Advertising Rates. We""desire ft to be .distinctly understood that no advertisements will bo insert! In thecolumninf Tn 0mni Aovooat. that my bo received from unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by the cash. He following are our o!t.Y termet nNtt sqtURiaiO Muss), Oney ear, each Insertion................ 10 eta. Blx months, each Insertion a. Thrco months, each Insertion ...... 20 eta. Less limn three months, first insertion $1 1 each snbseqaent Insertion 25 ct. Local noticea 10 cents per line. II. V.'MOIITHIMER, Publisher. CARDS, Attorneys. ry A. SNYUElt,. ATTljhrtfEY AT LAW. OrncE-Cornerof Rank Street h Banhwsy, 2nd building above the Uorbon Advocate Printing Otnee. May ID, US3-mJ LKlliailTON. m. lursmin, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, OiRi 8tr,tsaiBT0ic, Pi. R.alBsUt. and Collection Aireoev Jill ?.ll IU.1 Ktt.. .leatly done Co). ..Hons promptly Blade, rf.tttlng KUt. nr D. td.nts specialty. May b. cousoltad In t-ngllsb ndUarinan. scv.M Physicians and Dentists. REMOVED. W.tJ. M. Seime,PHysiciar& Sure:n, Has Removed his omce and Residence 1 frnm Second SOUTH Street.ln theballdlnir formerly occupied ly A J IIoi.lknma,viih, where fie will bo pleased to see Ills Irlends and patrons. S-OFF10E lt'"'l ! '"' 6 to 0 o'olock P. M. March 31, U83 -J-K. AV. W. UKUim. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON, MAIN STREET. PAHRYVILLU Pa, May be consultedln tha English or German Language. March 21, 1583. TTT a. DEMIAMEU, Jl I)., . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON gperlal attention paid 1 Chronic Offlca: South Kt corner Iron ami 2nd ts., I.c ilghlon.ra. Aprl!3, 1875. N. D. ItEHEIt, M. D. V. 3. Kxamlntiig Surgeon, PRACTICING PltYSIUIAX and SU HOEON. Or.Fics; llauk Street. ItmiEa'a HLOCtt, Lehigh- '"il'ay'be consulted In the Oerm n Language. Unv. 3 D It. C. W. 110WEK, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. May be consulted In Hie Ocrinan or English !.i'-gujge llmrt Li.poslle Purling s Drug store. isAMKSt., Lehlghtun. I'a. Jan.ll-y W. A. Cortright, D.D.S., OFFICE : OptKisile lliv "nmadway House," Mauoh Chunk, Pa. Patleni hive the benefit of tlie latest lm. nruvmnina' In insihsnlut appliances nud the Unsi math ) l or treatment In nil surgical -a..... N 1 I'lllltls-OXIDK administered II desired. If ios-l'd persons residing nulsido of Mauch Chunk should m ike engag-mems by mail. J n miroMAS KU)ii:nnn, 1 CONVEYANCER, A VII GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The .MIowinft Comp-uiles are Represented: L Hit A.N )N MUTUAL I'IRB HBAillNO MUTUAL HUB, WYOMING Pill!!. rorTsviLLE FIRE. I.KIIIllll KIUK.nndthnTIlAV BLEU AUCIUKNT INSURANCE. Also Pennsylvania and Mutual Horso Tliicl etrcilvrana in-uraui-o l;i mpaiij. Mnrcn:s.lS7I lllos. KUMEltER pARBON HOUSE, J. W. RAUDENBUSH, PROPRIETOR, HakkSt., LmtioiiTov, I'a. Tha n.innv HniMK odors Hrst-class necnm oxidations to Ihe Triiradnc public. Hoarding ii. ih. 11,0 nr ivei,lt mi Itraaouatilo Terms. llholeo Cigars, Wines and Liquors always on band. Hod Sheds and Stables, with atteo- llro llojtlors. aitaclied. April iu-yi TD.VCKEItrilN IIOThli. Midway between Maurh Chunk & Lohl'ihton t,E(IPOI.l) MEYEK. PnorBlkTOB, Packerton, l'enn'a This well known hntr,! I admirably refitted and has tho bestacumuiodAllons tor pcriiniii rtitaiul imnnl.nL tM,nriler. rxi'ellfllt latde and the very boat liquors. Also Hmi rtihlcs attached. f-ept. IS-yl l( C,it!U2;tSS Livery & Sale Stables 1 -CK-ICkASilaJ I.U'K STItRK r.UKIIIOIITOX, I' PAST TKOTt'lNU IIOUSE6, ELEOAT CAHUIAUE: And vosltlvely LOWElt I'HIUKX tlutii an other Livery in the Cojnty. i.,,nii hmUnmu L.'aritaires for P.liier. anraoses and Weddlnaa. 1JAVIU EUUlUtl' Nut. II. 117 J. ItAUDKNUUsJH Iterpoctlully annmna " Hi pnbllo that ha has opened NEW I.IVKIO' HP MILE In connection with his hotel, aiid Is prepared to furnish Teams for Fansrais, Wcliiap or Business Trips on shortest notice and most llboralcerms. All orders Ivfl at tho "Carbon House' will receive prompt attention Stab's on North S reel, next the hotel, EeMntuim. an22-yl PATENTS,; ANDEIKONli SMITH. Solicit ts of t'. S. and For 1 elan .Patents. Nn. Too Ith St'e.t, oor of (, opp. V S. Pstent illflce. wasninifion, n, . orrerponoeneo solicit. d. No hire for advlco. No fee churned unless Paieuv ts allnweil. Ilrferenees. I.mli Jolin.on ti Uo Hankers, and Postmaster, VsMntoo, 1. U. Pamphlet or lnitruc. tloDslrea. jan Pile rVVOUTU AND- MIf)t)IE-aED, Would tou e re-lor- a to sot" ND Urmhnnn1 0 ptn aiul Tiro wt I -el art lUuilUUUU ; vitnele4 .uvebpe, oil re... i rtof. J.T. E-Jl S, Ufdaaatiurc f T. JulyKy 1 J. w. H. V. Morthimer, Proprietor. VOL. XL, No 42. I "o 05 Pi a o a 0) Hi 4J a) o M a w eM O o r t n Ul "in tU rQ 0) K j W r S O si "ta a IH n cn cz o U 'l o cn o CT O rH O w N ft I -a zz C3 cz 03 i a o - cz CD "bO CD "o CD 03 .52 o CD CX. CO i CD o H 1 CD cz cn CD cn o a. 3 cn CD i2L - CD "o No Pat nt-No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In tho United States Canada nnd Europe, at reduced r.ites. With our principal omce located in wasmngton, directly opposite the United Stales Patent Office, wo are able to attend to all patent . business with greater proinplne-s nnd de-1 spatch and at lets cost than other patent at torneys who are at a distance Irom wash. InKton, and who have, therefore, to oinplo) nsiocl ite attorneys " We make prellmlnar examinations and furnish opinions as to pa tentability, free ofchnrne. nnd all who an lneresied In n.w Inventions and intents an In Ited to rend for n ropy ul our "(luldo fin ou:nlnlnir Patents," whbh Is sent Trro , any aidress. anil contains coot leie Itistrup. nous now to oniain iiaienis nni mner vnmn Me matter. Wo refer to tho Ocrmnn-Aim'r. lean National Hank Wushli.Kiiui, 1. O. ; tbr Itoval Swii .b. Norwrainn and nanisn lyira. tlnns. at WH.hlhRtou ; Hon. .los. t'asey. late Chlel Justice U. S Court nf Ulnlins; to the UIHclal, or the U. S Patent Ofllco. and In Senator, nnd Members of Congress Irom every State Address: l.nillS ltMlOEIt ft CO.. So llcltors ol Patents nnd Atlnrnejs at Law, Lr Droit HUllitlng, IV A8HIMHON. Buy Your Spring and Summer Groceries, Queensware, etc., AT- 0. M. SWEENY & SGFS, Old Post-Office Building, Bank St. Lehighton. mi INDIAN 'urc3 all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Eow ls, Kidnoys, Skin and Blood. Millions testi- o its oflloaoy in healing tho above named diseases, and pronounno it to bo the BEST REMEDY K240WN TO MAN. t luii j lu'dlK. Guaranteed to Care Dyspepsia. jggr A G E N T S W A N T E 1 lSQ Laboratory 77 West 3d St., New York City, Druggists fell it. LYICENS, UADriilN Co.. Pa. l)n. Ci.aiik Johnson: .My bodv was literally envered with Teller, tor wblcn 1 could (tet nn relief until I took yourl.Nll.'AN IILtlUU hYltl'l" which has erfectuslly lured m . 1 recnnimriid It hluhly. ENOCH UIUiUEU. Spring Announcement ! i he., &o. liur Young luui:s and Uentlenien will find It to their advantage to Hire him a call before lurrlmslng elsewhere, as they will find the II EST SELECTED STOCK In Town AT BOTTOM PHIOES, ScEWIS Old ost Office mmi April II, Ui:-ly ffa Carhm AYER'S PILLS. A largo proportion of the dt?eaFc? Mlilcli causa huiimn Buttering result Iroiu tU-ratigv went of tho Blomacli, bowuls. nnd llvor. AVCRB CATHAIITIC 1'ILLS net ttlrcctlj' UpOU thcue organs, and nro cspuclally ttcslgiietl to euro the diseases caused Iy tliu.r dcrai.go niciit, tnclmUug Cunntlpiilloiit Indle tlon, Iydp(7iifI:i, llfntlaclic. ulci.x , ami a host of otlier ailment, lor all ul which thoy nro a safe, tuvc. prompt, rtutl pf;w;uit reiuctly. TIio extensive we f the- PJLLs by eminent pi (jn Irian In ra. Uce, ohowA unuilfftHkrth.y tho tstliii.itmn . nhlch thoy nro hold by tho pruU HI. TlicsoPlI.M are compounded of vegrtnW subtanced only, and nro iihsdtutcly tit-o ( calomel or any other hijurloiiti ingredient. A WuIToror from llc.iil.ttli writ ''Aviiu'.s Pn.i.B n io Invntuubie tnnit, i are my coiiBtant companion, I tune ! a (teviTU sullercr Iroiu lU-udacho, nnd ou I'll. i.s ii ro the mily thing I couid i for ri'lk'f. One doao will tulkly Inou in, littd and froo my htad finm pain. 'I la) aro ttio must eirecm and thv -nth h hyic 1 over fmnid. It I a p lens nro to mu ti, speak In tholr praltto, mid 1 uh.ajs du to when OL'e.nhm oirort. Is. IMJi:.or V. U Pago & II ro." Franklin .St., Ulchuioiid, a., ! ui.o 41 1 havo uiutl AVkrM Pnxa In nuniln r Jo "4 iinlaiiot'! as reoomnieiidetl by ou. and havu liefer known them to fall to iiccmnptish tlmdexirc l itault. o ooiitanll keep them on hand at our home, and prl?o them nn n pkasant, MtV. and reliable family medicine, FOU Di'Sl'hPSIA they aro Invaluable. ft.XllAVi:s." Mcxla, Tex.ii, Juno 17, 18ft!. The Iti:v. FltiNrls It. IlAitlflWP, writing from .ttfttitttt, Ia.. nays; Mor tou.e years 1.1st I have been funjert to eon tl pat inn. litiiii ii tun, in BiMie tik iiiu ueu i.i iiiiui clues of rations kinds. 1 sutlered Inert astn torn wlik'h, In spite of the ueo vt ineili- lnuonvenieuee, until wmio months nuo J bean taking AVi:u'h Pii.I. They have enilrtly euirected the costio habit, and have vastly impvuved my general health." Avr.ii'rt C.vlllAUric pTli.h cornet (regu larities nf the bowels, stimulate tho ape tite and dlgethn, and by their piompt nnd thorough action give tone and vigor to the Mhole phytileal economy. I'lini'.wtKD n' tr.J.C.Ayeri5tCo.)Lowoll.lVlc6 Sold by nil Druggists. YOUNG, OLD.' AND All cxperlfueo the wonderfv beiiellciul clftctH of Ayer's SavsapariMo ChlMren with Pnrc l'ycs, for Imiis, in any scrofulous nr si pi m.i) bo mado hinlthy and frtlon llltlc flint. oy m u.u. Sold by all Druggists j SI, six bottles for Cf A r'TTXTtJ sell Eillfon'sMus. vr 1 .1 1 O test Telephone nnd Kdlfon's Instnntnncoiis IMnno and Organ Music, hn clo.,1 stamp lore tnbiuueand tern's. EIIISON MUSIC CO., Phllndelih'n. Pa di e. 24." 6. IS A SURE CURE for all diseases of tha Kidneys and L8VER a crjaiL, enabline It to throw off torpidity and c Inaction, Umulatinf the healthy necretion oi uio Aiuo, ana oy Keeping tae Dowen in tree condition, tSccUae Its rctpilardiwh&ive. RCT q I c t2 If you nre etulbriiig from I VB CllCt I Ida trmiaria. have the ehlllj!. r are bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kiel- j w urv riuiwvi; r.ucvo a qmuiuj euro. In this season to cleanse the Bystem, every one should te a thorough course of It. COLD DY DRUCQISTS. Prlco tl. BLOOD SYRUP The un lerslirned calls the attenllen of his many friends nnd patrons to his Large and I nslilonsble Stock of Spring Goods, Consist Inir of BOOTS AND SHOES Of every description and Stylo In the Market, Including a special lino of Lady's Fine Shoes Also, a full line of Umbrellas, Sun Shades, Hats, Caps, Will MNSON'S BAM Street, LEHIGHTON INDEPENDENT-" LEHIGHTON, CARBON. COUNTY, List of Premiums to be awarded at the Ninth Annual Fair, nf the Carbon County Industrial Society, to bo hrh! on their Orounds, in the Borough of LehighUm, Carbon county, Pa.,onTueiy, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 2,3, 4, and 5, 1883 1 Class 1 IIohses. Heavy Draught, Blooded. H;st Stallion between and 12 years. I 00 Kernn'd host ', 3 00 Third best 1 00 Best mare under 6 years 6 00 Secnnd best 3 '0 JUat horse colt between 2nnd 4 years.. 3 90 Secnnd best - 2 00 H-st mnrecolt beween 2 and 4 yenrs ... 3 00 Second best 2 f 0 Hest colt under 2 years 2 00 Second best 1 (0 Host colt under six months 2 00 Second best 1 (0 CLASS 2 SrEED. WEDNESDAY, OOTOI1ER 3d. "pen to all horse In the county, owned three months prior to the day of trial, and that have never gone Tor money other tcan county! premiums Ilest trotllna; horse 6?S 00 Second best IS 00 Third best 6 00 Tho above Trotting Match Is to tako place at TWO o'clock P. M Provided, however, that four horses must be enterrd, and not less than ihrco io start. Heats, two rounds, best three in fire, to harness. Entrance Ice, ten rer cent of whnlo nmourtt or premium offered. All horses for this class must be entered be foroa o'clock Saturday evenlnir, September 221, and entranco fee paid to the Secretary. , I Open to nil colts In tho county, not over, four years old, nnd owned three months prior to the day of trial, and that have never gone for tnoLcy other than county premiums: Ilest trotting colt $10 00 Second best.! & f0 Third best 2 00 To take plnco at 2.31 o'clock P. M. Pro. vlded, however, that lourcolts be entered and not less thnn thrco to start. Heats, two rounds, best three In five, to hnrncs. En tranco fee two dollnrs. Entries close Satur. day, September 22d, at 0 u'clock P. AI., and feo paid. BIOYCI-E RACE. Open to all In tho county : First premium (20 00 Second premium 10 00 Third premium & 00 To take place nt SnVlock P. M. Provided, however, that lour must enter, and not less than three to start, and make two rounds acbtltnc, best two In three. Entries close Tuesday, October 2d. nt 7 o'clock P. M., and entrance fee which Is 10 per contof fune, I aid to ilio Secretary. THURSDAY AFTEIlN()0?f,OUT. 4th Open to alt horses In Carbon nnd adjoining counties, with no better record than 2:18, First premium , .' '60 Second premium '25 Third premium Ill Horses entered In this class cannot contest forolher premiums, except luracoopen to all. AH cntrhs lor this trot limit close ut urday evenlnir. Sept. 22, at nr before six o clock, and tho entrncnes paid to t ho Secretary Hcnts, two rounds best 3 In 6 to harness, Horses ontoiod to bis number need not ap pear In general Cavalcade, but must be on the F.ilr Grounds by Wednesday morning nt u o'clock, nnd bo reported to thoSecrtnry. Eutrance fee 10 percent, oftho whole amount of premium offered, and not less than thrco horses to start, and not less than four to enter. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. Mb Open to all Hurscs. Hot trotting horse t 100 00 Second Ilest 60 13 Third licit 20 00 Four horses must be entered. Entrance tou 10 per cent, of purse, not less than three to start. Persons drslrlng to contest for this premium wlllentrr their names with tho Secretcry on or bofure ept. S2,'nt;or before 0 o'clock p. tn and pay htm the entranco fee Heats, two rounds, bestthrre In five, to harness. A horse to get an award for the first pre mlum must trot two rounds In 2:JH; for second premium. 230: lor third premium, 1:10. Horses entered In this class cannot con'.es for other premlnms, and ticcd not appear In general Uavalcade, but must bo on Ilia Fair Orounds by Wednosday morning at 0 o'clock. and bo reported to the Secretary. FOOT RACE Open to all In the county, First premium J 25 (0 :econd premium lb t0 Third lirtuiium 6 00 To take place at 3 o'clock p. m.,provi led, however, hat four must enter and not less loan three to start, and make one round Entries cloo Ihuisday evening at 7 o'cloek Entrance feo 10 per cent, of purse aod paid to the Secretary at that time. s-A Committee on Arrangements will b appointed 'to superintend all matters pertain, lug to the raco' course, settle nil disagree mint and difficulties, and enforce time ol spred am entiles, whoso decisions will be dual. CLASS 3 IIouned Cattle Class 1 Blooded Slock Ilest Alderney cow It ' 0 Second best s 00 Ilest Ablerneybull a 00 Second best 3 Oi Hett Durham cow 4 00 Second best 2 00 IK it Durham bull 4 00 Second best 2 IO Class 3 Mixed Breeds. Rest bull, 3 years and "upwards 6 ro Second best 3 00 Rest bull, I to 3 years 3 CO Second best ' Ilest bull bolwecn Oand 12 month 2 uO Second best 1 00 Uest cow, 3 years and upwards,..,,,.., 4 00 Second best 2 00 Ilest heifer, 1 to 2 year 4 00 Second best 2 00 Ilest heller between Oand 12 months.... 2 00 Second best 1 00 CLASS 4 Steers & Oxen Ilest corn-fed steer weighing VO0 lbs. and over,, .t d Pest pair working oxen,,, 3 Second best 1 Ilest pair steers, corn fed , 4 Second best dip. and 1 Rest single steer under fiyears.eorn fed 2 Second best..,, 1 licit pair steers, stall fed 2 CLASS 5 Swine. Best boar t Rest sow"" 3 00 Best 6 pigs between 2 and 6 months,... 2 0) Bsst display of fat hogs ,. 3 CO Live and Lot Live." PA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1883. CLASS 6 Sueep. Uest sheep t 2 00 Second best 1 01 CLASPS' 7 Gkain, Seed and Flour. Rest bushel whlto wheat 1 (0 Rest bushel red wheat, not mentioned.. I (0 Rest bushel California wheat ISO Rest bushel Medlterranlan wheat 1 60 Res' bushel rye 1 fo Rest bushel flint corn 1 6 Rest bushel yellow gore corn 1 Oi Rest bushel oats 1 00 Rest peck clover seed 1 00 Rest peck timothy seed 1(0 Rest peck orchard grass seed 1 CO Rest barrel while wheat flour 2 10 Rest barrel rod wheat flour 1 00 Rest hundred pounds ryo flour 1 00 Rest hundred pour ds buckwheat meal,. 1 00 Rest hundred pounds corn meal 1 CO Second best ofeachnftbe above Si CLASS 8 Farming Imple ments. Rest four horse team, full size 4 00 Rest four mute team 4 ro Rest two horse plow 1 00 Rest cultivator I 00 Rest harrow l on Rest roller 1 00 Rest grain drill too Rest mowlngnnd reaping machine 0 00 Rest corn shcller (horse power) 1 00 Best threshing machine 6 (0 Best sweep horsepower 160 lest endless chain horse power 2 00 Rest farm wagon for two horses 1 60 Rest horso rake i 00 Res.tcornshellerfhand powtr) 1 00 Rest bay and straw cutter 1 00 Rest halfdozen rakes 60 Rest Tanning mill 1 o Rest grain cradle 60 Rest hay lork dip. Rest manure fork dip. Rest corn busker dip. CLASS !) Manufactured Artcles. Best two horso carriage J: a 0,1 ceond best 2 O'l Rest one-horse carriage , 4 00 'Cond best 2 00 Rest set iloublo carriage harness......... 3 IO Second best l 00 Rust single carrlago harnes. 2 00 Second best l 00 Rest display of boots and shoes 3 00 Second Lest 1 00 Restdlsplayofcsblnet ware.slx ormore article r, oo Second best 3 01 Restdlsplay nf stoves, not less than p.. 6 00 Rest display of finished leather 1 00 Rest display of cbalrs 3 00 Restdlsplay nlccdenwnre 1 01 Rest display ol Iron castings 100 Rest display of roller Iron 100 Rest display of tods 100 Hi si display of tinware 1 00 Rest churn 60 Rest washing machine 1 00 Restdlsplay of manfactured tobacco ,. 1 0 Ilstdirplay of candles , 2 01 HcsttUsi lay ot hats and caps 3 00 Best display or clothing 3 00 Rest piece of cassl mere 1 01 Rest piece ofcnsslnet 1 10 Rest piece ofllnsey 1 00 Hi si piece of Ingrain car pet 1 0 Uest rag carpet 1 to Ilest lot ol woollen stockings 60 Rest lot uf mittens and gloves 60 CLASS 10 Vegetables. Rest bushel Mercer potatoes $ 1 00 " " blue-eyed potatoes 1 00 " " Halifax potatoes 1 to " " In any other varlet 110 ' " sweet potatoes 1 0' " " turnips 1 00 " " ruta bagos 1 on " " sugar beets 1 00 ' half bushel field beans 1 00 " peck bunch beans 1 00 " " polo beans 1 00 " lima beans 1 00 " " tomatoes 1 00 " " onions 1 10 " " red beets .", 1 0 " " parnilps 1 00 " " carrots 1 00 abbage, not les than six heads 1 01 Oyster plants, not less than six 1 00 Squnshes, not less than six 1 CO Watermelons, not less than six 1 to Coiitilopcii, not less 'han six 1 10 Pumpkins, not l,s than six 1 00 Celery, no less than 1: stalks 1 00 ("ticutnbcrs. not less than 26 1 ui Illfpiay ut vegotaldes 2 00 Sccuud best ot any uf the above 60 CLASS 11 Poultry. Rest pair gray dorklng . 1 fo Second best.. 60 . 1 00 Heat pair whltodorklngs , Second best 60 Rest pair Mac 1111 h . 1 01 60 Second best Rest pair white polands 1 CO Second best 60 Rest pair black poland 1 00 Second best 60 Rest pair golden polands 1 (0 Second best f 0 Rest pair silver polands 1(0 Second best '. 60 Rest pair red game 1 00 Second best 60 Rest pair gray game 1 00 Second be.t 60 11 'st pair pile game 10 Second besi 60 Rest pair leghorn 1 00 Second best t 60 Rest pair African bantams 1 0 Second bell , 60 Rest pair gold laced bantams 1 00 AO 1 OJ 60 1 00 Second best Rest pair silver laced bantams Second best Rest pair cochins , Second best , 60 Rest pair Brahams (light) 1 0 Second liest... ., Best pair Brahams 100 Second Rest Rest pair Hamburg! 100 So.ond best 60 Rest palrhoudans 1 CO AO 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 60 Second best Best pair areTectotui Second best Best pair la Beche , Second best Best pair sultans Socond best Best palje hronio turkeys Second best Best pair whlto turkeys Second best Rest pair wild turkoyi Second best Rest pair common turkeys..,. 1 00 Second best 60 Best pair muscovy ducks 1 00 Second best SO Rest pair Aylesbury ducks ,., 100 Seoond best .' 60 Best pair Rouen ducks 1 to Second best 60 Best pair Uayuga ducks 1 00 Second best ... 60 Bast pair Brsm.n 1 00 Second best , 60 bomb. $1.00 If Rest pair brown China geese 1 0) Second best Rest pair white China geese Second best ,., .... 60 1 CO .... 60 Rest pair African geese.. Ul Second best., 60 Ilest pair Tolouse geese 101 Second best 60 Rest pair wild geese 1 00 Second best Rest pair guinea fowls Second best Rrst pair pea fowls Second best , Rest and greatest varlity of plgtons., 60 1 0J 60 I 00 60 1 00 ro ectinu dcsi . Rest pair common rabbits 1 O'l Second best 60 Ilest lop-eared or'Madagarcarrabblts., 1 00 Second best 60 Rest lot of fowls of one kind, not less than eight In number 100 Rest display or poultry, not less tban twenty fowls 10 CLASS 12 Dairy & Honey Rest butler, not less than 6ft t 1 CO Second best, not less than 6 D 60 Rest Dutch cheese, not less than S lb,. 1 00 Rest specimen honey, not less than d lb 1 00 Rest applebutter.not less Ihanl gallon 1 00 The method uf making butter nnd cheese to bo stated In writing by each competitor. CLASS 13 Fruit. Rest half bushel apples $ 1 00 and most numerous variety 2 00 Best specimen nf pesrs not less than 6.. 1 0 nnd most numerous variety 2 00 Rest specimen tieacbcs not less than 6 . 1 bo Rest display or plums 100 Rest pock of quinces 1 1,0 Restdlsplay 01 Isabella grapes 100 Rcstdlsplnyof I'litawba grapes 1 00 Rest display of other varieties 1 00 Hestdlfpliiy of fruit 1 CO Second best ot each of tho above 60 CLiSS 14 Home Manufac tures and Home Department nest woollen yarn fo knit stockings 60 knit gloves or mittens 60 cotton quilt 100 chnmbray 1 00 6 pounds of hetcheled flax 100 6 pounds of wool 100 Second best o I each nfaboro 60 Rest loaf of whlto bread 60 Jiound cake to rponaoenks 60 fruit cake 60 p'.aln cuke 60 preserves 60 pickles 60 hams cured by exhibitor 1 00 dried beef cured by cxMbli t 60 specimen dried fruit, any kind 60 largest display, not less than il 1 00 Best specimen preserved fruit any kind 60 Het specimen fruit J,- lie., any kind!.. 60 Second best , 26 Largest display fruit jellies, not less than six , 1 00 Rest bottle home made wine, any kind 60 Second best-. 29 Rest ball gallon apple vinega M) Second best 26 Ilest bnlt gallon sugar-cane m31asics.. 100 Second liest 60 Second best or each 01 auovc articles. .. 26 CLJSS 15 Ladies Work and Flowers. Restdlsplay of embroidery. $ 2 00 display ofother needlework 2 00 worsted work 2 00 crochet work , 3 00 display ofbead work., 100 display orUnittcd work 1 00 millinery work 3 00 Second best uf each of the above 60 Restdlsplay natural flowers and plants 3 00 Best design ofcut flowers 2 00 boquct , 60 collection id roses In pots 1 (0 collection or Dihllas In pots 1 00 collection nf China Asters 1 00 Veroeniis 1 00 Heliotropes 2 00 display of artificial flowers 2 00 dlsnhiv id wax flowuis. 100 Literal tirenilums will beawnrded for other articles ol mi-rll by tho Committee of ladles un mis class. CLASS 1G Miscellaneous Articles. Best display of o'l paintings $ 1 00 " " statuary 1 00 " " drawing 1 On " " dagucrrotypes 1 00 ' ' ambrotypes 1 On 'I pianoforte 6 00 " display other musical instruments 3 00 CLASS 17 Non-Enumeu-ated Articles. The Committee on this class will use their own Judgment in awaidlngsuch premiums as they think suitnblo . CLASS 13 Plowing Match Best plowman $ 3 00 Second best 1 CO Best plowboy under seventeen 3 00 Second best 1 60 The trial to tako place at 0 o'clock a. in., on any day the committee of arrangements may fix upon, ach plowman to do his own work without a driver. CLISS 19 ORES&itETALS, Best display and quality of Iron oro....t 2 00 Best display and quail y zlno ore 1 00 Best dlsp, ay and q tallty slate, .dip and 1 ro Beit display and quality limestone 1 00 Best display and quality Are and porce lain clay.... 1 00 Best display and quality pig Iron 1 00 Best dlsi lay and greatest collection of all the minerals found Ju Carbon county 6 00 All the articles in the above list lobe the product of Ciubon county. The collection will be Ihe property of the Society. Order of Exhibition. 1. All articles of competition must be on the c round and entered on October!, be fore 8 p. m., st which time the Secretary is ordered to close the books and receive noth lug more for cmiclltlnii, and at 2 o'clock p. m., on Weilnesdoy, tho Commitlrawill enter upon the duties of awarding prcm iums. 2. On Tuexlay, October 2, at 8 a, m., the gales ol the Fair Orounds will be open for admittance, snd will be oienrd at the same hour on each of the days of exhibition. 3. At 9:30 o'clock a in., on Wednesday the 3d ol October, the horses of all classes, audlbe mules contending for premium j.will be brought upon the trial course for inspec tion and judged according to the arrange menla of the Committee. 4. The Plowing Match is to take place st 9 o'clock a. m., on Ihe day the Committee of Arrangements may fix. 5. The address will be delivered on Thurs day afternoon- it 2 o'clock. All business must be suspended during the time the sd dress is being delivered. (1. The report of the Awarding Committee will be publicly read on Friday st 12 m, 7. The publiesale will commence on Fil day afternoon at I o'clock. a Year if Paid in Advance. not juiid in advance, $1.25. 8. rersons exhibiting articles which they desire In have sold will be lurnlshcd, on en (ring, with a rani announcing the fact that it is fur sate. Printed catalogues will bo ills tributed on tho day of tho sale, containing the name and number ol the articles; but no articles manufactured out of tho eounly, thatmaycome in competition with our own mechanics, will be sold under this arrange ment. 9. The Awarding Committers aro to con On. their awards in all rases to persons re tiling within the counties of Carbon, Le high, Northnmpion, Monroe, Schuylkill and Liizetne; and in the case nf live slock, shall award nn premiums tnany such Ex hibitor, unless he shall have owned and kept the animal at least three months prey) nus to the trial; nor to any profp-sionin sportsman or racer Class 2 excepted. The dinereiit amounts will be apportioned 011 Wednesday. 10. The Committee on Horses and Mules, nnd Plowing, will attend at the time speci tied. A cavalcade will br held at 9 o'clock, s. m., nn each day of the Exhibition, when all horses and mules must he nn the trial course which aro entered fnr.pxklbitinn. The Sec retary will furnish the Chairman nf the Committee with a memorandum of articles coming within lis respective class, fneether with the names uf the members of the Com mlttee. Regulations. 1. All numbers of the Society can enter articles for Exhibition, and receive tickets "I admission for themselves and their chil dren under 21 yean of ogc, free of cha'rge. 2. All persons not members of Ihe Society wishing tn enler animals or ortlcles for ex hibition will be charged one dollar, nnd will be then furnished with a ticket, which will admit him or her during the contlnu Hnreof Ihe exhibition. 3. All articles on exhibition must remain on the ground until -1 o'clock on Friday af ternron, and on all occasions will be return ed tn the exhibitor unless otherwise ordered, 4. The regulations must he strictly ad hered to, otherwise the Society will n-d be responsible for the minion of any oftho animals or articles nn the list. 5. No animals or articles entered for ex hibition ran bo taken away before the close of the Fair, exrrpt by lermission of the Ex ecutive Committer, and un premiums will be paid to the animals orartitlss removed in violation of this rule. 0. Animals and articles entered for ex- liibilion will havo cards attached, with the umber s euierei at the Secretary's office, nd exhibitors should, In all cases obtain their cords previous to placing their stock or articles on (ho Fair Grounds. 7. All persons who intend to exhibit horses, cattle, swine or sheep, or who In tend to offer slock for sale, should notify the Secretary, Elwin Bjuer, of such intention on or before the 2nd of October, and leave with hun a full description of such slock, In rder that proper arrangements can be made for their accommodation. 8. CAUTION. All articles exhibited, whether ealableor not, must be respected as private property, and any person detected purloining or injuring them, will bo dealt ith according to law. 9, All articles offered for competition must be owned by the Comjietitor at least thirty days bofore the V ir, and ti tall fruit, vegetables and fl iwcra must be tho growth ol the Competitors. 10. Any article which receives n distinct premium, can not compete In cener 1 a Is play, nor shall anyone article receive two premiums. 11. Forollst ck xhi' lied, liar, oats,oorn and water will be supplied on the ground, without charge. Every article or animal upon tho grounds shall, during the Fair, be under tha control of the8ociety; and whilst eyery possible precaution will be taken for the safe keeping of the same, the Society wilt in no casu be respons'ble fur any loss or damsgo that may occur. 12. ituiicb. All money swarded as premiums shall revert to the Society unless called lor within sixty ilavs. Premiums will bo paid in the afternoon nn Ihe last dut of the Fair, at the office on the grounds. jMr Exhibitors wishing any of their ani mats or articles sold at public sale, will please bring them forward at the time o Io. Instructions to Committees. I. The Ciuvnitlee on Agricultural Pro ducts will give a preference to such varieties as are adapted to the interest of Ihe farmer, regard being had to Ihe yield and market value thereof. 2 The Comjnitlee on Agricultural Im plemenls are instructed to keep In view the usefulness ot the implements to the farmer rather than the workmanship thereof. 3. The Committee on the various kinds nf horses, mules, cattle, sheep and swine are requested to he particular in ascertaining the blood oftho ditfereut animals. 4. The various Committees will be rare ful not to sward two premiums on the same rticle. S. If they award a distinct premium nn any article, they will not take the same ar tide in consideration lu a general display. 6. If they find articles deserving prrm ium for wblcb none is offered, they will re port it. T. The General Committees on Premiums will award such premiums as they rosy think proper on srtlclrsnf merit that have not been provided for in the- general sched ule. 8. The General Committee Is requested Io be careful to notice all articles exhibited whether entitled tn premiums or not. 9. The Chairman ol the General Commit. tee is Instructed to make their report to the Secretary as soon as possible, in order that the full report may be publicly read. 10. Tha Oenerel Committee to swsrd premiums snd diplomas for nnn enumerat ed articles, are requested to mark with an X, such articles as it has examined, so tna the same thing may not participate more then once. fcO-A general Invilat'on Is hereby ex tended to the farmers and mechanics of Car bonand surrou nding counties, to attend this Exhibition, snd bring with them such ar ticles oflheir own growth and manufacture as will Interest Ihe public and illustrate Hi improvements that are going on In then- branches of American Industry. The fnies aboy. mentioned are open for the comprti tinimfall whnrbooseto attend under lh regulations of the Society. The design ot the Association Is to stimulate all those The Carbon Advocate, An Independent Fsmllr Newspaiajr Published every ATUIIDAY, in Lchigbton, Carbon Co., To., by HAicitv v. irinM'riiiitiHii. orru-s ISAXUWAV. a i-hott iltrtauce the Lehigh Valley It. It. Depot. Terms: $1.00 pAira in Adyance Event Ptscurrrios of vlalv akd rarer Job Printing AT VHlfV LOW PE1UKB - hoorriMMiiocti-d with it to the atlalatuent, of tlw Ugliest ilrgrec of excellence I hat tan, be ranched. ltlsvrpy desirable, therefore. that the prod uclion of these twogri-at classes of society, should be hmustbl tiHjetief so. that by iinninrison, the relative merits M the various improvements tbul haveKtiM mado may be aacertatuoit. Under the arrangement ul the present year all articles placed within lb lerloturb for exhibition (exrrpt when they interfere with the mechanical production ol Carbon county) will bnsold at public aalr. without charge, if Ihe owners desire It, thus rellcv. Ing Exhibitors from Ihe labor of removing their properly, and rnahl. others to supply themjelvos with the rholcesl specimens of agricultural and mechanical pn-ilwclliUis. This we think a most tmpoilant feature, ef our Exhibition. We tnvilr, therefore, all,hth at home and abroad, Io attend nnd participate either as exhibitors or speclaloia, feeling that none will be ted. The oflleeVs and members nflho various agtirultiiral societies in Pennsylvania and elsewhere are rsperU ally and,,llv invited to attend. tSS-Bhould the weather prove unfavor. able nn Thursday, thru tho Fair will ba outiuued nn 8Miml.iv. WISE AND OTEEKWIBE. . - Solnmon Knid, "CSii to tho nnt," but the per vol ne y-ulh of to-day goes to his uncle, A hard case tho nyster'il. The key note "Wife let mo In." A inwtinu A camphor lot. tlu and ii fuiiuinp; woman's uoso, P kltive, wai ; comparative, waiter; superlative, ro get it yonrself. Tbe wig is the missing link. It U rjoltber man nor monkov, but a luru- boon. "Lnvelanghsnt lockHmilhs.'' Reckon it's because they wear such big aprons. "Little girl, where is your father? "Poor papa died two years before I was born." It isu't tho bathing that is tho great attraction at tbe ai ashore. Itis tbe fe male bathers. A friend of ours, whose wife Is out of towi, says he thinks be can now ap preciate wbnt it is to be hi, orphan. It has become tbe fashion for rich men to own utenin pleaur- cuts, but tbe poor mm, as nsnal, hns Jo oonlent himself with schooners. Goyly colored fans are tbe latest ad vertising venture. Good thing, to "raise the wind.' One of tbe most trying moments in v man's lift) is when be is geUiup. bis picture taken to n-l to bis best girl. and Is just assuming bis most. suc-I- io expriot-, nd 11 ul gbts on bis noso. ' Longfellow fiH. ! t;ii w"rii K man must either be an auvilpr baainier.'' Longfellow was wrong, however. Lots of men are neither tbe active bamnior nor tbe sturdy anvil. They are nothing but bellows. Why not subscribe for the CjLnncK Advocate, only $1 per kiiiiuii,? An intemperate citizen of JerFCy City cnlN bis stomach "Hides," because it is the place of departed spirits. "Lot me kiss bim for bis mother." is what Desderaono rem.lrked about Othello before she become a pillow-case. Walls bave ears. Of course they have. You remember bow qnickly tba walls of Jericho tumbled to the raekei? Wbrn a death occurs in a Ronton family the suryiving members rat black beans for a month us n mark of respect for tbe dead. Matrimony is said to be a lottery, bat up to tbe hour of going to press un law has been discovered prohibiting tbe tine of the malos. Two or tbroe weeks' vacation spent at a farm bouse is a great thing for aa overworked bu.iness man. It so recon ciles bim to bis life in tbo city. They say in fit. Louis that whoa a Brooklyn man registers at a hotel there tbe clerl: at ouce rings tbe bell and Ulls a boy to "allow tbis gentlemuu to tbe tar." A Wisconsin man was killed by n cyclone because he wouldn't go doun in tbe cellar, but insisted ou staying above ground to enjoy seeing bis neighbor's new baru blown to flinders. "There's plenty of room attbe top," is Tory true of dudes. Somebody has been bright enough to say, "Ltngtry and Gebbard tbe Illy of the vulloy nnd tbe valet of tbe lily." Tbe luustlcs on I! ackwrll's Island are goiug to follow tbe example of lunu- tics in other parts of tbe country and start a newspaper. -The oost of stopping n Irnln of cars is said to be from forty to sixty cents. But it wouldu't do any good to bold up half a dollar to a brakeuian on tbe rear end of a train you have just nitVsed ss it goes out of tbe depot. -Tbo, langnage In which tbe current descriptions nf as-iidde and inonntaiu bo. 'elx are wrilteu is termed "Sumui.-r re sort English," ami Ihe comments of tbe guests will come under the Old familiar name of profanity. Tho scheme I want to bring about, And one that's bound to win, Is turu the rascal, inside nut. And the outside rascals in, - Two-thirds of the Summer la now nearly over, aud tbe wise eirl whoil. p cts to get married in tbe roll will take, all tbe advantage possible nf tbe short time remaining of tbe Ice cream season. "Why do you oall a .tnpld p-roa stisk?" asked It)llo, one day. And Hollo's father said be didn't know, un less it was because on-i eo I won of no more account than the other. "In what condition wai the pair!--troll J-iti at tho -nd of lm lilt?" rt-k -d t-ie Sunday nc'ind tctohr. 'D laltnly rokpou.lml the Aini rlciu n x. Private prayer is yorr cbif preser vation from kin, temptation a ml err- r IUtber be beattu iu right b n 0 coed in wrong.