The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 22, 1883, Image 4

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    Krery farmer ehnulil-at-leaet harp-orie
Jenanly (lajwr, and that jwfwr ahoulil behe
li XnViKJAi, which fnntalm nil the latcMo-
nl iti, .Dii1 JlJIO " year.
fr-A (Tieh is Hie cream of modettr, -
The liroruo statue nf Washington la like
Ihe narp it represents a man of metal.
Arajrou disturbed at Highland broken o
your real by a aicu child aulfering and cry
nc Willi pain of rutting teeth J If so, send
tppes'jirjJ get a"bottlo of Mrs. Wirslow
, Switrixo Srnur ton Childr Tuktiiixo
' IM Value Ys incalculable. It will roliavo tli
Mfor lllllO eillferera. immediately. Depcn
ulipou ((, mothfts, Uicrais nq mialake about
I ,lt. I'fcUrts .dysentery ami diarrhoea.regu
k Intra life stomach and bitwols, cures wlml
' cVifip.VieUa lbj gafna.rcduresiriilnmmatlun
K "U RITta lone and energy in ine wnom ays'
tein. Mrs. WifcsuiwV Soirmsa SVRirt1
I rbR Ciifi.bniis Tmtiuxo fa pleasant lo tlio
liale. anil is tho pnscriptWn of one ol 11
olilest .ami Wat fctnnlo jili v ici.ina nn
nursca Ic the Un'.led Stalea, and ia for aale
by alt druggists throughout the world
Price 25conte a bottle.
Tn baalidrtln bis accounts la, la a
caable.jj cme;4n a reporter a virtuo.
On Thirty Days Trial.
TfilTVoLYAic Btif Co., Marshall, Mich
111 send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro Vol
hlo' Bells' and Electrlo Appliances on trial
Inr thirty days lo men (young or old) wb
are afflicted with nervous debility, lust vl
lality and kindred troubles, guaranteed
speedy and complete, restoration of health
and manly ylgor. N. 1). No risk, is Incur
red, aa thirty days' trial la allowed,
"I run on tick, nnd time la a good deal
to me," says the cluck.
ILECrillClfV. Of oll'tlio known
Electro-Galvanic Appliances at the present
day it Is now conceded bv the Jledical Tra-
IcrnlWTirM'Etectrlfclana generally, that the
American Galvanic Go's Howard BiiiKi.ns
are the best) msscssing intrinsic Electrical
merits, as ono-shield or appliance can be
fitted to Hny part of tho body, which is not
true of any oilier. See advertisement In
another colitmobf this naner. Electric Ga
Be trnata'yoMrsolf'nml then you can
be false tn no man.
"M)rrBCiar"'h1glr;i;alljtig,iB8ja (he; bell
flngtci.n.-Ttinity steeple
-dUULDRBDi Wrltcllier owtrrcir. life
and jlrisj-n(cibd Seattle tI AcVrX English
K'niOlA fjrnnti) Coughs; -Cnldr,
Ac. OliniJfJJofr.Mlnrn, .Lchiiiliton, and
h. AjlvrngWcirport, - -, . -
Fii". is mi old,Jicniwith one chick)
Stranded mi the Bhore of Tunc tin
man wh whs buhir.
AUE YoTl Miserabfj Ihrmtch Indigestion
Sour ritnliiDcli,. nr Cineiipi.tHiu? Aek.r's
Dyspepsia Tablels'we guarantee will rellcv
ynii Sold by. Dr CT Hum, Iiehiglilon,and
E A Ilnrii, Vf irt
--"This in brief nnd In the point," aa II
man remarked when 'he got offacarpe
Don't Spill tho .Milk. .
"There 1 "rl'uo crying nyer epiller
milk," ay ilia old sow. If you are not on
y bald,hiit have no life in' the 'roots of ynu
hnirf thero ia nn ih eiyluj over that, eith
er. Tako hull lime and vouracll bj th
forelock while then is a forelock left. Ap
ply Parker'a Hair Balaam to your hair bi
fore matters get worse. It will arrest tli
falling oirf your hair and restore its ortgi
rial rnlor, gloss and soilness. It is a perfer
dre'sing withal, cfean, richly perfumed
coots and heals the scalp.
An honorable vico a Vlca President.
The coaj is the ivasto busket'of tho am
mil kfojpliini.
Nri disease oiii shmv such quick resu'lt
as Heart Disease; do not delay, Dr. Graves
Heart Regulator is a'specifib $1 per botth
at druegists,
Miss Flora Morrell wos declared at
recent beauty con test to be the handsome,
young lady in St.Ioijls.
EftytTIOSr'S, SOItES,' rimplesnheu
nialisurbre but indlcutoraof Impure bloo.1
Acker's Bloo.l Elixer Is the remedy. Sol.
by licllwu licbistoL, ancl E'AHcrn,
It is said the dude is the real connect,
ing link; bul he appears to lean on tbe a
charge at Bjlixlava net over2,60C siryivo a
remain. . ,
Cai'bon .
Local Advertising
carbok county.
tfWl i si
igend.for Hates, whicli will be
found very moderate.
Job Printing
of every description.
illustrated Sale Bills
Jt vLott Prices J
After Iwonty Years oa the Wrong Side of
life ft Virginian Tnrns the tables.
"How I'inir did yuu aait"
' Twenty years, 1 said. Up to tho time I
mentioned I had Suffered Ir on it rilfcared
liver lor twenty years," tnld Mr. s. T. Han
cock, of Klclimond, Yu..half rndly, nathouxh
thluklugol that ttclaptdatcd section of his
life. "At times I almost wished It had
pleased TrorMcnco loomit the liver fiotn the
hamuli anatouij."
"Itnd cnouith twenty years of that sort 1 1
thlnit,'' respondid tho listener. 'What was
theubshol ofltl"
'Tho upshot was that soruo tlmeagolwcnt
down to Scott's drux store In this clly.nnd.
bouiiht ono ol ilKNSOK'SUArOlN.K.i'On
OUS HLASrEItS, applied It and was ro
llcved In ft fow hours, and am now ns' sound
as a though ray'Hvcr were made of Indld
rubbe'r." "...
lienson't unlike the old fashioned kind cf
plaelera act promptly) I.oojt rQr the word
OAI'OIXK, which Is cut In tho genuine.
Fries 2, cents. Seabury It Johnson, Chum
ls?s, New York.
J 1 1 rLl 'iLJ li1 n 1 niii'i i in ' i 'i iimi ai iiiiwjjwijiiji
.-l lc h a r. a rdsszza,' 1
MI31I OJKgllflVlGal?llrt'
Aro gcr.emlly Induced
by Indirection, Ifoul
Btoinncli, Costtvcncas,
Deficient Circulation,
or some DcrniiBcinent
of tho I.lver nnil Digestive System.
Gulterers Mill llud relief by tho use of
Ayer's Pills
io atlniulato tho stomach and produco a regu
lar dally movement of tho bowels. Uy their
action on these organs, Avr.n's Tills divert
tho blood from tho brnln, and relievo and
eilro nil forms of Cong-estlvo and Nervous
Itcnilnelic, IMllons llcnilnclie, nnil Blelc
IIc;Hliu'ho ! and by keeping tho bowels free,
mid preserving the ( system In a healthful
condition, they Insure Immunity front future
ntlacks. Try V ' - '
Ayer's Fills.
rnEiunuD tiv
Sold by all Druggists.
WHiHl ALL tlSt I fllLS.
r.l CiiCES W
?A TlestCOTRliaynin. TnoteusiKKt. d
171 useiniiuie. cuiul
v-rs() 1.1 NTt )N It It UT N'KY, fnslilfina Mr
.13 llnoTaiiil Rnnie Makcii, UriiL St
.elilirhtnn At work warranted
fiSUr" Subsciibc for and
read the Cauhok Advocate.
It contains all the latest local
news up to the time ol goinij
to press.
flnr'Us' IVl
Pi! w M il 1 P aos
il&urnc. 2-. p2 11 f
. ym mi cog
it r-63
By the ceritrjl position or its lino, eomiccts tbe
Last and the west l'y tlib r.hortcot route, oncl ear
Men piusencera, mllI:ojt clianco of, between
OhlcoEO ana KonaaJ City, Uouugll Jllufla. LcavOn
worlli, Atchison. Kmne npolis and t3t.latil. It
conrict in Union l)epc with ll the pi.uclpnl
lines or road between the Al).tnt1a&na tlu l'mii'.o
veeaoB. Its equipment Is unrivaled and tnHEuin
cent, belriR ooinpodcd of Moot Comfortable nd
eautllul JJay Couches, Muffmllceut liorton Ite
olmlufi Chair Curs, Pullman's Prcttlcot Pulaca
BleeplDK Cars, end tho Heat Iitne ot Dining Cars
In the World. Tlirco Tralus between Chicaso nnd
.BiHEOuri Hirer Pol nts. Tvio Trsiua benvem Chi
caeo and Iinneaiotiaand tit. Paul, via tuo rumous
A New nnd Direot Lino, via Orneeaond Knnltn-
CUBta. Nashville. Louiavllls, Loxiiicion.Cins i.nall
Indianapolis and Lirayotte, nnd Onnha, Uinncop.
"".".."J,? Bt pnul at"l Intermeoluo ponita.
Trains Paaaenaora Travel ou I'aat Express
.w5'?T,i'it.aJ0S."?1"11 "11 Principal Ticket OEccotn
the United Statns nnd Canada.
Bagjrairp cheelced throuch and r.itea cf fare aL
ways as low as competitors that oiler leas advan
tages 0or detailed information, got tho Maps and Tol J.
At your nearest Tlolcot Oalee, or address
ff. Fl. CABLE, E. ST. J3HN,
V Vleeriei.iGoa'lMVr. OcallllUiran.Ast.
r'j.S?! A
PsSS 73
(J'Jol) Printing neatly,
heaply and in-omptly exocut
(1 at tiiis office. Give us a
ial and br convinced.
rVB-LltO and
This cut Bhows tho
Hoivard Electric
Magnetic Shield
os npplled over tho Kid
no a and Ncrvo-vMal
centers. Tno on.
pllanco mado that
fits ecry Jiart ol
the body, nnd the
jl only ono needed to
7: roaiTivci.r cvns
, ICtdncylltacniso
fi tt IlOHllliUtf.llI,
l y sp o i ulii,
J tho worst tnses ol
iScitilnnl Wcnli-
t Hess, jaxlinus-
! lion, Iinpulca-
', unci nil Slln-
' 'iiheMind1Vea!r.-
A ncsKoftlii sjrlno
" (jlillltnl ftmmiti.
f?i fftesa(
fl'otentcd Feb. 23, 1G79.1
YOUNO MEN, from early Indiscretion, lack
none force nnd fall to attain strength.
MIDDLE-AG 151) MKM often lack vigor, attribut
ing It to tho progress of 3 cars.
Tho 1 MOTIinn, WIFE and JfAin. suffering from
romalo cakness. Nervous Debility and other ail
ments, will find It tlio only cure.
To ono and nil wn say that tho Shield gives a nat
ural old in a natnml wav
wmioi'T Dnuao'iNd the stomach.
IVnrrantetl Ono Year, and llto fjest
atiHasico juadc.
Illnotratcd rniililet, TnitEE TTES OF MEN",
also Pamphlet for Ladles only, tent on receipt of
Oc, coaled; unsealed, FltEE.
Amsrican Galvanic Go,,
OS'S! PECi 13,1 MiitlSxori Rt., Clilcaco.
A Jncmbf ot drainttle, eonjrwny
traveling n't present tnrouftd OeofaTa has
just killed his manager, This does very
well, but It might have been altogether bet
tor If the manager hail killed his company.
In the Hop Plaster nre united Fresh Hops,
Gums nnd lklrntns, nnd lis power is won
derful lu curing Back Ache, fclpralns,
Uruiscs, Neuralgia, Fain In the side or sore
ness anywhere. Thonsanda testify lo tills.
A Welsh woman who married the next
day nit jr her husband's 'death excused her
self on tlio ground that there win a . rr hole
ham In the cellar, nnd she- waa afraid that
It would siioil if she didnot get some onelo
help to cat It,
ACKKH'S Dtstevsu Taklkts NtvxR
Fall. SoldJIiy Ur CTHorn,Lohighton,and
i! A Horn, Weiasport,
Veryr.early every young man undcr
stHtids hov (6 sow, 1'ilj wVld oats, and yet
bus not tbe remotest idea of the proper way
1 1 plant turnip. '
will euro nil kinds ol blood poisoning, tn
AcrtVrf or contracted. BoliT by Dr. Horn,
Lehlghton, and K A Horn, Weissport.
"In tlio hour of danger woman thinks
the least of herself," said Madame do Stnel.
True. When the thunder roars, and (he
lightning flashes, nnd the big drops cotno
dmvu,thi) woman who ia caught out lu the
storm devotes her agony lo the thought
I tit her hat and dress will be ruined.
Tho Good Die Young, wss once an ac
cepted poetic sentiment, but reoont dlscov-
e'riei show the author of It t be in error,
The good, fur they aro the wise, live Inn
go nl old age, and Use Jjdwiu'i TAr Svnm
whenever troubled with uulda or cougn.
ror ame at 1 nomas urug store.
A Vermont college bus out In a set of
scales on which tho boarding pupils ale to
be weighed monthly. The ostensible ubjoct
is to ascertain tho ell'ect of tbe board furn
libed un the system of the students, but
tho latter fmyo a sneaking suspiciou that if
they shuw nn incrcuse'of weight their
rations will be cut down or tlio haah made
less substantial.
"Words lail to express my gratitude,"
siys Mr. Selby Carter, of Nushyille, Teum,
"for tho benefits derived from Ayer'a Barsa
parilla. Having been afllicte.1 all my life
with scrofula, my system seemed saturated
with it. It came out in blotches, ulcers,
and ninttery sores, all over my body," Mr
Carter slates that lie was entirely cured by
Ayer'a Sarsjparilla, and since discnntinu
ing its use, eicht months ago, has had 110
return of the acrufuloua symptoms.
A cootoniporary thinks it is curious to
look down the aisles ofn full church, and
fe3 at the end of every pow a man. Very'
uldom does a woman sit nltfie end nf a
p.'W. Wh., 7 Can it bo beeau.- t',i m.iu
insists on bavins the most cuinfn' uble sent
Open your eyes nnd not your mouth
when making up your mind wiiul kind of
rough medicine you are goln 1 m lake li
you don't wish to m.ike npiuiii mtt-rs nl
your wives mid children. Minn iHiuriiiL-
ilowti nil kinds 11: cniili remedies, and i.e
.hidivin's Fine Tur Syrup. For sale nl
'Xtionius'drug sture. 1
The bitt time Katharine. Farr's grave
was opened it was found that a wre.illi ol
ivy was twined about Iter temples, 11 nil it
is supposed that it had sprung Irimi nn ivy
berry Unit fell there at soma provlous ex
humation, '
iv iiiuiuerry, .inr liev. w, J. Joliiismi
Eys:"I have used Brown's lr.ui Bittern 111
my .atinly and thev havo nroven a sulen..
.11.11 I.I.I ! . . . .. ' ' r
iiiu ueuiiu lllvij;iirutor.
All Euglioh flour seller was fined SIOO
for adulterating flour with nlum lo the ex
tent oftliiny grains to the pound. A medi
cal officer testilied Hint dally uss f-bread
from this, Hour would snou result in serious
and permanent injury to health.
In paying a dollar tor 11 buttle nf Jad
win's Tur Svrup, yot receive n b .x of Jad
win's Qui Vive St, Olllll'll Pills. lllakiiiL. 't
only cost ynu 75 ceu's lor your Syrup. T.,
1110111.11 tells It.
Ncal Dow aayalhat in more limn three
fourths of Maine lha liquor traffic lias 'benn
swept away, no spirits being distilled or
beer browed, Thero ate low, ivr-rel lupior
sbopa In tho large towns, and in Bangor Ihe
law is not recogniz'i.1 or obeyed.
The untidy, dirty uppenrjnce of a grizzly,
beard should n-yer he allowed. Burking--bam'aD.
K for the wliiskera will rea liljr'
change their color to a brown or block, at
discretion, and thus keep up your rcputa
tion tor ueslncss and good looks.
Governir Murray, of Utah, estimates
that of the 1SO,000 paoplo in that territory
110,000 are Mormons. He believes that
there is now danger of wiiul will ba virtu-
ally n Dolyguinio empire in the far West.
Ko matter what your ailment is, Brown's
Iron Bitters will suiely help ynu.
-Miinslgnor Cap -I siys that U10 Catbo
lies in this co inirv will nntenduro iiiiich
longer without protest the necessity of sUp
porting Frotestaut schools where they have
parish schools of their nwn.
Ben Butler euys he has a warm place
In Ins heart for the newspaper reporter, but
he neveryet could agree with a night editor.
respectfully announces that lie lias bousvht out MRS.
RUPERT'H NEWS DEPOT, together with good-will,
&c., and will immediately Remove his entire business
to the premises formerly occupied by her, where he
hopes for a continuance of past patronage, pledging
himself to do the utmost in his power to serye the
wants of the people conscientiously and punctually.
vuuttuuiLry on nana an assortment ol
MiaSe, Moasle Jlfi&k9 ppss-
liBssaak Mm9 zM Izimt f Stationery,
flii"liytnBa aM"sd9 $eiap Iietnaacs, ard
mul Scrap AiRBBBiBs9 Awtog-raph Alburai,
JPliotoraph AflbiBnas, RifiSIjJSS. ffiyiun
"Banli Street, Leliigliton, Pa. .
Draining Prolongs the Season.
A case showing the utility ol draining
recently occurred under our observation, A
portion of the Held, underlaid nithlny and
hard pan, that kept the wator near'tfio fur
faco, was. drained in the fall of 882, Crook
neck squashes and other crorej. were planted
ia 1883 about the middie of May where
,tbe ground originally was ao, wcti that Jl
did. not admit of planting until June. Sey
eral bills of squashes were planted at a
distancu from the drain, while chance seeds
dropjied in the manure came up within a
few feet of another main drain. The first
week in S'.-plen'ibei came a cold snap which
killed the squash vines In tho first location,
leaving a portion of the' crop about half
grown. Tli la, nnd tho subsequent frosts' pf
that month, did nol Injure tbo vines near
the drain, and they were still vigorous
when the squashes were gathered lu Octob
or. The same iufluenco In prolonging Ihe
season was noticed in the beet crop crown
upon the undraineil laml In 1SS2 and lie
same crop grown 111 1683. The soil was B)
wet nnd muddy iu the previous season, tlilit
the beet 'feed rolled and bad to' be
planted three llmca,end after that many
gaps were filled' with turnips. It' was '
very poor crop In the past season the beet
seed c'uino up latrl'y, the few vacant places
were filled by transplanting, and a One
crop of mangolds and sUgarbcels waa gath
ered, at much less cost ol labor. This is
very eoficIUeivo proof of the advantage of
draining. It raises the temperature of the
soil so that seeds will vegetate twour three
weeks earlier In tho spring, and It retains
the summer heat so that damaging frosts
are kept oil several weeks 111 the autumn.
Draining is of special aeryico In raising of
all crops of tropical origin, us sqiiiisheB,
melons, tomatoes, egg plant, peppers, corn,
etc. It is Ihe effectual cure of wet laud in
alt climates, and ludispensahle to the pro
fitable cultivation of all swamps and spongy
laud iu the northern portnns of our coun
try. It will add from four to six weeks tn
the length of the growing season, for many
ol the crops grown In tho market garden
unci upon the farm. Capital invested in tile
draining is addiuitted tn bo among tbe
ealestuud but investments the liiimnr can
malie. Wm. Olifi-, in Am Agriculturist.
Hints for Furnishing Farm Houses.
Many tarn. era' wiyes and dauKiftters have
an insliuctivo sense it beauty in rugaid lo
tho adornment of their homes, yet leel that
their income is too limited lo do anything.
But If they look around for what Hiitu're
will freely supply, they will bo surprised at
the transformation which can bo easily
wrought in rooms thai befnro seemed dull
and plain. Ferns gathered In summer,
and leaves In autumn, pressed, nnd pinned
011 the wall in irregular sprays, beginning
at the cornice, look very graceful. Let
white larletnn, costing eighteen or twenty
cents a yard, be cut in strips about half a
yard wide nnd tucked over parlor and cilt
jijg room windows for lambrequins On
lhee pin sumo brilliani nutunin leavi
tcdiineii neru uiiu mere carelessly, win;
perhaps n border of ierns, and ynu will be
astonished at the fairy like appearnpee pre-
s-iiicd. I remember gathering great quan
"I ferm whilestaying one siiiiimeral a New
England rural homo, and the satiiical rn
murk of the farmer, that "ho wished be
could turn all the Philadelphia ladies lm se
into his field and have them pull up all tbe
'iirakes'" But even this practical man
was impieswil by the armngement above
lescribed, E. LvSNim, ill Am. Aqricultu-
Live Stock Notas.
Iloitsr.a - Regularity in lecdjng is mere
iniHirtuiit than is usually appreciated, with
horses as well as with milk-producing cows.
Wholesome food and sulficient quantity' "at
tinted times is essential to healthful growth
nnd efficient service. The amount of ri
tions is governed by the age of the allium
and whether at work or idle, No rule id
pounds and nuuees iil'hay and grain can le
laid down for any horse, and the one in
charge needs good judgment to keep the
horses in a strong and healthy condition. A
knowledge of the requirements of a loconio
ive wnuld help inuuy bnrss owners to a
belter understanding of the lawaof Ircding.
The amount ol coal, water, etc., depend
upon the easy movement of every part ol
the engine, and Umn the work being done
The hhrse Is an engine, and, more than thut
because It is a living creature and baa ad
ilitional wants, rienty ol fond and water
are only a part of tbe needs of a horsi
There should be u comfortable stable and all
those Utile attentions which add a? mnch
to tbe health nfthe nnlnnil. Good gtn m-
mg ia ciaential to good digestion. Clean i
iiess of theskin iana ucccssary for the Ilea lib
of a boise as for that of a man. Tbe irrita
turn of tlio brushing stimulates the health.
lul functions of tbe skin; but the brushing
may be loo severe There ia strong objec
tion to the use of a harsh curry comb. If a
good stiir brush ia uiod daily there will be
no use for a wire toothed comb or other
harsh Implement. Tbe rubbing of the
"running gear" of a horse is as essential as
that of an engine.
Cows. Milch cows ore generally do ng
double work at this season, aud should be
fed and cared for accordingly. It Is folly
to milk a cow up lo within a few days of
calving; It is running the animal machine
at a reckless (iccd, and a break will tome
somewhere. Highly fed cows require a
reduction of the rations as the per od of
calving approaches. This is esp cially
true of high bred animals which are more
or less pamierd. Tbe young stock, when
infested with lice, should bavs a mixture
of equal parts of tweet oil and kerosene
rubbed thoroughly upon tbe fur.'aco of tbe
Swikk Intended for pork are now mainly
disposed of, or should be. Tbe store pits
need on ly moderate feeding and clean warm
pens. Provide now for young pigs in May,
tbe moat favorable time for them, as tbe
wealber is warm and green food abundant.
If possible use a pure-bred I oar. As a rule
it is not tbe most profitable lo ralre pure
bred swine for the pork barrel o- for tbe
market either.
l'out.TT. Unless the house be warm an
the load wholesome and abundant, the
hens will furol.h very few eggs. Tbe birda
enjoy the winter sunshine.
Mr. J. B. Smith, the Ohio dairyman,
J, wrllngon tbe durability of bulter. That
it nnthng new. Wei have aeeu butter 'that
had endured the attacks of boarding bouses
for three centuries, aud grew stronger all
ihaliirie. ' i way tti, J".
In starting tho Store business wo set down tjie rule
HVmm-SlP :ASrD .. Small PRdEHS;;
u j. . , ,1. ..11. -". - " .v-fiitu ,u ' -r
,i-,,,''' ' ' , ' . m i,'v .luijl
Iri( continuing and finding that the motto,- ns nn actual experiment, -eminently ''gucccBs-
.. l , A, ve have enlarged unoiUhc same ; and madcTit" - -
f'l-t 111 n - H A
' ' ' t ' im M '.-trmluil
Lakger Sales and Smaller '$kotkc&,
Not yet satisfied, we move up and boldly assert our claim '
And b -licvc we can safely assert it without fear of contradiction, and proyo it by facts
and figures to all who will come and try us and our pricps. Come and try. " '
Very respectfully,
If you are looking for a place to purchase . ,
Toilet and Fancy Articles, Stationery, Cigars, or
Tlse FlEaet 1" WasSi lapei mul ISordel
' Remember, that place is at the POPULAR DRUG STORE of - ...
Opposite Carbon House, BANK Street.
r i
' "t Mil Ft
V H ...
t v
A full supply of Pure "Wines and Liquors for, Medi
cinal Purposes. ,
Prescriptions very cnrclully compounded day or night.
Remember, Dr.,C, T. HORN'S Popular Drug Store.
sa?s"us ta4
We desire to say to our friends and the public in general, that
i havo on hand the Largest and most
Complete Stock of Goods
Tailoring IstaMislmeiiT
in this section of the County, comprising
Clotlis, Cassimeres,
Plain and Fancy Suiting's,
Which wo will put up for you in our usual
Thereby giving you, as ne always, do
Best Eittins, Btst Trimineu ana Best Me
W o havo also Just reeolveil from th Manufacturers a Large
Block ot Kowest Styles of Ladles, dents and Children's
9 IL.'
B$r9 tiisoes sobs! Coolers,
0SeMits Wis s' n ish M9gp Goods, $c9
All of whtch wc arc now offering a 1,'v .
fl" TJnprecedently Hiow Prices ! .JgJ
Very Respectfully, '.
Bank St., Leliigliton, Pa.
March 21, 1883-yl
We Know what we are Saying fc;
When we state that we arc Selling Goods as Cheap a3 the Cheapest, and, therefore,
invite special attention, to the following articles isuitablc tor Holiday Presents :
Hsndsoma Frlnire Xmas and New Year Cards. Albums, Tulletto Sets, tallies', Hand Satclijla i.d Puraef. ulsar Oases. Indies' Work
n,.a Kn.llalr Urushes illothea llrushts A Variety of Parlor Oaraes. Ulssecled Manor tho. Jnlteil States. (a'apeelaUy fnrchlldrto
"udyinj Uco"fipiy. lo le'ai fhi iVundarles of KJ country with eaao and pleasure), Children.' A U U and Toy Uook., incy,Pjpet,jJea,
Uhlldrena' bchaJl Kaas, Jnliatanda, &c, uc. ' 1T"
A fine assortment of Lamp and Lamp Fixtures, varying in price from $l'.25"to'$10:00.
together with a Iargu varictv oi l1 ancy anu useitu ahicics suuauie lor Vr- "i
"We have also, always on hand a full assortment of
Pure Drug's, Patent Medicines, Wall Paper and Bond
ers, Stationery, School Supplies, &c, &c, all of w:Mqh.
will be sold at the very lowest casn price.
Call and see goods and learn prices before making purchases elsewhere.
i acu w- a .-m.. n Atmt t m f Pfi(tnnnrn invite
M i resenpuons very caieiuu)- uuunmuuuuii, uuj m juf,m.. 4i
E. A. HORN, Wei