Advertising Rates. We desire it to le distinctly undorsloo.1 that no advertisements- will be inserted In the columns of Tiik Cabbo AnvooAT that may bo received from' unknown parties or Brim unless accompanied by the cash. Tho following are our oXLT termst ns squabs (10. LISKS), One year, each Insertion: 0 cis. Bix months, each insertion.... cu- Three months, eacli insertion',.......... 20 els. Lossthan thrcomonths.nrstlnscrtioii $1 1 each subsequent Insertion a as. Local notices 10 cents icr line. 'iUVmORTUIMKR. Publisher. .vqRDS. JRorneysT i ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orncit -Corner of Bunk Street fc. Rankway, :(1,,;fidlnir above lue Carbon Advocate aqdtuTldlnfC above Ite Printing uincc. May 19,18S3-mM LF.iuaiiTON. TTT M. ll'VPSIIEU, ATTOBXBY AND COUNSEtLOIl sT LAW, DiaaStai,liBioeio,P. . . .......i , .,., CTUliluvsnd u.m.11 11MI1,,. onmus - . . Idsntsa specialty, d usrmsn, ?4? Physicians and Dentists. REMOVED. WG. H. Seiple, Physician Unitei, fcy ocVup ilu,', A. J WJffi ' i,,.. i,0 win 1,0 pleased to me nil menu' rd "a r ns! -WlUE H' .lilt '",., 6 to 0 o'clock P. M. 11Kl1 31 lb83' T. W. W. HEHKlts PHYSHSIAN AND SUROI'.ON, MAIN STREET. PAHRYVILLK PA. Jlav be consulted In the English or Oorman , .....1. nl Language. "ttt A. DEKII.VMEK, M , 'physician AND dTlGXOS ' ' . i.i .'.t.ntlon naM to Chmnlc PIsmsos ...., HtirnrIreDanil4nd..l- blbton,Pi. 1970. -jsq" n. KEBElt, M. n. ' . S Itxumlnlng Surgeon. rn-OTI0IN(l PHYSICIAN andSOkianoN or.nciti jjaukBtrcct. Rkbrb-k hlock, LeniEh, ,0ilii bo conaaiutl In tho Germ m Language. Nov. 3'. c. nr. iiowEit, K PHYSICIAN AND SUKOEON. Jlav bo consulted In Hin Herman or English .L.nrllitifO. (Kir 'pposlt ;,vnk si., i.chigii poslto Durllng's Drnct store, rhlgliton. I'a. jin. 1 I tweak H. V. Mobthimkb, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT Live and Let Live." $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. VOL. XL, No 32. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1883. If not paid in advance, $1.25 Railroad Guide. & Reaflins B. B. Arrangement cf Passenger Trains. MAY 27th, 1883. Trains leave Allontown as follows I (Via Pshkiomks IIailroad.) For Philadelphia at 6.U), 0.45, 11.40 a. m anil '3.10 . in. SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at 5O0a.ra.and 4.00 p.m. (Via East Pknn Hranch.) For Reading and Ilarrlsburg, 0 00, 8.40 a. i ti is l a i. iintl 0.05 n. m. For I.nnoiiaterand Uoluuibla, O.C0, 6.40 a, m., and 4 sup in. SUNDAYS. For llnrrlsburg, and waypolnts, 7.S5 a. m., 0,1)5 p. m Trains for Allentown leave as follows : (Via I'RIIKlONEX ItAILBOAU -! Leave Philadelphia. 7.40 a. m. and 1.00, 1.J6, 1B0, and 5.15 p.jn. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 8.3) a. m., 3.30, and 4.20 p. in. (VI EAST PBKM. HrtANOIi.) Leave Heading. 7.30, 10 15 a. m., S.00. 3.50, n,i,l II IS I,. 111. Leave Hurrlsburg. 6S 7.50, 9.S0 a. ni., 1.15 and 4.mi p. in. ... . , Ltave Lancaster, t,.3 a. m i.ui anu n. in. Ijcayo voiuiiiioi, .iv p. in. SUNDAYS. Leave Reading, 0 00 a. m. and 6 00 p.m. Leave llanlsliurg, 7 00 a. in. and 4 00 p m. Trains via "Pcrkloraen IIailroad" nmrkd thus () run In and Irum Iiepot, Urcen ureois, piiiiaucipnia, nn.l f.... Itmilil Klrl'L llGlHll., The 5,'0 ami e.45 a. in. irninn iroin niu-n. town, and the 1 35 and MS p.m. train Trom Philadelphia, via Perklim en liallmad, have through curs tu aud Irum Philadelphia. J. E. WOOTTKN. (lenerul Manager. CO. HANCOCK. tlen'l Pas"r &. Ticket Agent. MnyJ7ih, liS3 1.10 and 3.4 J Mulli nnd other trains to JOHNR.G.WEYSSER, rrtorniETort of the Maucii Chunk, Pa. Pure Porter ami Lapr Beer Delivered all over the State. 0 PC -h CD w bD QQ & O Pi CD P tn No Patrnt No Pay. PATENTS 3E3C-A.T iTS Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfectly adapted to euro diseases of the scalp, and the first suc cessful restorer of faded or gray hair to Its natural color, growth, nnd youthful beauty. It has had many Imitators, but none hate so Tully met all tho requirements needful for the proper treatment of tho hair nnd scalp. IIai.i.'d H.Mit lti:xEWr.u haa steadily grown In favor, and spread Its fame and usetulntss to every quarter of tho globe. Its unparal leled success can be attributed to but one cause! the cntirtfutjilment q' Mi jwnifcf. The proprietors have often been surprised at tho receipt of orders from remote cuun- tr:es, where they had never made au tirorl lor its Introduction. The uso for n short time of Hall's llAin Itiixr.wnit wonderfully Improves tho per sonal appearance. It cleanses the scalp from all lnipurltle., euros all humors, fever, nnd dryness, nnd thus prevents bnldncss. It stimulates tho weakened glands, and enables them to push forward n new and vigorous growth. The clfects of this artlclo nro not transient, llko those of alcohollo prcpara tlons.bnt remain a long time, which makes Its uso a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE fouthk WHISKERS. Will ehange the beard to a natural brown, or black, ns desired. It produces a permanent color that will not wash nway. Consisting of a single preparation, It Is applied without trouble. rnEPAunb by ', R. P. HALL & CO.JasliM.iO. Sold by all Dealers In Medlcluu. POE ALL TEE T0EMS or Scrofulons, Mcrcnrlal, nnd Blooil Disorders, tho best remedy. locnie tho most searching nnd thorough blood-purlUcr, Is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggists j SI, sis bottles, SC. WHY THE EDITOR SWORE. With a terrific cnld'ln his head, And eye) Us heavy and sore, An editor sat in his broken chair, And bitterly, earnestly swore. A youth hsd dropped in willi a traem A man was there with a dun, Apd a rhsp had entered to lei I him How the paper ought to be run. An irate subscriber had told him Ills sheet wasn't lit to be read! While another hart carefully promised He would punch the editor's head. Tho lorcman was yelling for copy, And the wind whittled In at the door, And this with a few other reasons ' Is why the editor swore. But the angel that took it to Heaven, Recorded this verdict there: 'The jury finds In this present case Twas a justifiable swear." W. A. Oortright, D.D.S., SSSsi OFFICH: 0psllethe"iiriiadway House," Mauch Chunk, Pa. Patients have tht henent of the I itcst Ira prnrjmimli In inn hmHil nppll mccj an. tho liest mcthol" nrir-iMn;;iu m all funrlcal enseJ NITROUS-OXUIF. iidmlnUtorwl It de'lrod. It povf.l.-. persons resldlim .mtslde of Mauch ChunK should m ,ke engam-mcnls by mall. J8 u OetoberS,188t vl Central Caniage Works, ' T CJUN APlliMI, inn GF.NERAL INSURANCE AOENT The Mlowln Cooip mle re llfptesentedi LIM.VN )N MUrUAIit'IttB itKAi.iiNo turu.vii rinK, WVOMINO FIIIK. 1.. lllti.ii rliif llh .ISA 131.I5US AtiCIDKNT JNSUUANOK, Also l'-nimlvunli and Jtutnnl Uoree Thlcl ct,tveanilIiurau.oC.jiuiiaiiv. Dank St., Lohigliton, Pa.9 Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Uf every description, In the most substantial wanner, ami ui i.owiiii viidii i iivcb, obtained for Inventors In tho United States Canada and Kuropc. at reduced rates. With our principal offlco located In Washington, directly opposite tho United States Patent Ofllce, wo are able to attend to all patent business with grcnti-r promptne-s and lc. spntch and at less enst than other patent at torneys who are at a distance fioin Wash- ln(on, and who have, therefore, to employ 'asocliite attorneys." we moke preliminary examinations and furnish opinions ns to i a- tcntabllliy, free of charge, and all who aro Iniorp.ipd in n, w Inventions nnd relents aro Invlii il tu send fur a cupv our "uuiuo lor obialnlnir Potenls," wlib h Is sent treo to any address, and contains com lete Instrue tlmis how lo obtain naieuia and oilier valna bin mutter. Wo refer lo the German-Amer lean National Hank Wnshb gimi, D. 13. ; tho Itnyal Swedish. .NnrWK'an and ii.i isiinna. it,',,,., ni. H'VIilnutoii i Hon. Jus. Casey. Into tittle! .Histlce U. S. Coiiri nl llliilmsi to the OMclals of the U. s l-ateiit i mice, anu to Senators nnd Aiembcis oi uongrcss ironi every Slulo. Addre.s: J.OT'IS IHOOKI! ft ua. so. Ilcllors ol Patents nnd Attorneys nt Law.Le. Droit Ilulldlnu, wabiiinoton. u. ;. rWTO wanted, to sell Kdlsnn'sMns fiVJljlTl li) leal Telephone and Mlson's :nstantancnus Piano and (iriran Muelc. tn- cloit. stamp for o talutiue and tern s. EDISON SlUSK! CO., Plillndellila. Pa dec. 24.ilQ. F0RTHEPEHM&KEHTCURE0F GOWSTBPATSON. i;o other dlscaoia co crcvalcntin tMtl country as Con&tlpatlon and no rcmiedj naj ever rQiiaiica uio ceiecraica.iuuAi.x- v uitj, aj euro. vjDaiCTcr lue chubc, however cbstlnato tho coco, t!iU resicC; JZ ovcrcorr.r iz. pctl 9 ? O TIH3 2Itreftnff cam- I" BiaC.Oii Dlaint la very ntto be! VcrtPtreaclhensthov'eaieiicd parts and! iQuIckly curtail klndJicf riles even Tt hen pUyiildAiui and Kiedleinot htwebcfbraf&il ed. t'J'lt you havo either of these troubles USE UpiUCGOt.l QARBON HOUSE, J. W. KAUDUNHUSII, PnOPKIETOll, DaxkSt., LmiiuuTox, Pa. Tho Oannos HouHBf Jrs "t-claM i "cenm nidations lo the Travedmr public. Ilinrdlmi W the ll'y or Week on Hwisonabte Terms Ohiilce Otu'irs, Wines and l.lrjuors always on h md. Oo.d Sho-ls and Stables, wlin attei tlve Hostlers, aitacbcd. April 10-yl, -p.VCKERTON HOTIJi. Midway between Maueh Chunk & Lehlghton LKpPOLI) MEYKU, Puoi'Uinron, Paekcrton, Pcnn'a. 'Ttils well known hotel Is admirably reAtted, and has tho bwt accommodations lor iiornian ent and transient boarders. Kxiellimt ial o and the very boat liquors. Also rtnastinles attached. Sept. 15-yl. Uciiahliig l'lomiillj Alliiiikil to. TIinXLCK & KHKini.ER, April 23, 18SC yl Proprietors. F. A TjKHMANN. Solicitor of Ainerlcnn rtnd KoM'lwn Prtitnt, Vnfli(nton, IM AU Inulnces cnnifptfil with l'titum, whotticr biMore the rnrnt OIIIpo eir ihu 'ourIi, promptly nttrudol to No chiirye mmlo un. Upu patent Is eocurcJ. ScnA for ctrculnr, .c. iua5.t(c n wpcV ixnilo nt botne Tiy tbi In i?trmuf. item ijiimucw now no rtf t lie puMfc. Cnpltal not lioriltjil. W will tttnrt 3011. Men, Tomn, tm tiiul x'rls wjntiMt rytrywlicro 10 WorK inr 118, IMJv is lllti nine, im mil niirx fa tpnru time, or telvo vour wliolo Mine to th I lu pines. JNn other Imslnfc will pny you noitrly to well. No on cm full to make rnor. oions pay, 1'y emrlnr t mien Costly t Ht nn'l ti'rom Tree. Monry mnilo fuel, rii'lly anl hononbly, AUtlrcsa 1'iiue & Au. u;m, la!:io dctS yl n l2795",?i j-.lVIU KHIIUUT'S Livery & Sale Stables WniC STaBKT.I.KIliaiITOS, Pn FAST TROTTISQ HOUSES, El.Et3AT CARRIAGES. And positively LOWEH PltlOCS than anv otbor lavory in too uoanir, atx and UnJ;I'011A'5?;., Not. 2J. 7J. WISER icople nro nlwnyf on Ktohoiii ior cnillicrff ncrcnH thrir nrn. Iiiir. iiirl In tlino he fiome weallhyt lho vrlmilu not Improve their opportunities remain in poverty. . We fler a It eni ciiancvmin.iKD miniry. warn mniij men. vnxuen, hoys ami ulrU to work torus right In their own 1 rlltlci. Auyonn enndo thonorU 1 piycrly front the firt start. Thn hu-InrM will pny moru than ten time onllu. nry wik Kxinflrs i nttlt iurnlthc.l free. rut on woo tnKU" 111 10 uuiko nionry rnhhllv. You t-an tievole vonr whole timn to thrt wtirk. or only your rpnre moment Full Inronnntlon nnd all that Is neeili'd un I no. Autlrees 8TIN80N iit;t. 1'orllana JMaine. RESTS not, II To Isswoeiilng by. go and dure before vuu romeihlnir mluhty jintl sublime leave be- hind to conquer time." tea a week In your wa town. i5oulnt fre,. No. risk Ker.v. tliinir i.ew Capital not rrqulred. We will furnWi )ou crcrythlnir. Many are making lorluncs, L'tdles inako as much as men. and Ihiv nnd vlrls make ureal pay y ii want bu.lness at whloh you ean tinike Krcat pay all the time, write for particulars to 11. 11 ALLurT .V Co. Portland Maine, and WAIt, A I AT. KS and all kinds of L A Ml SI'II 1 PT hnimht ami s !. Large Slock, and lllnh-rt Prices paid. Iiojnu wont to sell or ItiyT II so, write to A. A TltllMAS, Attorney at Law, Waihlnglou, D, ;. Jan.Mfc. I A M r Claims specially, and WA I AIM I I RAVIS. A 1HI ITION A lni 1 Lll(i.Mi:sl'KAll CtElirlKllIA t VT T TT1T?XTrTTJTT l V J. V . H;luuiimuou i - DROP IN A'L' THE Carbon Advocate OFFICII FOR f!hfian Printincr I Miss ALVENIA GRAVER fFormerlv Mrs. Wohr & SisterJ respectfully announces to her friends and the Indies generally, that she has removed her Millinery & Notion STORE, from SOUTH Street, into the new building next door to -Lir. KODers jjiook, Bank Street, Lehigliton, and that has Just received from the City a large nnd elegant assortmentof the very Latest Styles of Spring and Summer i- ,i.iiits ntiNNETS. PI.t'MES all Shades. Nl 1 1 IONS which she Is ollerlnir to the ladles ai prices tully as li.w as the same art- rr.owETis. mnnoNs and icle can bs bought for In the cities. Call anil examine. No trouble to show goods. Agent for tl e Bethlehem Steam Dye Works. Remember, Miss ALVENIA GRAVER, Arm , U83 3 Next to Rebcr's Block, Rank St, Spring Announcement ! Resneetlully nnnnnivs n the pnhllo I hit ho spene.l NI1W LlVEftY S TA IILK In connection with his hotel, and Is prepared to famish Teams for Faaurals, Weldings or Basiues Trips on shortest notice and most llberalterms. AU orders l(lai llio"i).ii.i'n llnuso'' will receive prompt atleatlon Siahle on Nori h 8 reel, bell the hotel, Lehlxhum jan';j-l ANI)KllOV fcfMITII. , S'ilclt"rs of l s. and I'nr elun Patents, No. TOO 7th Bireet, eor or IJ. opp. u raienn. , Washlnirion. I. . forn-pondenco solicit ed No ehamo lor advice. No frt eliarKed unless Patent Is allowed. Jlererenoes. Lents Jahnsm Co.. Banker,, and Postmaster, Washlnnton, 1). O. Pamphlet of Instrue. tlouljree. Jn -lL ? v-niiTir AVTl MIDDIE-AOED. WoW touo re;tor,a iosoUNI. Motihnn.l 9 PATENTS.; A CARD. The nn tersls;ned calls the attention of his many friends and patrons to his Larue and fashionable Stook of u.T..i .. ...... vab ill net To all who nro suffe'lnif from the errors and Indiscretions o ynuih. nervous weakness, earlv ileeav. loss of manhood. &.C, I will send a reeloe that will euro you. FIIKB OF OHARIIK. This ureal remedy was itlreov. ered hv a nilsslnnirv InSouth America. Send TsoK-vtdrnse! envolopetolhe Hit. Joshth , l.iM vw. Station V, New Terk t'ltf. us 1 IT. Spring Goods, Consisting of BOOTS AND SHOES Of every deierlptlon and Style In the Market, Including a special lino of Lady's Fine Shoes Also, a fall line of Umbrellas, Sun Shades, Hats, Caps, fce., Jte. Our Young Ladles and Uenllemen will And It to their advantage to give him acall before purchasing elsewhere, as they will find tho 11F.8T SELEOTKD STOCK In Town AT UOTTOM FftlUES. NancvHill. ClUPTEn I. The night set iii .lark and cb!U. All day Inug a Hue. frosty sleet lift 1 fnlleu, which as the wind rose in leugthenetl Ullstfl, clidtised to frtat-fulllng uuow-llkcs. All day the note of preparation had antvuled iu Abraham Fliim'H kitchen; for it was the day beforu Christmas. Mrs. Plum ibored .lie last quartet ol pies into the oy.rj, shut the door with a ulaug, sucl began to clear ewuy the sup per table. She was a short, fat woman; yet she was brisk in her movements this evening, and hsshe swept iuto the pantry ladeu with blue-edged plitesntidteacnps, mi nir of priilu win visible. Hue liugort d to look nt the result of her toil, nnd to count, for the twentieth time, the row of pies on the shelf before the window. 'Three plum, two gooseberry, fonr blackberry, eight npple, fifteen mince, nnd n great Jil itler of cranberry lartsl"' Mr. l'lnm cume iu nUn, un ndmiriug expressinn gradually st.iliug over bis face. "I vou! if you haven't got aliow 1 Why, yon haven't couuted them in Ibe oven I' & I dnlu'lP fjienlated bis wife, "Them nre mince. They always go off fusler'n nny other." She broke off n bit of burnt crust as big as a cent Vir) cure fully. "Come, molbfr, yon'vo looked nt 'em enough for one day. You've got all day and to-morrow, too, to see Vm in.'' "No I biilu't." broke iu hit ife. Dear mel what A sight's to be done to murrow. I hope Sirabll come over early t'belp. .1 rather looked for Nancy to-day." . Her bnaband drew a chair to tbe stove and seated hlm-elf. I'd ooua after her," said be, "only I knew wan jilit crohsed-gruined enough not to let ber cume if I did. She's got to lake him in the right mood, you kuow." Mrs. Plum sighed nnd ant down to res:. Jliis Nancy of whom they spok win the youngest of her flock, not five years a wile. She was also unhappy in her marriage which accounted fur hrr mother's sigh. Siiuiiirl Hill had been n gay youth nnd a haiidiii'iii1) one. Courted by all the yirla of the village, he turned from their loo evident homage In little Nancy Plum, the most rit'ious, minded damsel of nil. Ho called ber tenderly "tbe little psalm- inger." S!ie. in her turn, was flittered by bis preference, and she yielded up her heart to his keeping, in spite of par. ental objections. It proved lo be an act of fully on her part; be was n careless keeper. Moro thau that, be was nt limes unkind. Her parents read Ibe eli que nt aigus of misery in ber luce at every visit, but fcbe never complained of liiin. Something iu ber look fotbade direct inquiry, -u luok as if she bad de liberately counted tbe cost of existence md nerveij berelt tn endure It. How many times she iuwardly wished bers If o tfirl again ut borne wus known only to berstlf. Tbcy had not been married, iwo years before lie drank openly instead ol iu secret Whole d.iys were passed away from ber where? Sbe knew and cried over tbe knowledge. Mr. Pit m looked thoughtfully at tbe stove. "He's a poor worthless coot. that's a fact. I used t'tell Nelly that she'd sup sorrow if she'd marry bim, but ahe would have her own way." 'Law it dou't do nn good after tho thing's done t'say 'I told yon so.' " The expression of txcitid anticipation bad filled from Mrs. Plum's face; she put ber feet ou tbe alone hearth aud rtsted her elbows on ber knees as sbe mused aloud. "It's all a luck an' by chance business anyway. 'Cause some occasion illy git cheated, 't don't follow that they're t'blnme. None of us are very sharp-sighted iu such matters. I wnrM. I shet my eyes ana said 'Yes,' kuowiu' no more'u tbe m.iu iu the moon whether I sLould repent or not." "Well, have you?" asked ber bnsband, archly. She smiled mischievously. "S'pcte I'd own it if I thought I'd come oil spiudngo?'' "That's jist like wimmin." said Mr. Plum; "they're so queer. 0u It? "Yts I'd proclaim it from D.m to Beer- sbeba. and su serve as a narnin'." His wife Ungned. "All wimmiu are cut in the same pattern, I b'lieve. There's Natcy, now! I jpect she'd eat ber tongue sooner'u step np 't'mo 'u say, F'atber, Rxm abuses me..' " "It'll bo aleigbin' to morrow, I guess. Mrs. Plum rose aud we: t to the window. "Wby, the ground's white already" studing ber eyts with ber bauds and peering iulo the darkness. Olii Post Office Buld BAM Street, LIHIGHTON cuorea were douc-. Hue core n. special commission ns serving mnid from ber mother, nnd she smilingly nocepterl tbe honor. Tho liilcheu nnd keeping room were crowded with happy faces Ions: be fore noon. New dresses weio displayed In small knots of mutual ndmlntlon faces. Loud voices and impromptu j-sls were the order of things, crowned by hearty bursts of hughter. In tbe midst of it all the mother, nnd grandmother moved with nn anxious face, lest some untoward happening spoil tbe fun. Grandfather coustiluted himself a but for ,the childish mirth, and bis ringing laugh sounded younger than theirs. Twelve o'clock struck. Tbe matrons came back from the church. Tbe big turkiy roasting in tbe oven began to steam fragrantly; tbe fatsparerlb In tbe other begau to hlsa nnd sputter as the mistress of tbe feast turned it' over with apriuklings tf salt and pepper. The children were made hungry by tbe smell and tlimofd loudly for dinner, aud were Appeased with thick cuts of ginger bread, which they went around munch ingwith copious crumbles to adults' dissatisfaction. T o o'clock struck. The long tables assumed tbe functions of spring, and leaved out with astonishing rapidity. Children wero thrust into an adjoining bedroom to be got out of tbe way, when they set up a series of agonizing choruses The blue-edged crockery kept ignomiui. ously in the pautry, while fair, white chlua arranged itself ou the board Pickler aud preserves crept side by side; cold sUw" brimmed huge bowls; jelli quaked and quivered; hearty "brown bread" did not disdain to lie alongside f its paler relative. "We ruiy's well give up seein Nancy fust as last," sighed Mrs. Plum, as she bsnt up tbe lumpy squash wilb butter. I've kep' bopiu' ebo'd get here yit, bnt sho wou't. I know she's feellu' like dealt ubout it, a tbinkin' of you all hero, Ncept herself. 'Jui-y look out for your dress dear! You'll burn it Wnst that stove," She has not met with" us in three years," answered Snrub, rather resentlul ly, pounding the turnip. T'alut ber fault. Sam always has aomo excuie. LaBt year it was "tuo baby wuiu't old enough to bring and tbe couldn't leuve it' though Miuta broueht bers. which was two nioutLs younger." I.'s my opinion," reioiued Sirah.witb un emphatic toss of ber head, "that he's ashamed to face us altogether; be s car ried on so that be must feel guilty, if he's uot any conscience.' Three o clocK ana ise raagio wuru, ''dinner!' echoed through tbe crowd, The mother's eyes glanced at Nancy's chair and filled. She would let no one nrrtmir It. "Her heart is here," sbe said, in a low voice, "if her body i not." CHAPTER II. "It is Christmas day," said Nancy Hill, nt breakfast. "I suppose we nre going home to-day; lbej'11 all be there." "Let thera. Where is home, I won der, if not here? ' Her husband ate bis breakfast sullenly. "Bat I told mother we'd go,'' put in tbe wife, feebly. "I cau'l help that Am I responsible fnr what vim stiyl I in not going one step. I don't care a fig for ull thtir meetings." "Well, I can take tbe horse nnd go alone. I can drive, you know. And it's ouly eight miles away." 'Tm going to uso the horse; I've got on eugagmeut at Stanton. I shan't be back to dinner." "Yon can drive me over first I must gc." pleaded tbe disappointed creature. "13 II will be there with ber children. She has just come from Minnesota, and r haveu't seen her siuce before I was married," 'Bother!" Mr. Samuel left the room She heard bim presently at the cider biirel. Aud then ber wrath rose, It was nn- just, this state of servitude lo n binte hn ilesnlsed her and ber kindred, tier anger mounted on the wings ofdisip pniutnieut. She who bad bitberte shown a mild spirit, and submissively yielded to bW enactions, now rebelled. Iusian Uncously, all tbe instances uf bis direct nnklndness flislied vividly into her recollection ; auger aggravated tbe stings. Succeeding this rose ber long forbear nuce, maguifkd by ber resentment iuto niarlvrdike virtues. Indeed, ber life was a martyrdom, urn sne was power, less to quit it. Ob yes she was power less! Tbe tie. however baleful, was bind ing until death. "Would that death would come and take me and give me resit'' sbe wept There was something in his wife's trars very imflaratnable to tbe passion of Sim- iiel Hill. He always met tbem with abuse. He had been drioklng now, ana was more insulting than even before. Hard words followed; and, for the first timo in bis miserable married, life 1 e struck her. She crouched frightened, beside the cradlo where her boy lay ale.pinr-. There nre some natures which the sign of fear in others determines to aggris. sion. It seemed as ll itb that one blow a whole rabble ol evil instincts rushed ont to follow after. I do not Ibink be was oonscions cf what be did. Tb whiter sbe. grew tbe 1 mder bis voice became. Even in Ms passion Nnnrv noted I ow handsome be was; aud, through ber al iect fear, crept a few trembling thrills o love for bim still. Her antjer u'terly died for fear. If be would ouly stop sbe would say no more about gnipg The Carbon, Advocates An Independent Family. NetmpeT, Published every tATURDAY, in Lhlglitori, Carlmn Co., Pa., by If.WtliV V.. MOU.TKl.1IKH. omra-fiA KWAV. a hr.rl ijlstauce. bosv. the Loiilxb. Valley r.. 11. Depot.. Terms:: $l.o& jrtnniim kkiim ti:cuit-iiuM or rLitx AM' riser J ob IPrintiixgf "That's like wimmin. too." chuckled Mr. Plum. "When you git the belter ' borne; this would be no lonelier than of 'em in an amuuniut they alien change ! otbe r dsys. She wculd sing to ber baby, tb subject ' and sew, aul preserve silence toward Thm r .Toi-no and with H all of bim tbe m irried offsbfoU of Ibe bouse of Fate said. In person of her busband Plum. First came Sarah, wilb children thrt-biraDd lo folios- whsn tbe ,-Not to." 6 is looked bewildered at first; ri Mi not comprehend bis dmd iug. Ho made it plain lo her. "Sii.ce yon are so anxious to go yon shall; and you need' not trouble yourself ti como back. I really insist upon it. I nm anxious for your enjoyment." And the villain laughed mockingly. H took up the infant and held bim lorth to her. "I must dress myself first," sbe said soberly. "Indeed you shall go ns you are. Here's your shawl! Startl' "Are you goin.z to lake n?" she falt ered. At which bis loud laugh rang nut. ".Sot I. 'Taint a fruit season; besides, I dou't liko plums," I won't slir obe step in this nay; I'll call the neighbors," she declared. "Do, if jou dare." Sbe was too afraid to perform ber threat. Then seeing she did not start, he took her by tho wrists, and sbe found herself nnd baby out in tbe cold, She crept under tbawood-shed.aud sat down on a pile of boards and cried. Mis ery bad shown her a bold front belori ; now it overwhelmed her. Her buy stirred in ber arms, and she wrapt tbe shawl caref-illy about bim. Sbe sat shivering. If some team would only come by nnd take ber, just as she was, to her father's house! Sbe would spoil tbe merry-making, of course, but they would not care for that. But no one came. "Everyone is happy but me,'' sbe thought with sup pressed bitterness, "What have I .done to deserve it?" ner husband came out presently and looked tbe door. Then be looked np the roid aud down. Sbe shrank iuto a cor ner behiud the boards; be did not see ber and passed lo tbe barn whistling. Sbo heard him swear at tbe horse as be saddled it. Then he monutei and went oil through the suow. She crept out of the shadow, now to got into the bouse was tbe question. He would not be back before noou sbe knew. Sbe tried the doors; they were all fastened. The windows raised with difficulty from tbe inside; it was a hope less task to open them from the outside. Upsides she could not put her baby on tbe snow to make Ibe attempt. His lit tie hands were cold; be woke and cried, and she was ton chilled to soothe bim At last she thought of the dining-room Tfiudow. Beside it was a door opening on the piazza; a fragment of glass bud fallen from one of the lower panes, and if she could thrust ber baud Ihrongb sbe might unbolt tbe door. No! it was too smill a fissure. Away she went to tbe wood-shed again.aud she found a broken bam I hoop, with which she sped back as fast as ber benumbed limbs would carry Ver. This happened to hit the boit; sbe gave a vigorous push and hoard it slide. Sbe rekindled tbe fire and sat down to think. After this experience sbe must leave him; it was evident that be wished it. But how mortifying to go back so! Turned away by ber busbaud with sooffs and jeers! Sbe dressed her baby carefully; there was time enough. He should look his best at tbe Christmas feast, if be was tbe heir to au unhappy borne. Then sbe donned ber own best garments and mide up a bundle lo osrry with ber. As she busied herself thus ber heart felt lighter. It seemed to ber as if she bad shnkeu off an incubus which bnd hitherto weighted ber with iron. "Come, babr, we must start!" she said to tbe child, who coned iu return and made a dive at her bonnet with bis at Angers. 8be walked alons the snowy road with light footsteps until the first two miles ere passed. Then she began to turn bead nud wish that some team would come nl ing; she shon'd beg a ride. Bat she saw none. Tho sky was blue over head, the sun shone brightly. Tbe leaf. less branches of tbe trees were freighted with soil snow which glistened in tbe clear sunshine. The nir was crisp and cold, but still. It stung ber cheeks iuto ruddy fl mie as sbe walked. It was hnrd walking. Tbe road was indicated ouly by plow line, where boofs bad been before ber. The snow oovered her nnkUs, incruslicg her stock ings with considerable pieces, whioh sbe paused from tuna to time to pick. It was a pleasant day In those who walked or rode fur pleasure. As for Nancy, tbe recoiled inn of the morning clolhed ber pirlt with darkness, darkening ber whole fnlure. The short afternoon waned, night fell ere sbe reached the village, ner father's farm lay a mile bejond. Her HmbK ashed with cold and faligne ber boy cried; she bail eaten nothing siuce mnrp- Ing. Her wholo snnl seemed poising it. slf on tbe wings of despair. Always when we think onr last nt ony is reached tbero glimmers a respite le yoad. We cry out iu our extremity and make our frantlo plung". and lot we have wuled tbe brook. Wo grope along blindly; aud it is only when we calm onr faiuting fears to look buck Ibat we see tht method which has guided us to sur-r footing. A light now became visible to tbe stricken w.iudirer. It cuno Irum btr father's many windows, riy after rny hiob urged on ber weary feet. D's- ttnee shortened itself noacoounlatly, Su i stood before the door! What a plight sb was in! Sbonl I she spill Ilieir spurl' Hint Iwke I over tbe snowy fields and shuddered. They wire plsyiug "bllud man's bluff' iu aid, Peal after peal of I tujl.ter ciine In be oold and slleut on the door-stone. Sbb wis ashamed lo go In ashamed to ray that her huabuuil bad sout ber so. Tie door suddenly ojieiied. SiraL's little by looked out nud with a cry of fear elani'iied It to wgtio. He thni.gbt bo bad seen a ghost How they started when sbe stepped loslde.014 and yomig thronged around btr, orying for sorrow at ber distress aud for joy at ber appearauco. "I have como tv Kiminl Cl'riatmss. said Naunv, amid twtra, a mi sink irtivl s ebsir. AT VUltV LOW PlUCCRv L .!-- JV'l.' U 'i!JJi- .'!! I Si" "And yon nr heirliiy welcome, daughter." Mr. Vlntp,. in n broken vcice. "Let it be fot always."' And then they nil cried again Ibe. children beennso their lnotheM Wept, 'Huorav . shouted Mr. t?lnmUrtuen, ly, whipi'ig hl.s eyes with bis yellowv silk handkerrhWf. "Motbir. nre those) mince pies gr.iu?" a none not. answered, tbe dame. briskly. "Anv rohl turkey and things?. "Let ns all heln!" was the cenerall shout,, nud a tush was made foe tho pan-. '1 Up lone table came out ncaln with, dispatch. Ou it marched tint army ot' of plates fti.d cupj nud saucers. And though the second dinner wan. oold. it was complete; there was uo-vacaut chair.. 'All, Nancy, mtil Mr. rliuu.. when tbe guests bad all gone and only the, three sat round the store talking,, "this. naa lu'en a. hotter Christmas than the ast to tne, for then I did. not expect to. ever have yon hack." 1 he runt lis only linked at her, "Fur me tw." rejoined Nftti.'vs."fom6. I know that I have n houie." "Mv bov will bo some tronble to vou.' she add-d presently, in a low voice. mr. l'lnm s smile wis more elegant. than words, nx he reached, forth biahandi and rocked the cradle tbe same old era, die, whirls hail held Ihein nil, and which bad b.-cu bMuuht trom Ibe carrot, late, as was I he hour, that her boy might BiisSt uo accnxioniet, conu.iri THE. "LIVING SKELETON." Tho innn who was known as llie "Liv ing Skeleton' died and was embJiuJk after bavine been exhibited al cheap museums. lie is said to Have weighed 4ft jibunds when lie die,!, having been reduced to this dreadful stale of emaciation by long, continued dysieiwio. In lilaeaseilysepsis. ment nmney In Ills ivu-ket. Tor If kept hlirv thin. People who want lo krrplheiuselvel, so thin by dyspepsia as to exhibit for "Liv ing BUeii'tons," ought not tn lake Phrsic Davis's Pain Killkr, for it. drives dysiwp aia out, - Em ployment -Sticking type. Motto for a femnle chiropodist "She stoops to corn cure." " There are 90.000 ministers la our country aud SIO.000 bartenders., lxn. Rev. J. S. Cain sy "I used Brown's Iron Bitters for nervous pros! raliou aud loiiud it entirely satlsnic tory." To know how tu say what other people ouly think, is wbut makes wu poets and sages; and to dare la snywUnt others ouly daro to think, makes men, martyrs or reformers, or both. The Ltttlo Model Republic VALrAiuisK, Cunt. Seuor Rirardn 5lu yen, a leading commission merobant of this city, after having exhausted Ml other remedies has been completely cured of, rheumatism by the use ol St. Jacobs Oil. the great palu-bamsher. He makes this publio. t - At least a year will elapse before tbe parly Conventions will meet for nominal, ing oaudidates for President, aud yet the newspapers are already full oX specu. lations on tbe sulijeott The concentrated power and curative virtues of Ayer's Sarsaparilla render it the most reliable and economical niedioina thai can be used. It contains no dangerous or bsnnful ingredients, and msy be safely administered tn patients of all ages. - When you are sick the best medicine that osn be obtained is none Inn good, and is the cheap est, whatever ils cost. Washington tailors tny tbe rifhl arms of uenrly all men of note are fri m one to two inches larger than the leit, all on aconnt of handshaking. &TuFast, brilliant and Isthlnnable are the Diamond Pye colors'.' Ooe package colors 1 tu 4 lbs. o'l goods. 10 emits fur any eolor. " - Siy nothing respecting ycuirself, either good, bad or ludiffereut; nothing bad, for tbat is nffjclaliou; ' nothing inJiflereut. fir Ibat U sill. " '" SEClIeart Disease brought'nlspj' to n untimely grave. The heart fVss'.lrable s other orgs ns to disease; if-you Ifsye it yen ill the slightest form use Dr; Graves Heart Regulator. $ I. per bottle.' There nro sixty-five tnousmid law. yers Iu tbe United States. And yet, to eid some of the laws,. jonT wouldti t tbiuk there whs one. General Sheridan's friends in Wash gton have bought a $13,000 bouse 'for him. -The safeguard of frne-lom abides in miinlainiug the rights of all tbs people, whether high or low, rich or poor. A canvass of tbe American trades shows that Amirican apprentices only predomiiiate.iu machineshopsand print' iug offices. Allcock's Porous Plaster CUItP.S WilKItr: OTIIRIt I'l.AS- THUS FAILKVKN TO RHMfiYT.. TnUo nootlirr iir you will bo dUa- polnled. Insist on Imiinx ALI.COCK'S rmiA., JOS, Noarii Timn St.,) February I, IKS3. I have l-en mlng Allcock's rotor; Pi.ASvsas for a numlr of yearsand alwavs wilb inaiked benefit, I bsve Wen min li trouble,! wilh Muwilar Hlienoialinn t have lu'en tronlcl by live of onr be. t physicians without receiving any relief whslaver, I then used Allcock's Pusnaon the parts affected and I on assure yiu that the pain has alofst entirely left me, I ran rrcnnl. mend them lo every one as the best plaster made. I have triad other klndi but found them worthless. B F. OALLAOIIER. Weak Kidneys Cured. CnsTieicniix. X. II.,) Msreii 3. h80. ) I have been greatly troubled with Rheu matism and Weak Kidneys. I was advised to try AllcorK's Pannes Plastos. (had used (woollier kinds ol so called Porons Flatters, which did tnf pngn-vl), hut nne of your worked like a charm, glvlug me com plete rellsand I lnv not lu I phi Wed withUheinii.tUin and' hinsr C-nnpUlrit sinoeaUog ihem. snd I ri.ii.llsp. iBrif furJ. SOVVARD D BURyifAM SYof J.Y K.liA ,HB'ln0liU N. JoDl.fl Arm is, i' ly