The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 15, 1883, Image 2

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    &1w &m'Ium tlwwvto.
, , .
SATUlttUY, SElTrMBEIl 15, 1583.
Editorial Mention.
"I altrlbnlo my health, vigor ami will
preserved mnuliooil to tbe linbitnnl rise
nf th word "begin' Instead of 'com
mences" writes Cbnrles A. D.tnn, of tbe
Hun. Whatover IhlriRs bo may have be
Rnn, he certainly iutcndi to lluisU tbe
"jrent Republican party."
Novr that twclvo "good men and tme"
ofMissonrl bavo acquitted Trank James,
it Js suggested that thoy should snap
"Romi" with, tbo twelvo who fonnil Dukes
"not guilty." After tbe performance of
that ceremony each of tbe twenty-four
should bo tied to a cow's tall and
"liaddlcd to doath."
IIist Sunday was tbe 03tU day of tlio
extra session of tbe Legislature, at $10 a
day for each member, absent or present,
living or dead, nnd n total cost to tbe
people of 285,000. For such a price,
when we do get tbcm, we ought to have
the handsomest and best-fenced
electoral dlstrictsjn tbo wholo world.
Tmj is very far from being a thorough
ly tree country, after nil tbo brag that
bus beea made r bout it. At le.tst that
it what Johnnn Gottleib Jaskosky thinks.
Ho took $C 000 from tbo till of bis em
ployer lu Moscow and fled to America.
When, nrrestod In New York last Satur
day, be simply said, with i shrug of bis
shoulders, not America Ireil"
A man who buys a "pig iu a bag" does
not necessarily Mud n bonanza. But n
Dostou druggist has accomplished that
feat Last week Stephen S. Mitchell
dropped in at an auotion of unclaimed
freight nnd purchased a box, not know
ing anything nbout its contents. When
opened bo lound himself tho happy pro
prietor of 2,000 manuscript istrnions
formerly tho property of a M.thodnt
Affaiki la Franco aro pretty mixed.
Sbe has bad to bear up ngalust insults
from Bismarck, to apologize to England
nnd to witness tbe defeat of ber soldiers
by Chinese troops. All this within tho
past mouth. It Is cow authoritatively
stated that she is anxious to como to
terms with' China and that both China
nnd Franco hayo agreed to submit their
difficulties to the arbitration of America
JJagUnd used to be judge,
Waby Anderson thinks that the critics
have been too hard upon Oscar Wildo.
Tire poet having at last found ono with
ftomo belief in bis dramntia ability wrots
nT'y for lua fa' Mry. She read,
la'fighuil At, and returned it. '-It didn't
sou .her; it was too full of crimes and
horrors.' Whtreupon Oscar might have
a Wed in the words of a brother noet.
"ii is all very well to il Isscmblo your love,
JJut why did you kick me down eulrsT
TriE officers of lieu Butler's staff nre
sot all very familiar with tbe early bis
tory of their country. When Lord Cole
ridge requested tho other day that he
might Do shown the wharf in Boston
where the tea was thrown overboard, an
officer, detnjled for the purpose, led him
to the "X" wharf, so called because it re-
nemhles tbe capital letter of that name.
It, would be interesting to know if this
o&llant offlotr cyer beard of a little
tyttchtt and a certain cherry tree
:-Tue Lord Chief Justice of EngUnd is
nr. present tbe guest of Ben Butler.
Atriong tbe distinguished people invited
tO.ra'eet bis lordship nre tho wifo nnd
daughter of Stonewall Jaclison.. Those
Indies ure al procut stayiug at Governor
Butler's residence. Btu. with his one
eye. can see as lar as another into n pine
rllnnk,, nnd. perhaps no better method
oouUl be adopted of unking friends in
t)i South tbnn by paying attention to
the family of a man who was tho true
hero of the Confederacy
' When Jay Gould wnsexaminod before
tbe Labor and Educntion Commission
last week tbe intelligent foreigner might
have imagined that a Sunday School dl
rector was giving evidence. One day
wjien Jay was refused a dinner "ho went
into the woods nnd prayed," This
marked a new epoeh in bis life. The
flood ot spiritual wealth vouchsafed to
blm tbeu bus been transmuted into gold
aadt he has oontinued "preying" ever
since. Jay Gould has been charged with
many a crime, but, until last weok, no
ope ever, thought that ho bad committed
4 pravar.
IIenkt Wabu, Beeciier is making a
noise in California by soroo silver
toogued ntteroncos on behalf of tho Chi
nese. If Henry, by his advocacy can
only do as much good for. tbe Chincso as
be bas dens. for. tho Christian religion,
tho pig-tailed gentry should present blm
with a Btlck and rskbimto ''cut it" from
tbe FaciQo Const. Without denying his
intellectual forco or bis wondcrtnL gift
of speech, the publio generally nre be
coming.nUve to the fact thut Deccher's
life has done more to depreciate religion
and true bollutss tbtm the teachings of
any other man in America.
The groKS misuse of tho gospel by two
Alasliau. rogues may furnish auothcr
uioml for missionaxics. This graceless
pain being put in tail at Juneau with a
third oomrade, diverted their keeper's
ntteution by bringing blm a Now Testa
ment text to explain, shot him while be
was exnminlvg it, nnd 3 effected their
escape. Two, of these inquiring theol
ogians being Kcajituroil, were hanged
by a mob. Thers is no objeol'ou to
utilizing this story fox showing tbo per
ils of pervirtiug the Scriptures from
their proper use, provided thut n moral
ia til so diawu regarding, tbo crime, of
Miss KiTS Field, who is always sen
sible and generally knows what sbe Is
talking about, strongly recommends hot
water as a drink. She says that she
finds lull nil tho stimulant that one re
quires aud that for medicinal purposn
it is mora beutfioial than any mineral
springs iu Europo or the United States.
Ltboucbere, editor of London Tnum,
and ono ot the ncutesl men of this age,
agree: with Miss Field in advocating
this new and simple drink. It nssists.
digestion awl helps nstontshinglr in var
ious other ways. It is to be taken be
fore breakfast, nt dinner and before, go
big-lo bed, and is equally useful iu hot
Ad cold weather. I
The Press of M imlny dcvotoil eleven
columns to Judge Bluck's reply to Jef
ferson Davit' charge that it wns bo
(Black) who bad caused tho war of tbe
rwbelllou. Wa understood souio weeltn
Ago that tho vencrnblo jtnlst hnd said
tbo last word upon this Biibject to Mo
CI nre, nt tba earno limo thut bo gave
McClnro his bltsslug nnd uracd blm to
keep the Times ns it nlwnys bad bocn, in
tho van of tho noble army of Humanity.
But the I'urss man scorns to have got tbo
last word after nil. It is a new render
ing of tho old story of tho patriarch
Isaac; "Tbe hands nre the hands of
Esau, (Aleck), but the voice is tho voico
of Jacob, (Emory Smith)." Tho Times
anticipated its own disinheritance on
Sunday by proclaiming editorlnlly that
tho "1'iiEss has extended its headlong
cnterprize to the spirit land nnd an
nounces Judge, Black's reply to Jefferson
DavIs to appear in its columns to-morrow.
II is hardly to bo presumed that
tho Titos would fabricate n paper thnt
Judge Black regarded as ouo of the most
important prodaotious of bis life, nnd
tho logical assumption is thnt some swift
spirit medium bas messaged the reply
from tho unknown land to our contem
porary." It oertaluly is straneo that
Aleck Bhould "get left" iu the spiritual
or bankey-pankey business.
Horacjj Giieeley brought little Into
this world and carried very little away
with hlin. It is plensnut to think then
thnt the beautiful and barren tract where
he learned "nil be knew nbout farming"
is now s.ifo in the possession of his fami
ly. On last Saturday Miss Gabrlelle
Greeley bought tho Cbnppnqna estate of
ber father, for $10,000, hal! its estimated
value. Two neighboring formers wanted
tho place, but tbey would not bid against
Miss Greeley. When the auctioneer
opened the sale Bhe called from her ve
hicle. "Ten thousand dollars," and
Mr. Ilaight tried for half an hour to get
on additionnl bid of oven S10 more. The
farm, scventy-seven acres, originally cost
Mr. Greeley about tbo sum it sold for.
In Improvements bo laid out overSTO,
000. Half of tbo purchase money goes
to tho children of Miss Greeley's dead
sister, less about onc-tbird that Colonel
Smith will receivo, his wifo having died
intestate Tho purchaser snj-3 sbo has
not decided whether or not to occupy tho
old homestead, but Bhe wns determined
it should bo kept in tbo Greeley family.
Westward the conrso of polygamy
takes its way. On lobt Sunday afternoon
CS2 now members of tho faith landed
from tho steamship Nevada on a pier nt
the North River, New York. The band
of Biints comprised 269 Britains, 10G
Swiss nnd Gormnus, 281 Scandinavians
nnd 23 re'.nrning missionaries. "Every
immigrant," said tho Mormon Secretary,
"paid his or her passage out. No aid
is afforded them by tbe Mormon Church.
The majority have a little money; enongh
to establish themselves in' America.
They will locate in sixteen towns of
Utah. All wo do is to protect them
while travelling frcm Liverpool to
Utah.'' Tho great object for which tb,;
community works at present Is to gain
the admission of Utah ns a State, then to
divide it in two, and in that way to gain
ns much political power ns possible.
Ono great hopo for a successful attack
npon the iniquity arises from tho fact
that n railroad, now established through
its dominion, may help to drive ont tho
existing filth and Hastiness.
The highly sensational revivalists of
Erie have sent Iwo people, a father and
daughter, to the iusane asylum, making
tho first almost a murderer, We do not
believe that all the indirect good that
mny bo accomplished by theso revivals
will ontwelgh this ono direct evil. There
is rarely, If ever, a revival nt which some
of the attendants do not eventnally be.
como insino, nor is this to bo wondered
at whon it is borno in mind thnt young
girls nnd weak women of naturally hys
terical temperaments form the bulk of
the congregations. Upon their fears the
terrors of hell, whicb.revivalist ministers
love to depict in the most lurid bses,
produce nu ngony of distraction. It is a
matter of much doubt whether revivals,
crusades, salvation armies nnd their ilk
over nccompllsh much permanent good.
II tbey do, why must they be bo often
repented among the same people?
Shenandoah News.
AvoTHEit ArrEARANCE. Ou Saturday
night last W. It. Brooks, of Phelps, N.
Y., discovered a singular object in the
constellation of Draco. lie was not cer
tain ns to its real oharacter, but on Mon
day night Prof. Lewis Swift. Director of
the Warner Observatory nt Ilochester.N,
1., verified it by means of tbo large
Warner telescope ns being n comet. It
is quite largo, nearly round, ojd moving
slowly westward. Mr. Brooks received
n hpecial prize of $250 from Mr. Waruer
some two months since, nnd if there is
no prior claimant, will bo entitled to the
$200 prize on the present discovery.
Societies have been formed in England
and America for tbo collecting of actual
facts of disease by mefans of printed
quef lions addressed to physicians, nsk
iDg for their experience of tbe particular
malady which may at the time bo under
Investigation. The first volnmo of
records contains important information
relating to ncuta pneumonia. The New
York Sun makes tbe following comments
on tbo subject. Tbe summary of a Urge
number of replies concerning tho com
municnbllily of consumption points
strikingly to the conclusion that phthisis
is a communicable disease. Two bun
drod and Mxly-ono observer report one
or more instances in which it wns com
nwuicalbd; 158 of theso cases wtre
passed from wife to husband or from
husband, to wife, and 81 were observed
between members of tho same family.
The truth of the statement is fully con
firmed, however, by tho facts that a few
cases aro reported in which persons un
related infected ono another, and that
when this had been the case a elo30 in
timacy bad existed between tbe parties.
No caso was reported wbero the medical
attendant of a consumptive was infected,
though nurses seem to have been so fre
quently. A long period mnst trapse before tbo
usefulness of tbo collective investigation
of disease can bo fully developed, bnt
tbe examples given show something of
tbe significance nud scope of the move
ment. With America nnd Germany
joining lianas In tills matter Willi Urent
Urltaln, whose inventluations will extend
also Into Africn, India, nnd Australia, it
will not be doubted that nn nmotiut of
medical kuowledgo will be elicited that
must prove .of tbe first importance to tho
welfato of the bnmnu race. .
Our Now York Lottor.
Itegular correspondence of Advocate.
New York, Sept. 41, 1883.
Tho Senatorial Committos on Labor
nnd Education, still continues its inves
ligations but everybody is getting tired
of it. Senator Blair who Is tbo moving
spirit of tho body is as ignorant of tb
real object of the work of tho Committee
ns bis nssoclatos. Hu dots bot know
what questions to nsk, and bis system
of investigation consists in letting every
ono who wishes, nppear beforo tbe com.
nllttco nnd talk himself to exhortation
Tbo amount of crudo speculation nnd
distorted facts which has been garnered
iu by Senator Blair Is simply ridiculous
Evou John Swiuton of the Sun, could
not resist tho temptation of talking rub.
blsh. Ho said that few reporters and
correspondents earn less than $5,000
year, and n great number go ns high as
$25,000; that fow editors nnd lending
editorial writers get less than $10,000 a
year, nnd that bo far as proprietors of
Influential newspapers are concerned,
their earnings reach over $100,000 a
Mr.Swlnlon may derive his knowledge
from the journalism which is ostensibly
devoted to tbo interests of labor, nnd if
the workers on it were paid such salaries
ns he claims, it explains very satisfactor
ily why tho papers havo constantly to
pass around tho bat for support at labor
meetings.- Now, I have nn extended no
quaintance ninong nowspnper men, and
of tbo better class nt that, nnd I can
connt on my Augers tbe number that
makes $5,000 a yenr, and those that do
It are tbe veriest slaves of tho pen. They
bnvo to bo at it day nnd night almost
and if tbey have families they can do
voto but littlo attention to them. As re
gnrds the ten or twenty-Are thousand
dollar men, tney are hpeclaltsls or cor
respondents like Gath, whose work is bo
extended that it is almost machine made,
nnd is subdivided among subordinates
whom tho employer must pay, A can
yass of newspaper offices will show thnt
there nre more men in really responsible
positions, whose incomes do not exceed
tweuly.five or tbirty'dollars a week- than
perhaps Mr. John Swintou hns any
of. John Swlnton's statements aro
harmful because tbey will encourage a
lot of young men, principally under
graduates to rush into a profession where
the goldon apples nre not alono few, but
where they frequently lurn icto dust in
one's hands, and wherein tbey will in.
evitably ruin their prospects and their
Although the stock market has im
provea considerably it is still In a very
depressed condition, and tbo probabili
ty is thnt it will continue so. "The fact
of tbe matter is," said a well known
Wall Street man to me, "tho peoplo at
largo have grown tired, of speculation.
and they are settling down to earn mon.
ey by legitimate means. During the last
few weeks there have been tempting op
portunitles, but the people passed tbcm
by and wero not even Interested when
they saw what fino chances they had
missed. Now without a general publio
speculation thero can be no market.
broker's market is only a fictitious af
fair, and its eiistenco always reminds
mo of a pack of starving wolves devour
ing ono another. Of course a number of
flash brokers will havo to give up their
turnouts and gaudy bouses, and their
wiyes will have to wear less expensive
clothes and jewelry than tbey have nc
oustomed themselves to, bat the street
and business nt large will be benefited,'
Legitimate business on tbe other band
flourishes In an unparalleled manner.
In tho dry goods district the streets
liued night and day with trucks and
boxes to such an extent as to mako traf
fic almost impossible. Tho Astor House,
tho Manhattan, tho St. Nicolas, the
Prcscott and tbo Grand Central Hotels
are literally thronged with drummers
aud buyers from all parts of tbe conn
try. This is a healthy sign, nnd bids
fair to bring about a general revival of
affairs, of which wo stand so much In
One of the most peculiar features in
tho fashions for ladies this fall is tbe
prevalence of all tho shades of yellow
from cold to brouzo in the color of ma
tcriah used. While walking on Fifth
Avenue last Sunday, I counted no less
than a dozen black satin frocks sur
mounted by gold tight filling bodices,
Thd hat worn was generally a black body
wilb gold trimmings and feathers. The
shape was generally liko n jockej's cap,
Seen from a distance the figures remind
ed one of a sceuo on tbe stage in a spec.
tacular play, let, at tbe same time,
these bodices look very ntlractivo in the
sun-light. For a plain girl tbey aro very
trying, however, as they only set off her
I nttended tbe first night of tbe new
jockey opera, tho Merry Duchess, at the
Standard Theatre, last Saturday evening,
A no musio is yery trnstiy, ana 1 am
afraid that thejbest points of tho libretto,
which bristles over wilb racing illustra
tions, are lost on the general public.
Great as tbe fondness for the turf has
grown to bo in this country, it Is not yet
v.batit is In England, and thus, though
tho opera had an extraordinary tun in
London, I do not think that it will main
tain tbe boards long in this country.
Tbo libretto satirizes the idolatry of
fashionable jockeys which prevails in
England. Tho Dutchess of Epsom
Downs (Seliua .JJolaro.) falls in love
with Freddie Bowman (Mr. Nash,) the
fashionable English jockey, at whoso
hhrine nil England burns incense. Sho
has made a bet of ber bead against 10,-
000 with Lord Johnnie, n distasteful
suitor of hers, thnt her mare Dainore)
would win tbe St, Leger, and has so-
cured Freddie to ride. Desplto any
number of plots and schemes, Freddie
eventually wins, and becomes her hus
band. Selinn Dolaro, is as usual,capUal.
In fatt a better representative for the
part could not bo found, and Mr, Nash
bits eff tbo superciliousness and self as
sertion ol tbo modem crack jockey to
Tbe literary market is very dull at
present, nnd there will bo no revival un
til tbe latter part of October. The pub
lishers have not ytt even mado any an
icMinciincnlspt importance. With com
petition ainoog them as fierce as it is at
proent, one Is waiting to Beo what tbo
other will do, before making any an
nouncement himself.
Coaching to Saratoga, will bo ono of
tbe features of fashionable autumn life.
Tho old stage road 'to Albany will be
worked again, nnd It Is certainly onegof
the most picturesque drives to be had in
tho country. It is lined with trees, and
skilled with charming residences along
its entire extent, and as every arrange
ment will be made for tbo comfort of tbo
passengers nt tbo different stopping
places, tbero is no doubt that n journey
in tho old fashioned manner will bring
back tbo roses to tho choeks of mnny a
lady of fashion, who bar lost them dur
ing nn arduous summer campaign at tho
seaside or Springs.
Our Washington Letter.
f Fsou our Srr.cui, CownwroRrmst.
WAsmxoTON.D. O., Sept. 10, 1883.
In round numbers there aro 110,000
office-holders dependent for their brend
and oleomargarine npon the treasury of
the United Slates, and who receivo sal
aries ranging from $15 per month to
$G0,000 per nnnnm, the compensation of
the President. So much hns been said
concerning tho extravagant salaries paid
to our higher government official, In
connection with the civil service reform
discussions, a few comparisons between
tbe salaries paid in this country nnd
tboso paid to officials in similar BtatioDs
In England may be o'f general interest.
For instance, Lord Chief Justice Cole
ridge, now visiting this countiy,rcceivcs
a salary twico ns lnrge ns that of tbo
President of our Uftv-fivo millions of
people, nnd nearly ten times larger than
that received by the ohief justice of tbe
United States. The lord mayor of Lon
don nnd tho lord lieutenant of Ireland
each receive a salary larger by S10.0CO
per year than that received by our ohief
executive, Wbile wo pay our ministers
to London and Paris aud Berlin S17.G0O
per annum, and consider that tho very
exaltation of extravagance, tho ambassa
dors accredited to this couutry from
those nations receivo nearly, if not quite,
three fold more than wo pay, and the
Itussian minister reccitcs more than four
fold tbo extravagant figure that bas kept
us in a grumble for thirty years. To our
second-class ministers, such ns represent
us nt Madrid and Vienna nnd Home, we
'pny $12,000 per annum, wbilo England
pays to her representatives to those
countrios $27,500.
There is yot another class of ministers
to whom wo pny n salary of J10,000,sneh
as those wbo represent us iu tbo South
American States, nnd England makes no
distinction between them nnd tbo Aus
trian nnd Italian missions, so far ns com
pensation is concerned, And so it is
with our consuls nnd our secretaries' of
legation nnd other attaches, to whom wo
pay the mnximnm salary of $5,000, aud
England perpetuates het', through n life
time by giving them just double thnt
sum. Wo pny our cabinet officers $8,000
per annum, which is just nbout tho
amount tho Eugllsh premier receives per
month, nnd the comptroller of tho treas
ury works Cor tbe same amount, $5,000
per year, that the chancellor ol the, Eng-';
llsh exohcqner receives per month. Tbe
postmaster at New York gets $8,000 per
annum, and his confrere at London gets
ns many pounds, or nenrly five times ns
much, wbile tho same officer at Liver
pool, Manchester, nud n dozen other
English citi s.rcceivcs more than double
the corporation of tho postmaster of
our metropolis. The general of the army
gets $13,500 per year, which would
scarcely be considered pin-money for tbo
head of tho British army; nor would tbe
admiral of tbo English navy be nblo to
keep up the dignity of his position upon
sueh a pittance ns tbe $11,000 per year
that we dole out to the head of our pow,
erful'seu forces.
With most of tbo officials to whom we
pay what wo nre prone to consider ex
travagant salaries, there is an absolute
struggle for existence, because of the
demauds upon them for hospitalites, of
ficial courtesies, and all thnt sort of
thing. Iu fact mnny of them, nnd par
ticularly tbo cabinet officers, expend
much moro than tho salaries they re
ceive every year in responding to those
social requirements. None of them, not
even the President, is oxpeeted to lay by
anything for a rainy day out of these
salaries, and we all know with what a
pitiful disdain the whole American peo
ple look upon a recently retired Presi
doJt, who is suspected to have econo
mized in the household expenses of tbe
executive mansion so to salt down about
one-half of his entiro saiary. There is,
of course, no good reason why wo of this
plain, democratic, modern republic
should especially emulate aristocratic
and wealthy England in tbe matter of
official salaries, no matlcc how powerful
or well able wo may be to do so. These
comparisons nie mado simply ns a matter
of interest. Yet we ought to pay hi jh
officials enongh to meet all tLo proper
demands of life in their positions.though
it is a curious fact that, inadequate as
present salaries are said to be, there n
no difficulty in finding any number of
men willing aud anxious to take tbe
places. It is, however, n fact that if we
carry tbe tubj.-ct a step farther, and
make comparisons between official salar
ies and those in commercial life in our
couutry, we shall find tbe discrepancies
almost as great in somo' of tbe higher
grades. There are presidents of insur
ance and railway companies wbo receive
salaties as- great or greater, than that of
the President of the United States; aud
In many other positions where iutegrily
and ft high order of nbilitv is required,
ninth more is paid than for correspond
ing servico under tbe government. But
when wo come down to the lower grades,
such as clerkships, etc., which compriso
tho great mass of the 110,000 abovn re
ferred to, we find that salaries averago
considerable better than in commercial
positions; so that iu tbe acgregato Uncle
Sam pays his servants ns much as. or
more than, the same number of men of
equal character nnd opacity could com
mand in salaries iu any other walk of
me in tnia or any otner conntiy.
of East Mauch Chunk,
are prepared to do all kinds of
Plasteriii & Onuutal fort,
at tfcorlest notice. Orders by mall will re
ceive prompt attention. Terms moderate
M gpa wurx. teplilt
Half out Of His Head.
"BICMed Is the man," eal! Don (lulxote's
wcaryqulro,"wliolnvenIoiliiCcp." Sancho'i
gratltuilo Isonrs, but whnlfono cannot for
any reason enjoy that exctllcnt Invention
"Nctvottanccs In mo had become a illseasf,"
writes Air. William Coleman, tho well-known
wliole.-alo druggist of Hullalo, N. Y.
"I could not rlccp, and ray nights wero
either patted In that tort of rcttlctsncti
which nearly crates a man, or In a kind of
etupor, haunted by tormenting droamj
Having taken I'Ani;tu's Tosio for other
troubles, I tried It also for this. Tho remit
both tnrprltcd nnd dollglited mo. Jtfy nerves
were lotted to concert pltch.nnd, HkoL'icsarM
fat men, 1 Tell Into tho ranks oftliojo who
tlccp o' nights. I should add that tho Tonlo
tpecdllr did away with tlld condition of iron
eral debility and dytpcpsla occasioned by my
previous tlccplettnets, and gnvo moitrcnglh
and period digestion. In brief, tho use of
the Tonlo thoroughly reestablished my
health. I have uted 1' Antrim's Tomo with
ontlri tuccctd for soo-tlcknett and for tho
bowel ditordcrS Incident to ooean; voyages.
This preparation, lias horotoforo been
known nS l'iiiKE.i's OiNOEtl Tome. Here
after It will be advertised and told undor tho
riamo of 1'ahk en's Tomo omitting tho
word "glng r." Hiscox&C'o.,are Induced to
mako this change by the action of unprincipled
dealers who havo lor years deceived their
cnttoracrs by tubttltutlng Inferior prepara.
tlont under tlio namo of ginger. Wo drop
tlilt,mlalcndlne wcrd all the moro willingly,
nt ginger it an unimportant flavoring In
gredient In our Tonic.
Plcnto remember that no change hat been
made In tho preparation It6clf and all bottled
remaining In tho hands of dealers, wroppod
under thonamo of PARKEn'sUinoitn Tome,
contain tho genulno medicine irtho fan-tlmll o
tlgnaturo of Hiscox & Co., Is nt tho bottom
of tho otlttldo wranper. ?ept. 7
Florence Knitting Silk.
Positively tho only Silk suitable for knit,
ting, which will bear washlnc without in
jury to color or texture. Sold by nil en
terprising merchants.
Ottr latest book on Knitting (No. 4),with
samples of Knittiltzflnd Ltching Silk, sent
on receipt nf three 2 cent stamps.
Nonotuck SO.k Co., Florence, Mats.
Publio Sale of Valuable
The undersigned will sell at Public Sale,
on tho premises in Mahoning Ttrp., Carbon
County, Pa , on
Saturday, Sept. 15th, 1833,
at TWO o'l-lock p. m., tho following des
cribe,! Ural Estate, to wit I All that certain
pieeaof I,and, tltnato in Mahoning town
ship aforesaid, bounded by lands of Djvid
Nothitein, Charles Xauder, relcr Xandcr,
iGeorgfl Mnurernud other, containing
moro or less, 64 Acres of which are clear
and iltidera Rood state of Cultivation nnd
the balance fino Woodland, tho property ol
tho late Adam IjauclinorOjdcc'd. Tho Im
provements thereon aro nTwo-Story double
Stone and Frame Dwelling House with
Kitchen attached, Lnrge Barn, 2 Wagon
Sheds, Pig Stable, good epring house, large
Cider Tress, an Orchard of choice, well
bearing fruit trees, a Well ol pure Water,
ana mo grounds nro well lenced. Tuts of.
fers n fine opportunity for any person do
tiring n comfortablo home.
Terms will be mado known nt time and
pluco of tale, by
Sept. 8, 1883 w3.
Orphans Court Sale
Valuable Real Estate !
On Monday, Sept. 24, 1883,
At 3 o'clock P. St., will bo told on tlio
iremlscsm tho llorougli or 1'AltltV V1I.I.K,
Llarbon County. Ph., tho farm uf Jonas
Kncht. ucc'u.. bounaeil
nlng nt a itono thence by land of Win. Sluhl,
nomn u uega. .casioo jterunos 10 n aiono.
thdnco by lands of Jno. buitlh.. Sooth Jl,l
riegs. East 22 perches to a stone, thenco by
tniuo North 65 dogs. West 13U perches to n
ttonc, thenco by ttia rame North is dogt. Wctt
7 perches to a il icKory,tncnco oy lanuni u.u,
llowman. North 1J.; digs,' East 40 perches to
a stone, thence bv lands ofS. Snvder and 1).
Wenix, North 85 degt,, West Qiyi pcrchct to
ucgmuing. uoniaiuing
strict measure, on which Is erected a Ono nnd
Ono Half Storv KKAMI3 I)V J-XklNU
ond Ont Houto. a Kino Fruit Orchard.a good
WUIjIjorWATBlIatlho door.
Terms one-hair cash, and thebalanco In tlx
months. Attcnurnco by
Sept. ami. vrl
The Complete Bone FliospMe
One of the 13est Fertilizers
for all kinds of FATtM
Crops and GAltDEN
Vegetables, can bo
bought in large or
small in quan
tities of
March 31-m
BANK STEEET, LeUghton, Pa.,
KILUJUM and Dealer ta
AUKimliof atlAIN BOUCniTand BOLD a
Vfe wonld, also, icspectfoilr iDlrrm onrcttij
lent that we ore now full; prepared to BUX'
rx.y tuem with,
I'romtnyMIn desired at VBB
Jul 11:
Ladies, Misses and Children's
selves, and be convinced my
goou as tnc uest, anu my pne
Second door below the M.
J ames . "Walp,
MlffflfPMiiir Suceersor to A. U. MOSSEK,
-JSfflWlfeBSriSllSsP Manufacturer ofand Dealer in all klndt of
Till ana Stent Iron Ware, House taisliios Gooils, k, k
Is now offering extraordinary Bargains for Cash !
lie Is tho only Agent In town for the talo of tho
Bessemer, Sunshine, Othollo,
Kange3 ; Montour, laghthouso, ilxooisior fenn, ana
Eclipse Cook Stoves; tho Princeton, Early Dawn,
Belmont and Real Double Heaters, with a va
riety of other Square and Round Heater3,
All of which ho is now offering at tho Very Lowest Prices
Also, on hand every kind ot STOVE OlfAlt: arid FIRE nitlOKS. Dealer In nil tho
best makes ot l'UM I'd.
Roofiing and Spouting, Prompt: and Cheap.
Store on SOtJTII Street, a few doors-above Bank Street.
fitronngo Invltcdi satisfaction Ruarantced, Juno 30, lSSJ-yl
ff r
A lariro LOT, with oxcclIentIIOUSt: nnd
STA 111.11 erected thcroon, npposllo Ksoh's
Hotel, on llankwny, In thl Iloiough. To bo
Bold on accommodating terms. Apply to
JOHN VOUEIi, U3 North Second Street,
1'lilladolplila, I'd. Aug. 18, l-68-m3
Don't U to luy your
Champaigne Pear Cider,
Lager Beer,
ltoot- Beer,
Porter, &c.,
Aug. i3.iMi-ir.
Carbon Advocate
Cheap Printing !
m? I
Tbe Stands & (Mer Privileges
Of tho Fair Grounds will bo dirised of to
the highest ami best bidders, nt Hie 1'uUlio
Bull", to he In Id ou thd Fair Orounds, at
TWOoVlocltlMJ., on
Satnnliiy, September 122, lb8.3
t whleh time a ad plaee all rssns Inter
rttetl are invilwl In alUnd.
SepUuiUr 1,1. ij.
Mrs. Fath
ms much pleasure in
announcing to the la
dies of Leliightoli and
vicinity, that she has
just returned from the
City with a large, ele
gant and fashionable
assortment of the very
latest novelties in
IIat3, Bonnets, Itib
bons, Feathers, Flow
crs, &c, suitable for
oaiuana sec lor Your
-I 11 1 n
stock is large as the largest, as
s as low as the lowest.
E. Church. scpl5m3
Now Champion and Apollo
Jtespcetffilly nnnoflneej tn the jicople of T.c
hlglitoii nnd Its vicinity, (tiAt ho If now pre
pmcd to supply thcin with nil kluds of
Household Furniture
Manufactured froth the host Seasoned Mate l'rlccs fully as towns thosameartlclo,
enn ho bought, tor-clsewh'ero. Hero are a few
ol tho Inducements ofTcrod .
I'nrlor Sctjnt front ... $50 to $60
Walntit Miublo-top Dressing Case
llc.lroora Suites. 3 pieces MO to tti
Painted Jfcilroom Suites $18 to I to
f!nno Seated Chaffs, pcrsotofO. 3
Upinmon tthnlrs, per tct of 0 $4
and all other Uoods otualtf cheap.
In this connection, I deslro to call the at
tention of tho people to nvy ample facilities In
with a NI'.W and HANDSOME 11EAIISE,
inu a lull unc ui nun i.ur inn,
I um prepared to attend promptly to all or.
dcrs In this lino, at loncst prices.
l'atronai0 rrrpeetfully solicited and the-
most amplo satisfaction iruaranteod.
oct 12 DANK St.. Lehlchten,
$72 s
n reelr ir.alo at bmo by the In-,
ilustrtous. Host buelticss nun be
fore the nubllo. Unnltnl not
nceileil. Wo will start uu. Men.
i women, boys anil girls wanted everywhere to
I work tor us. Now is the ti'me. You call work
I In rparo time, or Klve yonr wholo time to the
- business. No other buslneu will ltny you
nearly so well. No ono cart (all to mako chon
nous pay. uy cnxoKintr ai once. i;osuy out
tit anil terms free. Muney made fust, easily
ami honorably, Address Tr.ux & '., Au
kusiu, luaiuo. aecj(-vi
Assignee Notice.
Notfco Is hereby Klren tliat W, S. Winter,
mmo, of I.ohl-lilun, Carbon county, I'n'., by
dcotl of volua ary nssliinuent has aidgncl
all bis estate, real und Mrsonnl, of tbo said
W-tJ Wlutcrmulo toll, . Ullhnm, or tho
Uorouith, County nn) State aforesaid. In
tiust, for- tbo LeueBt or tho creditors of Ihs
taldVY.S wrtitermute. All ncrsuns. there
lure, imhilitod to tKo sabl IV, H. Wltltermuta
will u ako nayincnt to ibo said nsflictice. AnJ
thoso bnvluK claims ortlemnnUr, will tntfkt
known tho sanio ultbout delay.
1 ts. U. UILH-VW, A-eiKueo 01
W.a, Wlnlermute.
Lelilghton, JulySO, 1SS3.
r. A. r.EIIMANN, Solicitor of American
anij;iorelnn J'alenlsr Washlnton, All
business uuuneuted wltli l'atentr, whether
bofute the I'atent Oltioo or thu Courts,
promptly BtUmled to. No clinruo niailo un
ion a pateat Is seeutcd. Send for circular,
tto. uayft-tfc
To whom it may Concern. 1
Xotioe Is horebj lvcn, tliat I will do
longer be reamnilbl lor any debts con
traaiwl by uiv wile, KImina fiRioenwiker, of
KaU t'a&t..Caiboo Onuiy.l'ft., she having
K'ft my Im .1 uml board it.iut juit caueo
r pfov.ijvw. !
8opl 1 na Kot lVtiu. i'j. 1
Railroad Guide.
Arrangctoont of FMteiiget TVkhu.
MAY STth, mil
Trains learo Allentown ns follow
(Via I'BnKIOMBX IUlLllOAt).)'
For l'lillatlottilila at 9.C0, .41, 11. to a. mlc
nnd 3.10 p. in.
Tor ridladelphlaat "4.00 a. ta.tirtd 4.80 p.m:
(Via East I'gftic BnAHCir.)
For Rending nnd llarrlsburg, 0.00. 8.40 a;
tn.. 11U5, 4.3.1, nnd B.Oil p. tn.
For Lancaster nnd Columbia, a.CO, 8.10 a,
m., and 4 on p. m.
For lliirrlSburg, and waypolnts, T.SJ . m.i
0.05 p. tn. 1 t
Trains for Allentown leave as follows :
(Via l'jiitkttJdiEit lUiLnoAD.)
Lcavo IMilladoIphla, 7.40 a. a. and 1.00i
1.3B, 4 30, and 6.1J p. m. '
heave Philadelphia, 8.80 a. to., 3.86'. and
4.1M p. m.
(Via Eabt Pknw. DnAKorr.)
Ijcate Heading, T.30, 18.11 a, m., t.00, i.K)i
l,cnYe HnrrlsbUrir, 6 S" 7.60, 9M a. m.. 1.49
and 4.1m p. in. '
I.cavo Lancaster, (7.30 a. ill., i.Oo and 3.4d
pi in.
I.cavo Oolumllni 7.80 a. m , 1.10 and S.ii)
trom King Street Depot,
Leave ncmllnir, 0.00 n. m. and 8.00 p.m.
I.cavo llarrlsburir, 7.00 n. tn. and 4 00 p. lrfl
Trains via "Perklomen Itallroart" marked
thus () run to anil Irom Depot, Ninth anil
Urocn streets, Philadelphia, other trains to
and from Urond strcol Depot.
Tho o.iiO nnd 0.45 a. in. trains from Allen,
town, and the 13S and 0.15 p.m. train front '
Philadelphia, via Perklomen Itnllroad, havtf
through cars to and from Philadelphia.
General Manager.
Ucn'l Pass'r & Ticket Agent
May 27th, 1583.
West End'Brewory,
Mauch CiiuttK, Pa.
Pare Porter and Lapr Beer
Delivered all over the State.
October 8,1881 vl
Tw Doora llelow thd "Uroadway Honsa
Dealer in all fattcnis or rialn aud Fancy
Wall Papers.
Window Shades.
r 9
Paints & Paintesr' Supplier
LOWEST CASH nuoi'.s.
Central Carriage Works,
Iknlf. St., Lchigliton, Pa
Aro prepared to Mannfacturo
Carriages, 13rfggies, Sleighs,
Spring Wagon, &c.,
UfOTory description, in tbe most substantia
inanner,.and at Loncit OtSh Trices.
Repairing rromptlj Attended to
April SO, 18&!-yt Proprietors.
am nlfrart ort
ooftoutfor chanocy-
Increaie their earn-
Intra, and tit time ha
come wealthy: tltoro who do not Improve their1'
opportttniilea remain In poverty. We oflec -
riciu cnancoiomitK money, we TNininanj
mon, women, trof end glrlf to work lor us
r tit lit In their own localities. Any on can riot
tho work properly from the first rttatrt. The
buflneea will pay more Uun ten times ordln
ary wnes. kxpfAtalre owtnt furnished free
No one who en-iaos tails to make money
rapidly. You can devote your, whole time to
thu work, or only yoar spare1 moments. Full
Information and all thHtl needed sent free.
Address Stimbon s Ue Portland Maine.
fld dare torero
I tti 8 ik 7 J die. something nilKhl
0 Tom
and sublftrre He Bo
1." 68 n week In joair
hind to conquer time." $60 a week
own town. 15 outfit fref. No risk. Urery-
tliluu new. Uapltul not required. W. wilt
furnish yon evorytjilmt. Alany are maklnitf
fortunes. Ladles mako nsmucn as men. semi
boys and ulrls ninke irrtnt pay Keader, If
you wnnt business nt wbieh ycu. ean roaltfr
Krcat pay all tba time, write fur particular?
toll, Hallktt u Co. Tortland Idalne.
Claims a specially, and WAIU
. A I) 11 I T 1 O N A If
KS nnd all kinds nf I, AN 11 SOU 1 1'T bouiibt
and sold.'O Stock, ami lllitbest Prices'
pntd. Do you want to sell or buy? IT so,i
wrlto to A. A. THOMAS, Attorney at Isir,
Washington, 1),0. Jvn.O-tfc.
riMrMi4-UprraIrH)iit-tU.P iilnwi arulh.Hitr(tr
NarvoiM ll4Udch, harvatiB Protifttl mm4t
wo of tc4ttl or MervW4ktlVsii, MnUI P-rr-ttnn,e(nrriUK
ol lb Uxkla rvtmltlax ) ImuBltr
UlhisCaBiM-r, 4tr n4dUir rmlro U14 ktw
lisurviMMsM, of fun cr ta Ilbr mi. UvoluuiM-y Lwiw
ud fttiirfirrtiiii caused ti"eva-Mrta ot th brlav
Ii' tl-UM oroTfi-lii'tii'rBiir. Prh Mnafalii4 mmUi1
trrstnifitL t mmt, craU tvoiti tut ttl, teat bf tttUlM-
To cr fttty tH. W1H1 rmeU oNr rtvW4 r fbr aSr
lx'a, c-'i'-Hl,rt wllli ti wj imI tb MirduMr nr
uswu nmnnvfli, 3n.r.Brrri, rtr.u?rM,r-
Ti rbr04 trmiUi tilood l'rllr. It mmlUItr
rnrn lllBfk, (4KUall4. I'MrileaU kkU. lltvIM
'i'hC eps'ii rf.Mlpt( ti WnU. CbrpM4r4 for
320 Raco Stroot. Phllodelphla, fa.
$l,00O J. M.
Honey yotf can Uih icIHng
Maps & Charts
For jfi paje catalogue, free,
auuiu!, Jifflurr-ay.