Advertising Rates, W desire t to V distinctly understood S,t no dtertlemnt will be Insetted In tae columns of T Oakbos Advooatb that irtsy bo received from unknown parties or firm! MnWas 'accompanied by- the cabii. The following are our okly terms! n!iKBO,tunrluLl!xs), One year, eae-h Insertion. " Blx rnonlhs, oaeh Insertion cts. m l. .i,iW Kh Insertion... - SO els. Less than three roonths.flrst insertion $1 each suiieenuenl insertion. 25 eta. lUMOHTinMEni rum,sher. Attorneys & Counsellors. XTTUUtfEY at law. .0M-qot'ntr of.t)nk Strcat ,Hankway,. Snu boliulns; nuove iu ..... PrmilnKOtftce. , Msyl.;8S3-in6. LKlUU"T0W:. trtr M. n.vrsiiEn, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bttft)atfK',l.nianto!i,P. h.l,i1(sii4"CotlMt10 Aetticr WIllBuysnd, a.ll iluiKsUle Oonvsyatw." .rtly done Col- .Ss WsiKKUKy. My be couu!l u 1.. t- rflUl. BlUriii, HysirJiftns and Dentists. .Ga'SilePliisiciail&SurEeOu, fwSSriyTowupled by A, J. '"fl'hla Hp.Td .hrt ha will b idenuM to eo ma menus toVo'olock P. . March 81.1883, -pvR. NY. W. ttEUEtt .lHlipiAN ANDjSURCIEON, MA1N STREET, PARRYVILLE. PA, ilnybo consulted In, the English or Gorman .fcanguaitp, March SLUM. rtT A.'i)EH.AJlEn, SI 1)., PHYSICIAN AND SCRdKON Bf,.-!..! ttnttou rald to Chronic Dlsessss. nin.,! South Kant corner Iron and 2im ets 1.0 hi lb ton, Pa. , : i Apr!' 3. 1875. sr. D. RHBEK, M. I). r TJ. S. BxBmlnUtg snrjieon, TltACTICINQ l'IIV8IUI.VNnud8UKaE0N. ounclsi; Uank8treot, ttEBitu'u iilock, l.eaiaU- 'NM be eomttlled lu tho derm in Language. Nov. 3 D n. c. w. now Kit, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. May bo consulted In Ihn (lurman or Enallsh (Wrimr Opposite Darling's Drnit store, ,h AN lC,St., LulilKhtun. Pa, , ,'jan. l'-yt M Ban- ai Elan; Havodrterminedforfruain in LEHIGH TON ill Winter, autl will coutiuuu -lo pay special ottcnlton to Chronic Affections , - : , 'AND ' . . Surgical Diseases. Office Hours from 0 A. V. to 0 v. u. Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. Oetoborl3, 1883-tf W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., 5. OFFICE: Opposite the "uroailwoy House,' Mauch Chunlc, Pa. Patients have thobenelltor llio lalest'ltn. ...... in ,tiMht,nl.Ll niiitllanres nu i - ,.. ...Atitrt u nf tr.,iitmant in nil eases." ,AN.ESTI!ETU ndmlnlftcrcil If diulred. It uos,lule, peraons resldlnij outside of Maneu Uliuulc, should nuke engaieeinents by mall. J8Tl l-1ARB01N HOUSE, J. W, UJ.UDENHUSH, PROPRIErOIl, llAmtSTM-LitniauTpsi, Pa.. The CUano'tf lfooanoirers first-class aconm roodatlons to the Travellnir public. Hoarding by the Hay or Weok oil Reasonable Terms. Uholce Olirars, Wines and l.iquois alwayson band. Uod Sheds add Stables, with atten tive Hostlers, attached.' . April 10-yl, -p.VCKEUTON IIOTEIi. 1111 way bstween Hauclt Chunk & Loliliihton .LEOPOLD MEYliR, PitorRiWOtt, Packerton, Pcnn'a. This well known hotel Is admirably refitted, and has the bestacoominodatlons lor prrinau cntand transient boardors. Excellent table and tlie'very best liquors. Also tlno ftablcs attached. ; Sept, 19-yL Mauch Chunk House, Susquehanna Street, Mauch uliunk, l'enns., T( V, FEHli, I'rojirlottir. When visiting at tho County Scat this . Jlelel will fouml lo be nrt-class In every res- peet. Wiees. Liquors, Luicr Ileer. Cigars , nd oilier liefreshments of uurest nuallty at tlie'ltsr. Terms very moderate. Patronage solicited. sept.a, I8:i , '' sT J--.l'VIO EUBGKT'S Livery Ss Sale Stables UANIt STH.KKT.LK11IUUTON, Pa FAST TROTTING HORSES, ."EMlilT CARRIAGES. And poNtlvely- LOWKU l'KIOlM than any other ticry irfthe Co'anlJT"- l.srite anorbaurtsomo Carriages for Funeral uyposes and Weddiugs. DAVI D E11UKUT Kov.M. ISTX ' ' .- ' ! . PS W J. W. BAUDENBUSH Jtespectlully announcss to I lie, puldls that he has,1 l. NEW LIVERY STAlir.l-: i eonneotlon with his hotel, aud Is J repared to furnish Teams for Funerals, Weddings or Business Trips on shortest notice and most liberal! ernis. All orders left at the "(Jar ton House" will receive prompt attention. Stable on Nor ill S'reet, neat the hotel, Lehighton Iau22.fl I Tininn Send So. for nostauo. and ra. A rilZirj. c,iTVfreel.a b1 of Itoo Is hlch wdl luip you to imr nenar riani wj man anyininK else in lb s worta. All, of either sex, tunoawl from nm kur: Th brjad road tu fortune, open, It. Ion lb workers, absolutely tars. A I j"fis TCi Cc , AukuiIs, Mc. ii ... il H, V. Mortihmer", Propriolor. VOL. XII., tfo. 5.' Railroad Guide. & B. P Arrangement of Passenger Trains. OOTOHHR 2"Jtb, 1883, 'Trams leave Alentoyrn'ns follows: (Via I'KttKtOMliV IfAIUIOAD.) For Philadelphia at 6.10, e.f0, 11.10 a. m anrl 3.I0 p. in. , , . . i " lutwrisA'R.' I 11 .For Philadelphia at S.oq a. ra.and 3.2Qp.m. (Via East I'pxn Hbabcu.) For Heading and Harrlsburit, BOO, MO a. in.. 1'-'.16, J.3 and d.04 p. m. Pur Lunoistur and Uoluinbla, 0.C0, MO a, in., nud 4 3u p. in. . . SUNDAYS. . -For Harrlsburg, afid wajpolnts, 9.05 p. m. Trains for Allentown loavo as follows : ( Vlal'r.ItUlOMKN ItAlUtDAD.) . . . Lcavo i'lillod'oAit, 7,' Ji, ,n. "and" 1.00, 1.36, 4S0; and t.lp. in. " ' ' ' ' SUNDAYS'.'' 1 l.caso Phlladelfdila. 8.0J a.m., 4.!!0 p.m. (Via East Pknn. Hiiahcu.) T.enve lloadln;, 7.80, 19,16 a. m., 2.00. 3.(0, ami i,.16 p. m. . , . , Leave llarrlfibufy, 52', 7.00, 6.50 a. m , 1.46 and 4,iiu i. in. li.:avo l.uucustcr, 7.Z0 a. m., l.oo and t3.J0 p. in. Leave Oolunibla,. 7.30 a. in, 1,10 and 3.40 P. n. tr'roin Klnit Street Depot.' SUNDAYS. Leave Reading, 7.3' a. in. Leave lnrrlsburie, o.'-'O a. m. Trains via "1'erklomen ltnllroart" marked thus () run lo and Irom Depot, Ninth and Orccn atreois, Philadelphia, other trains to und rriim llmad ftreet Depot. The S.i o nml 0.45 a. m. trains .from Allen town, and tho ! 35 nnd 5.15 . in. train Irom Philadelphia, vln Perltlomcn ltnllruad, have lurougn curs iu nnu irom I'liiiaucipma. J. E. WOOTTEN, 5 . . 1 1IT.,K., .a. HANCOfK. Ucn'l Pnns'r St Ticket Agent. Waybill, HS3 GRAND OPENING !! JfNAS SONDIIEIM Has lust onennt In LEVAN'S I1UILDINO. op)uuo denwariz b urnuure oiure, uu Hank St., Lehighton, Pa. With an lmmentc stock ot Ready Made Clothing Consisting ofall the Liteit nndSIust Pash lonalilu styles of OVERCOATS & SUITS For Men's You'hs' and Hovs' wear, which will bo sold nt the VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. Alto, ulull llneor . - . , j ' l'l Hats, Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Goods, all ol which nrcK"ar.intecd to bo jut n lep rn, titcil- Persons wifhlnir Id lur,:litiso iiuv, thlnvc In l lil line elioubl nut tall to call before, buylni; e.soiTliero. No trouble tu show goods; Also, an Imntente stock Wl I he found at his Store :-o nuF0.ueii.tuna ir ei.iuaueu ijiiuhk ooinlirUliiJ llV ElfDllATS nml SUITS Latent. Strip, for Ulcn. YoullH and ltoy,n verv LoweKt ilali Prices. Don't f.itl toc.ill nt 2,1 ii!miehi)mi.i Struct, second Clotl.l i Store above tho Monslun House, Mnuch ULunk. ' onv, 10 - ALLEN LINE of STEAMERS TO AND FKOXl Prepaid Pnscn?crs from England.Ircland, and Seotlantl, can embark: nt either Liver pool, (lluegow, Cuccnsiown, Londonderry or Ualway. FARE AS LOW AS BY ROUTE! ANY OTHER Drafts on England, Ireland, and Scotland. II. V. jMOIITIIIMER, Agt. O.vnuoN AdVoo'atb Office, LEHIGHTON, PA. "lyj- IICIIVHA' & CO., BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa., MILLERS aud Dealers lu STIwr5 UTcectl. AllKimtiof fl RAIN IlOUOlITand SOLD a UEGULAIl MARKET RATES. Wo vnuld, plso, jcgpecttully Inform ourclti sieus that weaio uuwlully prepared to SUP I'LY them with BBest Coal lYorosnyMlu dcelredatVEU lowust vnicr.s. 21. 1IEILMAN & CO. Juht; GltOCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWAItE, &c At CM B. EHOAD'S, APT. NEW STORE, nearly opposite tho NEW ROUND HOUSE, Iknlc St., Lehighton, Pa. Everything; of the very best quality and at i"i ,'r!. uct, rpuoaiAS Kn.-iiBitBrt, X CONVEYANOEIt, AND GRNERAL IN8UEAN0E AOEWT Th. followini Compsnles art LEBAN MUTUAL PIRH. REAOINO MUTUAL PIRB, WVOMlSa I'lRC. POTTSVILLB PIBE, I.Eiliail PIRCandtliaTRAV r.I.ERb ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Alsa r-onsrlvinla aud Mutual Horse Tblei eua'ivaauc luwram Coiui'tnr. .MartatMtn fJlOe. KI-MERER. CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS AN 13 THE CARBON ADVOCATE 'Iffie CHICAGO VEUKLY NEWS Is rcco? tilfil ns a paper unsurpassed In all tho re- Ipilremctils of Amerlron Journalism, n stands ronsplcnilus au'.nni loe nioiroinii llan journals of Iho country as n romplett Kews-puper. In tho matter of tclcsraphK service, having the ndvantase or rotinccuon with the CHICAGO DAILY NEWS, It nf at its command all the dispatches of tin Western Associated Pns, besides a Very es lonsho scnlco or Spcclul Telegrams from al( important iwlr.ts. As a News-pnpcr it has no superior. It Is 1NDKPENDLNT In pol Itlrs, urescnllns all political news rrce irom partlfan bias or coloring, and absolutely without rear or favor as to panics. H Is. In the fullest sense, a FAMILY TAPER. Each Issue contains several t'OJIi LETKD STO- HIES, a SERIAL STORY of absorblns in terest, and a rich arictrnr conoenseu notes on Fashions, Art, luuusirics, i.iiera,urc, Science, clc, etc. lis Jlarkct Quotations aro coniplcto and to bo relied npun. It is un surpassed as an cntcrpilslnt', pure, and trust worthy GlSNnUALFAlllLY .NEWSPAPER. Wo ripnbllsh 'liere from the columi s of the WEEKLY NliWS 'a-rcjv or the voluntary commendations It bosVccclvcd: WHAT O-D SUDSCHIBERS SAY About iho Clilcajo 'Weekly News" when they rcnow their mbsiriptlons. William Cannons, I'ontlac daiila'nd County, Mich., rajsl ri think it Is the bJKt.pai or In Amorlca." 1 ' 1. A. Welch. Sullivan, O., lays;- "It, is bettor than manof tho fi papers. " , 'JamOs p. Malono. i5i ft.-Charles street, no Orleans. !.. sars: "In.comimrlnl your paper with others 1 receive. 1 imi"t srtr junrs, tho Cii-eAno- Wleklv Nkws. Is good, better, bou 1 would soonor miss a pical than a number of tho NKW. H Is Hi' tjewspnper ol the day. It Is true to ps name." Allred 1 Foster, Wi odfcull. lltnry County III., sn.rsi "It Is one tit tho clmiiot pupets put 1 sbed.' V. W. Rhodes. Adrian. Mich. sirs: "I do.i i want In nilslji numbor. It Is the best papor fur nCws 1 l.ave ever seen." reler Liinilnr, I stenl t. Prnnders Conn'y. eo, s.itb! "I like Titn Wkiiki.v newa. It'1 of rcinnb'o and va'lfib'o lien s, and, n tliouVh I ii in In receiptor" nine weekly Journals, 1 am c innrnlniiu to adopt Tiik Wkbklvnkwh hNo. in. to aueof Its n-m-pnrtlsitn ttltttutle In p'ollllis. slvlnamo the unnnrUed truth cm cernlna the iu Hons of nil polltli ul pirtlui." . 'm , K. Ilavenport, palmyra. N. Y.. saysl 'It tlie theii e't nnl mt pupor 1 ever read.' Mrs. I., tchniiaii, llannllin. usaysi i n your a,er very moeii. licet six other papers, but ilon,, I like Ihcm ns ollas Tltu WKKKI.V News.'' W. It. Law. Mnn,lield. lex., says: "I am hlch y p'en.ed w til tl.o kwh, for I net ii I t'c pri seined In It In snci a way that I not both sldnof a quo-llon fairly si t for h, which I utterly Impossible to git In a stllct'y pmty Journal or" elt lorsl.lo." Tin- aboe extrni ts aro nfllc'ent to show In whale-teem the ClIIfAOO WEEKLY NEWS Ik h-1 1 by Us old subscribers. Our special CI uubliu Terms brim; it with in Ihc reach nf all. Specimen Copies may bo seen ut this olllte. Send subscriptions to this ofllce. iCentral Carriage Works; Unnk St., Lchiglilon, Pa., Are prepared lo ManufUcluro Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs Spring "Wagon, Sec, I if every description, in the most substantlsl manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices. Uepalilnc riomptly Attended to, TREXLER cTKREIDLER, April 20, 1682 yl Proprietors. E. F. LU0KEK1JACII, Two Doors llrlow tho "Rroadway House MAUCH CHUNK, PA. Dealer in all Patterns ol Plain and Fancy S9 "Window Shades, Paints & Paintesr' Supplies, LOWLST CASH TRICES. SASTHMAl QUICKLY AM) l'ormtinently lit btlnson's Astuins. lletnedr II I IUL II I Is unequaled as a posltlvojVj U I 1 1 U .1 Alternative and Oure ' ASTHMA AND llYSPEI'SlA.aml all their attendant evils. 11 does not moicly ullord temporary roller, I ut Is apermnt cure. W.Il. Huckaber. He Leon Texas, says: "It Is the best inodlclne lor Asthma that 1 ever have used." M. Ilodires, Pouutaln Head, Tenn., says: "I am entirely islleved ot all Symplo ns ol Asthma by Stluson's rem edy." Adam Miller. llrnokllls. Pa., saysi "lir. Stluson's Asthma Iteinidy Klven no excellent satisfaction " Jas. 1. Wilbur, Morrltvllle, N. Y, says! "Since I bean taklnir yourrtmedy I have rested well overy nlifhl." S. A.Ryan, Ion Ilu Luc, Mich., says: "It Is the best I ever took." Mrs. t-. A Utsisll, or Roberts, Illinois, ssyi t "Hr Sllnsou's Asihnu Remedy Is just us recom mended. It makes expectoration-easy." HE SURE to sml for treaties, testimonials and price list, to I'EUK fc CO, 27 EAST 11th STREET, N. Y.t O.N. Orlttenden i. to, 10 Pulton St., N. Y., also wnolesalo agents nfiT T for the wo'klnir class. Send 10 cts. Mil. II for PotlSKe. and wa will mall vuu UULIlJyftt,aroyal, valuable box of ismplo Itoods that will put you In the way of making more taoney In a few days than you over thought noislbla at any business. Capital not required. Wo will start you. You can work all the time or In snare time only. The work Is universally Adapted to both sexes younie and old. You cau easily earn Irom 60 ceuis iu f ever) cveniPK. 1 nat uu wuu want work may test tho business, wa make this unparalleled oiler : to all who are not well sails lied we will send 41 to pay for the trouble ot writing us l'ull particulars, di rections, etc., sent free. Purtunes will be made by those who iclve their whole time to work. Urout success absolutely sure. Don't delay, Stan now. Address Stisbon H. Co , Partland, Maine. UeclMy Estate Notice. Estate nl Louis KLixatnt, lata of Hie Horo' or Lehighton, Csrbon County, deo'd. All persous Indebted to said estate are re questwt tu make Immediate payment, and those havlns; local claims attaint! the same will present I hum, without delay, In proper o-dcr for settlement, to UAItl E KLINOER. Admr'x,, Or her Attorney. P. UEIUOLETTE. Notsmberll, lS-iwe INDEPENDENT" LEHIGIITON, CAPJBOIN COtfNTY, Thomas' Drug Store -in. CHRISTMAS CAROL, nr jci.if.t c. mars it. Into tho silent w.iltlns East. Tlier enmeth a shilling lino Far, far,, , Through a ilull gray bur Closing oyer u tlying slar . That watclieil nway the night Rise, rise, chine and glow, Over u witlo wliito world of snow, Son of iho Christinas titlcl " Out of the Kortlilnuil bleak ami bare, O wind with a royal roar, Fly, fly, Through the broad'nrcliril sky, Flutter tho snow, ami rattle nml cry At every silent door Loud, luud, till the children hear, And meet the day with n ringing cheer,' "Hail to the Cbrittnias tidil" Out of tho four gicat gales of day A tremulous music swells; Hear, hear, How sweet and clear, Oyer and under and fur and noar, A thousand happy bolls; Joy, joy, and jubilee! Good-will lo men from tea tu tea, This merry Christmas-tide! Iol in Iho homes of every land Tho children reign to dayj They alone, With our hearts their throne, And noycr a rcepler but llieir own Small hands to rule and sway! roace, pence the Christ child's love Flics over tho world, a while, white dove This happy Christmas-tide! Patty's Christmas stodonc 1Y BUTII BALL. "Polly, woman, see here, ,a miur.le!,' said Mr. Amasa Andrews, opening the kitchen door. 'tWbatfver d'yo thiuk? I've had a letter from Undo Joshunj !" "NjI nujut the moitgtgd? lha old Bkiufliutl" Mrs. Audrews turned nn anxious look from the bread tho was kneading. "No; 'taint notblu' o' that eon. It's a real friendly letter. Ho wauts to borrow our Pally for a sptll." "Borrow Fatty! 'What in the 'world '" "Well, there, you see, Polly;" begnu her husband, advanclug with a letter in bis baud: "Ol'JVnnt Sally lives with 'ini bez ft r years. An' ther's herdiughter Saruh memcd lately, I s'pose it leaves 'cr sorter lonesome. Anyways ho t.ez be like t'ov Patty coma Itr a w'ile. It's nal'ral 'null. Shell w'e let 'er eoI'' "Oh, Amasy, I bate tol" "Yes, we'll miss'erjibnt 'taint ferlong. Au' ther's the mortgage, Pollyl' "I know. Well, let's leave it to Pat ty." Patty herself wts not averse to the visit; but then she never was to any plan of her elders. "I'd jus' ns lleves," she said, iu ber mild little voice; and George,' lamented while be wondered that he had not been chosen instead. So Aunt Polly packed the old-fashioned carpet-bag and Uncle Amaso put his small nltce in the Btage-coich, under the good-natured driver's care, one frosty morning iu the late fall. Patty never forgot that brisk rolling over tbejtiuty roads, the glimpses of tbc ice-bound tiver, of farm-houses nestled among leafless trees, of uow uud then a child at a window who nodded or waved a baud to her, Aud, then, ua night fell, early and cold, they baited before n loug, low, red house, where a single light was buruing, aud nn old mau iu a fur cap, lth a lantern in his hand, came to the tjale and called: 'Aint got a little eal fer me 're ye, Silas?1' "Hera ye he!' was the answer, and Fatty was banded down. She ..was nearly asleep Itat it was. Ilka a drtam, her entrance into the liehtad kitchen. her cupper on kind Auat Solly's lapsed, m a g 5? P i ' " pj & 7 s & S1 Ba g. 2 5 z i S r N o Ul & & " & F 3 J gL ft V 2 h s g ft r p p u a ' ft GD I- 8 I g & S .a i op" cd -d'ria, T1 S 5 ( 2 t5- a! ms JH V 5 2. o I rj- P in P O OS' i i . i ul Live and Let Live.' FA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1863. finally, Whicklug ltitd bud at that good woman' motberlY 'haml.'1 1 ' " ' But tli6'nat,.iuofnlii(,'T,pn breakfast Was over", ritly' Itillnwya1 Uucltr Joshua" but tif doors. '"Kin 1 1 oo'hio f tti yon?" be asked", illriilufj her little- tiuiid'lnld his hard, liarsh palm. ' ' iBb'd think yc'd likd to slay Villi' Attut Ballyl" bo tepltea, lobklilg nl lier from ii odtr bla cap bllul. '"'SlIo,i;olu, to m'.iko som'o pies, I J?utm. ""n ' "" " 'IM rather eoVtllhyou, an' seor'tbe calyej, if I may!" answe'rtd his great htdce, timidly. Aud so, morning after morning, ratty o'ald go to Aurit lUlly with hir hbod nud lltllo shawl, and, while pins were being fastened and drinks tied, she would ask: ' 'Ye ddu't' mind cf'I go ont with Uncle Joshttay, do yo, Anht Sallj?" Alwats iho sacdo nucstlou nod always tho 'same nnswir:' "Lord love' tba dear child, uol ' Wuil'o tho bid woman mnt- tere'd, Under her hroalb: "Mebby 'twill do iome'go'od. WLo knowt?" Uncle Joshua nlwH stbod in the door"- way1 ddriug thlh lUalogup, with a gnat show of Inipalienco and reluctance to tie balhtrod." 'I shM think a lltllo gal's place was iu th house," hb Would remark, ho took btr hand. Bill ho likiil it. Bless you how he liked it! ' And soou tiifro was 'not n nook or crAnuy'in tho stnbl nud barns that had Dot caught the light of rally's yellow head, nhd heard the tender cadence of her voice, One day Aunt S.illv accompanied them lo tho pen where the great Christmas turkey was 'conilried. While she waR wondering at Us' tdze and promise, Mr; Andrews said'suddenlyi "I'atty. docs your Undo Amasy talk much about me, d'ye know?" with a malicious twinkle uudtr his bushy eye, brows. "Sometimes." Patty hung her head. "Oh, he does; dots lit? What does ho call til?, child?" "Au, ol' Duffvr," said Patty, with her linger iu her tnotitu Uncle Jcshna turned and strode nway, flinging, "Thero now, S.vlljl" over bis b'honlder nt his, dismayed, bister as ho went. That i night he sat befoio the open "Franklin," in his great rocking chair, wbile.-Amit Silly ltuilted iu the corner. and Patty, ou the- floor, unlaced her shore-preparatory to going up ptnirs, "I'S like us here; dou't ye. Pattj?" -.ked htr uncle, JSuully, after a long silence. "Yes, sir; o' course, I do,'' laying her piulc1 cheek ugaiust hit knee. Uncle Iiaril. band was very light on tho -jellQw head, as ho etroked her bnir."""""V;. An' would ye like to live with us!'' he asked ngaiu. "An' uot bo home evep.?'' - Why, yes mehby for n visit. But live hero.'' Patty raised her head to ttare nt him.. Ob, I couldn't, Undo Joshuay; not to llve,.yo know. I.tbluk a lot of you aud Aunt Sally. But yo know there's nil the rest of th' folks Uncle Amasy and Aunt Polly nud Qtorge; Ueorges my brotUerl Uncle Joshua drew away his naud, und Aunt Sally, in htr coruor frowned over her kuitling. Iunoceut Patty went on presently, in musing tone, "This place is awful nice; but I like Undo Amasy's jus ez well, I guess, if 't wasn't ler fur Iho moggage." "The what!" "Th' moggago we'vo got on our farm 't home. Mike iaid so, an' Georgo an' me we've hunted for it lots o' times.1' The child's voice had grown low aud fearful, nnd she kuitted her brows us she spoke. "I'm sca't of it too; il'J somethiu' awful. George thought 'twas a bear, mebby; but Mike bo banl Iwus moro like n wolf. D' yo ever see one, Uncle Joahuuj?" Tho old man did not answer, but bo- gan raking dowu tho fire Wil'a a great deal of noise. "Joshuny!' called his sister, windlug the clock. "Wall" he snarled. Amasy Andrews' rz good a roan ever trod sole-leather. I declare fir it's u shame." , Shet up. Sally! Will yt?" Mr, An draws turned upou her. "Amnsy An drews 'a a ibifltss creature. I ain't no uso ler him.'' Pally sprang to her fee(,witb her shoes in ber bauds. "You didn't oughtrr talk so!-' bhe cried, ludiguautly. "Uncle Amasy's so good to me!'1 and then Bho broke down and cried. "Sally, take that child to bed!" corn, manded her uncle, and disappeared. Patty wcut home soon after this; and when the stage stopped at the door, Aunt Sally held her fast. Buying between ber tears; "Ye mus' como ng'iu, darling. Promise as ye will," while Uncle Joshua snapped, in his crossest tones: Of course she'll como agin. Don't be n fool, nere, Patty, come to me. That's something to remember nie by," thrusting a gold piece in her band. "And this," holding up a little package, ''ye tell yer Aunt Folly to put in your stock ing on O'ris'mus," And then he took her to the stage. When Patty showed her gifts to Annt Polly, at night, that worthy woman took the money betweeu her thumb find finger; "Land sake!" she cried. "Ef Ibnt don't beat nil! It's a five-dollar gold piece, Amasy Audrews, as sure's ye llvs! Who'd a thought the ol' mau V acted bo like folks!" '.'lie's real goodl" loyal Patty In all her excitement did uot forget to xiy, "I like Uncle Joshua fustrate. Oh! but Aunt Polly, won't that buy my new shoes?" Tba man and woman exchanged glances, and then Mrs. Andrews btooped spj aud kissed her niece." Tie short winter days passed quickly One night at dnk the two exoitcd obil. dren hung their, ttoeklogs -in Ibochim- 1.00 a ney corner before tbey went up stairs to bed. The next niomiug. In the dark find cold, two litllo bight-gowned figures crept down the back stairs, nb'lvf ring aud tiler py, but happy teyoud words to tles- orlbe. , "Don't y look! Don't- jelass to look till I get Iho fire a-golul' commanded George, ns bo lighted the lamp. Holiest, I won't GenrgJ t" his sister proniltied, covcrlug ber eyes wnu ucr ,(iauds. There; it's n-goin't I'm glad I flx't It last night. Now look, Patty. Obi look, quick 1" Mlttcnsl" ciied the boy, diving Into Ins stocking. "LegRinM" cried the girl. "Obi Patty, look 'ere, won't yc? A iruo and honest sledl" '.Oh,' Georgyl dollt A lovely great big doll! Ohl ain't 1 glad!', That's good , news,", said Uncle Amasn, cheerfully, as,' lie nnd his wlfo appeared at tho door, "Air ye Bttuflod, children?" Hut Fatly had, at last, como to Undo Joshua's box. "I'll cut tho string with my new knife," Georgo cried. -'Now less'ldolc, roebbyTt"s a gold watch aud chain", Pally." 'Taint nuthlng but willing," said the child, -bewildered. Undo Ama'sa' took the sheet with trembling fingers. "Heaven nn' eatth," he eiaculated, letting it fall tho next mo ment. "It's that ruoggago made out to Patty. Listen here: 'I send jon what would please yon most, chllt'l. Tell your Undo Amaia a man is pretty good that raises such a lit tle gitl. So a Merry Christmas to you nil! From "The Old Doffeb.'" "Mess the Lord!" whispered Aunt Polly, Aud "Bless the Lord! piped ber small nieco. And I think perhaps our Patty was tho only child iu New England who found that day a house and lauds in her Cbrlstma3 stocking. 0HE-HALF A MILLION DOLLAHS FOB P0ST&OE. Georg-J Stlnf.ou & Co., tho celebrated Art Publishers, of Portland. Matue, un doubtedly pay moro money for postage stamps than ntiy other firm in the world; for tho last five years their postage bill bas'hveraged over two thousand dollars per wet k, making a grand aggregate of oyer fivo hundred and twenty thousand dollars; tbisisabout the threo hundredth part of all postago. of ever description collected by the Uiiitod States govern, nient during th it time, nnd in this con ncctiou it niubt be boruo in mind that tho country now has over fifty million souls, nnd fifty thousand post-offices. I lint the euormous sum paid for postage represents only the cost of Bending the liglit packages, letters and circulars, for larue, heavy packages ara sent by ex nress nud freiuht. Messrs. Stluson .t rjo.', publish every description of pic tures of tho hotter class, uud their trade n0v extends over the entire world. As an illustration of the fact that their trade readies the furthermost parts of ih0 earth, tho following may bo intursst- uc: shoxl time since nn order for an assortment of over three thousand large Und ,.v,ieKivB nielnros wis reoeived from Tasmania, nway dowu under tbc Siutb Polo. Not many years ngo mania was n penal oolony of England, Und its population was eutiroly of con vlcts and their keepers. Since the re movnl of the couvicts, it has become n thrifty colony; this place is so remote-, that tbreo months ore required for an answer to n letter. Tous of pictures are sent to South America by Messrs. Still bou .t Co,, nud West Africa sends to Portland for works of art; they have trade in ever quarter of tho globo where civilization has gaiuod a foothold. O im menclug at the bot'.om.they have worked their way up to tho top, step by step, .t ihcrbv added to the Greatest push and enterprise, they havo that Bolid, practical experience that is always uects sary to the best results, iu all thlngt, Tbey carry in stock millions ol picturec. and are at a moments uolico ready to fill a five cent order, or oue for thousand; of dollars: they employ some five bun s Jred artists, clerks, and workmen; the! machinery and appointments aro on maizuificent scale, and a trade of ton thousand dollars a day, on an average,! riquired to keep them moviug iu full blast. Their assortment of steel plates, is especially Hue, and ranks very high i artlstio merit; mauy thousands of dollars urn olten 6peut on a singlo plate. They appreciate tho value of printer's ink, ami kuow how to use it to tho best advant age; therefore tbey advertise largely nu liberally iu the newspapers newspaper advertising was nu important factor iu laying the Bound foundations of their great success, and without it, Ihey slate that It would bava been utterly impost bible for tbem to havo reached the! present position, Stiosou .t Co. aro a strikiug illnstra. tion of what cau be accomplished energy, industry aud good judgment, There is "room ntlbe top'" all honor to tboso who fioht their way up. Tbls firm Lelleves in standard coods aud lo varices, and on that principle their bus ness Is coudncted. American homes nhnt-ld he made beautiful by refined nnd meritorious works of art; no ona has nnveicuss for not nddluR to their hrui'H the chaims of pictures. lor fine works of high art are wUbtn l lie ranru oi an, QUESTS Don't invito them if you don't want them. Don't run into debt to entertain them in style. Din't wear your Sunday dress whe you ur conkin? tba (tinner, Don't show them off too publicly If tbev hnmieu to be distinuuMieil indi dnals, nnd don't hide them If they are poor relatives, Don't changa the complexion nf your family prayers lo match the religiou to wl i 'b tbey happen to belong. Don't tell them every ndiinle to mk il,n,Blf, nl linne. I ui miko ronr iu rntxa hruie ho home-like tbey can't help feel tog nt bemcv Year if Puid in Advance. lf.not paid in advance, $1.2;"). A.YAHK1.E EaUIRE. The justice of the ponce inn thought ful whlttler. Ifo made n, dollar aud six hits In fees- last year, nnd whittled away three dollars worth tf wood. Ills kuife is neither sharp nor' dull. It isillku his mind surprisingly dull over the straight. est . graiu questions, but wonderfully keen when knotty pioblttns get in the WAV. Ho breaks off a pleco of wood with his sttmpy fingers; ana sits on the edge of the sidewalk as if he hadcome to stay; nnd why should he not stay siuco ho has nit the tlmo there Is, nud can do neatly as much business thtre on tho sidewalk as iu his little temple of juslico hard by? Before proceeding to whittle he thinks it oyer a lung, long time, aud turns tho slide end foe end nnd end for end again. Finally, break ing luto a low, solt whistling of good old "Oorouatiou," or "Pleycl's Hymn," he cuts a notch lu ouo eutt of the stick, and half listtuiog to ILo gossip of his fellow villagers, lie goes on whittling and whlt tl tig, whittling aud wbistliug. Now and then ho slices a long, even shaving from tho btick,aud squints nloug the surface .to seo if it is strat;bt. Thcu he sits nud looks at the wood and thinks nnd thinks aud thinks. What will he make of that stick? fjimply notblug. He will squint nloug its sides nnd mnka it as level us the villagers stipposo bis head to be, and ho will smooth it down until it it as glossy as the elbows of his coat But after all, ho will havu only n smooth straight stick. Does it symbolize his thonghts? Is he silling on the edge of that sidewalk dreaming of the straight path that loads to tho New Jerusalem and reminding himself that, notwith standing tho gloss of varnish on the tortuous paths of vico, the straight way tho stnootbest wnj? Nobody knows. Ho only whittles nnd whistles. fjosnthmtr for all .the Preachers. Rev. II. If. Faitoll, D. D., editor of the Iowa HUhalist, says editorially, in the November (16P3) number of his paper: "We aye tested the merits of Ely's Cream Balm, ml bcliovo that, by a thorough course of treatment, it will almost every case sf ca tarrh. Ministers, nsa class, aro afllioled with head and throat troubles, and cutarrh seems moro prevalent than over. Wo can not recommend Ely's Cream Balm loo high ly." Not a liquid nor a snuff. Applied to uusttils with the linger. "OUR OLD KAKKY-" 'What's that for? ' asked a reporter, us ho saw a car driver take a nickel from his pocket and pass it luto the faro box. ' For her." "WhaHier?'' Tho car stopped and tho driver got down with n "good murniug, mammy?'' and nssibted au old woman of soveuty to enter the car. "Did you pay for her?" "Yes." ,,. "Why?" A , "Well, tho story runs, baok for nlmost two years, lie said, us bo picked up his eslia, "1 reckon you know Bill?'' Yes." Well, two years ago he was ona of the toughest men lu Detroit. He drank Bvoro, gambled nud had all the other vices lying aiousd looso. I tell you, ho wis a terror when off duty aud on spree. Ho was getting so bad on his car that another week would have bouueed him, but something happened." What?" Ho was coming up one evening half drnuk nud full of evil, and bomewhere about Diveuport Btreet ho lurched ovtr ttu dashboard. Ho caught and was dragged and tho began to kick and rua. The old woniiu thera was the only passenger on the cur, aud wheu she saw tlu accident she cmiw out, grabbed tbo flying lines with one hand aud the brake with the other, nud luokiug dowu upou Bill she called out: Oil ILordl help me to save him. IIo'b a wicked young mau nud not fit to die!' Well, she stopped that car and held to the horso until boino oue came along und helped Bill out of the fix, aud she was nil the time calling him 'poor boy nnd 'my sou' aud thanking God ha was uot killed. He had a close call, though, and it was a solemn warning. From that night be hasn't taken a drmk, aud uo driver ou this line has ft cleaner mouth or is takiug better care of himself." "Aud the old woman?" "Sho lives nway out oloug with a daughter. Many's the dollar Bill has nout ufter her siuca that night iu the way of clothes and provisions, aud he'll uever forget her. Tbo story came to the rest of usulter awhile, aud wo'vo sort of adopted her as Our Old Mammy.' We help ha on aud off, pay her nickel out of our own pockets, aud when tin car init't too full we have it minute's chat with her. She likes us nil. aud wo wouldu't trade ber off for tho whole Hue. It's a bit of romanoe among ourselves, you see." "Yes. Did she ever talk to you?" "Did sbe? She sat right tbero on that stool one day two months ago and suid; '"My sou, let drink ulouc! it robs tb pocket, cheats tho braiu aud leaves you frieudless! Dou't swear! Oitbs go with a vicious soul. Keep your temper. The man who can't control his temper is no better than a caged woll!' Sho caid that with- her blue eyes realiug my i-oul nud ber old voice trembliug with earnestness, nnd every word went right to toy heart aud lodged there. She's bad something to say U most of the boys, aud I reckon each one is hotter for it. Curious, ain't it Inw wo found our old mauimy aud may. be you'll belieru ultbsomenf the reM of us that Providenco lias n land iu it.' A good staple paUnl medicine like Jad win's Tar Syrup may be trusted Willi for more salety than a doctor's prescription. The former hss been lel over a huudrcd j thoiiHinl tunes, while the laller may rlfml and may not Pur sale at Thomas' drug store, Uink street. Subscribe for tba Auv cute, ni'y SI per auuum. . A skyillgbt: Thu sun. . . . 1 The Carbon Advocate 'An Independent Family ITewspa'per . Published every tATlIRDA'i. In Loliightnn, Carbon Co.,Pa., by ' ' nAimY v. jiioKTiiisimrs r- Ornrn-llA KWaY, n nhott distance abori tho LciilRh Volley R. It. DepoU Terms: $1.00w AuntLuim Advaiisa. ' KvutT Dracitir-nox or flairs asp FAltcr J"ob 3?rintins AT VERY LOVVi'ttlOLS " A ahellraem. Jlolluscs-. Always happy to moat friends: Butchers. Ciinrllnri Is sr.metimes called anark- a - Tl- ing because the real fito doesul- cm- . melice until after marriage". Ats Ohio postmfhtress' has judRbrci to get mt'rrieit. FenttBiidfetrih,11 Lave often to wait for n delayed malfi ' ia About twice as much of Jadwfu's Pinc Tar Syrup, for your ninney as thai of any r other, mill ever one admits it a hundred times belter tor eoMs.croitp.aLCi msaious the only cotili remedy niado on scient ficj principles. Thotnnst tlie druugist, sells it. There is n mau np'tonn so fond of "flush"" hternturo that ho won't retd anything bat a powder inngtizliie. Biicklinnnon, W. Va. -Prsi Newton 'A ' Illnir report that Uiown's Iron Bitters are-' giving general satisfaction. "Ljvo's sweetest Meanings, ""says a writer, "ate, uuspoken.' Exactly; nr eloquence cau compare with caratuela ntul gum drops. "Wo know Dr. Graves' Heart Regulator wilt cure Hoait Disease. 30 years use anrl many persons nf prominence testifying prove il Rcadville Prtts." $1 per botll'a at drujiKisls. "Now children," she continutd, "what is the meal you eat in the morn ina called?'' "Oitmeal," promptly re plied n member of the class. Acker's Celebraled English Remedy for Coughs, Colds, uud Consumption. Sold for us on a guarantee, by Dr Horn, Lehighton, and E A Horn, Weissport. Perpetual motion is perhaps impos sible to obtutu.but you can approximate it by putting n boy on n chatrut a fuue ul nud telling him to sit still, Bob Innersnll, tho noted infidel, saya there is no hell, which, no doubt, gives comfort to n great nnlnbcr of ieople, but if vou wnnt lo deter renliztm; the truth or falsity of this bellef.use.ladwIn'aTar 8yrH when troubled with colds or coughs. T. Dio Thomas sells it. It is not villi) n man hnnbecomotbo father of triplets that ho realizes what a blessing tho prnteottve tariff would bo if it could bo made to apply in nil cases . For the Cure of Coughs, Colds.S Hoarscncs, Bronchitis, CroupJ Asthma. Whoopinc Cough, Inci-I stjicnt Consumption and for the! relict ui e-uiiauiiiiJii advanced stages of the Disease.- Soldbv nil Drurrcists. Price 25 c. w V2I2S2H A largo protmrtlon of tho diseases! which causo human sull'eilng result Irom ill-range. incut ot thu etomaeli, bowels, und liver. Aviiu's C.vniAitTii; Pilijs net dlicctly uikiu these ora in, nud are especially designed to cure Iho diseases caused by their derange ment, luchiillii,! Constipation, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, llcMMliirlir, Dys-cntery. ant a host of oilier uiliiicuts, lor all of. which llu-y mo n Bare, sure, prompt, anil picas mt rnnieily. Tho extensile mo nf thei.o Pillm by eminent p!islclans In K-guIar'pnie' t'ee, allows unmistakably tho estimation lit which they tiro hold by tho medical prole, slou. Theso I'lt.I-s aro compounded ot icirctabls substances only, nud are absolutely fn-e Irom calomel or any other Injurious Iiigrudivut. A Sufferer from llemlailio writes i "Avuii'h I'll. i.s nro Invaluable tome, nnd are my constant companion. I have leeir a severe still'urcr Irom Headache, and lour 1'ii.i.s nru tho only thing 1 could look tu for relief, lino Uuso will quickly move iny bowels and free my bend liom iiln. 'Ihey are tho most viructlvo and the easiest !islo 1 h.ivo ever round. It a a plcmairo to me lo Sie.ik lu tholr praise, and 1 ulwnya do so ivhell oee.lslou otrers. W. L., of W. 1.. Page & Rro." PranUlii St., Richmond, Vu., luuu 3, lt2. "1 have used .Willi's l'JI.IJi In number less instances ns recommended by ion. and hnvo never known theiit to fall lo accomplish the desired result. Wo constantly keep llirni en hand nt our home, nnd prtzu them as a pleasant, tare, nud reliable luudly medicine. FOR DYSPEPSIA they aro Invaluable. .I.T.HAVESt Slcxla, Taxis, June 17, le2. The Ri'.v. rittNCls II. HA11MWK, writing from WImiAi. Ha., nu)s "Por soino years past 1 havo been subject tu.comtliuitloii, from which, in spite of the use ot medi cines or various kinds, I sutlere.1 Increasing IncoiivculiMict', until some inoiillis ago 1 bewail taking .mill's Pll.i.". 'Ihey havo entirely corrected tbo ecwtlio bnblt, uud havo vastl) Improved my general health." Avnii'a UiTiiAitnc Pills correct Irregu larities or the bowels, stimulate the appe tlto and digestion, and by their prompt and thormnrh nctlou irtva tona and VlLuT to the whole physical economy, I'UEr.inEU nv Or. J. C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. YOUNG, OLD, AND MIDDLE- All experience the vpuilerful beneilcial ettects of Ayor's Sarsaparllla. Children wllh Soro Eyes, Rors Ears, or any scrofulous or sjpn- AGED. illtlo taint, may bo made healthy and struug by iu uso. Sold by all Druggists ; 1, tlx bottles for (X 3 i i (I ?JS 3a;5fii -i, i r- - v n 14 ttumj a week at home. Von uutnt free. Vy ftHftilutrl? mre. JS'u rtk, Capltjil not rwiulrwl. ItcaUrr. If vou want bull no til hflt t- itj uf rltber x, old or jounjr, ou make wrrsi tnUiU mat they wrk. wlib mUmiIuiu i'T.'.ut), wiit r i. riinuUr tu Si. ItALLtT sxUi. at i4-lsj. . tivrliVji