The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 25, 1883, Image 2

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MOIlTtlJSrKH, . ,
; LEttiaiyo.N) pa.i
'eATUKtAYr-tGt;at!5. 18R.
. Editorial Mention.
' - - . . "
"lis dnvs Tff tfltl. w fcfcu mou vvero boltl."
, Kotos' tbe ciistora for good Jiftntnt dcp
.Uaya.tq disappear with the- 50th of tM-t
fcjftotb, Lut llltips rue So1 "intaeii'' uow
' ttta. .iolilUier only coin'mftropB-ntl 'that'
"retime, and wj mny rearonaMjr-esrWct nl
uew iourlLi of -Jul; about tlia middle 61
November. , '
Vns.y-domcstlo nervrfnia were first In-
TnUd, suortly nfterHbe lltllo jUT.ilr in
'ttlo-Garden offi.Ut', a difficulty row
-.about keeping Mielps" tor mora than two
' ifiouthii la oue pla"ce. TbrV terrible
problem ,lia noW'-lieef? snivel.1 A'l.ulv in
Ylsp6rt, who kuown tbe -vmys or tie
world, has bit upon tbis recipe for relum
ing tbe bervices, if not tbe uffccliohs ol
tbe blretl cir!:-"PiTill jour old love,
letters In a pasteboard box iu tbe ncrvnul-
girl's room. X hUpply of old letttra bos
boca known to beep a gill couteutdd. lor
tbree mouths at a.tirue.'-'
p.oiiaBBsssrAN Rvam, of frlvea n
iftluwiuij nccojiut of bis Slide Kiiiimis
Jim produefcd iVi mtSO 000 000 bnuYl of
vbeat aud will raise about 17o,000.0C0
bushels of corn Una Tbe cr p
too, H enormous;.! never p.iw sueb n
good )l(KI. In last, nil tbo cr. pa. arc
(rood. Wo have bad several Jjood jinw
in tnoeehsion now, au.l tbu result i.i that
cur uc6plebrtver'Be)t clear of debt, und
(bin Tear will leave them uilb a uieu ur-
.OtCAit Wilm, who bweut bis bnir at u
laid aside, bin silk NtiiokiUjin.pniiltie! d
hlsjilay, "Yern, tbe Nihilist," at Union
Square Tbeatgy, New York, on Monday
ereuiug. Ilia tragedy crcuted great
merriment, thereby cucmuubiuc re-inn.
what on tbe ground of comedy. Tbe
critics say that us a picture b.iLiijer.hmin
decoralor, or tnau uiilliuer. O.c-ar would
do well, but that all bis work as u itn.iu-
atist is "sickeuiuy raut,'" V ri is u tj. od
play to tube on tbe road, and the s outr
it is taken tbe bettsr." "
Ben IIutleb. is cruising in bis yacht
around tbo coast of Massachusetts, in
order, it is said, to avoid ititcrntwiug
bout bis Presidency. I it., tbuuli n
member the old saying that "the wickuii
flee when no man 'Urn-Ui." His move
meuts remind ouo of l'opo's liues on h
vroniannho r jeied ninny biiitois:
Coquette and coy at mire her nlr,
Botb studied, though both seem nrg
Cat ek'l J t bo is with artful rsri,
AlTtctliis to eeeui uiiuU'culed.
It uas been decided by nielicnl men
that fKh food i.i for many men and utar
ly ill wouieutbe uist liot:snuiu i tid
nulrltions urtlclo of diet. Uutouiug to
'obroulo deprfsion of tbe tlshlnt imti b
try and eutral iguorinco nf tliolas
which govern tbe movements of tlio'tiuny
tribe, tha mass of people ureas far oil
irom lus poshiblll'y ot a iquura
meal of fibti as tbey uro lrm the Ku q
dom of Ileaveu.
rjsorrsion Hoxlet. who has been np
poiuted Ius.jector of Engliih Fisheriei,
is now applying himself vigorously tu
investigation of t;cs unexplored niiiiih
of wealth, which "dark unfatbomtd civtn
of ocean biar." lie s lys that our "deep
sea faruiH can never be exhausted. An
acre of water will supply more food for
znaii than ten acrts tf the best arable
land. At this rate men w ill be uccn-iuted
nine and wealthy who give up their lum
ber wooas and fields of wnviug corn lor
a few Rood patclits cf tbo briuy ocean
and tbe raging main.
JeremiabS. Black died at llrockie, his
leiidonoe, near York, Pennsylvania, eur
ly on Sunday morning, at the age ol
seventy-three years, leaving a void in tin
legal profession and in the politics ami
life of tbe couutiy which cannot be
filled. The service, attended by
leading ineu of tbe otite. ami from all
parts of the country, took pl.ioj on
Tuesday afternoon, and tbo remaius
were Interred iu Frospect Hdl cemetery
with.u sight of Brtclde munsiou.
One who knew this great in in well
writes that "iu the diath of Jeremiah
Sullivan Black Pennsylvania loes ber
foremost citizen, lie was Indeed pre
eminently a'Pennsylvanian, by blood and
blttb, by education aud p'lblio service.
He united those two strains ol blond
which are tbe ruling types in tbn ruial
portions cf this Stalo the sturdy Peon
vylvanian German and tbo energetio
tiooteh-Irish.". lie was liorii in tbo
Olades, Someiset county, l'.i.. June 10,
1810. Ills father was ot Si"tcli;Irisli
ancestry; bis mother cf Scotch Irish n
ber father's hid;, as ber name, Sullivan,
indicates, aud of lVuneylvauia G-riimit
desceut on ber mother's side, J.idge
Black's fdtliQe, . Hiiury'DLick. was a man
Ct,!6tutnenceiu Southern Pinus)lvauia;
lie served in tbo Legislature! truin 1814
to 1818, was an Associate. Jn'rige lor h
term, aud was a member nl'tbe National
House of ItrpreseutativiH alien be dledT
Young Jeie Black's education until be
-went to work on a farm at seventeen
years of age was derived Irom that ad
tnirable academic system then preMih ut
in Scotch-Irish cominuuitieH which li.t
been niib-ippllv supplauted by ths more
poptkUr aud lean thorough Kurtuil Sys
tem. The New York Sux gives the following'
exhaustive tumuiury of his lilu aud char
aete :
A native of Pennsylvania, tbo jife of
tbisaistiuguikbed titan wr.s passid
in that State. In. 1851 he becaimi Unlet
Justice of tbe Pennsylvania Supreme
Court, which is there the cnuit of last
resorl", and be wasagaiti elected to that
o0iceiul85i. When Mr. Bncbauiu be
came l'resiJeut, be 'was uppoiutid At-torney-Qebersl
of the United Stalls; aud
when O'ju. Cas r-sigued fiom the Cabi.
net in DeSetuber, 16C0, Judgn Bl ick suo
cseded blot as Secretary ol Sute, aud
filled that post until tbe accession of Mr,
Lincoln. During that purt ol Mr. Ilu
uhauali's Adminulraliou whm the iita.
tlous ubicll finally culniiiniteel iu t'.e
civil war bail already Hniuniul tlte iuot
toruiyeliraedr,JuelBBllUck,iiun(;ii U
Mr. DIx. Mr.BtaiiiuiiuLdMr. II tt.t.tiMMl
fliuilyasa dcfeuJer of lhi Unl"iij ami
tl;uliy CttktiibuUel tu lull pi.rl tuveatel
bandiug it over to tbe new llepul llearr
I'rrHideiit. At the same time, be rber
lhed nil that Ixetlllly toward the Aboil
tlnnU'R which belongid to n Pennyl
Viinia I.-nii'orat of tbe da j aud alth inxb
be wa not laclillifl in any redpecl ill tbe
CMiipUteiiess of bin dnly an idcer of
ttie Onvennuent, criticism anainst
the JispnbUMrriiafiy ftnil-eitinSBplKS?
tenders, who took cb'nrgo of affair afltr
neTeyiriie'ins c"ntIcT"uj In Reueral sn-"o-istic,
tb3rp"nnd "tinnierciff.1. It is Ibis
ojrcnmsUneiConbtles; Kiven
rlne to !i-hnpre'rnti1 that during that
.tfylag'.lifriodds lofilly to the Uoiuu
vaa Rnuiewhat shaken; b.n.t this im lies.
M((u is erltirrly incorrect, i
fctitfce Dhck was ft fJrve'k Cbri ttan
of the birtipb lUlS'ilaiioiniuatiou; river1
VdcIur the Bilun at a divlft'e" reveilifibj,
and boldinK fast to tbe firitb of orthrtlrx
Vrntestuntieiri.' He o welldcqnaiited
v,Tt!i lb polemical rteratnfeur KoKlish
and Ainroan ortbodi xy such aslt'tx
Is od previous to tbe advent of modern.
rationalism;- but ol Inlr years' his ntfou
nations w-re much more ol a leg 1 than'
a theological nature. While 1 is ardent
feelings and lively crivictlons alwaja
t-biidered him a partisan, bis cordiil
xym.Mthies idten ninle-htm tbo persotal
f lend of thosj whose pul lio posltlou h
felt biinsilf bound to aWl. Thus I
was that, while a Democrat of the (dn
school, be was on terms of frleud-bip
irltb coi'Spiu'iMiis Hepnblicaus and kept
bright the of social good fetliig
a uhl the corfliuts of partita and sects.
But uow this great athletic figure dis
appears inm the stage, and the wit, tbi-
eloi leiifp. the i aslon of bis voice will
not Hgaiu be beard aiuntgus. As we ft id,
tbe ei h great oid which will not le
filled, aud tbe hearts unmst bun wil be
hi ivv in giiuing any a iiufort. Yet wl en
iu t ih fulness of Jrars Mich a llMU dies,
tlio :eiit U not without lis cunsol-itu ti.
Hit part has beu will performed. Alter
u lite s' long and 8 consistent, iu pur
pose so n uii and manly, it) action so
Mdeu 1 1, the lamel that is laid upon
bil gr.ivj is wll ileierwil.
Our Saratoga Letter.
SArtATi-OA.Srnmo. N. Y Au. 18 1883.
Tun baggage porter at the TJuiou, wh
ba been connected with the Saratoga
botrl most of tbe time with that "Le
for fifty ears, says that ladles general
Iv are not br.nlng as uiai y trunks a
usual with Hum tbinyear. They uveiagi
uow nt most four apiece where u lew
years ago they otleu brought tight. TL
prevailing fashlou for Wearing shori
dresses pnrthriy accounts tor tbelessiu-
iu' of the amount ot biggac. Tlo
above mentioned baug igo potter reiueu.
Uers when only one trunk -ami that imi
a large o: nutliced tto contain, a ladj'e
Siratoga u tit.
"Tnere is one New York lady at tin
United States botil, however, who has
thi reputation of bringing three hundred
drt-s-esb-re with ber and six maids ti
take care ol them. Sue wears three dil
lermt dnsses per dny, airl iie.ver wbil
here is seen to Wear the same one twice.
Uer diamonds aret numerous ami gorge
ous, and she keeps a lady who is iu rt
duo d cirnumstauees constantly employ
ed em-ir ldtrlug lu-r clothlin , ii cludiiig
stockLigs as well as drtssesaud parasols.
A Philadelpbiau who seems to be very
w 11 inlormed ou mo i matters t. lis me
that ladies wear garters embroidered io
iu itch their stockings; that be sees them
as they gut into or out ol their carriages.
Also, he nfllrius that it is u tasbiuu with
some ladies to wear stockings of oou inn colors, ouo pair being blue nnd
the olbrr yellow, or oue red and ibe oth
er black. Oppori unities for such obser
vations are no rlnaw a young
woman ou tbe fr ut balcony ot'on-j of ibe
largest hotels at iuld-il-iy, wlu-u tie
rinruli. ns well as tbe street below, was
crowded with people, attirg with her
ohair tilted bai-k against tbe wall and
her feet on the upper rounds of tbe chair
iu Irout of her.
The criwds at the mnv hotels for
which Siratopa Sprints is noted, morcsse
lalh. The race i-oure istbroriged.biills
ii ml I ops are of nightly rc -nrrei ce, tbe display iiidnshiiud di imntnlb is
eerywbere observable, and belting,
usuibliiig. and indeed every pl a-e anil
variety of f.i-t lhini: I the leading f. a
line of tl.u plice. As for society penpb,
If iiiid.r (but bead lire to be elnssed tin
nihil il, Ibe edneated and Ibe gentle
inauiiered, llit-y may or may i.ol be lure
If tbey are, they are completily lost in
the vorltx of fast and tnrioiis living, iiml
fall to xert any li ft npnu the plai-e
or people who fill it. Kteli the ;mnt
children at Saratoga are drawu into
tbe whirlpool ol -lls-i; anon, and dai ce,
and dris, and II rt lo uu exU-nt thai
prnruisi k Im It- for their own tulureHud
jo i
or that if Ibeir parents uud country.
Ouildren'a Imp", o'nl Ireu's germaus,
uhiidri to. fancy balls, and garden parties
are a regulir lealure of the sinson loth Ling llrane-b, alio New.
port Is now the only wateiii.g place Irom
hen o de lails of children's guyetb-s bjiI
di'Sipatiou do not come. The and
Wickedness ofllnb- iiunatiiral ills lays
Is abundantly videul ill tbe whole after
career ai.ddevil puient ol these unfi-r.
tiiuale Intlo one.. At leu years of age
the little i;lrl ot tleihy is an itripiuit
u quetle, at fonrleeii abe is finished
woman of the world, and, assume one
baa aptly remarked, 'knnwB as much as
her mother, and el j -js the knowledge a
great deal ninre." An 1 this false and
hurtful traluing'dors not belong to New
port or New Y irk. or to any other city
or section of our country, but is most
Isrgely to bo nntic-d at ctsmpolitan as
etmhhiges llko Riratrga, where East,
West, North uud South ure sll reprei-
- What the rrmlt will eventually b Is a
grave and serious question. At present
it might draw tears Irmi Ibe hardest
worldling to see tbe wholesale destruction
nf n-iture-'s most beautiful work, which In
going on.
N-pori Is still a littl bsllnd. bund,
i in - i'. 1 1 H ii ers mi t luocn-iuis ev- ry
I il ui lb u. elr, e-iieiltm Imps, f nlu ycbl.
ii,(- p.irtie. Mini h yreot il i nf uioruttirf
vi itn-K. mlue-li l.t-t ei rylwnly ilee-lres In
l.o lur , Imt. y.ryUiiy U wMnl imttn
ueleut it. llieyull Imulil lia nejlect-
sduueu wreU for diuuera and tUucej
ably tbo 'pleasantrst niiil most popular
rich man that ever lived, ctlebrateij bis
biHWsy by ir dibuer aud clam bake on
llomlaj list Ills tld friends, Senator
Kayard aud Quveruor Dorsbelmer, were
among tbe mauy who hisrtlly aud with
out mental reservation wished blin ling
life and uninterrupted Jit'l'Hilyi'rei!
parauod are aireaiiy iu prvgrtsa lor lue
dtHiiiiiilo rriresuUtlous tu take place at
tbe-eod-elrAqsustr rrs. --AuotgK
Our WaBhington Lottor.
fFanu oik Srscn&CifciiKsr-ojinKSTjl
WAMUxaTon,D..C, Aug. 20, 1S83.
The last Congress made appropriations
aggregating a little more thau 3230,000,?
OOfl.tif which eui.ra than nue-tbin),- or
$SC,000,OOU, Is duvoted to tbe payment ol
pensions. The army aud navy, one
without a Idlers and tbe other without
vessels, bc-tb h huperabntid nee of i lUi-trs,
(raw noarlv Sll'OOOUOO. aud tbe Post
offioe gets $ll,0UU,UO0 to distribute among
be impecunious star-route contractus.
Tun legislative, judiciil aud executive
lopartments are put od with oulj $20,-
000 (100, and the sundry civil service,
wbiuh uians whatever may be most con
v nieutly at band,-1 krs its miserable ex-
istenceon$23 CS5 575. or just tl.e amount
to a cj iarter ot a dollar that it cost to run
the entire Government a qnsrier of a
century ago. L , tbe poor Iuiliaii,wbnse
untutored mind has an eye for Henry
riQ.-s and tlaukets r d liueil which cost
our mothers brother Sim n Mainover
$3 350 000, and so ou 'ud u-uistum.
Ti e enormous stun that Congress had
see i tit to appr piitto to the payment ol
pensions has c aised no little criticism by
tbe public pres all over tbe couutry.auil
to eouie extent this criticism is j'.stitli d,
not pirtutil illy because of the amoui.t
appropriated, Imt because of the tax pro
visions of the arrearages bill, which have
opened tbe door to iiu uvnl.tuube of fraud
deceit, bribery, anil pe rjury. While but
a lew instances bae been brought to
light and punished,, dtspite the constant
oatchlnluess ol the Ptlist.Mi office, il la
known that these fraudulent crimes
a lu..t tbe Oiveriimeut uro tnoltlplii-ii
my utter day. Br combina ii u aud col
ltsioiiilis sale to say til-it oiie-quartei
6f this vast Hinoinit of mouty will be di
rected through ohauuels opened into the.
I'rensury by rank peijiivy in tbe estab
lishment of ilial '-ilisalnlity'' which en
titles the clilmaut to oomp-nsa-.ioii uu
dcr tbo arrearages bill. A man with no
other disability thau uu iu growing toe
uall mdy under this loose law pounce
upou this pension fun nnd make oil
with money enough to set himself up in
comforts- le business. Aud bow mauy
lostiuces there are of tint o.eltlou upon
tbe GoveUtu ut by false pri-seiitatioii'.
by altered u.u.ter-ndli, by forged dis-
cbarg s, and the numberless shuts thai
are res rted to. (but the poxx- ssiou of a
fjw hundred d dlars so teiuptiugly holds
out. A man iu Pittsburg tbe other il ej
was convicted ol bribiiy mid sent to tbe
peiiiteutiiry tor seiidu g S1C0 to each ot
the examining surgeons and another SI00
to Commissioner Dudley, and (hitman
as already worth more than $100,000.
A woman in Bdliiuore and iinotln-r wo
man in personated other women
bom tbey bud a-o rtained were entitled
lo pebsions, and they su6oseded tu get
Hug the money. It wos. only by a lyn.r
r I over tbe ditisiou of it that the uriuin
was uueartbedand Ibe criminals brought
lo justice. A thorough investigation ol
the rmm.-s that figure upou the poosi in
lolls will develop the li.ct that there are
thousands of tliem whose names would
more appropriately i; tbe roster ol a
penitentiary. Il human ingenuity U
capable ot devising uuy nnans o I pre
venting such an abuse ol a law iiiteiiUenl
for tbe ben i til of tbu soldier wb'u has
beu disabled iu thu lUilltuiy service, it.
will bo wbei other lueii and other time:
ivl.l see the muoMil ul lh motives that
in moo Ibis sort ot legi .l.tiou.
The absence of tbn President and all
of Ibe beads ot the en par uients is not at
nil severely M', wtien we nal ze thai
they are iu the hands of such excellent
subordinates. The amount of direct re
sponsibility attached to the pr'ipsr per
lormiucei of the d itles ol the Interior de
partment is simply luuueasinabte. The
most Wlul questions tunchiug title to
the pnblia lauds, simelimes involving
millions iu tbe r suit of au adjudication,
ire submitted to uud decided by the
head ol Ibis depi-rum lit. Toe Pate it
hfuue. tbe IVusi in .aid Census nnreaus,
aud the e'e) arluu ut. to any
ui lhing ot tbe demands upou ibe officii
by mutters pcrtaiuiug 1 1 Indians and
Indian culruclors. make the position ol
Secretary ot tbe Iuteii-ir a most busy
one, uud as ersatilu ill its consideration
ol publiu questinus. T).i great respot
sibiliiy uud II e.e liinltilarii Us duties, ill
the ubsence of Secretary Teller, have
hem perlniuied. and most sali.Uctoril)
by Assisian Secretary Josljn. who Irom
a long ami vaiiid expeiieica at tbe liar
in Illinois, I as at bis t'-ngnt-V end nil the.
law and all Ibe authorities, touching tbe
public 1 mils and qi stii ns arising tioni
their distribution. Mr J.i-lyn, besides
biing one nf the most eniiniut ol West
ern lawyers, is one of the oust efl cti'e
stump spel.eis of 11 at pn lifln boat t
good btiimn-speakers in tbe West. Iu
his -churucler ns a publio otllcisl Mr.
J islyn is short, sharp and decisive seem"
jnq tu grasp tbe lull force and effect of
all qui lots, however indicate, witbrut
apparent hesitation. To suy that he is u
niost eicell.ut jflio- r iu his present pos
ition, and would be such in any other
position, is a meed of prai-e as severely
earned by Mr. Joslyn as it is richly de
served. Acatat,
Our Now York Lettor.
Reiiular corroiponaenoo of Aovooatk.
Ntw Yor.K, Auk. 21. 1683.
Wall Street is quietiug ilown, lint tbo
fever but esjet auvlLIng but entirely
dlmpi-eareil. Tbe market at present in
(ar Ireim belu in u iwtnr .l, benltliful
stale. 1 1 fact it in nollilnu but a broker'
market, tliat it to say the qnoUtiolni ahel
v.iliien are flctitioini. Uuue-r tbea tir-
r.iiti. .Lin. .u Il u i, I.I, tin ut l.r,FU''-.nt.l
, . . "
konreely ilo auylliiiii; wnre tun, enter
witlitUitlm pree-lu 18 tif the Exuuanue,
iWUeriiillieiV'iliH auil lieir of the Street,
we.iry nf tlieir btriii;K.le ailuat tine an
other wool I lie only too tjlad to revive
their ix iauleil strength uiU (be liloo.l
of fre-iti JOUUL! Utuba. Tue eitillm.k
huwVvr la Viry tucoai;iu, aud by
rTeptemuer things bid fair to run in a
normal slate again. Tbe storm has
cleared tbe air. it has destroyed rhuky
hiruoturiB aud showed us just where the
dangerous spots were located la our in
stitutions. The telegraph strike Is over, and it bus
onded iu just the way it was anticipated
by jevor)bot!yyfbo riowed-lhe kitnatlcn
ion calm disinterested rnauner. There
Is no doubt but that tbo operators ore
nutttled to belter piiy, but Ibal tbey do
not receive enough money ,at present- to
support their lam Hies iq n prpper style,
and lay by a few dollars for a rainy day
isnousenso. Any good man can earn at
least twenty' dollars a week.. Most good
optralols can' cam .more, and some by
extra work run as high as this two at d
three times a week. Now a worknigmnli
who earus twenty dullars a week and
cannot keep bis fi.luily iu comfort, is
sillier extravnnaut himself i r bis wife is
uu housekeeper. Tbe leaders In the
httike, that is to say tbe beads of the
ltrulherhuod nt. Telegraphers, nui) of.the
Ilnlghts ol Labor, aro men wbosJ he ails
we-te turned by their briel spill of dele
gated authority, and who while wielding
it grew too big for their boots. Their
work which gave tbitn bread uud buttei
was no longer a buu Icraft it was u
prolenslou,'' nnd they were "piofess.on
al gentleman," Tuey were arnvutit and
overhearing towntds their lornnr im
I'luicrs, and trannieal towards tbe ra X
nnd tile ul the Brotherhood. Said on.
striking operator to uu: '-It is mouth
lo make one ashamed of bis manhood tt
endure the iusolenCH of these men. Wb
If one of them were working for nujboily.
a id be treated him so, be would leavi
instantly, even it tberu were no immedi
ate outlook of gelling ii substitute lor tl
bread and butter one threw over. Bot
the strike has brgnn, we are iu the swim,
a nl we must uitiko the best wo cau ont
of tbe situation iu the hope that it wil
be all lor tbe best.''
Tbe wi-atber bus grown warm utid sul
try agaiu, but still tour theatre r opened
tuetr doors list night, and although tin
air was stiff icating in mmy of the hon-is
tlm cMwda that came, and sat throng)
Ibe pi lformai.ccs were remaikalnl. liii
al'y's ''Evo Isior'' at Nibbis Girel. i
lrew au immeiisa iindleiice, or rather al
tendance of siectatois. It is really a re
marfcahle performeuce, and so lar as lb
stage elf cU, iLeo'iiiule-al devices, and tl
busts of people, in tbe stage go, it t
pisses the spleudor of the famous lilac
Crook when It Urst came out. Toe bal
let is unusually well dulled, and spend,
wanders lor tbo skill and persevere iic-mi
Iuire Kiralfv, who lias beeiihtwork fm
three weeks almost night and il ly. Bu
poor tellow, bis voice is almost gone, lie
can old) speak in whispers. Ho can an.
do s in every living 1 moi .g-j. b-i
pr lirs his native Iliug-trUu with i
rolling "r's'an I haish i-no!i!h to "rein
tbe luMVens ill twain." Ho indulge
liimself so much in this favorite ncc vti
p.iiiiuu'i.t at rihear-als 11 at bis v dr.
sneenmb.d miller the strain. It wu
pitilul to see him on opening nibt
standing in tbe wing.; Of cour.e tber
were hitches, niiel nome of the Ann an,
made false steps Imre tried bis utnios
to hurl anathemas in his native- II.hiL'r.r
ian at them, but tbe attempt did not get
any Inrt'-ier than punti mlinc. Il almo.
broke his heart, and nfier the ptrlornt
anoa he w a as inild'aiid aflec'ionate as
bull with u board iu trout of Ids tyes.
I heard a good pun at the theatre th
ither evening which is new htandini
in Ibe tnbhy with some theatrical popb
between the acts, we wera scanning v
party of dnlcs who wire) regaling
themselves with mild eigarettu
"Slr inge," sahl one of the actors "ub?
b y don't import an English dtido, ti
give these felteins a chance lo improve
their tone?" lWatise,'' broke in aung'i'
criminal, "a Y mkee dude '11 do." Hud
Captain Williams not stood near by, Ho
i'11'.-iiiler's llfe'would ,url have been wrrtl
a trade dollar. As aiFiirs stood, Wil
liams was called up and inlormed. nl the
crime which bad just been perpetrated.
"It is fortunate that I have not my club
wish me,' said be, '-but never mind
sums eveiilng yon will take too msuy
lemouudis ill my precinct, aud then wi
will pay you with interest.
Through the good offices of a lid
who came to town last week ami askid
me to accompany her lo some priva'e
openings at milliuers' establishments,
was enabled lo get a el.n p'e at oe urn g
tasl-iouK, Tbe display of imported hats
aud houueis was unusually tine. The
taste runs principal! to small sin-pis
ami neutral c lor. The leading style
will r Li.ibly be the Prince Imperial.
It is uiadunl felt or chenille, ami leseln
Lbs very much ttelutiuueotpula Fre i eh
soldier. The ornamentation is piinci
pally iu front ami lowers up Irom the
peak to a distance of nearly six or seven
Inches. design resembles
the ordltiar Joe-kevs cap peak and all
Tun colors ure ltuost utir ly gray.white
or stone color, pe i rally used single, b il
Iriqueutly very tasteluily combined
These bats are Viry be-.-oiuiug, intl h
morn so thau the large mid gar s ly ml
eircel things with which ladies have n ude
men's I ear ts ache tor some seasohs pu'bt
A you n i; lluncarian loan anil wmnsn
were iiiarntsi st SliHiiHtnlnali on Wedn
lay. Alter Iha reremnny tne huppv pair
with soiue frieinli, cit iulo a waoi; one!
tiarteel for h oue. II -f 're the parly- ha 1
proceeileil lar tho grsiii ismiuieuitsl ills
cliarjnig a revolt er to i-elehratii the event
The tbinl bullet shot nlfentereil the shin
John Si tu tiki . 1 1 1 11 .-t i n u au ugly w mini
When the groom siw whti he liml.ilnne, I.
was only preveolril horn ln ting hiintelf
by the interference ul his triruels.
Closing prn-es of f) Iluven A- Townssnd,
Bjubers, Xo. 3t Sou 111 Tbinl Street, Phil,
adelplua, Slm-as bought aud solel oillnr
lor csili or on margin.
PhilaJeljiha, August li, 1883.
Iitd aked
trsrs. Ext 10:1 10J
17 fi Cuireney O's 1311
17 8 41, new Illfj
118 4' I IHI
Pennsylvania it It 5-
I'liiLilelphU A- lleadlnr; It ft Vti
Lelilttb Vulley II II
SM (U'H & Kuvil-kIiou O-
Ui.ImI H J U It A- fanul On
Northern Centrnl It II t o
UesfinvilUl Tas'. It It 11
Il.lll'. IMUburi A W..I. U It ft.... Ill
Peulial Trulioj-'rlHti.ui C :tl-i
Kortnerii rueilu' t'41111 Vl
i' 1'refil Kij
Nonh renn.vlvauia It It CU
I'll ladetphia'A' Erie It It IT)
Silver, (Trades) bO
yew Advertisements. -
In the Pilot House.
"Yes, ilr this kind ol work obliges a man
.0 keep sober as a Judge. Ofsllinenln the
world, uteamheiot pilots nnd railroad cnal.
liters sbpuld let liquor slone. Fur on their
clecrnc'd vC.Uiil. and coulneil of.heaet ela
IHtniirihe snroty ofllfe and iroperty.,r
Kee plnir'hli hand on the wheel aa ho tshl
this, Mr lliockmanor No atlsjllvorsireat,
Uhleiito.'bttelcel: "UT C6ute, lomo of 'eta
drink! hut the tober ones have tbo beet po
sitions and the best pay Yes, the work and
eliuisamiofiifitltijeB teltl nn lltr-hrft-felfrn V
part, I tlorl Psiirxr'sI'omo tote all tii In.
Vl150r.ini 1 nocur I've got a uoilie nuoaru
.hero nowt noror go on 'a trip-Without tt.
When I haven'l any npiwtlte, or am la tury
way out, of sorts, It sets me up In nutlmoj If
drinking uecu wouhl use the Ionia Itwtuld
heln 'em to break "fT. (No, tbat Isn't a llaht
k;wi'5J."":iS7tW nlieBeasomor.iSunshino, Othollo,
U)i. You see ilia nuKsianr even, won a,
bin lie ut faiiKea's Inslo in the tucker Loan
keep miliaria as la from me ss thai, all the
tune. Mi wire) has used It lor three yar
far stirainar euiiepialtiis nnd collc anil ns, an;
1 11 VI u II lllll, ej ijrii fiiu ene-ei uui iiuui ejiri.
woiU Sliosa)stlio I onto Is aiulsy. (looel-hi-I
Duu't break jour neck 110 ng beloW.".r
I hlS peepnraiinii. miirn ns nee u Hiniven n
le iiwi.'a . eiNiii-n '1'nNln. will hereafter he
ii.le-,.rili il ami solel uniler the n&aeb ut
1 AUKKK.u iomo. b uniriiieiiieii eie-sii-rr
arn iiiini.autlv ilecrlvlna their oustonn r by
sulitiltmlng inferior -ir Icles unel. r iLe name
il'Kluaeir, mi l as dinger la really an unl 11
I eiroiut tmrcelleu , we urep inej unsie-auinir,
'rtiern Is no ehsnire. liowover. In tho ore-'
paiatlun lisell. anu all hollies leinaiiiuiK in
1 bo Iniinls of iles iris, wrapp-U uti ler
the n. me) ul I'.tllKEK'H lleselEll loKIl',
ntaln the iteniilne uieillcineirtiie la" sunuo
sliruuiure ol llncux & e.o. Is a1 ihehottutn
ul tbo uulslele wrapieer. Aug 4-83 lm.
llrspretlully annuunrcs tn the people of I.e
blKhton 11111I Its vie'nlty, that he Is now pre-
paroel losutipiy tncin wun 1111 sinus 01
Household Furniture
Manntas'uroil from the best Seasoned Mate
rials at Prices fully ns lowns the amr-arricio.
pan bi Isiuabi lor els- where. Here are a few
ol the tmlucetneuts offcrud
Parlor Sets at Irom M to 60
Walnut ltresMng I'aso
Iti-elr'smi Sillies. 3 pieces oto6S
Palnicel ll. ilroom Suites 1S to J40
I'linii Senti el I'hnlr. pers'-t of (.... tt
Oe.niiiinn hnlrs, perpet of t tJ
and nil other (looils equally cheap.
In t I1I9 connection, 1 desire to call the nt.
ie- thai nethn ppopla In rnenmple. r.rlllties In
"illi UUDiIUiiIVlilJ LllillllLOii
wltlia M1W awl HANliKOME. HKAKSE.
tuaii inn leni-i.t u i.siUiis nun i;ou tis,
1 anl nrenaicd to nttcnit nrinnntly lo alt er.
iters hi Ibis In e al luwe-st prle-e-s.
I'atrun.iKe reriieeiliilly sullcllcil and the
must ao.plo satlslactl n t;uaraiilceel.
ootp HANK St., Lchlicbtoa.
Nine Teaohers Wanted.
An t.xanihtntlon of Tcnctiers. for the Pub
lic cluols of itlahoulrifr 'roivnsl.lp. will he
he-let In tho Sdl'.ol lloure. near t.'elltre
s.jium- on S V I'll It DA Y. S Mr I EM till It
is., l&w eoinuii iiuena nt v uu n chick a. .u
a leei io ric-'Ko propei.al8 fe r collecting the
.-.ctiuol fax fur s ill low ship.
il oretcrul Ibe llo-ira,
fllMir'KEV PEi Hit. Secretary.
Mnhui.lujr, August 1 Hi, t w i.
Subpoena in Divorce,
Mttry .T Mullen, lln Ihe (nurt of roniinm-
vs. in ns hi e;ai nun ceieiniy.
Jihn F. Alulb-n. ) No. l, Juno lenu, US.1.
IN nivtinor.
roJnllK F Ml'Ll.tiv llttjio'dtult
Sill, You are hereby nulrV-e! lo be and
appe-ar at a i ouuci Uuoitniiu riens ol tt-er
hun I'iiuiii)-, lo is) hehl iu Ihe l'i urt House,
hi uaue-li i-loihk, on Monitay, Ihe 8' h dayul
ilclohiT, A. II. is :i. nt nii.Vlo -k In i lie lure.
ueion. to iiiir-vrcr i he aisvi! coiuiihitiii. i crson-
al se-rviee ut suti oe na and alias suhiaie-na
nae ina niueo oa ae-cuuiu ui juu auseuce uuiu
1U liaiiiwie-K.
i ttAi-i. v. oacrin.
T. A Snviikii. a-torney lur PI'II.
Muucb Chunk, July 14, i6t3 1
FlorencoSillc Hosiery
Th'-se co-ills am innniiifictureil from fine
ri.illtl.Mlr. KNlri'I.M) Stl.K un hand
Irnme. In Ihe liest lull laehhine.r Shanes
kiiuven to Ih. t rail ei. Tho urn innelo extra
lullir. aru oven in inu yarn, mill may uej wnsii.
eel iviiliuiil Ihitirv tu es.Iur ur lextnrn.
I'uie-iiasers sneiuiu nonce our traue mars,
tue letter
31 A UK.
F knU ed Into tbn In-in at lbs top of each
St eic Un In all oar best lluslt-ry I -r Lnellrs.
Ari& tour slure-ke-i-eer lo shw tou the
Dm la est Hunk un Kill tin (No. 4), with
simples ul KnlHliiir an i L' chin-; Silk, sent
un receipt oi 1 1 ree 'i e-cut s amps.
NuNOPUe K SILK CU , FlauttM-T, Mass
The American AEtipariaii
I'uhltsheel hv Jursus A- Moksrt, Chii-acn,
lit. :t leryeur. Keliteel by StKPUKji I).
l'skTr'-voti-il to, Oriental Ku-
rosuii 'uuii Ainetii'un Aich-sology, 11-lusiratHl,-
This Journal elves information on discover
ies uml rxplnrattoi.t in oil lauils,auil ij t ery
Valuable to tboso wbei urn following Autl
ourluu subjects us well i to the ismnoon
a I'T. niio-ei
fir bllnsnn'i Asthma
Is uiirqunleel us a positive,
i 114-rueiiive iii' ..uiv .. .
ASTHMA AMI liYSI'KPSlA.aail all their
attendant evils. It dues not me-ely etturd
Uniinoary relli-r. ut Is a perninl cure.
U.I1. lluckiiher. lie Leon I't-ias, says I
It Is tho lwi luudlclne lor Asthma lhat I
ever have us-!." M. Ilmtc'i Kouutaln
Jleail, Tenn . says; "I am ei t rely lelleted
ul all S) uijeloios ol slhniii hy .Slinson's rem," eliiui Miller, llrookvllle, I'a., lays:
"Ur. Sllnsnn'a Atihma Keuienly b Driven
nieeii-ellenl sallslacllun " Js, , Wilbur,
Me.rrlnllle, M. Y , says! 'Since I hi-jrim
tuklinr ve.ur noie.lj I l.nee- rested welleveiy
nlxiei" S. A ll)nn. Ion Uu Luc, Mich.,
s-i)si'-l- Is Ihe hrst lover took," Mrs. -.
A lllsrell, or Huberts, Illinois. sji : "Ur.
ii Iiimiu'sAs bio i Kemody Is (ml ns re coo .
ineieelrel. 1 1 oi . ke es pec lr t Ion easy." II M
iSUlii: In semi fei-Kealles. tes-lnuninils and
prn-e il.l. to K IC tt HJ, 27 HAS P Ul h
sntl.l.e, N'. .: i'.N. (lilln ii.lin c o,
lie t uilcu bt., f.'., also wuoleiale aKouls
Subsciibe for and
rend tlie Cahuon Advhoate.
It contains all the lau-st local
news un t) the time ol going
to press,
Tir ant Sinst Iron Ware, Hoisa
Is now offering extraordinary Bargains for Cash
He is the only Agent In town for the talc of the
1 Ranges i-iviontourt Ji-ightnouso, iixoeisior renn, ana
Eolipse Cook StoVeaj tho Prlnoeton, Early Dawn,
"V " Bolmont ana Real Double Heaters, with a va
" rioty of other Square and Round Heaters,
'Atl oC wliicli ho is, now offering
, Also, on limit every kind ol STOVE UltATE
test makes ul PUJIl'd.
Roofiing and Spouting,
Store cV SOUTH 'Street, a
p'ltronnee Invited; satisfaction Ruarantcod.
A larire LOT, with excellent HOUSE anel
srAIILh erected thereon, upii-sllo E'ch's
Hotel, on'ltankwnt. In this Ihuutiieh. To lai
sahl em nro'ontnudaili'v terms. Appty to
.1 1 1 1 ."si VUDIL, 1.3 Neirlb Secemd .street,
Philadelphia, I'a. Au4- 18,1 83-iu3
Administratrix's Notice.
Estate of Omiiioi: JIuiciiaiiu Deceased.
Letters of Administration on the t-stnleof!
Ui-oririi Ite Phatil, nte "I La-t l'i mi limn-
ship I'nrbon roumv. Pa, ileceaseel hsvc
been icnin-eii to I.e. on Kelpluirl. rishle-nl In
said toanshlp, to whom all persons Inelehtesl
to said estate .lie reaui-sieel lei in.iLo pny-
inenl. nnd l insn havinx elalnis i r ncnnuids
will to iko the s tine known It ithoul ilolay.
uvula ii r. u in a it 1 1. aiiiiniii.ira rtx
orlo W.M. tl. Pltl-IVM AN her Atiorne-y.
Lnst feliu, .lulySii, lS53-no
AU ptsohs ar horcbv forblttilon to metMlo
witu a Un re o, V;uui an I Harnt'M now in
lionrieFrilttn of V. U. Frtjtirict. ('tho burouuli
nl Wt-I'.p Kt. Ciron o Mintj',, IV'iinii.. a il.e
raino if r peri) uii ioaj id iiiiu uui
lug tuy I'U-UBure.
North renn, St-IiuvlUlliL-uuhiy, I'q.
Aug. 1. wa
Swithin C. Shorfclidgo's
t CADKMY (or Ycuiiir 7Ien (in 1 It 37.
iV sie'lta.l'cnn . r!m. irom l'tii-n., S'hni
yer oin EJej'. VZ Fixl ti ro.era
very Aivnj' evt'ii u.jttKf, 4N.1. es r.i
hirues 'itvideiitul tap a a. Nn ex-
a 11111 lion for U'hns n, 'ilnrtuvn cxpori.
cm l ion lior. ml nun iiixt nil niilualea
cUI 1 i)i jn unities I r him stu It 11 ic (u h1.
'vHiiff fiiih'. SiH-chi tlinl lur itu.l unl
b.iekwaril nyn I Hinm ur luib'ntf inayr'L'
1 et am atuul s or ctwBott.u reuul ir Mm
811. SOHtllltU', ItU'hieSf, l.siictl. or IvII
KiiAlnuerbttc Otmuj Siu-ltnts lltttl at
iMeillu Aciitlcniy aru now in ll-i; 7 iiil, Ynle.
nnd tun u Imr t'ntlftfiri nul y vol.nlo
.school"-. A Pin? tcit uml Ch ml n. r.vbiri
lorv; n lino u,vinii.itiiiu ant li.t 1 Kruun-i.
1.6 0 viua. iiuh'it 10 Ijllirjry 111 16s.l. Tuu
studijii 8 oent tu C lleiu In ltS3. v n-a lut-
l f u x f:lns III t'u'nti.oiCMl Kep't Hi
Me fa has 7 clMl chi-i nnl n tcmpe sinet
clmrter wliicli prohiblia the no ot nil In
toxlcuilnn ilrinku. Fttr hhw lbuiiriipd t'lr
cular iulrMi thn Innclli ami rropritor.
A'l rillN (). Mil IK II. 11)1 li:. A,M , (Uiir-
vtird Unlrt rl y Urudualc), Mudiu, I'eana.
Aiumt-t. vti.
Asslgneo Notice.
Nutles Is he:rotij- nlvmi that Y. S. Winter
mute, of Luhhrjiloi., farluai county. I'a., ley
dueid of vuiun ury ussUuiiia t has n-sluuel
all bis estate, leul uud ners oml, ot the s.ilel
W-S Win eriiinta lull, H ihu
Iturniiuh, e oun y ami Malt ulons.ihl. 111
tiusl. fir tho LenelU of tho ert-ililnrs uf he
anl el ,S Wuiterioillu. All hers lis. there.,
toie, I idjiile 1 10 ihu s ihi U . to Wliile-runiie.
mII uko p.ynn-nt 10 ihosihl iis.lunt-o, and
those h,.vIiiM ci.,llas o il.uiaiids, tv,ll uihIau
kuu.u tha taaiu hIii.oui ilej-sy,
tS. It. tliLIIAM, Aslunec of
W.ti. Wlutcrtuute.
LcblghtOD, July 31, 183. -J
V. A IjUII.M AN!V, SollclTir of American
ami ForvUn I'a tt lit a. ahitulun, li.t. All
tmluvit onnui'Ul with ruttmtr, whflter
I), thu I'a nit Uillcu vr i bo i ourti,
itroiuiitiy Hiivixieti ut isu m.iuu uu
ii'csa patent 1 secured.
bviid lur rlrcuUr,
Saloou Keepers aid Otta,
Ujn't fall to huy'your
Champnigne Pear Cider,
Hcer, . -
Jloot iJeer, "
1, . n
Oner, CCC,
m t ti e nrr t T)
Auif. 13.18SMT.
Carbon Advocate
Cheap Printing !
" a
ail s
a-ss "ty
James Walpj
Succciaor to A.'D. MOSSElt,
Manufacturer f sncl Uoler la alLilodj of.
- Heaters,
MsbhE Goods, k, M. r
New Champion and Apollo
at tho Very Lowest Trices
and FIRE I1R10K3. Dealer in all the
Prompt and Cheap.
few doors above Bank Street.
Juno M, lsl-jl
y & CO.,
BANK STttT?ET. Lehighton, Pa.,
MILLERS and Dealers In
AllKiod of aP.AIS Eu;at!'rr.nd SOLDa
lir.OUI.All MAliKKT lt.VTKH.
Wo would, nlso, icsorctluilvtntorm ourclti
tens thut weaie uow fully nrepurcd to sill1
PL.Y tuciu with
llomsnyMIn dvslteaatVEtt
Spring and Summer !
A Special Invitation Is extended to the
lea nf lA'blghton ant urrctind(nK nclifhlor.
hood to mil and examine llie'lmmenee stock
ol SI'KINM AND bUMilli
Bani-st, LeliMofl, Fa.,
comprising all the latest Novelties in Mack
sue Colored Silks, Velvets, Plaids, Cnsli
luerrs, kernes, all-'ool Sultlnirs, (Irlnir
3i itns. Prints. &c. Also, a full line uf
llhinkets, I intnest Ics.ShawIs.Musllns,
all or which ho Ij nrrorlnif nt very
Lowest Pile-cs. A nice Hue of
Silver-Platecl Ware,
Do rail and eeo It. My stoolf or
Carpets, Oil Cloths,
full and complete. Cheap as tho tlheiipert,
and Uood as the Ilcst. sept,4-rt
The Complete Bone Pliospliate !
One of llie Pu st Fertilizers
for all kinds of FARM
Crops and GARDEN
Vegetables, can bo
bought in large or
small in quan
tities of
March 31-inQ
$72 p.
n week tnn-le nt lome )y th In-
itti4trtmiy, lU'Bi liiitji.ei'i now te
I rt mo piiDtio. 1'iiiniai nui
nci'iled. uo will ettirt oii. .Men.
wutiipn, hoy ii aixl airl wiutftl i-rrrywhero 10
work tnr us. Now is tin tltno. Ymictiu work
In fparo time, ur kIvh otir wliulo t luie lo tlm
Im. ilea. IN other hualufffl will pay ymt
nviirlv io well. No ont- cm tall tit wake emr.
hkius piiy, hy vnuftitlns: hi once. tuetl out-
an'i iionorrtniy( aujici iuuu k t'n au
icoplo aro ft'.wfiyg on
the lookout lor chance
to lncreiiMf thuir lam
iniri. a n I -In time ho.
rotne wftiUhyt tlioio jvIhmIo not Improve their
opportune lu reuiHln In poverty. We i flVr a
K eat t liance torn iko im-ney. w want ninny
iiivn. wonifn, lty and KlrU to wurk for un
rlnlil In thtirown 1 cilttie. Any on" cuntlo
the work i-ri)K3rly (rom ihuflrt ctart. Tho
bu lnfii will hay tmirtf thnn ten ilmeB ordln
I ary wiks hin tiiivo ml tit tumUhml free.
No one who eu-iices tails lo make money
rapidly. Vou can devest vour trnolo time lo
thu wt.rk, or i-nly your spare muinenis. Full
liiforiiisllon end all that Is needed si nt tree.
Address rvrili'eoM h. Du. I'oriland Mulue,
! Tp -p- m nor, life la sweeplnirby,
- I-S t-i i B" and dure before jot
I O, 8 JL die. samel hlnic mUht)
anel siihllme leave be
. hind to conquer time." B9a week In your
uwn town, ii out lit frei. No risk hery
; tliiiix i.cit Uapital not required. We "111
' furulsh )uu evcryihluir. Jinny are tuaklnir
: forlunes. I.mllea make as much as men ami
buys ami vIxJb uuika irreat pay Iteaittr, If
' yuu want buslnetsat wblcb ou an- inke
Kreat nay all lue nine, write Mr particulars
toll. Hillett tto, lrtlaud Woltie.
Claims a specialty, and W'Alt.
HAN1M. A llll IT 1 II N A I.
K.Sttnilallkln.lsorl.AMl St'Illl'T linuuht
an.lSulJ, r.aru'0 Slo. K. nnil iiiuiiesi rtices
nald. Ilo vou -ianl to sell or buvT If so.
wrilti eeiAiA I leeiejikii Aeeui u.) ne uiih
' Washington, I), U, J:in.l-tf c.
Administrators' Notice,
Estate ot Joma Fooit, Deceased.
Letters nf Admlnlstrallon on Ihe Innate of
Jonas Fochl, lateol Ihe llomouli nf i'ariy.
Vllle, liarOOU Conner. r-euna.,neeeaBen, iiavn
i beet K'solod to the underslaned, lowborn, all
I persons Indebteel to tho said estate) arc ro
' quested to uiuko Inuueillate imynienl, and
' i lime bavlmr cUlms or demands wilt make
knuwu the sjuie without delay.
! Tllll.S ri. HrlJK and
j Junei. 1883-wa Adiolnlslraturs.
Caution to Trespassers.
Joseph Klblrr, llsnry Klhler arxl Samuel
Kllderare hereby lurhlel trei-nasHnir on tho
lapd of the und'-rslxned. In Tnwiimeuslni;
Tuwtishlii. Darbon I'ounty, I'a.. after this
notice, under penally ul the law.
June I5lb,19S3wJ
For wound, die- asenr other
rs iinitty. tvnniws, minor
hltdien and dependsnt
parents eiitlilrd when deailtresnlle.1. tllahns
rep ned, csluratlon tier uses. bounty, hack
pay and dl-elmru'solitslneil, Anp'y .l nuee.
delay pre-iuel ees your rialils K-e Itxwl by
I iW. All r SS. Willi lll "i, 'II" ""I ri-iMi'iirii- ,
e.1 tlrinol KI'SOV!. till., Atlorreys a. OUlm
Ateu , PIT rSU Vt aisiugion, u- w r
Mil ii i iHism nui i m ijtLLLH
Railroad Guide.
,M MAY3WII1, iw.
; tfA'ns.loavo Allentowttrai foHomf
. (Yls rRnKioumtHsiLnoiD.) -".For
1'hll.idelpula iet.LOlK), lt.Ma.BUf
and '3.10 1 to. - .
( . . SUNDAYS. .
For OOp.Be
"(Via EaBT I'bnk IlBAircn.).
For It'eaillns; srwl llarrlstmrgj 0 00, 1.Msr
mj JL(M, .s'lennu p. ra. t
Tr l.nncustef aud Uolutabls, t.00, S.l,
m., and 4 So p in,
For IlnfrlsburK. and wavnothuT t.tfL a..
9.1 S p. tu
Trains for.Allentown leave at follovn I
(Via I'SUKlOMBJt UillEOiD.)
Leave l'litttde lplila, 7.40 a. m, ad 1.MV
8i, ami t.itp.nnr ft
aiiNDAYS. ,
ravo l'Mlaeielplila.'t.SJ a. m.fsli, tM
t.110 p. to.
(Via East I'tffttfnnsjicn.i'e
Leave Iteaelln, l.Jo.rlO.lia. in,, S.00, t.M,
and nit p. m. ' '"
l.av ItarrUburK, t S, T.W, 9M a. tal.t
anel Loo p. tu.
L-.-avo Lancaster, 17.30 a. m., l.Oo and 1S.49
p. to i
Leave Columbia, 7.30 a.m. Lit .as! lie)
p. in.
trroui KIdk Street Depot,
Leave neaitlnir, VOOa. m.
Leave llnriUhura. 7 Oe) a. lui aod tOJ p.m.
Trails vla"l'crklomen llatlrosal." mark eel
thus () run to and mm Depot, Ninth and
Oreen streets, Philadelphia, other train to
and frum Hroael street tiepot
The J(0 and t.5 a. in. tralos from Allen,
lown.'anel the 1st ami M( p. ra. train from
I'lnlade-lpbla, via I'crleloie en Itallroad, harsi
mrougu oars io sdo rronri-niTRueipniE.
j. e. wootten;
(leneral Manager.
O.O. nANrOfir,
Uen'l Paes'r & Ticket Agsnt
May 27ib, lixi.
W.cstEiid Brewery,
Maucii Ciiukk, Pa.
Pere-Porter anil Laser. Bser
.Delivered all over the State.
October; 1881 vj-
Two Doors Uelow the " Oroselway'tloaisj
Dosler'in all I'sttcrns or Plain sod rintr
"Window Shadks,
Paints & Painter3r' eSupplies,
Bank St., Lcliiglitoii, Fa.t
Aro preparod to Manufaoture
Carriages, Uuggics, Sleighs,
Spring Wngon, &c.,
Ufovorydescriptlun, tu the most substantial
maimer, and at Lowest Cash Prices.
Itcpaliliiy Promptly Attended to,
April ii, 1833 71 Proprietors
is Mhsevon wont 1 lm
criatest ttirrntlin of ibnnel hre our paufc
nblue. i-'rnt lite. rut. J. V. liuAN, Orrcns.
burs. )ilyl7yl
Dividend Notioo.
Atalteuular Meetinir ot Ihe Illrectorsot
tho Flret Nalio al llai.k of l.ebliihton, I'a.,
a M-iiel Annual lllvldeial olTII Kt-.Kper cent
on Ihe Uapital t'lmli wis declared, payable
ou uud afmr July tub. 183.
W. W, HO IV MAN, ('ashler.
July Mi, 1SS'.
Estate Notioo.
n-tate or John W. Ilcbcrllnir, late ot tha
Itornuali of i.chliehtnn, t'aibon (lounty, Pa.t
deceaseel. Alt 4rsons Indehlcd to said estate
a nqui Jtiel toinoke linmedlale pajinent,
and thi-so liavloit leiral elulms aaalnst tha
same will present them without dflajr, -ta
proi er oreler lur settlement, to
AManiia . llKilr.lti.lNn. Executrix,
l.olilnhton, J uue 2, it W- 0
WnttaitAS, ray Wf, Lena Itackawack,
without Just cause, h s left inv bed and tiojriL
I would herehy nutlly Ihe publln that I will
not he respiinsihle fur any debts of ber con.
tractluir alter tl is dale.
Uatasauqqa, July 0th. 18B3.
ii:l u i. e.rn M itTt im nutu Taunnr,
sur emr l.i lit- f.r II at.iU O simtM Oun rulalwa. Sws,
hti -u t'lil ll.Jt, s.-rv..e. frfMlrall. hm
tr U um ot kli u ,ol er loUooe, VkkriilKM. at.nul Dm
,rMAii,a.i tiulpc ot Ik llitla r..IOii( la laualtr 4
ldlDS In mlM-re , S, aal dsaUi e rmtai 014 Al,
HirFiiiH, lettor f9t la altbar laTotaeiury I miij
a4 btwinMl rrheat eeeiird tr evrsrll..a r lb rlk, AHeisa im nvrr lu-ta Ktncfr. ItarhbuaenMUlBSoas meata-es
trr4tm.n1 tllat-s ur sis toxea fur fS,fraotbr mall rrat
Su pu ivralf 1 1 r r ie.
VS GUARANTEE SIX DOXE9 r,t-. W 't rirh ortlrr rfrcrlr.S b M Sie ftfa
buarr rroMej .Me I erltb 9S, w will fr.n,l Ibr prra4r
rlitva auarkkt Im rrlnu ! naary II lb tl-Mlaitut aaaa
a icH-rlare nnr.atrloyilr.alr by
eismii si hnui.L-ox, :ii-rfiti. ri.ri.irM.,r,
I T',. r.l.e.t-l ,...i.U. JihmI l'e.r,arr. Illramfrilstfrtr
cierri llHSrrtir, roa.ltpatl, hrilntll Skla. HUI44
.--iwli.ri uj rrori,,l ol tl !, UaarpfrM4 Swr
It'Ulji.a. riSIIER b. MENDELSQM.
H-II HT'-A.0
323 Itaco Street. Philadelphia, Pa .
Central Carriage works,
$1,000 J. M.
Honey yeacaqmakillli
Maps & Chirft
for 3 page caUloffut, fret,
AdJress, J.KSVj?."