The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 24, 1883, Image 2

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Editorial Mention.
At BUtnarclr, Dakota, on the evcnluR
of tlio loth Inst. Ilia thermometer regW.
tired 301 degrees below zero. Who !
Tub UepublicAU Slate Senators Imvo
deciJcil that pay be provided from Jane
18 to September 21, at which Litter (Into
bi.vvocklv sessions begun, nnd thereafter
for on'y ancU tlmo as was spent in nctuul
service. Tbey havi nlso resolyctl to ael
hero to the apportionment ultlmntnm.
OiTtoitL returns of tlio lato elcotlon in
this State- lue been received from overv
ojunty. Tho tolKt vote is as follow:
tfor Auditor Gen. Niles (Rep.) 310.105;
UVigiinrt (Dein.) 302 031; Fjrdhnin (Pro
liibltlouUl), C C02; B.vudcr (Greenback
er), 4.4C2; for Sialo Treasurer, Livsey
(Itep). 321,050; Towoll (Dem), 300,999;
lljvt.trd (Prohibitionist), G.G87; Marsh
(Greenbaoker), 4,431.
A new gams: 'Til take whiskey; what
will you have, Krsd?" said a man in a
Fifty-third stret,t, Now York, saloon n
few dnya ago. "I dou't leel like drink
lug," hald Fred. Tho first Bpcakcr
poured out a generous tl.iis of wlilfeliey,
drank half of it, and handed tho ret t to
his friend, remiirkluj, with a wry face,
''Theru'v something tho matter with the
stuff. Try It." Fred finished the liquor
The Qrit speaker laid teu cents upon the
bar, and' they walked out. "That'll a
oow game,'' remarked the bartender.
"Man and the Other World" uas the
title of a discourso delivered by Slon
niguor Capel, iu St, Francis Xtvier'a
Church, New York, 8uuday evening, bc
ro an audience of several thousand person-).
Luther, ho said, bowed the sosd,
lour con' nuts ui e,. of which the harvest
is now being leaped, llo asserted the
principle of private judgment as tbo l.ut
tribunal of appeal. Wl.ou he so spoke
Catholtcbin wr.s strong In Europe, and
it was impossible to see at onco tbo con
sequences of his dootrine, or where he
wonld laud those who followed him.
The priuciplo heossertcd had brought no
conventions from uou-belief to belief in
Christianity. It had brought men to
deny natural religion, and to deny or
practically to deny revelation.
S,VTs n Washington despatch: The
trade dollar miisinco is certaiu to at
tract the early attention of Coucret's, and
the President nnd Cabinet have bad the
matter under cousiderntion and had ad-
vises from Mint official and otbcr.i us
to the best way to solve the problun. It
may now be accepted us certaiu tLi.t
Secretary Folder will discuss the qnes
tiou pointedly in bis report, and that he
will strongly recommend tho retirement
of all trado dollars offered tho govern
'ffienL in excharge fur standard dollars,
and lb it, instead of issuing tulilitiotal
standard elollar3 to toko tbo place of the
trade dollar.", the lotirrci trade dollars
will bi received as bullion and used iu
coluing tho present lawful requirement
of tho stauc'ard silver coiu. Tho Prcsl
dent and Ssoiftniy of the Trcahury "111
take the position thil tho trade dollars
have been accredited by the goveiLmeut
and that the government is morally
bound to redeem them. Although the
government could bay silver bullion
cheaper than 'by tho retirement of the
trade dollars for btanctards, yet the trade
dollars cau be exchanged for standards
at par and the trades recoined into st.iu
dards without actual I era to the gdve-rn
ment, and it is clearly the duty of the
government to do so and protect holders
of its owu practically accredited coin
VOLUME Xfl No. 1.
With this issue the C.u:noN Aivocat
enters upon the Xllth year of its exist
nee. We lake the opportunity to offer
our siiccre tbanls to our many patrons
withia and without tho cocnty who, uu
solicited by any canvassing whatever,
have enabled us from he nil beginnings
to reach a stiong nud well-establUbe.l
position. In the future, even more zeal
ously than In tbo past, we shall spare no
efforts to make the Advocate, iu the first
place, a thorcuyhly gocd nummary ol
tach week's local news.posted up to date
Beoondly, a carefnl review, through well-
qualified correspondents "on tho spot,
of important current events as they
transpire at each great political or In
dustnal ceutro of the contlueut. Third
1, n vehicle for clear aud concise editori
al notice of matters in uny country which
iuterest intelligent men nud women, aud
Lastly, we propose that tho Advocate
shall be a welcome gucht iu every fami
ly of the county where good sense with
out bombast, and good nonsense w. bout
impurity are always "thankfully ic
selved." Iu order to carry out this prograu-me
to tbe letter, we are at present negotiat
ing with correspondents throughout the
county for more regular and complete ac
counts of of local events.
With regard loi-utjscts of wider inter
est and of national Import arrangement
bave beeu made with Washington parties
which will enable us to procure iuter
flews with tbe Oopgretsman from iliia
dtstriot as occasion may require, the re
sult, if uscetBary, to be communicated
to os by telegraph. Fei the benefit of
our young readers who are just acquiring
a taste for political history we shall pub
Hsh each week cemratneing early In
December a good portrait of some lead
er of opinion in America, to be accom
panted by about half a column of bio
graphical uotlco and comment.
In conclusion wo shall have the edi
torial assistance of able men who know
what people of tbe present day require
lu a newspaper, and who are fully caps
bis of snpplyiug the demand.
lie! j lug upon the continued support
ol old friends and patrons aud tbe in
crtakiuguuiubers of our new constituent,
wo enter upon tbo compalgn bearing iu
mind tbe maxim of Andrew Jackbon,
"Uoys, tract in God aud keep j our pow-d.-r
Musio Everywhere.
That womftrful mualeal instrument, the
OiuuKnTA ii advertiwii In this iMiue. It
Is the ideal heme ins runient. You can
anre to it, tlnjrtn it; a mere child can play
I ; it Inculcates a lave ol mutle iu old ami
ynuuff, and duvelaa uud eultivatea the oar.
The muio it prfrelly vanurate, aud liie
wonderful Oan terrr will i'v any tunc.
A the fjiiet,$3 to it is within lha reach of
Our Washington Lottor. i
Wnt.-coivN, D. O., Nov. 17, 18M.
Wlthuut euteilug iui.voiiu'h hotto here
I think It van be said that the Utile nra
as beautilully numtrous, but nut so
numerously btautllul us iu Now York.
It la LlfSh tido hero U 1 o'clock, ud you
tee river ol them flowing in every di
rection from tho depnrtmouts. Or coumo
three young ladies are not iu what is
called society yet. Hut tnauy Mt them
ure better burn, and better btod,too,lhau
soma wno are there. Taken as a uliole,
I think them moat worthy nnd deserving.
Tbey work, hard, are honest uud good.
Nearly oil their earnlugs go to help tome
helpless ones at home. No, they nro not
of tho Bcolal element cf which I began lo
write. And they ought lo bo glad of it,
too. Tliey are dome; better.
But the world wants a social capital in
America as well as nu art capital, n sort
of winter Newport or KaratObB. But the
extreme North is too cold;, the extreme
South is dull, stagnant, of doubtful In
terest to tho young iu quest of sooidl ex
citement? lo mommas, with daughters,
to- rich young men who, in the courso ot
time and nature, will woo and wed them.
Aud so with tho nucleus of foreign lega
tions to begin with where we touch tbo
topmost reach of social eminence,
"eoeioty" is nloly, but very surely,
coming to make this her enpit .L this side
of the Atlantic. Sj lar m tbo winter
months go "society" has been pivollLg
about betweeu Uostou, New Yrk, Wash
ington, rind some of the winter quarters
3 juth for some jeara, but it has at last
this year for the first time entirely, I
tbtuk, decided to setllo down by tbo ro-
toniac. I may be mUtukeu, and it is a
matter of very little Importance too, but
I want to put it down as a prophecy that
Washington City is to bo this winter aud
all suceeediog winter?, the social capital
of our couuny. Tho "muhoi," proper,
reckoning from the first of January, will
be just lifly-scveu dajs. A period ot
perhaps greater, certainly nuietcr, in
joymcnt will ruu through ILii and the
coming montii, nutt in be wuy ol wed
ding tcrvUHS, dinnr-giviug and tbo
ilomestia cnecr wbicli bas its outlet about
Curistmas, ulnjost ns much again ol
social lite will be enjoyed. It Is all easy
I'ropliecy to mat:e about tbls luue tLal
the coiuius winter n ill bs a brilliant one.
There are very few Washington wiuteis
any other woy to tho ubarmed circle who
make it so, and whoso movements nio
watched with more interest here than
tln-y would naturally receive elsewhere
Tho President is credited with a good
deal of the prospective brilliancy, so
much chatted about.
In the early part tho series of enter
tainments- which will be jjioii in honor
ol Gjn. and Mrs. Grant, on their visit a'
the residence of Gen, Iiculo. will set tl c
giddy whirl iu mutton. It is not sr
definitely nuuonuceil, but is quietly
spoken of i.inong a chosen lew, that Hit
wedding of n wealthy yotirg lady nerti
or on Shrove Tuesday will mako ai hap
py n closing festivity ns that which mark
ed that busy day last seison.
Seorotsry Fclger has been offered the
English iLissiou. lit declined the ell. r
l u has siuco been nrjed to reconsider
lij dtcision. This is pretty oiuliiHivr
evHenco Ibit President Arthur is tr.uuy
to find an htmrabls place for Mr. Fol-g-T
outside of his own Cabinet, liaU n
very useless man in his present ntfsitlou.
Itotcoo Cuukllng, when ho was here
the other day, criticised very ki-vui ely
tho present Adiniuistratii-n. Smio o
his remarks should go upon record, lie
Baid that this Administration hud passed
from ft listless exit(rce into a cninatnst
condition. The oaly bigu of life was a
leente Healing ot the ptinu represented
by the D.'partmsut of Justice.
Ocn Li.TTrn.J
WA-iiiNaTON. D. 0., Nov., 10 '83
Tho roster of the new Congress about
assembling will present numberless
ni-Riiolies iu tho way of public men
who by the concatenation of our strange
politics have broken into tho capitol and
become a compouent part of the govern
ment. The ilevious paths of a political
career will lead many of them back to
thu tshadees of n elisagieeablu retirement,
while others will go on until tho cravings
of ambitious shall bo satiated with a post-
ofdoo or a foreign mission. Iu the
II'iue there will shiuo with n good deal
of effulgence, the Ananias of the Pam
pas, Mr. Tom Ochiltree, who has recent
ly cut a larger figure In the newspapers
than any Texas man ainco the dajs ol
the redoubtable Sam Houston. In tb
Seuato there will bo auother Tom, snr
named Uoweu, tho antipodes of the
Texan Smbad in mauy things, though
expcrtueis in the art of prevarication
may not bo ono of them. Tbo latter
Tom followed tho fortunes and misfor
tunes of war luto Arkansas, where be
lifted his mighty voice iu behalf of a
united people and a seat upou tho Su
prems Court bench, where ho held the
scales of justice with so steady n hand
that the people of Colorado sent down
for him to como on and look after their
mining interests. The over-iasua ol
some Arkansas btuto bonds about the
time that Tom lelt that neighborhood
was said to have been au inducement for
his departure: but Tom says it was n li
and 1 believe it is true. Tom's career lu
tne State that sent blm to the Sanuto bas
bceu attended uitbsuohn constant buc
cebslun of successes as to enable him to
count his duoa's by millions, whieh he
knuua how to utilize better than uin
man in seven ;aies, except, ms ju-day
uredo.bsor. Tabor.
Wo shall nl,o have) In the hennte, iu
addition to tbe financial glauts ol past
Congresses, Mr. Sabinr of Minnesota, a
two millionaire', who made bis money in
booming logs aud judiciously perlorm
lug bis part of the contract to furnish
supplies for tne. biillwater pi-uiteuttaiy.
no it was who liuored ludom, after the
u-at mental material in the State had
been exhausted iu tbe contest, though it
bhould not be said that Mr. Btbiu is
wantiuL'iu the intellectual rteiulsites o
u good Senator. Ho- U a clever lellow
withal; companionable, uud accessible
to n degree rarely met among wealthy
puuno men. ills colleague, AloMillan,
has lew of the qualities that uo for pouu
larltr. nud all Miuuesota say that n first-
rate judge was tpolled wbeu they made
a Huu.Mor oi mm. no was really a noru
nidge, acquitting uimscir nelmtrably ut:
on tbe bench in tbe callowness of tweu
ty-ftve, and making his way to the Su
preuio Ceurt without appaicut eilort,
He manifested his slight acquaintance
witn iiio political metbods of those day
by turning Joe Whcelock out of tho St,
Paul post office and putting his own
brother-in-law in tho place, fur which he
has siuco been pursued by Wheelock's
newspaper, tuo 1'jo.sEEr. t-r,s.
Itoscoe Cuukliug oomes to Washington
every now and then, anil whila here nsu
ally falls In with somebody to whom he
talks more or less freely. During his
1st visit, not many days ago, It is staled
that he tnado some savage remarks about
tre present administration. Among
otber things he is reported assaying tliat
this aiirmnistrauou bas passed in
languid existence Into a ooiaatos
elitlou. Tbe sin", of ojl.tenu
la a feeble beating ef the HJlm iu
Pepartment of Ju6t oe." Mr. Conkliug
espeo ally t'amii His administration for
not msKiug xorne live imues lor tne re
publican patty to ga upon in Iho next
campaign. There is probabl? ouly one
Ke.iiiMie-au pre mine nt enrmeu in b
uoniiualod vLo would Lave Uuukll-Jti'
support. This Is Grant. Thefo has
bum a great doal of talk about Grant
IhimIO. A lillmlt.r nf ltplilihllpnli4 nr I
looktt.g towards him, believing tu'at he
wonld bo tfio stronnefit man they could !
name. A ltepublioinuuniiressiunti iruin
tae Wtt, n greul admirer of ttio Pici
dtnt, called upon the latter leceiillv for
the purpobe of Uiidiug out whether he
widiltl be a caudldalo for re-tlrction. Ho
talked with the President two hoars, tied
when asked 11 he found out whether Mr.
Arthur was h caudidato or not. replied:
"I cnu't say 1 did. The best I got out of
It was au impression.'1 ''Well, what was
your Impression?" "My impression was
that Iho President has not Yet in ado up
Ids mini. Ho is in a hesitating mood,
lie pees, probably, no advautage in com
ing out and saUnp: 'I would like to have
tho nomination I think he is donbtlul
about carry log New York without the aid
of Mr. Coukliug, and ho long ns ho is
doubtful on that point his friends will
not get much raliKfactiou Iruin him
lunching his enndidaey." Among tho
best informed politicians, however, there
Is little doubt mat Mr. Arthur wants the
nomination and that ho wonld like lo re
place Mr. Fnlger in the Treasury De
partment with some friend who would
do more to aid him with tho machinery
of that department,
Tbe candidates lor speaner oi me new
House of Ittnresentativos nro opening
hea Iqunriern at tho prominent hotels and
the contest begins to warm up. One
curious feature is tho calm certainty
which apparently fills the breast of each
candidate aud tho largo number of votes
etch has pledged. Tbero nra about 190
Dtiuncratlo members, but if all the
cl.iins of support nre allowed there must
ie ut lrast SOU. Mr, liaurtill maltes tbe
irgeat claim, nud ho U an exceediugly
shrewd cainnainner. but after several
quiet talks with Congressmen from dif
ferent Sections x am inclined to mini:
Carlislestauds tho best chance of success.
Iu the crowd already begluuiug to thiong
tho hotel corridors may be sen, elbow
ing their way between excited partisans,
the faces and figures of several claimants
who have haunted tbe beat of goveru
mut for session alter tcssion in the
abiding hopo that at some time or other
the colf-'M will be opened lo them aid
tbey shall go home satisfied. Somo of
thesj hopeful claimants ought to have
baen sitfcfled lo g ago. Gibers, regal",
ought long ago to h ivo bpeu permanent
ly Uisoourageu. Many wno nuvn tiecn
inld were not entitled if th mouey they
got, nnd tho fact has probably operated
o prevent lust claimuils from receiving
the paltrv sums for which tbey have'
been ineffectually pleading. Tho most
worthy elalmsuts nro not always most
persistent or tho most ingenious.
Uom I'EDrto.
Our Now Yorli Letter.
IU'Kular oorretpondenco of Advocate.
New Yojik, Nov. 20, 1883.
Mr. John Kelly, the Tammany Chief-
tiln.nnd husband of the Cardinal's niece,
his been very ill for a week from au iu
rlimiualioii of tho iutestlnes. lie Las
been away from his office for oyer a
week, and ulthough Tammany leaders
and his personal liiends try to keep the
matter as quiet as possible, it is believed
that he is u very sick man. Should any
thing serious happen to him, it will be a
sad blow to Tammany Uall, fur there is
no man iu it at present, who has tho
executive lability unit tho menial force to
control the divergent elements, ns well
as the clear insight Into the future, and
the knowledge of what ho wants as per-
feutly as he. It has got to be nn axiom
Iu Now York politics that a man who
was once a Sheriff of tbia County, (it will
be remembered that the Sheriff has of-
ficlally, thongh not actually thu duty of
banging criminals "never Lad any luck
aflei wait'.s." Mr. Kelly has had bad
luck by losing bis first wife, nud all tho
children ho had by her; but he has bince
been prosperous, and by his second wiio
bo bas had tw) charming children, nud
is altogether a happy man iu his domes
tic relations.
Tho daily newspapers this week pass
off with a few paragraphs the meeting
of the Alumui of thu great Jesuit Oulleo
ufS', John's. Tbe meeting wus realls
tho first btep touards establishing n
Citholio University alter the mauncr ol
Ylo and Harvard in this country, and
Oxford and Cambridge iu England. The
alumni of St. John's nud St. Frauds
Xwier's College, thn two Jesuit colleges
in aud about New York, number among
fjeirlutmbers some ol tho most shining
uml iLllucntial members of the bociul,
financial, j lurnalistio and professional
worlds. Tbero are judges, uuthois, edi
tors and lawyers among them who wield
a btrong inllueuco and they will push the
work ot the Gatholio Church lorward, in
manner widen will astonish people
withiu the next year or so. Tho Alumui
of St. Francis Xavit-rs have their diuuer
withiu iho next two weeks. There the
matter of ft Uulversity will again be
agitated anil the result will probably be
that largo sums will eventually bo Mib-
scribed to carry out tbe bcheiue.
A meat deal of tbis sudden impetus
niav bo directly ascribed to tho country.
Since his advent, theMousignor has been
steadfastly ndvocntiug that what the
i.alboliu (Jimrcn needed lu tins country
waj the advancement of its social Iuter
cats. Now bow else could this b-- better
ri-nule-d tlnu by going to the root of so
ciety in its cnlturod state tbsn by aim
ing at its root which is a collegiate in
stitution. Furthermore Munslgnor
Cap 1 has allium held himself almi st ex
clusively in inu society oi lie dentils.
Putting this and that together, it is very
evident tint Muiisigui-r Cupel who was
ut tbe head of the movement to (htablish
a Catholic Uniersity lu Kuglaua, Is not
unconnected with tho present pre ject.
Another marked evidence of tbo pro
gress of Catholicity, socially considered
is tho Xavier Union, n club which a few
years ago bought the handsome brown
stone buiUlug of tho liar Association,
but is already cramped for room, so rap
idly is its list of members swelling. It
is an ii flueiitial organization. It Hon-i
orarv President is Father D-a1y. tbo
President of St. John's Colhge, and he
is a pushing, euergctio man. Mousiguor
Capel has likewise done much to push
luruard this concern.
Tho Temperance people in this city
are booming their cause for nil that it is
worth. The liquor interest on tbe other
baud is llkuaise uothile, end thus before
the next election comes around, the tern
uerauco or rather prohibition emotion
will be ns much n political issue here as
in Iowa. Tbe two or tnree principal or
ciuii.".ations of the temperance are hold
iug very largely attended meetings every
Sunday, and as tbey now nave a eiatiy
paper us their organ, tbo "Mail and Ex
press,' they are concentrnliziug )heir ef
forts and are making rapid headway.
The Pot Lnclt Clnb, whose sbiuing
lights and prime movers are Mrs. l'ort
t-biinn, Hon. ltobert Itoosevelt and llicb
ard flraut Whlte,is making arrangements
for a Christmas dinner. As It Is, com
nesad solely of artists and literary peo
nls with a sprinkling of actors of the best
grade. It is in a measure a representative
organizitlnn, tbougu it is loo "isonou.
es ," In its self esteem aud too icsthetio
in its teudeueiee to exert mil oh of a posi
tive influence. Its reuuious are very
pleasant affairs however. Every mem
ber contributes something both iu tho
literary iu well as in the edible
lim-tb re ie oonstqaenlly a very enter
taining Oollation provided for each oc
casion, and tl e enterUinmeuts are thus
very much sought afttr ,
A Wper of a bar room In the violnity
of the Mar Theatre, bas been doing quite
a lucrative bnslneaa in the ovening since
tbe arrival or lleory Irving. Tbe aotnr
is lu thi habit of dropping in then- after
He pitforuiance and taking a glasn of
ho', whiskey puuoh. The miller was
immdially lnund out, and siucethm
I lit IiImmh In ttirntit-,r1 nvrr nvpldni, f ri m
Unto twiho o'clock with men walling
to Keo the great IrdOediau. Mr. Irving is I
very methodical in his habits, ironi!
this place) he walks Up to the Bt, Jumit', 1
where with a lew gentlemen he partake
of a light supper. Ily the time ho reach-'
en Ibo at. .liitiicd lue lobuy is always ;
crowded vltli men anxious to see him
and if pobsiblo to be introduced to him.
All this may loon very Hilly, nut nt tbe
same time when one sees tho man, with
his courtly face nnd his clear, calm,
scholastic features stamped with tho
mark of genius, une caunot but see iu
tho conduct of so many gentlemen the
nainrul nomaga to n superior being.
Tbe old cuard of Hue livers is rapidly
dying out. News comes fiom Europe
that Chevalier Wickoir, the friend nnd
companion of Sam Ward, tho priuce of
gastronomes is dying, llo must be close
on seventy years of ago. Thirty or forty
years upo he was tho very Ileau Urnmmel
ol New York Society. lie It was who es
corted Fannie Klsler, tho famous danse-
use over to this country for the first time
and who was her constant, indefatigable
and devoted ohaperou. Foul suspicion
anil evil tongues never df.reel to reach to
Fiinnlo Flsler. Men adored her ns they
would some divinity. I reincmber'about
a year ago I was at the houso of au old
merchant. Ho was iu tho mood for
reminiscence and spoko of course of the
peerless Fannie. "Ily tho way," be said,
I must show yon something, opening
n secret drawer lu his desk ho drew ont n
beautiful white satin slipper, rendered
nlraost ye llow with age, "That belonged
to her. lie said, "tbe purest woman that
over lived or nppeareet on tbe stige.
wicKoil in bis time Knew more illstlni:-
cuished people than nuy other American
M.em ward excepted, nnd strange to say
be retained uieir irienelsnips.
The printers' strikes for higher wages
aro reacting on themselves, in as much
ns a large portion of tho work ususnlly
dene bero is being sent to other cltier.
So lar this Is chiefly the case with the
worn oi tbe lending puiilisblng bouses.
A member of ono of tho leading firms
told me this morning that within the
past two weeks over two hundred thou
Kind dollars worth of jobs had been sent
to jiostnn nnd rblladelpbia, and more
will follow. Thus tho "typos' aro left
with their own petard.
New Advertisements.
Estate Notice.
i;stato nf r.otns Ki.ixnKtt, Into of the Iloro'
ot Lehlgldon, (Jarbon Uounly, ilco'U.
All persons Imlehloet to satrl ettato aro re.
nucstcil to mnleo Immediate navment. ami
those having Icgral claims aualnst the samo
will present tlicm, without delay, In proper
uiui'i lui run luiui-iil. ii,
HAltY II Kr.INOF.n. Adinr'x,,
Or her Attorney. 1". BEltlOI.ErTE.
November '24, 18.'3-n6
"i iTtiMi eTna T'vr. filled with cliarmlnir serl.
nip, etorlc?, choice mlKccllany, etc., is cent 3
monins on trial iorzootnts; ami w-o ctcnu
bvkiiy nbcrltier ruKK our new HOLIDAY
PAUKAOK. consisting of 10 nieces of poou.
lar inudo, 10 Interesting uaniuK, 1 pack ornieo
and tortuno-tell canls, 1 paek " lluld to
I.hrlit" carets, 1 pack lun and illrlatlon cards.
1 set cliromo cartls, 13 new tricks In magic. 5
new fiiizzlci, gnnio of fortune, tho inystlo
orncie, -o ways 10 free rieu, iioucr's woniier
ful itcluslou cirilf. otc, etc. Undless Amuhk
munt! Aokn rs Wanted. Samiile paper for
ftamp. llAOKkOU 1'UliLISlUNU CO.,
Auxuftu, 7,1c. nov. 24-w4
b-2s,3 h on i
F-l n em f
Hall oarlv for (lood sjclectlons nnd avoid Iho
Hush of llollil iys. nov.M-ly.
Wiikucas, In pursnnn'-o ef nn Act of tho
(Icneral As-t-mhlyof tho ("onimonwealth nf
Pennsylvania, an nttachiiie-nt bath heMi
granted by tho siibcrlbcr,oiiaiif tho .lustlces
of tbo I'cucoiunml tor said County of einr
ban. at tho lustnnco nf a ccrtntn P'rnnels
nerlir. of Krank.In township, in tho tounty
ot e 'artion, ttualnst a cerliiln Jacob (loldberg,
of ttio 'I owtuhlp of rrnnklln. In the county
aforesaid, wherein errtain (toods nnd e'hat.
tcls ami cireels uf the-said Jacob OuUlbenc
bnve been attached and nro now In tho cus
tody of Jacob Kelgrnfuss nnd Tlluhmnn
Drelsbacli, ofiho tnld Township. This, Is
therefore, to ielvn noilce to tho crarMturs of
Iho said .liicoii tlohlherir to appear on tho
10th' DA V tlK l)fiOi:aiIII-:i. 1831, nt tho
olhcoor HKNJtY t!AMI'lll:l,l., J..I., ul
tho Toivnshlp of KranUlIn, thru and there to
discover anil mako proof ot their ilemands
agreeably to tho directions ot the said Act.
1IEN11Y OAMPUUl,!,, J. P.
Nov. 3l,-v3.
FREE ! FREE ! ! FREE !!!
This Season's Now Descriptive Catalogue &
1'rico l.lit of
I'l lys.
Dramas, t
tluldo Hooks. p1
Scenery (l'apcr
stpoakers, 5"
Dthloplaii Dramas,
Tableaux Lights,
S a t;oiorcd l iro,
S"' Pantomime,
, lturnt Cork, n
Wigs. R
Heard, J-c, S.C.
In fact, cvorythlnur for Amateur Theatricals.
nov.SMw. 23 11. Ulb St.. New York.
an oi'ficuin Nkw York
mm yon tub cuita or
From Am. Journal of Medicine,: Dr, Ab.
Slescrolo (lato of London) who makes a spa
tially of lii ll'psy, has without doubt Irmled
nnd cured moro cases than any living ptiysl.
clan. Ills success has simply been astunfsh
Ina i wo have beard ofeascs orover J scars'
standing successfully cured by blm. He has
iiubllshe-d a work on this dlseiso, which ho
Honda wlili a lariro bottle or bis wond-rful
euro freo to any sulferer who may sent! their
exprefs and 1 . er. jkuure'ru. i,huvi,buu
ono wUhlnu a cure to adJress
in. All. aiKSKUULU, ro. wo joun r-ircoe,
Now York.
nov. 24. w4.
i m s 4 tv ;
- li
is. BlU'fi iZ
s-if- S'5E&r-j: -
PtEOANT Holiday Presents -Send stamp
city Works, Ueltysburg. fa. nov. -l-w4
rim ATjVEItTISEiTS. Lowest Hates for ad
1 verllslng In lilo good newspapers sent
free. Address IJLO. V, ItOWKLL h CO.,
losnruco tjt, N. V.,
The County Teacte' lustitEte.
The Twntv-scoond Annual TdACbeiV In
stitute nf Carbon l?ountv will convene In the
iiiuu iun, on
NOVEMBER 26th, 1883,
and eontlnue In session for FIYK DAY'a".
Tbe Iustruotors trom abroad will bo, Sunt,
ir. 11. K.miord. if. Y.i l'rof. William Noeb
ling, llletoinitiurgi r-upt. J. M. Uoughlln,
Kingston: Hon. U. Ii HULee. Ilarrlsburg,
ai d l'rof. moms True lirown. uoaion.
i;vnlog Loolurea will b dellvsrad as fol
lowt. :
Monday livening, Col J. P. SJnford.
Tuesday lvootiur. lfon. John Jl. Slorm.
Wednesday Kvenlqir. lien 11 li. Illbee.
HiuraUay and Friday Kvcnlogs, l'rof.
aiuMS iiremn. .
AdialUkw ta Itveouu Leotursi, 21 cents.
lteiervdStttl, Woants..
Tilfi.S. . ItAI.Mirr.
Pouniy Buperiutendcat of Uchools.
1 S3
S .ii
n i w m1-
CIMiDg tie Spiral Stairs.
Invisible Architecture in a New England
"Yes," the said, "our children are married
nnd gone, and my husband and 1 tit by our
winter tiro much as no did bcloro tho little,
ont, cl,me to Mta tho clrcIe, ijr8 u IMlie.
tblng nko ft p,)Iral atatrca wo aro all the
tliuo comlnjr around over tbe spot wo started
from, only ono degreo further up tbo stairs."
"That Is n pratty Illustration," remarked
her friend musingly, gating Into tho glowing
coals which radiated a pleasant boat from tho
many.wlndowou stove. You know wo can.
not stop tolling up tbo hilt, though."
Suroly we cannot, at.d for myself I don't
flail fault with tho necessity provided tho
advanco In life Is not attended with calamity
or suffering, for 1 have had my sharo of that.
Not long since mv health utterly broko tloirn,
My systom was lull of malaria. Sly digestion
becamo thoroughly disordered ami my nerves
wero In a wretched state. 1 was languid, ate
llt(lo and that without enjoying It, and had
no strength or ambition to perform even my
Ihjht household duties. Mcdlral treatment
failed to reach tho scat of trouble The ells
ease which seemed to bo weakness ot all tho
vital organs progressed until I had several
attacks which my physicians pronounced to
bo acute congestion of tho stomach. The last
of thesowosa desperato strugglo and I was
given up to die. Asltho crisis had partially
passed, my husband heard of tho merits of
Paukeu's Tofuoosanlnvlgorontlnjustsiicb
cases' as mine 1 took It and folt Its good of.
fects at onco. It appeared to porvatlo my
body, as though tbo blotting of new life had
como to me. Taking no other medicine I eon
tlnuod to Improve, and nin now In bettor
health than 1 have boon for a long time.'
Uxtract from interview with tho wlfouf
liov. V. l'crry, rastoi1 ol Uapllst ejliuteli,
Cold brook, Mass. nov. 3-ml.
The undersfncd offers at Private Sale his
FA JIM, suuaicd in AinnnninK nuey, run
l:il,iltiLr FfFTY-StX AOHES. with Imlirove-
mcnts and never tailing supply of water. For
particulars apply to
J. J, DlLOIir.i:.
Mnbnnoy city, I'a.,
Or toC. D. Fjutz, New Mahoning. I'a..
nov. 10-W3
NEW YORK, 1884
About slsty mllUon enntes oT'I'iikSdn hnvo
gono out oi our csmuiiaumcni uuntij; me
Iust twolvo m out bs.
Ifvon where to nif to cm to cnl nit tho
cniuinna of nil Thh tvnn urittti'il nml coM
last yenr you would i?ct a contlnous strip of
interesting inionuaiion, cnminon pense. wis
(loin, sou ml doctrine, niul ttjno wit' lonir
enough lo rnch from t'rlntlu Hou!n Fqunrc
to Iho top ol Mount Copernicus In tho moon
then buelc to rrlutlnir Hou-e puunre. nnd
then thrcequarters ol tho way back to tlio
moun aualn.
Hut The Sun N written for thelnhahP ints
of tho earth, this samo trlp ot Inteltluenco
would irmo i no gioou iwcniy. seven
twcnttetirht timet.
If every Miyer of n copy oCTiikSdn during
tho past year has fpent only ono hourover It,
and It his wife or his urandf.ither hasrpent
another n-ur, una now paper in lsw ium hi
forded tho humnn raoo thirteen yctira ol
Ripfi-lv rendlnu. nluht nnd day.
It Is only by 11. tlo calculations like these
Hull you can lorui any iuuii ui uio circuiiiuun
nrtho in t noimlarol Atnerlcnn ncwcnaitcr?.
orof Its Influence ' ii the opinions and actions
ol American men nnu women,
Tim Son t. and will conttnuo to ba,tv
newstmner which tells the truth without fear
of consequences, which ticte nt the facta no
mauer now inucu mo jiruurps rusin, nuicii
prepents tho nows of tho world without wasto
of words nnd In the moat rcahlo sltape, which
t wnrkiiij-wlih alltta heart fur thoe.iu out
lionest liovcrmuent, and which titer (oro be-
1 eves that tho JU'DUoncan liiiriy must l'o.
and must go In this coming ) ear of our .Lord
If you know TiiEbcrr. you lluo it aireauy,
nd von will tend It with nccusiomoi dhi-
m-nctj uml i.roiit Jnrlntr what I s ftire to lio
tho must; year In Us hi.-t.-ry. ir
iiodo not know I nu mjn, it is high tlmo to
yet in io mo euLenuie,
Terms to Mall Subscribers.
Tho Rcverul editions ol This Sun are sent
by mall, postpaid, as follow:
Sunday edition, $1.
SUNDAY lilnht pJieF, Tills edition
ltirniKiics inoeurteni nows oi um worm.
stiicchil articles of oxceptloinl Interest to
fvcrvbody. and literary reviews of new
lxiokK of tho hhrhtst merit, tl a vear.
VKi;iCIY 41 a year. KiuliL pa-es of tho
best mailer oi tuo uaiiy i?sues; tin ngnim
turnl dcpaitment of unenuilletl aluc,
snppinl markut renorts. nnl literary, sclen-
title, and doibestlc lutolllKcnco tnkoTHK
AVkkklv Sun tho'no"Fpaper Tor the (arm
cr's household. To clubs often wltu $10 an
extra copy freo Address
1. W. ENGLAND, Publisher,
TiicSun, N. Y City
Hired o-e a juicer iiiivii rmtf a In all the re
qulrelr.enu of Auerbuu Jiuni.llitin. li
tunds conitplcnons atpone; tho iiu-lropol
lia.i jnurnuU of llio tuuniryni a compU-ti
Kcrn-raiicr. Iu tho matter of te-lei:radili
feriiec. liming tho iideantSL'o of conne-clloii
with Iho I11UCAGO DAILY SEWS, It lint
ot Its eonimin.d a 1 tho Ulspatclie-s of tbe
Western AsMclutrel Prrs, bosldei a very cx
lciilio cr Ice nf Special Ti'k-grain from all
Inipurtant fiolnts. As a Ncws-i-apcr It hss
no hupcrlor. It Is IXIlKUENDbXT In p"l
lllis, trucntlng .ill p.dltleal news freo from
pattran bias or coloring, nnd sbolntely
ulthent fe-aror favnr ns lu panics. It Is, la
thu fulleet tense, .a FAMILY I'AI'Elt. i:ab
bsuo conloln several eOil, LKTF.D STO
IHKS, a SliltlAL i'l'tmY uf ab.orbing In
tire st, snl a rich sorely of 'condensed notes
nn l'nslilnns, Art, Imleistrivs, Literature-,
Science-, ele., etc. lis Jlarket ejuitatlous
aro cuinpleto and to bo relied upon. It Is on
sifrpasscd as au cnterpiltlu;, pure, and trust-wottli)-
Wo r.ipublUh here from tlio coliiiin.s of tho
WEEKLY NEWS a few of tha voluntary
commendations It ha received:
About tho "Chlcijo Weekly Neivs" when
the-y renew tnclr mbfcrlptlons.
Vlllnm Cannons, routine, (taklan4 femntr.
Mien., ,urs: "I thin It Is Iho Ut raior trf a."
L. A. Wo'eh. full vsn, ., isjsi "It is bettor
th-m nm-ir of thu f J ape'in."
Jnines I". Jla'on--. :ai M. Charlo ureet. New
nrlea-s 1.h sarsi "In eiiairbis jour ioir
inili i.uor 1 rsoclvo. I n,u-t ,r T"ur, Ilia
Uercai.o wtnKl.v Hcwr, l imul ltipr, uoi.
I oulit ytunor mls n raeal tuan a nuinlwr or
xliuK:ir-. Itlsti, nwiupr ol the dir. 11
Alfr d l" Ki.sier. W odhuil, Ilinr Coumr
El ,saTi "UHunoof II. o papeis ruL"
l sited.'
W. W. tilindas Adrian, Mlrt . s yi "I itoi'.
wain hi ro i n n-iU'lior. It Is the best l aporfia
news 1 l:are ev, r seen
I'aior laeiiiMi:, temti. ("sonlors Omn'y
eo. srissi "I 'lk Tn W.isi.v Msw
It Is lu I of twuith e Vtt'u Wo news, wti, a.
t! Hi'trli I'aia In rex-XMuf lima woekly Jtiun,ali.
I am em.krlnl tua.lit Tun WisiHti.r Shwk
sImi. 1H.IO uu.i-.ll tt n-nH-nrisKn alUtnde
In h''U slvl-n) lbs ur.carl,k-i1 tiHiibex n
cemlnstlie settvnsor hI1 noittUui p-iril-M."
SI. K. llCTisipitrt. IMImyra. N. V.. sni"l 11
Is the-eboii o-t sn i ln uai-er I urer roait."
llrs. U tel no llannpil. JIm. ' l Hie
rt.ur paper vein-miK-ii. I uot ut oilier rweo
laitilunit lUo ibem s el,as Tna
W. It. l.w. VanHleld, Tel.. sya: "I nt.
blah r l oa-oJ " t" " nkw'1'. ''" 1 a,-'P"'
i o iM-.sentod In it In -tie i i way ibol I awii
otab sldoof a quewtioa In'rlyst t for tt, wnl.-l
is u torly liur-sosil-lo Iftvt lua slrlct pa..
Journal ore.t' er -I to "
Til-- ttltove nslrs U nrp trnfHe out In eti-ew if
tthate.teeni ttml'llH AeieitMSaKLY N
i h;-lJ lijt lis (ltd sub,iriliers
Dur t. rUK l.tI.WB-- Yerais hrlnsit wll'i
n ilia rem b of all. .ieliaeu Cuvi-M may U-
t-n ut tltl unlce.
St ud sLliMtli l'tins In this t.Men.
j. i rr rr n-r. I r?
CCO Broadwayi H. Y
To the Ladies of Lehig'liton & Vicinity !
Miss Alvenia Ghaver
Announces as follows t I bnvo just visited the City, and purchased a largo assortment of
tho Latest Novelties In FALL and WINTER Styles of
iifflf&u.. i .)! Ittik -Milliner
Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Notions, &c,
Bought at Lowest Cash figures, aud which I mil offering at
prices fully as aclvantapcous as you can buy for in the larger
cities. Please- call and examine my stock. I AIM TO
Agent for tiie Bethlehem Steam Dye Works.
Kemembcr the Place,
sen29-3m , Hunk St., next to llebcr's Block.,
For the
Yonr Local Fafcr, and the Best kmmWml Journal at lial( price.
Tbo rilAOTIOAL FAHMEH (Kitablislieil 18.10) riiilaelclpliia. Va.. Is nno of tho
most Knterprhinn. Iu.itiiictlvo an I Valmtile ARrietillurjl, Live Slock and
family Jjurnala, m the WotM. It is a Gi Column "Weekly Taper.
Tho nclenorrledtreil nutliorl'y on oil loplcsrclatlni; to tlio Farm, and lends tlio forefront of
American .lrurmillsm. L'onirllmtlons from the leading agricultural writers
or the ciiiinlrv appear rripilarly In i' culiinins. anil tltc ncliuil exficricuco larin
en iiiokes lts" visits nf peculiar value to tho progressive) limner. It makes a special tr
ofirlvlni: Iho latest niul complete market rt-pnrts from tho trnilo renters of
the countryi rctulerlusr It Inv.ilnalilo to larmers wno winit to knovr whefl anil whero to sell
tlelr crops lu the licst ntlvuntaKO. Mnny ol Its suliscrlhers haeo rem) It continually for 'J5
years. They ne-vcr rjivo It up vrhllo they live-, bubtctlptlon terms, S2.C0 rer year, of VI
VftVtXT TTIAT) HfTD ni7'ulT?,T) VlC w,n "'n'1 11,0 'VIIIWN ADVODATK
T(J VV JL'OK UUin. U J.1 i? ill it . ami tho I'ltAOTlUA!. l-AUMKIl for ono
year for 82.00 per year, thus nlvlmr our suhscrllters the DAItllO.X AUVOeJATK ono year
Irce. This Is au unprecedented oiler, and should bo taken ndvantatto of at once. Address,
fee, &c. Our Young I.-tdlrs and Ocnllomen trill find It to llielr advanlairo to irlvo him
a call toloro purrlmslnir. olseuhcre, as thev will llnd tho IIU.ST SEILOTl-.U SIOUK In
Town AT UOrTOM 1'ItlOLS.
?rfr f-i'-tfr. jtmi
dm w &m
Msi 111 ,'
Olil Post Office Bnili
April 4,1813. ly
v r; -m, 1 1 n i i. v j ejij!.
1 iiiiui 11 oa- wt.-i
XttfSSSrSrvlfV.'V Wi, 'V
1 fcVAAMIJfflA
S' ii sshii i r i rnTirminrs-f in f
Tho rslassacIlUSOttO Ol'Snn CoM
NKW STOUU nearly opposllo tho NEW
Hank St., Lchighton, Pa.
llverjthlnirortrio very belt quality and at
lowest prices. l, ;j-m9.
Dr. Bairr and Mm,
Have eUteroilntHt to remain In LKHIGII
TON' all Winter, ami will c-outluuo to
pay special attention to
Chuonio Affectioxs
Sunctavr. Disbases.
OUWo Hours freiu 9 a. it, to 9 r. .
Bank Street, Lehlghton, Fa.
Ootoher It, tkSi-lf
Price of One.
Tho un Icrslgnod callstlio attenllon
of Ills many friends and patrons to his
It-irgo and i'ashlonnblo Stock of
Fall ana Winter Goods,
Consisting of
Ofevcry description ami Stylo In tho
market, including a special lino of
Lady's Fine Shoes
Also, a full lino or
ats5 Caps
r&r .if wi t. tfMi jrsr
WX'I 'Si' W Hy.'ill,.'
w es&& m$
thai will play any tuno, and that any
ono, oven acsuiu, can operate
tlat a leiifiliytlti njttion rf It fa not ne e&sxry. It wil
Lc tut)i.ttiUo say (bat it is a rritfCt T ohrAN tliatp!j:
Uftntei. ctt., etc. It e.oiiki'.t-. of ilitej ttronf bellowa anJ
set of reeds null ttxpKKMluu t ox anrl bWELL. A strip
oi eriuiuic(i par itirpicntt. ine tunr, ana it i vxuy
r.9ceury to piaio tl e paper tune In tl0 Inirrument. at
snonn in ine uiciure. nnn tu'ii int iianrie, niicn itn cp
crtc the tellow a lad pn pela die paper tune. Ttio per-
n tietleet tuna is tne result. is?r.'..tfi ttirte txtrututt. itnil
nuired cf the Dctrorfiieri etea a little cliiM cu DDetaiti lti
r.i ii sl.o n lu iLst uiLture. a littls l'u! I Dlavinir a sonir and
hn1itiitiiteltre itiuinnii thatunrrli. ItfclnnnTI In th- Lov
hMt nued for tli human voice to sirnrbv. It lmersli and en.
t.-rtsii,is both old and l cuntr. aiiuin in tralnlntr the voice aud
pciltxtiy icurcKiited by the put ure. It is roaclocf taltdtiacititHii'
, i:i,uratcu 4 KiU aim Ullih handle me and ornauteutal, flie
ntlUKl Uf SIAIAL AlILM'MkM. J lie UICailCll IS
rf-inniisnn en miaerio ucen a, ana ir.e ttcniana w con-
unlit new uicio are wcr ra-ocoia uhc. vo are entourage-i
- Q Uia Urnuctta the market at this greatly reduced
n Uia Uicanetta Uicugh amillar In construe. tton
lb .iniMr'dtjMsiit urton well-known.
UiL'ftuctte, itl khietl farJSar.dfio. It
looiaina ire aatue nun-ir oi
ff-Jj anrl play the Lima
Inn. Our offer it thu t
On receipt of i e will
the (rraunetta lyespret
ad.lretti.and include FRC3
O worth of nunc, or cn ir
f we will tend It with
?s.itP o win aena it in
selection of lit u tic FUSE.
price include! Ixninsr and
inlt art tjctni w
nd wcnltl appoint tho
haier hr m anv town our
lie to rleairca. Aldre
07 Washlitflton Street. Uoston. Mbjs., U. 5. A,
Has just opened In SEVAN'S HUILDINO,
opposite Schwartt's Furniture Store, on
Bank St., Lchighton, Pa.,
Willi an immenjo stock ot
Ready Made Clothing
Consisting of all tho Tntett and Most Fash,
lonahlo at) Its of
For Men's Youths' nnd rtovs' wear, which
will la sold ot the VUltV I.OW1.ST OASH
1'KICKS, Also, a full lino of
Hats, Caps, and
Gonts Fiunishiijg Goods,
all ol which aro irnaranlewt to bo Just as i ep.
rosfnteel. l'srsews wishing te itureltaM any.
thlnf In tills line should not Isll to oull before
Luyiou elsenbere. No trouble to show goods.
Also, as ImtaenM steek wl I bo found at his
Store M siuMusltiinna Mrret, llnucheliunk,
eoinpilslii UVEIteitlATS aud SlUTO. oi
Iattt HtylM, forlleo, Youths and lluys, at
rv lowest Uasli l'ils. Don't fall to oull
ut H stusqiinluiiiiia Street, lwto.1 Ulotblnie
Storo abovo tho Mauslou House, MshpIi
ejbunk. our. liC
Railroad Guide.
Arrangcasnt of Fasscngor Tr&lnJ.
MAY 2Ttb, lit).
. Trams leave Allcntown ai follovtt
Tor I'hlUdelDbla at S.tO, ., 11.40 i ar.r
and '3,K p. m.
Tor Philadelphia at '5.O0 a. to. and 4.80 p.tii
(Via East reHii UnAacrj.)
For Reading and Harrlsburs;, 6.00, t.ta a.
m., lii.U, 4.3i, and 0.0S p. m.
Fer Lancaster and Columbia, .C0, a.
m., aud 4 3D p. m.
For Ititrrlsburg, and waypolnts, r.M a. m.i
K.Wi p. ni.
Trains for Allentown leava si followi :
(Via 1'EnKiOMiu ItAiLuoAn.)
I.eavo I'hlladelphla, 7.40 . m. and 1.00.
Las, 4 80, and 6.16 p. m.
r.eave Philadelphia, 8.30 a. ra.. J.X). and
4.!W p. m.
(Via East Pkupt, T1rajor.)
I.eavo Itcaellof. 7.30. a. m.. 1 fid. l ta.
anil n 10 p. in.
I.eavo llarrlsburc.t 20, .iOr9M . m-1.41
anil 4.00 p. m.
L.cave Lancaster, f 7.30 a, m., 1.00 and M0
I.eavo Uolumbla, 7.30 a. m , 1.10 sad 3.49
p. m.
I r rom nine; rjtrccl ucpol.
Leave Itcaillnir, B.OOa. m. and 0.00 p.m.
Leave Harrlsburir, 7.00 a. m. and 4.00 p. w.
Trains via "I'crklomen llallroad" narked
thus () run to and Irorn Depot, Ninth aoil
Ore-en strcots, l'lilladelpbla, other trslni to
and from Ilroad street Depot.
Tho "5.1)0 and 6.46 a. m. trains from Allen,
town, and tho 1 35 and M5 p. m. train from
Philadelphia, via I'crklomen Itallroad, haver
through ears to and from Philadelphia,
J. K. wooTTErr,
General Managtr.
Ucn'l I'afS'r tt Tlckot Agent.
May -27111, lbS3.
Two Doors llelow tho "Broadway tlonse
Dealer m all r.ittcrna of Plain srd Fsncy
Wall Papers,
"Window Shades,
Paints & Paintesr' Siipplieay
Central Carriage Works,
Bank St., Lcliigliton, Fa.,
Aro prepared to Manufacture
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring "Wagon, eSfcc,
Uf every description, In tho most substanllsj
manner, and at Lowest Cash Prices.
Repairing I'roinntly Attended to
April 28, 1SS2 yl Proprietors.
No Patent No Pay.
obtained for Inventors in the United States
Canada and Kurope, at reduced rates. With
our principal ofllco located In Washington,,
directly opposlto tho United States Patent
Ottlce, we nro ablo to attend to all patent
business with greater promptness and de
spatch and at loss cost than other patent at
torneys who aro at a dlstanco from Wash
lngton, (nd who bave, thereforo, to employ
" associate attorneys." We make preliminary
examinations-and furnish opinions as to pa.
tontablllty, free of chargo, and all who are
Interested In new Inventions and pMcnts am
Invited to send for a copy ol our "Uuldo for
obtaining Patents," which Is sent free t
any address, and contalas complete lnstrac.
ttons how to obtain patents nnd other valna
bio matter. '.Vo rotor to the (iwrtnan-Amer
lean National Hank Washington, D. U. ; the)
Itoyal Swedish. Norweulan and Danish Lega.
tlons. at Washington; lion. Jos. I'assy, lato
Chief Justice U, S. Court of Claims; to the)
Ultlclats or the U. S Patent Office, and to
Senators and Mcmlicrs of Congress from
over- State.
Address: LOUIS llAOOHn fc CO., So
licitors of Patents and Attorneys at
Droll IiulMIng WAaaiNQTOS, D. tl,
onto are alwavs orb
he lookout tor chances,
o increase their turn-.
Inirs. and In time be.
como wealthy; those whodo not Improve their
opportunities remain In tovcrty. We oflsr .
K eat chance to make money. We want many
men, women, boys and girls to work for u.
right In their on n b ralltles. Any ono can dek
tho work properly from the flrit start. The
Ituilnrss will pay mure than ten times ordirt.
ary wages, l'xprnsivo outfit furnished free.
No ono who euvoges tails to make money
rapidly. You can devote yonr whole tlmo to
the work, or e-nly our spare moments. Full
Information and all that IS needed si nt tree.
Address Ktixson & Co. Portland Maine,
I AMn Claims a specially, and WAIt
A NI J "AMIS. A 111) IT I ON AL.
lrl 1 k-'liuMKSTKAD OllltTlFIOAT.
ES and all kinds nf LAND SCRIPT bought
and sold. Large Stock, ami Highest Price
paid. Do you want to sell or Luyt Tf so,
write to A. A TIleiMAB, Attorney at Law,
Washington, D. O. Jan.Ufc.
KHrTili-Ii nlifxrU t ! Ii tuntt Oonf ultloBi.riU,
Naivtrtit Kor'jl, UJeh, Nr0't PruotnttlxM rMs4
hy tli u tff li aiicl or tobtceo, Wakfaii4tM. sWttvl D
rittn,B.ttn1nf of b Unta ?lllof In luMatiy ta4
lUrrvtiiKMa, Loftof F r la Ubr wilaUriF Lin
ad tMi-tklnrrh CftOtrd tr o tor (ril. nf ba brlB,
l tf tiiUM or ir-lalu eur, K-h bos i nulni oh MiU'i
trtnu (. 1 iVi or ! toxea fur fS, Bl kf Bi4lt pt
ptlJvn i l cf l lM.
Tt rura r W.i t U orr tcvlTd by ni for ttx
Unti. ( miiilM $1. w will MiH lb )rfhaMr bt
wriiioit cMtntev l-i r'un i t' wonrr tf tb lt4tmut
nt d-d cur. Gurslct ius niy by
Th rtbrt-r ft-xoubia UmI 'sjrir It ImtnUMy
r.- .r 1M..iV fthl.
wUttt li n'f- f . l uf ti tvmlt. L'Burt'd (or
Cbti4iD. riRMPii t MENDELSOH.
320 Race Stroet, Phllodelphlo, Pa.
MUNX & CO., of iho Bciiwnric AMsmcAv, eoo
tlnutoc4 a8illcitor foi'Hionti, Oavcmu, Tra4d
Murks. CoprrlKhtB, 'or tlq Unltixl Stat?. CanwU,
RiMrUnd, Kmnce, Uwiuanrlcte. Hand Hook about
I'MttMiU vrit free. Thlrt WMen year experience.
IiUontanUAinea thrnuslukl UNN & CO. arenoUoed
IntboSciKNTlflti AHl-liirAN, the laryeat, best. and
looct nldfcJr circulatrd clei)tmo paper. 3.&)areer.
Wtwklr. fepindUl ejijmvlnp and InUtraUnic to
formation, fctpuduien cupf of I he Heir u tl do A mer
Irnu tpntrvs. ArtJrwiMUNNACO., ttcirUTlUQ
lAVKUiCAxOniCfsaU Itruadway, New York.