IROTAS ATTRACTIONS I gj t ' AT THU I'torlglrial Cheap Caoh Store." s'r' , ' T$e Airplay tWs sccson (he Largest, Molt jComplfcte and Finest Stock o j j3 HOLIDAY GOODS, 'bolo1 Unfnl and Ornamentnl,.that we have War BXbtDlteil. Out ol our marvelous as. 1 eottment almost every taste can tw untitled Md every want euptilled. We cannot besrln to enumerate them la detail, tut out or the Bany may name Jewelry, Silverware Toilet k Shaving- Sets, Comb and Haby Hols, Mirror, Plush Novelties, Perfumery. Odor Cases, (lor Stands, Tot In Soaps, Papetetiet. Purses, Hocket Hooks, flat leather and Plush Hags, Uljrar Casts, Qenls' Pocket Cases, Uombs and llruihes, China Oooda. Glassware, Lamps, luminous Match Safes, Shawls, Bklrts, Jackets, Hosiery, (f lures. Levglnics, Handkerchiefs In Fancy Iloxea, lillk Handkerchief. Niek Ties, i Hoots, Shoes, Slippers, fce be. N.B-TheKlore will be Open till 10 o'clock to-night and on Monday evrnlnir. J. T. NUSBAUM, Opp. Pnblte Square, Hank street. I.ohlgh tn,Pa - Junot, 183-ly. cBATOnDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1883. u -8FE0IAIs NOTICE. Persons making jjajmenU 'to this ofBco by moner onlers or $f postal notes will please make tbetn payable at the Wtissrortt Tost Omca, as Hie lie s' 'blibton oulco is rot n money order otTico Our Neighborhood In Brief. The reiser sinks Ills neighbor, Ami the neighbor sinks the poor, And the wor man doomed to Isbor Spurns l he betKur from bis doer; And thus the world is prcylne,, The strong upon the weak, Despite (he precious saying: "The earth Is for the mrek." Boy's watches for $4 nt Hobl's. CD-Gold Watches at E. II. Hohl's. Sheriff Dower and wife, of Catasauqua, wvro in town ou Sunday. ;KJBuy silverware for holiday presents u ueiu jc i;o i, r. u. uini.iing, iveisspuri , 3Jbe erection of a new court houso is tinder consideration at Stroudsburg. It . jsay-FIncststock ol jewelry In Ihecounl ' st Honrs. Maucii ununu. ESa-00 TO ROSEBEltY'3, IN OnEtlT's BUILDING Fun AN EASY SHAVE. Court will couveneln the Court IIouso, at Mauch Chunk, on Monday, January Hlh. Sltlilne stone JewclryalE. II. Hobl's, Jdauch Uhunk. Five men and a boy. were bndly injur eiby the explosion of two boilers Monday in the Empire Oil Works, Plltahurg. Ladies and gents fancy gold Hubs, suit able lor holiday gifts, cheap, at Deals St Co'r., Weissport. Nine casoa were presented before the Board of Pardons in Ilarrisburg Monday, 'but no pardons wtre granted. ,i!r r'resh Oysters Raw or Stewed can be obtained at h. A. Wehr's, Dank Street, daily. The CWfi't rapnrls diphtheria as boinj; very prevalent In Allentown, Nine cases on one street. fuSave$In by buvlugn gold watch nt E. II. Hohl's, Mnuch Chunk. Christmas day next Tuesday. A Merry Christmas to all young and old is the wish of the Adocatk. Sif-Ladies and gents gold and silver . wati-liea m itt-ftMltv. u( .1- iw 1. n " Dayld Mule, of Salisbury township, Lehigh county, slaughtered a hog recently which weighed 700 pounds. 3J-A new- lot ol CLOCKS, WATCHES n I JEWKLItY just received at 8. HAGA MAN'S Store, Letiighton. Pa. The real estate or Iho late John Mitch ell, of Tlains, Luzerne county, Is value I nt $100,000, and his personal properly at $25, 000. ' &.Great bargains In gold watches at E. U. Hohl's, Mauclt Chunk. A raffle for a gold watch and other a Hides will ba held at the Fort Allen Hjuse, Weissport, on Jan., 11. Tickets SO V cntsjeach.v, , kf ' tESl-GetD. S. B-mk's prices for gold pen ells andttuolh picks','"berora buying else where. Cbsjles A.8liadt, av,pmminent Demo c;tio politician and a former Cily Treas urer ol Scranton, died Saturday morning In that city. GUARANTEED to cure a cold or cough Acker's celebrated Eiigjish ifcmcdv. Sold by Dr.OT Horn, Lehighton,and E A Horn, Weissport. Something to rtmember -that you can positively lave $10 on buying a gold walcS at E. II. Hohl's, Mauch Chunk. It dnn'l cost a penny to look. Then why not see If sic anvcriises me irumr It is reported tbat the Philadlphia and Reading Itailroad Company contemplates the extension of Its Germantnwu branch to Norrisloinn from Chestnut Kill. The mills nf the Pnltsvllle Iron and Steel Company, which turpr-nded somedsys e'nee, resumed work Mondsy to fill a num ber bf small orders. There will be a raffle for a breech loader and two tenor horns at the Valley House Iteastaurant, on Friday, January 4th. Tickets 25 cents. ' SB-Holiday Books and fancy goods lust opened at astonishingly low prices. Do not 111 to see our stock before purchasing. E. i . ft' F. -Luclfenback, 61 Broadway, Mauch Chunk. ' The dead body of Mrs. Minnie Ike, fc' - - -i ,. n lira, T Etroudsburg on Friday. Sbe bad been msltnaboly for some time, and committed lalctda. "3Ulf you wanla nlce.smooth.ensy shave Tour balr cut-or shampooing, go to Fram "Jloederer'a Saloon, under the Exchange Ho- ei. lie will ux you right, and doa'tyou r 'orie It. The bom 'of John Rosepcransln Mata moras, Pika county, was recently destroyed by id Incendiary fire while" the lamlly was attending ' prayer meeting. Loss, about $4000, ' tftiuD. S. Bock has an Immense snort- mentof gold rings suitable for Christmas presents, i'rlces the lowest. -iSkK Best make of Horse Shoe Nails for 20cts a pound by tac box at J . L. Uabers. r-Qbjeoti(u are raise.! to charier being (ranted to the Tarisli Coal & Mining Co, yhlch Intends la sink a shall in riyiuoiuh, upon th ground that It will ruiu surround Ing proierty. U.A Farm of US acres with a bouse on it, and about fi acres cleared, for sale cheap or in exchange for town proiwriy. Three miles from Mauch Cliuuk, Address Vf. M, i(aber, Lehighton, V. 2ra. S. Qock hssiust receivol a new celluloid show case This case was made Mpeolally lot Mr. U-wk it is something wj call and tee it. triaH"" ""t of tbt prosroutlan In tha jamlnkUDO Gr,'enlDgaod Jos, P. Ren of DlnRinlimurJtrur Ammta C- Oheayer, inn has been nsblp,a stay o proceed ofcunVb until lhaJum term j- I Tho National Woman's Christian Ten -peranco Union will celebrate Us Tenth Ai nlyersary Sabbatb, December 23d. The officers ot tho Tenn'a W. C. T. U. earnestly .urge Iho general obseryanco of the occas ion, not only by tho local Unions, but also by tho churches and Sunday schools, with msss meetings, temperance eormons and children's meetings. It takes oyer ono hundred pairs of gloves to assuage the glief of tbo llrooktyn ollicials oyer the death of an alderman, whoso ltie might have been eaved by n tingle bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Charles A. Hirst, of Belblehem, upon being awakened by n uolse at night, snw o man close lo his window, outside. "What's wanted!" asked Mr. Hirst. "To sleep here,', said the tramp. Hirst showed a revolver. So did the tramp, but when Hirst fired the trsmp ran away. .CirOet D. S. Bock's latest prices for jewelry, watcbes, etc., before purchasing elsewhere Maria Mott Rldgway, wllo of Judge Thomas J. Ridgway, of Lackawaxen, end sister of the late Henry S. Mott, ex-canal commissioner of Pennsylvania, died at her home In Lacknwnxen Monday. She was one of tho oldest residents In the Upper Delawaro Valley. Lewis' Best White Lead at $7.00 a hundred at J. L. Gabel's, for cash. Governor Paltison has appointed Chos. R. Buckalew trustee of the Danville Luna tic Asylum, vice W. H. Bradley, resigned. The Goyernor has alsnappolnted 0. Stewart Patterson, of Philadelphia, iuspector of Hie Eastern Penitentiary in place of Alexander Henry, deceased. ;ffl9-For a good cold watch sold $10 o'ipaper than you can get elsewhere, go to iu. ii. Honrs, iuaucn ununk. A twelve-year-old boy named C. O' Donnell, was arrested in llozleton for ob taining goods nn other people's account at the Company store In that place without authority. Upon restoring some nf the articles and promising to be honest in the future he was released. EVERY Promise backed by n guaran tee. Acker's Dysiepsia Tablets will glvo immediate relief. Price 25 & SO cl. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and E. A. Horn, Weissport. J2D Don't buy Jewelry till you havo iecn the elegant stock at Deals & Co's, P. O. building, Weissport. An absent minded Allentown carpen ter, wno nun just received his month's pay from tbo Lehigh Valley Railroad ciiupauy, Unk tbo money out of the envelope and while engaged in conversation threw the cash Into the fi re, where it was quickly burned up. Ready mixed paints at J. L. Gabel's for $1.25 per gallon. The Govcrnor'a warrant for tho hang. ing of John Diltman, sentenced to tleith I .r the murder of his' wife in February lint in Northampton county, and fixing Febr uary 12th as the day for the hanging, was read to the prisoner Monday morning. He admitted his guilt and said bo would pro pure lo meet his lute. Don't fall logetE. If. Hohl's holiday prices toi American silver watches It will liositividy pay you a good profit to buy ol Ullll. - Allentown Daily Critic: "The Caruoji Advocate, published nt Lehighton by Mr. H. V. Moithimcr, bus entered upon its t-velUh year. It shows marked improve ni'iit, and ill the ,Aivocatk tho;rindlng public of tho Lehigh Valley hayo n worthy representative. May it hsyo a "'Merry Christmns and a Happy New Ycar,"Jj the wish 01 tne untie." ' , 10d. to 40d: nails' ot' J L. Gabel's for only $3.00 per keg. Locks !j?2.7o per doz Henry Swojer, a carpenter employe I on tho hotel that is now being tWttiuctcd at Beiver Meadow, fell from tho roo! on Friday on his head. Tho man waa picked up unci carried into u houre ami Dr. Allen war sent for. He was beyond medical as. sistanco however, and ho died on Saturday Heremuined uncnscn us from the time ol his fall to his death. (lis home was in Berks county, where he has n wlfo anil several children. -Ilasteton Plain Sncaltr See Hohl's slock of newest designs In jewelry. The Sunday schools connected with our several churches aro preparing almost nightly for the Christmas festiyals. The Lutheran and Reformed will hold theirs on Christmas eve, and the M. E. ou Christ mas night. MUSIC BOXES. We call the alien tion of thote in search of a handsome and appropriate preenla lo the advertisement in uuotber column, of C. Gautschi Jc Co Manufacturers of Musical Boxes , Sainte Croix, Switzerland. . Thev havo on exhibi ti at their Philadelphia sales rooms, the lm ut and largest display of these beautiful 8wiss instruments ever shown In this man t'y. They reproduce the most elaborate pieces of Music, old ond new, with a brill! uncy and accuracy truly surpribing, wilh an ellcct so melodious and perlect a lo be absolutely wonderful. These Musical lloxea are far suierinr to the ordinary Instruments gourraiiy boiu in inis country, and neeu oniy ue seen, or heard, to be appreciated Jurors drawn for Janurary term of Court, as well as witnesses, will do well In bear in mind, the fact tbat at the Mauch Utiuni House of Til. F. Fehr, they will find the best oracommodatlons, the best o labia fare, nice and desirable rooms, good beds, and courteous treatment from .ro pnelor down to hostler. Tho Rev. W, It, Hofford, of Allentown was elected last Saturday as pastor of the Egypt charge in Lehigh county, vacated by the Rev. Samuel A. Leinbach, who accept ed a call from Leesport ehsrge, in Berks county. - You can buy belter gold pers for less inooey ui uoc s, uenigiiion, Jewelry store, than anywhere else in the county. For the week ending on tho 15th Inst., intra were 83,1378 tons of coal trans- p-irlcd over the Lehigh Valley railroad making a total to date of 250,082 tons, a aecrease or 52,1543 tons as compared wilh same aale last year. Pure Linseed Oil, at J, L. Gabel's, C8 cents per gal Ion for cash. During the week from 8 to 8 Inches o "beautiful snow" has fallen in this section a nt sleighing Is excellent. Oct your "cut lers" at David l.bbert' livery on North itreet. Cheapaud nice. Rings the finest assortment in th e-unty, at Hohl's, Mauch Chunk. bend postal card rcquct for a sample copy 01 wattonqton IFoWd nnii Citizt &u"icr, '.he Old Boldieis' palwr. tbeAnti moooly paper, the family paper, the paper for everybody published every ba.urdayj eiglit gc., 4H columns j price nly una dollar u year. Address, "Tho , c ,, u'M0ia F St., Washington &fi-Fr gold watches go lo E. II HohlV, Mauah Chunk) ha otrers them at prices which mskea it au object to buy of him. -Head tho adverllsemeuta In this r n,Ui,ulll...-l .-I. . . , X ll'7 ' A remedy resting on the bssis of in trinsic worth demands theconflrhsncaof all. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is known nnd used most satisfactorily throughout ibe land, as is attested by its great sates. Your drug gist keeps It. Mine. Fry's Concert Company will give one of their superb concerts In the Public School Hall, In this borough, on Saturday evening, 22nd inst., for the bene fit of tne Lutheran church. This company s yery highly spoken of by the press, and we anticipate for our people a decidedly rich musical treat. Dont you fail to go and bear them. .Sly-Gold watches sold $10 cheaper at E. II. Hohl's, Mauch Chunk, than anywhere else in the county. Christmas and New Year holiday ex cursion tickets will bo Issued by the Phila delphia Reading Railroad, to be sold on December 22d, 23d, 24th, 25tb, 29th, 20th, and 31st, !R83,and January 1st, 188-1, good return until January 2d, 1884. The usual issue will be made on the New Jersey Central, Mew Jersey Southern, and Lehigh ,tt Susquehanna Divisions. tSTQ.Kind reader pause for a moment and think carefully over this. You will find that the proper place to buy the cheap- est harness, collars, blankets, ropes, whips and all pertaining to the working garb and pleasure ciotnes 01 norses, is at me eioro 01 Milton Flory, Weissport. -Mrs. Andrew Boyer, of Little Gap, pre sented the Postmaster of Weissport, a few lays ago wilh a red beet, measuring 2 feet Inches in circumference, and I foot i inches In length. This beet weighed 10 piunds. If any of our readers can beat this beet let us bear from them. -Daniel Dull, of Allentown, was arrest ed on Saturday on a charge of obloining liom Edwin Boyer.of Kreidcrsville, a black mare under false and fraudulent rcprcsen tatlons with intent to defraud. Ho gave bail lor his appearance at court. -By a very recent and unpubluhed de cision of the supreme, court all bottlers of beer, ale, Ac, must apply to the court at January term for license, and give bond under the provisions of the act ol 1875. -The annual exhibition of the Lehigh Valley Poultry Association will be held in C.'tilrc Square ball, Allentown, on January Bill. Hiram Ehrgoed and John WaUh, in mates of the Lackawanna Hospital, Scran- ton, were suffocated by gas Tuesday night and we re found dead in their room Wed nesday morning by one of the nttendaols. We are under obligations to our young frb-nd Mr. Obe S. Keiser, of the U. S. Hotel, 61a ington, for an invitation lo attend a grand sociable on Wednesday evening, Dec 20th lust. The Holidays commence next weeV, but the Car no Aovocaik will make lis at pearance as usual. Terms $1 acnr in ad vance Resolutions of Condolence. Whkiikas, The Almighty, in his infinite wis loin, having crossed the threshold o Lehighton Council, No. 370, 11. A., and re moyed tro 11 our midst our worthy and cs teemed brother, Aaimn LaI'd, Itcwlved, That, while we bow in stibmls sioii to the Divine will, we deeplv deplore Ino death ol our urotticr, ami lender our heartfelt sysmpithy lo tho l.lmlly 11 ml friend in this lha hour of affliction and sorrow. Utilised, That these resolutions be pub lished in the Ciuhin Advooatr and a copy given to tne bereaved lamlly. U. A. UI.IU33, I C. T. Unas, Com. A. C. Brudiikad. J Condition of tho Iron Trade Thila , TiCtl: Speftkinif. of the condition of tho iron and steel Iritde and oT Iho ru mors that. Ihu market Is largely overstocked and thallhfl trouble with the worklngmeu will eventually causo an olmost total sus pension of production, an officer of a lead, ing comp-iny said Saturday) 'Ilu.ineij is dull and quiet, but that is lust what might be expected Ht this season oftho In tho aguregalo transactions 1 rs probably quite as largo as uual at this mux 01 tin. Near, unil II is quite certain tlm: large fnutimcis are buving heavily. An active d'liinnd may be loosed fur niter the holidays, and whila liricea aro not likely I be higher holders aro thought to bo able lo hold them at the itreseut rates." Secretary Swauk, ot the American Iron and Steel Company, said he hud no tear as 10 the future or the present condition of the au-ri ami iron iniHKel. me trade Had reached 11 solid, nou speculative basis and the dullness was attributable, 111 part at ICS'., lo overproduction. Thatjwaa nn rvil that could cure itself, and he predicted a g'iMi ami sunn iruuo lor 1110 near luliire. 1 here were reasons to expect better bust ness after the holidays, especially in bar iron, uvvtng to iiie clock on hand some mills wera running short, but they would resume probably iu January, when the epring ilemaud called upon thorn. Mahoninc Twinklings. The School Bourd met on the 8th inst. it being the second meeting for tho present term. Mahlon Nolhstein has lost several pigs came "hog cholera." Nathan M. llalliet, a student ol Frank lin and Marshall College, Lancaster, is at homo during vacathn. A new coal house has been built at the New Mahoning school house. Mrs. John Lapp, nf Beaver Run, died on Friday. Her body was interred at St John's church ou Monday. A raflle match came off at John Delp'i hotel oh Saturday. Rev. W. H. Strauss will glye calaAietl cal instructions in SU John's church dur ing the winter. Thomas Musselman had the Interior ef his house repainted last week. The snow was welcomed by all. We hope it has come to stay. Sleighing partita will now soon be the order of the day. Dennis Nolhstein's horses ran away on Saturday, but, fortunately, were captured before they had done much damage. I'baon Honlt, when on bis way to school a few days ago, jumped on a wagon and when he attempted to get oil tell and received severe bruises on his face. Don't jump on or ofl wagons when In motion. A lew days since Mr. A. Arner found an egg on his premises, which measured 7(xS inches. This fa an egg-stianrdioarv elh and the Allentown Democrat is Invited to match it. Vie are now having opposition. Some body from this place Is reirting for the Mauch Chunk Democrat. One of tho items in the last week's edition of said laiper was as follows! "Dr. Seiple, wilh several olhr y Lehigbtnniana came up the valley on a hunting tour. Mr. O. K. Musselman acted as captain of the expediton, and a grand -it. "-o m-iiiuycii i,jr capinriug one mud snipe within a walk ot 18 milts. That's nothing. No use bragging about that. Me have known "hunters" to walk 20 miles and not get anything. If any Lo blgbtoulsns again come up here to hunt.we would adyise them to get Joe Ke merer as caplain. Joe is famous hunter, ha used to hunt, on an average, about six days a wetk; but now that be bas ahot himself, he has finally decided to keep to his bed for a few weeks. Ho Is, however, rspidly recoy. ertng, and then well, tba game bad w,ivr iuiu nuiirr quarters. I Ke Bt-John-a church on Cbnstm,. morning. 1 '- Sheriff' C. W. Jentx was In town Mon day evening. ' Miss Amanda wehr, ot Germansvlllt, wss visiting Weissport folks over Sunday. Mrs. M. Cullon and Miss Bella Nus- baum were at Allentown several days Issl week. Mr. W. It. Oswald and family ore visit- Ing friends and relatives at Allentown tho present week. Again Fostroaster Knecbt hss been making numerous Improvement on the post office building. -Washington Camp, 122, P. O. S. of A., has selected Friday evening as its lime of meeting. Recruits are added weekly. -Our genial friend Frank Laury Is doing a prosperous business In the dry goods line. lie is wnrtny tne success that greets mm. -A Suicide A dog hung himself last Thursday in East Weissport. His mutter gave him too much rope. It created a good deal nf excitement and fun at the time, but now it is all over and the poor dog almost forgotten. Never glvo and never toko too much rope. -Mr. lllram Levan has been appointed by the Commissioners as the collector of tbe County and State tax for Fenn Forest twp. The rivalry for the tax duplicate for said township can not ba so very great or elso Hie Commissioners would not be com pelled to go outside of the district lo get a collector. Mr. Levan is eminently quali fied for the task nnd no doubt will perform nis duty satisiaciorny. Mr. Charles March, a lormer dry goods drummer, after an absence of over a year from Weissport, has turned up again. This time in the role of on agent for Webster's Unabrigcd Dictionary. lie took a number of subscribers at this place. He sells his work at $1 6, to bo paid in monthly install menu ol a. Our old friend August Oiwald, now that the boating season is at an end, hua commended to supply the citizens of Weiss port and vicinity with fresh fish; Ac. Gtis is a good huckster and worthy of the patn.- uage ol our people. Wo wish III in Inucn success. We notice that our now watch and clock makers, Deals Jc Co., hayo ji'Et fixed up their bIiow windows in the post office building, most elegantly for the holiday triiie. The display of silverware, jewelry watcbes and clocaa is uusurpasied by any In the valley and they nrosaid to sell very cheap for cash. Our people should patro- ulzettiem liberally. Mr. Webster C. Weiss, the newly elect ed Superintendent ol the Evangelical Sun day school, began to discharge bis duties last Sunday. Mr. Weiss is a perfect engine of lower and work in the Sunday school field. As an organizer and manager iu this respect he has no superior or even equal, in the county. He brings the intre polity ol Ins magnetism, zeal and endeavor In this kind ol nork,nnd it is this thtt gics Ills Intior so inucli success nnd reward, llo was formerly, for 11 number nf vears, super intendent id tho samo school, but on no count of ill health andonr eyisUht ho was compelled to resign. His old scholars and toichers as well as nil friends nt the Sunday wero much gratified and pleased at his assuming his old place in the Sunday school room. Extra. Lower Towarnensing Itoms. Milton Shououbcrner is sick with ty phoid fever. Peter Blose was made happy by bis wife presenting him with a girl baby. Chritmns feslivala will soon be in or der one wilt be held in Biwman'sand ono in Lehigh. Gap Maurico Bowman was made happy week before last by thoappearanceofalittle naunnier 111 nil lamlly. Penn Bowman regrets the loss of his dog. It was shot by Mr. Cooper, of Tarry vilie, through some unknown cause. Moses Stroup has ost six pigs by ho cholrrn within two weeks. It Is rather a h ird stroke oil him, as their worth was esti mated nt flUU. , .Vend accident occurred at Lehigh Gap lust Wednesday evening, on tbe L. Sc S. R, U 1 Stephen Snyder, lock-lender of guard l.ick, below chain bridge, was run Over ami I iklantly killed by the seven o'clock notth bound paswngar train. As the water was w thilrawu from the canal, he after cupper wauled In inspect the lock, he told his wile hn would soon be back. Ho cleared the tiiclcol a cattle train, and stepped 011 the oiner iracs, ami was tuns knocked down and thrown into the water, lie had 11110 leg broken and his skull crushed ln he was picked up and taken to limitation at Lo h'gh Gap where ho was recognized as tleplieu aujder. Two persons immediate ly went to inform his wife of Ins sad fate, ,As Ihey approached the lock, she was there calling for him, she suectcd something had happened owing to the stoppage of lha train. She was suddenly overwhelmed with grief, which no one can express. His fmeral look place last Saturday. Fred Schmidt's corn crib was visited oucoyeiiing several weeks ago while they were at supper, for the purpose of carrying away some corn; but they were pievented by one oftho family who happened to step out on the mrch and tho thieves were iriguiened away. Uox Packerton Ntes- -Iho following is the report nf the pub lie schools for the month ending Dec. 12: no All MAT. SCHOOL. M F T Whole No, in attendance 1) IB 35 Averageallendance IS 11 27 Per cent, or attendance 85 75 811 The following named pupils attended every day during the month! Harry Long, Thomas Warg. William Ilahn, Emma Everett, Carrie Yohe. Lizzie Davis. CIibs. Merlz, William Shrocder, Lewis Kinsel, Alice uiueriine, eacn misted one day. ratiiABT SCHOOL, M ,...27 ,.-23 ,..81 F 28 21 72 Whole Nn. in attendance. Average attendance Per cent- of attendance . The following named pupils attended every day during month: Harry Diller line, Alvin Johnson, Harry Burns, George Ilahn, Edgar Fritzinger, Adam riolt, An thony Deichert, Alice Couarlr, Marv Kin- aei, f.inina iiuterllne. Mamie Dolnn. Bar bara Kinsel, Annie Remalv. Maria Deich ert, Emma Schaeffer, Willie Nicholas, each inissea one-hall day. Both Sunday schools are decorating their rooms for their Christmas festiyals, and lie labor they bestow upon it is cer tainly some credit to tbe people n( Packer. ton. Tho one on the bill will have their celebration ou Cbrsstmai eve, and the one In the hollow on Christmas night. Mr Merlz is seemingly a very live and progres sive superintendent and ho will undoubted ly accomplish some good. List of letters remaining uncalled for in tne t-acnerion post omee, Dec. 15 1 Fred Melber, I Jos. Mertz, Jos. 8addler, F. P. Stewart, Harvey Stnawley, Nathan Bolt, Wm.Scholileines. Persons calling for any nfthe above let ters win piesse say "advertised." A. McDamil. Ass't r. M Tbe Coal Trade, The begiiiuing oftho daya of suspension ol coal miulug hasnoloome a whit too soon, for there is no demand lor tbe large amount orcoal above ground and still in the com panies' bands. There are about 150,000 tons at Port Richmond, and all the cum panics would be glad if they had orders fur tho coal that they have nn hand, cum bering Ibeir wharves and filling Ibe cars along the tracks. If the Hintrt' Journal is right, the tracks oftho Reading are blo.-ked iiu onai, lor wnicu u,y nave no dump log place. It is true that there it not s lara amount of ooal In lha bands nf retail rrs, and tba demand Is likely to bo brisk at tba first api rseh nt anything, like cold weather. If the policy ol restriction now Inaugurated la rarrird through tbt Water tho (rado shoufd bo in a licakuy condition at tho oirenlngof navigation. Tho Western markets. will take more or ltat coal all through the Winter, and prices are really mora stable than there waa any reason to hope for, considering tbe enormous produc tion Of tbe year, which Is suro to be 4 to 8 per cent In excess of that of any previous j-car. The contract between tho Reading, the Jetsey Central and Iho Lchign Coal and Navigation Company has been filed with Iho Recorder of D eds of Luzerne County, lis provisions were spoken of In Tint 1'nKss when the contract was executed, but it Is worth while recalling thn fact that the Reading binds itself lo fulfill all the pro visions of tho leoss of tho laller's road to tbe New Jersey Central. It agreca to work thn Lohigh nnd Wilkeibarre mines so that they shall have 23 per cent of the total output, agsiust 72 for the Reading, unlil tha mines ship 3,000,000 tons vear, and In case of any tailing olT, tlio Rending mu.l divert tonnage enough to give II14 Lehigh nnd Susquehanna a haul equivalent to that percentage. Rate's to tho Lehigh Naviga tion are not to be higher than the lowest given, and the rental shall not fall Mow 1,4I4,400 in any year, the Readme uiiar- anleeing to make, up any deficiency below uiai sum. 1 ne Heading lurllicr agrees that as the" Lehigh Valley Railroad is a com- pernor inrougii tna Wyoming valley, the Lehigh Valley Railroad shill not by ntiv act obtain any Interest In this agreement which shall ba at any time asserted or ex ercised to the detriment of the L-hlgh and Susquehanna. If, however, any contract ever entered Into between tha L-htgh Val ley and Reading, the Lehigh and Susque hanna receipts shall never bo less than one- ninth of the aggregate of the receipts of the Lehigh Valley aod its branches obtained through tha mercer. The Reading further agrees that tho collieries located on the line otlhe Lehigh and Susquehanna she' I be furnished with cars for the transportation of coal,atrates not to exceed Ihosi charred. ht the sane time on the snino portions of a 11 roan on coal Irom same cillicrl'S when Icstlr.ed to same polntj on said railroad. Plnla. P,css, 15th. List of Jurors Drawn to serve at January Term of Court In be hnlden at Mauch Chunk, commen cing ou Monday, January 14, 1834 : OlAND JURORS. Arner, Oscar, carpenter, Weissport Bennehoir, Joseph,corpcnler, Nesquehoning uoyer, oamuei, larmer, u rowamensing Culbert, James, laborer. Lehigh two Conahan, J. J., miner, Trcsckow Cull, Thomas, miner, Beaver Meadow Dnnn, Wm, fireman, Weatherly Kckhard. Paul, inn keeper, Kidder Gruber, Wm., clerk, L Tnwaineiislng Gaisncr, J., shoemaker, E Mauch Chunk Hollmau, Ira, mechanic. Summit Hi II Hinkle, August; boss, Lehighton Ilinger, Anthony, mason, Towomenslng iieiinintcr, uuaries, larmer, l'enn l-orcst ntz, Btephen, larmer, U Towamens nir Mnlzer.Samuel, teacher. Summit Hill Osborne, J., blacksmith, 1st W, M Chunk Ueber, crank, laborer. Franklin twn Smith, Nathan, farmer, Towainensing Shnrpe, Peter, laborer, Lnnslord Steigerwalt Ambrosj, larmer. Eitl Penn hinynril, Charles, merchant. Summit Hill Schuhollz, Charles, moulder, Weatherly wemz, Harrison, larmer, t'urryvllle rr.TiT juRuns. Buckalew, Even, laborer, Kidder thick, Paul, farmer, Tiiwiimeusini: llrelsford. J, burgess, Itt W, Mauch Chuuk Ureslm, Uan'el, miner, Tretckow Brunch, Win, miner, NeFqiieliotnng Belz, D J, painter, 1st W. Mauch Chunk Ueviiu, Edward, miner, Yorklnwn Campbell, Alex, larmer, Kidder lr nuacn, Ucnnu, larmer, Krauk' n Eyerie, Joseph, butcher, Mahoning Enbody, E It, marliitiiet, Weatherly Farren.S, shoemaker, Beaver Meadow Frcyman, Daniel, farmer, Liiisaiuie Green, Clms, blacksmith, L Towiimenslnir Gallagher, J J, gentleman. Beaver Meadow tearing, Wm, hotel-keeper, Mauch Chunk Hunter, tm, clerk, weatherly Kolb, Johhs, fiirmor, East Pei.n Kojus, Thomas, gentleman, Lehighton Kennedy, Samuel, merchant E M Chunk Keuuer, Gebhard, laborer. Franklin McGorry, Henry, laborer, Nesnurhoninz McGinly, John, teainslor, lat W, M Chunk Morrow. 1) K, gardener, E Mauch ChiiiM Martin, sr, J, gentleman, Beaver Meadow MalnyJamcs W, editor, Liuisford Miller, J B, laborer, Nesquehoning Musselman, R, carpenter, Weissport McLonghlin, Wm, teacher, Summit Hill Nash,, lames, laborer, LaiiFonnn Num. Harry, moulder, Weatherly Ito-ieixtoc'i, John, moulder, Weatherly Rickert, Samuel, luerchuht; Summit Hill Reese, Wm D, miner, Audenried Reed, Win, tobacconist, 1st W. M Chunk Uynn, James, bnikeman, E Mauch Chunk stelnor, Ileuben, larmer, Packer twp Smith. II II. editor. Weniherly Sheridan, Hush, minor. Beaver Meadow Sihwartz. Henry, cabinet maker.Lehighlon onyuer, "avid, gentleman, 1, lowninensinj Sterling, John, lalaircr, 2nd W, M Chunk Slroh, Amos, moulder, lsl W, M Chunk Shick. Ellas, merchant, 1st W,M Chunk Sirnhl, Wm II, laborer, L Towainensing Whealley, E S, merchant, Lehighton Wagner, James, laborer. Pntry villa Yeck, Jacob, mnsou, L Towainensing TRAVKRS JURORS. Biyer, John, boss, Yorklown Bulz, Isnnc, farmer, Kidder Brodhead, A C, supt, Lehighton Dink, John, moulder, 1st W, M Chunk Uolan, John, gentleman, IstW, M Chunk Dentinger, Jacob, clerk, Lehighton Dreisbaeu, Edward, moulder, Franklin Eby, S Graham, clerk, Weatherly Frilz,ir, Charles, laborer, Nesquchoning Freundt, Joachin, laborer, Summit Hill Grovcr, N M, clerk, Newiiiehonlng Gerhardt, Jonas, farmer. Packer twp Heidi, Frank, aaddler, Franklin Kressly, James, lumber mer, Weatherly Klioc, Wm, brakeman, Mauch Chunk Kuntz, B J, tanner, Lehighton LAuderburn, A H, merchant, Weatherly Lawler, Patrick, merchant, Neequuhouing Long, Z 11, butcher, Lehighton Lewis, D D, miner, Lanslotd Maloy, John F, laborer, Summit Hill Moyer, Oliver, blacksmith, Weisspoit Meyer, Leoimid, inn keeper, Packerton McUaedy, M, restaurant. 1st W M Chunk McIIujh, Jnhn, miner, Lantford O'Donnell, John J, teamster, Summit Hill Sohaefer, Henry, restaurant, Weatherly, Spohn, John, shoemaker, 1st W, M Chunk Stofllet, J T, hotel keejier, Weatherly Sentinel, F P, clerk, Lehighton Sharkey. JoIid. miner. Trerckow Thompson, W, retauraiit,2nd W, M Chuuk. annorn, bam.carpentjr, Beaver Meailow, niniainsnii, 11 u, loreman, l.elilghlon Wilson, Ed C, machinist, Weatherly Weeks, C Henry, machinist, W'ea.VhejIy Lehigh Valley'i Claim. With reference to the tallt about a through line from iSew lork to jfiuffalo by tbe Le high Valloy Line, President Harry E Packer said a few days ago: "By the Le high Valley Line Buffalo is only six miles farther than the longest of tha other lines, ond twenty six miles farther than the shortest line of our competitors. This ex cess Is comparatively inslgnificaut, and nt least sufficiently small to enable the Lehigh Valley to become a factor In regulating through rales between the trunk lines. Tbo Lehigh Valley Company, notwilh standing its dependence to umo degree up. on tbo Erie at Wayerly, the Pennsylvania at Metuchen and New York Central Com psny at Geneva, tor a traffic agreement, bas already made application for admission a a member of tbe trunk line pool, with a re quest for a certain iercenlage of tbe west hound traffic from New York, The argu ment which may be raised In some quarters that the Erie and Pennsylvania Companies may decline to accept traffic from the L--high Valley Company in the event ot the latter becoming a formidable, competitor, will nt bold good, for the reason that the Lehlch Company own and operate mi inde pendent line from Mrtiichen to Perth Am- ooy, whence iney cimiiu send Ira Iho by luia a from New York ifnecestary, and thence ovcrtheir main line; and, in the next place, J?.1,?; A' VU rnuARJV ,V "' I for bdh the Urie.nd rcunsylvanl. Companies', Wash U 8' 'iZWlT'l irartic mntrads with the Lehigh Coniuny .J . .1 are of such a character that under in, cir cumstances could IIirv it,ehn. t Hnwnt all proportion nr the b'ltinets now aprairtloned between th trunk lines. A fist freight inie win soon iw pui una operation ana el forty made lo Incre.s. ouV alr.dy1r bursioe,toCbirag..Md WB eatii." STOCK MARKETS. Reported tip t.t 12 o'clock, by Da tlnvoti A Townsemi .uanhers,o. an a Third Street, Philadelphia. Stocks bought and sold cither lor cash or on margin. ' PMIadtlphia, Dae. 10, 1833. hid asked IT S3'S, Ext 100J - U S Currency 0's ; 13IJ US 41, now ; 114J 114! V S4's , 1241 124 Pennsylvania R R 581 501 riiilmlolphla & Rending R It 28 2.11 Liliigh Vallev RR 71 72 L-high floal .V Navigation Co..;.., 443 45 United N J R R & Canal Co 11)7 13 Northern Central It It Co flOj CI ues-.onvuia ras;, it Hl'o in 17 Huir. N. Y. ti Phlla. R R Co 12 12 N'ew Jersey Central. 84! S5j Northern Pacific Com 2.1J I5 " Pref d 5t 51 North Pennsylvania R R 08 Ctl Philadelphia' & Erie R R 17 18 Silver. (Trades).., o. J2 New Advertisements.. Executor's Notice Estate of VoMiMOMSTEtacHWALT, Dccesied. Letters Testamentary on tho estate of fnl- omou Stclu:erwAlt, late or East Conn Town ship, Carbon C'ouniy, Penna., deceased, havo i'o Kri.iueu li i,n9c oiourertvnii, resioin In West l'tnn Township. Schuylkill Uountv, Penna., to whom nil nersons Indebted lo tahi estate aro requested to toako piyuient, and inuao ouviu eiiiiins or uoinantls win maae tho same known without delay, to fiii-.ii,uiiiAiii, r.xecuior, or to Fbbthas & Kmviiii, his Att'ys. December 2t,18S3-wO Catarrh causes no Fain ojjreai Gives Relief at Oiice. Notali- Qiiifl or snuff. Applici with iter, llioro' AY"EEVE:treatfflitwill CURE. Price 60 cents, by mall or nt drugilsti. ELY MllOTllEllS, Druggists, dec-d-yl tlwcgo, N. Y. VALUABLE FARM At Privnto Sale ! Tho undersigned otrers nt Private Male. his valuablo Kami, situate In FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. Onrbon Uountv. Pa., nboot ono nnd one-hairmllcs Irom the Borough or Welrsport, on iho public road leading to jiresgeviuc, coniaining 46 ACRES, 35 Acres or which are cleared and under n a good state of cultivation, the balance bo Hue in iourg t imsiiiui l imner, bounded by lauds or Amus Suit, Jacob Spohn und 1'hos The Imnrnvcments thereon consist of a Two-and-a.liair story Plank Dwelling House, 18x21 rcet, wlih Two Story Wing 14 x IS loci, and Kitchen 12x10 reel, Hank Hum, 30 x 6 Tcet. Wntrou House, 14 x : 0 icel, t.'oru l!rlb, Imlckcn House, Hog Stiihlo and oilier nccersary oull.ulhllnKS. There Is it flno J.MUil: OIIUlIAKDurtmoIco Fruit Trees. Ornpo and other vines on the nroncrlv. mid a lino Well of Never Falling water close to mo House. t his nronertv otters a nno a chanco to a mnndest ring to securo acoinrortable home on easy terms, Apply on inn iTcmises t.o Will. .LiUUilbPI 111 1,1,, Franklin twp., i'n. Weissport P. O. Dee.22.l8S2.iv4 Applicants for License. 1. 1st of Appl'cants for Tnvern, P,cstaurant and Liquor ritoro Licenses at January Term cruouri, last: TAVLItnS, Lewis Armbrustor, 1st ward Mnuch Chunk Tllirhman f . r enr, Joseph Sinldt, " " " -l.t. Kclscr, " " " George Woodrlng. 2d ward " " A. I. Ulauts, Lehighton Borough 1,'attiarlne i.srh, " " Thomas Mantz. " " Philip Kader, Hast alnuch Chunk Borough .lohu F. llyr.n, Uast Mauch Uhunk Horuugh Ed. Mi-Uiied, Lust Mauih Chunk Henry, Welsspor Borough Francis hailey, Lanslord Hort-ugh Francis J.. Shluids, " " Hn.ld M. t lliuius, " " lielliildcUlnty, " " Joseph Vcrzl. Weatherly Borough I'nsjier Melser, " James 11. l'urccll, " " Levi Hurts. " " .lurlah S'olUcl' " " Hlldlne Wnydor, Pirryvlllo Borouah .T.T Mcll.tnlel Mnhunlmr Township Frank Stacker, Mahoning Towushlo Leopold Meyer, Packerton tlisliict 1'alrlck licriaott, Mcsquchonlng District Juiues Suillli, " " Jacob Uuss, " " Patrick Meehan, Lohigh Township r.llus Frill, Mauch Chunk 'lowrshlp Tlu-othy Dugan, " " " James Sweeney, " Aioandus llachnian, ' " " P. J. Boyle, LausannoTonniblp Aaron Stroll!, Lower Towamenslns Twp. Fred. Wlssler, " " Wallace lthonds, ' " S. II. Anthony, " " " Nathan Mcmler, Townmenslnir Township Thomas A. Snyder, Tonaim-ntlng Township David Belts, l- ranklln Township. KESTAUItANTS. John J. Mcdlnley, 1st ward Mauch UhU'jV John I), Miller, Lehighton Horuugh A. K. Miller, " Klcb. II. Wlddoss, " !' Wilson A.Peters, " Fred. K. Miller, " .Marmrct Mulhearn, Linsfordlioroush Patrick McKonna. Peter Hush, UastMavcli UJiunk Borouirh Jacob Slraussberirer, Wetssport Borough William Victor, I' Knos Koch, Pcun Fares! Township Thomas Watlclns, Wesquehonlng District John F. Bleckley, LjshUh Township Jlobt. A, McOee., JtlucTiOliunkTuwnshlp llouok SToniis. JlatharlnoSnarkey, Mauch Chunk Borounh Oaiper Mc.iser, neutherly borouuh John I.t'jdcuUrger, Weatherly Ho ough Mrs, Mary Caiupbell, Lansford Uoruugh James, ijannon, Lehigh Township Anthony Coll, Lehigh Township Marv llroiran. llaolia Townihh, UatUanne Malloy, Mauch Uhunk Township aiionoK w. i:ssi:n, Dec. 22, 1883. Prothonotary. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the United States Canada and Kurope, at reduced rates. With our principal omee located In Washington, directly opposite the United States Patent Olflcc, ne aro able to attend to all patent business with greater promptness nnd de siatch and at less cost than other patent at torneys who are at a distance from Wash ington, and who have, therefore, to employ ' associate attorneys." We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as lo pa. tentabilliy, Iree or charge, and all who are Interested In new Inventions and patents are Invited to fend tor n ropy ol our "Guide fer obtaining- Patents," which Is sent free lo any address, and contains oomi lete Instruc Hons how to obtain patents ami other valua ble matter, Worelorto the fltruian-Ainer-lean National Hank Washington, I), U. ; the llnyal Swedish. !orwelan and Danish Leira. Hons. at Washington; Hon. Jos. t'aey, late Ohlcf Justice U. S, Court of (Jlalms; lo tbe OUlolals or the U. H Patent OXee, and to Senators and Mombcrs of Congress from every State. Address: L01II3 k CO.. So licitors of Patents ant Attorneys st Law.Le Droit Ilulldlng WASilaoTojr, D. O, The First National Bank OF LKltlOHTON. The Annual Klectlon for Seven Dlreetors or this Hank will bo had at l lie Hanking House on Tuesday, JANH Alt Y8ih.18.Sl. be tween tho hours ol 1 and a o'clock P.M. , W. W IHIW.MAN, Oashler. Lehighton, Deo. 13, 18S3. LAND Olalnisa specialty, and U' A li lt AM is. A ll 1) It 1 (I N a i. Itll.MI'STllA II :l-H I t l-Kii-r r.S and all kinds ol LAN H srlf iw-i- i, "''J- 1-arge Stock, and lllghcit Prices To whom it May Concern Oarbon Uountv. Pa , as tba same are my properly. and loaned by ua to him during ,UrioV , . " nJinTllJwJ I D.abVr i, Jt wt h 0un,3r 1 DBBBBBBBBBSn - .4 ---JSBBBBn Ji Found Qnllty. Mrs. J. U. Ooodwln was convicted: last 1 Friday, at Eat ton, ol having swindlod I he Franklin Houio out of a $S0 board bill i The trial, after a session of three, hours Tbufsdoy night, concluded Friday morning,! the jury retiring shortly before twelye! 9'rtock and rendering Its verdict in the af-1 terfioon, Tho Court In charging tho Jury said there had been no testimony offered to show that Mrs. Oiodtvln. bod not boarded at tho Ifranklin House, nor was tho. allega lion that she bad failed to pay her bill dis puted, T.he case had taken lather largir ground in view nf the other cases pending against Mr. Ooodwln for fraud in having secured money from the sewing girls under fslse representations. Mrs. Ooodwln was placed on the stand, but her lektimouy djd not bear on the point at Issue. She denied, ever having been In Wheeling, West Vlr gluia; 8pringfield, Massschusctb-; Waverly or Cortland, N. Y., and sild she had gone to Corry to lettla In business and bad not intended to commit fraud. Sentence was -deferred. Sho wss acquitted on tba charge of defrauding young girls. Pass tho l'retned" Thlngf Around. A femalo writer says "Nothing looks worse on a lady than darned stockings." Allow us to observe that stocklngi that needs darning look worse than darned ones HWn'iiofon Star. Stocking!) looks best Surely without any "darned" boles In them. Louiseillc Jour nal. "Darn it," gonllcmcn, if Ihelady bas a hole in her stocking can't she "knit In a piece?" Plover Ilcralil. The foregoing arc all the "yarns" on tbe (object that we have lound "unraveled." Madison Patriot. Let upon them, or you may get "worst ed" and have tbo "kinks" taken out of you. Dotton JW. Why don't they "narrc-w" and come lo a "point."!in Courant. Gentlemen, you had better attend lo your "knitting" nnd let tho injury complained of "heel" itself.-Spring Cty San. Of such "darned" talk, we don't take any "atock n."llydr Park Jlcniiw. It is a "darned" shame that you haycu't any "alockln'" this cold weather. TATEICK O'DONNELL EXECUTED. Loniwn, December 17th. Patrick O' Douuell, tbe murderer ol James Carey, was executed at eight o'clock this morning, lie m-t his death firmly. His last night in Newgato was ery quiet. lie went to bed at an early hour, slept well nnd iroso long bsforo daylight. Father Fleming arrived about five o'clock and administered the sacramcntol Holy Communion. After this O'Donnell ate his breakfast, seemingly with relish, and chatted pleasantly on various topics. Ho made use of an expression con. c 'ruing America that showed his great love for that laud. He said: "America will al ways be u home lor the homeless, and every Irishman the world in or will shout when ever he hears tho name mentioned. Ameri ca may not know It, but sho is England's b.e, and will always remain so." At 7 31) lie was notified to mako ready. He was prfecily resigned. Ho expressed ercotsor- row lor his outburst of temper in tho dock, ai me conclusion ol nis trial. He said he hail lull the greatast animosity lor the wit news who appeared ugainsl liiin, hut that had disappeared. At 7.4U the prison bell began lolling and similar warnings were heard (mm dillerent church bifievs iu the neighborhood, Direc'ly aflurward tbe prisoner was removed from Ids cell to the largo room ol tho prison. In the large room were Minns, tho hangman; itie isiiriius ntiii under Klierilli, the Uover nor of tbe jail, the Rev. Mr. Duffield, the prison chaplain, and the Newcaie turccou Tho process ol pinioning tho prisoner's linos was quicxiy perionned by limns, o Donnell keeping resolute silence and show ing the utmost firmness, occasionally amil ing In a half obstructed manner. This work dune, tho procession moved la tho court yard, where tho scaffold waa erected. O' D unell walked wilh great firmness, with out the assistance- ol tbo warders, who stood, closo around him. lie wna pi tlectly caljp ami m-ii jHissesseo. iieoecnneii any m-sifl- aiioo from tbo warders in ascending the Heps ol tbo tcollold. I ulher 1-Ieuiin-, by Ilia aide, repeat! d tho service of the Ohnrcli f..r Iho dying nod hehl the crucifix belore O'Diiniicll'e gase. O'Donnell too'big place nn me unip tinner mo rojie, in, slack ol which was lied uo over his hej9 by a piece ol He lookeil nIOUP .1, iinco' ly. Binns, the execution! t, performed his iui.y ipiiei.j-. uu iiiiiier.rsi to bo very, calm and quickly fi tted the around lb e neck of the condemned ir.a. Cnrerully placing IliO knot Under th .. Wt ,.r he ilenond hack. and just as the ,Wghborlng church clocks citi oiriaioB no pulled the ratal lever He had allo yed lor u drop nf eight feet mo rop hardly quivered. Thcro was scarcel;- any muscular movement of the oody Deulh was instantaneous. THE SUIT. NEW YORK, 1884. About rlsty million copies or Tun Sun nave gone om oi our csrauiisuuieni uurilig the pan iwoivo momns. irynu where to paste end to end all the columns or all This &uns nrlnted and sold last year you would tret a conllnous strip or Miivic.iiUK luiu, iii.,,,uii, vdiUlllun SCOSC, WIS doin, sound doctrine, nnd sane wit long enough to reach from Printing Houso square to tho topol Mount Copernicus In the moon thon liack to Printing Houso square, nnd then three quarters el the way back to the lnoon attain. Hut Tins Sun Is written rortheinhabUants or Iho earth, tbla samo strip ol Intelligence nuuiti i,roio me giooo twentv-eialit times. lr every huycr or u copy or TutcScn during the past year has spent only ono bourovcr Ii, am) II bis wile or hia Kramlntber lias siwnt anolher hrur. this neirsnaoor In lsurt hn. nr. ' lorded tbe human race thirteen years ol steady readlnR, nlirhtnnd day. It is only by ll tie calculations like these that you can lorm any Idea or the circulation oftho most popular of American newspa-ers, or or Its InBucnco n tbe opinions and actions or American men and women. Tna SDN Is, and will continue to be, a newspaper which tells thetruth without fear or consequences, which gels at the tacts no matter how much tho process costs, which presents the nowa or tbe world without waste orwords aod In tho moat rcatdo shape, which Is working with all Its heart for the eau-e ot honest government, and which therefore be lieves that the Itepubllcan party must go, and must go In this coming year of our Lord 1811. ir you know TneSrjN, you Ilka It already, and you will read It with accustomed dill irtncoand profit during what Is sure to he the most interesting year In Its history. If you do not know Tub Sun, It Is high time to got latotbe sunshine. Terms to Mali 8nbscnbors. The several editions or Tim Sun are sent by matl. postpaid, as follows: DAILY .'0 rents a month, (6 a, year: with Sunday edition, 17 SUNDAY Klght paper. This edition furnishes the current nsws or the world, special articles or exceptional Interest to everybody, nnd literary reviews or new hooks orthe highest merit. 1 a year. WEEKLY tl a year. Eight pages orthe best matter of the dally llsnei; an Agricul tural department or nneonalled value, special market reports, and literary, sclen tiflo. and domestlo intelligence inakeTBC Wxkxlt Sun tho newspaper tor tha larm ey's hnusehnld. To clubs or ten wltn 10an extra copy rrea Address 1. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, The Run. N. Y.. Olty. WM. DUFFY & SOW, of East Mnuch Chunk, are prepared to do all kinds of ! Plastsrins & Ornamental Wori, at shortest notice. Orders by mall will re 1 ceiva prompt attention. Terms moderate good work. teplStf MARK TWIN'S LIFE ON THE SsHISSISSIPPI. a new dook. rnnaMi.sTBaiTi;Ei. a. xMAxsta tea TsmriiTTili ill mT O0ODroadw&9 H. Y A 6PEQ8FIC VOll THK PLOOD AND A Positive Cure Xon EHEUMAOT JJcnralrrla, iBi SIJi ii -'"-""-" lr i jf AsrcitrtercRr i PrA!ti!ii SCIATICA, lllBAGO. A n Infallible remedy foil nn, diseases or-usi hui ana Blood, such El Totter, JUurrrrorm, bcrofnla, TrvltM,ta-. rimnlcaj. ft, Illotohs and in iha hcsl HcmSHtl let a)L i'omsilo sjora-J nlalnu and w.nkJ iicssos. Jt baa tared) oiscasca nr tiio urarl ana liJiuiry. when ni other. rcxuttUci bavi fulled ' "PiO not lctlonrProjcUt pcrsoado yott tota.'trl I I something civ, but 1 f ho Lr t not get !k and! wilt not tcna rcr it, vrruo 13, t.i t wo wiissnui ,U to you oy cxprco, prcpiia, on i.otpt orptteo. ....Ono rn th-eo bcttlcs cf Itheumatla t?vrnn wllf clear mo cysiuia ci iiic, onucuru. tuiy crsooi in uamroutory or acuio iuouiuaiuui vr Aouraicia Thrro to Cvo bottles will euro Erysipelas in .ill worse lorci Pour to itr Vnt'lcsaro warranted to ourej corrupt nna ruumni; Llccri rmir i-s r'.-t rattles aro xrarrantod to cnnJ any enso oi i., . refwft t rl-t t.ittlra will com thrt wnt' ......From two to four months,' tii crr.heuniattrf vrun will euro on v enso or unroiuo uneumuisn. vii iwcuiy ytare btuuvaug If you havo been ft nuGercr for years, anil hvi n;cd all tbo icmcdlca you could hear of. with, 9 ivall, da not bo 4b)""msl. fo? r.hcuxaath Jyrup will cutcyott. Price, 01.00 im r tottle O bottles for RJ.OO Ccni for our pamphlet of Tcstlraoiuals, etc, P.HEUMATIC EYKCP CO , r.ochcHcr,-N. V. no longer from Dyspep ela, Indigestion, want or AppotitOjlossof Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, &, BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fail3 to oura all those diseases. flcstan, November to, tMi, , tkChimicalCo. 1 Gentlemen : Tor years I bv been a great sutTerer from Dyspepsia. and could get no relief (having tried, everything which, was tecommcad d) until, acting on (ha advice of t friend, who had baD. beneiltted by Usowk's Irqx IJlTTiss, I tried a bottle, wttb, mott surprising results, Frevloiss to. taking Brown's IaoH Brrts'as, everything I ate distressed sne, and 1 sutTerea greatly from a lurnlng sensation la the stomach. which was unbearable. Since tax? Ing Dkowm'sUok Hitters, alt my troubles are at an end, Can.eatany time without any dltsgrtubls r. sults. 1 an pnctlcatly ancthtr, person,, Mrs, W., ja Mav,crlck St., . Boston BRQJWN'S IRON BITw TERS acts like a charm, qn the digest! vo organsA removing all dyspoptio symptoms, such as tast- ing tho food, Belching,, Heat in the. Stomach, Heartburn,, etc.. Tho, only Iron Preparation; that will not blacken th teeth or glvo headache Sold by all Druggists. Brown Chemical Qos Baltimore, Md See that all Iron Bitters era snada b Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore, anc have crossed red lines, and trade mark on wrapper. SEW ARB OF IMITATIONS THE OF ALL r(R LIAIT AITS BEAST, Fnmoi-o limn n tlilnl of n, eentnrvlha I Sl.y l. ZlTllnlnllf I.llllm.lit hfl.hMn R It known to millions ull over tho world na I 31 tho onl7 salo rollnnco for tho roller or3 rsaccidciita nmi pain, it 13 a tnextlctnel faoovo jinco nnii prniso me beat or it I u ind, l or every foiw of cztciual polo I XIGAN Ifnatann; Mnlmcnt lj-wlthontfiuccm&l. It iiouetrutc floeh nnd muscle to tho vei-y Iioiie mskinn; tbo contlnu, nnco of pain rati Inflammation Impoo- ainto. na r reels upon unman FleKinod tliiiltrctoPrcatln:i cm equally rrondeo lul. "lliQilcslcaa ' tlnlmcnt Is nocdail by somabody In every house. JJvcry Oay lirlncu news of the agony at nit ntvfiil acalil or buns Subdued. Of rlicilkilof la imirlm m. atntorl. or a lnliinblo horse or ox saved by tlio licallnr; jiowerottlila wlilch apeodlly cm-os eucli allmenta of tho ItUilAH VLLiU ns Itliennintlam, KiTellintrt, OtlxT Julnta. CuulraetrJ SfuArl ilSlimtus, 1-olsonona Vltea aiisl J."jUhk, Rtimiess, Umcncis, Old Nores, lllci ra. lVotlllles.Chllulalns. Sor Alpplra, Caked llrrast, and jlmlcfil ncry form ot eitrruoj ills Sense. It lirnla ivllhout acids. I t or t he linuTB Vxcxrvxt It enrea a 'I.ralin, SifUiur, fstliT Jatnta, , loimilir, IIm iic i f.orra, Hoof llls . 1 .t Uoi cv Worm,, 7I.UJ. "ravin,, Itliutiaue,! -Old rioro, I'oll Hvll, rilm sitHiii? Sliio fjiij'it nml every othir allmeutt i in iTi.u.-i 1 -is Hiipeiiils s.j- trie: .ti"llj sil ( ,-icls ril ,,re llAlile. f '.HI -Minn ITs tusiK I.liitnieiit jj -1 -.-.- rii s.uwer iuaiinouiUii ::;-li'.?i,l .i t'v , 1 9 Cv .04, ..... fS Suffer lUiTANG