SKTCOnBM! J. F. HALBACH, . , AJfD. Instructor in Music liEHIGHTON, Pcnne. A full line of all klr.ils.of. MUSICAL ISTRUlSIffi Sheet Music, MUSIC BOOKS, &c, cor.rtj.nlly kept on l""' 1,1 V!aTtm oiB,.ertho L. & 8. Iet. Uol. Agent In the- Lehigh Valley for'. Behning Pianos ! C.UJin.1 see Him; Uiey superior. Ate, Agent for Woer. 'Deokor, onnor and J. P. Halo Pianos, Anl varifflB Kate ol DBB 8 Inftmnllnn given nl r.iplV residence on fun", Organ, Voice and Theory. or2S A Great Cause of Hum Miser j 13 TUB LOSS OF RHEUMATISM. t. "no Induced hvSal Kinlsidoiis, Inw'Voy'i'evu?em ?. I,.,rJ-il.n.its M lrrl,i,7uui'.,,. smiint""". Eplleps. and l",n,..' ,? j" 1'IitJiohI Inn. ety, fcc HV " i ,1 , Oreea U wlc." :. Th. worl an!ho'. "V.'nwn A h i tenure. olar.y proves In. his own . inrltiMB ih u h . awful ronqn Atmse may he elfeetuilly removed ""'"'" .UnJanm sura-leal ..ii-ratlom. bouses. In i:B.sss; r"7. Sr "",,vsa,s"" oi our . "lie" cn n mill eiu.i, Sfcioh iwrV Alitor, in. -n u-"' l) i ' '' "l.n "niy be, may our. himself cUcaply Driratoty ml radically. 4nJl and eiii ids. entund rn-il. I11 0, plain cnvHc,t. "T Aires "0.1 rw slxcenls.or two post UOtt'.iinW. Add 1 ess rii t'nlverwi'H M "Urn? '' Ann St., New York, J ii il?" UjX Dei,, .. lw.'yr. ji'iiayi'ui..'ijv-eu.ffS!"u.w i-'-'ii 1 l ii 'i A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. Popularity at liome Is not always the best test ul im nl, but we io.ut proudly tu tlie fact that 110 other medicine has wou lor Itself such universal approbation In Its ou city, att), and country, uut among alt people, at Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tho following Jotter from one of onr best-, known Massachusetts .Druggists should be of Interest to every sulTcror: "Eight years ago I hid nil attaek of HhciiniAtlsm. so so vcrn Hint t could not move Irmn the bed, or dress,, without help. 1 tried several remo dies without much If any relief, until 1 took Writ's SAitsAiMltittA, by tire use of two bottles of which 1 was completely eurod. Have told largo quantities of your Saiwa AittM.k, and It still retains Its wonderful popularity. The many notable cures it has ilfcctcd In U1I1 vicinity convince me that It Is the bust blood uiodlcluo ever olTered to tU public. 1 JlAiniin. ltivcr St., Buckland, Mass., May la, Mi. AIT RHFIIM ovcmMhUllTl'Io'wlll OHLI IlliuUllll carpet Conoratlon. was for over twenty years beforo his removal to I)wcll alUlctod with Salt Illieiun In IU wovst form. Its ulcerations actually covered more than half tho surface of his boily ana limbs. He was entirely cured by AVER'S HiitiArAiittXA. Seo cerUlicate ui Ayeri Alinauas for lt(9. rnEPAitrD nv Dr. J. C.Aycr&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for 53. WHO IS Ui ACQUAI .TIO WltH TMl OtOORAPHV Of TMH OWN TRY WIlLSIt BY IKAMINlNQ TMlSMAP THAT TNI IV v7 . 'frnrr tin lf lJSeinlHI. nm ij "rvr ri--5'(M.tNT01 nnETVKV,fahlonil.l" jvS 'ot and S110K M akku. Ilani. bi lUlilnhton. All'work wrr.inti-d. MONEY IS MAD ' hi )n ll-l Inv sin-en's In Wall Mr. V ..i'l '3.1 ! t' .iv d lr-. full Inlori" itlm ..r 7ijlir ! ' y which m in-o Streat, Saw title. uuV- -"' - CBICAGO.ROCKISLAND&PAniFIG R1 7iy the oentrarpoiition of is line, connect! the liut and ibo Wt.t by ibk ihorrnvt route, and car r.e pifcijfet8, witnout ciiuuko of ar, btwucn ChlOfAga and KannaxCity.Couucil Bluils, Luaven ortn, Atcbitton, Minneapolis and Bt. TauL li ronctp in Union Depots with all the principal line of road between tne Atlantic and the Pawinc Qoeana. Its equipment la unrivaled and matinm &ent, being composed of Uoat Comfortabtu t.ud Beautnul Day Coaches, Maenilloeut Ilorton Ho elioins Chair Cara, Pullman's IPrettlcst Ialaot Bleeping Cam, and the iieat Lino or Umlne Cure In the World. i hreo Trainj between Chioaio ant Missouri River Points. Two Traiui betwern Cbi caffo and Jdinneapoliaand at. Paul, via tho i'amou "ALBERT LEIK ROUTE.' A New and Direct Line, via Scnccannd K-mta-kee.haa recently b-cn opened between Kiolunond, IfurfolK.NewportNews, Ctiaiiaiiocga, Atliuia.Au fuita, lianhville. Lou-ivillo, .LexinRi on, C.ncinnuH ndianapohs a ai U it ay et to, and Oin hxt M.nnuap olis and bt. Paul and intcrmscUtc pomia. All Throuch osjniter Tiawl on Vat Express Trains. Ticccetafor sals at all principal Tiohet Omessii, the United States and Canada. Bajtuaue checked through and rates of faro al. ways tkd low aj competitora that otter lias ad van ""detailed Information, get tho Maps and Told Us of the GREAT POCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nasrnt Ticket Omi or address K. H. CABLE, E. ST. dHM, Vloe Pin. t Ota l M'l'r, Ota 1 IkU L tut. At. CHICACO. J -V-vTX. .5 KtUUttlj'.tlTtlll'CoiUDll'Xluit v?M AW rfth4tIrft.rd.lnou--H4,iUi -J S! -S'i;1... K U 1. V5"E(B?2. Mil I ! .11 ',. a ivi. n Buy Your Spring and Summer Groceries, Qusensvare, etc., AT C. M. SWIEIY & SOFS, Old Post-OfRce Building, Bank St, Lehighton. mm .mm mmm amtw.iB a bs KSjW INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP I Cures all diseases of tho Stomach, Liver, Bow- Uls, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Millions testi- "y to its efficacy in healing tho abovo named n't diseases, and pronounoo it to ho tho iM. BEST REMEDY KS O WN TO M AX. Guaranteed to Care Dyspepsia. J3f-A G E N T S AV A N T E 1 Laboratory 77 West 3 J St., New York City, Druggists pH it. I.YICKNS, I)Auriii! (.'A.. I'a. PrCiauk Johkk: My biMiv was literally eoverrd with T'Mfr. tor which I cnuM Bct no rtllrf nntli II look your IN 1).' AN 1ILOOD bYltlll', wbloh has eltcuiu.illy lured in . 1 ncmiuiinid II liluhly, ' i;nuuii IIKISUEV. .arcd isa SOP lBays 2 , IJy the Combined Treatment of EXCELSIOR RUPTURE PLASTER AND HEALING COMPOUND ! rottttv tvlJfiice of Wonilnful Cum iruton rrcelpl of Zc, tttmp. Address, F. II. MERHICIC, Ogdensburr, Jf. V. masatfAEOCs. Every farmer slmiiM .1 tent hare one rw-inly- wper, ami tlmt ,.Hr rtiniiM l.o I lie AnviietTR. nlitrli rntlns all the latest l pal news. Oul.v $1,110 year. Railing the niml Kicking a foot bill. Kerxuii dUilily, the rurse of Ihe Amrrl inn nnple, Immediately yields In the ac tion ui llrnwn's Imii llllter. A phlli'S .plilral urn ol lMn was over Heard rrmarkin; In a Mend I "lluven gnnl limn tvhlln ynu live, for you are along while deadf-Mfe. ."Mean people lake advantage of their nelgh'ur's diffl-ulties In annny Ihin." M'm.i illseasee, iivli ai pile., rlieiiniatlsm, cnnstiintinn, i)ynuii, inslnria, lame li-irk, etc , take advantiige of trplt's ex leisures and nltark lliein. It is IIumi tlmt Kidney Wita)pearsin the field ami hy lis tt nely agency puts to rout this llock nf evil ailments. It Is a friend In need and there oro a friend indeed. Kfvrr li lill , but W p yrtu tinnilo or nilriN tisclnll nii lyiil iscrptwh.n sleeping. Manyn man wlio lit m-lf it prraon of n t- is not mi far nnt of the way. lie limy lie n iniluml nr a flit. A torn jioket las mi iiiuhIm', lint lianl wiinln lintiao tin- lienrt of a clill I. Chil Ihnnil hIiob llie 111 in, us luorr Inji aluiu'Hlliit liny. M wt r.f our comforts grow p 1 c twem en H a. Itrevily is tho soil i f wit, nnd ttti. 1'iiiMie'ts the limbs 11111I outward fljur Tho museum at Reading, England, contains amnx lis curiosities a bridle 'nrinerly me, I to stop the mouths of ituld Ing wmnen in that town. Bicksrhe, studies in the side, Inflation and soreness nT the bowels, are syinitmns of a disordered state of tliu digestive and if sunilative organs, which can be promplly and thoroughly corrected by the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. As dinner pllls,and as aids to digestion, they lmvo no equal. They cure constipation. It is proposed to w. change the Mas sachusetts S111I0 Cunslilutioii Unit women who are lawyers may be made justices id the (icace. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at lilglil un, broken of your rest by a sick child BUH'erinR mid cry iiiu Willi pain of culling teelh? If so, send at unci and get a botlle nf Mas. Wixat.ow's S.'Otiiino Stkup rou Ciiii.drkx Tkktiiino. Its value is inoulculable. It will relieve the iKxir little sutTerers iinniediately. lpeml 11 (on it, mothers, there is mi mistake aboui it. It cures dysentery and diarrhi'e,regii tales the stomach and bowels, cures wind oolicaifteMi I ho gums.redaces inflamnialliin and (jlvcs tono and energy to the whole sva- leni. Mna. Wixsuiw'h Soi.tiiino Svnur roa Cuiudrkx Tkkthino is plrnsunt to the tiiste and is ttie priscription of one ol th dde;t and best female pliysiciuns au' nurses in the Un'tcd Slates, and is lor tulr y nil ilru.'nlfls tlirougln.ut the world. Vice 25 cents a tmltle. AHCIENT LAW MAKERS. About tLe Ugliuims f 'llie rmh Ccn lury, the Snllaas, alter their settlement In Gnul, itiider their Kiiig.Pliaroiiiotid framed body of lnwa which Imye siiice beeif kmiwn as Suite ; but at that time those law makers knew iiolliine nf tlie"wnndef?ul liscnrery which works liarmonioiiMy w'llK nature's laws, and which Is a positive boon li. those suirerini from Rhenmntism, Giiut or NeiiralBia. V telr to that iiitiilrin reuse remedy, 8nlicvli(n. Xnlura U utH.r iiud mightier than itocti ra, She la In consort with tdtrnnl wisdom. -Surmises nie not facts. Siiipicions which ore Ulijil't litnl not be atated. Rcmenibrnnce ia the only puradis out dr hicli we catiuot flrtvtu. ileu make laws wuuieu uiako mau- nerj. A man tuny lenrn infidelity from bonltA nud Irom men, but never l'rom tia In re. Irapntimce dries tbr blood soonci than age or sorrow. Pr ap.nly is n creat teacher, ndver. lty ii n pr 'tilt r Poaiinn rinnipcrs the intad; privulious trains uud s'.reuth- ous it. -A young man in U-utoti calls his sweet heart "rare oiii.iriuuilv," because she ,a w.ulhy of being embrnreil. On Thirty Days Trial. Tun Voltaic Ukim;.., Maisliall, Mich.. will send l)r. Uve's CVlelirnteil Electro Vol iae Belts and E eclric Appliances on trial r thirty days to men (yuung or old) wlin nre Hilliclid witli nervous debility, yi. Iniiy and kindred trnuble, cmhi jnlceine sHyiind iiiini'elj reslnrmioii nl lunllli and manly vigor. N. B. No risk is imur- re I, as tiiirty days' trial is allowed. &.y Strangely etooili iheyMting nian wi h crooi(eil legs always wauls to wear tlglil pitns. It is not ifiivcrs.lly lrn Hint If yon keep 11 dog the dug will keep the "wol from the diior." -Work'Giveii Out. On Mv-ipt nf yon. id lress we will nuke an oiler by which you cuti earn fj In $7 evenlnc, at ymn luinie. Men, Women, Roys or Girls ran d it. II. C. WILKINSON A CO., 190 ami l7 Ku'.ton Slreet, New York. An authorily on the subject says that large feet are now considered fanhiiumble. Lawyers ars about (he only clas nl men who run successfully oppose a ', man's will." PARSONS 'lll i.o.p'.i.l. . Ik. VIHI I. h. allf. .71M01 tu ikr.s I. Iks. Aa.rr , wli.will ukt ONEPILT, EAfH N III Iff BOM ONR 10 TWRIAKWhtk'a, " I., I, auil.l t r ur, CiarLlaU Ih... Pill. h; eattal. Pb,.l 1. ' '"- ' VHStt, wit" Hiuikr lr t .tali la lUapl. for pampLUU 1. B. JOHWBON a. OO MJalon.Maaa. FARMERS' COLUMN. UlUH.JUJ.UI.L.Ulll.m.HIII 1 llllSMflAllWmtll-J-al,UU-laMAJJJUSLIlAaaSlJUIl' carpets, warn. Why They Call Him "Old Man." Yes, tlinl's mdly so," snid Jenkins, ''my hnir is turning gray nnd falling out benu i ila lime. Use something? 1 would, but most hnlr rcstnrers aredaiigerous." "True," answered his Iriend, "but rnrkei's Hair B.iliiiiin is as harmless n. it is eilective. I've tried it, and know. Give the Balsam 11 vhow Qt.d the bos will eonn slop railing ymi 'Old Man Jenkins.' " It never fulls t.. restore tlje original odor to gray or faded hair. Richly perfumed, nn elegant dressing. -We ran reditu assertions, but wbt. onn reluto hilcuce? Thi-re aro lueii whose friends are norv to tie pitiMil tbnii their eneniies. Lnvu nn K-Kb'-r bnpe Iroui n nixr VilniiBly little thini . I ih Ik iii-i tor 11 young man to llnab t au to torn pul . ('oiihciriiou wari'S .ts us n liieud bf- lore it ptiuixlies u hh a jurtge. -Get the AT CATE. hlmiku mMtm CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumaago, uackscne, neaoacne, lomnacne, Slwre, Hwelllni,.. Sprain. UrtiUes Uiiri.a, Nvnlila. t ! Hilea, ISO ALL Ol Mill II0IIII.V riIKH AMI AlllTS. S.ld b, lirwMl.l. .11,1 nenl.-r. .Ttr.where. rlftj Ce.U . tinlll.. uirvciiun. in 11 I..KKH.KC.. TltK I'll MII.E A. VOI1KI.KU CO. -aecwa, ia A. VOOtUka CO ) UaHlMarr. C. B. A The New Patent DUST-PROOF Stem Winding Op M Case, MAKUFAOTUEIl 11Y THE American Watch Co., WALTHAM, MASS. This case is formed in one one solid piece without joint or seam, oeiiing in front on; thus avoiding the usual Cap. and securiu renter strength and duraliilily. These Watches are all eptn fare. The bend, into which on extra strong rryslal i lilteil with an efjiecially prepared water proof rement, is altachcil to the rase lo wrewing it thereon, and thus forms nn air light junction with the body nf the case which is pnail against dust and moisture. Tu railroad men, travelers, miners, linn la-rmeii ami oilier, who are almost run idnntly extaised and who have to make fre quent reference to the w.tch, these nualitie areoftlie utmost importance. 'I lie Following Li'llors Tell Their Own Story : "Vai.dosta.Gicoroii, July 20, 1SS?. 'I odd one of your Talent Putt Proof Cases about ten months ago, and the other day it came bark to me with the request lo uiuko it wind easier. On examination 1 fi.iin.l thut theslein whs nifty, and I ill quired into the cause nf it. The gentleman -tated t me that he was starting some saw logs tnat had bilged in the la nd ol the riv er, when hi. rhniii raught in a hush and threw his watcli into about twelve feel of water, nud he whs ntmiit two hours finding 11, When li" gut it out It was running and He thought all right. Ill about three months he found Unit tho stem was hard to turn and -col it to me. 1 ran ray that the watch is all that the roniauy claims for it and recommend it tu all railroad and. mill men. B. W BENTLY." Tlintos, Iowa, April 20, 1FS1. "I wish you would send me n spring for the Wm, Ellery Watch By the way this Ellery is a watcb I n i l iu your Screw Ueul Case l-i a farmer last 111. The first of January be l"t the wuirh In the wiaalsnd found it this week in about one foot 0 water. It had lain three months and over in snow mid waier, with but slight injur to lha watch only a hnir rprinir. c, 8. Raymond." The above, were very severe, and lemoiislrale la-yond u doubt, that for all. re isnnuhla length nf time during which t. waicli might be under water it would re celve no injury whatever. We make Iheee rases in both gi.. and sitver,aiidasA 1'ERKEITI.Y DUST PBOOT TEM WINDING WATCH CASE, C1IAL I.EXiiETHK WOULD TO PRODUCE iTh K'UAI.. lor aula by all llrstflaM jew.l eis. March 21, i63-u,3. THE GREAT CURE As It U for ail tho painful cUscasea ot the KI0NEY8, LIVCR ACO BOWELS. It olAonaea the svstein cf the acrid rolson, that caoses the dreadful cufieriila which only the vlouma or rheumatism can realize, Tunuaimns or oajsm of tha worst forma cfthla terrible rtt'eaae have teen quickly relieved, and in short ,ume I'Cllruu 1 ui uuiau, cnicr si. uoi'in .r duv. sold li liilccirts. Ill) Dry can ba sent by tnfltl, WEIXS. 1UCI1ARDSON A5CO., lliirUnrton.Vl Ia7Crlng tho Grapevine. Some of the hard-wmalnl varlelie of th grai are prnpagaleil from cullings with so much difficulty, thai nurserymen resort to layering. Amateurs who wish lo prnr-a-cale only a few yine, will find layerine desirable method even with llinae thnt cr"w readily from culllnij", a It will give II. m much slroncer plants than rin be prodi trd In the same time In any other manner. Layering is dano with the rlie wiaxt Hie ranes nf tast season's growth, nnd with the new nf the current season. Thellme for oieraling wilb Ihr rlie wravl Im r hv for llilsensoii, hut sreen wnnd layers may .e made ns soon as the shonl. hare be. eoiMsnffirieiilly strong to lie handled with, out hrenklnc. The slionta at first are. reeilingly lender and rendilr snnp offnt the Joints." Ala.ut midsummer, when they b'rome more woody, liend down a ahool in such a manner as to allows portion of it to lie In nl in a small trench nnd rovered wilh five or six inches of soil. Remove the leaves Irom llie part In be buried, and lie the above ground end lo a Btnke, To keep the soil over the buried portion most, cover it with n liiulrh nf some kind. A flat alone IxSal iiwn the surface nt this point serves to prevent evaporation nrd at the anine lime helps bold the shont in p'are. Mol vnriclies Irrntrd In this manner will ! abundantly supplied wilh ronta by the rml llie senson of growth, nnd may lhn bo trnn.phinled lo (lie place they arelooccupy Asrieulturiit. When to Use riafter. rrofesor Bailey, f lh B-itnnlc Gin'ens til Cambridge, Massachusetts, says in the AgriculurUt: The one marked nnd most impnrtml .ll'ert of land plaster is the aid il rrmlen. in the growth of clover and other leguminous plants, as eas, bean, vetrh, etc. r'asler ned nn other rr-.p than clover Is of lililo avail, rinsler is riimfMi.ed nflini" nnd sii1ilnir ei.rh of which is a valuable f mil: but all ordinary soils ouitnin enoofh fiber miiterinls for the crowlh of rro s. Il is of crrat use in stables In rnlrh (lie car lionHlrof .'mnwoiia which escai-ea fr in 't .1 n e. sprinkled alamt llie nlal,l- and thrown 011I with the innniire, it liccoi'i-s u vnlunble means n' supi ylng nitngen. The creal eiNinoniii value nl la-nd ttla.le li iilmoft wholly in ils ii flurnreiipiu il,e ernwth nf clover. Th! inlliienre mid i's action in stabler, elr., nre the piints to l.e no'eil. Pr-f. Ttn'e n noted Fiencb invelin'r circuliileil n lil of qneti,ii. Hlnonir llie lll"St rnre'lil nf rrcneh farmer.. Wiili'l er Oil. c I e m-kcl floes al.l n li e smwih nf leniiininous plnnl'?" Fml aiiswt red yes j three, no, .'Doe. it del rerenlsl" Thirty, no, two, yea. "Will bur r 11 soils he mnde fertile l,v il " AH, ii 'I it f benefit on wet binds?" All re sponded no. Preserving Teas. The mnt ir.-.-t 1 1 I nirlli, il we I nv (oiind for preserving pens from withering 1 r drying rpin a dn.iilh, is to miilrh llo'iit thickly wilh mnrse liny r straw,!., n wMH. of at least two Icel no rach side nf the row. Our garden soil is a fine, tmrnns crnvel.ainl unless the senron is cool nnd iimift. the vines ilry up so badly as lo pnaluce life fruit. Mulching heavily is consequently a necessity In order to save them. By ilnlne thi, we have obtained as gnd crop, as when May. June and July were cnnl nnd ra'her rainy It is not necessnrv fo borh dwarf pras. Slill,wheu exposed lo a slrone wind, they will sometimes blow dnwn, si d then the lurther advantage of Iheir Mvp mulched is that the tml. nre kept clean ai d dry, nnd e.cnpe being niiblewe.1. It, i. exei-llenl Ihincal-a. to n.itleh U1II1 pile'und hiih benns, melon, fqna.liea nnd cneiim hers in the same way. Aircriean Aqrlrul turM. CAUGHT A BAD COLD Tho SUMMER COLDS nnd Coutjho aro qulto as dan ceroub as those of midwinter. But thoy ylold to the same troatmont and ought to bo taken In time. For all diseases of THROAT, NOSTRILS, HEAD or DREATHINQ APPARATUS Is tho SOVEREIGN Remedy ALL DRUGGISTS KEEP PAIN KILLER OF ANOTHER AGE; Gradually Bupplantai by a Better Article Certain Old Tilings are Dana Away In the ,rcneril reception room of the Western I sum lelrurnpli bulldliis; on Broadway, New York, a o xhlhlto.1 the 00 irse, crude and clumsy Instruments of llie Infancy cf the trhyraph Tteyareonly rollrs now. More perfect machinery has suiierceded theu.. Years sgo what Is now s'yled the old. fi.hlnmd p, rons plantcrdlt some goal ser vice. There wn 1 lien nolhinir iwtter of the kin I. Now ull lliat Is channel. Science and study has none deeper Into the S'cretanf ma Heine and produced II KN SON'S MAP. I'IK IMII.itJ I'l.ASI'KII, ohlci, ,,. lio.Hi s all the escelleno et Hois firp.'slh'e In in eiieriul remedy The old plasters were slow The I'apclne Is tapld; lhay were uncertain the (.'aprliie Is sure. Cieaa-r articles b ar similar nan. 11. it careful, Ihrrelore, Ih.l some 1 1 1 r - ft y drugilst does n,d deceive you. Inllieeen reolttieKvnulne l.cul lha ord IIAI'I'INK. 1'rlo. vt cents. 2vabuiy a., Chwuilsls, Naw York. June 2.1 sa Ccneral Nctec. A writer in the Home nnd Form ured about a qnnrt.if sawdust in each hill nfnne p'nt hf pntaloes and none in another p'ot. Thesawdutt fcilNyleid.' nearly I wire ns much as the others, and Hie potatoes were larf- r nnd t innnihcr. The farmer who gels in n corner with lii. work should see to it thnt his best land is mot thoroughly cultivated. If anvlhinr iniist la neglected let it la the ibaorr. The b'fl land is usually Hie weediest, ami if no attended to promptly will soon be beyond hJlp. After the hurry nf harvesting tli evlra help then employed will probably la- n -oiled In hoed crops. Swiss Meal Omelets. A good wnv to us cold meat is In rhop II fine wilh ralins. n i'mer, sail, Iinmn and juice , nd.l ne e'g. one lablesimnnful of sugar, clove.. The 1 aluve mixture i the middle nf the omelets. I Three egc. on pint of milk, two letcups 'o'fl -iir. make Hie butler thin. Frv II In 1 liltle lard, put a spoonful nf chopped mat l i tho centre, and fold the fried batter around it once, Chocolate Ice Cream, rhnmlale le. eraln. which Is perfeeily delfciniis. I. maib hv lekins' two quarts of sweet crenm (n-t nilk), half a pint of milk, snjar enaiish t .W'-eleu Ibis, four eye., and about nne th'rd of a rake nf rhnmlale crated , flavor fir rrenm with vanilla I ef r at In l,e ehoclafei lent the ceam until ills .I'lT nnd then add the other Ingredients. F'n ie, s.lrrlnc until It Is so bard voi can do n no longer, the more rnp'dtr you Mir I llie finer grained ll erreuin will I To tesi the trill h nl the theory that g ubs travel froni one plant to another I y underground passage, Mr. P. Slade, nf fii.sarlii.e'ts, look from the ground a grnii tint had jut completed the dettruelion nf a plant, and tied apiece of red thread around bis laxly, and replaced hlui vhere he was found, and mvrcd him wilh raith, In'lhirtv six hours after the nearest neigh boring plant was struck wilh death, and nn exiuiinalion the same rrub was found at w .rk, exhibiting clearly the mark of his iilentlty. Et. Ths" rrollliitlon fepiiws Hunk To le.ive the world In lureh Be keep'tig men who fake a drink From prabiuc Ond inrhiirrli, Jl will nol thus let lli. The bigge.t end of nieiiilrsfiin. Kentucky Ineaiin Nowromelb thea-dl shell crab In con -pensaiethe Inner man f.r outer be. I, dut and discomfort in tbr sweltering city iu the seething summer days, KeVnk. luwa Dr. RE. Fuller tarsi "I have used Brown's !mn Bittern In my ewn tsmily wltu exseiient mulls." I will now give the people of Lehighton and vicinity a chance they never had before ; that is to BUY THEIR CARPETS at from 25 to 46 percent. Clionpor than they were ever offered for. I will sell you for cash prices and for cash, a nice Cottage Carpet, 1 yard wide, for 23cts. and .a good, neat, heavy Ingrain Carpet for 35cts., now bein' sold elsewhere at 40 and" 50 cents, and a line, heavy, extra-super In gram for '73c, sold elsewhere by cash houses for 80 to 95c. per yard, and a clouble extra super, every thread wool (guaranteed), for 83c., sold elsewhere for 95c. and $1 ; also, a nice w of STAIR and Home-made RAGr CARRE r at equally low prices. Ee nember this is at Come early nnd exnmirte before purchasing elsewhere. I will guaran tee, satisfaction or money refunded. All Carpet will be Cut and Matched if so desired. ssebs! llae lLaH'gfest Stock of a iD m ii. sit iLowtii?5t lB5iccs, caasa Bp foaaiad sit the B-ip5s!.'3a BtrB'BifW'lfioi'e of I 9 i Opposite Carbon House, BANK Street Opening of Spring and Summer Goods AT- A full ar.d comjiletc assort men of nil the Newest and most Fashionable 2?ress Goods, Notions, Tritnniings, &c. Look at the following Trices : CALICOES, . at 4 1-2 cts. and tho very best, 6 1-2 cts per yard. GINGHAMS . at 7 1-2 cts. and the very best, 8 1-2 cts per yard. HHccs gsssaH'sarateesa flo Bsc jLowcB" tliau any otiiacn' BSfliBasc BEa towaao In the Ready-Made Clothing Department will be found an immense stock of the most fashionable styles for Men, Youths and Children, and every article is guaranteed to be just as represented, while prices aie fower than you can buy elsewhere. Call, examine, buy and you' are sure to be pleased. Obert's Building, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. ED. W. FEIST, Manager. w3. "Wcissport, Penna., Kerp a full line of all the most popular Patent Medicines. Horse and Cattl Powders, Fancy Stationery, Toilette Articles, School Supplies, A fsall Sflock of WanBLl Spi ami 18 orders, r-i Ol 1 im n nnnO AMH TAPll C inrlmlino Tn nt Fllei for nil Beaaona, Oarllsl nrl rlorillNu nUUo AINU IAVILl.j Mn.erlrk II,...ka OilHiin.w81k, Linen and Cdt tio. Ii'u a &t . 11 ry f! 1 p. AN '. . I r je i a. ruuti.t d D M Ferrv & Cu' . Celebrated Fresh Garden Seeds. Choice Cigars, and a fine stock of Pure Wines and Liquors for Medici lal Purposes. flf Prescriptions very carelully compsnn.led, day or night. Patronage invited. E. A. HORN, Wcissport, Pa. May lib, ISM.