55S5 i. V. MORTIIIUSR, . . . EDITOR LKUIOIITON, PA.! EATURDAY, OCTODEU JO, 1883. Editorial Mention. "Gitb" cava tbat Qoverpor Cleveland 'of, K "Turk is lloadly'e nominee for President. Both Arthur and Cleveland,.! are ttw eons of preacher. vtmLl.'tt. r, - -.1 al . M. I Hf' ffoea command of Uie army on tbe W-t of November, is almost miraculous, Hi m lived in Washington for a great T10 BIS 0B1CU1 Hie WHDOOt DCtng COn- . - . ...1 ... ... I lc! with ft single scndL wag" Pitt rFrim. Minister tsizrz::,:. ::.rj;r..?.:,"; W UlWl' M v413 v vwsjetve waa. - - . . . i b. Join I. Built I. just tbe i i ... i ... ujT V ,-- r. I A agent of tarnua'e show is bunting up curiosities in lonaou. ui morougn- Ir understand bis buslnese and bsl feaftHtteunqualifled admiration of tbe Thi P.1 Mil nurm tnvi ll . - -.1. death bis no sting for Mm if be oould only Und man with a tall." T. ,w nfrln.hoM,.n I,k , I . . , . . . . I tilnlr MtjbT sb a Talnable woman. She writes to tbe Beading Ac lib tbat her husband wanted to trade her off for n sorrel horse. Dine, turb the tables and wop off tbe old man as a Terdant ass! Bivaoxn Bulutan, after bis sparring exhibit! in in PottsTille last week.createa a disturbance in a aisrepniaoie nouse and. was compelled to "skip.- At 8cran- ton be was hooted in the streets and waa opportunity of showing the gentl cban afr!d to give a pnblio exhibition. An ceuori through Alpbnjizo, tbat the Be nppesition combination" of deoe'at peo- poblle was not to be bull-dozed any ple.is being made np and It is probable that before long tbe Uoston bruuer will be "busted.' A Hazlktoic paper rises to tbe remark that "the greatest bsppiness in this life iito be thoroughly resigned to Prori dence." This paragraph was rend by a young lady of Lebighton who laid down the paper with one gentle but profound comment: "That may be so, but as for rssr I have dtrived more perfect happi ness and satisfaction from tbe knowledge of being well dressed than from all the I - eonsolations of religion." B thinks as little of reporters as be does of official women, Republican rivals I or Boston culture. While traveling in a spepial train from Boston to New Bed ford, on Tuesday, be beard tbat repre- nettUtives of two anti-Butler Boston r ffPera were on tbe train. He hd, ibim put off at a small station on the route, where they bad an opportunity of reflect- 'Jog for some hoars on the internal icon-1 ' cmy of Madagascar. Mart Ahbzbkox has got the bulge on the Prince of Wales. The Catholic 'Xixss aaya tbat tbe Princo sought an interview with Miss Anderxon and that she" refused the proposition point blatk. Upon being questioned about the matter Miss Anderson said. 't-s, I was aiked tg.meet the Prince of Water, but I per- -fectly understood the light in which he regards actresses as a rulc.and I refused. I "have always maintained my diguiry nud elf-respeot, and I would not place my eelf in a position where I might have been compelled to forget them," You are' a good Rlrl Mary, from the advertis.- Ingas wellaa tbe high moral point of leWl 1 tbe title of an association"that seeks to give definite form and purpose to the I intellectual life of the country, and to fo'fmulate a new and healthy social ys- tem which may be regarded as a practi- cat outcome of the literature of tbe age." Acting for 1U nembers and by ita mem-1 ue ii seeks 10 niena iuo iiigner lie-1 publio of taste." It responds to qnerln I relating to Ltteratnre, Art, Education I and Culture, and consists of private to-1 at circles which aro affiliated with the 1 e Btral organization. If this associate n should go even a little way on tbe road marked' ont it will not have been born in vaiu. .Bex Botleb bas written a-letter ar. oeptlng tbe nomination of the Greenback I4bor Convention for Goymer, in wbioh be says: "The Greenback bas berome absolutely the currenoy of tbe United States in the several different rirmsm whienme uoverument issues lis money. Every silver and gold certl- fiCate ana every postal rate is essentially n aeenback, that is, a paper currenoy based on the guarantee of tbe nation's good faitb, A part of tbat currency. gold and silver. Is, in my judgment, us lessly piled np in the vaults of tbe Treasury, but, if that were all taken away, Btill tbe note of the United Ststts would be just as good, and there is no considerable number of persons tbat I know who would have that currency changed." "A poucexam's night stick is not, when properly bandied, a dangerous weapon, said Captain Patty of the New York po- lice lorce wnen lestuying in a muraer trial, on Tuesday. A day.stlsk Is eqnslly harmless,. when 'properly bandied;" so is a blackthorn, a hickory, and even that delight of maidens and childhood tbe insinuating candy. Jf a stick of any size or quality be kept up the chimney or in tho inside pocket of an overcoat it' cannot, do any narrn- 11 a cmiu, anerl buying a half pound of candy, jihb'nld "carefully handle'' it by throwing it down the writ instead of under tbe vest buttons, death does not ennue neceasarily 1 1 the child or to the well. Bnt history fails to tell of any. variety of stick which B-oig pouoemau can appiy vigorously 10 ptuaun ..u inu.o tu.k uw pale orbits proprieior to smile. Jouk SwrNToy.one of the Sen's editors. bas severed bla couneetion with tbat pa per o,nd bos started a sheet of bis own. Mr. Swioton is a remarkable man. Up on abstract questions he ia a clesr think er and an eloqnentwriter. In practical politics he Is a strong, almost violent, Demwrat, who cherishes the principles of Jefferson, and wbo loathea with all bis soul tbe vnlgar and corrupt machin ery of boaslam and curbstone politician. He la recanted by smart 70ung gentle. ,f" -" y v ew o wen, whose mental and moral vacuity Increase tbe tlrtals'lcn of Xsw Turk d .tiles, at a polltt fit writer born Va omtnrie. and a balf btforn hts Hire. Thin is a mUfortnue under whtoti every t loaghti'ul and broad-ulndrd man haa hart to conltnil, and John Swlulon trill gmpon tils way of clear tbinkinR and bard bitting fnllr conscions tbat the It-1 telllgsnt Democraor of this count? is with blm. Tni first National Apple Congress of England waa opened Oct. 4, in the' great conservatory of tbe Ilojal Ilortlcaltaral Gardens, Cbiswiok, near London, lbs only object of tbe congress ts to correct tea .nomenclature of . apples, and no trrlris are offered for tbe exhibits. .. Tbe aTtilKltAra t-jmrMMit yatv eontttv in Great BriUin and Irelaud, and dishes of apples bate also been sent from Sweden and Jersey. There is altogether 1 1 I . r aaa , 1 , , 1 aiipiay Ol I, uiur, irj)rnruni.B 10.080 different aoru or appus; ana it ? '"V0.' j".. .. tb,m. The conmy 0f Kmi. inn iNrrrpRL RDiiiriuuior. rhu in iu idwbu , , , . - ,,.,.., lora. log ann ou on ciuiuiiiod iiii Ur - .eon,riuntlonof 1C7 varieties, which L., . I ,1,. ,...1 ..A.. Th C0D lhoroucblj educational. d . ,, thB lgth t Turn King of Spain during a recent Tint ig u uunu uiiui uuyu A - - , - , ana nceirea ouier imimawvus ui aissatisraclton wnicn. renaerea nis eisy renco, capiui inexpeaieni 6a ancomioriauio. Aiuca couiamoijr van been heaped npon the Parisians by tbe American press for such nnseemlr con duct. The Philadelphia Times, wblcu bas generally got the right word to eay about events in "another fellow V coun try, shows tbat Germany, Austria and Spain bad formed a compact against tbe French Republic Tbe young Spanish Klna was n ade the ecane.cat of Bis marck, nd the people of Paris took the furlher by a Mouarchial or Imperial A! iunce. McOlure says, happily enough, as a thorn in tbe side of Kings, France Is most admirable." Tnz private secretary of Governor IPattlton is about to lictnro in this couu ty on tlieever fertile theme of "Meu Who Win." The lecturer U'n at. If I man but the snbject is somewhat'thread bar. Tbe world has beard enough and fr ratfro than enoiiRh of tbe meu who win. There is no tack: of braznn 'trntp peta and whole armies of lick-spittles for thos.j(tbr by accident and profounder cunninc, without conscience, symfatby or remorse, bare acquired wealth and notoriety. It would be. no barm now to bear the other side of tbe story of Men Who D,i)n't. Wip." He is the true benefactor: ad teacher who can tell tbe world in' fitUdg strains of those ntble lives, spent lor noble objects, which have been cut off without publio appreciation, leavisg no brazen monument,' no obitn- ary In tbe newspapers, no headline upon the solitary-' grave. This is wbat tbe world wants to bear tbe grand old story .of heroism, honor, valor, virtue without a name, -or a newspaper para- grspb. ' L'obd Colxeidoe, Chief Justice of Eng land, who is a strong radical jy tendeuoy. and'a keen observer of sooiul and politi cal institutions, was entertained last Ueek by tho Bar Association of Nev, Yi'tk. Among other thoughtful remarks nwdo by lis lordship ware tho follow ing: "What docs rejoice me to see is tbe independence and prosperity of your middle clas.es. They own tbeir own honreg aud lh.v ... not . rent. unvlno Iacby T vnnlrl with Ia boa tlio Ir-J p" - ----- ----- - .... same thing- In my own country, but, of course, I never will. This is your great strength and your great bsppiness. Eog lisb papers and periodicals are full of advice to you from gentlemen who have been here. You -have been advised to establish a monarchy, bare a hereditary Senate, re-enact a primogeniture law auu maae oiuer raaicai enanges in con fortuity to Euglish forms. When.I read these things I ask myself; wbat air can these men have breathed in America? What manDer of Americans have they met? I um not blind to the greatness4 or I the virtues of my own country, but what is best lor us is not best for you, vice versa." The late Judge Jcre Black was very careless in mouey matters. An inoident is related by one of bis intimate friends tbat is cbaracteristlo of the dead jurist. "During tbe first years of Judg Black's airier as Attorney Get.!." U m In formant, "I was a frequent visitor of the Department of Justice. I was young lUen B8 a uWJ.r aud waa Tet, gUa lo have an opportunity of listeuiog ts the conversation of so Wat a lawvtr as Judge Black. One morning a mau en tered and banded a piece of paper to the Attorney General. 'Dear me,' be said, running bis fingers through bis bair, I tbonght I bad paid tbat before.' 'No, sir,' said tbe man. Tbe Judge reached forward for bis checkbook, but not find log it at one-, he put his hands into his pookets and fumbled around for some change. He drew out a haudfBJr,bllU and papers. 'Ah, eb! what's' thief - be !d, unfolding a paper and ooniparjng - iu mw rpof oi maa. 'ijiu I Infernal liar, be ejcj.imed, f.citedly jumping upland iflxiog the msn by tbe I collar, 'here is your receipt for this bill dated only ten days.' Tbe man per- formed a war dance around tbe office, tbe I Jndge acting as chief instructor. His beds frequently come in contact with lis uu. 'is was aaauy aicaea into me street. In looking through. hi desk the.' Judge found three separate receipts from this man for the same account 'I be- I Heve that I was bom to be swindled,' ld ludge BUck, ruefully, holding np the receipts for my inspection." T IK. .,,,.,. e tr....! rii.. M Chief Jnatl-a nnWrtrw. Inn W.A neaday delivered in Alumni Hall, an un studied address, which contained, In ad dition to a number of hints on what young men could read, a pretty full ex position of bis Lordship's literary opln ions. He gauged the literary work of a writer by the number of his expressions wbioh have been incorporated unoonsci- ously and without set Quotation into tbe best of our language. Hia Lordship in- stsnced tbe speech of John Bright (the best orator be bad ever beard) aa being . iuu vi mi full of Milton. Wordsworth, in Lord ColsrUge's opinion, was not ai welt ioetrn In lit ue.rtrr tboriia It, Ijnt b. admitted that VTordsworth was rtjipocbaVn,! of gtts bave"word tafd lh"po particular favorite of his. Tbe indebt d afchlleolnro.1 wcmdsrs deep and lortuons nets of Tennyson to Keats was tioll ed by tii'fl erttje) and tbe college bojs were advised to discriminate between tbe sound and utitound fruits of Bheltry'a Rf nlus. Among American writers, bis Lordship pnt Bryant m tbe first poet and mentioned Iiawtborne and Daniel Wei- stsr as eminent masters of prose. Hook er, tbe theologlau,Boiingbroke and Lord Erskine were among the writer recom mended by Lord Coleridge. He spoke with feeling of Dr. Arnold, of Eogby.hls father's friend and tbe greatest of school masters. ti,.i -' . a EOUCAXTOB rKXBIDKHI. Tux loltpwing extract from a letter of W. 8. Holmaru of Indiana, thr Ben's candidate for President, is valuable, as indicating the general sentiments of tbe "Great Objector. " Tbe letter waa never iutended for pnblieation, bnt tbe gentle man to whoa it was written, early in tbe spring, sent it to Mr. Dana, wilh tbe view of ranking known to tbe people the private life and opinions of a good, bon elt public servant. Mr. Holman write: "1 assure von, my dear sir. tbat no man enjoys private life more than I do, and no man in publio life will return to pri vate life more cheerfully than I; My dlstiict Is full of competent and ambit! oua gentlemen, who would adorn a scat in Congress; and I conld not justify my self, after being in publio life as long as I have, in even seeking to postpone tbeir reasonable expectations. So you can see bow cheerlnlly I shall, if my life is prolonged, retire to private life after this Congressional term expires. I will do so, my dear sir, without a single rrgret. I hope you find your school pleasant. 1 was once a school teacher, and liked It. Yours truly. "Wm. 8. HoijMAN-' Upon these lines the Sex makes a short comment: "Holman says be was once a school teacher, and liked it. We trust be may hereafter have occasion to say also, 'I was once President, and liked If" THE NEW NORTH WEST. BiMJSos. M. T. Oot. 15, 1883, Special Correspondence. For 2b0 years miles along tbe rich banks of tbe Yellowstone no white man can be permitted to occupy a foot of this magnificent country, for it Is tbe Crow reservation. .How long it will be before oivllizxtlon -.crowds .the red man away from these envied, possessions depends upon tbe -raplditykif tbe settlement of the snrroundlBg ooontry, and tbe nature of the Gortrment policy, which, always stupid eti6ngh,'ls getting more and more so as thetiecssily arises' for a firm and 03nslsfeot 'cdurs'e of treatment for tbe Indian owners of these 'valuable reserva tions. "Probably no innal extent of country in tbe 'rpaddp'main of the Un ion is more .fertile than this single reser vation, and tbe time must be-very brief before tbe Government will be called up on' the throw this, whole region open to the ploughshare. From tbe mouth of tbe Big Horn,- wblrb I gave a brief des cription of in my lust letter, to this new nd'entcrprining'iqwn, tbe scenery along the road ia highly pUtnresqne. and pleas ing, rue -.valleys in particular, wnicn, with their clumps of cottonwood trees, Lremind tie traveler of tbe old New Eng land orchards, while tbe High and tor tnidable wall of the buttes tbat stretch out to the' y.ery horizon, pnsent a pic ture unparalleled save' that of tbe re nowned Yosemlte. 'Jn;thcse valleys, the hardy pioneer.bas. found bis bonanza in tlie profitable Tcallzntion of bis labor,for CO bushtlrpf oats, 3.6'o( wheat, and 300 of potatoes to the acre on these smootbJ s'oping valley lands, are the common yield. , The dwelling of these thrifty yeoman in tho absence Qfittie'Vaw' mill are neces sarily bumble. These are termed shacks, for want, probably,''bf a belter namcand they are a one-story arrangemeut wuose primary, secondary, and tertiary founda tion comprises cotton-wood logs, with a roof composed of more logs,stieks,twlgs, dirt, aud sometimes, very uncongenial mud, which insists npon finding its way to the floor below during an average rain storm. Yet.somo of theke shacks are tidy, to a degree that dismisses any idea of A necessity of ground floors, plastered walls, or bay-window conserva tories. Now and then we meet with a shauty composed of boards, whose pre tentions proprietor had been originally more favored lu his worldly posseuioua than bis sbackly neighbors over the way, inasmuch as it must have, required a moderate fortune to have transported the lumber at the time of bis settlement. With the processes of farming there bavo been introduced tbe industries of sbeep- nUing and cattle herding simultaneous ly, both of which, have proved eminently successful. Billings, with a population of not less than 3,000, is tbe county seat of Yellowstone county, and a very im portant point for both trade and travel. Turrets nothing about the place that in vests it-with any particular prominence, except tbat indomitable energy and en terprise ol its citizens,- -which in time will make it one of the llvellist buines marts in tbe Yellowstone valley, Having ample time I took trattt the other day to visit the ranch -famed petti' fled forest, pgislng by tbo East Gardiner river falls, which are a sort of dual Min nehaha, though tbe fall is sot quite so high. The.-fct.nery about Use falls, bow- ever, Is grand beyond any power of mine to describe; and the surroundings are appropriately enough denominated ."The Enohahted Land."" Tbe petrified forest consists of n grove or clump of trees, Withi trunks, bougba, branches,and sprigs all of abjolnte solid rook, stand ing iu their gray outline as mementoes of the wonderful operations of nature This forest and tbe adjacent scenery are well worthy of tbe attention of the trav eler and tbe scientist. Fonr miles in a westwardly direction we came to another wonderful geological formation found in a kiud of basin high up on the side of Hoodoo mountain. This 1 a flat traot of land surrounded by bills, which seem supported by rooky pillars of slender size interspersed with huge columns that appear to have been constructed by bu msn bands. Then there are hails tike tbe Washington -Monument as it now appears, spires of every oonoeivable and Inconceivable shape, objects anlmateand inanimate nntil tbe imagination tires of ttndylng tbim cct. The ittrrce ut channel, through which we Wander and wonder as we proooe'd. It is a weiid spot, and one in which' tbe tourist who ia In anywise esger for CTtrchanglng soenea can find them to bis heart's cpn- tent Aa I have already exceeded tbe limits of a readable letter, I wilt reserve description of tbe Tower Palls and other localities in the Yellowstone valley for my next Don Pedro. Our New York, liotter. Regular correspondence of Advocate-. New Yobk, Oct. 1C, 1883. Poor Helyn Leonard. For loving' the ancient bean Callahan, not wisely but to' welt, and shooting at the' woman whom abe believed was alienating bis affeotlone from her, she Is now doomed to three years and a half In the penitentiary. No one expected such-a verdlot 'Even the eonrt officers thought that' If the jury would not find btr not guilty, on account of tbe intense state of nervous excite ment In wbicbshe was at the ilme of shooting Mrs. Smith, and which if it was not actual insanity at least bordered ea it, they would at least disagree. Nothing can be done here without bet- ling, and thus the odds wcro three to one agalnat a verdict of not gnllty, and even tbat they would dUngree. The trial was exceediugly well managed by her counsel, but yet they failed to con vlnce tbe jury. Tho blow was very hard on tbe poor girl. Her former employer in whose family she served as govcrncsp. told one of her lawyers shortly before the trial ended that if tbe jury disagreed, aud she was admitted to bail pending a new trial, be would furnish it, and take her back lo bis family in tbe capacity of Governess, and thus glyo her a chance to reinstate herself in publio opinion. All this is now over. What the poor thing will do after her release it is bard to any, Everybody felt sorry for her. She was so refined in her manner, and although her infatuation for tho man wbo betrayed bcr, was a piece of arrant folly, yet there was something so tragio in it as to in spire the utmost sympathy, The Western Uulon officials have not yet succeeded iu ferreting out tbe ras cals wbo tapped the wires lending from Jerome Park, and thus victimized tbe pool-sellers and the betting public to the tune of about 100.000. Frauds like this have been done before, but never on such a gigautio scale, embracing as it did every betting centre on this side oi the Rocky Mountains. Tbe criminals did the work in a very circumspect and thorough manner. -Every avenue of de tection that they could think of was guarded against. I bad n chat with one of the editors of the "Mail and Express' last Sunday about tbe matter. This pa per makes a specialty of racing nens.aud is in fact tbe recognized authority on sports of tbe tnrf among tbe afternoon newspapers, in the sumo, way as Uii "World" is among the morning pnpers. This gentltman told me tint. the firs despatch from tbe truck giving the start; era, betting and jockeys for the first race though filed at 1 17, did not reach, the. office til 2.30, and rlthongh there was delay of nearly 40 minutes at 'the most before the horses werei sent iff, tbe re porters second dispatch elvipg tbe.resul, I) of tbe race, came right in on the beel: of tbe first one. The betting .nud atart. ers for the second race did not come -at all, while tbe result was the same as that Bent to all the pool-rooms aud to the Associated Fries. The reporter nisi, sent tbe starters and betting for the third race, and also subsequently the re sult. Neither of these dispatches "reached tbe office. It will thus be seen how care ful the rascals were that their gam'' should not be detected before their har vesting was completed. Mrs. Langtry, who arrived last Suniloj on the Oregon, looks much stouter tbun she did when she left this country.' Hei journey on tbe continent has evidently done ber a great deal of good. She is living very quietly at the Alberniarle aud the presence of her mother keeps off the mashers. Freddie Gebbard is also more subdued. It is the general im pression in theatrical circles tbat her visit this season will be a failure financi ally. The College of the Cily of New Yorl has at last taken a step iu the right di. reetion by opeuing olosacs in mechanic arts, which may be atteuded by iht students, If the investigations of the Senate Committee on Labor and-Ednca- tion have had no other effect,, they had at least this one, tbat they aroused the attention of those who have tbe educa tion of the young In baud, to the neces slty or fitting them for tbe struggle ol life better than by simply cramming tbeir beads with a lot of uselcKS kuowl edge. We have too many half-starved professional men, too many book-keeper out of position, and our workshops are filled with artisans of foreign importu lion, mow ineae men all enru gooo salaries, ranging from twenty to seventy- five dollars a week. There Is no reason why our American boys should not be- come adepts as well as they, and tbat the money which goes abroad shonld stay in this country. At present the movement of the faculty of tbe Colle. e of the City of New York Is merely tenta tive; that is to say the school of mechan ic art is not to be kept np if It is found that it interferes with the regular course of studies; -but tbere is no doubt that its advantage will become so niaulfest, that its scope will be widened ere long, The rumored troubles among lb Trus'ees of Dr. Talmsge's. church are unfounded. I asked Dr. Talmace hut Sunday wbat tbe resiensttons of two of the trustees meant, lie replied tbat it was solely the press of private business which prevented tbrm from attending to tbeir duties as trustees in a manner cat factory to tbem.. Tba finances of tbe congregation are in tbe most satisfactory condition. Fishermen from all over tbe country are in town to attend tbe annual fly cast ing tournament which began at Central Park to day. So far it is a complete success, and as fine an exhibition of scientiBe fivhing aa has been seen for a loug time. . JSjiP Snbscribo for and read the Carbon Advocate?. If contains nil the latest local news up to the time ol going: to ptf-sn. -3Tr 7!,i K- NEW AtiYWtTlSEMENTS. WM Stroci: an Old Soldier. tflt Vfill soon bo twenty yesrs elnee tbe war tlosed." Under the hot sun of Aaiast, 1181 the Til- lafra ot Dover, N. JM lay still as the ephlnlx n Egypt, whllo Elijah Slurp, ormat place, llowly and softly spoke of the, past. "Yes," he said, "l was Iu the army and saw many ofthe lights of thoas fearful years. I was finally discharged from disability, Teiultlnir from lunitroke. I came home, miserable In health and.tnlrlts; so enfeebled that! took cold on the ellehteat exposure. Life seemed worthless to me; 1 lived only In memory.1' "That was sad enough," I said, divlalna: Wf lain wo clgitrs. ThAt's io,"-replleil Mr. Sharp; "out I Tgot over It.- lutgrew.l!T Not eiactlj-. When In JJiivt condition I began taking PanKsn's tomu, ana my neaitn commenced to improve right away. I was astonished at it, and so WS) my wire. 1 piled on the Beth and conld eat anything My ambition biased up. I could attend tatmtlneis, and now excepting that I have tcr.take ear about exposing myself to the hot sun 1 am as well as I was the day r enlisted, Wbat difference there are In tMngi-guns and bayonets klll;PAnK kb's Tome saves." This preparation which has been known as'PAltttsn's QikoeuTosiio will hereafter be called simply 1'AriKStt's Tome. As un principled dealers are constantly deeolrlng their customers uy substituting inferior ar- tlclcs.under tbe name ol glnger.and as ginger Is really an unimportant lngrodlent,.wedrop the misleading word. ijThero Is no change, howover,'la the prep aration Itself, and all bottles remaining the' hands of dealers, wrapped under tho name of FabiUh's Giitosn Tonic, contain the genuine medicine If the favstmlle ilgnatuie.of.Itiscox & Co., Is at the bottom ofthe outside wrarper, Oot. 7 , Trespass Notioo. To whom It rosy concern All persons are hereby forbidden lo trespass on my land, situate in Walcksvllle, Kranklin township, Carbon county, either lor hunting, lishine:, or anv other purposes. Any violation ol thirnotice will be dealt with nrcnnling lo law. IlEMtY WEUT, Walcksville, Carbon Co., I's, oc. 19-wS PIANOS & ORGANS SWHJK PIANOS are now pronounced the Vest pianos manufactured by all who have "tested them. My nnrae Is cast In the Iron frnmea. llcware ol bonus pianos. AOOdnvi offer which I challenge any man or Arm to compete wuu. My New VM Square Piano, l4 octaves, natcnt A irraff Treble. Our slrlnit bass eon, ialns all tho latest Improvements, In a very handsomo rose-woou case, exira rarvcn legs, ('ash price at i he Faetory for 30 days only ( Its, Agrau, d simile, an ruuuu vunivri. viu., viu,, the same style as a II, XXI J Wober l'l&no.'nlll S6lt for down cash mo. . My new deilgn. Elegant toSOuprlsht octavo Agran, sinngs, in a uueiy nmsnou rose wood cage. Cah, $16fi. Ji new. J. P. HalcSquareand Upright, s)iso cash ; a new (jerisun a n, . oranns of Ml makes for which I am ex. chanirlnir my planus to organ manufacturers ,at prices for the present tlrao under cost of .lRanuiaciu'e, now iiouuie neon urgans, iu sti pa. In fine .walnut cases, lamp stands, handles, high top and music pocket, -I knee swells, lor H cash. Youcan't buy the same Organ through any dealer under tl2V I h re 6me new cheap madeorgansfor !0. Do sure ami .write me. All goo-la warranted. All InoAev refunded If my pianos aro not aa repre sented aftet 31 dnrs trial. Dealers will talk hgalnst these prices, hut by nil moans write mo and order one of my unrlreled PI .nos and test and coiui are It with a piano or the best mnker at double Its price. .1 make all of iny own planosjund my name Iscait In every Iron f t.lte which Is ft sare guarantee. A wonl to he wise ia sufficient. Don't pay dealers doable the price Write or call on JOHN J. Svv IOK, Piano Manufacturer, PATEK.-iON,' N. J. Twenty pianos were sold ctober 4th. Mew piano stools 41 each. Klegiint piano Covers 3. Dealers get from 410 to IU for the same articles. Don't let this chance ptss without taking advantage of It, Now Is the lime to buy. No commissions paid No agents wanted. Nodovlatlonlnprlce,. Pianos rent on&dayi trial to-reliable parties.' Orders filled In two davs notice.- ' ,-. i - KErOUT OF THE COXDITIOVni the FIRST NATIONAL BANK. -.tij-blnhtniS, lu lh State of P.onavlvanla,ttbe. close of bualnaa a, October 2nd, lets i- , RESOURCES. tonne and dlacounta. ...... JT5.05S.30 809.00 iS.-OuU.00 3-11(0 00 Clil l'i 94 39 v?j.ej 8.55.V2B 814 93 8.6C5.00 409 S9 ,'-' W 281,10 8,710.(5 3 10J.0O 3,3-5.00 (ferdrria. .' D.-L. Honda to aer.ure circulation . Other wtocks,bonds,and mortgages. Cue Irom npprovedli-aerve ageata IHla Trom other National Pnnks. . . true Iroin State Itanka and U.-.nkers, - Hull estate, furniture, and fixtures. . Current expenses and taxes paid , l',iemluins paid ....... Ulieuks and utbvr eaah items . . . Illllaof other llauka Frttctl' nal p-inurcurreney,nlcfcel, and . , pwDUlea, Specie' . . . uiinl tender netea ; . ' . . . '' ItedtmpttDii Fund with V. S. Treaau r (5 par cent, of circulation) Total LUSILITIU. Capital alack paid in ' aorpluafund - . Undivided prcflta , .Natl nal Uaulc notes outstanding llil ldeud Unpaid Individual tli-poilts subject to check. Dll'etonlbar ftntional llinka . . . Use to State Danka and Bankers . $;5n6oo . 8 776 0 . 2,ll.0 . C8 5O-.00 279 Ml . 7J.7C5 76 19J.iV M-.41 Total JJS3,765.03 Utdti of rinnmltania. County of Carbon, it : 1,'W. V Ilowinan, Cahlr nf the above-named bank, dn miletmily awt-ar inal ina above alilunianl ia true to tbe Aat of my kuowlrd and be)lf. W. W.BOWMAN, Caahler. Pniocrllwd and aworu before me tola luth day of October, 18.3. ' ir. a. linvrz, J. p. (Yrreel A tteat : Thoa. Kemerer, A. J. Durilng and 11. F, lloiford, lilreeiors. uct. so, 'si. 5 ofl ft Mm TNOUHAlIt.F.S NO LUNMKU In might's diaaaae. tuaneics. uronar. irravei. aione, discharges, spermatorrhoea, strictures, varl. eiitele. diseased prostrate aland, tmpoteuee. sore throat, catarrh, consumption, illizlntsa. hlilouineia, malaria, Indlireilloti, headache, costlreneas, neuralicla, rhoumatlam, skin eruptions, blood poison, ulcers, liver, hesrl, bladder and kidney diseases. A medical hook mailed reo. giving, directions for their pre vention and cure without poisons, nausoous -medicines, pain or confinement, by tbo Ku. rorean and American Jiledlcal llureau. speci alty physicians' Internal and local perleoted treatment preierlptldhs, or the Asahel Mln. avui a aa Irfsril o 5 go " R "?? O.-r'aSa 531 an fflSMSI For wound, disease or other disability. Widows, minor children and dependant parents entitled when death reaulted. Ulalma reopened, restoration, Incriascs, bounty, back Iba 0 O to- 5 LaJ t'itl (pay and discharges obtained. Apply at once, delay preuidleea ynur rights 'rc' nstat by law. Afldrrea.wlihata.iiii.lhe old aaubllah. Arnta, ey F rlt t aildjigtbit, H. I. evr To the Ladies of to: Miss Alvenia Graver Announces as follows i I have juat visited the" tbe latest oveitias in r- Ajjuana m itM styles oi Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Notions, &c., Bought at Lowest Casu figures, and which. I am offering at prices fully as advantageous as you can buy for in the larger cities. Please call and examine my stock. I AIM TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Agent for the Bethlehem Steam Dye Works. llemember the Place, Miss ALVENIA GRAVER, sep29-3m Hank St., next to lleber's Block. SENSIBLE MENi and wo. men know ere this that of the many dlaeasei and derangements of the liodv each has a separata eauso or orl Kin. and that each needs a dllfercnt method of treatment In order to effect a cure, and a moment's reflection must convince that any or I he quack nostrums foisted uwn tho pun He claiming to cure all of a number of dia metrically different diseases must prove fail ures, even if we do not call them humbugs: POOR PE0PLE2S even people well-to-do or wealthy tirid tlMt enormoui cAaroeorpractlalnKplSlclans are a serious burden to them, and also find that alter paylnic themselves poor that no benefit has accrued tottiem, that in fact they have thrown their money away. To nvereome Iheso evils wo oirer H'hrrltr'l Xo. 08 Sure UeiAtdittlo the sick and gufferlngone Itcmcrfy tor oach dlaeaso, without for a moment claim Iliac thatone remedy will cure any other dis ease than tho one claimed for It, and as there remedies luivo stood the test of Years without a single failure, we aurceto rcundthe montv paid In every Instance Where a rure Is not positively effected. The remedies are entire ty vegetable, can do no barm, and will posi tively cure every disease lor which they are prescribed. . RHEUMATISM! Oout. I.ame- nees of Joints Sciatica and Nourulgla are relieved at once and pnaltlve ly cureil by the use or Wheeler's No.ua liheu matlo Kamrdy. We say boldly- that In the worst cases of no matter how long ifanfno, how serious or how painful, wo can not only ?lve reller but potiUxiily cure-lor all time, 'alllnx to do this we will positively re ft ml the money paid lor treatment, and ir your suffcrlnKS are not positively stopped for all time you hare nofthrown juur money awny as you would on an) othortnan t: eae nuaran. teeif remedies. The prico of-Wheeler's No. 03 UhoumatlcRcmedy is only SO.ctpts, obtain able from' druggists or sent tree by mall on receipt oi price, alamps taacn, SUFFERING lOMEN.i M a n y I adv en dowed bV naturo with a pretty face, beautiful future. liiuiliera complexion, aa wen as lue Bireeicat or temporl and faultless mental qualities Krows pr-maturoly old, KTPy and wrinkled, her form loses Its perfect Contour, tho com plexion becomes sallow, thehrlgntneaa leaves the eye, a Irellna; of languor takes the place ofthe once buoyant' spirits, an Irritable ner vous fracttousness makes llfealiurdcn, tilings tint once were trifles worry her till life be comes unbearable. All this belnucauscd by the DhvMc il dorana-ements so common to. wo men, miiun Ilia iuiimio luuucciy ill icuiiuuo nature prevents Ihelrmaklnir known, and of which the Ivnoranre of I he medical profes. alon prevents a cure. I.ady Header, pauae andfunaldrr, 'tli duty vou' owe yourself, juur family, and itou, luat you snouia iro.viiuraell of these trontdes and nnce mora , aim juur um. mm iv el. the glow of perfect health and splritsthat STCi PrttcrlpHont are pleasant and pnlataWle'to take, contalnnothlngofan Injurious nature, and inav bo taken nynllaires atall times and ,ln all conditions without iiosslbllltr ol III ef- locis, anu will iioamvciT cure any ui iuo ye. cultafllseates to which femnlea ate subject. Fulling to produce a perfect cure, the pro prietors will refund .the money paid lor tho treatment, lfyou hnve nsallow complexion, constant or Intermittent headaches, back. acne, rest essness. loss oi nnncuic. suppres sions of monthly How, or Irregularities t here of, accompanied by beadaohes, nervousness, nvsierics ana similar symptoms, irirtrrr-f St. 90 PrneripHon " tt" will positively ro. siora vou to health. If you hve & sensation 01 ho it and Uirobblnif in tho back, frequent lalntinKSpeiia.iiucurriiea urwiiiieiiiscnarge painful or scalding sensation In urlnatlnic, reddish nr whltodenoalt in urine, Ii6t nnil dry skin, Whttltr't A'o.ea Pxricriplinn.') C" will Klve Immediate and lusting relief. The price of Wheeler's No 04 Proscrlprt;na "II "and U" are 60 cents eacn.ontainan eircuidruir. gists or sent ti mall secure Irom obsorvat ion H)St-pald on recelj't of prlce.'-Pustage stamiis taken. CATARRH.iS needess tojle tlio ' synintoms this -nauseous dis ease that Is sapplnu thb life and strength of too many of the fairest and best of both seres, old und voung, tullerlfig alike fromtho not.-. sonous dripping In the ilinint. tbo poisonous nasal discharges tho fetid breath, and gener. al weakness, drbllltr. and laniruor. aside from al weakness, debility, and languor, aside from the acute sulferlngs of this disease, which If notcheoked can only end In-loss nflialate, dearness and prematuredcath If not checked before it Is too late. Labor, study anil re search in America, Kurope ol.d Ej stern lands havo resulted In W'htcU ' Ko. ve Intlant Re lief and Sure Cureor Vetarrh, a remedy which cunlulna no harmful ingredltnts, ami 'hat is guaranteed to cure every casenfucnte ir chronic catarrh or money refunded. It'Aerl c r's A'o. 00 Intlant Itetief and Sure Cure for Catarrh will cure every case of catarrh, nay fev r or asthma, price al.oo per package, from druggists or sent by mall on receipt n prlee, Whetler't Ko. vt Sure ure for Kidney and Liter Troublet caree all weakness and sore ness of kidneys. Inflammation of kidneys or liver, price sl.Ot. Wheelcr't Veactable Villi are the only rem edy that cure conittpatlon, giving nn'ural action ofthe bowels will iliout tihysicina-. nurar- Ing, griping or pain. Price 25 cents, af drug. giaia or uy man, Wheeler'i Aereine Tonic fo- menial depres. slon, loss nf manhood, languor, weakness or urer taxatlonof tbe brain Is Invaluable, price 25 cents. vrrn hit i n I lTmnn cures In every We place our price for these remedies at leas than one-twentleth of the price asked by olh era for remedies uin which you take nil the chances, and we specially Invite the patron age of.the many personsh i have tried other remedies without effect or depleted' their purses Dy paying doctor dius mat oenenueu them not. TTflW Tfl nBTATWIl'oTovod'rlf;: AAUII XU UjMAXAXU K.t andask tor them. If they have not got them, write at once to the proprietors, enclosing the prlre in money or stamps, and they in be sent vou at onco uy. man, poai-paio Correspondence sonciteu, Auurraa piaioir. L. WIIUELKK A. UU-, No. vd W, llaltlrooreSti, UALTIMOKE, AID, 1. UU-ly. sept. ASTHMA QUICKLY AM) Permanently rjtlnaou's Asthma llemodv CURED.! Is unequaled as a positive. ASTHMA AND DYSPEPS1 A,and all their attendant evils. It does not merely aiTord temrarary relief, l4it Is a tiermnt cure. W. II. lluckaher. lie Leon Texas, says: "It Is the heat mellclnt for Asthma that I ever hare used." M. Hodges, Fountain llead.Tenn., savsi "I am entirely lellered ol all symptoms of Asthma by ritlnion'a rem edy." Adam Miller. Urookvllle, Pa., tarsi "Dr. Stlnson't Asthma Remedy has given me excellent satisfaction " Jas. . Wilbur, Morrlsvllle, N. Y , sayst '-8lneo I began taking yourrtmedy I have rested well every night?' S. A.ltyan, Kon Du Luc, Mich., says: "It is the best I ever took." Mrs. s. A lllnell, of Roberts, Illinois, sayi 1 "Dr Htlnion'aAalhuia Itemed y lllutt aa recom men.lol. It makes expectoration easy." UK SU1IK to send for treaties, teatlmontala and prlee Hat. to HKOK Ull, 27 EAST 14th SiTll VKT. N. V II. N. (Irlltenden K Co.. 1 lis Fulton St., N. Y alio wnoleaale agents T mftm not, lire la sweeping by, l-C H I 'go and dare before vou JVJUirO JL die. something mighty and sublime leave be hind to conquer time." tea a week In your nwn town. i outfit frw. No risk. Every, thing new. Capital not required. We will furnish vou everything. Many are making fortunes. Ladles make as much as men, and hoys and Klrls make great pay. IUader.ll v..ii want limlneaa at whieh vou ran make great piralltha time, write for particulate to II. IUii tiT a.1.0 I'vrtland Mains. Leliig'litou & Vicinity ! City, and purchased a large assortment of Millinery ' ; Goods. CONSISTING OF HATS, BONNETS, J. F. HALBACH, MusiC DealeR -AND- Instructor in Music LEHIGHTON, Ponna. A full line of all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Sheet Music, MUSIC BOOKS, &a, It-constantly kept on hand al the Ware Room, near the L. X- S. Depot, . -t oii ' 6ole,Ageot in the Lehigh Valley for Belmiiiv Pianos ! Call and see them ; they hare no superior. Also, Agent for Weber, Decker, Connor and J. P. Hale; Pianos, Ani- various -Makes of OR&ANS Instruction g;iven at Tupil's residence on. Piano, Organ, Voice ami Theory. oc28 Fall & Winter! gQ. D eji - H. H. Peters' Merchant - Tailoring 1STAI1L1SHMENT. Post Office Building, opp. Public Square Bank Sheet, Lcliighton. A full line of OENTS' FURNISIUNO GOODS, at Lowest Prices.- mar-c'iK m Drs. Baupr and Eisfcamp, Have determined to remain lu LEHIGII TOM all Winter, and will continue to pay special attention to Curonio Affections and SuHGioAL Diseases. Office Hours'from A. . to r. v, 1 ' Bank Street, Ia'ohigDon, Pa. CM b rlt. ItM-tf S I - ' I w & C J . - r 'f VtC I to lifc. i ex, El -.' 'A I unill -d W-- V 4 W i frlri 1. 1 m I I O II Cfl 'II-' -' 79 s- lr " H Mi -3 Railroad Guide. BlpMa & WmlX Arrangemmt of Passenger Trains. MAY th, Its. .Trains .leave Allentown as follows! , . (Via rsBKlOXST JtAltJOAD.) For Philadelphia' at t.U, U:t a. at., and S.10 p. m. SUNDAYS. ;: For Philadelphia at 6.O0 a. n.'arid 4.S p.m. (Via Cast Psxx BkAVCXfil-' for Heading and ilarrlsbarg, t.ee, i'tt a. m., IJ.lt, 4.3", and 9.0 p. m. ' ' ''' Far I.ancaiter and Uolambla, (.CO, (.It a. m., aid 4 3u p. m. SUNDAYS. For Ilarrlsbarg, and waypoui'tt, 7.3S a. an., p.m. ' ' Trains for Allentown leave as follows : (Via PsasiOMcn JtauaoAn.) Leave Philadelphia. 7.40 a. '. aad l.Stv 1.36, (.S0,.and 6.16 p. m. surf DAYS. Irfave rhlladelohla.- S.S0 a. .. 2 1 aail 4.J4 p, m. CV ia East Pskh. Branch.) Leave Readier. TJ0. lt.ll a. u.. t-tMLXM. and 6 16 p. m. Leave Ilarrlsbarg, a.30, 7.60, M a. ta 1.4 and 4.i p. in, . . Leave Lancaster, f 7.34 a. ra l.eu and (MS p.m. ' Leave Uolambla, 7.S4 a. m , 1J aad J.49 p. m. Tr rum AingDireei uepoi. SUNDAYS. Leave Readmit, 9.00 a, m. and S.OAp.m Leave Harrlaburg, 7.00 a. m. and 4.00 p. m. Trains via "Perklomen ttnllroiil" nantvad thus () run to and from Depot, Ninth aad Qreen streets, Philadelphia, other Iratei la and from llruad atreet tiejiot. a no -o.uu nnu o.aa a. id. iraias irom Alien, town, and the 1 34 and S.1S p. m. train rrsra Philadelphia, via Perklomen Itallread, hav through ears to and from 1'hlladelplila. J, . WOOTTEN, . Oetiitr&l Ttl .ntrt. O.Q. nANPOOK. - uen'i. paas'r at Ticket Agent. Mar 37th, lies. e; f. luckenbach, Two Voon Uelow tho " nroadway. II on a . MAUCU CnUNK. tA. 'Dealer mall ratternaef Plain aid Faaey Wall Papcr "Window SijadIs, Paints & Paintesr' Supplies, lowest CAsn rkions. Central Carriage Workg, Bank St., Lelilglifon, Pa., Are prepared to Manufaetvre ' Carriages, Buggies, Slciglis. sSpringWagon,i&c'.,v or every description, in the mott.iHbitaatlal ., manner, and at I,owet,OasJi Prlets, , . ' Repairing -Promptly Attended t. TREXtER '& KriEIDtER," , ' Ap;ll 18, 1S82 jl - Pjoprlfters. No Patent No J?.; PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the United Sta'tea Uanada and, Europe, at reduced rates, vrUst our principal office located In Washington, dlreotly opposite the United States Patent Office, we are able to attend to all patent business with greater promptness and de spatch and at lets cost than other patent at", torneys who are at a distance from Waih. lngton, and who' have, therefore, to employ ' associate attorneys."- We make preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as te pa. tentablllty, freo or charge, and all who are Interested In new Inventions and ratentt ar invited to send for a copy ol our "Guide for obtaining Patents," which Is. tent tree t any address, ami contains complete Inilru'f. tlons how to obtain patents and other value 1,1 e matter. We refer to the Oerman-Amrr. lean National Hank Washington, I). U.: the Royal Swedish. Norweirlau'and IlaullhLera tlons. at Washington ; Hon. Jos. fasey, late Ohlef Justice U. S. Oonrt of Ulalma; to tie Ulfleluls or the U, H Patent O.floe, and to Senators and Members of Congress, from every State. Address i LOUIS IlAOOEIt K CO., So lteitort or Patents and Attorneys at Law,L Droit Ituitding WAaimuT'iw. li. U, "7"Tft 1- Ke5kofor"naoesi T f I V 1 I J to inerease their earn , Ings, and in time be. come wealthy; those whodo not improve their opportunities remain ln'povtrty. We offer a g eat chane to meke money. We want many men, women, boys and girls to work lor ns right In tbeir own l-cklltlel. Anyone can do the work properly from I be, first start. .The business will nay more than ten limes ordin ary wages. Expensive .outfit furnished free. No on who enatea lalla to make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Fall Information and all that Is needed sent tree. Address Stisison fc Co. Portland Maine. LAND Claims a specially, and WAH-, 11 ANTN, A ll IlITlOKAI, HOMESTEAD C1RIITIFICAT. KS and all kinds of LAND SCRIPT bought and suld. Large Stock, and Highest Prloet paid. Do ynu want to sell or buy? U ae, write to A. A. THOMAS, Attorney at Law, Washington, D,0. jan.a-trc. HEALTH IS WALTH1 VU, Mm CHMrS XKltTi: ilD UXill TaUTMHT. k. ..w-. Ik! . rail aria. KtavlttlBsS. NarMsisl PiwiattttaK a bfthtt ta al tvlrasttot or IfshtkAtSts, Wkril . MUl yrn.rlmls ci th Jt-la lattUf ttt lattttAllif 44 UadintfUmWfT lrr b4 UUi i rrvnUr (ild if. ltanennM, laMl ot ftvtrla lUitr MX-IttvaJtMaUr LwMa. b4 Mri-at rrLaa nt4 tf fr4)Btftl wT 11m tsnta, Mir-Ais-W r4?sat).'(aRe), fM- bo INislUI! ) MMttl trwsamvHi. 9 1 Ui, w U biti ft $1, MB I by mUl ft ptUJ U r-l't 0f t'CK-a. WS GUARANTEE CI BOXES TrrH'. WU tk aivlr re-lr4 tr fc ttm UttM, WrttlHttt4 wliltli, w wjtl Ik pmnhmAtr exja? wrttics Tur(tit-i l rvfKNil h noati if tlxj trMiKttai 4mm '-I rT-rl cur OimranU I mIj bj XUSIR k MtVXDKlAUX, a K- f (rt..rt.lUrWP U.l 1Th rUtratl f ubl HI 4 frir. II lMtelUltJI rur M4ktlMl., rsalfatttt. NrilM ll Mb. MtOM tiwikr wm ril f i ttiu. Dstv-trpewMtl 'fir CuiM.-k EISNER & MENOEL80N. 330 Rao s Street. Philadelphia. Pa. $l,000I. M. nanE i m Hoqcj yoa can mailt selllqg MURRAY'S Mais I Ckftris F6r 6 page catalogue, tree. I J)... I Morr-lon iwattw, i, Murray. . EUZATtCTII.N.J.