The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 01, 1883, Image 2

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tEuiariTON. pa.i
Editorial Montlon.
Tits debt of the French Rppnbllo ia
W.000,000.000 again, tbc $1,543,000,000
of ear own Republic. Oars la on tbc
daereaje, lbs French debt is climbing
Jcdoe Black wa only human after al'.
There Kenan to bare been a serious de
feot iomewhere in bis Intellect!, or moral
nitar. When ba left the Cabinet ir
18 11 bs m $7,000 in debt. Why, vt ben
oar eitro-seiaion conies to an rod, eacb
AMembljman will b more than that to
itit good.
'Ik the United State it is calculated
that 31 letters are written per bead of tbe
population; in England 10 Utlers.Frauco
10, Germany 13, Italy 0, Spaiu C. But
it our letter carrier ara soon to have
sntforms and whistles it ia expected that
epistolary oorrespondence will receive a
treaeadons impetus.
Abooj September 1st an advance of
tcsty-five cents a ton will be made on
(bfl.IieadlDg road. It is also proposed
at abont the sama time to advance toll
Sast and West in a corresponding meas
ure. President Gowen stated, before bis
departor for tbe White llonutaln. :bat
the advance in tolls to the line and city
trade, dating from Angnst 1, was worth
t tbe company J150.000 per month.
Tatuch ItErLLT, of tbs Annunciation
Church of Shenandoah, has kuued un
edict against thedanclog practices of his
congregation, and has read the names ot
offesden from tbe altar- This is a stern
measure, bat it is just possible .that the
reyerend gentleman baa good reason for
kis aotion, and if tbe statistics of danc
ing parties with all their tendencies and
results conld bs accurately made out it
wonld be found that they do not contrite
nte-muob to the number of tbe eh ct.
It Is worthy of deep consideration that
every human being in thie world eicrta
some sort of influence for good or evil
npon bis fellows. Even the n cll-groorunt
dude who followed Mrs. Latigtry ulnut
Ins cot spent bis life completely in nir.
His example has nrged a namesake to
discard tbe title conferred on him in
christian baptism, and Frederick Gel
barJ, a New York cigar seller on Third
Avenue, has petitioned the legislature lo
let bitct obaoge his name.
"Blood Akd Ieon" Bismarck is lile
the Irishman, getting "blue-mouldy'' Irr
want of a beating. Now that the Ma
tions between France and England arr
eoqewkAt (trained, be uses bis organs iu
the German press to heap insulin npon
t ie French government which ileih and
blood cannot stand forever. There in
little doubt that a powerful movement ia
qa foot, among the crowned heals t
Europe, to crush ont republican institii
sions on that continent. Hut Bismarck
does sol carry tbe liberties of the world
in the heel of bis flt
Now (hat the Eugliah Parliament has
.been prorogued for six months, soma of
the honorable members have sot about
arranging their quarrels. Three chal
lenges have been sent to Philip Callan,
who is an Irish membtr.andan Iibmael
3te even with bis own party, lie has ac
cepted the challenges, and says he will
tight only with bare fists, promising to
flght it out on that liue if it like nil tbe
recess and all the members of tholluuse
of Commons. Phil is soon coming to
this conntry and. if be is. as ' coo.-l a
Ban as he thinks. Madison Square G ti
tles and John Sullivan are always open
4o heroes of every country.
A prominent New York politician states
that Robert Lincoln seems to have the
boom for the Presidency: "Wherever be
goes with Arthur, Bob gets tbe applanas.
and is the first man to be Inquired for.
Tbe fame sentiment exists in New York
state, as I have fouud going around
among ciy constituents. Lincoln is be
lieve'd to be prudent, and to have tome
of his father's mild and manly qualities.
The party is bard up for material and
lnolinsd to reminiscence, instead ot
toward new names. I billevo that Bob
Lincoln will take Illinois away from
Logan.andget the nomination very much
as Garfield did, by a sort of coucissiou
to a popularity ouUide of politics."
Sous years ago James Gordon Bennett
was in Paris, and as nsnal when in that
city of the fine arts, was very, very drunk.
Ha sent for H. M. titaule, who was out
of a job. J. G. V., under the iiu iratlou
of liquor, hiscupped,"Slan ley I wa'aut
you fel law to ge and find Liv iug
atone; bid" Stanley went, saw and cap
tnred Livingttoue aud took bis corpt-e to
England. He then returned to Africa on
bis own account and now "runs" I hat
continent Ceteweyo and the English
Government are uuder his thumb, and
the latest dispatshes state that be bas
cloitd tbe Ceugo river to all commerce.
The apecial correspondent of Bennett's
paper, like Generals of the First Nspol
esn, are being rewarded with continents
for their enterprise.
Jlegiment, is tbe largest man m me urit
lh Servlee. Ue is eight feet fonr inches
high and weighs 3C1 pounds. This gen
tleman from tbe military standpoint may
-fee regarded in two aspects; flrtit as a
Midler In time of war, Sccouily, as a
aoldtex In times of peace. Iu war times
lie should receive tbe full pay uf tore
officers of tbe same rank as be offura
three times as many targets for a build
as any other mac In "piping times ol
peace" he should receive no pay at all,
and bs compelled to perform regimental
duties for bis board. It must require
the undivided attention of one ente.
priaing acting-deputy-assiatant-onmmis
ary General to maintain in working or
der suoh a mountain of moveable meat.
-EuonucrrT, as a locomotive power.
was tried successfully at Paris within tbe
lait few days. M. De LesBeps, of Suez
Caual fame, in company with some
friends, enjoyed a ride in an omuibu
propelled by the new motor. Under the
tMoobes ot tbe oar were placed Faure ac
cnmulators, weighing 2500 kilogramme".
fid giving 72 bono power, commnnic t.
iigwlth jSleinsu'ii micblns iukts'lrd
jialer the wagon body. This raicbit e
jftU in .motion a borlz ntal beam, to
jrVicb sic attached Oall tbaios which
move the whet 1. It is cuiihIIi led tint
th problem is now sulved nud that the
tramways of l'ailiwill aoou be run by
tbe new method. Tim Mpi-ualve tintnre
of thenttingx riqiilreil lor each (iinnilina
or tram-car is the principal difficult) In
tbe way ol a general udoptlou ot tbe new
'I be trial of Frank James pnceoi's
somewhat slowly when (lio positiveners
of the testimony ia taken into account,
but as rapidly as conld reasonably be ex
pected when tbe Fynipathy with the
prisoner is con.lil- red. One of bis as
soclatea has given dirtct evidence is t"
time, p'uee aud circnnmlaucea ofttevtral
murders, sotlmtladilUciilt to utidcrKtuiH
howauy'tbiiif biitarnnvli-timi rati r. Kill t.
uuless some members of the jury haw
personal sympathy with the criminal
It is evident that Jamea' frieiida are try
lug to nrouHe more feeling iu bis favor
by giving out that be l ad intended to
Kiveitp the business of an outlaw and
settle down to honest industry. Hud that
ho uaa only deterred from this courr-e by
the failure of bin crops. This nuy be an
lugeniuus delenhe in Missouri, but there
oiu be little doubt that men will leel
sifer even in that State if auoh Ml a'ns
us James are snttly buug or behind Un
bars for life.
PnK4iDNT Autudr, who was n politi
cal General dur ug the war, but who
never came within close range of grape
shot, may have an opportunity of exhib
iting his military spirit in the Wisi, it
reports from Utah provo true. It it
stated that a combination troupe of ban
dits huB been fortmd. from Texas cow
boys and Shoshone Iudiai s. who met on
Friday night, to thenumbir of hixiy-Hvi ,
ou the bordrrs of Colorado, nud xore,
enob man by moonlight ou bis dagger,
that the I're.iilritt nud the chiefs ol bin
arty should be captured and held lor
raoKJtu. tiuuh capture of great imrt of
Cabinet, ou a piunto wbeu it Hlioiilil he
' to hum," at work in Washington, would
b.- n more effective h-asou to the pirties
interested thsu miy number ot roluuiea
upon the Duties of Governors. The Nad
thldg about thi matter ia that if the peo
ple, under the ndviuo of Mr. D iua, re
lused to send rouud the hat lor t.nch n
ransom, thep loruoA-li.-yu might not net
my reward lor their lrouM. ami peruana-
be compelled to aupporl the. plann
ers for the remainder of their u.-.tura
Just bk the world haa rrO-Vjred lr-Ul
thehorrorsof a recent Italian eartl q'lake
wo are arome.l hy liewa from the Eistot
1 catastrophe Btill more appalling. Ou
list Siturday night, the (Uep rumbling.,
bich precede volciniu eruptions, were
-eard at different pom in thu of
Java. Alter a lew hours showers ot Monea
Megan to fall, and all through tin; niglu
abjwera of red hot roeka uud ushis tell.
makiug otunplelo darkness throughout
aveu the most crowded towns. Ou Sun
day morning the iliiturhai ces hud ex
'euded beneath theuatersof tbe Str.ii
ol Java, und they ueres aiu boiling ami
nissing violently, wim gr--at waves
.lathed upon the shore und the tempera.
tnro of the sea went up nmily Iwntj
degrees. By nonu ou Sunday the erup
tion spread to the Geuung volcano, the
crater of nhieh is toe largeat in tbt
world, being nearly four miles iu oiapj
eter, and many other minor
more than a third of the fort) flvo crater-.
of Jav. were either in active emp ion or
seriously threatening it. The vari us
craters begun to vi mit up euormoii
streams of white nci l, sulphur us mud
and huge q-i tutiiiea ol' lava. Death nud
destruction were-limit broadcast npon
the valleys beneath. The sta also com
menced to eiva syuipathetio deiuoutra
lions. Tub overmanning cl.mdi were so
surcharged with electricity that at one
time ;u.Te than fiUuen hugu waterspouts
were seen, Iluudred't of men, women
and chil.lreu were unuhlo lo get into the
open air before their houees Ivll itboul
tl.em muking rnve yur ls of llio ruius
Much of the nurlheru Ortiou of Ihe
laud, which was covered with trarta ol
inreaW, was soon iu' one ureat blaze.
Probably not a single crt'ji iu all Java
will be saved. At the entrance toBa-
avla, the prii eioiil city of tin-i.-l md,
ived about J5,000 Chiuimen, of wbom
t is hardly probable that more than
S000 manage ' ti sav- thir liym. Of
ha 3 SOU Europeaua about 8l)U baVd pet-
hod, When It is cooeiili red that Ihe
whole population amounted io 10.000,
000, the dea'o lil . 11 toot up tar into
tuv thousand. J.,vt ia a Nrgo Island 111
he Eisteru Arc-hipelauo, aud the- ilchtst
of the Dutch Imlian possessions.
Coffee used to be the chief produc along
with iiuher, lncli 1, tobacco and sj ices,
but rarlhq 1 a lies, vnlcauoes nud water--pouts
aro the eta, lu commodities 1,1
Cholera ia ot to kluda E if,lisl nud
Aki.tic. The former dixuse ia not fatal
except iu the old or delicate; tieaiineut
is iudic.itb'l by warm hatha and warm
driuka. A c.imj ol Asiatio chol
era lias three stages - first, ot diarrhoea,
secoud, of rice-water evacuations, vouiu-
iug, cramps, cl.lneas und lividlly ol the
skin; third, collapse. Tue third stage in
a favorable case is one of reaction or col
secutive lever. Coll ipse isuu udvnucut
state of thu dixilse. but not i f nei-essily
t sign ol lata! termination. Y t, iu uo
like, it Is au indication that lb disease
a ruaki g rapid progress iu iteatioyiug
Ua blood; ihe shrunken eye 11 it (lie
shriveled lorm ure due to the r ij id uncle
at ncrciloLs. It is au insidious ui tho 1
of hie, ding the patient to ilea'h; l.euib
its rapid course, though l..r 1 ugth.v tm.
sous tho fluid lost is not red. Tout'
ment: Place the patient iu a warm bath
f'.r abrief space.iu wbiuh one-ball pouuii
Ol borax bas been ills olve-l, Iuteruall)
take, diluted lu four ounces of
drop of strong sulphuric ucid (oil of vit
riol, a corrosive poison), lleuca iliiuon
liuue the usd of the acid as hoou us urg
eutsymplonisurertllnved. D.siutect all
rooms, clothing or susuected pi ices; ivoi.l
mod kept where red mold grows. Food
Ireshly cooked from now until cold
weather will save life. 1 1 true Asiatio
cholera the evacuations contain uo I. lie
so uo error ueed be nude iu diagnosis.
Tbe aeid remedy absorb Ihe clmlera
Irom the alimeiiUry muni, theordnury
cliauuel nr its iuir iik- , an at 111
same time l.mita Ibn 1 ansiidatinn of Ihe
tdood vestels into tbe bowels. The aoti
dote, in cast of accident, is chalk, mag
nola U4d thj alkaline carbouates.
a h st impudeni iraua in conns inn
with Btblic.t mannacripta has jmt he-11
epo.ed. 11 SI,Rplra.abrl.-.l.,ttibnu.
A M ST Impudent fraud in conns f n
l-ruitil no nej.teoikr ol Jerusalem, in-
form d tbe Eufclidi Govt rollout that 1 e
bad purchased nt Kreat ei( ense fn in
some Arab cl ieltniua lUu ntin nts of a
startllii(( character. They coimisttd ot
lllleeu slips of au ancient looking sheep
skin manuscript, containing IleLraio
characters which Shnpira claimed were
letters of tbe text or portions of tbe book
ol Deuteronomy. They were represented
na probably the oldest text of that pari
of the Bible iu existence, us they were
dtted about TOO 11 C and nearly 1C0II
eaia bef. rc thu oldest accepted iiiaiitt
scripts ol Deuleri ni'toy were know 11
Mr. Gladstone, who is much interested
in such matters, Miliniitted the parch
m lit to H 'braic experts, aud It has be 11
dxeided by Dr. Ginsberg, a German gen-tl-tiiiiii.
and M, Clalroioot U innenit, a
Frenchman, the greatest of living Ile-b-ow
scholnrs that tho documents ate
bare-faced lr.imU, and that the iuk will
which they were wtltleii is not mire
than ten 3 ears old. Shaplra estimated
their value at $j 000 000, but Instead ol
this liiujp sum he le likely to receive
about five years ill n peniteti.iary.
Our Now York Letter
Regular oorretponaenco of AnvooATC
uw Y011E. An. '28, 1883.
Coney I-latid is hist driltiug into 11
state of lale.-sness nud becoming 11 re
sort for rowdies of all kinds. Maulat
t.iu B.-iich, thanks to tbe ifficieiit ser
vices of P ukerton's Detective Agenoj
has thus I r hi 1 1 its own. in the sense ot
maintaining ils r-spectability though it
has lu a great extent lost thu gloss ol
1'anhioo. B it ucstwurd of ltilntoj it
will soon b- positively dangerous to re-
111:1 in out alter ten o'tlock with any seusi
of security ho far us propirty and person
al silety ara concerned, Gaugs ot thi I
most lawle-R iilfllius, thieves, couti.leiice
men und abandoned women abound, so
much so that timorous persous leel any
thing but coiutorlalle- Most of lint
ilk riluru to the city by the boats of ibe
Iron Pier Line. There are several po
licemen aboard of them. Were it not lor
tues otHcials, there would be' llvel.v
scenes ou tioard. Aa it in respecOtble
pisseugeia arc s.laais lad wheu tbe
bo. its touch laud.
L ml Coleridge bas tltii far kept yry
quiet, nud Mr. Elliot F Shepherd and
I ho meiubtrri f thu Bar Assocla'iou have
appropriated him to such an extent us to
make it ilouUtul whether the distin
guished gu. si ill be alilo to long stir
vivo the gout if he has any tendency tu
aards It. EI.1bor.1lu liiui.ers evtn eve
uing, sumptuous brtnlihislH, tacutions
with noli lunches, make u'p thugriatei
potto u ol his dally oiuupalioii. It wilt
r. q lire on ixtr.ur it.ury cuuiitii-iou to
withstand all tukniidmy L r l will m.
doubt bo glad to get ick to Engliuu.
By-thii-Aii, Mr. Oirus W. Field, wb
geii-r .lly uianaues to appropriate most ol
t ie prominent Eul hhiusii who oouia t.
this uouutry niilsl leel ntlier sore thath.
was birred out from competition for Ihi
lion. II -linn 11. t i-veii b-eu invited n
several ol Ibu euteriaiiiuients whicu hav.
been giets L'ir.1 0d.-rnlj.e, though hi
brolhtrMr. Dudley Field, has not been
It is really ami zing wl a'
au extent tills continent ot ohm has hi en
. vert uu u ithin the year or so by rich
ail tilled E .(.li-hiueii, 111 i-t ofuhnm
are or propose to become ix'ensive l.iuo
OAiurs. A Washington Irieiid tells 111.
that 1 bet number uf acres iu tbe West,
I. eld by lori-lgtiers uggrigtles nt lensl
four n.i liio.fl. A uewuddi iouto the list
w.ll shortly be lurnishtd by Lord
Q leeiiHberry. An ngwil of is now
limning a tour ol the country with a view
-1 iuspectiug pmperty suitalde torust. ck
ranch, und he will probably ueltle In
Texas. British p. ssessioos iu this conn
iry will so in n-..cli such it figure ns to he
a standing menace of international ditli
cnllie.", lor the Englishmen as n rule ule
so selii-l) and s dlsregirdlul ol ulhel
people's rights us to make it almost be
youd a douot that sooner or later troub
les will uiise.
At the same lime Mr. Henry Villard,
who if he is not actn,ill. a ill miou be the
principal figure iu Wall Street, la mak
ing n luroiu etlort to iuieresl German
capital in his railways. The ituporia
tiou of .1 largo uumbtr ot leading Gir
lino doutnrs, piotesnors, S naioi and
j .uriialis'H to attend thu opening of the
Norlheru l'acifiu is hut a jnirt of a traud
so'ioi'ie tu interest Europe at large. Eng
ll.h oip'ital at present fights ulrfl-s 3
o imesiiti' 1. Aniiric.iu securities. It
Is believed that .'f wtallhy investors ol
thu -tight little ilati.'''iee thai Ihe biea
nhieh ib-y mime is lki.' up by others
the.t will be nil iheiuiire rage." to tukeuj
Mr. Yillaid's pr j cia.
Ihe pre. araliom for the Glamor.
J ihileeal Mauhiulau lice J are comple.
aud tu day, Wrdiie-uuy and Tnursdaj,
Oouey Island will luerally swarm ui h
people, anil at Ihe holtls aij 1. callous li r
looms h..vo 1 .ecu rinsed for some days.
Ol coure tl.tre will u more noise lhau
music, lor Glim lie's Idea ot u grand
musical vVeiil 1, to Uavu it us loud is
po-slhle. bull ever) body Wllhe,il use ,
lor cauuous alter nil inspiru the uveraga
;.uoliu miud more than thu fiuesl sliams
ui u Mjui-ihoii. 'Ibis is peruups Ihe s
e-ret ol Gilmnr's national rrpututioun
laiJer nl uu otcheoira. lie knows
what thu piibllu wants aud gives it t
tuew. He does not In In ve ttal lie has a
illtlliv lulssuiulo refoimtlle pit. tic las e.
and lead It uu 10 Ihe etln rial realms ol
resliieilei-ui. aiol r.iv Hie
pr.-lers to lull-iw its oii swiet will an.
lucliuuiiou. Gilmure is personally as
popular us be Is protis-ioually, and al
though h can make as silly uu nltir
diuuer speech us anybody ever atteui, !
ed, everibj.Iy lurgiies him ou uccount
ol bis pcrsouul good Wlldo's pliy, b.wthe-way is I.
bj Huurily witbiiiuAii. Ii was u rmk
failure, aud Marie Prescolt his star. Is hs
muuii Ui.giisttd us the public. Oscars
star l ekiiteutly on Ihe w.uie,
Oiuventioiis as a riil. are not the
q nelest alfiirs lu tliu W01I1, but (.Uo wu.
lii-guu to-iiaj which proiulses to n on.
ilu.-lud iu such 1 m.t'iuir luai oue ma
lirur pin drop inritiw eirii
the must he-tted iil.o .s.i.ins. I m uu
Uiu lieul Mutes Uooti olmu st L u
II dl. I'hiy liav i-,iulii tilr , r s .
Ieer. m il prnp -suiii m mi Mr, n(.e
mi x.n-ivc pi to ui u nog unilu ,..
h l nliug tne 111 ie 11 ter a o
01111110,' A- I'-ii-i lid, is what one
tun leu.ters i-i.l or Miner ir..i- ) n t
luu. Oils 'mtHresi" , I uir,l 1,,
oso.rtaiu. I tLiuk it is uior. visionary
tlt n an II tug else. These poor people,
tin u an u iug els'
' na unity il
na unity iirlvtu to n more or o
i ca on account ol lie r
Rotuehow vol the iitea
t ml th. y are entitled to recognition na a
dy Iu public, on acconut of iI.Ih in-
fi tllllv and they tiroi'Ose to make them
selves. One ot tbe projects ott foot is to
twiiibllsli uu art school lor them, Mauv
of them are painters nud sculptors, and
in good tiatured though unreasoning
baste they propose to briug others into
iuh nein.
Mr. Pierre Lorlllard's Ipssps nt Slon
month Park last Saturday when Ir qnois
was defeated, amounted to over $20 000.
His ohagrin was very marked. If be
11 fans to send hl recent purchase Drake
O iter, to England next yenr for lh
Si-ring liin.dii-nt k. be will be viry nearly
"Ighled out of thetti, lor as George
K. iiuey deleated Iroq'iols w Hi , nlid
Carter tn weeks ami beat Kinney, rac
Ina 1 flirts Is on thi-olhir aide will not
coucelv a veiv tdcli Idea of him.
Our Washington Letter.
fFanxi oua BrictAi. C.ihrksposihnt.1
Wa ihsotmn.D. C Aug 27, 1883
It is marvelous what a bard time tb -G
ivemment has huutl igfor itscff-inl
ers such bad men as Tlowgate, Nicker
H iii and iilhers. This n flection is in
d iced by tbe report that government dp
t-i'tlves nre now guutilug in Canada for
Major Nickerson, willi small show ot
success. It ia now about
llowgate took French leave ol his quar
ters ill j til. nnd during that timu he hai
been seen by private citizens, lntnocr
hree place", unless Ihe said privati- cili
z-nsare uucousclonable liars. Once" be
wis met iu Calilbrni , and later over in
V rglnlit, where he is now said to be.
Y t there is no prospect of his capture,
aud it i- questionable u bether tin re exists
suy real desire to capture him. But i
would seem that nobody could have am
i iter, st i.i the escape of Nickerson, uue
hu has hee.i proven suet a mean scotin
Irel that there is every inducement t.
lUlcll linn, tiikl the fugacious How gati
M.ij ir Nickirsnn probably had 1 ire
terieuce as a scout during his enrlie.
Iiis of military service. The remark-
idle anility which they both show iu
lodging suggests that they must have
akeu lessons Irnni the I.idiau wuriiois
I the 1 laius and mountains. Thu biga-
m .us Nickerson skips u round out ot
igbt, bin Keeps tip the fiotlou of 11 legal
coinmntiluatinu uilh the War Deiuirt
iiient by 1111 address 111 tbe 0 ire uf a Phil
d. Ipbia triend. Ashe is a retired 1 fib
c-r uud not a-sigued to any duty, he can
not be dismissed lor desertion nor can
bu be tried by court-martial while he i
absent, us tbe law provides that he shall
bs laced by bis licensers uud Ihe witnes
sea against bim. So tar, then, he Ion
lejj.lly thu upper hand of Ihe depart
ment; uud, meanwhile, there is no uu-
tu rity lor slopping his pay, which con
tluu. s to rnu ou. What uu ahumiuubli
TI-.U 1 the man is wns revealed lu tin
procurement ot a bous divoice from Ids
nisi wile, his ou rageous treatment ol
her fur no ci.u-i ; and his entrapping 1.
au innocent woman into a srouuit mar
rug., which bus hetu nullified bj h
u urt. Secretary lu win Imvo ti
go tu Congress mil wiuler lor Kiecn 1
o gi-laiion which will enable bim to rid
t iu alloy ol mis ol.-gtuce to Its r .11 .
The l'KSlotfi.e Dep.irtmeiit is threat with uu in. lion ol ll.itton. The
y.mng ui.iu who bus tne potteuious -pjmtnge
ol "First As-ilstaut Postuiastii
I the Uutlid atutis" hitched to his pa-1
rouyiuio, is not to bae bis umhition
mrbed by any fslse ussumpliou of mud-j-.ty,
wheu there is such a spleudtu
i.i.uiuglor lame via the Poslolfice Di
rectory, lie may have htiuggled ugilLht
utu and draw -poker us uu editor ol a
Western newspaper but two short-yeais
ngoue, but lu tne aiigustuess ol tbe nrsl
usststaul Po-itmusier G.-ueraUhip, theie
remaius no reui, mhr.ince of the iidverM
l suggested by unpaid hoard bills, Iitole
clothes uud gliiu-visaged uusheiwoui u.
ludeed, the ll.itton no is uolhn g like
tne ilatluu ol tbose halcyon days sor.ib
iu xp. ctauey unit so liuitlolol oisup
pour.mtut, when there wits uu uue iu ml
Cur.sleuilom wuu tnuugnt enough ubum
his particular Hilton tu name a postol
lice aiur him. Nnrprohabl) W011I.J uut havu Iboiigut uf it nuw, bud Hat
Mil not had tbe sell sutlicieut conscious
uess that thu name wits not bom to die
Hi thu luquelit applic itlohs lor uew
piatotliciH iur.iughi.ut ihe country, are
Haitou's opportunit). and wbeu thu peo
, la nf hquabeby Gulch and Buugtoui
Hollow ask lnr posl..Qiuea, Il.iitoii ngih
I lie want ol eupbouiousUesH, telling thi
U'-psrlmeut that such nam. a are iieiiher
-.vucurouistid or even suechdochical,
while the iismeof II it ten is truiisluu. nt
)y mell.flu- ns,, uud site
g-tli.r Slll-Bl MU.SDUil, Thu effect if
llattoL n inttUbc iei.iti-1 lor ihu name I
ll.itton, tl il I us uot filled his Hinliiiioii.
It has ti.l.-.l sev.r. 1 pages in tne Post-ol-
nc U.r.clori, until now tbere is sod to
lie hut oue name, and that the Father ol
bis C.itiutri, that stands out 111 bolder
r liet in the list ot post, ffi -i s And ii
will not be lung ll'lTa 11 1 ton will gel
alie-iil ol lliat. If, by an official over
eight, Union glues his imme noon two
ir m .ru 1 tfiees in the same State, there
Is uoiniuu susler tliau to rinu the
ohauges upon i . an. I so we have II.1II01.,
Mallirrg, Hsltuuvill', und worst of ull
fj.t-ff which ol conrse Is siiggtiTu m
llati'.n's importance aud litle to respect
Iroui ai'I "bo I avu to do with thu pns'
olUc. s. bonld II illou survive thrnmih
his priKeiit ts.'til nt 1 ffii-H. it ia doubtful
It llio United t'ilea u -veronient will
ever need aunt lor Piisttuasti r Geuerul
wl-h a first hi In." liinf lit.
It is evident that the rci.'nef i..n of single
ra'e letter p"slage trim ttrte lo two
cents has not been made too sm.n, Tl e
estimated surplus of the P istoffihe De.
oartuient f r in- last ft c-d veHr is 12,-
hlKIOOO. or SI 100 000 more tl nt. the sur
plus of the precedli g year. This mr.
plus bus her m- ar on large. Ii wax
ever iu'iid d th I the -tal vin,
null I be made sonrn of r venu 'o
the G vemuielit. Its incieiu-v is
reached .. ben it give Ihe pwii 1- proui.t
and cbeanl.tiercariiiL'e. Tim. tr..r.i.
iasrv surplus of last sr uivu a ruia-u .
atile nasnrauce that the rwlncllon lo two
oauta will riot create any rnnsidi-iHblH d .
ttcb-ncy. The new two-cent slump u ill
go into nsu next month, when the old
t irees will be retired. It i said a hand.
uo.ue desmn has been made lor thu new
-laino. T e liii.tal chei-k for reinilllmj
fnc'lonsl uiunnuta also goa into use
an mi a month itrnr. It will bu a Rreal
eonvonlsnoe, nr. sloe- thu retirement ol
fr-ctionsl paper rnrreiiry lli-r liaab.en
oo readv method of remiuiou Ftnall -m
ty mail. i) u Pidr...
New Advertisements.
TI13 Stanis & ottar Privileges
Of Ihi- riliuinilx will he ili.i....,..l r.t I,.
t'u" iljl,H' mi. I I
tx li'ihlvr-.Hl II.-I'nlili,-
-hi-, lu i lnl. on
lh Fair (Jp. 111, .Ii. at
I wu ,vi.k M
b itllldllv. St llti mlinr 90 1 S.QQ
a. u til. 1 . .
ai wiili-n II.iip nnd phtn nil nor. in 11 t-t.
.iel Hit. i vlli ' ' Hitt.ttl.
EhWUy UAUER, Eeiretarv.
BepUuiUr 1, 1663, '
To whom it may Concorn.
Niitice ia hereby given, that I will 1.0
lunger la reiisihpihp lur utiy dehu inn-Irai-led
hy my wile, Bltutua Blinemaker, of
EsU I'etili.tfutls.ti Oi.uiily.l'a iShe havimr
tell toy bed end hoard without just cause
or provni-aliun.
Sept 1 3 Kail i'ellll, I'll.
In the Pilot House.
"Yel, sir; till kind ol work obliges a man
jo keep roher u't a judge, Orallmenln the
wnrld, (teainbiial pllola and railmad cnul
neen elmuld let liquor alone. Fur on their
ck-arnetsof iluhl anil coulneas of head de
pen. In the rafety cf life and property."
Ke plnx liii lian.l un Ihe wluel nt he salil
thlt, Mr- Uiucktnan, of Na mi r-llver street,, ailded : "Uf coutle, bo 1110 ul 'cm
ilrlnk; but thu tuber onei have the belt po
Itluna and the beft pay Yea, Ihe wurk and
exposure sotnctitiics tolls un us; hut fur my
pari, 1 Unit Paiiickr's I on 10 to l.o all llio In
vhrorant 1 need. I've gel a bottle ubuard
here now! i.ever go on a trip without it.
When I haven't any appetite, or am In any
way uul of aorta. It acta me up In no time. II
Irlnklug n.en would uao the I1111I0 It would
help'ein lo break ufT. (No. that Isn't a light
liiiuai-: Ita a s-ar, low 1I..W11 near Uiu water.)
Al I w ia aailna. Ihu 1 01I0 ii new Hie bottle.l
up. You feu Ilia (l.n aiattt Well, with a
buttteut I'AitKni's loMointhe ooker 1 can
Seep malaria al M from me ui that, nil Ihe
time, ftlvnirehai uaed It lur threJvcura aummer e.iuiplalnta an I ci. lie. and si au
li.vlaorani, wtii-ii ahe'a tlretl out frou over.
wok Shosaatlie lonlo II n onlay, (lood
liye! Uuii't break jour neck going below."
Vlali which has beeiiki.uwn hi
I hkkh's Iinoi 11 Tonic will hereafter be
ndvi-rllaeil anil lolil limply umlcr Ihe name of
HAIIKKU.S Tonio. unprincipled dealers
arcciini nnlly deceiving their ru-ii-in r by
mllltuilng inferior ar.tcliunib-r ihu name
ul Kilmer, nu.l 11 1 ulniter Is really an uul u
porumt injreilleni, no drup the mialeaillus
There la no chamrc, however, In the pre.
paratl"ii Haell. and all buttles reiiialnhiK In
the liaiuli of ilemera. wraptsd unlei
Ihe iiuno of I'.miicer's Oi.mikii
ceutahi the genuliiH ineillclnetrttiu fsM annlli
ilgiiaiure ul lliacox & 1.0. tl a' Ihe bottom
ul thu uulalile wrapper. Aug 4-83 liu
Iffsntcttullv rtiiut.uncea tu the reonle of Te-
hlKhtun nmt Uf vic'nlty, thai helnnowpre-
Household Furniturt
ATfinaifftf'tiroti from th xt Seasoned Mat?
rials lit rrlce fully no lowns tho Hamfnrtlclr
onn b l-outrht lor tls-'whero. Here are a fev
ot the ttiduceinetits oflcrcd
Pirlor Sets at rrom $50 to $0t
Walnut Mnrhlp-top Itres'in Tane'-m SuUcb. 3 pivces WO to W
Palmctt Jlf.lromn Suites $lAtoS4
nnn Seatnt 'lintr..ppr8t of8 V
(ItMimm lull rp, per cet f 0
and nil other Hood rqtiully rhrap.
In this cmtKCtlnn, I desire to rail thont.
tfv,t)-n n' h 1" ti nv nntl( f nilt It
and a lull linm.r (J.iMv'hTS ami (Mil- Kl.N.s
I am nrenaied lo attend orniiiiitlr lo ull ur.
den tu tilts II.. o at lowest prleei.
Patronaue ri-apeetlully aullelted and the
moil, ampie auiniacii n guarantee!.
octU DANK St., LelilL-titon
Nine Teachers Wanted.
An Kxamlr.allon uf Teachers, for tlie Pub
llurtcluiola uf Maliunlnir 'I'uiviiit In will hi
he lit tn llio Sea- ul llnufe. near iten.r
Mpnir.v. on SiM'ITItDAV. SIOI'I UMlir.h
la.1683 cniniiii i cunr at 9 00 i-'cloek A. .11
A luu lu ri-ceive prupu-ati fir collecting Ihi
--ehool Pax fi.r aal.l low ahlp.
1J order ul tho llo-trd,
OilliFI(j:v pei KM. Secretary.
Slahonlnx, AUKUSt 1 lb, Hi w-3.
Subpoena in Divorce,
Mary J Mullen. In Ihe Court of I'ummoi
vs. Phai ufllaibun ci.untv.
Jebn 1'. .Mullen. ) .No. June 'itrm, 1SSJ.
To John F Mvllbn Betjio dtnlt
Sill, You are hereby n itln?d lo be anil
unia-ar at at uurt ef Cummnu Pleai ol (l.r
bou t.'uumy, tu li liuld lu the Iti.urt Houie,
at .tlaucti Ohiihk, on .Aloiiilay, the SI It day ol, a. i. at luu eiocK in ine mru
nnon. tu imawer ihe nl'.ve cumnlatnt. i creon'
al aerviee ul aubpoi-na und allaa aubaa;iia
hai ins tailed ou aecuunt ot )ou ubaence trum
Ul) liaillKICK.
HAS. V. I.EN'ZT. Sheriff
T. A Snviikii, a torney lur I'I'lf
Jtluueh Ubuiik, July U, SS3 4
Florence Silk Hosiery
Ft) It L.AII1KS.
Theae a-oudi art- manuiac nred from fine
IL illKMIr, KMI'l'lMI S1I.K on band
truiue. In the beat "lull la"" ahapea
known lo tin- trado, Tliej arn made extra
lunir. sru oye.i in ine yarn, anil may uo wuau
oil without tnturv tu culor ur texture.
I'urcliuic-ri ihuuld nutice uur trade mark,
F knitted Into thu beui at the top nfeacb
Stuckinic In all uur beat llualery fir I.adlea.
Ams iiar aturekeeper lu lliuw )uu the
Uurlaieai Hook on Knl'tlnir (No. 4), with
uruplei ul Kninlnir an I E'cnlng Silk, lent
uu receipt ui i i.ree i-em smuipi,
NUNDTL't'K SII.K UU . PLniwncii. Mass
TIib Aiuerican Antiprian
I'ubliihed by Jaucaos A Moasa, Chlrafrn,
111, $:i -r yi-ur. Eilileil b rtiicrnxs D.
rssT.devoti-il Ui, Oriental Eu
ron-uii und Auiericuo Archeeulogy. II
lnttruleil. Thia Jiuimal slvea Iufurmatinn on dlaeover
let ami exploration! in all landa,end ia very
valuable t.i I hi. so who ure rullowiug Anil
rjuariao auhjecls al well aa to tbe i-oinnion
rulr. ii)ir8-tf
Dr- Minion's A.tUuia
Heinedy f Dm
In unequaled ai a poiltlvejVj U I I L, U
AS r II MA AND HYSPHrSl'rand ul their
altendant evlli. It duea nut me ely ullurd
letiiimiurv relief, ul a permnt cure.
IIUVhUITI. 110 ,.r..i. ,-ii, P'M.I
"It If Hie Iw.i mulielnu lorAiilim-. Hint I.
vr linl-u USr-d.' II. MiMlTII Foiiululll I
Jlea-l.Teiin . laji! "I am 11 truly elevel
ul ill ijinpt 1 ut rtliiuu Iiy .Si-nsun'i rem"
uiliu .tiiirr. tiriMiKviur, i-a.. ru,.!
ili, uur Aail-ma llemmlv li tulv-n
meexrllent .ailfaetiiii " .l 1- H'l,ur
Murrl.vllh'. N. V, jyt 'Slm-e I Ii-kiii
taklmr ,-urrtmui 1 lia p-i-led wi-llrvu'S
ulirlii ' M. A It.ian, run Hu 110, Micii.
a.ifl l the l.rn I ever timk." Mr,
A lliiirll, ul liulu-rla, Illliinia y : -Ur.
n llin'll .O. ' .i-.r.nrir
inemlil Ii in -kett eaiiect rutl -'.'
I Mil II t" Fepd fur iteailei. iititiiuli aud
' lirln-ll.t. tu K Iv & (HI, XT it III
a rilKUt . N. .: '-N. Crltlrmlin ti u , '
I j-'ullen lit., N, Y., alt wnclwale axenu.
Tin ai Stet Iran Wars,
Is now offering extraordinary Bargains for Cash !
IIo la tho only Agint In town for tho aate of tho
Bessemer, Runshine, Othello,
Ranges ; JYtontour, igntnouse, juxceisior reim, ana
Eclipse Cook Stoves; tho Prinoeton, juariy uawn,
Belmont and Real Double Heaters, with a va
riety of other Square and Round Heaters,
All of which ho is now offering
Alan, on hand everv kind ol STOVE URATE and FIRE nillOKS. Dealer in all the
belt makes ul l'UMPa.
Rootling and Spouting,
Store on SOUTH Street, a
Patronngo Invited; latlafaotlon guaranteed.
A larco LOT. with emollenl IIOUSF. and
STAHLK ert-ol,-d lllureon. iiliit-.allu Ki-irs
Hotel. on Itnnkn-u), lu thi II.moukIi. Tube'l un neo. nim.Hlailnu li-roia. Apply lo
1 1 1 1 1 IN vutH L, 1.3 nurlli Herunii r-ireoi,
i'hlladelplila, Pu. Aug 18, 1 83-m3
Administratrix's Notice
Katate of ClKonos I.'kicmaho Iloeeaaed.
Letjeraof Admlnlatrnllnn mttho ea'ntenli
-li-orgii ItelCharil, .l ri-i rinu iuwii.
iMilp I'urtion County. Pa, ileci-nied h-ive
been khiii ul lo I.tuls Helehnr-I. n hi. lent In
al.l tonahlp, to whom nil .erun lndi-btu.1
iu aiild eatniu uru requi-aieil lo inline pny
ment, nnd llioau havinir i-lMlmaur ileitiuiidl
will in ike the anno kimwu without delay.
LV MIA l.'l'.ltlllAIIII. A.lnilnl-lrilTll
irtn W.M. 't. FIIF.V II iN tier Atlurney.
Kast Penn, July 'JO, .S33-0
All peraoni are hofehv lorbldden to meddle
wltli a Hurt-o, Wann ant llarn'-ia now tn
puaaei-aliiii uf W. (J FreiOiriel, i. Ihu burouKh
ul' Wel-ipirt, Urlion oiunty. Pcnioi.. aa the
aamo Ii my tiri-iierty und luannd lu htm dur
ii. S my phuaure,
North Pcnn, SehujILIll county. Pa.
Aug. 1. W3-
3within C. Shortlidge's
CADKMY lor Yi.unir Men nn I ll- ya,
. oedla.Penn , I'Joi. Irmn Plil.a., Si-h-io
yenr open' Sep'. 'Z Fixed priee i-uvera
very xpeni'-. even bjuka, he, No ex ra
h.irgea Nu .ni-ulontul i xii i a a. Nu ex
a uiu lion fur nitnnra un. 'ihlilein expert.
eno d ie.n hera. ail n.i-n an. I nil irrioluati-a
p clal i pporuinltiei I r upi aiu li-uia tu ud-viiiu-i'
ru l.ily. drill Tur dull iin-l
luekwanl lioys rulrun. ur aiudt-nta inuyao
I er uni alU'tl -a ur cliu- ae ttiw reuuhir Luu
Pah, Solentlne, liualucia, l.ieslo il. or Ivll
Kiixlneerliur lluurao. Siu.linia fitted nt
.itiiii.i Academy urunuwin ll.i-vir.l, Yale,
and ten o her t'olli-ui-a nu.l Puty ectinlo
cliool.. A 1'iiNflcal und till ml al Lahuri
tury: a line U)miuiaiuiu ant It.ili sruund.
1,6 0 vols, added tu Llbr.iry in 18S3. Teu
stu.lonis neiit tn O.illiuu In 1883. A Kaolua
ling elaa in lli-p't In 1181
Mu la tola 7 ehu etiea und a tempo uneu
uliurter which prululills too aile uf nit In-loxli-iitinirilrlnki.
Fur new ll.uair ili-d Cir
cular iiddriia Ihu Proprleior,
SA'ITIIIMI Sllllll l l.lllllK. A,.M. (
v.ird Unlvi rri y Uraduate), .Vledla, I'euiu.
Auiial 4. wt.
Assignee Notice.
Notice la hereiiy irlven thai W. S. Winter
mule, uf Lelih;litui., liarb -n county. I'.i., Iiy
ueed uf vulun ary ualKnuiu -t lias aalKiied
all lili eamte; real und peraunal, oi the auid
W-S Wlntermuiu loll, it Oilhuin, ul the
ItoruuKli, I'uuuly and Statu ulun-l.lld, In
liuat. tl.o benetli ufltiu credlmra uf tie
aid W.S Wiiite rioute. All pera in. tbere.
.ure, hidniitel lu ihu silu w. ti Wluterunite
-111 ii like piymi-nt lu ihu aild iii.luiicu, und
tboae hiiviiiu ciiiliua o di miiiiila, will make
kuon thu lamu wituuui ile.ay.
S. It. Uimiam, Aaalwnee uf
W,a. Wlmermuie.
Lchlgnton, July S3, 1883. w-d
F. A IKHMANN. Sollchor of American
and KornUn t'uitnls, atlniuiuiit It.t', All
liuRluess cunnoctetl with I'atenif, wjietlier
brf.'ie I lie .'atrnt Utllcu or thu Courts,
promptly Htltntlctl to N churKe male uu
lfsu patent li secured. iStuu lur circular,
Saloon Keepers and Others,
Duu't fail to buy our
Champaignc Pcav Cider,
Lager Deer,
Root liecr,
Porter, &c,
rn ( aa , nn 4 t
lAjlALiUA, I R.
Carbon Advocate
Cheap Printinsc ! a
5 BiaWllHslBIHI
Sill Si
"Z't'- A
. 3 a KiSHBflRRv
James "Walp,
Su.ccuor to A. I. MOSSKtt,
Manufacturer ef and LlcaU r lit all klndi of
H0US3 FBFnisMflg Gooas, &c, k.
Now Champion and Apollo
nt tho Very Lowest Prices
Prompt and Cheap.
few doors above Bank Street.
June 30, 188 1. jl
& CO.,
BANK STREET. Lehighton, Pa..
MILLERS and Dealers In
All Kind of OttAlN BOUGHT and SOLD a
We wonld, also, lesorctlully intorm ourclti
zeus lliat wo mo now fully prepared to SUT
l'LY tuem w.ta
Best of Csnal
From any Mln dealiedat VEtl
Spring and Summer !
A Special Invitation II extended lo the
lei ufLehluhton and aurroumllnic nelnlilor
huud to call and cxnmlne the immenie itock
M-eL, LeWsMoD, Fa,
comprlalnic all tho luteat Novcttlei in Hlack
and Colored Sllka, Vclvits, Pluldi, Caah
tnerea. Soruea, all.Wool Suititifra, Urintr
hmna. Prima, &c. Alio, a full tine of
Nil I II INS, TitlMMlNOS, tie., i
all ol which liu Is uirurimr t very
1. invest Prlcea. A ulce line of
Silver-Plated Ware,
t Do call and aee It. .Hy stock of
Carpets, Oil Cloths,
Q.lllXNbWAIlE, ULASWAI!K. kc, la
full and complete. Cheap aa the Uhcapcat,
and Uuud ai tbe lleit aet.4-vl
Is Complete Bone PliospMte !
'"'lie of the Rtst Fertilizers
for all kinds of VAHV
Crops and GARDEN
Vegetables, can bo
bought in largo or
small in quan
tities of
March 31-uiC
-K ff r-x a weeV rr.aile at liorae hy
Uj f -e thu publio. t 'Hplt
' neiMuil. will start on
y tbfl In
now nu
Ital not
wnraen, buys mnl xlrln wmittil fvirywliero lo
work lor us. Now is th" lime. You run work
In f pit re time, ot Klvo )ur wiiuie nine lo thn
husiuei. t oilier I'tisiiD-ss will pay u
nearly o well. No one otn lull t" inuko eimr.
Minus imy. Iiy i-ntcrtiiuiir ut unco CoMh out-
lit an-) teriiti free. Money made fnat. raitiy
ani uununiniy. auutuss ikuk n t o., au
uuiu. Maine der2.vl
le are n!wavs on
ucrene their earn-
Inirs. anil In time I.e.
f.otne wealthy; thoe wlimlo nut improve tlieir
0ijrtuniitei remain lu poverty. We i Her a
K eat chanceio wake money. Vi want inny
men, women, boys and idrlt to work lor us
right In theirown I ralltles. Any on can do
Ihe wurk i-roperly Irom iheflrt stHrt, The
buIner will pay more than ten limes ordln
ary waes laipt-nsire lutttt furnished free.
. r uue wuu ru uiteit latin iu iujiku money
' rapidly. You tan devoie our wnole tlm tu
ttii wrk, or t-nly your pptue mnmenii1. Full
t liiturmatlon and all thai Is nerdtd snt Iree
Aiiiirci .TiNditN & Uo. I'urliMiui AiHlni.
life II iircerilnir by.
nd dare before uu
romelliinir m latui
and lulilime leave bo-
hlmt to conquer time.'1 IMaweek In your
mm town. 16 uultit frei. Ko rUk Lvery.
thluir new Capital not required. W will
furntiili yun i-veryihlnir. Afany are making
furluner. t.Mdlea make ai much ai men and
Ij.ii aud tiirli lniiku irreat puy Ilt-ader. II
y.-u want builne&a at wblch you eun make
ureal imvalltli. lime, write fur partlrulari
tu II. IIallett & Co l'ortland Maine.
I A M r flalmia rpeclaliy. and Will.
ES and all kinds nf LAMI SI'IIIHT bmiirht
and aula. utn oioea, ami iiixneii i-riees
paid. Ilojuu -vunt to rollorl'uyT II au,
i write to A. A THOMAS, Attorney at Law,
Administrators' Notice,
E.tate ol Jonas Fucut, Decerned.
T.otteri nf Admlnlitratlon in tbe Kllate of
Jnnai Focht, late or the lloruuiih of Carry. I
villa. tTnrbun ouuniy. VnnN.,deceaiod, hav.
beet arrunted totheunder'lKned, to whom all ,
teriuni Indebted to the laid .Hale are re.
nueited tn make Immediate payment, and
rune havlnr cUlim or demand, will make
nowu the lame without delay.
TIIOS B. lie (IK and j
June if, less-wd Adinlulitratura. I
Caution to Trespassers. !
.tmeph Klhler, Henry Kthler and "-'amuel
Kil'lerare hereby lurlid Irenpni.lna: on the
and uf the und- rilan-tl. in Tiiwmneuilnir
rnwiiihlu. (lurbon I'ounly, ra alter thlr
tutieu, under tientliy ut law
June nth. 1683. wS
For wound. dli nieornihei
tl'i ilultly. Widow, minor
chlMien anil depcn-lanl
itarenlietillHed whendeath rranltcl. (ilalmi
rriip ued. eaimatlun her ae. Ituun'y, bai-k
av and illrliarri nhtnine.1. Aupiy l unep.
le ay pr.-iud eel vuur rirlna F-e. flie-l by
1 -w. Ad r-11 Willi la "p. ' he tdd eilthlllt
ed armol-EliSOV'kOO., Allurueji & Claim
Ag.Dti.tir FBI., waibl uglon, l. O. aer
Railroad Guide.
FMIaflelpliia ye 11 H.
Arraogemoat of Passenger Ttaln.
MAY 27th, UU.
Trains leave Allintown at follow;
(Via PmiKIoVa HaILROaD.)
For rilltidolphla at '6.0,.i. U.i.n,
and s in.
For Philadelphia at & oo a. m.and 4.M p.m.
(Via Eabt Finn Ubahoh.)
For lleadlnK and Harrlahurg;, 8 00 I. to a,
tn.. 4.3 , unit .M p. m.
Fr l..nic.iiler und Uolumbla, 9.C0, MO a,
tn , and 4 Si p ui.
For Ilarrliburi;, and warpolntf, TM a. m.,
o 1 6 p. iu
Tralna for AHentown tears at follows :
(Via 1'KIIKIOVEK Kailkoad.)
lieave l'hlladel.hla, 7.40 a. m. and l.OOfe
1...!., 4 30, an.l 6.16 p. m.
Leave Fhllaileli-hla, 8.30 s. m., 1.30, ant
4.20 p. m.
(Via Hast Pksn. llRAjion.)
Iarr Heading, 7.30, a. m.r s.00. S.WL
and u 15 p. in.
Leave lUrrlibuiir, 621-1.60, VM- a,tn- 1.4l
ami 4.00 p. m.
L-.ave, 17.30 a. m., l.OO and t.4
Leave Columbia, 7,50 a-, m r 1.19- and
p. m.
ffroin Klni? Street Depot.
Leave Readlnir, 9.00 a. m. and 1 00 p. m.
Leave llarrlsburir, 7.00 a. m. and 4 oo p. m.
Tralrs via "Perklomen Railroad" marked:
thus () run to and trum Depot, Moth and
Ureen alreeis, Philadelphia, uther tralai tif
ami irum uruu.i atreel neiot
no -biv mm o.4o . m. iraini irom Alien
town, nnd lUe laiaml a It p.m. train trow
i-ioiuueijiuiu, vin I'eiKiuu en iiaiiruau,.bav
ttirough oan to and Irum Philadelphia.
tlenural Almnvir.
iicn i i-a.a r & Ticiei Ajrent.
May 87th, lies.
West End Brewery,
Maucu Chunk, Pa.
Pure Porter and Laser Beer
Delivered all over the State.
October , 1881 vl
Tiro Doora llclow tae "Broidwar Uoqm
Dealer in all rattcrni of rialn and Finer
Wall Papers,
"Window Shades,
Paints & Puintesr' Supplies,
Central Caniage Works,
Hauli St., Lchigliton, Fa.,
Are prepared to Slanufaeture
Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs,
Spring Wagon, &c,
Uf every deacriptlon. In the mote anbatantUi
manner, and at I.oweit Umh Prloet.
Uopalrlntr l'romptly Attended t.
April 28, 1582 yl Proprletort.
llwl I - I I- mwbulyon want 11a
.naleat inventlnn ot thence I Hee our pau
hloi. sent liee. rot.J. V. JuAN.Orcen.
Mts.s.y. luiriin
Dividend Notioe.
At a Iteuular Meeting f tbe IllrectO'lof
the Flrut Naliu al Hank of l.rhlitkton. Pa.,
ivSeml Annum IHrideml of TH It k.K er cent
un Ihe Ciipll-I t'lmk wm rleolared, payabla
mi and uTier July Ink, 18X
W. v. liOWMAN, Caihter.
July Till, mi.
Estate Notice.
E'tate of John W, Iteberltnir. late ot ihft
lluruuicli of i.eiilKhlnn. I'aibon Conoty, Pa.,
ilecuuied. All perium Indebted to laid .Hate
nte rt-qutited 10 make luiroe-llate payment,
and thiuie having; lexal i-lalmi aaalnil tbo
lame will preient them wltbonl delay, tt
proi er unler fur lettlement, tu
l.ehlKlilon, June 2, It 63-w
Wmni, my Wire, Lena Raekawaek,
without ju't cnnne, li lelt my lied and board.
1 wuu Id iirreliy nullly Ihe puldlo that I will
nut he reipumoble fur any u.liti of her oon
trading after II I" date.
Calaiauqna, Jult ot n, 1883.
pa, k. c. utn-s aiura im uana tiunm, .
vu.rtMlriaitl-ir U,.I,.U D itiu.M &HtT.lrti....yi
hnrM h-.ur.lcls. U,fclU,K.r,. rraUIUa tun!
III. na. ot mitoba ft Uitwc., W.fc.f.liM. M.UI ftM
1-r.M n.,B.-t.nliir el tb BnUa rultl.t I. Ivwukilr m4
Uadln. 10 MlMrr. Wjr 4 4mUi I rrMl.r. 01, 4, a,
a.rrrtmw. LoM at Fun mt I. mltmit .... la.aj.aury Lr nMt
w4 m.r.rr.CT. rou.ra tj tw-m ml IM hrolav
..Uoi-u.. rovorB4u c.nro. aotfeo.m.ulo.o.oMo.Ui'j ai . Wa. .r ls boxn f.r al, fcj laollm
f14 u r.r.lil mt .rt.
To roro tor r.-o. W I1. .rh mtr ro.-rl4 mt . pta
fcoi... .crwmiul.d with l, w will .n4 In. .orltM.r mmw
It -I oirrl . roro Huoroolr. I..ho4 Mir ty
ua a acjotu-ui. 3:. b.m aiwi. rvn.4.ipu 1.
' ' X UIUTAH . '
Tho r!.brttl .(.utlo ttlmrni roHlrr. II hnm.4Mty
eomt 11..IMO., Coa.Up.lloo, rariattlko B.I& Hollo,
an- uwa rarrlrl of to ooaU. Uaaarpoaa.4 for
310 Raoa 8trot. Philadelphia, Pa.
$1,000 J. M.
Honeyjcacanntle tcllisi
Hips & Charts
For 33 pag. catalogue. Ire,.