The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 25, 1883, Image 1

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Tdvertisihg Rates.
XT desire It to be distinctly understood
. that na advertisements will be Inserted la
V Ib'si columns of TcaCUno Aovooats that
nijr be received from unknown parties or
Irrat .unless accompanied by the out,
Hi following ixs our orit wrms i
tne ysj, each Insertion....., 10 cts-
Bis months, each insertion 11 cts.
. rsThroe months, each Initrtlon. SO eta.
ba than three months, first inMrtlon
jl emh aubaoquent inMrtlon...... 14 eta
x Xdcal notices U casta cor Una.
, . H. V. MOBTniKEH, Publisher.
. rp a. sttYDBft,
ii..rvninr tunk Street rteakway.
-' " fad balldlogibors tbe Carbon Advocate
rrlatlDR umee.
Kay , .SSHsl tEnlOHTOIt.
. . . . . n ii it , trellTenv.nd
WHinmnaw'""""' " .
,$11 pwelKstaio. Conveyancing .lettlj done Col-
Mtloas prompur mw. i
deal e spatially. Ma? b. m.U.d In Knjllali
, a uermia. Ncv.iS
Physicians and Dentists.
Has Kemovedhls Offlaa and Raildenee from
Second St. to SOUTH Stree,ln tba balMlnic
formertv eeenpled by A J iiollknmatih.
whera-he-wlll b please-d to see hit friends
Vtad-patroni. ar OFFICE IK UHS 1 1 froio
6 to 0 o'clock P. M. March M.l.M.
Maybe consulted In tha Enirltih or Qermsn
Langeaxe. March 21, 1S8S.
B(wcUI atteallon pild to Chronic Dlseises.
OBeei loUiEaitforbrIroaiiuiSndti.,l
ktfhlon.Pa. Aprils, IMS.
B. EEBEIt, M. O.
'17. 9. examining Burgeon,
Oiricir Dank Street, Rzsn'r. BLOCK, Lehur.h-
OD, I'lU
M ay os consulted In the 0 errs m Language.
nor. i i.
B. C. W. BO WEB,
May ba eoniulted In lha Oarman or English
nmoi tiooilta Darling's Droit itore,
iAN K dt., Ihlghton. Pa. Jan. 11-yl
W. A. Oortright, D.D.S.,
OFFICE t Opposite tha "iroadway House,"
Mauch Chunk, Pa.
PatUnta hara tha benefit of tba latait Im.
praramanta In m-.bnlial appliances an I
(he bait matho Is nf treatment In all surgical
eases. HI Tltuua-Ui tuc aurnimsierea n
desired. If posiUde, paraons residing onttide
ofMaaoh Ohuntc. should maka aogaf mania
by mall. j)8v
Tha MJolna OompanUi ara Baptutatad:
' LCiMOIl FIIlbl.andtbeTRAV
Alao TanaiTlTanla and Matnal nocso Thiol
ataaiiraano in.uraaca vorapBuj.
UaxkSt., Lbiobto!, Pa.
Tha Oadbor Hot as ntfera flnwla.i aocora.
nodatloaa to tha Traxeitim publln. HoardlDK
br tha liar or Week on tl'Ai'Hiahle Teruia.
llboloo OlKr, Wlnei and i.louora alniy on
hand. UoadShecli and Stablei. w lib aiten.
lira lloittart, attaobej, April 10-yl,
Hl-lway batwaan Maneh Chnnk & trthlsliton
Leopold mezer, paorauToa,
Paakarton, Pann'a.
Thll well known hotel la admirably refitted,
and haa tha beitaceominodatlnni lor pnnan
ant and tramlenl boardere. Kxtellentiahle
aitdthararr beat ilqqara. Alto fine rtablea
atlaabad. bepi. 10-Jl.
Livery & Sale Stables
And poattiTaly LOWER PKIOES than any
other Uaory in the Oojnly,
Larf a and 'handaame Carrtacaa ior rjner'l
nrooeeaand WeddlDKi. DAVID EBBERT
Btrpeotlally annonne-a the jiiiMla that ha
haa opened a NEW I.IVBItV aTAHLB In
enneotlon with hta hotel, and la prepared to
fornUh Teami for
Funerals, WeMinss or BusinBss Trips
an ahorteat Botlea and molt liberal! arma. All
Bnfm lrt &L tk.on.phm Itmi.a will mmIh
prompt attention Stable on North S'reet,
next tha hotel, Laklgbton. jmntt-rl
S"itellraar U. H. and For-
aun Patents. Na. Iti 7th
Bt'eet, nor ero, opp. u s. faleat I imoe,
Waahlnglon, O. ('. rorreipondenea aollelu
ej. No cbeine (or adrlee. No fee ebarged
nltaa I'aient IS allowed. References. Lrwli
rhrsA (t Co., Kankera, and Poaimaiter,
"W;tblnVcn. I). O. Pamphlet of Iratraa.
Ilonafree. i dan a-ti
Weoldyoneora.tor.4t' ' "'-NpUAnhnnfl fl
mm a eljaklaul MkaVM. AAttiM.
H. V. Mortiiimer, Proprietor.
VOL. XL, No 40.
a assess
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No Patf nt No Pay.
obtained for Inventors in tba United States
Canada and Knrupe, at reduced rates. With
oar principal office located In Washington,
directly opposite the UnltoJ Statei Patent
Office, we ara able to attend to all patent
business with greater promptness and de
spatch and at lera cost than other patent at.
torneys who are at a distance from Wash
ington, and wbo have, therefore, to employ
"asjocbite attorneys." We make preliminary
ezamlnatlona and fnrnlsh opinions as to l a
tentablllty, free of charge, and nil who are
Interested In nw Inventions and ratrnta are
in .Itf d to rend for a eciuy id onr "(lulde for
obtaining Potent,," wbli h is srnt fre' M
any a'ldrops, tind contains conn lete In.trnc
tloru how to obtain patents and other viliia.
ble matter. 'A'o reTer to the Qerinnn-Atner
lean Natlonitl Hank WRSlilngtun. II. I), j the
Hoyal Kwe.ll.h. Morwrirtau and Iiai Ish L"Ka
tlon. at Wu-hlngtori ; lion. Joe. t'ney, late
tlhlel .lustlee U. S. Court of Ulaline; to the
Oltlolalj or the 1J. S patent Office, und to
Henatorf and Members of Congress from
eiery State.
Adilrens: LOT'13 BXOOnR fc CO., So
licitors of Patents nnd Attorneys at,L,e
Droll Uatldtng, Washi mihik. Ii. ).
Buy Your Spring and Summer
88 amib
Groceries, Queensware, etc.,
- AT
Old Post-Office Building, Bank St. Lehighton.
Dr.W-if (fVi-rf
Cures all diseases of tho Stomach, Liver, Eoxv
5ls, Kidnoys, Skin and Blood. Millions testi
Vto its efficacy in healinr? tho ahovo named
diseases, and pronounno it to ho tho
Guaranteed to Cure Dyspepsia.
Laboratory 77 West 3d St., New York City, Druggists Fell it.
LYKENS, DAuruiir CA. Pa.
Da. Clark Jonnsort:
Mybmlrwaa literally rovered wllh Tetter, ior wbloh I eon Id get no relief until I took
yonr INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP, wbloh has effeolnally cured in . 1 reeommenrt It blably.
Spring AnnoimceHieiit I
Ac, Ao. Oar Yeong Ladles and Uentlamen wilt find It to their advantage to give him
a eall before porrhaslsg elsewhere, as they will And tha BEST SELXOTKD STOCK ln
Oli DSt 01b BtiiDi, BAffi Street, LEHIGHTON
April It, Ittl l;
Hair Vigor
reatoraa, with tba gloaa and Ireaknoaa of
onth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rick
broiu color, or deep black, as may bo desired.
By Its rue Ufttor red hair uaybs darkaaad,
thla hair thlckeued, aoi haldnaaa oftan,
thoufh uoi always, cured.
It cUacks falllug or U hair, and ttlno.
latas a weak and sickly growth to rigor, tt
prerenta and cares scurf auddaudrnfi, and
heals nearly arery disease peculiar to the
scalp. Aa a Ladles' 11 air Dressing, the
Vjojr Is unequalled ; It contains neither o.l
nor dys, rejdsra tho hair aoft, gloasy, and
sllkon lu appearance, nnd Iraparu a deUoata,
agreeable, and tuuug )irfnma,
Mb. C. P. BrttcntB wrltu front Milf, 0..
Ju't 3, list i " Lnst fall lay hair commenced
falung out, and In a abort time I became
nearly bald. I nxd part of a bottle of
At'XK's Hair Viotm, which slopped the fall
tug of the hair, and started a new growth. I
hara no a fall bead of hair growii g rigor
ously, and au convinced that but lor tba
ue of your preparation 1 auoold bare been
entirely bald."
J. W. Bownrr, proprietor ot tho McArthnr
(0i) Jmulrrr. sajs:" Avnn'H IIaIkVioor
Is a most eicel.eut preparation for the Lair.
1 speak oMt from my own ciperleuce. Its
n,e proinotiia lUe grovrtU of new hair, and
makes It glossy and soft. The Vioun is alao
a sura cur for dandruff. Not trllli'.n iur
knowledge haa the ptaparation ertr failed
to give entire satisfaction."
Ms. Axooa FAtRDAtnx, leador of tbo
oelebrated "Falrbatru Family" of Scottish
Vocalists, writes from Ballon, Jjii., tb. 0,
1S30 trer since my hair began to aire all
tory erlilenco at the change which netting
time procuretb, 1 hare used AVJtR'a 11A1B
Vianu, and so hare been able to maintain
anacnenranoo of youlhf ulnesa a mntlerof
considerable consequence to mlulaters, ora
tors, actors, and lu fact every one wbo Uvea
lu the eyoa of tho public."
MBit. O. A. PRESCOTT, writing from 18 Sim
St., CkorUitncn, Man., April 14, lua, says :
" Two years a;o about two IblrJs ot iny hair
came off. It tbtuned very rapidly, and 1 waa
fast growing bald. On using Arrs'a HAIR
Vtoon the falling stopped and a l:ew groirth
eemrueuced, and in About ft month my head
waa comsletely covered with short l.eir. It
has continued to grow, and is now ns good na
before it fell. 1 regularly uied but one bottle
ot tha Viuiib, bat now use it occasionally as
ft dressing."
We have hundreds of similar testimonials'
to the efflcaoy of AVer's Hair Vtoon. it
seeda but a trial to convince the most skepti
cal of Its value.
Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Mass,
Sold by all Sragglsts.
A R W'PCS wantrd.tosell Edison's Mu.
.VJ-L,i 1 O IojI Telephono mid hdison'i
Instantaneuua Piano and urgan Ln.
close stamp (or ctalitu and lenns.
EDISON MUS1U CO., Pblldel hla. Pa
dec. J4-U.S.
iro other illjcftso L to rrevfticnt la U:L
.una ivcr ctiuaiicu. uo coteuruwxi Ui u4Ta
WOZl'r oa cure. VThatever ILe oaurr,
will ovcrcono It.
f?2 C ! Pr T1U3 dljlroMinfT com.
comTJlioatrtl vritU oouLt nation, l.itlaev.l
V.'crt itronsthKia Uie Treakeneal ra.t aud
phyoicUns andtnodlclDM hara hefm ft li
ed. IzrifToulaavoeitherofUietttrotibiap
Wmw 5
The nnlerslgned calls the attention
of his many friends and patrons to his
Large and Fashionable Stock of
Spring Goods,
Consisting of
Of every description and Style In tbe
Market, Including a special line of
Lady's Fine Shoes
Also, a full line or
Sun Shades,
Hats, Caps,
1 -
Trip lightly over trouble
Trip lightly over wrong)
We only make fgrlef double
By dwelling on It long.
Wiy clasp Woe's hand s tightly
Why alng o'er blossoms tleadf
'Why cling to forms umlgliilsf
Why not seek juy msteadt
Trip lightly oyersnrrow,
Though sll'tlie ways be dark,
Tlieaun may shine to niorrotv
And gaily sing the lark.
Fair hopes have nut departed,
Though roses may have fled,
Then never bo down-hearted.
But look fur joy instead.
Trip llgtilly over sadness,
8top not to rail at doom.
We're pearls to string nf gladness
On this side of the tomb;
Whilst stars are nightly shining,
And the heaven la ovcrhrad,
Encourage nut rrpiuing-
Bu t look for jo v instead.
SlrThomna Winston waa a widower,
nnd hla prtBent family oounUtrd uf two
diughturp, Bomewhoie belweoa e'gbtetn
anl hlr y, i.nJ a son. Thtro wete sev.
eral gutata besides ruj-telf nt Winton
hall Cnut. Seytnonr, n brother (Ulcer
of young Wintou'd with a EUSpected da
sire of formluK unother Irnterual comiec
tiiia with lum; 'Poddy O'llrian, ft sort
of Hoeinl OriuUtoo.'niitl othfis. 01 tie
fairer viitom. I need only mention one,
Ad D.irt. lor what rcuu of sound tuii.d
C3Uld notice ucy other (jirl when sba was
in the rooiu? Well, dipt, rjeymour.could
do so, bat thru lio was iufftlualed aid
not of Houud tniud suffering Irrut
yomigt-r llisa Winton cn the tiraiu in
act. It surprised raj very much to ste
the Ixuutiful Ada sail into tbedtAwirg
r out before dinner ou tha evening of tuy
arrivi.1. I bad uiet ber al u diutitr pr
ty and three built; I bad attended her
with gratelul humility throughout the
a hula of a piouic, and ber image rose be.
Ivro me rAtbtr more thuu liked.
I Cuuld not reuiuiu long by Lcr Bide;
the room was lull of stMugera, with
ntany of whom I bad now to finm ac
quittance tor the hit time, even tbu
ltilieaof the house being unknown to
.ma, I bud even luully paired off with u
companion, unci dluntr waa spoiled by n
p rpetnl dreud of apenking with levity
tif things she reverenced.
The place I coveted at tbe side of Ada filled by Paddy O liii'on, win
hud u wnniUriuI nud enviuble power f
showing puliteneks and apparent uttm
lion lo the general company while real
ly attaching himself to one aelected iu
iiividnnl. Bf re tbo evening was over I felt cer
tain that I had uo chance of "walking
over" fur tbe prize, ami also, that klie
i as wcith winning; lor P d y us not
the man to cotitt undowered biauty.
Indeed, be could not iiflotd ao romantic
n proceeding.
Wbeu the ladles retired, most of the
men repaired to the billiard room where
cigira were provided, bat tbe majority
wero tired nnd went to bed, early, leav.
lug Paddy O'llnau nud mj telf to Uuib n
"VM1," said be, as soon as were alone,
I an pose that ton I hao been
b ked here for the same thing."
1 Oh yes; tbu shouting, you mean,'' I
"Shooting! That's Ibo polito way of
paying ns. They want na to help turn
with their private theatricals."
Jh, the) 're eoiug to gtt up private
theatricals, are the?''
"To be sure, or you would never b.ue
been asked to Winton ball, nor I tlthtr,
taithl 1 got it out of Mil Dart."
Who will tell nt wbat ti do about
snenery, drtases, unit nil the little de
tails" said Mus Winton, when tbr
larnily touk the stage fevir badly lst
summer. "Don't jun know someone,
I have II," cried St Tbrrnai. "One
of my acqnuintancta is fcr-at on the
drima; at least ' lalke of nothing
eUe, and though not a Soiuuon, that
seenis lo be bis specialty."
' Bat is be prtsrutkbb?" asked Jnlii
Winton "Seymont's girl, jou know,"
"Oh. yra," replied Sir Thoruaa; "h
has pail up on his share, aud be as
pirates l.l b'a, aud he has really very
fine whlbkerk! "
' Shut up. O'BrlnLl ' said I. "Do not
foist offjour onn impirlrnincies upon
the innocent. And what were you asked
here foi?"
"To act, rf oourto. If Ithad net bscn
for my success lo Sir Lncins OTripgir
at Lidy SookV I might have gone bang
before ever I'd have been a gnrst in lli
elegant establishment. Oh, there Is tin
shirking Ibe trnlh with me, my boy; ao.
body does anything for nothing In this
There was undonbfedly a sentiment f
irntb at the bottom of tbla frothy ryni
ciam cf O'Hrian'a; for on the following
day the subject nf prlrate theatricals wrs
quietly breached In my presence by tbe
Misses VVn ton.
My Ihealticnl laslrs bad never Ted ted
me to lake a part in any perl irmtnce,
and, Indted, of the ladles anil men form
ine tbe present company, Ada Dart and
O'Briau were Ibe only two who wera not
about tn make their first appearance up
on any stage. Of course, these ixperl
anced roernbt rs took a promineut lead, tie
sides being nacess.rily drawn tpg.lber
lu a confidential way wbiob it was very
unpleasant for me to vilness. Jtah nay
and envy so alined my bile that I waa
inclined to regret the good old days of
duelling, when I might have picked n
quarrel with my rival, and so had a
chance of removing Mm from my patK
Bat ibe way in which tha odious Irish,
man knocked over phi aaai Is aud rabbits
and a particular snap-aboi, fired from tbe
hip, which na fatal to a woodcooV.fciccd
Live and Let Live."
me to own that there was a deep truth lu
tbe ingenious asstrtioo bo constantly fo
peated la neaspsper articles, that private
combat Is a "cowardly practice. "
Tbe fine old ball of Winton parlc was
to be our theater, aud it was my partica
lsr province' to take tbe beat advantage
of tho many natural facilities of the
place; to arrange about the scenery; to
Dud out what were tbe proper dresses for
the plays wo were to perform, elo and
Ada Dart, being the only persou whose
eouuU waa of real service In caso of a
difficulty, I was perpetually obliged to
appeal to her. intoxfeat
ing were those conferences, whiob, I con
fefcs, I prolonged needlessly; Indeed, I
nsed sometimes to get up a veXAtious op.
position to her wishes in order to give
our discussion a matrimonial flavor.
Helgb-hi 1
Tt,e ,'tiys selected were "The Belle of
Pet r nice," lollowtil by tbe farce ol
"Eyes and Nuse,"and the distribution c(
parts waa a wcrk fur Job and Solomon,
most of the company nt first declaring
their utter inability to tU tho eimples.
characters, Hnd cummg round gradually
to demanding the principal i&les. At
our first general meeting it seemed
doubtlul whether it would be possible to
cast the mildest aud lightest of pieces.
but st tbo end of a fortnight if Oihtllo''
could have been rewritten with three
HoorK, four Desdeaionas nud two lagos,
our, little company "had stomach, for
them' nil."
T n ...
iai ciiBi ior norteBCue, which was
too promineut a part lor my taste; for
bisiile tint, ou nuclple, I very much
prefer that other people should amuse
me to reversing that proctidiiig; I hsted
having so much to l.aru by htart.
In a little time matters beguu to run
smoothly nnd we had our first rehearsal.
I By tecalliug to miud the different actotb
i bint heeu in my part, and endeavoring
to imitate tiieui, I nioceeded better thuu
I bad anticipated, aud gaiued consider.
able Hpplue. But,' mid O'lliian,
"you must shave, yuu know. The idea
of Furteseue with thoso wbUkeia is too
Now, my whiskers were black, pin
ituut, Bilky, and had coot mo an infinity
ol trouble. It hnd taken five years of
oonstnut care and scientific training t
bring them lo their present state of per
fection. Auy one without experience lu
the mutter would scarcely credit the
amount kftimeand labor, not lo mention
the mere money, that I had tspruded
upon thoui. Litlle suft brushes, delicate
co.nbs, bottles of a peculiar oil, more
dcllcite thuu is ever used lor tbe head,
w ro nppriipriuieu 10 ttieir service.
When I iited tuy hair outter tint urttst
would deliberate ut least five minutes t.
lore bo could come to a definite cunclus.
lou npou tbe important puiut whether
he should take the "bends'' uff. Wbeu
I took my walks abroad and the breite
fluttered them over my shoulders, scorn-
ful indeed was the beauty whose eyes i id
uut light up with admiration us she pass
ed. Even envious mou were unable lo
wiihhuld their tribute of praise.
"Cheevers, my boy,' observed Eivers,
wbo has spent his own'forluue and is
looking out for u wife, "my figure is
twenty thousaott. but, by gad, if I l,ttil
your nbi.kers. I'd make it f.uixi'
You may judge my feelings, then
when it was seriotuly proposed that 1
should sbuve. I repudiated tbe notion
with a shuddering earnestness whiob
s.-uned touiuusesuma of theoompauy,
aud they all set to work to argue me out
of my objectiou to the sacrifice.
"They will growaguin," said one MUa
"I am sure Mr. Cbfevft's faoe would
look better without them' added the
"Yes; there is a particularly fine con
tour, which is completely hidden at pres
ent,' aid O Brian.
"How do you know that. Paddy?"
Contour or not." said I, firmly, "if
yon ouinot put np with a whiskered
Forlekcue, some one else mnt take tbe
part." Aud to, tbiit resolution I stuck
in splta ol flattery, persuasion aud satire
tor three daja, Aud I got it hot, too, nt
first ona and then another mala visi
tor was tried In my part, aud found
Oa the fourth morning after breakfast.
Ada Dart eipnssed a wih to learn how-
to play at billiard. O'Drian was not
in the room, and I seized the opportunity
uf offering my services, which were ac
'I am so sorry. Mr. Cheevers," said
she, "that yun cannot take the part oi
Forlesrna. Yon mnsl change with Mr.
O'Hriau; that is tba only way In which
wo can manage it. aud eveu tbnt will
1 oil the play '
"la 1 quite necessary that Fortear n
ahonld be wbiskeilen?" I asked faintly.
"Why, judge for yonrself; how woold
a powdered wig look with tbiro?
The worst of it is," she added, "tb. t
wben I undertook tbe tbe part nf Maria
1. ai with the sopprsitinn that yon
would be Furtescue," and she blushed
TLosewhoarenntrq'talnted with "The
Bella of Pvt'Ziiioe" runt be told that
Forliscne Is the lover of Maria, and sev
eral half ri uipim.', balf-luvlug scenes are
eoaoUd between them.
"Ilil yonr ow.nwn b li b hall in the
erect center, and rather 1 igb,'' I atam.
tnered, "and yon y'ti wnuM uot like
0 Brl thai is. any other fellow to to
to take that part, in fact.
I declare I won't atuwe r ynuP ahe
ctiert. .-Of coore, I know von. and
never saw moat of the other before, aud
sajh things make all tha dlQVr-nce. you
know. To bo kissed, eyen in make-he-I'tve,
by a mm ona baa e ea for tbe fitat
timo a week b.fore, makeuue fewl tierv.
ons. But there!" (At ibis poiul I want
down rn on knee.)
"Get up; there's some one comingl"'
tt vis ttit WlLton aat) Oapuin fy-
mour, wbo came just in time lo praTcnt
a formal offer, I want eff to my bed
room, lockwl the door, opened my dree
slug-ease, tonlt out sctasors and rixor.and
finished the dreadful task.
On my way down stairs 1 met Sir
Thomas, who stopped, stared, nnd asked
my name, lie did not recognise me,
Young Winton, who was always late,
was breakfasting when I entered tbe
morning-room. lie dropped a cap of
hot coffee over bis knees, and nearly
choked. Leaving him in bis misery, I
encountered a youug lady visitor, who
crammot her pockebbnudkerchlef iu
her month and fled. Bat it would be
tedious to recount tho effect I produced.
upon caob individual member of the
household. All, even the faithless Ada,
laughed at my appearauce, except O'
Briau, wbo looked upon my transforma
tion from a purely dramatlo point of
view. Others were divided as to wheth
er I most resembled a plucked fowl or a
reocutly shorn sheep, bat the Veritable
amateur paid; "Sure, be will make au
elegant Fortesoue," and stuck to that
view of the riuesiiou. The compaLy
soon gat nstd to the alteration, and the
dramatlo business now went as smoothly
as a band passed orermy cheeks. I had
tbe intoxicating privilege, the tantulizltig
element iu which was tempered by hope
of mukiug second-hand lota to Ada ln
daily rehearsals, till at last the day of
positive performance arrived.
We all knew our parts, but whether
we acted them well or not U is difficult
to judge; onr audionco was bound in
common politeness to be pleased, and
tbe flattering applause and profuse con
gratulations we received cannot be
couuted for mueh. At any rate, evert -body
seemed delighted, aud the whole
affair was voted Huccess.
Oti the morning follow lug the perform
nnee. I awoke early with a film deter
mination to turu mimio courtship into
earnest, aud force a plain yeB or no In m
her that viry day. To lie iu bod with
such a prickle iu the pillow was quite
Impossible, so I got up, dressed and
weut for a walk. Oa passing throngb
tbe gardou on my way back to breakfast,
I becsme aware that some one else was
also in high spirits, for a well-known
voice behind tbe shrubbery was singing
"The Pigs in the Murning." and on
turning tbe oornor of a path which
brought me into n little npeu dell, I came
upon O'Brian, .with his bat stuck on the
back uf Lis head, az-ctitiog a "pas stul"
to a vocul accompaniment.
"AM" he cried, ou siting me, "sure
yon Lave caught me making a fool of
mrsell. But it is a' good thing my
mother's only sou has doqa for me this
mrruiug. Congratulate me, my b'oj 1'
"Certainly," said I, fueling a little
aiokly. "What on?"
'I am going to be married to the
prettiest littles iingel that ever wore
boots, and haa a nice little sum all at
her own disposition into the bargaiu.
Whoop "
It was too true; he had stolen a march
upun me. I left Winton two hours af.
At present my whiskers are la the
blacking-brush stage.
General Puil. Sheridan, who uoaoni-
panies the President oa his Western tour
was asked the other day lor the origin uf
the saying attiibnted to him: "Illuwntd
hell aud Texas I'd rent Texas out aud
live iu bell." "It is true," be said
laughing heartily, "aud I'll tell joa bow
I came to say it, I was in Texas wbeu
civil war ws raging between the Meii
oins uudir Juarez and the French under
Maximilian. I weut dowu on the Bio with an understanding with the
American authorities to scare tbe Fri nob.
I was there engaged ln strategetio move.
uieuts inteuded to frighten Ibe French
lor borne dajs. Then wo rode to Galveston-
Arrivlog there, hot, dusty and
dirty, aft ra long da) 's ride, haviug liud
uo chajge of clothes turn week, I was
iut.gnt.ted witheverubing iu tbe world.
I stepped up lo tbe hotel register, wrote
my name, aud just then a mau spoke t
me and said. 'General, how do yuu like
fixatr'aud iu the intensity of disgust I
gave him fur an answer what you have
quoted. Next morning it was in the
Ualveslun paper, tho shortest interview
you ever read. The man I had talked so
irsukly to was a newspaper reporter."
'But there was one fellow," coutlnned
Sheridan, "who got even with me lor it.
lie was the editor of a hard little conn-
try paper iu a border oouuty. Ue copied
tbe sa)ing:
' 'If I owned hell and Teiaa I wonld
roi t 'l'ex.s oat and live in hell rnrr.
"And added for comment: 'Well, -
a man, anyhow, who won't a'jek np
for hlst own oonulrjl' lie did not neglect
to send me a copy of bis paper."
A Lung liUud newspaper atates that
uut a little scandal and amusrment re.
suited uu Sunday morning list from an
incident Ibat occurred iu the handsome
litlle churob whiob. is attended by nur
houored tnwnsniun.jlr. Charles A. Dana,
t tbe New Yjrk Sux. Tue murium! be
ing somewhat ml'ry Mr. Dana had closed
his eyes and committed bini-elt to pre
luiiud meditation. Tbe clergyman, tl e
R-y, Elms Piuwlckle, D. D., waa read
ing the first lessen, the fifth chupter of
Daniel, and bad just giveu tbe H brew
prophet's interpretation of the handwrit
ing ou the wall at B Ishnzzir's fe&st.
"Mene. rnene, lekel upharklu," when Ibe
couur-gsliou was surpised tu bear Mr.
Dana eiilatm: No, ni ; no such taint!
Wbat was written was, The BepuUlcatis
mn.t gol " lie waa adding, 'Turu tbe
raseala oull ' when Deacons CUpp and
MuFeatbers ejects 1 bun.
Two staggering and swaggering
Hungarian damsels, carrying a jng of
wnissey oeiwaeu unjnj.cive aoauelallicri
XohaUtown. 1
a Year if Paid in Advance
If not paid in advance, $1.25.
I rw girl come into a street ear the
Other d&lt wbo had, X Waj ready to bet.
made ber own dress, and bow nice the
did look. She was ono of tLc9 clean,
tilm girls yqtlseo now aud then, ifihe
Waa About ejgblceo years old, aud, to be
gin with, looked well-fed, healthy and
strong. Sic looked hs though she bad a
good sensible mother at home, llcr lace
and neck and ears and hair were clean
absolutely clean. Tu-re was no powder.
uo puiut ou tbe smoutb.ronnded cheek oc
firm, dimpled chin, uouo on the moist
red lips; uouo ou tbeshell-tlnted.but tot
too small ears, none on the bnudsomrly-
sat ntck rather broad behind, perhaps'
but rnnulug mighty prettily up into tbe
tightly corded hair. Aud the balrl It
was of a light chestnut brown ni.d glis
tening with specks ot gold as the arm
shorn ou It, aud there was not a smear of
oil or pomatum or cosmetio ou it; tleie
was not a smear sal ray about i', and not
a plu to be nu lu it. As the girl turns
iu aud took ber seat, she cast an easy,
ummbatrasned glauae around the
car, Irom it well-opened gray eye, bright
with the inimitable light of "good con-
dition,'' such aayou see in some band.
Bcme young athletes who are "lu train
ing." There were no tags aud enus,
friuges, furbelows or flattering ribbons
about her olcsely-fltting but easy suit of
tweed, and as the drew til one. glove to
look iu her purso for a small coin for.
fare, I uoticed that the gloves wero not
new, but neither were they old; they
were simply well kept, like tbeir owntr
aud their owner's hand, which was a
solid hand, wllh plenty of muscles be
tween tbe tendons, and with strong but
supple fingers, It would have looked
equally pretly fashioning a pie in a home
kilcheu or (elding a bandage iu a hos
pital. It was a hand that suggested at
tbu same time womanliness and work,
and I was sorry wbeu it found a flve-ceut
piece and had been, reglovtd. One foot
was thrust out a little upon the slats of
the car" floor a foot in n good walking
boot that uiiglu have splashed through a
miu storm without a fear of dump stock.
lugs, uuil au eminently sensible Voot on
a two and one half fuot with a high in.
step, a small round heel, and a pretty
broad tread, Tbe girl waa a ploturo frtm
bead to foot as she tat erect, disdaining
the support on Ibe la ok ot tbe seat, but
devoid uf all anpearmce of tlifiuets.
Perhaps the whole outfit to be seen, Irom
ber but to ber boots, did not cost $0;
bat I have seen plenty of outfits costing
mure thau ten tunes or tven twenty
nrues that, which did not look one.tentb
or even oue twentieth as well. If onr
girls only knew tbe beauty uf mere sim
plicity, cleanliness and health, and tbeir
Hs Grvxs Hm Yii.'ws oh Pastobal Va
cations W hUMUEtt 'I IUE.
"I see a treat in my of the preachers
of the large cities are getting reaciy to go
to the summer resorts fur IbeBiimmer,''
slid Herr liars Y igea's good neighbor lo
him last evening.
"Yes, dem fellows took it easy. Dcm
got a soft seat. In de winter dey pnt on
dem pig oaltgo iiighd-gnwns and sot on
a solt clair mill der grade fire at their
feed, nnd in der summer dey on de vater
places gone aud soft seat dere, too."
'Well tbey say they are worn ont
with labor aud most take a few mouths
'Dey vas vored.onds, eh! Dem moost
got easy vored cud. Der hardt-yorkirg
labor mans him voiks hardt six dajs in
n veek und dor preacher him torts not
hardt von dey In n eek, aud der labor
rains him dnn'd gntvered oud, Dotvcs
a helium a pizuess.''
'Well, tbey say the Ljrd calls tbem
to take a rest."
'Dot dnn'd Was so, Der Lirdt him
don'd Hulk to benpie down ber any more
for more as two donsaud years."
'That's so. Tbiugs chanced
greatly since then."
"I goul.l tolmile dey baf changed iu
breacberpizneis. Voi dtr Lordt was cn
dot gouutry bun was a bre sober ot van
ii breacber. Him valk mil his feet on
nud breach rlery day arouudt. und blm
don'd gut blm vored out. Ului duii'd lo
dem bigafaulliu's pig SiMtnga trunks
vater places go for to gut rest)'
"That is very true.'"
"Ill m vaa a tcherp-vatcher vat vas it
sohtep vatcher. Htm v.isno bnrapngger
scbeep vatcher. Him dou'd gone him
self avay iu de summer dime oud let der
scbeep took care lou demaeives, unit let
der volf -come (vhat vas der lellnl iu
breach d)k) uun rcLdesl avay dem
scteep. No-sir, B-ip. D. t v.iter plz
ness htm don't sas righ'd; nud I pet yon
dem kind breacber gut der liillul vhen
dey got examlnatinu drll mit der Lordt;
und dou'd it fornel ynn.1'
Iu da ryes oh de vw rl' luck uukes a
Ke ruin i.tjteu a loci.
.Da i 'a only a mighty short step 'twin
se flshness uu' dishonesty. It isstroo;
eelBiSnesK ilat makes a mail t.tial.
De man wid Ihinkiii' mind is neber
alone 'o-pt when he's in c nifiiny, an'
bus ueber lu company 'cept wbeu bo's
Do mai what dnan care to he credited
vtld tbe wi ik what be himself does, nln't
keen lo get credit ter oder people lur
what da do. r
Ton much 'prr'ance ken he laid ter de
pennies f de eye. D'ol is got a benp
blgg-r sye rWn de lot, but be sdu'i got
half as much sense,
De dlshonea' man often looks np w) i)e
Jj honest man looks down. Da sn nl
head ob wheat stands np straight, but de
real bead of grain beuds obei.
Woen a man wansttr nrnU sberv.
Iblog what bo says I'se sorter 'spioou.bat
wbea he wants lo bet oa eber thing B
av I Vnoww d.t hw'a a lur
Tha Carbon Advocate.,
An trrdepaodeot Xaxaflx KMets?3
Published evsry TODAY, La
lVehJghton, Caxboo. Oo.,P, by
iiAnriT r. KeRxiawKK.
Onvs-OA fir.Tr AT, short dtatfjia svet.
the Letyeb TalVay lb E-Cerot-
Terms: $1.00 carMium iibtwx.
mx Wesctnoa o rua a ct
Job. Printiit?
A saooctwtut strlkve occurred bea,
the Richmond night txpross train Mi.Me
a negro walking alone the trek Wbo got
re- glimpse of tbo toooraotlTw'4 hrad-liaiit
Jnst before being landed la Ut voodet A.
doten or two Jsrds from Ue rMd ifcaa.
"V de Lord' aaie, but. Wbo Stow. i
lantern at mef
Lawyer Dense has heceote!, n-
talner from a. Haw Belford. tytfttftbeaj.
nenca society, and haA prombted lo close,
every Illegal groggery la tbe city within
six mouths. So begins by causing tbo,
arrest of an active member ot bis own,
ohuroh for renting a building to all
licensed dealer.
ITotsricni MfKrdsc ArretftsxtT
The Chief of Police la IUrtford has arrte6
and effectually brought to a atand still that
old otlender,"Craxips." "CramM" waa
known to the Isillce" for a lunir timet In
fart, the chief had htm Id hta bowels.
"Crsinru" came unelDectedlv and at Innoa.
Veuient limes, with severe grlptnga sod"
neuralgic pi I tis. t'tstr Davta'a Pais Kii.
tr.a piuieu to be inure than old Crsnun'.
nml i stand. The noluriotis villain surrend
ered, ana scan jwieriged blmself beaten.
What kind, of, blasting p0w,de H
Used to explode an Idea?
-A laughing "stock'' The colls of
our great granddaddtea.
A man who breaks bis Word The)
A. stirring motlnn-s-Emolion. Ibex
keynote to success B sharp.
Is a mushroom city built with toads'
To find a man's standing In society
get lbs size of bis bank acoounb
Safe blowing Xhe. challenge ot
American daelis's. .
Da you wish a beautiful complexion?
Then use Ayer's Ssrsspsrilla. II cleanses and
purities the blood, and thereby removes
blotches and pimples from the s.kin.making
it smooth and clear, and giving it a bright
and healthy appearance.
- i
An American artfat has succeededla
drawing a breath as natural as life.
Water is a boss summer, drink, bat
don't give It away to tbo milkmen.
"Come in out ob, (Ut hot sun, y c
Lafayette! De fust ting you know yon'll
be burnt as black; aa de nigger de next
A little knoll-edga Is a dangsroc
thing In turning a, sharp corner with sv
heavy load.
This is one of Ibe best mottoes ever;
followed: Never trouble trouble until
trouble troubles ynn.
As a euro for Iletrt Disease, nervous.
ness and ileeplersness. Dr. Graves' Heart
negutator is unsurpassed. 30 years trial
prove It. $1. per bottle at your druggist.
A friend in tbu suberba has a gam
of a aervant girl. Her latest achieve
ment was to use pain-killer as a flavoring1
or ice cream. She bnildsd better than.
she knew, atul.tba antidoto for the atom-
aoh-acbe were dish out at the same time.
Aud yet tbe Ice cream was not snob as,
one would wish to partake of more tbao
When travelling on a railroad it it
said that lying with tho head towards thai
engine will often cure, a- headache. A,
more.effectiye remedy is to lie with the
bead ou tbe railroad track in front of art
engine. The latter recipe is warranted or
the money refunded.
There are few things so Irritating Iq
this life as lo wait half on bonr for yonr
adversary at checkers, and then haver
bim look up, as just aroused from a
nap. and stupidly iLquire, "Whose move.
U it? '
Florence, Ga. Dr. W. B. Prstoer, ssytj
" Brown's Iron flitters hsye given satia
faction lu every instance I have known is
used "
The whistle cf a locomotive ls.hesrd
3,300 yards, the noise of a train 3,800, ,
yards, the rrpoit of a musket and the
b.ukofftdog 1, BOO yards, tbe roll of,
drum 1.G00 yards, lbs croak of a frogfeOO
yards, and a cricket's chirp 800 yards.
The cry of the next door neighbor's baby
can be beard more'n u mile.
"Gjod-morulng, John," said one ef
the leading Presbyterian pastors In
Scrauton, to a young friend whom be
net ou the street the first warm day of
tha season, ''how docs tbe old man stauc,
the beat)" Tbe young man made no ye
ply, but weut bis way with a clouded
brow. Aud when tbe good pastor learned?
Ibst theyoang man's father bad died only
a week befoio, be understood wby hi
oordiul greeting was met so coldly.
SirNo woman really prrfiilvifoiiflrny'
unless the uses the Diamond Dyes. Msny'
dollars rsa be saved every year. Ask Ihn
An old miner was shown a bag of
temples by a prospector
nud asked what it would run.' He turned
tbe specimoa over, held It np by tba
light, and enunciated: "I should say that
it yon cin save the ctid iu tbli and catch,
the silver, and but w.ste the lead, it
miglitiuu uboat well, about S3 to tha
A boaater iu a hotel was tailing of tbe,
many sections of the ooantry that he hart
th-ittd. A tellotf at hi.i elbow asked,
"il.veyou you enr been in Algebra?
"Ob, yes.' eaid tbe boaster, "I passed,
through Ultra on the top of asUgo coach
iibont a yenr ago "
Jj'iok to your fire escapes. Id other
worda settlo your debts and p.y your;
Ye.u can ntver rely npon aa echo.
Dock not Shakespeare n oak ot the cave
where Eeh i lies?
Beer diink-rs are hereafter to know
all the iugivdicnts nsed by brewers ln
the bsewing ct beer. There foiros on.
dar wbichthe breaeraare to report ttbe
coll otors re quire a sworu montbW atala-.
went of all de alls on (be sabjeot, and
th penally egaluj.t fraud Is heavy enough
to nuke it very tlanguona.
. Bfai, Spuet. Fl-beriaan: "Get any
sport iu this stream. Fair" Fat: "Indeed
we do, sorr the o' sport, sou; we.
liwsje titan the ImUi2s la tbeze, sou,'