'rOtf rfnafdheap Cash Stort.,r 1 s jt CL'oJklJfGS, "We nrfl now tir-nttst-ed trr hrr,v TOO & m- ninntIlne'o'CLOA.KIKOS, In block unit color Tbesw, goods arc ot tikis aeason' rmrchassMa.kt'o Softest cheaper than jaasyrfu, CJfSSIMfiJUHS, Wo fcavtj fuU lino ot CAH8IMEREA (or mpb'l and boys' -near. We have some very cheap and desirable Just the thing tor boyi fichool Suits. Also achcapllueor corduroy tbfl most serviceable goods In the market, We again call attention to our large stock ot Dress and Sacque cloths, In all colors and shades. Wo claim to Iistc the chenpest Cloths that have ever been brought to this town, and would sav to those In search ot tJOOD QUALITY CLOTHS, for LITTLE MONKV that they will not go amiss by first ea'Uflgat the " OltlOINAL CHEAP CASH BTOKE." J. T. NUSBAUM, Opp. Publio Square.'-TJank Street. Lehigh. ton in, i-a. jane , lgsa-iy, r SATURDAY, OCTODER2T, 1883. Our; Neighborhood in Brief. Marvin 0. ICunls spent several days in Allentown during the week. The lecelpls of the Brk;e county Fair for six days amnunted to $9381.74. There are TOO hands employed in the Kesding Railroad shops at Pottsville. iguGO TO ROSEBERY'3, IN ODERT'3 BUILDINO FoR AN EASY SHAVE, The manufacturing establishments ol Allentown give employment to 2200 girls. The Lehigh Valley Kailroad Company is energetically pushing forward.ilt improve rnents in buffalo. Wilhclm Weiss, of Shamokin, while reluming from work fell under the cars and bad both legs cut off. SSA lot ofennd second hand watches for sale at S. Hagamau'a store, bank street, iieblgliton. Miss Emma Bower, daughter of Sheriff Bower, of C'atarauqua, is therfiiieit of Miss Ballio Clauss, on Bank street. The public schools of Franklin town ship will open Monday next, 20th inst., for a fire tnonfAs' term. Be on hand children! Ray. John Edwards, of the Welsh Con gregational church, Nonticokr, has accepted call to preach at I.uusford and Buminit Hill. John WrMi, a brakemsn in the Dela ware, Lackawanna and .Western Railroad Yard, at Scranton, was ruu aver and killed last Friday by a caboose. Tha borough of Mabanoy City will re fund its funded debt on Nor. 1st, with bond bearing interest at the rate of 4 per cent. Rey. Kuder, of the Lutheru Evsngeti cslchnrchis giving ca techislical iustruo lions every Thursday evening to some thirty five pupils. Sir-An increase of Clicks Watches anil Jewelry at Ifagarnnn's eloro and a decline in prices. l'leaee call and see, aswe make Do lalse statements in advertising. Frank Minnier, a miner nt Centralis, fas tfritusly injured on Friday, by t fall of coal. lie is a married man with a large family. Mrs. Umbewunts, of Wilkes Barre, was burned to death on Wednesday aficrr.oon. She was atteuding t a fire In the range and in some way set fire to her clothing. Frederick Ilebiicker, chief stable boss ol ithe,raulrs used underground in the Ml. Carmel shaft, was kicked by oue of the ani mals on Friday and seriously Injuried. Rev. Orr Lowson, pastor lor thirteen years of the First Presbyterian church of Oxford, has accepted a call.froui.the Second l'letbyteriao church of I'ottsville. .rGoto liegeman's store, Lehighton, Pa., to get the leading genuine American vtatclies; aa ho deals in none of the foreign imitation trash with which tlte jcople have been so extensively swindled. County fairs held everywhere in Pennsylvania this year surpassed in pecu alary piofit tlio most sauguine expectations of their projector! and managers. .William McMli'hael and, aluria E. Pnrney, two deaf mules of Allciitowo, were tuarrieil the other day. Tins is supposed t" be an illustration of unspeakable bliss. Tho American AqritulUniit (English or German ditinn),und the Cjruon- Auvoca.r. mill be sent to any addrets on receipt of I wo .dollars. The price of tho Agriculturist is $1.58. tIf you won la nlce,smooth,c3sy shave vour hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz Roedirer'a Saloon, under the Exchaugo Ho tel, lie will fix you right, and don't you forgot it George Clenrlglit who beat William Wiley, last Thursday in a. one hundred yard font race, has offered to ruu Forler, of Weatherly.for ttOO, the dlsUpoa to, be 100 yards. Fortcto have six feet start. The Eastno letter carriers'' ssy tha alaee th tale of the new two rent stain) s svas begun they handle almost Iwjee as tnany letters as they did before aud a de creased numbur-of stil carls. ZSfl hare .purchased in Immense stock of Walt Paper as iubs, and will give the people of Carbon county a chance tn buy r tall at wholesale prices. Don't miss this chance, g. F. Lucienbtch'.fll Broadway, JJaueti Counkt At the corner stone layingnt the Union church, at Freeland, Ileir. David Ilolherock, of Bucks couuly; Uf;A. BJack,f Uasle ton, Rev, Derr and Ry. Jvuuis, ul Conyn hem, officiated, i ARE YOU Miserable through Indigestion, Boor Stomach, or Constipation? Arker'a Dyspepsia Tablets we guarantee will relieve you. Sold bv Dr C T Horp, LehlghUiund K A Horn, Welssiurt. The breaker boys at the Pnltsvillc bafts went on a strike last week, for an ad vaneo in wages. They have been getting ; 12.25 a week and upwards. The depisnd was refused andjork suspended. ACKER'S BLOOD KLIJCER gnsranlecdj "111 cure all kinds nt Lloo.1 poisoning;, in Strilcd or tontrncttd. Bold by Pr.-lioru, Lbighlon,aud E A Horn, Wetftport. The grounds of the Lehigh County Agricultural Society are worth a good deal of money, an offer of $72,000 having re cently been mad nr b property. The stockholders at the present time number Uenry Nagle, employed In ilie V. k R (Septal I'otlfville, was caught under a heavy drum, which tilted over, and had Ills hip crushed in a horrib)e manner. He is also Injured inlernally,and If be recovers be will be permanently disabled. lJest-make of Jloreo Shoe Nails for 20cts a. pound by tho box at J. L. Gabcl's. Washington people expect that Gener al Orant will anoo become a permanent resident of that city. He oertalaly may do en if he likes, but what is tbst to us whilst Davy Ebbert isstjl) gaily waltiing around bis Jivery stables, rrepsred to supply the very best carriages and bojvei that aro lu bo fuuod lo Ibiscouotprer the next? A number of 'our sub scribers who get thcuvocATE through the mail Seem to have fOlgOlten to T)ay .Up, aS n centle reminder of their dc' linquency we this week mark a cross (Xj opposite the di rection tabs on their papers. and trust that they will re spond with the cash at once, Postage is now reduced to two cents, hence they have no excuse lor delaying, The new Roman Cathollo church o tho Immaculate Conception was dedicated with imposing ceremonies at Allentown on Sunday. The dedicatory services were per formed by the BJght Rev. Bishop Slianahan, of llarriiburg. The edifice cost $11,000 and was dedicated Iree of debt. J. L. Gable has just re ceived three car loads of Phos phate which he"1 is selling at .$30 and $35 per ton. Daniel Evans and Daniel Tobin, rest dents of Mt. Carmel, uarrcltd at that place on Sunday night about (he payment lor some drinks. Tobin attacked Evans, strik ing him on the head with a pitcher Inflict ing an injury which may be fatal. For the week endingpn the 13th inst, 137.99V tons of coal was transported over the L V. RR., making a total of 5,131 ,57'J tons ta that date, and showing an increase of 195J35 as compared with tame time last year. Pure Linseed- Oil, at J, L-. Gabcl's, G8 cents per gal Iod lor cash. mere are but six survivors of the war of 1812 in Schuylkill county. Christian Miller, of West I'eun, is one nt them ami draws a Pension of $8 per month from Uucle Sain. Rev. U. R. Swcngel,of central Fennsyl vun la Conference of the Evangelical Asso ciatiun, preached very acceptably last Sun day morning and evening to large audi ences in tho Presbyterian church ofHokcu dauqua. uKind reader pause for a moment and think carefullr over this. You will fiDd that the nroiwr mace to buv the cheat est harness, collars, blankets, ropes, whip anu an ieriaiuing lo tne working garo ami pleasure clonics ol horses, Is at the store o Milton Flory, Weisspurl. The attention of lovers of music and the people geuerally is called to the extra ordinary bargains being offered at the Music Store of J. F. Halbach, on Bank street. See hit large new advertisement ou 4th page. On Friday a young son ofSuperintend enl Alrey, while tending to' his duty on i mine locomotive near old No. 3, S'ocktnn, tM under the wheels of one of the cars, and was, it is thought, fatally injured. Hr was badly bruised about the body and injured internally. Lewis' Best White Lead at $7.00 a hundred at J. L. Gabel's, for cash. Mr. Rudolph Feisl.of While Haven. was unfortunate last week in having he end or bis thumb s i severely mashed as to necessitate ainKilation. The Injury was done whila putting a pair of car wheels on the track; tine wheel squeezing his thumb against a baud spiko he was holding. The striking rollers at the Poltsvlll Iron and Steel Company' Fishback Rnlliuz Mill resumed work last Friday night, their luuiand lor Ii. creased pay having been ac ceeded to and the discharged puddler help ers having been reinstated. The strike was so short lived as to cause but slight in convenience to the mill owners. 10d. to 40d. noils ot J. L. Gabel's for only $3.00 per j. Locks 2.75 per doz. Much excitement wascuused at Haste on on Saturday by the "sellling" of the No. 3 Hazlelon Mine owned by A. Tardee Co. Tho timbering in one of the gang- wiijs gave way under a strain and the ground .began workiug. Engineers und miner, however, predict little danger. The cauipauy is rapidly rrtimberiug the gang way. The attention of families desiring to secure employment for its younger mem bers is directed to the advertisement of the Pioneer Kindling Wood Co., of White lluven, Pu , in tn day's Aiivoctir. They iavo enlarged their works and aro now in need ofnddiliouul help. Why "Co West," when you can get work nud good wages so near at home? "Mary." said a Mahoning man to hif wife,' if I owned a l o se like Juy-Ere See woold you throw you arms around me ai d kisi me whenever Mio beat the r cord!'- William," she answered severely, 'there s i taw borso next that wood pile in the yarl. If you make it beat the record I .... , . ... win kiss you so miea is, will matte vour bead swim." -Heady mixed paints at J. L. Gabel's for $1.25 ncr alltm. Laal week tho Summit Hill and LaiUr ford Record cutered uikiii us fifth year. "full" us the editor j.iounly admits "of bopes and advertisement.; fliMisa happy combination of (hu beautiful and the use- ul which, in years to come, will enable the Record "to cover the earth as tbe waters coyer the great deep." The Jlteord should be yery thankful. H enjoys two great blessings in the nood wishes of its content (Nirariet and the election proclamation of Sherllf L-iili. At Trenton, "N. J.,leslinnny wat taken latt week for I lie defence in the suit of Wm.l B. Dinimore a(itintt the Philadelphia and Readiug Railroad, tn annul lit leas of the Central railroad. Counsel for the RR., in Court were Fraukliu B. Oowen. A. Richey nd ex-chancellor Williamson. Counsel for Mr. Dinsmore were Clarence A.Setvard, Rotate Conkling, Wayne McAVagh and Edward Orrcn. Among the witnesses were Win. It, Hewitt, W. II Pattersou, A.J. -CatMitt and Frank Tliompion. Dry sand is recommended for keep nj apples and potatoes in a sound condit ion Into a barrel tilled with tbem laud Is (toured until all the interstices are filled with it. Parties who havu trial this meth od tay they are ill better condition than by any other meant they liaye tried. There are 026 pensioners of tbe United States lo 8eliuylkill county. Pottsville besdt the list with 1 20, and Minertville comes next with iO, Tamaqua following rlisely with 49. Bsrncsville hot 4, Coal Dale 7, Delano 1, Ilecla 1, Mahaney City Sl.Athland 43, MiddleportS, New Ring gold 2, Port Clinton B, Reynolds 1, Tainan end l.Tueoarora 2, West Peun 4, io. The Shamokin Daily Timti is toappesr Dsit Saturday, On Saturday the Court ordered the namesof 1 ,006- sober amllnlelllgen t eltiiens from which to select lurvmen durlne the yr 1884. Saturdoy being pay day men I tfOIV IMML-IU1I IUCIU9C1 f r CICVWUDTO tUUU "in a wheel." Our readers should not miss reading the sermon on "Josephtts," by Falkland, this Vcek. Clias. M.8weeny A Bon, of this piece, shipped 1000 bushels of potatoes to tin coal regions last week, . Tho teachers of Lehigh County will bave possession of Allentown next week, Slatlngton wants to Wrow $18,000 at 4 per cent, to erect new water works. Levi Angstadt, of. New Jerusalem, Bsrks county, has a turkey lien that lias Isid 117 eggs since spring, and is still lay Ing'havlng shown no signs of hatching. The Allentown Democrat says that all blacksmiths will be glad to icnnw that sifllog prusiiate of potash on red hot a id cooling It Immediately, a lempc b obtained hard enough to make a gl ina-iv of the anvil tools used by smith Twenty-five years ego a young lady residing at Allentown bad a singular dream. She consulted a dream book and learned that alio would have four husband before she reached tho age of 30. Tbi made her very independent, and she Is now 42 and has never had a beau. Eir-Societv badges at E. 11. llohl Mauch Chunk. "The Merchant ol Venice" was a fail lire nt the Allentown Academy of Music. The young and tdd citisens prefer brass bauds, Uncle Tom'a Ctbln, and burnt cork arlis. Over twenty yittimsof a peculiar kind of fever oro lying dangerously ill ntCen tralia. The disease was brought by a num ber of filthy emigrants who have settled that place, und are among the stricken ones The epidemic Is' spreading with alarming rapidity. Dr. D. J. Langdon, of Shenandoah coroner of Schuylkill county, was married on Tuesday to Miss Bello Scuulnu, daughter of ex Sheriff Scaulan. A clog-dancing match was arranged on Tuesday at Mt. Carmel between James Quinn, the champion step dancer in North umberland county, und Patrick McGulli the best dancer in Schuylkill county, for $50. 5aaGeuu!ne Australian pebble spectacles aim eyegiaasea ai .. ii. now a, Mauch Ununk. Diphtheria has made its appesranre in Allentown and quite a uumber of children are prostrated by its ravages. The man who was killed Saturday nigh on tlie railroad near Wilkes-Barro was iden tided on Monday. His name is William Dickson, of Plains 8tation. He leaves wife and seven children. William Williams was fatally injured at Dodsnu colliery, Wilkes-Barre, on Satur day. Ho fell under a mnying mine car, and was terribly mangled. SfO. A Farm of 118 acres with n house on il, and about 8 acres cleared, for sale chotp or in exchange for town properly Three miles from Mauch Chunk. Address W. M. Rapslior, Lehiehton, Pn. -Richard Blake and John Smith, Wilkes lljrre, were arrested by Detective Smith, of the Valley road. Monday after noon at Catasauqua, while stealing ridee on a coal train. The officer took the offend ers to Allentown, end after a hearing before Aldermaa Fry titer were comniiltea lo jail lor ten days. -Owen Sharp, a miner at Trctckow, No. 2 colliery, was verly injured In No. 1 slope on Saturday morning. Ho was push ing down th in a thute when a large lump came ik.u-ii after him. It bowled on to his auklj, broke it and bruised his leg badly. El Smith, of the tame place, will probably lose the sight ofonecyo from on accident by which the leather of his hat came loose, letting the flame ol his lamp all right upon bit eyes. iE2Cf"Gentlo reader, vou mav see for vour sell ut E. II. Ilohl'a. who it id that se'lla ul the inosi reasonable prices, and who carries i.t ueti assortment in the county. -An unknown man was killed by the Nanlicoke train which had just lelt the lepot, starting up Ihe track lo switch of)' the main line on Saturday. He was struck rijlit on the temple and one of hit legs hor- rihly mangled. He died almost instantlv after being struck. Patiick Dover, a miner aged 38, was njured by a full of coal ut Spring Moun tain colliery, Jcansville, on Monday morn ing. His face and legate badly bruised, but It it Imped that he may recover. Saturday's pay roll of the Lehigh Vol ey Company was over one hundred thous and dollars. ' On Saturday afternoon a bootmoker named Pilrick Walsh was found dead in front of a saloon in Wilkesbarre. He had been drinking heavily of late, and met his le.ith, it is thought, uhila intoxicated. Coroner Bpeted decided that mi inquest was unnecessary. This is a remarkable du el siont Sf"It will do vour eves ond annetlie K'hxi toEceino iian.lsorneaSforiment.il col. I and silver watches just received at E. II Ilohl'a, Mauch Chunk. On Saturday evening James Conogan, iving near the Empire, Wilkesbarre, was struck by an engine on the Nantiroko ranidi ofthe P. A R. an 1 badly huit. He ha I been on a-eprce and was making ha way home on the track. When near the Stanton mine he wat struck. The luiurv t not fatal, but the man will be laid up for considerable time. The withdrawal of William Wilhelm, f Pottsville, a Greenback candidate for District Attorney of Schuylkill rountv.witl naturally affect the eampilgn. lie slated his reaa-int and his withdrawal was accept d. Hi reasons are said to It that he look the nomination under protest and only on the promise that each of the candidates would put $250 into lite campaign. Thls.it Is Slid, they havo failed to do. The greater portion of the new station fthe Lehigh Vajley road at Wilkesbarre is ready to have the stale roof pot on, the workmen having been engaged Monday in pplying tbe preliminary coating of felt material. rBest silver tnoone. forks and knives. for Ihe least money, at E. U. lIohl'a.Maueh Chunk, John Roberts, aged 12 years, son of William Roberts, of Honey brook, met with Tatal accident Tuesday afternoon at 2 'clock. The lad was seut for powder, and gelling on board of Ihe small locomotive Out hauls tbe mine cars from Nu. 8 lo No. 5 slopes fell between Ihe two rear cars and ad one leg cut off above the knee and the ther mangled. The doctur amputated the njured leg below tbe kuee. The boy died at four o'clock. Having been troubled with a very bad Cough for about two years and having tried Imost every cough mixture that was ever made, I haye lound none tbst has given mo such great relief at Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup end I earnestly recommend lllo all afflicted. Benj. F. Duggan, It Park Plsce, New York. Rev. C. A. MeFadden, who was form erly pastor of St. Ambrose church, Scliuyl kill Haven, has been appointed pastor ol St I Ltwrvoce cburcb, CaUsauqns. aaaesrrno After this issue of the Car bon Advocate all Subscribers will be furnished with their papers through the post office IFc do tins, because we be lievc we can supply them with the Advocate more regu larly and promptly than w have been enabled to do re cently. "We have had several of our patrons to desire the change, so naturally inler that all will be satisfied, hence, on Friday noon, November 3rd you will get the Advocate at Wcissport post olnce. At a meeting held In Rebel's Hall ay evening, O. W. Nutbaum was elect. od N. O Mrs. Dr. N. fi. Reber, V. U. Mrs. O. W. Nusbaum, Secretary; Mrs. Wilton A. Peters, Assistant Secretary, and Mrs. J. M. Frllsiuger, Treasurer of the Rebekah Lodg The officers 'will ba Installed next month, and at that lime a collation will be served in the llsll. Some ofthe Grand Officers are expected on the occasion of installation TsfK. 11. HoM's assortment ofeolld gold wedding and eugsgement rings can not be beaten. Rev. John Edwards, of Nantlcoke, ha uccepled a call from I lie English and Welsh Congregational Churches of Lantford. He preached in the Welsh Church In the morn Ing and the English Church in the evening tn very large congregations. The peopli are very much pleated with their choice Monday morning at No. 10 or Bull Run, at the Primitive Cburcb, Lanslord, man by the name of Whitehead fill dead white ho wat engaged in prayer. Everyone has a will and a mind to think for himself, yet many will go about backing and coughing until a friend recom mends Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for that tough. Samael Riehl, who Is employer! at Packerlnn, was run over by the cars at that place Tuesday afternoon and instantly kill ed. His home Is at Upper Mauch Chunk where the body was immediately taken Andrew Harcsar wlitlo carrying a cart tridge up bis breast ot Mt. Pleasant colliery, slipped and fell, breaking tbe cartridge. I fulling his light set fire to the powder ot tl eartriilgo, winch haa spilled, and he was badly burned on tbe side of hit face. Lightning cjeanser,bet In the world to cleanse silverware, at E. II. llohl Mauch Chunk, if you only try it you'll bo sure to uuy it. An Unfortunate Candy Peddlor. Tuesday afternoon as Conductor La well's 4:39 train was coming around a small curve ncarStucklon itttruck an Italian, nameun known, and threw him over tome disttnre upon the aiding. He wat instantly killed The Italian who is said to be a candy ped Her was walkiug on the railroad and had evidently stepped off one track to avoid a freight train coming down, and had just got on the other track when he was struck His arms were broken, and his bead horri bly crushed. Terrible Explosion Near Wilkesbarre. On Tuesday allernonn a terrible explosion took place si the souib factory of Kingston about two miles from Wilkesbarre. The building, which was entirely delrnyed,had been used for the making of Miners' Squibs and an accident might easily happen st any time by means ol tbe scatlercd straw and loose powder around the floor. Tho causes of the. explosion are not known, but the re sults are only too painfully apparent. Three young people were killed and five fatally injured. The namet of the dead ones are, John Evans, aged 15; Hatlie Nnrris, aged 19; Mattie James, aged 20. All three were burned to a complete crisp. .The injured some without hopes of recovery are Litzie Edwards, aged 19; Albert Jinnee, aged 1: Mary Most, aged 18; Lizzie Quinn, aged 1C; James Sleel, aged 15. The factory had only bees working about five months. Tins makes the second fatal accidentia Kiugs tou within a month. pie Slate Quarries, Tho Lehigh and Northampton slatequarries ore, comparatively speaking;, new indust riea. Thev were so small that they did not get a mention in the census statistics ol 1870; but they now turn nut more titer. cnantabte slate ttian tne famous quarries n Vermont. The supply of alato It pra'c- ically inexhaustible. Next season business will bo done for the first timo with fair facilities for transportation and with proper machinery tor workmf tbe blocks into pn form for the various purposes for which slates are used. The industry will soon be a large one. The demand lor the product of the quarries is by no means confined tn this country. The slate is shipped to all quarters ofthe globe whert houses are built and decorated. There are no quarries anv where that produce, a finer material than re Northampton and Lehigh slates. A Sudden Death. Vr James Stanton, of Canada, died very suddenly at tne nnute ni John belp, .Mauch Chunk, on Wednesday morning of last week. Stanton and his wife rsme tn Maurh Chunk a few weeks since. Ha was taken II) while visiting his wife's relatives at Greenridge. On Monday he was taken t Mauch Chunk, and on Tuesdav night he ras yisitcd by Dr. Horn. On Wednesday morning at sixltVlnck the doctor was railed again, but saw no symptoms of (danger. A few minutes before eiiht o'cln.-k Dr, Horn was called for the third time, but when he reached the house Mr. Stanton was dead. The remains were interred at Wilkesbarre. Failed to Come to Hani. An exchange says thst Stephen Etap!r, of Ashland, promised to marry Kate With r, ofthe same plaee.on October 1 1th, and, though he had deposited ti with Father Nalhe, of the R. C. Chnrch, be felled lei come to hand. Further than this. Stapler ileclarrs he never will marry Mitt Wisher. She hat accordingly brought a civil suit for brrarh of promise' of marriage, laying the lantages at f 5,000, lo which extent, she says, she has suffered by tbe refusal of the defendant lo make her his wife. Stapler list been required to giye $1,000 ball to nswer. legal Value of a Kiss. Last week at Eitton Mary Ann Miller brought an action of breach of promise gaintt Beck. On Friday evening tho fury returned a yrrdict for the plaintiff in the sum of $1,108.33. The rate wts en un common one. The parties weie first routine and both bave patted the prime of Hie. The plaintiff wat housekeeiier for Ibe delendant and told how be bad addressed her in Ibe usual country ttyle of courting. When asked if be had ever kissed her, she said More than a hundred thousand timet." Th rille.t In Marv Anh1, l..n,i. .1 up ijoi rsteolacent a kit., with a littl. UULiM " - Packcrton Dotttngs. Rev. Powell It going lo liouulreeplng this wcok; that Is tbe way it goes when a man gels married -"lakeu unto himself a wife." Mr. Powell is a first class preacher, everybody within reach, ought lo come and hear him. The car works here are lo bo warmed throughout with steam durlag the cold winter weather. Tho shops are well managed' under the able supervision and efficient control of Mr. J. S. Leutx, Supt., and Mattcr-Car-Bullder. We hayo a well-organltcd Sunday school here, a good corps ol teachers and Instructors, and a good attendance. Under the control of our new superintendent, Mr. McrLr, we shall, no doubt, do good work lor Ood In bringing tip the young and ris ing geneiatlon In the way they should go. "Robert lays his "God It a Dutch Ood." Good for Robert. Robert speaks Pulaiidlsh very fluently, indeed, some mlaht mistake himruroheol that uatiouality, uolwllh staudiiigtho contrary. Query How many of our present School Directors, at this place, can write the alphabet or arithmetic? All who ere competent to do so, will please send It to the editor, and It wlll.be printed In good faith with each one's resiec'.lye name at tached. The TIon. Jat. Long takes the lead In tbe celery line: ha has hilled up about an acro.oflhlt delicious plant, be is No. 1 on the celery, question. We think Mr. L'ing would meko a first class farmer, If he gave his attention to that line of butineis. James is a genius of tho first order. Mr. James Martin Js able again to be at work. Glad to ieeynu,Jim, A large Calamont bat been seen prowl Ing about near the miner end of the Park. "Beaver Hun. Thft may not be vrrv el come news to tho big boys who go up thero lo play ball on a Sunday morning. Gus. Wolk is going to move bsck again to Park avenue, where be lormerly resided. We think Gut. it comlngback under tpccial uiiructions. ( John Hagen is a nol tcmpcranco worker, and ought to be encouraged in this important cause. JURKAW.IY, George Harlemau. of Bethlehem. John ICinsey, of Eatlon ami Richard Calfrey, of lYuito iiavcn, were in fackcrlon Tuesday. George Carrol, tupervisor, it giving the people of this place some equivalent fur their ruau iax uy using up me roaus, Tho tad accident hv which Samuel Relll, of Upper Mauch ChliliK, lust bit ifo in tne l acKrrion yont.was purely accident al and no blamocau be attached to anyone. Mrs. Luke Boylon ami her son John were at Allentown Sunday attending thu dedication services. F. B. Morris, Eq;, will reniovo to TerHi Ainuov next week, -having secured a com firtab'tt ami desirublo resilience there. We have two Sunday schools In this place.both ofthe Methudlst persuasion. J. l. Mcltelvy, superintendent and John Bohn ats'stant tuperintendent of the one In the Run and Samuel Mertz. sunerinteml cnt and Thoniaa Trethawjy.asalttant super- iiuenuentoi tne one on the Hill Uolh tchools are flourishing and doing good work. The Rev. B. F. Powell and bit good wife having secured rooms will go to house keeping to-dav. A donation visit to en. courage them in llieir labor among this people was a fcaturo of tho occasion und gave evidence of kindly feeling. It is whispered by tbo knowing ones, that Pop Lenlz. stole the late mass tneeLlnt,. and took it out west. The General knew of It at the time, but wauled the rig ou Stroll, therefore kept quiet. When does the rabbit hunlinz season commence? Sunool our hunters would like to know. The law as amended at tho ses lnof 1881 reads thusly : " No person shall HI! vsia J.t. a.. I.. 1... u. I.. ... vi bsist'to iui mica ur iiuvt in his ihih session ailttr tho same haa been killed, any hire, conjmnnly called rabbit, hetwean the first dayiof January and the first day of No vember IU nnv Vrar under .i tuoniliv nl'.t.V" There you have" the law. Ed. AnrocaTH. A .ion. Mahonlic Notes- --Mr. Alvlu Frontz bruised his lecralh. er severely by a fall on Mouday. Mtss Kale Keucler was vmttnp fYiend at Mahanoy City, she returned home on Tuetdoy. -8ome candldatea naifed thrnnirh lb XT..II-.. .., .r , ' f unejr viecuoueeriug. -Moses G. Fran It will leivo for Ohio next luewlay. Sir. Franta spent several yeart lu Ohio, returning this spring. He win now remain in Ohio until Christmas. tve wish him a pleasant trip and a tie llgtlllUI visit. There was an old fanhtonMl tiiiilrlnn uouavoiepueu l ensiermaciier son Wedues. day evening ol last week. It was enjoyed V "J'eoiMiiy uy oalll. Many of our ueonle attended thedadi 'alienor the St. Peter' ehorel, ! IVa., Penii on last Sunday. Besides the regular iiiiuiciora itevs. uaiiiiotomew and Strausa, Rev. E. A. Bauer, of Ilaxleton.and Rev. A. uurilininliiew.lil I'oltjville. were nreaent and preached very able sernons. Tho new church edifice is a very handsome oue, and is said to be prettier than Ihe East Peun cnurcn ouiming, recently dedicated. -Mr. David Lechlvder and wlia. nf In liana, nre at present visitlnrr relatives in uo vaiiey. -The New Mahoning Sundav aehool r, reived an addition to its library during the oi una uunuieu volumes. The Lord's Sutmcr will be mdehratirl i me oi. dunns cnurcn tomorrow iSim lay; morning. Rev. Bartholomew will preacn. All are invited. On next Monrlv our verv "lono" l.n of five months s'hool will commence. The corn is not all huakad ,t. In,t i.l n,,iu judicious management, wo Ihink'lhu.liltle tiiHt remains, cau eatily be husked in Ihe evening after school, and on Saturdays so Ihul Ihe boya anil girlscsn be sent -un Ibe first dav. Paieuta, send you children even 11'.. t i . - j. ..u..,uu- fijrta tue niifKiriance f sendlug your children every dav too irriuiy iim you, lis boy comoa to scIkkiI outh alter the term has commenrrd ,.H then ouly attends Half the time, it ici.'i in order to blame the teacher if he does not learn anything. Thocomnla ut then that Ihe teacher is not worth anything won't jim lar us we Know, our teachers are p to :oa average, anil we have every rea son to believe that the term about to commence will prove a yery succuatlul one. Tho County Institute- As announced before In our rolumni. the County Institute will be held thltyearat Lehlghtcn, lu Ihe Pietbyterian church. It promltea to be oue of the most interesting netitutee ever held in the county. Mr, alllet hat secured an able cvrpt ol instruc tors and has made provltion lor first-class veiling entertainments. Hon. E. E II i" bee, SUto Superintendent, will be prraeut two days and will deliver a lecture on Wed nesday evening, November J8th. Hon. John B. Storm, of 6troudtburg will deliver lecture on Tuesday evening, suljecl, " Ed. ucallou Its Necessity in a Republic." Col. P. Ssnford, of Iowa, who lectured last year before the institute at Maucb Chunk, will deliver bit fampus lecture on "China nd Japan," ou Monday evening, Noyem ber 20th. Col. Sanford whilst be Is fsmoua sa humorous lecturer, it always inttruc- Ou Thursday and Friday eyenlngs Prof. Moses True Drown, of Boston will give elocutionary entertainments. Mauch Chunk Poem. A lady of Mauch Chunk who attended IiihiI twelve years ago, it rcsiaintible f. r the following composition entirely original: "Mauch Chunk is one of tbe most won- erful places In America. It bat a Wolf thst smokes cigars, and a Reed that is two feet thick. It hss a " Lilly that weighs ISO pounds, and a Spohu that can sing dutch. It hss King that wears over alls, and a Fisber Ibat never caught a full. H has a Kane that was ruid in Ireland, 4 ml a never uaaea a luar of bread. It has a Cole that is flesh colored, end a Miller that never wears a wbjte hat. It cav can pisy a tune. Written ctprcsaly for the Carbon Adtooatc Qur Lay .Sermon. J0SKPHU3. Chapter III. "A change comes o'er the spirit of hit dream." At our readers may have observed, Jo-tophus-, since his meeting with Theophrai tus Makepeace, hss not been about. The fa miliar hauntt that wore once acquainted with him no longer echo and resound Willi bis s'raimeIdiouilyexpressed convictions about "his Beulah Laud" or his neighbors" "Gar den Wall." No longer does he bring him self lo anchor on tho hospitable soap-box in front of the post-office, and, as the shades of nveotnir i?M ntt In tl.. .la t.a.a r tl.i .... I . . , ,. , , , , , , Imlilln Ir mil fan .Inwn Cn... Ila a a. vated perch and say "'Thcro's Joteph again, helping the tingle post, allowed by the street cnmmisslonerSjto keep my light shin ing before men. 1 That one decisive combat In the saloon bud forced a fortnight's Involuntary leisure upon our hero. This leisure implied re flection, mil In the oourse of his medita tions Joe tried to think clearly, But the machine lie called his mind wouldn't work. The wheels wero clogged with the nut ot many years and there was no fuel in the furnace to nurse the little ipsrk of.'intellect into flame, As ho said himself oue day in a sudden burst of original poetry, "I feel llt, ., r it,-... i.i v.ti .t.t. ...v ..M ;. un. viiama nun my uoiior butted," and when He lelt yery deeply in the blues he tried to flatter htm sell' that there was just a littlo ol thd "en glne'Meftio him still, at he broke into a series of short, shrill tools such at are used by the Irelght engineers when their coal cars wind like a eerpant through tbe vine, yards aud rote gardens of the Advocate Like a tcrpant loo the idle days ofthe young man dragged their slow length along. Joo sat In a rocking chair by the window, nursing his wrath, his coal black eyes and tbe mutilated fragments of what had once been a countenance. Friend visited him with stories of the outer world of Allentown fair, and with numerous love and bjttle episodes from the Carbon Couii ty Agricultural meeting. The doctor also came with ttlcking plotter und paint pot. and after each visit the "face" looked like Ihe blind side of a brick hotel decorated with circus placards which allernuted with streaks ofthe fa mi lor while wash. But why should wo linger over this painful season of convalescence T Let il tufllcolo say that at tbe end of a week Joc'a eyes began to open and tbe first thing they saw was tbo underlying nose which (till remained very crooked. A plsster-of-paris cist bad been made fur that organ, and al though tho new arrangement gave no com fort to Joe, they created an interesting topic of conversation fir bit friendt who pleas antly remarked as each entered tbo sick man's room, "Hello! Jubui, your nosey posey it encroaching on the reservation of your cheek. However, cheer up old boy. Vuu'II bo a regular Jew when you come round, so vou can call vouiself Solomon and peaiitepruiitauty In 'old clo s.'" The ways nf the transgressor are pro vertdally hard.md, like many a wiser man, mir friend had to regard the cold comfort derived from his visitor! as a consequence of his Ijlse views ol the universe. But misfortune often brings healing on its wings. Time, which is the strongest In. stance of nature's cumpasslon, began lo think that she had dealt too hardly with oue whose faults arose in great part from cir cumstances over which be had no control, and events wero shaping themselves which were about to open up a now career and a lets dug like destiny for ono whose highest aim had been the bruisership ot a saloon. I One evening, in tbe fall, as he rocked him. self in a chair beside the window and watched tbo piuc trees with their golden yellow garments ts they waited (atienlly for the bunal of tbeir beauty in the'win- ter'a blast, Joo somehow began le think; really, in all earnettness.to lliluk,ol Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. He taw and io,l lu ineaiiiioepnereaooui mm the sy nip-1 . r I toms or nature sounusl decay. Only a few hours had gone since the setting sun had i .tl i,,. .w. x.ti.. ..n ,t. I world to light and lil. and renewing the ..e.u ... .... u , ,110 i vital lorces of tbe universe. He bad. cow I sunk to rest like . wearied child, and a. Joe watciieq in a eunsetana me cmnging olor; e ti. r ii,,. i, 1 f - , (Q till 1118 QB W19 l!lUaily ItOHlnf OQ 1 . . . 1 f . , j.l(l,rv,ah wci lur ihii i'iiiicuii. 1 it a jina b mo two utmit w. inutivT ny sua ine i death bed of another year. He didn't "go much on" poetry but Just now he seitned to tee a correspondence between those citer nal facts and tomethiugin tbe life of a man, for instance, of himself. lie could not lve shape to his thouRhts.mucu less did he laisseu the language lo cxprees them, but feelings had unne over It l in which brought with them it siranco seuse oi laiwer and fcolemulty along with tbe accompanying t nsatlun tn ins own aueoiuie tioiniii)(iieea. Sniueihinx within teemed to sav In him. 'There is one day for the tile ul the tun. one year for the Hieoi a tree, and I here are the'ihree-soore and ten' for yourself. Tbe day too mutt come when your light shall go out in darkness, and your body, like autumnal foliage, shall prepare for tbo nakedness of a longer winter. Tbe sun hss perlormed bis duly. He bas nursed tne world with warmth and Joy, aud. bavin? gine to a brief ropose, will commence his work again upon the morrow. Tbo tree too havo had the round nf tbeir lives. They haye brought rafu in limesjjf ilrougnt.and, wan beuenc ei.t shade bave dealt out com fort and luxury l all animated nature. Tin y have aci-oiu pi ishe.1 the work lor which lltey were created. Here trie voice slopped for a tn iinenl and Joo was left lu vauo nubt us to lh practical linpiriaoco of uuy li lt in which he could derive Ipmii tho tun or the pine trees, lie had In-gun lo Hunk mat innenucsa nan iiiaue nun aoit-ncauen, when tuiMenly a voice teemed to say, -Joe, my Iriend, when your linn-onmi t, and tlio little world that knows you takes stock of T. ypur life's work, will il say thatyoii havu "' glvei tue light ami neat ui any cmi ex ariiJe'to any child of earth, br like t'.,e tpple tree 111 Ihe garden or the pine Ire a by the river have you giveu forth good Iruit or aov bnuntcoui tliadel'' It wotwlbe first time that Joe had ever made a visit lu tha clouds This trip a f foidrd ait the pleasure and exoitemrnl of a new experiment, and It is unknown huw long ha might have remained above the sky If tbe kitchen door had tint suddenly oned. X mange man oulertd the room aud threw down a bundle on Ihe lablr, (7i ii O.nfiawd'.i fsilUKD. New Advertisements. A Limb Saved AND A FAMM MADE HAPPY Mr. rhlllp Moore, of Wet Web. ster. Monroe County, N. V., saytt fMy daughter, now olnhtctii yeart old. hi J, for tlio past eighteen months, been alflloted nltli rbeuuiat liai In a verr severe rorra. Ono year ago It touted In the knee, since which time shi hat teen unable (o touch her loot ta i ho floor or more her limb without suffering tbe mutt cxmclat. logpatn. Jtir limb was fast growing; out or shape, although we were doing lor her all wo could, bavlnjr used all the rcmadlca we could hear of And that were recorntnendod. Tor rhenm Usui, none of which bcnelltted bar tn the loast. Her case wat pronounced Incurable by tho physician and by our neighbors, and alt believed that she would be a ctlpplo all her 'days, and that her lltnb woold never bo teltored to lu orliclnal shape. But I aro hap py to ssy that to-day my daughter it i ntlreiy tree from allrheainatlo pains, and that she can walk with perfect eatc.bav n thrown oiidohcrcrutcbas, n nd her limb seems as strong, and per foctoscnri nil Iront ihe use ot jonr wonderlul medMne IlheUinatlc Sy. tup." which we consider ono ofthe belt medicines ever Introduced far parlf; log ibe blood, and I only tettrt that all othen mho are afflicted with rheumatism cannot know of ttt tups, rlor merits. You aro at liberty to use tay name I r It will do yon any trood, and 1 shall be only too glad to tell any and -every one what H hat dOuo lor uy daughter." l'HILIPMQOrtC. Rheumatic Syrup 13 ,ha fi'MiMl Blood Purifier known, an I " 1 will do all that It rlaimed for it. Send fo pamphltKof testimonials and read of tboto who bave been cured by its use. Rlicuinalio Syrnp Go., Hcgliesler, H, Y. October S7,lS33.yjnrto Oivoroo Notice. Mary J- Mullen, by next In the CJf.urt of Common Pleas of iricnu uutunccyjtoscn grant. Idbellaot, i arum t;o., No, 13. April Ttrin John P. Mullen, Retpon. uciti. To John F. Mullen. Ikt chixt.nanrA Bri. I'vnutnt , Sin. You nre nerltr nitlflArl that n.. I doraljseii has been appointed bytheCourl 01 uainon County, a liomiuiaaluner to ml--. I "l" wstimyny 01 witnesses in me auove.nam eI proceedings III Divorce, aud Hint he will meet, for the purpoto or hit appointment, all portlet ocnoerued, on S ATUH lidjf, the 24th day of NOVEMBER, A. I). 188J. at 9 o'clock n. .u., nt ins uiuco in tne llorouuli or Le hlKhtqn. Pa. when and where vou nro ra. 'luoiiui ivimeuu wnn you witnesses. hji. i miiam, uunitfliftioner. Lohlghton, Oct M, HM-nt ' GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENS WARE, &c. At Pn AO TJ PnnATI'Q AP'T M11 "UUU. -U. IlilUilJJ l), iill 1 NEW STORE, nearly opposite the NEW ROUND HOUSE, Bank St., Lehigliton, Pa. Erervlhtriir nf thn vrv hn nttnlltv tvw t wri. 0Ct zj.jng. TO FAMILIES. rbe Pioneer Klnrillnir Wiorf ivmnn. curiox a larger number or hands to tlenp the klodllng wood. Although theyarenow pay. Inii more for the same work than other com panies, they havo decided upon the following system ol coaipcnsatlon, with a view toln- tiiieinr laruer nova and irlrli to enter tliplr employ. Even men can nud It more profit able to tie kindling wood during tbo winter iiiontiia, man to to itway iroill uoruc to work ut niKiier wages ana greater expenses. The nresent nrlce Is i'O cants oer hundred bundles, tmr new system will increase this nuiount ncany vt per cent uy premiums. liOvn lull-, a ml u Irla mt t In. ii.ui.nl limn 1.... la to It yeart of ago, who have earned' more "'" " lue luturo we will t iwy vur uuuuiura ONCE A WEEK. The fnllowlmr It a schedule of th nri.nl Ulna adopted together with the tout amounts we will pay to evetjone who will tie the re- apuctive uumuer oi uunuict per weeK : prera. total. 150) 1,'iirs at SM ner 180 slot ,ue. t.ifjj W ' " a.eo 7Jo. 4.74 2JU0 " " " 4.0'J 1.00 0.00 si-u itM iu a.rs ' " " J.Off M J.M Eaeh bnudler will be erteen a ehaelf ftt thA eun ot tne nay to tone nouac, ML ten will show eaehdav'i nork. A few inoro lamllles having four or five 'wja ui Kino mio win uunuie woou can nnu coairortaojo housel und steady employment. Pioneer Kmalins Wool Co.r White Haven, Pa. Factory at Brldfeport. octJ7.-w4, $300,000 Stock In Tbe London and Westminster In. vestment Comnsn of Ontario, orirsnlied to ..., rornlnet hnnlneaa In thA TTnllMl Rim ,nn Canada, Is ottered for subserli.tlon at Par In ainou'tt to suit liivcstort. Sharoe 850 each, t". '-.!. . r;. v. .ilr.r' '. t,1! 2,' inuiiiii. tir in tun ai time ut raoicriiuiun. axrlrnltural nrodueu nhem vrr the market lXx Kl mougn pronn way ikh oeAKurKe sin pp. c- uii tiiii'inry nro moto cerium, a iirvB hq clu,1,,uu"mi,on W1 " inarKCiB. A"l. if ne I) rrotor. L1J VA Kli L.K 11 ussy. L.om rxj.v, Uaxads. act VT-wt. tV -t l g cCJ Stjc Si" ISVEHTISEBS by addrestiDK OEO. P. Ii K0WLL tt CO.. 10 rtpruee St., y'w York, can leatn I he esactcosi of any ryonoead lineuf-xnVEKTISIMSln AreerlrnfJiwil papera. as-100-page,rjnplJei, 10c- FOR SATjB! A lsrae L,tlT with ex'-BiVnt tinilsv- nr) STAULK erected tr.arcon, opposite Etch's Hotel, on llsnkwavj,, this llofougb. Tone sold ou cconira'.dulln urmt. Apply to jiihv viiui-". . i.i ...V, 'J.;... uMiauwii-uii- r. Aug. tB,iaauia- , . - 'f tetters Kemaitijpg tinealleil for in tho Tott Of- fir at this ilaco, Oct. 2tlh, 1883! James Athner, John Burnt, Win II. Kraeger, Kaihan Kemerer, Mary ICeinrrer, W'm. La rose, Win. Mann, John A. Merle aarali 1-arran, Tlins, Freeman, It. A. Held Daniel Mover. l'crsonjjMllipg; forany of tho above let- ten wilf pleaia ay "advertite,!." " T.J SciriBT. Ats't P.M. S"benbe for tbe Advocate, on y ' ooe dollar a year. m STRONG " FACTS1 A prut many pcopla tj aiklraj hi particular, troubles BROCK'S Iron Ditikrs it good for. It vrill cure Heart Dileaje, Jfds. ysts, Drupsy, Kidney Disease, pfi. tTusiption, Dyspepsia, RhcwirtWn rteurtlgia; and oil sunllar In vronxl erful curatir povref k simply bccatisa It pnrifiet a&d ttf riches the blood, thus Uepanii W the foundation, &i by Uillefeig sj the system, drives out alf ditcase. k Larjy Cured of Rhaumalittn. , JSuldutore, Mi, May y, -My healut was much s)tatttrt)f iUieomatitra whin 1 comtaencetl iiUjic Bnufn't Iron Bltiettrand t scarcciy bad t trefiph poetica o at tend, to ray oauy nousenomciutiei. t 1 an sine utiagthe third bottle ray 5J. am retraining streaui uuy,tu fhecrfully reconimcrid It total. I oiL¬ tar tco mutWln tmtaa' tt It. Mrs, M lav K. UiuiKsjta. "v "trj Praassaatav ' (idriey.JDiscate Curpd, .. Chtlsiiamurg', Vs., ttli. uCring from klotaty" telltale, f.-om which 1 could gtt'n rlif, r tried Itrswn's Iron llrtters, ValJt cured me cotapictely. A chnd e( pine, recovering from scarlet f-tver," Lad no appetite and did net letta taf be able to eat lit nil. 1 cave him Iron Ulster with tbe happiest results. J. Kvls Montaoc. IJeart Dlscaie. Viae Et., Harrlsburc, Pa. lcc... lUi. Afier trying dUXerent tbys!flaAS sod many remedies for psJptiidJea of tbe heart without rtctinng any benefit. I was sdvlcd totrvBcTwB's Iron Bitters. I havc&seo twoW tlet and never found SJiythiaa; tltal gva ins so much rclieC ' Mrs. Jtxm Kna. For (lie rjcculiar troubles to' wbJA ladies ore subject, BROWN'S IsVUf Brrrcus is invaluable. Try it. ' . , i go sure and get the Genulijo , THE BE3? MENTS POU TO 333JAST. Tor ajero than a tblrdpf a ecntary tho MeilcniiItlit(ann;I(lnunenthnabenl Known to mtltlona ml over thn wnrlcl na I tha only; aafo rollnn?P for tbo relief of I iiuoiuvnu ami nam, is a meuuine nbovo ptica uinf pmlfw-the twst of lis kliitl. 1'ortysry form of eiternil pain iXIGflN MnstnnjrLlnlmnnt la wlthrmt on nrmnT It penetrate JJeslt tuna mnsele ta tlio very bone laalrlnn; tha ispntlnu- ii l'11"! mm iiuiniiimauon impoa- ..ul... Aia i-uuvin ,ijuii iiuuiunaawi roii thitl3rntoCn-atlo;i cro equally wonder ful. Thn TtlftTlortr, ' Wn Ira nit la moediul l.v AmMtAflv fn every liouso, Jivory day lirlnffanewflof n fuJbdOod. of rhcnmntlc martrr rt tO red. or n. I nlllallA linr n civ ui n niMiuFui sin nwin mr-n I art lan LINIMENT cli speedily oircs trach rllmfnfa i HUMAN i'xiau ns llOIimatlaill. SSnrnlllnr-. SUf Joints, Coiitrnctetl Muscles? JBprrial ntirt b'calda, Cnts, lirulsea ssttill Miirntua, I'nlaonotts Bite amtlt .Sjlnirfl. p;t:iilleaa. lAiMinui. altl Norea, Uleci.l'roitlillra.rhluil..l fioro IVIpplet, CaUeil Breast, audi liiilecrt every form of external tU oHnuitTiiaBBiinn, tror tlio BBUTB CBBATION ltrurci frnraflis. ftnrlmiv. AIOV .TaIm,. a tl'otuiiUr, TTurnets Seres, Hoar KIa-1 I w? fi ' i, " mm vvoraa, tSM,ti , Mt.it ... nrrmr.n wm. ivus.. iSRuns, npavlit, 'X'lirnalir-lIlriglMBe, d Old (loica.. I'nll i:n. riim jj the nisltt nitil every other tllaaeut. 1 is lriiicti ma oreuiiwunia si SI1J3 tllnlil mid Otocli Vttl aire Ilanhl. Ilia Slexlcaii Mustauar S.l nf mami nlwcyu mrcs ami ;iycr sUaappolaUi '(jnaiUtJj, positively, SHE BESCC OF ALL MENTS WTANG DANK STEKET. lUgktW JJUiKjlH asd Detjtnti AUKudtof OrtAIK BOUGHT ad BOLD t BEOUbAH MAItKET SATJCe. , Ir. ia.."1 toS Itn Q We weald, also, lestxUaUr tchsra eirc.x tens tbst we are now full? proparad to tl y rx-y tieawjut Best of Comtl rroascyaio dtatretlMVJHI XOWEST PRKU. 3T. nxiLVAX tjn Jalin Adr6p in ache 1 Carbon Advocate 1 e f raW 3 1 J r