J. F; HAL-BAtMr IT LEADS ALL, MjjsiC Djg.vleB. Instructor in Mutfic i it'-' LEHIGHTOIT, Pcnri'a.- A full llne.ifl.il kinds of. MUSICAL ... - .1 Shoot Music, MtJSltJ BOOKS, &c constantly fceht .nit Inn. I at. 'the Ware era, uear'lhe li. Jfc 8. D'pol, Bole Ageuljn ttie,Lelilgh Valley, for'. Belmin"' Pian6s ! Call and ft them J they have no superior. Alio, Agent for 1 Wobor, J3ook3r, onnor.ai d J P. Halo Pianos, Aiii various Mate of 0KA1S Instruction given at Pupil's residence on Piano, Organ, Voice and Theory, oc2S Great Cause of Human Misery IS TUB wvis OP A I.ecture.oatho Njijure, XrcntMtetit'ijnd Radtealcure of Smnlnal weaknes", orNporm atorrbo Induced by Soll.Ahuw, Involuntary Emissions, lmpoteficy,rNevous luhllty. and Tnpodhueuls to JUitrfitae uenerullv; lion sumption; Kpllepsy anJ Flu; Mental ami Physical Inoipaclty. Stc-IJy" ItDIIUIir .1. tJ ni.VBUWr.br., M. a, author of ll.o "Qroon Uoolc," &o. The world-renowned author. In till admlr atila rapture, clearir t rori-s Irotn Ills own ex. rxirlence that th awful confluences of Sell Abae may be effectually' yoiniived -without tfengernua surKleiil operations, IioukIcs. In straiacnts, rloi ur nordials t pointing out a tnnd. ol sure at once certa'n tinil a .etu-tl, hy which every euHeror, no miner wh it Ills con. elllton miy be, may euro himself cheaply, privately -,nd radically; Kf fkli Itcixirt will previa coon fefioui eait aaJ fftou.anifs. Sent unilnr soil, in a plain cnvclopc.to nny address on roueipt ol sis cents, or two post aft stamps. Address Tlio Cuivprwell Medical Co., 41 Ann'St., New York, N. Y : I'ost cimce nY Siti. ' tlcl. ?. IRH' tvr. Kirotuer blood-purifvlr rnedlclno H trimb ir U.U ever been prepared, which no coin pictaty meets the warns of physicians aaX luj gjuoral publlo as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. O ' ' r,.. . Irg taint of Scrofula about you OCROFULA AVKIfa HUM.U-lllllAA will SSodgo I "ml M It rroui your syatein. For constitutional or scrofulous oaUrrn, n . J . , , AVKU') HAhSArAlllLLV Is the UrYTARRH triJ reincW. It, has eurol Humourless' on. It rrt I stop cat irrlnl discharges, and remove tho sicken. ?i" idor of tho bTeath, which are indications of scrofulous origin. .. "Untto, Tex., Sept. 28, 1882. ULGcfiUUO "At the use of two years one of CnoCIS mr ehUlreii w.n terribly afflicted O'Jilto w th ulcerous rutmlug sores on Its fami nlit iitc'c. At the same tlrae'lts eyes were swollen, much Inflamed, and very sore, n.'i Euro Physicians told us that pow SORE tYES erfulalteratlTemo.Uclneinust bj eiiiploj'o 1. TneyUnltcd In rceoinmendlng AV'Ui's SuHWtiut.LA. A few doies pnH iluccd a percentlblo Improvement, whtoli, hy an adherence to your d.rcctlous, was contln u.vl to a complete anil pcnn inent cure. o ovideiwslwsslnoa appear I of the exlatcnoa 'of an scrofulous tendencies; anil no treat ment of any illsorder was ever attended by moro prompt orectual --ItJ .. ntcfAnED or Dr.J.C.Ayor&Co.,Lowoll,IVIass. Sold by all Drujjlutsj $1, six bottles lor fi. WHO IS 0-oqjl ,TIO WI1M THt CCOUBAPMV Of tMlS OO0N WILL6KS Df CXAMIWNHTMIWrinwi i MIS0SLLAHH0C3. Erery former should at least fisve ,ene ccinly iper, ami that puner s(iudl be I lie Advocatk, whirh mntalns all the latest lo cal news. Only $1.00 a year. I'alnlul wlr.ilnwi. As old as tlie hills tlte valleys. ADVICE TcTmOTHETIS. Am you tllslurbo.l t! night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and cry- Ins: with patn ofotitting teeth? Ifso.seinl at oiic and get a bottle of Mas, WiksMiw's SuoTniMS Srnnr for Ciilutaitx TictTitino. lis value is Inmlculablo. It will relieve the lir little sull'erers iininediately, J)eH-ud upon it, mothers, literals mrfnfstake about It. It cures dysentery' and diarflioea.regu laics the stomach and bowels, rores nlud colica-irteus the gumseducesjuflaniniation slid gives tone and energy to the wholo svs icin. Mrs, Wimslow's Soi.tiiiso, Svavr run CntLDRicN TtmiilNO is iijeusant to the tsste, and Is the pr. scription of one ol lite oldest and best fVmile tinrsirians and nurses in the tfnfled States, and fs for ftAa by all druggiits throughout the world Price 25 cents a bottle. DPCI02 ; '8 DJ3UIS3AL. SJJIW An uilny turgeuu was tlu iilued lronlhe teryica by Court Marlil,nni a ihhrgeuf drubtelititsa and Insulting a lutly. It ratoe out Hi tnu'cviilencvttiut tlie dik'lvr, ill t-cui iituu with a groatiuauy tillirrs in, the army, and out ol it, llibnled a little too freely tin New War's day. Under this state unlinks, wbile riding in unu.nf the btreet railroad cars, htt attelnpliil lo kiss'a lady passeugir. aud was only prevented thvrnlrom by tl; timely liitertereucu of the'cnuiliicUir. Tho urt-Murtial louud liiui guilly on built cmliU in the luJ.cinont iuUixIcat.un and ail utlompt lo kiss und seuleitivil linn Co' disuiiuul. 3'iie ineu' aud.olliurs u( the doctor's regiment, on hearing Ills late, FARMERS' COLUMN. Go to WINTEKMOTE S llotf aaa Ifrice tore9 for your trail Uesh Is grass, was Adam the fod-' ilcrnf mankind t i A man's lot is not a happy one, If it is awauip lot. Oa Thirty Days Trial-' ' Tnt Yoltiic IJklt Co..'Marsdall. Mich' will send Dr. Dye's 'Celebrated Xl'eclro Vol las Belts and.Electric: Appliances an trial tor thirty days to men (young or old) who are afllicted'wilh nervous debility, lost ! llaTfyarTd 'kfnllreirtrDtrHresr"Bilinntelir)f speedy aud complete' restoration of health and manly vigor. N. II. Ko risk il Incur red, as thirty days' trial is allowed. i.Iy Turning over a new leaf -trying a new brand of cigars. Progress of civilisation Denver .In dian has been convicted of forging a check. .Farmers and others desiring a gen- I teel, lucrative agency business, by which $5 to $29 a day can be eariied, send nd.lresa' ut once, on postal, to H. C. yrit.xtKaosr .fc Co., 193 and I'J'J I'Ultou street, new Xurn. A Vfotdifor the Crow. Don't kill the crows. It Is only within a few years that eakers at the various . t .. I. . , . I . ... ......i r - uniiiimou.ly petliione.1 ilia' Presntaut to lhtl cr0 hui D0 u (, .dmltie,! that Ills ... l i... Vl.t ...ii...'..... : l i.'il . . . to lupwui iiiin. . .; ,ii"w " iium.u character Is hot ad uniformly, blank as lti to Mr.tLuicolu for his iwisual, by the de- lunage. In Northern grtton,the whit fcmuihl-sailorneyi' -iiie rreiiaeul reu.l on -rub, , ,m th, whoIf( lhe lnMt ntrjD, mi ne came 10 uruiixanuess- -i iiai s nect( when we consider the great variety ba.1," said ne-"very litl." A mile lurlher 0f ,,),(, U nttieks, ranging from rass to down hoMiutp.".Iiisulllngtniidy.- Ahal's ursery trees, and that its work, bsintr l. bid, loo., Au ulUtMr;ibouldu l. insult u lady ne9lh ,), Matft-. , Dt loiietl until Iho byauy uieuus. IVss afraid I cautt.rrf in.lale I njry , rine, T,e orow 18, , keeniws ol t.iu iitau," .aid ,Alr. Lincoln, "lleud the J term that allows him Uidetr the linseeo KicifiCulloH, if ygu jiloase, Mr. frrsideiil," prufpcg of the wliite.grub, and a' fondnrss said the attorney. ,Mr. Linoold fiH-ecded fr rt morsel that iudures him to rapture with tho papers. i.'retiy auvu he came to a t, fw years aeo, we had n ehanre snrclhvatiuu ubout the kiuiugj lie pausid warh the operations of an assemblage of SPRING I have just received the most complete line of LACES AND LACE GOODS scratched Ills bead a llttle,i and remarked, looking at. the attorney : "JUally, 1 don't kuow about this, There are) exceptions to every rule, but as a gen era I thing it Is pretty hard lo insult 'a. lady by kissing her. Hut, it seems the' doctor only, attempted to kiss her perhaps trie lu 'suit consisted in till not fully succeeding: I cruwstuj a grub infrtted lawn. Their skill In flnding and dislodging the grub' should liavo been witnessed by all opponents of the crow. AricullurM. A Nibble of Salt. If horses, rattle, and, sheep could hare salt for them to lick or nibble at all times I dou't know he' I aught to Iuterlere iu behalf they desired, while in stable, yard, or, fa man who attempts to kiss a lady aud pasture, they would escape various diseases doesn't do it," said the President, dryly. "'' be.more thrifty and useful than when You see, Mr. PreslJeul," said the uitor- deprivejl.of it, or eyen given irregularly. ev. "that thu colnn a ut ia luada Lu u th rd owiuo ami iiouiiry are Deurr lor navtuc a parly. There's, no evidence that the lady, iiine.i'ure urine mixru up wun uieir iimh-, tell' intuited." Sinco we have made this a reni'lar practice, I "That's a fact,"' said Mr. Li'lico'ln, ''we we have .never lost an animal from disease 1 can easily dispoaa oUhe kiting part. But of any kind, and only a few fowls, and tlie I. must look, into tho ilrunkeuuess a little, latter would not become sirk, had they lint I c.u't overlook that. I'll Have to get good iinfn:luntely got at an nncovrred, sink vi.le'ure that it was strictly' a liew Veal's hole, where they pirked out bits ofdrtvm. Hence, aud uut,u coiuuiou oceurreuce with p"sm bread and vegetables, a small quant ever oflvvcd in Lchigliton, consisting of Spanish all Silk Black & Cream, Spanisk; Guipure, Irish Point Embroidery (Now this Season), Eeal Linen Thread " Torchon Laces, ranging in p ice iVuni Ucts. to 25cts per yard, Vermicella, Breton, i0. Dentilla, Swiss, Cheltenham, &c, all of which 1 have marked at Lower Prices thun they have ever sold for. Am also receiving almost tidily SPECIAL Bargamiu Some of which arc now sellincr at a trifle over 50 per cent of their Value. Also a lull line ol btaple and lancy Uox tilt. CmtS VHESt ALL USE fAILS, RmLOnnirliMvTun. TnAlpft e.vaL useiniiuie. noiauvuruKKnta. nj-J-fMJI.lNTnN llltKTVUV.Inihl.nnl.l. IfcrCJ llooraiid Smx .MaKkii, Ham. S I.thlnl.ton. At. xork .irr.liilt.l. MONEY" IS MADE by Jadlelous Invtslmtntr In Wall Strut. Wi snail FW;E, to any addnsr. full luliiriiiiiiloi ef a ays cm of oprruil k by hlrh ru S10. 62 . 100 or more oIlui r. l.in. larai ProSts., EfoUAll BOOTAY It CO., 6 Wil. S. I XT 1- . ' . am. CBICAGO.ROGRISLaiiD&PAClFICR'I By tho central position of Its Hoe, connects the Kt and tho Wtiht bv thhjhorteat route, and car- ri4 pasaeiitfcrs, witbout chiui;e or-ar, bet wee d rhiiiinynftrid Kbiiunj Cit?. Uouiiiil lllufls. lie siren ortb, Atcblfton, Winneapoli ana at. rul. 1) linos of road between tue AtUutlo and tho Vacinr Oceans. Its equipment ts unnvotctt and ratumu tent, beiDtr composed or Most ComfortabU nu1 ellnlnc Chair Cars, l'ullmun'u Trctttcst taUo. Rlonnlner narsi tin A 111 ft U,ut Litlft stif U.nlTltr Csln In the world. 1 liree Train between Chicago one aMissouri Hivcr Points. Two Trains between Cat esffo and Umneapullsand bt. Vaul, via tho aFamou.' ALBERT LEA ROUTE' A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kinka cuata, Waalxvlilc. LouisvUlo, Lciinni on, Cmomnati, Anqianapoiis ana Aj-iiayenc, iau vytunii, Mtuuuiy sslla nnrt St. Paul nrirt iTiterinsfilltJ TjOlilta. All Throuch lasiengsrs Tiavtl on Vast Bxprcs grains. Tickets Tor salaat allprlnotpal Ticket Offices li. tho United States and Oinadx , . Tinrrtrar nhoplcnrl Ihroutrh nnd TAteM Of fare al. ways as lowai competitors that oitcr less advan ce detailed Information, got tht Maps and Told jrs of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Once, or address 17. R. GABLE, E. ST. JHN, Ykt l'rcs. ft Usui UVr, Gta 1 TLU rui. Afit. CHICAGO. KLfclORiNU AL h Complexion bttsisi f.si.siaa.a.LLa. -The keeper of aii 'liiPane asluln'wtili hustjes the luuutics, about U a ("Uhover ol Ihti queer." DeuI men tell no tal.i vi net nc.B siry. 'l ha Obituary wnteri do luat 'service fur them. r .7', Ajrrr's, Cathartic Fills are Ilia bfEt meilirine that.caq bo. etuplojfeJ lo correct irregularities of tl stomach aud bovrrls. G.mtlf, yet thorough, IrVlheir action, they curd rnustinatinn, stimulate tho 'digestive organs and the apt'ielite, anil, cleanse, uull.l up and strengthen lh. system, -The woman who it inlerrietvatl ,liy' a s.'wlng msrhine agent suffers mora or less from seer,as. The I'otoiaae flats are not even one' story' bigh.i 'Test a man's profession hy tils prae t ee. rhysician, heal thyselfl" Physicians nit only lieiil themselves with Kidney wort, but nrescnue It for others for .the ivortt cases of hiliousness and conttipilliou as well hS' for kidney coiuplalnis. If you feel out of sorts and dou't know'whv. trv pa-ltHge of kidney Wort' aud'Vou willTiel' like a new creature. GERMAN PBOVEttBS. Onous only to uiu ut be praised, llandsoiuo apples uro. soniotiiuiM sottr, Llttle aud oltrn make a tieuf iu"tline. It Is easier t6 ultima luau lu be' belter-' Il fs,uot enough to ar-ii J you, must bit. Would you ba strung; conquer ' yuur self. There, is no good in preaching to the hungry.. littler go supperless lo'bed than, run iu hi Speak little, seak truth ; spend )ittle,par. cj'sll. To change and tie better are.two difTerent' tnings Better free In a foreign lart.l than a slave at home 1. 15) XML!?' Of: .UK4.IOLlpUkLLLOUfJ-.Ital.eisu seUT lJ4 B1J PiM 10 Ibt IUl tit th. rrtDTniiH nn jour ' s-tsi uki rrtvri." iut4 pni in RBtiMsunion II KnOTIrl vns 14UblUrfc.llU.bMhrMiflrA Isullrs) tt kit Hunlrl(tlth the hlrhiM i PJ till arrrtTwiasl ITTnirUfM. UJUiJU.NCa,lJralJfi,.i' -Vimiaii ! thu uruwjj uf creation. Herder. The are things for which we must enn staolly usk iHrgiveneas first, the 'tliinR we hriveiiotie, and second, the thing wy have nut dune. Blankets, Quilts and Winter jWkijes ami Iter 13 For treniulntisiieM, wakefulness dltri Q'ts, MtiJ lack of energy, a most valuabt remedy is Drowu's Iron Hitters. In order to make room for Spring Goods, at CHAS. M. SWEENY & SON'S, Old Post-Office Building, Bank St. Lehighton. 1 f 1 "T"" mm, smsm INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Ourefi all diseases of tho Stcmadh, Liver, Bow 3ls, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Millions testi V to its eflicacy in healing tho ahovo named A diseases, and 'oronounoo it to bo tho si " iraflrj flarK. IJl,'s hkmkdy kown to man. Guaranteed to Care jbyspcpfila, ' -HSfiGliNTS WANTKli.jS Laboratory 77 West 3.1 St., New York City, Druggists .sell it If the ubbtige crop proves a failure this year, tho price of genuine, impniled II. vara cigars tuny go hp. There sro.niore, people who can fo-gel ihcm.elves thsu govern themselves. mm svsssfer IjXK.KKS. DADruiH Co.. Pa. My hmly was lliernlly eovi-re.1 nti T'tier. lor uhleh I could t"t ro rellrf until I tnnk iil.1 urn r i iii'i- Ba. Clark Joiiksok: My hMv wai yeur lNLi.'a.N whloh has effiCuslly cured me. I rpoummend It hlubly. l:Nl)fll IIRKUEB. J3 re.il 11211 ays'! Hy the Combined Treatment of EXCELSIOK f, RUPTURE PLASTER VLIXG COMPOUND ! Toslllve evidence of Wumleiful Cum teuton rrrelpt of Sc. stamp. July yl Address, F, IlryJJEniUCK, Ogdeniburj, K. Y. rmmm PURGATIVE S7! 11 1 tt ikl will tp'ttlv ttijL tbtftMvtUthfntfr itiUmlii lbrtm ottl. Abtps r. a wht will tslt ONE II Ms KAL'H VlOIIr FRO 11 (lS.1. 10 TWE1.VK Wi- Kk'S tuavWresurtdt..s nit, illli. U i-rhil noiiait rwi F,atal0BDJticU thrat I'tllsbtfa nesqssK rbiiicimt,'em m th iTiettft, foUttTtrratiri. sra( mxxii forti eiau ia ittnps. gtmi Ut pamphlet. LO. J0UNBONCtX.UjtoD,Msi. i The New Patent DttST-FROOF Stem WMii Open ?acs Case, MANUFAOTUEO MY THE American Watch Co. WALTHAM, iviASS. This case is formed It) line one solid nieoi r.ttiout j.iliit or seam, okii ingn front onh thus avoiding tlie neual Oip, iii. .tcuriuj grejier streugin nu.( iiurii'.iiity, Thesel Watches are all open off. Tl bezel, into wliich an extra strong fryjial fitted with an esiiecially lireiwred water proof cement, (s attached In (he case I vrewing it thereon, and thus forms on o'r tight J 11 1 -L inn with the body i,.f the rasi )vhicn is priml ngait.it dust aud moisture, To railroad nn-u, travelers, miners, lulu nermeu uud others who am almost co lauly extatsed and who have to make fr quent reference to (he watch, these qualltie are of the utmoti iniHirlanre. "I lie Folio win;; l.tllers Tell slid Own Story : . 'V4Lix.sii,Gi.niou, July 20, 188, 'I sold one of your Patent Dutt Proof Cases about tell months ago, and the other lay it came back to me with the request uukn it wind easier, .On examination 'unil that the atuiii was rusty, and I i uired Into the cause of it. The gentleiua uted to ine that he was starting some taw ioa that had lodged in the bend ol the ri er, when hit chain caught lo a bush an threw his watch into uLmt t ir ye feet of water, and he was about two hours, finding It. Wheu he got it out it was running and iu thought all right. In about three mouths ' fnuud that the stem was bard to turn aud nil it to me. 1 cuu say that the watcli is all that the I company 'cUHiis for it and recommend it to nil railroad aod will men. U. W. BENTLY." "Cltoi, Iowa, April 79, 1881. "I wish you would send me, a spring for the1 Win, Ellery Welch By the way this Ellery is a watch .1 auld In your Screw Ueiel Case iu a farmer last'lall. The first of January bt lost the watrh iu the woodtnd fnuud it this week In about one Toot of water, It had laiu three mouths and over In snuvr and water. Willi but slight Injury lu the watch only a hair-spring. C. 8. HAYM0ND." The above wsre very severe tests, and demonstrate beyond' a doubt, that for any reasonable length of time during which a watch might be under water it would re ceive no injury whatever, ' We make these rases In both gold and tilveritids4arERFEOTI.Y DUST-moQF BTEM-WIFDINQ WATCII CASE, CHAL LENGE THE W0RLP TQ fnODUCE IT8 EQUAL. For sale by all first clsss jewel-1 tis. , Maieh 14, KU-m.1. (groceries. Oil CBoliSanecusiwarc. Glass "are., Wood aBiai Wifilow Ware. fecj, -ALL- he doctor' ' Tbe.ca'se was taken under advisement. Hy of which had got there Imm the dih water. The rock tall that comes in large lumps, and nny be, bought at Imr rates ly the ton, is excellent for live sleek, .IJ.iXfsl for this salt may Le arrauged by. .the li.lon of the liiHngersand in , the pasture. They will need filling al different intervals. ly- riculturht. Prepare for Dronths. The dimunitiou in milk superinduced by summer drouths is one of the farmer's draw bicks. The check 111 the flow of milk is midlines felt throughout the entire sea' sob, even if favorable weather shall altir wards ensue, fir when cows once fall oil lu their milk, it Is hard work to bring thorn up again, at. Ihis advanced stage of their yearly milk giving period. Such a loss may.be, ayo!ded by taking the precaution f sowing a small field of corn adjiining the Charily cives itself rich, but coyetonsness pasture, or in some place where it will be . . .... hoirds itself poor. , I convenient to feed. Ifeown.al the unit) Evervbody knows a good'eountel except I lime of planting eorn.it will he large enough lii'ni that halh need of it. I" by Jhe middle of July, .noller piece, may to snwri later,, lor feeding in August. This will be found cheap and gooi food for iiili.,! cows, on aciiuiui ofit. cxtranliniiry tiicmleuce. S-irehuui am liullel are nlsiitgHiHl,rbut, the corn lor a soii fug crop Is belter. On most suits it flnurish- et during a dmuth, when everything elf. -ulTers. l he en Hire, hi e, ;r y .icre.or two wil ly iu this way,and that which is not needed ,or feeding during tlie summer, can be cut ml cured ..lor winter use. W, D. 13. ii Aqricut(tirlt. At Wintermiite's BOTTOM Price Store ! St Vhe Most liaaMisoiraae laiterias asad t.iae ILsafi'gg-esI; Stock of UBS at !Lo'wcst IPb'I.i'c, can be 'fouud at the popular llrug Qre of flfifsaTH& GREAT lfffiM dERMsn he. Opposite Carbon Hoiise, BANK Street, I iflcli help out wonderiul ( ' CURES Rhcumalism.Neupalg.a.Scialica, Lumbago, uacKacne, neaaacne, loomacne, , 8tro Tli r. tut, dwelling tprnl. UruUe,- l(ari. rri mil's , iRf all mil m lumirv rus nsxt ihirs. 3all by prusslts srf-1 lelr cttrvwherr.i Vtj Ctan tup ni tiM.KM a. vntirr.KU co. IS A SURE CURE for all cfleeasoa of the Kidney and LIVER It hfla ipclilo action on this moat Important orgaa, enabling It to tircw off torpidity and t Inaction, stimulating the lioalthy aeorstlon ; of tho Bile, and by Icccpinr; tho bowels la free oonCiUoa, cfibcrUng i ta rcjulax dcharjo. KOIqIopI') IfyouareauHirlosCi-om , IOi alalicl xmurla, havo ths cnll, i aro bilious, dyspeptic, cr constipated. Hid- ' ncyVyort will sure!y r.iioTo &: auifjklycnrc. . In this season to cloansa tlis Crrtczn. trrerrr I ' cue oliould tilio tUoroucU courss of iC (il) COLD DYORUCC1STC. Prlco 91.1 THE TESTS OF 40 YEARS PROVE BEYOND DOUBT THAT PerryDavis'sPainKiller THE GREAT HEALTH KEEPER THE RELIEVER OF DISTRESS THE COMFORTER FOR ? AIN THE ENEMY OF DISEASE AND A FRIEND OF THE FAMILY, WHICH SHOULD ALWAYS BE AT HAND. EVERY DRUGGIST keeps 1 Marketing the Tomato. Bermuda nn'lougi r uioiiopidiies(lie'trail in early tomatoes ;"those from'Kioridu eoiin III' Soon after, and these are followed bt the crop from Georgia and more Northern States. - ortumitely, the! utn, II i.lckeo I '.ehen full growli and riiening' has ci'lil nenced, will come to full ripinrss alter il ir eiti.iveil Imiti the yine. Success will! thou "who send the tomato Irom Southern loeall- tics lo Northern markets, largely deiieudF iipidl jncLIng at the proier time. 'Hit dinnges, as the fruit r! ens,ure Kradunl end .veil DMrkeil. As'itoon us il has reached full size, the tomato turns." that is. il lore. its durk green color, and becomes a mucli lighter und whilith greeu ; thin I line is a I .eMinvibh, red tinge, und after this the ttui red color appears, usually first uimn thin I potlion most exposed to the sun, and soon -preadlng over .the whole surface. Tin I mil should be picked in such a s'ule that I will be well colored bv the lime it reaelie I the ma'ikei, or oii after. While th rtnridu grower siiuet pick the Iruit as soon is it "turn.," or loses its durk green ado lio Georgia slilpfier can wait for the yellow sli colur, and those nearer the market edit end them still further advanced in ri- !.'?. The (oiiiulo, alter II has beciiino wrl colored, 'eiiiaius hnrd for u few ilajs, Iheiil begins to soften, and becomes tin lender to be.ir1 IransiMirtation, a fact lluit thine who seud lo a near maikrl should keep in mind jj uu.over-s.ill t.iln it", it a "Icaki " one, as he dealer, term it, will ejmil the appearance I of ul the ytbert fii the wckage. It is ilii (orlant that all . in nue iwckage be ol tliel a me stage ol ripeness, to thai all will clue I to maturity at the same time. (Shippe-s I irom Heituuda, Honda,- and other larl Southern localities, uow Hud It worth while I to wruprach truit in paper before lacking The sleirii are always removed, as they I Would bruise the other fruits, b'll iu South- em localities, this allows of the discovery id I the Bl worn, wiif h oltcn euters the Iruit and hljea beneath it. AnHrican Agncuh twUt. The undersiiietl xespecfcfully announces that lie is now closing out his entire stock of Hats, Caps, Oil Cloths, &c, If yon wish to secure JBarg'ains, now is your Golden Opportunity, as the entire stock must positively be closed out before the loth day of May, 1883, no reasonable offer will be refused. Remember, ...... :( . Ed. W. Tbist, Manager, , Obert's Building, BANK Street,' April 7, 1883, LEHIGHTON, PA. 9 HERE AT LAST, After Lent; sad Weary Waiting Belief Ii Brought toThose who Heed It. 'Well, Pat," said an Uranye l'liyslcltn to a complaining Iilsh patient some years age, 'fur that Vain In your chest yon hid 'Utter go home and pot on a insstard piaster. I ean't think this minute of anything Utter And by the way," added the doctor turning to a friend, "I wish somebody would Invent a real aood platter something actually helpful lor such cases as Cat's. MayU they will sometime, when Its too late lor me lo use It." When BENSON'S OAl'tJINE I'OBOUS PxASTEH was placed on the market about ten years axo the doctor's hoie ecoiue a fact. Uecause uf lhe rare medicinal virtues Inherent In It, Us rapid action and sure re sults, th" 0lne Is last displacing; the slow aetlng plasters of loriner da) s, Tor all anee tlons te which a plasttr Is ever applicable. 1 rice X cants, la the middle of the g enuiue It cul the word CA 'HN" r... Btibary k Johnigo, Cbu'lt,ts, New York. April il-.su Breed Characteristics of Cattle. Tbelersevs uud ill e useys exivl in rich,' nessof milk and fine I. utt-r qualities. The latter are larger than lh firmer. Her or . ure n it latga m'jlk rs, but the milk Is I rich. The bulls make g.l rri'tsetou na- live c tws, and the steers fatten rapidly. Tue Ayrs'uret are good milkers, and will do well on short pastures. Their milk Is better for cheese thin for butter. Shorthorns are eminently the beelbrecd, being ol large size aud early nutur.ity, . The bulls are Keeps ri foil line of all the most popular Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattl. noted for exceleut milking o,ulilles,coupled with the capabilities of making good beef Their eculiar marking make them very attractive to the eye. American Aqrtcul' turitt. Patient parents and utleut teachers alone cau teach children the lesson, oil alienee. A prise for those who advertise Enter prise- Men condemn In others for what they practice themselves. ,Tie ypraled. nds of Mississippi com. prise 20,000 acres. Jefferson City. M Ur- J. C. Rid- dler saysi "Pcrsou's who ii e Brown's Iron B. Iters always Ipeak Welt uf it. It it good aaedicine." Iteiftler in I lire fflvrngs anal Medicines, "Weissport, l?eniia., ps n full line of all the most popula: Patent Medicines, Horse and Ca Powders, Fancy Stationery, Toileite Articles, School Supplies, A full Slock of Wall Faper and Borders, CIOUIMP DnnC AMn TAPll F Trent Flle fnr nil R.aaona, Carlisle and rloHInU nUUO jHINU lrtlLL Limerickll .k-.OII.unlll.wSIk, Liuen aud Cot. ton Liiiih. Ac , wry cleap. Also, i. lirn n rtuiel.t ol D. M Ferry & Cu'a ' , Celebrated Fresh Garden Seeds. Choice Cigars, and a fine stock of Pure Vines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. K? Prescriptions very cavclully compounded; day or night. Patronage invited. uu- - ' ' a. ' ) .'I ' : 1 . ti.'-fh r E. A:; iIoMmisspoiCPa. REMEMBER TUE PLACE, May itb,MIX