The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 20, 1883, Image 4

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    and lllll nss Worfi Nutl::&
A year ago a physician in
Concord. N. II. played a
prac'ical joke on a fruuiil. Oi.c
stormy night last week th. t
physician was suddenly- sent
for to attrud an urgent cas,
at No. 80 State Street, lhu
frying on his clothes he sc
o.nt .with breathless. .Lash
ijirough the dreuchiiiHir. initi
itfttha dark,nnd ringing sever
III ddbf-bl'lls" in the' Vain t. -tempt
to find out wluclVlior-st
was number b(). he discoverer
that'.0 iwas an open lot. f-lir
next discovery was that tin
iVidicl6rf wh6m he had played
tfic jrke had now got even
vvjlh ,lijm. Ho was ' ahnost
mad enough to throw up the
practice of medicine alul advise
all sick folks to take Jirou n's
Iron "Hitters.
A,,reportur writing about a
shipwreck and desiring to
jnake his story as thrilling as
pos ible, made the statement
that "fourteen of the wretched
passengers, bit the dust."
M'oruinc Knocks ence at
c cry man's door,'' eloquently
r marked a stump speaker to
hiSslittlQ crowd oi' hearers.
"Well then," said a tattered
mid seedy looking hearer
errtess 1 must have been out.
the day he' knocked at mine."
It) Secure good fortune avoid
dyspepsia, and Keep your
stomach and liver happy by
te ire of Brown's Iron J3it
tcp. A distinguished novelist who
was asked how he managed to
keep the attention of his read
ers-replica that he had read a
goou deal, and that lie always
tried to avoid what annoved
Sloped to,bc.tohl just hcrcMliaf
l?Browris Iron Bitterss the
trOy.gpPticirfachs,to nCi?
j fee? lfcaltli.
Make a notT c-1
1JV '
y Elic servant girl who puj
uncdlcinc into the ice-cream:
'beciil'ise shn l-notv tlm Ihtniltf
yoiiid be sick after eating thalj
Icokrcoufection, meant -wcllJi
,lut nvactised medicine ,,.111 a
clumsy nianncr. She ricai-lj
filled half a dozen ol her
patients. She. says that, the
next time they get sick tlicy
iriay take their medicine iu
$ieirown, way. She retires
ft:orntlie practice.
. A basc-bnll struck Pat un
fer tile tilth rib, and nearly
knocked him down. SomeV
hody told him it was a "foul"
YA li" said Tat "shure.
-thoWght it was a mule."
At Atlantic City tho sum
mer price of dog-carts is $1.50
nn hour. This does not in
cllidq a dog.
Tho lady whose huSband
ran' awav "with the school-
rnarm congratulated hersell i
tljat she knew more about the
inside facts of the scandal than
tlfe eossins 'across the wav.LS
,f.l, 11,1 1
yw nuu i.uivuu au xuiuii
anout it. An "ins tie act"
A . ,.K, , . . , .
WlllC'll lias Tin taint n srnnrln I
oVimif !f l,f !,., T....
aOOUt It IS that iJrOWU S JlOll
Bittgnf will cure your dyspep-
TIR llivhnni nnr mn rn n nmv n
"n . 1 WITHOUT DltUUt
mail Of llim. Ig.Wnrrnnled One
, r5llllauco iiuulc.
kltnltrll llM nnl.A.. I ii 1 ,.. V lso roinphlet for Ladles only, uut on receipt of
and griddle all arc oi iron,the rw."ii5 ouseaied, fube.
gieatwmetm without which
ihe industries oi tho world
come to a standstill. Iron on
the iarm, iron m the carpen
'ter shop, iron at the black-
s nifli's iome . and iron in the
human .blood are all the same
Tnctal, but in wonderlully dif
ferent iorms. Iron-Rives the
blood its rich, red color, llich
blood means health and
Strength. The preparation of
'Iron in Brown's Iron Bitters
it the only one which can be
taken with success and safety.
Have you tried Brown's Iron
A bright beginning Sun-
.pleasantries maples and
111 roads lead to roam.
, .lovers should quarrel of
tfcn, for the make up is, oh! so
Those who attempt to
if limb a greased pole for a
(',ptize seldom make ascent in
sthe operation.
' An operetta has been com-
.--posed Avith- the title of "In a
3)i!qftfma." Of course the
jlPrclrCgtral part will, have two
. "4i;PhQv-yatCring cart sjiyfts
'JVfitnr ft"'?rmn biting the
No other blooil-purlf ylng mcillclno li roaile,
3r hn trrf bron ircparuil, which o com
plol 'IV meets the wanla of physicians' autl
tUo general publlo HO
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It leads tho list as a truly r clonllAo .prepi
Hon for all lilou.1 diseases. Jf thorn Is nil
Qnnnnit n ingiainioi ecroiuuinuou.
OCflUrULrl AYI'.ll'H SAttlAl'AIULLA will
disl.rlgo it mul el It from your system.
Tor constitutional or scrofulous Otitarrb,
OeTunnil AYKti'n Is th;
uATAHnH trno-wmely. It hit cure,!
iiumbcrlinwc.'WMAfltwlll top tho namciius
catarrhal "iIlfch'wFS; nuJ remove tlio sleliPii
Mng"iIlof'of tho breath, which are Indication
- ofiacrofulouA'crlgln. .
111 nconiiQ ,'to,.1sepi.s,tta.
WLufcllUU J '.V t (ho ago of two venrs one of,
-'WdCO hW children vn terribly afflicted
OUIICO rlth ulcoroiu running sores on. it
'"fa'ea ami tcat. At the same time 1U eyes
rero swollen, much Inflamed, and very sore.
'Onnr Eva Phvslclans told us that a pow-
Ollflfc UlCd erfulalteratlrBmodlclneraust
be iimnlo) oil. they united In recommending
AfKBM Baihapvkii.LA. A few Doses pro
duced n perceptible Improvement, whloh, by
.' an adherence to your directions, was contrn
ued t a complete mul iwnnanent cure. No,
cvldnco has slnoo appeared of the existence
of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat- '
inent of nny disorder wat ever attended by
raOro prompt or ellectual results.
.yours truly, 11. F. JoitssoM."
Dr.J.C.Ayor& Co., Lowell, Mass.
1 Soy by altDrugglsts; $1, six bottles for 5.
y'HOisutAcQa'TCo ith THt ctoanPHr eTNis cojri
Xtotth. AtGhisnii. TJif.n.n-n.-iTiu mH' 1st . toi.i. it
roueot iu Union Depattvntth all tbrf principal
lines ot roa-3 twtweru tno At 1 an tie caa the I'sclflr
tieitii. Ita equtrment is uorWalel-nd uiBCntil
cam, being cpiupoasd ct moat coinfortabiosnuc
lieaunnjl iit$ Cooxiherj, llaeiiiflc-iii.'Hortcnaaia
cllninir-Chair Osrs, .I'ullama'a PruiJltiUa
liloepiDf! Cam. end IJ X.'estLins' of D(ft1nsCiu
Id the WorlJU 113 Trains t-etweeu CUiago au
Missouri ilivc Foimo. Two I't&iaa butwciu Chi
. A Ufivr and Direci Lice, via SeccAeud Kanki
rei.haa recent ty bonop msd botwomi iChmou-
ell and bC Paul and intcrr.i.uiite rointa.
All Tarp.mrh fCiisenBoro TiAvtl oa i'asc Eiprtn
TinWsforx&loat all principal Ticket Office'
thaViiKed Statt "find Canarta.
Tfayi aj lowdj coiipctUora-tliat cnr lew a J van
liiasaaa cnooKainrougXAua rraes of faro aZ
ior ' dotnllcd Information, eet the Maps cad Folfi
jrs of tho
At ydur n earsst TIo'.:et Oincs, or addrsaa
R- It. OrtDLE, E. ST. J JHM,
j Vlct-rrec. ft Qon'l HVr GcuiTSt.&Paii.Ajt.
t'O. .I'M. ,."! tut,). .1
i 5fV!iA,-,h1-
fCj&rtrsQ&X1" ryUtrxtheCantiAifxiatt
' hJ& JSVo,
VVX HiMlu-wMti.1.i.ri,t,
1. l JWNBtf.fHtiuWrrMl,"w4
&8&f' .I'l'll.'lIlJ'EAIlLhMhMBirlr.ift
sNerra-LifB andVigo
This Cut ihows the
Upward Elcctfic
;nctic Shield
as rpplletl over the It III
iicj'Manu nervo-iuni
center?. Tno ap
pliance mauo that
1.13 every part ol
Ihn bodv. find the
onlvono needed to
rosiTivsLY cuns
ECltluc IJUonso
It lie iinmtlMii,
1 yupopsln,
the worst coses of
Nemliiul tVciik
iicas, I'.ilinus
lion, Iiupoteu
tj, oud fill Ills
cnhON and XVealc
iic.i.uf tlieUrino
(Jcnltul OrgaiiB.
U'ntcd lVb.S5,lOT.
rtYOVNO JIEX, from early Indlfcrctlon, lack
" " 1 "T"', , .
JIlDD-AOEl) JIi:N often ladolgi
'FcnalcWenUncss, Ken ous Debility and other ail-
.uiniuinBiiaiiirai way
Vcar, untl tho beat
T11,T--H,,1 Tl ....... 1 . 1 . . IPHDrW FPVOm rtO IBW
American Galvanic Go.,
: -
How Lost, How Restored ! '
Jurt imWiaJuil, a new edition ot Di.CUL
'het-ullcaicuieof ErciiMAionanorTA or tcai'
ial WonUnes. Imo'uutaiy tieminal Losfes,
UroTEXCT Mcutil nud rhyslo-l inctpani)-,
wiMrtimcnU to Jianlsipa. do. i also, cos
BUHmos; Km trsr aud i'it, lutlucca by flt
tDtlutcti'lice or fexual ej.tradiuco o.
TUoccli'brotcil butdor. hi tbis tdmiruUc K
eay, o eaily d(.ujouMrjte3, tro.n a thirty ream
RucccftHful ia t (;;,, tt at 0 alaruiinir coiu.o
qi"ncc5if cH"aijare may lm raf ,cly'rnrcd j
ihintinu mU a ttml ot t-nie at occo siinxtle.ccr
t linitl olT'Citiul. by metuj ot wtitcli cvt'ty
m l?vMtr. mi iuatirrJiat In 1. condition inar Ii?,
mav euro Hltiinotl cUc ply, lTlvjtclr, nnd tatil
cally. tTiii'V.iciaN pJor.M bo In tlm biid'ot
every jutU cuaVjciy wan in tho lam?
Seuf u Trior jfJul. m 11 plain enxelnw. to any
aiPietM, postpml 011 receipt o? bis veu or
two pu8tu.?o ktuuim, a01 t-ha
Tho Culvenvi-U Medical Cq.,
41 AIwN St., ew York. N. V.
X. O. Box 1W uci. 7. lSsS-rl
Uselatline. 6ufd by druvcldta.
0I,1NT(IN nilKTSKY, fashionable
iiooTanu miok .maker, uuna st
lAhlxhton. All work warranted.
WPW Subscribe for and
read, tlio 'Oauuon' Advocate,
It containg all the latestjocal
news iip to tile 'tune "ojt gjbing
C3 wl
IAUS. 13
tsirood. 11
Every farmer should it leant have one
county pujier, ami that pupcrsbi iild be Ike
AdTu'catk, condiins nil lliu latest lu-
cal news. Only $1,00 a year.
Ainnn who knows a good deal about
the ills of life the doctor.
Are yuu dlsluiLeil l nlghl uml broken of
your rest by a sick child fullering uml cry
Ina-vrllli pain ofcultlli.K tcelb? If to, cetut
at oneo and get a botilo ol Mra. Wihamik's
SootiUKn Sraur por Ciiiuirkx 'I'KKTniso.
Its-Tnllio it Inraileulable. It will relieve th
.tiooc lilllotsuflVrers Immediately. Depend
,tivn J I, mothers, there Is np mislnko about
it. lt.ruredyeenlery.nnd dlarrhoca.regu
Jatea the stomncli and bowefs, rtires wind
cdic,Sonei)s.lheuins,reduc- inflnnimnliun
and gives lone and energy lo thanholo sys
tem.. Mnai WtssMiw's Sootiiiko SYKnr
rn Ciiii.nnwTnTHinu Is. pleasont to .tho
taste..andHstbo'tirncrlptlon of one ol tho
oldest. .and best feninle pliyticlans and
nurses- inltho Un'.led.Slalcs, and U for snle
by nil druggliU throughout the world.
Price 25 cents a -bottle.
A gooil houtclicf per A watch dog.
1'IKES TAR will kill the parasite Unit
causes consumption. JAUWIJTS TA It
SYIlUr contains the proper quantity and
quality. l"or tale at Thomas' J rn etore.
Ife who his nothing' to do'lms no busi
ness ou rurlli.
r On Thirty Days Trial.
k TnitVoLT!? Uklt Co., Marshall, Mich.,
will send Dr. Dye s Celebrated hlectro Vol
talo Belts and Eleclriu Appliances on trial
lor thirty days to men (young or old) who
ore. ufllictt-d wltbervous ilchlutVi lost vi
,iHlily and kindred troubles, guaranteeing
speedy nnd complcle restoration of health
and manly vigor. NT II. No risk is Incur
red, as thirty days' trial is allowed. 5.1y
It is claimed that Dr. Mary Walker is
the lather of the American dudn. '
JADWl.VS TAIl SYnUP is manufac
lureil from Tiire I'iuo Tor procured direct
from N.irlh Carolina for this purpose only,
nd is unlike niuo out ol ten so-called Tur
Syrups which arc made from the oil ol tur,
n proluct taken from coal tar without an
medicinal properties whatever only as n
Havor. The tar is combined with some ol
the best demulcents Hind expectorants In
use, making a pleasant and agreeable
lyrup for Coughs or Colds. It's remedial
qualities aro unexcelled. Korsalo atT. D
rhomaV drug store.
Any enward'ean cimnilt suicide ii
takes' n brava man lo live on and fuci
LECTIUCITY. 01 nil the known
Electro .Galvanic Appliances ot the preicnl
lay it is now conceded bv the Mtdiml I-'ru
ernity a'nd Klectricians generally, that the
American. p.ilvauliCo's IIowaku Biiikmis
uo'tlie best( possessing intrinriu. Elcctriea
mvrils, as pno" shiVlir iir appliance can b.
litt'eH (n an nart of'tfio uody, which i3 nm
rdeof a'nyi-titlier.- Kee ndverlifcmeiit ii
jnoUier. column ol tlijs paper.- JMcmc ou
Tho man who receives and changes n
counterfeit bill returns good for evil.
, To Repair Damages.
Dear lady, there is piolmbiy no uso tell
ing you thatfasnionuble life iu a great city
isa, rough one on your beauty, Late hours
lossnfslecp and mental excitement wll
ioavoyou by aud by shorn of those bciiuti
ful tresses which drew lovers round you ii
otherycara. Artificial substitute! can nev"-i
p.183 for those richjind glossy locks. P.ul.
er's Half Bilsnnv will slop vour hair Iron
falling out, restore Its natural color am'
softness, and prove cleansing and Lenefl-ial
to tho scalp,''
All things seem easy In a man who 1 as
ne'er tiled to do anything.
"I DON'T FEEfj WELI,!" Tho stom
ich is out ot order; negleeled, that uuan
Alironicjlyspepsio.. You. should lake Ackei
Dyspepsia TableUnnd avoid this, lerribl
li.-eii.c. Sold by C T. Horu, Lehigiitnn
in'i U. A. Horn, -Wciejport.
The maii who'breathed his last" miif
have been a sljoeinaker.
Localt Advertising
Send for Rates, which will be
fountf vcFvmoderatc.
Job Printing
of every description,
Illustrated Sale Bills
A pressing necessity The tailors goise. 1
Some oTtn1M dressed men carry ll.e
w-olll looking H.ckVl' books.-
A Thorough Conrse of Acker's -W'ood-Elixir
will rei'unve nil taint Irom'the'
blood. It cures Scrolula, Ulcers, Dolls and
rimplea R.,!il by C. T. Horn, Lchlghloii,
and E A Horn, Weissport.
When n man Ij doubted up witb pain
would you call him twins.
Ubk ackv.r's EnoLish IIkuidY for Con
sumption, Sold by Dr. C. T. Horn.Lo
higlitou, and K. A. Horn, Weissport.
It is tho break of day that prevents
night from going loo far.
A water!ioul A IcmpTanc lecture.
tiltil complexion results Iron, using Acker's
Mood Ellxor. Sold bv Dr. Horn, Lelipdi.
Urn, and E. A. Horn, Wi'issH)rt. . "
A gorgo-us offalr an'AIdormanlo diii-
ner. .
- Dca Fritnd Try all the 'doctors and nl(
tho patent medicines, nnd after that f yiti
still livei'and waiU to be cured, uso J AD;
WIN'S TAIl SYRUr, W never fails lo
cui j n cough or cold. For sale at Tlionms'
anticJl gcutlcmcn should have
wavey hair.
Citnrr. WnooriNo Cot'nit. nnd even
Asthma immediately rcllved by Acker's
English Itemeily. Sold umler guarantee
by Dr. Huru, Lc-higlilou, and E. A Horn,
An unpleasant boy A plumber's
If you would have appelllc, flesh, color,
strength, nand vigor, take Ayrr'aSarsapar
Ilia, which will confer them upon you iu
rapid succession.
Tho morning . ooir Your nccllU.
A' good lad A policeman' "Hilly.'-'
For Iremulousncss, wakcfulnfavlizulnrps,
anu lacB oi encrgv, a most valuable remedy
is Ilrown'a Iron Uitters.
A model buy Word Cash.
That weak bark or rain in tho side or
hips you will fiud immediately relieved
when u JIop llaslcr is ap lied. .It slrengtli
ens the muscles, giving Ihe ability lo do
hard work without suflcring. Take none
but tli if; 'tiss'jro.
Woman templed man to eat, but he
look a drink himself.
Dr. Oraycs' II rt Regulator cures all
Iorms of Heait Disease, nervousness and
slcrplessnesi. .,
The red ll.ig is a signal of danger. II
run don't lolievo il, wave one in tho face ol
a mad bull
fin irvsr: f'ji
Rheumatism, Ncuralgia,Sciatica,
.un.uttyj. udCKucne. ncaUhCiie loamjcne,
Sore Thront, HTitllnc. Sprain 4, Uruto
Iturtia, cM'ttM. froMt Itilv.'
ill liy,DriieitMii in-l Pculr prrtwlicri', Klfijr fcott u
i-tii in. j'lriiniiin in ii iiiiiiiiun,
TI!K riiAiii KH a. vnnt'i.riE m- -t
UMfuwi la A. VOUU Lli b COl ILiIti Mort, 3li.t V, H.
I d
1 i
lit s-k
gfM"ob Printing neatly.
cheaply and promptly execut
ed at this oflicc. Give us a
trial and be convinced.
Concerning' this Popular Bevorene To
Men Express their minds.
"The fact Is sir, you may stick u liln there,
that tho people of this country are likely to
l,e drowned In a flood onager beer," shouted
an enthusiast lo tetolallcr the other day
Into the ear of your cornered correipcndent,
" I'hat Qerinan drink has (truck us hard. It
Is the second delude."
''Yes, and the worst of this beer drlnkln
buslneis Is that It nets up kidney trouhles,as
it heavy wind raise's the wares," added a city
physician, who had a knowledge of the
times and a tendancy to metaphor. " The
midnight 'schooner' leaves behind It a yraki
'f furred tongues, headaches, torpid livers,
nausea, and all that, and lays the loonjstlon
T lirlu kl' Disease." . ' .
TI1I1 melancholy fact accounts In prl for
the InercRsIng sales of llENSON'S UA1'.
OIHK l'OHUUS 1'I.ASTKIt, which at one J
inltlnatea (hese-. syuiptoins. 1'rlee ai .cents.
Ask your physlelan about It. . ..,
H v
E.U -
8 If 13
ef se
es a-K
iatury . JghiUlP.CIicnilit", New York
Orccn Food for Swine.
Pr6f. S 11. Tiiuursox, of tho Nebraska
Agricultural CoIIego, speaks frun expeiicnci
on imrk growing, in the American Agricul
turist far Ociubtr.
Green food., makes thriftier and larger
ios. l'arniers who raise many pigs, and
feeil.'th'ain exclusively mi corn, know that
souio of the sholes willcease lo grow at' an
curly age) begin to lay on fat, and never
reoch the stfce of good) merchantable hogs.
TJiis tendency to fatten prematurely, nt Ihe
expense ol bono growth, is not seen lo any
grewt extent in grass fed hogs. A pig led
oh bulky green food will develop u larger
tmiach than one fcfl on concentrated fuod
ike corn; nnd when y.nn conio lo Tallin
t, this enlarged capacily will enable him lo
eat unci digest more com, and thus fatten
aster than the other, and be a moro profit
able hog to grow for market.
Grafs-fed lings are healthier than Ihote
grainfed. Kverv Inlelliceut breeder knowa
t'10 advantages of feeding green food to sous
about lo fonow. They l.ave less dilTlcultv
with their pigs, aro less liablo to dcstioy
them, will gno more milk, and nursa them
belter. Grass fed bogs aro Irs3 liablo to dls
case. I ho dreaded hog cholera is not much
to be feared where hogs have tho run of u
good clover pasture. Undoubtedly, If ex
posed lo conlogion, Ihcy would tako the
lis.afe, but thev are not likely to develop
it, For example, a fanner had his hogs In
11 small pen, destitute of grasp, with nu wat
er except a muddy pool, which 6oon ws
made us vile as possible by tho li"gs. AlUr
a while the hogs began lodie- iu consider
able numbers, with Symplons resembling
cholera. Tho owner wus alarmed, took
hem out of this pen, turned them on
patch of green ryo nnd gave thorn waler
rom a well. Tho disease was checked and
fie deaths ceased.
now may green food be most chenplv
proyi'ieuv uye is llio crop lest odoplc.l lo
this piirwse, in the region west of tho Mis-
siuri, This should be sown early in the
loll, on well prepared soil, and if the grow
tig season continues late In the fall, bo that.
the rye is likely to joint. It must bo fed
Ibwn closely. Tho best condition for It In
go into winter, is when it covers the ground
with a thick mat of low leaves with bin
illle tendency to shoot, llv.o in this con
dition U fit to turn 011 as soon as growth be
gins in spring. The amount of feed which
two acres of eucli ryo will furnisb, is sur
prisinz. If not fed dqwn loo clew, nnd Ihe
stock be turned oir about the middle of JIa
or the first of June, the rye will still mak
n fair crop. Hugs' are sometimes ! ft on the
ryo until if nils, when they will pull II
down and eat Ihe, heads; but this practice
is not commended. Tljere is n time after
the ryo is a foot high until it Is iu .milk
that hogs do not eat it well. A bcller.ldan
i to linve a field ofcloveror of clover and
timothy or orchard gnus, lecdy for tho pig
whtn l,he rye is too large to bclopger avail
able. When the rye 13 gelling top largo
lie cjovcr is in tho Ust.stale lMun upon
Ui(!(c!over will !, wfH . ytiij abtmt the
middle of June, when, II .the .weather turns
olf lint and dry, it crows quilt, slowly. It
is well to nave a patch of oats sown near
and ready lo tide over this 'time. If mil
needed, it can gruw for the liarve.t. During
t ie hot weather of Julv, August nnd Sep
teniber, ilono of Ihe crops named nhoye
can bo fully relied on, and tin's is especially
rue where they have been fed loo closelv.
Soighum or Ilrown Douira may ba sown
broadcast about tho lastof May and again
the mi Idle of June, to bo used in July
and August. Jixperience shows that S.r
ghiim may bo cate ri off close lo the ground
when a foot to eighteen inchcshlgh.withoul
eriuus injury. It will mine up again and
grow right along. It is alao an' exce'lcnt
plaul lo stand dry weather.
. Mr. Weasel rontrht Into Camp,
Though a poultry riilser"thirty years,
u. 1011 the bCA coast and ill villages, wo re
ccived our first call from this b!oodthirsiy
creature about half past three o'clock ,Wc -nosday,
July 25lh 18S3. Our forty Avo'
L'glit Brahma chickens were housed in a
small out building, lo prevent depredations
in tho garden. A terrible equalling among
'lie birds called our nltonlion to the attack
immediately. Tho chickens turned out at
once, and in one corner we found a weasel
ftttitened to the thigh liono ofonanfthe birdi
and no was beaten with a club bef.ire he re
leased his hold. The thigh lume was brok
en, and the bird had to bo killed, Just a
week from that date, at the same hour In
the afternoon, he came again; but was driv
en oil' without damage In the chickens. Iu
Ihe moantifne he had visited the neighbors'
coops and tin In a large number. On the
Monday following, at tho same hour of the
day, wo found him among the llojk again.
Having learned tho tenacity of Ills grip
upon his prey, wo were prep'ircd fur his
visit. He hod a' large chicken by the jugu
lar vein, and was partially concealed under
her winj as she lay u;on the II ior. With
a spade we pinned him to the earth end
closed his career of blood sucking. In about
two minutes I10 had drained tho blood from
a two pound chicken. The specimen, a
male, was about an avcrago of adult eirp(
whole length, from tip lo lip, eighteen
inches; body, twelvo inches; tail, tlx Inches,
The jaws and neck are cxcccdinf ly strong
and the teeth very sharp, nice instruments
for tearing open veins. It is very dlllicult
lo catch a weasel in a steel trp, still more
I lllicult lo slioot one. But caught in the
act of bloolshed, with a spade, you have
hiio. Rsv. Wu..Ci.trT, in American Ajn
culturiitfvr October.
Absorbing; the Cattle'Banches.
' O06 alter' another individual cattle
ranches of Colorado', Dakota, and Wyoming.
are being- absorbed by largo companies.
Vast sum's ba've been invested by English
fiien In 'these comptiuies. An acquain
ance who, during two (rips, rode witb us
through Wyoming, not long ago told his
cattle and his rauche on tbe"Sweet Water'
10 an Engllth party for one hundred thou
sind dollars cash. This acquaintance, Tim
Foley by name, has since invested Ibis one
hundred thnusaud dollars iu and around
Ceadville, Colorado, and is now worth five
hundred thousand dollars.
One rail see a pick rbewer gallery al
most any day in front of our public house.
Smelling salts have assisted at more
revivals than all the ministers put Idgelh
If you don't feelablo to barncsia clam,
perhaps yoil could saddle rocks.
-Young men should be careful about
dro'ppTugrenf'arks. 'TbeyVnay be picked
HFei's JJmiismI Altaic! nofliH, iBttvingimuIe
' Ubb espial fed if rejps&iraflifiis to aeeomiiio-
date Jwstiffiers 2
Persons visiting Lehighton, and having in view tho purchase of GOODS,
will miss an opportunity, if they fail to visit the STAR
STORE. Our Motto : Larie Sales & Small Profit.
. . , . .- ' . . - . s
Tf you aro looking lor a .place to purchase
mm Biwes aid seibicines,
Toilet and Fancy. Articles. Stationery, Cigars, or
Ifftee Fasaait of Wall lapes anal "i.or(leiaH9
Bomcmbcr, thitt placti is at the TOPULAR DRUG STORE of
Opposite Carbon; 'House; BANK Street.
A lull supply of Pure Wines, and Liquors for Medi
cinal Purposes. . . 1 .
Prcsciiptions very carelnlly coinpouinlcd, day cr night. . '
Remember, Dr..-C.'.T;. HORN'S Popular 'Drug -Store.
We desire to say to our friends and the public in 'general,
we have on band tbe Largest and most
-Complete Stock" of Goods
TcdtelnCI IstablisIimenT
in tliis 150011011 of the County-, comprising
Cloths, Cassimeres,
.. PlajLiV and Fancy Suiting's,
c havo
Bealen" isa Vuvo JBBvng and McMliciiie,
"Weissport, Penna.,
Keeps a full line of .all the most .popular Patent Medicines. Horso and Cattle
Powders, Fancy StationeryToilette Articles, School Supplies,
A ffsall .S4oclt oi' Wall B.Baper anil llordei-s,
TIOIIIMP nnnO AMn TAPIIC iucluding Trout Files for all Seasons, Carliale and
rlOnllNb nUUO AINU lAIXLL, Limerick Hooks. Oil anil Ilaw 811k, Linen and Cot.
ton Liucs, &o., very cheai. Also, a Urge assortment of D. SI. Ferry & Co's f . m
Celehrated Presh. Garden Seeds.
Choice Cigars, and a fine stock of Pure Wines and .Liquors-for
Medicinal Purposes.
JT Prescriptions very carelully compounded, day or night, Patronage invited.
Mo) itb.lSM.
Which wo-.will pyt up fur you in our usual
Thcrctj' giving you, as iro always, do
Best FittlniL Best Trimiuea M Best Mafle
also just received from the Manufacturers a
ol N'cwtst'ht) Kb of Ladles, Odits anil Children's
Bot9 Saoes nhil Waiters,
' All of whtch we arc now offering n
Unprecedently Low Prices I ,J9
Very Respectfully,
Maroh 21. 18S3,jl (
E; A. HOim,
St., Lehighton, Pa.
5 M1
r 11
'Weissport, Pa.'
At' Low Prices !
to press,
up by a bigger mau-
I'd I ml