The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 24, 1883, Image 2

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Editorial Mention.
Pius Star route trial in atlll en-ronte,
but when it will reach Ha termluus the.
moat kKtute la nnabte to prdilot.
Tub N. Y. Would saya: 'n?fora the
D uinoratle p.irly cau win iu 1831. It
mnt flht out the tariff Usue. witLlu Ita
ova rauks."
Humabcx think that farmers nra right
in taking advantage of re unuuy Hnuriay
to harvest hay or grain, or lotto any
thing (n whloU delay mty c.iuss Injury.
lit nv: "I could never bring meself In
blud tenauts of my fanning laud not to
do aach labor."
Kastmi on the 23th of Much Is a co
incidence that in) ni'iti llv'ngjins a-en.
It wa ns far back ns 1CG3, lG7i. 17JI and
1712 that Easter oama on the S5lh of
March, This oninciilenco i the flrtt ol
ita kind in oar eieuttiry, and ulll not take
place again till 1831.
Tng Roman Cetliollo convent nt
Qeortietown, D. C, i one of tho few In
the United States where the nnus take
rows for life, snd eren here their proba
tion last ten year", and release is after
ward possible tbroifjh a dispensation
from lt-me. Sister Ltureutla, on lately
inheriting S20.000, asked for and ob
tained a m?barge from the order. She
W uow plain Miss Smith at her homo in
Heading. She sajs that xlie had no dif.
Acuity in obtaining her freedom,
SscitETAr.Y Chandler has finally sue
ceeded iu committing the Adminis'.nitio'n
to tbe Eight-Hour l.iw policy bo far an
the emplojcei of the navy yards, are con
cerned. He U Kiid to have had much
difficulty in perultng tho President to
approve the policy, hnl Sir. Arthur Tues
day gave hit assent, nnd the order has
gone forth to tho various uavy yards that
thtf hours of I.tbor shall he from 8 to 4
o'clock, instfiil of from 7 to 5, fiom
Miruh 21 to Sept. 21, as in former years,
Tt t. ...... 1. . I , at... . .
. piuuiuio unit, too out conlrnvtrsy
over tbe rate of pay by the hour will he
rxneweit The wtges question has il
wnja been tbe obstacU iu the way of the
euforoemeut of tbe law since
its passage in I6C3.
In view of the npproaohitig coronation
of the Cxar, the court jiwi-lljrs ol St.
Petersburg are now busy ilaaning and
repairing the insignia of the crown the
value of which is estini itod at six nud a
half million dull.irs. Tbe crown t, if,
valued at $300 000. is ndorned with mag
nificent iliatuou Is. tifty.four enormous
pearls without fl iw, and a ruby of ix
trvirdlnarv aiz-; it is uf extinisito work
miusbip. It was made by'l'.iszio, the
Genovesj joueller, and first mad at
the coronation of C.itheriue the Great,
The sceptre, which was tutdo lor the
coronation of Paul I., is tipped with the
fam.jus Orlotf di.iin ind, which, like the
yr -.
ju:i.i-uoor, ciineirmu the Ireumry of
the Grind Mogul. It remaine 1 for ecu.
tunes in a rough htate. and. pissing
tnrongii various Imtuls. it was at bngtb
purcuaseii lor a paltry Mim by an Arrueu
iau of the name of Ligorew, who had i
cut in Ainsteroum. where Alexis Otloff,
uonyut it lor uu.uuo roubles, in order
to preseut it to the Empress Catherine.
The Orloff is eirfbt carat heavier than
the Kou i-noer.
Ouresteeni'il otuiltinporiry, the "Bnf.
Ian Uanrier, a simnd nud uiodeiato
CmocMtio j iiirml, declares that the
Hon. Simn-1 J. IUudall, tit Poiu.sjl
v.iui. mn,t not be chosen S leaker ol
toe ILmse of I!eprseutativts, because
be 'Moes not represent the views of n
majority of the Dmncratio parly ou the
tariff question." Yet Mr. ltiudall -has
ling been a distinguished Idader of the
p.rty; he bus sem tusuy yean of service
in O.mxrfso, and in knowl-dge of parlia,
msuUry rules aud practice bus no super
ior." In other words, Mr. Ittnd.ill must
be defeated, beoiuse he is uot it free tra
der of the extreme and unq'ialittcd sort.
auj beciuse, in bis votes upon the taiiff
question, be his sometimes departed
from tbe stringent rule of levying dutits
lor reveuue exclusively.
Tbis is a noteworthy symptom of the
slrong purpose to force the tariff qnestirm
into tbe roregiouud and make it the di
viding issue at the next Presileutial
i t , . ....
nrctiuu. wuicn we nave already nad to
notice. But if Mr. ltiudall is to be
proscribed fur bis opinion on tbe taiiff,
bis. friends may naturally retaliate by
proscribing th free tra Jrs iu their turn;
and thus the liep-iblicans .,111 flaally be
gritiUed by a irrach iu tbe Democratic
party, and by the opportunity of waging
t:io cnitot n IS'il up n the plain ipus.
tion of protection toAmeriuin tndiis'rj
on the oue baud aud a revenue tariff ou
th other.
We have advocated the choice of Mr,
ii ii lull, as S.,-ker ou account of the
dutiiiuisbvd ability he has already ex
liibittsl in tbat offlc-, and of his peculiar
rejiresebtalivec'Juiaoteras the uhaiuu.on
at e 'upiuy aud reform iu the pnbllc ad
tulniklr'liou. II )cvtr, the world ot
prsctlcil p 'li'iis is a world cf niu-ir-Italiity
in J of Mirpr: s; and it is i.oi at
all impnskible that the hrilliaut prospect
which now opens before the Dsiuocrecy
tny be clondrd by uiiuecessiirv coi.fllcts
within tbe Uomjui nf the parlv, resulting
n the elrctiuu of a Republican Presidtnt
nut year k'i.t i ll. N. Y SrK.
Our New York Letter.
JWguUr eorrtipomltuct of Advocate.
Nnw Yuan, March 2(1, sR3,
When the pnit wrote about tiering and
Its ethereal mildness, be never could
.have known bow beautiful nature oould
(Dike a day wbeu onca she laid lie rsrli
oat to do it. SancUv l.ut was a day fluei
thin lilub the pott, ivu should bis eve
be ''in fine pbrensy rolling" ronld not
are. Life was worth living ou 11 at day.
Central Park was tbrouged with people.
ami the reada were literally alive with
vbicb rf every description from (he
hornsly grocer's bniigy to the easy arUto-
eratlo Ixudesai. ibe road bouses weie
psvkei with marry people who ate,drauk
r . Tf . . - . .
Mad aojoyeel Wafts this beautiful day,
vn Uil lotbei llleoilttteut. On Jerome
fork the white sheeted racers were flying
up and down tbe track in liapiysalit
setlou emulating iu aienitng contented
the little bo;s wbo wefa tiding
Ili M One cnnM not help IhltiMiig s.
little colored tail vrlin helil the reins over
ttio Freil QeblmrJ'l great cnvi horse) Eole.
Romewlmt ton lite. He wlits'led the air till tlie clouds roll by. tlMllne,'
with (in energy which might have been
praiseworthy Lntl there been any cloud.
The faihtonalite world Is nil agog over
th.. r,,i rnpv firma l.nll whldi Mra.
William II. ViiiderblltwIllotveonEas.
... t.. .. v...
mlu.U have been at work desioulniz new
,!.... rnmUnnilona. novel make
ups, and there is no reason for doubting
that this will bo the ureattsteveut of the
social season. The uumbet of invited
onests amounts to several hundred, but
there are three disipiiolnted people who
were not naked to one invited. I'ba
newsnaners are maklnc as el iborate nrt-
p.irAlloiis to "covor-' ns if tbe affair were
a ..nliit.l pnnv.nilnu tixiinn.t nf . nth.
erlng of devote'sof Monms. The female
reporter will be here in all her glory, and
what she wilt not ha able to gush about
the costumes will not be worth knowing.
Decor iti'iu Day with ns has supplant
od the Fourth ol July entirely iu Impcrt
mice, aud the festivities iu honor of tie
dny are growiug in extent from year to
. . .... I
yesr. t his season the occasion will be
slpnaliz-dby the opeulug rf the E.ibt
Iliver Bridue to tho imblio. The Mem-
orial Committee of the GraDtl Armv of
lire Reoubllc. otnned Its office and com-
menced the work of preparation yester
day. Tboy bad a conference with tbe
llrookljn llridge Trustees and it was de
cided that (be participants in the r'o
cession nbould bo the first to croat tbe
structure which spans the river, and
whioh is now all but complete, excepting
the finishing touches. The procession
this e.irwill ba larger and finer than
ever, and oue good thing about it will
be tho diet that no advertisiug cuts and
vans will be allowed a place in it,
John Mathews, the soda water mann
faoturer, died list week, aud tbe papers
which make a ftus about everything
soircely noted the event, nnd yet the
man was typical of nu industry which
has grown to a remarkable extent within
the p.tst few years. Thero were nearly
two thotisau J ol his employees nt the
funeral service, showing 'to what' an tx
te it carbonized water is manufactured,
Whisky aud sod t water are now the two
staple 11 n id commodities. Those who
abstain lrom the former guzzle the Uttt r.
I am told by u leading druggist tlcwn
to.tu that tbe consumption of soda water
'tuiouuts to at least twelve millions ol
glasses a year. Tho trade is uow kept a
going nil the year round. Hot soda in
winter U as familiar a diink as hot
Not for a long time lias tbe money
market been so tight ns it is at present,
aud in coiibtqnence people with loose.
cash have no end of opportunities or
making good nud quick turns hi cull
lo.ius. I was told by the Secretary of a
leading banking institution that the otlier
day when they needed a block of money
they bad to pay no less than nineteen I c'r
cent, for it, ami then he bad to skirnitb'
high aud lo.v to find-it. Before Sprirg
has fairly settled on us there will bebard
times iu many lines of business. In
spite of the buoyant air which "every.
body tries to inilntain prosperity is any-
thing but iiKsnreib AI nob .if not mors ol
it is tiuty on tbe surface. There is no
money iu nny business. Competition
shaves tie margin ot profit so close that
it requires millions of capital to ruu
busiiuss iu a way to make money,. One-
large dry goods and fancy goods-house
which has tbe reputation of miking more
money iuau auy other firm in the same
business, has had its euiplt yeeR iu thi
dress making nud millinery departments
I ml i ff siuce the first of January. They
started n portion of them on loth inst.
but tbe bulk will have to remain idle
until the first of April. So much fortht
good times we are said to have.
And yet the laboring classes are fariup
bette r than they have for some time, aud
us usual stikes for higher wages are nu
the tnpis. Tbero is not n newspaper of
fice in the city where tbo printers arcnot
holding omiuous gatherings, and where
preparations nrn not being made by tbe
publishers to provide for any sudden
emergency. Now that buildirg is ao
tively resumed, there will be tbe usual
spring troubles with tbe carpenters and
masons. The men ore earning better
wages thau they over did, yet contractors
are fearful of strikes right along, and not
one of them would be much surprised to
have bis men mske a suddcu demand on
biru for more money.
Jay Oonld is actively pnshing bis
preparations for bis trip around the
world. Tbo one thing however that h
does not seem to kuow what to do with
is the World uewspaper. Things are in
a bad way there. The paper is losing
money baud over fi't. and uow tbe man
agement lias inaugurated a sjstem til
retrenchment rigid in the extreme. Thi
editorial staff has beeu cut down one half,
aud piicm for outside work have been
reduced. Oue of the men who have
been dec ipitated is the billliaut and ver
nUU Oikt-y Hall, who was nominally the
city editor but practically tho executive
spirit ot tbe establishment. Hois - rest
tng" at present as the theatrical people
siy. Probably be will Ko hack to Ibt
practice of law. W at. check. red this man Las 1 au? Occe one ol
tbe ui-s. brilliant aud tl queul pleaders
ittbebtr, then a politician, Mayor ot
tbe cite, a wauJeier iu au erratic uiauutr,
nptiywright, a lt-cturrr and then n news
paper niau. bis life certululy lias bad
variety eaontjli. The World Is still for
s 1, iirlo SWU000. llutastiue ol Ibe
erudition of the sale is that Editor
llnrlbtrt is to lit r tiiued, aud than Mr
G Jiild is to keep ct n rol e.f tbe financial
columns, nobody winds the paper.
rrepuratUu are active among th
lintel men Tor lt summer season. At
Mtnbktlau B.iicb, IV-ckawhy aud Lout
liniRi'h urmiesof woikmen are busy,
and In two moults the mushroom cars
vtnsaries will be read; for guests. An
enormous number nf villas arn iu prooess
of erection. Mauhaltan lleich will be
entirely changed by their appearauce.
A new fasbouable resort Ibis year will
be Babylou, L. I., and it is ip o'ed
tVat tbe blue bloods will put up thtru
when they are not st Newport. Villas
are all the go too. Tbe proprietors " , ne , mta ut of tbe or
of the Arsyle Hotel alone bare fourteen d, ' tan He lived upon Capitol Hill
building at present
FO- lis d Ihj imaepse array of new
dvertiseuierti in thil ctl Ai-vccatjc.
Tbsy si of i.ret,
Our Washington Lottor.
(Tanuous. Brxcui. CnRmnroFimiiT.
Vi.en(iTOK, D. 0., Maioh 17. 1883.
The President 'lias appointed A. V.
Wjman, Assistant Treasurer of tbe Unit
ed States, to bo Treasurer, vice James
Gilfillan, whose resignation baa been nc
eepten to lake etieet on ine nrst proximo.
Mr. Wvmau will secure bis bonds nud
nnalify by tUit date. He was almost
overwhelmed yesterday afternoon.
The bond of the Treasurer 1 $130,000
nd must to approved by the Secretary
f the Treasury Uofore ue can qualtiy.
" 'o benecessary for the Secretary
to pioiut ft committee to verify tbe
Treasury balance of tbe 31st of Marcb,
o tbat the funds may be transferred to
t" "8 Incumbeut for tbe opening ot
business on tho first proximo, when be
win assume me ooucsoi uis oince. air,
E. 0. Graves, also ol the Treasury De
partment, was competing Lard for the
place. He was known to be entirtly un
til for the position, yet Secretary Folgcr
prefseJ bis claims before the President,
who, however, luckily followed bis owu
notions iu making the appointment.
Mr. WyruAD, who Is a Canadinll by
. !...-. .1 ... -r .. ..' uu, ...
April 18C3, and was Assistant Treasurer
lrolu 10 JB'l, wnen ue WB nppoini
aA Treasurer, which position be soon af.
ter resignea necnuse oi lit ueaim. nui
went u.ick to the duties of Assistant
Treasurer. It is said the appointment
was well received in the Treasurers of
fice. The Democratic parly has a list of
prospective. Presidential candidates for
1881 of exceptional wealth and social
position. Included in tho number oie
Senators Bayard audPendlston, ex-Sena
tor David Davis, Justice Field, General
George B. McClellan, Gen. Ben. Butler
and Senator Fair. Mr. Til Jen would
undoubtedly be in tbe category if bis
health was not so uniromising. He if,
however, not to be considered iu Ibis
connection, although many prominent
Demociats say thkt if be should be able
to manage tbe campaign, be would b
the best niau the Democrats could put
up. Judge Davis disclaims offillatioi
with either of tbe political parlies, but it
is very well known tbat he still regards
himself as a Presidential possibility, and
would accept ibe Democratic nomination
with alacrity. All the gentlemen abovt
meutioned. with the exception of Senatoi
Bayard nutl Mr. Tildeu ami Ueu. Untltr,
who have resided elsewhere, have iu tbe
last two winters made the social horizon
of Washington lairly glisten with tbe
splendor nnd elaboration of the dinnem
end otmr entertainments, beuatcrxiay
rl Is proverbial tor keeping uu opci
house, but his hospitality is modest uiiri
homelike, with no attempt at distila.
Gen. McClellan first made bis advent iu
Washington societv last winter. Willi
the hi ginning of this season be cstab
llsned lumsell iu lious'-Kef ping on n
large scalo and be aud Mrs. McClellan
have been among' the stars iu the social
firmament, no oue s irpassing tbrin in
the number and variety of their enter
tainmeuls.' A brief has been filed by ex-Uovcrno?
Crawford... as an ngeut ot tho State ot
Kan-as. with the Secrrtary of the Interioi
in favor of- restoring to the State iamb
now held bv the Atchison, Topeka am'
Santa Fe Itailroad in e-xcessof tbe grunts
to wbleb they are lV law entitled. 1UU
case will come befurt tbe Secretary for
urDtiment in n few days. Tbe counsel
forlbe State says if this elaim is adjnhl
it under tbe rule lal.d clown ny me bit
p-ein" C 'lirt in pnpsing nron this pran
that.tbe S'ate v i'l be entitled to tn-iwe
eieUV- hundred thousand- nnd a million
acres. Under auy circumstance it1 i
tbnitubt that tbe State is entitled' to
300.000 acres of laud uow held by the
railroad. The' decision of tills question
mav lead to tbe adjustment oi land grants
similarly held by either railroads.
It is understood tbat an effort is about
to be made to Lave an extra session ol
the Semite called to consider the Mexican
treatv. It baa been ascertained since
tlte adjournment tbat the pnttponemeut
of the treatv was for motives other than
those which have been given to tbe pnb
lie, ami that peculiar lessons not relat
Iiib to tbe treatv renilerett nnd extra i
Inn undesirable to a majority of bens-
The p'rmilfrs of tbe Ire n'y have hope'
that the President, who Is understood to
sympathize with this view of the case,
may nevertheless be persuaded to call tbe
senate together at au early eiate.
Fnoii oirn TiEauLAB Correspondent, j
Wabhinotcm, D. C, Marcb 19, 18S3,
President Arthur is somewhat out of
health lately and has gone down to Old
Poiut Comfort for a rest. Tbe last three
months have been buy and trjing limes
with tbe Executive, The President takes
great interest iu tbe White Honse
grounds and greenhouses, and wteu be
ha, giusts to slimier tbe first tbirg b
dojs on rising from the table is to take
tbera into the conservatory. Thegossipi
RDd the growlers have been finding fault
with the hospitality dispensed at tbe
White House this winter, but bis fiieudi
who kuow tbePresldent to be a well-bred
man, say tbat be has been uuder such
tremendous pressure during the who!
session that be literally has not had
moment to himself, and, to use anix
prrssive vulgarism, be was "ou tbe
jump from tun itn of December to tu
1th of March. On He last night of tb
latesission he came to tie Capitol nnd
stayed all night in tbo beautiful rcoui
knowu as tbe President's room and signed
bills and took catnaps until morning,
The room itself is one of the most beau
tifnl ut the Capitol. It is furnished in a
rich and vivid red, baving deep dtlicious
Turkish chairs and sofas upholstered in
I leutber.
It has. no paintings or en
g.itviugs on the wails, nut nnmerou
frescoed portraits of the fathers and a big
mirror for the Executive to admiro bim
self in. 'They say" tbat the President s
idiosyncrasy is the cut of bis trousers
that he bad a tailor on from New York to
cut bim a pair and was so pleased with
the immaculate fit of them tbat be made
the man cut eight pairs before be It-It
also, that tbe material was first laid dowu
on tbe floor and then the President was
hid down on it, aud wbeu one side wt
out tbe tailor deftly fl ipped bim over as
it be u a griddle-cake, and cut
tbe other idtt, wbicb Is unqnestionabl
on lbJ lar,adiddles ever told
even iu WasLli'gton. Pray, dear ai
respected public, dou't believe whoppers
like this, which grt started in the news.
papers and My uil over tbe couulry,
One of the ecoentric characters of
Washington Stephen O, Parish
... , f nr. . f.w d.vaaeo. Iu
la a plain, unpretending bouse, and was
a-. II 1,ftu-n In ll'iu kl ml uta of finblle af-
... . ,L, ., rnl)Uo bo
completely unknown. 'II discovered -
'ue stJm, fiwlehjtiaadve,llnrl
ths last twenty jears a very comfor ab'e
fortune. He came to Washington from
Indiana just as tbe war was breaking out.
Ue bad a plaoe counected with the 8ou
ate. While there he learned bow the
Pnb. Docs, ate tbiown away where ttey
are first printed, nnd upon this knowl
edge be bns made a fortune. Under the
law nny one can obtain from tbe Public,
Printer crpics of publio ilocments ly
paying the cost of Ibe printing of any
extra copies desired. Parish baa always
laid by a stock of auy documents of val
ue, utftll the regular supply was exhaust
ed, and tben be would furnish copies
from bis private stores at fanoy figures.
Ue would ransack second-baud book
stores for old documents. During tbe
vacations of Congress be wonld travel
about picking up bargains in this lln
The result was that be had constantly on
hand almost ony report or pamphlet re
quired back to tbe first fouuding of tbo
government. He was constantly supply.
ing full sets of Congressional debates.
finance reports, and tbe like. Wbeu the
Southern Members and Senators seceded
Parrish fell heir to their documents by
dlsoreet purchases. He never wonld buy
books from nubile men. Ills method
was to trade with them. When a publio
man would discover some rare book in
Parrish's collection the latter would ex
change the book for n number of public
books of less value. Some members have
-turned iu alt their books to Parrish iu
exchange for some few special books out
of bis rare collections. One of tbo fea
tures of bis business has been to collect
authorities and statistics for ambitious
statesmen. Many a speech replete with
learning and bristling with authorities
has been prepared in Parrish's work-
bop. Parrish bad a most remarkable
memory. It was us accurate and full ns
tbat of Amzi Smith, who has charge of
the Senate document room. I once asked
Panish the highest price be ever received
for a single publio document. Ue said
75. This be obtained from P. T. Bar
num for a work on tbe seal fisheries of
Alaska by Professor Elliott. Only sev.
euty-flve copies were printed. Parrlsl
bought bis copy of a member of tbe-cnbl,
net. and ullnwod bim $25 for it in other
Tbe star route trial drags slowly along,
ibe troubles which afflict ex-Senator
Dorsey on every band prove purely
enough tbat the woy of the transgressor
is hard. George Bliss, one of the gov
ernment connstl, bos a beautiful voice,
constant visitor nt the trial says that
when Bliss talks it sounds like a wagon
load of.scrap-irou driven t full tilt ovu
corduroy rond. The city is awfullj
cpiitt Nothing makes up to us for not
having Congress in Washington all the
time. It is true tbe President auri th
galaxy of oulciuw remain. The vast
number of persons who come here for
pleasure remein until the warm weatLer
to enjoy the charm of a Washington
spring. With 180,000 people and ball
the celebrities iu this count iv within our
borders, still we ure not happy. 'Jh
frequent remark that Washington is the
winter Newport is borne out by the fact
tbat there are charms of towu nud coun'
try in Washington. Iu the spring there
is as much greenness of toli.ige ns'iu any
country village every few blocks bring
umj-iwi,uuiuuiuuuii, wuu lmHH mill
tlowers in luxurions uhiiin!ft,f el. a
people nave plenty of elbow room, an
the lots, lo people e.f other cults, must
appear like small Imitations. Miy I-
really me moutn in wlucb to ree Wash
ington. The Wi He House then locki
like a quaint old cutiutrv bouse, sur
rouuded by ita ample crounds but Mav
is not here and Congress is going" and
everycouy leeis ucesome. Dom 1'edko,
New Advertisements.
Franklin Township.
Account of the supervisors of FRANKLIN
juitibiiiii, v,aro-n e ounty, t's,. iur iu
Year emiing March ttn, 1883:
To amount of Duplicate S2) SO
Ilr Servlcca rendered himself. 1W 75
' On Day attending betllemcnt ., 1 60
" bcrvicra lur nanus 338 03
jteceipts or divers persons lor
1'lankf, S.O.. to Ilenalr Hrhlaes ,.
" Jiecelnltol II. W.JIcrtl, Stones.
" Jiecelnta of Ilrldae Viewers for
40 fl
6 2
waes 10 3a
" J. K. Kicitcrt lor expentea 1 31
" w. U. Freyinan, Attorney Fee... t 00
' J. K. Hlckert fur Writing War
rants, 11. nuts, ele 6 00
" Exonerations s 68
uomuiisiiiin on S'.vj zi n l
" Auditors Waves 4 to
" hdwanl Itaber lor .Meats ISO
" In Uulh , 104 85
sen to
I) It.
. ut; i7
7 7
To araoant of Duplicate
To money ree'd fur Unseated Lands
lo oaiancs to
'.77 !7
87 0
I 10
m 4
By Services rendered hlm'tlf.
" une nay attrnuinu; aetlicmcni...
" Kervlcea lur liamla
" Planks, Pusis, Slrlnxtrs, etc
( lanlel Kritm, attendlna; Court ...
" Ilaulet Krutn, lilmself, ete
Paid due bill lrom C.r, Itehrlc...
" Eioaeratluns
. U OS
2 IH)
4 tl
2 UO
5 V8
M7 27
. 2S4 fl
Tranklln Townshlti.
By balance In Deltcrl's aceonnt...
To balance In Zlefenfua' account.,
. t 62 M
Cash balares oa baad als3 ia
AU'lited and approved this 13th day of
1.. I'Gd.
II. r . HI 'KEttT,
March Sttb, 1111-wS
Franklin Poor District.
Account of tbe Urerseers of the Poor of the
Township of Franklin, Carbon County, Pa.,
J- It. liituiulek and tunlel Krutn, lur llit
Yetrtndloit March slh, A. D.lsJSi
To amount eflluplleate 1.19 16
Wiuiejf recu oi j. ..enwan tatate n 27
' for Paupers Wares.., V4
" " uf Elmer Reed II cu
ror r. urever's koous, u t
" " fi-r lot uf Apples sua
" ' lur Order un freas'r.. Si 31
01134 13
By Services rendered ltiemsclres....$ M
1 Hay a'ttndlna Settlement svu
Paid lo illrets rsns lor rent, iterp-
tnic and maintaining naapera ., VS9 07
Paid for aeaxls, provblons, cloth, etc lit) n
" Meilleal services ,, HI 1)
" A I eiinu 14 0
'. " Au lliora' wskfs 13 to
" " Auditors' txtieusra 4 vi
J. It lilnimies keeping rtc-ird, lu 00
' fur inaklmr Financial Statem't. 2 no
' for Hooks snd Stationery ....... 3 OS
Ilr l.iuncralloi a 15 .0
Uyt'uinmlslunontir2i tt tt it
Franklin Township. Cr.
By Butane to Overseers account.... sto 41
To Sarah Fredsrlc, Mary Dotter, ke.. 1100 09
IliUnoe an baad t Joa 41
Audltad and sppreted this 14th day of
Usreb. A. U.1IK
STEPHEN -ur.T. jAndllori.
Mares Wb.ll-4-wJ
The New Patent
Stem InitoE Op ace Case,
American Watch Co.,
This rate Is formed in one one solid piece
without joint orseam,tenlng n front only
thus avoiding the usual Cap, and securing
greater strength and durability.
These Watches are all open yet. The
brxel, Into which an extra strong crystal is
fitted with an eaperislly prepared water
proof cement, Is studied to the case by
screwing it thereon, and thus forms an air
tight junction with tbe body of the caie,
widen is prcnl gaii,t duet and moisture.
To roll road men, travelers, miners, lum
bermeu and others who are almost run
stantlv c'xed and who have t make fre
rpient reference to the wstch, these qualities
are of the utmost Importance.
The FolloTfln-r ltt(cr Tell llittr
Own Story:
"VaLdosta, Georgia, July 20, 18S2,
' I sold ono of your Talent Putt Proof
Cases' about ten months ago, and the other
day it came back to me with the request to
make It wind easier. On examination 1
faund'that the stem was rusty, I in
quied'lntn the cause of it. Tbe gentleman
laitNi in me mat lie eras starling some saw
logs that hud lodged In the bend of the riv
er, when his chain caught in a bush and
threw liia watch into about twelve feet nt
water, and he was about two hours finding
it. When he got It out it was running and
he thought all right. In about three months
he found that the stem was hard to turn and
sent it to ine.
1 can say that the wstch is all that Hie
company claims for it and recommend it to
all railroad and mill men.
"Cmxtos, Iowa. April 29, 1P81
'I wish you would eend nie a aprinj for
the Win, Ellery Watch By the way
this Ellery ia a watch I acid In your Screw
Bezel Cose to a farmer last fall. The first ol
Janusrv he lost the wslrh in the woonVsni
found it this week in about tills foot v
water. It had lain three month and over
in snow and water, wilh but alight injury
lo tbe waicn ouiy a nsir spring.
The above were very severe tests, and
demonstrate beyond it doubt, that for any
rrasnmiina lengin nt tune miring evnicn
watch might be under water it would re
t-five no injury whatever.
We make these r.n in lmlh cd I an
filver.ridma PEItKEOTLY DUST rilOOF
EQUAli. For sale by nil ri a" cl j-we
tti. Match 21, US3-m3.
Xf. AT.-REUEn,
Slav Ke rnnsulieit In the nntrltsti nreirrtrn
'Language. Slitrch SI, lf83.
A T,er.tllr.:r I.onelon
Fiom An. Journnlcf HeCiclca
lr. AU. Mesenlo Oito of London), mttkmaire
"latrn.EplI'';"7. without tlonU trt RtMsml cuicJ
jjra'Me!it!i7-suiiyotlACrllvlnfr pliyt-Icliin. ills n.c-
1 9 1113 lin;vT ueon mI"11H.niuk, vujento iivsiu m
c f over i' Trl, ctanttlnrj mwefnlijr cured j
4fl.n. tMt hrw iitiillslietj a wo'k on this dlwaso. wn'.t h
hj Bin(!a 7lih ivl'trgo botil ot h i.ontleriul euro ire
i mf stirrnrt:ha rortT irnt1 their exDresh antl P. OL
illiirtiM V'i n't vln an r ono wind In? a cure to ftillrf
la calle.1 to the shares or THE OHKAT
means-tur Die safe anil nrofttittile luvpsinirnt
of sqtnit or 810 " P. Tim capital Is 100,000
sliares at 810 eaen, full patd iinl nmi-neess.
able. I'tunpany eliarternl liy ireneral litwa
ol ISolorailo. Intel eft at the rale.) 20 t" 50
per cent. er aniimn. p-iyalile qnarti rly. i lie
ecrv best nTeretiCD for-t-liurai'ier and nuallfl
ratl.ins of iirinatcis. with full iartleulars
arm on ai'iilleattonloThe eirnat Halns Live
Stock Company, Denver, Col, mart w4
1,1 KKS IT.
TIIE SUN'S nrst aim Is lo bo truthful and
necltil ; Its second, tu write ai entenalnliii:
Msmry ol the limes In which we lire. It
prima, on an aecrHire. more than a mllliun
copies a nuk. Its circulation ts now larieer
than evr before, Sut;crlil"u: Daily (4
psires), hy mall. fiJe a CO 50 a
year: Siinhw (8 imirca), 81.20 per jcarj
vv xkkl i to I"'!."!, 9i per year.
v. r,n!
UL.A.N1), Pohtlslicr.
new verK uny.
The best In the world, are eaiily obtained In
Dakota, Minnesota aud Northern loitu. Uet
ready tu ttiovofnthe .prlnir. First eoine,bcst
servnl. Couutv inana dcfcrlotlun nf lunds.
rates ol pasraiie and frctulit, lurulshed free
by.lOll.V II. Ptirr, Aitent. ;hlcatn. Mil
waukre fi HI, Paul It'j, Wllllainspurt, Pa.
No trouble to answer q uuitlons.
No nuMlclK : residents ofanv
JJ Stale.
Desertioi. Niiii.Siiniiurt Advice
on Appllratiotis furstanii. W, It LEE. At.
turney, 39 Kruadwny, N, Y. niai2l-n4
1 have a posltlvo remedy for the above dls.
ense; by Us usathousaiulsof cases of the worst
kind und uf Ionic standing luive t.eenruretl stroiii? I my laltli In Ita ettlcaev,
that I will send TWO BUTTLES Fit EE,
toielher with a VALU A RLE TltEATlME
on tnls disease, 10 any utferer. Olve Exjiress
auu t u. auuress, iin 1 a. oiiuai.
111 Pearl M., New uik.
Jtspper Advertlslni; Itaresu, 10 Spruco
1 Street, N. Y. mai?4 w4
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Stoves, Bans ana - Heaters,
Tin nnd Sheet Iron Ware,
and House Furnishing Goods.
Ererv klndofSTOVE ORATE and FIRE
BRICKS kept constantly un hand.
Done on short notice and st Low Prices,
Stobe on SOUTH Street,
A few doors above Beiik St., LEIIIGIITOK.
Patrosaxt aollsilsd sod aattsruttoa tuar.
nt ,d, Feb It. IMi-ly
ti Wis
Spring Announcement, 1883
Wo desire to say to our friends nnd the public in general, that
we have on hand the Largest
Complete Stock of Goods
Tailoring EstaMisIimeiiT
in this section of the County, comprising
lotlis, Cassimeres,
Plain and Fancy Suitings,
and Overcoatings, all Shades,
W hate
Publio Sale of Valuable
Will be sold at Putillq Sato, at tl.e " EX
t11IAN(lEUUTEU'-'intli HOlttlUtJU OF
LEIUUItTUN, arbou County, Pa,
Saturday, March 31st, 1883,
at TWO o'e'ock P.M., tho follontnn vatunMe
Kent l-s atu lielmiKitii; to the estate of VVM.
llEllltlt), llcceasMl. lowlt: Alltliateertaln
one-liall (iiirt ol I.OI' No 'fil, situ lie In the
ItiiroUKhot Eetilielilnn alnrcsald, eiMitntnlntr
In trout on Lehigh street :3 Icet, an I extend
liilf ol lli'it oldlli In dr.lh. at rlnlit auutts of
sil l Lehigh sirct'i ly imrnllel llnif. Hi Teet
9 lnclii'8 to Apte nllcy, benx the ne half of
L.ut No Si7 ; itoiindfd on the east ly LeliiKh
street, mi l lie snuth liy llio n'her oart uf Lot
No. 2S7. on I lie vro-t ly Api'lu allry, and on
Ilia nun ti ly I.hi No. J'J8. i-te. 'Ine it
Improvement son this l.nt area ffi'ltl
Uveclllnir lluusif. Willi n l.sturv Kl'eli. t&MiL
rn uttaclied ; I'rauie t.tnbte, 12 x It feet, and
ottie-r necessary Outbuilding., aud an excol
lent Well ot W liter.
A IO, all Hut certain Town Lot. sltnnte
and lielngln tbo Uuruuub of l.ehtaliton abire.
said, aiiil nuinlmrfd ! tbo plan or plot Ihtrc
of'LOr No. 10", containing D8 lei-r Iront by
i9 Irci 0 inulivs In .ifplh, tiuuiided un tlie
mirth li'y L it No. 1V6. mi tlie tust hy Appln
alley, jm tbo smith by Lot No. 138. anil on
I In) by Niirlliuiiiptnti sirret Tbe I in.
provrinematli' ro.n are a brick I well
? lint House, 'i" x 3i feel ; .-tabln 14 x 10
A'cot. and ueeesiry oiilhulbilnas The
l.u. t, with Erult Treca and there Is
a Well id icvol Water.
ucltiiiif of Sale One.fimrth of purchase
mopty tu be pnbl on knncMnir down of prnji
eity, uuelo.rih lo three tnonthe from elay of
sale. nnd tbo balanco In six iiiuntba. er cah
down, II convenient. 1't.ssesMun given oil 1st
oi April If required.
Fncn. IIkutolettk, Alt'). aiarllwS.
Public Sale of Valuable
Personal Property.
The undersltrn'd. Administratrix of Adam
Liuclimire di-uM. ol Maboulna Townslilp,
t ailxm Ciuin'y, l'.i , will sell al Putile Sale,
on tbu prctutses, on
Friday ana Saturday, Marcli 23 & 24.
1883. at ONE o'clock I M tho followlnjf
ersonnl properly, vis:
Alaro4 venrsold.Uuw
a Ili'lfrrp. 'J eTarrl.iifpa.
'J.tioisu Farm Waon. ' "-'f
Z-lmrse Sprlny Wauon. MuwIiik Machine, 2
Slelglis, 4 ll.irrels ot Vlni-irar, Oats, Whoat
and iorn liy tho busliel. Outline llox, l.'orn
Hlnnter, Horse ltakc, Cinnlnu AI III, Thresh
Ina Macbino with burso p.iwer, liny, Straw
and I'orn Stalks by ton, read. matte Fence
Posts, li i.'uliivatnrs, 2 Harrows, 1 1'lnws, lot
of Ecnoe Hulls, 8 Hives ot llees, bit Pmaioe s,
Apple Ilutter, Honey, 2 lle.tstrads with lied,
dinir, tJInsois, Tables, Chairs, Sieve with
I'll', Parrels. Tubs, lot Tools. Hoes, Forks
Mi'ivel. IMniins an. I oilier articles.
Terms will bo made known at the time and
plica id sale, by TEH. LAIItJIt.MJUK.
Feb. 23 ws . AdmluUtriilrlx.
No Pat(nt No Pay.
obtained for Inventors In ths United States
Canada and Europe, at reduced rates. With
our principal office located In Washington,
directly opposite the United States Patent
U.Ttcc, we are able to attend to all patent
business with greater promptneia and de
spatch and at less cost than other patent at.
torneys who are at a distance, from Wash
ington, and who hare, therefore, to employ
" associate attorneys." We make preliminary
examinations and furnish opinions as to la
tentabllliy, free or charne. and all who are
Intereated In new Inventions and patents are
Invited to send for a copy ol our "lluldo fur
obtaining Patents," which la sent free to
any address, aqd contains conn leto Instruc
tions how to obtain patents and other valua.
Lie matter. Wo refer to tho (Jermnn-American
National Hank Washington, 11. O. j tbe
lloyat Swedish. Norwea'ah andVat.lah Lena.
Hons, at Washington : Hon. .Tcs. Casey, leto
tllilel .liistloe U. S. Court ol Ulalms; to the
Officials or the U. S Patent Office, and to
Smators and Members of Congress from
every Stato.
Address: LOTUS mOOER Ai CO., So
llellor" nt Patents and Attorneys at Law.Lf
Droit Ilulldlnir, Washikovok. D. 'J.
Farm at Private Sale.
The under'lxncd titters his Farm, situate
bout .1 miles lrom WrlS'or(. In Franklin
Township. Carlin t.'nun'y. Pa., at Private
Sale! bounded by lands of Jacob Hrbrlie,
r.'lta Solt and in her, i-ontalnln FIFTY.
FIVE AUHE". more or less, about 43 acres
ofwhlchare clcaril and under a koI state
or cultivation, and the balunco Is fine While
- ' - I'lna Tlmbor. Tho Improvements
thereon are a vond Dwelling- House,
.Pi&L Nnsr lUrn and necessary Oalbulld
Inus. For further particulars .,lv.nthe
premtses. tu ltKNllV UAUCItSPISE.
M.rch 10, lM3rw4
Two Doors Below tbe "Broadway Honas ,.
Dealer m all ratterna of Plain at a Taney
Wall Papers,
"Window Shades,
Paints & Paintesr Supplies,
f 1 r 1 i
nnd most
Which we will put up for you In our usual
Thereby giving you, as we always, do
Best Fitting:, Best Triiiei and Best Mafle
al(jojuet recelrM from th Mnrmntetnrcri a Larsje
Soofs9 Allocs and waiters9 '
All of whtch we are now offering at
UIT XJnprecedently Loir Prices !
Very Respectfully,
March 21, 1SS3-!
Special to the Ladies!
A Special Invitation ts extended to tbe Lad.
tcs or Lehlaliton and surrounding neighbor
hood to call and examine the Immense stock
1 M-st., LsMgMoii, Fa.,
coinprfMnR all the Me it Korclllei In'niack
and Colnred SUkr. Velvet. FUldi, Catb
merer, SergeF, all-Wool Sultlnjrf, tiring
hnmf, Irinti, kcl Also, a full line of
all or which' he la offering nt very
Lowest. J'rjycf. .Affilce lnp of.
Silver-Platfed Ware,
.Do call and see It, My stock of
Carpets, Oil Cloths,
full and complete. Cheap as the Cheapest,
and Good aa tbe licit. aept.4-vl
Clucks. atclies an9 Jewelry
Just Received, at
Bank St., Lehighton,
Holiday Presents,
All of which la being aold at such extraordin
ary Low Pi Ices that all can buy.
Look for Yourselves ! !
Gold and;silver Watches from ti 00 to tea 09
dent's Chain ljto I 01
Ladles' Chain JJ to SOU
Lockets 1 03 to SO CO
Ring " s to 12 00
Rracelets, Oents'and Ladlea' Chains, llreast
I li s. Ear Jewels, and a variety of oilier arti
cles too nuiaerous to mention, Including
riease aall and see for yourselves before
baying elsewhar. dcrt-r
Jy IIClL.niA.-V ti CO.,
BANK STRKET, Lehighton, Pa.,
UILLERs and Dealera to
Floiir& Feed.
All Kind lf GRAIN EOl'OIlTand KOLOa
We woold, alae, testiecttnlly tntorns eorclti
sens ilial woaie uow fully prepared to UUP
PLY tuetn with
Best of Coal
From any M!n deal rod at VE tt
lowest rmccs.
a werV tr.a.lo t tome by the In
ustrins. nrst nutincs now nc-
ro tbo nubile. I'apltal not
needed. Ue will start )ou. Men.
women, hoys and girta wanted ercrywliore lit
work for us. fow is the time. You can work
In spare time, or aire your whole ilme to tha
busineas. N other business will pay you
nearly so well. Noone en tall to make enor
mous pay. by engaging at one I'nstly out
fit ami terms free. Monry made rust, ta-lly
and honorably, Address Thus; & (.. Au
gusta, Jlalnoj deeZ-yl
on want 1 ne
xreateal Inrentlnu cf thel teeo our pam
nnlec. eni iree. roi.j. i.uAn.ur"n..
burn N.Y. t-'lv H '
are alwaya on
nutlor chances
Increase their earn.
Inirs. and In time be.
corns wealthy; those whnilD no Improve their
opiuirtnnliles remain In poverty- ei fTrr a
r rat ehsnoelomako money. We want many
g eat
men. women, noye anu niria m
right In their own healttles. Anyonendo
the work properly from ihe first alsrt. The
bu.lnrs will pay mora than ten lme ofdln.
arywagea Exia-nslve e utfil faroli-hedfreo.
No one wbo rn -ages tails to snake money
rapidly. You ran devote to'irwlmlellnie in
Ibe work, or only you spare nvwnie. Full
Information and all that Is nredrd s.nt tree
AddrtesSTlxsoa kGo, Portland Maine,
St., Lehig'hton, Pa.
Successor to Messrs. Rapsher i Zera.
Pare Mb,
& Cnemicals,
Respectfully announces to the publls that k
Is prepared to supntj them with all th Pop
CATTLE POWDERS, Fancy and TolietU
CHOICE ClOAltS, nnd, In fact, everthlag
usually found In a first class Drug Store.
a large and beautiful assortment, suitable ftr
ace them. Lowest Prices.
clnal purposes,
tj Prescriptions carefully eompoaidcd, -day
r night. Patronage Invited,
E A. HORN, Wtlssport, Pr '
November la, IBS -yl
NEW YORK. 1883.
More propls have read Tax Son during
tbo jear just now passing than cvnr fcvforo
since It was first printe-d. Na otner newa-'
tiaper published im this side of the earth has
urn bought and read In any year by ao assay
men and women.
Wo aro creditably Informed that people
buy, read, and like Til Sua lorlbo fell,
tng reasons, among nbt rs :
Hccuuso Its news columns I resent tn st
tiaetlie foun aud with Ike grrairst possible
accuracy whatever has Interest lor human
kind; the event, tbe deeds, and mlsdeeds.the
wlsdiim, the phltosupby, tbe notable folly,
tbe solid sense, the Improving nonsense alt
Ibe news ot the busiest world nt prtient re
volving In space.
llvcnuso people have learned that In its re
marks concerning persons and affairs Tnsi
Sun makea a practice of lelling tbem then
aet troth lo the best of ability three hnndred
aud sixty-rive (leys In the year, before alec,
tlon aawell as arter, about the whales sa
well aa the amatl fish, In tbe faeeofdlssent as
plainly and fearlessly as when fupHirtrd bv
general approval. Tnic Soil has absolutely
no purposes to serve, tave tbe Information ef
lis readers and tbe furtherance ef the com
mon good.
Ilecauae It Is everybody's newspaper. It
man Is sohumblethatTnxSvii Is Indifferent
to bis welfare and his rlihls. Ne man,
association of men, Is iowerful enengh to be
exempt from the strict application ef Its
principles of right and wrong.
lice, use in pulitirs It haslergbtfera dosen
years, without Intermission ami sometimes
almost al.ifle newspapers, the fight
that has resulted In the recent overwhelming
popular verdict against Itolsonlsra andf.r
honest government. No matter what party
lain power, Tim Son atands and will con
tinue tu stand like a rvck forihe Intrrrsta ef
tho people against the an; hi Hon of, tbe
enciimeiimetits of monoOlists, and tbe dts.
honest schemes of public robbers.
All this Is what we are told almost dally
by our friends. One man bolda tbat Tm
Son Is the best religious newspaper evrrpui.
lisbrd, because Its Christianity Is undiluted
with cant. Another holds that It Is tbe Lest
Republican newspaper printed, because It has
already whipped half ef tbe rascals out ef
tbat party, and the proceedings against the
otbar half with undcininlshed vigor. A third
bolleres tt to be tbe Kit magsilne of general
literature In existence, because Its readers
tnl.a nothing worthy ofnotloe that ts current
in the world of thought. So every friend ef
1 nu Son discovers one of Its many sides thai
appeals with particular force to his Indlvldu.
If you already know Tn Sow, yon will ob-s-rre
Ibat In 1S83 It Is a tittle belter than ever
before. II you do not already know Tan
Sox, jou will find It lo ba a mirror of all he.
m.n activity, a storehouse of the oholsest
produclsof cimmon sense and Imagination, m
mainstay fur the cause of honest government,
a sentinel for genuine Jefiersonlan Demo
cracy, a st'oumo fur wickedness ef every
si eclcs, an and uncommonly good Investntet
lor the coming year,
Tsrms to Kail Babicribers.
The several editions of Tug Sox a e seat by
mall, postpaid, as follows:
DAILY 55 cents a month, (SiOaysar
with Sunday edition. 87.70.
SUN DAY Eight pages, S1.S0 a year.
W KkKLY SI a year. Eight pages ef Ik
besl matter eftheriallylsauesian Agricul
tural Depart mentor unequalled merit, mar
ket reports, an I literary scientific, and de.
mrstlo Intelligence make IMS Wuur
Sun tbe newiuiier for the farmer's kense
hold. To clubs or ten with elo. an extra
copy free. Address
I. W. EM1LAND, Publisher,
Ths SDK, New Turk City
November Zi-ws
experience In procuring Patents, Caveats.
Trade-Marks. Copytlgnts, etc In this sad
other countries. Oar Hand Dook giving fell
Instructions In Patents tree Address, It fl.
k A. P. LAilKY. Patent Attorneys, set r
M., Washington, D. U. Jan. e-tf
not, life Is sweeping by.
ana aare oeiere
somelhtner salalitv
end sublime leave be
hind, to ronqner time." SMewsck In year
own town, fi outfit free. No risk Every,
thing new Capital net required. We will
furnish yon everything. Many are metier
boys and elrls make great pay Besder.lf
you want busineas at which you emu saale
great pay all the Ilme. write for particulars
to II, Hallxiv fc Co., Portland, Mala.
Voiu voa eM-tor-dtebOUND WnnVrvrl 4 .uiuu. end voe will ret ad- AtwBUull ;
-vie 1m e4te4 eeveUe Aetlrta. hwmmmm
rret. J.Y. Keii.1,oHeas6rg .Y. yeVyiryi