The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 19, 1884, Image 4

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    frWhirt i.Rltl Jllie. mirrjrt Vh4 -
When must in n .1 lo in nrdtr to re
eoreif When bit Ufa It intuitd.
A lawyer works at his pralesilnn from
the Terr s'.art. lie begins by pru-jecutinz
his lull A " V
Vo malterWhat parts It may Anally si
ftot, -atarrh always ttarli in I ho hei.l, to I
Leiiif;s to III lnait. Then li no myitjry
btu Ih43r7gin alhUklirf.)l dfsea'i. It
begins ln,.iglflJ'0M. Onenfthe kind
that Issiue 1V tn bitter In few uvysy'
ThmiMiill 'ofMMIIns know. h iwlMiJly
xperie jC'i. .Ely Craim. B lira cur o 'III
In too head. Not a sn'iflT nor liquid. Ap
plied, with the 8oxr lathe nostril.
Th. this has hls'eicuse; be would do
gi by'sle'aUh.
Vljor, hHh end itrenith stl found in
out- bottle of Brown's) Iron Bitters.
risy-tonlo a taction goog out botnf en
lact.! !"r"' '
The-Oood Die Young, .'wss ones i an at
eapledlpoetloiientiuient, but recent dlsoqv
ries show the, it , to bo If rrrnr.
The xjd,.for hey are the wise, llvo lo a
good o)'y age, .and, use J,adwn,T(ir Syrup
whoneTer, lro'ubto( with . cujda . or coujb..
For Sale at Thomas' drugstore. '
Ah'X-Miftf b'ni-a too dollar' 'gfeen.
back. 1 ' " ."'"'''
Erory firmer thnuM it loast hare one
eeanljr paper, and that paper ihnnld to the
ApToffiTK, Whlcti contains all the latest lo
cal newa. Only f 1.00xaiear.' ' n
OooJ far notblng a cipher. , - :
The knave of hearts the " j
It la the man In the .mud who leea
sjotnelhing In.tho mud. to add in Ire.
In. paying a dollar lor a Lottie of Jad
win's Tar Syrup, you receive a box of Jad
win' Qui Vive 6tnmarli Pilli, making it
only coat you 75 cenla for your Syrup. T.
Thomas lellait.
The net to catch a. man matrimonially
the brunette.
EVERY Promlso backod by a guaran
tee. Acker'a Dyspepsia, Tabled wll.giro
immediate relief! Price' 25 1-56'cti.' ' Sold
by Dr. Horn, Lehighlbo, and E. Aj Horn,
Weissport. "
A forthcoming eroat ono that tucceoJs
three otheia. ,
Open yaur ejea and not your
when roikinfup your mind 'whot kind of
cough medfi'mo y.ou are gojng ' lo late 'If
you don't wish to' niako, opium ' eater's of
your wives jnd children. 'Stop' nmirlni;
down all klnda o'roiirli remM'rsvanil'ue
Jadwln'n Tine Tar Syiup. For rale at
Tboniak' drug ttore.
The lateit tweet thing In cradlca The
aw baby.
qf-alTl. '
j IciIokh Afr.jiniit; r.liilracnt loaslxion
known to:i:Uilou3iilloTCl' thu vorldas
atiin tuiis Baro rciianco-icr uio rener or
Irtccldoul.i nnd pain. It 13 n. Eiccllclno
I above yrlco (mil pmiso tlio bcator its
i bind, i'cr every Joiia ofcatcraal nUu
Igjrristnnsl.tnlmontl') without nnfeqnal.
j it iioueti' sloV end muxclo to
the vary bono njaclnfr tho contlnu
anco pf pnlu i.nil JtiUnnimatlninimpov
alblft. rtrcctaupon'IIummt ller.'i a"d
ltitil)nitoUnotln!i croccuallv xrondcr.
JTalnlmcnt la deeded, by somebody infl
ipveiyhduso. 1 : very day lit Inn uovniolH
Blue affo7 of An n.iTfiilscnlorbunft 1
subdued i of rhenmtftio martyrs ic-l
Ifttorori, or a valitalilo Xioro or oxfl
I saved bjt tuo ucaUnsyoT7croxi,niq
i T
I which apvdUy! circa EticU' nllmcnts of
Juio uiua 1' lilU as
Rhctxittatlsxna tSrrclIIncB. SillTi
1 JolntSft'ontrcLCtcil EtiTClot, Ilurns
(una briu CutRt Ilvuixoi ana
Hnralun. Volioiiouo 13 He tuul
Sure hilnnlra. Caked Itreasti nnd
U Indeed every xomi of cxtcruju Uii-
I V.itrftlni.
It liroJa TlUaoiit icars
; k or Ihe JJUute Cue atxon it currs
HTlmiv. Miff Jolntt.t
(iv. 'ouudrr, Harness hortstlloof IU-g
(UflAitt.Vuot ltot, bcrcw Worm, Scab,
ftlH. RpaTin. Tlruh, lllnshuno',
J)d- flnrpi, I 'oil l.vila 1'llm iiuosi
')4 riIttnnd every of U v ailmciU
.tiv) xvhlea Iho occupants nr the
x;inDj nnu rjrocn mm are Jtnuic
I 'Ilia EI ! can ItlUFLaiiir Xjluliiient
Jf,w7s cures nntl uuvct U!saii)olato;
8 lftlR)iBaia fl ri
j sss IB B s U ti u B ax a u EJ
"Yodr.wbhab'fful KhiWPTttlliienff b
rured mv AfUiina. All other leuiel
MiTe lliDf.'I. W. Lytn, 47 tfafclay itietf,
Every fox praltel It! own'lnll:
A debt il adorned by payment.
Advice o' jiothekb.
Are you rltnurbod at night and broken nf
your reil by a'aiek child BUlIering and cry
ine'wlth'pain of cutting teeth T If in, tend
atntica and get a bottle' or MM. Wimnw'g
SoOTBIKO SraOF I'OR CmtDitR'n Tkv.into.
Ita Valua'ii innafculable. It will relieve tli
rJoor little itiflerera lnlmediately. Depend
upon It, mother!, there It nn mistake about
it. It curei dyicntery and dlarrhcea,regu
tatea'theatomiiah and bitweta, rurea wind
collejiftcui the gumi.rcducea Inflammation
and glvea lone and energy In tho whole ava
tera. Met. WimLow'a BoorniKO Sraur
or CnilBEm Tarrnma ii pleaiant to the
taite, and lathe preecription of one ol the
oldest and belt female phyitciani and
nuriet In lbs Un'.led Statei, and la for tale
by all druggitta throughout the world.
Price'SS cent! a bottle.
A good beginning la half the work.
Fear no; thn thread of the great, but
rather the loan of the poor.
ELECTRICITY. 01 all the known
Etectro-Qatvatiio Appliance! at the prrietil
day II II now conceded bv tho Medical Fra
ternity and Electrician generally, that the
American Galvanic Co'a IIovado Siittt.t n
are the best, potieaiing inlrinrio Elcrtiicat
merits, as ono shield or appliance can bv
fitted to nny part of the body, which la not
true of' any other.' fico advcrtiremcnt in
another column of thu paper.- Electric Ga
ulle. An old friend Is better than two new
onei. '
Samson'a Less and Loclrs.
When Delilah clipped oil Salmon's locks
that mighty athelete at onoo became "as
other men." If it rould ba proved that Ihe
possesiion of luxuriant hair would enable
men lo tear open li.m's jaws, Hircox A IV.
would be driven wild in theHI'utt tneup'.ily
enout;h of 1'arker'a Hair Jlnlsnin to inert
tho ileuiaiid. As t is the Balsa 'n prevents
cnur hair trom falling out, nnd icsmrra Iho
original color If faded or gray, Driidra it
is a great addition to the toilet table simply
as a dressing.
Absence In a lies tho heart grow fonder.
Bjb Ingrso, th- noted inndel, sav
.there is no hell, which, no dmiU, glye
Icomloit to a grcatjHniiiuer of peojilo, but if
Vou want to ilofer realizing tho truth or
fxlsily nf this teliof,uie JmV.vln'iTar Syrut'
when Inmoled with odds or coughi. T.
Dio Thomaa sells it.
When Qsh sro rare even a crab is a
That weak back or pain in Ihe tide or
hips you will find humedi.ite!y relieved
when a Hop Plaitcr h npiliod. It strength
ens the 1 muscles, giving tho ability to do
hard work without suffering. Take none
but thii; 'lisi-.-re.
Trust in'God, but do not stumble your
self. ERUFTIONS, SOKES, Timples, Itheii
matdm nrobut Iniliin'nra nf impure blood.
Acker'a Bl o 1 Elixer is Iho remedy. Sold
bv Dr Horn, Lcl.igblon, und ,E A Horn,
Ask n pig to dinoer and he will put his
feel on the table.
AUE YOU Miserable through Indigedlnr.,
Sour Stomach, or Constipation? AekeiV
Dyspepsia Tablets wegnaranloe will rcllevi
Vu. Sold by Dr C T Horn, Lehighlon.und
E A Horn, VVeissport.
Money is not Gad, but It shows great
My wife uied Dr. Graves' Ile.irt Rzn
tor with crat relief, it is lh only rellel
from Heart Disease I ehcerfullv reeoiii-'
mend it. J. It. Miller. I'. M , Mulberry
Grove, HI. $1 per bottle.
If God don't forsake us tho pigs will
not take us.
Ajer's Sarsanarilla la the most potent
blood purifier, and a fountain of health and
strength. Be wise in time. All baneful
nfectionsare promptly removed by this
unequalled alterative.
-Go after two wolves and you will ot
even catrh one.
jSyyDiamond Dyes will color at ylblng
any color, and never fail. The easies'. mit
best wav to economize. lOo. at hII ilmg
gists. Vells, Itirhardfon A Co.,Burliiigtnn.
Vt. sample rant, coloia, and buiu ol
lireetions for 2 cent rtamp.
-Be praised not lor your anceitors, but
for vour virtues.
Huntsviile, Ala. Dr. J. C. Spotswc t
fays: "I luiih'v r.-o mni-nd Itrown'a lion
Bitters nr livspcpstn rheumatitm and gen
eral debibtv."
Kevertiko n crookol path when yru
can see a straight one.
Tampion, Tenn. Ttiv. D. F. Manly ,yti
"Brown'a Iron Biltera relaxed p e of Indi
cestion and ncrvoutnesj slter physicians
Diseast o nes in by huudrid-weigli I
and tro, nut In un es.
Iftgnlflcent lloHon 1
dllmlnaf iV.ala T- bdll-.nt. -0-. . . . u.t Z.
rpinjf vt(i via um w un Ol Uinmtf UaT-S
it World. Tbrc Trla btTfeu ChietKO and
9r U tsntrl position of Ha lino, eonntcu tbo
Xat and la wt br tia bortet route. ad oar
ti pMavnstrm. wilBout ihugt of ar. botwaea
Ou4 and Xanaaa City, Uouugd Elun. Leavtn
wortb. AtoblMU. Minnaapolia and Bt. ratul. it
oorafau la Union Hapota with ait tbo principal
Imaa of road batwat o in AUautlo and the Pacifio
vwuii. w Ptmiputui ! wsrivaioa ana tnagutn'
BaVU- lsaXK,
r Cara. and V
A NaW and DlrsMt Una v(a fianrwa an1 TrVa.
Ma.haarsoantlj bn opaoad bciwaan 11. cl rajud,
apnata.KaahTUlo.louiavUla, XcxinciOQ.Cino.i.natl.
11a i and St. Vaul and iluUrtaedUto point.
AMCsaxa chtakoU through n4 rales of far aL
wa m ,vw u WHyutri nu esir IW aUvtA
'Yor'dfUIUd th Mapa l4 ro)d.
Atyau uumi Tlakai OOh, oraddiwu
T, R. OABLB, E. 8 T.J Jlltl.
w Tiaa-nM. smI U's'i. twmwat'fefe.iti.
lUtrttiric rerji
roit rum
Positivo Curd
Anlnfalllblotcmedy for!
all dKcasta of iho btliJ
ana li.iou, Bucli u
rimplra ti UlutobrH
and I Iho best Itemed)
for nil l'cmaln Com
plaints and ATouk
niajes. It bti rureil
dbcaaen cf the IJvcr
and KldnoTH when at
rthtr tJTitdlci tavd
T0 not let your Drujxlit pcrsuada yea to takcl
I I tomethlnirclsc.butiriio hzi not cot It, and!
hrlll not send fcr lr.vwto ta ami wovruscmi
lit to you by csprca, yrcpald, ca rscclpt ci pile-'
Ono to thrco hottlca cf rjienmatlo Byrup will
tr tno BTSiCUl Cl lain, cnu l uro &117 enao 01 in
imatory or Acuto Ithcumatlaci, crKouralela
...Threo t3 Cto bottles tjIU euro Erjsipobvi lc
rrrnr tn sit Voflca aro xrzzzzzi&l to cere
corrupt aua nunmj utccri.
rone ! tit Tittles aro vrarraatod to cord
my casa oruus uiouui.
FIvo to d.-l:t bottlcJ will euro tho vrorsn
fjvv v wm.
rmm two to four montha' vso cf Rheumatic
fSvrnp will euro any cnto bt Chrouio lUioairuiUsmj
X iwcmy yours cwuiuiiK.
If you havo been nauffercr for years, nnd have
used all tho remedies you couiu hear of, with nt
lavall, do not be dlacourasad, for nhcumatl.
iyiup will euro you.
I'rice, 01.00 per bottle) 0 bottlra for S5.0O.
Ecnd for our pamphlet of Testimonials, otc,
imnrjMATIOEYEUP CO.. rschcitcr, N. Y.
Nonrn-Ufli a!pr
This cat shows the
Howard Electric
Magnetic Shield
as applied over the Kid-lioysandNcrvo-vlta
centers. Tne up-
nllanco mtJo that
flta every part ol
the body, and the
only one needed to
Etli on mat lam,
I) ' o p s 1 n .
the worst cases ol
Seminal Weak
ness, ZCxImus
tlon, Inipotcn-
cy, and all Dis
eases and Weak
ncaof the llrliio
2rllltnl llrormi.
Patented Feb. 3, 1673. 1 ua
TOUKO MEN, from early Indlrcrctlon, lack
ncrTC force and fail to attain etrcngth.
MinDfE-AQED MI3 of tcu lack vigor, attrlbat
lag it to the projresi of j care.
The MOTHER, AVIFI1 and MAID, siiffcrlnfjfrom
Fonialo Weakness, Ncrvons Debility and other ail
taentewlll find It the only cure.
To one nnd all wo Foy that tho Shield lvee a nat
ural aid tn a natural wav
IVarrautcd Ono Vcar, nnd tbo best
appllatico iiimlo.
Illnstrated Pamphlet, TnBEE TYPES OF MEN,
clso l'amplilct for Laillce only, tent on receipt of
mm I
imdew pDR?osirrhAlv,fcH-i:r,"(:;t)Luts'
American Galvanic Co.
fflTsnCCii 154 IWaolson St., CHilrasCi
l1 f 8utO1103 Clieatnnt W, Phlla.
CVi are determined to
pmh nr clrciiUtti'ti up
farbojontl unyiliiniii'Vir
!iftro iniitrn tntlin mrWinpr
tiuliiPM-l'htlniUitjltfri It tew
l'wilKf noilIfa Ptrnailrln
li-antiriit, IHustruUTl, And be iul Inif rwiliT. rfMUttbln
lAliitIr toiirimi lit til it world now lit 111 alith vnnr.
i'jeii'Pr.lMirioen vvoeko adu n aj..iiiim
y a... a ' aiTlfi"
Jnu yoarrl.nlf.enrapalrnflM.AriiiriitKiirDrnpi.n, Blrr
lnttti Mi. or llmt W(n.rf ' iifi.l ehnriiMliif tlw itii-i'.
rlt AMYLOID. Tlilai.1: ;..J I.. f j .!..). AdJn-.i
Pooclc'o Flrcslclo Jcurncl, tfew York.
ician cwruuuteuco cn
Olilcol.i Uvr Vcr
lor tlioCuroof .
1 w 1 r .M.fl.i.MiMiil rh,neMKl"l.
et&llV cf EpUeper. has wllhoul denb trrntod ! er.rc
lioricues iban any rthrllvln it nhyalclan. Olssaeecia
ls llnplr beta ailonlihlnsi waliave lunrj o( f own "r
Tcr to ran' lamllne nucreurnlly Corel by Mm. lis
I Vubmbed wark on Ibla aiwaiii. nlch b
:h larcabotllAtrhli wndrfulcuro free V ft-'yi
f r..r Mn mir Ibolr cpr.ti mni V. O. Addre.4 . e
One of Those Mistakes (1) Which aro Mote
Froquent than Profitable.
'Why.myi'lilld, this Is not HKNOON'S
father to his little nauahter.after examlnlnu-
n package she haj Just brought hlra'fiom the
drur store.
'Isn't It, pnpat I'm sorry, but I asked Ihe
man for Dtnson's I show I did, and betook
the twenty.flve centa you gave me to pay for
It with," exclaimed the ehlld, positively.
"Jtajbo tho druir loan made a mistake,"
"I'll go 'round lujself and see," was tho
tenltoman's comment, as he donned hts coat
and bat.
"Why dlon't too send me Benson's plaster,
Instead of this oheap and trashy thlont"
"Why, 1,-1, thought that would snlt you
Just as.woll and "
"You thouKhtl youthougbtl What bull,
ness had you to thlnLt 1 dorj't pay you tot
thinking, hut for nlllcg mv order," said the
Indignant caller, contemptuously, ''There,
lake tho thing hack and giro me my money,
I'll get what I want elsowhare,"
a- 3
2 o u
(H OS "
nr-rsDMrfTOrf UllCTMiY.lashlonable
111:337 Hoot and Suoa Makbh, Dank St.,
I.ehlghton. All work warrauted.
of East Mauch Chunlc,
are prepared to do all kinds of
Plastering & Ornamental Wort,
it shortest notice. Orders by mall will ro-1
eivo prompt attention. Terms moderate
lor pond work. aeplitf
An Old Soldier's
" Calvert, Texas, w
May 3, 1882.
' I wish to express my appreciation of the
valuable qnalltloa'of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral'
as a cough remedy,
" While with Churchill's army, Just before'
the battle of Vlcksburs, I contracted a se
vere cold, which terminated In a dangerous
cough. I found no reliot till on our march
wo came to a country store, where, on asking,
for soino remedy, I was urged to try Ayer's
Cmsuuv Pectoral.
"I did so, and was rapidly cured. Since"
then I have kept the 1'ectoiial constantly by -me,
for family use, and I hare found it to be
nn Invaluable remedy for throat nnd lung
diseases. J. W. WiinLEV."
Thousands of testimonials' certify to tbo
prompt cure of all bronchial and lung
nffectlons, by tho uso ot, AVer's Ciinnnv ,
Pectoral. Doing very palatable, the young
est children take It readily.
Dr. J.C.Aycr&Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druglst;
L A. X) IE S!
Send us yournddress anil wo will mall you
Samples nnd Descriptlro Illustrations or
KUIt8HEEDT'S Fashionable Specialties!
I. aces, Uuchlnss. Ilrnlits. Umlin.liUrlciand
other tJTAMDAiiu Auticlls. Address
Tho Kursheedt M'f'g Co.,
New York City,
Mention this paper. decSS.wt-
u e - 1
D n a. "
(I" $1 will pay a year's
subscript, m in advance for
the Cakbjn Advocate.
H HF m
respectfully announces that he has bought out MRS.
HUPEXIT'S NEWS DEPOT, together with good-will,
&c, and will immediately RemoTe his entire business
to the premises formerly occupied by her, where he
hopes for a continuance of past patronage, pledging
himself to do the utmost in his power to serve the
wants of the people conscientiously and punctually.
Constantly on hand an assortment 01
!lDiaiBos9 rgfams, "ewlia
Tea sir . -n nr - tarn v
arflls, Scrap Ifictures, Ciard
mnl tdrap
1 . . Preparation of tho oll
If there ,ls any una thing more than an-
olh(r,that the farmer falls to realise,, it Is
the importance of thoroughly preparing the
soil, before the seed is planted, or the plant
act. Our . grandfathers, for herd cropr,
spread thor coarse manure on the surface
of the, land, and plowed it under, then they
furrowed Ihe grpund with a smalt I orse
p!o v, aud where the seed was dropped put
a.htlj shovel full ol the Oner manure, un
which t;lie seed was dropped aad covered)
thusjeayinc; the manure unmixed wjtlilho
spiran t where it would lay undisturbed
uiUi thejand was plowed for another crop
nor was any clrort.inade tn pulverisa the
soil until the crop waa up large ennggh to
hoe If they had a tree to set they simply
lujr a small ioI Just Isrgo enough to re
ceive Ihe roots, and, without any prcpira
Hon of the soil, fille t lp the hole and left
the Irea to tako its nalurul courte.
Our falhera.made a step of progress by
spreading the manure on the, turfac aftir
the ground was plowed, nrnl with tho old
toothed. A harrow uiieil tlin manure with
tie aoil, at)d when they set a tree many ol
them due, a hole much larger, than the roots
nf llio tree extcnded(anil.altcr sotting tin
tree filled around the roots wiih soil well
prepared for ilnnt growth. But it was left
for this generation to Innro full v rcnliie
that if we are to force nature much teyonil
hor natural cnurso, wo must stddy to pre
pare llie soil not only iu tlio best manner.
but at I l.o be,t time.
A rarellll atlidy nf nature's ways of feed
ing plants leaches us that oruda material)
can not enter the plants, but that a separa
tlon must first take place, dividing the for
tilizilig material! into atoms' thiit are in n
otndition to -mlr.Kle with both air and
water, which thiy will readily do,'ahd Oil a
form' molecules that atn'readily I like 11 up
iiy.-the growing plailts.riild omveyod to ihe'
humernui cells, where thiit' nice 'oheinii-nl
iperdlinn-' tales plac which traiislnftu's
each inoleenle'tiAli'i ' particular sub
stance neeessaryllo'prodnca'nll nf thn char
ac eristics of the plant an I'lho fruit orvego
table.' 'i "
' Having satisfied burrolycs im eonie ol the
priilclpol poinlaof vegeiablo growth, "we
can.nhire fully ro.ilizo the liniortiince' ol
Ihoroughlvipulverlzingi tho il, and M
mingling the lerlilizlng materials with II
that tbero will be a rapid formation nf thou'
molecules which produce plant food. Ti e
lait that Ihe division ! parllcli'i' by tie
decay of substances is hastened by the pro
senee ot water and worm air,' readily 'cx'
plains Ihe.'reason vhy' a well pulverized
sliil is best adaptca tu Hie rapid Inanufacl
nre uf plant Inoil. -A, aoil that is closely'
presicil logetner t'leyents tho tree passage
il both water und warm ail; therolnrej 11I
though it may contain In ice quantities nl
fertilizing materials; the maniirarttire n
plant food will bo very slow indeed, be
Cause nfthe want of the two elements ej( 11
tlalto 'rrt'duce a change.
If we would work to (he best advantag
it li necessary that we sho'ild 'know Imu
aiWfi afier the toll is stirred Ihe profess ot
thalecay of niaterials'eniiinicuces, mid thus
tte:iiianiifactureir plinit food lakes place.
'Observation leochca that this Is in a very
low day; in fact, sometimes In a very few
hours; consequently, when wo cm readily'
lo s , It is best to prendre the soil for most
u crops hut u short lime before they are
expected to grow. For example, If ihe croji
Lucjrri'ts, it'woul I be very unwise to pre-
baro Iho land in Ihe autumn, let it se'l.Ie
all winter; and then sow the seed mi the
hard 'surface witlmut pulverizing it. A'
etter way would be lo partially 'proj'nre
(he land inthe'autumn,nud then lust before
(lie seed is sjwn in the spring, thoroughly
pulverize the soil that it may be in aondi
tinn for the air and water to mingle witli
the particles nf manure at the timo when
llio growing crop needs it. "Whit Istiue nl
carrojs Is true of all plants.
Experience (which is worth more than 11 1
f the theories that, ever existed) prime
Hbat f we would produce rapid plant growth
wa rniist not only have the land well pul
verised he,see is planted, or Hi
tree sot, but Irerpieiitlv slir the soil while
the plants tare growing, and that the more
horoughly the, mauufo is mixed with tin.
oil the belief. will the cops grow.
Tiie idl melhods nf nur gnindfather.nnd
he newer and better, .methods 1 1 our fathers
nf setting trees has been improved upon by
modern nrrhardl-ts, who are not conltnt
to simply dig 11 large hole and set the tree
'il it, even though they surround it with
-ii-h toil In place nf thn nalurul. I'nder
draining Is now resorted to 011 clay soils.
til l)ie wlinlo land is thoroughly prepared
helore the trees are act, by deen plowini:
lint the limn ush mixing nf the mauuie
-with Ihe soil. It Is found that by thus
hrroiighiy preparing tho soil a short time
liefnre the Irrea lire eel, Ihey start 'nil" lh
it rat year with n growth that is' highly sat
ufaeto-y. t f ..
Our og" is nnej nf rapid progress. We me
not uuileiit ti) wnit thn slow progress of
nature when tell to lierse.ll, hut wo find il
for. mi r interest In use such means as ale t
ur coiiiiiiand In haiton Ilie gmwth nl lie
crops wrgrnw In our fields, orchards and
g.uleiis. The mrrarelully westuly the
ways nf nature tho heller shall we be pre
pare I to assist lier, Very lew In iur day
believe, as ourgraodfjthcrseeeiiied lo, that
plants feed or! marse materiale, and so
place the muUM in little Inaps where it
can remain uiiitisuirwrt .lliinuaiioui uie
growing season; but tby realize tiie absunl
ity !' the Idea, and so spread the manure
eenly over Iheynliie field, and mingle it
with the soil where it will be frequently
stirred during the growing sesson. By thus
assisting nature in her efforts to produce
materials for plant growth as fast as Ibey
ran be taken up by the growing crops,
arowlh is obtained that Is far above that
which would be produced by naluro Unas
sisled. r.
A IB in inns, Ami-o&'ra
111 y 013 sk
4 f. I ,
.A ti ktiHaj
-k 1
411II vi
Bank Street, Leliigliton, Pa.
In wbitewailiinityourbeunery put some
kerosene oil into the mixture for Ihe bene
fit uf the hen lice. '-
Many costly fowl houses fall to kcer
healthy the Jnmatea prlneipllv,lieau6e o
the absence nr thorough ventilation.
, In fattening bogS( .if they are fed In
open pens or in muddy ground, .fully one
fourth of the corn may safely, said, to be
waited. . ...
A hen may be calculated ti consume one
bushel ol corn annually, ind to In the same
lime lay teri dozen, or fifteen pounds of eggs.
Discontent Is the went of self-reliance;
Business is still booming at the STAR.
Our many customers will kindly accept our thanks for the liberal manner in which they
have patronized us. To time who do not patronize us yet. but have such an blncclin view,
we, here, publicly proclaim that they will be treated lair and honorably,: thatjfwcwill not
overcharge them in a single item, but on the contrary, will offer them decidcll'batgains in
many things Without employing the so-called Leadeu Si'Stem, where a certain-line 6f goods
arc sold at or below cost and double prices charged on others. TO -ALir-wc-would say
that wo are holding our trade with our customers and are constantly adding new xmcs, but
still we have rootn for more and cordially invite you to try 113. ' "
Have decided bargains in Home-made Carpets, Floor Oil .Cloth,Jkc..
"We lead the county in Sugar. .:'
Our Stock and Prices of COFFEES are unrivalled.'
:No trouble to show goods-
Very respectfully,
I 1 !
Do jo
nil I
li you are loolcing for a place to purchase ,
Toilet and Fancy Articles, Stationery, Cigars, or
TTlBe FiDaest ol" Wall fiaper and Ilorder
Remember, that place' is at the POPULAR DRUG STORE of
Opposite Carbon House, BANK Street.
A full supply of Pure Wines and Liquors for Medi
cinal Purposes.
Picsciiptions very careiully compounded, day or night-
Remember, Dr. C. T. HORN'S Popular Drug store;
We desire to say to our friends nnd the public in general, that
t have 011 hand the Largest and most
Complete Stock of Goods
TailoriaG EstaMisbmenl
in this section of the County, comprising
Cloths, Cassimeres,
Plain and Fancy Suitings,
Which we will put up for you in our usual
Therapy glvlag jaa, as we alwajs, do
Best Fittin, Best ftimil aua Best
U c hare also Just recelTCl from the Manufacturer' a Large
Stock ol Kowcst Stjles of Ladies, Gents and Children's
- 1 'i
M A)
IliTil AMU ;
All of whtch we are now offering a ' .
(GIT TJnprecedently Low Prices TjjFJ
Very iCcpe- tCiilly,
CJLJL W&S 4- EM0.9
Bank St., Lehig'hton, Pa.
March 21. 1883-yl
We Know wliat we are Saying ;
When we state that wo arc Selling Goods as Cheap as the Cheapest, and, therefore,
invite special attention to the following articles suitable lor Holiday Presents :
INndsoma Frlna-a Xmas and New Year Oards. Albums, Toilette Sets. Laities' Hand Satchels and Purses. tlts;ar Casts. Indies' Werk
ll'zes Kin Hair llrusn", Olothes Hrushn. A Variety of I'arlor Games. Ulssected Man of the United States, (a specially forehtldren
studying lleo"?inhy. "to 1 learn the boundarle; uf the country with case and pleasure). Chlldrcus' A 11 0 and Toy Hooks, Faney r.peterles,
Ohlldrens' school Hags, lukstands, fco.,fcc. '
A fine assortment of Lamp and Lamp Fixtures, varying jn price from $1.25 to $10.00,
to-'cthcr with a lnrgu varictv of Fancy and Useful Articles suitable for
Ve have also, always on hand a full assortment of
Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines, Wall Paper and Bord
ers, Stationery, School Supplies, &c, &c, all of which
will be sold at the very lowest cash price.
Call and see goods and learn prices before making purchases elsewhere.
fiZzf Prescriptions very careiully compounded, day or night. Patronage invited?4 "t
REMEMBER TIIe'LaCE, f " A-T . . ,
E. A. HORN, Weissport, Ba
May (th, IMS.
it Is the infirmity ol wIlL