The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 05, 1883, Image 3

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    to (Stovtaw gvtfviMttU.
Our Neighborhood in Brief.
Snow last.Bund'ay.
- Beautiful The weather Monday.
Go to the Concert this (Saturday) even.
'D8j , ,
Jour pibllo school term ends on Friday
f najt week".
Whcu are the pavements along Dank
waylo befiTdlshodf
-iiteadW- A. Ilnm'i new advertisement
on fojrth page.
Frank Lelbcngulh la building an ad
dlticn to bla residence on Bank .street.
Trees are beginning to leaf. The crab
apple trees ara already green with foliage.
rushing along The tw new tene.
menU of Hon: V. M. Rapiher, on Bank
war. In town Monday, John Loesher, of
MaUcb'-'Chunk. lie leoka well after hit
trip." ; '
In abaci way the young lady who Is
afraid the .wont like her new tpring bonnet
after It' rt'finltbed.
They'd. I ttack of the Sauc-m Iron
Works, at Uollertown, has been blown out
for repairs.
The Bethlehem Iron .Company has de
clared a semi-annual dividend ofO per cent,
on their capita! stock or$l,O00,Q00.
aA' number of new opon cars are being
buill at the Stemton Car Bhops lor use on
the Switchback road at Mauch Chunk.
'" ffia.Illustratcd Book of Cage Birds mailed
fdreSjfcent stamp. Bikd Food Co., 237
South 8ttf6t.,Thllailelphia.
The Chicago meat market which has
b"en doing business 'hero for the past few
months, clotedlon Tuesday last.
It would be a vast Improvement to
Weissport, it Eomo of the pavements on
White street were put In a proper stato of
JS-IVof F. If. Bernd. of this place, is com
pliteing Lis theological course in Philadel
phia, "ncT will enter the ministry Ibis
.The other day.a thief stole the satchel
of 8tate Senator Biddls, while the latter
gentleman was takiug lunch at the station
on the Philadelphia aad Reading Hallroad.
jS-Who wants to exchange Town prop
rlv fori. Form nf 142 acres, with cooil new
tiuiIdingsAriil fine truittrees on it. Address,
W. M. lUrsiiKB, this borougn.
In January last $70,000 of 4 percent.
Allenlown city relunding bonds were placed
on, sale. The fast were sold on Thursday
of last week.
The .'Allentown National Bank on
Monday declared u dividend of 4 per cent,
-on.;tlie earnings of the last six months, pay'
ante MevMllh.
Ifyou want a team for any purpose,
don't fail) to call at the popular livery of
David Ebbert. "North street. He will suit
you at a very reasonable price.
Daniel Graver, of Fairview, Luzerne
county, was in town Monhay interviewing
tils old friends. Daniel looks well, and ro
ports business very good with him.
SB-Tliere was sold on Saturday, 25th,
un., at iiagaman s store, uenigninn, seven
ty-one dollars wortu.or watches anil Jewel
ly, for one family.
Fairmount Colliery, at PitUton, will
liave'to lie jdlo until , the shaft is sunk 200
feet deeper, to tho eight foot scam. Tiiis
will nrobablv lake (lireo months.
liTrtsraoiii!. "Hello!" "Well.helloT
Who isit,JnbT" ""Uncle I did use Horn's
TelopuoHe Liniment and lound it the best 1
ryer hadr No family should be without it.
vjoou uye."
William Ash, an engineer on the
Fcrlclomcn Railroad, died Saturday tneru
tng at Allentown from the effects ofenal
ns, which ho inhaled while in the cab of
ihis engioei
Ij. C. 0; Hansen, of Allentown, who
claims to be the chsinpien billiard player
of the State, has been defeated in six games
out ol nine by Henry DonaUeou, a. boy
living in Ktnaut.
i-julf you wanta nice emooth,eaey sliave
vour hair cut or shampooing, go to Frans
Roederer's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho
tel. Ho will fix you right, and don't you
forget it.
Owing to the unwillingness of tho peo
ple of Mi I lord to subscribe to the capital
tock of the Millord and Matamoras Kail
road the construction of the road has been
A slope lias been aink at the Jeanes
ville collieries on the South dip of the
Wharton scam, and has reached the basin,
where the coal is in good condition and of a
auiierior quality.
F. W. Christ, postmaster at hilt, whu
for many years has been a prominent
politician of Lancaster county, and who in
I860 was a member of the Pennsylvania
Klectoral College, died on Friday.
&5UCheaiest Fisuiox liiUkltXK in the
world, 120 large pages, 4 ruges new music,
1000 engravings each issue. 50 cents er
year; single copies 15 cents. Stbawbridgk
ic Clotuisk, 8th Jc. Market Sts., I'liila.
For the week ending on the 28th ult.,
138,(108 tons of coal was transported over
the L. V. RE., making a total of J,1J5;928
tons to that date, and showing an increase
of (71,255, as compared with came time last
year. '
P.J.Cannon, af Drlflon, feeling dis
satisfied with the result of bis foot-race with
Harry Lewis, in this borough, has cha I
lenged Lewis to a race tor any amount at
Uazleton within three weeks. Tho chal
lenge will be accepted,
Nearly all the slate quarries iu this
fitate are in full operation, but the sup) ly
it unequal to the demand. During last
week 2200 squares of ruo6ng slate were
abipped, besides quantity of school slatca
and blackboards.
&S-E. F, Luekenbaeh. Broadway .Mauch
Chunk, is now upeniug for the Inspection of
his Irlends, Uie largest stock or new designs
in WAtiU t'Af Hits ever seen In tins coun
ly', and is selling at very lowest prices.
J..C. Fritz presented himself for jury
duty (n Lucerne county on Wednesday ol
last week. The Sheriff bad returned blm
as dead, and the Judge declared that he
was compelled to accept the Sheriff's return
and regard him aa dead.
The American Aqritultuiut (English or
German edition),and the Cabbon Advocatk
will be sent tu any address on receiptor two
dollars. The price of the Agriculturist is
Michael Reilly, tho hotel keeper who
abet aud killed Ttoaias Msy at Fairyiew,
In .November last, was convicted Thursday
afternoon of last week of murder la the
second degree, and sentecoed to 8 yesrs in
prlsonment In the Eastern Penitentiary.
frMrs. Mamie J. Mullen, fashionable
dressmaker, ai me uabbon aovocatk oi.
fire, thia borough. Per ect fits and work
insnship guaranteed. Wax Flowers of all
designs at lowest prices. White Flowers
for -funerals a specialty.
' The contract has been let for building
a new railroad from Hawley, Wayne coun
ty, to Pittsburg, Lusernv county. It I,
expected that the road will be completed in
ten months. Two thousand men will ta
set to work in a tew days.
5000 bilumlBOUs coal miners went on
strike 00 tba 1st inst, in the fittsburg rc-l10"0) to ReT- Father Buna, of Mauch trict Tbe farmers through the valley re
gions. I Chunk, on Thursday last. I gird it in tbe light of a bonanza.
It is not often that an
opportunity presents itself to
have such a treat as you will
have in going to hear the Bi
centennial Choral Society at
School Hall, this (Saturday)
The great mortgage recently given by
the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad
Compnny'.for $160,000,000 has just been re
corded at Norrlstown. It covers two hun
dred and two pages of the docket, each page
containing 12 lines.
j!33 I have now on hand a lot of Light
Single and Double uuggy narne's an
Ueavv Team Harness, which I will sell
a very reasonuble price. Any style made
to order on short notice.
Yours, lie ,
MltTox FtOBY, Weissport, Pa.
For the week ending on the 30lh ult.
there were 179,736 tons ofcoal shipped over
the Lehigh A- Susquehsnna RR., making a
total for the year to that date ol 1,480,01
tons, an Increase as compared with earn
time last year of 183.695 tons.
The Indebtedness ol all the anthracite
coal companies ie$500,000,000. Their pro
duction this year will be 300,000,000 tons
tipan which they will make a profit f $1
per ton j and this soys a prominent railroad
man of Philadelphia, isfi per cent, upon the
whole investment.
Dr. J. A. Mayer, the practical Surgeon
Dentist, nf Broadwav, Mauch Chunk, has
had a practice of over 20 ycnrs,and is prob
ably the oldest resident dentist in this val
ley. Tho Dr's work speaks for itself, and
the fact that all critical work in tho region
is given to him Is a sufficient guarantee of
his superior ability as a Surgeon Dentist.
Leaders of choirs and
musicians desiring to give en
cuuiuguuiuui. iu tuuimunuu.
. . . . . . 1 1 r . i nm hull" 1' I
and scholars should endeavl
to brine them to ScilOOl liallf banna Railroad Tuesday
Lehighton, ilay 5th, to hear
, n ? tr A. rK a t,ok nreand rf "ie ti
'tU irainea voices iur to and threatened to consu
Architect Hotton aud contractor Stacy
Reeves, of Philadelphia, are superintending
the staking offol the ground preparatory to
the digging of the foundations for the new
laboratory in the Lehigh University grounds
made necessary by the great increase in the
number of students In the last year or two.
A new mining company has been ur
ganned at Catasauqua, to be known as the
"Catasauqua Mineral Company." They
have leased a large tract of land on the
Lehigh mountain supposed to contain
deposits of iron ore, isinglass or mica, aud
other minerals, Tho company propose to
commence prospecting at on early day
At 10 o'clock Sunday night James Size,
emploved at No. 6 furnace of the Bethlehem
Iron Company, met his death by being
squeezed between tho platform of tho furn
ace hoist and a beam above the opening.
He waa about adjusting a barrow which he
thought was projecting over the platform
when he was caught. Ho served as c
Union so'dler during the whole of the re
bellion and was wounded twice.
-Argument Court held at jwauou onunKi.Mri j 8 Kocutie cigar manufacturer,
Monday and Tuesday for tno purpose oi
hearing argument in tno case oi iuanes
Carroll vs. Jacob retry, and the Mechanics
National Bank, of Philadelphia, ys. the
Miners Bank, of Lansford ; in the first ccse
petition for charge of venno was deniedind
in tbo latter, a rule to dissolve attachment
against the Summit Hill Bank for $3000
no decision was rendered .
You will miss a grand
treat if you fail to hear the
Bi-CeDtennial Choral Society
at their Concert in. School
Hall, Lehighton, on the even
ing of May 5th. j
The Travelers' Life and Accident In-1
surance Co., of Hartford, Conn., and for'
which Mr. Thomas Kemercr isilio agent in
this place, offers extraodinary lndu-cments
to those wishing to provide for their families
n case of accident or death. -Mr. C. H.
Bower who, recently, was slightly injured
while at work, and was incapacitated from
work for two weeks, received $20 compen
sation last week, through tho agent. Call
on Mr. Keinerer for trms, &c.
Messrs. Siencer and Randolph, o
Buck Mountain, and Handy, of Philadel
phia, representing the Buck Mountain Coal
Company, visited the, old Gorman Colliery
Friday to inspect the works. It is under
stood that negotiations have been pending its purchaso hy these gentlemen and
that Friday's visit was made with tho view
of opening new workings. The colliery
has nut been working since five years ago,
when its owners went into bankruptcy.
It is impossible to disguise Ihe fact that
the anthracite coal trade is exceedingly
dull. A prominent producer staled Fri
day that the only hne was that a better
demand might be inaugurated this month.
If something of this sort did not occur u
great deal of coal would have to bo piled
up. There are predietious that there will
bo nine or twelve days suspension in luln
lug this month instead of six days, as the
combination had agreed upon. Philadel
phia lUcord.
The oran to be used
this (Saturday) evening at the
Concert by the Bi-Centennial
Choral Society,iu School Hall,
this borough, is kindly loaned
by Prof. J. F. Halbachfor the
occasion. '
Au Allentown despatch says Vulonline
Shoemaker committed suicide Tuesday
nigbt by hanging himself in the garret of
hit house, ills head wss injured years
ago by an accident and though he has nev
er been watched with apprehension of do
ing himself barm it la supposed that his
death it ascribable to this cause. He has
worried a great deal aver the running away
of a son a week or so ago. He leaves a
wifeand three children. He was 40 years
Snesk thieves continue to make occas-
ional raids upon our borough. Early on
Monday morning the wife of Harry Blank.
an engineer on the Lehigh Valley Railroad,
get up to get ner uusoana s oreaitiast, when
sue ueara two men at me back door trying
w lurco jb opeu. duo give an alarm and
her husband and the nelgubora fired le
yolvert at the burglars as they ran from t
house. It has not yet been learned wheth
er either were struck, but probably not
use snot guns
Allentown is likely to get another shoo
factory. The men who during the wimer
lelt the old factories because ol a disagree
ment on wages, ara now makinz an ell'orl
to start a factory on the at oporalive i br,
ana to gel me lunig suricti mev are now
going about ameng tho monied men selling
stock for railing the required capital
about $25,000. Tbey ulrcady have sub
seriptinns to the amount of $7,(100, and feel
cmitileiit that they will be able to secure
the full amount.
Read the very interesting Utter of Mr,
Win. Craig, from Blue 8prings, Neb , on our
2 id page to-day.
Trexler Sc Kreidler loll what is said lo
a htve been thojiaudsomest built Phaetou In
Joseph D. Lathrop, formerly a clerk la
the office of the Central Railroad of New
Jersey, pleaded guilty in the Oentral Ses
sions, at New York, Tuesday of stealing
f 5,320 from the company. Counsel loi Re
ceiver Little asked for clemency for Lath,
rop tor the sake of hit parents, who had not
attempted to shield him, but bad believed
it to be their duty (o aid the company in
arresting him. Lathrop was sentenced to
State prison for four years.
5&"For Bsrgains in dress goodt, dry
goods, notions, Ac, call at Joseph Jonas,
Oberl't building. lie is doting nut his en
tire stock at and below cost, and nil must be
sold out before the 15th nst, so call now if
wish bargains.
Mr. Fred Lebckcl, Jr., arrived home on
a ylalt to his parents and irlends Hereabouts,
on the olternoon train en Wednesday last,
from Kokoma, Col., where ho hat been so
journing for the past two years. He looks
remarkabfy well, the country evidently
agrees well with htm. We trust bis visit
will prove a pleasant one.
U Charles Rapp has rented tho room re
a'pNitly occupied by the Chicago meat market,
and proposes to supply the people with
fresh killed meal, of fino quality, eyery day.
iU-Jinns, Ober.V's building, will close
out his entire stock nf new and fashionable
Ready Made Clothing, before the 15th InsU,
at and below cost. Men, Youths and Boys,
ifyou need clothing now is the time, as no
such opportunity will occur again for you
to get so much for so little ready money.
Emanuel Bennet, a miner, living near
Wllkesbnrre, while crossing tho Susqur.
hanna River in a ferryboat Wednesday
evening fell off and was drowned, lie
leaves n widow and child.
James Hullen, a driver's boy employ
ed at Big Mine Run, Colliery, Ashland, was
caught between two loaded mine cars
Wednesday and daneerously Injured. His
bedy was horribly bruised.
JCAboutadozcn oil cars were thrown
om the' track of the Lehigh and Susque-
evening a Treich-
broken wheel. The oil
me burned fiercely
mo the lock of the
cinal, but was subdued by the Moron
Hole Company from Mauch Chunk. The
damage was largo and the track vat block
ed until Wednesday forenoon. Five oil cars
Tvith their contents were burned
Coxe.Bros. k Co haye cellars dug fr
seven blocks of new houses at Beaver Mead
ow, and if carpenters can be obtiined they
will build from filtcen to twenty blocks this
spring, in order to accommodate the in
crei-B'd number of employes required at the
old Ely colliery.
Rev. C. 8. Human, Presiding Elderof
Allentown District, will preach' in the
Evangelical Church, at Lehighton, tO' mor
row (Sunday); in tho German language at
10 a. in., and In the English language at
7.30 p. ru. Communion services at 3 p. m.
All are invited.
Henry Glessncr, of Easton, a brokeman
on an iron train ou the Lehigh Valley rail
road, bad the second finger of his left hand
badly mashed one day last week while
co'upling cars at the depot in Allentonm
Mi will be unable to work for some timo.
of ths borough voluntarily raised the
wages of his employees, on tho 1st Instant.
$1 per thousand for making cigars. This is
commendable on the part of Mr. Knch, and
thows a liberality not generally exhibited
by mtnufacturers.
L-Gcorgo Horn and Miss Emma Dciberl,
of Weissport, were joined in llii holv bonds
of matrimony, by Rcy. 8 T, Leopold, at
Tamoqua, on the lstlnst. They returned
home on the 2nd Inst., und were treated to
a serenade by tho calalhutnplans one ol
tho parties dancing In a bog trough and
busting it.
Andenried Behools.
The final examination of tho senior c!as
of the Audenricd sc! o ils.who completed I lie
course of study marked out for the high
schools of the county. took place on Friday
and Saturday, April 27lh and 28th. The
class consisted ot two members. One tailed,
the other ono Miss Mary E. Boyle, passed
successfully. The commencement will be
held on Thursday evening May 10th.
Why Thoy Call Him "Old Man."
"Yes, thatVsadly so," said Jenkins, ''my
hair is turning gray and falling, nut before
its time. Use something 7 I would, but
most hair restorers oredangerous." "Truo,''
answered his friend,, "but Parker's Hair
Balsam is as harmless as it is aflective. I've
tried it, and know. Give tho Balsam a
show atd the boja will soon stop calling
you 'Old Man Jenkins.' " It never fails'!
re torq tho original color to gray or faded
hair. Richly perfumed, ad eleguut dressing.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the Lebightrn
post office, May 1st
Belts, David
Koehenderler, Hen ,
Mnler, Murcris (2)
Miller, P. M.,
Miller, Albert
Miller, A.,
MetzgBr, Christian
Piatt, G. W ,
Roth, Walter
Reed, Lewis
Itulliermnl, Henry
Rehrigi Jonas
S'lohinghill, Eliier
Smith, James
Snyder, Emma L.,
Schneider, David
lieltz, Isaac
Belts, Alice
Billlg, Henry
Colburn, Richard
Dreisbach, Aaron
Delong.Olwell B.,
Dittler, John C
Elbert, Mary E.,
r i slier, rred
Fritzinger, Jnsiah
Flickinger, Dan
Freyman, Tims".
Gumbert, J. L.,
llunler, Jotin
oeiser, Uartolet
Swartwooil, P,
Persons calling for any of tbeaboye letters
will please say "Advertised."
T. J. Skifert, ass't F. M.
Reading Makes Another Lease.
The Read i eg Hull read Company in
afT-cting tbo lease of the Schuylkill aud
Lehigh Railroad; which dates from May 1,
closes an avenue for tho entrance of a rival
railroad into Reading. The Pennsylvania
Railroad was in negotiation for the road,
but concluded to survey a route of its own
up tho Perkiomen Valley, lapping a better
re.inn and reschiug to Allentown and the
Lehigh Valley in that way, Lately, ho-
eyer, tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company
hat bad Its eye on the Lehigh and Schuyl
kill Railroad, which connects with its own
lineat31atington, and tbo Reading Com
pany made the lease none too soon or the
Lehigh Valley Railroad would toon have
had it.
Bonanza la the CaUwissa Valley.
Green Mountain it located In the CaO.
wlssa Valley, and Is supposed to contain
Urge veins of anthracite c.ial ,It is in.the
Northwestern portion ofjbe Schuylkijr re
gion and has never yet been fully developed.
A ciitiianyr owning the land have begun
opening up the veins, preparatory to tbe
building of a large breaker ticar Braudon
ville. It is a settled fact that in a few
months the shrill whistle of a coal colliery
will bo heard in the now quiet aud peace
ful CaUwissa Vulley. The .coil has tutu
tested and is ol good quality and sulposul
to be what is known as the Primrose vein
, This new enterprise has Increased the value
of property in the valley fully 100 per cent.
It is no doubt, but the beginning ofan ex-
tensive mining business in that new dlt-
The Weatherly Schools. Tint Commence-
ment of the High School.
On Friday evening, April 27th, the com
mcncement.fthe Wealberly High School
. . . , ,,, , ..
wss held In Miller'! Hall. It wat the first
commencement ever held in the history of
il l 1 i in i. ..l.i I.--- iu- r.
iuv kuwi, sua inn, uu uuuui, iiBm ma hi-
feet o. e.ev.t,g ,tt ttand.rd of scholarship
and Its general character. Three pupllt
completed the course, Mist Cora Vandyke,
Miss Bessie Evans and Miss Litzie Harle
man. The Hall was crowded with an
audience made up of the most intelligent
citizens of the town. Essays were read by
tbe members of tbe class and were reward
ed with rounds of applause and handsome
bouquets. The essayt showed careful re
paration and were well read. Alter tho
reading of the essayt, Mr. Balllet, the
County Superintendent, was Introduced by
Mr. Rauch, principal ef the schools, who
spoke briefly on the true aim and functien
of the school. Ho said that the Weaiherly
Behools were in excellent condition and
ranked among the very best In the county.
At the close Mr. W. H. Rauch, the princi
pal, spoke briefly on the character of educa
tion In its higher tente aa involving some
thing far more than merely a practical
knowledge of things necessary to make a
living. Education It not merely a meant
of making a living but has for Its object the
culture of the soul for its own sake.
The pupils of the senior class presented
Mr. Rauch very handsome copies of the
poems of Byron and Burns which he accept
ed with a brief, felicitous address. He said
that his relation with bis pupils, with di
rectors, fellow teachers, and citizens, had
been exceedingly pleasant during his con
nection with the schools. He said that he
hoped that his piipils might bo rewarded
for their faithfulness and diligence in school
by abundant success In after life.
At tbe close of the exercises Mr. E. P.
Williams moved that a vote of thanks be
extended to Mr. Rauch for tbe deep interest
he took in their high school in making the
first commencement such a marked success.
All the exercises Jwere frequently inter-
liersed with music, rendered by the pupils
of tbe high school. Several beautiful solos
were rendered on the organ by Miss Carrie
Tweed le.
Mr. Rauch took charge of the schools last
September. The directors raised the salary
in order to secure bis services. Efforts will
bo made to induce him to accept the posi
tion again for next year. His work gave
universal satisfaction and won for him an
enviable reputation. For the next two
months ha will take charge of a summer
Normal School in Lehigh county, composed
of teachers and young men preparing for
Big Creek Itoms.
-Miss Addle Arner, of East Mauch
Chunk, an intelligent young lady.was visit
ing her grandfather and friends in thia
Dr. Wolf, of Lehighton, was here last
week, with his champion medicine.
Mr. Jocob Gravcr. of Catasauqua, was
at this place last week, on a visit to hit son
Ji seph.
Sarah Solt, of Penobscot, was on a visit
to her mother and friends, at this place, last
It is believed by some people that tbe
finger nails will grow to tbe length of fifty
feel, If the fingers aro kept out of work,and
if tho person lives to be seventy. Now,
how long will a man's nose grow If he keep
it out of other people's business?
The farmers ware surprised on April
20th, to see the earth changed from its green
color to white ; they would like'io know
whether there will be any more anow. I
would adviso them to consult Wlggiu's, he
is at present in Montreal lecturing on how
worlds are. made.
A. A. Ueltz was at heme on Sunday.
Ho talks well of Broadbeadsyille school,but
still ho prefers Big Creek. We think on
account ol his old friends and the 7
Fiank Whittaker feels proud just now.
A little boy came to his place a few days
A dog of Mr. Uehrig'a was attacked by
hydrophodla, but he was killed before La
could do any mischief. The people are
very glad that be is killed, especially tbe
women, for thoy were out hunting dande
loin when they heard it, and I hey ran about
aquarter of a mile in such hastethat they
were quite prostrated. Joszmus.
Packerton Ripples.
Wo aro sorry to see that our friend Mr.
Warg,a passenger engineer on tha Wyoming
Division of the L. V. R. R., is confined to
his room by sickness. May health and
happiness soon be with him again.
Tbe Lehighton tbievea haye not made
their unfiearance here yet, and wo presume
it is safest for them if they don't.
Work at the new round house it pro
gressing very lively, thus giving employ
ment to hundreds of people who otherwise,
perhaps, had to be idle or leave this lec
tion. Tbe Packerton schools will close the
lat'er part of this month. The following it
the report for last month;
Whole No. In attendanco 15 17 32
Average attendance II 14 25
fer cent, ofatteudance 77 82 80
Tbe lollowing attended every day in the
month: Charles Merit, Sutan Walp, Crizzia
Everett, Lizzie Dayis, Alice Ditterline and
Tillie Burns.
raixART school.
Whole No. In attendance 32
Ayerage attendanco 27
Ter cent, of attendance S5
Tho following named pupils attended
every day in the month: Edgar Fritzinger,
Alwiu Johnson, Harry Weidaw, Harry
Burns, and Emma Everett, Willin Hshn,
OeirgeHahn, Barbara Lyndal, bi, lie Soli,
Emma German, Annie Remaly end Beltie
Bogdauski each missed half of a day.
Rev. Mr. Myers, from SlatlngUni
preached his farewell sermon in the old
school house last Sunday evening. We
understand he is going to leave this section
of country altogether. Packerton therefore
stands in need of some divine, or the Pret
byterian persuasion, to take hit place.
The Lehigh'a Lumber Traffic.
George Lelghton, of Glenburn, who it at
present engaged in some surveys for the
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company near
White Haven, writes thus of tha lumber
business at that place: "The season for
active work in the sawmills bat fairly
opened. All of them are wirking during
f'ae daytime, and one of them at least
throujli lb night. I visited oi.e of them
for an hoar about a week ago. This mill,
though much smaller than some others here,
will saw 3,000,000 feet this season. The
White Haven mills, all told, will taw 40,'
000,000 feet before next winter closes up tbe
river. There are switches running aloag
side of these mills, and a large sbsre of tbe
sawed lumber is loaded direct from tbe
mills to the cars. The logs are brought
here all the way from Tobyhanna through
the Lehigh river. A good part of th. way
I the channel it narrow and clogged by rocks.
Tho w distinction! aroevereome by meant
lof artificial freshets. These freshets ire
Poduced ky dams which may be opened
, Sj.!6-1 " JE!U.,re,, The
distance from Tobyhanna to Whit Haven
, Booul lh(rlr mit, hj r,ver nd t oma
i timet require! two weekt or more to drlye
'the lout the entlra dlaUnr. Wknn a
i-M :: -
jrhgkTlw.n'tVotVi;?; fVeh'!
dams are then closed, and when they are
lull tney are opened, to as to combine Into
one freshet tbe contents of them all.
Eath lumberman stamps his logt with
hit initials or tome distinctive mark, and
the logs come down tbe river together The
Lehigh it dammed up at the head ol the
town, and half a mile below, forming two
large water leyelt. These pools are divided
up by boom logs forming canals to the dif
ferent mills along the banks. As the logs
eulsr the upper levels, they are sorted and
made up into rafts which are conveyed from
one level to another through lockt. One
circular taw In Mr. Steck't mill tawt 40,
000 feet In ten hours, but this it better than
any of the rest. 25,000 to 35,000 Is a good
average of work. Scranten Republican.
A Fatal Coal Mine Ou Explosion.
Ashland, April 30. There wat a heart
rending scene at tbe Keystone Colliery to
diy. Their men are dead and two are
dying, as the result of an explasi n Scores
of woman and children flocked to the
mountbof tbe pit, awaiting newt from be
low. Three criet were piteous, and when
the dead bodies were brought to tho sur
face the grief ef the stricken families wat
awful to look upon.
Tbe Keystone Colliery is operated by the
fnlladelpbi and Keaaing Coal and Iron
Company, aad it situated about on mile
from Ashland. It waa built in 1852, by
Donaldson & Co., and the coal and iron
company got control of it twelve years ago.
Auero are iwo aiojies, one in yards and
the other 153 yards, a total depth
of 320 yards. The workincs extend a mils
each side. Immense quantities ot gas are
generated, ana u requires an eiglity-horse-nowera
engine to keep the mine ventilated.
It has been the scene of a large number of
larnnc explosions in pan years, and the
dead ef to day ara added to a long list At
ten o'clock this morning a gang of men
were at work "skipping" pillars or remov
ing the body of coal standing between the
breasts. Suddenly a nillar started to run.
It brought with it an immense voluino of
Five men were at work in breast No. 4,
west gsngway, when the gas rushed upon
them. Their names were Andrew Jones,
August Weiker, Charles Tyler, Pat Rcaean
ond Coney Weiker. Tbo gas ign!txl,it is tu; -posed,
frm one of tbo miner's lamps. We
ker was au inexperiment miner, and in the
hurry and excitement he forgot to put out
his lamp. A terrific explosion followed,
and Reagan .Jones and Weiker were instant
ly killed. Weiker was blown a distanco or
fifty yards, and almost every light in the
mine was extinguished by the concussion.
A miner named Sweeney escaped by crawl
ing two hundred yards on bis hand aud
knees. An immense cloud of dust and
tmoka shot out at the shaft, and the shock
oi tbe explosion was felt for a mile.
On all sides intenso excitement prevailed.
Everybody knew just what bad happened,
and men, women and children seemed to
spring nut of the earth. They hurried to
the scene of the accident and crowdes
around the mouth of the pit. The exact
particulars could not be had for a time.
None knew how many unfortunate miners
wire imprisoned or dead. The women,
with blanched faces, gave way to grief in
Its most violent form. Their walls could
bo heard for a long distance. When the
first body was brought to the surface the
wildest scene ensued. Everyone crowded
about. Jones was a boy, nineteen years,
and as bis mutherbent over his blackened
form she fainted dead away. She was car
ried from the scene unconscious. Anxious
1 the crowd awaited as eaeh of the dead
dead bodies were slowly drawn to tbe sur
face and mournful precessions followed the
unfortunate men to their late
Weiker it seriously injured and it is
thought .that he cannot recover. Tyler's
cnndil'oi's pronounced hnpd-ss and bH
death 13 morhentarily expected. He is
shockingly burned all over. All tho men
resided around-tbe- mine and leave large
families, with the exception of Andrew
Jones. Weiker had only started to work in
the mina a few weeks ago and his careless
ness and inexperience caused the explosion.
Reagan leaves a wife and six children. Ty
ler also has a large family. The excitement
to-night is unabated and the sad affair is
the theme of conversation in the vicinity
of the mine. Terrible as the explosion was
the damage to the mine, strange U say, is
comparatively small.
A. right With Trampt-
On Tuesday morning three tramps enter
the Ebro Hotel, near Easton, and became
abusive. The proprietor, S. S. Keller,
ordered them out but they refused to go
After n scuffle in which the tramps .were
badly used they were ejected. Later they
returned and demanded drinks, which
were refused. Two. of them drew loaded
revolvers and pointed them at Mr. Keller
and pulled tbe triggers, but neither, pistol
discharged, fortunately. A .fight then en
sued and one tramp was captured. Tbe
other two fled. Tbe police were informed
and Detective Simons led a force of men to
capture the tramps. The two with three
other tramps were discovered in a railroad
cut. Tbey were all recognized as welt
known hard character! and it waa decided
to arrest them all. A ruth wat made, but
Tom Trainer, a desperado, escaped. The
other four were captured and lodged in jail
fer trial, the tramps for vagrancy, and the
two assailants for attempting to kill. The
men gave fictitious names: .
Beady for the S pring- Trade
E. H. 8nyder announces to the ladles of
Lehighton and vicinity that he has now re
cti veil an -opened an entire new and fash
innabie atock ol Spring and Summer Dress
Goods, Including all tbe most desirable
siyiesoi sius, grenadines, mohairs, nun's
eloth, spring cloaking, and prints and
ginshamt in endless variety, together with
uii tine di nonery ana gioovrt, alt ol
bicb be is offering at prices marked down
to adit the timet. In groceries and pn
vitiont he keens a full and cnninleta stock
i f choicest ai tide! at popular prlcvt. An
nieciiou 01 goeaa is respeciiuny Invuen,
as he considers it no trouble to show goods.
man offered $10,000 fer' a, license To
Mil liquor at wholesale, in Westfield, Mass.,
for five years but tbe authorities refused.
A trestle bridge across Lake Pontcbar-
traln,on the New Orleana and Northwest
ern Railroad, will be twenty one miles in
Three factories in the Ui.lted States
consume nearly two million eggtayear in
making a peculiar kind of paper used by
It it said in Boston that the Mtthoditt
Episcopal Bishop Bowman believes thst he
holds spiritual communication with hist'e
eiased daughter.
Gypsies really do steal children outside
of fiction. A Boston small bey wss taken
off by a strolling band, and kept ten days
berore his parents found him.
The ity of Ely, Cambridgeshire. Eng'
land, is tbe only one in England which
does not return a member of Parliament,
and it 1 J not even before tbe first Reform
bill. Its population ia in the neighborhood
of 4,000
Bengstran murdered hit wife ai d
buried her in Minnesota, and his story tl at
sbe bad eloped was to Implicitly believed
that no suspicion or hit crime arose. But
after a year of remorse be committed tul -
.id., leavlns a full written confusion.
Joseph W. Sweet was not the to
mak. a displav of his wealth. He was ratd
In the tax book nf Providence as owning
i ,000 in real estate and $30,000 in person-
al properly. But on bit death he it found
. to have left nearly half a million.
An example hat been sat by Queen
Victoria In ordering that no lamb thai! le
terved thlt season lu the royal household.
T le bitter March weather I. at been fatal to
Itmbs and to breeding ewes tu such an ex-1
tent aa seriously lo reduce the stock of sheep.
Aa a result ol the Queen's ordir, thn pi Ice
of spring lamb In the Loudon market hat
fallen from 14b. to Sd. the pound. I
The mill bandt of Lawrenco are prone
to tleep late on Sunday morning, after tin ir
week of hard labor. The Rev. Mr. Milra
tells Ibem thev do right. "Men and wo-1
men who work early and late six days are 1
no worse Christians becauso they are sleepy I
un Sunday."
Clising prices of De Haven Ic Townsend,
Bankers, No. 36 South Third Street, Phil
adelphia, Stock! bought and sold either
for cash or on maroin.
Philadelphia, Map 2, IBM,
bid atked
IT S3's,Ext 104 103
u a currency e a , izv
USlsExt KI31
ItSt), new ,113 113V
US 4' 1IUJ 1211
P mnsylvania R R ,... 58 5KJ
Philadelphia A Reading R R 27 271
beblgli Vallev It It 01
Lehigh Coal ic Navigation Co 43
United N J .R R A Canal Co 1V1
N t tern Central R R Co - f 63
HeaVmville. Pass. R R Co 14
Buff. Pittsburg A West. R R Co...' 151
Centlal Transportation Co , 35
Northern Pacific Com.. 50
" " Prefd 87j
North Pennsylvania R R 681
Philadelphia A Erie R R 19
Silver, (Trades) ,.. Sl
HAKIM til).
MERTZ FREYMAN. On the 10th ult.,
oy me liey. A. ilartbnlomew, urauvlllo
Hertz and Emaline. Freyman, both of
ult., by tbe same, Thomas Flickinger, of
weatneriy, and Harab A. lieltz, ot Ma-
FRITZ BOWMAN. On the 21st ult., by
the ssrao, William A. Fritz and Susan
V. Bowman, both, of East Peun.
MOYER REX. On the 1st inst.,by the
same, lornelius 1 . Moyer, ami JJvn A.
iiex, noiu 01 tiynu township, J.ciiign
ult., by Rev. J. E. Freemau, John Her
man and Amelia Meiuhart, both of Pine
BEER MEYFRS. On the 14lh ult., by
the same, Cornelius Bier and Catharine
Meyers, both of Cherryville.
SMITH-8TROH.-On tbe s ame day, by
me same, r ranaun omiin and t;ainurina
B. Streh, both ol Upper Towamensing.
KERSHNER. On the 21st ult.. in West
Penn, William W. Kershuer, aged 33
years, 8 months and 25 days.
MILLER.-On the 22nd ult. In Muuch
Chunk, Katie, infant daughter ef Aaron
and Hosier Miller, aged 4 months aud 3
YOUSE.-On the 23rd ult., in Eajt Penn,
(iideon louse, aged 77 years.
PETER. On tho 28lh ult., in East Penn,
Gideon, husband of JIannah Peter, aged
59 years, 4 months and 21 days.
KLEINTQP. On February 7, in Millport.
Herbert Oswell, infant sou of, John and
Sarah J. Kleintop, aged 1 year nnd 4
LEIIR. On February 27, ot Fire Line,
Augustus Jjcbr, aged 61 years, 11 months
and 20 days.
COLLINS. tin March 20, in East Maucli
Chunk, William George, son of Charles
and Ann Collins, aged 3 years, 5 months
and 16 days.
BECKER. On March 27. at Bethlehem,
Busau, wile of the late Jacob Becker, ol
Parryville, aged 74 years, 3 mouths and
12 days.
BROWN.-On March 26, in Upper Towa
uensing, Lewis N., son of Lewis and
Amanda Brown, aged 2 years, 7 montns
and 14 days.
BUCIIMAN. On the 9th ult., near Stem
lersyille, William, son of Peter Bucbmnn
and Caroline, (now Mrs. Green,) seed 14
years, 2 months and 2 days.
ARNER. On the 6th nit, in Weissport,
Katie Uebecca, inlant daughter or Oicar
and Jane Arner, aged 1 month and C
HEUBNER. On tbo 7th ult, at Pine Run,
An a ha in lleubner, ogeit 81 years, 6
months, and 7 days.
HONTZ On the 9lh ult, at Veissiorl,
Wiliam Edwin, ton of Frank and Mar)
Hontz, aged 1 year and 21 days.
BEER On tbe 10th ult, at Fire Line.
Mrs. Martin Beerdaughter of Lewis und
Mary Hartnian, ol Typhoid fever, aged
24 years, 9 months and 7 days.
LICHTEN WALTER, On "the 12th ult, at
Lehigh Gap, Daisy Louisa, daughter ol
Edwin and Ananda Liclitenwalter, aged
7 years, 4 months and 26 days.
ARNER. On tbe 19th ult, at Penn Haven
Carrie May, Infant daughter of Abraham
and Mary Arner, aged 6 months and 23
New Advertisements.
To whom it may Concern.
All persons are hereby forbid harboring- or
trusting my Wire. DOHA K1STLEK, on
my account after this date, she havlnit len
my bed and board without just cause or pro
vocation, I will pay no deuts contracted by
ner. -) u,Maiii"4a,
rarryviue, uareon uouniy, ra.
May th, lkW-wS
All persons are hereby forbid harboring tr
nsllng my wire, KLIZA HUHAFFUK, on
my HCCUUIlk unci llii. unioi rm tn
my bed and board without Just cause or pro.
vocation, I will pay no debts contracted by
liaiarovine, taiuvu -wuumj, jtu.
May Mi, 1863 w3
v. a. T.F.ltM-ANN. Solicitor of American
and Foreign Patents, Washington, 1M.'. All
business oonneeted with Patents, whether
before the Patent Office or the Courts,
firomptly attended 10. no cnarge maue un.
eta a naient Is secured. Send for circular,
&c. rnnyS-tf 0
Auditor's Notioo.
In tho Orphins' Court of Carbon County 1
Estate of Christian Thoruiau, det'd.
The andsrslgned Auditor appointed by the
Court, April 18tb, 1F83, to make distribution
of balance of lunds In the hands ot Henry
deceased, will hold a meetlfta: Tor tbe purmse
of his appointment on FH1UAY, the 25tli
day of MAY, A. I). 1883, at 1:00 o'clock P.M..
at tbe Office or Fred llertolette, hsq.. In the
Uoroush or JVlaocli OUunk, Pa. "hen and
Hbere all parties Interested wl I be required
to attend and present their olitlnis or bo de
barred from eomlnic In opon said claim.
B. it. U1L.1IAM, Auditor.
May, HU-ws
In tbe Court of Horn mon Pleas or Carbon Co.:
In the matter or the Aeounnt of Nathan
Morser, assignee ot Lewis Itehrlg.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the
Court April ItHh, 1183, to make distribution
ot 1 ha munev In the hands ol Nathsn Al otter.
ataliroee or Lswls Henri, anionic tbe nartles
entitled thereto will attend to the duties or
his appolniraent on 8ATUHDAY, theSSth
day ol MAY, Ai D. 188S, at 3: 0 o'clock P.M.,
al bla Utflce In the ilorougli ur Lehlabton.
Pa., when and where all parties Interested
may anena. o. av. ual.iia.-i.
May i, 1883-W4 Auditor,
Subpoena in Divorce.
Luclnda Ida Luil jtlg, byl
In the Court or
ner nexi menu, u. j.
Common Pleas or
- Carbon iiou t),
No, I, January
George M. Ludwlg
mr.Q, as a.
IN TiivonnH.
toOookM. Ludwio, KeijionaVnii
l Sib, You are hereby notified to be and
S' SaffJSTfcVSSj? Vll
at Mauch Chunk, on Monday, the 11th day
""u. V. !?J '?. ,,h." i.ore-
al se'rvioe r subpoena and allaa su'ipoena
f,umUyfuaiwUSkrCe0Unt ,0"
' ' till AS. W. LEVTZ, Sheriff.
I """iiay'j.n. ?Uw.i""",k'
Songs never Sung.
"How does that verse runt Something like
this, Isn't It?
There are who touch the magle string,
And noisy lame Is proud to win them
Alas I for those who never sing,
Bui die with all their music In them.' "
"Yet, that's beautiful, pathetle and tiue,"
sald.your representative. " The poet alludes
to people who are somehow suppressed, and
never get their full allowance of Joy and air.
Which reminds me ol a letter shown me the
other day by Hiscoz ic Co., or New Tortt,
signed by Mr. li (!. Williams, or Olmpman,
Sii)iler Co., 1'a., a prominent business man
ol that place. He writes :
' 1 have suflerud with asthma for over 40
years, nnd had a, terrible attack In Dccumht r
and January, 188'i. 1 hardly know what
prompted mo tu takol'AHRKu'aToMO. ldld
so, and the llrst day 1 look lour dutes. The
ellect astonished me. Thai nlatil I slept us
IT nothing was tho mallei with loo, and have
ever since. I have bad 00.01 tl'ice, but no
asthma. My breathing la now as perlcctns
If I hail never known that disease. Hy. u
know or any one who has oillnna tell blm n
my name that I'Aimmi's Tojcio will cure t
even alter lorty years.' There was a man
whois.-Dpcd thu fate of thoso whom the pott
Thlsprei r tlon.whleh ha heretofore been
known as , ..uKKii'a Uinoku Tonic, will
hercatter bo ndvertfred und sold under the
name ut J'AnKan'a Tonio. Inasmueh as
glntrcr Is really un unimportant Ingredient,
unu unprincipled ueaiera are cunsianiiy uo
celvlmr ttivlr customers tiv substltutlnir In
ferior proparatlona under thu name of glnaer,
nu urur me laisieaumK wuru.
Therolj noclianire. buweter. In the nrenar
atlon Itself, and all bottles remaining In the
hands ordealers, wruiipcd under the namo of
I'aiikeii'b Uinokr TuNiu contain the cnu.
Ine medicine II the lae-slmlle signature of
jiisuux a mo, is ai lue ouiioiu 01 uie oui.
tide wrapper. May I -ml
Annual Statement
PETER IIE1M, Treasurer, In account with
Lehighton Poor District, for the Year end
lng May 1st, 1883:
To Amount of Duplicate for 1882..... 48TB es
" Amount of Supplement for 1, 82... 10 83
690 (1
Ily Exonerations Ill 61
UyUutn'n lor Collecting .. S3 si
48 rs
Net amount of Duplicate, 1882 JU M
To amount received from J. I'.&mlth
from implicate 1881 217 85
To nraount ree'd from W. Scbwarts,
former Treasurer 40 08
To amount rccolvcd flora N Mosser,
Overseer ol Poor ol Mahoning;
twp.. In Mrs. Hums' expenses.... 20 00
To amount received Irom Sale of M.
Anthony's Goods 8 00
$.30 89
Henry Campbell,.!. P., relief orders. 02
Henry Campbell, J. P.. order Tor re
moval ot Mrs. Hums 2 00
O Ebbert, rent lor Mrs. Mulheam .. 8 00
F. Ludwlx, rem, lor Mrs. Summit ... 29 00
J. Harlholomcw, boarding; N. Fisher, 120 00
Jos. SeabolJt, nurslnicMrt. Hums .. 10 00
II. V. Morthlmer, publishing- State
ment 1881-2 ,. 12 00
Dr. W. A. Ilerhamer. mcd. services. 6 00
Mrs Wchrk sister, hat for child of
Mrs. Mulhearn 60
Levlna Summit, Hlskey child 18 80
W. S Wlnterraute, merchandise 2 89
F. Shulti. boarding Mulhearn child. CO 00
A. D. Mosser, sundries ., 3 08
Kev. .t. F. Freeman, services funeral
of 1). Weiss 2 00
O. Woir, movlnit Mrs. Mulhearn 1 60
M. Hellman & Co, flour and coal.... 20 33
M. llellman, rent 1'haon Snyder .... 61 00
Peter Helm, six weeks board for D.
Weiss 0 CO
William Kemercr, merchandise 4 30
Val. Schnartt, coffin for D, Weiss... 12 00
Cbas. Patterson, dlKKinK grave for D,
Wrlss 3 00
Dr. tl. S. (Jerman, medical services,
I). Weiss I 7J
J. P. Smith, making duplicate 1882.. 4 CO
J. llennlnger, (Steward,) board, &,c,
lor I'haon nnyder 137 60
John Ilartliolomew, making dress,
tic , Tor Nancy Fisher 1 00
Jos. Zalm, constable, services In M,
Anthony case 1 61
Polly Schwab, nursing 1). Weiss 16 1 0
J.T. Nusbaum, merchandise 4 08
K. 11. Snyder, merchandise 3 30
J. L. Oabel, coal 4 10
u in. M Hapsher, services rendered
luring year 10 00
H. Fenstermachcr, merchandise 1 42
H. Heckendorf. coal ami hauling; .... 21 16
H. llcckcudorf, moving Mrs. Snyder, 2 00
11. llcckondorf, rent for Mrs. Snydor, 12 60
II. lleckendorf, ono year'ssalary .... 25 00
David Ebbert, Hour, 5.C...... 8 HO
Charles Patterson, digging grave for
Mr. Ileahm 3 00
Mrs. C. DoTschlrsRhky, merchandlee
for Mr. Deahm 1 64
Dr. W. A. Ilerhamer, racd. services. 1 6')
Dr. W. a. M. Selplc, raed. services... 3 60
II. V. Morthlmer, order I oiks, &.r..,. 3 85
T. S. Deck, books and relief orders... u JO
II. A. Hells, relief order 2 00
Peter Helm, boots, shoes c mending, 16 05
Peter Helm, for boarding Mulhearn
child from April 1st to March 0th,
at l..'0 per week 7 60
Peter Helm, services to Mabonlng
twp. In .Mrs. Hums case 2 00
Peter Helm, taking Moses Anthony
to Lehigh County Almshouse, in
cluding, railroad faro, carriage
hire, fie 14 ro
Peter Helm, attending loek-up 25 00
Peter Helm, expenses to Lehigh Co.
Almshouse, In P. Snyder case.... 6 00
Peter Helm, one year's salary, to
April 1st. 1683 60 00
Peter Helm, per cent, oa 4181 20, at 2
per cent 15 62
Peter llelifl. auditors fee 4 00
WO 82
Ualance In hands of Peter Helm,
Treasurer 1-0 07
1939 09
We, the undersigned duly elected Auditors
of the Borough of Lehighton, do certify tl at
the foregoing account Is correct to the best of
our knowledge and belief.
W. P. LONtl,
May 6, 1883 wS Auditors,
nitrMMriillv nnnrmnees to the neonle of Le
highton and Its vicinity, that he Is now pre
pared 10 supply luem wuu un kiiiub ui
Household Furniture
.1 r ll,. Id.lU.a.nn.a T I
kllKIIUlitCl Ulvll ll.MII IU. u
can be bought lor elsewhere. Here are a few
or the inducements oucrcu
Parlor Sets at from , 60 to .60
Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case
ll.H,nnm Rllllp tilM-PI 440 tO 445
Painted Jledromn Suites 418 to f 10
Cane Seated Chairs, per set ore.... 46
Common I'halrs, per el or 6 4
aim an omer uw.ii cijuuiij cnrni'.
In this connection, I dellroto rail the at
tention or the people to my ample facilities In
and a lull line of OAhKETM and COFFINS,
I am lireiarej to attend promptly to all or.
len In this Hue. at lowest prices.
1'atronaite respectfully solicited and the
most ample tatlsfacUun guaranteed.
octl DANKSt.,Lbtt:bton. :
The Secret
of the universal success of
Brown's Iron Bitters is sim
ply this : It is the best Iron
preparation ever made is
compounded on thoroughly
scientific, chemical and
medicinal principles, and
docs j ust what is claimed Tor
it no more and no less.
By thorough and rapid
assimilation with the blood,
it reaches every part of the
system, healing, purifying
and strengthening. Com
mencing at the foundation
it builds up and restores lost
health in no other way can
lasting benefit be obtained.
j Dearborn Ave., Chteago, Not. 7.
I have been a great sufferer front
a very weak stomach, heartburn, and
'dyspepsia. In Its worst form. .Nearly
everything I at. rave me distress,
and 1 could cat put little. I fiavs
tried eyeryihmg recommended, have
taken the prescriptions of a' aoren
physicians, but got no relief until I
took Drown's Iron Bitt.ri. 1'fecl
none of the old troubles, and am a
new man. I am getting much
stronger, and feel first-rate. 1 am'
a railroad engineer, and now make.)
my trips regularly. I can not say'
too much In praise of your wonder
ful medicine. D. C. Mack.
Brown's Iron Bitters
docs not contain whiskey
or alcohol, and will not;
blacken the teeth, or cause
headache and constipation.
It will cure dyspepsia, indi
gestion, heartburn, sleep
lessness, dizziness, nervous
debility, weakness, &c
Use only Brown's Iron Bitters made by
Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore. Crossed
red lines aad lrad-maik on wrapper.
For norn ttmn ft thlrdof n ccntnrythc
nicxlcnn Mustang I.lnlment lias been
known to millions ull over the world as
the only eafo rollanco for tho relief ot
nrcltlciua nnd pain. It Is a modlolno
abovo prlco una prnlso the beat or Its
kind. For every form of external pain
iHnstnni? Liniment ia without nn ormal.
J t lienoiraius siesta anu lliuscio 10
the very bone making, tbe oontlnur
nnco of pain nnd IntlnmmaUon lmpos
sllilo. Its effects upon Human Flesh and
tint Bnito Croat Inn nro equally WOTtder
ful. Tho Mexican
iUnfment la liv Bomobodv In
a every house, livery day brings nowa of
i tlie asrony ofan awful scald or burn
vl subdued, of rheumntio martyr ro-
IMoicil, or a inltiablo liorse or ox
jcarcu oy tno jicauug power 01 11113
1 which speedily enrea 6uolt nilsieaie jBf
ilbo HUMAN FfJlSll na
9 Khinmatlsm, StvelllBgit SUIT
jjjolnia. Contracted. Muscles, XSurns
Sana ncnim, sjtiu, jniis.ana
Mprnlus, 1'olsoiiotis BMett ifl
Mli;s, KtlilWst, IJimeluH, Old
j Korea, Vlcers, 1'roaUjItca, Clillblalns,
jjSiire Nipples, Caked Xtreaat, and
ij Indeed ctery form of external Uls
Scnse. It lieola tvltliout scars.
S For tbo imuTE CnEATios Jt cures ,
i Sprains, tjivlnny, StlrT Joints,
"founder, TTarneaa tiorea.Iioof iMt
lentes, Foot Itot, Screw tt orm. Scab,
Siiouovr xiorn, acraicncs, ivahu
3cnll.i, fipnvin, Thrush, Itlnguone,
I Old fenres. Poll I2vll. Film 11 lion
J the filclit nnd every oilier ailment
jlo ivhicn ina occupants or ins
IStnblo nnd Slock Yard are liable,
I Tlin Itfeslrali ltfnatltnir X.lnlmrnt
j always cures and uuver disappoints;
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This remedy will act in harmony with tho Fi
nale system at all times, and also Immediately
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store them lo a healthy and strong condition.
Pr. Marclilsl'a Uterine Uathollron v. Ill cure fan
In; of the womb. Lettcorrhca,'ClironIclnflainnial
tlon and Ulceration ot the Womb, Incldratnl
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BArrenness and Is especially adaptrd to Iho chanr-i '
of Life. Bend for pamphlet free. All letters of
inquiry freely answered. Addreee as atxm. Fur
ilo by alldnirzlsts. New lzo SI prrbollle,
Oldslvn 81.aU. llosuroand ask for Dr. Mar
cbial'a L'tstlnoCathollcon. TakenootuA'.
For Mill- by A. J. Durli m. Vizn t, Lo
:ii?bton, Pa. 20 J
New Aad rranhie rmoil llutory ol il.a rfieal Va Sifhltof ilia
World. Br edltl Director SHiri kN, U. S. N. Addm
J.C. AlctvKOt uCo.. 6J3 ClKUnut St., ftutA.klp)Ua. rs.
buumul Komi Uhrouo Cards,
IIimiL. tu alt h rBd lir
Be. AtRmp for potAT a.4
pueklns. Alrntlaa IkU pas.
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ami facet M Xb Atultmaa ti Taj lor Co.. Msnsllelii, Ohio.
AGENTS Wanted lTs'W'-
oitterrhAiArlii rrcal ar iBOUKS U BIUIUS
li,r in tnuc, set, tirlj.t trdtm i rjr here. librJ ternu.
Iulrr, burMvra Ati,uN. flWta at, f ul)t .jJ.Ia, Pa.