The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 27, 1883, Image 2

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vUtittDAY, OCTOBER 27, 188J.
Editorial Mention.
-TTnn sJ that Charlie Iloss may
eosejdwe iotas Urns, bai the Legista
tste, barer.
Th d&ereuce between Ohio uuilsr
HMHf tad under Forakfr Is a mer
Matter of the order of victuals. Under
Xtaaoent KoadleT you boy "jour drink
mti thfyttrfowlh ft free looob. Under
Problbllloo Jortker yon buy your lunoh
ud tbr throw ia Ute drink.
"Who feeM ttksjp&si of Thermopylae
Mainct tea Fenlttn liost. ' demanded a
Wiport teaober. And the editor'sboy
i. the foot of the class lifted up bis
roleo aeil apalfe; "Father, I reckon; be
Sold a pm oa every road in tbe conn
try tbat raw ft passenger train." Jost
(kee a cloud gathered in the rear of tbe
bcVg trobW. Tbe cloud was no larger
ItMH a maVs'btcd with a strap in it.
It may b ,lhat after all Pennsylvania
and not 'Ohio, is to furnish tbo battle
field for prohibition. Tbe browers and
liquor dealers of Philadelphia held meet-
ings last week and resolved to proclaim
"war to the knife" against Mr. , Wiles,
KipnbHoan candidate for Auditor Gen
cril. tiecattse of his temperance. Letters
are to be sent to all persons in the buel
boh In the State asking them to use
their influence against bim.
Ah esteemed con'temporary.wbicb takes
considerable interest lu tbe Jersey Gen
tral war at nresent rsoiuR between
Fraakliu B. Qowen and Boscoe Conk
ling, is a Sturdy Stalwart and thercfora
an ardent admirer of Koscoc. Tbe cdl
tor wrote. gushing narrative of bis fio-
lltiaal idol and gave it to a compositor
who transmitted it to tbe "devil"' who
' tan the gauntlet of the proof reader aud
rushed Conkllng into immortality with
tbe following: "Mr. Conkling then en
tared ibe court on bis head, a bandsom
carl upon bis feet, .large but well-polish'
1 boots upon bis brow, a dark cloud iu
bis hand, his faithful walking stick in
bis eye,-a menacing glare saying notb
Mxsoolstho land of the marvelous
o that a miracle more or less dees not
raitter. The latest reports tell of
miner 'la. New Mexico whose Bible fell
over a precipice while be was dozing.
He descended Into the canon lo recover
-the bio!:, and round it lying open on t
piece 'of jtch quartz tbat bad-been dis
lodged by the fall. His eye fell on the
seventh chapter of St. Matthew. Th
mini r read, "Ask, and it shall be given
onto you; seek, and you shall find." He
didn't ask much but sought diligently
andfouud'a lode over two feet in, width
that essayed $225 a ton. Tbe story adds
-that tbe district has since been overrun
bv nrospectors with Bibles iu their
Anxn lecturing over 18,600 miles of
tbe South and West Henry AVard Beech
er has returned to the arms of bis "chct
1o Plymouth Church. He told them that
the South ia prosperous, "but of all tbe
country tbat I have been over, if I were
a young man and wanted to settle down
1 should go out to Oregon or Washington
Territory. The young man who has got
-health aud strength and good habits can
not possibly fail there. He can go out
to raise wheat, go into tbe lumbering or
shipping business or into manufacture
iug. Tbe emigrant tide has not really
poured.over into those places yet, but If
they were of my opinion they would not
stop in either States, but would pour
oyer tbe Rocky Mountains, where tbo
climate is charming, the winters very
abort and tbe summers very long and
I hue Carriagemakers' Convention in
$ew Hafen, Conn, after tbe Committee
on Apprenticeship bad reported in favor
of restoring the old system of indentur
ing apprentices until they reaoh their
majority, Mr. John W. Britton of New
York said: "One of tbe serious wauts of
this country and of our trade is good
boys. Onr boys are deteriorating, as are
our men. Tbe greatest difficulty tbat
-vra experience in tew York U tbat of
getting boys' who have brains aud are
willing to team a trade thoroughly. The
example of men who bavs made millions
In a few yearsris held up before our boys
in school, and tbe boys become inflamed
with the notion that they mutt make
their millions and bo able to found cross-
a n i.,r,., n.... jtB e ii
-cscjbew trades aud becomo poor profess
lonah." Tbts is not only truo of New
York but of every little town, and ham.
ol iu tbe United Stater,
L, II. Babser, EfQ., Deiuocratlo nom
ines for the office, of District Attorney,
was in town on Tuesday and is urging on
what be mo ins to make a successful can
Tass villi theutmobt energy. Mr. Bar
ber va a young man but. be has bad
large aud vailed experience and liix ro
cord is au excellent, ope. He is a native
Peunsylvanian, having first seen light iu
Union County, of this State,. Affer au
beademio education in bis nativo place
be eutered X.aTayetto College from which
pbioshowaa graduated with honors in
tbe clis ol J871. In 1873 bo took np
bis residence at MaucU, Chunk aud for
tlve Years occupied tbe position of Priu
clpal oi Manob Chunk- High School
Ho afteraards read law in tbo office of
Fred. Bertolette.Usq.r'nnd was admitted
to tbe bar in -ISSl.' Since that time be
ban practised unremittingly at bis pro
frxsion,' gatniug tuVconiidenco of bis
clients, the good ill ofMh'e'rofejsiQu,
nud the most maikedesteem of tbe com.
muolty. Mr, Bttberls a scholar, a law
yer, a gentleman and a thorough-going
Democrat, lie has taken off his coat to
tbe preseut work aud with tbe assistance
of Providence and the voters of this
county bo intends to. bead tbe polls on
the Cth of November.
Tut following suggestion to parents
about visiting schools themselves for the
purpose of cleaily understanding tbe
complaints of children and tbe diflicul
ties of teachers, is- going the pounds of
oar exobanges and descivrs careful at
tention. The writer says: Instead of
finding fault with pur schools and their
teachers, without knowing anything
kloat would be a much moie
l,r t! tb't-S ifpatvntl wtmia ).-1 IU-
various sobools and acquaint themselves
With tbelr workings, Mnohharm is done
by this unreasonable and not uufre
quentlv unjust fault finding. For pity's
sake, at least dou't find fault unless you
are suro tbat tbo evil complained of real
ly exists, and then do not discuss it iu
tbe stores, shops and bar-rooms but call
the teaoher's attention to it in a friendly
manner, and If it is not corrected, coll it
to the attention of tbe board of directors,
It Is only by the oordlal co-operation of
teachers, directors and parents that our
schools can be made a success.
In view of tbo near approach of the
November elections, tbe following com
parison of probable coming returns with
those of tbo most recent elections, which
wo tako from the N. Y. Sus) of last Mori
day, v. Ill no doubt prove interesting to
our readers. Ten States will vote on
Tuesday, November Otb, and in view of
the result in Ohio at tho last election,
mueh interest is manifested in the ap
proaching contests, as bearing upon tbe
Presidential contest in 1831. "For com
parison," says tbe Sex, "wegtve the last
election returns in each State as tbe fair
est expression of the preseut popular
opinion, and in every instance this meth
oi is favorable to the Democrats, as will
be seen by tbe following figures":
Connecticut voted for Governor in 18SJ
Democratic majority over Iteimblican, 4,
161. Democratic majority oyer Republican
and Tempernnce combined, 3,127.
Maryland: Congietslonal clcetlon, 1SS2
Democratic majorities over Republican,
Massachusetts: Governor in 1882 Demo
cratic majority over Republican, 13,949
Democratic majority over Republican aud
Prohibitionist combined, 11,812.
Minnesota: Congress in 1882 Hcpubli
can majorities over Democratic, 40,823.
Mississippi: Congress in 1832 Demo
cratic majority o.yer Republican and Fort
Pillow Chalmers, 1 9,00 J.
Nebraska: Governor iu 1882 Republican
over Democrat, 2i,0i0: Republican over
Democrat and Ant! Monopolist, 23,172.
New Jersey: Congress in 1882 Demo
cratic over Republican, 2,093.
Now York: Governor in 1882 Democrat
oyer Republican, 192,854; Democrat over
Re publican and Prohibitionist, 107,071
Pennsylvania: Governor In 18S2 Demo
crat over .Republican, 40,202; Republican
Independent Republican, Greenbacker and
Prohibitionist over Democrat, 32,733.
Virginia: Congressman at Large n 1882
Coalitionist over Democrat, S,808; Coalit
ionist over Democrat and colored Republl
cau, 1,406.
Of these ten States, the Democrats will
probably carry Connecticut, Maryland
Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jtr,ey,
and New York.
The Republicans will carry Minnesota
aud Nebraska. '
Pennsylvania and Virginia are placed
in the doubtful column, with the chances
in favor of tbe Democrats in both o
Tho six States classified as probably
Democratic give 82 electoral voles. Add
to them Alabama, 10;' Arkansas, 7; Call
fornla, 8; Delaware, 3; Florida,
Georgia, 12; Kentucky, 13; Louisiana,
8; Missouri, 1C; Nevada, 3; North Caro
linn, 11; South Carolina, 0; Tennessee,
12; Texas, 13, and West Virginia, C, and
there would be an aggregate of 217, or
1G more than are required to elect a
President next year. The 14 electors of
Massachusetts could be omitted, and
there would still bo a surplus of two to
spare biyond tbe 201 votes needed under
the last apportionment.
Obis with 23 votes; Indiana with 15
votes, which gave 11,000 Democratic
majority over the ltepublicaus last year with 11 votes, wl icb sent six
Democrats in a delegation of nine to
Congress iu 1882, nud Michigan with 13
votts, which elected n Democratic Gov
ernor and a majority of the Congression
al delegation in 1882 these States are
all omitted from tbe reckoning, although
they might fairly be added to the Demo
cratic column, and will probably swell
the Democratic majority in 1884.
These figures are most encouraging to
tbe Democrats, but they must still bear
n mind thai, to win tbe Presidency next
car, discretion, harmony, union, and
energy are indispensable elements. They
have a powerful enemy tocombat, pos
sessing the whole machinery and patron
age ol tho Government.
Our Washington Letter.
IFbom oua SrxcUL CoiiRxsrosusNi.
Washikotos, D. 0., Oct. 20, 1883.
"Tho Ohio t-lectiou over, and the
President being nn duty again, the open
ing of tho season of real work in the de
partments will hegin. Annual reports
aud tbe preparation of other important
data for tbe information of the President
and tbe next Concress are now under
full headway, and Irom this until De
cember the lot of the aernge depart
mental clerk will not be a happy oue.''
The above were tbe remarks of a Treas
ury division chief yesterday. "Work,
then, takes on a new smut in the fall?'
observed your correspondent. "Yes, a
healthy tputt tbo. I believe tbat I cau
safely say that moro legitimate business
is accomplished in the months of No
vember and December and January of
tbe new year than during all the remain
ing nine months. It is true certainly as
regards this department." A lour of In
quiry in the pther departments practi
cally endorsed tbe above, with tbe ex
ception of the; Postoffico department,
where the records indicated a heavier
business in spring anduimmer. In theJ
Adjutant General's office. War deparl
nientt,tbe busiest time was said to be
from about February to tbe close of
June. "But," 'said one official there.
"ive have plenty to do all the time aud
no laggards we' may be truly applied to
all of tbe branches of this ofliee." New
energy and a great many needed reforms
will be introduced in tbe Patent Office
from the first of next mouth, when Mr.
ilea Hutterworth, of Ohio, will take
charge. Mr. Marble, tbe departing
Chief, like all the rest who have recently
resigned, will go into patent business,
The Supreme Conrt of the United
6tates to-day, in several cases growing
out of the law known as tbe Civil-Bights
act, declared tbat law and tbe 14th
amendment to theConstitutiou,on which
It was based, to be prohibitory and nu
constitutional. Tbe Court held that
questions growir out of tbe social rf-
-i-'VJ-i tSvlcshely tu ii
Btales.and that tbe Congress of IbcUnited
States had nothing to do with tbem and
could not regulato them. The court
studiously avoided saying what the effect
of their 'decision would be In this Dis
trict and Territories wherein Congress
has exclusive jurisdiction iniposd upon
it by the Constitutiqp. While tbe in.
ference to be drawn from tbe decislou Is
tbat tbe Civil Bights act is constitutions!
in this District and tbe Temtones, yet
it will take another disenssion to Anally
settle tbe matter.
Judge Bradley delivered the opinion
of the Court, Judge ITarlat), being the
only dissenting Justice. The cases have
bcon before the court for some time aud
there has been a growing belief that the
decision of tho oonrt just rendered would
be the result.
Lord Coleridge has come nud will soon
have gone; ho has dined and wined and
feted; be has aeon all the lawyers of this
country, their wives, sisters, cousins and
aunts; bul be has not seen the "farmer''
and tbe artisan in bis own homo, which
Is What ho "wanted to see." Lord Cole
ridge is more republican, more fraternal
than tbe republic he camo to visit. Iu
bis own modest mansion in Louden two
years ago was gathered an assemblage
wnicu inciunea air uunrics untie, j ran
els Power Cobb, Cardinal Mannicg.Mrs.
Mary Llvermore, MiSs Becker, a leading
woman suffragist; Lady Harberton, of
divided" skirts fame, and a hundred
others of equally diversified ideas, con
ditions and habits. It was n "meeting
not n reception, but the assemblage was
received with as much cordiality by
.Lord Coleridge as if they bad been per
sonal friends, and-wllh tho same sweet
ness aud craco by bis daughter. Tbe
tea served afterward was from tho finest
old Fjuglish china, and tho crested
sp6ons, tbe salln-like uaptry, and tbe
servants could have presented no more
fruitless untnsauihlo if the Queen had
been among tho guests. Yet, notwith
standing its refinement, tbe simplicity
and absence in all pretension in the do
mestic life of the Lord Chief Justice left
a picture upon the mind never to be ef
faced, and which was merely tbe stamp
of humanity of tho man upon a house
hold. Tuo White House is still closed to tbe
general public. Tbe carpet is up from
the East Boom, everything in it is
shrowdod in brown holland, and tbe
scrubbers tbero holds tho fort. The
other rooms nre In order except tbe state
dining room. Tbe celebrated glass
screen in tho main ooiridor is very cost
ly, and tbe middle panel is artistic, but
tbe side panels are covered with a desigu
tbat looks like oysters on tbo half shell.
The articles selected by President Arthur
bimstlf are in very good taste.
Livingstone, M. T. Oct. 22, 1883.
Special Correspondence.
Traveling a little more than a hundred
miles from Billings to this lively town,
one meets with n constant succession ol
genuine surprises, for here we are in the
famed Yellowstone Park, which may he
appropriately termed tbo "Wonder-
land," not only of America, bit of tbe
world. As I did not count them, I take
tbe word of the tourist that there are ten
thousand hot springs within the confines
ot this park, which covers an area of just
3,675 square miles. The park lies prin
cipally in Wyoming Territory, fragments
of it being allotted to Montana and Ida
bo, and here have been tumbled together
indiscriminately cayerns.canous, ravines,
lakes, rivers, creeks, forests and moun
tains whose sides present the most as
tonishing geologic specimens of Nature's
handiwork. Tho objects of special in
terest, however, both t? tbe tourist and
tbt naturalist, are centered about the
Mammoth Hot Springs of Gardiner Riv
er and upon its west bank. These
springs ate on White Mountain, extend
ing iu terraces that seem to have been
laid out by human hands a thousand feet
abovo tbe stream, tbe side of each ter
race presenting the appearance of n frdz
en cascade from the white deposits issu
ing irom the upper series of springs. A
perpetual spring fifty feet in diameter,
with water so transparent tbat objects
can be discerned at a depth of twenty
feet, is a handy thing to bo bad about
one's house, but when to this is added
the advautage of obtaining tbe water at
any temperature from tbo boiling point
down, it is a posResiiou that must be
coveted by all who affect cleanliness,
health and solid comfort, tos&y nothing
of it as tbe realization of the dream ol
those who have sought a way to ese.ipe
the ills of tbe washing day,
Near these springs Uncle Bufus Hatch
bos bis new hotel, which promises to be
the resort of the thousands who will
ourney here to witness scenes such as
are not presented elsewhere upou Ibis
planet of ouis. A pathway well-worn
leads from the valley to tbe plateau of
dead level table-laud from which is pre
sented n view of three score of springs.
each throwing out its jets of 'boiling
water and steam, and below at the top of
cash succeeding terrace tbe same beauti
ful soene is repeated. A volume would
be required to describe a picture that
tires tbe eye with Its beauties aud beats
the imagination with feverish anxiety
lest tbe wondrous spectacle shall sudden
ly dissolve and pass away.
But tbe geysers! What can we do but
imagine a mighty cauldron away down
iu the bowels of tbe earth, whose con
tents having no other means of escape
have worked their way between stratss
of-eartb and rock until they have reached
tbe surface? Aud hers they are vomiting
forth, some of them at regular periods
and others when they feel like It, columns
of mud aud columns of water alternately.
A few slight spurts and bubbles of tbe
blue hot water are the preliminary Bkir-
misb tbat forecasts the eruption, and
then with a suddenness that is horribly
startling there comes a biss llko that of
the escaping steam from the exhaust of
a locomotive and then a roar, and tben
the water or mud you can have your
choice. Tbe hissing and the roaring
continue for only a few minutes, and
what was nil commotion down below a
moment ago has now the silence of the
Gibbon Canon is one of the most de
lightful portions of the Park aud is al
ready the favorite haunt of tbe tourist,
who enten it tbioagb a charming grove
tut skirts tbe side of Gibbon It ver
vhKli to l ciossea anil recroseJ
many times, for which trouble, however,
tbe traveler is rewarded with surperb
feasts of picturesque beauty tho whole
distance. Tbe river Is here confined in
its passage through n narrow gorge
wbloh Is walled Vy huge irregular bould
ers oi dark colored stone, covered with
moss. At tbe outlet of tbe gorge tbe river
is divided,, tbe water dpon one side rush
ing over a ledge and going down in a
cloud of foam, while the other Is spread
translncently over the fantastically piled
up boulders llko threads of laco, .This
is really one of the great wonders of this
wonderful "Wonderland," the llko of
which is not to bo seeu in any laud un
der tbo sun, Here is n distance of a
hundred feet of waterfall into a prodlgl
ous basin upon one side of n very narrow
river, while with no pcroepttblo dividing
obstacle, tbe waters part company at tbe
brink, one portion angry and all in com
motion, aud the other peaceful and bent
on minding its own business.
.Out ot the Gibbon Canon and away
front the Gibbon Btver and its falls, wo
emerge into the light of a sweeping view
of the Twin Buttes, aud beyond them,
peak after peak, tho interminable chain
of the Rocky Mountain divide, while be
neath our feet appears tbo Yellowstone
ridge, winding gradually, to the north
and west to meet tbe mountains of tbe
divide as they stretch out in simi clrcle
from west to east. But n fifteen mile's
drive to obtain this view, over roads that
are so bad tbat 'they' could be no worse,
has 'elicited too much disgust to enable
me to do auy more justice to .the subject
In this letter. However, I will go and
eat one of Marsball'stbreo dollar dinuers
and tell you 'in my next what the Gov
ernment ought to do for this part of the
country, Dsn Pecbo.
Our New York Letter.
Regular corresponaence or Advocate.
New Yoke, Oct. 23, 1883,
Such scenes us characterized the Stock
Exchange last Saturday afternoon, will
not bo forgotten for many a day, and
during this week many firms and many
individuals will no donbt be compelled
to close out. The bears bave.beeu bold
iug high revel since July last, and danced
on, tbe prosirato bulk in a manner to
make their bones crack. Night alter
night their leaders would meet at the
Windsor Hotel, and there' iu secret cou
clave determine wbat security ntxt to
assail. Nearly the whole list has been
gone through with, and one after the
other has been hammered down. The
Yanderbllts one day nndertook to muin-
tain Lake Shore, they succeeded for one
day,-buttbe next day a united assault
was made upon it and it dropped six
points. " Tbo power and daring of these
fellows,'' said nn old operator to mo, "is
simply wonderful Wty if the devil
were to come np with bis pitchfork to
support a stock they would.aU jump on
the points of the fork and dull thorn in
Uks than no time." That Under these
circumstances an euormons amount of
money was lost by mai y and won by a
very few is evident.
mere is a story current tbat a man
who after having made q.fortnue in the
street retired, came back again about
two weeks ago, and leaving a check for a
million and. a quarter ordered his broker
to buy o certain security which be
thought was proportionately low, and
which in bis opinion could not be
screwed down further. At the end of
ten days he ordered his broker to close
on', and all that be received back out of
bis million nud a quarter was $37,000.
Another parly bad. a weakness tor "Ore
gon Trans." He started ia witV S250,
000. List Friday bu borrow edS3,000 to
mike good bis balances. Tho money
had all gone to put fat ou the bears.
For tho last few wekn tbe Vlllard
roads and Northern Pacific in particular
had been tbe special object of tbe hos
tility of the bears. Everything weut
well nutil a Inst Saturday, when Mr. Vll
lard und his party executed a coup d'
etat by which they forced tho price of
Northern Pacific up 17 points and com
pelled tbe bears to disgurge. Tbe scenes
that nrose nre simply indescribable
Men rushed ubout like beheaded chick
ens trying to save themselves. Tbe sight
reminded me of Black Friday. It is of
course useless for me to give you a de
tailed dtscription, for the telegraph
has done that before my letter will reach
It is now believed tbut tbe backbone
of the bears tins been broken hud that
prices will advance. There is one es
pecially bad fenture of the bear regime,
which it is well to point out. It has re-
vived the bucket shops, and clerks down
town have been gambling to their bean's
content, by making little pools of $25
anri $50 and buying small blocks of a
stock on a margin of one per cent. It is
almost needless to say that many of them
have been nipped, and wheu it comes to
balancing book's it will be fonnd that
some few are in a bole,
"Aud where has Jay Gould been all Ibis
time?" I said to n leading operator last
Saturday. ' Oh,'' bo replied with n &nu
"He is pretty bard to find. I tbiuk he
has been bulling things with bis mintb
and bearing them with bis money. Why,
it is nu open s:cret tbat his own private
secretary has received a pretty severe
twitch, in tbe giving of which bis m
ployer bad a hand. Uncle Cyrils W
Field, I believe has also bad a couple of
bid bngs which made bim casp for
brcatb, while young VanderbiTt who
thought himself very smart and counted
on tbe help of bis father, left the bear
garden one day as pale as a gbost and all
tbe fight knocked out of bim.'
Society was in a turmoil last evening
where to go, whether to have tbe glorifi.
cation of being able to say that they
were among thoso who were preseut at
tbe opening of the Metropolitan Opera
House, or whether to show their loyalty
to Mapleson aud his bright star by at
tending tbe Opera at the? Academy. A
great many fashionable people went to
both places, tbat is to say, they went to
the Metropolitan for tbe first and second
act and to the Academy afterwards. Of
course opera this year will be unusually
excellent. We will have none of tbe
slipshod performances which Mapleson
indulged ia for tbe past few years; bit
bow the management will thrive is a
q lcstlon which must givetbem many i n
anxious moment. At tbe Metropolitan,
far Instance they have to take in $12,600
a night before they can make expenses.
At tbe Academy tbe expenses will not be
much leiBi, for with suob luminaries as
V-tll, Oei.tir H.J nthern, n great ileal cf
money must come in at tbe box office to
produce tbo wherewith to induce them
to ting. A theatrical friend of mlue,
with a mathematical turn has fiaured it
oat that Patti this winter, will receive
$1.75 for every breath that slio draws on
tbe Academy stage this winter. Still
Now York always pays well for anything
first class, and thus tbo rival opera
bouses will .probably both thrive. As
an establishment for the holding of pub-
llo balls, etc, tbe days of ' tbo Academy
i'of Music are probably nurhbered. Tho
Metropolitan with its gorgeous interior,
ite exquisite conveniences and its gener
al adaptability, besides its central loca
tion will be a greater attraction for tho
marngers of all the "swell" affairs.1
Tbero Is n story current abroad that
Madame Nitsson at tbe end of tbo oper
atic season will marry a rich American
merchant. What trnth there is in this
story, which of course has readied this
country both through tbe society papers
as well as by private letters, it Is bard to
say. Even tbo most indefatigable gos
sip mongers bavo been unable lo ascer
tain who tbo likely candidato for tbe
cousoitsbip of tbo Swedish nightingale
is. An adventurous roportcr managed
to see the lady herself on this point but
she very naturally refused lo speak about
tho matter. Marriage with berlshkely
enough, however. For duriug the yeais
of her marriage with Mr. Bouzeaud she
learned to npprecitte tbo charms of tbe
safe haven of matrimony, far from tbo
turmoils aud bitter jealousies tbat mnko
life miserable before aud behind the
Col. Jack Haverly is coming to tbe
front again. His mines nre beginning to
look up again, aid he ban fouud a few
friends with confidence enough in his
luck and pluck to back him in n new
theatrical enterprise. A friend of ui;
told me that before the first ol December
Haverly would bavo a theatre of bis own
iu this city:
Henry Irving and Miss Elleu Terry,
have been tho lions of theatrical society
this week. They were both at tho Me
tropolitan Opera Hou'so last evening, ,rc
cupying one of Mnnger Abbey's boxes.
Irving looks as if he bad started outiu
life to becomo a Presbyterian divine of
.tho most non compromising sort, and
was constantly regretting the faot that
ho renounced this path. Miss Terry
could easily pass as a rival to Santb
Beruhard, so far as thinuess goes- She
is almost diaphanous, but ber face has
the English strength which Beruhard
Stnten Island is preparing actively for
the Bi-Ceutcunial of tbo. formation of
Richmond County on November first,
It seius as if the affair would be rather
ou the small side, for two reasons. Firel
thepublio has grown rather tired of such
celebrations, which after all turn out lo
be nothing but a scheme to squeeze all
the money possible' out of tbe helpless
visitor.aud second because tbe committee
that has tbe arrangements in band Is
dilatory and listless.
A novel way of odvertising and popn
lirizinga road, has been begun by tbe
Sea Beach Route to Conev Island. The
season Is over, but the races at Briahton
Beacb are still in progress. Yestorday
the company announced tbat free excur
sion tickets over tbo road would be given
to all applicants at the office, until the
season closed,
What Struck: an Oil Solfe
"It will soon bo twenty years since the war
Under the hot ton of AURnst, ISS'i the vll
lags of Dover, N. J., lay still as the splilnlx
la Egypt, nlille Llljah Sharp, ofthatplaoe,
slowly and softly spoko of the pnst. "ies,'
he said, "I was In the army and saw many
of tho sights Ol those fearful years. I was
Anally discharged from disability, resulting
from sunstroke. 1 came home, miserable In
health and spirits; so enfeebled that I took
ciiM'on tho slightest exposure. Life seemed
worthless to me; I lived only In memory.''
"That was tad enough," I said, dividing
my last two cigars.
"That's so," replied Mr. Sharp; "but I (tot
over It. Outgrow 1;T Not exactly. When In
that condition I began tuklnir Pakkkk's
Tomc, and my health commcnoed tolmprovo
rlxht away. I was astonished nt It, nnd so
was niy wife. 1 piled on tho ficsh nnd could
eat anything. My ambition blared up. 1
tould attend to business, and now excepting
thrtt I litivo to take caro about exposing
myself to tho hot sun lam as well as I was
tho dav I enlisted. What diucrenco there
nr In tl lngs suns and bayonets kllI;I'AnK
kb's Tosio saves."
This preparation which has been known
as Pakkeii's QitiOKttToxio will hereafte
be called simply PAnKsa's Tosic. As un
principled dealers aro constantly deceiving
their customers by substituting Inferior ar
ticles under tho name ol Klnger.nndas glngc
Is really an unimportant Ingredient, wodrop
the misleading word
JfThere Is no cliango, however, In the prep
nrallon Itself, and all bottles remaining in
the hands or dealers, wrapped under the
nameofPAitKan's (Jikokii Tomc, contain
the uenulno medicine If I lie fan-rlmlle
slgnalme of IIiscox &. Co., Is at tho bottom
of the outside wraopcr. Oct. 7
The Examiner
Two Dollars a Year ! !
Those desiring to sco the paper as It Is be
fore becoming rosular subscribers, cau make
a "trial trip "from November l.ls83, to Jan.
uary 1, 18S1,
For Twenty Cents.
The publishers havn determined to matte
the prloe tho same to all single aud olub
subscribers believing It the wisest policy to
have tbo largest circulation at tho lowest
possible prloe, and hare everybody recclro
THE EXAMINER atone low prlso.
Send lor n sainulo copy, or take a trial
trip." and you will And that TII E EXAMl
Nhlt Is one or tho largest-sited eight-page
papers, and Is distinctively a Family News
paper, with Interesting aud Instructive read.
Fob lor ever inembcror tho household, from
the oldest to the youngest In making It
the Editor has tho co-operation of the best
newspaper, magailno and review writers or
the day. In short, that It isan tlUTSI'EAK.
PEOPLE. For sample copies, terms to
sgeuts, tie., address
c t Wl, Ntw 'ink-
To the Ladies of Leliigliton & Vicinity !
:o; .
Miss Alvenia GbaVer
Announces ai follows : I have just visited tho
tbe Latest .Novelties in t ALU
Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, -Notions, &a,
Bought nt Lowest CAsn figures, and which I tira offering nt
prices fully as advantageous as you can buy for in the larger
cities. Please call and examine my stock. I AIM TO
Agent for the Bethlehem Steam 3Dye Works.
Remember the Place,
scp29-3m Bank .St., next to Eeber's Block.
that ortho many diseases and derangements
oi mo oouy eacn nas a soimmm rnuoe or ori
gin and that each needs n. different method
of treatment In order to elTect a cute, and n
moment's rcflcotlon must convince that any
of the quack nostrums rolstcd upon tho pul
llo claiming to cure nil or a number ol dia
metrically different diseases must proo fall-
urcs, even n wo uo noi can incin nuuiuugs.
even people well-to-do or wealthy Hod tint
tnormout charge) ol practising phjslclans nre
nJorlous burden to thorn, nnd also flnd Unit
attcr paying themselves poor that no tic lie lit
tuts accrucu to inetii, iiiul in moi uiej iiiivo
thrown their, money nwny. To uvercomo
iliosn evils wo olfer Whcclcr't Ko. OU Sure
lttmnUit to the sick and sutiertng one utmtau
lor each disease, without for a moment claim.
Inir that one rcinedv will euro any other dis
ease than the ono claimed tor It, nnd u s thoe
remedies mvo stood t ic test ot years WllllOUt
a sinjlo failure, we aureoto reundlhe money
paid In every instance wncro n euro is not
osuiveiy ruecicu. 1 no reuieiiieB , c ruin c-
ly vegetable, can uo no Harm, anu win posi
tively cure every disease lor which they aro
Cloul. Lam
ess ot joints
Sciatic i and
Neuralgia are relieved at onco and positive
ly cured bytliousouf Wheeler's No pa Ithcu
raatlo Keinidy. We sny boldly that In tho
worst cases ol no matter how long itiinding,
how serious or how painful, wo can not only
give rellel but potitlvtly cure lor all time,
railing to do this wo will positively refLUd
tho money pnld lor treatiotnt. and ir your
suflerlngs aro not positively stoppod tor all
time you linvo not thrown your money away
as you would on tin oilier than t cse uuaran.
teed remedies. Tho price ol Wheeler's No. 03
Hheuuiutlc itomcuy is oniyouecnrs, odium
ivb.o from druggists or sont Irce by mall on
roceipt of price, stamps taucn.
naturo with a pretty face, beautllul figure,
faultless complexion, as well na the sweetest
nl' tempers and laultlcss mental qualities
grows prematurely old, gray ami wrinkled,
tier loriu loses us pcricci contour, murum.
plexlon becomes sallow, tho brightness leaves
tho eve. a feeling of languor takes the plnco
of tho once buoyant spirits, an Irritable ncr.
vous frnctlousness makcsJlioaburdcn,things
th it once were trltlcs worry ncr till mo ne
comes unbearable., All this being caused by
tho physical derangements so common to wo
men, which the Inhalo modesty or lemlnlne '
nature prevents their making known, and or
which llio Ignorance or tho medical profes
sion prevents a cure. Lady Header, pauso
nnd consider, 'IU a duty you owe joursoll',
your family, and your Und. that you should
euro Aoursell of theso troubles und onco moro
hoi tho ulow o perfect health nnd splrlistnai
nature Intended for ou. n'heeltr't Ko. Oil
I'rtkcrliiliont aro pleasant and paiatanie 10
take, cuntalnnothlng ol'nn Injurious naturo,
and may bo taken bynll ages at nil times and
In all conditions without possibility ot IU ef
fects, and will positively cure any of the pe
culiar diseases to which females are subject.
Failing to produce a perfect euro the pro
prietors will relund the moncr paid for the
treatment. It you havo n sallow complexion,
constant or Intermittent headaches, back
ache, restlessness, loss of appetite, supprcs.
slons of monthly flow.or irregularities ihcre.
of, accompanied by headaches, nervousness,
hysterics and similar swnptoms, Whtiler'i
Ao. OH Pretcripllon " D " will posl Ively re
store you to health. If you h ivo a sen-ntlon
ol ho it nnd throbbing in tho back, fnquent
fainting spells, I.eucorrhea or white illsch ifgo
painful or scalding sensation In urinating,
reddish or white denoslt In urine, hot nnd dry
skin, Whetler'i Ho. 00 Pretcriilinn " (." will
give Immediate and lasting roller. The price
ol Wheeler's No OJ Prescriptions " il '' and
"O" are 6Ueentseaoli, obtainable frrm drug,
gists or sent by ntiitl sccuru from observation
post-paid ou receipt ol price. Postage stamps
It Is needless to de.
scrlbo the symptoms
of this nauseous dis
ease that Is sapping the life and strength of
loo many oi tno i.nresi anil oesi oi nom sexes,
old and young, suffering ullko from tho kiI.
sonousdrlpplntc In tho throat the poinonous
nasal dtscli.irgMo fetid breath, and gener.
ai weakness, it. vWv. and Innituor. asldo from
tho acute sufferings of this dlsciue, which If
not checked can only end lu loss nf palate,
hoarseness, weakened sight, loss of nreinory,
deafness and premature de.ith if not checked
before, it Is too late. Labor, study and re.
search in America. I-Drop ni.d Ensicrn lands
havo resulted fn Whecle 's Ko. f0 Jntlant lie.
lief and Sure Cure for Ccari-A, a remedy which
cuiituliis no harmliil Ingredlints, and hat Is
guaranteed to cure every ease ol acute ir
chrontocttarrh or money refunded. Wheel
er't Ko. 66 lnilant Relief and Sure Cure for
Catatrh will euro every c.ise of eator'h, hay
fev r or asthma, price jl.00 per package, Irom
drnirglsts or sent by million ri-colpt ot price.
Whectert Ko. 08 Sure t nre for Kidney and
Liver Troubles cures nil weakness nnd sore
ness or klduejs. Inflammation or kidneys ur
liver, prlco l.ot.
U'heelcr'i Vegetable Mti are th ' rim
edy that euro comllpitlon, ural
action of the howelswii bout n ' - i . nrg.
Inir, griping or palu. Prb" - ' . ,Ji drug
gists or by mall
Wheeler'i Kervine roi.ii. f.i menial depres.
sion, loss nl imuiiIiooiI, languor, weakness or
over taxation of tho brain Is Invaluable, prlco
ZD cents,
we guaraiiteee:
cures In evory
or win re
moiiev Paid'
Wo idaeo our lirlce for hese remedies nt less
lhan one-twentieth or llio urleo asked by olh
ers tor remedies upon which ou take nil the
cliances,.and wofeclally Invltt the pitron.
ago or tho many persons'wh . have tried other
remedies without effect or dipleted their
purses by paying doctor bills tbat benefitted
them not,
them. If they have not trot them, write at
onco lo tho proprietors, enclosing the price In
money or stamps, and they will be sent you
at once by mall, post-paid. Correspondence
solicited. Address plainly,
L. WHEELEU f- CO., .
No, S3 W. Il.lltlinore St.,
sept. 1, 1883-ly.
i. lr.i aa u I I lL.
attendant ov s. ,,
temporary renei, i ui -J'"--.;;;;'
He Leon Texas, says i
"It is the best medicine lor Asthma that 1
ever have' usod." M. Hw'g.-s. Fountain
llead Tenn.sayst"! am entirely lelleved
of all Hinntoins of A.thuia by Stinson's rem-
Mo,!rSr;S4;iS'lUs tho best lever took." Mrs.!.,
A Hlssell. of Roberts, Illinois, says 1 "Dr
Stln.on"A.ih.A Remedy Is J ""5
mended. It innkes expectoration easy. ur.
SURE to send for treaties. t"n.olals and
nrlcollst to PEUK & CO, 21 EAal "I"
STREEh N. 1, N. Orlttendeli t o.,
US Fulton St.. N. Y.. also wnole.alo agents iiu'ie ;
irirTI not, life Is sweeping by,
T XT' tr I T un,, dro before you
I , VhiO JL something mighty
--VJ " 0nd sublime leave be
hind to conquer time " M,aw fer
own town. ISotitnt fref. No rlk
thing new Capital not required. Wj will
furnish tou everything. Many are making
fortanV Ladles r, on-nn-boVs
and rlrls mk. ureal pay na"v"
City, and purchased a large assortment of
ana wixvrttit styles or
irr a ma
Fall & Winter!
H. H. Peters'
Merchant - - Tailoring
Tost ()(Hco ISulWlng, opp, Public Square,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
A full line of OENTS' FURNISHING
ClOODS, at Lowest Prices. ' mar-fji
SWICK PIANOS are now pronounced tho
best pianos manufactured by all who hare
tested them. My name Is cast In the Iron
frames, llewara nl bOuus nlanos. A 30 days
offer which I challcngo any man or Arm to
conipcto Willi.
My Ken (jMO Squaro Plnno. 7K octaves,
patent Agroff Treble Onr siring bass con
mtns all tho latest Imtiroveint nts. In a vorv
handsome rose.wood case, extra carved legs.
L'usb prlco at iho Factory lor Soda) s only t 4S.
My iH.UOii Squnru (Irand Piann, full patent
A grail. 3 strings, all lounl cnriieis. elo , etc,
the same style as a 01,00-1 Webor Piano, will
sell for down cusll 720.
Jlr new deslmi. Elegant OGSOupriaht VA
lictavo Agrau, a airings, in u uuei) uuieiieii
Vorh wood case. ( jftifiS.
A now J, P. Hale, Snuareand Upright, 4130
cash ; a new inrisiio & on. r no.
UriMins ol all makes ror which I am ex.
changing my pianos to onrnn manufacturers
at prices lor tho present time under cost nl
manutactuie. New Double Heed Organs, 10
stops, In fine walnut cases, lamp stands,
handles, hluh top and music pocket. 2 knee
swells, lor 5i cash. You can't buv tho same
Oigan through any dealer under 412V lh vo
some new cheap tnadeorgaiis lor 10. He sure
and write Hie. mi gooos norraiuvu. jiii
monev re f.inded II my pianos ar not as repre
sented alter Sldais trial. Dealers will talk
against these prices, but by all means write
me and order one or my unriveled PI nos and
lest nnd com aro II with a piano dr tho best
maker at double its price. 1 tnake'all of my
own planos'and my namo is cast Increry Iron
plate which Is u safe guarantee. A word to
tho wise Is eurflcift,!. Ilon't pay dealers
doublo tho prlco Wil r or i ill on JUHN J.
S 1UK, Piano Manufacturer. PATERMJN,
N. J. Twenty ulanos litre sold ctooer ttb.
New piano til each. Elegant piano
covers W. iieu'ors get iroinnu to tia lor mo
same unifies. Don't let this chance pass
without taking advantage orit. Now lathe
time to buy. Nn commissions paid Nn
egents wanted. Nodevlatloiilnprtce. pianos
sent on 6 days trial to reliable parties. Orders
dlltd In tnodajs notice.
Arrnnto Wnniofl I For CONQUERING
Nh.aS, or Now l'ictoril HUtory of the
Life and Times of the Pioneer Hemes &
lUrnines of America, hy Col. Frank
Tmri.ETT. 0r 200 Sup rli K"ervi"p
Covers IheTHREK ERAS of Pioneer Prog,
ress. rn rrom the Allohenfei to Iho Missis.
sluidi (2) Trom tho Mlsslssimd to the Kockr
Mountains t 3) Oalir.irnla and the Famine
Slope. Nkw. Uonibtncs urnphlo. thrllliug
narrative, with profuscness or elegant Illus
tration, by eminent unlets. Nearly 100 per
sonul portraits, embracing all the. Pio.ikik
i,k.ikus, nesmes scores oi inemciiis. t'ic
TirneliAi LKiir or It auk Intkkkst. A true
historical wurk or thrilling adventure In for.
est. plains, mountain and s ream covers
western ami civilization, ngnts
Willi Indians; liespcrate Adventure, Nar
row Ercapes j Wild Llio ou the' llorder. A
li rand jinok foragmts. Ontsellsoverythlng,
120 octavo pages Low in Phiob, In reach
ol tho MASskS. Agent Oompleto Outfit 75c.
43Wrltent once for Confidential Terms and
Illustrated Description. Address.
N. D. THOMPSON CO., Pubs.,
47-41 St. Louis, Mo., or New York Olty.
Drs. BaiiT U Eistamp,
ITrtVod-ter mined to remain iu LEHIGH
TON all Winter, aud will contmne to
pay special attention to
Chuonic Affections
Surgioal Diseases.
Office Hours from a. m. to 0 r. m,
Bank Street, Lohighton, Fa,
Octobo 13, -
For wound, disease or other
disability. Widows, minor
oniiuren anu aeponaant
parents entitled when death reiultod. Claims
reopened, i csl oration. Increases, bounty, back
nay and
ui'ciinrgca I
rges obtained, Aptdyatonce.
delay prciudlces
law. Address. w
rour rignts tees nxen ny
Address, with stamp, the old establish
ed Arm or EI ISO N;jt CO., Attorneys & Claim
Agems. 917 FSt. Wash! gtrni. li n m.i-
Trespass Notioo.
To whom it may concern AU pertoni
are litre by forbidden totreijiauon my Innd
situate In Walcksville, Franklin tjwj!jp,
Carbon county, either for huqtincr. fiah.n;,
or any other purpoeot. Any Tioiatioq of
thU notice will dealt wftn According to
law, i.t,-Ki ,vwtr,
WalcVirille, C-rbon Co., r.
I 11
all ur
S 11 p
Railroad GuidoV
I &
Arrangement of Passenger Trains.
MAY Ilth, IISJ. X 1,. .
Trains leave Allo'nto'al foiliiwi t:
(Via Psrkiomes Kailroad.)
For Philadelphia" kl t..W,r.t!,.lt.,ta.,
and S.10 fi. m.
For PhlladelphlaA5.o0a.ui.and 4.80 p.'N,
(Via East Pish Bbakoh.)
For Heading and Harrrsburif, 0.00, S.M a,
m.,12.15,4.!a, and 0.05 p.m. '
For Lancastorand Columbia, IXV, MD
ta., and 4 So p, m.
For Harrlsburg, and waypolnta, .fist a. m.,
S.06 p. tn. '
Trains for Allentawn leave as follow:
(Via Pxrkiohbk Railroad.), tao, and Siltvp. m. . n
Leave Philadelphia, B.J0 a. ra, S.S9, aM
4.ito n. m.
(Via East Psaiir. Ueajicb.)
Leave Itsadln. a. m.. si m a sa
and 6 li p. in.
Leave llarrlsbnrir. fi IX T.M. O.EO a. m- l u
and i.uti p. in.
Leave Lancaster, a. m.. l.oo and t.40
.cave woiumois, t.ot a. m , ana 3.40'
p. m.
rrrom mux street uopot,
Leave Reading, 9.00 a, m. and (.00 p.m.
Leave llnrrkburg, T.00 a. m.and 4.00 p. so-
Trains Via "Perkioinen Ttkllroftri' mmrienA
thus () run to aud Irom Depot. Ninth 4
(ireen streets, Philadelphia, other trataa to
and from Hroad street Depot.
a no -a.ou anu o.4B. m. trains rrom Allen
town, nnd the "1 Zi ami 6.16 p. m. train rrom
Philadelphia, via Perkioinen Railroad, haver
through cars to and rrom Philadelphia.
General Manager.
Oen'l Pass'r & Ticket Agent.
May 21th, 1SS3.
Two Doors lletow the "Broadwar Heals-
MAUCn cniiNK, PA.. .
Dealer in all ratterns ot rialn and Fancy
Wall Paper&5
"Window Shades,
Paints & Paintcsr' Supplies,
Central Carriage Works,
Bank St., Lchigliton,
Are prepared to Mannfsotnro
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring AVngori, &c.j
Of every description, In the most substantial
manner, and at Lowest Cash Prloes.
Repairing Promptly Attended, tcj.
April 28, 1832 yl Proprietors.
No Patent No Pay.
obtained for Inventors In tbe United States)'
Canadaand Europe, at reduced rates. With
our principal ofnoe located In Washington,
directly opposite the United Statta Patent
Office, we aro able to attend to all patont
business with greater promptness as4 de
spatch and at loss cost than other patent aU.
tornoys who are at a distance from Wash
Ington, and who have, therefore, to employ
-' associate attorneys." We make preliminary
examinations anil furnish opinions as to ra,
tentaullity, free oTchargo, and all who are
Interested In new Inventions and patents an.
Invited to rend for a copy ot onr "Outdo for
obtaining Patents," which Is sent free t
any address, and contains com leto Instruct
Hons how to obtain patents and other valus
hie matter. Wo reior to the.Ormsn-Amer-lean
National Hank Washington, D. C; the
Royal Swedish. Norwegian and Danish Logft
lions, at Washington; Hon. Jos. Casey, lat
Chlel Justice V. S. Court of Claims; to th
Otnclals of tho U. H Patent Otllee, and to,
Senators and Mtiaberi of Uongrtsi from
every State.
Address: LOTUS TIAaOER fc CO., So
lloitoreol Patents and Attorns)! at L,IhV
'Droit HulhtlJig WaamiiOTow. U. OV
"7"XGi i-P Kifookout lor'hanesa
T J I . ,J I J la increase their arn
Insjs, anil In tins b
come wealthy; those who do not ImproTi their
opportunities remain In poverty. We offer a
g eat chance to make money. We want many
men, women, boys and girls la work form
right In their own 1- ralltlts. Any on can de,
the work properly from tho first start. Thsj,
business will pay xaore than ten times ordljcvi
ary wages Eilfaslve osUftt furnished. free.
No one who entoges (alls to tasks mono;,
rapidly. Yon ran devote your whole Urns la
the work, or only yottr spare moments. rH
Information and all that Is needed nt (tee
Address Stiksok fcOo. Portland, Mains,
I A M r Claims specialty, and WAH.
ES and all kluds nf LAND SCRIPT bought
and sold. Large Stock, and Highest Prices
paid. Do ron want to sell or bnyt It so,
write to A. A THOMAS, Attorney at Law,
Washington, D.O. jan.o-tfe.
Dit, c r. wrtrs turn. io nmu tkuwwt.
Mr-"! Niurll. Il.fttUfih, rvni prMlntlloa
hy ll sa of kloniiut tr I abated, Wtkhful , UUI Ito-t
KtrrMton, Settling ot Ik iirmln rtt1HsT la ittMbllr 4
UadlnctotnltMrj'. au; DidlU Ytiu Old Am,'
lUrr-ttncM, Ix of fuwvr In 11W . MIur7 L"
Bit sVpmnitrrhs. cuir4 Ir t)?r- f tt( UU,,
Mlf-tto-u1 oreHndiiiKiic. Bach kairattlti m HHttS
rrlraMt 91 erIx twxet fur 9K VbX ttftllfl
pM tu rrcsjlyt vt I'flrt t
Tn rr ut r. Vtll arU orrlor r fired hf u Ur b(
Uit, rt-iin-ul. Mllh $3, wlllnt b punkumt
wrtitwH ffusiianlsNi i r'aitt t'' mBy If Ua U4liaiil
B-t ttt CUM. llHraMiUra lunoj onlf fcjr s-.
kit wlit r vpan rfrtlpl of t ttH. l)siurpM4 hr
320 Raoo Street, Philadelphia Pa.
$lrOOO J. M.
Honey yon carjrcats stUJag
Maps & Charts
For 4 pat caujogue, frt,