The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 05, 1884, Image 2

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    It V. MOIlTIIIMBrt,. . . '' ' EDITOR
Editorial Mention.
1 T. Bibntu, the Bleat showman, hm
tosd bis will. The document ooTers
700 pages of lbgolcnp, nod devisrg $10..
U00 000 among 27 dlreot lielrs. There ia
evidently' sotnelhlug. la the show busl.
ntss. .
Ijt accordance with n resolution Adopt
ed at the hot mooting of tbe Western
Null Association, all factories in (he
Wtst have closed down for sx weekr.
Tbe manufacturers hope to imprnvo tbe
trade by restricting tbe production.
6,000 men are thrown oat of employ
Twxntt.two men Wfte killed nnd
e!' ti n Imdly wor.ndcd bv a collision
Wednesday on tbe Western division or
the Grand Tmnk Rail tvsj-.ttro miles from
Toronto. Tbe conductor of one of tbo
Wrecked trains was arrested. lie is
charged with being responsible for tbe
disaster through neglect of orders.
Loud O'lTiOEM, tbe Ant Roman Cath
olla Lord Chancellor, and tlrst Chancel
lor ever made n Knight of St. P.ttrick,
scarcely goes near Irehnd now. Ho bns
married n second wife of an English arts
tbcratio Roman Catholic family, who has
civen blm an belr. They lire much in
London, and aro now at Biarritz. Ire
landfgets smll share of tbe means be
made there.
,Johm N. Irwin, the Governor of Idaho
Territory, bns returned to tbe'Treasarer
of tbe United States the draft for SGS0
ent to him as his salary for tbe quarter
ended Oot. 30, 1883. lie has also de
clined to receive tbe salary due bim for
the quarter ended Dec. 31. lie enya be
has been nnable to attend to the dutie?
ot tbe efflco since July 1, and caunot
conscientiously accept tbe money. It i
very evident tbat John was never a mem
ber of tbe Pennylvania Legislature. I
The debt statement shows the decrease
of the public debt during the month of
' December to be $11,743,337. Decrease
of debt since June SO, 1883, $53,049,483;
cash In tbe Treasury, $375,374,200; gold
certificates outstanding, $91,031,020;
s'lver certificates, 100.698.011; certifi.
oates of deposit, $14,600,000; refunding
certificates, $318,150; legal tenders, $340,.
081,010; fractional currency outstanding.
$6,089,428; cash balance available Jan.
1, 1884, $142,478,445.
TYrmx several distinguished members
of bur Natiqnal Ilouse of Representatives
oihiblted jrreat energy nnd zeal in tb
end avor to cbtaln a respite for 0Don
n-ll, the murderer of informer Carey,
and a ravtrt nl or mitigation of bis fen
tence. It seems strange that no Irish
representative of the National party in
tbo English Honse o' Common', who
most be b.-st instructed in tbo merit of
the case, has ever made a movement in
the matter or exp:03sed dissatisfaction
with the verdict
Arizona Territory is not n vast nugget
oT gold; but "Dick" Chilson the Ana
helm Gazette Bays has written from
Casa Grande, in tbat Territory, ns fol
lows: "I have struck four feet of gold
ore that will go $1,000 to tbo ton. I tock
ont $300 wortb of gold dust with my
pocket knife. I have got two twenty
five pound boxes full of gold dust, wortb
nbouj $3,100. I have (.otnnggtts of gold,
pure gold, as largo as birds eggs. I sunk
nine feet on the ledge and took out ten
tons' before I noticed the gold, nnd there
fore, blasted away several thousand dol
lars. I bavo $30,000 in sight. Tbe
country is crazy over it. There are clus
ters of gold as big ns dollars sticking all
through tbe ledge. There bas been
sale made of one mine near me for $300,
000; another sold four miles from me for
$20,000. I declined $10,000 for mine.'1
The report of Superintendent of
Schools Iligbee has just been made pub
Ho. There are 2.227 tchool districts in
the Bute, 19,542 schools, 7,897 graded
sobonls, 15,721 school directors, 105
superintendents, 8,000 male teachers and
13,414 female teachers. iue averagx
salary of male teachers per month ih
$37,03; female teachers, $30 05. Tbe
nveraee attendance of pupils was 957,
080; cost of tuition, $5,193.091 74; cost
of buildings, tuition, fuel and contin
gencies, $,20G,33G.C5; estimated value
of school property, $30,199,030; school
tax levied for nil purposes, $5,070,017 57;
estimated value of State nnd incorporated
educational institutions, $8,817,389.76.
Tbe Increase over last year is given as
follows' In schools, 359; male teacher,
451;. female teacher", 037, pay of female
teaohers, $176 per month; number of
pupils, 12,333; cost of tuition, $329,973,.
83; value of school property, $1,858,076.
We have received from The Charles A
Vigeler Company, of Baltimore, Md,
the St. Jacob's Oil firm, n neatly printed
calealir for 1681. It contains 32 pages
of neatly prln'ed and handsomely Illus
trnted articles, comprising tbe funniest
productions of such master bumorlktsns
Bill Nye, Josh Billings. Robert J. Bur
dette and Ell Perkins. In addition to
tbe works of those named, the book con
tains tbe sketches and poems for which
cash prices were paid by the publishers,
and much other Interesting matter. On
tbe whole it is a good book with which
to beguile the monotony of a serions
hour, and will most acceptably fill in an
hour of leisure, being as perfect a cure
for the "blues" as St. Jacobs Oil is for
aches and pains. Get it from your drug
gist or send a 2 cent stamp to tbe pub
lishers and yon will get a copy by return
Ttrx Pariah Coal Company, of wbicb
Giarles Pariah, of Wilkesbarre, former
ly operator of the Lehigh aud Wilkes
birre Coal Company's collieries, is the
heaviest stotkbolder.Friday made formal
application at tbe State Department at
Harrisburg for a charter. The granting
of tbe charter ia bitterly opposed by
many of t beresldents of Plymouth, where
it is proposed to locate the colliery, on
tbe ground tbat tbe working of tbe mine
irlUblo to cause a cave-in, thereby caus
ing great damage to property and prob
ably loss of life. Tbe members of the
Episcopal church also oppose tbe grant
ing of tbe charter, claiming that tbe dirt
from the mine while in operation wonld J
pal) lUlr ebnieb- Much iulemt Is I
mxnlfMted thrre to th cnlinmeof t r
fl.hU TuttUh la unstained t the work.
lo i men nnd btislness teen of the to n,
who want blm there for bis enterprise.
TnSalvatlon Army prayed for a Phils
delpbia reporter thus; "We bare a re
porter here a miserable reporter a sin
ful eervaut of tbe nnboly newspapers n
good yonng man' gone wrong. Satan bas
made blm obstinate, and bo will not
yield to persuasion and be saved, Ob,
help the wicked reporter. Heir) tills re-
porter. Tbo devil bolds tbe fort In this
reporter's brain. He's going to b ,
Hallelujah! Ob, may be join tbe Salva
tion Army, oh! Give bim repentance.
He is a type of all reporters, audibly
are all a nioked lot." Tbo lientenant
stopped to give tbe reporter a chance to
kneel. Tbo men nnd women soldiers
shouted: "Save the reporter!" "Ilt-lp the
poor reporter!" "Down with the devill"
"I was wicked ouoe, but now I am pure!'"
The lientenant then began again: "Ob,
kill tbis reporter; kill bim. Take bim
away, tbat be may do evil no more. He
is too obslluHto to yield. Ha knuwt be
ongVt to, bnt be is prond all reporters
Bra. Oh, strike this reporter down; he
Is the devil in disguise."
The number of mercantile failure In
the United States during the past year la
rsported by It. O. Dan k Co as 9,184,
involving aggregate liabilities or $172,
874,172. This Is tbe largest number of
failures and tbo largest aggregate of lia
bilities since 1878, when tbe failures
were 10,478 and tbo liabilities $234,383,
132, many traders having in tbat rear
gone into liquidation to take advantage
of tbe repealed Bankrupt act before it
censed to operate. Tbe failures for 1883
in tbe dominion of Canada, ns reported
by Dim, Wlman & Co., are in number
1,384, with liabilities amounting to near
ly $10 000,000. In tbe United States
there bas been one failure In every 91
tradtrs, and in Canada tbere bas been
one in every 48. Tbe average of liabili
ties In the United States bas been $18,
030, while in Otuadu tbo average bas
been $11,000.
Our New York Letter.
Reicular correspondence of Advocati.
New York, Jau. 2, 1884
New Year's Day was spent much more
quietly this year than for many seasons
past. Tbat system of making calls,
whlob in former yiarj med to be carried
on to an excessive extent in this city
seems to be dying. Gentljn en are no
longer required lo be on tbe go from 10
a. in. to 10 p. m., wandering from bonce
to house to wish their lady friends a
Happy New Year, nnd to make their
stomachs receptacles for tbe most heter
ogeneous combinations of food and
liquors and thus have to pay tbe penally
tbo next day with an abnormally larg
head. Tbe fashion of providing one'
self with oddly ehaped and ojlored
ohromos y'clept New Year's cards is also
considered bad form, and thus tbe occas.
ion is fast developing into a perfectly
resectable ono.
Gentlemen who wished to observe tb
latest decree of fashion attendant upon
miking New Yenr's calls were this ye.'
forcod to go deep down into their pocket
books. The latest edict of style required
a gentleman to send u basket of flowers
to every lady whom he honored with
call. In consequence of this demand up
on their resources florists raised their
prices, nnd the poor fellows who went
about visiliug bad to pay from 13 vo lo
twenty dollars for every call they made.
It is quite natural that nnder these cir
cumsmnces, the visiting lUts or a great
many gentlemen were very short. The
fashion of wearing full evening drcFS
was more generally observed this year
than. ever before, nnd iu cotisequcnoe
t to livery stables did a rousing bnil
uess. As regards official receptions by
tuo Hoard of Aldermen and other bodies.
there was at them a notable absenco of
tbe revelry and riotonsness which
formerly digraced sach gatherings.
Ihe Bartboldl Art "Loan Exhibition
promises at last to help tbo scheme or
raising funds wherewith to erect tbe
pedestal for tbe Statue of Liberty En.
lightening tbe World. The daily attend
auce averages better than tbe manage.
ment ever aspired to, and now tbat tbe
exhibition is open on Sundays, tbe re.
ceipts aro not ouly materially Increased
but working people, who have no time
during tbe week can enjoy a thorough
aud complete study of the treasures gath
ered hero, I was at tbe exhibition last
Sunday, aud what struck me most about
the visitors, was the enormous number
of Frenchmen nnd Geimaua gathered.
wonder eur flue art work shops are
peopled Ly forelguers. It is singular
that young Americans as n rnle prefer
the drudgery and the poor pay ol stores
aud offices to tbe more interesting, more
elevating and more useful llfo of an at
tisan with its accompanying eniolu
'Abe arrest of tbe man Kohlrabi, who
under the preteuce if educating men as
de.ectives, and providing them with lu
crative employment swindled a score or
more gullible persons out of sums rang
Ing from two bnndred dollars,
shows to what an exteut tbe private de
tectlve business prevails, and when one
considers its many ramifications, one is
almost horrified. Said n promiuent
Sergeant Detective of tbe police force to
me thejDlher day: "Tbis business is tbe
enrte of tbe ace. and ia the cants nf
more rascality and crime than you have
a jy idea of. A lot of unprincipled mcr.
who are too idle to devote themselves to
any regular honest labor take to It, and
c tbelr bands tbe work is nothing elae
than organized blackmail. The way
mey operate is dauinahle. Thev man
age to learn the history, antecedents and
habits,, as well as quarrels of people of
note, you kbow there is a skeleton in
every closet Man and wife may bave a
spat, which may for some reason or oth-
grow in inteuslty aud duration.
These fellows manage to lcaiu of it
through servants. Tbe first step is lo
inform cither or both parlies of some
alleged wrong doing. They poison the
wouud thus created with additional
tales. From curiosity tbe victim grows
interested, and then step by step tbe de
mon of distrust gains in strength. The
Divorce courts show frequently tbat the
origin of matrimonial troubles may be
Iraced directly to tbe hellish practices or
these fellows.
Or again, they make a good deal of
money in tbe shape of rewards for tb !
acoY.ry" of ''ursTbUu valuables. I
k twof one fellow who TstemBticary
work. 'In with (he thin. Thn ml,
peoplt find he restart the goods for
rewara. ue nas inns far worked so
oarcfolly and skillfully tbat we bave not
been able to secure tbe necessary a? I
dences against blm, but we ale in a good
way now to put an end to bis rascality
and place blm safely nndsr lock and
Last Friday I attended the Reoepllon
of the Sisters of Charity in charge of tbe
Foundling Asylum. There aro over six
hundred little ones In the building who
have never known either father or moth
er, and the sight of this little farm of
innocents, the offspring of sin nnd
shame, was touching in tbe extreme.
And it is marvelous bow many of them
are Utile beantles. It Is safe to nay that
nine out or ten were baudsoma children.
Tbe Foundling Asylum is indeed tbe
noblest of the many noble charities in
tbe metropolis.
Special to tbe GannoN Advocate.
WnmtiOTOH, Jan 3, 1884.
"Do you know, sir, tbat an event oc
curred in tbis city on ChrUtmas Day,
the facts of which would make a splendid
New Year's-morsel, for the people of the
United Staterf'
The above Interrogatory wne nddressed
to me by a well-known Congressman
who has a nstlonal reputation ns tbe
best informed politician in Washington.
and the secret monotone in which the
words were uttered indicated tbat start
ling information was in possession of
tbis omnipotent honorable; hence, I en
deavored to creep into bis confidence,
and sallied forth with tbo blandishments
of aatonisbment and curiosity.
"Is it possible! Was it In tbe political
"Certainly; and a bigb toned arena It
was. You remember tbat President Ar
thur dined with Secretary Frelingbuyain
Christmas night?"
"Yes, but there is nothing startling in
"Don t be impatient, young man. Of
conrso tbe people know that Arthnr
dined with bis Secretary of Ststo, but
tbey don t know that thereby hangs a
tale. Not a half dozen people in Wash
ington are cosnizant of what happened
In Frelinghuysen's private parlor that
day. I will give you tbe faots if I may
depend upon your honor tbat my uamo
be not given as your informant."
Mr. Blank, here's my bouor. (We
shake.) May this tale be given to tbe
thirsting pablio as positively reliable."
"If it ever comes to a denial, yon may
publiely call on me for tbe necessary
"Very well; give ns the tale."
."Yon .may say tbat shortly after Ar
thur and Frelinghuysen had concluded
their Christmas dinner, n close carriage
drove up before tbe Secretary's residence;
from tbis carriage alighted James G.
Blaine, who hastily disappeared Into bii
successor's abode. It bad nil been pre
arranged, and tbey met there iu conclave
for a purpose."
The Congressman stopped here nnd
tuntalizlngly begun to puff nt, n cigar,
i Very soldoia dots a newpap-r man lose
cvutrol or a serene tqnuniniity wheu iu
formation is beint; inip.irte'1 to bim, but
tbis much or tbe Congrtiwmau's Hint
excited my intense anxiety tip know.tbe
bt.Iiuce, und I impetuously Haid:
"See here. Don't vex my inqui-iliie
ties Willi that tobacco smoke. Why did
Bl iino condescend to call on Arthur aud
bis Secretary?"
"You shall know young man, and 1
want tbe public to know for reasons turn
you may surmise. 1 am not a Bluiuit or
an Arthnr man, and I want to see Ar
thur's plau nipped in the bud. It is a
well known fact that Arthur, Blaine and
Logan are now the leading candidates
for tbe nomination at Chicago in 1884
You will remember it was reported tbat
Blaine and Logan bad agreed that their
supporters in the convention should sing
a joint chorus against Arthur. Tbe
President became alarmed at tbis alleged
combination, and sent for Blaine.
Blaine, not averse to entering any new
compact that will increase his chances
for tbe ambition of hir lire, called on
Atiuur as 1 bave said. Arlbnr, yon
know, U incited to make a formidable
effort for tbe nomination, because three
or four Eastern State seem to prefer hi
candidacy, lie is aware tbat Blaine will
bold a large delegation, tbe largest po&bi
bly of any one caudidate, and he made
overtures to him tbat tmack of tbe
republican role of Napoleon iu France,
A few more whiffs at bis cigar, and tbe
Congressman continued:
Arthur intimated to Blaine that If
the latter was not nominated on tbe firtt
ballot, and tbe vote disclosed tbat Ar
thur's delegates numbered respectably
with either Logan's or Blaine's, und tbe
Loj;an delegation exceeded tbo latterV
(iu which case report says tbat Blaine i
to throw his forces to Logan), then it
Blaine would trausfer bis support to Ar
thur, thereby nominating Lim, Arthur
would place at Blaiuu'd disposal the Sec
retary or Statesbip, und tbe naming or a
man for any other bureau in tbe Cabinet!
Mr, Frelinghuysen endorsed this propos
ition by assuring Mr. Blaine tbat he was
very willing to retire from tbe Cabinet
at tbe end of tbe term, and hoped tbat
tucU amicable relations conld be estab
lUhed between Mr. Blaine aud tbe Presi
dent as would lead to tbe consummation
of a mutual understanding."
"Did Blaine agree to the prouoU
"No, sir. He rejected it, declarlLg
that be is not a candidate for tbo nomi.
nation, bnt J on and I know tbat Mr.
Blaine wants to bo President of tbe
United States, and that he bas little con
fidence in Arthur's strength before tbe
Convention. Tbe matter Is resting in
tbat pose t present, but Arthur is not
djne with Mr. Blaine unites these faots
are published to tbe people. Send them
out, aud If any one atttmpts to corner
you, CALL ON ME.
After hearing tbis strange Christmas
story, I found myself in snch a dazed
condition tbat it required some effort lo
ook after tbe more common place news.
but there are a few stray waifs of talk
about Carlisle's Committee's tbat will be
of special interest just now, as tending
to show wbat tbe outlook Indicates In
tbe way of legislation. Tbat great free
irader. 'Tom" Ochiltree, of Texas, often
uuuaestte with his Wrae snTorTglnal
opinions of public matters, as we fre
quently meet at Wlllard's over the fes
tive board, and. gijen a half bottle of
cognac, be becomes the most eip.ert
talker and thinker in Wasblugton. I
asked bim the other day wbat he thought
of tbeWnyR and Means Committee.,
His reply summarises about tbe actual
trntb of this Important body ofmen
Said be:
"There is toomnoh presidential. Urn
ber in the committee. Bill Morrison
and Abe Hewitt both want lo be presi
dent, and there's no nse of expectlng'any.
reform tariff from them, althoughthey
both believe in It. Neither one of-Vto
wilt Imperil bis chances for tbe nomlba
tlon or election by opposing tbe busi
ness luteresta. They're both towards.
Morrison made a little f'.in of Randall's
"business Interests" during the speaker
ship fight, but he knows as welltg any
one that tbe business Interests have the
money to rnn tbe campaign, and are"
ready to speud It to save themselves
from free trade and tariff reform. Bill
aud Abe, and the Republicans make
majority or tbe Committee, and that
tbe way they'll divide when it comes to
a vote."
I find npon inquiry among a majority
of the Election Committee tbat General
Chalmers will be given bis seat Judgi
Lowry, of Indiana, one of tbe new Deni
ocratio members and who is on this Com
mittee said to me:
"Don't quote me as saying so. but
bave no doubt bnt that Chalmers will be
given his seat Instead of Manning, from
the second Mississippi district, and it
will be given to bim on tbe merits of
tbe case. lie will certainly get my
oox an-d arnntoxn.
It bas been reported tbat Mr. Cox bad
telegraphed Mr. Carlisle bU ncceptnnc
or the Naval Affairs Committee, but
Cox's friends here deny it aud g,iy thai
be will resign when Congress re-con
venes. Mr. Springer of Illinois seems
to be growing madder every minute an
xaye he will not submit ti Ibis insult or
bis constltnency and himself. He and
Morrisou ore at loggerheads, as Springer
claims that Morrison's dictation is tbe
oanse of tbe Blight Mr. Springer at tt
announcement of tbe Committees seemed
disposed to show bis chagrin, bnt bis
friends now urge bim to resent this "in.
lamons trick," ss they call it More will
be heard irom Mr. Springer.
The wife of General Rnsecran's, who'
who died Christmas morning, was for
loug time a great invalid. The cause
of ber death was hemorrhage of tbe
Senator Cameron, who is now In Paris,
writes tbat be will not resume his seat in
tbe Senate nutil Spring.
W. W. Corcoran, the philautbroplst.of
tbis city, celebrated bis eighty.filth
birthday on the 27tb 'bf December with
a quiet family gathering." He ia yet quit.
bale nna hearty.
Tbe holidays in Wasblugton were not
vjry brilliant, the social entertainments
beiug limited nnd private.
The lawyei, E. O. Ingersoll, who died
here loht week whs not related to Col.
Robt. IngerhblL
Regular to the Caubon.Advccate.
WAvniNOTON D. C.. Dec. 29. -'83
Looking down from tbo galleries on
the new House, tbe verdict ia uuauimous
that thev are a-nplebdid loiiV ing body of
men-flue, fixurcs, genial countenance!'.
well shaped beads and a general air of
independence and uelf-Bf tisfactiou us
tbey appreciated the honor of being
members-elect of Coogres. Tbe organ
izition of tbe Hone of Representatives
is complete. Alter tbe holiday rerets
business on the inside as well as on tbo
anthide or tbe legislative chambers will
begin iu earnest. It promises to be
brisk. Tbe Southern Paciflo lobby has
probably received a backset by tbe scan
dal tbo publication or Hnntiugton's let
t?rs in San Francisco has created. How.
ever, the Committee on Paciflo Railroads
ou the House side was considered a prizi
worth struggling for. CaRsidy, of Ne-
vadd", curried it off, very much to the sur
prise of those who are not behind the
scenes. Caxsidy is a third or fourth rate
member and tbis is bis last term in Con
gress. Ills btate suffers severely by tbe
exactions of tbo Central Paclfio monopo
ly. and yet no one imagines tbat Caaaidy
desired tbe Chairmanship of tbe Com
mittee ou Pacific Railroads for tbe pur
pose of securing legislation to regulate
the freikbt tariffs of that concern.
S. S. Oox will probably not accept tbe
iuairmausblp cl .be Naval Committee
It Is of little consequence to Cox what
Commiltee position be holds. He bas
varied accomplishments, and tbe ma.
jorilv will need his services bore Ih
session is many weeks old. He has bis
faults and frai!tie, but his ability is un
queMioued. Had be not made a speech
at tbe O'Donnell indignation meeting by
would bave been Chairman of tbe Com
mittee on Foreign Affairs. Perry Bel
mont was scarcely presumptuous enough
to lnve expeoted the place. He is
clever young man but lacka experience.
Tbe choice or Curtin for the Chairman-
ship was in every way wise and judicious
It was a just recognition of an able and
experienced man who led the fight for
Tbe whisky Interest bas prepared a
lengthy memorial to Congress praying
the passsge of a bill extending tbe bond
ed period for two years upon all distilled
spirits remaining In distillery warehouses
on Dec 1, 1883. Tbe memortslists rep
resent that from Deo. 1. 1883 to Nov.
1885, taxes will fall due npon 70,000.000
gallons now in warehouses; that if lbs
tax is enacted it will subject those cor
csrned to ruinous losses; tbat tbe phukit
is now overloaded, and this additional
large quantity of spiritslbrown npon tl
market will oanse still further depression.
Tbe memorial is signed by the manufac
turers and dealers in tbe States of Ken.
tuoky, Maryland aud Pennsylvania, In
wbicb tbe production of whiskies usnal
ly kept in bond for purposes of sgine is
chiefly carried on; also by numerous
firms in Boalon and in Denver; also by
imuks aua uauuers in Cincinnati, Louis
ville and elsewhere.
Tbe President's Christmas was about
tbe quietest ever spent at the White
House. There was no formal observance
of the diy. Christmas morning Presi
dent Arthur arose about 10 o'clock and
breakfasted with Mr. Allan Artbnr.and
MIks Ntllfe-Arthur. Tbo Pwaldent's
cbjiitaa. ftsm, intr v&Fottjii.
lair diamond earrings to Miss NMllf,
and a check for $150 to bis son. After I
breakfast the trio attended religions ser
vices at St. John's oburch, nnd then re
turned 16 "the Executive Mansion. Tbe
rest of ttie day was jlpent quietly. Thi
dinner in tbe evening Was plain. Tbe
Only outside guests were" Secretary Fre-
Unghnysen and Mrs. Taylor. Tbe house
vaa closed tb visitors before eight o'
New Advertisements.
WBere 1Kb Fire is Ont.
Magle no more a Mystery Seen from
Across the Baa.
"Harodn 6rAleppo,"-tah Sir Philip Der-I
vai, "naa mastered every aecret In nature
which the jioblvr.maglo seeks to fathom. He
discovered thaUuvart or healing Is to assist
Mature to tnrow,o?f'tlie disease to summon,
as tCwere l1ie whole system to eject the
enemy that hits fastened on a part. His pro
cesses all relnvlgoratlon of tbe principle of
me." I
In this the Eastern tags inertly anticipated
the practice of the best phytltlans ef to-dav. I
What llfo Itself Is, nobody know then no
body knows now. Bnl we have learned
something or wjiy the mysterious tide rises
and falls. Provided the great organs of the
body are not Irreparably destroyed, medical
science can always relieve, nnd often save.
Yet no reputable physician now adheres to I
tho barbarous and stupid processes of dr.
fiction, sach as bleedlnc, by which It was I
attempted to cure disease by reducing tbe I
patienl'J ability to resist It. Now-a-days we
do not tear down the fort to help the garrison I
. In this Intelligent and beneficent work. Ii
Is conceded that PAhKEBAS TOMll leads
another medicines. As anlnvlgorant'lt acir I
imiueuiaiviv nu puweriuuy upon the eircu
latlon and the organs ot digestion, thus irlv.
log nature the asslstanna aha ..all rn it
follows that all ailments or the the stomach,
kidneys and liver aro at once relieved 0
cured. No other preparation embodies tin
same qualities or produces the same results.
Il ls delicious to use, and the best-known
Mui'iiHiJAicim. rnce wo. ana 91. hibcox I
ac vo. 41 aw xora.
By VlrtUB Of a writ of Vtn. Eifonnr, Itiued
11 mo v.uui v, uumuiuii J'lUHl Ol 1SruOI'
oounty. Slate or Penniylranla, and lo mi
dlrccteil.lhete will be exnniifi in nnhii ..t.
at UioOouitHouie, In tbeUorougtiorMaucli I
' SAtIiRDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1884,
,aU:re o'clock p.m., the following deacrlted
property, to wltt . I
'All that certain Pleco and Tot or Iots ot I
uuwt. r, iiiume m tue isorouich or WeatU
erly. ijarbon County, I'ennvlvanla. and lie
fcriuci u luiiufrs. o wu: ueuinnlDfc at n
corner on Kline Street nn,i n i'w.m, r..-
Wide Street, and running atonic ald Twentj
- " " . 1 ''T r. ulnar co o
one hundred 1100) feet to n mm.- .n.i
tending southwardly between parallel llnff
ot thai width and nt right angle with salt'
Urcet a, dlnance of two hundred iSOO) feel
maniiiK i.oi 01 una Hundred (100) by Tw
Hundred (20 '1 Feet, ami nn., in in.,
ot Uutz k Kline ns Lets Number Seventy
one (71) and Seventy.two (T2.)
Tho Improvements thereon It n Two-Storv
Frame DWELLING HOUSE, I'ourteenlll)
by Sixteen (10) feet.
Setted and taken Into exeeutlon as the pro
perty of A nines oiicox and William Sllcoi,
OH is. W. LENTZ, Sheriff.
JIuintunN and Bibtolxttk, Attorney!.
onariu s uiuce, juancn (Jhunk, Fa.,
, . Decoiuuer its, 1881 wS (
Applicants for License.
I.lstot Annltcanta for Tavern. tiHiinn.i
ami Liquor Store Licenses at January Torm
t.'ewl Armbrustcr,' Ut ward Mauch Ohnnk
iiWiiiiiMn r. rcur, ".
Joseph Sinldt, " "
.!., Keicr. "i- - i
Oeorge Vuidrlng, 2d word ' t
A. I'. Ulaurs, Lehlghton Borough
Oattarlne'Ksetr, " " '
Tlininak Mantz?. " t
l'nillii'Itadtr. East Mi rich Chunk nnrnna-h
Jplin F. lijan, East Mauch Chunk ilorough
TCI UT !.., .1 .. l.a.t nr..,,.,. ... I
Henry 1'ispp, weisspon iioroagti
Francis hurley, Ltinslord Uoruugh
Fmncis'J. Shields, " -
,Jmi, AUUInty, " ,
lint Id At. Williams, "
IMIa'MeUlnty, " " '
Josnnb Vcril, WeathcrlyJJorough
I fas iter Melsor, 11
'.lairles It. rurcell; "
Levi Ham. "
.lurlali SlofflcH "
IHIdlne Snyder, Pmyvllle Borongh
J. T iMcli.mlcl Mntiunlng Township
Frank Mocer, Mahoning Township
Levlwld Meyer, l.'uckertun District
I'm rick lienuott, Wesquehonlng District
.tallies Smith, " "
Jacob llu",
Pulrlck Meeban, Lehigh TownshlD
Ellas Frits, MaucnUuunkTowcshlp
Jsmes Sweeney, "
Amandus Bachman. '
P.J. Do vie. Lausanne Townshin
Aaron Slrohl, Lower Towauisnslng Twp
Willaftf, Itlinnri t. I. .4
8. H. Anthony, " '
n ainan meatier. Tonamens n Townshin
Thomas A. Snyder, Tuwamcnslng Townshli.
John J. Mcninley, 1st ward Munch Chunk
iuiiu iir miner, ienignioo uorougn
A. K. Miller, " WldrtoM,
Wilson A. I eteri, " "
Fred. E. Miller. "
Margaret Mulhearn, Lansford Borough .
I'airlck McKenna,
Jacob Sirautsbcrger, Welssport Borough
itiuiun , nmins, ivflquBnuning iiisirici
John F. Illecklev. r.ntilh Tnirnililn
Bobt. A. Alcdee, Mauob Chunk Townshin
Oatharlne Sharkey, Mauch Chunk Borough
John Llndenlierger, Weatherly Ilo.ough
Mrs. Mary Uamiiboll, Lsnsforil lloruugh
Jainea Gannon, Lehigh Township
Anthony Coll, Lehigh Township
Mary Brogan. Banks Tawnihiti
bnmr iud lor. iiemiiFriv nflrniin
Catharine- Malloy, Mauch Chunk Township
Dee. K, 1183. Prothonolary.
Send us jour address and we will mall you I
Samples and Descriptive Illustrations of
XUBSHEEDT'S Fashionable Specialties!
. . . . - . .. ,
j.aoes. uucmngs. iiraius. Embro l.ler ea ami
niucr oraniunLf ahtiulkb, Auarasi
Tbo Kurshoedt M'f'g Co.,
new xork uity.
Mention this paper. dec!9-w
No Patent No Pay.
obtained for Inventors In the Ualttd Stattil
Canada and Europe, at redneed rates. With
our nrlnclnal office locAted in Waahint,.n I
directly opposite the United States I'attnt
uHicc, w arv ui io aiiena lo an patent 1
business with greater promptness and de
spatch and at less cost than othir patent at.
Ington. and who have. Iherafore. Ia .mni..
iwiu.Ti ,uu am ki a uiaLanea irnm uraah.
'associate attorneys." we make preliminary
laminations ami rurnlih onininna , n n.
ivDMuiuiT, irvv 01 cnarge. aua ail who are I
ed In new Inventions and ratenti ara
Invited to send for a cop'
obtaining Patents," which Is sent frae to
01 our "uuida for
any address, aud eontslas complete lnstrnc.1
tloos how to obtain patents and other value-1
no mauer. woreiario ine utrman-Amer-l
lean National Bank Washington, V. Cube I
lloyal Swedish. Norwegian and Danlab Lea
tlons. at Washington l Hon. Jos. lay, late
Uhltl J ustlce U. S. Court ol Claims; to the I
Ufnelale of the U. S Patent naiee. and to
Beaators ana utmixra or Vongreas from I
every State. I
' Address: LOUIS UAOOER k CO.. flo-l
llalfcoti ofi'alalai4-Attnii;ilLj.w,--1
vim avaifumg nMillflTVSp a. V,
Causes no
Pain oHM.
Qires Relief at
Once. Not a 11-
ania orsnnff.
finger. Thoro'
treatont will
Price CO cents, by tatll or
at drnirilstl'.'
jTkB, Druggists,
Usrego, W. Y.
" c o
elf fa J
to SSZxil
December l.wtO rB Si
Fall and Winter Sieek I
ice, &c. Out oung l.adlcs and Uentlemen will And It to Ihclr advantage to give him
a call before purchasing elsewhere, as thev will And tho BEST SELECTED STOCK In
Oli Pest Office Bufflini, BAKK Street, LEH1GHT0N
April 4, lssS-ly .
Sunt rRCB
"mt VsV saWLMaatdssV
Tin ant Sleet Iron Ware, Souse FornisliDS Goods, &c, k
Is now offering extraordinary Bargains for Cash !
Ila Is tlio.only Ajent Intown for the sale of tbe
Bessemer, Sunshine, Othello, New Champion and Apollo
Ranges ; Montour, Lighthouse, Excelsior Fenn, and
Eolipso Cook Stoves j the Princeton, Early Dawn,
Belmont and Real Double Heaters, with a va
riety of other Square and Round Heaters,
All of which he is now offering nt tho Very Lowest Prices
Also, on hand every kind ol STOVE ORATE and FIRE BRICKS. Dealer In all the
best makes or 1'UAirS.
Roofiing and Spouting, Prompt and Cheap,
Store on SOUTH Street, a few doors above Bank Street.
Patronage Invited; satisfaction guaranteed. June JO, HSJ-yl
Ho! For Holiday Goods!
Have received an enormous stock of HOLIDAY GOODS,
Groceries, Queensware, etc.
Old Post-Office Building,
20 SQIIIqh Bottles sold inlO yean. A certain Cure for
uyspepsia, au Diseases of the Kidneys,
liver, Stomach, Blood, Skin and Bowels.
Can rroduoo Thousands of Letters proving its Curative Powers.
LiSOBlTOSZ 77 Airm Stout, XXV TOUT cm.
-The King of Corn Killers. The most desperate
Corns, Bphioks, Wxbts ia, BrasiLr eurtd. Price 25 Cents.
-An Unfailing Remedy for .
Hot, Swollen and Tender Feet,ChilblaiM,Ao. price 25 Centa.
gCornease Mannf 'g Co., 236, 5th Ave. Place, H. Y. City.
For fioZs by Agtntt, DruggUU and Bhoa Dtalert.
Carbon .Advocate $1 only!
Exooutor'o Notioo.
Estate of KoLimoK STkloanwAtT, Deceased,
letterslestamentary on h estate otSnl.
omonSrcJysrwslt, late of East I'eatiTnwn.
ship, Carbon County, Penna., deceased, have
been granted to Moses Stelgerwolt, residing
In West Pcnn Township, Schuylkill County,
Penna., to whom all persons Indebted to said
estate are requested to make payment, and
this having claims or demands will make
the same known without daisy, to
. or to FntTMin & Kuria, his Alt'ys.
December U, m.w
Valuable farm"
At Privato Sale I
. The undersigned ptrbrs at Private Rale,
his vnlnsMe Farm, situate In FBANKL1N
TOWNS 11 1 1', Carbon, County, Pa., alioat
one and one-half miles Irom the Borough of
Welssport, on the publlo road leading to
ICrcsgevllle, containing
55 Aores of which are cleared and under a
agood.stateoreuttlvatlon, .the balance be.
tng In Young Chestnnl Timber, bounded by
lands or Amos Solt, Jacob Spohn and Thos.
The Improvements thereon consist of
Two-and.a-half story
Plonk Dwelling Houso,
18x21 fcetjWlth Two Story Wing 14 xlfl
leet, and Kitchen 17x10 feet, Bank Barn,
ZOxii Teat. Wagon Ilouse, 14 x 30 reel. Corn
Crib, Chicken Houso, Hug Stable and other
necessary outbuildings. There Is n fine
I, A HUH UKCIIAHDor Choice Fruit Trees,
rape and other vines on the pronerty, and
a nnn Well or Never Falling water elose to
the House.
I his property offers a lino a chsnco to a
mandesl ring to secure acomfnrtnble home
on easy terms, Apply on the Premises to
Franklin twp., Pa.
Welssport P. O.
uec. a. lggz-wt
The undersigned calls the attention
of his many friends and patrons to his
Large and Fashionable Stock of
Fall and Winter Goods,
Consisting of
Of every description and Style In the
Market, Including a special Una or
Lady's Fine Shoes
Also, a roll line of
Hats, Caps,
Bead Wbat a Patient says of it:
'ThiIutIUt?Innre1iMed from van In An mat
proTe to me moit conclaslTnlr tbut whtla tbere lj
inletelr sTOttnitndiFeon
trol In thfl exr.A(ilnff.T hnrt llmnrrn mnnthi
a cau Maura tuu mat no jaiso mnaeiir win Keep ma
IYtra doing all that lean In ailUtiijr to the mceeit
-wuica vriu mreiy crown so Dooeflclal a remedy. "
AboroeztraotfroaiaUttordaUd Vr.Ta Deo.S6,81
Tile Fattlllea ara prepared and mid only by too
30SKN.tOth.8t. ST. LOUIS. MO.
wiwmi ejj, m sosi&a uree sazm 1
Successor to A. D. MOSSEB,
Successor to A. D. MOSSEB,
Manufacturer ef and Dealer In all kinds of
Bank St. Lehighton.
The - Press !
The toremriit EUpullIcan Newspaper C
Tor the Presidential Year, 1854,
Weekljrl'ress , , . l,ooYar.
DatlT Press CO a, Tfear.
J.T.hJi,c.0!tllni' Tear will be notable. Contrsss
dlvldea belvreon a Hennbllean Senate aod a
l)eraocratte llonse.wlll be basy I'resldnt
?JL.f p T,1S. "'J"11 .hM,t Froteetton
ajalnst Free Trade will saltMe theUapltol
S.mi ''".l0"?" The Presidential eamralio
?J .. L- ll?J1ru.,,i '""Uhl n'I most exeltlnir
t JS1 ."'.I""9 .roF flianer or n etntnry.
Jilfffi.. JL.'.I l'll,l"rn or bt lnrriadr
"tlP.rL" on." eve or a vreat war.
JY.'ih ,.u5h .n. "otlnolc llvo newspapsr
r.SllhJ .Sl'.M1 lbe """l t" e wholr
troth about It Is more than ever neeesaarr.
8och newspaper is This I'liiLapBLrnia.
i.B"?;. Tel,Kr'',, ln oniee
plaaeltlnlnstantaneonsooramunlcatlon with'
S.?!1!" 01 ?Ye.r B" hundred news gatlierers.
distributed all over the world. Thi antclaf
rtallr cab a service which IDhares WUh the
J1I1T. Iltr'u c?"" srr phass ot e
fi.if .? ku'opean lire. No paper ezeels It
In all the elements which make ass
broad. rolLcoraplote Journal, P
Hfsldes belnit a complete newspaper. Ta
hj eral specal t.stnr.s
which pat It at the lop, The Agricultural
Iiepartment. enriched by constant eontrlba.
lions from the rnremost writers In various
branches. Rives the practical things that
people want to know on the farm and In the
yarilen. The lielplna; Kami ror Women, or
Home Department, edited bv Mrs. Kate Ud
son Clark, H full or Inlormatlon, hints and
Tiapnr thoughts ror every wife, mothsr an
head ol a household
I'Vi le,t"T ?f romlniryear will b
the hlithly valuable tetters or Joairn I).
i .".V.SS W"J wfman. Ine gene
ral eonultlons or Lnbor and the Cost of Ltv-
VSK ' .roii s. compared with America
Mr. w ccks, who had charfreor this subject
Inr the t:ensua or 1SSO, has made It a llle
tu y, antl has been abroad this year eon.
.ic."n? a P'l InrestUatlon. His .letters
?.Mn!;iv?t.h,.r".cu .V ,0 nlngslnll the
various Industries, the purchasing power of
wages, strikes, Irades-unlonlsm. arbitration,
Taw Wvvirs v T.... t. rit .T. . . .
i ?.?? pontic, ana other
tnfl II It 111 rail IrSl atAalaa n.,B . a.
and rMMren. ruthJon notes, recliiea. ltlen
niTI rmrn MIMAn. I', . . .
maryof domesMo and foreign news, and an-
ii.. j T r "', '" rc"' qussuons or.
thoday. Sample copiti mailt d ret
Now Terms of the Press.
Ily mall, postage rrco In the TJ. H. fc Canads.
Dally, except Sunday, too. a mo , ts.03 a year
Dally, Includ, Sunday, 65o. a mo., I 60 ayaar
Sunday Press, fi year.
Weekly I'rass,;... . . tl.00e.year.
Drans, Ohtti-rSnd Post Olllce Orders may
be sent nrour risk, and should be mads pay
able to the order or -u.j.aj
The Press Co., Limited,
wanted for tho I.Wm pf all thv
irriiivuin in (no u. a. j her
ever aold for lc than twice our price. The-
lironts to aKeoti. All Intelllxf nt people wank
it. Anv nnn svnn ttsiiriM sa' amab rv. .
Terms Ireo. IIallbtt Dook Co.. 1'orii.nrt'
Maine. declt-yf
CO LaiU (3
Call early for Good Seleotloss and avoid the
linjh of Holidays. nor.l ly.
snag m arelaia
tsXITAiilUM. TtlTenlds, Cat. The dry ollnata niw
Ho39, tiro at.l.ullis. tall Ida a, U0 p., roata, frost, fr
'Atlth&k thAalonhifnl cnrlnuaAv fhoi
m flit
tnow. Clothnnd KlltbladlnjCb cti, paper
nn iiniirrirn an tietato i
yn. niiiMicn nWfjBUKbiKA. h
10 KrftBrclRI18t. HarTOQ. IMbUUr.ImrdimaoUC
yo Marrlaca, ClOTTOttMtqnaiIamphtt . . &
Sl llr. IaBarei
suoosaaoa to
1-iauiiiT, Ornate Ihilw. Oaawkaa. SnaOlu an
KCTvarw ..ri i.... Deionunff mraiDii .it. ..a anM
KIllTOtS DrBixmc
eort dlMMM, Uffllir
ffOtm TaaLKfai Indikms-
tlona, torn Itm Udolra
and rcrbrtJa work. Dr
rot tempejriu vum
tnsmlrs hfrk I mi aau.
iW Tested for oyer B
ether rnsftdles tot Uit
trvabln. Gt oar ttf ttrea
Ur and trttj ckaf aal
kmra .atwriMl fwu Wbra
Uklac trtAtnwDl ttttwkcr.
T&k a rtmedy tbM bat cart,
than tin Is, ul doM Bt la
terftra vtb atuaUaa to aail
Kim ar caaM pim ar Umi
vcnleaea Fvaadad act
tatiO tolfml priaclpUb
Crowing la ftTtr aad repata
Uon. lirotpplkktloauU
atl ijt dUivjai uiu Il cpa-
years by nao la tboa
And of caaea.
fin a itDwoN Kit wiiotwi
iUt, Thi Dktaral tint
tloaa at UM aamaa arm
Urn ara rtilortd. Tha
antmkUnsr aatcaU af
Ufa wUcB bm aM-a
vaatod anr fla lack
T&a faiiaat Moeawa
a ! tu I kbI nlaa
S06H Korth 10th fit, BU Looli, Bo.
Oat UoiTirs TauntoiT, 3 1 2 uoths,(5 i a, 7.
UK. K. C. lsr8 KKTK 1YD KHIIV TlKiTflHT. .
cwraitir1ptrt(lfrH)itiU.D iilatM OuaralaWaa.Plu.
: ifariia. iitMarna nrtN rnk-tratlB as4
brtha mm caf alroaol ar tlaoea. WAks)f.iiiaa m.s.ii aw
r-Mia,8'tritalBf ef ttt Brala im'ilir la Uaaalir aad
Udlartamtarj. slocstjr aad ta rnautara Old lit.
KrTvBRM. U ef JViwcr ta a)tW mi, tnvolmitry Laam
aad Vmmnrrlsa MMd bf ertr-irlUa af lh arala.
Mlf abUB ar rjrlatlBirnM. Karl, km rnalstm aaa auaiku
irtAtairBt. I a Wi, ar ai baxn (ar a at aj mail pta
pald h rrralpt aT prtra. '
To rwra iirrwi WUh Arh art rawlvd Vy far lix
wvw, swmnsp.sswsj wsin a, w wi i (ks-nst Ul pWtlUMr aar
vrtlMa raaraalsM lo ftmii ih Mitt If Its traatsaat daae
aauatun, 3)ajueopfjl,rPa4TpMalra,
TK eUWt4 iiurl rUooa lrlBr. llfaiBiosrUlalp
car HMdaoB. rMlija, rarUMlWEiU. kUU4
afwara ritl ( U-sMia PmiiimmI lor
32Q Raoo 8 tract, Philadelphia, Pa.
OSlcala Tork I
for tbo Cairo 1 i
Dr. Ah. Maaarole late ef Loadoa), we laaati a apa
f niiopaj. naa wiiooii bosius tk-
ua than in AtrtM llclniF rthTMclAH.
fcaa iiMnlT ba aaumit&lafi wo araaara nt caaa 4
tclaa. OUamecaae
arr b4 raara taadlnr aacreaaraUr cvrtd of mmu He
feaa pablUbad a work tbl tllaoaaa, vkUh a mi
(nrwtai naraBdtblratprtaaaBd r.O.A4dxaa V
ta.lrh at lam tattla f tail sjliailtll MM RM mm III
1 I I , fv I
nmn nmm mmli
CVe Bxa .atertBload to
Datta af Bp
farbaypbd inf tblai ir
twrtrakoawM. latba savipajpar
watt Ibla aaBtual tOtr. On
-a-!-! if 23 Cento we win
iid jihi tils woiikuawa ana
DMDlUr Cle.alii.
Viul.r l"Wi aat lu tl. ctI4 now la Iu' elith vear.
iu..paB,tT&3vt,,n Weekl,
C3- I "V B
mi rrl.lcaaaalraf b..nllKarDnpaa. Slaara
11 AMYLOID. TW.vt. .eJf.,.ja! loSJiS
Paopla'e' FlrsslOo Journcl, New York. ,
rtmadlM. prformlUn Trratnl. Call or wrtlt for lul eT
quMUonito b ni,w.rrl bjlho. dWilj trmntbj umll.
dTirua. w IWh t rrna naytara akaala aiaS tMr aSSrMa,.
SlaaSlMniMMalatotara-aaraalaik. Itfcartatrau
mtrm Dr. C U LaBiBOt, rrl aaS Fa7Maa Ia Oarn.
talral - ' l"ll"U, SIS bM St. BtV.
Saoocuor lo Ir. limu'Clvaaurr, fil.Hai.S 84 Iww