elianfe taking ell'cct sis his skull and in
dieting what is though will prove a tatiil
wound. Helper gave himself up.
Fl'N Axn Candv It is iisipossiblo In
have more tun lhee long mening than by
matting candy at liome. You can team how
in make every kind of Hue candy sold at
ihe la-al coiilectriiiary store in Ihe cities,
Irom Unit valuable Imhik, "How to Makk
Candv " Ao home can n third In be without
The Thomas Iron Company.
The Thomas Iron Company has advanced
rales nn pig lion 50 cents per ton to $H.
50 ami SJ20.50. President Clark soys: "There
IS excellent demand fur iron. Tho com
pnny's sales last mnnlli were larger than
any previous January during thirty years.
They exceeded Hie sales ol the filtt six
moiiins of last year. Wo start up anew
furnace this week, and will start 'another
next week." The Thomas Iron Company
was the first among the leading iron cons
p.issiea laal tall to reduce its price. . Il is the
lirst now lo advance llicni. People wins
saw discouragement In the drop ought tn
see ut least as much promise of belUr times
ill the advance. Allentown Democrat.
either by letter, telegraph or otherwise, uss
til such time as a telegraphic acknnwledg
ment lias been receiyed by the discnyerer
from Dr. Swift. Great care should be taken
regarding this condition, ns it s essential
to the proper transmission nflho discovery,
together wiih Ihe name of tliu discoverer, to
the various parts of the world, which will
be immediately dono bv Dr. Swift.
Three disinterested astronomers will he
selected to decide all disputed questions.
Sent ikislpaid lor 3llcts. fin one or two
cent slumps ) Address, Tllse Houskivifk,
UiK-liester, a. V
On the 22.1 of last December Howard
Mclntyre,u roush, annulled W. II. Ililde-
sunt, Justice nf Ihe Peace, nf Eastnn, broke
his nose und laid him up for lour weeks.
At firt it w,is feared Mr. Ilildebrant would
lie. He bronchi suit against Mclnlyre .and
on Tuepdav the hitler was convicted bv h
ury mid sent to jail h.r three ier. Tin
couse ,d tne as'auit was because the 'Squire
ii.ierierieu wniie jiicunyre was leasing
small boy.
Jos?ph Jonas announces in today's
Aovocatr that he has leased Oberl's store
room, on Bank street, tills borough, and
that for ten days, coii.meccing Match 3rd
next, ho will oil'er the penpto of this section
such unheard of bargains in Dry Goials
Clothing, Cupels, Ac., Ac, ns we:e never
before heard oil in tail, he will idler some
Sfi.lillO worth ul these goods at your own
price, ioiishoiilil not tall In lake advan
tage uf this oiler earlv, as '.he sale will pisi
tiyely close uss March 14.
OSiril. II. Peters, at the
ist-olhcc building, Lehigh
ton, will make you nn all
wool suit lor only $10 cash,
il you order now
Mr. and Mrs. Tercy R. Tyne, eINew
York, haye given $100,000 in cash to the
Taylor Hospital to be erected at Scanlon
for the benefit of miners and railroad la
hirers in that section. Mr. Pyne is the
largest stockholder in the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western Rallroaa Company
and his wife is the daughter of the late
Moses laylor, nl lcw York, wins roulriu
uted $250 000 over two years ago for the
erection of the hospital. It is thought that
the buildings will be erected at once.
A fire which broke out in an abandon
ed gangway in the 8alem Coal Company'i
drills at Shirksliinny, three weeks acn, con
Unites la burn furiously, but by closing up
all Ihe air passages it is expected to oyer
wmo Ihe flames by smothering them. So
far the fire has lieen mu fined tn the gang
way in which it originated, but the loss
must already amount to Inssjy hundred
dollars. The great effort nnw is tu keen
the flames from celling into any other
workings, as in an event nftbat kind the
mine will have lo be abandoned and Hood
ed to extinguish them
On Thursday evening of last week the
ceremonies consequent upon the opening ol
the new Masonic Temple in Eastnn were
obieryrd at a union meeting of Dallas
Lodge, Nn. 300, aud Eastnn Lodge, No. 152,
of Free and Accepted Masons, The exer
rises were attended only hy Masons,
Guests, were, pieaent from Philadelphia
Lancoaler, New Yora, Alteiltown, Heller.
town, 11-ihlehem ami various tuiuts
Afler the ibil If ii lory exeieises Ihe Masons,
lo ihe niniilter ol iwn hundred, marched tu
Ihe United States Hop I and parlo-.k of
A heavy tall of ton cal Mrurred in Ihe
Re.1 Ash sIohi uf the Empire Mine, Wilkes-
Politics Scd Hot In Allentown.
The Republicans of Allentown assembled
in tlio Court House, at that place, on Moti
lity night und nominated their candidates
for Mayor and City Treasurer. Thero were
two candidates for Mayor, both eminent
citizens, E. S. Shinier, a rariet merchant,
and W. F. Yeager, u builder and contractor.
The ii ret ii nd only balkt resulted In Shinier
receiving 50 votes and Yeoger 23 Lewis
E. Butz was nominated bv acclamation for
City Treasurer. Theie is every prospect
that the campaign will be close und excit
ing. The Democrats have announced that
the, want their man elected because Ihe
Democratic State Convention meets there
ill April, and tbu Republicans are bent uu
utliug their man in lor the same reason.
either uf them. One of them said that she
had the day before, but refused, so the min
er said, tn lei I what it war. When I owent
home his wile met him with the question,
Why are you not at work to day?" He re
plied thut it was on account of the flooding
of Ihe gangway. She then asked what he
had done with his dinner, and he says he
told her that he hod left it lor Ihe next
day. He then asked her if she had boucht
II II. Warner, Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 8lh, anything at any oflhe ,drug stores
'881. I He says she denied havinc made nnv tmr
chase,but (ublrquf nlly that she bought
some sugar of lead . The couple have not
becii.livlr.g very peoeeabiy. The' pie will
b auulyzed. The woiiihc was ixamiied
by the Kingston Justice. There is a rein rt
What the K. E. Churches Have Bone in
Al tile laal Methodist Episcopal Genera)
Conlerence, liehl in 18F0, u resolution wos
iiu.Bti.l r.niiB.titiiv till III. Phn.i-lii. In .1 m
,, .. , 0, , . ,,. , ... , abroad that Chambeilin put the ponon in
United Stales tn pay oil as much ol their I . ' '
lebts as asfible before, the meeting ol the
Condition of the Slate Trade.
The Slate Exchaugeof Lehigh and North
ampton counties met at Eiston in special
sessiun Monday afternoon und decided to
make no chuuges In Iho prices ol roofing
slate for 1 SSI. Prices were slightly ad
justed in a few instances, however. Tliu
slate men rejairt the prospects nf the coin
ing seasun far ahead uf whal.they were a
yearogn. They asy lliut last year they
manufactured thirty-two thousand more
squares lliuu the proceeding year, und this
season they will produce filly thousand
more Ihau In 1883. One of Ihe must luv
irtunt rumors was that a parly represent
ing President Miller of the Bangor Road,
and John I. Blair. Ihe capitalist, had
b night sixty acres of slate land from Jory
A Co., lur SSO.OOO.
next General Cnuferci.ce, lo be held ut
Philadelphia, in May, 1884, so as In make
as good a showing in the centennial year of
Episcopal Methodism in Iho United Stat, r.
18S4, us imssible. It is nut possible lo gel
an absolutely correct stats tnent of Ihe total
amount paidntflu rerpoiire b lliis advice.
Last year Ihe "Spring Conferences," which
are mostly the conferences situated in the
East, paid of $1,000,000 ul church debt and
improved their church pr.-;ierly to the ex
lent nf $1,025,000 The "Fall Conferences
for 1882 paid off $732,000 of church debts.
It is probably tin underestimate losay that
in ihe four years the tdiurches have imid oil
$5,2011,0011 of debt, uml probably Improved
church property t.i tli- extent ol $.'1,5110,0011,
total nf $8,700,000 lor the entire country
This dres ;.ot include cither tlio Methodist
Protestants or the Methodist Episcupj)
Church South. PAia Ilecord,
the pie himself, in older to get his Wile con
v it-ted and imprisoned.
They Eloped.
Allentown Daily Critic; Some lima ago
a man named Harry Clark, alias, ''Berwick
Kid," eloped llh Townsend Beidleman's
wife. Beidelman Isachararter well known
throughout Ihe Lehigh Valley and upnn
hearing of tho runaway match, followed
them up and found them at Leesporl.Berks
county, secured his wife and reluming In
this cily, lived in the family of II. Schnll,
In the Sixth Warn. Clark in the mean-
time determined lo have Beiilel. nan's wife
and coming lo this city Tuesday, proceeded
tn bebop's residence, Mrs. Scholl taw
Clark coming acd picking up a basin of
scalding water threw It in his face. But
undaunted Clark entered the house, in
duced Beidelman's wife to accompany bin)
and the pair left for parts unknown.
Lower Tow&menslng 8o,ulbs.
Mrs. Ramaly, of this place, hss been
visiting her brother in Mahoning during
Ihe past week.
Robert Muschlitz, supervisor, passed
through Firs Line recently, collecting tax
and settling secouals.
Benjamin George Is the happiest man
in this neighborhood Just at present all un
account nl a lltllt boy, which has arrived
at his reaidcnce.
Having reci'tved Bursie-'sseeil Annual,
of Philadelphia, in II we find "Welcome
Death In a Dentist's Chair.
Mrs Juiues Stevenson, nl the First ward,
Scrunlon, died in a dentist's chair Thurs
day, of last week, at Ihe , (lice of W. II.
Heist, after undergoing a terrible utdeal iu
lentistry. She was accompanied to the
dentist's nfiice by her family physician, Dr.
A. Strang, who had administered the nnics
Ihetie in equal quantities of chloroform and
ether. After Iho first wos git en two leelh
were pulled; then another doso was given
and nine teeth were extracted, alter which
a third was administered and five more
leelh were taken
then realized that his patient was dead and
had been lur several seconds before Ihe last
toolh had been taken out. Efforts were
made to restore her, but they were useless.
Mrs Stevenson was lorly years old and the
mother of seyen children, the youngest bo
ing four months old. The treatment she
received in the dentist's chair is the subject
of severe comment.
With Her "Little Hatchet-"
Martin McLaughlin, a peddler, living in
the First ward nf Scrunbin, was attache I in
his sleep Monday night by his wife, who
crushed his skull with an axe and inflicted
a number of gashes about the he.ul tin 1
body. Thinking she hod finished him 111 i
wife decamped, taking her two oh i Id r in
with her. The wounded man rallied an Hi
cieully Tuesday morning tu raise an alaim
and succ.-eded in attracting the utlettion o.
neighbors. The bluody axe with which the
leed was done was found by McLaughlin's
bedside. The wounded man's death is hour
ly expected.
Mrs. McLaughlin was crresled while in
the uct of escaping through the rear of a
neighbor'a house, iu which she took refuge.
She denies all knowledge nflho crime. Her
husband frequently remonstrated against
her drinking and it is thought that she at
tacked htm while iu one ofherdrunkou fits.
llowHowai overcome and the WaT by
which Ho wat finally Envoi.
(CWrcatiijnuW' Spirit c tkt ITsnn.)
An unusual adventure which recently
occurred tu your rorrospoudnnl while bunt
Ing at Bruokmere in this State is so timely
and contains so much that can bo made
valuable tu all readers, that I venture to
reproduce it entire)
The day was a most Inclement one and
the snow quite deep. RsLbit trscks were
plentiful, but they principally led In the
direction of a large swamp, In which the
rabbits could run without difficulty, but
where the hunter constantly broke through
the thin Ice, sinking into the balf-frolen
mire lo his knees. Notwithstanding these
tiflicultles, the writer bad iersevered, al
though a yery small bag of game was the
result. While tramping about through a
particularly malarial airtluu of the swamp,
a middle aged sssan suddouly oame iuto
view, carrvlnz a tnuzile Inadiisg shotgun
and completely loaded down wills ginie nf
the linen description, rtuiurai curiosity,
aside from Ihe involuntary envy that In
stinctively arose, prompted Ihn writer lo
enter inlii ronversatluu with the man, with
the Pillowing resulli
"You've had fine success, where did you
get all that game?"
"Right heie, Ir. the swamp,"
"It's pretty rough hunting in these parts,
especially when a mull gout up tu his waist
every other step."
"Yes, It's not very pleasant, but I am
us. d to it and don't min i It."
"How long have you hunted hereabouts."
"Why, bless ynu, I have lited here litest
of my lifei and huuled up lu ten years ago
cyery year."
"How does it happen you omitted the
lost ten years?"
"Because I was scarcely able-to move,
much less hunt."
"I don't understand ynu?"
"Well, ynu see, iibotil ten years ngo, after
I had bren tramping around oil .toy in this
same swamp, I tell quite a pain in my ankle.
1 didn't mind il much, but It kept
ttuubliVg me for n day ur Iwo, mid I coul I
sec thut it kept increasing. The next tiling
I knew, I the same kind of n pain in my
shoulder and I found it pained mu to move
my iiriu. This thing kept going ou and iu-
cteasing, and though I tried to shakoolf I lie
Icelingand make inysell think it was only
a little tcuiporaiy trouble, I found Hint i
did not go. Shortly alter Ibis my joints
began tn ache nl tho knees and I filially be
came s? bnd that t had to remain in the
house most of I he time."
"And did you traco nil thlltn the factthot
you had hunted so much in tills swump?"
"No, I didn't know what lo lay it tn, but
I knew thut I was in misery. My joints
swelled until it seemed as though all the
flesh I had left was bunched at tho joints,
my fingers ennked in every way nnd some
of them becjnio double jointed, lu fact,
every joint in my body seemed to yie with
Ihe.otliers lo see winch could becoino tliu
lurgest nnd cai'so me the greatest sulTering.
Ill this way several years passed on, during
which time I was pretty nearly helpless. 1
became so nervous and sensitive that I
would sit bolstered up iu the chair and call
to people that entered the room not tocomo
near me, or even tjuch my chair. While
all this wus going on, I felt an awful burn
ing heat and lever, with occasional chills
ruuntng all over my body, hut -especially
along my back and through my shoulders
Then ngajn my blood seemed to be boiling
and my brain to be on file."
"Didn'lyou try tn preycntall thisogonj?"
"Try, I should think I did try. I tried
every doctor that catno nlthln my reach
uud all the proprietary medicines I could
hear nt. 1 used washes i n I liniments
enough to last me for all lime, but ihe only
reliol I received was by injections of mor
phine." "Well you talk ill a very strange manner
lor a man. who has tramped around ou a
day like this ami ill n swamp like this.
IIu" iu the world do you dare lis du it?"
"Because I am completely well and as
sound lis u dollar. U may seem strange,
but it is true thai I was entirely cured; Iho
rheumatism all driven out of my bloi d; my
joints reduced to their nutural size and my
strength made as great as ever behn-e, hy
means of that great and simple remedy.
Waruerd sale Itlieumtitlu Cine, wlncli 1
believe saved my lile,"
"And soy uu now have no fear of rbei
mallsu,?" "Why. nn. Even il it should come on,
I can easily get rid uf it by using Iho siiue
The writer turned In leave, as it was
growing dark, hut before I had ria.died the
city precisely Ihe same symptom I had just
beam described chub iiimi me Willi gicat
violence. ImpressiUwith ihe hunter's story.
1 tried the same remedy, nnd within twenty
lour hours all pain and iulliiiiiillou had
disappeared. If any render is siillering 1mm
any manner nl rheumatic or neuralgic
troubles and desires relief let him by all
means try this same great remedy. And il
uuy readeis doubt Ihe truth of the uhove
incident or its statements let llieui write 1
A. A. Coatef, Briaikmeia. N. Y., wins was
the man wills whom the writ, r couversiil
nnd convince themselves ul' its truth ir
falsity. J. R. C.
A. teUghtonlan VTeddel.
The Washiugtuu (.Kansas) RifuWic
Ol Feb. 1st, aln ut the fullowlug, which
no doubt will interest lh ycuug, (ulksof
Hits section)
"A quiet wedding took place at Ike resi
dence uf J. A. Thossiss, three miles west of
town, at t o'clock lil Tuesday, al which
lime Miss Mary, the oldest daughter uf Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Thomas, was married lu
Fred Weidenheisjler. the young gentleman
who Ilia for several months su an-cpULriy
Oiled the post uf salesman in the lousio
house nf L. A. Mundls, of this city Tuft
litres UOaiI extends hearty coiigiatulstlona
lo Us youug (fiends, who haye thus at lh
lawn f spring time united their l ulunet
for life, aud Wishes thesis the brightest rr-ili
Mtiuu of their fancy picture of w.J.leJ,
bliss. The fullowlug it a ltYt! the wed.,
ding presents lett with thevoangimiiplei
Nice eight day clock, rioiu,lh parculi of
the groom.
Lirgo family bible, Irom th. parents o
the bride.
Silver butler knife nnd cake stand, from,
James M. Veatch, graiidlather of this hii.U,
Beautiful glass pitcher, Irom Mrs, J
M. Veatoh, graudmulher ut Ihe bride.
Set silver knives aud loikt, Iruiu U A.
Msiuriis and wife.
Majdica, cream mug Irani Miss Delia
Set id glass ware, from A. J. Morrlsoa
and wife.
Pair of goblels, Irom Pearl Thomas,
ice pitcher, from Mrs. Decker.
Ulass bread dish, Iruin Mm O. Thomas.
Silyei butler knife, from Christ
Salt dish, from Mis Edna Thomas.
Lamp, Irom Sherman and .Viiuie Yentcli.
Pair brackets, whisk broom, and fancy
rase, from Mrs. and Mts. J. A. Bruwu,
Table linen, from Mrs. Kingsbury.
Silver sugar spoon, Irom Miss Matlit
Pickle.lish, Irom Miss llatlle Thomas,
To bio linen, from Mrs. l'otoll, Uelo t.
Pepper castor, from Miss Maud Thou as.
Set glass ware, from J.J, Veatih and
Fancy towel, from II. Thomas, Seymour,
The voting couple are spending a tern
weeks honeymoon ut Beloll,
Wo extend our congratulations to tho
youtblul piir.
Reported up to 12 o'clock, by Da Haven k
Townsend, Bankers, Nn. 3(1 S Third Street,
Philadelphia. Slocks bought aud told
either iur cash ur on margin.
mtaJclph-.a, Feb. 13, 1884.
hid asked
IIS.Vs, Ext 101 .
U S Currency 0's 13.1
US 4, now 114j 1141
US4's I23J 123J
Pennsylvania R R 58 18
Philadelphia A- Rending R It 281 284
Lehigh Vullev R It 70J
Lehigh Coul .V Navigation Co 40j
United N J 11 R A Canal Co 104
Northern Central It R Co 511
IUstonville Pnsa. R R Co 15
UiilT. N. Y. It Phila. R R Co SI
New Jersey Central r, SKj
Northern Pacific Com 21
" Pref.l 4(1
North Pennvlvania R R 117
Philadelphia'.!; Erie R R IB
Silver, (Trades) 88
The r-cglstry Lists Tampered with.
A lelegroui Irom Scrautoii, dated Iho 1 lib
instant, says: A Iraud on a grand scale hts
been unearthed iu that cily, in which an at
tempi has been made to inflate tiib registry
Hals uf the next elcctiun with dead ami de
parted voters tu the number of ulmut COO,
The inflations occur in tho strong Do no
ertit. u-nrda. Tii.iImv mi iiriler win ..It.
The frightened denlist uilm rrim (he tran,rerrl)g , cu.
lody of the ballot boxes nf eleven cily pre
cincls tu the vaults ol the First National
Bi'ik, that the Courts limy examine the
registry lists in these boxes to discover
whether they tally iu the fraudulent nutues
with those in the custody of the County
Commissioners. The mystery is, How were
these lists tampered with when they were
lucked up In tho vault of the County Trca.
ury? The matter has caused intense excite.
luentin political circles, and an immediate
investigatluu by tho Courts will be entered
A Decision ot Interest to Taxpayers-
A decision in the suit uf Geurge Geyer
and Oliver Cressman vs. The County nl
Pike, where the plaintiff, appealtd Irons
the Auditors' Rep.irt of 1881 as to Ihe pay
ment of $75 oflhe county lunds to G. G
Waller, Eq., for legal services In the suit
ol Taxpayers vs. Coiumiiiinners (which
suit resulted In fayor oflhe Commissioners)
wss rendered Jan. 14, 1684, hy Judge Mc-
Paolcertcn Ripples.
The revival, that was going on for a
number of weeks at this place, was formal
ly brought to a close last Suuday. Il is
generally admitted here that much good
has been uccomnlished through it. and that
Collum of Susqusbanua county, iu favor of (U8 fulure , ,how ,ha fruili. Fu,y &ltj
the defendants. I ,,,. w.rB mn.rrlsd. r.f nhirli nmnLr
At the close oftho qulle lengthy decision .com forlv live loiued tbo church here.
uuugo Mcwmuiii says: ive are oi opinion 0u Tuesday evening about thirty of those
thtt when County Commissioners male a
claim up the couuty, or resist a claim of the
county upon them, they are In the position
of other litigants, and that they cannot ap
propriate ine moneys or the county lo uy
ineir own counsel iu siicn contests."
newly converted members paid a visit to
Rev. Watt's church, at Lebighton.
Mr. Tyndale proposes to move to
Jamestown the coming week. Jamestown
and Lehlghton will, during the next year,
receive quite a number of our best citizens,
The new round-houses are slowly going
up. They have nnw one of them nearly
under roof, but il ill probably lake till
A Madman's Fatal Leap.
Thomas 151iea, of Naiillcake,a single man
nl about forty years ut age, deliberately
jumiied Irons ihe railroad bridge at that June until they are ready lor occupancy.
place at iiiMin Wednesday, a distance of
about lilly-five feel, und sustained iujuties
that will prove fatal. About two tear ago
The Alden Mines Leased.
The Lehigh Valley Company hos
elleclcd the lease, for a term of five years,
of the Alden Coal Company's mines at Al
den, ft few miles from Wilkcsbarre. The
mines glye employment to severnl hundred
men and boys, and Iho existence of tho
village principally depends on them. The
mines have a capacity of about 1100 tons
per diem, two seams being worked at pres
ent. Since January 1st the mines have
been idle, on account ofn strike caused hy
a reiluo'iiin in wages, and much suffering to
the inhabitants ill Iho village has resulted.
It is expected that an arrangement will be
spieillly effected mid the mines suited up
Tho Housewife,
A domestic journal for American house
keeiera, svill be sent for ono'ycar free to
every lady who will send atnncolhe names
and addresses uf ten married Indies or
liouselteea:rB and 24 cents iu 2-ceut stamps
fur io,tage. Il is Iho beat family pnper in
Iho U. S., and this offer is only made to se
cure names to whom tn send sample copies,
as we know every lady who once sees TlIR
IIocsKWirK will subscribe for it. Regular
price $1 00 ier year. Send In day so as to
securonext number. Address Tuxilorsx
wirx, Rochester, N. Y.
healdi and avoid sickness.
Instead of feeling tired and
worn out, instead of aches
and pains, wouldn't you
rather feel fresh and strong?
You can continue feeling
miserable and good for no
thing, and no one but your
self can find fault, but if you
are tired of that kind of life,
you can change it if you
How? By getting ono
bottle of Brown' Iron Bit
TERS.and taking it regularly
according to directions.
Mansfield, Ohio, Nov. J. lS5f.
Gentlemen :l hare suffered with
pain In my side and back, and great
soreness on my breast, with snoot
lag pains all through my body, at
tended with great weakness, depres
sion of spirits, and less of appe
tite. 1 have taken several different
medicines, and was treated by prom
inent physicians for my liver, kid
neys, and spleen, tut I got no relief.
1 thought I would try Brown's Iron
Bitters; IhavenowukcnoDebottla
and a half and am about welt pair,
In side and back all gone soreness
all out of my breast, and I hava a
rood appetite, and am gaining la
strength and flesh. It can justly ba
called theiiax-e tttidkiittt,
John K.Aujnsu.
he became a victim oflhe graves ard insur-
road. His route extends from Apple Jack
Slatinn to Parrtville, a distance of i harre, Wednesday aliernoin, A mass
seven sssiies. l.very night, Incliniiiig roin coal fell limn Math-w Cisolo, a miner.
nay, he lusssea over Iho roiiie twice, making vears of aae. asid killed hlni Instantly,
a distance. if 51 ID miles vei I v. mid in the Alexander Sleiensoiiiside foiem an uf Iho
twenty years li has I'avelnl 1112.200 miles Mill Creek Mine, was caugbl be'twe-n the
or over four tliue the distance aiound lha buniiwrs ol two iiiine cars Same aflerouou
earth. ' and squetjwd to death.
Oats" for sile at $3 ierirck. According to ance cruze and lost conside'able suniiry in
statements and testimonials they are the
most productive oats in cultivation. Alfred
R"S. of Penh Yan.Yaies 4 Co.,N. Y.,'ralsed
473J Nuiidsr almoat 15 bitahels of S! lbs.
each, from 2 miners of sent in 1883. He
received a cash prise of $50 for his com
petition. Con.
his investments. This ai preyed Un his
nil ml that he lost his reason and olten
threatened to end his troubles bv sami.iul
line suicide. His reason, he said, for al- ances due the county amount t- $3,112 78,
templing In end
shooting was
A remedy that can destroy tho germs of
sercfula, aud when onco settled has tho pow
er to root It out, must Lo appreciated hy
those- afflicted. Tho remarkable cures ot
young children and the more wonderful cures
ct thoso of middle ago aud lato In life, u 11
lustrated by our printed testimonials, provo
lloou's SAitsArAnitxA to bo a reliable rem
edy, containing remedial agents which do
lmslt Ivcly euro scrofula and eradicate It from
lha blood.
WaisntjiTn. H-, Jan. si, 1879.
Mrssnj. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.)
GenUcmcu l'or ten jcars previous to Uio
ea-ly part ot 1ST7 1 had been a constant suf
ferer from scrofulous ulccis or sores, which
had finally reduced ino to a helpless condi
tion, ns described In my letter to you In Sep
tember ot that year. The continued excel
):nt hcallli which enables me to keep house
tor my aged father aud to enjoy life, keeps
nllvomy lutenso personal liitcrcstin Hoou'a
BAnsAi'Ar.iu-t.and 1 cannot refrain I roni ex
pressing my gratitude for the remanent
cure this wonderful inedldno effected Ic my
case nearly two years ago, while living In
Lowell, venen all my physicians cave me up
as being tn an Incurablo condition. One
thing ucioro I close. I liavo recommended
your Sarsaiarllla to hundreds, andllhinlc
nioro than a thousand cases, and my faith In
Its Invincibility In curing scrofula lias be
come, absolute by the wonderful cures It has
effected aside from my own. I trust you
will not bo slow In mal.lns the merits ot
lloou's SAitJAi'AiiiLiv known everywhere.
for It Is a duty you uwotoin.itihltid. Yitlt
Brown's Iron Bitters is
composed of Iron in soluble
form; Cinchona the great'
tonic, together with other
standard remedies, making
a remarkable non-alcoholic
tonic, which will cure Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria,
Weakness, and relieve all
Lung and Kidney diseases.
We will open on Monday, MARCH 3rd,
in Ihn Stnre-ronm of Jos. Ohert, on
Bank St Lehlghton. fur TEN
DAYS ONLY, an immense
Block of
Dry Goods,
Carpets, &c.,
Which will be Sold at
Bankrupt Prices I
best wishes 1 remain very truly yours.
HOOD'S sTrsaparilla
Carbon County Finances.
The Trsusu rer'i county statement, as
published, shows Ihe tola! receipts for I8S3
In haye been $.14,000 31, aud the exa-iiili.
lures $10,450 70, leaving aiaiancaiu the , Is a skilfully-prepared compound, conccn
h inds or the Treasurer on January l t,i tratcd extract, lj a process peculiarly our j
lQjj ..isumu (iv ti.. ....1.U...11... i.t.l oini, of tho best remedies ot the 'cgetablo
- - - i ,i i i ii t i
r.uiouv.1, Riiunii tumiuiwi, anvmu ua 4.HCI.1 I
lives, blood-purlflcrs, diuretics, and tonics.'
aoitreisto it other world.'
I his llfel.y a Ull instead of a;ainsl which there are sundry uiiaojusiid j Sold by all druggists. Price CI, or six tot I
tnat he wanted "to jump , bills against the couuty aoijuuliug tu (3. C. I. HOOD a CO., Uracil, Mau,
i -I I m sua i I - '
tut is.
The Stock consists of about tt.beo worth nf
Oncals, which must be sold IV TKN MAYS,
no matter what price It brings, I all early
to srenre Bargains at your nvrn 1'rler, be.
eaus-lbe sate will 1'OSIIIVELY CLU3U
MARCH llth.
Oheut's l.uii.niNf,,
Bank sStrcct I.chig!itcn
reUrsary IMHWv