" Original Cheap Casli Store." Ceiree Ollgnre, Inside foreman at ilia Mthtnoy City Colliery of the P. & U. com iany was badly turntd about Ui hands and face by an explosion of sulphur on last Wednesday. Best make of Ilorso Oar tarns assortment efLftdlet Two But. tan Kid Uliirel. In eolori and In Ulaek, ;Xr.".Vrr.r.C.tnr Shoo Nails for 20cta a pound quickly, these icoodtere Brit ela.t n erery , jjy thO.bOX at J. Is. (JabCl'S. ran-ect and Ilia tieok II complete In Uolor . J ........ I'JcV.I. -The Wllkesbarra Union Ltader tnd.lh nd -Sliei, Our Shirt Bargain ! Rteord of the Tima have advanced their price iif subscription to $2 00 a year, claim- We hare at M ceatl ft Perfect Flttlnir. tnz ttiat n e-iuxl- paper cannot be produced White Shirt, the former Price or tuitauiri was Ttets. Our Best Sblrt at t.lo laundrled and on laundrledetBSctiUs made or Ilelt Mnslln, three ply linen bosom ate relnrorced and carefully UnUhed and felled aeams. We were never able, heretofore, to soli this sblrt for less than l.S5, and that ta the price eje where to-day. SSSi Srr'L&l J. T. NDSBAUH. June J, lmO y I Wit 6xUx guUwt 8ATURDAY, JULT 28, 1883. Our Neighborhood in Brief. Allentown has 18,000 Inhabitants. Charles Weits, ofAlden, was In town Monday. Watermelons have put In tbeir appear one in town Miss Lulu Zchner, of town, spent last Monday in Allentown. The army worm haa, made Its ap pearance In Lehisjh county. James L. Doyle died at Eatton on Bal UrdaT from the elVeettof a 111. The Lehish Valley Kailrneil Company hops at Weatherly glveemployment to 700 hands. The "free lunch" at one of the saloons In town on Saturday evening was generally patronised. gullsndr Lunch Boxes, fur sale at llnek's Jewelry store, opposite tho Carbon House. Nibs Clara Harlman, of Allentown, Is the guest of Misses Ida and Ella Clauss, on Bank street. Elward McKurskav fatally jured while trying to board a train at Unit ndaiqua, Lehigh county, on Friday. Marvin Kunti, of the firm ol Kunlz Urn., tanners.was In the coal regions during the week, on business for the firm 5uROSEiEnY'8 Boss Barber Shop, In OUrl's building, Rank street. Give liini n call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Misses Bower, Bradley and Scliwarli re visiting Misses Lollie and Oussio Clauss, va Bank street. Au enterprising young man In Telford offers to wager $10 that he can drink one huudred glasses of lager in ten nnn'iles. Search Is being made by the Lchigl Valley Coal Company for the Shenandoah vein n Lorust Mountain, ho luck yet, -Calvin Williams, a ritison of Wilkrs faarre.riieil "at Harvey's Lake on Thursday morning ftwm b second stroke of paralysis. The Tamaqtia Liw and Order Soiicty nroikises to prevent ice cream and soda water dealers from dnlng'M.ii" on Sunday, Frank Becker formerly employed this office, but now of the Ttlcgrnm, ol Al lentown, was in town during the week nn droped in to see us. ffl-An increase of Cbvks Watches an Jewelry at Hacanian'a store and a der.lln In prices, rims ran aim see aa wo " ni false slatements in advertising. Samuel Lyman', employed on the Le- high Valley Railroad at Ilaslrton, had Mi back injured by falling from a car on Mini day. The machine shops of William ICrauss, at Germansville, Lehigh county were deslroyed by fire on Thursday of last week. Lots $3000; insurance light. Twenty-five of the thirty-Bye. bla furnaces In the Mshanoy and Chenango valleys are In operation, producing 2000 tons of metal a day. too-Fur Sale, an illustrated edition the llisiory of I he United States, four large iiclavo volumes, will ne sold cneap. ru particulars call at the AnroCATK nflioe, At Slatinglon the llynll Company will oon be in operation and when all the mo chinrry la in place, it will represuutau nut- lay or $150,000. Whila Llxiie Kiwh, or Ten Argyl, Northampton county, was blacklne: a alove on Friday with tureiitine, tho liquid look fi re and she was burned to death. Lewis' Best White Lead at $7.00 a hundred at J. L. Gabel's, lor cash. There is an old man in Cole's Patch Mahanny City, who will run any man ol liis age in the country ten or twenty miles. He Is in Ms seventy-fourth year. The Philadelphia and needing Coal nd troll Company will lake charge ol the Lehich and WilkesUirre collieries, both ii. the Wllkesbarre region and at Auiletiriril. .J-j?-. lost. received" at Bock's Jewelry Store, nun. Ibe Carbon Home, another im mense lot ol Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which will be sold at uollom prices, Of the dosen Telegraphic Brotherhood operators of Allentown only one Is en ployed directly by the Western Union Co , nd he has not yet gone on a "strike." Chester Tutlle.otie of the oldest citizens of Wllkesbarre, and formerly a prominent politician, died at Huntsvillr, Luzerne Co., last Tuesday, aged 78 years. Henry Fultuer, of Easlon.hss expend, d $10,000 in removing lap at his Pen Arg vl quarry, and on Monday last commenced the manufacture of slate. Ss-H yu wanla nice smooth,easy shave your hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz, lloederer's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho tel. He will tlx you right, and don't you forget it. - Peter Whitehead has challenged James Cunningham, of Calasauqua, to run 100 yards lor $J0-a side, provided Cunning ham aivea bini one yaid start. Whitehead is ready. The American AarUultuiitf (English or German dition),and the CinhON Anvncat will be sent to any address on receiptor two dollars. The price or the JjriW.unst1 1 $1.60. fr-Golo llageman's store, Lehlghlon Pa., to set the leadn: genuine Alnericar watches: as he deala m none of the firoicn imitation trash with which the (wnplo Iiuvu baen ao extensively ewindicd. Mr. Frank Claust representing the firm of Clausa Bro., at their branch store i Great Bend, is home on a vacation oft weeks. Frank looks well aid reports bus new good. George Kilmer, a German bakrr,robbed his room-mate last Saturday of money and clothing. In making his escape from lb city he was run ever on the railroad and horribly mangled. A grand family excursion will be mad to Ocean Grove, August 3, Icrtbe benefit the Marion Hose Company, No. l Mauch Chunk. The Marion Band will attendnd The camp meeting at Cherryyllle will Ootttp from LeMgh Gap. eonyeue on Aug. 30. The 10th inst., brought us an nxcur- There Is talk of a printer's picnic to lion of seven cars full from Allentown, got- Olen Ouoto. The entertalnmeut wont ten up by the Lutheran congregation of 6lh collapra for want of p'e, ! street, and the excursionists enjoyeil them- An Evangelical ramp meeting will selves to the fulleit extent la u very beoum- open the campaign at Llnderman'a Grove Ing manner, Wlitten expretslyforlheOiaaoR Adtocatsj Tie auditor had examined their accounts J priy.ously and had approved them More- . Our Lay Sermon. on August IB, and propose! to continue up ratl'ins for about ten days. The 14th brought the colored camp meeting to Lower Lehigh Gap end It was( Laild Plaster for Sale bv continued up to the night of the 2M. This or ton at J. L. for leas than that price, 431. E. F. Luckenbsch, Broadway.MaucU Chunk, la now opening for the inspectioj of his friends, the largest stock of new deslgut n WALL TAPEUS ever seen in this cuuu- tr, and is selling at very lowest prices. John McGrath, a picture frame dealer f Philadelphia, msde four unsuccessful at tempts to com in it suicide at Easton on r ri ay night by cutting his throat and drown- ng. tin had been unuking iieuti,;. Ready mixed paints at J. L. Gabel's for 1.25 per gallon. pS3 I havo now on hand a lot of Light Single and Double Buggy Harne'a and Heavy Team Harness, which i will sell at a verv reasonable price. Any style made toonleron ehort notice. Tours, Ao Milton Flort. Weissport, Ta. Pure Linseed Oil, at J. i. Gabel's, G8 cents per gal- od for cash. Forthe Sdaysending on the olh Inst., there were -15,675 tons of coal shipped over the Lehigh & Susquehanna IUl, making a tola! for the year to that dale ol 2,3SS,10I ins, an increase! as compared with same titno last vear of 178,M tons. 10d. to 4()d. nails ot J. ;. Gabel's for only $3.10 per eg. Locks $2.w5 per doz. The Lehigh Slate Quarry, al Slating ton, is to be operated by a new company, the Lehigh Valley Slate Company, with a capital of $100,000. The proM.-rtv consists ol a large piece of land, forty houses, two stores, offices, shops and other buildings' nnd is qtiito valuable. SuTKLKPnoNK. "Hellol hello 1 1 Who a It Marv ?" "Jennie, I did use Horn's Telephone Liniment lor my headache, it cured it in less than tell minutes. I would not be without it. It is the king of idl liniuieuls, nud thank you, Jennie, for recommending me such u good UHNl'ine, Good bye I" For the week ending nn the 21st inst.' 1 1,7,787 tons of coal was transjiorled over the L. V. ltlt.. making a total of 3,813,bS6 tons to that date, and showing an increase ol .19,397 as compared with sumc time last tear. - A young lady, sister of Mrs. Otto Brinn, ol the Diamond Addition Hotel llueleton, was violently assaulted by an unknown limr. nn Mnniluv Avpninir while ier way to Harleigb. She screaiiyslff loudly andoine passers-by approaching he I ..ir.- . I. I A new industry, which will bring 100 skilled workmen to Car's Rock at once, will be started at Lackawaxan in a short time, It will take the form of a large mill for planing and sawing blue stone aud for mak ing scroll, flower, cornices nnd all sorts of irnainentol work in stone. Miss Mary Packer, only daughternf Ihe late Judge Asa Packer, !:as had the electric clock of the Lehigh Valley Railroad offices at Mauch Chunk so connected with the chimes of the St. Mark'a P. E. church that tho clock now strikes thehuuraon bell several squares off. vrn.A small man on Cottace Hill ex plained lo hia liltle ila'jghler that tUe days in summer were longer than in winter he cntiso heat made everything exianH. But he could not exnlain the length of the nighta in winter on the rania principle, Could he explain whv D. S. Bock, opposite the Carbon Ilnuxe, i-rll belter watches than can be bought elsewhere for the came money, The corps of engineers engng-d In eur veyinganew railroad route from Blooms burg into Sullivan county, along Fibbing Creek uud across Ihe North Mouutnl i,have returned slated with I heir success. They found an almost direct route over the mountain at a grade of about sixty feet lo e mile. Lumber and coul were louud in rge quantities. The Bethlehem Strel Works, after a ree weeks cessation of labor, are about lo esuine work. 100 Coal and Iron no I ice- en have been sworn into tho service of e company Tor the protection" of tno work men ana works. Several furnaces have I reaily been fired, and it is thought that ilhers will soon follow. A conflict is ex lecled. It Is rumored thatthn Lehigh Valley Railroad properly is "wanted, by Vender bill. President Gowen.of Die Philadelphia ml Heading Railroad Co., visited Maurh Chunk an Saturday last and was closeted the greater portion of. that doy with Presi ent Packer. The president of the Resding&n then returned to Saratoga and since thalsL line has succeeded In bringing Mr. FaeKr "Wking p nd Mr. Vanderbilt together. At Easton, nn Monday, Judge Meyers refusrd to grsnt a new trial to Sebssto Dal- i-rsoridro who was convicted of the murder I Phillipe Petro, Counsel for the defence Urged as a reason for his application for a new trial that some of the jumnen had been influenced by hearing a sermon nn Thou nha It not kill." The Judge consid ered that the jurymen had uot been so In fluenced. Mrs. Goodwin, n high art dressmaker. haa been stopping at Ihe Franklin House Easton, for tho ast lortulght. She disap peared nn Saturday evening with a consid erable sum or money in her mssesiin,pro cured from girls she was supposed to ill struct, aud with a very handsome number of debts. Her transactions are raid to re semble cln6lv tlmso of a woman who got away with $IQ00 at Elmlra, recently in the same line of business. On Saturday a great mystery was solved by a parly or hunters who found a female body under a tree, to which it had for many days been suspended, near the County Almshouse, Poltsville. IndentiS cation by the features was imsible, but a diamond ring on herQiigeraud a peculiarly made shoes ppived her to be Mrs Gensberg, if Si Clair, whose strange disappearance we noticed week before last in the Am o- The difficulty between the Bethlehem Iron Company andttsiuen remaina com paratively unchang-d, though a large sum tier of men returned to work last Monday, Tbe association men are working hard In keep nun from going to work. The non union men also hold meetings. Dr. G. B. Linderman, tba general manager of the company, replying to an inquiry, said 'The majority of the stock is held by three men aud ! know their unalterable determi nation as well as 1 know my own, that Ihey ill never submit to Jarretl't dictation, but the barrel Gabel's. , Roy Haldcman, the ten year old bright and promising boy of Elliott Haldcman, of Braiubridge, Lancaster county, was drowned white bathing Tuesday afternoon. Tho directors of tho Thomas Iron Co., declared on last -Thursday, a semi annual dividend of i per cent., payabti on and alter August 1st. The general af fairs of Ilia company are In a satisfactory condition. The miners' accommodation train nn the Northern Central Road Momlay night atruck and Instantly killed Jacub DirdonuT, miner, returning from hia work to his Unuie at Shamokin. He was about lorty years old and leayea a widow and seven cbltdnyi. I Three persons escaped from Ihe Sun- bury jail on Thursday, They loosened Ihe stones in the cell walls, using a case knife and broom handle. Verily the p ct was rl iht i 'Stone walls d not a prison make." The children of Ihe Lutheran Sunday school are in have uti excursion to Cih pso Island soiiie day soon. The exact date has not ret heeu fixed, but full notification will be given in our columus. The night operators on the P. .t N. Y.i itivMon oftha Lehigh Valley railroad, from Filtstou lo Woverly, recently received an increase, of ii a mouth in their wages. The men all lelt their resignations on their desks one moruing, aud, as we ale informed by au exchange, the "raise" followed. 'Ihe 4UUlh anulveisary of Martin Luther's birth was celebrated un Wediies- lay at Ittiiert, two miles from Diooiiuhurg, by tho Lutherans who live uloni; Ihe north branch of the Susquehanna. Tho memorial jubilee was tbe largest ever held in that sec. inn. The crop reports from districts around S.ienauiloah show that Ihe outlook in gen eral is fayorable. The only serious damage as yet hasapiieured iusuineofthe Ionian especially in the Mabaiitaugo Val!ey,where wheat is weedv and sickly on account of too much wit. Corn is very promising. Ap ple, however, are a failure. This is the season for excursions lo Mauch Chunk. On Tiierday there was one from Brooklyn; on Wednesday, crowds poured in Iroui Hazlctou, Boston, Bronklyu, New York. Newark nnd Elizabeth, u 11 pats ing over the Lehigh Valley railroad. On Thursday there were excursions from Polls ville, New York and Brooklyn. Our new hand in Lehighton is getting Rng'0 K." The menihers have secured the uble services of Professor Brooks, the successful instructor of tbo Manch Chunk Bind, and it isexuected that under the w.ilctiful eye, mtifestical wand and loicthle tongue of the "master," we shall hac plouty of music "as good they make Vni during tile coming moniha. , Five now traveling cars are being built f.ir Hie Lehigh Valley Company at the shops iu South Easton. They are fitted ti elegantly with all the requirements lor Ins ury as well as comfort. Their iieiuca are le lat Switzerland, Lehigh, SiiFquehaiinn Wllkesbarre and Yomlng, and the baptism al service will take u'aco in a few days when Ihey are quile ready lor the road. The store ot Montelius and Righters,at Mount Carmel, was broaen into ou Thurs. day night by some burglars who, haying tri'd in a iciesslully lo break open the safe, "eloped" with almost idOU worth of dry gools. They were followed by officer Knlne and, as the pursuit become loo fa.t, they dropped Iheir burdens and lired at Ihe ofli- or. Both bundles and officer are safe, but the fugitives have not yet been discovered William Giskle mid Morgan Franlz were srrested Tuenljy evening for "cussid ness" which resulted in serious damage to the Glovers' Collier-. They had visited the place on the preyieiis evening, andahaving abstracted some Danlin powder from the engine house, confined it in an iron pipe and .xplodcd it. A piece of the iron was driven through the stuck and damaged the outbuildings. A pamphlet husjnst reached the Anyo CTK office which explains whit we have long deBired lo know the bucccss of Ihe "St. Jacob's Oil Remedy." By a system ol judicious advertising this wonderful mcdi cine has come to demand not only a inoi.u factory aud nrmy of distributors, but to re quire for its own special use, and Ihe pre pa ration ol its notices aud pamphlets In twelve diflerent lunguagrs, the finest print ing and publ'shiug buildings in Hie City of Baltimore or the blale of Maryland. w1 The school directors of Franklin are reparations to erect a new school building on the hill back of Weisiporl- There has been remarkable progress in edu catioual matters in Franklin within the last year. In the fori) part of the year the directors raised the salaries of the teachers to $35 per month and introduced a uuilorm series of text books. It is lo be hoped thfit the neighboring districts will follow the example. The people of Franklin appre ciate good schools. The excursion for children of the Ro form Sunday school haa been fixed for Sal, urday, August 11th. Necessary information cm be hau liy reference to the "tmsters ' which are all about town Ihisoughtto ba tbe most agreeable, as it will certainly bo the most entertaining and useful pleasure trip of the season from this district. Ills not every day iu tbe year thai children mav hare the run of ihe &Niloiztcal Garden. under the guidance of kind aud cultivated jetpla who will enable tbeiu to acquire mure kuowleugo nf natural history In a day than Ihey might otherwise gain in a life time. Rov. F. K. Bornd, who recently gradu ated at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, haa accepted a charge in Lehigh county, and will enter upon his field of labor in a few weeks. The charge is said lo be a very agrerable one. Mr. B., has also had tho idler of several other fine camp meeting wad quite dilfeiant from the camp meetings hold by Ihe Evangelicals, mere ueing now aingiu icuhpu A simply a kind of a pulpit facing aoine aeols, couslrucied for the occasion, on tho ground, with planks. The colored parties, repre senting the" "good workers" in Christ', rause, slept and boarded at the hotel. This parly consisted mostly of two, somelimea three, and on Sunday week of lour adult males, colored. The baud or singers con sisted of two colored young ladies, one col-1 ored young man (about 18), a little colored boy of about 12, and a lady as while as most or our Anglo SaXous.biit a descendant from one while and one black parent, and an old New Advertisements. vhlch appeal ahould , D , Ds-ons-l rt Uim Tho . i ui a uiauu uu niuii over the thlny dayr,in have been made, hail already eispsed funda In question had been approprlatt-.! .iwomen Me ft neocrsary erll," he said, lor school books for vraut pf which tr.a bringing down his Ust herd on the counter to school children had belabored under I erapiuUito the heartiest remark. 11 was In most aerimia disadvantages. On aiinearlnr the village store t Mel Milton. Haratogft before the 'Squire a hearing vras waived ana each defendant gave SI SOU bail to appear when called upon. We trust that the question "whether schools shall or shall not have requisite book.T" may be decided l.t this Important case. Our opinion is that the whole matter la more of a persecution tbsn a prosecution. Coal is being shlpjied over the Lehigh A Susquehanna Railroad to Ihe utmost opacity or the line, all the freight crena now making extra time. colored woman, said to bo the mother of the "The moving Finger writes, .nd having minister, Iho two young lady singers, and Hovea ntii nor all vo6r po ly and wit thu little boy. There was also another Can lure it back locance h'lfaline, .. . v..- .ii . . , . i ..en m young colored man in lueir company; ' jm ware wan ous wu is. whether he belonged lo them or not I oiui-i iueaoove lines, translated uyan eminent not sa v. The way this camp meeting by oriental scholar, were written by a Persian these colored aople is brought on and cor- poet mofe than five hundred years before rled nut, strikes some of our people a little the birth or Christ. They sum up with strangely. Most of the people hero do not great force and Kello excellence the very approve of it, while some greatly do. The prosam but appalling fact-thai no human leader or manager of the camp, got sixty creature can recall a word spoken or undo lollara from Win. Winlere lor keeping the . a single act of life. There are uniform stands on the cround, and board fur him ami his whole crew, during tho continuance of tbe camp meeting. At each service he took up collections, and ho Is a sharper a1 that business. After counting the money he reproved the audience for having given a very small collection, and implored tbeui tngiye htm a llttto more, lor be could not possibly meet all his expenses, unless the people would help him more liberally, an 1 so immediately sent his collectors around again. This custom lie seems to carry out ou nil occasions, as we have attended his meetings two Sundays, and nn Saturday nielli, sn, I uu each occasion this was repeat ed. On Sunday ultvrnonn, 22d, the first tiino they (nsred the hats around for Co u tributi they brouehl him til $J.04,ainnng it a shiner (silver dollar) as bo called it but as it was four cents more than a dollar, he said il was rather odd, und he would soud bis collectors around again for ninety six cents more, ao as to make il aix dollara. Ou briugiug their hats again he found tbe utidicnca had given him again $1.13, und thought il was as odd again as before, but as the balance was on the right side, he would leave it as it waa. Iu this way he coaxed a good deal of money out of the audience. At no service was a colleclion taken for any missionary causo or any net of charily other than simply lo aid him iu defraying his ex penses to hold this camp meeting. He says Ihe sincera were hired at so much per day, (Irt.m 51) cents up), that they cost him five dollars a day, and the preacher he had here ou the lilh had charged him ten dollars lor his services. Repeatedly he announced thai olher singers,or another minister would, be 1'iesiMit and nfliciate.but at the appointed time tiiey failed.exeepl on Sun. 15. Sunday ofleirfiou, the 22nd, lie introduced a cotordd preacher of EjsIou. whose name I could not catch, whom musl of us believed to be a stranger. in the lineol preaching. However what he said was good and in its place. Tne band of singers was always the. same; whenever I was present. Tho same dUpp- poiiitmenis happened during their' Camp meeting held al Tracbsyillo, as I am in inriiieil, Mr. Hull', as they call hlui.the manager is a very able talker, and so was the old gentleman who preached Sunday 15lh, bul whether bis hearl uud soul are'us sincere as his Words, is a question, which remains to be answered by the Searcher of huaiia. Calculating boarding, amount re, cvied lor stand, and collections, Ihey car ried out ol this neighborhood, and liom others represented by people unending, uot ,esS than JIJU. lithe llllllleters of our dll lerenldeiiotiiinatioiisheru istuLlisI.ed, should ark litis amount lor missionary purposes or olher charitable cause, tne people would cal thoiu money -crazy beggars, Their next camp winch he aiiiiouuci-d, would bo held a Slate Dale, Lehigh couuty, itiiiimeucing llis Saturday, Julv 2Slli They repieeeul no sect, bul the manager iu bla demonstrations fully agrees with tbe Evangelicals. Then why not join 'hem am! slop llus money ex trading biiiness,siiiiply to delray llieirnun expens. sT lie reminds me very much Will Wuuiiinaker, the temperance war h.rse. On August lllh, the Lutherans of tbe Lehigh Valley, will hold their annual Sun. day school convention here iu the beaulilul para, which no douht will again bring a I... ..1.1.. ,..nult.n. rri..,a u-.i, ..op loiiiantio Lehigh Usf. is constantly visited and kept liyely. Cny boarders Irom Ihe large cities uie plying Hie uoais on our waters, and tiyiug to regain their health. Farmers in this vicinity are about done harvesting and baying, while further up towaids Monroe county, they bate quite much In do yet. Tho oat aud corn cups look iiroiuisiiig, while much talk is going ou that the polulo crop will not prove to he loo sale, on accnuuloi wet weather, causing thei;i,already to rot. By the late heavt raniaour mads have been made very rough, and our supervisors will uu doubl have to spent! .note uu ihe ruuds thau they nulled paled. Our little neighboring vlllago Anuashi- cola has u photographer witinu its limils, and no doubt a great many will hake their pietty little gems taken. Our neighbor at present cujoye good health, except a lew adullaaiid children who are aullering some what Irom dyseulery. Joseph Souders lor upwards of twenty years blacksmith lor J. ami W. Cralgjind la'iely lor John Craig, lias quit working lor the same, and is at present engaged in the same liaae at Vtaiuuiport, lor Mr. Crash. Thomas Wenli.of Aauasbicnla, a grad ual? of Ihe Slate Normal School at Kulz own, will open a select school at that plce, lu a lew weeks. br. iuux NEW JIAHONINO. Successful Musical -Entertainment. On Saturday evening:. July 21st, -tbe musical euterlainment,fornially announced In this paper, waa bald ai New Mahoning, At hall past seven o'clock the scluail bouit commenced to fill wituv a.ople, aud L'efore tbe exercises opened, every seat was taken aud ft number id persona on the oitside laws at work in the moral aa well as In the physical world which cannot be violated without consequences, either mischievous or ruinous. Certain results must follow certain breaches of the moral law as assuicdly as Ihe thunder fed lows tbe lightning flash There may not be tbe immediate connection iu the order of lime ttiat cx'sls oelwcf n material phenomena, but the connection is clear ami the result Is certain. I remember once hearing a father ray that he never corrected his children, nn mailer what wrong they might do, "because," he said, "they ure only children, and when Ihey growup and get sense Ihey wilt see the folly of doing wrong, and then it will be nil right.'! But the "child is father of Ihe mail'4," and tho habils of mind or action firmed by a child in the cradle, if not di rected, in a proper channel, by constant. judicious and ever watrhlul correction, are the habils that must govern its youth and maturity aud if the wind has been sown mutt reap the whirlwind in a rich harvest about the dying bed. lngriaoll, the prominent infidel, tells a story which good Christiana would do well lo take to heart: A little boy six yiarsold had been put off a drive in tho carriage with his parents upon two successive days! the third day be wos also put off, and as he stood on the door step end watched his par ents drive away, be turned to his nurse und pointing to Ins amiable ancestors, said Bridget, Ihem two folks are the greatest r- liars in tbe whole world." Il would be Interesting to know how that child grew up.' He pirnbably had the same contempt foriruth that he had for his parents, and the Jailer probably proceeded in the regular course of petty falsehood, never realizing that every email lie added another death ktlell to the moral life of the bumau being entrusted to their care. (, The notion, that advanced years and cul tivated intellect can usually correct the lone ol-liabit is the uiosl pernicious doctrine lb t 1.'. I . -L . , .t ( , 1 iis fjrer ureu prr:ueii lo HUB worm What would men lliiuk of a father who re fused to have his sons brought up to rt trade or a profession on the principle that when they came of age they- would have seme uud judgment enough to do whatever was most beuelicial for them? This is nut the way that doctors, printers, carpenters or black smiths u'ro made. It is necessary thai such habits should bo acquired by long years of such labor and attention as shall euab e the learner to apply his best abilities lu the attainment ol certain ends marked out by the fa-rial trade or culling which be liny huve adopted. Bul man's moral lile is mortf complex thau the learning of a tra r. The human mind and human buuI are tunned of such delicate material that every influence, to which they are submitted leaves s mie mark, belher that m.ra be a nsw'bh.t or a new beauty. "Astbotwig a bent, solhetreo grows," and it is just as ildiculous to expect that the children of vicious or dcceiilul parents will be virtuous and honorable, as to look for achrs on a pine tree, or to expect that an untrained Uoy will grow up into a skilled mechanic by the aid of some miraculous interposition. Miracles are uow pretty well out of date. It is very doubtlul if one human soul, broil (.ht up ai)'d trained in ar. atmosphere ol t'.u und impurity, lias ever been saved by tbe Sal vation Army, or truly relorrucd in a howl ing Wilderness of ramp meetings. Such circus, salvation methods' may be the means of making a lew ignorant peiple think seriously and thereby lend them to a system of re urination, under terror of eter nal damnation. Bul for carrying out the whole programme of a general refonn iu lile a ,camp meeting has no more real in- lluencf than a toothache. All I lie's previ ous loottlepi must be retraced. Old influ ences caunol be shaken oil) tbey mutt he battled with iu a never-ending contest Tbe results of past wrong doing musl be bum, and Ihe results of every thoughtless and wicked action must remain, stamiel forever as indelibly as the ravages of a plague or tbe dtcp scar irom a sabre stioke. Do we seem to ssy then that there is no remission of sins, and that out ol evil musl come evil? Yes; we d- ssy ao emphatically The consequences of aiat transgressions can uol boobyiated. We must grind our teeth and grin and bear with them. Out of evil may come tome good but mutt come an enormously richer cropnt whal it not good What arena to do tbent The answer is a plain one. Seeing that we cannot rainedy tbe past, we may learn seriously to- take thought for the future, aud, believing pro futindly iu tbe deep significance ot uu an- cieut utterance, we may guard children and others fiorn the fatal consequences of ignor ance and inherited frailties by keeping ever before tbelr minds the eternal truth and importance of olc single teuteuce, "ha tur your sin will nud you out. FilKLiVD. Big Creek Items. Martiu Neeb, of Delano, was here on a villi to hit parents ou Sunday last. Martin looks well. Mr. Grons, of Mauch Chunk, waa here 0 'er Sunday, with- his ton In-law. J. L. Gahel, of Lehlghlon, passed through our place on Saturday last. The Lord's Supper wat held in the Evangelical church on Sunday last. It was well attrndel George Buck went lo Slatingtnn on Monday last lo procure his horse awer. Cornelius Rebrlg sold a horse ou Mon day last lo N. T. Rehrig. A party from Ihia place went In Broad Mouutalu for huckleberries, but returned with empty tubs and baskets. Tbia Is a bad omen for others who had planned to go during this week with double carriages. We advise them lo take heavier wagons not for Ihe berries but for the roads whicl in that direction aro rough, and they might purhapa have to return ou fool which would In too much, for the young ladiet especial- On Monday next tome of our young men are going to leave the farms again fir school, which is to commence at Weiasport JoMKrnos. Count;, and the sneaker waa the cen'rat figure of a K'unp ef buchollc philosophers. He was homely, ihxcnly and alx.y. Them's where 1 diner from jou alto gether," said Mr. Ocorge r. O-nhaio, of the rauic place. Women are mostly what men Uiake'eu. when riurbrtiids are orutea wires will tall I nto submission or make home hot for the men ) and they re llnnotti.nl In either character. Love them,, nnd espetlnlly be good lo tbein when th j'rn sink, and you'll have no troulile. There'a my own wire, now. She's fullered food deal villi djfpepsia, nervous prostration and other ailments that took tho bloom off her chcel.s and the sprlnir out of her t tepf. Well, the taw on adver tisement of t'AtiKtcn'a lunio, and thought It weald be Jutt the thins; In her ease. Uentle men, I sent five miles after ft bottle She look It. I tent airaln after m re. So several tlm es. IrouMi t Why, If you could tee how much good It has rtono lir yon would say that women are ihe areaiest of Uod'a i-leij-In, nnd PartKKH'e I'riKiti Is tho next." Tills preparation, which his he ukoown aa lVnXKH'8 'tlMlKtl Tonic, will hereafter be called simply I'AKKKtt'a foN.o. 'lhts change has been rendered necessary hy suhsiltutea Imiaiscil Uin their cuMoine, i t,y unprincipled dealers under the name of ginger; an.l as ginger Is really an unimportant uvirlng In gredient, wed opiha misleading word. 1'heru is no etunae, however, In the pre paration lirell. and all bottles remaining In the bauds of dealers, wrappd under the name of I'.uiKElt'e Oimier Ioyio, contain the genuine uieutolnolf the fan simile signature or IllfCox & Co. la at the hoiioui ot the outside wrapper, Jul; 7-83 lui. Administratrix's Notice. Eatatouf OenauK JiKtcnaRD, Deceased. Letters or Administration m tbo estate nf George Itelchard, late or i:-t l'cnn Town ship. Oarusn County. Pa, deceased, have boan granted In Lydla Itelchnrd. resident In raid township, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to mako pay. ment, and those having claims or demands will make the anno known without delay. LVtHA IIK1CIIA III). Adinlnl'tratrlx orto WM.lt. KIIKYM AN. bur Attorney. East Penn, July so, I&S3-W0 PATENTS GRANTED. The following patents were granted to citizens of Pennsylvania, bearing dale July 17, 1SS3. Reported expressly for this psper hy Louis Bagger St Co , Mechanical Experts and Solicitors of Patents, Washington, D. C Alexander, 0 W, Reading, lap machine Air net manu'iitturers. Bingamati, a II, Laurelton, fire escape. Bouzann, Arlulphus, Phi enlxyille, fraction rope railway. Brant, W II, Baldwin, glass shade. " " " mould for glass ware. Ciaufnrd, J M, Philadelphia, illuminating clocka. Crowell, II C, Eric, friction clutch. DieU Id, Charles, Lebanon, preparing tlag lor rallwayaaud rnundways. Drysdale, W A, Philadelphia, electric gab lightsr. Edwards, G J., Philadelphia, pnet box. Emerson, J E, Beaver Falls, saw. ii ii ii Hubbard, M G, Norristowa, gleaner and binder. Ilunricker, H C, Laurellnn, shutter worker. Jarecki, C and A 11, Erie, pipe safely valye. Johnson, II C, Meadville, lire prool safe, Laizeler, II B, Grcencastle, hoisting appara tus. Lncb, Joseph, Pbiladelphia,ehen1lle fringe iong, a t lora i;aie, car coupler. Marshall, Andrew, Pittsburg, lalhe. McAllister, Charles, Philadelphia spring bulfer fir ships. Spaudliiig, E F. brie, cut off valve sear. Stirk, Wm 0, Ilaunvor.rerllliZBrdistributer. Sweitr-er, II W, Rural Valley ,ran aoldeiing machine. Van Hagon, C, Cnllegevllle, finger board lor musical instruments. Subpoena in Divcrco, Mary J. Mullen. In Ihe Court of IVtnmon vs. I'leas oftJaibon ooiintj, John F. Mullen. ) No.", Juno 'lerni, 1883. IN DlVUnOH. To Jon F. Muli.kh ttupo'iltnli Km Vnn are herehv notified to ba and appear at a l ourt of Common Pleas ol itir. J win (jouniy, lo ne neni in mo ;oun iiotise, at Manch Chunk, on Momlay, the 8'h day of October, A. I). 18 .X al lon'cloek In the lore, noon, to answer the aliove complaint, i erson nl service of subpoena und alias suhpuena hiving lallod ou account or jou araancu Irom my Bailiwick. I'HAS. W. l.r.VZr, Sher.tT. Manch Chunk. July It. 1883 M T. A. SarUEn, attorney lor 1'1'lf. Ill Ell. LENTZ -Suddenly at her home near fack. erton, Pa., July f8lh. 18S.1, Rebecca, wife of Allrert Lentz, aged 58 yeara,10 month- ana days. Sl'ECIAIi NOTICES. LEHIOIITOH'S FAMOUS HORSEMAN. It would take a larxe volume to tell all that Mr. Warner, of this village, does hot know about horses, but we only require a few lines to tell what wo do know about It r. Warner, who Unot ft horse, On Wednsrday ot last week Warner swopped a mare vlth John Itebcr, of Franklin township, the latter gentleman giving U to boot. On the fol lowing Frldar tnornlnir at 30 a.m., Warn er went to Rebel's siable, broke the lick and t 'ok away his own mare and returned Mr. Rebcr's and then sent flobert Anthony to Mr. Itebcr' bed room with the (25. "Here's J5 (rum Bill Warner," said An' thony as he fled Irom the chamber In ft flash of lightning, richer, with the sleep still In his eyes looked out tbe window, and saw Warner on his while-legged mare urging on llko a new mazeppa, his mad career towards Lehlithton, and Anthony In another dlreo- t on wandering meditatively towarda th r, ling sun. Iteher thlnVs that Warner lad ni right to break ft contract, as he certainly had no right to break the lock of a stable door which was not his own. Hut In consld. erallon that. Reber would wlllngl) give Warner 110 to tako back tho white-legged niare a poor creature that would be dear ft' a gift he. Ruber, freely forgives the "Fa mous Horseman" it ho knows as much about a horse's age and breeding as a calf does of book-keeping by double entry. A. MlLLCa, Jouv Hnaatt. Leblghton, July 3d, lfitt. rsnectfullv announces to the people of Le- hlghton and Its vicinity, that he Is now pre pared to supply tnem witn an Kinus ot Household Furniture Mannraelnrart rrnm the beat Seasoned Mate rials at Prices fully as low as the tame article, can be tamtht lor elsewhero. Here are ft few of tbe Inducements oflured - Parlor Sets at from $50 to t)80 Walnut Marhle.top I)reslng Case Ileilronm Suites. 3 pieces 40 to f!5 Painted Bedroom Suites tlfltoim CaneSeated Chair", pertntofs.... ! Common I'halrf, per set of 0 1 and an otner uoous equally cneap. In this connection. I desire to call theat- enllnn nrthn lenp fn mvimnl- Acuities' In A CAItD. To all who jtre lulTerl njf from the error and lft.lirtrflt!(ini o vonlh. nervnui weftkiifts. early rtcc&T. loti of manhood. Vo , 1 will lend '(.. at.. ill .a.. flfVK 1 1 V rrcii'o iuitt "in tum ;vui w s MUAlttlK- Thin u-reat remedy wAtullreoVi rn.1 i.v & njUiirtntirv In South America. Send T niir-fc'.drf ftned mrelope to the Ha v. Jomra - t 3 ..!.. 1 1 air-Vnrb 1 "fit a. inHt OblWa , VI th ft CARBON ADVOCATE PIAIN AND FANCY BOOKs JOB PRIOTING HOUSE BANK WAT. ft Ibort distance above the Lshlgh Valley B.B. Depot, LEHIQUTON. PA. oliargeB.soneln tbisSlate and oue in Ohio. I soliciting arim.lUoce. Tbe audience wat Soon alter hit graduation at the Seminary M'l eonsltllng xf iaple froln tho he was elected lo a Professorship in the o.iimun'.i ana inpie irom a tiisiaure, Ouslavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, amnn.-whom was tbe Rev. Dr. Win Reily, Minn., but declined the ..itlon, preferring Vies.-ol Palatinate College, whose name we the practical work of the ministry lo teach, mention Willi great pride. The Doctor ad log. His past experience aa a teachi r both dresaal the audience briefly in Ihe online in public and normal schools would have 0ftho evening. directing his remarks prin- r'nV"'y'" "'u1l7r'"ll,'",..'r. c.nallvt,.tbei.....rl...c. and Unefi.a of memborsof hit class iii the rJeuiiuary. the study or musie aud highly rommecded j gardly way In which some s ' the alei. taken bv our Hoopla. We much schnola are supp'led with In .. J.h..I... r.n,.t.lla. fin Kl.x.J.u regret that we can not meution tue namea ia.i; i-i - .ii-j ol those on Ihe programme, bm our limited mam, six memuers 01 ine j-ranmin school stiaeeeduiiUul no tucb details. All weran B-ard, Messrs W. C. Weiss, Henry Millar, say h -re is, that, considering all rircum rion miiu win sasauaaa . ------- --, I ,. . . III Ml V I I. , ft lunch ear will be attached to Ihe l,in, vnai me mm w, o. ,uu oercaiwr.aa u ai. which will Lav. th. a It. R. ol jr. J, waye bat been,rorlhecommon Interetlofall .... uinuamJ Inaal Hall M tm 111 at MuinaslM nf DulLlu. depot at ft. m., an ou th. return, leav. "t ". "vj..i . u.- Ooaan Oruv. at 7 p. -u. beta." Taachert' Examinations. Teachers' exsmiualious will be held follows i For Franklin, at Weitsport, Aug. 7th. Packer, al.Huilsondale, August Olh Franklin School Hoard. Au incident occuied in Franklin ti vd. ship ou last Monday afieruovu, which, al though diiarreable In itself, may la- lbs meant ol calling public attention I" tbe nig- of our publio akt and otbtr f er- We ar bow fully prspacaAto-txaoata etsry description of PRINTING, Irotn ft Visiting Card to a Large Poster J, E. Freeman, Tilghmau Drelsbach, David ' ' stances and dlflleullies to be overcome, tbe Belli and Robert Anthony, sr., wei I Lehigh aud Liusauue, at Rockpurt, Aug, eutrlaininent was a complete aueeeM aud brought before tbo justice, charged with 10th. : tleseryea much credit. It rrflecta crediubly misappropriation of school fuuds. Several Examlnallona will bes-in al 0 a. m. una the music, nutillt and tbelr teacher illegalitiea characteriied th. mod. In which Tuoe. M. Baiuai, do Bujo. of Bchoolt. Mist KlaUor. r cUoa hit heeu ten against tbew mtn. - Posters, Handbills. Dodgers, Ulrculari Shipping Tags llta's. Letter Iliads. iut Heads. tivelo)es, Btataments, Prvsrrainmes, Pamphlets, ssc., 4-c, la Cast Manner, at Reasonable Prices ! TRUTHS The blood Is the foundation of life, It drcuUtcs through every pan of the body, nnd unless it Is Xtra and rich, good health is Impossible. If disease lias entered the system the cut sure and quick way to drive it out is to purify and enrich the blood. Tlics simple (iters are well known, and the highest medical authorities agree that nttkittg but iron will restore tbe blood to its natural condition; and also that all the iron preparations hitherto made blacken the teeth, cause head ache, and are otherwise injurious, Brown's Iron EitterswUI thor oughly and quickly assimilate with the blood, purifying? and strengthen ing it, and thus drive disease, .from any part of the system, and it will not blacken the teeth, cause head ache or constipation, and is posi tively not injurious. Saved liis Child, 17 N. Eulaw St., Baltimore, Md. Feb. iv, iCSo. Geots: Upon the recommends, tlon of a friend 1 tried Dr.owK'e Iron Bittbxs as a tonic and re storative for ray daughter, whom I was thoroughly convinced was wasting away with Ccnsumpticn. Having lost three daughters by the terrible disease, under the care if - eminent physicians, I was loth to believe that anything could'arrttt the progress of the disease, but, to rny great surprise, before my daugh ter had taken one botdc of llnovi ri's Iaon Bittbks, she began , to .mend and now is quits restored TO former health. A fifth daughtctbegan, v -show signs of Consumption, and when the physician "was -'ebatultsd' he quicUy said "Tonics werete. ouiredt" and v.hen triformed thrft tne elder sister was taldog Brown's laoH BrmtRj, responded "that is agood tonic, tlkejt." A do ham Pilous. Brown's InoN.BinxRS effectual ly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Weakness, and renders the greatest relief and benefit to persons suffering from such wasdng diseases as Con sumption, Kidney Complaints, etc. THE BEST OF ALL UMENTS THE OMKhTAKIM bUiiliNtSS wlthftNKW and HANDSO.MK HKARSK, .and ft lull line of OA SHUTS and UOrKlNS, t am tircnaicd to attend promptly to all or. dera In this Ih.e. at lowest prices. l'atrnnairo rernoetlullv sullciled and the most ample satisfactl-m guaranteed. V. St.'HWARTZ, ootlJ HANK St.. Lehlghton. Spring Styles ! to 4- es J2 a a o J3 a 8 is cj !5 CJ to POIi imi AHD BEAST. ror-noro than a third of n, ocnttirytho Mexican Ilnslaiigl.tiUinentriaBboen l.nmun t miiHonn nil oyer tbo vrorld aa tho only f.tlo l-ollanoo for tho relief of j uccblonts nnd puln. It la a modlclnoH nbor-i l-rleo una pndsc the best at it 1 hlutl. I'or every lomi or external paluj tno Mnslanff Llnlmont Is without nn cqtml. It liotietrntea Jleau onu mnecie-io (lin vrvv lione mDklnff tbo contlnn- nnco of pain nnd Inflammation' lmpos nihio. rt.i rirnciminor Human Fleah ona I Im Urnto Cn-ntlon nro equally -wonder- lui. i iio .,i03icaa T.totTirTit ta noerlcil v aomebodv In ovcry liouso. Every day brings news of the ncony of nn owful scant or burn I I . . -. 1 . .............. ......v.. w.. 5fl stored, or a inlunlilo Uorse or ox S 1... 1 Un lir.Mlurr anwernrt llfl 3 n n rt ti n m rs Ra HI HE3KI 1 which speedily cures GucU uilmonts-of m tho HUMAN I'LEblf ns J 9 Ithsnmatlsm, nrrolllnge, fitliT 'JOlll&S, t IMitrncicU JSIiSCiea, Jiurus Ifiml reatua, ;itia, uruissa tssiu Jjripinliis, I'nlsouona Mltea amet I Mlii;;, Ulimiets, j,nmonei, oia riori-j, VWia. l'roatlilUa.C'lilllilftlnas Sore Mpplea, Cokctl Ureaat, rml Indeed rvcry form of extenuil dla- ense. It hrnli M-ltltnnt scere. Vnr hn lilt'JTK CllKATlOIf It CUrCS .a fipi-sln, tisvlnny, 6HIT Joints, .Jl-'ouu Jer, tlnrncsa utores, Hoof Ia Seasej, foot Hot, bcrev H'orm, Poftb, Llllnll.in Horn. Hernlcliea. tVlna- )Js'.ls, fipavin, Tlivuah, Hlnghone, jltilil fforca, roll Urtl, Film upon .itlio aifJ't nn:l every oiiii-r anuisui Jfo tvliiclt Mo occupnnte of tho r1-i..i.!, f.ti.1 f.inr.U Vui-tl are lirtule.- fl HO ..ICTICatl Jliliai-lllg laaiuisiis ' 1 . ... ....... ..l..1T--ll.t,..Q . e( nivr , 1 C'ir-ii loin awn., .iiikiwwiwii on.til Is, rositlvc;?, 3?0E HAN OS B3AET, A Common-sense Rcmudy, No more Rheumatism, Gout, or Neuialgith " Immediate Relief Warrauiei rermanEiit lure Gnraillcel Flv ytarttttabliihrtl en4 rrvAr tnoirn to fail in a linglf et,oculto chmni Rtfer tacit promtntnl phyitciant ahi 4iQgUti Jvr thf tnang of Salicylic. Secret I H. H. Peters Merchant - - Tailoring ESTABLISHMENT, rott once suiiiiEr, rr- rubiie saue, Bank, Street, Lehighton. A foil line of OENTS' rUKNJSHINU GOODS, at Lowest Prices. mar.S-H The American Autiprian 1ND ORIENTAL JOURNAL ! ! ; Published bvjauttosi & Mous, Chicago, III.' ii per year, wuvmi aiwuns v. rsiT, dsrnUd to Clauloal, Oriental Eu ropean and American Arebieologjr. Il lustrated. Thla Jonrnal elves Information nn discover ies and explorations in all lands.and is Try valuable to thou, who are following Anti quarian lubjectt at well at lo tba cuuiuion a,4er. .,. THK ONLY Hlf!SOI.VW or TTTE? I'lllStlN-OI'S' URIO AOII) Wllltlir hJ. IS IS IN HIK Hl.i (It) HIT BlltUilAXlt; A.N H UUD IT I'ATIEN 1 a. PAI.TCTLIOA II known at-a ennimaiwae.ae, remedy, tieesnsa II strikes dlrseili r slut pause ol Kha-iinaillin Gout and Nturalctt, wlilie so many so-caOed s-elflo and sup rtosed panaceas only treat locally iboelTeis. It has baen ooneedad ty rmlneut S.'Voil.is that outward applications, such as rubtuna; with oils, ointments. Ilnitaetita, at) f-,tldnif lotlcn will not eradicate these ftleaes which are tbe result or the polsunmn of the Moci with Uric Arid. 8ALICYLICA works with irap clout effect on tbtt aetrt. and to rem v.,s ll.e ills rler it Is now exelutlTtl used tv all csl brain) physicians nf America: and Euro,,e. Hs-jbist Me.1 OtJ Aaadamv ol Paru r,-'V.S VoYi r cent ofeures In three dar. Hemeniber tbat BALIOTLICA it ft a rtftlh enrt rhr Sheamatltm, Oout And nra!(jl&. The most Intense pilns-'ftTe.subJucd almAil lu. stantly. Ulva It a, tral. .-Ktlkf guaranteed or money refunded. - - Tbuusumls of testihiouUls tcct - n appllea tlon. CI dBoi, C Boxes for C5. Sent by tuft 1 on receipt nf money. . a a,; youn iiuioiiibT run it. But do not ho deluJcd Into lak u a.t . Hons or substitutes, or-s.auethiair ricom. meiide.1 as "Jutt as wood ! ' Insist ni thu Kenuinewlth the naiue -ASilll ItNK . IUl., on each boi wlilehls'irvararuead riismu eally pure undor our sian.iure.'an lndli-ii-slblerequllte In Insure sueesst hr ilia .nuu Dent. Take no other, or send tons tYashburno "., I'ro'p'rlftor'a. 3sT Uroadway.cor. HeadeSl Mcyiir-Wly. VLW ouif. :aia tt I W'is. -I sr'