The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 30, 1883, Image 2

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M V, UOItTUlMKR. . , . KDtTOIl
LElllaUTON. I'A.l'
8ATU11DA Y.JUNE 30, 1883.
Our Southern Letter,
Special to Tin CiitouN Autocatk.
Mn. Kdit b: On account uf ill health
I toll luii'tUuil luB'. winter to take a trip
South, co as to nvolit tbo more lRorous
ulioMto of our section. I hail n eujourn
of ucnrlv three montbs In the Soutb.
principally In. North Carolina, 1 now
wiih through the medium of your paper
to btlefly ooiuuiunlui.le with tho Indus.
A writer In Harrlaburi coinuuuU thus..
It on the political outlook lu the State
Tb. Bepubliem Stale Convention HI of Tout Dimbl,tfi(1
weel 111 mis ci.y on euueBW, tU,,re e i yoIlr sectnf n3 u all thiol.
lllh. to nominate caun.a.ies lor auu,. popuj stales, many persouH who
ter-OenenUn.! Stale Treasurer nnl to I & 8nbslllUnco by lmrj labur
piiolnt Blato Oomrutueo ior one iear, nuU clos, 00JU0Uiy, Tll(.r larnluB nro
u,l at uo time within tbo hNtory of the n(jt Mfflokul to rjtet mauy of lbe aeUia
Uepubllcnu parly ha so little Intent tieceiltilUl, of llf(f( mm,b llg to llro,j,le
utaobedto.n Stale Oouvenlbu as now. f(jr lbemselVl;a uU,i famllleMa comfoituUo
A the Ol.l Clu ml care nothing for Ihiso. Lomo for th(j fuWt L lmlfl( teuU 0Q(jl
two office, but very muuu lor me maue- of Hy,D?i atg ,0(J UgU ,u Iir(,por,ou lo
np o: me male ommiuee, mry for lill)0ri Auj, tilis stllto o)
a eelf-sucriflclug spirit to whloh ILey tU
njjS CHtinot Will lo rcluetllml better
have bitborlo been BlraiiRcrs. permit the ihmby IroWlfir.Kion iu Home dirnctiou
.., .u.,., , ,. ii.n.ln.tow in bruuritriu:v.intuKeoiiiiboobtnliifcd.
"dimple-chit to grasp the suailow i UUa (if luin),BraUou
Darning mo cuiuHiniio, .iuf m ijieu ii,iu( uimtsi uuinti'trupicmy
iUuco lu Penuttylrauia politic tlili yeur Union bus btuu couvettnl Horn i
by, continuing tho control of the State UCSS"
Guard will secure nil there is of sub-1 mnurtl the West, which stcliou ul our
a v.ixt
hbo-io lutvantig.s to-day me not to be
tumid in the neur tit. Uue mul ;n a
long wny from hU present home, and run
the rlblc of coming into contact with nu
iindebiruhlo social tdetuelit, whiou Chh
ijl'y partially be avoided by co!oulz
tun'. . opinion here is that he would do better
The iuduceme lis ouertil lo men ol ,,, .1,11 in,, nwn nlmrntpr will rfl-
,oi a traineu ecpuonmt. nue ,uo ni.ll cpl-al and industrious ImUts to ,llllre 'BeVerl ihich coats of whitewash
Kobt. W. Maokny. it could salely be jmmigralu Wo.t me not to bo compared utf,,re bo cnn j, jure John A. Logan, who
unu ino auraui'.K.n ui iuuquuiii. ou ut
thH South has lately coma mto
Heretofore, with ft cash balance ou
baud of three million dollars that was
ssldom diiturbed, tho State Jreusuiy
jirlded a harvest of S100.000 anuually to
the boys; ud uudtr the tkillful farming
of a trained economist, like tbo late I
ofllcer and glveliUflRurrx. Uo says Mr.
Ktr Las received about f zo.uuu, auu mat
Mr. Merrick and Mr. Ithss each received
about tuicensmuoh, I do not vouch for
tho statement, but the man I bnvo allud
ed to ought to know what he talks about.
Does nuvbodv sunnoso mat sir. rvaris
or any of a dozen tmluent lawyers that
could be named nnnld not have tried the
case for S3. 000 or S10.000 eacb7 Then be.
vund all thi. tho Hro.iecullon is cuarceJ
with havlug nt the very outset "billcu off
more tbau tbov couut encw." n was
undertaken to prove a conspiracy, the
mnet uifOoult of all thincs to leRally es
tablUh. when to have tried llradv and
Dnrsev senaratelv. for ualfeabcuce In
riface and fraud, might havo been slmpltr
uud eofier. Such scenes of debauchery
us wero witnessed lu tbo bar-moms of the
city for nearly twenty-four hours alter
the verdict will not occur agaiu in wnsu
inaton for many ndny. The wealthy de
fenduuls set up freo liquor to nil comors,
and In the eveulnc ban a craud jollifica
tion and drunk nt Drady'g house. It is
true nt Btattil that the rins has nearly
two millions lelt out of the swaanlier
n.iviui! all expenses of the trial. Some
body has slated that JJorsey is poor, but
this Is certainly u mistake. lie has bxll
n million locked up in a bit; rancho in
New JIkiico, and lihty not bo so tliisu ol
rendy money as Urudy, but both nro very
rich. Kvt ry now uud then a new Ktory
U slarttri nbout Urady's l.llcclsful stock
peculations, but the general opluion is
lUat Star-ruute stocu, ami assessing me
cmjlractors. U nbout the richest specula
tion heevi r went Intl. Doisey is making
threats of nulitical ravennes, ami men
tions Senator Lognu as oue nmhitlous
man he means to crnb. The prevailing
eoanted on lo return $150,000 a year to
the pool. All this has bieu stopped bv
recent legislation; n commission appoint
ed by Gov. Pattlson has been selected to
rnpervlse the investment of tho treasury
earplnsjn United Slates bonds, or those
of the Stale of Pennsylvania, and to
regnlate the deposits of the publlu funds
in banks ;qf the Commouwealth; and
under thU radical change tho Old Guard
are entirely willing that the Indepeud
euta shill name the Sttito Tri csurer.
For tho office of ' Auditor-General, Col.
3. M. VaudeMlice of Philadelphia, Col,
Grimeson of ChamberEburg, an Interna
revenue agent appointed by Grant, and
Col. J. A. M. Possmore of Pottsvlllo are
industriously working to secure dele
cates; but Senators Stewart, Lee, and
ofhwr leading Independents have ex
pressed a Stkiro to havo Ilepreseuta'ivr
Nllfs of Tioga nominated, and it is quite
-likely that Brother Niles, who is n Meth
market. Millions ol'ncics uf good laii'ls
for mining, mauulucluring nud agricul
tural" purposes can now be leased or
bouubt on easy terms lura small amount
of money. To speak plainly, the Suiilh
Lnsnetr eucnursne.i. lo uuy great tx
Imt. loreian ininiiurallon, throuch feai
ol the introduction olreligious skepticism
and tbo nolliillou ol social morals.
l'reHoiHlo Hie war liuinigrauou was
not desired. They had it labor sy-tem
with which they were sati-lled. Those
large plantation on ners each sctms tn
have lived in n utile worm ol nisown.
Men owned their thousands of acres, and
many own them yet. still unwilling to
o'U them up iuto tarmi of tillable size.
Hut the InborM'steni Uas been revolution
iz-d. and many plantations are now for
s lie in CO and 100 acre lots nt from -2 to
SIO tier nrre. nccordirc to location, nuah
ity ol lau.H.ann improvements. I pahseo
ttronah a tract of well timbered lauds ir.
the mieldlo section ol lb Male tnroiigii
n-hich the Carolh a Crutral It. It. num.
lhal can he bought for $2 per ncre. This
l onlv ouo chance nmouu many. Three-
filths e.f the forests of North Caroliuanre
whatever his faults, has uot in nil his
years of public service been aocused of
stealing nnvtlilni:.
Tbo President is now i uis Biimmer
collage at Iho Soldiers' Home. The house
is very Urge nud very elegant, nnd it a
Irienit calls tbere in tbe afternoon lie win
nuver forget the visit. Arthur may not
be the ori-uttst stntesmau in tbe world
lint he is as perfect a geutleoiau ai was
ever in the White House. As n host he
Is charming cordial without being ef
fusive, nnd agreeable to tho last degree
without losing- his dignity. His bniihe,
its shade. Us ilnwers, its sunshine, all In
their appropriate places nrevtry attract
ive. He spends much time there. Some
i!avs when tbere is little to do be dnps
not go to the White Home at nil. He
drives out with his little daughter, or
takes a canter on boebnek, or spends
his time reading in his stiuly, with his
rnat off nnd suspenders stripped down.
He is verv fond of rea.lins. and lew meu
hi public life are better informed in the
matter ol personal history. .
odistprcaoher as well as politician, will vet ktnndinc. And iu this age of scarci
bo libmiualed by acclamation. y of llmbtr these forests are invaluable,
For Stale Treasurer, tho Hon. Willi
J. Hillings,, member of the Legislature
from Venango county, is tho only candi
date mentioned, aud he, too, will doubt
less, be nominated by acclamation. But
the trouble will arise over tbo selection
of tho State Committee Tbo Old Guard
want Coouer. with his red. headed hone.
fuiu'is and fealty to Cameron, continued
in command as Chairman of the Commit
tee, be.ouso of tho power the plane will
affjrd in the primaries for delegates I.
the National Convention; tho Iudcpend-
enta-prefer Lee; nud as the position will
exerclse'considcrable influence In shap
ing (bings for tbo Senatorial campaign
of next year, trouble is likely to aiise
that may prove disastrous to tho parly,
Our New York Letter.
Regular correspondence of Advocate.
New York, June 2G. 1883.
After a conversation with Miss Linda
Gilbert, tbe noted philanthropist nnd
Tho finest lumber to be found in the
United States lor building purposes is iu
tho. Old Nurlh State Sotoe enterprising
men from the Nortli nre now traveling iu
the South buying up lauds for vurioiiR prisou reformer, there is no doubt in my
Cmcioo Tkibu.nk: Tuere is no tariff
issne iu.Ohlo. If tL-.-enro nny revenue
reformers in" that State who hope to make
an impression upon the national policy
through either their influence or their
votes they will bo obliged to emigrate in
order to realize their ambition. Tbe
Itepubllcans tny that they 'believe now,
as id the post, iu the muiutennuce of n
tariff system which will provide a reve
nue fpr the government and at tho same
time; will protect American producers
and American labor." Tho Democrats
say tbiy "favor a lariff for revenue lim
ited to tbe necessities of government
economically administered and so ad
justed In lis application as to prevent
unequal burdens, enconrage productive elsewhere.
purposes water Mies tor lactones, um
ber lauds for lumber; tbo rich alluvial
t-rounds of the cast for trucking, etc. Il
the ndvautage-t of North Carolina were
tall v known iu the Northern States, nun
Ihi-Y are rapidly beine made kuown in
less than five years tho Slate would he
densely populated, unij n lew monins
nco the Stale Geologist was sent tn Pitts-
bure to represent the invaluable iron.
copper, gold, nnd other ores, which lire
io he tound all over the middla nml
Western division of the Stnte, The
e pel ofthsteislt is the projected nnrt
partly finished Piltsburg Sguihern Rail
road from tbut point to reach Western
N C. and Va. This will be the means ol
bringing millions ofdollais into these
States, it will malcelucir ores auu mm
her marki table at the lushest price.
There are iu North Carolina 150 different
kinds of vnliniold ores, nud over 100 va
rieties of liiuber,.tbe most valuable being
wliite mid yellow plue, oaks nnd walnut.
The soil is adapted to the rai"ing of auj
thing that can be grown iu all our States
aud temtnrieB. It fills tho agricultural
report, nud is the only State in the Union
that iloes. The climate of the oast is
somewhat mnUrious. but in tbo middle
and wes'.ern sections most benllhtnl
The Tropin are not only willing but
anxious lor the industrial classes to settle
among them. The doors of immigration
are beiuu thrown wido open to meu of
smsll capital. Enough fo takeynu there
will answer to begin with, if willing to
help develop the resources of tho coun
try when on the ground. You have
uiiarnnlceil to jou nil socinl, political
aud rel gions rigble tlmt you can obtain
boeuty is good; tbe state ol
mind, that Miss Helyn Leonard, the
young woman who shot Mrs. Smith be
cause she thought she bad withdrawn
the affections of her old beau Callahan
from her is insane. It is not exactly
niinin, it is a kind of a love craze. She
is haunted with tbe idea, that "Cal" is
tired of her and will not see her again.
This thought never leaves her mind, and
at times it seizes her with such violence
that she is scarcely mistress of herself.
Although Callahan is suid to have gone
to Europe, I have it ou the best authori
ty that he is still iu town nud using his
best endeavors to have the unfortunate
girl removed where she, will not bo able
i,ii ne i., .i -...i j,,,, morals above the avernce; every man nc-
pensiiuon io lapor. A congress ol car to fn.,nw nnv laudable, nvocaliou. nnd
nisUud philologists could not by the earner tho results. What more can be
most-? Weulous exerciso of tteir wauled? Dies tbo West offer better ad-
i..tMk, jier , i . vantages Ho; it cannot equal tuo advau
Vl;. ""-""iB ou. ,R(,a of thu s.)nlh. Bruits, it will not
of tnese-two expressions. Pnet von w( iue money lo seenra them.
tl , - Through Mr. J. T. Patrh-k. Immigration
PUruOELPnu liMiw. "Phe two Anont at Wadeshoro. N. O.. first-class
ioueftb of the Legislature bnvo now got through pasraja from Haliiinoro. New
1be re'oess-pay matter just where the)
-wanted it. The Senate adopted a resolu
tion; refuse pay to members nnd era
ployfb; the Honse amended it so as to
allo?pay to employes only, nnd tbe
Senate refuse to agree to the amendment.
The matter now goes to a conference
committee, which of course will not be
ttYio io agree. This is one of the chnep
est games of tbimUe-rig ever played by
any X-glslature anywhere. It is one
whiat). invites the contempt of the people
for the body now sitting at Harrisburg.
It would have been far better had both
bouses "made provisiou for their pay us
muob of it as tbey cau get regardless ol
tbe recess in & itraigbttorward way.
That might havo nrouse.l criticism, bul
it would have stayed popular contempt.'
York or Bo-don can be obtained for n
sin ill sum of money to nny point I have
hinted at iu this e ominnnication. ii-t a
man go dow u nnd see for himself. "See
ing is believing." I have writlen tbu
for no Felll-b purpose. I have no lands other bnnd tbo happy wedded life ol
to i ell iu the South, nnd uo nuenry for scores never seeks notoriety nnd there-
nv reall wbati-ver. I have simply civ-
en brn Uy the rrsnlts or inv own otiserv.
aliens, Iiopihk thereby lo benent thai
class nf persons who are finagling hard
fora llvliLoid. Rev. R. H. Wuitlcck,
Our Washington Letter.
An exchange makes this very sensibl
uggestion for business men: "Iu all
towm where a newspaper is publisled
eyery'business man ought to udveitise in
1, pf.u if it' is nothing morj tbau a o. rd
ta,'.(og bis name and the kind of hi si-
nets he is engaged iu. It helps to sus
tain a paper, nnd lets tbe people out nt a
distance Inoff that the town is lull ol
isiness mer, Tho paper finds its waj
into thousands of places where band
bills cannot reach. A card iu a paper is
a traveling sign-board, and can be seen
by every reader. Think of these things
sod let your light shine."
Each head of clover contains about
sixty distinct flower tubes, each of which
contains a portion of sagar not exceed
ing the fiye-hundredlh part of a grain
The proboscis of the bee must therefore
be inserted iuto COO clover tubes before
one. .grain of sugar can be obtained
There are 7,000 grains iu u pound, aud
as honey contains three-fourths of it
weight of diy sugar, each pouud of honey
represents 3,500,000 clover tubes sucked
by bees.
to iuconvenience him
Now that the idle season in tbe dram-
ntio world is Lere in all its glory, or
rather dullness, tbe question of whether
a man ought to marry au actress, ngaiu
forms a topio of conversation iu places
wherever the heroes aud heroines of tLe
mimio world nud outsiders congregate.
There is scarcely a doubt that if a man
loiveshis wife ou the stage be soon, lo
tho world aud even to his iutimates,Ioses
his identity, nud becomes nothing bul
the husband of his wire. Still I think
the mam reason why marriages of tbis
kind havo fared so poorly is because ac
tresses and singers as a rule nre picked
up by apologies for meu who would fain
to be supported. Yon tako niue cases
out of ten of nctresses husbands, and you
will find that they nre either broken
el )wu swells, brokers aud businessmen
who have failed, iudilTereut actors end
profesiioual men who wtre either loo
id'e or too iudolent or too iguorant to
succeed iu their self chosen walks of
life. It stands to reason that matrimony
under such circumstances can be any
thing 'mt blissful. Now all the troubles
of these people become public. Ou tbe
Although opposed by tbetopposlng coon
sel, the judge granted the motion. Later
in the day the opposing lawyer bnd oc
casion to visit the office of lawyer No, 1,
and much to bis surprise met him there.
He tried to escape by n haok door but
lawyer No. 2, Was too quick aud caught
him. No. 1 had to turu around, and
wheu No. 2 saw the face of his friend he
was no longer astonished at his request
for an adjournment. Ills face was cov
ered with big red welts, oue of bis eyes
was blackened, 'and 'Ouo 6f hls ears bad
evidently been,, cut, .for it wr.s covered
over with court plaster. "How did this
happen?" was the natural question. "Oh,
I drank a littlo too much," was the to
ply, "nud fell in among some roughs."
Liter however the true story leaked
out. He niartled a variety actress nbout
eleven years ago, nnd by her has three
charming children. She is a good
woman, true and devoted to him, but
they had scarcely been married three
mouths before ho began to t niueut her
with expressions anil demonstrations of
insane jealousies. Iu less than n year he
hid developed Iuto n full blooded mari
til brute, nud nil fur no cause. About
tJat time she ohtulued reasons to sus
pect that her bnsbiud was not true to
her. With a woman's persistence the
satisfied herself of tho truth of her sus
picions, nud ouo oveniug proceeded to
the house of her rival, who lived iu a
flit uptown. She walled tn tho hallway,
and a moment later the woman came
down stairs nnd noticing tho fignro in
the dark naked; "Is that you. Harrj?f
".So, it's his better half," said tho wife
now roubed to IreLzy. nnd leaping for
ward she caught the woman by the dress.
At the same time she drew from under
her cloak a stout blackthorn stiek, nud
with this she belabored her llval. The
servants iu the upper nets beard tbe
rumpus nbd rushed down stairs. Wheu
they noticed what was going ou, nud of
course, without difficulty uudeistood the
cause, they took sitles with tho cil'tuded
wifo and encouraged her to further tf
forts. When she was dene, she neut
home, nud findiug her husband tbere
said: "I have just thrashed that woman
of yours. Now tho next time I find you
ut the same tricks, I shall not touch tho
woman but thrash you."
A few mouths ago she nscertnined
that he was paying marked attentions
to a woman in Brook yu. By seme
menus she ascertained tbnt he was going
to take her to Manhattan Ueacu on a
certain day. Accompanied by n ladt
s'ao weut to the woman's house in the
evening nud waited for the couple to
return. They arrived at nbout ten
o'clock. Just ns the woman bad entered
the bouse door nnd tbe husband was
about to follow, the wife rushed out.
caught him by the coat collar and draw
ing a heavy riding whip Bhe let him
Lave it nbout the face. He yelled with
pain hut she gave bim two or three nioin
cuts and than giving him one blow over
the eye with the butt eud Bhe saicl:
"Now go inside and let that thing bathe
your face, I have marked you."
That is tbe reason why the learned
oounsel asked for an adjournment of bis
Ed. Stokes, I am told is going to open
a barrol iu uiar the new Produce .Ex
ohnuge, which is intended' to eclipse
even his famous Hoffman House Cafe.
The place he is to open is nu immense
establishment, coveriuiz nearly nu entire
Llnck, nud it is to be oruanieuted with
the choicoit collection of pulutligs,
Irinzes, hric-n-hrno nud curios ever seen
together outside of the gallery of a mil
lionaire. His visit to Europe was made
as much fur the purpose of gathering
tLinga for this new palace of Bacchus u
io nrrnugn with Kirally for the produo
Hon of tlm new Parisian spcctucular
success "Excelsior."
New Advertisements.
Oranges and Florida.
Bettor than Dreoros and Blossoms Undor
n New Tlag.
Even tbo taltny nlr and orange groves of
Florida fall to kesn Ul people full of happi
ness and comfort. Art must help nature
everywhere ln the tropics as among the
pities of the North. "Ana, elder among the
blessings which are adapted to all zones,"
writes Dr. J (J. Wallace, ol Fort Dade, Fa
"Is 1'AnKKii'B Tomio. It seoms to have the
world for a Acid, and most of the current
diseases yield to Its action. I bare used It In
the case Ufa delicate and dvtpeptlo young
lady, with the most gratifying results. It
seemed to accomplish with ease what tho
usual prescriptions and treatment for that
miserable malady failed wholly to bring
about. I nut also glad to state that the
Ionic has greatly relieved mo personally ut a
troublesome atonlo condition ol lliostouiach
or long standing. II Is the Ideal purlner and
luvlgi.rani." ...
Mum. Ilsinox & Co call esneclal atten
tion to the mot that alter" April 10, 1883. I lie
liaino and style or mis preparation win nere
otter bo simply ratker'i Tonic The word
"Himra,''ls ilrotmcd. for the reason thai un
principled dealers are constantly decelrlng
their outruns byulistltutliiK Inferior urt'li-
nrallons under too namo of rllnuert and as
ulngi r Is an unlmportanr flavoring Inareaiei t
In eur Toutc. we uro sure Unit our Irlends
will nitrce with us as to tno propriety or the
1 ennnge. There will DC no chakub, how.
evkii. In tho preparation itseii; ami an
li,,lilt-M rpmnlnlni? In tha hands of deAletS.-
t wrapnid under the name of "PaiiKKn's
' Mimiek Tonic." contain tho genuine meal
i cine If the signature of Htscox &Jo. Is a
the bottom or ins ouisue wrapper.
,1 nnn I
Florence Etching Silk.
Spring Announcement, 1883!
Wo desire to say to our friends nnd the public in general, that
wc have on hand the Largest and most
Complete Stock of Goods
TailorinO- IstaMisfomeiiT
in this section of the County, comprising
Cloths, Cassimeres,
Plain and Fancy Suitings,
Which we will put up for you in our usual'
Thereby giving you, as we always, de
Best Fitting, Best Trimmea anil Best Maffs
I r enuK ii ennresslv
for art designs In out
Hue. This silk will
not spilt or frny In
wnr klnK,md Is durable
both In color and lex
turo. ,
Sold by entorrrlshiK
dealers In a (treat vu
rloty or cjlors. For
beavv uutllnes uso No.
600, lor liner work uso
No. 100 The col. rs
uhst adapted f..r work
it h I u h will requne
ash riir ore H 1 a o U,
lllne. Itrown.OldOold.
Hold, Yetlow and l'lnk.
i nin p 1 es. wun ear
litest Knitting Hook
(No 4 sent on receipt
if throe 2 cent stamps.
'liia' rinrniicc, Mrus,
June 30 w 2.
Card'Collcctors. Stsmp1 ?
lereni rvls, 15c, , llusw M'r'u On., lliil'i.
moro. -Ud. ' ' Juno 10-w
fore seldom quoted iu opposition to
what is accepted as u well developed
It was only last Sunday that I ran
across n case which proves my point ad
mirably. I was Eoiug to Manhattan
Ileacb, when just before tho boat star.ed
up comes a utile caravan. 1'irst came
two little hoys and npjrl, then tbe moth
er, theu nuother boy about thirteen who
carried n buudle of wraps and last of all
cetao the stately figure of a well known
Ocn Rnaui-An Lnrrrn.
WAsnixiiTON, D. 0., Juno 25, 18S3.
The weather is hot as blaies here now.
jet tLat does not prevent people lrni
discussing the result of the Star-route
trial. It is btill tbe lendiDQ topio iu Muslico who was ouce a State Senator.
Washington, liut slrantjens it may seem, Tho little lady his wife, is nu Italian nnd
the friends of tha defeudnnts who rejoice was once n ballet dancer. Aujbody can
with tneui iu their escape are about as see that by her sniiloaud her walk which
numerous as the friends of puhllu hones-1 U noticeable from tho way iu which she
ty who hoped toseelhun punished. There plants her heels, u gait developed by Ibe
Is hardly n icon of inttlligeucn in tin- habit of wearing heelless slippers. Years
community who diei uotfcoutstly believe nso he fell in love with her while sLe
inhlstienrt that these men robbed the I was on the stage. Pcoplo laughed at his
(joytniLueiitol large sums of mouey.but, ledly.but ho married her, and now every-, many sympathise witn 1 body who knows him must say that he
them, nnd want to see thun get away with bus never done s more sensible tring iu
iue swag, iuese. oi course, represent hu i fa. Rl,ki,inn,l,lir.,.,,i
pretty laxnotiousoroBicl.ilintegrIty.but M mother. Like nil politicians he was
me comprise anout nan, or nearly uaii, rttthtr loose with bis money, but after
oi me vuice-uoiaiug or omce-seeKing UU marriage his wlfo took charge of
cinsses, auu woum pernaps no mo same uis finances, with the result of making
h'm not ouly rich bnt a man. Her
Uox, A. l, Dciiuno desires us to slate
that be Is not a candidate for Associate
Judg, aud tbnt under uo circumstances
e mid he be induced to accept the nomination.
You can send, ypnr pbsVk.ttipay your
subscription to the (!jupv!.iVti: af
ter to-day (8alurdy) VithOqt-aHxing
Obtiete a two cent stomp.
thing themselves if tbey had the chance
uud the nerve. It is Interesting to note
tho different theories of the failure of the
prosecutiou, but the prevailing ouo is
that the jury was uot equal to tbe case
a id the trial was too long drawn on.
The jury was uot nearly up to tho aver
age citizcu iu intelligence or character.
The ablest man on it the foreman-and
apparently the controlling spirit, was a
disciple oi Bdb Ingersoll, and probably
did much to shupe the verdict. The
length of the trial aud tbe mass of evi
dence aud voluma of "gab" injected iuto
it was ulono sufficient to defeat the ends
nf justice inkiich u And why was
iue emu so proiongesr vi course the de
fense uould labor to that end, hut why
should the prosecution? Dots any un
prejudiced man. lawyer or laymiiii.lhiuk
litis trial would uot have cuded iu u
month il the p ly of the Uovercmjiit law
yers had been by tho jab instead of by
tie las? '
What this celebrated trial has coat will
. iwKoowu uneu u -hitch coumttoetuer
'liut I take the tsiujito of a hit;h legal
children nre admirably brought up, tbey
are well behaved aud well educated, the
ouly fault to be found with them being
that they speak niih an Italian accent,
Tiue, she wears Ike breeches, but tho
judge does not seem to mind it iu tin
least. Iu fact he rather seems to evlr
'it iu au amused kind of wav. He-is
great big man over six foot and broad in
proportion, while his wife is a little wo
man scarcely reaching up to bis should
ere. As be walked along behind ier he
reminded one of a child leading a big
Newfoundland dog which oould at nny
moment assert itself by the slightest ex
ercise of its strength.
Bat here Is another picture. A certal
lawyer who has a fairly good practice
had a case iu oue of tha United States
Courts tbe other day. When the cause
was called his clerk appeared aud asked
To Whom it May Concern
All personirare hereby forbid meddling
with tlmfollovtlnir Personal Property lo.niil
by IheaiiPiSHIiencd to T.I'. FEHlt.ol Lower
'lownmensln Tow ship. Oarbon i!n Pa.,
ns tlio.Fuine Is my properly, and leased lo
li i m by ine. tu wit : lino Drown Marc, 1 Top
llUKny, I. Uulfher Wnieon. t led, 1 Set ol
liuohln lljivtipRH. 1 St-I or Hlnttlo Harness. 1
I'hotiiitnir JI ehlnc. 1 Saurniao S utter, a lull
Set or Uutchcrs' Tools. 1 Straw Uut'er. 1
Uook Move. 1 Parlor Stove, I lledroom Set
uud Jleddlng'. 2 llcilsieads nnd nciiumx. 1
Wardrobe, .'j Tables. Lot of Olialif, nnd al
other articles ol Household Furniture on Iho
promises now ecctiplod hi the snld T. Y. Fehr.
T J At!( 111 11 LS V, Li-hluh Twp .
I Norilnimptou County, I'cnn'n.
June: 8th, 1883-W3
11 iu i
Administrators' Notice,
Estate of Jonas Foci.t, Deceased.
Letters of Administration on tho Estate of
Jonas Foclit. late of the liorooiili of 1'arrr-
'vllle. e'arbon county, lvnnn., deceased, have
uuct Kruuieu luineunucreiKmu.iowfioin an
persons Indebti-d lo the said estate are re.
quested'td uinke Immediate payment, and
those having olims or demands will mnko
knuwu the same without delay.
June V, 1883-1.0 Adtululstralors.
Caution to Trespassers.
Joseph Klblor, Henry Klblor nnd Samuel
Kllilcr.nro hereby lorbld tresjunsftntc on tho
land of Iho undi-rstiined. In TuwiiinensliiK
Township. (Jiirbou County, Pa., alter this
uotlee.'under penally ol the law.
Juno 16th, 16S3..W3 '
Estate Notioo.
Etnte of John W. Heberllnir, late ot the
Ihirouieh or i.ehlKhton, e'Hibon County, Pa.,
dccciised. All persons Indebted to said estate
ine requested to make Immediate payment,
and llr-ifo li.tiinir Icicat claims nienlnit the
(irino, will present Hum wlthont delay, lu
propcr'order for settlement, lo ,
AMAMIA il. HEUtil!L.tNO, Executrix.
I.chljetiton, JuneS, ltttf-wO
New Fancy ork nt their homes, lu
cttv orbounlry. nnd earn SG tiS12 per week,
uiriklnr ieo:ils for our r-uminer and Fall
Irodo. i Send lfio for sample and particulars.
Hudson. JIfiJ. Co , C5 Sixth Ave., Now York.
On an estute in England .raising the lid
ofaplicngnnt ennp fires a gun, o devise
which this mouth led to the capture thrio
Phcobo Cousins complains that the
Protestant Church is far behind Ihiman
Catholicism in one important particular
it neglects In provide for the elevation of
1 e in i n i no saiuts.
The St. LouisTatr Association is not
on proud to take a revenue from the liquor
Ira flic They own booths, and these they
rent out for a single week to the highest
ulders for rash in advance. This year the
ars rented for $21,243 in tho aggregate.
Mr. Crowe, Commercial Attache to the
British Embassy In l'arla, observes that al
thoujh l'ruuce is reputed lo be still movirl
by a deep feeling of enmity toward her
German neighbors, her business with tbe
G.-rmon empire Increases every day.
That cigarette smoking may he both
willing and recuperating, provided that
the little roll of tobacco is loosely held le-
tween the fingers and pufTd from time to
time, Is the opinion of the Lancet. Where
injury inav bo expected is in keeping the
cigarette firmly between the lips and suck-
ug iu and retaining all of the nicotine.
The question at issue between the Hint
ford Postmaster and a resident is whether
mail matter shall be delivered by a carrier
at the latter's house, in view of the fact that
a dog IuvsriaMy snaps nt the heals of the
carrier. The owner mys that the brute is
simply playful, aud .he will resort to the
courts to compel tbe carrier to preform his
A traveler purchased a round trip tick
et between Mobile and Niagara, and signed
a contract that the return part must he
stamped and the passenger's siguoture wit
nessed for identification at Niagara before
It should be honored for passage. In an
action for damages for being ejected on his
return trip on account of his refusal tn pay
his fare (tbe return ticket not having been
witnessed for identification according lo tbe
contract), the St. Louis Court of Appeals
held that he cauld havo no recovery; that
iu the absence of any evidence of waiver, or
that the passenger bed no opportunity 16
know the terms of Hie contract when he
signed It, such an ogreeuuut si that set
forth was binding.
The last .installment,- Volume V., ofL
Victor Hugo's great pem, "La Llegende
del Slccles,"' which hat just appesred in
I'aris,Is variously appreciated by the French
critics according tp the political school ti
which they hsppen to belong. The liappcl,
as a matter of course, and several ether lie-
publican papers are loud in their praise of
tbe power of coiicepliou and grandeur of
style which mark the poet's latest wrk
which they profess to regard as not interior
to the productions of his piime. The c'eil
cal and monarchical papers, on He other
hind, delect everywhere unmistakable evi
dences of decadence aud senility, though it
DIVOKCE8- No publicity j residents or nny
Stale Desertion, Non-support. Advle-e
nnd applications lor slnmn. W. II. LEE,
Atl'y, j.89 Uroadwa), N. Y. Junc2d w4
TO ADVERTISEHS Lowest Hates for nd.
voritslnir ln77 oiinDiicwsoni ers sent free.
A ddress t !; i. P. HO W ELL (. CO.. 10 Spruce
St., Now York. juntza-w
For wound, dlsf asenr other
disability. Widows, minor
children nnd dependant
parent's entitled when death resulted. Claims
reopened, icslorallon. lncr -ases, bounty, back
pay and dlichiirses obtained, Apply "t once,
delay, prciudices your rights. F. o nxod by
Ijw. 'Address, with sin. up, the old estiuuisn.
ed'ftrm ol KliSON CO., Attorneys fx Olalm
Agcnjs.pil FSt., Wnshl ,Kton, I) O. cor
Grand Opening!!
The undcrslznod. harlnir onlarired and
nthnrwlsu Impr ivcd his Store, announces to
Ills IrlCllllS lltlll lllO pcopin Ol lviiikiuuh mm
lie has just KK-IIPENEll tho sauio with a
lull supply oi uierj iiiiu io iuu
line. Including
JIAK An iM r.
and all other FRXIITS and VKO ETA IILI .
In Season, nil of which lio Is furnUhlng at the
Frank Leibenguth,
Jane 23, 1S13.
mk JiHK
i c have also just received from tho Manufacturer a La nro
Rlnelrnl Nnwn.i kl.l.. nr T.-.tu. . ... .. . .
MmHs? lme& mid sitev&9
All of whtch we arc now offeriTig at
RdlT Uiiprecedently Low Prices I
Very Respectfully,
March SI, 1883-yT
Bank St., Lehigliton, Pa.
J ames Walp,
Successor to A. I). MOSSElt,
f and Healer ln all kinds of
tWmmatSimiSgi Manufacturer e
Tia anfl Sheet Iron fare, House Fnraiinii Gott &c, k
Is now offering extraordinary Bargains for Cash I
Ho Is the only Agent ln town for the sale of the
Bessemer, Sunshine, Othello, New Champion and Apollo
Ranges ; Montour, a ighthouse, Excelsior Penn, and
Eclipse Cook Stoves j tho Prinoeton, Early Davn,
Belmont and Real Double Heators, with a va
riety of other Square and Round. Heaters,.
All of which ho is now offering at tho Very Lowest Prices I
Also, on hand every kind ot STOVE ORATE nnd FIRE HR1UKS. Dealer In all the
best makes ol PUMPS.
Roofiing and Spouting, Prompt and Cheap.
Store on SOUTH Street, a few doors above Bank Street.
Patronage Invttedj- satisfaction guaranteed. June 80, 1S8 l-yl
Spring and Summer I
A Special Invitation Is extended to the Lad
les of I.ehlKhton and surrounding neljhber
boovl to rail and examine the Immense) sleet
Spuing Styles !
Grana SDriua: & Suinnier Openinp:
ThAnni,nlrnfrl remiel fuilv nnnnnnces to
the Ladles of I ehJuhlou and vlclnl'y. thai
sue Is now receiving a very sparge anu 1.1c
gaut Assortment ot
Spring and Summer
comiirlslnir HATS. BONNETS. HltimiNS,
FLOW KIIS. tee., ol the very NEWEST
oil U r.o. lunuoin ior uni'ii-j,
WEAK. All at Prices fully
as low as tbe same quality
of gouds cnn be bought
for elsewhere,
Mrs. E. Fatit.
Store Two Doors Hclow the M. E t'hurcb,
BANK St. Lchtghtou. a,ir.U nU
i t
O . . I
co yA
I I ry i
S l I oT
1 1 l "
for an adjournment, . for.R week, atatiog I certain lbs l many ol the Jilecea. were
Ik.l 1.1, ... , in. ' I
.wni h ,invj i tuv in w appear, wrmcu )ari vv
TIie.'CoHiftte Bone Pliospliate !
One of the Best Fertilizers
. for all kinds of FAltM
Crops and GARDEN
Vegetables, can be
bought in large or
small in quan
tities of
March 3l-ra
H. H. Peters'
Merchant - - Tailoring
Post Otfloo Building, opp. Public Square,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
A full line of OENTS' FUHNISHINU
UOUUS, at Lowest Prices. tnar.3-tf
yj- UCIL.3IAN is.
BANK STEEET, Eohif;hton, Pa.,
Ml LI. Kit" aud Dealers tn
AllKindof OtlAIN nouailTand BOLDa
We would, also, lespectlully Inform onrclli
ttns that we are now fully iireparcdto ljUl
1'LV them with
IBest COiml
From any Mln desired at VEll
Jul) II
Local Advertising
Send for Bates, which will be
found very moderate.
Job Printing
of every description,
Illustrated Sale Bills
At Low Prices !
- Bani-st, LeMgln, Pa.,
competing all the latest Novelties la Black
and Colored Silts, Velvets, PUIdr, Cash
meres, Sorites, all-Wool Suitings, Urtng.
hams, Prints, 1c. Also, a full line of
all of which he Is offering at very
Lowest Prlees.i A Din ltnt e( .
Silver-Plated Ware,
Do call and see It. My stock of
Carpots, Oil Cloths,
full and complete. Cheap as tlx Cheapest,
and Good as the Best. sept.4-rl
Saloon Keepers anil Oilers,
Don't fail to buy your
Chainpaigne Pear Cider,
Lager Beer,
Boob Beer,
ABIC. IS. 18S1-IT.
Qliarles Rapp
Respectfully announces to the citizens of
Lehighton and vicinity that he has opened a
Meat Market,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.,
where he may bo found every week day from
0:00 o'clock A.M. to 9:0 IP. M with a full
supply of PRIME FRESH MEAT. Prices
as low as the lowest. Patronage Is respect
folly solicited. JuneSmS
Two Doors Below tho " Broadway Uoaae'ri
Dealer in all ratterna of Plain sd Fiaer
Wall Papers?
"Window Shades,
Paints & Paintesr Supplies,
DIL I'- f. UK-I'H ftKLTE iU IIUi!3l TK1AT1KKT,
U4tatilrUparinl(r ll't- 'I D it'Hvpa 0iifbUl"n,Pll,
rvt.m hcurftld, IIUrf, U rv"a rrst'sttiti raaiait
jtU utM rtcttOi t rtlc, W.kfhis., llrntal X--rM'nn,tn
UbIdk t BnUa ultttin in tuMliy tnud
'dinc Muilsvr) , dMjr nd dJU . Pr-ntntatg Old If
'jarrraMM, lnt Jnrlo tlibr hi, lutUiiiy Lowe
tn4 bt int rliai Mutnl tv ovr-ni-n tttUm ltl;
Mir abu tr is. rlmlti cawc. (vhUiniiuiiiisiM moata
rlinstn 0 kit fwr (i,i-Dl bjr bull pi-
,I1JUM rni it'i -iv.
Ta rir nr rt. Wth rU tMr rplv 1 tT m fnr ill
bulM, COlliriisll lih (t, will tl thm pHtCtiMfW
writu m lauaau 1 risul ti miottr If tl irMtuaut dtiM
S .Ifff-ft fr nuraiitrsaauoiMil tr
Ttt rUbral-4 unUU HUd I'urtA. w. It tmmdUUtr
swbr uy ne-ripl ti ti trpt. Uotin' (wr
&20 nooo Striat. Philadelphia? Pa.
BANKVTAY, a short distance attora
the Leblxh Valley U.K. Depot,
We are now folly prepared to execute trery
description or PUINTINQ, from a
Visiting; Can! to a Large Poster !
Bhlpplnrr Tags
Cards, ,
JJIII Heads,
Letter Heads,
I. ore Heads,
ic, Ac., tn Best Wanner, at
Reasonable Prices !
u what tou want Ihe
rrratest Invention ot Uionel ber our pan
nhleu FrJit Irte. rot J. Y. EUAN.Oreen
bora:, If T Jslyilji