KIBOSttAItBODB. erunty paper, tod that paper should to I lie AtVtfOATK) wblrh contains ill the latest to Ml nwe. Only $1.00 a fnr. adYics tp'mothehs. Ar 70a disturbed at night en.l broken of your rcti by tick ehiM tulTering and cry fat wIlSjijTtrofoutln leelht If so, send tt one nod jetf a bottle of Mm. Wixuloh 'n Soovntxs Sraor ro CniLrmax Ikktiuno. IU villi Uncaicuible. It will relieve the Utile euoerera Immediately. IVpeml poo It, mothers, there li no mistake about It. tt curet elytentery and diarrhoea.regu late the'storoaclv and bowels, curea wlud collctoflgiitae fumi,redueef. Inflammation ad fir tone .and energy .to the whole are tern. ifiiiirWiiaww'a) 8ootmxo (Jracr l CHttoiiKX TtTHio la plrstanl to tbe taste, alvj la the-prracriptlon of one ot the oldest and ibeat female "pbrticiant and viurtet In tbe United States, and ia for tale ly all djajt(fita' throughput the world, trie JJ iejjfr bottle. When ship weight anchor alio prob ably hai ileel arim to cfolt with. HUE TAR will kill Ihe paraelle that causes ejpssurapthm. JADWIS'6 TAR BYBOPfcTOtalna tba proper Quantity and equality. 'Fbrtaleel Thomat' drug atore. -Vuu;jirr niai Ihoacrmon till the teather nlb'a 3'ry, Dr. Graftal Heart Regulator tjuret all lofnn ot ffiartDlanw. ntrvousnrti and alerpleanras. - Qoet without saying the deaf and dumb alpjiijit, W Thirty Dayi Trial. Till Voltaic. Bxt Co., Maraball, Mich., will land DrvtDrea Celebrated Kleetro Vol Uia BelU and Electric Appliance! on- trial thirty dyt VKmen (young or old) who are afflicted with nervous debllitr, I-.t v. talliy and, Jtmdred trouWt, guaranteeing apaedy andjcompleta rritoration of health nd man Jjjjjrifi&ri K. 1'. No rlak Is Incur rI, aa thirty dayet trial it allowed. 5.1y Now ie the time when tha chubby reed Vrd dfet'gtfnrK JADW!B!V.Ot BYRUr iamanulac. t'lred'rronvJMireUne Tar procured direct f om KnrJ.hJ'Cjrulia Jor thia purpoco only, and ia unlike nine out ol ten so-called Tar Syrup which ar made from the oil ol tar. product medicinal flavor. Tba tar la combined with tome ol X i beat demuleenta and ezpecloranta in tt , making a pleasant and agreeable a frup for oughaiwc"Colds.iatIt's. remedial q itlttiei are unexcelled. For eaie at T.I). Xbo naV-drug atore. Every father ahould paddle htt own J ctnydAJ?MKpt- . " wgpCTMCITY. Ol all the known Klectro-GarvariicApplianees at' the present day a novr conceded by tlie Medical Fra Tniy,and EIrclriciana generally, that the Aiierifan,OalTanlckCo'a llowiao Suuvna are the belt,' posiessint Intrinsic Electrical mrif, ai ontrahield' or appliance can be fittod.'lo'any part of the body, which la not tm6fjany other. Bee 'advertisement in Knottier column" of thia paper.-i.7ccfc Go ttttt. ' " .regular kiJuappcr toothing tyrup. To Repair Damagei. Dear lady, there tt probably no uae tell ing you that fashionable life in a great ril tsa rotlghon on your beauty, Late houre, l-.j of sleep and mental excitement will leave you by and by thorn of thote beauti ful Ireaaet.which drew lovers round you in vlher yeara. Artificial tubatitutet can never aae tor thote rich and glotiy lockt. Park r'a Hair Balaam will atop your hair Irom biting out, restore lit natural color and (oftneuand prove cleanting and beneficial to the scalp." , v Foneral musie shoull always le re hearted. IIUKDREDS Write they owe their lift aid preaenl good health to Arker'a Kngliah Jienedy fnr Conmmption, Coughi, Coldt, ie. Bold by 0. T. Horn, Lebigbton, and 15. A. Horn.AVcliiport, Tne"worstrjor ware a carelett servant. ct taken from coal tar( without any al properl'ee whatever only at a 3 THE ft Caiion jkd&roeate ISjTIir'BEST'MEDIDM FOR n LokiP'Svertising K VITU3 RB0X.C0UXTT. KaujMty "c : i Bend for Bates, whichwill bo jH m eatatt,' ai. fcnndcrymoderate. DROWNED IN BEER, Concornlng this Popular Bevorcite Two Hen Exprett their Hindi. "The fact It air, you may atlek a pin there, that the people of thia conntrr are likely to lie drowned In a flood of tuner beer," iliooted an entbnalaailo tctotaller the other day Into tbe car of yoar ciirnered oorretpendent. "That Uerfnan drink liaa struck nt hard. It It the eecond deluge." "Yet, and the worst of this beer drlnklnt; business Is that It gets up kidney troubles,at n heavy wind raises tbe waves," added aelty physician, who had a knowlcdgo of the timet and a tendancy to metaphor. " The midnight 'schooner' lenvet behind It a wake rf furred longaes, hcadachet, torpid livers, ntutra, and all that, andlaje Hie foundation of llrighft Disease." Thlt melancholy fact accounts In pirtfer the Increasing salet or BENSON'S OAT OINK roitOUS 1'I.ASTKlt, which at once mtligntet these symptoms. 1'rlce 25 cents. Ask your physician about It. Eeebury b. Johnson,Uheulsti, New York. Oct. tvoil. mm MS" I v-s3fl2 1 e. S i litis ofe III. 5zisi3 him II fa si " 8 s gh -tja lis m" II mS SB C3f lis Job tnasrtTiaw, J 7 I 0 lof Ttrjr dwcrfptloD, IBustraWd'Sale Bills At I 05 (JgJob Printing neatly, cheaply and promptly execut- d at this office. Give us a trial and be convinced. 1 1 nil 1 laawtaai A ftctury In Bavaunah, Qa., it making four tone a day ol wrapping paper out ol rica straw. GUARANTEED to rare n cold or couch Acker't celebrated Kngljsh Rcmedr. Bild Dy ur u x lloru, ljeblgliton,nd A Horn, WeiasKrt, An Atnorlcan Hamburg Cincinnati. ERUPTIONS. SORES, l'itmdet. Rheu matism ore but indicators of Impure blood. Acker'a Blood Elixcr it the remedy. Sold by l)r ll"rn, Lebightor., and E A Horn, wei lot A dsh for liberty Lr. Dca litni Try all tbe doctors and all tb patent medicines, and after that if you ttlll live, and want to be cured, use JAD WIN'S TAR SYRUP. It never falls to cure a cough or cold. For aale at Thoinaa' drugttnre. At a tlandttlll peanuts. Horrid, yet, It it, that we mutt tuffer Irom disease, but from Heart Disease, ner yousuees and sleeplessness, Or. Graves' Heart Regulator will give you Immediate relief; thousands tay ao. $1 per bottle at druggist!. , We are constantly hearing of ocean inert, at If the ocean ever bad a peer. ACKER'S pTsritrsu Tam.ktk Nxvxn Fall. So.dbr lit CTUorn, Lchigbton,and tA Hum, weissport. Ia an anchor weighed on fish tcalett JADWIN'S TAR SYRUP has ttood the test of oyer tlx years, and thousands of tes timonials can be produced at to III grjat merits from Malno to Texas. For aale at Thomat' drug store. Truth it mighty and will prevail where it pays to do to. Acker'a Celebrated English Remedy for Coughs, Colds, and Consumption. Bold by ua on a guaranten by Vr Horn, Lehlghton, and E A Horn, Weissport. A lover it like a lug boat when hegoet out with a toe. Fersons recovering from wosllng diseases, such aa malaria, fevejs, etc., will be greatly benefited b'y theuteof Brown'a Iron Bitters, a true ionic. Freti.lent Iladden of the Legislative Council of Mi'inpbis, myt that gambling cannot be entirely euppretsed In a city, and that all that can be dune It lo regulata it. Though numerout cause may operate to turn the hair gray, all that it needed to ro ttore the natural color la Hall'a Vegotable Sicilian Hair Renewcr. For more then twenty yeort its aalct have been ennrmout, but we have yet to learn of ita.firtt failure. The working ieoplo are going to give Vr Gal one a present of a tjilejditl ser vice of Crown Derby China. Ijfif Ina HtitfiBiBHtfcsi'ft THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Itellerei a&d cares RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, n.tCKAl'HE, luricsi, loomcn, SORE THROAT, QUIXST, ta XLLIKOS, flPHAIXR, 8crenci, Cats, Bruises, FROSTBITES, nVRNM.SCAI.Dtl, Ad1 all oUit to4Ilj uhei and lat. nm ciitTJ 1 10TIU. fM by til DroftiiU b1 Ptilen. l)IrctlM Id II ThiChir'.oA.Vojiltr C:. (iwtm U A. Turf Ur ft CavJ x a iiri vv c.ii.ii . . j i : . , Duiiuiiur 01 American and Foreltcn Patents, Wftihlntttun. I.C All buMnew connctcd with Patent, whotber promptly attended to. No charge tnndo un- - """'vi juu ut VII UUIUI. mnT&.tffi PATENTS. ANDEItSON A. RMITir Solicitors of U. S. and For- Clsn I'fltentB. No. 7fiO Tfh Street, cor. of O, opp. U. S. Patent Ornoe, Washington, I). (). Correspondence solicit ed. No charge for advice. No fee charged unless Talent It allowed. Ileferences, Lewis Johns'io & Co., Hankers, and Postmaster Washington, 1). U. Pamphlet of lnstrue Uonsfree. uno-tfo corns whiri aii nil riu. TteatCoaahtfrrop. Tmnmrood. Uaelntlme. Boldbydruralsta. rjf-ra"OLlNTON nrtETNKY.fashlonaUe U-Z13 Hoot and Suon Makkk, Dank St., l.ehlghton. All work warranted. flgir Subscribe for and read the Carbon' Advocate. It contains all the latest local news up to the time ol going to press. HEADACHES Are generally Induced by Indigestion, Foul Rtomnch, Costlvcncaa, Deficient Circulation, t or tome Deranircment of the I.lver nnd Digestive Srttem. Sutfercrt wilt find relict by the use of Ayer's Pills to stimulate the stomach nnd produce a regu lar dally movement of tbe bowels. l)y their action on thcto organe, AVER'S Tills divert the blood from the brain, nnd relievo and euro all forms of Congestive nnd Nervous Hexlache, DIIIoub Headache, and Sick Headache I and by keeping the bowels free, nnd preserving the system In a healthful condition, they Insure Immunity from f uturo attacks. Try Ayer's PillSi rBEPARED BT Dr. J. C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. WHO 19 U( ACQU Alts TCO WITH THl OtOORAFMY O THiC OOUN TRY WILL tit V CXAWININtl tHIIMAP THAT THC rgtjJ1 Y CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC IT By tbo oentral potlttou of lu line, eonneota the KtUt antl th Wt by tbUoiteBt route, nd car rl ptntniiri, without chance or Qurm, betweia Chleaco tula Knik City Couucll BlulTt.Leayen worth, Atchison, Minneapolis and 8t. Ful. It aonreot In Union Dfpoii with all the principil linti of road between the Ailantlo and tho Faclflo Qeeana, Ita equipment U unrivaled and maBOin ftnt, being tompoicd of Moil Comfortable and Stautiful Day Coaohri, Magnlflonut H or ton He linlns Chair Care, Pullman' Frettleit Palace Bleeplnc Care, and tha Beat Line of Dining Cars In tha World. Three Trains between Chleaco and ttUioun Xtlver Points. Two Trains between CM occo and Minneapolis and St, Paul, via tbe ramoui "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Dlreot Lint, via Seneca and Kanka Jree.has recently ben opened between IUohmond, Zlorfoltc, Newport N ews, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au- fasta, Nashville. Louisville, I.exinKton,Clnolunatf. ndlanapolls and Iaafayette, and Omaha, Minneap olis and 8t Paul and Intermediate points. All Through Passengers Travel on Past zprea Trains. Tioketafor aaloat allprtnoipal Tlokct Offices 1c the United States and Canada. Baggage ehaoked through aud rate of fare aL ways aa lowoa oorapetltors that oiler less advan tages. ' Por detailed Information, get the 2f sps and Told' 4rs of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At yeur neareat Tloket Offloe, or addreaa If. R. QABLEf E. 8T. J JHW, 4 Tlea rrci. 4 Qia'l W'i'r, Cta'l Tak A'raH. Aft, CHICAGO. Nerve-Life and Vigor fe- ISSSK. Thlt cut thowa tht. E iHttlSTTll Howard FJnrfrlr JIIID Magnetic Shield at BDnlledover the Kiel. j -1 neyncnaivervo-vitai f-'-j '1 centers. Tno only np- Snanco maae inai Is every nart ol the body, and the only one needed to POSITIVELY cum KldneyDIaenao It Iio untntlsm, D yapopala. tho worst coses ol bemtnnl Weak nes, Exhaus tion, Impoteu- 41. .nil nil Vila. Icuac and "iVeatc neasof thoUrltio (2nnlCnl nnrnna. (Patented Feb. 5, 167S. , YOUNO MEN, from early Indiscretion, lack nerve force and fall to attain strength. MIDDLE-AGED MEN often lackvleor, attrlbut. Ingit to the progresa of years. The MOTHER, WIFE and MAID, suffering from Female weakneaa, Nervont Debility and other ail ments, villi nnd It the only euro. To one and all vre ray that the Shield glvea a nat ural aid In a natnrel war WITHOUT DIIUGOING THE STOMACH. Van-anted One Year, and tlio beat appliance made. Illnstratcd Pamphlet, THREE TTES OF MEN, also Pamphlet for Ladles only, acnt on receipt of Cc, aealed; unsealed, FREE. American Galvanic Co., nCriPCCl 134 Nadlaon fit., ClltcaffO. Ur f lutOi 1103 Cheatnut St., PltUa. ( J aBbSBBBBBBBBBBtaai I OF THE I II HV.Hdvu inD 1M B FARMERS' COLUMN. IFF D When we state that we wi.l during the next 30 days, in order to reduce stock, prior to removing to more convenient premises, give you the following Yery Extraordinary Bargains in JPianos, ORG2VNS, Sew ing JNLvchines, &c, &c. READ and PURCHASE : Cat. Price. $850 Usual Price. 425 BehnillC Piano. Stvlc 7. Snnnrp. a-Rtrinnod. Fischer Piano, at the very extraordinary low price of Estey Organ, 13 stops, 6 tjvo-and-a-half and 1 . one octave sets of reeds, diapason,, flute, vio--letta,,yox jubilante, mclodia, viola, dolce, didnaujfcbass Jiaunonique, coupler, vox liumana, 1. forte, 11. forte, in a handsome case, G feet hish - .LJBeading Organ, 5 octaves, 8 sets reeds, 16 stops, fc xjyer ot riusucs organ, i"u"sui'ieisuirougnom, nmo p Bridgeport Organ, VrtMt,Nl?e0t"Tu,, - 5 Bridgeport Organ, 1 M Mtvl5n0J!rous,,on, - -o Bridgeport Organ, 0ue sct yntiueuout, i . a Aud a lot of Sewing Machines, Organinas. Accordeons, Violins, Cabinets, &c., &c., 4T YOUR OWN OFFER. Reduced to. 305 - 155 330 150 113 '217 130 95 215 100 60 200 b5 50 180 65 45 160 50 40 Musical J. F. H ALB A0H, m&fiV iear ac&. uepot, Jiank ttT., Lehio-iiton. V - The American Agrlcnlturltt for November turposses In every respect any previous li me of that periodical during Ita forty three yean of existence. It contain! over ono hundred illustration!, engraved expressly for Its columns, by Halm, Cary, Forbes' Trnmble, Reed, and other well-known ar lists. There are Tour full-page engravings, including the cover! which It a greater num. ber than hat ever appeared before In e sin gle Issue of the ylmertcan Agriculturist, There are oyer one hundred columns of read ing matter, upon all eubjecta pertaining to tbe Farm, Garden, and Household, by euch well known writers aa Orange Judd, Joseph Harris, George Thurber, Byron D. llnlatert, William Cllft. Alfred Trumble. Iiof. 8. T Thompson, R. W. Belt!. F. D. Curllt, A. B' Allen, M. C. Weld, and a host ol othert There ara papsrton everyvariely ofsubject, covering the entire country from Maine to California, and from Canada to the Gulf. Among the leading features of the paper are several fully Illustrated articles on Barn Plana and Outbuildings, remodelling barns, etc. The article on "Cattle Ranching" In South America it fresh and very Interesting, David W. Judd contributes an article on 'Trairie Chicken 8hoolln'g," Illustrating with a full-page engraving. Frlce.rmst-paid U.50 a year or th Carbon Anvocarx and tho American Agriculturist combined for only $2.00. Autumn Care of live Stock. Horse ehould be kept out of all hard itorms, which are frequent during this month. One ol the best cures fur a severe cold it a warm stable and perfect rest, witb a good run in the yard or pasture on pleat ant days. It it too late In the year to per m't horses to remain out of doors through tho night. Young colts and yearlings ne?d plenty of nutritious food. Much depeude upon the care which colta receive during their flitt winter. Oats ore excellent for them; if corn Is used, it should be fed witb wheat bran. Use tbe brush frjely on all horses and colls, and keep the skin clean and active Cows, which aro to give milk through the winter, need lo be fed with special care at this time. If possible, the flow of mill must not be permitted to decrease Man els and sugar beets are excellent, cut iu 1 1 ices and sprinkled witb bran. The ule, hat' good feedlog brings good manure, .hould be kept in' mind in a judicious care iT far in animals during winter. Guod feed n abundance is not enough; it should bt iven with regularity. The habits ofdlfTer int animals have to be studied, aud treated iccordingly. Scarcely any two cows orses have the tame appetiler. It ia im jortanttoeo mix and change the feed, thai amenesstnay be avoided. A variety .bod encourages healthful digestion, and ipon thlt tbe profits of the owner lurgcly lepend. Sheep will bear more exposture than any other domestic animal, but even they win ter poorly wilheut'a good ahelter. Shed and yurdt mould now bo put in order, tha ihere may be no delayt in getting tbe flock into their winter quarters. Ewes shoild now be with young, excepting when lute Iambi are desired. Hull a pint of corn per day will aid in keeping each ewe in a good condition. All weak theep should be placed by themselves and fattened fur market. It does u it pay to keep second rate animals. Vli are most profitable if fattened and sol 1 before mid winter. A large part of the food Is used up in simply maintaining the animal during the coldest winter wcatl -er. Well-bred twine will sometimes lese in weight during a severe storm. Give tbe pigB all the corn, or other feed, they will eatdu'ingtbe fattening period. Keep the pens clean, with an abundance of litter, and supply all needed pure water. Dr. Btbon D. IIiLSTKD.In American Agriculturitt for Xoocmlcr. ttatatatatatatatatatatataKk IWcrs Unusual Attractions having hiade Unequalled Preparations to acconinio- date Customers 2 Persons visiting Lehighton, and having in viowthepnrchasof GOODS,-, t cither MIS, QMMAM, MI mm or mm, will miss an opportunity, if they fail to yisittlie STAR STORE. Our Motto : Large Sales & Small Profit. Opp. 1j & $ Ilexot, Bank St., lieliigfliton If 'you are looking lor a place to purchase . PUfiB DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Stationery, Cigars, or The Finest 1" Wall Paper and Borders, Remember, that place is at the POPULAR DRUG STORE of Opposite Carbon House. BANK Street. -:o:- A full supply of Pure Wines and Liquors for Medi cinal Purposes. Prcsciiptions very carelully compounded, day or night. Remember, Dr. C. T. HORN'S Popular Drug Store. STridES 1883-4. The Mechanical Efforts of Eoott. The true mechanical efTorta of ro-jls are 'Xerted in their ttruggle lor progress through the soil, and rximplet for illustration arc many. To underttand the mtgnitude ol their work, we must bear in mind that arh root displacca an amount of toil equal to itt own bulk. -Take for instance a crop ot mangel wurzele, aud imagine what an upheaval must have been produced In the soil by tbe growth of ita enormous mis. Die wholo surface of the field it raised and its particle! lootened. In practical quettiona of the farm, this power it of value. Those who give turnip xnd mangels a place in their system of ro tation, do so ostensibly for their feeding ralue, but beyond this their mechanical I'll'cct is also of much importance. The most striking resultt of the mechan ical power of roottare icon when they come iuoontact with the most resisting obstacles. They baye bean unearthed from compact gravelly toll, where the struggle for room had been ao fierce that they became die torted out of all natural thaiio. It is not unusual to find trees growing in tbe clefle of ledges, showing unmistakably that the expansion of the roots hat forced the rock apart. A case It cited, on good authority, ola root of the sugar maple that bid push ed Its way under a rock weighing nearly tvo tons, and by its eulargiment lifted it e it! rely from itt bed. Treet have bin ot' tcrved growing on the bare rock, resting upon their roott which rtn out into the toil on either tide, and yet these roots, sup portinsMke enotmout weight ol tbe tree, formed each year new growth on their un denide, and lillej tbe tree by the space of its thickness until seven inchea of wood had been formed under tbe severe pressure, Mr. V. E. Btoxs, In American Agricul turist for XoxtmUr. A Home-Hade Slower Stand. A very pretty tlower ctai.d can be made out of a table, a bucket, and half a dozen old tin cant. Place the bucket fn tho cen treofthe table. Tunch several holes in tbe bottom of each can,- and serew them firmly to the table by ecrrwt In the holes. Arches of stout wire mty be made across the top of the cans. For ferna planted In the cans, which require a great deal of wat er, cover the top of the table with a thai low pan lo catch the drip. Other plants should only haye the sail kept damp. Ge raniumt are fine for winter blooming, t are alto Celeua, Fucbeiat, and Petunlar, Some kind of a vine ahould be planted in each of tha corner cant. Trailing plant! produce a good effect. American Agriculturist A New York man haa a habit of lay Ine; "I'll bet you two oentt." He ltio- fnquellr miflaktu for a New York editor. We desire to say to our friends and the public in general, that tve have on hand the Largest and most -Complete Stock of Goods- -OF ANY- Tailoring EstablishmenT in this section of the County, comprising Cloths, Cassimeres, rtTTEiDnrt A rnTWB V V JJUVVUUVTM Plain and Fancy Suiting's, Vrhloh we will put up for you in ourumal FIRST-CLASS STYLE, Thereby giving yon, at we alwayt, do Best Fitting, Best Trinnri anil Best Mate CLOTHING IN LEHIGHTON. e have alio just received from tbe Manufacturer a Iarge Stock ol Newest Styles of Ladles, Hants and Children's Boots., Shoes and Gaiters, HATS Mil CAPS, Gents JFuM'nisftiiig Goods, tyc.9 All of whtch we arc now offering a Bdf TJnprecedently how Prices I .Jpfll Very Respectfully, VJLJL 4' MM O.j MERCHANT TAILORS, Bank St., Lehighton, Pa. March 21, 1883-yl a a. Itealer in Inre Mvng and Medicines, "Weissport, Penna., Keeps a full line of all the most popular Patent Medicines. Horse and Cattle Powders, Fancy .Stationery, Toilette Articles, School Supplies, A Tnll Stock ol' Wall Paper and Borders, FISHING RODS AND TACKLE, Limerick Hooks. Oil and Raw Silk, LI ton JjtueS, iKO., very cuesp. Aiau, largo auuiuucu. ui a. iu. jl-gisjt . svm Carlisle and Linen and CoU -Celebrated Fresh Garden Seeds.- Choice Cigars, and a fine stock of Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Hggp Prescriptions very carelully compounded, day or night. Patronage invited. RKMEUDKR THE TXiACE, , iu. A. JJ.UJX1N, weisspprt, .Fa. May 1th, M3.