The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 22, 1883, Image 2

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SATUUDAY, 8i:PTKMDEn22, 1883.
Editorial Mention.
TALiucn's style uf preaching, nccord.
1 ng to tluit philosopher himself, ia copied
from n Kplondltl model. Ho Bays that
"Christ nlwnys mfldo a peuxallon when
lid preached." Tlio llroolilyn "llentity''
has Impudence enough to start nn As
sumacs Company.
II. L.PicitcxUtoRopnhllcnn nomiuco
for Governor of Massachusetts, says that
Ban Butler U a charlatan. If nil the
other ilrst families of Boston pitch Into
Ban in similar strains they will bcniflt
hhn more than even tho Tewkesbury
tanning establishment.
The New Yobk Son of Monday devot
ed its first page to booming Holmnn of
Indiana for President. Dana must huvo
made a life long study of the character
as in the last "send on" ho is nblo to
give Hslraun'd rmddfo name in full. No
one has ever been able to do this before
at snob an early period of the prcsiden
Hal campaign.
Eorrons know a good deal, but they
don't know everything. An Alleutown
knight of the quill bad recently a visit
from n religious brother of Lcbighton
who asked the bl siiug at dinner. Si'
reotly afterwards tho editorial four-year
old said, "Pop, why don't you lenrn to
say that." Tbo parent immediately
insbed for ths newspaper directory but
oonld llnd no blessing.
It is hsird to say whether being closer
to hell is tho cause, but thcro can bo no
doubt of tbo fact that newspaper mornli
ty is on a higher platform in Georgia
than, ia Pennsylvania. Tho presiding
judge in Atlanta has prohibited the cir.
dubtion of the New Yurk Police Q-
zeite under tho lull penalty imposed on
Sow that money rules tho roost un.d n
Senatorial Commission is sitting on
"Jjaoor" it may bo well to recall some
words of Lincoln, csed in bia letter to
Ellis in 1801: "I affirm it as my fettled
conviction that class laws, placing cap!
tal above labor in tho structure of the
Government, endanger tbo llopublio
more fatally this hour than did chattel
slavery in tho days of its haughtiest sup-
O'Donnell who shot Jame3 Carey the
informer, is to be tried Bhortly in Lon
don. He has a largo share of public
opinion in his favor. Whatever other
Irishmen may have suffered nt tho hands
of. English justice nu English jury will
not deal vindictively with .n wan who
shot nn Irishman who helped to murder
nn English Iiord. Alter his acquittal
his own countrymen will probably send
Lira to Parliament.
It rum been said by him of old time
that a "foolish sou is tho heaviness o
bis parents.'' Such moy havo been tho
case in ancient Israel hut it does not ap
ply in Milwaukee. If ever there was
foolish sou surely it is the "Had Boy"
Peck's paper, ytt old Peck has niado s
much money out of the wickedness of
the youth "Hennery" that ho wauts to
sell out aud retire.- The children of this
world are in their generation wiser' than
the children of light.
Now that so many poor Englishmen
ara coming over to buy chonp land i:
IhiB country it would be a "gay revenge'
if some rich Americans went over nn
bought ozpeubive land In the old coun
try. There issomoofit "too dear for
anything;" each sod precious ns its own
weiebt in rubies, which may bo seen
from the fact that last -week land was
sold in the city of London at the rate of
$3,300,00ft an ncre-
Junius Biujtuj Booth died at his own
hotel at Manchester-by-the-Sca, N.H., on
Monday night. He was the eldest sou of
the famous actor whoso uamo be bore.
The deceased, thongb popular in Eng
land and his own country, did not save
a fortune lrem his stage earnings. Not
many years ago he retired Iroui his pro
fession, opened n hotel aud mae it n
success. He was married three times
each time to an actrehs. His third wife,
married in 1807, survives her second
Theqe Is as much real downright ens
seduess about the doings of llailroad
Companies as about Peck's Bad Boy.
The latest symptoms are. seert.ia a com
munication read before the Board ol
Trade at Philadelphia on Monday oven
ing. It stated that tho Pennsylvania
llailroad Company was makiug discrim
inations against Philadelphia iu favor ol
New York, Baltimore und other
selling round-trip tickets to the latter
cities, good until nsed, at a less rate
than tiekets to Philadelphia could be
bought, which uru good only oue way
and allow tho traveler to slop ouly once.
The effect is .to send trade to New York
and Boston.
Mm. LiNO,THY told a newspaper man
in London that she was very fond ol
America aud that the American people
wire 'Mad nuts" upou her. The latttr
art cf the statement may be com&rnied
by a visit to the Register's office, New
York, where proof positive is found of
Yankee allectiou. It is n simple yarn,
but it is true and full of pathos. It
states that several mortgages have been
assigned to Mrs. Latigtry ou property in
New York for a consideration of $31,000.
The true inwardness of this harvest is
that a handsome but incompetent actress
was advertised thoroughly by tho Prince
of Wales aud young Gobnardt.
"It makes one almost be In love with
death" to be burled with such pomp an
was displayed at the fuutral of Ungh J.
Hastings on Suuday. That gentleman
bad been for many years the editor ot
the New York Commehcui. Apveeti.ek,
Ho was n Stalwart of the Stalwarts nnd
the boss lobbyist of his parly. Ho was
also a devoted Catholic, so that he man
aged to serve God and Mammon, makiug
friends uuto himself of the children of
this world and at the snnie time laying
up stores wheta thieves cannot break
through and steal. His pall-bearers
were President Arthur, Secrstiry Kolger,
Bosooe Coukliug. W. It. Vnndetbilt,
General Eokert, Jay Gould and others of
that ilk. It tberu were any itilflculty
nbout suou a nuu lutviug it ilxlil ntse in
the "Sweat By and By,'' hU ull-l eurer
i lone cou d run a n:okl.i.ibtd single
I nek right through lLo UjIuHjh Gktos,
V. MonnnMBH,
Lat Tuffl'lsy Gov. Pattbon vetoed
the coiicmri'nt resolution ou tho no-cal-nry-nftcr-Septtmber-lOth
qnestlon. Tho
Democrat?, who engineered the resolu
tion, consider the veto n slap in the face.
Tho ten-dollar-a-dny men nre delighted.
But on the whole the Governor's tniinpet
gives un uncertain souud: " Finally, 1
wish to sny that, upon the question of
tho compensation of members ruisee by
tho resulut'.on herewith returned, I de
cllno to commit mjself to any opinion
whatever. I havo not expressed, nnd
shall not indicate, my judgment upon
that subject until In due course of law
the appropriation bill for the Rension
shall be prescuted to mo. I will then
have no hesitation in disposing of the
matter in in my opinion, kiw nnd justice
require." Ho evidently considers that
our watchful legislators can't be paid at
11 unless they perform their duly as the
Governor understands it.
Phofe3sob Sullivan, of Boston, pro.
poses to close bis saloou aud take n voy.
noe around the world, like another f.v
mous bruiser. There can be little doubt
tht "John" would gain admittance into
tho "tony" circles of every cauutry. The
Prince ol Wales, of course, would take
him up. Ai n truly traglo nctor, who
can always kill his man, he could draw
a crowd ns well as Booth or Irving. He
is also a person with a many-sided In
tellect, of which tho newest phnso Is
philosophical and dramatic criticism,
Only last week he decided that Mitchell,
the little Englishman, was "too pretty
to fight bard.' Here is a fine text for a
lay sermon, or name for a novel. We
aro going to have Mrs. Langtry's "Im
pressions of America;" why not have
John Sullivan's "Impressions of Eur
ope?" It would be far more truthful
and infinitely more instructive. John,
my boy, you have tbo world at your feet,
nnd you're tho boy as can kick it.
Fbom time to time the Advocate has
ventured to give some reasons why bet
ter teachers should be procured for our
primary schools. .There nre living in
stances in this county of boys nnd girls
with strong lungs nnd good d-'g stions
who can repeat their reading books
from cover to cover, backwards, it
necessary. Is their education finished,
or aro there no more advanced reading
books in the world? It is no wonder that
thoNonra AmebicanEeview calls alien
tion to tho great importance of primary
education: "Out of 100 boysand girls,"
it says, "who go to the primary schools,
only about filty go any furtber up the
cducatioual grade. About thirty nd-
vauce as far ns the grammar schools,
while not more than three of the original
100 who begin nt the bottom of the lad
der ever reach the lop and enter the high
schools." Just imagine sending out fifty
percent, of children from schools where
education consists in being able to sing
off a first reading book like "Over the
Garden Wall."
the hew era WEST.
Special Correspondence.
Bi-maixk, D. T. Sept. 14, 1883.
Tho eyes of the world have of late been
fixed upon Dakota ns one of the chief
reliances of millions upon millions of
that surplns population who are con
siantly chasing after the star of empire.
The extreme fertilily of soil; the iufini
tudo of lakes, rivers, aud streams that
afford au abundance of the clearest and
purest water water that even exceeds in
all its qualities that for which Minne
sota has become renowned; belts of Urn.
ber, comprising bukory, oak, walnut
baBswood, maple, pine nnd cedar, nil
seeming to be exactly ndjusted geograr h
ically to the wants and necessities of the
settlers of the boundless prairie, then
would seem to bo everything to iuduc6
the immigrant hither to make this bis
everlasting abiding place and be ie
coming. He is coming by train and by
prairie schooner, and by any and everv
coucoivablo means of transportation that
pioneer ingenuity can devise. He is
coming iu such numbers that he adds
75,000 to her population every twelve
month, aud from the handful of people
who were here when your correspondent
first visited the Territory in 1878, she
can now boast of n population greater
by far than either Colorado, Ddaurre,
Florida, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island,
Vermont or New Hampshire. That is
the way n Western Stato grows. This
population is composed of the ambitious
portion of those who havo met discour
agement iu agricultural pursuits where
there was no agriculture to pursue, as
iu sterile New England, whose horny
handed yeomanry make up a portion of
tho best slock of this new country. Aud
New York and Penujslvauia have for
warded their thousands who have been
accustomed for a generation to the viois
situdes of farming upon a less fertile
soil. Wheat-growing Canada pours ber
teas of thousands upou us, armed with
tho experiences nnd nrmored with the
ncclimatlju that welcomes the coldest ol
the northern blizzards.
What tbo population of Dakota will be
at tho time of the next census, no human
being cau surmise, because there is no
basis for a calculation. The towns that
spring up ns if by uipgio on every, baud,
becomo populous cities ere one ean make
up bis miud whether it were prudent to
iuvest in the ohauces for its future.
Everywhere tho newspaper and the bank
and tho church, and tbeschoolhouse.and
the railroad, and the telegraph, and all
the indications of American civilization
aro being instituted, and the vast region
comprising what is known ns Southern
Dakota presents every indication of an
old settled Stale. Tbd exhibits of the
grain, vegetable, and other products of
Dakota made by the Northern Pacifio
llailroad from year to year nt the Chicogo
Imposition, form one of the most extra,
ordinary attractions for tbo public eye,
for there are stalks of corn thirty feet in
height; wheat.. whose kermis nre a mar
vel of plumpness nnd productiveness;
squashes that kick tho beam nt 250 lbr.
each; potatoes, such as no one ever saw
either as to size or quality, which nre
yielding a thousand bushels to the core,
aud so on without end as to the mlracnl
ous power of this new ncd virgin soil,
The Territory may be said to bo piacti.
wily exempt from .every specie of m
larioua influence, and the percentage of
m rt (lily buows the best bill of health to
be found this sldo of the Alps. Yet
there seems to be n need of doctors, as
thcro is n demand for lawyers and other
necessary evils or .ion-producers. Thir
ty of the Saw-bones bang out their signs
right here in Bismarck, and If they in
crease as does tbo population, next year
wo shall have thirty additional. Of
lawyers there are any number, but they
arc generally engaged in the renl-estato
business as n side issue, aud all of them
nre getting rich. Many of the best nnd
shrewdest of the cloth who resided at
Yankton have removed here, anticipating
iu these greeu fields nnd pastures new
better returns and fatter fees in ex
change for making the worse appear the
better canso.
Oue of the first settlers iu the vicinity
of Bismarck was a clergyman of tho Unl
yersalist denomination, who had retired
from tbo pulpit, and practically from re
liglon also. He went into the real es
tate business, mado money so fast that
ho didn't know what to do with it; nnd
now, after gathering in his shekels by
the millions, he renounces again the
world, the flush, and the other fellow,
and has gone to preaching again. The
scripture that remarks something about
a fellow's inability to serve two masters
exempts this ministerial Sbylock from
its operations. Lots in the principal
business thoroughfare in Bismarck were
held nt what might be called fabulous
figures so long ago is 1879, but whnt
would a poor devil who desired n bun!
ness corner think now if he should drop
in nnd be informed that 800 a front foot
is tho lowest possible figure, and the
owner would rather keep it for n rise
anyhow? This is n trifle higher than n
corner lot on Clark street in Chicago is
held; but while it doesn't prove conclus
ively that Bismarck is the largest city, it
does prove conclusively that the real-es
tato mauil in our newly-built Western
cities develops some most unconscionable
What is wanted here, and I may Bay is
the great crying demand in all the larger
towns nnd villages in Dakota, is some
thing approximating to n tirst-class hotel.
Not an ornate building with claboiate
facades aud filagree pilasters, and that
sort of thiug, but a place where one can
get something to cat. With ham and
potatoes for breakfast.skoulder aud ditto
for dinner, and bacon and more potatoes
for supper, with the monotony uubrokeu
for weeks nt a time, I don't see how pco
pie can stand it, or stand up under it
Yet you are charged good beef prices nt
every hostelry, without seeing a morsel
of sirloin, porterhouse or round. Nor
do wo find the style of cooking in these
hash-houses such as we find anywhere
else n Christendom. It seems as if the
starting of a new town involved tho nec
cssity of also inaugurating n new system
of sirving up victnals.niid to nrve them
in such n way ns to see bow much th
human would stand without a revolt. II
I leave this place nliye I am sure it will
ba with impaired health from this forced
diet, in which bacon gravy is tho pre
pouderatluR villainy. Don Pedro
Our Washington Letter.
TFrou our Srr.ciAt. Cohrrspondknt.!
Washinoton.D. 0., Sept. 15, 1883.
The President has again returned I
Was 1 gtnn after an nbsence of ov r
montn, unnug this last trip every
m luher of the Cabinet has ut. times b cn
nbsent from tho Capital. Pustmaster
General Gresham, whose appointment in
recent, found it necessarv to remain here
to attend to official duties and becom
familiar with the details of the pust-of.
flee service. With this exception Was!
iugton was never so completely nbnu
doned by high officials, ns it was during
the month of August,
The question naturally arises, not how
the business of the nation is conduct
during flu absence of the President nn
his Cabinet, but what business cau bi
aud is transacted? Because of these au
nual vacations no oue ever heard of the
purse strings being tightened, or that
the Treasury failed to pay every dolla:
as it came due. What Is there more im
portant than money? Acts of Congress
long since approved by the President
regulate the disbursement of every etol
lar, without which not one cent can be
paid. Take, for ex imple, the War De
partmcnt, with iU great army of clerk:
who gel their pay twice n month. A
act of Cougresi gives the chief clerk, I
the absence of the Secretary of War, tb
same authority that is vested in tbo Sec,
retary. What can bo do, alter nil, more
than is authorized by law? He cannot
borrow a few thousand ou account. No,
not a cent. He cannot appoint n frien
to office. Civil Service ltcform has put
au end to that. He can promote, but h
would not assume such authority, for
his superior, when bo returned, might
not approve of it,
The vast clerical duty has been dls
posed of by Mr. John Tweddale, the
chief clerk. Thcro is another helper in
that department. It is Adjutant General
Drummond and his assistant adjulnut
generals. The State Department has
three assistant secretaries, two of whom
are usually present when the Secretary
of Slate is absent. Now, it would be
strange it such a department could get
along without a head. It does not aud
cannot; for it is a fact that every paper
of importance is written by the Sucre
tary; every documeut of the slightest
importance is signed by him. When
At his residence in New Jersey
Mr. Blaine says in answer to an in.
quiry that he regards the Republican
prospects of 1881 as more hopeful than
they were before the campaigns of 187G
and 1880. Ou tbo question of Presidcu
ttal candidates be thinks a Western man
would be stronger than au eastern man,
Thn last opinion has the flivor of disiu
terested candor, certainly, it bears
agaiust himself if lie still has aspirations
1 1 the Presidency.
The new two cent postage stamp will
bo issued on the 15th of October. They
will be sent out from New York city
where they nre printed by the American
Bank NHo Co. Tbo clerical force i
the stamp division In the Post Office
Department will be busily engaged iu
preparing the order sheets containing
the requisition of Postmasters through"
out tho country for these stamps. Ah is
generally knovtn, tho uew stamp con.
tdnsa vignotte of Washington, and is
of a mstallio red color. The Post-Offlce
Department has. as yet, made no pre
pirntious for redeeming the three cent
stamps and the stamped envelopes that
mar bo on band nt present. The work
counected with the issue cf the new
stamp will engage tho entire lime of the!
lerlcal force.
Not long ago I was passing a bouse on
one of tbo sldo streets, when my comrade
said: "Here lives a man who allows his
wife to make his living." "How?" His
ifo lakes care of a rich young drunkard,
ho, it is said, has a million at least.
He gave Ibis house to the husband. The
three travel around tho world together.
eoplo make their observations, but tho
three are true to each other, whatever
their relation is." Said I; "Perhaps the
world is too harsh." "Perhaps so," said
he, "but then the single man ought not
to bo drunk nil the tlmo. Auoust.
Our Now York Letter.
Regular correspondence of Advocate.
New York, Sept. 18. 1883.
I was nt the funeral of the late Hugh
Hastings, editor of the "Commercial
Advertiser," last Saturday. It wa; cer
tainly an impressive uffalr, and the im
posing list of pall bearers comprising
the President and a large number of
leading politicians and business men
added additional solemnity to the scene.
Curiously enough among the pall bearers
there was not a single representative of
the profession of which the dfad man
was himself a member. I am inclined
to attribute this to nn oversight on Ihc
part of the relatives, for although Mr.
Hastings by bis nativo combatiyeness
and bis style of warfare which frequently
resembled that of Chinese pirates, who
use n certain bomb which emits n.hcrrid
odor on exploding, was not popular
among hU colleagues as n rule, yet bis
many sterling characteristics made him
respected. So far as his subordinates
and the pcoplo who ever worked on the
paper are concerned, bo was kindness
tself nnd many of them wept ns they
gazed on the rugged manly old face ns
it lay there iu icy stillness iu tbe!sket,
I stood near the entrance of the church
as tho funeral procession marched out.
Besido me was a gentleman who novt pa.
cuplej n lending position on oue of the
chief metropolitan dailies. As Jenkins
Van Scbaick, ono of the pall bearers
walked by, my companion remaiked:
'this man reminds me of my firot start
in life, and an incident which fully
characterizes the old man's sense of jus
tice nud kindness. I came to the "Com
mercial1' office one day, n green ron'1
boy, aud asked Mr. Hastings for some
woik. He looked at me and gave me a
letter which he bad just written, , 'Take.
that down to Mr. Jenkins Vau Schalck,"
ho said, 'and get an answer.' Upcn my
return I was installed n printer's devil
At the end of the week he called me up,
and iu his brut-quo way remarked
supposo you waut some moue?' 'Yes,
sir,' I bashfully nnswertd. 'How much
do you wnui?' 'Three dollars, bir.'
'Ihiee dollars, bo exclaimed 'Groat
God." I shook ns if I was nbout to be
struck by lightning nnd saw the thun
derbolt coming. 'If it's too much, sir,'
I replied. 'Too much,' he replied; 'well
I like your nerve. I will give jou five
dollars, I always pay my people foi
their services.' I never ioigot thes
words. Thoy so fully characterized, tiff
The papers are again making a fuss
over Freddie Gebhard and tho Langtry
His friends nud relatives are very reticent
as to his whereabouts, but I know that
be has been iu Europe for nout three
weeks. Au acquaintance of mine suw
him at Goodwood during the rnco mf e
ing. lie was then coine to ioin Pliuiaer
Walton, who is trying to cure his bay
fever at a watering place in Bohemia, and
after remaining there for a lew days in
tended to go to Paris, v. here tho Lily
was to meet him. I do not suppose tl at
Freddie's and Mrs. Ltngtry's movements
are of much international importance.
Still as a contribution to Mitropolitnn
gossip, I may as well giye the facts,
With tho advent of cool weather, the
trnmps aro beginning to fleck back to
town nnd in the station bouses they are
getting ready for their reception. The
cells aud lodging rooms have been white-
unshed and the Bosrd ol Health will ted
that proper sanitary1 precautious, which
have frequently leon neglected in former
years nre taken. Judging from the ar
rivals thus far it would seem that tho
number of homeless men nnd women
this winter will be much less tbau usual
There has been nn abuudauco of work
this summer, nnii the vast amount of
railroad building nnd other develop,
ments in the far West is doing much to
divert n large portion of the proletariat
from the lirge and overcrowded ctutrcs
to places where men nro really wanted.
Ou account of the difficulty in getting
water to tho top floors of tho immense
buildings that nro now being put up in
many parts of tho city, many owners ol
new buildings are now sinking artesian,
wells. There nro threo buildings in
Parlr How which are thus provided, aim
a number of uew buildings now in courto
of erectioii nru thus supplied. Tut
water is remarkably cool aud dtlicious
aud it has n sort of miner-ilic taste which
makes it very pleasant to the palate,
I saw Aiinee the Princess of the Can
aries, the other evening. Such n wreck!
She could never sing much, but now she
cannot sing nt all. Her voice grates on.
one's ears, und her would-be juvenile
elasticity makes oue feel sad. Her busi
ness is always clever, but it lacks the
spontaneity ol youth nnd life. It reminds
oue very much of machine work Why
is it that artists like ber have not some
well meaning friends to advise tlem
when it is time to retire. As a rule, no
matter how clever these women are, they
nlways seem to think that the rouge pot
and the powder pad form adequate sub
stitutes for youth, beauty and voice.
Tbo only woman iu the eomio opera line
that has managed to bear ber years well
is Mario Geistlnger, the German nrtlstr,
1 believe she is over fifty now, but her
figure is perfect, her voice untarnished
nnd ber face stands in noed of paint to
but a limited extent.
The Bar Association has at last aroused
ttself to take a stand, ngaiust the alarm
ing spread of fraudulent divorces. When
a lteferee who bns a great deal of experi
ence in this branch of tho law says that
be Is satisfied that fraud enters into nine
teutha of the proceedings for divorce,
then it is certainly high time to put on
the brakes. The law is stringent enough
but the judges nt present are handi
capped by Iheir inability to make in
vestigatious of their own to ascertain
whether there is collusion between par
ties. What is really wanted is a Dlvorco
Court where proceedings nre carried ou
pnblicly.nnd tho nlnlilloti of the Ilefereo
system. The decision of the Court tl
Appeals, too, that a parly against whom
n divorce has been obtained may marry
in another State, has much to do with
tho loose regard in which the marriage
tie is held by the great generality of
people. Why oven a Judgo iu this
county took advantage of this net. A
divorce was obtained against him, there
upon he went to England, got married
there, came back aud is living happily
with wife No. 2.
Tbo Crney Island season ends on Sat
urday. It was very prosperous for the
Manhattan Beach Company which clear
ed a profit of nbout $80,000, but disas
Irons for Brighton Bench which lost
about $30,000. Next year Manhattan
will probibly be moro prosperous than
ever, for a large amount of money will
bo invested in local improvements, the
building of cotti-ges, and the layiug out
of gardens, parks, drive-ways and waRr.
Brighton will probably continue on the
downward path for tho way in which tie
gamblers bnve overrun that part of the
Island is Bbameful, nnd must tend to
drive respectable people moro and more
Talking about gambling remiuds me
that Anthony Comstock who has been
under a considerable cloud since ho as
saulted the wrong mau, Is now trying to
rehabiYilate himself by attempting to
btop betting nt the Shcepshead Bay
raocs. Ho has not bad the audacity as
yet, but be will probably uttempt it.
hoping to get the support of seucnlionol
people nud newspapers. If Ojmstotk
really means to do good let bi u prevent
tbo opening of the gambling dnns which
openly aunouuee that they will resume
business next mouth.
John Seek, residing ut Allenti wn, was
out shooting on tile Lehigh mountains,
Monday. In firing at a bird his gun ex
ploded and his face was badly burned.
Half out Of His Head.
Blessed Is the man," said Don Clutxoto's
weary squlro,"wuo Invented sleep." Sjncho's
gratitude Isours, but what If ono cannot for
any reason enjoy that excellent Invention
"Nervousness In rae had becomo a disease,"
writes Mr. William Colonian.tUo well-known
wholesale druggist of Uullalo, N. Y.
I coulJ not rlecp, and my nights wcro
either passed In that tort of restlessness
which Lcarly crazes a man, or In n kin J of
stupor, haunted by tormenting droamj,
Having taken Parker's Tokio for other
troubles, I tried it also for this. . Tho result
both surprised and delighted mo. Sly nerves
wcro toned to cpneort pttch,and,llkoCn;3ar's
fat men, 1 fell Into tho ranks ofthosewho
sleep o' nights. I should add that the Tonlo
speedily did away with tho condition of gen
cral debility and dyspepsia occasioned by my
prevlousslceplessncss, and gavo mcstrcngth
and perfect digestion, la brief, tho use of
the Tonlo thoroughly re-established my
health. I have used PAmtEn's Tomo with
entire success for soa-slckness and for the
bowel disorders Incident to ocean vojagcS.
This preparation, has heretofore been
known as 1'aiikec's (1 1 no tit Tonic. Here
alter It will bo advertised and sold undor tho
name, of I'aukuii's Tonio omitting tbo
word "King r." lllscox&Cu., nro Induced to
make tills change by tho action of unprincipled
denlcrs who have tor years deceived their
customers by substituting Interior prepara
lions under tho i.amo of ginger. Wo drop
thls.mlslcadlng word all the more willingly,
as ginger is an unimportant flavoring In
gredlcnt In our Tonic.
Please remember that no change has been
nindoln tho preparation Itsclf.and nil bottles
remaining in tbo hnnds of dealers, wnpped
under tho name of Parkeu'sUinokr Tonic,
contain the genuine medicine Ifthofan-slmlle
signature of lllscox &. Co., Is at tho bottom
of tho outside wraopcr. Sept."
Florence Knitting Silk.
Positively tho only Silk suitable for knit
ting, which win bear washing witiiniii in
jury tn color or texture. Sold by ull en
ternrlsluL' merchants.
Our latest hook on Knitting (Nn. 4),witli
samples of Knitting aud r-tching bilk, sen
on receipt ot three i rvut stamps.
Noxutuck Silk Co., Florence, Mass,
Orphans Court Sale
Valuable Real Estate
On Monday, Sept. 24, 1883
At 3 o'clock P. M., will bo sold on tho
premises in the lloroughof I'AKUYVll.liK,
(lurbon County, Pa., the farm of Jonns
Focht, deo'd., hounded as rollows: Jlegln
nlng at n stone thencxhy land of Win. Stuhl
South 33 di ns. East 65' i perches to a stone,
tliitnce bv lands ofJno. rimltli. South 71'
drgs. I lust r.' perches to a stone, tbeneo by
same North 65dcgs. West 131A perches to u
stone, thence by thesamo North 18 degs. West
7 iicrches to a IIIcKory, thence ny lauaoi u.u.
lionrman. North IKdegs, lint 41 ucrohos to
a stone, thenct bv lands Gl s..Snliler and II
Wtntz, Not Ih Sldegs.. West 24 perches to
iiegiuning. unutaiuiug
s trict measure, on which Is erected a One and
Ono Half Story Fit AM K lWKL,I.IJm
and Out House, a Flno Fruit OrcLariLu gooi
IVI'.l.l, nt W ATE It nt tbo door.
Terms vne-hnlfciish, and the balance In tlx
months. Aticmlrnce by
SiTrLijin"' Administrators.
Sept. 0 1631. w3.
lailiLMA' & CO.,
BANK STUEET, Lehighton,'
JIIULEIW and Dealers In
Wo would, also, icsprcttully inform our el HI
sens that weaio now fully prepared to BUI'
ri.V them with
B&esti 3iif
From ny Mln desired at VEll
nnd w o -
men know
nrn t h I
that of the many diseases nnd derangements
of tho body each has ft soiiarnte e ansa or trf-
gln. and that each needs a dlllerent method
oflrcntment In order to elfect a cute, and
moment's reflection must convince that any
oftho quack nostrums lolsled upon the pub
lic claiming to cure all of a number ol dia
metrically different dlseotea must prove fail
ures, even It we do not call them humbugs.
cvcnpcnplo well-to-do or wealthy find tint
enormoui cArcrol practicing plijslclans are
n serious burden to ibem. nnd also find that
.a'ter paying themselves puor that no btncltt
hns accrued to them, that In loct they have
thrown their money nwny. To overcome
theso evils wo olfor H'Aerr' No. MS Sure
llemcdtrun the slekand suRcrIni(onemcifi
or eacii uisnssc, wiinouiior a uiomonieiaim
ln'K that ono remeJv will cure nnv other dls
ease than tho one claimed for It, and us these
remedies havo stood the test of venrs without
a slnlo failure, wo agrcotu reundlierooneu
jmiu in every insianco wncro a euro isnoi
positively effected. The remedies aro entire
ly vegetable, ean do no harm, and will posi
tively euro every dlseaso lor which they are
out. Lame
ness oi joints
SelfttlA.1 nnd
vouranria nre relieved nt nnee and nosltlrn.
ly cured br the use of Wheeler's No. id Itheu,
tnatlo Kointdy. Wa say boldly that In the
worst cases oi no matter now long tunning.
hpw serjous or how painful, wo can not only
vvMuivtiJi cure luruu umo.
Falling to do this we will positively refund
the money paid lor treatment, ana If your
sufferings aro not positively stopped for nil
tlmo you have not thrown your money away
ns you would on an other than ficse liuaran.
teed remedies. Tho price of Wheeler's No. 89
itnouniauo Hemody Is only 60 cents, obtain
ab.o from druggists or sent free by mail on
n y a
y en.
nature with a pretty face, beauttlul figure,
faultless comnlexlon. as well ti.
of ton.pers and faultless mental qualities
S.w..0,.,-.iji,.u,UIJ uiu, Kruy anil wnnKled,
or form loses Its perfect contour, the com-
picxion neeomos sallow, the brightness leaves
the eye, a feeling of languor takes the place
uf tho once buoyant spirits, an Irritable ner
vous rrnctlousness makes llfenburdcn.thlngs
th it onco were trifles worry her till lire be
comes unbearable. All this being caused by
tho physio il derangements so common to wo
men, irincii me innate modesty or Ictnlnlne
nature pres ents their making known, and of
which tho Ignorance of Iho medical profes
sion prevents n euro. Lady Header, pause
nnd consider, 'tis a duty you owo yourself,
your family, and your Ood. tlmt you should
euro joursell or these troubles andonco more
r-el the glow of perfect health and spirits that
nature Intended for you. WhttUr't Ko. 05
Prcscrtpttont aro pleasant and palatable to
take, contalnlnothlngofun Injuilous nature.
i- .1, m.. " . '. """ges aeau times nnd
in all conditions without possibility ol 111 er
fects. nnd will iiosliiv.iiv .... ,. r . '
cullar diseases to which remalos are sublect.
Falling to j.roduco a perlect euro tho pro
prletorswill refund tho monoy paid lor tho
treatment, lfyou havo asallowcomplexlon,
ache, restlessness. loss or appetite, suppres
sions or monthly How, or irregularities there
pf, accompanied by headaches, nervousness.
......... v iivm iniui jicuuucuet, naca
njsicrics nnd symptoms, Whcelir't
uo i reicnpiwn "jr"will positively re
store you tp health, lfyou havo n sciuitton
of bent nnd throbbing in the back, Irrnuent
ralntlngspells.r.eucorrlicaor white discharge
pnlnrul or scalding sensation in urinating,
reddish or white ileimslt In urine, hot nnd dry
skin, ll'Aeefcr's -No. 00 Pretcrtplton " U" will
give Immediate and Listing relief. The prlco
11" und
gists orscnt by mall secure from observation
post-paid on receipt of price. Postago stain ns
flTinnil It Is needless to de.
I nnn.8cr'De t,,e yinitin
euso that Is snunlnn tho life and ctri-inriii ni
. - ui iiiih nniiKnfiita tiia.
iuu inuny oi mo unrest ana ncstoi hotli sexts,
old nnd young, sullerlng alike from the pol-
... 1 . ,ii mu iiiruiit. IIIO H,ignn0US
nasal discharges tho fetid breath, nnd irii,i-.
1 weakness, debility, and languor, aside rrom
tho acuto sufferings or this disease, which II
not checked can only end In loss of palate,
hoarseness, weakoned sight, loss of inomoty,
deafness and promaturodc.ith If not checked
oeioro IT, IS lOO lata, llbrir. slllill' nnil rp.
smirch In America, Europe and Eustorn lands
have resulted In tt'heelr 'i A'o. 1)3 Intlanl lie
lief and Sure Cure fir Cararri,a remedy which
contains no harmful Ingredients, and -hat i
guaranteed to euro every easeofneute cr
ehn nlo citnrrlt or money rclunded, irl
r' A'p. 00 Intlanl Relief and Sure Can for
Catarrh will euro every c ise ol oatar'h, hav
fev ror nstlimn, prlco 41.00 per paekngo, Iroiii
driiirtrlsts or sent tiv mntl on r, point nt urin
.rue-it, vuou'c, urc jor iianty ana
Liver Trouble cures nil wen, ness mid soro
ness of kidneys, Inllamir.atlon of kldnejs or
II liielcr'a Vegetable Plllt nro the rnly rem
cdy euro conttlpitton. giving namrul
action oftho bowels without plivslclnir. tiurir-
Ing, griping or atn. Priced cents, ol drug-
W'hctlcr'tl titrvine Tonic tv mental denres.
slon. Iocs ol manhood, languor, weakness or
over taxation of tho brain Is Invaluable, prlco
Wfl fiTT AT) A TJOipp r. ' y
We plnco our price for 'hesc remedies nt lcs
than one-twentieth of Iho lirlce asked bv oth
ers for remedies upon which you tuke all tho
chances, nnd we specially invito tho pitron
ogo of tho many pcrsonslwh i have tried
remedies without elfect or d pitted their
pursed uy ptvyiu uocior mils mill uenemictl
mem not.
irNt nnd nsk tor
them. If they have not got thctn, write ut
once to the proprietors, tncloslii' the prlec In
money or sumps, and they will be sent you
at onco by mall, post-pshl. Correspondence
eulieiiuu. jiuuiess piitmiv.
No. IM W. IbiltlmoreSt..
sept. 1. 1883-ly.
liemedy P D 17 R
Is unequaled ns a positive U II 1 U
ASTHMA AND IIYSPEI'Sl A.and all their
attendant evils. It docs not nioiely ullord
tcinnorarv relief. I ut Is a iierrant euro,
W.I1. llucknher. Do I.eon Texas, says
"It Is tho best modlclnu for Asthui i that
ever hnvo usod." M. Hodges. Fouulaln
Ilea I. Tenn , says: "I am entirely lellcved
ol hll symptoms ol asthma ny ntinson s rein
edv Adam miller. llrookvlUe. Pa., rnvs
"l)r. Sllnson's Asthma Itemed' his given
mo excellent satisfaction " .Ins, t . Wilbur:
Morrlsvllle, M, V, says: ' Since I began
taking yourrtmciiy i uinu resieu wen every
iilgui. !3 .. iiyuu, run uu xue, ,uieii..
sjvs ! "It Is the best I ever took." Mrs. f
A lllssell, at Huberts, Illinois, ssys : "llr-
stinson As.bmi Kemedv Is lust as recom
men.led. It makes expectoration easy." 111-!
SUItll to send for treaties, testimonials nnd
lirlce list, to lEt)K fc OO, 27 EAST 14th
sl'IIEul'. N. y.: !.N. Orlltcnden it (o
110 Fulton St., N. ulso wnolesale agents
Saloou Keepers and Otes,
Don't fall to buy your
Champaigne Pear Cider,
Lager Beer,
Iloob Beer,
Porter, &c
Carbon Advocate
Cheap Printing !
of East Mauch Chunk,
are prepaid! tn ito all kinds of
Pterin & drnamtal Wort,
at shortest notice. Onlers by mall will re
ceive prompt attention. Teiiuj mndrale
for good work. 6epl5tf
MusiC DealeR
Instriictor in Music
A full lino of all kinds of
Sheet Music,
Is constantly kept on hand nt the Ware
Room, near the L. .t S. Depot.
Sole Agent In the Lehigh Valley forj
Belming Pianos !
Call and see them ; they havo nu superior.
Also, Agent for
Weber, Decker, Connor and
J, P. Halo Pianos,
Anil various Mates of ORGANS
Instruction given at Pupil's rcsiJcnco on
Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory. oc28
nesnectfullv nnnounces to tlie nconlo of Le-
hlghton nnd Its vicinity, tlmt ho Is now pro
pared tosupply them with U kinds of
Household Furniture
Manufactured from tho heft tJcn.oned lUnte.
rials at Prlceslullyns lottos thcnvmenrtlclo,
enn bo bouKli' lor clf"wherc. Here ore a few
of iho Inducements offered
Parlor Sets at from 50 to $C0
walnut Murhlctop Drceilng t;aso
llcilroora Suites. 3 pieces. t!40to465
Painted lied room Suites lRto40
(lane Seated rhalrs, prstof 6.... 6
Ouinmon t 'hnlrs, per td of fl $4
ana an oinor uoous cquimy cnenp.
In tills connection. I dostre tn rail tlio at
tentlon oftho people to myamplo ficllltles Id
and a lull lino of OASK r.TS and COFFI.NS,
I am prepared to Httcnd promptly to alt or.
ders in this lino, at lowest prices.
Patronnge retpoetlnlly solicited nnd the
most amplo satlsfaelhut guaranteed.
octl2 DANK St., Lohlghton.
a week tr-ado nt homo by the In
usirious. itest business now hc.
fore the nub lie. (lanital not
needed. Vt b will start sou. Men,
women, boys anil girls wanted evorywhero to
work for us. Now Is tho time. You can work
in rparo time, or give our wbolo lime to the
business. No other tmsluess will pny you
ncnrly so well. No one cm fail to make euor.
mous nnv. tiv eniraihur at once, l.'ostlv out
fit und terms free. Money muile fust, easily
unit uonoriiuiy, Auuress uiuu i.'. jvu
gusta, JUr.lno. detS-vl
Assignee Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that V. S. Wlntor.
mule, of Lehlghton, Uarbun county. Pa., by
Heed of volun ury assignment has assigned
all his cstnle, real nnd personal, of the said
Wri Wiutcrmute toll. It. (lllham. of tho
Uorough, County und State aforesaid, In
trust, for the benefit of the creditors of the
saldW.S Wlntermute. All persons, there
fore, indebted to the said V. S, Wlntermuto
will make payment to Uio said aitlgnce, nnd
those having claims or demands, will make
i icnown tlio same wiliioul tie iiv.
B. It. (1 ti-ii am, Assignee of
W. B. YVlntertnute.
Lehlghton, July 8'J, 1 833. w-0
To whom it may Concern
Notlrn Is herehv given, that I will no
longer ho responsible lor any debts con.
traded by my wife, Elminn Blineiualter, of
East t'enn. Carbon County, I'a ,shc having
lelt my bed and board without just cuuse
or provocation.
Sept l-v3 East I'enn, Pa
Kor wound, ills nsoor other
disability. Widows, minor
children and dependant
noMiiii nniltlii1 wltendenth recultetl. Otuimi
reopened, retoration.lncr-;nPi, bounty, back
pay nnd Ulcharne obtatnoiU Avy t oi.pp.
delay pniudlcei your rllti Ko flxed by
law. AdJresi,, tho old ntuhlUh
ed Arm ol KliSON CO., Attorney & Claim
Agenn. OH tlStft!'.10" Q cf
A larire LOT. with excellent 1IOUSK nnd
STAHLK crwctwl tbcroon, oppoilte 1-oh'i
UoUl.on HaiiUwBY.lntbU Itoiouifb. To U
fold on nwouimoiUtinK teruu. Apply to
JOHN VOGfcl. 13 North Second btreet.
I'ulladelpbln, ru Autf- 18, H8a iu3
1 1 1 1 1 At i
pill 33
e, era
? S;
Railroad Guide.
& ReaclM B. ft.
Arrangement cf Passenger Trains.
MAY 2:th, 1983.
Trains leave Allontown as follows I
(Via 1'KnKlOSIKN ItAiLnoAn.)
For Philadelphia nt S.IO, tM, 11.49 a. m
and 3.10 p. iu,
For Philadelphia. nt 6.03n. in. nnd 4.C0p.m.
(Via East Pens llnANCu.)
For Heading nnd llarrlsbnrg, COO, 8.40 s.
m.. 12.16, 4.31', und 9.05 p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, t.CO, M0 a,
m., and 4 30 p.m.
For Harrisburg, and waypolnts, T.35 a. m.,
0.05 p.m.
Trains for Allontown leavo as follows :
(Via Pkukiomex IUiluoad.)
Leave Philadelphia. 7.40 n. in. nnd 1 an.
1.36, 4 30, and 6.15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, 8.30 a. m. 3.30. and
4.1!0 p. m.
(Via East Pkhk. Drakch.)
Leave Itondlng, J.30, 10.11 a. m., 2.00, 3.W,
and tits p. m.
Leave llarrlsburg, 631, 7.60, 9M a. m., 1.4S
and 4.i p. in.
Lcao Lancaster, 17.30 a. m., 1.00 nnd (8.40
p. m.
Leave Columbia, 7.30 a. m , 1.10 and 3.40
p. in.
trrom King Street Depot.
Leavo Reading, B.OOn. m. nnd 6 00 p.m.
Leave Harrisburg, 7.00 a. m. and 4 01 p tn.
Trains via "l'erklomen llailroad" marked
uiui t"j run to ami irom Aicpot, iMhtn mid
ami irom llciiot. Nil
Oreen streets.
j-niiiiueipiiia, other ttains to
and from llruad
i streoi Depot.
The 5.(0 nnd 6.45 a. m. trains rrom Allen.
(own, and Iho 135 and ft.15 p.m. trsln from
Philadelphia, via l'erklomen ttallroad, havo
through cars to and frum Philadelphia.
(lencral Manager.
Uon'l Pnss'r & TIekct Agent.
Ma; 27th, lbS3.
rnorniETort of the
West End Brewery,
Maucii Ciiu&k, Pa.
Pure Porter ait Lager Beer
Delivered all over the State.
October 8, 1881 yl
Two Doors llelow tho " Broadway House
Ucalei in all Patterns of Plain aud Fnnoy
Window Shades,
Paints & Paintesr' Supplies,
LOWfcST CASH'rliiyES."
Central Carriage Works,
Bank St., Lclilghton, Pa.,
Aro prcparod to Manufacture
Carriages, Buggies," Sleighs,
Spring "Wagoiii &c.,
Of every description, In the most substantial
manner, nnd at Lowest Oash Prices.
Itcimirhig Promptly Attended to
April 28, 1882 yl Proprietors.
icpple nre nlways on
e iookoui nir cuunces
increase their earn.
Inus. and In time be
come wealthy; Ihoso whudonot Improve their
opportunities remain iu poverty. Wo offer a
g eat chance lomnke money. YVowant many
men, women, boys and girls to work lor us
right In theiroHu ! entitles, Anyonn cando
the Work' properly from the first start. -The
hulness will pay mure than ten times urdln
nry wages. Expensive outfit furnished freo.
No ono who nuuges latin to make money
rapidly. You tan devoto your whole time to
the work, or only your sparo moments. Full
Information nud all that Is needtd sintlrco.
Address Stinbui It On. Portland Maine.
TP T71 m n"1' ,lfc sweeping by,
l-C IH I go urn) daro before )ou
JLvLJLl JL die. something inlnhty
nnd sublime leave be
hind to conquer time." 6Jaweek In your
iiwn town. 6 outfit frof. No risk Every,
tiling new ()ailtal not required. We wfil
lurulsh you eroryihlng. Many aro making
fortunes. Ladles make ns much as men, and
boys nnd vlrls mnke great pny Header, II
yuu want business nt whfoh you can make
great pay nil the time, write fur particulars
to H. uallett & Co. Portland Maine.
I A M r Claims a specialty, and WAK.
I fl I J KA.'V'H. A I I) IT I ON AJ.
ES nnd all kinds nf I.AM! KCKll'T bought
and sold. Large Stock, nnd Highest Pliers
paid. Ho 3'nu -vnnt to soli or buyt If n,
write to A. A THOMAS, Attorney nt Law,
Washington, 1). O. Jnn.Mfe.
D1U "T'H AU IlltlM TttklTHKRT, ft
nirtH'tlp-iKc("f II '-I -tU.D miiMi OutivuUloni.riu,
hnr Ul NeuiitlyU, IImiUcIi. hrrnii rt'llH fnt
by tit offtlniUul nr HiUcco, WkrfuiiiaM, )J-iiUl D-
KMitn.KitBltic t.f tu SrUa rvau'tlnv In IiiMtBlfjr And
td'uc lulr '"T7 o4 4ettli rrmturo Old It,
liKnrnuM, nt V r In Cltbrr IitTuli.ltr tm tjimit-,rr1ni nuixl by ovir-fii iln ft tlg brain.
llf-ft'URfjrfHnlu nr. fr4i t'ixnitttniin tnontU'a
trrktmi ut 1 1 lioi v 'I tosti Ut tl, Ql ly pJ
wU ou fYttt ui I"K-,
Tfirsmtr V.t i carh or-Irr irt-lnd br n for atx
boxesr, (vrrm ulrt vrlili S3, w It) tvlnl ll pnrrlir our
rtilau jcnftrftiifis m r'uul t hoar It thn Utatiacut (UM
btcirrl rn. flHriiNtiVi lnm.liiii jr
Hi'.m ti mhh.mix, s:n -tivt,ruiudii'hu,r.
I T) rrllnttH vtett'i IUimhI 1'urll.r. It lmmlUtlr
ltnn-i Udebv, (ilittlot. l'rlfleilba fckU UIM
tHUr bimiu rroffift ut tl r ). Uuturrwot fur
320 Rnco Otroot. Philadelphia Pa.
$1,000 J. M.
Honey yoa can njaio selling
Maps & Charts
For 36 pace catalogue, free,
9 .